shibieswrites · 1 year
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Nephele (Naja simp)
A redesign of my mc for the WONDERFUL @thescarsilivewith-if
game. I love her. She just wants to vibe in her castle and murder her enemies.
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shibe-myths · 2 years
Who would the ROs romance from other interactive stories?
OH! This is just so cute! Lady B: The HAREM ROUTE from @thescarsilivewith-if
Mostly because Lamis grew up in a harem to begin with and Polyamory is something that she and the MC can experience together with a couple side romances. With Lamis, I can see her being happy with a poly romance. Bernie: I can see my bb with Sierrahn Fhylliont from @accursedwhispers-if Shorties Unite. Laz: L from @catt-nuevenor 's game, Myrk Mire. That is a relationship that I think Laz would enjoy. Even beyond paltry flirts. Amyntas: MARGARET from my DAAAAAHHHHLING Tyrant over there on @nextinline-if We know that Amyn is a simp. A murderous simp. Who needs a perfect wife. As we all know, our Gemini Qwueeeeen is a perfection that the birdy bastard can never hope to gain. Bishop: Riel from @shepherds-of-haven Bishop would love a husband who is close to his true personality and values. Indigo: MAEVE from @moiraimyths I would say Aife, but Indigo has a staunch ANTI-Monarchy rule when it comes to her lovers. She will not be burned Again.
Peri: Raven from @leo-interactive-fiction It would be so fucking cursed. But, hey, at least they'd be happy together.
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absentia-if · 2 years
Contrary to other anons, I loved how K handles and interacts with MC during the reunion. You could feel their discomfort as well as their incredible relief.
To me, it's completely understandable their kind of distance and awkwardness - but it was also obvious under all of that the tender love they still feel towards their spouse and how difficult it is for them to have MC back.
It probably feels so surreal that they will need some time to work out how they feel about it.
A small thing I was a bit bummed about was that the reunion was so short, but seeing as this chapter needed to introduce most of the cast it flowed very well as a whole.
All in all, the update was amazing and very emotional. Please take a break if you need it, because it's more than deserved <3
That’s what I was aiming for when it came to the reunion. I wanted to showcase that K was uncomfortable, not for reasons you may suspect, but they were more than willing to fight through their demons to make sure that you were okay. That you were actually safe and alive after all these years. K does care a great deal for the MC… but certain things have broken them in very specific ways that they wish to fix.
You’re definitely right about the surreal part. K can’t believe, after all this time, that you’re alive. It makes their heart hurt for everything that you must of gone through, everything you must have dealt with. Especially now when you’re coming back to a world that’s so different from the one you were taken from.
I know, I realized that K had the shortest scene— with B having the longest— but I promise that they have a much longer scene in Chapter Two (that I’m excited for). I’ll probably go back and add more dialogue scenes whenever I figure out how I want to do it, but until then I hope the scene itself suffices.
Thank you so much for your wonderful words! I truly appreciate them a great deal! I absolutely love your story too and I love seeing things from you. You’re absolutely wonderful! 💞💞💞
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beetlebethwrites · 2 years
12 and 14 for Matt from the OC ask game please?
12. Are they an overall healthy person? Do they make for a good patient or a terror?
Matt is a healthy person. He loves exercise and eats well in general, although his portions are always pretty big to compensate for the energy he burns hiking and playing rugby. His only vice is the occasional drink or cigarette. He isn’t a bad patient and he’ll listen to what doctors say and follow their advice, but there’s rarely anything wrong with him.
I answered these for everyone here in the past if you're curious too!
14. Are they a simple person to please or difficult?
Predictably, Matt is quite difficult to please. He holds everyone to a very high standard, including himself and that makes him come across to be very difficult to please!
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nextinline-if · 2 years
Sending roses❤
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*gasp* thank you! I can’t believe someone still cares for me. I was starting to come to terms with abandonment. I will use these to decorate my box of shame, it’s quite drab 💕
You are lovely! 🙂
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generalpuppeh · 1 year
Naja Post - Continuation
Aight. In the name of Naja worshippers, I shall help spread the goodness of @thescarsilivewith-if with my small blog and tagz.
Hi >.<  
Here's the last Naja post (maybe. Who knows) as a continuation of this ask. 
It... kinda did turn out rather explicit due to kissing (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) that aside, can't wait to write another Kaela post for later!
Warning: Excessive kissing. NSFW...ish
The Monarch readily engulfs Naja in a slow, deep kiss the second their spouse gives consent. Their hand, entwining Naja’s hair to pull them closer, painfully craving to lock them right there, leaving no room to escape from the scorching air between them.
The Monarch chuckles as they dart around Naja’s tongue, pulling back with every fleeting touch, only to return with a fierce hunger for more. Their passion spiraling in a delicious combination of pleasure and pain between nibbles and tender kisses.
Finally, the sweet treat that has been binding their tongues together melts under the warming gasps.
A deep growl escapes the Monarch's throat, their eyes dark as the honeyed essence drips from their stained lips.
Their hands gently lay Naja onto the sofa bed like a delicate treasure. Yet their tongue, fierce and impatient, obsessively lap and devour the tantalizing dessert like fine wine from every inch of Naja's mouth, leaving no corners untouched with unwavering reverence.
Soft gasps and rustling clothes fill the air, the outside world a blur as desire almost engulfs reason.
The Monarch’s hand crawls deep beneath Naja’s clothes, fingertips tracing the soft, damp skin of the stomach, as their lips brush against Naja’s earlobe and kiss it softly.
“No one will disturb us,” The Monarch murmurs, “But I want you to tell me if you’re comfortable going further or not.”
“I want you to feel safe.”
0 notes
kalorphic · 1 year
can you rec a dark if like +18 ☠️ i want chaos. (u can ignore this btw)
Okay, I found this one quite difficult because I don’t know what you would constitute as dark (especially considering that this community on tumblr doesn’t really do dark dark (that I’ve seen)), but I’ve managed to compile the list below. Most have demos and there aren’t as many which haven’t updated in months and months (but there are still a few).
I added IFs that used the words ‘dark’ or ‘horror’ in their descriptions and/or that were explicitly rated 18+. I then looked at content warnings - what they were, how extensive they were, and how intense they were.
If anyone wants their IF removed, please let me know (or added, but please keep the criteria(?) above in mind).
OFNA: Birds of a Feather by @ofna - Demo
Legend of a Savior by @legend-of-a-savior-if - Demo
Witches of Ferngrove by @witchesofferngrove - Demo
The Exile by @exilethegame - Demo
Remember, You Will Die by @vapolis - Demo
Project Hadea by @nyehilismwriting - Demo
The Goodfellows by @thecuriouseye - Demo
Event Horizon by @if-eventhorizon - Demo
Fellow Traveler by @robotvampire - Demo
We All Bleed Red by @lost-kiwi-dev - Demo
Mind Games: Trepidation by @bottlecaprabbitgames - Demo
Swallow the Dark by @swallowthedark - Demo
Sinners and Saints by @sinnersandsaints-linwrites - Demo
The Numbers Game by @thenumbersgameif - Demo
A Trial of Horror by @atrial-ofhorror-if - Demo
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian by @defiledheartsblog - Demo
Haunt the Bodies by @hauntthebodies - No Demo
Kingdoms and Empires by @kingdoms-and-empires - Demo
Ballad of the Judgment Night by @nikkefort-dev - Demo
The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim - Demo
Fox of Sunholt by @foxofsunholt - No Demo (being rewritten)
My Beginning & My End by @chaosbringerx - No Demo
A Court of Serpents by @acourtofserpents - Demo
Ripper’s Plague: Ground Zero by @ripperplague - Demo (indefinite hiatus)
The Operative: Fires of Revolution by @theoperativeif - Demo
The Scars I Live With by @thescarsilivewith-if - No Demo
The Kiss of Midnight by @if-kissofmidnight - No Demo
An Ode to Dying Stars by @dyingstars-if - No Demo
Tainted Souls: Fables & Myth - The Bonded Awakening by @taintedsoul-if - Demo
Dark Impulses by @timidloner - Demo
The Inseparables by @theinseparables-if - No Demo
The Decoy by @alternatewriter - Demo
Softly, Opulent by @softlyopulent-if - Demo
Cheers to the Elites by @cheerstotheelites-if - Demo
The Weight of Yesterday by @theweightofyesterday-if - No Demo
What Lovely Bones by @whatlovelybones-if - Demo
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evertidings · 10 months
any upcoming/new ifs that you're excited about?
the best thing about this community is that there're always new games to be excited about. these are just a few that are on my radar <3
project dark, @projectdark-if
gods and villains, @godsandvillains-if
stonewall, @stonewall-if
depths asunder, @depthsasunder-if
lamb to the slaughter, @hvllowheart
the scars i live with, @thescarsilivewith-if
the great protector, @greatprotector-if
viper and dove, @viperdove-if
bloody desires: the cure, @bloodydesires-if
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Continuation from diz post: https://www.tumblr.com/thescarsilivewith-if/717027691587633152/monarch-and-naja-are-eating-some-dessert-or?source=share
The Monarch's eyes glint with delight, their lips capturing the treat from Naja's fingertips. As the sweetness engulfs their senses, the Monarch's tongue glides with tenderness over Naja's fingers, savoring every lingering honeyed crumb.
Their slow, burning dance continued. Unabated, cocooned from the distractions of the outside. The Monarch, equally eager, reveled in feeding Naja, taking in the sight of their beloved cherishing each moment shared. With every bite, the Monarch's gaze lingered on Naja's lips, their own hunger growing at every bite.
As Naja takes a bite of the dwindling treat, the Monarch gently leans closer to their beloved, one arm wrapping around Naja's waist, as their lips hover just a breath away from Naja's chin.
"Naja, it's not sweet anymore," the Monarch purrs as they look up, puppy eyes flickering with mischief, "But I think it'll be more delicious, sweeter if I were to take some more from... here."
As soon as the Monarch finishes the sentence, they touch Naja's lips, aware of the sweet treat inside that has yet to be consumed.
"Would you mind?"
Ever so compliant, Naja gives them access to their mouth. By this point, held by the waist and so close, so comfortable enclosed by the Monarch's body, they want nothing more than to have MC's lips on theirs. To be consumed like a sweet treat, held delicately and yet with the same burning desire Naja feels pooling by their abdomen.
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interact-if · 10 months
Do you guys know of an IF where you play as a young ruler who was imprisoned by the enemy? I think the premise was you were once a kind ruler, but after years of imprisonment you have grown cold and cruel and want revenge. I think there were two LIs and one of them was selectively mute? As far I know it didn't have a demo the last time I saw it, but that was a while ago.
Hi Anon,
This could be The Scars I Live With, by @thescarsilivewith-if. There is currently no demo available.
If this is not the correct title, please let us know!
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shibe-myths · 2 years
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Naja, my beloved! And the poor monarch, Nephele.
fanart for @thescarsilivewith-if
Neph WAS too kind for this world. Now? Now I don't even think she'll make it out of there alive.
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absentia-if · 1 year
I'm looking for more interactive fiction games to play and I was wondering if you have any particular favourites?
I’m a hermit when it comes to the community as a whole— mainly staying in my own little corner, but I have been able to meet some amazing Author’s during my stay.
Citadel by @bouncyballcitadel is an absolutely amazing medical drama IF. An amazing cast of characters, both romance and non-romance, and real life experiences, and knowledge, fueling the writing in such a way that makes you feel extremely connected to the plot and the MC. I highly recommend it.
An Affair of the Heart by @doriana-gray-games is another amazing IF that I strongly recommend. Not only because I absolutely adore Dori, the sweetest of sweethearts, but she makes the world of Sherlock Holmes come to life in such a way that I can’t even truly describe— Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would be proud of her, I can tell you that much.
Novaturient by @kalorphic is an amazing spy IF that has a lovely cast of characters. It’s not as serious, or it’s not supposed to be as serious, as some of the other titles that I’ve mentioned, but it’s such a fun time all the same— it doesn’t have too much in the form of a demo, as of yet, but I think you’ll enjoy getting to know the cast on Ella’s blog all the same. (She also has another blog @ellawrites-if that I think you should check out too.)
Next in Line by @nextinline-if has been a fun read since I’ve started it. Not to mention Vi is an absolute delight to speak with. You have a little bit of everything when it comes to the romances, and who doesn’t love being royalty too? I think you’ll have a grand time with the story, and getting to know everything you’d wish to know about it, as I can’t recommend it enough.
Abyssal by @theabyssal is a great game with an amazing premise— playing Death itself ticking a lot of boxes for a variety of people. It’s quite angsty, as I feel like I should warn you, but the writing is immaculate and you’ll be pulled into the inner workings of a world that you have to find a place in once more. Plus, the ROs are absolutely amazing too.
A World Without You by @jaunefleurwrites has been an amazing read. It deals with the realities of death while still being alive, an ever growing entity that always looms over us all, but it’s still an enjoyable read even if it does have a sadder undertone. I highly recommend it (plus Damin is a sweetheart).
The King’s Hound by @the-kingshound is an Arthurian IF that I think you’ll find yourself drawn to. It has found family written all over it, with tinges of angst and drama strewn within, that I think you’ll enjoy. It’s an amazing story, with an amazing cast, and I think you’ll enjoy it.
Past Imperfect by @past-imperfect-if is an IF with only a singular RO, that’s semi-customizable, and only has prologue released so far, but I strongly implore you to check it out as I think you’ll enjoy the premise of it. (Plus, my friend is the main creator for it and I know she’ll absolutely love to have someone as wonderful as you check out her story.)
Kingdoms and Empires by @kingdoms-and-empires is an amazing high fantasy game that I think you’ll enjoy. It has a wonderful world, that seems dynamic around the MC, with an amazing cast of characters that I think you’ll find yourself growing attached to. If you enjoy fantasy, being a royal, and wish to be along for a long ride? This story is definitely for you.
The Scars I Live With by @thescarsilivewith-if is also an amazing premise that I absolutely adore. It doesn’t have a demo yet, but I think the cast of characters that have been introduced as well as the world building will be able to be just enough until one is released.
If you want more of my stories? I have three other main stories that I’m working on— even if they’re on a semi-hiatus as of now.
Heart of Flames is a dragon rider story where you take on the role of one of the newest dragon riders within Haven, and it expands across the world of Gallinia as a whole. @unforeseenflame
Scandal is based off the show of the very same name— Scandal (by Shonda Rhimes). It’s genderlocked female though, just want to warn you. @nightingale-interactive
Path of Fire is a dragon-shifter IF wherein the MC is the last of the Dracaryean and their journey in discovering what that truly means— not only for them but for Ioria as a whole. @eleanawrites
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itsbluesaint · 2 years
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So I been having brainrot of The Scars I Live With (@thescarsilivewith-if), so here is my MC and some moments with the ROs. In order Naja, Kaela and Valaahr.
The outfit for this mc was such a pain even with the references but nothing compares to what the jewerly put me through it almost made me quit the drawing all together, but in the end I'm happy with this, I adore how it came out. I genuinely can't wait for the demo of this game to drop cause its so interesting! the plot the worldbuilding, I'm in love.
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And here the stats of my MC, :D.
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nextinline-if · 2 years
5 Things You Never Get Tired of Writing
Thank you for the tag, @magiciansvoyage 💕 I enjoyed reading your answers 😄
1. Angst - there’s something very versatile about angst. It is capturing the dreadful moments of life. Moments that often have no comfort. No respite. Moments that linger with us for a long time after. And I like that, because it’s reminds me that we all experience what it is to be human…
2. Worlds that are not black and white - while as a society it’s possible to agree that certain things are definitely “wrong” or “right”, many things don’t belong in either category. A good person can do bad things and a bad person can do good things. This is reality. And this is something I love exploring…
3. Vulnerability -particularly from characters who have been taught to be closed off because of things that happened to them. I love when a character discovers “hey, I can be loved”, whether platonically, romantically, or a in a familial sense…
4. Soulmates - okay, but hear me out first 😭 I don’t mean just in like a romantic sense. It doesn’t have to be romantic at all. I don’t believe in a lot of things, y’all! I’m a very skeptical atheist okay 😂 BUT I do believe that there are people out there who we can just connect with really easily. People who were always meant to be a part of our lives. And I think you can have more than one. I guess it’s silly, but it’s what I believe. And I really enjoy writing characters who are soulmates…
5. Betrayal - kind of goes hand in hand with angst but also doesn’t. Betrayal comes in many shapes. This is obviously a big theme in Next in Line. And sometimes, betrayal just means dealing with the aftermath. You don’t get justice. Or closure. Or, you do but it’s a muddy and painful process...
Apologies if you’ve already been tagged or don’t want to 💕 @the-error-if @thescarsilivewith-if @the-kingshound @crescencestudio @thistooshallpass-if @emberwood-if @king-of-fae
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shibieswrites · 1 year
Naja and Nephele
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Naja rot hours
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adoriels-tears-if · 2 years
Hi dear and thanks for the tag @jaunefleurwrites 🥰 have a nice break from tumblr
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. This is for both art and writing!
I haven't drawn in a while so I have nothing to show, sorry. No art.
Adoriel's Tears
- Heavy is the crown.
- Under the Rose's shadown.
- The beast who lurk.
- The writer.
- On the loose.
I'll tag @linwritesif @litzilla @mastermindwesker @anathemafiction @thescarsilivewith-if @bathalafiction @betweentheseaandsky-if @unwilling-souls-if
@kingdoms-and-empires (only if you want ofc) 🥰
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