#these children are vitamin d deficient...
woahpip · 1 year
crave the golden sunshine a locklyle ficlet
The sun meant safety. It chased away the Problem, held the ghosts to their sources. Scared away the chill. 
Lucy can’t remember the last time she sat in the sun with nothing else to do; she only saw it crawling in from a job or while joining George on research trips. Never sitting in the yard, soaking it in.
That’s why this morning she surprised herself. She was up first, a rarity; usually Lockwood was puttering in the kitchen by now, dark circles under his eyes a tell he’d never admit to. He would make her tea and butter her toast, and she’d try hard not to stare at his adam's apple while he ate.
Today, she snuck down the stairs to almost silence. Light snoring came from George’s room, and Lockwood’s door was shut. Early morning sun filtered through the kitchen window, distracting her from plans of tea and making breakfast for the boys.
Lockwood had left his gray hoodie on a chair, so Lucy wrapped herself up in it and stepped outdoors.
The little garden was overgrown in a cute way; long ago, mint had spilled over from a container and took over a section of the ground. She tore a leaf and chewed on it while she walked around. There was one spot, near some thriving weeds, where the sun shone free. Lucy plopped on the ground and let the rays spill over her; she ignored the dew that soaked through her pajama pants, closed her eyes, and leaned back on her hands.
(read more below the cut or here on ao3!)
“Lucy?” Lockwood’s voice rang over the garden, jerking her out of her thoughts.
Her eyes opened and she realized the sun was much higher than when she first came out. She hadn’t been sleeping, or thinking. She was just…existing. It felt good to remember nothing for a little while.
“Here!” she finally answered.
Lucy moved to get up, go inside, and start her day, but Lockwood was faster. He carried a tray with her toast and two cups of tea, one perfectly milky and extra sweet, to her spot and settled in the grass beside her.
“Here you go,” he said, nudging her arm with her mug. He had his real smile on for her, the one that made her blush and her tongue go numb. She never knew what to say, always too caught up in his face to even whisper thank you. He didn’t seem to mind though; she swore he saw the gratitude in her eyes.
Once she started munching on toast, he turned his face to the sun. It showed off his pale skin and dark under eyes, still almost black even after a night of decent sleep.
“We don’t see each other enough,” he muttered. His eyes fell shut and his body leaned back just like Lucy did earlier.
She knew what he meant but wanted to ask a question anyway.
“You and me, or the sun?”
He smiled again, and her toes curled against the dirt.
She picked at her breakfast, alternating between taking bites and plucking weeds out of the ground to give her hands something to do besides grab at Lockwood. Though she was beginning to think he wouldn’t mind. Lucy stole glances at him the whole time, wanting to memorize the sharp lines of his face and how the sunshine made them pop.
She wanted to see him in the sun more. She hoped there’d be a time where that was possible.
“Lucy?” he asked after a while. He turned to face her, soft smile on his face. His hand reached out to grab her sleeve…which she just remembered was his. “Is that my hoodie?”
She turned red, embarrassed to be caught so casually taking his things. Not that she thought Lockwood would mind…but she felt they were dangerously close to crossing a line, and she didn’t know how either would handle it.
He spoke again before she could answer.
“It looks good on you.”
Then he turned back to the sun, hair fluttering in the wind. She watched him, committing this to memory, vowing to inter it in her sketchbook forever.
Before she could second guess herself, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thank you, Lockwood,” she whispered, before turning herself back to bask in the light.
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welldonebeca · 8 months
Please don’t be sad -hug- Daemyra; He gets a minor injury that Rhae gives him milk of the poppy for and he’s basically high and telling her how beautiful she is, and also hitting on her, is she married? Lol Rhae nursing her hilarious HUSBAND! This beautiful lady taking care of him. Telling him how wonderful her husband is and he’s sad because she’s taken. I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 ♥️
Thank you <3. I guess it's just a bad week. Or a vitamin D deficiency.. .
I hope you like this!
. . .
“Bite down, your grace,” Gerardys instructed, placing the strap of leather in his mouth, and her husband clenched his teeth around it.
Daemon was teaching Joffrey to ride, Tyraxes, but their boy was having a bit of a hard time with his saddle and they had a little accident. Joff was perfectly fine, but Daemon had dislocated his shoulder when he stopped him from fully falling down.
He let out a mere grunt when the Maester put his shoulder into place, never one to show his pain as Rhaenyra held his hand, watching quietly.
Gerardys stepped back and removed the leather.
“Refrain from moving it for the night,” he instructed them. “The milk of the poppy will numb the pain soon.”
“Can we immobilise it?” she asked, leaning away from her husband.
Daemon closed his eyes, resting on the wood behind their bed,
He nodded simply.
“I’ll fetch the fabric.”
Gerardys left the room, and she returned to look at him, but he seemed to have fallen asleep.
She shook her head, caressing his cheek.
Milk of the poppy did it to him, sometimes, her poor husband.
She pulled him by his good hand when the Maester came back, and he nuzzled onto her neck as Gerardys wrapped the fabric to keep his shoulder in place.
“Smell good,” he mumbled into her skin, inhaling deeply. She she felt his good arm coming to wrap around her. “Sweet perfume.”
She chuckled, petting his hair, indulging his playfulness.
Yes, he did love her smell.
“Your grace,” Lady Elinda walked inside, curtsying quickly. “You summoned me?”
She smiled at her lady-in-waiting.
“His Grace and I will have our meal in our chamber tonight,” she informed her. “Can you inform the servants for me? And the children?”
Elinda confirmed with a quick nod and curtsied, leaving the room, and soon the Maester followed suit, leaving them on their own.
Rhaenyra undressed Daemon quietly as he snored into their pillows and put on his sleeping gown, careful so as to not hurt him.
“Who are you?” he mumbled when she slipped his good arm into a sleeve.
The question made Rhaenyra chuckle. Maybe they had given him a little more milk than he needed.
Daemon freed himself from her grasp.
“Did they send a pretty maiden to nurse me?” he asked, looking adorably intoxicated.
She couldn't help herself. So this was how he flirted before?
"I'm no maiden, my love," she teased, her nimble fingers working on the gown's ties to allow him some movement. "You, of all people, should know that."
He set his eyes on her, trying to move his healing shoulder, but she stopped him.
“You mustn’t move it,” she reminded him. “The Maester said so.”
Daemon whined like one of their children when they had to take their medicine.
"A Maester?" he grumbled, flopping onto their pillows. "Did they send me you, my lady?"
Rhaenyra shook her head, her amusement growing.
"I came here all on my own," she assured him. "I'm always the one to nurse my husband."
Daemon’s reaction was priceless as he outrightly whined.
"Husband?" he exclaimed in mock annoyance. "You have a husband?"
She tried not to laugh.
“I do,” Rhaenyra confirmed with a sly grin, adjusting his covers. "And he's quite a wonderful man.”
Daemon, still somewhat loopy by the milk, fumbled with his covers, attempting to escape them in his haze.
"I must..." he squirmed, his words trailing off into incoherence.
She tried to hold him or help him – whichever stopped him from trying to get up and hurt his shoulder more.
"Daemon!" she exclaimed, laughing, and held him firmly by the hand.
He kicked his feet while sitting on the bed, determination etched on his face.
"What are you doing?"
"I'll find him!" he declared with fervour. "I must fight him. I must make you my wife."
She couldn't help but burst into a fit of giggles, gently tugging him back.
"Come on, my love," she cajoled, guiding him to sit on the bed. "You don't need to fight anyone."
Daemon halted, his confusion making him look even more adorable.
Rhaenyra chuckled, shaking her head, both hands clasping his.
“Because you are my husband,” she reminded him. “I’m married to you.”
Daemon stepped at her, eyes all glassy, and his lips curled in a surprised smirk.
"I am?" he asked with wide-eyed wonder. "I'm your husband?"
She giggled again, gently easing him back down to the bed.
"Yes, you are," she reassured him, touching his cheek affectionately. "You are my husband, and I'm your wife."
Daemon slumped back onto the bed, looking blissful, and reached for her hand, trying to pull her closer, and she let herself get closer to him.
"You're my beautiful wife," he celebrated, nestling his head on her neck, sounding delighted.
She shook her head, patting his back.
“I am,” she assured him.
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jouska-the-deer · 8 months
Sometimes I hate Minecraft.
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If you know what problem I was having based off of this picture, but also believe this is how the game should work, you have a vitamin D deficiency, and also I hope that when you're burning in hell, Satan punishes you with the frustrated screams of all the novice Minecraft players that gave up ever trying to figure out redstone because they were too busy having a life to ever learn what "quasi connectivity" is, making it impossible for them to know why their logically built contraption isn't working.
BTW, my problem was the piston being extended despite not being directly powered. This is how I fixed it:
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In case you're confused about what changes actually solved the problem, here's what you're missing: I had to move the topmost redstone line over so it'd stop powering the air above the piston.
Yes; All you normal Minecraft players read that correctly. The piston. Was being powered. By air.
And! There are people that would lose their minds if Mojang ever considered fixing- oh I'm sorry, changing it to work more intuitively. I mean, it's only like this because of a bug that treated certain blocks as if they were doors, and it's only still in the game because a bunch of pasty grown men whined that if it was changed then it'd break their ludicrously overcomplicated builds, but... whatever. Shut-ins screech more loudly than children I guess.
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brightgnosis · 1 month
Appointment went ... Well ... Today was something, for certain.
I'm still Vitamin D deficient despite taking Vitamin D supplements every day. So we're doing another round of D2 storage at a higher dose, and increasing my daily dose of D3.
My Iron was low, but finally good- but she's worried it's specifically because I skipped my menstrual cycle for 9 months, so we're retesting in 3 months to see. If that's the case, then we're going to get an infusion and start me on Children's Gummies daily (because regular Iron upsets my stomach pretty bad).
And of course we're still fighting with Protein for some reason, despite the fact that I've been eating protein every day finally. I shouldn't still be deficient, but somehow I am. So we're going to start supplementing with a protein shake again.
Basically: We can't figure out why my body is utilizing things, but refusing to actually store them. So it's causing a repeating cycle of deficiency still despite supplementation.
But that really wasn't the concerning part. The concerning part was that I've had the same GP since 2016, and she has never looked at me as concerned as she did today when I mentioned that I'd been turning blue lately, and haven't been able to get up the stairs without wheezing in months (since my last round of Covid in December / January).
My Iron levels are good. My Cholesterol's even improved. I am at 205 weight-wise now, but that shouldn't be impacting me like this according to her. Even my blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation are fine when checking in. So she's incredibly concerned about my Heart now, and I've been referred out and over to Physical Therapy (pending Insurance approval) for Cardiopulmonary Therapy. So that's fun!
Hooray for Covid screwing up my Heart, I guess, ha. It's a really good thing that my Husband and I didn't start working out at the gym like we'd planned, and cancelled our gym membership. Because it potentially could've caused a Heart Attack if we had. But this way I'll be monitored, and it'll be a slow increase to specifically improve cardiopulmonary health. Fingers crossed it helps 🤞
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dr-scarlette-witch · 3 months
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Studied about vitamin D because every other children I see is in deficiency or insufficiency.
Also a barium meal study that shows another finding outside GI tract.
Visited the Van Gogh experience today. Really enjoyed the time spent there.
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☕🤒🌴🩹 for the maple boy?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
He's got 20% of the world's fresh water and is still chronically dehydrated. But his coffee and tea consumption is a lot like his sexuality: 'a port in any storm.' If it's warm and someone's offering, he'll take it. Probably was mostly in the habit of taking whatever someone was making without fuss. If his heart rate is already 150 billion and Alfred gets him a triple espresso, it'll go down the hatch. He veers slightly towards tea because there's more variety, and a shit cup of tea is still going to be a lot less awful than a bad cup of coffee on the frontier. Part of his divorce settlement was a shit ton of top-grade matcha that Kiku left in one of Jan and Matt's former Dutch Antilles seaside fuck shacks, and he got pretty fond of that. Spoils of whore, as it was.
🤒 FACE WITH THERMOMETER — does your oc get sick easily?
Not by a human standard, nah. By Alfred's standards, Matt is a wuss. His problem is that he avoids issues and won't admit anything's wrong with him until he's keeled the fuck over, and if anyone suggests he should do something different, he probably will avoid them, too, until he feels better. Zee suggests he stop smoking after he gets his lungs ceviched for a fourth time, and he just ducks her for a few months. Science proves gulping freezing air is terrible for the lungs? Doesn't count. He's Canada, goddamn it. Jack will call him a blue-footed tit, and he has to check, but he's fine lol.
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? Do they enjoy gardening?
Yes! Gardening doesn't like him out of certain habitable (to the colonial project, at least) river valleys, but he has a knack for keeping things alive. He's one of those softies who will pick up cuttings from the floor of a plant nursery and slowly coax them into whole-ass plants. There's an account of children in New France bringing their kitchen herbs to sleep with them in bed before central heating. The absolute most dire symbol that Matt's about to lose his mind hardcore is when he transfers custody of his plants to a willing human. Have you seen the ficus? No? Oh god, is he in the bottom of Hudson Bay again?
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
Unfortunately, the collected effects of 300 years of vitamin D deficiency are poorly understood so ehhhh. Lungs are a bit fucky. He transferred too fast from Italy to France in 43 to 44 without letting his back heal from the chunk of shrapnel Alfred tugged out of him, and that's been a bit fucky since. Ankles are the normal hockey levels of a bit fucky. Brains a lot fucky, but in a way, thats really only intrusive on him when he's by himself because, god, he's made a fine art out of avoiding being a nuisance. He's one of those people where you're not sure if there's actually a problem that wouldn't be solved if he could just get his shit together (most of the family + friends view) or wow he's actually just fucked (social model of mental illness view.)
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naturalrights-retard · 7 months
Sleep apnea is a condition where you repeatedly stop breathing during sleep. Six million Americans have a diagnosis of sleep apnea, but another 25 million or more may be struggling undiagnosed. Sleep apnea is also becoming more prevalent among children
Snoring is a related problem, caused by a restriction in your airway stemming from either your throat or nasal passageway, and typically precedes more severe sleep apnea by several years
Lack of breastfeeding, the preponderance of processed food — which has predisposed several generations to a combination of obesity, malformed mouths and unnaturally small airways — and rampant vitamin D deficiency from lack of sun exposure appear to be primary causative factors for the steady rise in sleep apnea
One of the most frequently used treatments is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which straps around your face and uses mild air pressure to keep your airways open while you sleep. However, CPAP does not address any of the potential underlying causes of sleep apnea
Better solutions include oral devices that correct your tongue or jaw position, and oral myofunctional therapy, a form of facial muscle therapy that helps reshape your oral cavity and promote proper placement of your tongue, head and neck
The continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine was invented 40 years ago to treat severe cases of sleep apnea, a condition where you repeatedly stop breathing during sleep. The CPAP, which straps around your face, covering your mouth, nose, or both, uses mild air pressure to keep your airways open while you sleep.
You can usually tell someone’s using a CPAP from the tell-tale strap marks on their face first thing in the morning. Matthew Rozsa, a staff writer for Salon magazine, describes the sensation of CPAP as "extremely unnatural and unpleasant,"1 but like most other users, finds it preferable to the dead-tired feeling that sleep apnea causes.
According to the American Medical Association,2 6 million Americans have a diagnosis of sleep apnea, but another 25 million or more may be struggling undiagnosed.3 "Virtually anyone who snores is ... on the spectrum for sleep apnea," Rozsa writes. Indeed, snoring typically precedes more serious sleep apnea by several years.
Disturbingly, sleep apnea is also becoming more prevalent among children. So, what’s going on? Why are tens of millions of Americans unable to breathe at night, including children?
Ultimately, the answer comes down to a combination of lack of breastfeeding, the preponderance of processed food — which has predisposed several generations to a combination of obesity, malformed mouths and unnaturally small airways — and as discussed in the video above, rampant vitamin D deficiency from lack of sun exposure.
Sleep Apnea Can Cause Severe Debilitation
Sleep apnea occurs when you have obstructions in your airway that interfere with your breathing during sleep. The flow of air can be partially blocked or even completely stopped altogether. Central apnea refers to an inability to properly pull air in, whereas obstructive apnea refers to a frequent collapse of the airway during sleep, hindering breathing for periods that can last for several seconds. Mixed apnea is a combination of both.4
Snoring is a related problem, caused by a restriction in your airway stemming from either your throat or nasal passageway. It’s the vibrations as the air struggles to get through your soft palate, uvula, tongue, tonsils and/or muscles in the back of your throat that cause the snore.
A simple tip that can help prevent snoring is to place a small piece of inexpensive paper tape across the entire length of your lips at night to prevent mouth breathing. Obviously, do not use any type of industrial tape that can damage your skin.
This strategy works very well to virtually eliminate mouth breathing and, secondarily, apneic episodes. Of course, you should not do this if you have obstruction in your nasal passages, or a cold. Not only do these breathing disruptions interfere with sleep, they also promote poor health and chronic disease by:
Reducing the amount of oxygen in your blood, which can impair the function of internal organs and/or exacerbate other health conditions you may have.
Accelerating cellular aging by shortening your telomeres. Recent research shows consistent CPAP use for at least three months will attenuate this acceleration.5
Slowing down or preventing critical detoxification of your brain tissue, as your brain’s waste removal system, known as the glymphatic system, only operates during deep sleep.
Disrupting your circadian rhythm, resulting in reduced melatonin production and disruption of other body chemicals.
Increasing sympathetic tone, causing problems with bed-wetting among children, night sweating, night terrors, restless sleep and anxiety.
Interfering with deep sleep, contributing to lack of focused attention during the day. Children with sleep apnea also display troubling brain changes in areas involved with thinking and problem solving.6
Sleep Apnea Takes a Toll on Your Brain Health
As the list above suggests, sleep apnea can have a severe impact on your health, placing you at increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, mental health problems and dementia.7
For example, a 2015 study8 found that patients with sleep apnea and/or snoring were diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment more than a decade earlier than those without sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea can weaken the integrity of the white matter in your brain, cause anatomical changes in your brainstem, and lower the volume of gray matter, the outer layer of the brain associated with high-level brain functions.
On average, those with untreated obstructed sleep apnea started experiencing cognitive impairment at the age of 77, compared to 90 among those without breathing problems. Meanwhile, those who used a CPAP machine started their mental decline at the same age as those who did not have sleep apnea.
The neurological impacts of sleep apnea likely have to do with the fact that it can weaken the integrity of the white matter in your brain, cause anatomical changes in your brainstem,9 and lower the volume of gray matter, the outer layer of the brain associated with high-level brain functions such as problem solving, language, memory, personality, planning and judgment.
Indeed, children with sleep apnea have been found to have substantially lower gray matter volume than those without sleep apnea.10
Recent research has also found that people with amyloid plaques in their brains who also have severe sleep apnea are more likely to have lower brain volume in the medial temporal lobe,11 which is an early indicator of Alzheimer’s disease. However, there was no association between brain volume and sleep apnea among those who did not have amyloid plaques.
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Common Causes for Sleep Apnea
The most frequently cited cause for sleep apnea in adults is obesity, which contributes by putting excess pressure on your upper airways, resulting in collapse and decreased neuromuscular control. As explained by Obesity Medicine:12
"Neck circumference, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio are also considerations when addressing overweight or obesity and suspecting sleep apnea. Neck circumference greater than 17 inches for men and 16 inches for women raise the risk of both obesity and sleep apnea.
Waist measurements equal to or greater than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women also raise the risk factor. Waist-to-hip ratio can also be calculated to assess for additional risk equivalent.
This ratio is determined by dividing the waist measurement by the hip measurement. The greater this ratio, the more significant the risk factors for sleep apnea and other obesity-related disorders ...
Weight loss has been found to reduce the severity of sleep apnea as well as the development of the disorder. Overweight and obesity remain the most important modifiable causes of sleep apnea."
Other common causes include physical obstructions such as enlarged tonsils or adenoids, aging and, believe it or not, vitamin D deficiency. As explained by Dr. Stasha Gominak in the featured video, vitamin D receptors in your brain stem actually control your ability to move in and out of the various sleep phases.
Vitamin D is also needed to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps you get into the deeper, healing phases of sleep, and controls the normal paralysis that occurs during deep sleep. You also need the raw material, choline, to produce sufficient amounts of acetylcholine.
Choline is typically obtained from animal foods. The highest concentration is in egg yolks. To learn more about the hidden connection between vitamin D and sleep, listen to my interview with Gominak, or check out the accompanying Substack article.
Moving Beyond CPAP
While 80% of regular CPAP users report significant improvements in their sleep apnea symptoms,13 the machine was never intended to be a lifelong solution. As noted by the inventor of the CPAP, Dr. Colin Sullivan,14 it was always only intended to be a temporary measure, while the underlying factors are addressed. It was never designed as a permanent therapy.
As mentioned, one such factor would be obesity. Simply losing weight can often ameliorate the problem or eliminate it entirely. Another would be surgical procedures to remove obstructions, such as enlarged tonsils or adenoids.
The size and shape of your mouth and upper airway are also very important, and if this is the root of the problem, you have other options besides CPAP, including:15
•Oral devices — If your sleep apnea is related to tongue or jaw position, specialty trained dentists can design a custom oral appliance to expand your palate and bring your jaws forward to address the issue.
For adults, these appliances include tongue-retaining devices that shift the tongue forward without moving the jaw, and mandibular repositioning devices, designed to shift the jaw forward. You can learn more about this in "A Mouth Guard as Effective as CPAP for Sleep Apnea?"
The oral appliance approach has been recognized as part of the standard of care for sleep apnea since about 1995, and oral appliances are typically recommended as the first line treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea for adults. One source where you can find a treatment specialist familiar with oral appliances is the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.16
•Oral myofunctional therapy (OMT) — OMT is a form of facial muscle therapy that helps reshape your oral cavity and promote proper placement of your tongue, head and neck. To find a qualified therapist, see the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy’s website.17
•Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) devices — These devices include a removable mouthpiece that is worn for 20 minutes once a day for six weeks, while awake. The device stimulates and tones your tongue and upper airway muscles to prevent them from collapsing during sleep.
•Surgical intervention to enlarge your upper airway by moving your upper and lower jaw forward.
Learning to consistently breathe through your nose rather than your mouth can also be very helpful. Mouth breathing results in over breathing, which lowers the availability of oxygen. By consistently breathing through your nose, your breathing volume will be brought back to normal. This in turn allows for optimal oxygenation of tissues and organs, including your brain.
I have just completed a 40-hour course on respiratory physiology and breathing with the leading breathing expert in the world, Peter Litchfield, Ph.D. I hope to have him on my podcast later this year to discuss his mind-blowing work, which is absolutely essential for anyone with a breathing disorder.
He uses a clinical grade capnometer in his work to objectively assess what is going on with the breathing so there is absolutely no guessing. The capnometer can be purchased for about $3,000 or rented. It’s absolutely fascinating work that I am excited to share in the near future.
Guidance for Parents
As mentioned, more and more children are also being diagnosed with sleep apnea, which can have lifelong consequences. In his article, Rozsa quotes Sullivan, the inventor of the CPAP:18
"I've spent a lot of half my career looking at pediatric sleep apnea, sleep disorder breathing, and I do think that trying to intervene early, identifying kids who have the risk factors, gives us a chance of preventing it."
While obesity is a risk factor for children as well as adults, an increasingly common root cause is related to an improperly shaped mouth and incorrect positioning of the tongue, caused by lack of breastfeeding and being raised on infant formula and processed foods.
Dr. Weston Price's pioneering work showed how diet can affect your entire mouth, yet most people are still clueless about this effect, and how the size and shape of your oral cavity affect the placement of your tongue and your overall ability to breathe properly.
Our mouths have actually gotten progressively smaller through the generations due to lack of breastfeeding and not chewing enough, combined with poor childhood nutrition thanks to a preponderance of processed food devoid of crucial nutrients.
Breastfeeding helps expand the size of your child's palate, shifting the jaw forward — two important factors that help prevent sleep apnea by creating ample room for unobstructed breathing.
Tongue placement also plays an important role, as revealed in a 2015 study on pediatric patients.19 The newborn palate is as soft as a drum, and if we place into it a bottle, pacifier, a spouted cup or the child finds his or her thumb, the palate may deform, making the nasal airway smaller.
Having an abnormally short lingual frenulum20 can also result in impaired orofacial growth in early childhood, reducing the width of the upper airway. The upper airway is very pliable, so this increases the risk of it collapsing during sleep.
The study found that children with an untreated short frenulum developed abnormal tongue function early in life, which also impacted their orofacial growth and led to disordered breathing during sleep.
The researchers suggested pediatricians and otolaryngologists should systematically examine the lingual frenulum in children exhibiting difficulties such as trouble sucking, speech impediments, snoring or other breathing problems.
They also noted that while removing the frenulum can be helpful, it typically will not resolve all abnormal breathing patterns, so oral myofunctional therapy, both pre- and post-surgery is recommended to restore normal breathing through the nose.
The Importance of Breastfeeding
Diet is also important for proper formation of the mouth, and starts with breastfeeding. One of the reasons sleep apnea is now starting to affect a growing number of young children may have to do with lack of breastfeeding, which sets the stage for abnormal development of the child’s mouth. A processed food diet during early childhood further adds to the problems created by an improperly shaped oral cavity.
Dr. Kevin Boyd,21 a dentist at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago who is a major advocate of baby-led weaning, has compared modern Westernized infant feeding regimens to what he calls "ancestral-type" on-demand infant feeding regimens and the subsequent differences in mouth and facial bone structure.22
It turns out that when children are fed the way they were designed to be fed, it stimulates the structure of the mouth and facial bones to develop in an optimal way. This begins with EXCLUSIVE breastfeeding, ideally for the first six months, followed by a gradual introduction of solid food while continuing to breastfeed for up to two years.
Alternative methods of feeding for those who cannot breastfeed, for whatever reason, are specially designed cups. Feeding a child from a cup with a small arc cut out for the baby’s lower lip is far better than using baby bottles with synthetic nipples.
This kind of cup encourages the baby to use their oral anatomy similarly to how it is used at the breast. Avoid the temptation to use a regular spouted cup as it will discourage correct oral function, including encouraging the tongue to rest up and the palate to form the proper width and develop the airway.
The reason to avoid using a baby bottle is because it does not allow the natural suction a baby exerts on the breast. The slightest pressure of the baby’s tongue pushing on the baby bottle nipple rewards the baby with milk, thus encouraging incorrect use of the oral anatomy.
It was assumed that babies massage the milk via a peristaltic wave motion, pressing the nipple up against the roof of the mouth. Alas, all of these assumptions have been solidly disproven by renowned lactation researcher, Donna Geddes, Ph.D.23,24
What actually happens is, a vacuum is created when the middle of the baby’s tongue comes down, which helps express milk from the breast. Next, the forward part of the baby’s tongue pushes the mother’s nipple inside, right behind the two front teeth. This motion explains why ancestral feeding widens the jaw, and pushes both the upper and lower jaws forward. It also pushes the cheekbones in the mid-face forward.
The sucking motion on the breast essentially acts like a piston that pushes the baby’s mid-face outward. When a child is bottle fed, none of this happens, resulting in a narrow facial structure and poorly defined jaw. The anatomically incorrect palate and poorly aligned jaw bone also crowd teeth, resulting in crooked teeth.
Treating Root of Sleep Apnea Can Result in Better Health
If you or your child snores or has sleep apnea, I would encourage you to find a qualified sleep specialist to identify the root cause and help you address the sleep apnea at the foundational level. Many have little in their tool bag besides a prescription for a CPAP machine, so you may have to do some homework and search around a bit.
While a CPAP can provide symptom relief, it does not address the root problem, and is difficult to use, clean and maintain to boot. Besides, a mask on your face and a noisy, EMF-emitting machine next to your bed hardly encourage deep, restorative sleep.
As a general rule, the oral devices and OMT tend to be among the best solutions, as over time they will improve the size and functionality of your mouth and airways so that you don’t need either anymore. Ideally, you’d want to use them together.
If you’re about to become a parent, also remember that how and what you feed your baby can go a long way toward preventing sleep apnea from ever becoming a problem for your child.
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tagthescullion · 6 months
Diplomacy: a Net of Embellished Lies
Fandom(s): Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus
Rating: G
Summary: Five times Nico lied to the people around him, and one time he told the truth.
AO3 link
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Ambassador
Jason and Reyna had been working for hours. They were trying to come up with a budget proposal to start fixing their small dock after the battle a month before. 
They didn’t have much to work with, and unfortunately, naval reparations cost fortunes.
“We could leave it for another time,” he suggested. “It’s not often we use those boats, there’s no point in spending all this money on that now.”
Reyna frowned. “If we leave it, then we’ll never do it. Better get it out of our heads now.”
There was a knock on the door.
“Sorry to disturb you.” Gwendolyn’s face poked from behind the door. “We've got a couple of new arrivals.”
Jason raised his eyebrows. It was common for praetors to greet their new recruits, but it wasn’t urgent by any means. Gwen knew times were hectic, which meant whoever these kids were must’ve been something if she was appearing unannounced to introduce them.
“Sure,” he said. “Send them in.”
Reyna gave him a look. 
“We’re a bit busy,” she pointed out. “We can meet them ourselves later…”
“I know,” said Gwen. “But you’ll want to meet them. They weren’t trained by Lupa.”
That piqued their curiosity. Everybody trained with Lupa, how else would they know how to find camp in the first place.
“Right,” Reyna decided. “Bring them to us, then.”
In came two kids. A boy and a girl. Early teens or so, by their looks.
The boy looked pale to the point of Vitamin D deficiency, but Jason couldn’t blame him. He didn’t remember the last time he had spent more than fifteen seconds under direct sunlight. He had bags under his eyes that mirrored Jason’s and Reyna’s, and he seemed to be taking in everything in the room with interest. 
His eyes focused on the two praetors in turn. They startled Jason. They were a deep brown, with a sparkle of unhinged cleverness to them. 
The girl clearly felt more uneasy than her companion. Rather than studying the room curiously, she seemed wary. 
She had a face that many may have disregarded as kind and posing little threat, but Jason could see her muscles tense, ready to react, and the intensity of her gaze. Her eyes, in contrast to her friend’s, were flecked with gold that reflected the light that came in from the windows.
“Welcome to Camp Jupiter,” Jason said. “The Twelfth Legion Fulminata. I’m Jason Grace and this is Reyna, we’re your praetors.”
The children exchanged a glance.
“I’m Hazel Levesque,” the girl introduced herself. Then she pointed at the boy. “And this is Nico di Angelo, my brother.”
Siblings? They didn’t look much alike, but they had different surnames, so most likely they were only siblings by their godly parent.
“Gwendolyn told us you found your way here unconventionally,” Reyna said. 
“Our father sent us,” Nico explained. There was a trace of an accent in his speech, but Jason was surprised by how firm his tone was, at that age —12 or 13– he used to be a lot more nervous when he had to speak to the praetors. “The Lord of the Dead.”
Jason’s eyes widened. Children of Pluto? And two of them! Gods, Octavian would be unbearable when found out about them, going on about bad auguries and treason.
“You’re children of Pluto?” Reyna sounded unbothered, but Jason knew her to be surprised, too. “And he sent you?”
Jason put a hand on her arm. While he understood the concern, he could see how the boy had squared up, as if expecting a disapproving reaction from them. Jason didn’t wish to prove him right, any child of any god was welcome here.
“It’s not common to have Big Three children,” Jason clarified. “There’s not many of us.”
Nico seemed interested in that. “You’re a child of the Big Three?”
Jason nodded.
“It would be Jupiter, right?” Nico guessed. “A leader such as you. You have your father’s eyes. You said your surname was Grace, didn’t you?”
Jason was wrong-footed by the boy’s words. Guessing Jupiter was easy; the kid said it was because of the leading position, but everybody knew Jupiter was… easy-going. Out of the three brothers it was the most likely bet. But what did he mean Jason had his father’s eyes? Why did this scrawny boy know what the King of the Gods looked like?
Startled as he was, he nodded yes to the surname question. 
“When did you meet Jupiter?” Reyna asked when Jason didn’t.
“Last month,” the boy replied. He eyed Reyna’s metal dogs as if daring them to react, and Jason wondered if he had a sixth sense or superpower. Nobody knew about Aurum and Argentum when they first arrived. “I convinced my father to fight in the gods’ war against the titans. Afterwards, he saw it fit that I… met the family.”
The metal dogs tilted their heads in unison, but remained still, meaning Nico wasn’t lying. 
“But not you, Hazel Levesque?” Reyna turned her eyes at the girl. 
Hazel shook her head. “I only met Nico a week or so ago.”
Nico, but not their father. And yet the boy had said the King of the Underworld sent them both.
“And Pluto brought you here,” Jason began. “He told you how to find us.”
“He wishes for Hazel to be trained here,” Nico spoke up. “He’s given me other tasks to do elsewhere, but he hopes you’ll accept me as his ambassador. I would only stay here every so often.”
An ambassador for a god? Had that ever happened? Other than their augury —and that couldn’t be considered as an envoy, despite answering to Apollo’s power— there was nothing even remotely similar.
Hazel had been surprised by her brother’s word. She turned towards him and murmured something quickly.
Nico shook his head, he waved his hands as he muttered some reassurance or other back.
His sister didn’t look happy, but she’d been appeased by his words.
Jason glanced at Reyna and saw her following the exchange carefully.
No wonder Gwen had wanted these two to meet them before they went anywhere. Octavian would be thrilled to have vulnerable children whose secrets to exploit. And a son of Pluto who was frequently in contact with the god? 
“What exactly would Pluto need from an ambassador?” Reyna inquired. 
Nico shrugged. “He didn’t say anything specific. Information, I gather. We learn a lot from the dead, but you can also learn a lot from the living. These past years have been a difficult time for everyone, my father felt… disconnected from the rest of the gods. He only wishes to be kept up-to-date with any threats he might have to face in the future.”
Jason processed the request. 
Well, request. If a god was asking for it —and it appeared to be the case, for Aurum and Argentum had remained quiet so far—, then there was no room for debating. Pluto wanted an ambassador and he would have him, regardless of any reparation their camp might have about it.
Besides, having anybody who was in touch with the gods could come in handy. A few abnormalities had been noticed lately, regarding the dead, and who better than the god’s son to clear things up.
Jason wondered about Hazel, however. She seemed too silent, and not at all aware of anything her brother had said.
“So,” Jason leaned back into the table. “Hazel, you’ll be joining the legion. Nico, you’ll be… around the legion but not staying per se.”
“That’s about it, yeah,” Nico agreed. 
“But I—”
“It’s okay,” Nico interrupted his sister, “We’ll talk later. You can trust these people.”
“But can we trust you?” Reyna demanded, her voice accusing. 
“Have we shown any evidence of the contrary?” Nico wondered. “Other than the —what did you call it?— unconventional arrival.”
Jason thought things were becoming a bit too tense. In their defence, neither he nor Reyna had slept well for months. But that was no reason for which they should be about to get aggressive with a 12 year-old.
“None,” he assured the boy. “We’re interested in your proposal, Nico.” Turning to the girl he added: “Hazel, you’ll be wanting to get better acquainted with the place, since you’ll be staying.”
He walked past the siblings and poked his head out of the door.
Gwen was lying in a bench in the hallway, earphones on and listening to something in a walk-man that looked to be a million years old.
“Gwen?” He called.
She looked up and nodded.
Jason returned to the room and leaned back against the table, as he’d been doing before he left.
Gwen appeared a second later.
“Gwendolyn,” Jason smiled. “Would you be kind and give Hazel a tour of Camp Jupiter? Get her something from the bakery, too.” He then told Hazel: “You’ll love those pastries, they’re amazing.”
Hazel and Nico exchanged a last silent conversation. Jason wondered how they could understand each other so well with looks alone if they’d met only a week before.
“See you later,” Hazel said. 
Jason and Reyna nodded.
Gwen let her leave and stood waiting for the boy to follow.
“Nico we’ll keep for a bit longer, if that’s all right?” Jason stared at the kid.
“Of course,” he said. 
Once Gwen had left, Jason and Reyna took their seats in the high-backed chairs on the other side of the long wooden table.
“So, Ambassador of Pluto,” Reyna said. She gestured towards a folding chair, open on Nico’s side of the table. “There’s been rumours. They say monsters aren’t staying dead.”
Straight to the point. Jason loved that of Reyna, she didn’t have time for bullshit.
And Nico seemed to regard that as a good quality too. He took the chair, folded his arms on the table and nodded his head.
“It’s a long story,” he said. “And not even my father has all the details.”
That didn’t bode well.
“Tell us what you know,” Jason insisted. “Any information is better than no information.”
“There’s a sort of glitch in the Underworld’s security,” Nico told them. “The boundaries between life and death are weaker than they are meant to be.”
“Does that mean people aren’t staying dead?” Reyna asked.
Nico hesitated. “It’s not the same. People —spirits, anyway—, they’d need somebody else to get them out. In Asphodel they seldom remember who they are. In Elysium they’re too happy to care to come back. And in the Fields of Punishment they’re constantly monitored.”
“Right,” Jason said. “So it’s only Tartarus’ security that isn’t working… that’s not much better.”
“No, I don’t suppose it is,” Nico agreed. “But it’ll be much worse in weeks and months to come. When monsters start spreading the word. So far, it’s only been a few of them, and the Furies have the orders to search for any wayward creature that’s left the Underworld unauthorised. But even they have limits, if monsters or spirits start escaping in larger groups…”
“You said if somebody helps them,” Reyna commented. “They could escape. The spirits, I mean.”
She looked worried. Of course, they knew people who had passed who they wouldn’t be too happy to see again. Traitors from the war, old camp leaders who’d run down the place leaving them in the weak mess they were when Saturn came to power… but Jason wondered if her wariness came from something else. A ghost from her past she hadn’t disclosed even to him.
He forced his attention to come back to the conversation.
Nico raised an eyebrow. “And who would help them? The only mortals who can go in and out of the Underworld freely are Hazel and I. Anybody else and my father and step-mother would intersect immediately.”
Jason saw Reyna’s mistrustful expression. Neither she nor him knew the children of Pluto well at all. For all that Reyna’s dogs hadn’t caught them lying, it would be a stretch to say they were ready to trust the kids.
“And do you promise you won’t go bringing back our enemies from the Underworld?” She demanded. 
Nico di Angelo slouched back on the folding chair and looked at Reyna right in the eyes. “I promise I won’t bring any monster or demigod back to life.”
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carusolikey · 1 month
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The Blue Hour
a Max Phillips & Bloodsucking Bastards FanFic
Paint up those Easter Eggs in your favorite colors and shapes, cause baby, we're on our way!
Return to Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 - I hope you're wearing a seatbelt, otherwise...
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"Dammit, I thought to myself, I cannot be this starved for the Vitamin D."
We're talking about dick here. Vitamin D = dick. However, people in places that are in more northern parts of the U.S., like Forks, Washington, do often suffer from vitamin D deficiencies because of the lack of sufficient sunlight, especially in the winter. Which of course, can lead to symptoms like extreme fatigue, rickets in children, or osteoporosis in adults. Fun!
“Oh, of course. Lingerie Law - that’s closely related to Bird Law, right?” If you're a citizen of the U.S., or simply visiting, it's important to be aware of one of the most widely recognized laws of our country - Bird Law.
"I looked in the mirror and felt a little bit like Bettie Page, it was empowering." Bettie Page is an icon and a badass. She was a woman with a college degree during the 1950's who made money owning her sexuality, like a boss, until she mysteriously disappeared at the end of the decade. Her image continued to garner interest and intrigue, becoming more popular over time. To find out what happened to Bettie, check out the article below - be forewarned that item #5 of this list of info re: Bettie's life requires a content warning for SA and affected mental health.
If you're interested in getting a more indepth look at her life, this is a more thorough account:
"It was an old school label maker. The really old kind that had a dial for the letters, and for each letter you had to squeeze the handle very tightly in order to get it to make an impression on the label tape." These are very cool. If you find them online, at a rummage sale, or a thrift shop, they're definitely worth picking up.
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"Do not back down on my account. You know what Hal Sparks said, right?” A lot of people like to attribute the quote,"Why do people say 'grow some balls'? Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really want to get tough, grow a vagina! Those things take a pounding!" to Betty White. God knows I love her. But according to Snopes, even Betty admits she didn't say that.
The original person to essentially make the claim that pussy is tougher? Hal Sparks, so let's give credit where credit is due, and roll right into that funny man's clip!
“Good. Do not go gentle into that good night.” “I will not. I will rage until the dying of the light,” he said, still chuckling."
I know you know I know you know that we're quoting Dylan Thomas.
“All flowers have meanings. White orchids can be used to convey hope - new beginnings,” he raised his eyebrow as he looked at me." I was actually inspired to have Max be someone who is interested in the language of flowers, or floriography, because of a book / miniseries (based on the book) called, "The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart". It's an incredibly beautiful story, with strong female characters, that takes place in Australia. The subject matter is heavy, but somehow at the end, I found myself feeling lighter.
“My beautiful, midnight, Lunar Goddess.” I'm being a little bit facetious here. There is no specific lunar goddess to which Max is referring, except for OC/reader. Why? Because mythology is messy, and there is a lot of it. Greek and Roman mythology alone is a lot of different gods and goddesses having sex with other gods and goddesses, having children, breaking up, getting back together again, getting banished, abandoned, adopted. Both Selene (Greek) and Luna (Roman) enjoy driving their little chariots across the night sky, though. And that's a nice image to start with - but there are plenty of other mythologies left to explore, as well.
"He took the orchids, and reaching out, let them lightly drag down the crook of my neck and across my clavicle." This is a twist on a scene from the movie 40 Days & 40 Nights, however, as much as we all love Josh Hartnett, that movie is problematic for not recognizing that men can also experience SA - which is a bummer. When we know better, we do better (looking at you, Bridgerton.) A note: In this clip, Shannyn Sossamon says that you can tell that a relationship is real based on "the kiss" and that's all that really matters. Obviously, this is not true. There's a lot more to meaningful relationships outside of a great kiss. Hopefully, I will have demonstrated that through the actions taken and the conversations had by the characters in my own writing throughout the rest of this fic.
I highly recommend Cinema Therapy on YouTube for additional "homework", if you enjoy humor and breaking down what exactly makes a movie relationship non-sustainable from the perspective of a professional therapist and his best friend who's also a filmmaker - double analysis! Oh, lookey here! I have their analysis of Twilight queued right up for you! "I don't want my daughters anywhere near this - I want them watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
"...and used the other hand to pick up the jar that nearly caused the fall of the house of orchids, examining the label closely." The 'fall of the house of orchids' - get it? Like The Fall of the House of Usher? Both a short story by THE gothic poet and author Edgar Allen Poe, and the title piece of the recent adaptation of Poe's works into a miniseries by the fantastic Mike Flanagan. I highly encourage reading all of the stories and poems that Flanagan based the miniseries on AND watching the series. It's a mothereffin' feast for the soul.
"Using the spoon to apply the coconut oil to my free hand, I rubbed the oil between my hands to warm it up." Coconut oil as lube? Yes! Pros: it's safe, can last longer than other lubes, and is both antibacterial and antifungal. Cons: it can break latex condoms, cause allergic reactions, and potentially disrupt the pH of your vagina, possibly resulting in an infection for some people.
Is it worth it to try coconut oil as lube? Maybe. Depends on what you're using it for - perhaps something like what we used it for in our Max fanfic? Something I'm calling the "Peña Colada" in honor of our favorite Narco Agent. You know that's right. Shut your beautiful mouth and don't you dare argue with me, Peña.
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"Then he pulled his pants and briefs off, leaving just his black business socks on." That's right. Aww, yeah. It's business time.
"After an elongated, awkward, Tina Belcher laugh, resistance was futile and I admitted the truth with a sing-songy, “Mayyy-beee.” Maybe you don't know what Bob's Burgers is - that's okay, I'm here to help.
"They have the most absolutely scrumtrulescent coxinhas,” sitting up, I started to get very excited, speaking with my hands," -- I don't have a specific recipe for these to share, but I have a picture, and that should be worth at least a few hundred words, eh?
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“Okay - be real. You’re a vampire, you live forever, right?”  “Uh, yeah?” Max cautiously responded. “Are you actually going to go back to high school and graduate 25 times?” -- I'm referring to the audacity of this - THIS:
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"Max, abruptly aware that I was sitting on, and therefore hogging heretofore named Sex Afghan, giggled as he looked down at me, smiling doe-eyed as I gave him the up-down and the ‘how you doin’?’" -- One gif:
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“Yeah - thanks. That’s for you, slugger - no change.” I like to try and keep in line with Max's typical frame of speech and vocal affectations:
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"...he held up his left hand, pointing to a silver ring on his middle finger."-- Attention to detail is my middle name. Check out his middle finger on his left hand. Not his ring finger - his middle finger. Interesting character choice, eh? I'm using it, it's part of my canon now:
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“And the sixth sense? Dead people?” -- Maybe you need a refresher? Maybe you've never seen it? Let's remedy that with at least the trailer, huh?
"We continued our slow kiss, until the opening chords of House of the Rising Sun broke our focus and our calm." -- I chose House of the Rising Sun for a few reasons. The lyrics start:
There is a house in New Orleans They call the Rising Sun And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And God, I know I'm one
We know that Max got his daylight ring in New Orleans, where the vampires have a deal worked out with the witches there. Did he make a deal with them that we need to worry about? Or is this about the regret, the ruin of becoming a vampire? Another part of the song goes:
Oh, mothers, tell your children Not to do what I have done Spend your lives in sin and misery In the House of the Rising Sun
Does Max feel the need to warn others away from vampirism - will he warn off OC/reader from the lifestyle, beg them not to choose it? Is there a lot of regret for him? Or is it a cheeky homage to his situation, warning people away from him specifically - the sinner in misery? Or is it the rising of the sun and returning to the daily doldrums of a pretend human life that keeps him in such a state? Hard to know, huh?
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"In the warmth of your smile, I melt like wax rolling down the edge of a candle." -- Another original amateur poem, although this one was written independently of Max - I felt like it applied quite well, what say you?
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And those are all of the Easter Eggs for this chapter!
Return to the Masterlist Here or, while you're waiting for chapter 4, be sure to check out my other fanfics: • Javi G. from The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Paddington 3: Lost in Mallorca. • A cheeky little one-off about Young Joel from The Last of Us in High Heat, Heavy Load.
Return to Chapter 3
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devoted1989 · 7 months
vegan vitamin d
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everything you need to know about vitamin d 
Most vegans are aware of the importance of vitamin B12 supplements, but vitamin D is often overlooked. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium.  
This is the main reason that many calcium supplements also contain vitamin D. Calcium is needed to reduce bone loss and maintain bone strength and prevents the development of osteoporosis in older adults. Insufficient amounts of calcium and/or vitamin D in the diet may lead to rickets in children. 
sources of vitamin d 
Vitamin D is found in certain foods and in supplements. Our bodies also produce it after exposure to the sun.  
Very few foods are naturally rich in vitamin D; eggs contain some, but oily fish such as sardines, mackerel, pilchards, tuna and salmon are more substantial. 
Plant based vitamin D is found in mushrooms and other fungus as well as lichen (if treated with UV rays). 
Because there are so few natural dietary sources, vitamin D is added to foods such as soya milk, orange juice, breakfast cereals, cow's milk and margarine.  
The vegan diet contains little, if any, vitamin D, so fortified foods or supplements are essential.  
types of vitamin d 
There are two types of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is a synthetic, vegan form of vitamin D, derived from irradiated mushrooms and other fungus as well as lichen.  
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is not vegan, as it is derived from lanolin, obtained from sheep's wool.  
Many fortified foods and drinks contain vitamin D3, so it is important to check which type has been used.  
However, vegans need to be aware of the shortcomings of vitamin D2.  
Experts claim that Vitamin D2 is a far inferior form of Vitamin D that is not absorbed into the body well:  
“Vitamin D3 is the most biologically active form of vitamin D. Research has shown that vitamin D3 is better absorbed and utilized than D2. Studies have consistently shown that, functionally, vitamin D3 is at least 300% more effective than D2.” Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM. 
Vegan vitamin D3 supplements manufactured from lichens and mushrooms are now available. However, there have been claims that they are “fed” on non – vegan D3.  
Besides vitamin D from food and supplements, our bodies are able to make vitamin D3 when our skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays from sunlight. 
how much vitamin d do we need? 
maintenance dose 
from supplements 
The recommended dose of vitamin D is 600IU per day in adults aged 19 – 70 and 800 IU per day for adults aged 71 and older. (The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine)  
from sunlight 
Our bodies will produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D3 from 10 to 15 minutes of UV B exposure, without sunscreen, at least twice a week to the face, arms, legs or back. People with darker skin will need to spend longer in the sun to produce the same amount of vitamin D.  
therapeutic dose 
from supplements 
In the case of vitamin D deficiency, an oral dose of 50,000 IU of vitamin D once a week for up to 8 weeks is recommended. To maintain vitamin D sufficiency, the patient should receive 50,000 IU of vitamin D once or twice a month thereafter. (The National Institutes of Health) 
Vitamin D 2 must be prescribed by a medical practitioner. 
from sunlight 
If you are deficient in vitamin D, the recommended therapeutic sun exposure is 15 minutes at least once a day for 8 weeks.   
vitamin d from uv rays - precautions & additional information 
It is recommended that in the first few days, you limit your exposure to the sun to a few minutes to allow your body time to produce protective pigmentation to help protect against overexposure. 
There is no risk of your body making too much vitamin D from sun exposure. Exposing yourself for longer is unlikely to provide any additional benefits. 
It is prudent to limit exposure to UV rays to that which is necessary for your health. UV radiation is a carcinogen responsible for most skin cancers and deaths due to metastatic melanoma. 
UVB cannot pass through glass, so sun through a house or car window will not produce vitamin D.  
The sun must be above an angle of 45 degrees for it to provide vitamin D, so in the winter months the sun is not strong enough to provide any useful vitamin D.  
During this time, we get vitamin D from our body's stores, which are built up during the summer, and from food sources. Vegans may need to take a supplement to ensure that their vitamin D levels are maintained.    
mobile app: 
calculate your Vitamin D requirements: 
Vegans who do not get much exposure to the sun or those with darker skins are at risk for a vitamin D deficiency. It is recommended that they see their doctor to request a 25-hydroxy vitamin D test. 
It appears that the most efficient source of vitamin D for vegans is sunlight. If this is not feasible, supplementation with vegan vitamin D2 is, if not the best source, the next best cruelty free source.  
With thanks to healthaliciousness.com, health.com, The Vegan Society, The National Institutes of Health, Dr. J Taljaard, Harvard Medical School, Vegan Health & The Vegetarian Resource Group.  
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Musicians/bands I like and if I think I could beat them up - an uncomprehensive list
for @and-learn-to-let-go and @accidental-spice because they asked
Maisie Peters - absolutely not, she’s a feral girl from small-town England, women like that are like rabid ferrets.  She would absolutely murder me and then write a spectacular song about it.  I wouldn’t even try to start something with her. 
MCR - ok so the first thing to discuss here is that all four members of this band are Massive Nerds, which is of course automatically like a minus two to constitution. It’s also important to remember that at least two of them grew up apparently in rooms with basically zero natural light, which could mean childhood vitamin d deficiency, which could of course mean deeply messed up and easily broken bones.  However, on the other hand, there are four of them against me, and, crucially, at least some of them are now Dads Of Small Children.  The role of the dad is, as we all know, primarily to lift up small children and throw them bodily against soft surfaces, meaning they may well have built up some muscle mass doing that.  Is this alone enough to sway the battle against me? No.  However, alongside an ability to yeet kids, those with children will also have unlocked the “I’m not mad just disappointed” ability, which when directed at me, who does not have the best relationship with her father, would cause unbelivable psychic damage.  Thus, I must concede this battle to the band. 
If it came down to individual fights, though, I reckon I could 100% beat Mikey purely because whenever I see pictures of him for some reason my first thought is yeah I could beat up that nerd.  Toro would absolutely deck me.  I feel like for the other two it would be a more even battle but who knows. 
Taylor Swift - as mentioned, she is very tall but then again so am I, and I feel she may be a little uncoordinated (look at her not very good dancing I say this with love and huge respect).  I also feel that although she is very very intelligent she might be easy to distract through a feint, so I could probably take her. 
IDKHBTFM (a recently remembered beloved I can’t believe I forgot about them) - Dallon I could easily taken because he seems very irritable and I could literally play on that to make him lash out and loose his stance.  Ryan on the other hand would probably win, he seems somewhat more grounded and as such I would probably lose to the duo.  Tragically.
Hayley Williams - like early days Paramore warped tour Williams? I would absolutely lose.  Current Williams? I would win but at what cost to my soul???
The Oh Hellos - I could bang their heads together and they would fall down unconscious I’m sorry it’s just true. 
Marianas Trench - if Josh Ramsay didn’t take me out with his unbelievable falsetto I might have a fighting chance but honestly that feels like an unbeatable ranged weapon. 
Billy Joel - Joel would be all like “noo I’m just an old man haha just a silly little old man you wouldn’t hurt me I’m the birthday boy would you hurt a birthday boy” and I would relent and then he would go for the jugular.  I would not win against him. 
Bruce Springsteen  - Springsteen and I would be evenly matched the fight would go on for hours like some Arthurian legend eventually we would give up out of respect for each other. 
Lorde - I could absolutely destroy Lorde it wouldn’t even be a competition I’m sorry but one punch and she’s out. 
Fleetwood Mac - Ok so there are a lot of them but I would just turn them against each other and sit there as they destroy each other easy peasy. 
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dreamyxangel · 1 year
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A postmenopausal woman in her 50s came in with tooth decay and breakage.
On examining, most of her teeth were broken and among the ones that were intact, many of them had cavities.
And this reminds me how important tooth care is, which I am sure a lot of people neglect in their early 20s and 30s.
Now here's the important part :
A lot of people unknowingly suffer from Vitamin D deficiency due to lifestyle and eating habits. Generally we see this in postmenopausal women and the elderly but nowadays it's also prevalent among children and adults.
Vitamin D deficiency can often have no symptoms until it becomes severe. Sometimes, it can present as fatigue and muscle weakness or bone/joint pains.
And when levels are unregulated and the deficiency is untreated for long it can lead to tooth decay. Vitamin D deficiency can also cause depression. And when we are depressed we tend to neglect our health.
Yes age does play a role. You are definitely going to have tooth problems in your late 70s & 80s.
But I can guarantee that no one wants that in their late 40s and mid 50s.
So here's what you can do :
Make sure you are taking a healthy, nutritious diet on a regular basis and your life is more or less organised.
If you feel easily tired/sleepy or muscle weakness or bone pains, definitely see a doctor and get a 25-hydroxy Vitamin D test. Monitoring Vitamin D levels yearly can help because sometimes it does not present with symptoms until it reaches a severe stage.
Maintain oral hygiene: brush teeth twice a day(a lot out there don't) ; rinse mouth with Chlorhexidine Mouthwash for 5mins after dinner ; floss regularly.
Do not delay visits to a dentist. Do get checked for cavities. Get hold of an honest dentist who will cater to your needs.
Take care of yourself(body+mind). Also, if you have diabetes, get it checked and under control.
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
@ #🌌🦊🛼 : You asked about memories of your timeline overpowering yours and the prevalence of it. That's pretty interesting as everyone varies in how they remember things similar to how some people replay their memories like a film in their heads while others see nothing at all (that blew my mind as a teenager who visualised everything).
Neurologically, it is also a hard guess and I only read about how we don't properly memorise until we are kids (on average as some start the process later or earlier) but later on, ageing skews our perception of time. Children often feel bored, because to them - time is slower - while the elderly think it all flew by really quickly. In theory, it could be because of that - the memories we have of present reality might be weaker, because of us feeling that time goes by faster, while external memories are more vivid (and to some - they come in the form of a huge info dump).
I'm the same as you in this regard but I have amnesia related to brain damage, so memories from this body are hazy and jumbled. I evolved into a fictive (wasn't one before), probably due to this, but I existed in this brain for 20 years. Still the fresh memories dominate any others but I theorise it is because my source's hometown is similar to those we used to live in bodily.
However, there are loads of factors affecting our memories - stress, physical health (such as mineral deficiencies - Vitamin D, for example), environment (air pollution, for example) and many more. I am afraid that the only tip that I have is to make notes from day to day when any memory strikes you. I would add finding things that calm you and clear your head but it seems a bit trite. Adopting a crafting/mechanical/music hobby could also work as our minds recollect things better when we fiddle with things with our own hands.
I like brains. In a nerdy way. I am now also curious how others experience it.
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mcatmemoranda · 10 months
RDA – The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 600 international units (15 mcg) daily for adults through age 70 years and for children 1 to 18 years of age. For adults 71 years and older, 800 international units (20 mcg) daily is recommended for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Vitamin D intake and effective sun exposure are often inadequate in older adults. In older adults, particularly those with osteoporosis, we suggest supplementation with vitamin D. We administer 600 to 800 international units daily.
●Causes of vitamin D deficiency and resistance – Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by unusually low sun exposure combined with lack of vitamin D-fortified foods or malabsorption. Alternatively, impaired hydroxylation of vitamin D in liver or kidney can prevent metabolism into the physiologically active form. Rarely, genetic defects may cause the end organs to be unresponsive to vitamin D, as in hereditary vitamin D-resistant rickets (HVDRR).
●Vitamin D intoxication – Vitamin D intoxication generally occurs after inappropriate use of vitamin D preparations. Prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight does not produce toxic amounts of vitamin D3, due to photoconversion of previtamin D3 and vitamin D3 to inactive metabolites. Symptoms of acute intoxication are due to hypercalcemia and include confusion, polyuria, polydipsia, anorexia, vomiting, and muscle weakness. Long-term intoxication can cause bone demineralization and pain. In children, the hypercalcemia can cause brain injury.
●Tolerable upper intake level – The Institute of Medicine (IOM, now called the National Academy of Medicine [NAM]) has defined the "tolerable upper intake level" (UL) for vitamin D as 100 mcg (4000 international units) daily for healthy adults and children 9 to 18 years (table 1). The UL for infants and children up to nine years old is lower. (See 'Excess' above.)
vitamin D
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misterartist · 8 months
Good Solid Advice About Vitamins And Minerals That Anyone Can Use
Success in health is something elusive to many. They may start to eat a cleaner diet and even work out a few times per week, but they never feel they've achieved optimal health. What they are missing is vitamins and minerals, and the following tips and tricks should help you learn about this topic.
Thiamine, or vitamin B1, deficiency can cause neurological and psychiatric symptoms. These symptoms can include weight loss, weakness, irregular heart rate and psychosis. A vitamin B complex can ensure you receive the vitamin B1 you need, or you can eat pork, brown rice, liver, oatmeal, leafy vegetables, eggs and potatoes.
Never ignore the product warnings on vitamin levels. Vitamin and supplements can have serious side effects when taken with prescription and over the counter medicines. Ginseng can be very dangerous if you have high blood pressure or take heart medications. Lycopene can be deadly if you have a tomato allergy. Always read the warning labels or ask your pharmacist or doctor before taking any vitamins or supplements.
Two of the best sources for vitamin D are exposure to the sun and milk. If you are not a big milk drinker or do not spend a lot of time in the sun, you should take a supplement with vitamin D. Vitamin D protects your bones and keeps them from becoming brittle.
Although all vitamins and minerals are important, some are even more important for growing children. When planning your child's diet, make sure they are getting enough vitamins A, C and D, as well as the B vitamins. Calcium and iron are also very important for your growing children's bodies.
Magnesium is necessary for over 300 chemical reactions in the body. Foods high in fiber contain magnesium, including legumes, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. This mineral is used to treat high cholesterol, ADHD, fatigue, migraines, PMS and multiple sclerosis. Magnesium can also be applied topically to speed up healing.
As stated in the above article, taking vitamins and minerals is an important part of anyone's life who wants to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now that you read some good tips about this subject there is no reason for you not to start on a healthier path. Keep at it and remember how important it is for your life to be healthy.
Read more here https://www.colourlovers.com/lover/vigrxofcstore
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doitshoe-latvianus · 9 months
Simple Advice For Anyone Who Wants To Learn About Vitamins And Minerals
What would it take to make you feel your best? Have you been struggling with making changes to your lifestyle in order to better your health? The time has come for you to start trying supplements, so read all of the tips about vitamins and minerals presented below to learn more.
For men over 50, a different set of vitamins and minerals are required for optimum health. Vitamins like zinc, pantothenic acid and niacin all decrease as men age. Look for supplements that are specifically targeted towards men who are over 50 years of age for the best blend for optimum health.
Vitamin C is one of the most beneficial vitamins that you can take. It promotes tissue growth, reduces cancer risks, helps with blood cell formation and quickens the healing process. Broccoli, peppers, oranges, tomatoes, and a wide variety of other foods are all rich in vitamin C. You can also take a supplement that contains vitamin C.
The best source of vitamins and minerals are fresh fruit and vegetables. Making sure that you eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruit every day can help ensure you get all of the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. For the best results, eat them raw or very lightly cooked by steaming or poaching.
Try adding more magnesium, Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D to your diet if you are feeling sad. A deficiency in any of these may actually lead to depression. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to support brain health, while magnesium can help your body and mind calm down and relax.
As adults, we all know how important vitamins and minerals are to our diets but what about our children? Despite the energy they often have, they are burning away what the body needs to promote health and fight off infection. Remember to give your child vitamins in order for them to maintain good health during the growing years.
Now that you have so much handy information about vitamins and minerals at your fingertips, put it to good use. Take everything you have learned and turn it into a new health plan. The sooner you get to work, the better you'll feel, so be sure to begin your planning right away.
Read more here https://about.me/vigrxofcstore
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