#they had a car accident
indigo6f00ff · 9 months
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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space-invading-pigeon · 9 months
Steve is covered in scars; mementos of the horrors he'd seen and the determination to not just survive, but to protect.
There's the petaled bite mark on his left leg from that horrible night in the junkyard in '84; Steve's incredibly proud of that scar, and so are the three kids he'd kept safe that night.
Then he has the starburst scars across his ribcage and an uneven jawline from that night underneath Starcourt. He wears those with pride, because Robin doesn't have a mark on her from that.
His chest is littered with bite scars, and a long, jagged scar around his neck from those hellish bats. He also had a thin, raised line that split his eyebrow on the left side.
Every one of the scars littering the ex-jock's body is a badge of honor to him, and each of his kids seem to see these scars as a testament to a person's ability to change.
Steve loves his scars, so this new one stretching from his left shoulder to his right hip is going to be a huge hit, once it's healed, Eddie is sure of it.
If only Steve would wake up.
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windflight · 10 months
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Frostpaw and Longtail designs based on their figurines
Separate under the cut
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pigdemonart · 2 months
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01001101 01101001 01101011 01110101
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respectthepetty · 10 days
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Rain/Payu) 2
Because I'm petty, I had the crowd pick which blacklisted shows I would watch for the month of Pride. The first is Love in The Air, and even though I was mad in the first few episodes that Sky brushed off his friend running away from Payu at the beginning, Sky has proven he is a great friend, and I am very excited to get to his portion. Sorry, Rain. This Daddy x Baby dynamic needs to speed it up!
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Let's wrap this stormy weather up!
If I was the receptionist, I'd love this job for the chisme. If I was a mechanic, I'd be pissed!
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So all of this was a another test. Rain is proving himself to Payu as being worthy of his time and affection by ignoring Payu being mean to him, so even though there is definitely something happening with the yellow and blue between them, I'm ignoring it because Payu is HIGH-KEY pissing me all the way off, and I'm too focused on this room situation. Does this man have his garage room and actual house room?! What is this?!
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Black x White. Blinding Light of Love. And just like that, I'm on my fellow Slut for Christ's side because WHY IS RAIN JUST STANDING OUT IN THE RAIN LIKE A DUMMY?! Miracles happen when we least expect them.
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I am not feeling this bathing scene because there is not enough water in that huge ass tub, and out of all the things Payu should apologize for, he is saying sorry that Rain stood out in the rain. Can they just have sex already, so I can quit being petty?
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God damn it! There is pink = 💕love💕 but I am very familiar with this scene because it was all over my dash when it aired, and I'm a bag of mixed emotions. Payu hid that condom under a toy truck, but opened it with his teeth, yet he kissed Rain's leg, so like . . . shit, Payu looks fine with his hair down.
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The beginning of episode five is just horny on main from Rain telling his MOTHER that he was working on something else that was hard all night, and now we're just watching Payu work out before he peaces out in Payu's blue shirt only to end up in this! I refuse to acknowledge the colors because how did Payu find this boy AND WHY ARE THEY SCREWING AROUND IN HIS MAMA'S HOUSE?!
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Payu already claimed Rain to his face, followed him to his mama's house, and has gotten ultra possessive, yet Rain is freaking out thinking Payu is trying to ditch him. Rain is too smart to be this dumb.
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A WHOLE ASS GIRL IS IN THIS SHOW! And Rain is just insulting her and her brothers after pining after her - "fruits" - really, Cloud Jizz?
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The way I'm mad at these colors is the same way I'm mad at Rain for being upset that other people like his boyfriend. These two were made for each other.
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Number one rule of illegal race club is we don't talk about illegal race club.
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I'm ignoring the wife talk the same way I'm ignoring the colors and the singing. I am God's strongest solider.
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This legit should be the end of their arc and the fact that it is not just so Rain can get kidnapped is irritating me (yes, I know he gets kidnapped because my dash said so when it was airing).
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Oh, look, a sweet flashback telling me they were meant for each other right before RAIN GETS KIDNAPPED!
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These colors are on my fucking neck!
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*eyes popping out of my head because the colors won't let me be* Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's gonna rip that suit off of you later and fuck you on the stairs of death then ride you. Yeah, we've all heard about it, now can we get to the kidnapping plot?
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The colors are coloring on these two kinksters with Payu's "I like the sound, but not to ride" line like we don't all know what that means. So glad they found each other, but WHERE IS THE KIDNAPPING?! Does it not happen in this episode?! I thought there were only six episodes in each arc. Am I watching seven of just Rain ask the same damn questions of if they like each other?! Sonsito!
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The colors are coloring so hard with Rain in his white tank and pink boxers (that he wore the first time they had sex) drinking white milk and Payu in his black shirt with his black tea cup and blue jacket hanging out on the chair. I HATE IT!
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THE KIDNAPPING! The title card was "Sky After Rain" so let's move this along and give me my boy already! But also, if Rain was a rich bitch, this would've never happened! A delivery man asking for help? Um . . . better go find a buddy because rich bitches don't do manual labor. Finally, I appreciate that Payu's wild ass behavior of demanding Rain answer his calls paid off by him knowing something was up when Rain didn't answer. Now can we murder this bastard already for taking this awful picture?!
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A comedian said that people only kneel for two reasons: God and dick, so this man is a dick who is about to meet God because he just said that he would have his men sexually assault Rain?! DRACARYS!
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I have never been more excited to see the Bed Friend baddie! Not only because he is about to end this man's life, but also because he interrupted these two love birds making googly eyes at each other in the middle of a crime scene! And now Rain just said Payu was the only one who could screw him. WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS?!
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Rain is clearly a words-over-actions guy, but at this point it is OBVIOUS that Payu loves him, so I would tell him I don't love him just to be mean.
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And now Rain is telling Payu he would harm him if he cheats. WITH WHOM?! The damn mechanic who has to keep running interference between you two AT HIS JOB?! Y'all are such a mess and fully belong together.
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Oh thank goodness, it's my sweet summer child Sky finally!
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And his red devil because Prapai has to be the red to his bestie's blue, no?
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See, Rain is triflin' because Sky did not snitch on him dating Payu, yet Rain gave up his number quick. This is why I ignored their colors because Rain knows this is wrong, but at least it FINALLY gets me more Sky on my screen. The End!
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*takes off my glasses* These after scenes got me all the way fucked up, and even though I was fine with how they ended in the car this episode, now I'm mad as hell that Payu just offered up this fun little tidbit that he jacked up Rain's car so he could see him again at the very end.
Pushes play on episode eight
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bonefall · 8 days
OMG intersex Moonpaw with a cleft lip???
I just used it as an example because cleft lips and palates are a really good example of the quirks of bilateral symmetry, BUT I do actually have a cleft lip in BB LMAO
It's Lizardstripe because she got a glow up in BB, is one of the smartest and most competent background characters in the rewrite, and has an expanded friendship with both Bluestar and Yellowfang. I gave her a cleft lip because unironically it is such a cool feature and it deserves a million examples of positivity.
Her son Deerfoot also got it, he also got a glowup as a TigerClan rebel.
I should give it to more cats honestly... and more lip features in general. I love you people whose lips naturally curl above the teeth. I love you people with cleft lips, both severe and minor. I love you people who have had mouth surgery and have visible scars.
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tricoufamily · 5 months
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jacques's, nancy's, and mrs. villareal's parents circa 1960-something + baby jacques and nancy bc they were there in cas anyway why not
this feud's been going on for approximately this long
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gotham-response · 8 months
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petit-papillion · 2 months
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redladydeath · 2 months
The Vees get restored to their human bodies for some reason. Val proceeds to spend the next ten minutes cooing over how handsome Vox is. After the initial glow wears off, Val admits he feels a bit insecure about his own appearance by comparison (Val was looking rough at the time of his death). Vox immediately starts smothering him in affection and compliments.
Velvette feels like she’s going to puke her guts, and not just because of her death injuries.
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artsyunderstudy · 1 month
bad news gang im hella cursed
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pkmn-smashorpass · 7 months
blaziken will always be special to me cause after I had a car accident, holding onto my tiny blaziken plushie made me feel safe enough to get into a car again, so I'd say Blaziken has already smashed me, in my heart.
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chelseasdagger · 24 days
when i tell y’all i want nothing more than this rn
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0046incognito · 3 months
how do you animate? ive always wanted to but idk where to start, any advice? love your art btw
thank you!! i Love encouraging people to learn to animate it seems daunting at first but once you get the hang of the basics you can basically do anything
i Started learning animation by not even animating, i just would rewatch all the original animaniacs skits animated by tokyo movie shinsha over and over again and go through them frame by frame to study the timing and movement on any shots i liked, timing is probably the Most important part of animation and a lot of it genuinely just comes down to intuition, so it's good to get into the habit of studying any animation you like frame by frame, i Still do this all the time [usually just for fun but also to use as actual tangible motion reference in whatever i'm working on, for example i learned to animate lightning effects from hunter X hunter and i learned to animate floaty bouncy movements from perfect blue]
BUT i'm getting ahead of myself, basically it's good to study animation you like before jumping right into actually animating, but that won't do you any good if you don't understand the fundamentals!! this also gives me an excuse to do a warmup for once which i usually skimp out on [<-hack fraud]
the first thing ANY animation class will teach you is The Dreaded Bouncing Ball [<-i actually like animating balls][<-intentional euphemism], because it's both simple And teaches you really essential basic animation skills such as A) motion, in general B) timing C) how timing sheets basically work, and occasionally D) squash&stretch!
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you'll sometimes see animators draw charts with a bunch of lines off in the corner of a page, that's basically an old-timey timing sheet! each dash on the line indicates how many frames for a particular movement; for example, the top ball bounce has more frames bunched up at the top where it moves slowly, less frames when it's moving fast
if every motion you animate uses the same number of frames to do any movement, it'll look weird, because nothing in real life typically moves like that. you can demonstrate this in real life by just moving your hand in front of your face from one side to the other really fast; you won't see it in the middle, because that's where it's moving the fastest. this is basically where the principles for smear frames comes from!
the second thing they teach you in animation school is flour sacks so really animation is just all about nothin but balls and sacks
but the flour sack exercise is slightly more complicated so my advice for Getting STarted really ends here. once you have the hang of bouncing balls, you can apply those principles to things like character animation; some of the first "character animation" type things i ever animated when i was first learning were just really quick expression changes and flinching. this also teaches you about anticipation and what richard williams [author of the animator's survival kit highly recommend seeking out a PDF of that, he also was animation director on who framed roger rabbit and he made thief&the cobbler, he also animated some sequences on the raggedy ann&andy movie] calls Takes&Accents
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this is a Really Really simple way to get started on character animation, this is only four frames! a lot of really bouncy-looking anime tend to animate their expressions pretty much exactly like this. you can always add more frames to make it smoother or more expressive, sometimes you'll also see an "anticipate up" frame before the "anticipate down", but remember the Timing is key so if you're adding more frames, try not to shift the timing too much or it might look awkward
OK i have spend like two hours typing this up instead of actually working on what i was supposed to today LOL i hope this helped at all if you have any more questions ever feel free to ask i Love talking about animation
OH ONE MORE THING!!!! i started learning animation in adobe animate [the software that was formerly Flash] but it SUCKS!!!! DON'T USE ADOBE ANIMATE!!!! i currently use a pirated copy of toonboom harmony which is THE industry standard 2D animation software and also just the best art program i have ever used in general, but it is CRAZY expensive that's why i pirated you can also invest in a perpetual license for clip studio paint pro or EX, but pro only lets you use 24 frames Total on a timeline and EX is like two hundred somethin dollars, OR i've heard decent things about procreate dreams? which is a mobile app IDK if it has a desktop version but i think it's only like twenty bucks
OK good luck have fun everyone please enjoy animating
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miutonium · 2 months
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Dude what the fuck is Art School?
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thatdude-noah · 6 months
i feel like we as a society don't talk enough about how genuinely traumatic car accidents can be. like. i feel like we treat them so casually unless a car gets flipped over or something. but car accidents are actually such a traumatic thing that can happen to people??
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