#there is no longer pressure to be done by a certain date. if i want to live amongst precarious piles of books for a week i am free to do so!
gendzl · 8 months
I am utterly exhausted and I ache all over, but we've finished moving! it took us seven full days, but it's done. I can rest now. it's over.
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deadgirldreaming · 10 days
This impressively in character letter from Alastor to Vox just after they fell out but before Alastor left to grab a carton of milk for 7 years was written by @official-alastor.
Well worth the money!
My dear Vox,
Forgive me for resorting to a more “dated” means of communication as you put it, but I’d prefer to say this from a distance. Why, you ask? Well, the truth of the matter is that I simply cannot stand your presence any longer. Your voice is grating, and I wanted to get this done as quickly and efficiently as I possibly could without having to resort to your obnoxiousness in person.
You may have guessed from my introductory paragraph what the contents of this letter will be, but let me spell it out for you. You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me. And, quite frankly, my patience with you has reached its limit. I’m done, Vox. I can’t take it anymore. Just like you can’t take no for an answer.
Your incessant pestering and clinginess has made it impossible for me to be around you. Constantly pushing your affections on me and attempting to pressure me into returning them is tactless and disrespectful. I am many things and a gentleman is certainly one of them. The same, however, cannot be said for you. As the youth of today are so fond of saying, no means no, Vox.
I do not want you. I have never wanted you. I will never want you. And you have only yourself to blame for what’s happening now. I have told you time and time again that I am completely uninterested in romance along with the more physical aspects of it. On enough occasions that even Valentino remembers and understands. Valentino! But not you. No, Vox, not you at all.
You asked me if I wanted to join you. Clearly, my answer is no. The sad part is that at one point, I would have said yes, Vox. But years of your grating behavior and unwanted advances have successfully managed to change my mind. You just don’t know how to handle rejection, and it’s one of your biggest flaws (of which you have many). I wish I could say that I’m sorry for this, but I’d be lying if I did.
In the end, Vox, I’m not sorry at all. I’m relieved. Relieved that I’ll finally be free of you. Thrilled that I’m finally putting you in your place. I waited far too long to do this. It’s certainly well overdue. It feels wonderful to finally do what I’ve wanted to do for ages now. Does it hurt your feelings? Does it break your heart? Good. Suffer. As I have had to suffer enduring your presence in my afterlife for the last several decades.
Harsh, you say? That would be the point. I can think of no other way to make certain that you fully grasp what it is that I’m trying to convey here. You went too far with me, Vox. And now you reap the rewards of your efforts. Losing me entirely. The fault lies solely with yourself, as I stated before. Read that sentence again and remember it well. You alone have driven me to this. You alone have pushed and pushed until you pushed me too far. Now I’m done, and you’re going to have to learn how to live without me if you even can.
The final straw was our fight. You know the one to which I refer. I almost beat you. Almost had you right where I wanted you. You may have gotten the upper hand in that encounter, but as they say, you won the battle but have lost the war. Your biggest mistake was thinking that you could ever own me. I’ve never been yours to possess and never will be. Ever. In the end, I win, Vox. It’s as simple as that. Failure and defeat have never been an option for me as you well know. Though I know you’re quite familiar with both as you should be.
I’ll finish this with one last statement that I hope you’ll remember along with the other contents of this letter: thank you for wasting my time. Let’s never do it again.
Did you enjoy reading this letter from Alastor to Vox? You can get your own letter from Alastor too!
@official-alastor is currently providing a service where you can buy letters or messages from Alastor to you or any character in the Hellverse.
I personally am considering buying one for either Lucifer or Adam next. Maybe a letter to Sir Pentious, it could be quite funny!
🌟 Here are the prices and payment details! 🌟
🔷️ One character letter up to 500 words - $5
🔷️ One character letter up to 1000 words - $10
🔹️ Letters emailed directly to the buyer once complete.
🔹️ Cash App or PayPal accepted.
Any questions just ask @official-alastor !
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figgrrr0 · 1 year
Hey! can i request some fluff where tighnari has a significant other who is deathly afraid of bees. reader tries to hide it and play it off, but eventually tighnari figures it out somehow? thank you so much, i love your writing!
-cherry sprite anon
Sorry for the wait, getting Ayaka's materials has been keeping me busy 🙏
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Tighnari's S/O is scared of bees
Reader: Gn // Genre: Fluff // No CWs
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Over your time dating Tighnari, you'd come to learn that he was surprisingly in tune with your feelings; or, more so that he knew the signs that something was wrong. As your time together grew longer, certain things started to add up.
For instance, Tighnari had always wondered why you seemed hesitant to go outside during the hotter, more humid days of the year, particularly during the summer. At first, he just thought that you struggled to endure the heat. But when the excuses and soft letdowns became more common, he figured that it was something more. It disappointed him when you rejected his offers of coming out for the day with him, whether it be to join him on his surveys of the area, or even for a date that he'd planned. If it meant that you'd be out in the forest for longer than an hour or two, you weren't likely to go – especially when it involved a picnic.
Tighnari couldn't bring himself to be annoyed, though. There was obviously some kind of reason for you to be so cautious, and although he wanted to be able to relieve you of your anxiety, he could only do that if you told him the cause of your worrying. However, everytime he tried bringing up the mysterious topic, hoping to get some clarity to your thoughts, you'd gradually become more nervous as you thought about it. Things like biting your nails or scratching certain areas of your skin, the tensing of your body or the facial expressions you'd make; he'd catch onto them all, and when your difficulty to share the problem became obvious, Tighnari let it go.
Thinking about the topic was obviously uncomfortable for you, and while it wasn't causing a major issue with your relationship (maybe a few minor setbacks), he didn't want to put you under too much pressure. Plus, the nervous laugh and appreciative look you'd send his way when he dropped the topic let him know that he was making the right choice. You'd tell him when you were ready; he was sure of it.
Unfortunately, you wouldn't get the chance...
Tighnari runs through the forest, desperate to get to you as fast as possible. You'd screamed, a shrill sound full of terror, and he couldn't get to you fast enough – even though he was there within the minute. But the scene that he was met with wasn't as easy to discern as he'd expected, nor was it as dangerous...
You were standing there, breathing a bit faster than usual, and your eyes wide. But apart from that, nothing was wrong, visually. You were even trying to play it off as a near fall over a stray root and over-reaction. But you'd screamed for a different reason; and Tighnari needed to know what it was.
He'd hush your excuses, insisting on giving you a quick check over as you explained the situation. As sarcastic as he could usually be, Tighnari was far too worried to react in that way in the moment, even going so far as to use his "puppy eyes" against you when you tried to pull away and save face. It was super effective.
Once he understood, he'd click his tongue in annoyance. Of course, he's not annoyed at you; he understands that irrational fears can be... irrational, and that you can't really control what you're scared of. But he is upset that you couldn't trust him with this information outright. It's not like he'd make fun of you, right?
Wrong. Tighnari would absolutely tease you for this once everything is over and done with, even making little jokes at your expense about it. But it would always be light hearted. Tighnari's sass may be a bit much at times, but he'd never make you feel bad or cross the line, even doing a quick check in a minute or two later to make sure he hadn't gone too far.
During the big moment where everything had come to a head, though, Tighnari would automatically turn on his mentor mode: attempting to soothe your fears and trying to come to an understanding with you that bees are more beneficial than they are harmful to people and the environment. In short, Tighnari would try his best to convince you into a calmer mindset when it comes to these creatures.
Of course, he knew that he couldn't just cure you of your phobia by explaining things to you, but he hoped that giving you a more detailed understanding of the bees would be able to open a pathway in which there was a future that you weren't so paranoid in their presence. But even if that didn't happen, he'd always be there to play the hero.
(Tighnari wouldn't admit it, but he secretly likes being able to "save" you from the bees when you get scared. Now that he knows the problem you were having isn't as big a deal as he'd thought, he can appreciate how cute you are when you're scared before swooping in to save the day).
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Want to send a request/brainrot with me? Check my rules!
Thank you for reading! 🩷
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torreshalstead · 10 days
a battle between heart and mind
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Summary - Her heart wanted to pull him into her arms and fall back to what they had been but her mind knew she wasn’t ready for that yet, they weren’t ready.
But he was offering her small doses, small steps towards being them again. But was that enough?
Post 6x10 fic
Notes - I know the elevator scene wasn’t to everyone’s taste but I could feel all the hope for healing between them and I think Tim admitting he ruined what they had was a big step for him. I’m hopeful (certain!) we will get Chenford back next season and this will only make them stronger but I couldn’t resist writing a little something for them with that hope in mind. I hope you enjoy ❤️ AO3 Link
‘And I will spend the rest of my life trying to pay it back, in whatever small doses you allow,’ Tim said, his voice gentle, kind and caring. This was the Tim that Lucy missed with every fibre of her being.
She had to clench her fists at her side so as not to reach and stroke her fingers across his cheek, gently trace the bruise by his eye, find the comfort in his arms that she had the last time she was in this elevator with him.
‘Goodnight,’ he said when the doors dinged open a moment later, although that moment felt like an eternity to Lucy as she battled with her heart and her mind. The former wanted to touch him and hold him, the latter knowing they weren’t there yet, he had hurt her and he had broken them. His words were an apology, a healing balm but the wound was still smarting, still too fresh to completely heal.
She watched as he walked down the corridor towards the parking garage, the same corridor just weeks before they would have walked down arm in arm or with his large hand encompassing her smaller one, giggling about their plans for the evening or just enjoying the comfortable silence. When some people took the leap from friends to something more, there was an awkwardness to it, an unnatural gait that took a while to get through but for them it had felt natural. Like it was only logical that they would have ended up as something more. That falling in love was as easy as breathing, well once they got over the slightly awkward first date and worry that someone would spot them. It had never been awkward between them, they had just always been them.
She shook her head slightly, pulling herself back into the present. You couldn’t live in the past if you wanted to have any hope of the future you craved.
Lucy followed behind him a few paces back, the distance growing greater with her shorter strides not matching his longer ones. She hadn’t noticed how much he must have slowed down his pace when they walked together, she had never had to jog to keep up with him - they were always side by side. Just one of the many tiny things he had done without comment or pressure because he cared for her.
Loved her.
Loves her.
He had ruined it between them, and in that moment and the painful and bitter days that had followed she had felt like it was ruined beyond compare. But she realised she no longer felt that way.
He had listened to her and had gone to therapy, sure his choice of therapist hadn’t turned out to be the best but if you had asked her a year ago or even 6 weeks ago if Tim Bradford would go to a therapist of his own volition, Lucy would have laughed in your face. But he had admitted it, acknowledged that he thought it was helping him. He was trying.
And that’s all she had ever wanted him to do, to try.
They were both a little messed up in their own way, she knew she was ladened with baggage from her parents and their disapproval and he was dealing with his own issues pertaining to his father and Isobel and she was sure many other things from years in a tough job. But together it hadn’t felt like either of them were a mess, or that their relationship was messy.
She hadn’t lied when she had said it was the most important relationship in her life. And that was before it truly became the most important relationship in her life.
She missed him.
She cared about him.
She still loved him and knew that no matter what happened she always would.
But she wouldn’t carry a torch for him. She wouldn’t be the girl who sat around and waited for a guy who didn’t care enough to fix what he had broken.
But hadn’t his words today proved to her that he cared enough to fix it. Hadn’t the conversation just now told her that he was taking responsibility for it, that he had owned up to his mistakes and knew that it couldn’t be fixed with a hug and a kiss. He wanted to prove to her that he had changed, to earn her back. Be the man she deserved.
She let her head fall back against the headrest, unsure how she had even made it into her car, her mind was too full of Tim to think straight.
It was always too full of Tim.
She had meant to drive back to her apartment. She truly had.
But here she was, parked outside his house, his truck in the driveway, the light on in the kitchen.
It was although in the battle between her heart and mind, the heart had won this round.
She didn’t know what she wanted to say to him, wasn’t sure she could even form a coherent sentence right now but her body was firmly on autopilot and she was out of her car before she could second guess herself.
As she approached the door, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. Although they had spent most nights at her apartment - her bed was far comfier and it was closer to the station meaning they could spend longer enjoying the aforementioned fact, they had also spent time here. He had kissed her on this porch, the ice cream they had bought to make sundaes with, abandoned and melting at their feet.
They once had almost had to strip down to their underwear on the very same porch having been caught in a torrential downpour on a walk with Kujo who had enjoyed the muddy puddles a little too much and proceeded to cover them both in mud which Tim was adamant couldn’t be brought into the house.
She had had a key to this door, one that she would use even if she wasn't sure he was home. He had told her it was her home too and she had always felt that way.
But now it felt different.
It felt like an unknown land, a line she wasn’t sure she had permission to cross. What had previously been welcoming now felt alien.
But she drew in a breath and raised her fist to knock, pushing down the worry bubbling up inside her.
‘Lucy,’ Tim said, confusion colouring his voice as he opened the door and saw her standing there. She watched as his eyes skimmed down her body quickly, not in a seductive manner but full of concern that she might be injured and that was the reason for her intrusion. ‘Are you okay?’
It wasn’t accusatory, if anything it was the opposite. It was full of care, full of concern and Lucy thought maybe she heard a twinge of hope woven between the words.
She nodded, ‘the elevator stopped before I could respond,’ she said, looking up at him, his familiar eyes soft with tiredness.
‘You didn’t need t-’ he started but stopped himself. ‘I just wanted to tell you, I didn’t expect you to say anything.’
‘I know you didn’t. And that’s why I wanted to.’
He took a small step back, leaving a gap wide enough for her to pass through. ‘Do you want to come in?’
Lucy nodded, ignoring the sparks of electricity that crackled across her skin as her arm brushed his chest lightly as she entered the house.
‘Drink?’ He offered as the awkwardness of the situation settled on the both of them.
‘Just water, please,’ she responded.
Tim walked over to the small kitchenette and busied himself with fetching her a glass of water. Lucy took a moment to look around.
Nothing had changed since she had last been here, the framed photographs of Genny and the boys still hung on the wall, the couch was still perfectly positioned in front of the flat screen TV for optimal sports viewing. Her eyes lingered on a frame on the nest of tables next to the couch. It was of her.
More accurately it was of them.
It was one of the cheesy selfies she had made him take, his eyebrows were scrunched in an exaggerated frown but even from this distance and the black and white of the image, Lucy could see the softness in his eyes. She was smiling wide, her loose hair hanging in curls down by her shoulders as she pressed her cheek close to his to fit them both into frame.
It was one of her favourite photos of them.
It wasn’t the most perfect image, it was even a little blurry as Lucy remembered giggling as she took it and her hand shook when she laughed. But it was them. And they were happy.
Tim returned with the glass and handed it over, his fingers lingering slightly as they made contact with hers. Lucy made no effort to break the contact, keeping her eyes locked on the place where their hands were touching.
It was Tim who took a seat on the couch and severed the connection, Lucy followed suit, taking a seat next to him.
She felt her heart beating heavily inside her chest and wondered if he could hear it from his close proximity. He had always said that he found her heartbeat soothing when he had laid his head on her chest.
‘Small doses,’ she said after the silence had lingered for a fraction too long. ‘I can do small doses.’
Tim looked at her, an apprehensive smile tugging on his lips.
‘I’m not saying it’ll fix everything,’ she continued. ‘But small doses, small steps might get us back to where we were.’
‘That’s all I want,’ Tim said softly. ‘I won’t rush you Lucy, I know the part I played in this but I want to make it right.’
‘I know you do,’ she said a little louder than a whisper. She wanted to take his hand in hers, to feel the calming sensation of his forefinger tracing patterns across her skin but she held back. Small doses was what he had suggested and what she had agreed to. She couldn’t risk her heart anymore by jumping back into it with too much haste.
‘I’m proud of you, I didn’t say it earlier,’ she added, smiling gently at Tim who looked a little taken aback by her words so she continued. ‘For going to therapy. For wanting to make that change. I know that wouldn’t be easy for you.’
‘It wasn’t,’ Tim admitted, the vulnerability that he saved just for her creeping in through the cracks in his armour. ‘But you were right, about everything. I’m going to continue with it, well after I find a new therapist.’
‘Maybe keep the talk of our bedroom antics to a minimum this time,’ Lucy said lightly.
‘I’ll do my best,’ Tim said with a smirk.
A silence settled over them again but this time it was lighter. The words they had spoken today, the truths they had shared had helped to alleviate some of the burden that had been sitting on both their shoulders.
‘Do you want to stay for dinner?’ Tim asked to break the silence.
‘Not today, small doses, remember,’ Lucy said with a slightly sad smile, pushing off of the couch so she was standing. ‘Ask me next week,’ she added, an image forming in her mind of the previous time she had told him to ask her again.
‘Okay,’ Tim nodded. ‘Next week.’
‘Goodnight Tim,’ she said, stopping her movement towards the door to turn back and look at him.
‘Goodnight Lucy,’ he said, the corners of his mouth turning up hopefully.
As she closed the door behind her, she was suddenly thankful that both her mind and her heart had won today. Her mind had kept her in control in that elevator and stopped her from taking a giant step she wasn’t ready to take yet and her heart had brought her here, to take a small step that she both could and wanted to manage.
She had meant what she had said to Tim, small doses might get them back to where they were and Lucy realised as she glanced back over her shoulder to the house that belonged to the man she loved, she wanted that more than anything.
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
❝  you can go harder.  i’m okay,  i want you to.  ❞ PLS SHSHSKSHAVA
note ; gonna assume this is for austin bc that’s what the people want these days and i am here to deliver also way longer than it needs to be lmao why am I like this
warnings ; penetration? lmao
There is nothing wrong with soft, sensual sex.
Absolutely nothing. In fact, it's what you and Austin are used to, what you're used to. Four months into dating and you had been a virgin, yet to have someone break that fourth wall and take away the last morsel of innocence that lived and breathed inside of you.
He had prided himself in being the first and only man to bring you to your knees, his name being the only one to slip from your lips in a lewd manner. He was gentle the first time, gentle the second, gentle the third… until it was the norm. Predictable.
But, somehow, one summer’s evening, when your friends discuss their boyfriends breaking their back like a soft pretzel, discussing the mechanics of the butterchurner position, the idea of soft, sweet, sensual sex with your loving boyfriend dwindles down to a piece of dust and all that’s left is a fiery desire to get absolutely railed.
So, later that night, when you’re drunk off one too many aperol spritzes, and with a plan in your head to seduce your boyfriend, you resolve to tell him that he is not allowed to fuck you like you’re still a virgin. It’s forbidden.
“Aus,” You whisper, giggling as you climb into the bed that smells like his cologne and warm cashmere. He mumbles something, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he feels your slender arms wrap around the entirety of his body.
“Hi, baby,” He croaks out, voice a little deep from just waking up. You press sloppy, wet kisses down the back of his neck, around to the front, your limbs on fire as you try to contain the desire that pools between your legs, that has been manifesting since your friends opened their mouths in the first place.
“Fun girls night?” He questions sarcastically as he smells the alcohol on your breath still. You hum in agreement, gluing your lips to his. He nearly melts into you, hands cupping your cheeks as he kisses you longingly; and as always, it’s just a little too soft for your liking.
You pull away, looking into his eyes that are still bright blue as ever, even in the room that is lit by only a lamp. “I want you to fuck me.”
Austin looks like he’s about to have a heart attack.
“What?” He finally musters out, the sleep completely disintegrated from his body as he struggles to comprehend what his girlfriend, his sweet angel girlfriend who doesn’t even like to kill spiders, could possibly be saying to him at 1:30 a.m.
There’s a glimmer of something behind your eyes, something he’s never seen before and that he can’t quite put his finger on. It’s dark, seductive, like you’re an animal in heat who can’t reach a finish in time. You repeat your statement, “I want you to fuck me, Austin.”
“Right now?” He adjusts his position in the bed, leaning up the against the frame, and pulling you onto his chest.
“Right now.”
In the year that you two had been dating, he had never heard you ask him to “fuck.” You two were well-reserved individuals who enjoyed the simplicity of a mattress and romantic music echoing in the background. So now this, this was not his expertise.
But, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, he’s a boy, a boy with needs and wants, so when his beautiful girlfriend asks him to fuck, he’s going to do so. Even if it is indeed 1:30 in the morning. There’s not an ounce of shame in your body, and you’re certain it’s hidden behind the aperol spritzes and the hype-up you recieved from your best friends.
Then, before he has a chance to mull over his options, you press your lips against his, a mess of teeth and lips and tongue that’s more filth than romance. He readjusts his stance on the mattress again, accommodating your pace and pressure, letting you take the ropes. And it’s a foreign feeling, not just for you but him as well, and it makes his heart flutter and his boxers tighten around his waist as he can’t control the arousal that circles in his chest.
He tucks an arm around your body, flipping you over so that his body weight lingers over you. You note that he’s shirtless and just in his boxer briefs, and for a moment, you feel guilty that you woke him up from his slumber. Then he lets his nimble fingers swiftly play with the zipper of your jeans and that all washes away.
You let him unzip your jeans, tugging them off your legs hastily as your lips wander down to his neck, kissing him, sucking on his sweet spot that you know is just below his ear. He lets out a whimper, flinging your jeans across the room and focusing back on your body that’s laid out all for him. Normally, at this point, you two would slow down, savor the moment, turn on a sensual song to get you in the mood. But you just continue on down this golden path, drunk and high off the feeling of Austin pressing your hips into the mattress.
“Aus, please, I need you,” You sound absolutely pathetic. You know you do. But you hope it’s enough to fuel him, get him to shut off that pretty little mind of his that’s littered with fears of hurting you during sex. As if he could ever.
He thinks it’s wrong. He doesn’t know why but he does. But the little part of his brain that tells him to think, tells him to do, shuts off and commands him to follow his animalistic urges.
He doesn’t even take off your underwear, just slips down his boxers, jerking himself off a few times before slipping your panty to the side and running the tip of his cock through your needy folds. You yelp, biting your lips in anticipation. His eyes are still droopy and lidded with drowsiness, but something else is sparkling behind them. He places one of his large hands on your knee, spreading your thighs apart as far as the restraint of your panty will let, pad of his thumb imprinting on your hips as he slides in with ease.
You let out a sigh of relief in unison. It’s the same feeling it always is, the way he stretches out your entire body, reaches a part of you that isn’t even feasible. Your lower back is being pressured by one of your mattress' numerous lumps as your body is positioned lazily across the top covers at an angle. But all you're feeling is a bit of pressure since you're too preoccupied with the feeling of Austin’s cock filling you up to the brim to care about anything.
He thrusts a few times, allowing you to adjust to the way your walls clench around his length. You let out a few measly noises, eyes trained on the way his abdominal muscles retract with every movement. And it’s enjoyable, it’s comfortable, the pace with which he fucks you with. But it’s not enough. It’s not what you need.
You prop yourself up on your elbows, batting your eyelashes at him. “You can go harder. I’m okay, I want you to.”
“Holy shit.” Is all he can really respond to that. He bites his lips, a moment of hesitation plaguing his thoughts as he looks down at his cock half-inside you. Somehow, with your body connected to his in a painfully beautiful way, every worry drips away, goes down some imaginary trash can as he pushes himself inside of you, fully. And then he slides back out, arm reaching out to wrap around your neck as he increases his tempo, perspiration beading at his forehead as he slams into you with his entire length.
It’s just the sound of skin slapping, your strangling moans, and the bed-frame squeaking with every unrelenting thrust he pounds into you. His grip tightens around your neck, eyes connecting with yours, and he says, “You gonna be a good girl and take it all for me?”
You think you might be in heaven.
thank you for joining my 3.5k celly! requests are now closed.
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dipplinduo · 3 months
So, I'm really looking to write a Dipplinshipping series myself and I really love the depth that you go into for S&D Dipplins (and its related spinoffs, I am very up to date).
Do you have any tips for keeping up with/writing longer works? I think my idea may take at least 10 chapters, but I've never been able to finish anything but oneshots before... I admire your consistency with the quality of your work (there has not been a single miss, not a one) and I hope to be able write like you one day.
No pressure to come up with anything if you don't know what to say. Regardless of anything, I hope this message reaches you well and that you have a fantastic day!
Omg I love writing talk asks and I'm so touched that you thought to ask me this question!
I'm gonna share stuff I found helpful to keep in mind:
- Take your time with storytelling. The advantage of having more chapters is that you can reallllyyyy enjoy your pacing. One way I do this is through gradual hints and breadcrumbs that build to the major plot points. It's a fun way to develop your story over time while keeping readers interested and theorizing. And when you're not focusing on the main plot, you can focus on other aspects of the story.
- Outlines and general note pages for your fic as a whole are your best friends. They will do the work of keeping track of different story elements for you.
- Listen to your readers. Their feedback is invaluable. If you get a lot of comments about something people seem to be enjoying, this may suggest that it's part of the voice of your fic. It can help you figure out what you'd want to emphasize more down the line - whether it be through side stories or through the main plot.
- Switch up some dynamics overtime. If you find yourself feeling stuck because you feel like you're trying to write similar kinds of moments, thoughts, or dialogues, this is a sign that it's time for you to move on and shake things up. I've done this with Kieran & Juliana in S&S D after I felt I have described Kieran seeing Juliana as a witch (who he has a hard time resisting lmao) so many times.
- Flush out the roles of supporting characters. They don't need their own character arcs, and they don't need to be focal points of the story. But they can influence some events, and it can help with the movement of your fic. (E.g. I often use Drayton to instigate moments one way or another, and this suits his character given that hes relatively chaotic neutral).
- Focus on the quality of telling your story first and foremost; you do not need the permission of certain chapter "markers" to progress. You don't need to wait for Chapter 10 or 15 or whatever to have a big moment happen. If everything is set up and ready to go, just do it. This is why a big moment of S&S D happens in Chapter 9 rather than Chapter 10; there was enough in place and I felt dragging it out would've diminished the moment. No one's really gonna care that much about how things line up to a chapter number. They're gonna be happy they got a big moment, and if anything, your ability to break this norm can keep readers on their toes.
- On the opposing ends of things, know when you have enough in a chapter to stop even if you know where you're going next. If you flushed out descriptions of someone's feelings or some scenery or whatever, and you feel you have enough? It's okay to stop writing and publish. Giving yourself more time to soak on ideas can improve the way you're going to pick up where you left off. I personally don't have a hard rule around this, but I tend to cut things off at the 15-20 page mark for a chapter of S&S D.
- If you feel like you're writing a filler chapter, think of ways it can build to your overarching story. You really don't need filler chapters if you think about it - even if you want to delay going somewhere specific. So if your work could be summed up when completed, what would you want someone to say? Think of ways you can slip in gradual storytelling from multiple angles - whether it be through plot or through some of the lighter moments (that may build to the heart of the fic like found family or dorm life or whatever). This can help breathe life into any chapter update.
- Remember that by taking your time, you're actually developing the voice of your writing and of the story. My original conception of S&S D and where it's at now are wildly different, and that's because there's no rushed time table. That goes for the storyline, the characters, the plot points - everything. LMAOOO, even the beach episode content is going to be very different because I gave myself permission to delay it until I figured out the exact roles I want Paldean Squad to play! It was a better decision that will lead to better characterization (even though I'm nonetheless very grateful for people's patience).
- Write on your timetable, not anyone else's. I occasionally put due dates on myself to get me going (e.g. by teasing a chapter update), but I never promise that I'll have chapters out on a weekly basis or whatnot for anything I write - S&S D related or not. This is deliberate. Life happens and the last thing you need is to write for the sake of writing and nothing else. I feel it's the easiest way to kill your passion if it becomes stressful for you.
- Lean into what inspires you. I find a LOT of motivation through comments, reactions, asks, fanart, etc., so I make it a point to respond to every comment on AO3 and engage continuously with the community on here and whatnot. I've also been loosely inspired by art pieces that have nothing to do with my work. This is just what works for me, though. Sometimes you might be inspired by other media, or maybe by things that you've seen or experienced in your own life. Whatever it is, draw from it.
Hmmm that's what comes to mind for now. Happy to give more later if they come up, & hope this helps! Best of luck with writing YOU GOT THISSSSS 🤗💛
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tarabyte3 · 9 months
I don't want to pressure you!! But I'm so excited for the next chapter of TDMUS 😫😫Please give us a sneak peek--or a hint about what's coming? I would appreciate it so much!!!
First, I'm SO glad you're enjoying The Devil Makes Us Sin! 💕 I'm ecstatic that people like this slow descent into corruption and debauchery. Second, you'll be pleased to know I'm over 3.5k words into the next chapter and it's all plotted out. I can't promise when it will be done, but I have been working on it! (Though perhaps not as quickly as I would like.)
So just for you Anon, here's a snippet from Chapter 4 (without final edits so it may change slightly in the final draft). Enjoy 😉😏
The next morning, you sleep in until a gloriously late hour. Just because you can. And because last night was emotionally exhausting—you're certain the wine didn't help. Even when you're no longer tired, you lie in bed, wrapped in the warmth of your blankets, and bask in the knowledge that you never have to go back to that office ever again.
Or speak to your mother.
You feel untethered, but not adrift. No, you know exactly which direction you're headed and now you have the freedom to do so.
Eventually you resume your search for a new bed on your phone as well because you start to think about how blissful this would have been on a comfortable mattress. With silk sheets. And a new nightgown. Oh, maybe something with lace. Or silk. Or, even better, something sheer that barely covers your ass.
You also think about how much David would enjoy all of those things.
You start off looking at sleepwear that leans more sensible than sexy, but as you begin to wonder what David would think of each one, you quickly find yourself clicking on more and more revealing pieces.
It's when you're looking at a see through, drapey number that comes off with only a clasp between your breasts that your phone buzzes with a new text message.
You grin because you wondered how long it would be before he reached out to you. Now you're absolutely certain he's keeping tabs on you and saw how racy your searches were getting. Part of you was doing it on purpose—baiting him until he couldn't resist any longer. Even if it gave him away.
Are you enjoying your first day of freedom?
"Immensely. I haven't even gotten out of bed yet." You feel very smug as you hit send because now you've added the thought of you in bed to his mental image of the lingerie.
Is that so? Sounds as though you're having a lovely morning.
Any other exciting plans for the day?
"Not unless you count a date with a book on my nightstand."
Depends on what kind of book.
"Well, there are two of them for me to choose from. One is a murder mystery. The other is a steamy romance novel." It's a lie. You have two art history books and an Amedeo Modigliani biography on your nightstand.
I see. Two very different types of thrilling.
"Exactly. On one hand, the murder mystery would stimulate my brain."
It takes a minute longer for you to get a response to that.
And what would the romance novel stimulate?
"My heart, David. What else?" You grin at your phone.
"Now tell me which one you would like best."
If I had to choose between the two, I would prefer the murder mystery.
"Of course you would. But I meant which of the lingerie you would like best. Because I know you were watching."
There's another pause.
All of them.
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merakiui · 9 months
ohhhh i love hearing abt ur process!
Btw do you live in a dorm or at home? And if you do live in a dorm, how do you deal with noise and outside stressors? When you have writer's block or you write something and it just doesnt 'fit' to you, what do you do from there? Is there ever a time you wrote and regretted going the route you went when there were multiple options during brain storming? How do you choose a character when you have a really delish prompt that fits for soooo many people? Have you ever given writing a break? How do you keep from having fandom burnout or losing interest in a fandom? How long does it take for you to write your daily asks/concepts (as opposed to your longer fics)? Do you use bullet points or do you prefer to write a hard draft that is more like the finished piece? Aaaand last but not least, what is your editing process like?
Omg omg thank you for so many questions aaaaaaa!!! >w< I'm happy you like to hear about my process!
Do I live in a dorm or at home? How do I deal with noise and outside stressors?
I live in a dorm. Noise and outside stressors don't bother me much. I have learned to tune such things out and coexist with it. I actually don't mind it; sometimes noise is comfortable. But for things like studying which require silence and focus, I often go to the library. :D I'll write there if I've finished everything on my academic schedule.
When I have writer's block or write something that doesn't "fit," where do I go from there?
I leave the scene as it is and move to another one so that I can come back and try again at a later date. Or I'll read through it and attempt to find where the "disconnect" starts so that I can either rework the scene, cut parts out, or trash it altogether. If I'm very desperate and attached to the scene, I'll write it to finishing even if it doesn't fit at first and then go back to review and revise it. And if I have writer's block with an overall piece, I'll write something else to give myself a break so that I can return to the wip with a fresh, motivated mind.
Is there a time in which I wrote something and regretted the route it went when there were multiple options?
Aaaa hmmm,,,, it's not fandom fanfiction, but in a work I wrote for my ocs I killed one of them off and I do regret it a little because her character wasn't explored as much before her death. >_< if I ever write more for that work, I would like to provide more insight into her life and what she was like through the eyes of the characters who knew her.
How do I choose a character when I have a really delish prompt that can fit many others?
I think about character dynamics, chemistry, themes, setting, and much more when deciding who to use for a concept. I tend to default to Scaramouche and Octavinelle when writing just because I'm so in love with them, but for plots like alpha!Vil with an omega!reader (which was originally an idea I had for Floyd, but I put Vil in the concept because it's much more delicious) I think about how it might work if taken a certain way with [insert character here] as opposed to another way with [insert character here]. The time loop concept was something I initially wanted to explore with Jade because he's calculating and ruthless, but then I thought it would be much better suited to a character like Rook for reasons that I won't list due to fic spoilers hehe.
Have I ever given writing a break?
I don't think I have done so before. :o the idea of it feels unimaginable because writing is such a treasured hobby of mine.
How do I prevent fandom burnout/losing interest in a fandom?
For me, it's a matter of enjoying the fandom at your own pace. I'm still completing book six in twst and I have yet to do Scaramouche's story quest in genshin (although I'm stalling because I still don't know what to name him T_T). Don't feel pressured to keep up with everything in your fandom circle. Also, taking breaks and indulging in other hobbies/interests helps me to avoid burnout or losing interest. And talking about the fandom with others can also help to keep your interest. It's always very fun to exchange thoughts and brain rot with others!!
How long does it take to write daily asks/concepts as opposed to longer fics?
Not very long! I can write a lot when I'm inspired. It also helps that the asks/concepts are like bite-sized snacks that can be enjoyed leisurely, so I just write my thoughts as they come to me.
Do I use bullet points or do I prefer to write a hard draft that is more like the finished piece?
It's a mix of both! My bullet points are often written in two ways: either they are detailed and eloquent or they are unhinged. This is one of my scene notes for tmdg (this scene has been scrapped, so it isn't a spoiler)!
Tumblr media
As you can see, it's wildly silly. ^^;;;; but I read these notes and something activates in my brain like: I read you loud and clear, boss!!!! For the most part I try to follow my outline and the scene bullet points, but there have been many cases where I've done something different than what I originally planned because I felt it would be better.
What is my editing process like?
Lengthy. I read through the entire draft to proofread and then I take it scene by scene to look for other errors or things that I may want to revise/add at the last minute. And then I'll read through it again in its entirety to make sure everything looks good. After that, I read it again because I often feel nervous that I missed something. ^^;;; but I often view the final reading as a means of giving the fic a homemade lunch and a kiss on the cheek before I send it on its way. :D
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lindszeppelin · 9 months
Tin foil hat theory: they’ll break up mid September.
Now, I’m not as certain they are PR as you are but my theory works for both options.
We all agree their body language is weird (well anyone who has a fully developed brain and a non 12 year old view of what a healthy relationship is) but Kaia has looked more off lately when usually she was fawning over him or posing while he looked annoyed. Now she’s also looking disconnected.
So let’s say they are real and not PR; everyone who’s been in longer relationships knows they sometimes die slowly. Speaking for myself, I once knew a now ex and I weren’t gonna make it but it took forever to break up. It was always something, including birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Like I would have felt like a huge jerk if I broke up with him the weeks leading up to his birthday. And honestly, I wanted to make sure we were really not going to repair ourselves so I didn’t mind waiting for a few milestone dates to pass to be sure. But I was white knuckling it. By mid September they’ll both have had their birthdays. The pressure will be off and there won’t be as much excitement to distract from their issues. I could see that house of cards falling in mid September.
Ok, but if the are PR I think a similar timeframe is happening too. What’s the point of a PR relationship but to get PR? People really underestimate that not over exposing yourself with PR helps keep people interested bc then you’re mysterious. If they are PR, this is the narrative they were going for. However, they’ve been way less mysterious lately. Tons of pap walks, activities (like pottery), and this latest pap dinner in Beverly Hills was more Austin centric when they tend to be more Kaia or both centric. He looked like a movie star and she was the trophy gf, instead of these casual hikes or weird get together where they are a bit more casual. Think about it: go out with a bang. Get more press, remind the public you’re a thing (many do forget they are dating who are not in the fan base as weird as that may sound-at least that’s been my experience) and then it’ll be even more shocking when they split…which will KEEP the public interested in them and whatever comes next. I feel like we’ve been overloaded with pap pics this summer after a drought…I doubt that’s an accident. They both had things to promote but both of those things are now out and yet last night felt like the most egregious “Hollywood couple in Beverly Hills date night pap walk” ever.
But if they’re real something is off and if they’re PR it’s being revved up for a reason. I think an implosion is coming or is about to be staged. I’m calling it now that this will fall apart in a few weeks. If they’re still together by the end of September, I’m wrong 😅 But I’m calling it! I’d say before or around 9/21 they’ll be done…and possibly break up rumors will leak or be planted first.
baby that's not a tinfoil hat conspiracy that is a pretty sensible and realistic way to look at the situation :) i second this motion of something is coming.
these pics and the video accompanying it made me laugh this morning. i have a lot of thoughts on them but i don't have too much time to dive deep into it. maybe later tonight. but i'll just say for now that your thoughts here mirror mine. we have to monitor this weird situation and see what happens. let the chips fall where they may. the shoe has to drop at some point
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heartlessfujoshi · 8 months
flufftober day 17 - kurodai 'city of millions'
Title: City of Millions Fandom: Haikyuu!! Chapters: 4 of 6 Pairing: KuroDai (Sawamura Daichi x Kuroo Tetsurou) Rating: Teen (College AU - Banter - Tooth-rotthing Fluff - First Kisses - Love Confessions) WordCount: ~2,620 Prompt: Goal
Read: Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3
Kuroo looked at the calendar that was hanging up by his fridge, where he saw a big red line going through a full week. That week was now, and it was when Daichi was dealing with midterms. The two of them had been hanging out every weekend, pretty much all weekend long, since Daichi had wandered into his work. This week was difficult, though, because Kuroo was really jonesing to see him, but knew that he had midterms through the weekend, and wouldn’t be able to see him until it was over. On the plus side, they had a date to spend all day Monday together, as Daichi’s school was giving them the week off. 
His phone vibrated. “Two down. Only four more to go. Tell me why I decided this was something I wanted to do? :(” 
He smiled, looking at Daichi’s text. He hadn’t sent him any this week, as he knew Daichi needed to concentrate and study, and sometimes their texts ran super late into the evening. It was easier to talk about things without having to see the person you were talking with face to face, and it was fun. With his work scheduling him late nights, sometimes that was the only time free he had to connect with his boyfriend. “You got this, babe. You’re going to smoke those last four tests. I know you can do it!” He did not, though. He had no idea what Daichi was like in high school. If he was like him, there were certain subjects he excelled at, and others where he was a total loss cause. 
“See, this is why I sent you a text. I told myself not to, because I miss you so much, but I needed to hear your voice tell me that I’m doing okay.” Daichi replied back five minutes later. 
A little stutter to his heart had him sitting up, as he looked at Daichi’s text. “I’ll always cheer you on, Dai. I know how difficult school can be, and midterms suck. Why would it be any different at the college level? Now stop texting me, because we both know I can text for hours with you. :p” 
“Ha hah. Fine. Thank you for your words of encouragement, Tetsurou. I’ll text you again soon. Really looking forward to seeing you on Monday. Is seven in the morning too early for you?” 
Laughing, Kuroo typed a quick reply. “Nope. Seven is perfect. We’ll talk later about it. Go and do well on your midterms.” He struggled to not type an ‘I love you’ at the end, because he sure was feeling it, but didn’t want this to be the time he came out and professed his love to Daichi. One, his boyfriend didn’t need that right now when it was clear he was under immense pressure already. Two, he wanted it to be said in person and not over text. He’d do it on Monday. 
“With you cheering me on, how could I not? :) Thanks, Tetsurou. Talk to you soon.” Kuroo waited for the dots to appear again for a bit longer than probably necessary, but it was fine. It wasn’t harming anyone, especially himself. Hah. No, Daichi was gone, off to study some more for his next round of tests. 
His eyes went back to the calendar, and saw the heart drawn around Monday. Yeah, he for sure was going to tell him how he really felt about him. He wanted Daichi to spend the night. But he didn’t want to make Daichi feel like he was forcing him to do something he wasn’t ready to do. Kuroo was perfectly fine if they slept together on top of the sheets. It didn’t matter to him. He wanted to spend all of his time with Daichi, that was all. 
Five more days until it was Monday. He could do this. 
Sunday night, Kuroo’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He ducked into the storage room and pulled it out to read it, feeling all sorts of elation at what he read there. “Hey, Tetsurou. My brain is officially mush, but it’s over. :) Are you working tonight? If you are, what time are you done?” 
“I’m so glad you survived. I would have been pretty upset if your school did something to you that would necessitate you not being well. And I am working. Should be done with closing around eleven.” He hit send, then waited a few minutes for his reply. His tables could wait a few more minutes. 
Daichi replied a minute later. “Can I come over tonight? I figured since we were gonna meet at 7, why not just spend the night together? Or is that too much?” 
“I’ll text you my address. Be there around 11:30?” Kuroo was having trouble breathing; his heart was racing as he sent the text. He never once thought that Daichi would suggest spending the night first. He figured it would have been him to do so. 
“See you then. :) I’ve really missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too, babe. See you soon.” He finished typing, then shoved his phone back into his pocket and headed back out to work. 
It was impossible to concentrate after getting that text from Daichi. Kuroo was good at his job, though, so the distraction wasn’t detrimental to how he operated while at work. The clock, though, seemed to be moving at a glacial pace, or so it felt like as he really wanted his shift to hurry up and be over. Finally, the last customer was cashed out, and they were able to start the task of cleaning up the restaurant for tomorrow’s first shift. 
He was out the door at ten minutes after eleven, and made his way back home. He got to his apartment two minutes to eleven thirty, and as he approached his door, he saw that someone was already there, waiting for him. 
“Hello, stranger.” He went up to where Daichi was standing, and put his arms around him from behind. He felt Daichi lean back against him, letting him hold him a little closer. “Fancy meeting you here, babe.” 
“You invited me, remember?” A nervous laugh left his boyfriend’s mouth. “I got here like two minutes ago.” 
“I’m glad you weren’t waiting long.” Kuroo left a kiss on Daichi’s cheek before pulling away from him. “Why don’t you come inside?” Pulling his keys from his pocket, he unlocked his front door, and held it open for Daichi to enter first. 
Due to Daichi being busy all week, Kuroo had finally had a chance to thoroughly clean his place up, to the point where he was shocked by how clean it was. “Wow, Tetsurou. Nice place you got here!” Daichi toed off his shoes in the genkan, while he did the same. “From the way you were talking about it, I thought it was going to be awful.” 
“Well, if you had come two weeks ago, it would have been awful.” He scratched the back of his neck, chuckling softly. “I was bored this week, so I cleaned.” 
“Maybe I should ask for time alone more often.” Daichi teased, his stomach somersaulting as he turned around to face him. “I haven’t gotten a proper hello from you yet.” 
Kuroo stepped closer to Daichi, and put his arms around him. “Oya? I guess we should fix that, huh?” Lowering his head, he gave Daichi’s lips a firm kiss, pleased to feel him back in his arms again. “Are you really spending the night?” He asked, his voice a bit breathless after the kiss they shared came to an end. 
“Guess so.” Daichi rested his head on his shoulder, Kuroo quick to accommodate him in his arms. “Are you okay with that?”
“I am.” Kuroo held him close. “We don’t have to do anything, okay? We can sleep. Nothing more.” 
A deep exhale had Daichi sinking against him more. “Thank you.” 
“I know it’s a big step, and I’m not going to be the one to rush anything.” 
Daichi lifted his head, and looked into his eyes. “You really are amazing, Tetsurou. You make me so happy.” 
“Likewise, babe. Now, would you like something to drink? Or are you tired, and want to lay down now?” 
“We can hang out for a bit. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” 
“It’s been almost two weeks.” Kuroo agreed. 
“That’s a long time!” 
“I know!” 
He sat down on his couch with Daichi next to him, and put his arm around his waist, needing to be extra close to him tonight. Kuroo let Daichi talk, telling him all about the last two weeks, and how much his brain still hurt from all the studying he’d been doing in preparation for these midterms. Kuroo was thoroughly impressed by his drive, as it was something he wished he could do himself. But he was never really a good test taker. That was part of the reason why he decided to work instead of go to college - it was easier for him to make a living rather than be at the mercy of an unfair system. 
“How’ve you been?” Daichi asked, after finishing catching Kuroo up on what he’d been up to. “Work? Is Bo in town again?” 
“If he is, he hasn’t contacted me. Again, not that I’d be surprised since I know Akaashi is also on vacation this week.” Kuroo shook his head. “No, it’s just been me. I went and spent some time with Kenma last week - went over to Nekoma to see how the new team was doing.” 
“That must have been a trip.” Daichi was now reaching for his hand, which he gladly gave to him as they sat close to each other on the couch. “Was it weird?” 
“A little.” Kuroo admitted. “Strange to think that only a few months ago, I was still there. And now I’m here, with you.” He smiled. “I told Kenma about us.” 
“How’d he react?” 
“I thought he hadn’t heard me. And then he said ‘cool’. That was it.” Kuroo shrugged, remembering how Kenma really wasn’t phased either way. It could have been because he was playing a video game when he mentioned it to him, but Kuroo wasn’t about to tell that to Daichi. 
“Glad I’ve got his approval?” Daichi chuckled. “He’s a good kid.” 
“He really is.” 
Conversation started to lull, but it didn’t bug Kuroo. Daichi had had a long, difficult week, and now was finally able to decompress. And he was here with him to do that. He was as happy as all could be with Daichi in his apartment. 
They had slowly moved on the couch, from sitting side by side, to now the two of them were somehow laying horizontal on the couch, with Daichi resting mostly on top of his chest, with his back pressed against the back cushions of Kuroo’s couch, his arms around Daichi’s back. Kuroo was more comfortable than he had been on this couch. It might be because he really liked having Daichi in his arms, but he wasn’t about to say that out loud. 
“Can we go lay down?” Daichi asked, breaking the comfortable silence five minutes later. 
“We can.” 
Kuroo carefully untangled himself from Daichi, and slowly stood up off the couch. He gave Daichi his hand, helping him up. Their fingers locked as Kuroo led him to his bedroom, which was to the left of where they’d been spending time in his living room. His room was dark - not pitch black, but close. There was some light coming in from the street, shining off the wall of the building next to his, which helped to illuminate his bedroom in a soft glow. 
Daichi sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m nervous.” 
“I know.” Kuroo kneeled down in front of him. “You don’t have to be, Daichi. It’s just a bed. It isn’t a commitment.” 
“I love you.” 
His eyebrows rose up as he stared at his boyfriend. “Did you just…?” 
“I love you.” Daichi repeated, nodding his head. “I wanted to tell you last week, but I was too chicken. I’m scared now too, but I’m here. I’m not running away.” 
Reaching for his hands, he got between Daichi’s knees and raised himself up to be closer to him. “Dai, I wanted to tell you first.” He brought his forehead to his, his heart pounding hard in his chest. “I love you too. I’m really in love with you.” 
“I don’t want you to think I’m saying it so we sleep together.” 
“So you don’t want to sleep together?” He was a little confused. 
“No, I mean, have sex.” 
Ah, yes. That made more sense. “We don’t have to have sex, babe. I’m okay with how things are going right now. No pressure from me.” 
“I’ve never had it before.” 
“I know.” Kuroo knew all about Daichi, and his lack of any sort of intimate relationship. “It’s not a big deal. You’re putting more pressure on it than I am. I promise, when it happens, it’ll be when you want it to. Not because I want to.” 
Daichi hugged him tight. “I love you.” He repeated, hugging Kuroo to him. 
“I love you too.” He chuckled, happy that Daichi seemed to be doing a little better. “Let’s keep our clothes on tonight.” 
“Do you sleep naked?” 
Smirking, he moved away from Daichi, and laid down on the bed, closest to the wall. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
“I sleep in my boxers. Is that okay?” 
“Totally.” Kuroo nodded. “I can strip down to my underwear too, if that’ll make you feel better.” 
“It would.” 
“Consider it done.” 
They took off their shirts and pants, leaving only their underwear on as they got under the covers. Kuroo pulled Daichi into his arms, much like they’d been laying together on the couch. Sure, they had less clothing on now, but it was still a comfortable position. “I love you, babe.” He murmured into Daichi’s ear, pleased when he heard him release a little happy noise. “I’m glad you wanted to spend the night tonight.” 
“Me too. Here’s hoping I can sleep.” Another nervous laugh left Daichi’s mouth. 
“You will. That’s a promise.” 
It took awhile, but soon, he heard Daichi starting to snore softly. Kuroo wasn’t tired. And it wasn’t because he wanted to do something more with Daichi. No, he was floating on cloud nine because his boyfriend had stolen his love profession from him. It was fine. He would get him back somehow, someway. Hearing Daichi say those three words in the darkness of his bedroom - that was a scenario he never had pictured. It was almost relieving in a way, as it took away all the pressure he’d been putting on himself with wanting to tell Daichi he was in love with him as well. They really were good together because of that. 
He closed his eyes, and listened to Daichi breathe, trying to match his own breathing to his. His arms stayed around his body, keeping him close. Kuroo never wanted to let go, and had no intention of ever doing so. Daichi was in love with him. He hoped that when they woke up in the morning, that his boyfriend wasn’t about to have a crisis about confessing to him. If he did, Kuroo would handle it. He loved Daichi too much to let him fret over something silly like a love confession. He slowly drifted to sleep with a smile on his face, as he replayed Daichi’s confession to him over and over in his head, the last thought on his mind being how much he loved his boyfriend. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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fivedollarradio · 1 year
It’s interesting that Lena Dunham has been pulled into this; she strikes me as someone who during her career has been perhaps too responsive to a public that will never accept her. Dunham, whose work I sometimes find annoying but who’s clearly bright and talented, just can’t win it seems, mocked by people in some cultural groups as entitled and too woke and by others as PROBLEMATIC and still others as a sexual predator. She’s a favorite punching bag for various different social tendencies out there. (Yes, I am aware of the controversial passages in her book, and they strike me as an example of harmless exploration of the body that young children sometimes take part in.) And so she’s exactly the kind of person who would benefit, in my opinion, from simply saying “fuck it” and refusing to apologize for anything short of running over a grandma with her car. Where’s the upside, when you can never please people? And if Dunham is an extreme case, her basic scenario isn’t that different from those of all manner of other public figures, who find themselves under the constant pressure of having to please a fickle and exacting public. I would tell them to kick rocks. They’re going to complain about you on Twitter no matter what you do! So you might as well just tell them to fuck off. It’s a profoundly freeing feeling, when you realize that you can please no one so you no longer have to try.
This is part of a larger post on the parasocial relationship between Taylor Swft and her fans, Lena Dunham -- universally renowned horrible person --  being relevant because she is or was Taylor’s bestie. I thought it was a good analysis of Dunham and her, I guess, infamy. I read her book, and I agree with him. I’m aware of the passage he’s talking about, and I don’t think she’s a predator (her sibling doesn’t call her one, by the way), though it’s this thing we’re all supposed to accept (even, or maybe especially, those of us who haven’t read her book. You can disagree with me, call me abuse-enabler or whatever and I’m not going to change my mind on this. (Because I’ve read the fucking book!) But anyway, my opinion is that Dunham wants both to be seen as an edgy artist and a woke icon and those things just aren’t compatible. (Ask Sarah Silverman.) I remember when Girls first aired and I fully expected to hate watch it, but I didn’t? I thought it was good show. Now, it had plenty of flaws, namely depicting a strangely all-white New York, but for what it was it was pretty thought-provoking. (Or click-bait provoking if you will.) You CAN hold these two thoughts in your head and the universe won’t explode. (Also I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT telling anyone they have to like the show.) But the amount of abuse she’s gotten is out-of-proportion to anything she might have done, and men similar positions don’t. In certain online circles, it’s just accepted that Lena Dunham is horrible, and Swift’s association with her makes her horrible by proxy. Apparently Swift is dating some indie dude who is also terrible. I don’t know who he is, but I looked up a picture of him and he looked like a pile of dirty laundry so that’s that. 
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starneverson · 1 year
4/25/23 8:44a
I feel like I’m having a break through….so just follow me as my thoughts may be completely scattered.
..…when it comes to dating I feel like I’ve only ever came across men who wanted to humble me. To help feed their ego that they “broke” a strong woman. And it doesn’t make me weak, it made me naive. Something that I didn’t know until now. And it may be a game changer for me. Because I deserve top quality contenders and I shouldn’t settle. And all this time it was their fragile little egos projecting onto me, and truly nothing I’ve done. Which I already figured but nothing like reassurance.
Truly understanding, entering, and embodying the “I’m THE catch” era. And if you can’t/won’t/don’t meet my expectations then you have to go.
I used to say all the time, I’ll stroke my man’s ego…but I get it now why I shouldn’t. And imma hold myself to never do that again. Because these men have never lifted me up, only taken. And it’s worse than me taking things that money can buy because they can replenish funds…..they have taken things from me that money can’t buy, things that can’t be replaced. And I no longer have anything to give.
I’d also like to note that I put way more pressure and effort into men….than I ever have with real estate. I’m holding myself accountable. That has to change. I was told a long time ago that success is mine, it’s just certain things that I have to do. Discipline has been the main thing I struggle with. But imma hold myself accountable. I’m here so save myself.
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akaraboonline · 1 year
When Is A Guy You're Dating Expected To Sleep With You?
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Sex is probably going to happen sooner or later when you begin dating a new man. It can be challenging to determine the ideal moment to take this action, though. You don't want to jump into bed with him right away, but you also don't want to wait too long lest your chemistry fade and become just a relationship. So, when should you have your first sexual encounter with the man you're dating? Before you get sexual, the following things need to take place. When Is A Guy You're Dating Expected To Sleep With You? You’ve talked about safe sex. Simply put, you shouldn't be having sex with your partner if you can't speak about it. You shouldn't share a bed if you haven't talked about how to do it safely, such as how you'll avoid becoming pregnant unintentionally and whether he'll use a condom (which he should certainly do). Don't have sex with the man you're dating unless you're certain he has the maturity and honesty needed for it. You feel comfortable with him. Even though you might insist that you'd never sleep with a man you don't feel comfortable around, I guarantee you have. It was awkward, strange, and more than a little uneasy with him afterward, and you kind of wish you hadn't done it. Before you have sex with the man you're dating, you should feel comfortable around him. You shouldn't feel as though you need to put on a show or pretend to be someone you're not in order to keep his interest. You don’t feel like he’s coercing or pressuring you into sleeping with him. One of the worst motives for sleeping with the man you're dating would be this. Keep your clothes securely on your body if you're doing it because he won't stop talking about it, calling you "weird" for not wanting to have sex with him yet, or saying that you'd want to have sex with him if you really liked him. Don't even continue to date him any longer, much less begin sleeping with him. As soon as you can, leave. You have a real connection with him and not just sexual attraction. While it is possible for two people to engage in consensual casual sex, it is obvious that both of you are seeking for more if you spend all of your time hanging out and chatting. If that's the case, make sure you have a genuine connection with the man you're dating on some level that extends beyond a basic level of horniness because he's attractive. You don't have to be madly in love with him, but you should at least sense that there might be something more there. He’s proven himself to be consistent/not shady. When they're seeing someone new, it can be extremely difficult for many men to be open, honest, and consistent. They believe that women should be content with the basic necessities and receive praise for their efforts, but this is... not the case. Make sure the man you're dating isn't playing you for a fool and isn't giving you any warning signs before you get into bed with him. He shouldn't hesitate to express his admiration for you openly and frequently. Really, it's not that difficult. You’re on the same page about what sex means. This is essential. To various people, sex can imply different things. For example, you might find it difficult to avoid becoming connected to someone after sleeping with them, whereas for him, it's more of a biological necessity that doesn't really matter in the big picture. You’re not worried about how sex will change things between you. Are you concerned that if you sleep with him, he will subsequently stop liking you or wanting to date you? Even more justification not to. When you go out with a man, you want him to still be interested in you the next day and for the following weeks and months. Even though there is never a guarantee that a relationship will last eternally simply because you had sex, you shouldn't have to worry that he will grow disinterested as soon as you start dating. He respects you and your boundaries. Are you concerned that if you sleep with him, he will subsequently stop liking you or wanting to date you? Even more justification not to. When you go out with a man, you want him to still be interested in you the next day and for the following weeks and months. Even though there is never a guarantee that a relationship will last eternally simply because you had sex, you shouldn't have to worry that he will grow disinterested as soon as you start dating. You actually want to. In the end, everything really boils down to this. Go ahead and sleep with a guy if you want to and it feels appropriate. You are an adult woman who can make her own decisions without regard to what other people believe or say. If it does, get yours because only you can decide what is best for you.   Read the full article
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usedmobileguide · 1 year
Benefits of Selling Old Gadgets
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In this excessive-tech world, there is numerous specific merchandise that makes our lives less difficult and every person has their "infant." Perhaps your infant is that twin center CPU pushed pc that allows you to get paintings done, store them online, and surf the net. Or, perhaps it is that smartphone that allows you preserve in contact together along with your pals and family. If it is now no longer one of those, then it probably is one of the many digital devices that grow our livelihood: televisions, stereos, excessive-tech DVD players, navigation systems, and I-pods. Oh, and to make us experience greater security, let's now no longer neglect about approximately safety devices along with domestic safety systems, infant video display units, and smoke detectors.
While the present-day fashions of those gadgets are quality and do an extremely good deal to beautify our lives, we nevertheless appear to be pushed with the aid of using a pressure that leads us on an in no way finishing quest to shop for the ultra-modern and finest devices. It's like we're preventing an infinite war to preserve up with all of the ultra-modern electronics on the market. For example, study the speedy evolution of cell verbal exchange gadgets and the manner clients rushed to shop for the most up-to-date stuff at the market - and for an excellent reason. Back withinside the day, you had a totally restricted choice of merchandise to select from.
Mobile verbal exchange gadgets just like the walkie-talkie and in advance telephones had been big, bulky, and pretty heavy. I suggest the batteries lower back then weighed greater than state-of-the-art molecular telephones positioned together. Oh, and what approximately is the reception? Do you recollect the lengthy antennas that needed to be prolonged as a way to get a respectable signal? Seems like a long time however in reality that point becomes now no longer too lengthy ago. Nowadays you've got 3G and 4G telephones ready with wi-fi net connections and which can be small sufficient to healthy into the palm of your hand.
But earlier than you positioned your machine up for sale, there are some matters which you want to prepare.
Make Sure That the Gadgets Are Still Useable
Are you making plans to promote antique phones or different devices? The first aspect is to make certain that it is nevertheless running. Even if there are more modern variations of the phone out in the market, there are nevertheless a few humans inquisitive about older variations so long as it's far nevertheless usable and bought at an inexpensive rate. It could be absolutely unfair to the individual shopping if he reveals that his phone is not running anymore. Before you sell your old mobile, situation the machine to check and spot if it is nevertheless ok to promote. It's vain to promote something that is not running in any respect as a result it'd be higher in case you simply throw it away. Check your devices' situations to test whether or not it's far nevertheless really well worth promoting to someone.
Repair the Gadget if Needed
Before you promote antique cell telephones make certain that you have constant everything. If you watched that there's something incorrect with the smartphone visit a shop and spot if it's far nevertheless blanketed with the aid of using a warranty. The higher the situations of your machine are, the better you may rate it. It would not honestly depend on you spending pretty an amount of money for the upkeep because you may nevertheless earn all of it lower back as soon as you've got correctly bought an item. It says plenty approximately the vendor if she or he gives handiest the quality devices which paint flawlessly and continue to be in excellent situations. Customers can get inquisitive about shopping for devices that can be nevertheless in extremely good form and nevertheless seem new.
Determining Your Price
Before you pass on and promote your merchandise withinside the market, make certain that you are happy together along with your rate. Make certain that you are not pricing it too low or an excessive amount because whatever is priced too low can inform humans that this positive product is not in excellent form anymore. An honestly excellent-priced blouse will end result in humans being inquisitive about your merchandise getting you all of the cash that you'll want in no time. You may even ask gadgets for hints while seeking to promote antique phones.
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Name:  Natalie Sweets
Eye color: Copper Brown
Hair style / color: Dark Brown and to her midback, when she’s out having fun it’s usually slightly curled and down, when she’s on a job, ponytails all the way
Height: 5′7′‘
Clothing style: Dresses and skirts, lots of bright summery colors
Best physical feature: dem legs tho she has really lovely eyes
Your fears: “Failure. Failing to save the world from the Six, failing to keep my friends safe... failing to keep everyone happy.
Your guilty pleasure: “Oh noooo, I don’t want to answer this... it’s cheesy romantic fanfiction. Especially the classic tropes. ‘oh no there’s only one bed’ or ‘i need you to be my pretend boyfriend’... gets me all giggly.”
Your ambitions for the future: "I just need to stop the Six from coming back. That’s all I can focus on right now.”
Your first thoughts waking up: “Is Kevin taking first shift driving or am I?”
What you think about most: “... Who I used to be. The Magician, whoever she was. Was she really me? From what I remember she seemed... so much braver than I could ever be.”
What you think about before bed:  “If Kevin got enough healthy food to eat, when Elliot needs to feed again, how much gas is in the truck... basically just everything I’ll need to get done tomorrow.”
What you think your best quality is: “I’ll not back down. Even when I’m terrified, I won’t back down. And no matter what, everyone has something good about them. Everyone.”
Single or group dates: “Ooooh, both are good. Single dates are good for when you have a close attachment to your significant other, but group dates are nice if you’re just out to have fun or just getting to know each other. Less awkward silences!”
To be loved or respected: “... Loved.”
Beauty or brains: “Brains.”
Dogs or cats: “Dogs. Especially puppies though! Lil cute puppies. I’d love a dog someday...”
Lie: “.... Of course not.” Yes.
Believe in yourself: “I have to.”
Believe in love: “Of course!”
Want someone: “... it wouldn’t be fair to them but yes.”
Been on stage: “Some highschool plays, and for school choir, but not after I graduated. Too busy.”
Done drugs: “Weed counts right? Because I do smoke weed every now and then.”
Changed who you were to fit in: “I tried to... and then I tried to kill myself when I was thirteen because i couldn’t take it. Ever since then I’ve chosen to be me.”
Favorite color: “Pink. I can’t get enough pink.”
Favorite animal: “I... really like hamsters... they’re so cute! Those lil cheeks!
Favorite movie: “Princess Bride! Oh, or Legally Blonde!”
Favorite book: “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.”
Favorite game: “Stardew Valley. Lemme just run my farm in peace while I romance Elliott... again... nevermind that he has the same name as one of my besties. It’d be weirder if I dated Sebastian or Sam.”
Day your next birthday will be: “July 19.”
How old will you be: “If I’m still alive 23.”
Age you lost your virginity: “Uhhhhhhh.... I mean. I’ve done some stuff but I’ve... nevergonealltheway.”
Best personality: “Someone who doesn’t want the world from me, or expect me to be a certain way... someone who just likes me for me.”
Best eye color: “I like hazel eyes. They’re so magical, they change color in the light!”
Best hair color: “I’m not much of a hair color person, but I like soft hair. Nice to touch.”
Best thing to do with a partner: “Video games, bowling, going out to dinner... just doing things together.”
I love: “My friends. More than anything.”
I feel: “Like I’m under a lot of pressure.”
I hide: “The fact I’ll die when I fix the seal.”
I miss: “Being a kid.”
I wish: “I could have a little longer... just a bit more, to experience everything life has to offer.”
tagged by: @magioffire​
tagging: EVERYONE!!!!! ... okay but only if you want to be tagged tho
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nahoyagf · 3 years
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charcters: mikey x reader x draken | aged up + afab reader
format: fic
warnings: NSFW, threesome, vv slight dub-con, double penetration, belly bulging, manipulation 
other notes: inspired partially by motivation by kelly rowland 
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“pfft! really?” mikey laughed, voice filled with mockery and malice, “he’s never made you come?”
you don’t know how you ended up here. all you had wanted to do was come home after a long date with your boyfriend and then relax with your two roommates. mikey had pushed you into telling him what happened on this “date” after he saw the hickies running up your thighs.
though, as usual, his voice was teasing and full of laughter, mikey was actually pissed. both him and draken had a certain distaste for your boyfriend that you could never explain. first it was that he wasn’t seeing you enough and then it was that he was seeing you too much, they’re reasoning constantly flip flopped and after a while, you just didn’t ask why anymore. 
that brings us to now, as mikey and draken taunt you for picking such a shitty boyfriend. in reality, he’s a very good guy and keeps you out of trouble unlike your two roommates. but it is true that he is terrible at sex. it’s just not his forte. which you’ve told yourself, lied to yourself, is fine and that you aren’t only with him for that.
you’re too caught up in your own thoughts to realize that mikeys pushing you down more into draken’s bed, laying you down. draken, who was previously laying back on his phone, rolls over and hovers over you. both mikey and draken are staring down at you in this very compromising position. and you feel yourself burn with embarrassment.
“c’mon mikey, i’m done with this conversation now. let me get up.”
“no,” mikey whined, voice still underlying a darker tone,”tell us more, y/n. pleaseeeeeee. is his dick small too?”
you’re face lit up red and embarrassed. the way they were teasing almost made it seem as though it was your fault for getting such a disappointing boyfriend.
“tch, it must be, huh?” this time his voice was quieter but a little deeper too. he looked at you with faux sympathy but you took it in a comforting way, happy that they were no longer putting the blame on you.
draken stared down at you with an anger in his eyes that made you shudder. you weren’t understanding how this once carefree and joking conversation turned serious.
“this is the guy you left us for?” draken’s tone dripping with disgust.
“what...what are you talking about?” you were beyond confused now, “leave you?”
“yeah,” mikey joined in, “left us. for this guy. that hurts, y/n, that really hurts.”
you stared at them. totally lost, but in a way you felt bad. you had been spending a lot more time with your boyfriend, you assumed your childhood friends weren’t used to the lack of your attention.
“i’m sorry, guys.”
“ tch,” mikey looked away with a slight pout and pretended to stare at the wall while thinking. in reality, he had come up with this plan for a while. finally getting draken on board only a few hours ago.
“what about this? if we fuck you better than your boyfriend, than you stay with us.” he said, matter of factly.
“but.. but... but... that’s cheating mikey i-“
“he’s been cheating you out of orgasms for a while.” he hummed, moving his head to suck along your neck. purposely covering the marks your boyfriend left.
“c’mon baby,” draken’s raspy voice sent heat through your body, made even worse when he began working on your neck too.
“we’ll make it fair by fucking you one at a time,” mikey cheerfully added, “at first.”
you couldn’t do anything but nod. desire in your bloodstream and too stuck to even think about disagreeing. just don’t think about your boyfriend, you told yourself.
draken sat back on his knees and undid his braid. the two looked like twins. long, blonde hair flowing down to their shoulders and deep, dark eyes filled with lust.
mikey decided he would take his turn first. it was his plan after all.
his fingers made quick work of your sundress and he started rubbing his fingers up and down your skin. feeling the softness of your body and the smooth, taut skin of places like your shoulders.
his hands pulled down your panties, admiring the cute pastel purple fabric that was topped with a white bow. you snapped your head away and covered your face with your hands. that wouldn’t do for when he’s fucking you, but mikey felt merciful enough to let it fly for now.
his hands made way to your bra and before he could snap the clip, you grasped his hands.
“please, just leave that” your voice was so soft and pleading, wanting to keep the one last piece of a boundary. mikey abliged, but only because of your voice.
his dipped his fingers into your cunt, pushing in to find that you’re wet. very wet. he smirks your way and draken’s eyes widen. he assumed that you’d be a good girl and stop yourself from giving in for the sake of your boyfriend. of course, you wanted to but you just couldn’t help it. or so you told yourself.
“you like this, baby?” mikey’s voice was much gruffer than you’ve ever heard before. you could only nod, but the sight made his heart swell, along with his cock.
he stuck his head down, face close enough that you could feel his breath against your dripping cunt. your boyfriend had never gone down on you before. his nose immediately hit your clit which caused you to whimper, and his eyes lit up. he pushed his two fingers all the way in, they were long and fairly thick. combined, they were about the same length and thickness of your boyfriend’s cock. a recognition that filled you with embarrassment.
mikey began making work of you, fingers going at a steady pace but making sure to curl and bend. tongue lapping your juices while his nose bumped and rubbed your clit. it was enough stimulation that you came, quickly and with a series of whimpers and moans that had draken palming his dick.
you were so dazed, you didn’t realize the sound of a zipper and then fabric rustling. mikey still had his baggy pants on but they were pushed down enough to expose his dick. it was long, curved slightly and dripping with precum. you had to admit, though with shame, that is was longer than your boyfriend’s.
he pushed your legs apart and the slight touch of his tip against your clit had you jolting. you were sensitive, and mikey couldn’t help the smirk of joy that came from that.
“mikey,” your voice was a quiet whine, filled with strain, “i’m sore.”
this time, draken leaned over to run his hands up and down your body. pressing kisses on you while rubbing little circles.
“don’t worry, sweetheart. i’ll make you comfortable.” he rasped, eyes meeting yours.
mikey nodded and snickered at his friends softness. gentle giant, i guess you could say.
he pushed the tip it and your eyes widened. as he made his way through, you couldn’t help the sounds that left your mouth. soon to be swallowed by draken’s. mikey finally bottomed out and let out a quiet moan. his hips began making slow and shallow thrusts as he adjusted to the squeeze.
“you’re so,” he panted out, “fucking tight. feels so fuckin’ good, baby.”
he began getting faster, longer strokes with more power. your body shook and draken cooed into your ear. mikey let out whimpers and groans. he couldn’t help it, he had dreamed about this for days. you felt the curved shape of his cock hit the spongy spot deep inside of you and your threw your head back.
“fuck fuck fuck. baby don’t squeeze like that.”
you couldn’t help the tears that formed near your waterline. cries leaving you. he pushed in harder and faster and the constant rubbing against your g-spot made you come, hard. harder than ever. the intense squeeze had mikey letting out a long whimper and spilling into you. slowly pulling out as you gasped for air.
you were still recovering. eyes low lidded and staring as mikey laid back and watched his cum drip out of you while draken made quick work of his shirt and pulled down his pants. your eyes couldn’t help but widen at the sight of his cock. long, very very long and thicker than you ever thought was possible. your mind joked that he should’ve gotten a horse tattoo instead.
“you ready, princess?”
“it’s not gonna fit,” you said, voice filled with fear.
he chuckled at this and pressed kisses along your neck. his laugh was the most angelic thing you’ve ever heard.
“don’t worry, baby, i’ll make it fit.”
and as promised, he started to make it fit. the stretch burned so much that you started to cry and immediately he paused. wiping your tears. mikey stared at you before making his way behind you, scooching your body until you were halfway on his lap. head resting on his stomach while he held you tight. it was comforting.
draken continued in and groaned about the squeeze. he would’ve asked you to loosen up a little but he didn’t want to put too much pressure on your exhausted state. finally, he bottomed out. filling you in a way that you’d never felt before.
“drakennnnn” you could only moan out his name, and he bent over to kiss your lips.
he moved at a slow pace, pulling your legs over his shoulders and occasionally leaning down to capture your lips. the friction against your g-spot had you cumming lord knows how many times and draken could only continue to push on and on. mikey, was growing antsy. worried that you wouldn’t be able to handle another round.
he threw a telling look at draken and the taller man looked down at you, observing you with concern before sighing and nodding. mikey prodded your body until you sat on his lap, draken still inside of you.
“mikey?” your voice was airy and dazed, “what are you doing?”
he just kissed your jaw before starting to push inside of you as well. you gasped at the penetration. feeling the two of them in you. mikey groaned and whined. almost not making it long enough to fully push in.
“oh fuuuck baby.” he moaned out, blush covering his face and slight drool slipping through his mouth as he came the second he was sheathed in completely. despite being somewhat of a quick shot, mikey had stamina and began fucking his cum up into you.
draken started to move too and the pair found a synchronized slow but deep pace. you looked completely out of it. barely able to keep to your eyes open. you felt so full, you imagined this is what expectant mothers must feel like.
draken leaned down and kissed your lips while mikey left hickeys on your neck. you weren’t sure when your bra had come off but mikey was squeezing your breasts with needy hands. draken stared at your disheveled form and then began to push his large hand against the bulge in your belly. making you cry out.
“see that baby, that’s us. hm? put your hand here, baby, put your hand here.” you had no choice as he dragged your hand to the bulge and pushed harder this time. making both you and mikey cry out.
“oh baby, i don’t think i- ... i don’t think i can hold it in anymore,” mikey cried out and you agreed as you moaned. the two of you came almost at the same time and the squeeze mixed with the filling of mikeys hot cum had draken cumming too. he let out a low raspy groan and kissed your swollen lips.
you finally felt them pull out and slump next to you. your belly felt so hot and full and in the back of the mind, you swore that there was no way you wouldn’t be pregnant now. mikey cuddled up next to you and draken wrapped his large arms around you.
“so.. did we do better?” mikey asked, it was quiet and muffled against your skin. you could only mutter an ‘mhmm’ and drift off into a deep sleep. you’d have to break the news to your boyfriend in the morning.
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