#they bleed pixels
dangermd · 4 months
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angry-moon-delusion · 3 months
Quill Presents: A List Of Game's I Own And Suggest You Should Get When You're Bored (or something)
I Wanted To Make This List Thing To Let People Know The Existence Of These Little Hidden Gems Of Games I Found (And I Think People Should Play More Of Tbh)
Some More Well Known Than Others And Shouldn't Really be Counted as "Obscure" (Well At least One Is A lot More Well Known) But I Like Them & I Want To Remind People Of Them So Whatever
Also I'm Not Good At Explaining Stuff So Just Click On The Embedded Link On The Name Of The Game To See The Store Page To See If You Like It Or Not (Also See The Picture Of The Game Under the Link)
ALSO Also Most Likely Make Another One With More Games In The Future (Also If You Have Any Game You Think Is Underrated Feel Free To Share In The Notes (also also also sorry if i type alot i dont write alot and im a bad speller)
Games Under Read More
Bleed + Bleed 2
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Katana Zero
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Buddy simulator 1984
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They Bleed Pixels
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My Friend Pedro
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Children Of Slilentown
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What Lies In The Multiverse
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And I'll End This List With A Hat In Time Bc Why Not
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Alright I'm Getting Tired Of Writing So I'll Stop There
Like I Said I'll Probably Make A Sequel To This Post In The Future & You Can Put Your Personal Favorite Games You Think Need More Love In The Notes (If You Want To Of Corse)
Till Then Love Ya'self & See Ya'self
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amphibianaday · 2 years
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day 1005
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spookysquidgames · 8 months
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They Bleed Pixels - Retro Edition - Photo Gallery
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After some misadventures getting through Canada customs our box of They Bleed Pixels physicals from Premium Edition Games finally arrived! I did a little unboxing of my copy a took a bunch of photos of everything inside. These really turned out great! Premium Edition still have some copies of the They Bleed Pixels fancy Retro Edition left if you want to pick one up!
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indietourney · 1 year
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Disastrous, dirty, and deadly… Bracket 21, Blood for the Blood God, makes its appearance.
Some would call them monsters, some would name them the epitome of cruelty, but what good does that do when these people wear such labels like weapons in an armory? These lords of bloodshed cleave fear into everyone near, and those in fear are merely buckets to paint the towns red. Every attempt to silence them has ended with a show of corpses twisted in uniquely tormenting ways. Any hidden motive of theirs remains a haunting mystery. If they serve anyone… they’ve never spoken a word of them. All that is known is that their borders are spreading at an alarming rate. With Four Square Fair and Retrogradation’s sudden appearances, their spread has been hindered, but for how long? What would happen should these cold-blooded minds get their hands on the Indie Artifact?
They Bleed Pixels
Dead Cells
Hotline Miami (1 & 2)
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Watch your back... for the next bracket coming tomorrow! :D [Contestants Revealed: 60/96] [Next Reveal: Jump Up, Super Stars!]
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marshvlovestv · 10 months
It's been a while since I finished these, but better late than never for a ranking time! I obviously favor games I've done Let's Plays of - I don't know if that's because I'm proactively very good at selecting games to record that I know I will enjoy, or if I'm retroactively trying to justify my choices, or if the process of recording actively made me enjoy them better. I can't explain it. I don't know. These are #221-230.
Shadows Over Loathing - I should never play another game this long on the channel again, or spread out a playthrough over so many months. I was so relieved to be done with this game in the end but that doesn't change the fact that it is hilarious, deceptively beautiful, and a whole lot of fun.
Jotun - So cool, Thunder Lotus make good bideo game. I don't have much new to say about this one, sorry, it's just really good.
Harmony: The Fall of Reverie - A unique take on choice-consequence and the visual novel. It succeeds at creating a kind of cold detachment from the story that an omniscient god would experience, while still being plenty beautiful and impactful.
Minit Fun Racer - Short and sweet, as a follow-up to Minit this successfully transported me back to the exciting time in my gaming journey that I was in when I first played that game.
GoNNer - As a roguelike shooter, this one got a bit monotonous after a time, which I blame mostly on a dark and minimalistic color palette making every run feel samey after a while. There were still a lot of cool ideas here and I was a bit addicted for a couple of days.
Monster Prom - I guess I got exactly what I expected out of this game, a raunchy dating sim with absolutely no sense of propriety. I have heard that the sequels have more substance in the form of story and character, which I did miss after a few runs here. I'll probably play those in the future.
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus? - The performances were the biggest highlight here, as they tend to be for any FMV game. I just kind of felt like the characters as written were landing with me as they were intended to.
They Bleed Pixels - Okay, so I still think I like platformers, but the big caveat there is that they have to be pure platforming with no combat baked in. The brutal difficulty and edgy gore of this game don't really bother me. (They didn't bother me in Super Meat Boy either.) But I hated having to balance the jumps and spikes and whatnot with attacking enemies.
SkateBIRD - I disliked both of these last two games so much that I didn't even make posts about them. This one was actually cute, I've just never played a skating game before and I didn't understand the controls.
Skyling: Garden Defense - I found this one very ugly and hard to look at.
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Here is a few pieces of art I've done featuring my friend @rancid-yogurt! I'm really proud of how all of these have turned out! The first one was just a random fun piece I wanted to do. The second is a pixel art version of their character/v-tuber model. And the final one is a piece of art I put together for a collab stream we did on Twitch last year! We did a race/challenge in They Bleed Pixels. It was so much fun!
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mezzopurrloin · 5 months
We end this year on a tale of a young girl cursed to transform into a clawed abomination. She'll be making her way through the snow, carving a trail in the pixelated blood of the horrors in her path.
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Since last time I bounced off a few more games, so let's note them for posterity.
After finally giving up on TWEWY for good I tried NEO: TWEWY because people kept saying it fixed a lot of stuff that didn't work very well in the original. Sort of? It definitely feels a lot better to play because it's not super clunky touchscreen nonsense, but that still only brings it up to mediocre. I'm not convinced Squenix knows how to make a fully real time action combat system, because even the ones people tell me are good keep kinda sucking (although I still haven't tried FF7R or FF16 yet).
Also I didn't really like the starting duo in NEO: TWEWY as much as Neku/Shiki in the original. The new guys have potential and maybe get more interesting later, but I really miss the weirdos who antagonize each other but are stuck with each other vibes from the beginning of the first game. Shoka was the only character that really got my attention in the first few hours (aside from occasional glimpses from Rindo), but she barely exists up to that point unfortunately. Might go back to it at some point, but don't count on it.
And then I also wasn't super into Tales of Vesperia either. I was really surprised it was a 360 game originally, because it feels dated enough to be a PS2 game. And it's not like I haven't played older Tales games before. Tales of Symphonia was great back when it was new, and I even played the fan translation of the original SNES Tales of Phantasia before they started releasing games in English, but I might've just been spoiled by newer games at this point. The characters and story just didn't really grab my interest, and it felt a little clunkier than I was in the mood for putting up with right now, and mostly it just makes me want to go back and finish Tales of Berseria because that one's great. Unfortunately it's also on my computer, and that's hard for me to play games on right now because I can't hold it six inches from my face like the Switch.
And then I also also very briefly tried They Bleed Pixels, which I had been meaning to do several years ago but just never got around to. Not really my thing I guess. Nothing really seems wrong with it, but the movement and combat style just wasn't really clicking with me even though it seems to all work fine and be fairly expressive. I dig the art style for the intro and other larger more detailed stuff though (the in-game stuff is fine too I guess but less compelling).
And then I actually played all the way through Aria of Sorrow, but that one gets a separate post.
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shiffi-meekling · 1 year
feel quite pleased with my latest steam for They Bleed Pixels. It is a good game.
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mysteamgrids · 2 years
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They Bleed Pixels
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howlsnteeth · 4 months
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angry-moon-delusion · 3 months
Wryn And Valentine Adopt The Clawed Girl As Their Daughter Send Post
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cheetahf · 3 months
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Caged :3
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spookysquidgames · 3 months
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The Premium Edition challenge patch for They Bleed Pixels arrived in the mail!
Great to see my pixel art in patch form!
You can get one of these by completing the mission on the challenge card included with the physical edition of the game for Nintendo Switch. https://premiumeditiongames.com/products/they-bleed-pixels-standard-release
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cerealjellyfish · 19 days
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my sun may not give off light BUT it does have some cool chloroplasts
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