#there is no fat me separated from the miserable me
Idk I think the body positivity movement will always be lacking for people with Binge Eating Disorder
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auras-moonstone · 9 days
Could you write Ethan/Jack going with reader to a basketball/hockey game and getting on the kiss cam?? Hope ur doing well!! 💗
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ kiss you in a crowded room — ethan landry
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ᡣ𐭩 word count: 990
ᡣ𐭩 pairing: hockey player!ethan landry x fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary: ethan sees his best friend’s face on the kiss cam and, filled with jealousy, he rushes to stop it, leading them to confess their hidden feelings.
ᡣ𐭩 contents: fluff. hockey. kissing. public confession. jealousy. best friends to lovers. cheesiness.
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y/n’s legs bounced nervously as she watched the team fighting to gain possession of the puck and failing miserably because the rivals managed to score once again, leaving them 2-1.
“fuck!” she cursed when the intermission started. “i’m going to throw up, i swear”
“calm down, they can still turn it around.” tara tried to be positive, despite being nervous for chad, her boyfriend.
“i just want eth to win this goddamn championship. doing it in his rookie year would be amazing.”
“an ethan fan? he’s great. he played a huge part on the team making it to the playoffs, so his rookie year will still be amazing no matter what.” the guy that sat beside her said.
y/n turned to face him, a proud smile on her face. “i’m his biggest fan actually.” she said, which was true. she was, always had and always will be her best friend’s number one fan. “and you’re right, his rookie year is one of the best. still want him to get the stanley cup tho.”
“you and me both. but your friend is right, we still have 30 minutes to turn it around.”
“keeping my fingers crossed.” she showed him her crossed fingers and he did the same.
“okay, i just gotta say it. do i know you? you seem really familiar but i can’t put my finger on it.”
y/n blushed under his scrutiny. “um, i’m y/n. ethan’s childhood best friend.”
“oh! that’s where i know you from. his instagram. my boyfriend is always stalking his social media, he’s got a big fat crush.” they both chuckled. “it’s nice to meet you.”
“you too!”
ethan, who was watching the scene from a couple of feet away, clenched his jaw. his urge to call security to ask them to not-so-gently scort the stranger—who was shamelessly flirting with his girl—outside was almost uncontrollable.
“you need to calm down.” chad said. “they’re just talking.”
“they’re laughing, chad. he’s making her laugh at my game.” ethan growled.
“okay. you’re actually growling, you’ve gone ins- oh dear god.” chad’s panicked voice made him unglue his eyes from the stands. his friend was looking up at something, and ethan raised his head to see what made him act that way.
there, on the screen of the arena, were the shocked faces of y/n and the stranger. the letters on top read ‘kiss cam’.
“um, how do we get out of this?” y/n asked.
he took a deep breath “we can just say no, right? it’s not like they’re going to force us.”
y/n nodded which ethan completely mistook it for her giving consent, and he just saw red. before chad could stop him, he skated towards the stans and hit the glass that separated the seats and the rink with force, startling his best friend and the guy, who were both sitting in the first row.
“um, hi?” y/n asked, confused by ethan’s pissed off face.
“don’t you fucking kiss him.” he said with a frown on his face and glaring at the guy, who quickly raised his hands and yelled “i have a boyfriend!” with a voice so terrified and high that y/n had to bite her lip to not laugh.
the hockey player’s demeanour changed from angry to embarassed “oh… i saw you talk… and you nodded- i thought—“
“—that i was going to kiss him in front of the whole arena.” she finished his sentence. “yeah, i got that. what’s got you so furious, though? you almost scared my new friend to death.”
“well, i- i wasn’t sure you’d be okay kissing a stranger.” he chuckled nervously.
“you thought i was consenting when i nodded, so try again. why were you so pissed, landry? no bullshit.” y/n crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“because i don’t want you kissing someone else.” he admitted, not daring to look her in the eye.
her face softened. “well, i don’t want to kiss anyone but you, so…” she confessed in return.
warmth spread through his cheeks and the nervousness faded when he met her smiling face. “please stand in that fucking chair so i can do what i’ve been wanting for a long long time.”
her body bent over the pixie glass and ethan didn’t have to rise his head too much to meet her lips. the crowd’s cheers were drown by the thundering of their own hearts. y/n’s hands were shaking as she caressed his cheeks once they had to pull apart because of the awkward position.
“now, rookie, you gotta turn this game around, okay?” she kissed his nose before climbing off the seat. “i have faith in you.”
“i’m not stopping until i lift that stanley cup.” he did the soldier motion with his hand, making her laugh. “to have the girl and the cup sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?”
“okay, lover boy, that was quite a half time show.” chad arrived to his side. he looked at the boy sitting next to y/n and frowned. “jesus, you look kinda pale.”
“for a moment i saw my life flashing before my eyes. i thought he was going to kill me.” he answered, stumbling over some words.
“eth? he’s only tough on the ice. outside? he’s a huge teddy bear.” y/n smiled lovingly at her now boyfriend.
the hockey player let out a dramatic gasp “shh, babe. my reputation!”
y/n rolled her eyes. “you’re a dork.”
“but i’m your dork.”
the girl gaged. “get out of my sight.” she waved with her hand, acting disgusted by his cheesiness.
“i love you, too.” he winked before skating away.
y/n sat down with a content smile on her face. she couldn’t believe that just actually happened. she’s spent years and years pining after him and thinking they would never be more than friends, and now ethan was there, after having confessed his feelings in front of a whole arena, dedicating his goals to her.
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mrsrdlw · 3 months
warnings: problems with body image; angst; caring!boyfriend!eddie (the sweetest guy in the world); fluff; he makes sure you understand that he doesn’t care how your body looks, you’ll always be the prettiest girl he has ever seen.
that’s a bit short i know. but i had this draft for a while and i wanted to post it. i just love the idea of eddie comforting the reader. at least i genuinely think that he would always try his best to make you feel better if you’re not or make you laugh when you need to. HE IS THE BEST!!!
“Sweetheart, are you still doing you makeup thing? Because if you’re ready, we have to leave.” He knocked on the door hoping he was not using a tone that seemed like he was rushing you. He knew better. You were in your house, getting ready to go to one of the famous Steve Harrington’s parties.
You were in your room for hours, at least that’s how Eddie felt. He wasn’t the most patient person ever, but you were taking too long. Longer then you normally take. Little Eddie knew that you were sobbing in front of the mirror for 20 minutes by now. You tried your hardest not to cry. That seemed only to make things worse. Now you were miserable, mascara all over your cheeks, red eyes and nose, freaking out. Fuck! What were you supposed to do. You forgot that you also had to deal with your boyfriend. So you cleared your throat, trying to sound chill so he could just give you a minute.
“Hey Ed, just give me a minute ‘kay? i’m almost done-“ You were cleaning your face when he cut you, opening the door to your room. “Eddie!”
“What happened?” How did he knew? you thought to yourself. Like he read your mind, he answered “i heard your crying voice. Do you need something, baby?”
“No sweetie, i just-“ You looked at you reflection in the mirror again. He gave this dress to you as a valentine’s present. According to him, he wanted to see you even more hot. The dress was extremely pretty. It was a dark green dress, tight on the waist. But for some stupid reason, you thought you looked… not extremely pretty in it. “Do you think i look too fat in this?”
“Babe, why would you even say that?” He looked concerned when your eyes locked with his and the tears started to stream down again. “No no no, i’m so sorry i said that. I meant like, you’re not fat, not at all.”
He opened his arms welcoming you to a tight hug. He knew that sometimes you would compare yourself to models and singers you liked. Or even the Hawkins High Cheerleaders. And they were all very skinny. Eddie was pretty sure that some girls of the last group didn’t even eat right. But he could not stand that you couldn’t see yourself the way he did. To him, of course you were so much more than your body, but if he was talking body, you were the whole package. Always kind to the ones you loved, funny, making him laugh so much sometimes, he would have to pee, AND your sexy smokin’ hot body.
“You know me angel, i would never care only with your body. I’m not dating you because of your body” He separated from your hug to wipe your tears and placed his hand on your cheek. “I love you, this person inside here” he placed the other hand right up your heart. “And really, I, Edward Munson, think you are perfect, inside and outside. And i know i can’t make you just forget about this angst your feeling right now, but i need you to know that. That you are beautiful. And still, you have so much more. Honestly lady, i could keep going for hours.” seeing you smile at him, made him feel a bit better. He hated seeing you sad about this shit.
“Can i kiss you?” He asked. You were sensitive and he didn’t want to push things
“Of course you can.”
You always loved the way he made you feel safe. His arms around you and his soft lips pressing into yours, kissing you so tenderly. It almost felt like you were never sad.
“I’m sorry-“ You whispered, still close to his lips, caressing his chest but he kissed you again.
“Don’t say sorry for feeling things. I just hope you’re feeling better. If you don’t want to go to the party anymore that’s totally fine too!”
“No! I want to go. Just give a minute to fix this mess” You pointed to your face and started to clean it with a tissue. He was smiling at you now, sitting on your bed, he whispered to himself “That’s my girl”.
In 5 minutes you were ready. Eddie was a little scared by the way you made it look like you never cried.
“I’m better now, thanks Eddie. What would i do without you?” You took his hand in yours, ready to leave the room.
“Oh please baby, that’s what you deserve. I only work with princess treatment here. Now turn around, let me see you.” Giggling a bit, you did as he said “Yeah, we’re good to go, my love. After you” He gave you the space to leave the room first, extending his arm dramatically.
“I love you so much!” It was the only thing you could say now.
“And i love you more!”
•for the one who would like to send me a story request, please do! my inbox is open! so feel free to send me your ideas to stories or headcannons there. :)
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 3 months
Drink With Me (Part 1)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, f!reader, Vampire Apocalypse AU Summary: In the middle of a vampire apocalypse, no one is safe. But when an unexpected storm interrupts your separate scavenger missions, there is nothing he can do but wait and hope you make it back to his arms safe and sound. Word Count: 3631 TW: Blood, Vampires, Vampire Attack, Character Death, Helplessness, Biting, Clawing, Language Notes: Written for day 4 of @whumpthemusical's event for "Failure" from Les Miserables. And big thanks to @sunlightmurdock for reading this over for me! 💗
Series Masterlist
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The deep rumble of thunder echoes like an alarm for those inside the store. Instantly, all three scavengers stuff whatever supplies they are holding into their various bags and bolt for the door.
Jake reaches it first and unwraps the metal chain twisted around the handle, dropping it with a clattering thud just as Phoenix and Rooster arrive. Throwing the door open with a bang, the sight that greets them makes their blood run cold and Jake nearly drops the overflowing paper bag in his arms.
Though they have only been inside for twenty minutes or so, the world outside has transformed. Gone are the splashes of blue sky peering out from between billowing pale gray clouds, and the shimmers of warm, sunshine beams through the trees. Instead, the sky has been invaded by black, menacing clouds that stretch as far as the eye can see, casting an infinite shadow across the parking lot filled with abandoned cars and shopping carts as another roll of thunder signals the imminent downpour.
It means they will be on their way.
“Go!” Rooster urges, dropping one of the value-sized packages of toilet paper he has stuffed under his arm so he is free to dig through his pocket. “I’ve got the door.”
Phoenix doesn’t need to be told twice and she darts out into the growing storm. Jake, on the other hand, hesitates for just a second before shifting the supplies in his already overloaded arms and grabbing the package of toilet paper. Rooster meets his eye just as he pulls out a shiny gold key, and Jake yells, “Don’t wait around this time. Move your ass!” and then takes off after Phoenix.
He only makes it to the edge of the parking lot before the first drops of rain begin to hit him. Big, fat, plops of water burst across his skin, becoming more frequent by the second. As he reaches the end of the street, Jake finds himself and his belongings soaked through, the water causing his already heavy bags to sag with the added weight. He’s only a few blocks from the church but with the dense clouds blocking all afternoon light from getting through, the potential danger makes that distance seem impossible. 
Keeping his head on a constant swivel, he runs as quickly as his legs will allow with his extra cargo. The additional weight isn’t the only problem. With the bulky layers of backpacks, armful of paper bags, and the slippery packaging of the toilet paper wedged under his arm, he has to keep adjusting everything as he runs so he doesn’t drop anything. It’s a delicate balance of step–shift–adjust strap–wipe rain from his eyes–step–look around–shrug backpack up arm–step, but Jake eventually finds the perfect rhythm. After all, this isn’t his first rodeo.
The shadows taunt and tease him as he rushes by. He can’t be sure if something is hiding within them or if it’s just his paranoid eyes projecting his deepest fears. Though honestly, it doesn’t matter. Even if something is lurking in the darkness, his only hope is the safety of the church so he ignores everything around him and keeps running as another booming clap of thunder fills the air.
In about six minutes that feel like an eternity, Jake begins to make out the dim lanterns shining through the stained glass windows up ahead through the pouring rain. It almost seems too good to be true that nothing has leaped out at him in the darkness, and he just hopes that doesn’t mean they are preoccupied with someone else.
Slipping slightly in a puddle in the middle of the road, he rushes through the iron fence surrounding the church and scampers up the front steps. Using the heel of his boot, he kicks the door twice and it opens almost immediately. Practically falling through the door, Jake mutters a small thanks to Payback who slaps one of his backpacks as he passes. A few other people are moving around the small vestibule but he doesn’t see the one he is looking for.
Fanboy comes over to help him unstrap the bags hanging off of him and it is a relief once all the extra weight has been removed. Rolling his shoulders as water drips off of him onto the carpet below, Jake looks around in the dim lamplight and notices Bob handing Phoenix a towel as she strips off her water-logged jacket. She accepts it and as she begins drying off, she catches Jake’s eye. The two nod, before her eyes drift down to the toilet paper Jake had dropped at his feet.
Jake shrugs. “He had to lock up but he should be right behind me.” The door to the church burst open. “Speak of the devil…”
Rooster hurries into the dim space, shaking his head like a dog and sending water spraying in all directions. When he sees Jake and Phoenix staring at him, he asks, “All good?”
“I’m always good,” Jake smirks. He kicks the package of toilet paper so it skids across the floor to rest at Rooster’s feet. “And that’s on top of picking up your slack.”
Rooster’s eyes narrow. “I didn’t ask you to do that. I could have handled it on my own.” Pushing past Jake, he approaches Phoenix. “Any sign of trouble?”
She shakes her head. “We got lucky this time. We were sloppy. We should have noticed this storm moving in long before it got here. They could have snuck into the store and gotten us before we even knew they had come out of their holes. We need to do better or someone’s going to end up dead.”
He sighs as he wipes his hand over his face, knocking the water droplets clinging to his mustache to the floor. “I know, that’s on me. We shoulda had one of us guarding the door as a lookout but it was the middle of the day and decent weather I didn’t think…Next time we’ll do it by the book.” He takes one of the fresh towels Bob offers him. “Anyone else come back yet?”
“No, but the pharmacy’s farther away. They should be back soon.” 
Jake is grateful Rooster only nods and doesn’t state the obvious. The pharmacy and gas station might be farther from the church than the supermarket, but only by a block or two. The other team must have heard the thunder too and even with the extra distance, there should be some sign of them by now.
He never should have let you convince him to let you go without him.
Over the last few days, an illness has been sweeping through the church. While most of the adults who got it seemed to be fighting it off relatively well so far, the children were not as lucky. None of them showed any signs of getting better, and last night, the first of them had succumbed to it. The only hope was to try and find something to treat them but that meant an extra supply run.
You had been pre-med before the creatures arrived last year and, while no expert, you had the most medical knowledge of anyone in the group. Having you be the one to go to the pharmacy was the obvious choice. And since Coyote had been spending the last few weeks in the garage next door trying to fix some of the equipment that might help them get power again, it was clear he should be the other runner so he could continue working while you searched. Which left Jake without a valid excuse for why he should go. 
The group was also running low on food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and pretty much everything else so they needed the extra hands at the supermarket and Jake was one of their best runners—the perfect combination of speed and strength. You had spent all morning trying to reassure him it would be okay and you’d be back together before he knew it, but it did little to lessen the dread that settled in his stomach as he watched you hurry in the opposite direction, casting one last glance back at him with a smile and a wink.
What if that was the last time he ever saw you?
The roar of thunder suddenly gets louder as the door to the church swings forward once again and Coyote stumbles in. He is soaking wet and panting heavily as he struggles to catch his breath. However, the only thing Jake notices in that moment, is that he is alone.
Coyote barely has time to remove his backpack before Jake grabs him by the front of his jacket and throws him against the wall. Terror and anger coursing through him, he snarls in his best friend’s face, “Where is she? Where the fuck is she!” 
“She’s coming! Damn, man,” Coyote yells as he shoves Jake off of him. Jake stumbles back, and Rooster places his hand on his arm, not really holding him back but the warning is clear. Seeing the desperation on Jake’s face, Coyote softens as he straightens his jacket. “I tried, but you know her. She wasn’t gonna leave without that medicine.”
“Then you should have waited for her! You shouldn’t have left her alone!”
“You know she wouldn’t let me do that either.”
Jake yanks his arm away from Rooster’s grasp and begins pacing anxiously back and forth. He knows Coyote is right. You would lay down your life for any person here, but you’d be damned if you let someone do the same for you. At the first sign of trouble, you would have insisted Coyote returned to the church, probably swearing you just needed one more thing even if you had only just begun searching. Jake would have thrown you over his shoulder and carried you out kicking and pleading to let you get what you were looking for, but he couldn’t expect his friend to do the same. 
“She’s going to be okay, Hangman,” Rooster says, still eyeing him cautiously in case he needs to restrain Jake. “She knows how to handle herself.”
“Handle herself? There is no handling yourself against a horde of those things,” Jake spits at him as he continues to pace. “She could already be dead o-or turned by now and we would never know. She’d just be gone for good and we’d never…I’d never…Ahhh!”
As he screams, Jake whirls around and slams his fist into the wall before slumping into it, all his rage absorbed into the wood leaving nothing but his fear and hopelessness behind. The room has fallen silent around him but he can feel every eye on him. He shouldn’t have lost it, but he’s never felt this helpless. Even when the creatures first showed up, he knew there were ways to fight back, to stand up against them. But as long as you were separated from him, there is nothing he can do but sit here and wait. 
After a moment, Jake feels a hand gently grasp his shoulder and squeeze it. “She’ll be okay,” Rooster says. “Why don’t you go wait outside and be a lookout for her? I’m sure she’ll appreciate seeing you made it back safely too when she gets here.”
Jake nods slowly before pushing himself off the wall and shuffling towards the door. As he passes Coyote, his friend tries to reach out, his mouth opening but Jake shoots him a look that makes him close it without a word. Jake doesn’t really blame Coyote for leaving without you, but he’s just not in a place to hear an apology or give one of his own. So he keeps going until he slips out of the church.
Outside, there is a slight overhang that protects him from the worst of the storm, but he can still feel rain misting his skin as it is blown by the rain. Another roll of thunder rumbles overhead, shaking the steps beneath his feet. The storm has only intensified since they first heard it back in the supermarket, and there is no sign of it letting up anytime soon. Which means more of a chance they have come out to hunt.
Squinting through the darkness for any sign of you, Jake chants to himself, Come on, baby, come on, baby. Where are you? You got this, just please come back to me.
Suddenly, a slight flash of movement off to his left catches his eye. Through the faint light and the rain, he can just make out a shape hurtling towards the church at top speed. When it gets closer, Jake sags against the door as he recognizes the white t-shirt with his flannel pulled over it. You are still several hundred yards away but you are closing fast despite the several backpacks strapped to you and the pouring rain pelting your body.  
But then Jake’s blood runs cold as he notices five—no six!—shadows right on your heels. They had finally arrived.
No one ever used the term “vampires” even though everyone thought it. With the creatures’ fatal reaction to the sunlight, ravenous taste for blood, aversion to holy ground, and ability to transform humans into other creatures through their bites, it was hard to categorize them as anything else. Maybe everyone avoided the term because they had been so desensitized by the onslaught of movies and television shows with their lame depictions or cheesy interpretations of vampires that the word no longer captured the true horror of the creatures terrorizing their lives. But whatever the reason, they have always only been called “the creatures” since mysteriously appearing just over a year ago. 
At times, they can look just like they did when they were still human. There have even been instances when they held conversations with their prey before attacking. However, once their attack begins, it is a completely different story. With their unnatural speed and the spine-chilling hisses and growls that they make as they chase their prey, it is clear that whatever humanity they once had has long been twisted into something monstrous. And if you were unfortunate enough to get a closer look—which Jake had on a few harrowing occasions—the differences became blatantly clear. Their eyes were nothing more than black gaping voids; they had a set of daggers for teeth, each as pointed and deadly as the last; and their fingernails were several inches long and sharpened into ferocious claws that could rip skin from bone. All of it added up to things of nightmares, creatures of the night whose only goal in life was to kill and devour the living around them. 
And right now, they have their sights set on you.
Jake takes a step forward to the edge of the steps, clutching the railing until his knuckles turn white. Even if there is something he can do to stop the creatures, you are still too far away. Your only hope is to make it to the safety of the church before they can reach you but they are closing fast.
The creature closest to you pounces forward and Jake yells out a warning he knows you cannot hear above the storm. However, in one fluid motion, you whirl around and swing the backpack clutched in your hand directly into its head before completing your 360° turn and continuing running at full speed.
Jake whoops in relieved exhilaration.“Fuck yeah!”
At this distance, he can just make out the smug smile that spreads across your face, reveling in your own badassery. God, he can’t wait to wrap you in his arms and squeeze you so tight and never let go. There had been some very close calls in the past, but today might take the cake. However, if he has his way, you’ll never leave his sight again. 
Jake can tell the exact moment you notice him—your head perks up slightly and the smugness in your smile shifts into relief. Even while in the middle of running for your life, you have still managed to worry about him. Jake gives you two thumbs up and urges you on, waiting for you to cross the last street before you are in the clear.
But then the unthinkable happens. As you are just about to reach the gate of the church, you trip.
Jake can’t be sure if the heavy downpour blinded you or if your sneaker slipped in one of the fresh puddles. All he could see is one moment, you are about to fling yourself into the safety of his arms, and the next, you are skidding across the concrete on your hands and knees before rolling to a stop against the curb. 
The blood oozing from your fresh scrapes swirls within the puddles as you quickly try to push yourself to your feet, but it’s too late. As you begin to rise, one of the creatures hisses and leaps forward, landing on your back and tackling you to the ground. In a flash, two, three, four more have joined it, each digging their claws into your skin or baring their teeth as they go in for their deadly bite. You are pinned down under the weight of them, and though you continue to fight for freedom, the agony and terror filling your screams make it clear it’s a losing battle. 
Although it seems as if everything since your fall has played out in slow motion, it has only taken seconds in which Jake has been frozen in horrified disbelief. But finally snapping to, Jake launches himself towards the mass of teeth and claws that had descended onto your defenseless form as he screams, “No….No!” 
But before he can get more than two steps down the stairs, half a dozen hands wrap around him from behind and draw him back into the doorway of the church. Jake flails and fights with everything in him, but even he’s no match for the combined forces of Rooster, Coyote, and Payback holding him back as he watches more creatures swarming towards you.
“Get the fuck off of me! We need to help her! No! What the fuck are you doing?” 
Jake throws his head back and feels it make contact with someone else’s face. With a grunt, one set of hands loosens their grip on him and Jake tries to use this one chance to slip away to your aid. 
However before he can, an arm wraps across Jake’s chest, locking him into a tight bear hug. Drawing Jake’s struggling body into his, Rooster murmurs in his ear, “She’s gone, Hangman. I’m so sorry, but there’s nothing else anyone can do for her now. It’s over.”
All Jake can do is watch helplessly as he witnesses the truth of Rooster’s words.
Although the creatures had ripped into you with their claws, so far all attempts to bite you have been blocked by one of the bags strapped to your back or hanging off your arms. However, the creature with its knee pressed between your shoulder blades seems to have discovered the trick. It leans over and, with a loud hiss, sinks its teeth into the meat of your shoulder just avoiding the backpack straps. You howl in pain as your back arches up, and the creature releases its hold for just a moment. Long enough for Jake to spot the dark, thick blood dripping from its mouth. Then with another snarl, it bites down again.
The metallic smell of so much blood seems to renew the other creatures’ determination to feed on you and they begin clawing at the backpacks, ripping them apart at the seams until they can toss the shreds aside and reach you. Medicine and supplies crash to the ground, either shattering on impact or getting smashed underfoot as the creatures continue to fight over your body. One-by-one more and more sets of teeth sink into your skin and with each one, another heartbreaking scream tears from your lips. 
Jake has gone almost limp in his friends’ arms, unable to tear his eyes off the horror show before him. Blood, washed away by the falling rain, seeps into the puddles surrounding you, a red river running down the street. Yet even now, he can see you are continuing to fight, to try to free yourself from the creatures eating you alive. 
But then Jake realizes something. You aren’t trying to get free. Or at least, you’re not trying to free all of you. As he watches, you manage to pull your arm from under one of the creatures and wrap your bloody fingers around the backpack you had been carrying in your hand as you fled. It was the only one that was still relatively in one piece. 
Taking a few quick breaths, you flick your wrist and the backpack tumbles softly out of the way of the creatures and stops just inside the iron gate of the church. Seeing it successfully land within the sacred ground, all the fight goes out of you and you collapse weakly to the ground while more creatures swarm over you. 
Jake had thought nothing else could be worse than listening to your wails of pain, and yet, hearing them grow weaker and less coherent as the venom floods your system and your blood is drained from your body is a whole other level of torture. Then, as yet another pair of fangs pierce your skin, your teary eyes slowly lift and meet Jake’s. The world seems to freeze for just a moment, and he watches your bloody lips softly form his name. 
But before he can react, Rooster, Coyote, and Payback yank him inside the church just before Bob slams the door, and you are gone.
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Part 2 coming soon!
Taglist: @green-socks, @lorecraft, @heart-0n-fire, @mayhem24-7forever, @the-untamed-soul, @inglourious-imagines, @airhogger, @piscesvancouverite, @straightforwardly, @bonnieelizabethparker, @srry-itshockeyszn, @flyinlove, @fandomhopped, @yjwnoot, @wanderdreamer, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @callsign-phoenix, @shanimallina87, @forever-sleepy-sloth, @blue-aconite, @notroosterbradshaw, @dezthegeek, @blessupblessup, @cherrycola27, @phoenix1389, @nicangelinee, @smells-like-perfect-senses, @boringusername3, @petlaufeyson, @cycbaby, @topguncortez, @footprintsinthesxnd, @fantasticcopeaglepasta, @writercole, @onebigfangirlworld, @wkndwlff, @ravenmoore14, @clancycucumber230, @mamachasesmayhem, @slightly-psycho-multifan, @kmc1989, @ohtobeleah, @deppresseddyslexic, @horneybeach1, @mandylove1000, @aczhang777
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Drink With Me (Part 1)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, f!reader, Vampire Apocalypse AU Summary: In the middle of a vampire apocalypse, no one is safe. But when an unexpected storm interrupts your separate scavenger missions, there is nothing he can do but wait and hope you make it back to his arms safe and sound. Word Count: 3631 TW: Blood, Vampires, Vampire Attack, Character Death, Helplessness, Biting, Clawing, Language Notes: Written for day 4 of @whumpthemusical's event for "Failure" from Les Miserables. And big thanks to @sunlightmurdock for reading this over for me! 💗
Series Masterlist
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The deep rumble of thunder echoes like an alarm for those inside the store. Instantly, all three scavengers stuff whatever supplies they are holding into their various bags and bolt for the door.
Jake reaches it first and unwraps the metal chain twisted around the handle, dropping it with a clattering thud just as Phoenix and Rooster arrive. Throwing the door open with a bang, the sight that greets them makes their blood run cold and Jake nearly drops the overflowing paper bag in his arms.
Though they have only been inside for twenty minutes or so, the world outside has transformed. Gone are the splashes of blue sky peering out from between billowing pale gray clouds, and the shimmers of warm, sunshine beams through the trees. Instead, the sky has been invaded by black, menacing clouds that stretch as far as the eye can see, casting an infinite shadow across the parking lot filled with abandoned cars and shopping carts as another roll of thunder signals the imminent downpour.
It means they will be on their way.
“Go!” Rooster urges, dropping one of the value-sized packages of toilet paper he has stuffed under his arm so he is free to dig through his pocket. “I’ve got the door.”
Phoenix doesn’t need to be told twice and she darts out into the growing storm. Jake, on the other hand, hesitates for just a second before shifting the supplies in his already overloaded arms and grabbing the package of toilet paper. Rooster meets his eye just as he pulls out a shiny gold key, and Jake yells, “Don’t wait around this time. Move your ass!” and then takes off after Phoenix.
He only makes it to the edge of the parking lot before the first drops of rain begin to hit him. Big, fat, plops of water burst across his skin, becoming more frequent by the second. As he reaches the end of the street, Jake finds himself and his belongings soaked through, the water causing his already heavy bags to sag with the added weight. He’s only a few blocks from the church but with the dense clouds blocking all afternoon light from getting through, the potential danger makes that distance seem impossible. 
Keeping his head on a constant swivel, he runs as quickly as his legs will allow with his extra cargo. The additional weight isn’t the only problem. With the bulky layers of backpacks, armful of paper bags, and the slippery packaging of the toilet paper wedged under his arm, he has to keep adjusting everything as he runs so he doesn’t drop anything. It’s a delicate balance of step–shift–adjust strap–wipe rain from his eyes–step–look around–shrug backpack up arm–step, but Jake eventually finds the perfect rhythm. After all, this isn’t his first rodeo.
The shadows taunt and tease him as he rushes by. He can’t be sure if something is hiding within them or if it’s just his paranoid eyes projecting his deepest fears. Though honestly, it doesn’t matter. Even if something is lurking in the darkness, his only hope is the safety of the church so he ignores everything around him and keeps running as another booming clap of thunder fills the air.
In about six minutes that feel like an eternity, Jake begins to make out the dim lanterns shining through the stained glass windows up ahead through the pouring rain. It almost seems too good to be true that nothing has leaped out at him in the darkness, and he just hopes that doesn’t mean they are preoccupied with someone else.
Slipping slightly in a puddle in the middle of the road, he rushes through the iron fence surrounding the church and scampers up the front steps. Using the heel of his boot, he kicks the door twice and it opens almost immediately. Practically falling through the door, Jake mutters a small thanks to Payback who slaps one of his backpacks as he passes. A few other people are moving around the small vestibule but he doesn’t see the one he is looking for.
Fanboy comes over to help him unstrap the bags hanging off of him and it is a relief once all the extra weight has been removed. Rolling his shoulders as water drips off of him onto the carpet below, Jake looks around in the dim lamplight and notices Bob handing Phoenix a towel as she strips off her water-logged jacket. She accepts it and as she begins drying off, she catches Jake’s eye. The two nod, before her eyes drift down to the toilet paper Jake had dropped at his feet.
Jake shrugs. “He had to lock up but he should be right behind me.” The door to the church burst open. “Speak of the devil…”
Rooster hurries into the dim space, shaking his head like a dog and sending water spraying in all directions. When he sees Jake and Phoenix staring at him, he asks, “All good?”
“I’m always good,” Jake smirks. He kicks the package of toilet paper so it skids across the floor to rest at Rooster’s feet. “And that’s on top of picking up your slack.”
Rooster’s eyes narrow. “I didn’t ask you to do that. I could have handled it on my own.” Pushing past Jake, he approaches Phoenix. “Any sign of trouble?”
She shakes her head. “We got lucky this time. We were sloppy. We should have noticed this storm moving in long before it got here. They could have snuck into the store and gotten us before we even knew they had come out of their holes. We need to do better or someone’s going to end up dead.”
He sighs as he wipes his hand over his face, knocking the water droplets clinging to his mustache to the floor. “I know, that’s on me. We shoulda had one of us guarding the door as a lookout but it was the middle of the day and decent weather I didn’t think…Next time we’ll do it by the book.” He takes one of the fresh towels Bob offers him. “Anyone else come back yet?”
“No, but the pharmacy’s farther away. They should be back soon.” 
Jake is grateful Rooster only nods and doesn’t state the obvious. The pharmacy and gas station might be farther from the church than the supermarket, but only by a block or two. The other team must have heard the thunder too and even with the extra distance, there should be some sign of them by now.
He never should have let you convince him to let you go without him.
Over the last few days, an illness has been sweeping through the church. While most of the adults who got it seemed to be fighting it off relatively well so far, the children were not as lucky. None of them showed any signs of getting better, and last night, the first of them had succumbed to it. The only hope was to try and find something to treat them but that meant an extra supply run.
You had been pre-med before the creatures arrived last year and, while no expert, you had the most medical knowledge of anyone in the group. Having you be the one to go to the pharmacy was the obvious choice. And since Coyote had been spending the last few weeks in the garage next door trying to fix some of the equipment that might help them get power again, it was clear he should be the other runner so he could continue working while you searched. Which left Jake without a valid excuse for why he should go. 
The group was also running low on food, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and pretty much everything else so they needed the extra hands at the supermarket and Jake was one of their best runners—the perfect combination of speed and strength. You had spent all morning trying to reassure him it would be okay and you’d be back together before he knew it, but it did little to lessen the dread that settled in his stomach as he watched you hurry in the opposite direction, casting one last glance back at him with a smile and a wink.
What if that was the last time he ever saw you?
The roar of thunder suddenly gets louder as the door to the church swings forward once again and Coyote stumbles in. He is soaking wet and panting heavily as he struggles to catch his breath. However, the only thing Jake notices in that moment, is that he is alone.
Coyote barely has time to remove his backpack before Jake grabs him by the front of his jacket and throws him against the wall. Terror and anger coursing through him, he snarls in his best friend’s face, “Where is she? Where the fuck is she!” 
“She’s coming! Damn, man,” Coyote yells as he shoves Jake off of him. Jake stumbles back, and Rooster places his hand on his arm, not really holding him back but the warning is clear. Seeing the desperation on Jake’s face, Coyote softens as he straightens his jacket. “I tried, but you know her. She wasn’t gonna leave without that medicine.”
“Then you should have waited for her! You shouldn’t have left her alone!”
“You know she wouldn’t let me do that either.”
Jake yanks his arm away from Rooster’s grasp and begins pacing anxiously back and forth. He knows Coyote is right. You would lay down your life for any person here, but you’d be damned if you let someone do the same for you. At the first sign of trouble, you would have insisted Coyote returned to the church, probably swearing you just needed one more thing even if you had only just begun searching. Jake would have thrown you over his shoulder and carried you out kicking and pleading to let you get what you were looking for, but he couldn’t expect his friend to do the same. 
“She’s going to be okay, Hangman,” Rooster says, still eyeing him cautiously in case he needs to restrain Jake. “She knows how to handle herself.”
“Handle herself? There is no handling yourself against a horde of those things,” Jake spits at him as he continues to pace. “She could already be dead o-or turned by now and we would never know. She’d just be gone for good and we’d never…I’d never…Ahhh!”
As he screams, Jake whirls around and slams his fist into the wall before slumping into it, all his rage absorbed into the wood leaving nothing but his fear and hopelessness behind. The room has fallen silent around him but he can feel every eye on him. He shouldn’t have lost it, but he’s never felt this helpless. Even when the creatures first showed up, he knew there were ways to fight back, to stand up against them. But as long as you were separated from him, there is nothing he can do but sit here and wait. 
After a moment, Jake feels a hand gently grasp his shoulder and squeeze it. “She’ll be okay,” Rooster says. “Why don’t you go wait outside and be a lookout for her? I’m sure she’ll appreciate seeing you made it back safely too when she gets here.”
Jake nods slowly before pushing himself off the wall and shuffling towards the door. As he passes Coyote, his friend tries to reach out, his mouth opening but Jake shoots him a look that makes him close it without a word. Jake doesn’t really blame Coyote for leaving without you, but he’s just not in a place to hear an apology or give one of his own. So he keeps going until he slips out of the church.
Outside, there is a slight overhang that protects him from the worst of the storm, but he can still feel rain misting his skin as it is blown by the rain. Another roll of thunder rumbles overhead, shaking the steps beneath his feet. The storm has only intensified since they first heard it back in the supermarket, and there is no sign of it letting up anytime soon. Which means more of a chance they have come out to hunt.
Squinting through the darkness for any sign of you, Jake chants to himself, Come on, baby, come on, baby. Where are you? You got this, just please come back to me.
Suddenly, a slight flash of movement off to his left catches his eye. Through the faint light and the rain, he can just make out a shape hurtling towards the church at top speed. When it gets closer, Jake sags against the door as he recognizes the white t-shirt with his flannel pulled over it. You are still several hundred yards away but you are closing fast despite the several backpacks strapped to you and the pouring rain pelting your body.  
But then Jake’s blood runs cold as he notices five—no six!—shadows right on your heels. They had finally arrived.
No one ever used the term “vampires” even though everyone thought it. With the creatures’ fatal reaction to the sunlight, ravenous taste for blood, aversion to holy ground, and ability to transform humans into other creatures through their bites, it was hard to categorize them as anything else. Maybe everyone avoided the term because they had been so desensitized by the onslaught of movies and television shows with their lame depictions or cheesy interpretations of vampires that the word no longer captured the true horror of the creatures terrorizing their lives. But whatever the reason, they have always only been called “the creatures” since mysteriously appearing just over a year ago. 
At times, they can look just like they did when they were still human. There have even been instances when they held conversations with their prey before attacking. However, once their attack begins, it is a completely different story. With their unnatural speed and the spine-chilling hisses and growls that they make as they chase their prey, it is clear that whatever humanity they once had has long been twisted into something monstrous. And if you were unfortunate enough to get a closer look—which Jake had on a few harrowing occasions—the differences became blatantly clear. Their eyes were nothing more than black gaping voids; they had a set of daggers for teeth, each as pointed and deadly as the last; and their fingernails were several inches long and sharpened into ferocious claws that could rip skin from bone. All of it added up to things of nightmares, creatures of the night whose only goal in life was to kill and devour the living around them. 
And right now, they have their sights set on you.
Jake takes a step forward to the edge of the steps, clutching the railing until his knuckles turn white. Even if there is something he can do to stop the creatures, you are still too far away. Your only hope is to make it to the safety of the church before they can reach you but they are closing fast.
The creature closest to you pounces forward and Jake yells out a warning he knows you cannot hear above the storm. However, in one fluid motion, you whirl around and swing the backpack clutched in your hand directly into its head before completing your 360° turn and continuing running at full speed.
Jake whoops in relieved exhilaration.“Fuck yeah!”
At this distance, he can just make out the smug smile that spreads across your face, reveling in your own badassery. God, he can’t wait to wrap you in his arms and squeeze you so tight and never let go. There had been some very close calls in the past, but today might take the cake. However, if he has his way, you’ll never leave his sight again. 
Jake can tell the exact moment you notice him—your head perks up slightly and the smugness in your smile shifts into relief. Even while in the middle of running for your life, you have still managed to worry about him. Jake gives you two thumbs up and urges you on, waiting for you to cross the last street before you are in the clear.
But then the unthinkable happens. As you are just about to reach the gate of the church, you trip.
Jake can’t be sure if the heavy downpour blinded you or if your sneaker slipped in one of the fresh puddles. All he could see is one moment, you are about to fling yourself into the safety of his arms, and the next, you are skidding across the concrete on your hands and knees before rolling to a stop against the curb. 
The blood oozing from your fresh scrapes swirls within the puddles as you quickly try to push yourself to your feet, but it’s too late. As you begin to rise, one of the creatures hisses and leaps forward, landing on your back and tackling you to the ground. In a flash, two, three, four more have joined it, each digging their claws into your skin or baring their teeth as they go in for their deadly bite. You are pinned down under the weight of them, and though you continue to fight for freedom, the agony and terror filling your screams make it clear it’s a losing battle. 
Although it seems as if everything since your fall has played out in slow motion, it has only taken seconds in which Jake has been frozen in horrified disbelief. But finally snapping to, Jake launches himself towards the mass of teeth and claws that had descended onto your defenseless form as he screams, “No….No!” 
But before he can get more than two steps down the stairs, half a dozen hands wrap around him from behind and draw him back into the doorway of the church. Jake flails and fights with everything in him, but even he’s no match for the combined forces of Rooster, Coyote, and Payback holding him back as he watches more creatures swarming towards you.
“Get the fuck off of me! We need to help her! No! What the fuck are you doing?” 
Jake throws his head back and feels it make contact with someone else’s face. With a grunt, one set of hands loosens their grip on him and Jake tries to use this one chance to slip away to your aid. 
However before he can, an arm wraps across Jake’s chest, locking him into a tight bear hug. Drawing Jake’s struggling body into his, Rooster murmurs in his ear, “She’s gone, Hangman. I’m so sorry, but there’s nothing else anyone can do for her now. It’s over.”
All Jake can do is watch helplessly as he witnesses the truth of Rooster’s words.
Although the creatures had ripped into you with their claws, so far all attempts to bite you have been blocked by one of the bags strapped to your back or hanging off your arms. However, the creature with its knee pressed between your shoulder blades seems to have discovered the trick. It leans over and, with a loud hiss, sinks its teeth into the meat of your shoulder just avoiding the backpack straps. You howl in pain as your back arches up, and the creature releases its hold for just a moment. Long enough for Jake to spot the dark, thick blood dripping from its mouth. Then with another snarl, it bites down again.
The metallic smell of so much blood seems to renew the other creatures’ determination to feed on you and they begin clawing at the backpacks, ripping them apart at the seams until they can toss the shreds aside and reach you. Medicine and supplies crash to the ground, either shattering on impact or getting smashed underfoot as the creatures continue to fight over your body. One-by-one more and more sets of teeth sink into your skin and with each one, another heartbreaking scream tears from your lips. 
Jake has gone almost limp in his friends’ arms, unable to tear his eyes off the horror show before him. Blood, washed away by the falling rain, seeps into the puddles surrounding you, a red river running down the street. Yet even now, he can see you are continuing to fight, to try to free yourself from the creatures eating you alive. 
But then Jake realizes something. You aren’t trying to get free. Or at least, you’re not trying to free all of you. As he watches, you manage to pull your arm from under one of the creatures and wrap your bloody fingers around the backpack you had been carrying in your hand as you fled. It was the only one that was still relatively in one piece. 
Taking a few quick breaths, you flick your wrist and the backpack tumbles softly out of the way of the creatures and stops just inside the iron gate of the church. Seeing it successfully land within the sacred ground, all the fight goes out of you and you collapse weakly to the ground while more creatures swarm over you. 
Jake had thought nothing else could be worse than listening to your wails of pain, and yet, hearing them grow weaker and less coherent as the venom floods your system and your blood is drained from your body is a whole other level of torture. Then, as yet another pair of fangs pierce your skin, your teary eyes slowly lift and meet Jake’s. The world seems to freeze for just a moment, and he watches your bloody lips softly form his name. 
But before he can react, Rooster, Coyote, and Payback yank him inside the church just before Bob slams the door, and you are gone.
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Part 2 coming soon!
Taglist: @valoraxxx-blog, @m3laniehearts, @autumnleaves1991-blog, @rule107, @vintageleather, @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak, @slutforadambanks, @americaarse, @reneki, @ynbutbetter , @sugarcoated-lame, @imagineadream, @sadpetalsstuff, @salty-thembo, @rachelizabethgraham, @duckandrobin, @queenbbarnes, @grincheveryday @uselesslyromantic, @choochoo284, @littlebadariell, @thescarletknight2014, @dempy, @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch, @shirley2996, @kkrenae, @zebralover, @startrekfangirl2233, @memeorydotcom
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hello I'm not sure if you're free right now but could you do headcanons for bully Mirko and bakugou (separately) with a reader who is very chill but when insulted just enough they ROAST THEM TO THEIR VERY BONES (also search up packgod on YouTube if you don't know what I mean) and finally have fun 🙂
[ I listened to this dude, and I almost felt bad for laughing. Goddamn though, he gives Present Mic a run for his money with the way he spits out them words. I hope you enjoy these headcanons, I missed writing for our bunny girl and hot-headed boom boom boy. ]
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"Awe, what's a matter? Is pretty face gonna cry?!" Rumi mocked, making the motion of wiping her eyes to further add to the humiliation she hoped you felt. You groaned, picking your now food-covered face up from your tray. Yes, this was your life. Constantly being bullied by Rumi.
Despite the obstacles in your everyday school life, you were known for your calm and collected attitude which at times would bother Rumi as she continuously tried different tactics to get a rise out of you. Jello in your locker, tacks on your seat, hell even physical bruises on your body. But no, nothing seemed to make you angry.
Rumi aspired to be a hero and while she knew the things she did weren't very hero-like, everyone had their own style and that's just something the public would have to deal with. Of course, her heroic side shined more when she witnessed you getting bullied by others instead of her, and frankly, she didn't know how you'd handle them on your own so stepping in was the only option.
"Ya know, that could have been bad back there, pretty face!" she snapped before furiously biting into her carrot. "Keep letting them treat ya like that and ya won't make it in the real world," she noted, but you only smiled in return knowing that the best kind of advantage is when others thought they had the upper hand.
"Big-nosed, big-headed, Fat Gum looking what?" Rumi questioned, holding her hands against her stomach as she laughed. She never imagined she'd step into the middle of you screaming at someone, granted they had just insulted you and frankly you had enough drama for one day, so you unleashed your secret weapon. The power of roasting.
"Hah! Do that again! I dare you!" Rumi said, jabbing your shoulder and well, who were you to deny her wishes? 'Big-toothed, orange carrot eating, no good sleeping, peeping and sneaking, rule-breaking, poor excuse for WWE fighting, Bugs Bunny rip off,' wasn't something she expected to come out of your mouth but in a way, she loved it.
It was partly a relief to know that you could, maybe, handle your own. "Looks like my pretty face is growing up," she declared, placing her hands on her hips. "But don't go thinking you've outsmarted me, got it!?" you should have known nothing would stop Rumi's goal of making your life miserable.
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He hated and loved you. It was rare that someone wasn't intimidated by him. Sure, there was that damned Deku and Best Jeanist, and like Best Jeanist, you had a calm composure around him, and it pissed him off.
"Say something already or I'll kick your ass, damn it!" he snapped, grasping the front of your shirt while smoke seeped from his palms. You knew from experience that Katsuki was a hothead and disregarded the rules which is why you had become his target for bullying. But you refused to give him the satisfaction he was looking for and frankly, you didn't like how you got when someone truly pissed you off.
Much like Present Mic, your voice was your biggest weapon. This paired with your intellect or ability to spit rhythms was part of the reason you preferred to remain in a calm state. But Katsuki didn't understand this, not that you admitted it to him, and because of this he continued to make your everyday school life a living nightmare.
"Had enough yet!?" he demanded with his arms crossed, standing in front of you who was currently slumping against a brick wall. There were several burns across your body and the reason behind said burns was because you had refused to give Katsuki the reaction he was looking for and so he decided to try and force it out of you, Of course, this didn't work.
You knew he wouldn't believe you and you couldn't blame him. After all, who would think that you were the master of musical insults? "Heh, so what? Words don't mean anything," he said with a smirk. "If they did, you would have said something already. Challenge me, damn it!" he demanded with a snarl but now wasn't the time. At least that's what you decided.
It took a lot for you to get worked up, but as of late, Katsuki's constant belittlement of you was a little too much. So when you finally spit out, 'Blond anime-looking spiked-up hair, lame quirk using, kool-aid man bursting through walls, overactive, non-stop, mouth flapping, idiot!' you felt an enormous amount of pride fill you as his jaw dropped.
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anxiouspineapple99 · 10 months
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Summary: Two best friends realize the depth of their feelings as one traverses a toxic relationship of their own.
Pairing: Fives x Fem!Reader (third person)
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: sexual coercion, vomiting, unwanted pregnancy, mental abuse, 18+ MINORS SHOO
A/N: I posted this on my AO3 and finally decided to post it here!
It is separated by dates using the ReSynchronization format [Legends] (bold text)
Format is as follows:
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“Another fight?” He asked as he wrapped a compassionate arm around her shoulder.
She sniffled, “Yeah.”
He rubbed her back as they walked from her apartment to the waiting speedercab. “What was it about this time,” he tried to mask the irritation for her fiancé with his concern for her.
“I didn’t have dinner ready and waiting when he got home from work. But I was tired, Fives! I worked all morning and then had uni classes!” She flopped her head on the headrest of the seat, frustrated, exhausted, and hurt.
His gaze was soft as he studied the crinkles etched into her face from stress.“I know, cyare. You weren’t wrong, don’t worry. Let’s get you a drink when we get to 79s. Echo is waiting for us too.”
She drank so much that night she began pronouncing mojito as “moe-gee-toe” and Fives never missed taking an opportunity to tease her about it after.
“I told Kur I wanted to go to that concert in the gardens,” she sat on the park bench bouncing her legs as she stared at the nuna wrap in her hands.
“And?” He tilted his head in the impossibly adorable way he did when he wanted her to keep talking, puppy dog eyes staring intently.
“He said no because he isn’t interested and he won’t do anything he doesn’t care about,” she grumbled and took an aggressive bite of the food and then passed it to Fives.
Fives took the wrap with a huff, “But he never takes you anywhere. When was the last time he took you out and showed you off? More than that, you do stuff he likes and you don’t all the time.”
He took a bite of the shared wrap as she threw her hands in the air, “I know. And get this, he said ‘Take Fives. That’s why I keep him around. So he can do the stuff with you I don’t want you.’ He keeps you around? As if you’re not already my best friend.”
His lip pulled back into a sneer, “Wow. Okay. Well that's everything, I do everything with you. He doesn’t take you anywhere, I do.” The observation stung. He was right and she was suddenly riddled with guilt.
Her shoulders slumped as she answered him, “You’re right. I’m sorry. You don’t have to do stuff with me if you don’t want to.”
His eyes widened and he grabbed her arm, “That’s not what I meant! I love doing that stuff with you. I want to do everything with you. His loss, okay? I’ll do it all with you!”
She hung her head, wrapping her arms around herself in an effort to soothe the ache she felt, “Kur said he hopes I get fat because then no one else will want me. He says I don’t wear enough makeup and I should dress like a sophisticated and classy woman.”
Fives didn’t even attempt to hide the horror he felt, “Uhh. Wow. That’s not how that���you know what? Kriff him. He’s a di’kut. You’re beautiful at any size! You don’t need makeup, you’re gorgeous without it! And there’s nothing wrong with how you dress! I like it! It’s uniquely you.” She managed a halfhearted smile. She knew he meant it, “Thanks Fives.”
14:7:6- via Datapad
>Her: Are you planetside?
>Fives: We arrive back tomorrow for a week, why?
>Her: My dad…his birthday is in a couple of days. Kur won’t come to his dinner. He said I should just bring you.
> Fives: Ah, I guess this is one of those events he keeps me around for, huh?
> Her: Guess so.
> Fives: I’ll be there.
> Her: Thank you Fives.
> Fives: Anything for you.
“I told him I was depressed and needed help and he told me ‘You’re not depressed. You’re just bored. You need a hobby. And you’re miserable to be around.’ Am I really that bad, Fives,” she couldn’t stop the tears any longer. She held her head in her hands and sobbed.
Fives wrapped her in a hug, “No. No mesh’la, you’re not. You’re amazing.” He pressed his head to hers and squeezed her tight. “We ship out tomorrow but as soon as I’m back on shore leave I’ll take you out. We’ll have lunch and we can try that caf place you’ve been wanting. In the meantime please get to the doctor. I’m so worried about you. I’m always a com or hologram away. I promise.”
“I have to tell you this. I can’t keep lying to myself. I love you. I knew I loved you from the moment I saw you in that blue dress. And I'm standing here begging you to leave him. Please.” Fives was desperate, pleading, and pouring out his heart. He’d stood outside her apartment for an hour before knocking and making his confession to her.
“It’s just a rough patch,” she mumbled but she didn’t believe herself. Not really. Fives fell to his knees in front of her, taking her face in his hands.
He ran his thumbs across her cheeks with a tenderness she desperately wanted but hadn’t received in so long, “Rough patch my ass. It’s a kriffing long rough patch if that’s the case. Look, I’m not saying you have to pick me. But please don’t pick him. You’re not happy and you deserve the world. If you don’t feel the same then tell me now and I will walk out that door and you’ll never see me again. But I needed to tell you. I needed you to know. Pick me or don’t, just as long as it’s not him. Anyone but him. Every time I see you the light in your eyes has died a little more and it’s because of him. I don’t know how long I can stand to stay if you do marry him. He’s slowly killing everything about you that makes you who you are.” His breathing was heavy as tears poured from his eyes.
She reached out and wiped the tears from his face as she broke herself, “I…have to think. This is a lot.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I understand,” he pulled from her touch and walked out the door. Not another word. He didn’t look back. When her own crying had calmed, she commed her sister.
Her always chipper voice answered quickly, “Hey beautiful! What’s going on?”
“Hey I need you to be honest when you answer my next question okay?” Her stomach was in knots. But she had to know. How deep in denial was she?
“Of course!”
“What do you think of Kur?” The silence on the other end of the comlink briefly had she believe she’d been disconnected, “Hello?”
She heard a sigh before her sister answered, “Are you sure you want my honest opinion?”
Shit. She grunted, “Yeah. Hit me.”
And for the next ten minutes her sister detailed everything about that “pathetic excuse of a man” that she hated. And that was just about everything.
They were the things she saw and chose to ignore. The things she pushed aside thinking she wouldn’t find better. The things she told herself were “no big deal” or “he didn’t mean it”. Fives was right. And moreover she realized she’d fallen for him over the course of their friendship.
Kriff the comlink, this was a hologram conversion. Fives had shipped out that morning but she needed him to know. To her surprise he answered. It looked like he was in a supply closet somewhere.
“Hey,” she was nervous. Why was she nervous? He’d already confessed his love to her.
“Hey you,” his smile didn’t match the sadness in his voice.
“I’ve made my decision. I’m leaving him. You were right. About all of it,” she vomited out the words so quickly she wasn’t sure he even caught the whole thing.
But then she saw his shoulders relax, “I don’t think you understand how relieved I am to hear that. When are you doing it?”
“I have to get a plan together. Kur won’t take it well. He’s supposed to be going on a trip in a month. I’ll pack and move it all while he’s gone for those two days. My dad says he wants me home, so I have a place to go.”
“I’ll help. I’ll be there every step of the way. I’ll protect you.”
“I know, Fives. You always have.”
That night Fives sent her the first love letter. The first of many. She smiled by the glow of her datapad as she read the most beautiful words anyone had ever said to her:
“I’m here to offer you strength, passion, adventure, and yes danger too. I’m here to be the man you dance for, to be the crazy boy falling day by day for the crazy girl. I’m here to hold you close while you laugh and to be the reason you sparkle. I’m here to be yours and yours alone and, in the midst of all of this chaos, to be the one who holds you up.”
In honor of deciding to leave her creep of a fiancé she decided to have a girls night out to announce the big decision. First dinner and then drinks at 79s. The 501st was back on Coruscant for a couple of weeks and she knew she’d find Fives there. She was plastered. She’d lost count of the cocktails and shots she’d thrown back and by the time Fives found her the bartender had cut her off. “Hi Fives!” She slurred as she threw herself at him.
“Hey there mesh’la. Let’s get you home, okay?” He cooed as he gently guided her to the waiting speedercab.
Stepping out of the cab she loudly announced, “Fives! I have to pee!”
“Not on the curb you’re not! There’s your apartment! Let me get you inside!”
He punched in the code while supporting her floppy and giggling inebriated form.
“Okay cyare, there’s the fresher,” he guided her in and closed the door.
Once finished she hobbled out, “Thanks Fives, you’re the best…oh…oh kriff…I’m gonna be sick.” He grabbed her shoulders and guided her to the floor of the fresher.
Drifting in and out of consciousness she heard him, “Hey. Hey sweetheart you have to stay awake okay? Stay awake for me.” Her head lolled back and she realized she was being supported by him. He had positioned himself behind her on the fresher floor, one arm hooked across her chest keeping her upright and the other holding her hair back. She could no longer compose coherent thoughts but instead briefly lost herself in how warm and soothing his voice was.
At some point he guided her to a chair in the sitting room. He rubbed her legs and talked to her as she struggled to focus.
“Fives…” she slurred as she looked at him through heavily lidded eyes.
“Yes, cyare.”
“I’m going to show you my prowess…” she attempted to purr as she unhooked his utility belt with one hand and pulled him in for a sloppy kiss with the other.
“Whoa! Easy there!” He pulled back laughing. “Let’s save that for when you’re a little more sober.”
She shook her head, “Mmmm no. I wanna now…”
“I can see that. But you’re way too drunk sweetheart.”
“Did my prowess not impress you? I’m sorry…” she started to sniffle.
“No no no,” he held her hand while still chuckling, “I am very impressed. I just want both of us to be clear headed for that.”
“Mmm fine but I…oh kriff…” she threw a hand over her mouth as Fives held up the large bowl he’d grabbed from the kitchen and yelled, “In the bowl!” Neither was effective. She missed the bowl but did not miss Fives.
The next morning, there were his beloved words waiting for her. Even though she’d vomited on him:
“You are, very complexly and very simply, Her. Each of these words was yours before it was ever written, every note I’ve ever played belonged to you. I know this is hard for you, it’s hard for me too, but I once told you that not fighting for something I want isn’t part of who I am. I think that was the most honest thing I’ve ever said. I’d chase you till my last breath left me, because that is what you deserve. When I see you I don’t see a prize or an objective, I see the answer to the question in my heart.”
Her leg bounced nervously hoping he’d answer. Praying he wasn’t too busy. And feeling so guilty that she was bothering him with her problems again.
“Fives here.”
“I know you’re busy and I’m sorry but I need someone.” Her voice cracked as she endured a battle of wills against the tears pressing behind her eyes, “I need you. Please.”
“I’m on my way,” there was no hesitation. His answer was steadfast and resolute. She wasn't sure how long she waited but soon she heard the familiar knock. She threw herself into his arms the moment the door slid open. “Cyar’ika, what’s wrong. Talk to me babe.”
She held up the unopened pregnancy test, “I’m late. It could just be stress. But he… we did once in the last month. I didn’t want to but he kept pressuring me. He wouldn’t stop trying to get my clothes off and I just wanted him to leave me alone…”
He wrapped his arms around her in that embrace that told her he’d keep her safe. He pressed his face into her hair as he whispered, “It’s okay. Whatever the results we will get through it together. I promise, I’m not going anywhere. Go take it. I’ll sit with you.” And he did. He held her hand through those three agonizing minutes. As she recounted the fact that it wasn’t the first time she’d been pressured into sex.
She recalled the first time, in which she’d told him she wasn’t ready. She changed her mind and he screamed at her. He told her she was wasting his time and she might as well just fuck him because she was already naked anyway. Fives held her ever closer but there was a violent rage burning in his eyes as she cried into his chest. If he ever had the chance to get his hands on that shabuir, he’d end him. With his bare hands. The timer went off and she pulled away from him, “Moment of truth, I guess.” He grasped her hand, running his thumb gently across it, “I’m here. No matter what. I promise.” A negative pregnancy test had never looked so beautiful. And before bed that night, there was another letter waiting for her:
“Truth is men have been trying to describe women like you for hundreds of years, you’re the reason we write love songs, pen down poems, or paint beautiful works of art. But at the end of the day all of this seems to fall a little bit short, because the truth is there just aren’t words. There is no tune, rhyme, or color that will truly capture what any of us see when we look at real beauty. What I see when I look at you.
I think it’s time that I was very clear what it is I see when I look at you. I see hair that I love running my fingers through. I see eyes like mist. Lips that make my heart skip a beat when they touch mine. Curves that I love. For me all of this comes together to form something that I see as perfect beauty.”
14:9:18 - via Datapad
>Her: I have my bag waiting by the door. I’m leaving tonight. I can’t wait until he’s gone. I have to get out of here.
>Fives: Come to the barracks. I’ll get you in. Stay with me tonight.
There was no letter that night. She cried herself to sleep in his arms and every word he would have typed out on that datapad was whispered to her between kisses and fingers running through her hair.
But the next night…
“I’ve never been drawn to someone the way I’m drawn to you, you made me believe again, you made me hope again. But most importantly you showed me that the fighter in me was put there for a reason. He’s there to fight for your heart, to fight for your love, and to fight for the life we could have together.”
And while he was on Kamino…
“As I sit here listening to the rain pouring down all it reminds me of is the way your hair falls around my face. About how all I need to do is look up to see those beautiful blue grey eyes, like gazing into clouds on the cusp of a storm. How when I hear the thunder what I’m really hearing is your heartbeat then mine, and with each deep boom the two of them move closer together and we both feel the lightning strike at the same time.”
And every night after, he penned his promises to her.
“[When we are old] I’m going to carry you to bed, our bed, and the two of us are going to do what we did last night. There will still be my fingers in your hair, even when it starts to turn grey. There will still be my hands all over your body, no matter what it looks like. But most importantly there will still be the two of us there together alone in the dark. Two kindred spirits, who have laughed and loved together, two best friends.”
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Tag list babes 💕: @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @deejadabbles @wings-and-beskar @starrylothcat @freesia-writes @blueink-bluesoul @littlemissmanga @mandos-mind-trick @808tsuika @idontgetanysleep @clonemedickix @moonlightwarriorqueen
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sarcasticgaypotato · 7 months
Do you agree with Ossy Flawol's video on Chell's backstory? What would be your own idea(s) about her? Also, when did Chell begin to develop feelings for GLaDOS in The Resurrection Project? Since we've only read it through GLaDOS' POV. I really loved reading TRP, so I also wanted to ask if you'd like to tell us about Chell's POV in the fic (I'm new to this blog so I am probably not aware if a question like this has been asked before). Thank you!
Alright two big questions here (and technically a third one) so I'll try and keep my answers separate so it doesn't bleed into one big long ramble. Ossy Flawol's video 'Who Is Chell?'
I thought it was well done! They clearly did their research, the video is edited nicely, and I think it's a perfectly good theory.
However, I think some of their conclusions are a bit of a stretch. While the bring your daughter to work day theory they offer is good, they don't do quite enough to convince me. I personally think it's very likely that the potato battery easter egg is just that; an easter egg, not canon lore. That doesn't mean I don't think it's fun to consider the implications if it was canon, it just means that I think the original intention behind putting it in there was just 'oh haha wouldn't this be fun' and not any serious lore plans.
I also think Flawol puts a bit too much stock into GLaDOS's insults without really considering them as a whole. They fixate strongly on the idea that there's 'half-truths' to her insults, but they neglect to mention all the jokes made about Chell's weight and her potential brain damage. We can certainly headcanon these being things Chell is specifically sensitive about, but considering there's no evidence to support it, I think it more likely that they're just...generic insults. Yes GLaDOS makes them in a very targeted manner, but 'you're fat and stupid' is hardly a unique insult to bully someone with.
Further, if Flawol believes we can trust that GLaDOS's lines have some element of truth to them, what about the 'good people don't end up here' line? Nothing in their theory implies that Chell has done anything that would make her sensitive about that comment, just that she's independent.
All in all I enjoyed the video, but there's a bit too much cherry-picking in certain spots for me to 100% agree with it. Definitely worth a watch though! (I was happy to see them point out the stupidity of the 'Caroline and Cave are Chell's parents' theory. Anybody who does that gets a thumbs up in my book.)
As for my own ideas about Chell? I've got some other asks in my inbox about Chell where I'll be tackling more of that soon, so keep an eye out!
When did Chell develop feelings for GLaDOS in 'The Resurrection Project'? What is Chell's POV?
I love this question because Chell's perspective throughout TRP is something that's kept purposefully unknown. The reader only ever sees her through GLaDOS's eyes, making her thoughts, feelings, and intentions a bit of a mystery.
Playing the games, it's easy to take it for granted how much we project onto Chell. We can easily imagine Chell's perspective because we're playing it, but what would it be like to be GLaDOS? How would you interpret someone like Chell?
Do you think Chell set up handgun practice as a way to get close to GLaDOS? Was she lying about only being able to get one shower? What was going through her mind when she held GLaDOS through her nightmare?
I'm hesitant to say too much about Chell, even years later, because I think a lot of the fun is how the reader interprets it. However, I can give a bit of the thought process behind her.
GLaDOS saved Chell's life at the end of Portal 2. She kept her word, she let her go. They worked together as a team to defeat Wheatley and they worked together well. Chell never forgot any of that, even when she initially comes off as cold to GLaDOS in the beginning of TRP.
Chell wonders if this is all some elaborate trick, but dismisses that once she sees how miserable GLaDOS is. From there, she finds this situation is a bit like when they were working together in Aperture, because GLaDOS isn't in a position of power over her, and it's not bad. They work well together, Chell might be catching some feelings, but all that has to clash with her lingering distrust.
There's a reason why, despite moments of them getting closer, Chell takes a long time to actually speak to GLaDOS. That is, in a lot of ways, the final hurdle she had to overcome. That was the biggest show of trust Chell could give her, and thus it's no surprise that she kisses GLaDOS soon after.
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red1culous · 2 years
A Close Approximation of You
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“It’s raining” she declares with an upward glance at the darkening skies. Taking a sip from her cup of coffee and stretches her legs in front of her to occupy the full length of the cushion on the bay window seat. 
“Mmm…aren’t you miss perceptive” you smirk as she rolls her eyes at you. Nudging her feet a little she moves them to give you some room to sit. There isn’t much space for you to spread out so you fold your feet under yourself. After a few minutes of you adjusting and readjusting to get comfortable she takes some pity on you and bends one leg at the knee giving you a little more space to get situated. 
She chuckles softly eyes still trained on the horizon. “Jerk” she mutters under her breath and gently kicks your knee with her foot. You both share a giggle before getting lost in your own separate worlds again. 
Gazing outside you notice the fine drizzle that pelts against the window pane. You watch in wonderment as it turns into a typical autumn deluge of thick, heavy and fat droplets in mere seconds.
Rain clouds continue to gather and the sky is almost blackened out. It casts a sombre hue over the landscape. The dazzle of the sun is finally extinguished and replaced by sudden intermittent bright flashes of lightning that tear out from behind angry clouds. A wild sky roars with fury and you jump slightly with every crack and crash.
“Sorry about today” Nat says softly, almost mumbling as she bumps your knee again.
“It’s fine, Nat” you reply a tight lipped smile gracing your lips. 
“I feel like it’s not” she answers fidgeting anxiously with the hem of her sweater.
“I’m a tough cookie, I’ll be fine.” Your words are teasing but Natasha notes how your gaze remains solemn. 
Her eyes trail over the angry bruise that’s starting to form black, blue and purple on your left cheekbone. Her stomach flips on itself. She didn’t think she would ever feel as miserable as she did right now. And she’s had some pretty miserable moments in her life. Her throat tightens. She should let you go before you got in any deeper, before she messes up your life…your face…any more than she already has.
“After what happened…” she starts her voice rough, “…the move…our relationship…maybe it’s a bad id-…”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence” you warn. This time your eyes are trained on her. She sees a flash of pain within them and it kills her. 
Looking down at her fingers she sighs softly.  “He came at you to get to me and I can’t…” Natasha pauses as if reigning in her emotions. “I can’t let you get hurt because of me.”
You gape at her. Your anger still bristling and threatening to overflow. “I knew about the risks Nat.” You shake your head at her, “why are you doing this?”
“Because it’s who I am Y/N. This whole fucked up situation. I’m apart of it, whether I like it or not. If you’re in my life you’ll also be affected by it. All the skeletons in my past. And the demons that haunt me. You really wanna be apart of that? Do you?!” she spits back. She feels the bile rise in her throat as she imagines what could have happened today. How she could actually be mourning you instead of sitting opposite you.
“I know what you’re doing, Nat. You’re pushing me away when you should be letting me in” you push yourself up to sit up straight. Your voice quivers but you will yourself to continue in spite of the dull ache in your ribs. “I’m your girlfriend damn it. And if this is you trying to get me to dump you so that you don’t have to feel bad about it, then it’s not happening. Although…” you let out a pained chuckle, “…you behaving like this is making the idea hella tempting right now.”
Natasha knows that everything you were saying was right. And seeing you fight back tears was hurting her so much. “I don’t want you to get hurt” she says. Her voice is small but the words feel like a slap across your face. You blink hearing them. Although they sting like a red hot iron you try to keep your emotions calm. 
It takes what feels like an eternity before you respond. “This is my reality, Natasha Romanoff. You are my reality” you grab her hands and yank her forward so she’s sitting upright mirroring your pose. “I’m here, with you. Not in some hazy dreamy world where we lock ourselves away from the world and it’s just the two of us. If your past won’t forget about you then let’s forget about it and make a new one.”
“I can’t forget my past” she frees one hand from your vice grip and rakes it through her hair. “It doesn’t want me to be happy. It’s a fucking sadist who gets off of me hurting. And hurting those I love.”
“Then maybe despite all that tough Black Widow talk you’re nothing but a coward” you seethe. Her eyes widen and you see her nostrils flare. No one speaks down to the Black Widow. You didn’t want a fight but if she was spoiling for one you weren’t afraid to bring it.
“Well everyone warned you about me” she says instantly regretting her words as soon as they’re spoken. 
Your breath catches. This time you release your grip on her and lean back a little. You needed to put some distance between the two of you. Suddenly her presence felt suffocating. Her words hurt more than the hits and blows you were dealt with earlier today. 
“Yea they warned me alright” you sigh. “But silly old me thought I’d give us a chance and prove them all wrong.” You let out a frustrated breath. “I thought I saw something genuine in you.”
Fuck, Natasha curses to herself. This is not how this evening was meant to go. Her guts twist inside of her and her chest aches seeing you so small. Your chin quivers and her inner voice screams at her. 
“I’m sorry….” Natasha’s rushes out in a voice entirely not her own. She reaches to touch your hand but you pull away. “You don’t like me right now, I understand that” she adds. “I don’t like me right now either.”
You shake your head slowly. “Right now? Yea I don’t quite like you, right now. But this isn’t you. You’re running for cover. It’s textbook coping mechanism and I know it all too well. I’m so mad at you right now, you have no idea.” You spit thoroughly annoyed. 
Natasha wants to throw herself at your feet and beg for forgiveness. You just look at her and she can’t read your emotions through your fierce stare. The anger running through your veins cools to mild irritance. God your girlfriend was a child when it came to matters of the heart. 
“I’m sor-” she says once again staring at the space between the both of you.
“Shut up” you interrupt.
“What?” she finally looks at you and she struggles to hold back the tears. 
“Just shut up and come over here before I change my mind” you order.
A bewildered sound escapes her mouth but she wastes no time crawling over to you and cuddles into your embrace her ear pressed up against your heart.
“You’re a real asshole you know that Romanoff” you say into her hair.
“I’m sorry” she replies tugging you closer to her.
“Just…” you squeeze her and readjust yourself against the pillows behind you, “…I’m still mad at you so just be quiet ok.”
@whataloadof @when-wolves-howl @youralphawolf72 @blackwidowismylove @screechcat
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omi-papus · 2 years
I guess I finally did that thing I wanted where I came up with an AU but its literally just, Everything is exactly the same, except Robin somehow gets back home, and Al-An somehow just ends up as fucking Xenoworks employee. Like hes not human, hes the exact same bitch, but through some bullshit he just works with the Xenoworks crew now, for no real reason, most of the work is entierly beneath him, but hes just there cause Robins likes it. Lowkey miserable but I mean hes less depressed than as a cube in water hell, or a dead planet (They confirm architect world is just offed somehow dont ask me)
Robins bs got leaked to the world somehow and also the stuff with the bacterium and Sam, (they didnt get the stuff about Al-An though) and it gave Alterra such a bad reputation that they just dumped Xenoworks to rot. So like... I mean its back I guess???
So now they operate a reaserch team with about four people and an Alien with a budget of like three dollars. And Robin somehow thinks this is great.
Al can talk to Robin telepathically, and they both have to hide from Altera, since Robin is wanted by the state and Al-An is generally better off outside the spotlight. Girl will still insist on going out to scan shit.
It is exeedingly clear to everyone that the two 4546b survivors are fucking and there is absoluetly nothing they can do about it. Robin gets judged endlessly but she is utimately the only one getting laid, and they all know it.
Al-An only bonds with Cal because they both turn out to find talking shit about Robin surprisingly theraputic. They love her, but like you know how she is.
Robin and Cal share EVERY SINGLE account they have. Twitter, Spotify, probably life insurance, all of it. Porn sites included, and yes they absolutely use that as blackmail but are too lazy to make separate accounts.
Any semblance of money they get instantly evaporated into custom clothes for Al-An. The outfit and the person who insists on getting it changes but Al-An always claims to be forced into it despite doing absolutely nothing to stop it.
They live in a dark, beaten down bunker in buttfuck nowhere, and spend half their time just making sure the damn place dosent colapse.
Robin technically has a room but exclusively sleeps wherever Al-An is, so she more or less lives in the lab. Its actually a very common ucurrance to accidentally pull something out of her underwear drawer instead of the sample cabinet right next to it.
They use the architect ship for everything and have to constantly paint it diferently to pass off as some other type of spaceship to get somewhere.
Both Robin and Al-An claim constantly to never want to go into the ocean again, but they just have to hear about a fat cute fish or anything glowing vaguely green and theyre already on the ocean floor.
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mesaprotector · 1 month
Haven't posted about Elden Ring in a bit.
I've been off on vacation for two weeks, then sick for a week. I hadn't played since I finished the game but basically the only thing I could focus on while sick was farming every single item in the game. The Magma Blade was painful to get.
It occurred to me that I really avoided getting good at Elden Ring combat (except for some specific skills). One thing I'm going to do before the DLC is try to fix that. I guess I could post this on somewhere like Discord or Reddit that has a lot more PvP tryhards, but I honestly find those communities pretty unpleasant. So here goes.
I played the game blind. Well, mostly blind - I gradually caved and researched more once I got near the end. This meant my understanding of the game's mechanics was poor at best. I beat the game with effectively 23½ Vigor (25 with a permanent debuff I didn't know about), fat-rolled through almost every fight, and depended on summons and Torrent most of the time. The skills I did develop (strategic aggro, stealth, crossbow shots) were useless in most boss fights. My reasoning was "well, I'm not getting one-shot...".
I play with mouse and keyboard, and always have. I never owned a controller as a kid (I wouldn't have thought to ask my parents, and they wouldn't have bought me one if I had), and since I've grown up I've played games seldom enough that it was never a priority. I vaguely know how to use one thanks to trips to friend's houses, but I still find it a miserable experience. On my recent trip I went over to a friend's and started Stray, the game where you're an adorable cyberpunk cat. I got to the very first action sequence, and attempting to turn corners with the controller was useless, it felt like the floor was slippery ice. I plugged in my mouse and beat it first try.
Aiming with a mouse is just so natural for me. You don't need lock-on (which is a necessary evil for controllers, but is at least a little immersion-breaking). Horse combat, which most Elden Ring players think is clunky and difficult, becomes easy.
The main downside of keyboard and mouse* is that the default keybinds are quite awkward. Sprint and dodge are the same key (and can't be separated). Switching equipped items uses the ARROW KEYS which means one of your two hands needs to leave its position for a second. The pouch keybinds are obscure and I never used it my entire playthrough.
So, after 200+ hours in Elden Ring, I changed all my keybinds. Shift is now sprint/dodge; space is now jump; the mouse middle key is now heavy attack and mouse 4th button is now weapon skill. Definitely taking some getting used to and I expect a lot of silly deaths but I can already tell it's so much better.
(*some absolute genius said they used controller and mouse to play the game, which is definitely superior but too daring for me)
I played the majority of my run with the Treespear, which it turns out was a rare good decision on my part - it's one of the best Dex/Fai weapons - but the main reason it's so good is something I didn't know, which is that you can buff it with Order's Blade for crazy damage, one of only two split-damage weapons that's true for. I never used Order's Blade... it requires 13 Int and my character was dumb as rocks, and proud of it. Plus I kind of want to use something different on my next run.
So after farming everything in sight this past week and trying them out, I found a weapon I'd never looked twice at - the Guardian's Swordspear (Keen affinity). It only scales with Dex but can still be buffed; halberds are absolutely the #1 mounted weapon class; and it just feels natural. Still unsure on which weapon art I'll stick with but for now I have Piercing Fang. It's a quick running attack that has lovely synergy with Wrath of Gold.
And yes, I'm still going to use incantations on the next run - how can you be a Faith build and not? - but disallowing lock-on means I'll be focusing on close-up magic and buffs. Hitting soldiers from across the map is funny a couple of times, but it doesn't have nearly the visceral joy of getting the timing down on a Fortissax's Lightning Spear or a Catch Flame.
Dex/Fai is a weird combination because it feels it doesn't get a lot of balanced, merely "very good" weapons. You have unique weapons that are downright broken (Blasphemous Blade, Sacred Relic Sword, Envoy's Long Horn) plus ones that are situationally good but not a great primary choice (Godslayer's Greatsword, Black Knife, Vyke's War Spear). I'm hoping my new Swordspear strikes a happy medium and gets me up to scratch on dodging, spacing, timing, and everything else. I'm still never going to join the PvP scene - I just want to git gud for my own sake.
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dorefasolsido · 10 months
12. No Recess
***credits to the original creator***
1. Pen: Did the ink ever smudge across the paper when you used to write?
I’m sure that happened many times. It would smudge all over my hands all the time.
2. Highlighter: Did you highlight everything or just the super important details?
I rarely highlighted anything, but when I did, only the important details.
3. Pencil: Did you prefer mechanical or regular pencils?
I think regular ones, idk.
4. Markers: Did you prefer to use the fat or skinny markers?
Skinny, maybe.
5. Crayons: How many crayons came in the biggest box that you brought to school?
Oh idk, I don’t remember ever bring crayons to school.
6. Colored Pencils: What’s your favorite color?
Most shades of blue, black, and purple.
7. Erasers: What’s one mistake from the past that you’d like to erase?
I don’t want to erase any particular act, but I would love to have been able to erase my social anxiety in high school. Constant worry about what everyone’s thinking was a nightmare, and looking back on it all now, it just wasn’t worth the stress.
8: Glue: Which is better - stick or liquid bottle, and why?
Liquid bottles always worked better for me.
9. Scissors: Who was the last person you cut out of your life, and why?
A very good friend who was very bad for my mental health, and I don’t think I was good for hers either. We were fighting non-stop, stuck in this weird friends-but-maybe-something-more situation, until I realized it’s stupid and exhausting to continue that way. That being said, cutting her out was one of the more difficult things I’ve done in my life.
10. Notebook: Were you more comfortable using a separate notebook for each subject, or did you use one notebook for multiple different subjects?
I had separate notebooks for each subject until I came to uni. Then it was all in one.
11. Binder: Did you buy plain-colored binders, or ones that had pictures/characters on them?
Definitely with pictures or characters.
12. Folders: What was the one color folder that you were expected to have but could never find in the store?
Uhh, I have no clue, it’s not like anyone ever expected me to have any particular folders.
13. Clipboard: Did your teacher ever require you to use a clipboard as an alternative to your desk’s hard surface?
14. Stapler: Have you ever accidentally stapled yourself before?
Lol it sounds like something that would happen to me, but no. Probably because I didn’t use staplers very much.
15. Sharpener: Did you used to like to sharpen pencils (especially colored ones) at both ends?
Oh I definitely did.
16. Hole-Puncher:  Do you prefer the 1-hole punch or the 3-hole punch one?
Tbh, no preference?
17. Sticky Notes: Do you prefer plain yellow Post-Its, or all different colors?
Different colours!
18. Index Cards: Did you study a lot or just try your best on the day of a test?
I studied, I was a pretty good student.
19. Paper Clips: How often during the school day were you unable to hold yourself together? What about school would make you upset?
I just hated my class and the general vibe of high school. And people often said high school days would be the best time of my life, which made me pretty miserable, because, you know, fuck me then. Luckily, that’s 100% not true; uni was around 1000 times better than high school in every possible way.
20. Reinforcements: Who were your friends throughout your years of school?
I had a little group of friends, but I’m friends with only one girl out of the six now. They never felt like real friends to me, and by the time we were seniors, they pretty much excluded me and the other friend from the group. So, when high school ended, I changed my phone number and didn’t bother contacting any of them later on. 
21. Dividers: Did you have separate binders for each subject, or use dividers in one large binder?
I didn’t use binders regularly.
22. Supply Box: Do you prefer a supply box or a pencil case? Why?
Pencil case, just because that’s what I used to carry to school.
23. Book Covers: Did you buy the colorful stretchy patterned kind, or cover your books with a brown paper grocery bag?
I only used these very early in elementary school, and I always had the patterned ones.
24. Backpack: Did you ever use a rolling backpack before?
25. Lunch Box::What was the best snack to be traded at lunch?
Lol we didn’t actually have lunch at school. Our parents would give us some cash and then we could buy a sandwich from a shop near the school or something else to snack on. We never had a proper cafeteria, and our “lunch time” was only 15-20 minutes.
26: Ruler: How tall are you?
163 cm.
27: Paper: How long is the longest paper you’ve ever had to write?
Idk, I wrote a lot of long papers. My master thesis might have been the longest one, but I can’t look for it now to check how long it was.
0 notes
Family - Young Bucks x Emery
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Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
Last week, I had a poll for which sibling-esque pairing you wanted to see first, and Matt/Nick Jackson won by an overwhelming landslide. (75-ish % of all votes) The only other one in the poll that got the remaining votes was Kyle O'Reilly - which I'll get that up soon-ish.
The shoes in the image above are the ones mentioned at the tail end of this. They're so pretty but hella expensive (150-175$ )
Words: 2320
Tag List:
@blxxckheart @mrsmatt
(If you want to be added to my tag list(s) just let me know! I have 3 separate ones for the companies - AEW, WWE, and NJPW)
Warnings: potential triggers for mental health, thoughts of suicide, past body image issues, depression
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Emery could feel the familiar thoughts and emotions weasel their way into her head. It became difficult to swallow, her throat felt dry, she began to lose her appetite, and her interest in things became stagnant.
She’d be on the couch watching her favorite TV show, but her eyes would be glazed over, and she wouldn’t pay attention to it. Despite normally going to bed around 11 at night, she’d be curled under a blanket, her room darkened by the blinds, by 6 in the evening.
Texts would go unanswered, and calls would ring through to voicemail. Social media notifications would go unchecked, and no posts from her would be made.  
Oftentimes, she’d go without eating much- maybe a cracker in the morning after she finally willed herself out of bed, and if she were lucky, she’d have an apple later in the day.
She’d refuse to look in mirrors, especially the full-length mirror in her bedroom, because she knew the moment she did, all the self-hating thoughts would break her even more.
This would usually go on for a week, maybe two. If she were needed at work, she’d force herself to grab her phone and send a simple message to her boss, which was now Tony Khan, and say she was sick and unable to make it.
Her thoughts would go rampant, especially at night when she lay in bed trying to sleep. They’d remind her of all the dark, miserable things from her past that she would rather forget. The thoughts would tell her that she was weak, talentless, and nobody loved her and nobody ever would; that she was ugly and fat, and if she were to die, nobody was miss her.
It took a few days before those thoughts became so loud in her head that she was unable to ignore them. Her lungs felt like they were being squeezed, and it hurt even to breathe; it was as though she was suffocating in the self-deprecating whispers that held her hostage.
The scariest part of the whole this is when she would find herself seriously considering ending it all. Oftentimes, her eyes would land on her razor, thoughts of how easy it would be to dismantle it and use the blade on herself.
As she sat in her apartment bathroom, the razor in her hands as she unconsciously twirled it around, Emery felt the tears trickle down her face. Her eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears, but to no avail. The noise of her phone ringing reached her ears as the familiar Superkick tone played in the distance. Eventually, it stopped, but the second it did, her mind began to race as if it were a wake-up call. Throwing the razor into the sink as she got up from her seat on the tub, Emery ran to her phone in a mild panic.
Her fingers shook as she opened the chat with the two brothers that had basically adopted her into their family, and she typed out an SOS.
“Im so far deep in the rabbit hole.”
Then quickly she added:
“I dont know which way to go.”
Falling to her knees beside her bed, it took only five seconds before her phone began to ring again. After a brief pause of hesitation, her finger over the red button on the screen, she moved over and tapped the green icon and then the speaker button.
“Ree, can you hear us?” Matt’s worried voice gently asked, the worry evident in his tone.
“Y-yeah,” Emery choked out.
“We’ve missed you this past week,” Nick stated, “Not having you ringside felt odd.”
“Brandon had the nerve to ask us if he could make a play for a championship,” Matt tried joking.
“You should’ve seen Kenny after his match—” Nick continued, telling her all about Kenny’s crazy antics backstage.
Just sitting there in the dark, listening to them go back and forth, Emery could feel her body begin to relax. The tears stopped falling, her lungs stopped feeling as though they were constricted, and the nagging, dark thoughts in her head seemed to fade away. Minutes passed by, and after Matt told her about someone backstage accidentally spilling coffee on his shoes, a soft giggle escaped her lips.
“There she is,” Nick said, the smile on his face evident just from his words.
“Go figure it takes my shoes getting ruined to make her laugh,” Matt joked, “I’m just lucky these weren’t my favorite pair.”
“I don’t even know if they still sell your favorite ones,” Nick told him.
“My luck, probably not. I’ll have to get a new pair, though,” Matt frowned, “There’s that store there in Jacksonville; they’ve got a good selection. Maybe we can hit them up tomorrow after we get back?”
“Sounds good to me—Ree, wanna come with us?”
“I dunno….” She replied softly.
“C’monnnn,” Matt enticed her, “We need you there to ensure we don’t spend five grand on shoes again.”
“And for you to tell us that the ones we like look like shit,” Nick added, causing another giggle from Emery. This one, however, was fuller and pronounced- almost a full laugh.
“Okay, okay. I’ll go,” Emery conceded, “But only so that you don’t spend a ridiculous amount and get into trouble with Dana and Ellen.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” Nick told her.
“We should be there around noon, but we’ll text you when we get to the hotel.”
“Sounds good… I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Emery said.
Nick said, “See ya then,” at the same time that Matt replied, “We’ll see ya.”
“And guys…?”
“Yeah?” Matt answered.
“… Thank you,” Emery told them, a soft smile on her face.
“Any time, sweetheart,” Nick replied.
“Love you, angel face,” Matt added.
“Love you too.”
With that, the phone call ended, leaving Emery in what was once her self-induced prison. Taking a deep breath, she stood up from the floor and crossed her room; slowly, her arms parted the curtain, letting the sunlight flow into her once-dark room. She knew she had to shower—but more prominent was the rumbles of hunger coming from her stomach that she had ignored for close to five days. Deciding to get something to eat first, Emery smiled at how lucky she was to have the friends she did. Her teen years were not the best and were marred by darkness, but since then, she had come a long way. She should be—and was—proud of herself for getting to where she was in life, and despite the ugly moments that sometimes hit her hard, she was doing just fine.
Next Day
 After the Bucks had landed and were settled into their respective hotel rooms, they had sent Emery a text, telling her where and when to meet them. A quarter past two, she left her apartment for the first time in days and ventured outside and amongst the living.
The previous day had been spent on her, focusing on healing and self-appreciation. A bubble bath, face mask, cleaning up her apartment, eating actual meals, and slowly catching up on her messages and notifications.
Arriving at the mall five minutes past three, Emery walked through the parking lot and into the large Nike shoe store. It didn’t take her long to find her friends, who had already begun slowly walking the store to see what they had in stock.
“Hey, there she is,” Nick smiled as he saw her approach. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug and held her secure for a solid minute before releasing her- but Matt quickly took his place and engulfed her in another tight hug. It wasn’t a bone-crushing one, but more of a ‘please remember I love you and you are not alone; I love you so much, and I don’t want to lose you’ kind of hug. It helped to ground her and help her feel more connected to the life she was grateful even to have.
“Glad you could make it,” Matt smirked as he let her go.
“Thanks for the invite.”
“We know shoe shopping is—weirdly enough, not your thing,” Nick shrugged, “But it’s been a while since we hung out, aside from work-related stuff.”
“Very true,” Emery nodded in agreement, “And I do enjoy shoe shopping—just not for shoes that cost the same amount as I pay for rent.”
“They don’t cost that much!” Matt argued, a smile on his face.
“You guys buy two to four pairs each time, and at one-fifty to two hundred per pair?” Emery told him, “Do I need to do the math for you?”
“Even if we bought four pairs at two hundred, that’s only eight hundred, which is still less than you pay for rent,” Nick frowned as Emery looked at him incredulously.
“It’s still a huge chunk of what could be my rent, though! It’s too much! One pair of shoes for fifty dollars is enough for me, which usually lasts three years.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Matt waved her off before turning around to resume searching the wall, “Regardless, help us find some new ones.”
“You guys are insane,” Emery rolled her eyes playfully before she started scanning the wall, “What about those Air Force 1’s up there? The multi-colored one?”
“We already got a pair.”
“Of course you do. Okay, what about these Air Jordan 1 retro’s?” Emery questioned, pointing at the blue, white, and gray shoe near her.
“Got it already.”
“This is insane. You guys have—how many shoes? Two hundred? Three hundred? Everything I point to, you probably already have.”
“We don’t have that many,” Nick recoiled defensively, a smirk on his face.
“Might as well have,” Emery side-eyed him, poking her tongue out at him.
“Just keep pointing out any you see,” Matt smiled as they continued searching.
An hour later, after pointing out what seemed like at least a hundred different shoes, both brothers had three pairs chosen. They had even picked out a pair for Kenny and Brandon as gifts, which Emery couldn’t really argue with them over since it was a gift and not for them. As Matt placed his on the counter to begin checking out, Emery looked around and noticed that Nick had disappeared.
“Hey, where’s Nick?”
“Hmm? Oh, I think he said something about having an employee check if they had a certain shoe in the back,” Matt shrugged before deciding to add the shoes for Kenny and Brandon to his order.
“Of course he did.”
Nick rejoined them shortly after, carrying two boxes of shoes that he then added to his three boxes, ignoring the glare he got from Emery.
“Really, Nicolas? Five pairs of shoes?” she asked despairingly.
“Hey, two are gifts,” Nick replied, waiting as the cashier scanned the boxes and opened each to check them.
“You guys want to grab a bite to eat?” Matt asked as Emery looked over at him.
“We could—if you guys are hungry.”
“Sounds good to me. I think there’s a Steak and Shake and Wendy’s right across the parking lot,” Nick nodded as he paid for his order.
“Let’s do Steak and Shake- we’ll probably do Wendy’s with Kenny and Brandon at some point in the next day,” Matt laughed.
“Sounds good to me!” Emery smiled as they walked out of the store. The brothers followed Emery to her car, claiming they were parked in the same direction, exchanging a glance that Emery failed to notice. When they reached her vehicle, she turned around and looked at them curiously.
“So… are we driving the short distance or just gonna walk there?”
“We could walk it,” Matt shrugged.
“Then… probably put your shoes in your car? Or are you gonna carry them with you?” Emery questioned, confused.
“Yeah, we could put them in our car,” Nick nodded, “So while we put ours away, stash this in your trunk.”
He held out one of his bags towards her, and as she looked at it in confusion, then up to his blue eyes, it dawned on her.
“You—you didn’t,” she muttered softly, shoulders slumping slightly, “Guys, I told you before, don’t get me any of those expensive shoes—”
“Yeah, well, we ignored that,” Nick shrugged, keeping his hand held out towards her.
“Ree, you’re family,” Matt said, his brown eyes warmly looking at her, “We care a lot about you—and when family is feeling down and depressed—you do anything to make them feel better. Every time I’ve been down, you’re always there for me, so let us be there for you. Let us do this—for you.”
“You guys,” Emery whispered, her eyes tearing up instantly. She nudged past Nick’s outstretched arm and wrapped her own arms around both brothers, hugging both at once. Pulling away and stepping back, Emery used the back of her hands to dry the tears that had fallen.
“Fine—but if you insist on buying me things, make it not-shoes. Buy me other things, sparkly things, anything. Just not shoes,” Emery told them, gently taking the bag from Nick.
“Can’t promise anything,” the younger Jackson smirked mischievously, earning a playful glare from Emery.
“Which ones did you get me?” she asked, peering into the bag to view the tags on the boxes. One box was labeled ‘Air Max 90 Unlocked Prom Edition,’ and the other read ‘Air Max 90 Futura’.
“Ones that you’ll like. Besides—if you’re joining us ringside, you gotta at least look like a Jackson,” Nick joked.
“You got the hair, eyes, and attitude. Just missing the shoes,” Matt smiled.
Looking up from the boxes, she smiled warmly at the brothers, “Thank you. Really.”
“Like we said. You’re family—and we take care of family.”
To her, they were the best family she could have ever wished for; one that she never imagined having, but counted her lucky stars that she had.
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chachika-nonsense · 2 years
The trackpoint - essay :)
Wrote this essay in school. The teacher chuckled lol
I spammed random weird adjectives for half of the essay
A keyboard trackpoint is a red, wiggly button on the keyboard that works as a cursor. Today, I shall share about my story of me and my trackpoint. While searching for a seat during computer class, I was approached by a new student named Hema and was requested to sit with her. She had a new branded black gaming computer. On the contrary, I had an trashy, stinky, stupid, low-quality, dumb and low-budget computer that functions as slow as a snail. One day, I discovered a trackpoint on the keyboard that I can use to wiggle around. Due to this, I was grateful of my computer despite of its horrible, absurd and ridiculous lag. Everything was so far so good, until Hema got annoyed and jealous because I will not stop playing with the trackpoint. Once, the trackpoint fell off the keyboard. While attempting to place it back to its initial position, Hema stole it and decided to throw it out of the window onto the stupid, trashy, ugly and fat white van that was used to transport students to the sports field every Friday. Then, I travelled to my classmate, Prasad's computer and stole his trackpoint from his keyboard. Luckily, Prasad's attempt to search for it failed miserably. I did not regret it!
The next year, a new student called Eddie arrived at school. Hema as well as Eddie became enemies and would often fight to become my best friend. Unfortunately, none of them is my best friend because the trackpoint was the only friend that I needed. Hema is a cockroach, she is very annoying. I tried to murder Hema and Eddie with a tragic, dramatic water fight so I could play with the trackpoint more often. Sadly, my efforts of trying to exterminate them was a huge, monstrous failure and was turned into the worst, biggest, most awful, tragic, atrocious despair inducing event in history, which caused huge chaos in the school. Wow! At the end of the event, ten students passed away and were banished from existence, four students were badly injured and a few school properties were destroyed as well as turned into ashes. Woefully, Hema and Eddie did not die.
Eventually, Hema got bored of trying to get my attention. After a few weeks, she stopped talking to me and started listening to music instead. In addition, me and Eddie got separated into different classes. Therefore, his stupid, smelly presence was never seen again. A coronavirus pandemic had occurred and I never saw my trackpoint ever again.
Word count: 423
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borntobecheap · 2 years
"Georgiana, a more vain and absurd animal than you, was certainly never allowed to cumber the earth. You had no right to be born; for you make no use of life. Instead of living for, in, and with yourself, as a reasonable being ought, you seek only to fasten your feebleness on some other person's strength: if no one can be found willing to burden her or himself with such a fat, weak, puffy, useless thing, you cry out that you are ill-treated, neglected, miserable. Then, too, existence for you must be a scene of continual change and excitement, or else the world is a dungeon: you must be admired, you must be courted, you must be flattered.—you must have music, dancing, and society—or you languish, you die away. Have you no sense to devise a system which will make you independent of all efforts, and all wills, but your own? Take one day; share it into sections; to each section apportion its task: leave no stray unemployed quarters of an hour, ten minutes, five minutes, include all; do each piece of business in its turn with method, with rigid regularity. The day will close almost before you are aware it has begun; and you are indebted to no one for helping you to get rid of one vacant moment: you have had to seek no one's company, conversation, sympathy, forbearance: you have lived, in short, as an independent being ought to do. Take this advice: the first and last I shall offer you; then you will not want me or any one else, happen what may. Neglect it—go on as heretofore, craving, whining, and idling—and suffer the results of your idiocy: however bad and insufferable they may be. I tell you this plainly; and listen: for though I shall no more repeat what I am now about to say, I shall steadily act on it. After my mother's death, I wash my hands of you: from the day her coffin is carried to the vault in Gateshead church, you and I will be as separate as if we had never known each other. You need not think that because we chanced to be born of the same parents, I shall suffer you to fasten me down by even the feeblest claim: I can tell you this-_if the whole human race, ourselves excepted, were swept away, and we two stood alone on the earth, I would leave you in the old world, and betake myself to the new."
Eliza Reed to Georgiana Reed (Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë)
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honeymaki · 2 years
thinkin of sendin videos of yourself in pretty panties and thigh highs while yuta n maki are on missions 😵‍💫😵‍💫 they made you stay home bc you're their precious little flower n this is how you let them know u miss them. wearing the thigh highs yuta bought you while you part your legs n hump the dildo maki always uses on you when you're together. whimperin their names as you cream all over the silicone n beg them to come home safely so they can fuck you 😞😞. worst part is, they're so busy w the mission they can't even fuck eachother to alleviate the ache between their legs. they just have to wait until they get home to ruin you </3
“Cant do it on my own,” god you sound heavenly, “I miss you, both - miss how good you make me cum, s’not the same on my own,” ending the video with a little whimper and a whine and a squelch as you grind the length of the dildo wedged between your thighs.
Separate rooms. Separate phones. The same message. The same perfect little princess begging for help, begging for them to come home and alleviate the heat, the burn, the silky mess of your cunt. It’s torture watching it, listening to you sob out their names and cum miserably when the tip of the dildo flicks your puffy clit too many times, witnessing the sheer stockings snag and roll down the fat of your thighs, salivating at the swell of your tits heaving from the lacy bra you’d decorated yourself in.
Yuuta has his cock dribbling and twitching and swelling against his thigh, Maki is three fingers deep in her heated cunt and biting her pillow to the sound of you whining her name. They can’t do a damn thing but watch and wait and plan all the things they’re going to do to you when they return, when they burst through the door to wipe your tears and feast on your needs.
The camera catches the rivulets of cream you leave behind on the dildo, the lilt in your voice as you beg, plead, sob for them to come home,
“I got all pretty for you Maki,” she humps her own hand at the way you snap the band of your garter against your thigh, “Please, I wanna - it’s not enough Maki - Yuta I want your cock so bad, so bad, wan’ you both please! I can’t stand it!” And yet, you’re humping that plastic cock like it’s your lifeline and Yuta isn’t sure whether he wants to cum all over the shining image of you crying for him, or save it for the pussy he knows is begging for him. He’s sure he can hear Maki growling through an orgasm across the hall, knows she’s betraying you and listing all the ways she’s going to ruin you when the mission ends. Maybe - maybe he should make a list too. It wouldn’t be too long really; just, you know, keeping you pretty and dolled up for him, and then stuffing your pretty princess pussy with cum.
“Soon baby,” he squeezes the base of his cock and hisses at the neglect.
“Soon princess,” Maki lathes her fingers clean, pretending it’s your cum coating them and not hers.
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