#they definitely talk about it when the video series im making will be done
get-rammed · 9 months
whats monty and anon's relationship with each other in your record scratch au? obviously they both have a thing for each other, but do they ever put a name to it? in the were-being au they're a full on couple (good for them good for them) so im curious
They have no name for it. They don't want to talk about it. Monty is sentient, but he still has guiderails if that make sense. He still follows specific programming that he can't go around and isn't aware he's following. And to the Anon, it would almost seem unfair to want to put a label to their relationship. Because they don't know if Monty can fully comprehend it. Spoiler alert. He can lmao. They just don't ask. When it comes to them, he's using full sentience and no guides. He just doesn't want to say anything because he was rebuffed in the past. A moment the Anon doesn't remember because to them, it was just a passing incident
Which the reason I get to use for that, is that it was a scrapped idea for the second part, therefore the Anon doesn't remember because you guys don't lmao
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coco-bee · 4 days
Welcome to Coco’s Review! Where I review and breakdown episodes, movies and etc and overthink every tiny detail and/or give my thoughts and opinions :D !! THE STORY I’M ABOUT TO DISCUSS HAS TOPICS ABOUT S/A AND OTHER DISTURBING TOPICS PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION !! Ok so this may not be something you’d expect me to cover but I wanted to discuss this series on my blog for a while now! Today I’m discussing Blue’s Story by Victaton!
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Blue’s Story is a series by Victaton over on youtube that mixes gacha life 2 character designs along with animation. I like to think of the gl2 designs as character models and Victation expands on it through animation. The series doesn’t have proper episodes, its installments mainly continue music videos that go in a specific order. The story is about Blue, a man in his early 20s entering the company his older sister works in with a positive attitude only for it to fade away as a lot of women in his new job want to get in his pants and cause irreversible trauma on the poor guy. This series is meant to show how abuse in the workplace can happen and how s/a can be done anywhere and by anyone. It seems to be a response to the misconceptions of how men who are preyed on by women are not valid victims of s/a and how they should’ve enjoyed it or that only women can be victims (which is never true). Though keep in mind I’m not qualified to determine if the way the story conveys s/a and just abuse in general is shown accurately because I have not had these experiences myself but my heart goes out to the victims in the world who could resonate with Blue’s Story and I wish for nothing but happiness and peace for you guys. You all are very strong and deserved much better<3
I can tell Victation really touched people’s hearts and according to some people in the comments who are victims the story is pretty accurate to some experiences and some research has been put in this series which I heavily appreciate. So I’m happy people can feel seen with this!
So with this series I want to start off light and mention the animation- AND MY GOODNESS DOES THIS SERIES HAVE AMAZING ANIMATION!
I really love this art style that Vic has going on here
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Like I said the gl2 designs seem to make the base and Vic uses their art skills to expand on it It really gives a dynamic feeling and you can hardly tell it’s gacha
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Vic has a lot of dynamic poses and a great understanding of body language with these!
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And I’m not even showing the best parts! But I want to keep it as a surprise for those who are interested in watching the series. I just couldn’t stop praising the visuals enough! Vic is the most experimental gachatuber I’ve seen when it comes to the visuals!! I hope to talk with them sometime to get some tips or to post how their creative process works because THE ART IS SO GOOODDDDD! AND THE CHARACTER DESIGNS RADIATE SM PERSONALITY AND ADD TO THE SYMBOLISM AND UNDERTONES OF THE STORY! It’s so fun to see :D and the color associations are a very interesting character design choice! It helps add a very colorful look to what is otherwise a very heavy story and makes it very easy to distinguish the characters and give them certain color motifs. Anyway I want to talk about the characters in Blue’s Story! Mostly by order of their debut! And I’ll only talking abt the characters that have a big impact on Blue (So I won’t be talking abt Magenta or her brother) and the ones that don’t have a definite character (So the red eye people won’t be mentioned) Anyway now that that’s established the character I want to talk about first is well- Blue himself! After All this is his perspective we’re following
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Also quick appreciation for the silly little Blues that Vic draws<3 Anyway Blue is the most interesting character I’ve seen in a gacha series. I like how Vic doesn’t use Blue as a representation or a role model for victims to take after but a person who goes through his own stories and has room to be human. You can see his descent in his own trauma and self loathing in his story. Which leads him to make mistakes and have a difficult time navigating his relationships and how to make meaningful connections. Seeing him go from confident and upbeat to quiet and reserved is so heartbreaking. What I find so great about Blue is that not everyone can relate to his situation but his thought process is near universal. I can relate to having to be in survival mode when it comes to relationships after being done dirty by different people. Not to mention people would do the same things Blue did, they just went through different experiences. It’s a really great touch to the writing. What’s also interesting I find about Blue are these different personas of different ways he handles the trauma caused by all these women.
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This is sorta a mix of my interpretation of what these versions of Blue are plus what Vic actually calls them From left to right !.Hypersexual Blue (confirmed) 2.Heart Eyes Blue (confirmed) 3. Reality Blue (not confirmed) 4. Cyan Blue (confirmed) 5. Numb Blue (not confirmed) I’ll expand more on these personas when I do a character study on Blue (which is something I REALLY wanna do sometime)
Next up is Pink Who is the first character we meet when Vic started this series
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Pink is a married woman around Blue’s age who he engages in an affair with. And one of the women Blue has a significant relationship with throughout the series since Pink was the first one in the workplace to have her way with Blue. A truly manipulative bitch 💀 I don’t have much to say about her because Vic themself made a video discussing the women in Blue’s life and their thought process on writing them(?). So I’ll just give my thoughts! Pink is a very interesting case of the “Abused to Abuser” situation and not to mention how she’s not one dimensional. She’s an abuser to Blue but also a victim to a different man. (her husband) There are scenes where she is being a nice person (highlighted with her scenes with Lilac) but what’s preventing her from being good is her philosophy of how men cannot be victims. How could they be? To her the most heartless person she knows is a man, while it’s close minded, it’s understandable but not excusable why she perceives men this way. Which I find very interesting! There’s also a cool animation choice with her lipstick color! Her lips are white when she’s doing nice things or is not perceived as a bad person, then grey when it’s more neutral (I think) and finally black when she harms Blue. Hence why her kiss marks start from white to black.
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What’s also interesting is that Blue pursues her first! Since he started out so confident and upbeat he wanted to try and shoot his shot with an attractive woman. But backs off when he learns that she’s married, but things didn’t go as planned. But I find it very interesting how that’s how things started. Next we have Purple who is the CEO or just the boss of the company Blue works in
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Purple imo is definitely the most uncomfortable character to watch (what am I saying ALL the abusers make things uncomfortable to watch) but Purple just gives me a chill up my spine. Especially with her design, it has been confirmed by Vic that Purple is in her 40s and would prey on much younger people. First she attempted to prey on Red (who is confirmed to be 19), but was unsuccessful then went after Blue, and was successful.
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Not to mention she’s very inconsiderate of her workers, example in the second part of “Baby Hotline”.
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Up next we have Red! Who is my personal favorite in terms of how she is written and her design! (I do not condone her actions)
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I love how Vic went for a more cutesy innocent look for Red!
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But not without giving her sharp black nails to show how harmful she is
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It really nails the message home on how anyone can be an abuser no matter how they look like. I also want to appreciate her little heart eye effect that Vic does with her that’s constantly looping like HOW DOES VIC DO IT- IT LOOKS SO DIFFICULT TO PULL OFF- I’m guessing it’s green screen With Red she is an obsessive stalker who has feelings for Blue and is constantly pursuing him even if he doesn’t return the feelings. It starts off as an innocent crush but turns into something more harmful. I don’t have much to say that’s not been said by Vic on their video. I just really want to appreciate how well designed she is and I rly like the heart motif she has. You can tell she’s a naive girl who can’t understand how harmful she is. I’ve met someone who was my equivalent to Red and while thankfully I had people who managed to protect me, doesn’t mean the harm did not get to me. While they were not as intense and Red, I was still being harassed verbally and I just didn’t feel safe. ALSO HOW DOES VIC DO HER HEART EYE EFFECT I NEED ANSWERS Now we have Lavender who is Blue’s SISTER
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YEAH THATS RIGHT- SHE IS BLUE’S SISTER And I swear everytime I see her I just want to punch her in the goddamn face and wipe that stupid smile off her face- Lavender is an example of non-physical s/a and incest with how she had sexual thoughts about Blue and would show it through more subtle actions. Not to mention she’s also a bystander to Blue being abused by other women and doesn’t do ANYTHING about it. As an older sister myself with my own little brother- Lavender ENRAGES ME! I could never imagine doing what she did to my own brother. He drives me crazy but I’d protect him no matter what. What is fascinating about her design is definitely how her eyes are constantly closed, as if she’s turning a blind eye to the harm Blue is a victim of and/or how she’s hiding so many things. Especially with how she only opens her eyes when she’s preying on Blue.
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SHE'S JUST AS TERRIFYING AS PURPLE Lastly we have Lilac! Who debuts in the same video as Lavender
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WHO IS THE ONE PERSON THAT DOESN’T TREAT BLUE LIKE SHIT She’s a very fun character! She’s a single mom who works in the same company as Blue. She has a lot more significance in later installments so I won’t spoil but I just love her<3 She’s so sweet I just can’t- it’s such a breath of fresh air compared to the toxic waste Blue’s been getting from the other women. Her relationship with Blue is so interesting to watch and I am just rooting for them to at least stay friends.
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(Also she looks so pretty here) AND THAT’S ALL THE CHARACTERS!!
Overall I really enjoy this series but I do have some gripes with it. The pace is definitely a bit much- so much can be happening in a span of a few mins. And there are stories that could rly benefit a longer time limit. This problem comes up most with “Baby Hotline” where I hardly understood what was happening. Like I got the gist but I didn’t get the specifics. It can be difficult to keep up with. So yeah the series could work with a longer timeframe- “Sweet Little Bumblebee'' is a great example! Not everything is too fast and everything makes more sense while “Baby Hotline” tried cramming a lot in one minute. Well the first part of ot, the second part of “Baby Hotline” was at a much better pace in my opinion but still a bit hard to keep up with at first.
Anyway in conclusion! Blue’s Story is a really interesting story that deserves the recognition it gets and is worth your time if you are into really deep stories with heavy subjects!
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(Credit to Vitaton for all the art presented) This is Coco typing.. Thank you for reading!
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standard-human · 5 months
hey, i just need to get this out there.
matpat has been one of the biggests influences on my life. i remember my first theory very specifically- the bendy theory about max fleisher. and it was good. it was really good. it took my interest in a game, taught me about real history, and made me laugh. but most importantly, it gave me an escape. at that point, my dad and i were living in a crappy one bedroom apartment. he had to work so much, he barely got to spend any time with me. i didnt really have a father figure for a year or two there. but then, heres this guy online who talks about video games i like while making bad jokes and teaching me something. i remember that for a solid month after i watched the rosalina theories, i was obsessed with punnett squares. i learned, i laughed, and i felt like there was something i could go to every week to feel like i was cared about. eventually, my dad got better hours and could hang out with me, but i still kept coming back to the theories. this channel was my happy place. if i was having a bad day, id rewatch the mario series or the fnaf playlists, or sometimes id just pull up the until dawn theory. that was always one of my favorites. now that im older, my dependence on theories has lessened, but i still watch every video. even when i have a bad day now, i go back and laugh at sans is ness. im definitely gonna stick around, but im never gonna forget the father figure of my childhood
so, i guess what im trying to say is this: thank you matthew. thank you so much for everything youve done over the years, and thank you for making my life better. im truly proud to be a theorist.
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eddie-van-munson · 2 years
HII!! Just sending another request, i loved the xie lian one, I hope I didn’t spell his name wrong💀, im wayyy to obsessed with crossovers, and I also had a hard time choosing a character so I decided to chose this one, but anyways I’ll get started and the information about him is ok the wiki and more but let me get started (:
Can you do Eddie Munson With a S/O who has a Cutthroat personality from akudama drive?? thank you and have a good day (:
Warnings: Demo-bats, Mentions of Blood, Series Typical Violence, References to Chrissy's Death, Cursing
(I will get a "Read More" cut on this ASAP. I'm done with work for this week so I'll have more time to tackle my inbox! Requests are OPEN.)
(Cutthroat: Child-Like, Pretty, Loyal, Volatile, Innocent Façade, Vengeful, Violent in the Protection of Friends.)
-So, again, I know NOTHING about Akudama Drive or what it is, but I did an itty bitty bit of research bc it was requested and I tried my best to incorporate it :^)
-Ok! So Eddie never knew you before all of the shit with Chrissy went down. I mean, he's seen you around school, and he's always been intrigued...
-You just moved to Hawkins at the start of the year and you are something else. You are tooth-rottingly sweet.
-You're soft and giggly and you're always wearing all of these gentle baby blues and pinks. Always smiling so big.
-Of course, Eds is not much of a pastel guy, but he has admit that they look very pretty on you
-Or maybe you're just pretty and the colors have shit all to do with it
-Every time Eddie passes you in the hall he can hear you humming along to some little tune in your head.
-Ridiculously endearing, really. It should be illegal.
- Anyways
-He's hiding in the woods, curled up on the ground beside Skull Rock when he hears someone say his name softly. His eyes flutter open to find you kneeling over him, and he definitely thinks he's dreaming.
-But then you turn over your shoulder and call out, "I found him!"
-He panics for a second, a pang of betrayal in his chest. Oh god, he thinks. You're in the search party.
-He sits up too quickly and shuffles backwards, ignoring the surprised look on your face.
-But then he sees Dustin running up through the woods and he immediately breathes a sigh of relief, his hands shaking with left over adrenaline.
-Turns out you're Harrington's little cousin.
-Which Eddie finds very hard to believe
-You'd been at the Family Video when the "Purchase History Database Search" began and you'd insisted you wanted to help look
-Steve tried to put his foot down but you were not having it. "You haven't seen her when she gets angry man." He argues, defensively. "She hulks out."
-Which Eddie finds even harder to believe.
-Some part of him is so relieved to see you, though. He's been living with the mental image of Chrissy's mangled body for days, and the sight of someone sweet and happy...someone who's gentle...it takes a massive weight off of his chest.
-It's such a stark contrast to what's been living in his brain.
-You're unofficially roped in after that.
-A few times you bring Eddie groceries and sit on the old, stained couch with him for a while and talk.
-Your voice is quiet and you make him laugh. Those short conversations are literally the best thing he's got, right now.
-Your grocery selection always makes him giggle. Cereal, Canned Soup, Crackers...Jumbo size bag of marshmallows??
-It becomes increasingly clear to him you have a sweet tooth.
-Sometimes you even draw him funny little pictures and notes and leave them in the bag. Other times you send him old, familiar chapter books from Elementary School.
-You seemed to have been fond of Nancy Drew and Little House on the Prairie.
-He's surprised how much he enjoys them.  And he likes seeing your name written on the inside cover.
-He begs you to stay behind when the others row out to look for Watergate.
-He argues with you about it for a while.
-"I don't want you going down there. You don't get what this shit is like. It'll fucking scar you for life."
-"Eddie, I'm coming with you."
- You're getting frustrated and finally Steve chimes in again, "I'm telling you, man. Don't make her mad."
-He can see from the look on Harrington's face he's not going to be able to change your mind. He sighs, "Fine. Whatever. Get in the boat. It's your funeral."
-You grin so brightly that Eddie's heart aches.
-As soon as Steve dives down, you're pulling off your Cardigan. Eddie's blood runs cold "No no no no no-"
-He grabs at you, but you're in the water before he can stop you.
-"Fuck! You little shit!!"
-Robin just cackles at him.
- By the time Eddie gets through the gate, he can only see flashes of you and Nancy through the swarm of bats.
-He panics, screaming your name as he sprints towards you.
-The closer he gets, though, the more he realizes that you are, in fact, not the ones getting ambushed.
-The bats are.
-Jesus, you are ruthless. Yanking bats off of Steve's chest by their shriveled wings. Crushing them beneath your heels. Yelling as you grab them out of the air and throw them to the ground.
-Nancy is killing it too, like, shit.
-He's finally able to get to you when the swarm thins, joining in the attack until the very last bat is smashed. Nancy runs to Steve, and Eddie holds a hand out to you where you've fallen, helping you up.
-Your clothes are spattered with thick, nasty blood and sludge. All the way down to your perfect saddle shoes. You wrinkle your nose a little, checking your knees where you'd scraped them, and Eddie smiles.
-"Holy shit. That was crazy! You're, like, a fucking warrior goddess or something! I should have been trying to get you to protect me!"
-You giggle, blushing. "You were trying to protect me?"
-He goes BEET red, sputtering and scratching his neck. "Well...I uh...it's just that..."
-You grin knowingly
-Eddie's heart thuds and his voice cracks as he  quickly changes the subject. "I'm sorry about your clothes."
-You shrug, "They'll wash, I suppose." Your attention catches on one of the splatters on your arm. You try and wipe it, but it smears. "It's kind of a pretty color, anyway."
-You blush at the look on Eddie's face, some odd combination of awe and disbelief, and run off to join Nancy.
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chuuyrr · 2 years
Hiii i can i request for a headcanon of teen! genz scarlet witch like just her quoting a vine or a meme in a daily basis, has broken sense of humor like she could just watch a vine or meme that wasn't even that funny to others but to her it's like the most hilarious thing she ever seen(minus the dark humor jokes) How would gojo and her uncles along with toji and her friends react to her personality. Please free to disregard this if you feel uncomfortable doing writing this headcanons. hehe ty!
scarlet witch! fushiguro! reader as a gen z headcanons
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for jujutsu kaisen, themes of crack, teen! reader being a gen z and having a broken humor content, dad! gojo & dad! toji being boomers (jk), not proofread because im lazy at the moment & it's 1am
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! jujutsu kaisen x reader
oh my god this request is literally it. tbh, i had fun writing this thank you for requesting and for being patient!! enjoy reading anon dearest, and you're always welcome ♡
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headcanons !
you're always seen smiling and laughing about those vine or meme-like videos you see online. whenever you show them to gojo or toji, they're like, "uh-huh, that's nice kikufuku/angel." but like, they really don't get what's so funny about that lawnmower soaring through the sky with some girl singing a high note, or that "f re sh a voca do" one, or literally the vines and memes you show them every single time.
being a "typical" gen-z, you have your slang in your vocabulary that poor gojo and toji just can't seem to get the hang of.
"periodt" uh, are you on your period or are you talking about the exclamation mark?
"slayy" do you mean to kill? what?
your adoptive and biological fathers are so confused when you just start quoting vines and memes, as well as saying gen z slang on a daily basis. they just can't keep it up that well, but i can definitely see gojo working hard to do so. gojo wants to knows what's in and out for the youth to be able to relate to his students, and not just you.
please, even the king of curses is so fucking confused. he's like, "is this the language that people speak now?" sukuna would have also kicked you out of his domain if it weren't for your almighty chaos magic, rendering him powerless while you hit a woah that one time.
gojo definitely asks the students to translate for him whatever slang you just started saying. the same goes for toji, who asks tsumiki and megumi. 
you got into a heated argument with the higher-ups at one point because they were irritating you with all the special grade missions, and side comments they were throwing at you, and you just started yelling things like, "you're done, you're done." "objection, lack of hairline." "wow, it's internalized misogyny for me." "it's not the vibe, stop." "all of you just had to be fire signs." it both disses and baffles the higher-ups; in either way, gojo is proud.
when it comes to memeing and stuff, you definitely relate to the first and second-year students more, especially yuuji and nobara, because your age is closer to them as a teenager. in fact, you show and do tiktoks with them almost all of the time, from dances to skits. gojo occasionally joins in because he doesn't want to be left out, and he also wants to be able to relate to you and the others.
gojo definitely tells nanami all the gen z stuff he learns from you and his students, and nanami is just like (ㆆ _ ㆆ), because it sounds strange hearing those slangs, vines, and memes from gojo himself.
even when you're sad, you say things like "i'm going through it," and when you're really excited, you do that lowercase scream while shaking your head and opening your hand over your mouth.
you have a very broken sense of humor. they could show you a badly photoshopped picture of something with some random words, and you'd find it really funny even if isn't. you are enigmatic for this personality of yours, but they actually like this side of you. it makes you fun to be around. even if people like gojo, toji, and nanami don't really understand you, seeing you smile, laugh, and be enthusiastic about explaining why those videos and slangs are funny is enough to make them happy.
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majjiktricks · 1 year
9, 10, 17 for MGS
ehehe ty for sending in ^_^
metal gear:
9. worst part of canon i feel like im beating a dead horse a little with how much i talk about how i dont like mgs4 LMAO i watched that "mgs4 was a mistake" video and that guy really makes a lot of good points. but i think the worst part is that mgs4 really doesnt feel like any of the other metal gear games before it because it lacks a distinct set of villains. and i think that makes it boring. literally they couldve done anything else. anyone else as the villains. but they decided to reuse concepts from previous games instead of coming up with the cohesive group of villains that makes sense for the story. even mgr follows the same pattern as 1-3, and look how fucking awesome that was! we didnt know who a single one of those guys was before the game came out and yet theyre probably some of the most iconic villains in the entire series. and they make sense for the story and setting. the beauty and beast unit MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. NOR DO I CARE ABOUT THEM BECAUSE THEY ARENT INTERESTING AT ALL. i know pw and v dont really follow that pattern either, and i like those games much more, so obviously thats not my ONLY problem with mgs4, but its definitely one of the bigger ones. at least pw and v were FUN. 10. worst part of fanon im gonna be honest my experience with the metal gear fandom has been incredibly pleasant and positive. theres not a lot that makes me mad in fan interpretations. probably the only thing ive seen thats fucking stupid is when people take kaz and make him kind of?? the moral high ground???? in bbkaz divorce. no he fucking wasnt LOL kaz didnt leave bb because he realized bb was a bad person or doing bad things (i think he knew that already and didnt care. hes also a bad person who does plenty of bad things). he left because he was no longer treated like an equal to bb and he didnt like it. thankfully the people i interact with all see it the same way. if someone talked to me and tried to argue something else i would explode. or any of the dudebro homophobic shit. if youre denying queer characters' existence when its explicitly stated in text. youre just a fucking idiot.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art i havent done much of a deep-dive into mgs fic so i dont actually know whats common/uncommon but i do really like it when a fic takes a character who originally wasnt part of the situation and puts them into the situation. writing them into the story while still remaining relatively canon-compliant. some of my favorite examples of this come out of the yakuza fandom, where the character put into the story is there for their own development, or to expand upon a part of the lore that doesnt really get touched on by canon, rather than the character's overarching impact on the media's story as a whole (because in order to remain canon-compliant they dont DRASTICALLY change things, but what they do/affect can change the meaning of what ultimately happens, etc). ive seen a few things about kaz lives and joins philanthropy and i really would love to see a long fic about that and how he helps them. i also really enjoy in-between-games nonsense. i wanna see all the shenanigans everyone's up to. post-mgs3 filler with bb and ocelot, 70s kaz and ocelot building DD, between 2 and 4 philanthropy. i love me some good fun filler <3
more questions here!
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slightlystupidhun · 2 years
Playing Games
Listener plays popular pranks on some of the redacted guys. Im glad it’s becoming a series. So far I have done Milo, David, Asher, and Sam. lmk if you wanna see someone else and what prank to do.
Milo and Sweetheart have been known to be a playful pair. They have always found fun in teasing one another, maybe Sweetheart more than Milo, which is why it was no surprise that they would decide to play a prank on him. They were scrolling through their phone, mindlessly passing through photos and videos, until they stopped at this one in particular. It displayed someone leaning in to kiss their partner but then pushing their partner away before the kiss could occur. Smiling evilly to themselves, they were waiting for their boyfriend to get home from work when they heard the familiar click and turn of the door knob. They immediately stood up from the couch getting ready to greet the shifter.
“Well Hello there Sweetheart.” He said sporting his usual heart warming smile.
“Hi Hun! How was your day?” They wrapped their arms around him.
“It was pretty good, but it’s even better now.” They leaned in for the kiss and he mirrored their actions. Just before their lips could meet his, however, they pulled away and turned back around to the kitchen.
“I’m gonna make dinner now.”
“W-Wait what?” He stammered out following them to the kitchen. The pout was evident on his face but was slightly over powered by a look of confusion. He had no idea why they would pull away from the kiss. Were they plotting something? Sweetheart turned around once they reached the kitchen.
“Right I forgot!” They leaned in again for the kiss and he followed but again, before their lips could meet Sweetheart pulled away grabbing their cook book to check the recipe.
“Ya feelin alright Sweetheart?” He walked forward to peek over their shoulder at the book.
“Hmm? Yeah? Why is something wrong?”
“No, I guess not…” he trailed off, his tone filled with suspicion. “Can I help ya cook?”
“Sure Hun!” The pair both took out the pots and pans required and gathered the mess of ingredients. “Alright that should be all good!” Sweetheart began cooking everything when they felt a pair of arms wrap around their waist.
“Sweetheart, can I have a kiss please?” Their shifter mumbled into their neck.
“Yeah!” They turned to face him, effectively moving themselves away from the stove behind them and against a counter. They both moved in for a kiss. His grip became tighter on their waist to keep them from moving. He moved in hastily, not wanting to give them the opportunity to dodge another one of his attempts. However, he forgot that he was dating an extremely talented stealth. So right as their lips were about to meet his, they cloaked and ran over to the stove.
“The pot is boiling over!” They de-cloak walking over to the pot, that definitely was not boiling over.
“Okay, what the fuck is goin on?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“Are ya gonna fuckin kiss me er not?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Oh so you wanna play games? That it sweetheart? Well, I’ll have ya know, I’m not in the mood to play, so ya better come here and give me a kiss.”
“And if I don’t?” They moved forward wrapping their arms around his neck.
“I can promise you, yer gonna wish ya had. I will pay ya back tenfold for what yer doin to me now.” They giggled at his response leaning in to finally give him what he wants. He smiled and leaned in to kiss them back when they let go and pushed him away again.
“I’ll give you a kiss if you can catch me.” They ran away laughing like a maniac. Milo let out a low growl and chased them through the halls.
“Get back here ya little brat!”
He finally caught up to them and picked them up making them wrap their legs around his waist. He didn’t give them a chance to cloak as he began leaving kisses all over their face. They both let out giggles and finally Sweetheart gave in and kissed him back. Suddenly they heard a heavy bubbling noise.
“Shit the pot actually is boiling now!”
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toyafreethoughts · 9 months
hello hello!! if its alright, could i request a matchup for project sekai and/or twisted wonderland? (o´▽`o)
my name is clockwork, or just clock works too!! im transmasc (16) and i go by he/they pronouns. im a leo, infp, and hufflepuff though i dont know what most of that means, haha! i think i have undiagnosed autism but its something i still have to talk to my doctor about. ive been on t for a year at this point and im hoping to get top surgery the second i turn eighteen. i mostly have an attraction to dudes, but i also like girls!
i’m pretty short (5’3”) and i have black hair that i like to bleach/dye as well as dark brown eyes. i still look pretty feminine, but i have a deeper voice (thank you testosterone) and i dress masculine though im not against dressing somewhat femininely in my freetime.
my main interests as of current are reading and watching different animanga series, playing video games, and watching vtubers!! my hope is that one day i’ll be able to audition to a talent agency one day and start streaming as a vtuber! i also want to expand myself musically, so i’m currently trying to learn the violin and want to pick up the piano one day! i also love band and i want to learn guitar or the drums. i also love drawing, though i dont do it much and im not very good at it, haha! its more of a hobby than something i want to perfect and become a professional in.
personality wise, i’ve been told i can actually look pretty intimidating but i’d like to think im a pretty nice person! i can be a little bit shy when first meeting someone, but once i know i have something in common with someone, i never shut up, haha!! i’m a really passionate person when it comes to the things im interested in and i do my best to make sure the people around me are happy. i can be super spontaneous and i’m not good at thinking before i act so i’ve done quite a lot of stupid stuff before. i’m super loud and i never know how to control my volume, but its mostly because im having fun. i have tendencies to overthink and my thoughts spiral way more often than i’d ever want to admit, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. i also get pretty irritated/frustrated easily, but i’m learning to get better at controlling that.
i guess my type would be someone who can both match my energy, as well as be patient with me. like, someone who can understand whenever i get too overstimulated or whenever i want to be affectionate even when i dont say it out loud, you know?
thank you for listening to my request, or if anything comes up and you can’t do it or have questions for me, then you can message me!! remember to stay hydrated and get enough sleep!! mwah mwah (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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A/N: Hi there mootie! I apologize for taking a while 🥹 but I really hope you enjoy this. Anyways, here I go!
Your soulmate for Project Sekai is…
Akito Shinonome
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Honestly, I was gonna go for Toya but I truly feel like akito is a best match for you, honestly people say that akito can be intimidating and so can you and there’s so much more that I’m gonna explain on why akito is perfect.
He loves hearing you talk, usually about whatever like your interests that your passionate about, he also loves hearing your voice all the time too, he finds it attractive.
He also supports all your dreams and goals in life! Whatever you wanna do or wanna be he’ll always be there for you, cheering you on.
Since your learning violin and you wanna learn piano, his friend Toya will teach you how to to play them anytime, and since you draw as well I’m sure Ena would love that!
Potentially, if you wanted too, You, Akito and Toya could be in a poly relationship together, but that’s all up to you.
No matter what y’all just compliment each other so well.
Now, for your Twisted Wonderland Soulmate you’ll be with…
Idia Shroud!
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So, since your shy and he’s shy he would definitely become friends with you at first.
You guys share a lot or interests with each other such as animanga, video games, etc, you guys would have weekly gaming nights with just you and him and you guys would also watch anime together as well.
You would be the one talking a lot and he would be the one always listening, he enjoys you taking about your passions and he’ll ask questions and do small reaction noises.
He is very patient with you, and he definitely understands when you get over stimulated as well and will try his best to help you even when he’s freaking out on the inside.
He supports you when you say you wanna become a vtuber! He will definitely help you out with that stuff!
Also if you want affection from him you may have to speak up some points.
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funnywormz · 1 year
putting some red dwarf headcanons below the cut bc im feeling kinda crappy and just wanna talk abt them.
please keep in mind that these are my readings of the characters and im in no way trying to claim these things are canon or the "correct" way of interpreting them, this is just how i see them personally. a lot of this is just rlly self-indulgent and involves me Projecting. if you don't agree with me on any/all of these, that's fine, i don't expect anyone to be on board with all of them tbh, just pls be nice to be abt it im sensitive
also just a warning. this post got very long bc i have a Lot to say lol
gender: trans man, he/they
sexuality: bisexual
other: adhd (inattentive type), depression, amputee with prosthetic arm
notes: i headcanon lister as a trans man bc im trans masc myself and i find it very comforting to see him that way. it also fits in well with some aspects of canon, like his pregnancy in season 2. he's also just trans masc swag personified lol.
the bisexual headcanon seems to be shared by a lot of ppl in the fandom, and it's personally the way i see him. i think he has a definite preference for women but is still occasionally attracted to men, and (i am pretending that one scene in series 7 doesn't exist here lol 😒) i don't think he'd be repressed abt it at all. he's horny and not afraid to act on it
in terms of the neurodivergent stuff, i think adhd-i fits with his personality pretty well. i think that combined with his tendency to be depressed makes it hard for him to stay motivated and focused, and often means that he doesn't rlly take care of himself or his personal hygiene and seeks out short-term sources of pleasure like food, video games, alcohol and sex to keep himself happy, but can't rlly focus on long term goals. being the last human alive stuck in deep space definitely doesn't help. often his "laziness" is a result of his lack of energy and motivation rather than being an intentional thing. some days he just spend all of his time curled up on his bunk sleeping bc he can't find the drive to do anything else. he doesn't rlly WANT to be that way, he wants to have fun and actually do things, but it doesn't always happen and he has some rlly bad days at times.
with the prosthetic arm, personally i think they should've given him a prosthetic and had a proper character arc around him learning to cope with a disability back in season 7/8, rather than playing it off as a joke and immediately retconning it. i haven't rlly done much planning for this one yet but i just know i want it to be a thing. i think he would probably have a dope looking robot arm or something bc there's no way he'd just go for a boring generic arm if he had the choice imo. he would love to deck it out and customise it and put stickers all over it despite kryten telling him not to hehe
gender: mostly cis man but maybe with a little hint of nonbinary-ness in there that he unfortunately refuses to acknowledge. he/him
sexuality: h for homosexual BABEY!!!!!!
other: autism, adhd (hyperactive), panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder
notes: i think that it's quite possible that rimmer could have a little bit of gender stuff going on. when he projects his own insecurities abt gender and sexuality onto ace he specifically makes jabs abt ace probably wearing women's clothes in secret multiple times, which is equally as telling as his sniping abt ace being gay.
i also do headcanon rimmer as gay, but deeply, deeply repressed about it. he pursues women and kinda forces himself to believe he's attracted to them, but it's out of his desire to meet his own stupid arbitrary expectations of what he "should" be like, rather than out of any genuine attraction. ik a lot of ppl see him as bi, which is perfectly valid! but personally his pursuits of women read to me as something he does bc he feels he needs to do it to complete his image rather than something he does out of any real desire. he's also got enough internalised homophobia that it'd probably take decades of therapy to make him be normal abt it lol. rimmer wants to be the kind of man that he thinks will receive respect and will meet the expectations his family put on him as a child, and having a wife and children was always part of that image for him. he never really stopped to consider if that's something he actually wanted. i think he becomes more accepting of his own queerness as time goes on, but it does take time.
the neurodivergent stuff should be pretty self explanatory but im gonna rant abt it anyways. as an autistic person myself, i find rimmer very relatable. there are multiple scenes in the series where jokes and sarcasm go over his head completely, and countless times where he misreads body language and doesn't seem to get what kind of behaviour is appropriate for certain situations. he just seems to struggle with social interaction and bonding/making friends in general. he has intense interests that others don't rlly understand, like telegraph poles, risk, cars, morris dancing, etc. he gets pleasure out of organising and sorting things to a degree that seems pedantic to others, and seems genuinely confused when lister doesn't share his enthusiasm for cataloguing the ship's food stocks as a fun saturday night activity. he seems to enjoy routines and predictability, and gets upset when unexpected things happen. he also tends to get obsessive about small details rather than focusing on the big picture.
in terms of hyperactive adhd, it seems to me that rimmer often has a hard time slowing down and relaxing, and seems to need to be constantly on the go and doing things and generally fussing about. he also is self aware abt the fact that he has a hard time being quiet, and needs to talk more and at a faster pace than most other people, especially when he's nervous or distracted. as well as this, he often stims by rocking back and forth and jiggling his leg up and down (this also fits with the autism hc). he also has a tendency to procrastinate and seems to have a hard time studying, despite his attempts to convince people otherwise. it often comes up in the series that he'll get hyperfixated on doing something a bit arbitrary, like making an impeccable study timetable/schedule, or tidying, or sorting things into perfect order, rather than actually STUDYING, which is part of why he continuously fails his engineering exam.
the panic and anxiety disorder thing should be pretty self explanatory too. rimmer is clearly a worrier and has multiple panic attacks in the actual series. he seems to spend most of his time in a highly strung state of near panic, to the point where it interferes with his physical health. the way the canon narrative handles his anxiety, and his neurodivergent traits in general, is often a bit shitty lol, but it seems clear to me that he suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. kryten mentions that he's at a higher risk for those kinds of disorders due to genetics, but i also think that his childhood trauma and subsequent lifestyle (deathstyle??) definitely haven't helped him get any calmer lol
the cat
gender: trans man, he/him
sexuality: bisexual aromantic
other: autism
notes: most of these are more of a "because i said so" situation rather than things with canon evidence lol but still. esp the trans man one. i don't think the cat rlly has much of a concept of his own gender at all tbh, he just decided one day he was more comfortable as a man and stopped thinking abt it after that lol. i see the cat as bisexual bc i don't think he'd rlly give a fuck abt gender as long as ppl are hot and well presented, and i think he's aromantic bc throughout the series he doesn't seem to show much interest in a committed romantic relationship with anyone. when he does show interest in people, it reads more as purely sexual attraction to me than any desire to settle down or have an actual relationship.
i think he's autistic but it isn't always picked up bc his special interest is fashion, which isn't perceived to be a "typical" special interest. he seems very particular abt textures and colours, and puts meticulous effort into his wardrobe and often only wants to talk abt clothes even when ppl want to talk to him abt something else. to tie in with that, he doesn't seem great at reading social cues and often makes faux pas and accidentally insults others without realising it. he seems to generally have a hard time with empathy and understanding that others might not always share his interests and priorities
gender: nonbinary, any pronouns but generally uses he/him and is fine with this
sexuality: aroace
other: autism (again)
notes: ik that robots being nonbinary and aroace and autistic can be an unfortunate and frustrating stereotype sometimes, but it's just hard for me to see kryten any other way 😅. anyways, although im not aro or ace, i AM autistic and nonbinary and i think robots rule and i adore kryten so WHATEVER!!!! take it up with my nonexistent lawyer or something idc
in terms of being nb, kryten seems to only have the vaguest idea of what gender actually is, and i doubt that he really identifies as particularly male or female. he's most used to being perceived as male, but i don't think he really identifies with manhood. he seemed actively repulsed by male reproductive organs when he was briefly human, which makes me think that if he was human he'd probably suffer from gender dysphoria if he had to live in an amab body, but likewise he seems to have mixed feelings abt being perceived as a woman in season 8. in truth, i think he fits somewhere in the middle.
i see kryten as aroace bc he just never rlly seems to express any interest in sex or romance, even seeming confused by both concepts at different points. he IS a deeply loving and passionate and affectionate person at times imo, but it's always platonic i think. he just doesn't strike me as someone who would get any enjoyment or fulfilment out of having sex or being in a romantic relationship.
the autistic hc should once again be pretty obvious. he has a hard time reading social cues a lot of the time, and enjoys repetitive tasks that other ppl find boring, like ironing etc. he also just generally does and says things that strike others as eccentric without meaning to come across that way and jokes often go right over his head. he's autistic to me. ik that a lot of this is tied up with him being a mechanoid, but im autistic and i love kryten so im claiming him fuck you
gender: trans woman, she/her
sexuality: lesbian
other: autism, generalised anxiety disorder
notes: ive seen a few ppl hc kochanski as a trans woman and i rlly warmed up to it. it also makes sense that lister would get a crush on her if he knew she was trans and they had "two of the only trans ppl on the dwarf" solidarity, like i can imagine it being part of why he came to like her tbh.
ik kochanski's statement abt her dave being gay and them just pretending to be in a relationship was immediately dismissed by lister and she didn't argue abt it, but i like to personally believe it's true. i think for a long time she struggled with internalised homophobia and didn't mind getting attention from men, esp bc it validated her gender as well. but in my headcanon it was always uncomfortable for her and never felt right, hence why she broke up with her lister before the accident (although the breakup was also in part due to her lister's struggles with his sexuality as well). much like with rimmer, i think kochanski had high expectations of herself and felt anxious for others to see her as a "real woman", and for a long time it was hard for her to reconcile being a lesbian with those expectations. but she gets there eventually.
at first i was on the fence abt headcanoning kochanski as being autistic, but i decided to do it. she's better at masking than rimmer is, but it still shows through in her very particular sensory preferences and attachment to comfort items and occasional misreading of social situations. likewise with generalised anxiety, i think she has a tendency to get anxious and worry abt things that other ppl might not care abt, and becomes stressed pretty easily. she tries her best to hide it, but she likes to be in control of a situation and know what all of the likely outcomes are, and when she can't have that level of control she finds it deeply upsetting and destabilising. she likes to have predictability and routine and takes comfort in familiar objects and sensations even when those things might seem silly or irrelevant to others.
gender: nonbinary (imagine all of the computer related puns she could make abt this lol he would love it), any pronouns
sexuality: bisexual
other: n/a
notes: holly is so nonbinary to me. it's basically canon already considering that they switch back and forth between male and female presentation multiple times. i don't think gender means a hell of a lot to holly but she enjoys messing around with it and trying out new things. my personal headcanon is that she prefers presenting in more of a feminine way but the default presentation he's programmed with is masculine and she can't rlly be bothered changing it a lot of the time bc she doesn't rlly give a smeg.
likewise i think holly is attracted to men and women and everyone else. i don't think he feels sexual or romantic attraction that often but it definitely happens. they only ever really feel attraction to other ai though and aren't into organic beings in that way, and bc he hardly ever gets to encounter other ai her romantic life is kinda nonexistent lol.
i think holly probably has some Brain Stuff going on but idk what exactly so ive left that blank for now. if i come up with anything i will probably edit this later
OK THAT'S IT FOR NOW sorry this post is long as fuck. hope you guys enjoyed reading me ramble on abt the silly little fellows
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n7punk · 2 years
Since you mentioned Zelda do you have a favorite Zelda game? Mine is skyward sword!
gonna get a bit controversal here probably XD
i was literally just talking about my ranking earlier today with a friend, so here's my personal take. keep in mind, some of these games i haven't played since i was a small kid, and like... i know i played phantom hourglass but i cant remember a damn thing about it so i wont be including it. ive got some stuff like that. i've played like nine zelda games or something but these are the only ones i feel like i remember/experienced enough to rank.
twilight princess and breath of the wild are nearly tied for me. they're different kinds of games, so which one is "better" really depends on what im in the mood for (and what your particular style of gaming is), but i think they're two of the best games of all time and would recommend them to just about anybody who is open to that genre of game.
then honestly i would probably put spirit tracks or skyward sword after those two. its been a long time since i played spirit tracks but i remember really liking it as a kid. conversely, i was just replaying skyward sword in the hd remaster and while i remember loving it the first time i played it as a kid (not considering it as good as twilight princess, but still good), i didnt enjoy it nearly as much on this playthrough. i think the gameplay just isn't fun enough to carry the whole thing for me when i already know the story, but the first time i played it i was clinging onto every line so i loved it. like, i remember when i finished the scorpion fight and the sand drained away being like omg!! it looks like the hub from spirit tracks i wonder how it all fits!! so i'd definitely recommend skyward sword to a zelda fan, but probably not to someone who has never played the series before. i think the back half of the dungeons are distinctly more fun than the first half, which is kind of the opposite of what you want because i was like "come on, just get through sky view, and eldin, and the mining facility, and then you'll get to do the dragons." (flooded faron is my favorite level btw).
next is probably link's awakening. i played the remaster (never the original) and enjoyed it. i thought the remaster was INCREDIBLY done, such a cute and fun and high quality style with a beautiful result, all while preserving a lot of the original look and probably some of the feel too (at least from what ive played of the original zelda, which isn't much).
next is probably a link between worlds (on 3DS). i got pretty far and i think i stopped just because i started feeling lukewarm on it due to the difficulty curve (i have a lot tougher time with handheld games than controllers, and consoles are already harder for me than mouse and keyboard in general) and the story wasn't interesting enough to pull me back in. because of that, i wouldn't really Recommend a link between worlds unless you're already a zelda fan and have played the others above.
here's the controversial part, but i put ocarina of time at the bottom. i know so many people love it, so i was really excited to play it when it came out for the 3DS, but... that game was such a slog. i stopped about halfway through the game not because i was stuck, but because i wasn't having any fun. i think part of it was the low res art (the game was visually muddy, unengaging, and just kind of hard to discern), but ive played a lot of low res or even 8bit art games (my first video game ever was super mario bros for the NES, which came out 14 years before ocarina and obviously has much worse graphics), so part of it has to be the game, and visuals alone dont make a game boring. like i said, i was kinda bored at parts of skyward sword this playthrough and it's such a gorgeous game. being unengaging visually made it harder to get into the gameplay, but that wasn't all it was for me.
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merartwork · 1 year
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So maybe its time to share my experience creating art. I mean I do have this blog for something...right?!
So I might as well write it while I am sitting in the parking lot waiting for my son to come out of school.
So I've been going on this adventure and exploring my skills in portrait done in mixed media or oil pastels. It really is one of my obsessions to master the art of portraits. There’s something that is so fascinating about replicating someone's features on paper...to give life to a flat piece of paper.
So, like a few weeks ago I went to see Cheech at the Michigan theater in Ann Arbor and he had a talk about Chicago art. ( I made a small video about it on my YouTube link will be attached) he was talking about Chicano art.
Anyhow since moving to the midwest and outside of the L.A west coast area. I realized how concentrated and rich the brown culture is out there. It also made me a bit more appreciative of my own mixed race roots, because I can totally relate to the experience.
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So I decided to develop studies of latina, LA artists I started with Lora Arrellano. She is the founder of the company Melt Cosmetics and I highly recommend checking out there make up.
So usually Im inspired by a picture, personality or environment...and I usually dive right in with no fear. I could say there are a few things in my life that I held back. Maybe because im older and my life does not only belong to me, but also my kids. There's had to be a lot of damage control from my wild, impulsive past..but painting Lora was not one of them.
On the other hand painting Kat Von D was super nerve wrecking maybe because I love her and her story and background, plus she's such a talented and accomplished artist herself that it's very intimidating. But I had to just carry my fear through out the process and really I'm glad I'm doing the studies because they are helping me see my strength and my weakness. I am going to continue with my series and see where it leads. I have so many ideas for series than time to paint. But I'll do my best not to cheat on my art with depression, restlessness or any other distractions besides my children. I definitely love my art and I know my art will live me right back.
So I'll keep sharing my process and see where it lead.
Thank you-
P.s I hate it when the link takes forever to attach.
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juneviews · 2 years
youtube anon here!! omg thank you!! sorry im so late with this i was busy bc deepavali + wanted to make sure id thought of everything to ask ahsjdjdkf and ofc if you decide not to reply to this i understand as well, so really no pressure at all, okay? 😊 what software do you use to edit your videos? what made you decide to start making videos? do your videos get taken down bc of copyright? how do you deal if/when that happens? what are some of your favourite kinds of videos to make, and why? how long do you usually spend on a video (idea conception, filming, editing etc)? and since i know you from this blog, even before you started making videos: do you have any advice about putting out content in fandom? bc you make gifs + write + make videos and like. idk im just wondering if you ever feel shy about posting? (not that you should bc for real everything you put out is great- including all the off pictures you keep posting… thank you for that btw i dont have social media so thats the only way i get to see his beautiful face) i guess it sounds stupid but IM really really shy and the thought of putting anything out there for anyone at all to see makes me want to hide forever sdjfhskjg but like. i kinda want to make video edits too. mostly for myself as like a visual journal thing? like its a personal project. but i thought okay since im putting in so much effort why not share it with other people too? and id love if people discovered new music + shows bc of me yknow? but yeah anyway like. how do you deal with it if you ever feel that way? thats all i can think of for now, wow this got LONG. i hope its not too much rip. and again thank you for letting me ask you these questions ❤️
hi, OOF you really had QUESTIONS lmaooooo
I use the free software shortcut to edit my videos. I hate it & it's very slow which makes my already least favorite part of the video making, editing, even worse (:
I decided to start making videos bc 1) I saw a gap in the youtube market where people who talked about bl either did reactions or short analyses without showing their faces. 2) there were many topics that were easier to tackle in a longer video than a blog post. 3) if I were to be able to make a living off of youtube (which will not happen but wish I had known that then lol) it would solve most of my problems & allow me to combine pretty much all of my interests at once.
my videos ABSOLUTELY get taken down bc of copyright, if you look through my community page I've talked about that many times.
when that happens, I always appeal but most of the time it doesn't work, which means I spent 30+ hours MINIMUM on something that will never see the light of day (: it's in big part why I'm switching to thailand focused content instead of thai series content tbh, it was very heavy on my mental health for a hobby that takes so many hours out of me every week. not worth it.
my favorite kinds of videos to film are definitely my ranking ones or reaction ones bc they demand very little preparation & scripting and are just about me rambling for 2 hours, but my ranking ones take FOREVER to edit so on that part any non scripted video is the worst haha
the time spent on a video really depends, but usually the writing of a video takes me between 3 to 6 hours, the filming takes me 2 hours & the editing takes me a good 20 hours (funny bc I hate editing so much lmaooooo.) but some videos have only taken me 10 hours (short reactions), while others have taken me well above 50 (longer commentary ones.)
about putting out content in fandom, you're right in saying that I've basically done every kind of content LMAO. honestly the faceless one like giffing, writing fics, making fanvids, etc. is easy? like it needs to come from a drive of wanting to do it but bc your personal image isn't really attached to it, I feel like the trial & error is easier? if you wanna stop tomorrow no one will really care? but when I started making videos that demand significantly more time & that have my face clearly attached to it, that's when the doubts started creeping in. I never feel shy bc I just haven't been shy in a while, but I do feel ashamed to talk to irl people about my videos bc they aren't successful & I've invested over 2 years of my life in them so it's just kinda pathetic LMAO. but about you being shy, you can focus on the fact that it's the internet? like if you really don't want anyone to know it's your fanvids, create a new username & post them under it, bc then literally NO ONE will know it's you. to be honest it's taken me years but I've gotten rid of the notion of "cringe" and "embarrassment" out of my vocabulary. just do what makes you happy bc people will hate on you no matter what. I just know I personally want to live my life authentically & not filter it just so MAYBE I'm not as hated. so yeah, I hope you DO get to create the fanvids you want & good luck with that! thanks for the support as well, it means a lot <3
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a Buffy the vampire slayer, dc (I’d love a Batfam or like within gotham ship) and marvel (I noticed daredevil characters on your masterlist could I get one from those shows) matchup? My pronouns are she/her and I’m bisexual.
Personality: I originally come off as quiet, and aloof. It can seem standoffish but I don’t mean it too I just don’t trust very easily and am uncomfortable with strangers/new environments. I am my best when I am by myself or with my closest friends. With my closest friends I’m quite open, fun and talkative especially when talking abt things that interest me. Im quite the good listener as well when it comes to my more extroverted friends. Im also introverted, imaginative, creative, individualistic, reserved, structured and picky in my own way, all sprinkled with a little bit of sarcastic humor.
Hobbies: Digital Art is probably my biggest hobby. If I could I would spend all day at home with my trusty tablet and stylus drawing with an audiobook of my favorite novel/tv show running in the background. I also love gaming and creating video games! Apart from art I absolutely love working out. I kickbox and weight lift most days of the week. Lastly I love spending time at comic book stores and coffee shops.
Interests: I work in the digital media arts and love creative coding, interaction design, and computer graphics. I think my favorite thing is that combination between the artistic and the technological.
Love language: this one is definitely acts of service.
Thank you!
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋
Thank you so so much for participating! Btw you sound literally cool asf, like I would lOVE to hear more about your kickboxing and art !!!
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Sarcastic ⋆ Charming ⋆ Leader ⋆ Loyal ⋆ Brave
𝐁𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Angel! Okay, so hear me out. I actually didn’t like Angel in the Buffy series, but I’ve started watching his show and DUDE! He’s actually a pretty cool dude. 
・Meeting through his travels. You actually decided to go and see LA and he realised that he knew you. 
・Very stable relationship; I think he would love that you did kickboxing and that could’ve been a part of why 
・Grinning when he comes home and you’re listening to an audiobook and drawing. He feels so lucky to have someone who likes being home as much as he does
・He would protect you with his life man, absolutely adores your very being and wants you to feel safe with him
・He is literally THE KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR BRO, like the blue print. He doesn’t expect you to do things for his benefit, nEVER manipulates anyone, and wants everyone safe and happy
・Literally living your best life with him
・Drawing his portrait secretly and when it’s done you show him as a gift. He LOVES IT SO GODDAMN MUCH
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I actually fancast Rihanna as Ivy, but there aren’t any gifs that reflect that vibe/aesthetic so I’m just gonna go with the animated one!
I ship you with Poison Ivy!!! She’s so suave, but also passionate about those she cares about. Her great love is plants, and from what we see, she will give her heart and soul for what she believes in. 
・You guys so started off interacting with sarcastic comments and witty conversation. 
・She would leave lipstick kisses on your mirror, clothes, cheek etc. 
・I actually think your creativity would aid her in her schemes 
・Slow dancing <3 Playing with each other’s hands <3 
・OH GOD SHE LOVES IT WHEN YOU PLAY WITH HER HAIR, like twirl it around your fingers, braid it, brush it!!!
・She gives you this cheeky grin that absolutely drives you crazy
・Talking her out of world-ending plans
・Being friends with Harley Quinn and Selina <3 
・Learning how to make vegan food for her
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I ship you with Matt Murdock! I think he would be such a lovely significant other! Can you imagine how sweet, how caring he would be? Your creative and imaginative traits would really intrigue him (I mean he is a lawyer after all...)
・I think you guys would meet because you actually needed legal advice. Nothing major; maybe you were ticketed or speeding or it was a mistake that policeman didn’t want to own up to. 
・Either way, you nearly instantly formed a crush on Matt. I mean who wouldn’t? He’s handsome, kind, intuitive, empathetic, determined. He’s just so easy to like. 
・He would definitely come to you when he’s hurt/injured and needs patching up. 
“Matt go to a hospital! I have no formal medical training...” you had mumbled, trying your best to sew the deep gash on his upper arm. 
    “I can’t walk in like this. They’ll know who I am, what I do!” He grunted, eyes still covered my his mask. 
・Hand holding!
・Making each other tea or coffee in the morning!!
・Cheek, neck, forehead kisses!!!
・ He loves how you get along so well with Foggy and Karen. (I literally love Karen?? Idk why she got so much hate?) 
・Reading to Matt; I reckon his favourite book would be from Jane Austen???
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shayneysides · 11 months
if you're up for it, every odd question on the smosh question thing 👀
1: Ian or Anthony?
You know it's gotta be single mom wet cat etc Ian. Honestly though that's mostly because I never really watched old smosh so I barely saw anything with anthony in it, I really do love them both now
3: What's your favorite channel between main/pit/games?
Easily pit, it has all my favorite series. Recently I have been enjoying games and main more, but I've always loved the unscripted content more than anything
5: Do you have a favorite Smosh video? What is it?
ohhh my god this is hard but I absolutely do. TNTL #9 feat. Damien, I rewatch it at least once a week. it's what originally got me into smosh, I clicked on it because the thumbnail had girls kissing and then my life was changed forever. the bits are genuinely so hilarious and I think really do it's one of the best tntls they've done. shayne's pizza place divorce and damien's detective stand out to me, when i was in middle school i would recite those bits from memory to my friends and it always went over like a lead balloon. 10/10 video i've loved it for years
7: What is your favorite series on Smosh (main channel)?
The funeral roasts! My favorite series are always the ones where they kind of just let the cast loose to do fun characters and bits and I like the semi-scriptedness of it where everyone gets to write their own script. They're always a good time and somehow they never feel too mean to be fun
9: What is your favorite series on Smosh Games?
I feel like current Smosh Games has way fewer running series, so if we're talking current SG it's the trivial pursuit TNTLs but if we're talking old SG uhhh probably maricraft?? specifically the superhero series they did
11: What's something you want to see come back?
SMOSH AND ORDER!!! AND SUMMER GAMES!!!! the cast is finally big enough again that these could totally come back and it would be such a fun time, and it would also feel less like just some reboot of their old content bc the new cast would make it so that it's not just the exact same thing again. please i need them back
13: Do you ship anything/love any friendship pairs?
I am very much not one for RPF but I do care so much about shayne and damien as friends!! Their bits always just work off each other so well and their history is so obvious when they're joking around with each other, it's just so much fun to watch them onscreen. I do also love shayne and noah's friendship bc it's genuinely just crazy to me that shayne fully watched noah grow up, i just think they're very sweet
15: What castmember do you think you are most like?
So my name is shayne . If i'm being actually honest though probablyyyy damien or olivia? It's honestly hard to say though bc to be a youtuber it's kind of required to have a big personality and be very charismatic and i'm like?? not crazyyy quiet irl but also definitely not either of those things
17: What do you want to see now that Anthony's back?
Honestly??? I kinda want to see not much change? the only big change i want to see is in the main channel sketches, but i've been enjoying pit and games so much recently i honest to god hope they don't change that much.
19: Is there a video/series you really loved when you were younger?
Uhhh not?? really?????? I started watching when I was like 12 or 13, but my favorite series then were like. TNTL and Board AF or whatever, stuff I still really enjoy now, so??? I guess Squad Vlogs since those aren't really a thing anymore
21: Did you ever watch Smosh the movie?
23: Tell me an unpopular Smosh opinion.
Uhhh. uhhh uhhh i honest to god can't think of any? or at least any that i would be willing to put on here? bc i have unpopular opinions along the lines of like . i don't personally find this cast member that funny. but those are fully just like my personal tastes and feel too mean spirited to just say on my blog? and I really can't think of any else sorry
25: It's food battle time. You picking a pink frosted sprinkled donut, or some stick-shaped food?
uh uh uh stick shaped food obviously <- has never watched food battle
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rrxnjun · 1 year
if i could i would fight the school system just so u would have the time and mood to write >:T but i'm glad u could write a bit and waiting for ur next fic!!!🥳🥳 (your post about a fic u are writing seems pretty fun :o and love jihoon as a side character!!!) AAA IM HAPPY TO HEAR THAT I WOULD LOVE TO READ TREASURE FICS FROM U ESPECIALLY THE JIHOON ONES HIHI!!! I AM VERY GRATEFUL FOR UR FRIEND WHO CONVINCED U!!!!
hmmmm idk if its reveal vibe or not but my fav ep from them is the thrill ride ep (probably has a special place in my heart cuz that was my first cb with them lmao but that era was so well done and i really love the songs!!) i think their new ep is really great my favs are especially awake and savior aaanndd their breaking dawn album slaps as a whole i love it so muchhh and for my last recommendation from them would be survive the night which is a song that was fully written by sunwoo and it's definitely one of my favs (there is also a song from giuk featuring sunwoo that just dropped and u might like it if u are interested) and i really hope u will like some cuz idk if any of these would be the type of songs u would listen to;-; the last longer content i watched from them was come on the boyz but eric isn't in it cuz he was on a hiatus at the time:( but it's really fun! i also started to watch back the boyz timeout (and had to stop cuz school >:T) and that is also really good and everyone is there:D so i would recommend those if u want like a series (?) type of thing with them but for "shorter" contents their mafia games are very fun to watch!!! their idol human theater videos are great as well!!! and the last one i would say is they just made a video with the fo squad and that seemed very funny although i didn't have the time to watch it yet;-; (IM VERY SORRY ABOUT JUST RECOMMENDING SO MANY THINGS AND FOR THIS LONG ASS LIST I WENT A BIT OVERBOARD D: )
KEVIN IS SUCH A LOVELY GUY his bubble messages are usually either very funny or just very meaningful and his posts are always top tier🤌 i think he would just solidify his place in ur heart lmao and eric is just such a bestie material!!! well u know i just came in here in the middle of ur treasure era being like 🧍the boyz🧍and i don't want to interrupt u with just randomly talking about them 🧍(which i deff did so im sorry and sorry again for the long ass list of recs)
ooo god gifted kid burnouts suck so much;-; but tbh yeah the grade doesn't really matter just pass and get the paper in the end cuz that's the most important ig and u would get it with even just passing (although im just🤡 cuz i will never think like this sadly so) i don't think my experience will be different ngl;-; so im trying to get myself ready to just not be sad about it cuz it's bound to happen lmao
SJSJSJ its okay because the motivation is that once its over i have the whole summer to write is making me go through this more easily 😙😌 also im handling things a lot better than last semester LMAO so im good over here 🤞 DJSJ glad u liked the posts abt the fic so far, jihoon is kind of the main character unfortunatelt (he is in the fic more than mark i-) but the brainrot cant be helped. IM GRATEFUL FOR MY FRIEND TOO she's a real one 😙 i'll let u know abt the blog if i manage to set one up after all hihi
first comebacks with a group are always the most special istg i thought about this the other day. like for me rock with you, hot sauce and can't you see me? are really special too😭 i havent had time to listen to these but i promise that by the time we talk again i will and i'll have my reviews ready!! 😌😌 also i love how u can kinda get my music taste w western artists (like when u recommended me hungarian songs and were spot on) but w kpop u rlly cant tell😭😭😭 i love me some kpop group variety shows tbh so i will definitely watch all of these later !! DONT BE SORRY ABT RECOMMENDING SO MUCH I GET U IF I WAS ASKED FOR RECS FOR ANY OF MY FAV GROUPS I WOULDVE DONE THE SAME THING. i saw kevin's weverse (?) replies on tiktok today and i- 😭 my man is a comedian i love him. the same w eric. icons. SJSJS dont worry about interrupting my treasure era i can handle it (im also suddenly into cix as well so i can handle everyone atp)
and u get it u get it !!! like it does feel good to get academic validation from time to time (i got a 45/50 on my essay today❤❤❤) but as long as its not an F i do not feel disappointed. esp when i get reminded of the fact that im studying on one of the best unis in my country and that my major is actually kind of hard 💀💀 get ready for the terrors of university i mean u can expect it but actually experiencing it will be just as shitty so i just pray u dont take it as badly as i did for a lil while🤞 im here for u if that happens tho!!
always appreciating u and smiling at your asks, mwah mwah ‼
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tarobytez · 3 years
disability in the Six Of Crows Duology; an analysis of Kaz Brekker, Wylan Van Eck, and the fandom’s treatment of them.
****Note: I originally wrote this for a tiktok series, which im still going to do, but i wanted to post here as well bc tumblr is major contributor to what im going to talk about
CW: ableism, filicide, abuse
In the Six of Crows duology, Leigh Bardugo delicately subverts and melds harmful disability tropes into her narrative, unpacking them in a way that I, as a disabled person, found immensely refreshing and…. just brilliant. 
But what did you all do with that? Well, you fucked it up. Instead of critically looking at the characters, y’all just chose to be ableist. 
For the next few videos paragraphs im going to unpack disability theory (largely the stuff surrounding media, for obvious reasons) and how it relates to Six Of Crows and the characterization of Kaz Brekker and Wylan Van Eck, then how, despite their brilliant writing, y’all completely overlooked the actual text and continuously revert them to ableist cariactures.
Disclaimer: 1. Shocker - i am disabled. I have also extensively researched disability theory and am very active in the disabled community. Basically, I know my shit. 2. im going to be mad in these videos this analysis. Because the way y’all have been acting has been going on for a long ass time and im fuckin sick of it. I don’t give a shit about non-disabled feelings, die mad
Firstly, I’m going to discuss Kaz, his play on the stereotypical “mean cripple” trope and how Bardugo subverts it, his cane, and disabled rage. Then, I am going to discuss Wylan, the “inspiration porn” stereotype, caregivers / parents, and the social model of disability. Finally, I will then explain the problems in the fandom from my perspective as a disabled person, largely when it comes to wylan, bc yall cant leave that boy tf alone.
Kaz Brekker
Think of a character who uses a cane (obviously not Kaz). Now, are they evil, dubiously moral, or just an asshole in general? Because nearly example I can think of is: whether it be Lots’O from Toy Story, Lucius Malfoy, or even Scrooge and Mr.Gold from Once Upon A Time all have canes (the last two even having their canes appear less and less as they become better people)
The mean/evil cripple trope is far more common than you would think. Villains with different bodies are confined to the role of “evil”. To quote TV Tropes, who I think did a brilliant job on explaining it “The first is rooted in eugenics-based ideas linking disability or other physical deformities with a "natural" predisposition towards madness, criminality, vice, etc. The Rule of Symbolism is often at work here, since a "crippled" body can be used to represent a "crippled" soul — and indeed, a disabled villain is usually put in contrast to a morally upright and physically "perfect" hero. Whether consciously on the part of the writer or not, this can reinforce cultural ideas of disability making a person inherently inferior or negative, much in the same way the Sissy Villain or Depraved Homosexual trope associate sexual and gender nonconformity with evil. ”
Our introduction to Kaz affirms this notion of him being bad or morally bankrupt, with “Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason”, etc. This mythologized version of himself, the “bastard of the barrel” actively fed into this misconception. But, as we the audience are privy to his inner thoughts, know that he is just a teenager like every other Crow. He is complex, his disability isn’t this tragic backstory, he just fell off a roof. It’s not his main motivation, nor does he curse revenge for making him a cripple - it is just another part of who he is. 
His cane (though the shows version fills me with rage but-) is an extension of Kaz - he fights with it, but it has a purpose. Another common thing in media is for canes to be simply accessories, but while Kaz’ cane is fashionable, it has purpose.
The quote “There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken.” is so fucking powerful. Kaz does not want nor need a cure - its said in Crooked Kingdom that his leg could most likely be healed, but he chooses not to. Abled-bodied people tend to dismiss this thought as Kaz being stubborn but it shows a reality of acceptance of his disability that is just, so refreshing.
In chapter 22 of SOC, we see disabled rage done right - when he is called a cripple by the Fjerdan inmate, Kaz is pissed - the important detail being that he is pissed at the Fjerdan, at society for ableism, not blaming it on being disabled or wishing he could be normal. He takes action, dislocating the asshole’s shoulder and proving to him, and to a lesser extent, himself, that he is just as capable as anyone else, not in spite of, but because he is disabled. And that is the point of Kaz, harking back to the line that “there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken”. 
I cried on numerous occasions while reading the SOC duology, but the parts I highlighted in this section especially so. I, as many other disabled people do, have had a long and tumultuous relationship with our disability/es, and for many still struggle. But Kaz Brekker gave me an empowered disabled character who accepts themselves, and that means the world to me. 
Keeping that in mind, I hope you can understand why it hurts so much to disabled people when you either erase Kaz’s disability (whether through cosplay or fanfiction), or portray him as a “broken boy uwu”, especially implying that he would want a cure. That flies in the face of canon and is inherently fucking ableist. (if u think im mad wait until the next section)
Next, we have Wylan.  
Oh fucking boy. 
I love Wylan so fucking much, and y’all just do not seem to understand his character? Like at all? Since this is disability-centric, I’m not going to discuss how the intersection of his queerness also contributes to these issues, but trust me when I say it’s a contributing factor to what i'm going to say.
Wylan, motherfucking Van Eck. If you ableist pricks don’t take ur fucking hands off him right now im going to fight you. I see Wylan as a subversion another, and in my opinion more insidious stereotype pf disabled people - inspiration porn.
Cara Liebowitz in a 2015 article on the blog The Body Is Not An Apology explains in greater detail how inspiration porn is impactful in real life, but media is a major contributing factor to this reality. The technical definition is “the portrayal of people with disabilities as inspirational solely or in part on the basis of their disability” - but that does not cover it fully. 
Inspiration porn does lasting damage on the disabled community as it implies that disability is a negative that you need to “overcome” or “triumph” instead of something one can feel proud of. It exploits disabled people for the development of non-disabled people, and in media often the white male protagonist. Framing disability as inherently negative perpetuates ideals of eugenics and cures - see Autism $peaks’ “I Am Autism” ad. Inspiration porn is also incredibly patronizing as it implies that we cannot take care of ourselves, or do things like non-disabled people do. Because i stg some of you tend to think that we just sit around all day wishing we weren’t disabled. 
Another important theory ideal that is necessary when thinking about Wylan is the experience of feeling like a burden simply for needing help or accommodations. This is especially true when it comes to familial relationships, and internalized ableism.
The rhetoric that Wylan’s father drilled into his head, that he is “defective”, “a mistake”, and “needs to be corrected”, that he (Jan) was “cursed with a moron for a child” is a long held belief that disabled people hear relentlessly. And while many see Van Eck’s attempted murder of Wylan as “preposturous” and overall something that you would never think happens today - filicide (a parent murdering their child) is more common than you would like to believe. Without even mentioning the countless and often unreported deaths of disabled people due to lack of / insufficient / neglectful medical care, in a study on children who died from the result of household abuse, 40 of 42 of them (95%) were diagnosed with disabilities. Van Eck is not some caricature of ableist ideals - he is a real reflection on how many people and family members view disability. 
Circling back to how Wylan unpacks the inspiration porn trope - he is 3 dimensional, he is not only used to develop the other characters, he is just *chefs kiss* Leigh, imo, put so much love and care into the creation of Wylan and his story and character growth that is representative of a larger feeling in the disabled community. 
That being said, what you non-disabled motherfuckers have done to him.
The “haha Wylan can’t read” jokes aren’t and were not funny. Y’all literally boiled down everything Wylan is to him being dyslexic. And it’s like,,,, the only thing you can say about him. You ignore every other part of him other than his disability, and then mock him for it. There’s so much you can say about Wylan - simping for Jesper, being band kid and playing the fuckin flute, literally anything else. But no, you just chose to mock his disability, excellent fucking job!
Next up on “ableds stfu” - infantilization! y’all are so fucking condescending to Wylan, and treat him like a fucking toddler. And while partly it is due to his sexuality i think a larger portion is him being disabled. Its in the same vein of people who think that Wylan and Jesper are romantically one sided, and that Jesper only kind of liked Wylan, despite the canon evidence of him loving Wylan just as much. You all view him as a “smol bean”, who needs protecting, and care, when Wylan is the opposite of that. He is a fucking demolitions expert who suggested waking up sleeping men to kill them - what about that says “uwu”. You are treating Wylan as a burden to Jesper and the other Crows when he is an immensely valuable, fully autonomous disabled person - you all just view him as damaged. 
And before I get a comment saying that “uhhh Wylan isn’t real why do you care” while Wylan may not be real, how you all view him and treat him has real fucking impacts and informs how you treat people like me. If someone called me an “uwu baby boy” they’d get a fist square in the fucking jaw. Fiction informs how we perceive the world and y’all are making it super fucking clear how you see disabled people. 
Finally, I wanted to talk about how the social model of disability is portrayed through Wylan. For those who are unaware, the social model of disability contrasts the medical model, that views the disability itself as the problem, that needs to be cured, whereas the social model essentially boils down to creating an accommodating society, where disability acceptance and pride is the goal. And we see this with Wylan - he is able to manage his father’s estate, with Jesper’s assistance to help him read documents. And this is not out of pity or charity, but an act of love. It is not portrayed as this almighty act for Jesper to play saviour, just a given, which is incredibly important to show, especially for someone who has been abused by family for his disability like Wylan, that he is accepted. 
Yet, I still see people hold up Jesper on a pedestal for “putting up with” Wylan, as if loving a disabled person deserves a fucking pat on the back. It’s genuinely exhausting trying to engage with a work I love so much with a fandom that thinks so little of me and my community. It fucking shows. 
Overall, Leigh Bardugo as a disabled person wrote two incredibly meticulous and empowered disabled characters, and due to either lack of reading comprehension, ableism, or a quirky mix of both, the fandom has ignored canon and the experiences of disabled people for…. shits and giggles i guess. And yes, there are issues with the Grishaverse and disability representation - while I haven’t finished them yet so I do not have an opinion on it, people have been discussing issues in the KOS duology with ableist ideals. This mini series was no way indicative of the entire disabled experience, nor does it represent my entire view on the representation as a whole. These things need to be met critically in our community, and talked about with disabled voices at the forefront. For example, the limited perspective we get of Wylan and Kaz being both white men, does not account for a large portion of the disabled community and the intersection of multiple identities.
All-in-all, Critique media, but do not forget to also critique fandom spaces. Alternatively, just shut the fuck up :)
happy fucking disability pride month, ig
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