#they literally deserve the world
itsjust-meman · 7 months
i was thinking about virtual systems analysis and i realised during troy's part where he's injected by the truth serum. he mentions that hes more turned on by women in pajamas than lingerie because he just wants to know that their comfortable and. i just thought about abed and him. always in their pajamas. making forts. and troy always comforting abed like during daylight savings, cougarton moving to midseason etc. bc he just. wnats to always know that abeds comfortable and. i just. i. agshshjsjshfjkkkkkffuruirisjsjsjk i want to CRY they were so in love ahhskdkdid
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janetbrown711 · 1 year
These Hands of Mine are Clumsy, Not Clever
Pigsy and kids go apartment shopping in the snooty part of town and Pigsy hates just about every second of it. He then shows the kids a thing or two around the restaurant until Tang shows up and shows him a thing or two too
tw for Tw for internalized/external fatphobia, microaggressions, and extreme self deprecation.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Ao3 Link
Being a demon in a highly human populated city was difficult, even under regular circumstances.
Being a demon in an uppity rich people neighborhood with two orphans who did not look like they belonged to him was a whole other kind of difficult.
He could practically feel the eyes on him the moment he set foot outside of the subway behind Mei and MK, who were none the wiser. Pigsy was no stranger to stares and so just tried to keep his eyes low, hands in jacket pockets, and mind focused on their destination, while also making sure Mei and MK were on track too.
It had been two days since the adoption, and the second time they had really ever gone “out”, and the first time they set foot in a wealthier part of town. He always had a distaste for the upper crust of Megapolis, but he knew now for the kids’ sake, he was going to have to learn to get used to all the looks. After all, his only other option would be making his glamor suddenly twenty million times stronger and just wear a human disguise 24/7, and– yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen.
A part of him wished Tang was here– sure, he had a bit of social anxiety with everyone except him, for some reason, but him being a human would probably cut all the gawking in half.
Nono– that was a stupid thought– you don’t just ask customers to go apartment shopping with you– that’s weird. And he clearly has some kind of anxiety-! Pigsy could never ask him to go out with him to go out with the kids and him and face all that judgment and stuff. He never asked for this!
Pigsy was a grown ass man, he could handle this himself.
After a couple twists and turns, as well as accidentally taking a wrong turn and having to walk back three blocks and make a left instead of a right, they arrived at the truly massive apartment complex that was nothing like his part of town in the slightest.
The building had that kind of futuristic architecture to it that wasn’t exactly unfamiliar– gentrification had been growing in Megapolis for years– but this building you could tell wasn’t overpriced and poorly made. No, it was curved and classy and if he tilted his head it could kind of look like a crystal chandelier.
He didn’t do that for long, of course, and ushered MK and Mei inside, receiving strange looks from the massive security desk.
“Can I help… you?” A guard asked from behind his desk.
“I’ve an appointment, bud,” Pigsy rolled his eyes and showed him the printed out email. The guard looked it over, then looked Pigsy over, before silently pointing to his right with his thumb as an audible click rang out.
Something told Pigsy he wasn’t going to be getting anymore conversation out of that guy and so took the hint and opened the door for Mei and MK and they went into the main lobby.
Though ‘lobby’ did not feel like the proper word for Pigsy– it was more like an airport terminal. It was truly gigantic with a lot of benches and shops and rich people services, including a spa.
“Mr. Piggy, can we look at candy?” Mei pulled on his sleeve and pointed to a candy stand.
“We’re gonna be late for our appointment and I need you two to not get lost,” Pigsy shook his head and looked over the print-out he’d shown the guard. The chef, however, made a fatal mistake when he glanced at the kids a second and saw them putting on their best puppy dog faces.
“Gah– maybe after– we really can’t be late,” Pigsy rubbed his forehead.
“I’ll take it!” Mei grinned widely and Pigsy wondered when oh when did he become so soft.
Eventually he figured out their guide’s office was on the seventh floor, so they had to locate an elevator and take that up. And christ– even the elevators were fancy. They all had benches and a guy to specifically push the buttons and most were made of glass so you could look down at everyone in that rich person’s version of a marketplace.
When they stepped out of the elevator, the secretary behind the desk labeled “Rent and Housing Affairs”, didn’t even try to hide her gawking, staring at Pigsy with wide eyes.
“Um...Hi.” He said curtly, causing the lady to snap out of her disturbed trance. “I have an appointment with Zhao Fen. Name’s Zhu Bajie.”
“R-right, yes, let me just…” She glanced at Pigsy again before shaking her head and focusing on her computer screen. While they waited, Mei and MK wandered over to the fish tank in one of the walls and watched them.
“Ah– um– are those children..?” The secretary glanced at Pigsy again.
“...With me?” He asked, which made her laugh awkwardly. Pigsy rolled his eyes and nodded. “Yes, they’re my kids– what’s this gotta do with my appointment?”
“O-oh, well I have to report any unaccompanied minors and– just– nevermind,” She smiled a bit before typing more.
“Ah, yes, I see your name right here and– Aha-! Miss Zhao is expecting you, so you can just head on back– third door on your right,,” She said, hitting a buzzer and yet another door clicked.
“C’mon Mei, Mk,” Pigsy called for them and they scurried back and down three doors on their right, where Pigsy knocked on the door labeled, “Miss Zhao Fen – Head Leasing Agent”.
“Come on in,” A voice called from behind, and after taking a long breath, Pigsy did.
Immediately upon seeing Pigsy though, Miss Zhao Fen nearly choked on her coffee and had to spend a solid minute clearing her throat.
“Y-you’re… Zhu Bajie?” She asked, looking him up and down like all the other fifty billion strangers he’d met.
“Yes,” Pigsy said, and before she could even ask he pulled out the email and his ID, both of which she took from his hand and looked over.
“Right– Zhu meaning Pig,” She shook her head as she looked at the papers.
“Hmm… Well I suppose everything appears to be in order. You may sit,” She said, gesturing to the four seats across from her desk. Mei and MK had no trouble at all, but Pigsy felt the sides of the seat squeeze his hips again and all he could think to himself was if this place was really so high and mighty why on earth couldn’t they just get more comfortable chairs.
His question was slightly answered when he could see the corner of her mouth flickering as she examined her screen.
Shocking, truly.
“Mr… Zhu, tell me, how exactly did you hear about this building?” Zhao Fen asked.
“Recommended,” He stated, and the kids gave him funny looks that he replied with a small shrug.
“By whom?” She looked at the demon.
“A friend and a lawyer.”
The head leasing agent typed a few more things into her computer, clicked a few things, typed more things before asking: “Mr. Zhu, are you sure this neighborhood is right for… your kind?”
Pigsy’s eye twitched. “Why yes, I am sure.”
“‘Your kind’? What’s Mr. Piggy’s ‘kind’?” Mei tilted her head and the agent was reminded of MK and Mei’s presence.
“Well– I’m of course referring to your salary. Monthly rent averages about 50k a month, and I just don’t think–”
“I have the evidence of income– it was in all those emails, so how's about you skip your little lecture and give the dang tour already, hm? Pigsy snapped.
The lady huffed and typed more things, making Pigsy bite his tongue.
Him and his goddamned temper…
“Says here you’re just looking for a three bedroom two bath?” She asked, and he nodded. With a huff, she typed more things, and then dug through a drawer for a ring of keys.
“Alright, let’s do this,” She said, walking out of her office and holding open the door for them. Mei and MK thanked her as they walked out while Pigsy gave a single nod.
She led them out of the office section and into an unfortunately not glass elevator, where she hit the button for the 75th floor and it took them up at dizzying speeds that made their ears pop and the chef grab the handle. Once it halted, she quickly walked down and led them to apartment 7512 and unlocked it.
And holy fucking shit– this place was like the goddamn Ritz– marble flooring and everything.
“This here is the foyer, that to your left is a Bluthner Grand Piano. Down this way is the Grand Hallway which has a door on your left to the library/office–” She said, taking them down and showing them the massive collection of shelves and books within.
“It comes with your standard copies of Journey to the West, Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and Dream of the Red Chamber but also some more western classics as well. The rest is up for you to decide, of course,” She said, and upon hearing Journey to the West, MK immediately ran to the shelves and started looking for it.
“Should… we..?” She looked at the boy strangely.
“It’ll keep him busy,” Pigsy shrugged.
“Alright then,” She said, stepping out and Pigsy and Mei followed since MK was content to curl up on one of the couches and read.
“From here we enter the open concept living room, kitchen, and dining area– all with state of the art technology, including automated curtains in case you don’t want all the light from the wall-to-floor windows getting in. There’s also a gas fireplace, a 108 inch TV, and if we go to the kitchen you’ll see two gas stoves, plenty of cabinet space and the latest Whirlpool fridge,” She said, casually pointing to each thing as Pigsy went to inspect the kitchen and Mei the living space, which included her flopping on each individual couch and pile of blankets set out.
Pigsy almost laughed as he examined the stainless steel stove– this place completely lacked character unlike back home. The marble and shine on every single surface rang out a song of consumerism, and how they would be replaced in two years tops under most owners without a doubt.
But goddamn was it nice.
“Woah-! Mr. Piggy! If you stand like this and look down at the ground it feels like you’re falling!” Mei had her forehead pressed against the glass and was laughing.
Miss Zhao gave Pigsy a look.
“Kid– maybe back away from there, we don’t want you getting sick,” Pigsy urged, which Mei groaned at but obeyed– now sporting a big red splotch on her forehead that made the chef laugh a little again.
She then proceeded to show the pig demon the bedrooms, which were way too big in his opinion– especially the master’s suite, which was probably the size of his current apartment and then some.
Mei really liked them though– she even called MK and they explored the walk-in closets and built-in shelves and how the two other bedrooms were connected to each other via a bathroom so they could hang out whenever (as if they couldn’t do that regularly but whatever). They flopped onto beds to test their bounce, did a race to crawl underneath them and end on the other side, and other kids stuff, and during most of it MK was still holding volume one of Journey to the West.
Pigsy couldn’t deny the place was nice– but he just felt so alien here.
Of course, he was alien here– this whole building probably didn’t have any demons whatsoever in all ninety five floors, unless they worked in the mail room or something.
He felt a bit like how MK did– finding something familiar and latching onto it; only difference was that he didn’t have something to latch onto, except maybe that oven and fridge.
“So what do you think, Mr. Zhu?” The agent suddenly asked for his opinion.
“Ah, you know it’s certainly nice and all– but a little big, isn’t it?” He scratched his head.
“This is amongst the smallest suites we offer here, Mr. Zhu. If you want smaller, you can look in your own neighborhood,” She tsked and wrote something down on a notepad.
“Woah! Mr. Piggy–! I can totally fit under the sink all twisty like!” MK called out from the other room.
“Can you get out though?” Pigsy was about to step in but MK slid right out with a big grin and thumbs up, to which Mei made him do it again and Pigsy relaxed a little.
“You know, Mr. Zhu, I think those children of… yours seem to really like this place. I can show off a few more if you’d like, but this is the only one of this size that will be pre-furnished, especially with that 1870 Bluthner piano,” She said.
Now, Pigsy wasn’t an idiot, he knew when he was being upsold and manipulated.
But at the same time, he really, really didn’t want to have to look over any more places, and the kids did look and sound kind of happy..?
And god– he really, really didn’t want to go furniture shopping…
“I’ll think about it,” He decided.
“Let’s continue then, shall we?”
The group proceeded to tour five more apartments, each stranger and bigger than the last and by the sixth, everyone was just about done. The entire time Pigsy half wished he just chose the first one and got this over with, but he knew it was better to compare and blahblahblah, he was a responsible adult.
Pigsy said he’d think about the offers before selecting anything and the trio was finally, finally free of that awful building and the stench of rich people. They made their way down the streets with haste and for once in his life, Pigsy was happy to reach the filthy subway, and happily paid for his and the kids fares and sat on the bench to wait for their train. However, after a bit of waiting Mei tapped his arm.
“Yeah kid?”
“...You forgot to go back to the stand for the candy,” Mei said, kicking the ground.
“I’m sorry– I forgot– I was just so sick of that place and–” He face palmed. “I’ll… I’ll make it up somehow.”
“No, it’s fine, Mr. Piggy– I shouldn’t’ve said anything,” Mei apologized, taking a step back.
“Kid–” Pigsy would’ve said more, but the rush and roar of their subway train snagged his thoughts and he focused on preparing them to get on.
“Great Job, Pigsy. Day three and you’re already breaking promises!”
The subway ride was pretty miserable for Pigsy now, who was kicking himself for forgetting something so simple, though MK and Mei were managing to mess around as they always did, reading the weird advertisements and maps and PSA’s plastered everywhere. He was happy they could bounce stuff off like that, but it kind of made Pigsy hate himself more for holding onto it.
When the train stopped, Pigsy was relieved to be back in his familiarly dirty and smelly part of town where the neighbors knew and didn’t give a shit about him. He took a deep breath of the cigarette stained air to really embrace his return home and felt himself finally relax after six hours in that hell hole.
“What’re we gonna do now, Mr. Piggy?” Mei asked, and Pigsy realized he didn’t have a clue. The day had started so early but felt like an eternity– there was still plenty of daylight to burn. As they got closer to the apartment Pigsy got an idea though.
“How’d you two like a proper tour of Pigsy’s Noodles? I can show you some of the food stuff and– shoot, I got delivery day tomorrow… Well that’s a problem for Wednesday. What’d ya say?” Pigsy asked.
“Can I touch the grill?” Mei asked with stars in her eyes.
“Uh– maybe when it's off?” Pigsy wasn’t sure what the safe answer to that was.
Mei gave an excited “ous” with an arm pump for extra measure as they walked across the street and around the alley where Pigsy unlocked the backdoor to the restaurant and flicked on the light switch, which caused the light to buzz at just the right frequency to bug Pigsy– and apparently MK too (he really should get that fixed).
“Alright, well– right over here is where we keep our ‘dry stock’-- things like bags of rice, dried chillies, flour– basically anything with a real long shelf life,” Pigsy said, and MK and Mei smacked the bags of rice with a giggle before MK raised his hand.
“What’s ‘shelf life’?”
“Ah– um– how long something can last before it gets mold and stuff,” Pigsy summed up.
“Oh, I know that,” MK made a face and shook his head.
pigsy was going to continue but Mk raised his hand again.
“Do we have to eat any of the food when it gets all moldy and stuff?”
“What-?! No– not even a little– kid, what makes you ask?”
“O-oh I didn’t eat mold like– a lot– it's just sometimes when my mom was mad at me for not eating and stuff– I-i’m fine-! It was just a punishment–! My fault really,” MK shook off the concerned look and laughed.
“Kid–” Pigsy closed his eyes and thought very carefully about what he was going to say next. “That’s…. that’s not okay– and it’s not normal, and it’s certainly not your fault. That– that’s practically poison for christ’s sake– I–” Pigsy took a breath, finding it hard to look at MK’s confused dark eyes.
“Just… again, you really don’t have to worry about that anymore, so… don’t. Please.”
Pigsy knew he could’ve phrased it better, especially as he saw MK being very much not swayed by his pathetic attempt at a heart-to-heart. He tried to talk again, but he just knew he’d fuck it up again. With a heavy sigh, he continued the tour.
He showed them where the “dry stock” was, where everything was kept and what stuff they were allowed to get down and stuff they should ask him about first, then he started to show them the kitchen, where Mei immediately put her hands on the grill, but it was fine because it was off anyways. He showed them pots and pans, and then he showed them the register, and said maybe in a year or two they could work it themselves, which they ‘ooo’-ed and ‘ahhh’-ed at.
Pigsy was good in his restaurant. He knew what he was doing when it came to cooking and noodles and cleaning and stuff.
But as he watched Mei and MK mess around and push random buttons on the turned off register, Pigsy couldn’t help but think about how he was terrible with people.
A part of him blamed his father and his bullshit parenting style, but another part of him knew he was an asshole anyways– getting into fights, smoking, picking way too many battles– he was dogshit at emotions, except for anger and self hatred.
He wasn’t built for this– he wasn’t built for any of this– God– everytime he looked at these kids he felt like he learned something even more fucked up than the previous time and he was just so helpless in all of it– and god– his instincts just wanted him to be worse– to yell and get impatient and roll his eyes– it was probably because he was a demon. He knew the stereotypes, and dammit, it fit almost every bill.
The kids didn’t need a demonic caretaker. They needed someone who could walk them down the street or take them to the park or something and not be met with stares or suspicion– someone who was good and nice on instinct– someone who had patience and could talk well– someone like–
A knock at the window snapped him out of his head, and his heart nearly stopped when he noticed–
“Mr. Tang!” MK waved from the register and the man waved back with a laugh.
Moving quickly with embarrassment, Pigsy stepped out from behind the counter and unlocked the door for his esteemed regular.
“We aren’t open, you know,” The chef said as he opened the door.
“Ah, you’re always open for me Pigsy,” Tang winked and stepped in. “Also– wow, you’ve got to tell me who your repair guys are because this is just– wow,” the customer looked around and whistled.
“Would if I could,” Pigsy shrugged and locked the door behind him.
“What do you mean by that?” Tang raised an eyebrow and laughed in that adorable way he did.
“Two days ago the place was just magically fixed up– literally don’t have a clue as to why or how,” The chef said and the kids “mhm”-ed in agreement.
“Ooo, maybe a fox spirit came in the night and fixed this place up for you,” Tang wiggled his fingers in a manner that made the kids laugh.
“Yeah, because I know fox spirits,” Pigsy rolled his eyes and went back behind the counter to start boiling water as Tang took his seat at the bar.
“Ooo– You gonna order something? Whatcha gonna get? I can punch the numbers in!” MK said excitedly.
“Hey– I wanna take Mr. Tang’s order!” Mei protested.
“Neither of you are going to take his order– he always wants the same thing and he never pays for it,” Pigsy teased his only customer.
Mei gasped. “But Mr. Piggy, you said everyone has to pay for their food.”
“I’m an exception, kiddo,” Tang smirked as he pulled his laptop from his bag and Pigsy started up the grill.
“What? Why?” MK asked. Pigsy felt his heart stop, and so forced himself to start slicing peppers while he waited for the pot to boil so he didn’t have to look at Tang.
Because Tang was cute. Because he came in looking as thin as a noodle. Because he smiled so stupidly at Pigsy at the register. Because he was so embarrassed he was short on change he looked like he was going to cry. Because he looked so happy when Pigsy said he’d give him the first one free. Because the stranger kept coming in short on change. Because Pigsy ‘forgot’ to ring it a few times. Because after a while he stopped pretending to even try to pay. Because Pigsy liked poking fun at the fact he never charged him. Because he was special. Because he was Tang.
“Because Mr. Pigsy here is very nice,” The customer said, and Pigsy nearly sliced his finger off in surprise. He glanced over his shoulder at Tang, who was smiling at him so warmly it made Pigsy’s face turn as red as the peppers he was cutting.
He quickly looked away and got back to slicing.
“Besides, I have like– no money and a man’s gotta eat,” Tang joked and Mei laughed.
“You picked the right place then because there’s no noodles like Pigsy’s Noodles,” MK said with a cheeky grin.
“Oh? That a new slogan?” Tang perked up in surprise.
“What’s a slogan?” MK tilted his head and Pigsy chuckled.
“Well look at that– you’re practically head of advertising,” Tang winked at the kid and got to typing on his laptop.
“Mr. Piggy, what does that mean?” MK turned to the chef.
“Means you’re smart and creative and stuff, kid– it’s a compliment,” Pigsy said, still not looking back as he started grilling the vegetables.
“Oh,” MK blinked, looking back at Tang. “...Thanks.”
“No problem, MK,” Tang smiled again.
MK smiled right back and got back to his important job of pushing buttons on the register, while Mei crept behind Pigsy and watched him work.
“You interested in cooking, kid?” Pigsy asked as he started to stir the noodles.
“I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen at home– this is cool,” Mei said, trying to peer into the far too tall pot.
“It is cool,” Pigsy nodded to himself, before asking, “Do you… want a stool or something?”
Mei nodded excitedly and Pigsy told her where it was in the cleaning supplies and the girl immediately scurried off to fetch it, returning in a flash and immediately sticking her head directly over the pot.
“Wow, that’s a lotta steam,” She said, having to lean back and blink it out of her eyes.
“Yeah– uh– hot water… does that,” Pigsy again fucked up talking like human being. Mei giggled a little and watched as Pigsy stirred and added salt before going to the sink to strain them.
Then he added the sauces, vegetables, and spices and in no time at all, Tang’s noodles were ready and Pigsy handed them off to his regular, all while Mei cheered and ‘ooo’-ed him on.
“You okay, Pigsy? You seem a little off today,” Tang said in a hushed tone, taking the bowl and accidentally brushing the chef’s fingers.
“I… went apartment shopping in the upper east side,” Pigsy said, quickly pulling his fingers away and handing Tang chopsticks.
Tang sucked in a breath. “Yeah, that can’t have been easy.”
“Y-yeah,” Pigsy couldn’t look at him again.
Tang furrowed his brow. “Do… you need to talk about it?”
“Wh-what? No, please– This is standard procedure– I knew what I was getting myself into– I’m fine. Really,” he tried to assure, but he was aware he sounded like a big idiot.
“Hey MK, Mei– how’d you two like to sit in a booth and color out these Journey to the West coloring pages, huh?” Tang suddenly switched gears and pulled out coloring sheets and a box of crayons from his bag.
“Would I?!” MK leapt from the register and dashed around the corner, immediately taking the papers and going to go color, and Mei followed in her friend's steps.
“What are you doing?” Pigsy whispered.
“A favor. Now tell me what’s going on,” His customer pleaded with him but Pigsy shook his head and started cleaning things up.
“Like I said, it’s nothing I’m not used to,” He half lied.
“You know that doesn’t make anything any easier, right?” Tang said, finally starting to eat his food.
“O-of course I know that–” Pigsy flustered. “I-i just– it’s fine. I’m fine.”
“...It’s not just you having been uptown, is it?” Tang asked.
Pigsy sighed as he scooped up the leftover bits of chili and tossed them into the trash. “I… maybe– but again, I–”
“I knew it,” Tang interrupted him. “Do you wanna talk somewhere more private?”
“Well– who’d watch them?” Pigsy crossed his arms.
“Psh, they have coloring pages and it’s not like they’re four or anything– they’ll be fine,” Tang brushed it off. “C’mon– let’s talk in the back.”
Pigsy would’ve protested more, except that Tang already walked over with his bowl and chopsticks still in hand.
Oh boy…
Pigsy followed him to the back “office” – which was really just a folding table and two chairs with a crap laptop and corkboard and when Pigsy hesitated to sit, Tang patted the chair next to him, making Pigsy feel wildly embarrassed.
“So what’s the matter?” Tang asked as he continued to eat.
“You know this area is supposed to be for employees only,” Pigsy gave him a look.
“You’re trying to deflect and it will not work my dear Pig Man,” Tang smirked and Pigsy gave him yet another look.
“Look– you can judge me all that you want but we’re at least friends, aren’t we? And friends care about when other friends are going through something so– just– tell me what’s wrong,” Tang said with such a genuine tone that it made Pigsy actually want to talk to him, which was insane to say the least.
“I… just… I’m not…” Pigsy took a deep breath in and out.
“I’m not good at this, Tang. I-i don’t know why I even agreed to this– I’m not a human, or a dragon, or fucking royalty– I’m just some fat pathetic lowlife of a demon with anger issues. I don’t even know what to say to them half of the time–! and they’ve just– they’ve been through so much Tang, especially that MK and I just–” Pigsy ran his fingers against his head. “I don’t think I cando this.”
“Pigsy, you aren’t some lowlife–”
Pigsy huffed in contempt.
“You’re a good person, Pigsy– that’s why you did this. You have a big heart deep in there and you care for the little guy,” Tang set down his chopsticks and put his hand closer to the chef on the table.
“Tang… I learned your name three days ago… a-and there’s just so much you and the kids and no one else knows about me, and I just– I hurt people, Tang. It’s my instinct to snap or yell or get frustrated and they don’t need that,” Pigsy looked away.
“You don’t know me, Tang. Y-you’re just some freeloader who hasn’t been here long enough to know just how much pain I’ve caused those I care about– I mean– christ, you don’t even know about Sandy– a-and–” Pigsy realized what he said and his face fell.
“God– I did it again-! I mean– Jesus, Tang-! Look at me! I-i’m a fucking mess-! A mess you barely even know–” Pigsy felt a tight lump start to form in his throat.
“A-and that’s a good thing, Tang… you shouldn’t know me– those kids shouldn’t know me– Nobody should– god I’m such a mess,” Pigsy whispered that last part to himself.
Tang sat in that confession for a moment, before inching his hand closer.
“Well what if I want to know you, hm? What if I want to know the kind noodle shop owner who’s given me free food for a year without even knowing my name?”
“No Pigsy– what if I want to know the absolute saint of a pig man who risked life and limb for kids he didn’t even know and had no obligation to protect? What if I want to know the man who took in those two kids just so they wouldn’t be separated? Hm? Have you ever considered that I should have a say or could have a want in this? I’m an adult, I can make my own decisions,” Tang protested further.
“Tang, you don’t–”
“No– don’t you try and deny it– those are good things Pigsy and you did them because you are good,” Tang placed a hand on Pigsy’s shoulder that caused the demon to look at him.
“But you don’t–”
“But I do, Pigsy. I do know that because bad people wouldn’t do any of those things– hell, even just decent people wouldn’t. Even if your instincts are to fight or curse or yell, you do it for the right people and the right reasons, and if you didn’t in the past, who gives a shit because you do now, and now is all I or anyone else should care about,” Tang’s hand traveled down his arm until he reached the chef’s hand and gave it a squeeze.
“They don’t deserve someone with a past like mine, Tang. They deserve someone who’s always been sweet and kind and good and– and someone like you,” Pigsy looked away.
“You think I’m... sweet?” Tang blinked, and Pigsy realized what he just said.
“I… um… y-yeah. I-i guess I do,” He shrugged a little, which made him also realize he was holding Tang’s hand. More importantly, he realized he wasn’t letting go either.
“I think you’re sweet too, Pigsy– a lot more than you give yourself credit for,” Tang smiled that stupid little smile he always had as he gave Pigsy’s hand another squeeze.
“I– um– Th-thanks… but I’m still– I’m just in so over my head, you know? I still don’t think I can do this alone,” He practically whispered.
“But you aren’t alone– you have me,” Tang’s hand moved back to his shoulder, before his eyes widened, making him pull away and spout– “i-if you want me to help– o-of course, I’m not like– intruding, I’m just saying– I-i–”
Pigsy suddenly laughed and now it was his turn to place a hand on Tang’s shoulder.
“I’d like that, Tang. I’d like that a lot.”
“Thanks,” Tang sighed a breath of relief as he looked back at Pigsy. “Again, you really are a big softie in there, you just gotta let yourself see it.”
“Yeah, I guess you might be a little right,” Pigsy laughed weakly with a playful shrug, and Tang rolled his eyes and laughed too.
“You know I’m right– and hey, if someone as ‘sweet’ as me can like someone as ‘awful’ as you, you really can’t be all that bad, can you?” Tang pointed out.
Pigsy had to think about that for a moment.
“Eh. You’re just different– an angel among men,” Pigsy half-joked.
“You think I’m an angel?” Tang laughed, his face flushing ever so slightly.
“Ah– well– you know–” Pigsy tried to wave off the emotion, but Tang placed a delicate hand on his cheek, which instantly got ten degrees warmer. It was made even worse when Pigsy instinctively placed his hand atop Tang’s, despite his heart pounding a mile a minute.
Suddenly, his regular was leaning really close, looking at Pigsy’s deep, dark eyes with a million emotions at once, and the chef knew he was looking back with a similar gaze. When neither one broke, Tang closed his eyes, tilting his head ever so slightly and as Pigsy closed his eyes and returned the lean, he soon knew the taste of perfection.
Tang leaned back for a second, looking the chef in the eyes to comment, “I think you’re pretty angelic yourself,” before Pigsy smiled and kissed the customer right back.
This was what heaven felt like.
“Mr. Piggy– look at what I drew for– what are you doing?” The small voice of MK made the two men practically fall out of their chairs and they stumbled to their feet, their faces hot and red with embarrassment.
“A-ah well, me and Mr. Tang here w-were just discussing–”
“--We were discussing some ingredient improvements for the rice noodles– it was a little dry,” Tang finished his sentence. Pigsy looked at him worried for a second before Tang shook his head slightly and Pigsy relaxed.
“Oh– well– uh– I drew you-! I-if you wanna see it– haha…” MK suddenly got embarrassed until Pigsy opened his hand, and the boy handed it over.
On the plain backside of the coloring sheet was a fairly impressive drawing of the chef’s battle three days ago with the tiger demons, though with the added detail of having a staff, a cape, and looking much cooler than he probably did.
“I love it, kiddo,” Pigsy smiled and gave the kid a thumbs up.
“R-really?!” MK beamed.
The chef chuckled. “Of course, kid. Would I lie to you?”
MK shook his head.
“Good, glad you know that,” Pigsy winked. “Mind if I put it up back here? Might help bring some life to all the paperwork I gotta do.”
“Wow– okay!” MK flapped his hands a little, which made Pigsy ruffle his hair before finding a thumb tack and adding it to the corkboard.
“See? Even the kid thinks you’re a hero,” Tang whispered with a smirk as he grabbed his noodles and started eating once more.
That… was true. Despite his fuck ups, MK still clearly looked up to him. Pigsy would have to be heartless to try and leave now– hell, the kid would probably just blame himself and Pigsy wasn’t going to let that happen.
No, like the drawing showed, he cared for these kids, and yeah, he had bad habits and tendencies, but he did good things too… Maybe. Look– he was going to work on it so… yeah.
These kids didn’t deserve the bad, but they did deserve the good, and Pigsy would provide that for them in a heartbeat, and that was a Pigsy guarantee.
Wait…Holy fucking shit— did he and Tang just kiss—???
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elliesbelle · 4 months
emily gwen, the creator of the sunset lesbian flag that we’ve come to commonly use, still continues to live in poverty.
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multi-billion dollar companies have used their design and made profit from it, and yet they have not seen a cent for their creation.
i’ve been friends with emily for years, and i have not once seen them be financially stable the entire time. i’ve seen them homeless, unemployed, starving. right now, they need our help more than ever.
please consider donating to emily’s ko-fi, especially if you’ve used their design to create something and profited from it.
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blog-of-frontiers · 3 months
The thing about Wyll is that he Gets It. He knows the story. He knows the kind of man his father is and the kind of man he was supposed to be. He knew what Mizora was when he made the pact. He knew what it meant. And he was just a kid, and his city needed saving, so he did it, and he paid that price, and even knowing all of that he still tried to appeal to his father for understanding and forgiveness.
He sold his soul to do the right thing. And he was cast out. And he knew what character that should have made him.
He knows the story he's in, and every day he chooses who he wants to be instead.
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aurinkolasitehdas · 4 months
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foe-paw · 6 months
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strayklds · 10 months
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(ONE OF) MEL'S FAVORITE GENRES OF LEE KNOW: VLOGGER LINO → happy birthday @lee-minhoe 🤍
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kaladinkholins · 6 months
rewatched the ronin and the bride again and my heart literally ACHES for mizu. she was genuinely happy and in love..... her giddy laugh when she goes horse riding for the first time, the way her eyes light up when she sees mikio trying to tame kai for the first time, her little shy enamored smile when mikio is explaining the benefits of using a naginata right before the spar that changes everything.... GOD.......
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thatsonehellofahabit · 5 months
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Tommy is unironically such a badass.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
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spooksier · 1 month
been slowly working my way through s4 in my relisten. i love how jon is like yes i need to stop retraumatizing people it's a bad thing youre all right but he is So Fucking Mad about it the whole time, i think almost every statement after has had a part where he just bitches into the tape recorder about how much paper statements suck and badly he wants to take a live one but his Bitch Wife (the entire staff of the archives) wont let him. i love him forever
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fairyhaos · 5 months
bro do u know who's an idol that i wanna gatekeep soooo bad? dokyeom. like this is a man who's so crazy talented that he's lead vocal of a hugeee group, belts high notes Just For Fun, is moodmaker, energizer, sunshine of the group, cute and funny and adorable and sexy buff all at once and is ALSO the leader of the incredibly successful bss on the side?? he's been in a musical, TWICE (bc he was so good that they called him in to reprise the show), and no matter how much he struggles he literally never fails to have the hugest smile on his face. he's caring and gentle and loud and bubbly and he's so fucking GORGEOUS. like it's actually insane how beautiful he is. people don't appreciate him enough and i think that this is a sign that we start gatekeeping him bc if lee dokyeom is gonna be treated with anything other than kindness and love, then others don't deserve to know about him at all.
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lotus-pear · 4 months
aaaaa i love ur art sm i was wondering if you could have ever draw rimlaine togheter bc i dont see faanrt of them very often :') or if you could do a little sketch of them if that doesnt bother you..
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they literally made me go through all seven stages of grief,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,save me tragic french yaoi,,,,,,,,,,,,,tragic french yaoi save me,,,,,,,,,,
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junotter · 11 months
All the jokes about Ken and horses are good but I just wanna say it's such a good parallel to how actual young men get swept into misogyny and the patriarchy.
Like they're told to believe it means men get to be cool and manly and have this power but with that comes extremely rigid commands of what they can be as a man and a cycle of self hatred for never matching those gender roles perfectly. Patriarchy tells men that if they just do exactly what is expected of them, then they get all the "cool stuff" that comes with. That doesn't work though when there's only a small group that actually gets that power, but men will keep trying to fit into those roles in hopes that they can.
In the end there are no horses or the myth men are told, it's just endless cycles of self hatred and ingroup fighting.
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cozylittleartblog · 8 days
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when valve has enough money to buy god, but they let bots ruin their game for 5 years and dox people 🤖🔫 #FIXTF2
everyone who signs this 100k+ petition will have their name printed and sent to valve HQ. this shit is unacceptable.
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reggies-eyeliner · 16 days
KENJI SAYING "DAD" IN JAPANESE DESPITE HIM SAYING HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO SPEAK IT IS SO OWW OW OWW OWW because it's like saying that no matter how much you stray from your culture the first words you always learn are "mom" and "dad." AND IT'S LIKE no matter how far you run or how little you feel connected to your culture it's like. it is there because your parents were there too yk like I'M. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO ANYONE ELSE.
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