#they wont leave me alone
gherkinlizard · 1 month
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more thrawn in a dress and eli in a suit because these two are currently invading my brain
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kayzean · 3 months
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It happens radomly and then I have to try be normal about it. Spoilers I can't be normal about it
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bonesblubs · 2 years
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Feng Xin found his defense breaking spot 
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glitchedcrisis · 3 months
Insanity is trying to find and listen to every single devlog/tape while being hunted down by your "friends"
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damnikindadontcare · 6 months
At some point I need to see to Carmy speak a little Italian not a ton but enough to make Syd all flustered and not know how to react
“Oh so we speak a Italian now”
“A little”
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onionnstinks · 7 months
going crazty
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drew this on microsoft whiteboard, go listen to
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alrightymoose · 3 months
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was looking up ugly snakes and then THIS GUY showed up. clicked on the Pinterest link and it looks like the person who put it up didn't realize it was the sneaky bastard.
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potato-lord-but-not · 10 months
has anyone else been getting just absolutely swarmed by bots bc it’s been only ONE day and I’ve gotten like 1,000+ bots following me that I haven’t been able to keep up with n block em all and I haven’t seen anyone else mention this and I am just OVER IT GAHHG
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ghostherlig · 6 months
gothic western drabble 2
they won't leave me alone- so here's another bit of them being silly with each other <33 ft old western slang and phrases bc i forgot how much i love old timey phrases
The marksman just wanted to rest after all that transpired.
Doing anything with Johnny was exhausting, but travelling followed by fighting, followed again by travelling, and then setting up camp was beyond exhausting with Johnny.
"Wanna snort?" The actor smiled, his usual charm cranked up to a hundred now that Kenshi was tired beyond belief. Despite the canteen held out in a more than friendly hand, Kenshi raised a brow at him, as if Johnny had been speaking in tongues.
"What?" He breathed, Johnny chuckling at his confusion.
"Sorry, sugar, do you want a drink?" He corrected, and Kenshi pursed his lips as he snatched the canteen, Johnny hissing another laugh.
Kenshi took a swig, sighing in relief and dumping some of the water over his head, the heat of the afternoon still lingering into the evening.
"You act like I was tryin' to clean your plow," The actor rolled his eyes, the marksman tempted to throw water at him. Instead, he rolled his eyes in return, Johnny laughing.
"I don't even know what you're saying to me half the time," Kenshi grumbled, taking another swig of water, sighing and letting his head fall back against the tree.
His eyes had fallen shut, letting himself cool off. Despite his closed eyes and tense demeanor, Johnny still stepped in front of what little sun was left of the day, Kenshi peeking an eye open.
"Now you know how I feel when you grumble to yourself in Japanese, Takahashi." Johnny teased, pinching the tip of Kenshi's nose, the marksman making a noise of discontent and slapping his hand away, pushing himself up to stand.
"Don't start with that, Carlton," Kenshi warned, and Johnny put his hands on his hips, looking behind him at some imaginary audience while pointing to Kenshi.
"And here I thought he wouldn't care a continental," He joked, the marksman groaning at his antics, tossing the canteen back into his chest once he had screwed it shut.
"What's so difficult about speaking normally to me?" Kenshi sighed, exasperated with Johnny's words.
"I am speaking to you normally! Well, normally for here, anyway," He amended, and Kenshi sighed.
"私がこれまでに下したあらゆる決断が、私をあなたへと導いたのです。" He complained, throwing his hands up in the air before reaching up to grab his hat from where he had placed it on a branch.
"Well, you sound dreadful pretty like that, darlin'," Johnny smirked, trailing right behind the marksman, Kenshi flushing at the obvious staring Johnny was doing below his belt, "Fine as cream gravy." The actor mumbled, and Kenshi was tempted to turn around and slap him.
"Quit staring at my ass." The marksman spoke instead, clear and concise, and he heard the footsteps stop behind him.
Kenshi turned, Johnny looking like he was struck by lightning, face flushed and mouth hung open.
The marksman took his opportunity to get Johnny back just a little bit more, taking a step forward. One hand landed on Johnny's waist, the other palm up, Kenshi's fingers extended to close Johnny's mouth.
"You'll catch flies, darlin'," Kenshi mimicked Johnny's accent, the actor blinking like he'd just been struck.
The marksman's hands retreated, giving Johnny a pat on the shoulder and an annoyed smile before he continued back to his tent, Johnny sputtering and chasing after him again.
Maybe travelling with the actor wasn't so bad.
(the japanese was done using a translator (linked bc i think it works better than google does), but it's supposed to say "Every decision I've ever made led me to you, you absolute moron."
also, the phrase "clean your plow" means to beat somebody up, and "fine as cream gravy" just means "very good" or "top notch")
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sh1-n0bu · 10 months
was knitting myself a scarf with my catto laid over my lap like those grannies in cartoons when i suddenly had an idea hhhhhhhhhhh
can someone pls just take my brain worms away pls i am suffering😫😫😫
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lesbian-empress-nero · 9 months
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exploding a million times
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ihavenoideahowtodream · 5 months
I have been bed ridden from covid for 3 days now and I'm building a collection:
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They refuse to leave me. Even the small one who is 9lbs of spring loaded anxiety will just appear in my room to be with me even if I'm not allowed to touch her.
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Autism won today (I am overstimulated)
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tthblox · 1 year
They can't sleep.
Help me
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fridaverse-graveyard · 8 months
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listen to me please just take a second to listen i just think he’s silly just a silly little guy that’s all i
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voidyinthevoid · 7 months
Soooo, I’ve been gone…
But I brought something to make up for my absence.
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It’s sun and moon because I am reliving my FNAF hyperfixation. Listen, I just have silly little desires sometimes. Tee Hee.
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