#they stress Bal out
More Nimona headcanons because these dorks have taken over my brain
I feel like Nimona tried really hard to hate Ambrosius
The first month they knew each other Nimona tried so hard to antagonize him and poke fun at him and remind him of the shit he’s done wrong 
But it’s kind of hard to hate someone who’s slow to anger and quick to forgive 
Reminding someone of their past mistakes with the intent to hurt them kind of stops being fun when the person is constantly aware of their mistakes 
And owns up to them without making excuses and is constantly trying to undo the damage their mistakes caused  
After a while, he grows on her and she starts to trust him and in return he trusts her
This one is based heavily on me and my best friends 
Nimona and Ambrosius will talk shit loudly in public 
They won’t use code names and if they don’t know the person they’ll start describing them like “Did you see that dude in the yellow shirt? He just pushed that kid out of line what a dick!”
They won't check to see if the person is out of earshot either they simply don't give a fuck
And this gives Bal so much fucking anxiety enough that he starts pleading with them to stop
You hear them going off about something and Bal saying “Ambrosius love hun sunshine I’m begging you to keep your voice down” 
“Nim Nimona starlight hi I would like to remind you that they’re still behind us and I don’t want to explain to Ambrosius why you’ve gotten into another fight this week so please stop” 
To which Nimona responds with “Tell him he’ll probably laugh”
Whenever Nimona and Ambrosius want to rant they rant to each other 
Because Bal is the type of person to give advice in the middle of a rant 
Talking some “If you explain this to them in a calm and compassionate manner I’m sure they’ll stop”
And while that's excellent advice sometimes you just want to scream your most unhinged thoughts at someone 
And they never judge each other either 
Nimona can look Ambrosius dead in the eyes and go “Have you ever gotten so angry during an argument that you’ve considered lighting their car on fire?” 
And Ambrosius won't even think about it he’ll respond immediately with a “Who hasn't?” while Bal slowly backs out of the room and silently vows to hide his car the next time they fight 
Whenever Ambrosius comes home from a stressful day at work he just walks into the house and lets out the most dramatic drawn out sigh 
And whenever Nimona hears that noise they’ll run to the living room and sit on the couch patiently waiting for their daily rant session 
Whenever Nimona gets home and wants to rant he’ll walk around until he finds Ambrosius
And if he can't find him he’ll sit by Bal and stew in his anger while he waits for him to come home 
He can't even take one step through the door without Nimona saying something like “How dare you make me wait” 
And Ambrosius will always respond with something like “Oh I’m so sorry firecracker it’ll never happen again”
And encourage them to tell him the information they’ve been patiently waiting to spill
Bal doesn’t rant unless he’s literally at the end of his rope
Like you have to royally screw him over for him to go home and rant to his family 
When he finally rants to them they don’t make a big deal out of it 
But they do however try their best to take care of him without raising his suspicions 
Nimona will conveniently make Bal’s favorite dinner 
Ambrosius will just so happen to pick up his favorite dessert on his way home (cause they both know the signs of a Bal rant and they plan accordingly) 
They listen to his rant and let him eat his favorite food in peace while they play his favorite movies 
You know real wholesome shit 
All the while they’re coming up with plans in their head to destroy this person's life
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williamlandon · 14 days
Hi! Do you think you could make a villain au where Ambrosius is a yandere for Ballister and will murder for him? Ps: Your art is amazing!
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Hiii! So sorry this took awhile to answer, I’ve been burnout lately and finals just ended, but I instantly fell in love with this idea.
Story wise, I came up with a couple ideas of what the story could be, but it’s totally up for interpretation. ——————————————————————————————————
I imagine that Ambrosius’s life constantly consisted of things he loved being taken away from him due to a strict family, strict rules, tight royal expectations, and just seemed like he had no freedom and zero say in anything he did. He just felt alone for years.
But one day he found young Ballister practicing out in the woods, monologging to himself. After spotting him, Ballister convinced Ambrosius to come and practice with him. Since that day, they had been practicing together in the woods to prepare for the day that Ballister would attempt to tryout to become a royal knight. Though he got away with it for years, Ambrosius was one day caught by the royal gardener who saw him speeding towards the woods. After being told, his parents were furious. He was scolded and punished greatly, except this time, he had enough.
Days before the knight tryouts, Ballister had noticed that Ambrosius wasn’t as bubbly as he usually was.
“They’re dead. Gone.”
In shock, all he could do was comfort Ambrosius and help him get through this massive loss.
Fast forward years later, Ambrosius has gotten some help with ruling the kingdom. Queen Valerin, who was the previous royal ambassador, took the thrown. Despite not being on top, Ambrosius was still thankful for the extra help. But not only was there a new queen, but a new ambassador. The Director.
Now with all of this stress gone from his shoulders, Ambrosius figured he could finally spend some time practicing with his recently asked out but secret bf, Ballister. With more time together, Ambrosius became very attached, especially since his childhood Bal was the only person who really gave their time and attention to him.
The Director noticed this strangely close connection with the two, and with already disliking them both, she disliked them more. But soon, she found out what was really going on between the two. With this increasing hatred for them, especially Ballister due to him being the only non royal blood knight, she came up with an idea to potentially turn them against each other, but little did she know that she was going to awaken a slumbering anger.
Her plan was to convince Ambrosius that Ballister was simply using him to gain status and learn about his weaknesses, until eventually taking his life along with the queen’s to become the new era of royalty. But unlike her wishes, even after framing Bal for the murder of the queen, Ambrosius wasn’t as gullible as she had hoped. With the help of the Squire, he had gained information about the rest of her plans. She had planned to kill Ballister to gain royalty herself.
Furious, Ambrosius heard an angry, yet familiar voice inside of his head.
From then on, anyone who had paid any form of a threat to Ballister, would never see the light of day again. The only one who was able to get away (for now) was the Director, due to the fear of her death being pinned upon Bal. ——————————————————————————————————
soooo yea I skipped sleep for this and I am very tired. But like I said tysm to whoever requested this bc I love this idea. This is definitely my headcannon for this AU, I’m excited to see other stories of this AU. Have a good day! ^^
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that-disabled-princess · 11 months
Headcanon: Ballister sleeps with a weighted blanket to help Ambrosius.
Why not Ambrosius himself? He keeps denying one would help with his anxiety. The poor boy has grown up his whole life expecting to be able to cope with the stress and pressure of being a direct descendant of Gloreth. He's not used to taking care of himself, and is being stubborn and adamant that he is very much okay, thank you very much, Ballister.
So, Ballister gets a weighted blanket for himself and sleeps with it. Ambrosius cuddles up to him while sleeping, so Ambrosius sleeps under the blanket as well. It's a lovely weight, a welcome one. He finds he quite enjoys it and that it helps him sleep easier.
As time passes, Ambrosius starts thinking weighted blankets aren't so bad after all. Maybe Bal had a point. Maybe it would help with his anxiety.
So Ambrosius gets a weighted blanket, too.
Turns out, Ambrosius isn't the only one the weighted blankets help--they help Ballister, too. It's a win for both of them.
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jack-the-fool · 10 months
A variety of inconsequential Nimona headcannons :)
-Ballister is TERRIBLE at keeping track of his phone/noticing when he has texts and calls which post-movie causes Ambrosuis such distress because he starts catastrophizing when Bal doesn't text him back for 20 minutes.
-Ambrosius knows theoretically how to cook but 10 times out of 10 will opt for take-out when left to his own devices. Nimona can cook but only specific meals she likes (breakfast tacos, brownies in a mug, etc). Ballister is the only one who actually knows how to cook in that he can be given various ingredients and make something out of them.
-Nimona gets a hold of some of her and Ballister's old wanted posters and hangs them up in her room. Bal thinks it's funny. Ambrosius has mixed feelings.
-Nimona all but refuses to call Ballister by his name. it's always "boss" or some variation. When she's being purposefully obtuse with people she doesn't know she'll call him "Larry" on occasion.
-Similarly, she never calls Ambrosius by his name either. When she does address him at first it's usually some variation of "Arm-Choppy" (which he weathers like a champ). Eventually, he graduates to "golden boy" or "The Boss' Boyfriend" until she decides he's cool now.
-The trio are all competitive to varying degrees. Nimona is competitive for the sake of being competitive and will announce dumb little contests when she's feeling bored. Ambrosius is mostly competitive about inconsequential things and made-up scenarios. When things are too serious his anxiety response kicks in and he basically stops caring while still somehow being stressed about it. Ballister acts like he isn't that competitive but it's a lie. Mostly in physical competitions, but he also IS that good so he usually wins anyway. When it is more of a challenge for him he starts to get weirdly serious and agitated.
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intothefandomverse · 10 months
Nimona headcanons I came up with while in line at Disney World
When goldheart was first starting wedding planning, they were told by one of the fancy elitist wedding planners that if nimona was going to be in the wedding, that they should change their hair to a natural color so it matched the (frankly quite boring) themeing that was recommended. Ambrosius was so mad about this that that night, he had nimona dye his hair bright pink to match hers. They went in the next day, and after the planner had a heart attack, they got fired.
Sometimes, Bal and Ambrosius will forget that Nimona can shapeshift when they haven't seen her in a while in any form other than human in a while and/or are really stressed and distracted, so when she just spontaneously turns into a shark (or other animal) they'll get startled for a second, then remember it's just Nimona
When Nimona gets tired of walking, they'll turn into a small animal and climb on one of the boys and make them carry him around
Nimona will turn into a cat when they don't get enough attention and start smacking things off the counters. It starts with the least breakable stuff and slowly accelerates to become actual breakable things, like cups, and even threatens to knock down important things (but never actually would)
Nimona loves learning about different cultures, especially ones that may go out of existence soon, because she feels it can help preserve the traditions and languages, even if he's the only one who knows them. They have a scrapbook of all the cultures they've learned about over the years, and a lot of it is drawn due to a combination of not being able to sit down long enough to write them all out, and not being able to write long sentences in most of the languages (they try to keep the pages with the languages to match them, even if it only ends up being a few words)
Bal's love language is infodumping. You can't tell me that man wouldn't rant about anything and everything sciencey/how things work at any chance he gets just because he loves it and wants to share that love with others. Ambrosius loves when he infodumps. He thinks Bal is cute when he does it. Nimona also infodumps as a love language. So does Otter Infodump Guy. Nimona and Otter Infodump Guy love dropping random facts about animals. And nimona loves listening to Bal's "how it works" dumps. Nimona will also infodump about their latest craft because they love crafting, and Ambrosius even taught her how to use a machine to sew (she never got to learn despite being around since they were created, his mom taught him how to sew when he was a child)
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 3 months
Hello could you do more fics about ballister head injury?(love your worke❤️)
I'm so glad you love my work thank you so much for this ask 🩷 sorry it took so long but as I had said in another post, my Tumblr ate it for breakfast and it was disappeared from my askbox and drafts. But it reappeared!!! Please enjoy your very late drabble request <3
Cw: seizures, brain injury
Ballister leaned against Ambrosius, closing his eyes. “You sleepy, Bal?”
“Mhm.” Ballister rubbed his eyes. “I couldn't get to sleep last night. Kept having headaches and weird dreams.”
“That's no good, babe. Try to take it easy today. Do you think it's your head?”
“He just said it was his head, duh.” Nimona cut in. She'd been back for the past couple months, and she and Ambrosius were still getting used to each other. Ballister chuckled. “It's probably fine.” Ambrosius made a worried face.
Eight months ago, when Ballister was on the run, he'd suffered considerable head trauma, several times, one after another after another. The whole thing left Ballister with considerable brain damage in the frontal and temporal lobes especially. It was especially significant in the first few weeks after everything happened, when he was often unsteady on his feet, spoke with slurred speech, struggled with short term memory, understanding rapid or unclear speech, and extreme emotional outbursts where he would be extremely afraid, sad, angry, or happy without apparent cause. He'd also started having seizures at that time. Ambrosius learned to deal with them, but he always hoped each one would be Ballister's last. The doctor said they'd stop eventually, but they never knew when eventually would come.
Thankfully, since then, his brain had healed tremendously. Still, Ambrosius couldn't help but worry when Ballister had anything going on with his head.
“Alright, well, just be careful, okay? Don't strain yourself.” He kissed Ballister's cheek.
Nimona cackled. “Come on, Nemesis. I don't think the boss is gonna let some dumb headache slow him down! He's not made of glass, you know. He's ten percent solid steel and a hundred percent badass!”
“My arm makes up five percent of my weight, Nimona, also it's made of titanium.” Ballister smiled at her.
“See? Even cooler.” She returned to what she was doing and Ambrosius sighed. Maybe he was being a little overly anxious.
But as the day went on, Ballister seemed off. Foggy, distracted, a little bit uncharacteristically emotional or snippy sometimes. Even Nimona noticed, Ambrosius could see the puzzlement in her face even if she said nothing. It all came to a head later that day, they were at a park and they were noticed by members of the public, who started their usual barrage, asking frankly triggering questions and requesting photographs and signatures.
Ambrosius was used to all that, but while Ballister was somewhat accustomed to it, it always stressed him out. Ambrosius managed to fish his lover and Nimona away from the paparazzi and back to the safety of their vehicle.
“You guys alright?” Ambrosius started it up, flying through the airways. Ballister didn't answer, he glanced over. “Bal?”
His lover looked distant, blinking fast, looking around in a haze. “Do you, lemon?”
“What?” Oh shit. “Nimona, take his arm off!” Ambrosius began landing the vehicle in a safe place.
“What?” She looked quizzically from the backseat.
“Now! He's having a seizure, the prosthetic is wired to his nerves and muscle, the electrical signals can make it go nuts!”
Ballister knew a seizure was coming when he tasted lemon out of nowhere. They needed to get it together quickly, he was already having trouble speaking.
Quickly Nimona reached forward and disconnected the arm, and not a moment too soon. Ballister’s face twisted and his head began to jerk, along with his right leg, a rhythmic back and forth motion. Once Ambrosius was safely parked, he grabbed the blanket from the back seat and cushioned Ballister's head, and started a timer on his phone. A car was not the ideal place for this to happen, he wasn't completely sure of the protocol. Ballister was at least buckled, so he couldn't collapse into the dashboard. “It's okay, Bal.” He whispered softly. Everything will be okay.”
Nimona's eyes were wide with terror. After sixty-two seconds, Ballister went still, his eyes blearily gazing in front of him, foggy. Ambrosius stroked his hair. “It's over, love. It's over. You're okay.”
Nimona swallowed. “What happened to him?”
Ambrosius exited the vehicle and came around to open Ballister's door so he could more closely check up on him. He unbuckled him and helped him out of the car, supporting most of his weight. “Nimona, let me lay him in the back, he needs to lay on his side.”
Nimona moved out of the way. “What happened to him?”
Once Ballister was laid safely in a recovery position, Ambrosius sat beside the car and stroked his hair. “He had a seizure.”
“A seizure? I thought you had to be born with those. I've never seen him do this before.”
“He hit his head, a lot, after–” Ambrosius swallowed. “After what I did to him. It all added up, and left enough damage that this happens sometimes. Eventually it's supposed to go away, but we have no idea when. He's okay, he just won't be able to talk for a few minutes. Will you sit back here with him? Just make sure he's breathing okay, and try to comfort him while I drive home. Sometimes he gets a little emotional. You can give his arm back, too.” He swallowed. He wanted to comfort Ballister, but he needed to get them home safely. Ballister could recover better at home.
Nimona didn't seem to know what to do, but for once, she didn't argue. Ambrosius drove home hearing her speak softer than he ever had, in a reassuring voice.
When they got home, they managed to assist Ballister inside. He could now understand speech and get out a word here and there, but he was mostly disoriented and exhausted. Once Ambrosius checked that his breathing was normal, and he didn't have any severe bites in his mouth, he tucked him into their bed and let him rest, setting a timer to wake him up and check on him.
Nimona looked gaunt, she paced the living room.
“Aren't you a thousand years old? I thought you'd be used to things like seizures. This wasn't a bad one, thankfully. He's okay, you don't have to worry.” Ambrosius was a hypocrite. He was extremely worried.
She shook her head. “Not that, I mean, I've seen them before, they're normal, I've known thousands of people– but I didn't realize— I didn't realize someone could hurt their head so easily.” She whispered.
“What do you mean?”
She swallowed. “He got hit in the face with a rock when the Institute blew up. And I dragged him home. And I didn't even try to make sure he didn't hit his head! He was getting smacked into curbs left and right and– and I thought it was funny!” She rubbed her face. “I haven't been close with a human in so long, I forgot how fragile they were, how even something like that– it's partially my fault, don't you get it? I was careless and he hit his head and now he's suffering because of me.”
Ambrosius swallowed. Ballister told him about how Nimona said he'd hit his head on the curb when she took him home, and yes, it had contributed to several in a series of head injuries. He sat on the couch. “Nimona, it's not your fault. I knew about that. The doctor said the concussions hadn't helped, but most of the damage was from the debris, from Todd beating him up, and from when he fell through the stadium floor. It's just– how it is.”
Nimona sat on the couch beside him and sniffed. “You don't understand. I forgot how easily humans can be hurt. How easily they can die.”
“Oh…” Ambrosius looked down. “Well, for what it's worth, I don't think he'd be here at all if it wasn't for you. Humans are weak, but Ballister is strong. He's kind, resilient, and forgiving– I know that better than anyone. He's gonna be fine. Don't beat yourself up.”
Nimona sniffed and smiled at him. “Thanks, nemesis.”
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euphreana · 2 months
The Shape of Truth - Chapter 1: Mercy
Chapter 1 here we go - written in collaboration with @bitsy83! (Also available on ao3 here!)
Ambrosius was there when the sword went off. The deadly blast caught everyone by surprise - Ambrosius barely had a moment to think before grabbing his sword. It was a moment though, just long enough for him to gather his wits and knock the sword from Ballister’s hand before anyone else got hurt, Ballister included. The sword fell to the ground, sparking as it disintegrated into pieces. Ambrosius and Ballister stared at it, then at each other in shock. Then the guards leapt into action. Ballister was so stunned he didn’t fight back when they pinned his arms behind his back and forced him to his knees.
“I didn’t do it.” his voice was barely audible over the noise of the stadium. Then the guards started dragging him away, past the stunned cadets, back into the tunnels below the Glorodome. “I DIDN’T DO IT!” he shouted, finding his voice. “SOMEONE SWITCHED MY SWORD!”
Ambrosius had watched in shocked silence. There was nothing else he could do.
~ ~ ~
The queen was dead. It was all over the news. Killed by the commoner knight himself. What remained of the blaster-equipped sword was locked away as evidence while The Institute investigated the event. Everyone was saying it was an open-and-shut case - replicas of famous swords were easy to get, and Ballister could have easily gotten one and hidden an energy weapon in it. Why was the question that was bothering Ambrosius.
He’d read the write-ups explaining the psyche of the ‘deranged, previous street urchin who’d snapped under stress’, but he’d known the man for over a decade - the profile didn’t fit. Ballister wasn’t a murderer… unless the last ten years had all been an act. Had their friendship been a facade? Had Ballister been planning this for years? Was this his revenge on a system he felt had mistreated him for so long? Or had he been telling the truth on the night of the murder - that someone had switched his sword out, that he’d been set up? But then who had done it? Some terrorist faction that was just now showing itself? The kingdom had been peaceful for decades, why would something surface now?
Ambrosius needed to make sense of this. He trusted The Institute to take care of it, but impatience was getting the better of him. He’d asked for visitation rights several times in the days since the Queen’s murder, but each time he’d been denied. That man was a raving lunatic, they’d told him, and he needed to be kept calm and isolated.
That wasn’t what the dungeon’s camera feed was showing. Ambrosius sat back in his chair in The Institute’s security room, perplexed. The feed showed Ballister looking dejected, sitting in a cell, sometimes pacing, but mostly just… sitting there, not saying a word. No mad ravings like the guards had described. Ambrosius fast-forwarded the feed. Hours of footage, all showing the same thing; nothing. The guards were lying. Why? Why was nothing adding up?
Ambrosius turned away from the computer, rubbing his head. Staring at big screens always made his eyes hurt. Smaller screens, not so much. He flicked his phone open. A news article flashed on the screen; ‘Breaking News: Ballister’s Written Confession Revealed’. Ambrosius blinked. When had that happened? He’d already skimmed through the bulk of the security camera footage from the last few days, and he hadn’t seen anyone go to interview him.
He tapped the article. Sure enough, there it was. A confession of murder, along with enough broken grammar to convince anyone that the author had lost it. Ambrosius stared at the screen until his eyes hurt again. Why would Bal implicate himself if he'd said he was innocent? Now with a confession made clear, all that was left was the sentencing, and there was only one punishment for murder in the kingdom; death.
Years of feelings began to surface - the times they’d stayed out late getting nachos, the times Bal had comforted him when his parents had died - so many experiences built on love and trust. Ambrosius didn’t want to believe Ballister was a murderer. He didn’t want to lose him. He couldn’t lose him.
Ambrosius got up. The article had mentioned the sentencing would be that evening. There was something he could do - he’d heard of an old custom that someone of noble blood or of high status could call for mercy on a convict - not a full pardon, but a punishment could be lightened. As Gloreth’s direct descendant, Ambrosius could get a judge to give a lifetime of house arrest over hanging… if it was still valid.
Ambrosius headed to the court building. They would know if he could declare mercy and how. If he hurried, maybe he could save Bal’s life.
The receptionist knew about the custom, but didn’t know if it was still legal or who would handle it. It hadn’t been done in decades. She made some calls to different departments to see. Ambrosius dug his nails into his palm every time a call turned out fruitless. Time was ticking away. Time he didn’t have.
Finally, they found the answer; the custom was still legal. Better yet, they found out who would handle the proceeding - someone in the judicial building across the campus. There would be paperwork involved. Ambrosius hated paperwork.
Ambrosius didn’t say who he was pardoning, but he could see the confusion on the clerk’s face when he handed him the sheaf of necessary papers. There was only one person in line for sentencing, and who would pardon an obvious murderer?
Ambrosius sat in the lobby and pored over the forms. He needed proof of his lineage. He needed the exact charges against Ballister. He needed the name of the judge. So many fields. So many signatures. He didn’t have time for this! Maybe he could get the first page done, declare mercy, say he’d missed a page, and then finish the rest afterward. Anything to stall the proceedings long enough to get it all filled out.
The records building was his first stop. It wasn’t far, just a few minutes walk. Ambrosius jogged across the campus green. How much time did he have left? He glanced at a nearby clock tower. Then he froze.
In the distance, there was a black flag flying above the judgment tower. The papers in Ambrosius’s hands crinkled as he tightened his grip. A black flag meant an execution was in progress. He’d missed the sentencing.
Ambrosius broke into a run. Forget the paperwork. He’d declare mercy on the spot and worry about that later. But he needed to get there. He needed to get there NOW!
People hurried out of his way as he tore through side streets and courtyards. He ran, his pulse pounding in his ears. The flag was still at full mast. He could see the front doors to the tower in the distance, two guards out front.
The guards stepped in front of the doors as he approached.
“Closed event. Nobody else allowed in.”
Ambrosius didn’t stop. “Let me in! I need to mercy—”
“No one. Else. Allowed.” The guard stated again.
Ambrosius rushed them. It almost worked - they hadn’t expected that from Gloreth’s descendant. He’d nearly gotten his hand on the door handle when they grabbed him and shoved him backwards. Ambrosius didn’t relent. He pushed back, digging in his heels, reaching past them for the handle.
“Let me in!”
His fingers touched the handle briefly. Then he found himself thrown onto the ground, paperwork falling from his hand.
“Don’t make this difficult.” a guard growled.
Ambrosius was back on his feet in an instant, frantic.
“Or what?! I am a knight! Descendant of Gloreth!” He charged again, this time trying to grapple a guard.
“That doesn’t matter.” The other guard grabbed Ambrosius from behind. “Closed event. Direct orders.”
Ambrosius landed on his back again, his head hitting the pavement. He looked up at the sky for a moment, dazed. The black flag. It was being lowered.
The tower door opened and a reporter stepped out, absently scrolling through a notepad. The guards moved to let her pass. Ambrosius seized his chance and barrelled through the opening, past the guards, into the courtyard.
His voice echoed off the walls, startling the audience in front of the gallows. Everyone turned to look at him. Ambrosius charged through the crowd, ignoring them. The gallows looked empty. Where was the convicted?
“I declare mercy!” He shouted again, pushing his way to the front. Then he froze. He could see the base of the gallows now. A tower worker was working the noose off an all-too-familiar figure laying in a crumpled heap on the ground.
Ballister Boldheart was dead.
Chapter 2
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mashithamel · 5 months
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I found that someone had transcribed the Old Tongue lyrics for “Nynaeve al’Meara,” but I haven’t found a translation yet. So I took a stab at it!
I’ll post the Old Tongue lyrics, then my attempt at a translation. Words or lines in bold are ones I had to guess at using context. It’s not an exact one-to-one translation, but more of what I think it’s trying to say.
Afterward, I will list out the words and their meanings. (?) means I couldn’t find that exact word, and where possible I breakdown how I determined a likely meaning. Bold words are ones I could not find a meaning for.
With the definitions I will link to my translation sources and at the top the original site with the transcription. Enjoy!
Totah Manetheren der
Waji weladthi tar valon
Ninte ghoba dvo ahendrelle
Dvodrelle duadh ninte khadye
Devore rieht
Riehtne mazers sa’trewele
Aleikya saidar
Mat’saidar daghain’cov
Ninte saidendrelle
Tsunga ellis sheikar
Ashandore balfrait
Grean al dival
Shukan vaanok
Ni’walden merwon
Kerenya keewal
Ashandore Jaendar
Ashandore ma’zaffid
Ma’tumasenya ashandore
Ashama’sein der mirhage
Far from your mountain home
Now you are in Tar Valon
Your soul is of the two rivers
The waters of the Two Rivers is in your bones
Strive for balance
You balance on one side your magnificent braid
You must own your own power
Your power will overcome your fear
Stubborn woman
The strength of the river
Into a raging fire
Wisdom from the Women’s Circle
Channel from the Light
Seek to protect them
Your fears are boiling
You must let them boil out
Wisdom of women
Wisdom you are enough
Your protection, Wisdom
Will guard them from harm
totah: far
Manetheren: mountain home
der: from
waji: now
weladthi: life
ninte: your
ghoba: soul
dvo: two
ahendrelle: river/waters
Dvodrelle: Two Rivers
duadh: water
khadye: related to bone
devorye: ask yourself (?)
- devor: ask
- ye: I
rieht: balance
riehtne: balancer (?)
- rieht: balance
- ne: suffix -er
sa’: superlative
trewele: braid
aleikya: one’s own (?)
- al: of the
- lei: man
- ya: my own
saidar: power (feminine)
- sai: power
- dar: female
mat: control
daghain: fear
cov: owner
seren: stubborn
shai: woman
pochivat: start
saidendrelle: power of the river
tsunga: into (solely based on context)
ellis sheikar: raging sun (literally “bright sun”)
ashandore: Wisdom (literally “mountain guard”)
balfrait: Women’s Circle (?)
- bal: circle
- frait: strong
grean: channel
al’: to the
dival: light
shukan: healthy, pl (?)
- shuk: health
- an: pleural
vaanok: delve (?)
- vaa: maybe sense?
- nok: maybe act?
ni: for
merwon: boiling
kerenya: cook for yourself (?)
- ren: related to cooking
- ya: my own
keewal: out/finish (?)
- keesh: out
Jaendar: belonging to women (?)
- ja: of
- en: pleural
- dar: feminine
ma’zaffi: completely whole (?)
- ma: stresses importance
- zaffi: complete
- d: belonging to
ma’tumasenya: protection (?)
- ma: stresses importance
- tumasen: safe
- ya: my own
ashama: guard
sein: them
mirhage: harm
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hisuian-history-makers · 10 months
Random Nimona (2023 Movie) Headcanons
—Ballister and Ambrosius did combine their last names to make “Goldenheart/Goldheart” due to Nimona relentlessly teasing the latter.
—Nimona is fine using any pronouns and will frequently change which type they/she use except it/its. No need to explain why…
—Ambros’ middle name is Gloria. The fact his initials spell out Agg will never cease to get a small chuckle out of Nimona or Ballister.
—Bal has let Nimona spray-paint some of his arms. A few have themes he proudly wears.
—Graffiti is legal in the city once Ambros’ passes a law. As long as the art in question doesn’t contain any inappropriate imagery.
—Sometimes they play a version of Guess Who? called “Guess What?” where Nimona will shapeshift into an extinct species. Whoever guesses the closest related animal to it wins!
—She sometimes corrects historical inaccuracies reminding everyone that they are genuinely at or over one thousand years old.
—Ballister will occasionally share stories about the Queen spending time with him. Mentions of her are scarce yet always entertaining as they involve a very devoted kid Bal’s antics.
(Ambros’ favorite has to be when Bal “protected” the Queen from dirtying her feet by literally throwing himself into the mud puddle.)
—Nimona isn’t human and sometimes his dads have a hard time wrapping their heads around this fact. She/He/They are simply Nimona.
(The first time they shifted into one was when she met Gloreth. He just exists, simple as that.)
—Gloreth came up with the name Nimona…
—She will take requests from kids to shapeshift into. Some suggestions even teach them about animals they have no clue existed like Giraffes!
—Ambros’ is a worrywart who stressed over written exams. Sometimes he wouldn’t even finish the assignments due to needing to grammar and spellcheck every little sentence.
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magicrainbowkitties · 11 months
Just saw nimona. Very ok and not at all feeling seen and heard in finally seeing a narrative that explicitly rejects respectability politics and about to chew on the drywall.
But I need you to understand. The fact that the one kiss is just a casual gay smooch.
THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT!!! Nimona as a film is EFFORTLESSLY queer. Like. Bal and Ambrosius just love each other. Nimona is just Nimona. I cannot stress to you enough just how important it is for shit like this, where queerness doesn't NEED a label, where it just happens and is a normal occurrence, to exist. There is gonna be some kid out there who sees themself in this movie and for once isn't gonna be terrified of who they are. They're gonna see that part of themselves for what it is: A normal part of life. I quite literally cannot stress to you enough how important this movie is. Fucking hell.
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I dont have a long funny title for these Nimona headcanons
Nimona will steal the boy's stuff all the time 
she’ll eat food off their plates when they’re not looking or will steal their food from the fridge 
She also steals all of Ambrosius’ rubber bands and claw clips 
And when she thinks the boys aren't wearing their clothes enough she’ll take them and either upcycle them or wear them as pajamas 
They’ve asked her a million times why she does this and her answer every single time is “It's fun”
The trio all have stims that the others view as harmful 
When Bal is stressed he’ll grind his teeth or bite his nails 
Nimona will bite his lips or pick at scabs that he let form
Ambrosius will bite the inside of his mouth or pull his hair 
And they all have little signals for each other to make them mindful that they’re doing it 
They don’t try and stop each other they know it’ll just make it worse but it’s a little reminder that they’re doing it 
Just a little “Hey I know you know yourself best and what you can handle but you’re also starting to bleed so please be careful” 
When they have their mouth stims the other will do things like whistle or hum just small things that you can’t do easily when you’re grinding your teeth or biting your mouth/nails
When Nimona is picking at his scabs the boys will tap their feet or drum on their legs 
And when Ambrosius is pulling his hair Nimona and Bal will offer to tie it up or braid it and sometimes they’ll just slide a rubber band over to him
If he doesn’t want the rubber band or doesn’t want them touching him they don’t force him they consider it a success because they still got through to him 
And if he lets them mess with his hair they consider it a bigger success because they love braiding his hair
When Ambrosius doesn’t have to go to work or doesn’t have to be in early Bal and Nimona take turns styling his hair
It doesn’t matter if it takes 5 minutes or 50 he’ll wait patiently for them to finish
And he leaves the house like that too no matter how crazy or stupid it looks
They have a little collection of pictures that they/civilians took and posted of their “masterpieces” 
Ambrosius has an 8-step skincare routine that he does every single day
Doesn’t matter if he’s witnessed every atrocity the world can throw at him he’s still doing it 
He also has a dedicated hair care routine that he spent hours researching 
Bal doesn’t give a singular solitary fuck what he puts on his face
As long as it’s cruelty-free not expensive and works he doesn’t care 
When Bal and Ambrosius first became friends Bal told him that he didn’t really wash his face even after he joined the institute 
Ambrosius almost passed out while whining about how the world is a cruel and unusual place 
He has worn Bal down over the years and made him use two products face wash and moisturizer 
He also found out that Nimona doesn’t take care of their skin at all
And when they saw how shocked Ambrosius was they continued by saying “In fact I take dirt baths like a chinchilla”
All he could choke out was “My lovely little tornado why?” They started laughing and claimed it’s “good for my immune system” 
Which caused Ambrosius to ask almost hysterically “What immune system?!”
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lilambs · 2 years
yandere! obsessed! eddie munson
mannequin! reader — PT 3
(PT 1) (PT 2)
the last part is coming soon <\3 and it will contain smut
as always pls be kind to me! i am new to this!
his mood suddenly changing as he snapped his fingers. "red's friend! she's.. she's got magic right? she can help me may-maybe she could bring you to life." he said frantically looking for his black jeans.
he grabbed his walkie and started to shout into it, “red do you copy?!”
he smacked the piece of junk before trying again, “red.. do you copy?!”
he turned to look at you, silently praying this plan’ll work.
“yeah.. yeah what is it? what do you want?” max replied; obvious that she had just woken up, her voice being strained.
“your friend uhh the magic one with the bloody nose and the bal- the uhh the bald head. she still around?” eddie asked tone growing with desperation.
this had to work right?
eddie saw you, heard you talk, and felt the soft velvet pieces of love that you called kisses in his dreams. he truly believes you’re real. he just needed a way to make what he believed a reality.
max snorted, “she’s laying next to me why? what could you possibly need so early in the morning?”
“dammit red! now is not the time for jokes. i need you to ask her to tell me how to make something..come..alive.” he stammered.
although he couldn’t see it, eddie knew max enough to know she made a face through the phone.
“come alive? we’re gonna need more info then that idiot, we’ll be over to your trailer in five.”
eddie throw the walkie on the couch, “shit shit shit shit shit. baby this is it!” he shouted. his toothy grin placed on display as he looked at your ruler straight legs.
after about five minutes max and eleven barged into your shared trailer with eddie; without knocking.
max immediately started calling for eddie, “hey idiot we’re here! where are yo- oh..my..god.” she cut herself off.
you were still in his hellfire shirt, with what looked like a black curly haired wig on. looking emotionless as ever, with all of your limbs facing in front of you.
“what is that?” el asked, her head tilting to the side. “eddie wants this alive?”
by now max was bent over holding onto her stomach for strength, “you bet your ass he does.” she replies, bursting into a fit of giggles in between each word.
eddie stumbled out of his room, “red! and baldy! glad you guys could make it.”
“look i know it seems crazy but i need you to help me bring this doll alive. she’s- she’s important to me.” he said voice laced with distress.
“it is easy.” eleven spoke.
max pushed her hand in front of eleven’s chest, “but what’s in it for us?” she asked.
“i’ll give you five bucks everyday for a week.” eddie said.
“jesus ch- fine two weeks.”
“pleasure doing business with you.” she smirked, nodding toward eleven.
eleven stepped forward before turning to face you, taking a deep breath before staring profusely at you.
nothing was happening, so she tried again.
still.. nothing.
“i do not know what is wrong. it should have worked. i am sorry.” eleven said, turning around giving an apologetic stare into eddie’s hopeless eyes.
you could see the light in eddie’s face flickering and fading. he was losing every bit of hope in feeling your warmth against him.
“it’s okay, you know uh it’s. it’s okay. thanks for coming guys.” he replied.
max pulled elevens hand and began tugging her towards the door, “sorry eddie.” she mumbled before her and eleven left.
ten minutes went by and you hadn’t moved so much as an inch.
to say eddie was stressed was an understatement, “what a fucking dumbass. i couldn’t believe i actually thought..” he trailed off.
from your perspective, something about his voice this time was different; much more clear..prominent..strong.
you could actually..hear him this time.
eddie leaned down and stared into your doe eyes, noticing the glare from the light reflecting into them.
“doll?” he asked.
with each second that passed your skin grew softer..warmer. although, you showed him no signs of life, causing him to turn around in defeat.
you started to blink abruptly, rubbing your fingers against the the soft texture that was your palm.
where am i?
who am i?
where is the boutique?
the sight in front of you no longer a vast diversity of people rushing by with shopping bags.
instead, it was a slightly unkept trailer with a line of hats used as decorations around it. with the overwhelming scent of vanilla and cigarettes.
it felt so nice to finally sit comfortably, you thought that you were only capable of standing forever.
while you were practicing your walk; which looked more like a tiny waddle than anything, you found yourself playing with hem of the shirt you were wearing.
“god damn lying son of a- bitch- oh this is stupid this is so- shit shit shit shit.”
you flinched at the sudden shouting, it scaring and interrupting you from your thoughts.
you recognized his voice, although you couldn’t quite understand what it was that he was saying.
son of bitch?
your legs began to bring you toward the room where the shouting came from. the door was cracked slightly; giving you the opportunity to peek inside, which is exactly what you did.
you gently pushed the door a little bit farther back so you could see who the rough velvety voice belonged to.
there was a boy tugging at his curly brown hair, his back facing you as he paced around the room. you could practically feel the anger radiating off of him, but you didn’t know exactly how to approach him nor make him feel better.
the door made a creaking sound, causing the both of you to flinch. your once sweaty palm that was pressed against the door froze, your feet glued to the floor.
eddie froze, he was sure of the noise he heard even while he was pacing like a mad man. before you could even get the chance to run and hide from his sight, he turned around.
his mind went blank at the sight of you standing at the entrance of his door, and without his help this time.
the sight of what is a normal sized shirt to him looking oversized on you made him melt.
“doll..” eddie said. not even a terrible D&D campaign could possibly remove the radiating smile off of his face.
you’re.. you’re here.
you’re alive.
“c’mere sweetheart.” he said softly, voice laced a honey-like tone alluring you toward him with small steps.
he didn’t look scary from what you could tell, more like a huge teddy bear with long hair.
his hands were now wrapped around your waist, eyes grazing over every crevice and inch of your pretty little body. your tanned skin felt so soft against his palm, despite the the thin fabric between his flesh and yours.
“you’re finally mine now sweetheart, just me and you. what should i name you huh?” he whispered, his breath puffing against your face. the smell of mint invading your nose.
“lauren? no..”
“vicky? ew god no.”
“how about.. y/n, it’s beyond perfect. suits you so well sweetheart.”
he smiled, the grip he had on your waist growing tighter. “your name is y/n now princess, and my name is eddie.”
“e-eddsie?” you whispered, head tilted to the side like a lost puppy.
your voice was everything like he had imagined and more, causing him to grin even wider.
“yeah sweetheart, eddsie.”
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lilacs-omuthoughts · 6 months
after the movie events, i feel like ambrosius would work from home, he’d find a nice little remote job where he hardly has to worry about leaving the house. works in favor of his tiny bladder, right?
well, yes, but he’s more focused on his work than taking pee breaks…causing him to soak his sweatpants more than a few times.
he gets frustrated with himself long before ballister ever does, and he’s the one to go out and buy a pack of pull-ups for himself.
it definitely lowers stress levels for both him and bal…until he forgets to change his pull-up. he’s just so work motivated that he forgets all about himself.
that’s when ballister takes it upon himself to check every few hours and see if he needs a change. ambrosius is embarrassed by this at first, but realizes that yeah, he is forgetful.
every few hours, bal leans over and pulls aside the waistband of his sweatpants (this man lives exclusively in sweats now tell me he wouldn’t) and gently squeezes the front of the padding.
if he’s wet, he’ll tell amb to go change, to which he usually says he’ll get up in a few minutes.
after a few too many days of the ‘i’ll get up soon’ and he never does, ballister starts straight up dragging his chair away from his desk and forcing him to go change, or just does it himself.
they settle into a routine, and any tensions settle down as well.
but one day as he’s working, he’s got a heavy feeling between his hips, and he knows that he needs to just get up and go to the bathroom.
however, he’s also got the mindset of “put in your hours, make your boss happy, and get things in before the deadline” and nowhere in that does it say “get up for any reason unless you’re done”. he’s quite hard on himself.
after thinking about it for a few minutes, and the pressure becomes too overwhelming to ignore, he lifts his bottom up off his chair a little bit…
he tries to continue typing as he’s going, but his fingers are shaky, so he just stops and puts his energy into pushing. his little grunts can be heard and his face gets red as he pushes a big mess into the seat of his pull-up.
…and then he sits right back down and gets back to work like nothing happened.
and somehow ballister knows exactly what happened when he walks into ambrosius’ office and the room smells terrible.
he pulls ambrosius away from his desk once again, and leads him into the bathroom. ambrosius is red-faced the entire time, as he mumbles out “sorry” over and over again.
as soon as he’s clean and has a dry pull-up on, ballister doesn’t give him his sweatpants back.
“I want to be able to see if you’re wet, alright? I’ll give them back if we have to go anywhere.” and he folds them and puts them on the bathroom counter.
he’s slightly amused by the sight of ambrosius sitting at his desk, face red, in nothing but a t-shirt and a pull-up.
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tinytinybumblebee · 11 months
May I pretty pls request some tiny ballister headcanons with cg ambrosia
This lad
Ooooh this lad is just a little guy!!!
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- He's a flip (no real lean on either side!)
- His tiny age fluctuates, anywhere between itty-bitty baby to his pre-teens. It all depends on how he's feeling that very moment ;w;
- No matter how tiny he is, this boy loves science or any kind of tinkering! When he's in an older kid headspace, Ambrosius lets Ballister with the things in Bal's "lab".
Or, these child-friendly science kits♡
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But, when Ballister is younger, Ambrosius has to keep a very careful eye on the tyke because he will find him trying to "fix" his own arm (by fix I do mean sticking random wires around, thankfully none actually ever get any conducive energy because Ambrosius doesn't know what he'd do if his little Balli got shocked!!) So, Ambrosius has to keep things nearby that Ballister /can/ tinker with (like, remotes)
-Oooh Ambrosius is a very protective Papa!!! Nobody dares harm a hair on his little one's head! He is always nearby Balli, making sure he's safe ♡
- Post-film, when the wall isn't really a thing anymore, Ambrosius totally brings Ballister out to the forest for some relaxing, tiny time away from the stresses of the city ;w; for the most part, it's them all snuggled up under a tree, Ballister taking a nap and Ambrosius running his fingers through his tiny one's hair♡♡♡♡ (Nimona is there too, she's flying around with some birdies, collecting cool sticks xD)
- tiny Ballister still likes boardgames! He insists on no one go easy on him when he's tiny. But uhh,,,impossible because he'll land on Ambrosius' lot and be told he needs to pay 700 gold and Ballister will just look over to him like "🥺🥺🥺 700?? I don't gots that🥺🥺🥺" (he has that, he just can't count that high!) xD
- Ballister gets a lot of phantom limb pain. When he's big, he can handle it, but when tiny, it kinda spooks him! Because his arm hurts, but it's not there?? Ambrosius will hold him on his lap, gently massaging the amputated area, speaking softly to Ballister (Ambrosius feels so much guilt but even more so when Ballister is tiny ;0; he sees those confused, sad eyes looking at him and just hugs him tightly)
- Ballister likes to play with Ambrosius' hair, it's so soft and smells so good/soothing to him ;u;
Aaaa that's all i have for now but absolutely feel free to send your ideas aa!♡♡♡
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jack-the-fool · 11 months
everyone has already made all these wonderful and insightful posts and observations about Nimona as a movie and its themes and queerness so now I wanna make my niche talking about DUMB shit like Ambrosius stressing out so much about his and Ballister's first date he forgets to ask for no olives and they end up at the emergency room, or Bal and Nimona being absolute terrors post-movie and reformatting the evil lair into a science lab/tech workshop for all of Bal's tinkering
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igneouswyvern · 10 months
Watched Nimona today and I'm absolutely losing my shit
Anyways one of the things that hit me super hard was just. The idea that. That people will only ever see you one way, that nobody will ever change the way they perceive you. But then Nimona points out to Bal that he changed the way he saw her, didn't he? And that just. Most people won't change the way they perceive you. Because they're too stuck in their bigotry, or because they don't really care about you that much, because they never really cared that much to begin with. Those people aren't worth your time. They aren't worth flipping out over. The people who do bother to change because they really care are the people you need to hold onto.
I'm very very closeted, but I've been really thinking about this because I'm surrounded by friends and family who I know are too stuck in their bigotry to change for me. They'd never accept me as anything but a girl. But well, those people don't matter. Not as much as the friends I have online who were immediately willing and happy to change up their pronouns for me. And I even stress about strangers, about strangers who might find out my gender is nonconventional and judge me for it, or strangers who assume I'm a woman and refuse to listen when I correct them. But realistically, they don't matter to me. They never did. I can't change the way people perceive me. I'll never be able to. But I can hold onto the people who care about me enough to change on their own. Those are the people who matter.
Also I just wanted to say I desperately want to emulate Nimona's attitude in this movie. The way she brushes off all of Ballister's questions about her origins with just "I'm Nimona." That's the attitude I strive for. I don't have to answer strangers trying to ask me "why/how are you nonbinary? What does that even mean? What's between your legs? Did you get the surgery?" I don't have to answer any of it. I'm me. I'm here. You can accept my name and pronouns or not, your choice. I don't care, and I don't owe you an explanation.
Sorry just...this movie touched me in a lot of ways, and I was struggling a lot this past week trying to force myself to be a girl, and I decided to watch this movie at the perfect time, and I've really gotten renewed vigor as a transgender individual and I'm trying to take heart and take pride in who I am again. I needed this movie a lot.
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