#they’re her emotional support idiots and she loves them very much
I love that Adaine goes, “Oh, she’s STUPID” whenever an NPC has an off moment when her best friends are:
-a guy who tried to fight hardened pirates with the members of his dad’s pyramid scheme
-a girl who tried to ribbon dance down a tower
-a guy who got tattoos of incomplete anagrams because he thought they were clues
-a guy who thought every stranger was his dad
-Hilda Hilda
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goldrushenthusiast · 7 months
Which The Hunger Games characters :
1. Do you relate the most?
2. Do you think missunderstood by people?
3. Do you want to know better?
Please give reasons for your answers. And you can pick more than one character for each question.
Thank you :)
1. Honestly probably Peeta
I’ve grown up with a lot of privilege, same with MOST (but not all) of my friends. Whenever I love someone I have the tendency to hold onto it no matter what. I have a great view of the world, and no matter how much I think I can I can’t really hold a grudge for the life of me. I take pictures of everything naturey, if I could paint I’d be doing it all the time, and in general I think we have very similar senses of humor and outlooks on life in general. Peeta and James Potter have been my top fictional character relations since probably early 2022 tbh.
2. Sejanus & Lucy Gray (this is influenced by Coriolanus HEAVILY)
One thing that’s interesting about these is that while people call Katniss an unreliable narrator (she really isn’t tbh, you get that with a lot of first person POVS), Coriolanus is really the one not to be trusted. Every word in that book, even thought it’s from a third person POV, is stained by his mind. It makes it hard separating characters true personalities in it because they’re so diluted by what Coriolanus wants them to be. Dialogue is the most important part of it, but just the dialogue itself. I don’t think we can trust Coriolanus much after.
For one- Coriolanus sees Sejanus as a bit dumb, like he doesn’t know everything he does but it’s not ignorant, just dumb and not smart enough to realize it. This is because of Coriolanus’ idea that he’s smarter than everyone, so he automatically thinks people who don’t think the same as he does are dumb. It’s condescending and even if he doesn’t notice it, it’s still there. When he’s confronted with the idea it might not be true (Lucy Gray winning, all of her deep discussions) his mind goes through hoops trying to explain it. His bigoted attitude towards district people is HUGE. He automatically thinks that they’re (including Sejanus and Lucy Gray) are less smart than him.
This leads to him treating them as such and seeing through that veil. There are a couple of times where we see Sejanus has a personality beyond pity and self wallowing, where he makes sarcastic remarks & acts like a complicated person. I’ll try not to let my own interpretation of Sejanus reflect too much here because I don’t have much to support it.
As a reader, naturally, we see characters how we remember them, and we remember them based on what’s memorable ABOUT them. You remember Sejanus for what Coriolanus calls “outbursts” or tantrums, so you begin to associate him with those childlike emotions and the idea that he doesn’t really understand what he’s getting into.
It’s why I see this idea - that he’s just a poor baby, who just wants to help - so much from people who’ve only read the books <3 times or so. They don’t remember his under the breath comments and things like that, or the way Coriolanus describes him. IMO, for the most part, Sejanus DOES know what he’s doing (most of the time), just doesn’t think it through entirely. I’ve seen too many people portray him like a himbo, or an idiot, which ISNT TRUE. At all. They only do it because Coriolanus still associates Sejanus with his 8 year old child self and because Coriolanus sees him as lesser, and dumber, which go hand in hand for him.
That was way more than I was planning to write- oops! But the physiological aspects of how we see characters and what affects that is fascinating.
Now, Lucy Gray. Because we see her in a more romantic way, because Coriolanus does, we see her differently, because Coriolanus sees all forms of love (minus obligatory things, like family) the same (I could talk about this FOREVER).
Coriolanus sees Lucy Gray as something he can control and own. Obviously, she isn’t. He also sees her as a bit helpless and needy, which again, she isn’t. She’s been providing for her family since she was 12 (approx). It’s easy to assume she’s very strong, and she handles things well.
Now, the thing with Lucy Gray is that a lot of people think that she never loved Coriolanus, she was just using him, and I get where that comes in. However, I disagree. I think that’s the MAIN off characterization. She was not stone cold and unfeeling, nor was she some badass.
Lucy Gray’s character I actually change my mind about a LOT, because that’s exactly what she does to people. That’s what she’s SUPPOSED to do. It was how she written. She’s an amazing actor, and everything she does (although not on the first read), we start to question. This goes back into our view as a reader & how we characterize characters. She’s memorable because we saw her as Coriolanus did (someone to be helped, with a sad past, and someone attractive), then that view switched. During the first half of part 2, we started to see her come out of her shell and be more fun & rebellious. She still was in part 1, don’t get me wrong, but because Coriolanus didn’t seem to register that as much neither do we, or at least we don’t get the full extent of it until part 2.
In the first half of part 2, because of the shows and the hanging tree, we get more clues as to who she actually is. I think that part 2 is where we really have to consider her personality because it’s 10x as likely she isn’t acting anymore. We also see her past with Billy Taupe, which provides just the right opportunity for Coriolanus (and therefore us) to continue seeing her as someone who needs protection and has ownership.
This is good (ofc not really GOOD, but you get the point), because it really lets us experience the full extent of the SHOCK (the first time reading it) when Lucy Gray betrays him. I’ve already talked lots about why they betrayed each OTHER, and how it made perfect sense for each character, so if you’re interested it’s somewhere on @balladofmyramblings. It’s the one about people getting wrong why the ending was perfect.
As I’ve said before, Lucy Gray values TRUST. It’s why she does go to Coriolanus for comfort after he shoots Mayfair, and why she turns to him. It’s not about needing him, it’s about the fact that now that she’s out of the arena and can trust him & she doesn’t think he’ll hurt her, she can actually trust him. It’s why I think that she truly loved him. Remember, Coriolanus is also affected by his view of himself. We’re annoyed with him and know he doesn’t view Lucy Gray well because we know him. But he’s a good actor, and it’s vibes that Lucy Gray must go off of. Their purest stage of their relationship was during the first half of part 2 for sure.
I’d also like to mention Lucy Gray just got out of a toxic, probably abusive, heart wrenching relationship so it makes sense she’s LOOKING for more protection in a partner, even if she doesn’t exactly need to be protected (or owned especially).
Anywho, TLDR, people think that Lucy Gray was more cold and calculated than she was or (but I didn’t touch on this because I haven’t seen it much) not at all. Truth is, she’s a mix of both, and does find comfort in Coriolanus & eventually betrays him in a cold and calculated way.
3. Tigris!
I’d love to see Coriolanus’ rise to power through HER eyes, and know her story, and all that she did. She’s a very interesting character and I’m glad Suzanne made her Coriolanus’ cousin instead of some stranger- it was genius.
Thank you for the question, @curiousnonny, and as always feel free to debate but not argue with me in the reblogs/replies!
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Time for The Karate Kid himself!!!
Warning to those who find it uncomfortable or are a minor there’s some adult themes in this post.
My boy is bisexual and he’s proud of it.
Daniel doesn’t really buy into toxic masculinity and gender norms he literally doesn’t care. If you think he’s weird for being emotional or not being what society thinks is the typical man than he will think you’re an idiot.
It’s clear that he is very attracted to blonde people (Johnny and Ali). The first time he saw Ali he was obviously smitten but I definitely think he was attracted to Johnny when he first saw him and was still attracted to him but obviously upset after he hurt him.
I’ve said that the rest of Cobra Kai (Bobby, Dutch, Tommy and Jimmy) were attracted to him too so I think that Daniel also found Bobby and Jimmy attractive but didn’t mention anything because they were all annoying him.
He felt conflicted about liking Johnny but also finding him irritating. He is proud of his sexuality but wasn’t too sure how Johnny would feel about someone being Queer let alone being attracted to him. He kept it quiet.
The first person he properly told was his mum. She was very supportive of him but also upset that she might’ve made him think he couldn’t tell her. He reassured her that it wasn’t that he just needed time. Lucille is always ready to defend her son from bigots.
Mr Miyagi had figured it out from the way Daniel looked at Ali and Johnny and noticed it was sometimes similar. He didn’t say anything until Daniel felt comfortable enough to tell him because he didn’t want to assume or pressure him.
Daniel definitely has a thing for strong and independent people and can’t help but feel connected to people when they challenge him.
He was really in love with Kumiko and I think even though lawrusso is my main ship they were the best of Daniel’s canon ships. They had a real connection and I think they brought out the best in each other.
Daniel was definitely attracted to Chozen even though he didn’t want to admit it when younger because he didn’t like him.
Daniel had a small crush on Silver before everything about him was revealed and Silver used this to his advantage to manipulate Daniel. Daniel was heartbroken for a number of reasons the day he found out it was all a lie.
He dated and hooked up with some guys once he got a little older and though he didn’t realise they all had a similar appearance to Johnny. Daniel was in denial about that and didn’t notice.
His relationship with Amanda was good and they loved each other but eventually drifted apart. Once he was divorced he started to develop feelings for Johnny again. I think he was very conflicted about his feelings for Johnny even once they were both older because they’d both changed a lot and had some much more problems to deal with.
I like to think that eventually they both get to a point where they can explore their feelings and attraction towards each other.
Daniel is very open with his kids about his sexuality and has always explained to them what it means. Sam once she got older bought him a pride flag and he found it cute that his daughter got him it so he keeps it in his office at work.
I think when it comes to his partners in bed whether they’re a man or a woman he isn’t the dominant type. He spends so much time in his normal everyday life trying to control things and feel organised that in bed he likes others to have a little control. It’s this way with Johnny the first time they sleep together and Johnny is really surprised that Daniel lets him take the lead when he’s usually so wound up.
He was quite happy the first time he referred to Johnny as his boyfriend because after so much conflict in their history together they were finally together.
He nearly cried when Johnny was the first one to say “I love you”.
Demetri confided in him about being Queer and Daniel was able to talk to him about it. He understood how scary it could be being Queer and the feelings you can have for someone. He felt good about being able to understand and help his students.
Miyagi Fang took him and Johnny to a pride parade which he really enjoyed. He’d been to a few before but being their with so many people he loves was amazing for him.
Just want to say this for all my fellow Lawrusso shippers but Daniel and Johnny definitely make out at least ten times a day. I mean they definitely only stop when they know someone is around. Their students and their friends find them annoying because they’re obsessed with each other and the only upside is in their obsession they no longer try to kill each other too but sometimes on days where their flirting and making out is too insufferable they almost think it was better when they obsessed over winning against each other.
They’re in love.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Well… that was… *something*
Law & order premier event thoughts…
Okay, here we go!
(Fuck i just realized i never did a “what i hope/wish to see this season! I’ll do it after)
oh. Okay. We’re diving *right* into things with Ukraine? 😳 jfc
Cosgrove(?)’s daughter & all this talk about gunshots is terribly foreboding
I just do not like Cosgrove….
Oh GOD & NOW he’s fighting with Stabler?! We couldnt have gotten through this ep without a “whos dick is bigger” contest, could we? 🙄🙄 like i was *just* gonna say how frank’s acting like stabler & then stabler shows up… ugh. Bring daddy benson back pls
Ayannaaaaaaa lookin like a SNACK as per usual!😍
This “crossover” really is more like a 3hr movie. First 30mins moved pretty slow like the OG l&o vibes… now we’re into the OC feels. Where are my svu babies? Bring them in pls.
I cant decide whether this CI is a complete idiot or a genius.
Why are we being forced to deal with so many low neck, chest exposed outfits for stabler 🥴
Oh so we’re putting Amanda in oversized blazers this year?
Watching them do raids on l&o after watching so much Chicago pd is just pathetic. Like, they’d lose so many cops with how bad it is.
I’m sorry. But if i was going to raid a house of a very dangerous criminal… i’d put my hair up to make sure i could SEE what i was doing…
Loving this style update for Jet😍
Did ANYONE think the CI was gonna make it through the ep?? Like cmon that was obvious
There was 3:44min left on the timer & that was WAY less than that….
Are velasco & fin just like, kickin it back at the precinct watching tv or something rn?!
Yessssssss Sam is here now! 😍😍
But also hate the other ada
Wait… this perp (in pt3) has DEFINITELY been on svu before… he sold liv & elliot a baby… right?!
Sir… you are sitting like a lesbian…
WOW we just jumped two months!!
Where TF is carisi??
AMANDA ROLLINS IS ANTI TAYLOR SWIFT??!! I *NEVER* WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! Like she would be the number 1 swiftie…
Okay like i KNEW something like this was probable because dw wanted her killed off BUT COULD WE GET THROUGH A SEASON OPENER WITH**OUT** SOMEONE IMPORTANT GETTING SHOT??!!
Carisi’s gonna show up now, right??
Wtf is this jacket olivia has on? I cant tell whether its leather or denim or leather posing as denim??!
Liv did what was right. Putting nicole out of harms way was way better than making her testify when she’s already almost been killed multiple times.
Oh fuck you mccoy
How is NO ONE from the da’s office even TALKING about/worried about rollins?!
THANK YOU SAM!!! I KNEW I LIKED YOU BETTER THAN ANYONE ON THIS DAMN SHOW (also she’s looked *bomb* in every outfit so far..)
I feel like we might be starting to learn more about Sam’s history/childhood thanks to this ep? Or like, this might be hinting at some future character arc?
UCK. I literally just said “at least elliot’s gone” and WOW he feels the need to come back…
There are TEN mins left & we still havent gotten an update on amanda??!! Come ON
Yo, dick wolf, tell me you hate amanda rollins without telling me you hate amanda rollins 😒😒😒
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! The crap scenes we GOT instead of:
a panicked emotional carisi at the hospital, a sympathetic & just as worried liv who’s trying to hide it to be the bigger supporter, a worried fin who’s watched her take a bullet already!! The REUNION & relief when they’re told she’s out of surgery & going to be totally fine. The CONVERSATION between amanda & sonny, the heartfelt confessions of how scared they were to lose each other, how carisi was internally freaking out about the girls and legally who would take care of them if amanda died, and how it should be him over anyone from her family. How the only thing aside from the girls amanda could think of was that she wished she had told sonny she wanted to be with him forever, be the dad to her girls, how life is short & they’d wasted enough time already. Followed by an untraditional proposal, one that neither of them expected & sonny doesnt even have the ring, but they agree to marriage anyways. FOLLOWED by liv, fin, velasco, jessie & billie coming into the room in a big happy found family wrap up…
Brb… just wrote a one shot that was better than the wrap of this damn episode.
Ugh 🙄🙄🙄
@bookpillows here ya go
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munstysmind · 2 years
For Chris and Maddie:
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For Steve and Harper
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Woman, this has taken me all day!! But it kicked muse into gear and made her do her damn job so no complaints here!!
What do they usually text about?
Everything. How their day’s going. Upcoming plans. TV and Movie recommendations. Gossip. Emotional support. Recently Chris texted Maddie that his anxiety was really bad because he had promised her he would tell her if it was bad and she immediately called him. She read him a few chapters of her book because he just needed to hear her voice. It’s the first time she’s felt needed in their relationship, needed the ways she needs him.
Is either one confrontational?
While she will actively avoid it as much as she can, Maddie can be very confrontational if someone pisses her off enough. She doesn’t care who it is.
Who are their favourite musical artist(s)?
Maddie doesn’t really have favourite artists. She doesn’t follow artist, she more follows songs she likes, if that makes sense. Chris loves classic rock bands. AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Guns n’ Roses ect.
What are their parenting styles?
Both Chris and Maddie are going to go the route of gentle, connected, respectful parenting. Maddie’s father is a gentle parent. She always knew growing up that while he was calm and kind with her and took the time to figure out why she was doing what she was doing, even when she was a fucking demon, there were consequences and punishment to her actions. Both her and her brother benefited from his parenting and have amazing relationships with him as a result. Her mother on the other hand… a corporal punishment parent who always thought her children crying over something was an overreaction. She will never understand why her mother thought screaming at and hitting her children was acceptable. You don’t treat adults like that so why do you treat a child like that??
Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn't know?
Maddie does…
What is their favorite photo of them two together?
Maddie’s is a selfie she took with him. He said something right as she took the phone that made her laugh so she’s got this huge grin on her face while she not even looking at the camera, he’s looking at her like she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.
Chris’ is one he took in bed. She’s asleep with her head on his shoulder and he’s kissing her forehead. He’s actually taken a few photos of her asleep, she just looks so peaceful and he wants to capture it.
What movie did they see together?
While they haven’t gone to the movies, they have watched a lot. The Goonies I’ll always be a favourite because it’s the first movie they watched together.
What do they love about each other the most?
This is a trick question for Chris because he can’t pick any specific thing he love most. Her laugh, how excited she gets over food, how kind she is to others, how much she loves the people in her life…
Maddie loves his eyes, she often gets distracted by them she he’s talking to her. But the biggest thing she loves about him, and it’s a little selfish and making it about her, but every single thing he’s done to help her. He’s gone above and beyond to make sure he knows as much as he possibly can so he can be what she needs in any given moment. Not many people would do that and it’s something she will be forever grateful for.
Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focus's on the small details?
Chris is big picture, Maddie is small details.
What is an inside joke they have?
Not yet…
Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Maddie. Just being in the same room as her makes Chris smile like an idiot. He thinks he hide it when they’re in public but he’s not as good as he thinks he is.
What is their favourite game to play together?
Chris has just introduced her to Cards Against Humanity.
Who accidental sets something on fire?
Maddie. She managed to set rice on fire once. Sebastian banned her from cooking for months afterwards.
Whose concert would they go to?
At this point in time, that’s not something Maddie would be able to handle. It would trigger a panic attack because there’s way too many people. If there was a private, corporate box type situation, she might be OK but it’s not something she’s willing to even attempt yet.
Do one of them sleep talk? If so, what do they say?
Maddie mumbles in her sleep, a lot. Chris initially thought it was just random words but he’s realised that she’s saying things that are important. It’s how he knows that when she seeks him out for a hug it’s not because she wants a hug, she’s seeking out the comfort and safety she feels when she’s wrapped in his arms. He’s also discovered specific things Travis did over the years, like the time he didn’t even bother wishing her a happy birthday because he was angry she spent time with loved ones. He refused to be around her brother because he always pulled him up on his behaviour towards her and demanded she didn’t go to the birthday dinner that was planned so when she didn’t listen to him he gave her the silent treatment for almost two weeks.
Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh?
Chris. Maddie’s laugh is one of his favourite sounds and he will do anything to hear it.
How old were they when they got together?
Maddie was 22 and Chris was 32. Their age gap is something that people, including Maddie’s mother, take issue with, especially when their relationship is made public. Some of the things people say about Chris really upsets Maddie because it’s all lies and she hates that people think those horrible things about him.
Who is the one that would bring the puppy home?
Chris. He’s got a soft spot for animal, especially dogs. He’d behave a whole heard of them if he didn’t have to travel for work.
What is their song?
They don’t have one, yet…
What does their room look like? (If they shared/have share one)
Maddie and Chris have very similar styles. They love a lot of neutral tones. Light and bright. Simple. Nothing too cluttered. They love their rooms to be a calm space.
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Who makes the other breakfast in bed?
Chris. He’s a natural early riser and is always awake before her unless she has an alarm set for work which wakes them both. It’s such a small thing, making her coffee and food in the morning, but it’s something he looks forward to doing for her every day.
Do they ever go swimming together?
All the time. Their backyard is a beach and it would be criminal not to take full advantage of that.
Do they ever cook together?
No. To say they cook together would be a lie. It’s more Steve does the cooking while she sits on the bench with a beer and keeps him company. Steve does most of the cooking, he enjoys it and Harper, as much as she tries, isn’t the best chief beyond basic meals.
Do they give each other nicknames?
Steve calls her Bub. He just called her it one day about two months into their relationship and it stuck. Sometimes he goes a few days without saying it and she gets upset because she loves it. She has a few but she doesn’t use them very often. While she loves the nickname Steve’s given it feel weird to her to call use nicknames. Steve doesn’t mind. He gets GI Joe when he’s on his crazy shit like climbing buildings and blowing stuff up. When she calls him Stevie he knows she’s really scared and needs him to comfort her.
What do they like when going out for food?
Steve always goes for the steak or roast. The man loves his red meat. Harper tries to have something different each time but if there’s a creamy pasta dish on the menu all bets are off. They both enjoy a nice glass of red when they eat out.
What movies do they enjoy watching most?
They love action movies. Die Hard is always a winner in this house.
What do they do when they're bored and together?
It’s rare that they get bored because they’re always working, either on a case or project but on the rare occasion they do get bored, they have sex. Some of the best and most adventurous sex they’ve ever had has been as a result of mutual boredom.
Have they dedicated songs to each other?
Not really. There’s songs that make them thing of each other, how happy their are but that’s about it.
How do they comfort each other when one of them is scared?
Harper is pretty much the only person who can tell when Steve’s scared, even if he’s successfully hiding it from everyone else. She will make out she needs his help with an important task, like clearing her gun, to take his mind off whatever is scaring him. If that doesn’t work she quietly talks to him, letting him know he’s ok, that she’s there, that’s she knows he’s scared and it’s ok to be, that she loves him. He grew up in a time where men didn’t share what they were feeling, that they have to keep everything inside and “be a man”, he’s worked hard to not be like that anymore and Harper is one of the main reasons for that. He wants to be the best version of himself so he can be the man she deserves. When she’s scared he holds her and tells her she’s ok, that he’s not going to let anything happen to her. There’s been a few times they’ve been in the field when she hasn’t been able to compartmentalise her fears and he picks up on it every time. He says “Bub, I’ve got you”, that simple phrase, the verbal confirmation he has her back is all it takes for her to push past her fears so she can do her job safely.
Have any pets? (If not: would they get any?)
They have a lab named Eddie. He’s an ex DEA service dog. They adopted him after Steve found him shot after they were assigned to solve the murder of his handler.
What is their ideal vacation?
They want to backpack around the world and work as they go. See the world through the eyes of locals, not tourists.
How often are roadtrips?
They go hiking around the islands a lot. At least a few times a month. That’s the extent of their road trips, driving around the islands exploring honking trails.
What do they do after a hard day at work?
A good meal, a few beers and a quality cuddle session on the couch.
Do they attend any clubs or formal parties together?
Unless it’s work related or something for the Navy, no. They’re not formal people and the thought of wining and dining makes them itch.
Who is the big spoon and why?
Some nights it’s Harper, some nights it’s Steve, some nights it’s neither.
What are their morning rituals?
They always have breakfast together, even if it’s in the car on the way to work. If one of them is up before the other they’ll make breakfast then wait for the other to get up before they eat.
Do they go to sleep at the same time as each other?
They try to. Some days the only time they have together is the 15 to 20 minutes in bed as they’re falling asleep so they try to take advantage of that as much as they can.
What do they do when the other is stressed?
So, story time. When the team was working a case where Harper’s father was involved, her stress levels were through the roof and it was coming out as anger. She was snappy and short with everyone. He pulled her aside one day and told her to punch him. She looked at him like he’d grown a second head then laughed but he just kept telling her to punch him. After a few minutes she was fed up and just took the swing. They “fought” for a good five minutes before she dropped to the ground and burst into tears. He sat in front of her while she cried it out and when her tears had stopped he told her to come to him if she ever felt like that and they would get her stress and anger out. It’s their thing now. Whenever one of them needs stress relief they say “punch me” and they have a good “fight”. It’s amazing stress relief.
How do they spend time if the other is gone?
Harper likes to keep as busy as possible so she doesn’t have the chance to miss him much. Steve on the other hand sulks the entire time. This big tough Navy Seal turned cop just walking around pouting.
Do they enjoy going camping together?
They both love camping but have only had the chance to go together once. They’ve definitely going to do it as much as they can.
Thoughts on PDA (Public Displays of Affection)?
They’ve never really given it much thought. They’ll hold hands or have a kiss and cuddle but that’s the extent of what they do in public.
Thoughts on each other's friends?
They have the same friendship group with the exception of a few people here and there so everyone on the whole loves everyone else.
Would they ever get married?
They’re currently planning their wedding. It’s not going well. They haven’t made any progress beyond deciding to have it in their backyard.
TAGLIST @aussieez, @rookiemartin, @babeyyemor, @secretaryunpaid, @pixie88, @chickensarentcheap, @dhoruwolfie
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bratz-kitten · 3 years
random thoughts on the moon signs
moon in pisces is literally my favorite placement ever. something about these people makes me feel safe. as a capricorn moon, i repress my emotions constantly and i’m deadly afraid of showing vulnerability, but pisces moons give off this vibe of constantly being consumed by their emotions – and it’s fascinating. you make me feel like it’s okay to express my deeply emotional side; even better, you encourage it. you’re the type of people who i love crying with while eating ice cream, even cuddling with. your empathy and passion for your interests is your biggest strength.
moon in aquarius reminds me of that shrek quote of him being an onion – you guys have layers upon layers upon layers. my brother is an aquarius moon and sometimes i feel like i’m the only person who knows how emotional he really is. you hate showing this part of yourself – it’s hidden safely from prying hands; you racionalize your emotions, repress them, attempt to conceal them; but ultimately, your deeply compassionate and intuitive nature will be shown – even if only to the very few you trust. your dreams are your biggest strength.
i have never met a cancer moon without raging mommy issues yet who was deeply attached to their mother. you always share this very close bond and she’s very present in your life – yet its so obviously this very toxic dynamic. you guys get this fame for being the only ones with ‘stable’ emotions because your moon is exalted but you’re like.. not. your emotions aren’t stable; much on the contrary, and even if you’re very emotional, you don’t particularly like showing it. most of the cancer moons i’ve known are iffy about expressing their feelings. you joke a lot about your trauma, though, and so you give people the impression of knowing you when really, they don’t know the half of it.
moon in sagittarius makes it feel like life is worth living. you dream so much and so high; you’re so open about your love for adventure and freedom, so optimistic and fun-loving – to the point where most people don’t understand how turbulent your emotions are underneath the façade. you give off the vibe of the funny friend who’s depressed and afraid to show it because you’re supposed to be the one who raises the spirits. doesn’t it hurt when you try opening up to others and they almost seem bothered by it because they prefer it when you’re just this bubble of fun? you need to learn to take that weight off your shoulders – stop trying to entertain others and realize that they’re the ones who need to entertain you. this is your show, baby. your resilience is your strength.
is it possible to be a capricorn moon without having strict parents and a terrible childhood in which you had to raise yourself? because i think it’s kind of a given. it’s so funny how literally everyone sees you as this cold, unemotional, strong person yet you probably cry everyday. a lot of problems with self-worth every time you’re in a bad place mentally, which is constantly. extremely calculating – you always do shit with a clear purpose in mind and it can come off like you’re using people for your own gains. your ability to survive even unsurmountable odds stacked up against you is your strength. i almost feel like you thrive on pain because that’s how you’ve learned to grow and adapt.
moon in aries people are so smart, and most of all, dedicated. you make me want to get my life together so bad – you’re the type of people to set a goal and go through with it no matter what. you’re always on to something, looking for opportunities and recognition. you see what you want and you go for it. you’re so easy to rile up and lose it, though, it’s so funny how you’re so bold and passionate yet so big of a crybaby (all aries placements are tbh).
moon in scorpio stop being so pessimistic pleathe i will kiss you in the lips just don’t lose your faith in humanity /yet/. trust is the most important thing in the world to you which is funny because you have raging trust issues. so sensitive but you cover that up with anger. you be looking like you wanna commit sporadic murder when on the inside you’re just so hurt. you’re so dependable, things might be in deep shit but as soon as you’re in the room i know we’ll find a way to fix it. if the l*ve of my life doesn’t end up being a scorpio moon i’ll be so pissed.
moon in leo YOU’RE SO INFURIATING PLEASE SHUT UP OR I’LL FUCK YOU??????? massive egos, you know you’re the shit and you won’t shut up about it. likes to start arguments just to rile everyone up and then laugh maniacally in the corner at the chaos they created. always have a wicked plan in mind and i’ll go along with it because you’re also stupidly endearing. the best friends, literally always there when you’re down and sosososo supportive. i’ve noticed that feeling insecure is quite possible the worst thing you can feel, it’ll start to take a toll on your physical health. your ability to be a fucking idiot but also a /pretty/ idiot is your biggest strength.
moon in virgo if you say “well actually, that’s not how that works” one more time i’ll throw hands. incredibly nit-picky and obsessive but also the types of people to have a pile of dirt on their room?? mom friend, WILL take care of her babies/friends. you always ruin the mood yet.. you’re so fun to be around? how does that even work? i could listen to you talk for hours. i don’t think you know what the concept of relaxation is. also pleathe stop with that need to fix others. the fact that you’re so focused on your goals and willing to do just about anything is your biggest strength (it’s also kinda scary).
my mom’s moon is in libra and ma’am can you please stop transferring your mommy issues onto me? i get it, you had a codependent relationship with her and she showed you she loved you while also constantly criticising you and treating you like an extension of herself. my bestie is a libra moon too and it’s also like that. just.. mommy issues and insecurities for days. a passion 4 fashion and people love to be around you. also, i can’t understand how you feel. like, you’ll cry a lot and love so hard yet when you break up with someone you’ll never spare a thought about them again? it’s almost like you can turn your feelings off. which is funny, because that’s supposed to be a capricorn moon thing but i’ve never met one who can stop caring, they just act like they’re heartless to protect themselves. either way, libra moons can switch from sweethearts to cold and aggressive in a literal second and it’s scary but also cool.
moon in gemini please don’t ever shut up you have so much to say, your interests are so fascinating and the way you talk with so much passion about literally anything makes my heart do the flippy thing. also so complicated, can you name one person in this world who fully knows and comprehends you? very secretive, people feel like they know you because you talk a lot and are very open about certain things but as soon as something actually serious happens you turn into allison dilaurentis real quick.
moon in taurus why are you so pretty? you’re so extra too, you always leave the house looking straight off the runaway. you’re literally so caring for your friends and overprotective too, possessive of even them. you prioritize comfort a lot, wether it be on your home or concerning yourself. you’re very good with people, i feel like you’re the ex that your ex-boyfriend’s mom doesn’t ever shut up about because she misses you and wants you to be The one. you need to learn that change isn’t the enemy!! change is fundamental for personal growth. hold grudges for a crazy amount of time. very weird sense of humor, in an oddly endearing way. your mentality of “if they’ve hurt you, they’ve hurt me too” is your biggest strength.
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animeomegas · 3 years
I read the Naruto Omega request with the alpha commenting about how their kid is just like their Omega (and I loved it so much) but what if the kid is just like their Alpha parent? Like the Alpha hit copy/paste of their kid and it's obvious to everyone, especially their Omega parent.
(Hehe, the reverse, interesting! I got a bit carried away in some places, but this was really fun to write! Enjoy~)
Naruto - Naruto knows his pup looks a lot like his alpha, but they're also like him!! He can see it just fine! You see the way they don't like reading kanji? He didn't like reading kanji when he was their age! You see the way they scratch their head sometimes? He does that too! As far as he's concerned there is lots of him in his child and he doesn't know why no one else seems to see it. He will definitely dress them in the worst orange clothes and style their hair like his to try and get everyone else to notice the similarities.
"No, Kakashi sensei, you don't get it! I had to walk past Ichiraku's the other day and my pup started to cry because we were in too much of a rush to go in. They have great taste, just like me, believe it!"
Sasuke - Sasuke didn't think he was the sort to care that much, but he's honestly a little shocked. Uchiha genes are crazy strong, and he's surprised that his alpha's genes are apparently stronger. He also gets kinda embarrassed because he spent his whole pregnancy telling you that the pup was probably going to look a lot like him and he was very obviously wrong about that. But in the end, he honestly kind of likes it. He doesn't have the best self-esteem and he definitely holds a somewhat subconscious belief that the Uchiha bloodline is cursed, so he finds it relaxing for his pup to look so much like his alpha. It makes him feel like they have a chance at a good life, something he didn't even realise he was worried about beforehand. He prefers his pup to look as much like his alpha as possible.
"Huh," said Naruto, giving Sasuke's pup a glance. "If you were an alpha, I'd say your mate cheated on you, but I guess the pup came out of you, so I suppose you're all good."
"Tch, idiot," Sasuke scoffed, gently brushing his child's hair (his alpha's hair that he loved so much) from her eyes. "Don't be so crude."
Shino - He doesn't really notice, not at first, too enamoured by the fact that his pup is beautiful and amazing and someone him and his mate created together. But after a few comments from others, he starts to realise how little of him seemed to be part of that creation, and he gets a bit melancholic about it. Don't get him wrong, he thinks his alpha has amazing genetics and he loves them both but... he's been excluded from a lot in his life and the fact that he appears to have been excluded from this as well. It hurts. Thankfully, as soon as the pup is old enough to start dressing in the Aburame clan clothes, everyone immediately starts calling them a mini-Shino, telling him how much like their father they are etc. He always puffs up in pride and it doesn’t take long for his friends to notice and they make sure to say that as much as possible to him. I imagine his alpha also picks up on it and goes out of their way to point out the similarities.
"I had to pull him away from exploring in the woods today," you inform Shino, having just walked in from a walk with your pup to allow Shino some peace to clean the kitchen. "He didn't like being told he wasn't old enough yet. Much like someone else I used to know~"
"Is that so?" Shino felt like his heart might burst from happiness that his child loved looking for bugs in the woods as much as he did. "I'll have to take him there tomorrow. Why? Because I want him to be happy."
Shikamaru - If his child doesn't learn to appreciate the beauty of a nap soon, Shikamaru may just have to disown him. He's joking, of course, but he's another one who firmly believed in the dominant genes in his clan, so he is shocked to find that there is now a tiny clone of his alpha running around their house. His pup and his mate gang up on him all the time… poor long suffering Shikamaru. Apart from missing valuable napping/cloud gazing time, Shikamaru doesn't care that much, although he finds it distantly amusing that the future clan head looks nothing like a Nara. Maybe they’ll gain more of his traits as they get older, maybe they won’t, they’re his precious little pup either way.
“If I promise to give you some chocolate later, will you come and take a nap with daddy?”
“No, no, no! Don’t want to! Want to play!”
Shikamaru just let out a long-suffering sigh and resigned himself to being awake for the whole day. Troublesome.
Neji – Neji is so fucking over the moon, he can’t even put it into words. The second he sees his child’s eyes for the first time, Neji starts to cry. They have your eyes. In other words, they have no chance of developing the Byakugan and therefore no need to be given the caged bird seal. The weight that lifts off his shoulders is massive. He has no room in his emotions for any sadness that his pup doesn’t look like him, because he knows how unbelievably lucky he got with this.
You sat by Neji’s bedside, pup cradled in their arms, as you waited for him to come to after the c-section surgery.
When Neji’s eyes finally fluttered open, he immediately focused on the bundle in your arms.
“It’s a little girl,” you answered, understanding his silent question. “Either a beta or an omega.”
Neji didn’t speak, simply holding out his arms to take his daughter from his mate. But just as they transferred him his pup, they whispered something in his ear.
“She has my eyes.”
An unremarkable statement to most, but Neji startled and checked immediately. You were right. She had your eyes.
Exhausted, Neji burst into tears, leaning on his alpha for support and mentally thanking every power that may be for this miracle.
Iruka – Iruka doesn’t have any strong feelings either way. He just wanted someone to love and nurture, what they look like doesn’t mean anything to him. In fact, he’s pretty happy that his pup and his alpha are so similar because it makes him feel like he knows how to parent successfully. He knows his alpha better than anyone after all, so a pup who has the same personality and motivations should be easier for him to parent. He acknowledges every comment about how much his pup looks like you with a laugh. It’s true and it is a little amusing how similar the two of you are. (Also, does Iruka take all your baby photos and then stage matching ones with your pup because he thinks it’s cute how similar you are? Absolutely.)
“Here, if you eat all your vegetables, you can have some of this afterwards,” Iruka promised to his pup, brandishing a plate of both his mate’s and his pup’s favourite food. Without even a moment of consideration, his pup started to eat his vegetables.
Iruka smiled to himself. Works every time. (On both the most important people in his life.)
Itachi – Much like Neji, he’s very relieved that his child is unlikely to be able to unlock the Sharigan. The sharigan has brought Itachi very little good and so much suffering, so knowing his child can avoid that makes him extremely happy. Not to mention, the elders pretty much discard his pup as unimportant immediately, just how Itachi likes it, and while they do start harassing him about having more children, he would much rather that they were bothering him than his baby. He doesn’t let himself be disappointed that his child doesn’t look much like him. He has a healthy and happy pup that he loves with all his heart, and who is free from the perpetual harassment from the Uchiha elders. That’s the best situation he could have asked for.
“They don’t look like an Uchiha,” a blunt twelve-year-old Sasuke said, tilting his head at the bundle in his brother’s arms like he’d never seen a baby before.
Itachi didn’t take any offence and laughed softly, still very weak from the birth.
“Well, technically they are only half-Uchiha,” Itachi answered, absently stroking his pup’s head. “And I think they’re perfect.”
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
🌌As always… that’s it? Some are allowing their emotions to go haywire over OW spasming idiotically while Harry stood there with a WORK associate. I don’t care for her for obvious reasons, but come on; some are making something out of nothing. This is the same woman who’s hyping up sex scenes as “revolutionary” and “rare hunger of female pleasure” when in reality they’re as stale and bland as month old crouton. Not to mention the questionable circumstances surrounding those acts happening in the film.
Have we forgetten that they’re not with just any work associate but the very SAME ONE who happily allowed his home to be used as a sleepover prop right in the beginning of Holivia. Not to mention the negative press presently surrounding him. Questionable business practices seems to be a reoccurring trait found in those who have attached to and capitalized on Holivia. Everyone else, who has innocent hands and/or no need for deflection, have either all distanced themselves from association or never fully engaged to begin with; leaving just those who are using Holivia to deflect from their ongoing issues.
Hey James, how’s the Fulwell dissolution and your “friendship” with Ben, Leo, and the others been going since last year? And Harris, why didn’t you respectfully compensate those who slaved away to bring to life your fashion line? Surely as a “struggling artist” you should be the first to understand how difficult finances are for those who don’t depend on nepotism… oh wait.
Daddy Reed’s name and money can only take you so far and cover so much before the truth inevitably is exposed. Molly and Babs, we ALL KNOW you’re trying to recapture the youth you never had, as well as straining to sell that geriatric fashion line who’s sales are still plummeting in spite of Holivia.
As for Olivia… well we can be here until DWD premiere counting the ways she’s using this to deflect and what negativity she’s trying to escape from. Should I continue to name more who’s facing troubles and are using Holivia to redirect attention? Such as the same, questionable video poster who on both weekends who happened to catch these angeled “love dovey moments”.
Also, Harry, what’s with the face covering? Sure you can argue Covid protection, but it’s a bit strange that his Covid protection practices are only amplified in the presence of the woman he’s been supposedly living with and… you get the point.
Harry I still think you’re nice, but buddy you weren’t concerned with adhering to strict Covid protocols when you and the gang flew to a highly risked Covid country to stunt. You can’t use the excuse, “everyone was tested and vaccinated though”… okay well Olivia’s vaccinated and if “they’re living together” and still regularly tested, why is it when’s he gets around her, his Covid restrictions always heightens. His asthma and hay fever can’t be used as an excuse for the face covering either as if it was that severe why would he or his “supportive gf” allow for him to stay in an environment that’ll worsen it (dust, pollen) or planted himself in a spot where the risk of contracting Covid was high? Wouldn’t he had gone home, or watched Billie from an isolated area surrounded by the people who’s health status he was sure of? Not positioned himself in the midst of A UNKNOWN CROWD OF PEOPLE TO BE SEEN. By his usual “Covid protocol” behavior you’d think, Harry believed Olivia was the mutation factory for the new strains of Covid popping up.
Perhaps the face mask and the social distancing are Harry’s go to convenient excuses to mask whatever feelings he can’t hide. People have told him he can’t believably lie and now the public is witnessing that firsthand. And y’all Harry loves concerts, you’ve seen him attending them and behaving a certain way, either alone or in the company of friends and partners. That video wasn’t his norm.
Sure you can argue that he was tired, but he must have not been that tired enough not to leave and go home and rest immediately. Wouldn’t his “supportive soon to be fiancé who cares about him more than anyone else” encourage him to rest after performing and not to be in a place where his allergies were acting up and he was at risk of contracting Covid? And no he wasn’t swaying Olivia. Holivians you lose credibility when you pull something out of nothing. This video still doesn’t erase the bday walk of shame, and now Kendall’s presence overshadowing Olivia. Olivia you can change your hairstyle and adapt the fashion of those he was friendly with during their time or dated, but you will still be nothing more than a tolerated transaction.
Harry is financially and press wise benefiting from Holivia. He has lost money via prior bad business deals and now because of the pandemic. Ofc he’s going to be complacent in doing the bare minimum to recover revenue. I don’t get why people can’t reconcile or accept that fact. Is it morally right? No, as lying, unless it’s to protect someone you love from danger, is never acceptable. However, some are expecting Harry to be perfect or are projecting their sense of morality onto him when he’s surrounded by people who believe that morality is subjective.
More of this video, and the events surrounding them have been exposed and will surely continue to do so in the incoming days, so for those panicking, breath and relax. If stuff like this triggers such an extreme reaction, please don’t engage in it. Most of the fandom truly don’t care as those outside of it. We’ve heard the album, we know how Harry acts when he’s around those he tolerates and this ain’t it. Far from it actually.
I love you so much, forever grateful for you 💗🌌
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If Snape was in a relationship with any of the following assuming they were available or willing, how would it go from 1 (murder) to 10 (squealing happiness). I ask bc I literally can’t picture Snape with anyone but you seem to be the expert in Snape matters.
Molly Weasley
Narcissa Malfoy
Gilderoy Lockhart
Barty Crouch Jr
Nymphadora Tonks
Fleur Delacour
Igor Karkaroff
Lucius Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Sybil Trelawney
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Rita Skeeter
Dolores Umbridge
Hi Anon!! Im extremely flattered that you consider me an expert in Snape matters😭 I love you for that💚. Ok let’s see, I’m going to try to stick to what we see in canon (if I stray off canon don’t be surprised💀):
Molly: I feel like this would be a very stable and domestic relationship. Snape would definitely feel support in this relationship and he’d feel like he could finally relax. They’d garden together, cook together, have tea times and gossip together. Molly is very motherly (Assuming this is after her and Arthur separate, she has a bunch of children, so this makes sense) and Snape never had that type of care in his life, so it would be a very nurturing environment. When it comes to her kids, I feel like it would be a bit strenuous on his part but he’d definitely help take care of them as if they were his!
Narcissa: I ship this actually! I always thought this relationship would be very stressful because of all of the DE stuff. Cissa isn’t an OFFICIAL DE but she does have something to do with it. They’re both under pressure and ofc that can cause strain on relationships, but I have a feeling they’d ride it out. They’ve known each other for what feels like forever and they’ve been with each other through a lot. Their situation won’t get in the way of their love, not if they can help it.
Lockhart: 💀💀💀! This is one of those relationships where a borderline insane person starts dating an idiot and they slowly start losing brain cells🤣! Snape would absolutely wanna choke the life out of Lockhart but at the end of the day, he’d care about that idiot, whether he likes it or not. I personally don’t feel like they’d last considering Lockhart isn’t the bravest soul and Snape has a pretty dangerous lifestyle. The minute things go sideways he’d panic and run, and Snape would definitely see it coming. I think this relationship is one of those “it won’t be forever but at least we had a little time together” relationships.
Barty Crouch Jr: Lord have mercy…chaos. I don’t think that would be a long term thing…they have two VERY different set of morals and Snape would get very overwhelmed in this relationship. Snape is already ashamed of the fact that he was a DE in the first place…the things he has to do…the things he has to witness…I can’t imagine him being with someone who enjoys it that much. I think this would probably be a strictly physical relationship, I don’t see emotions being involved.
Tonks: This would definitely be a comfortable and stable relationship! Tonks would make sure he’s as happy as possible. Severus would feel so loved and so happy, because Dora would DEFINITELY get him to do things out of his comfort zone in attempt to broaden his horizon! He’d discover new interests and feel free to do things he either never thought about or always wanted to do. She’s his breath of fresh air!
Fleur: This is a hard one, I admit I never really paid that much attention to Fleur. She had a lot of similar traits to Severus: She was very blunt and always spoke her mind which means she came off as snobby and rude. But she was also a bit arrogant and conceited, which would irk him just a bit, but they don’t exceed their similarities. Severus would thoroughly enjoy being with some who has similar aspects to him in attitude because it means he can be himself. Just like Severus, Fleur wasn’t really LIKED…just tolerated, so he’d definitely be able to relate to her which is extremely important to him. He’s never felt as though he fit in anywhere so it would be blissful to feel that familiarity in his partner. In the books, it’s very noticeable that Fleur has a lot of love for people close to her despite her “rude” demeanor. This is a trait she also shares with Severus. He’d know that she had his back no matter what and he’d be determined to do whatever it took to let her know he has hers as well.
Karkaroff: YES!! I LOVE this ship so much! As much as I want to paint this out to be what I want, I’m gonna go off of how he’s perceived in the books, which means this relationship isn’t all cutesy and angsty. They have zilch in common besides being DEs. Karkaroff was immoral, irresponsible and quite cowardly. Snape would find these traits to be an added on headache for him and that’s the last thing he needs. Similar to Lockhart, Karkaroff isn’t the bravest soul. He fled the moment he got whiff that the Dark Lord was back. That means the relationship is unstable. That’s a no no. Snape needs stability in his life, but he also needs loyalty. Karkaroff has already proven that he’d play on whatever side that meant he’d benefit in some way, and if that means betraying Severus then who’s to say he wouldn’t do it? Severus is a double spy, the last thing he needs is betrayal. This relationship would probably be physical with very faint emotions attached. They have two very different thought processes and neither of them would be completely happy in an actual relationship together.
Lucius: MY OTP😫! I’m gonna be as non biased as possible when I say this…they’d be husbands. Boyfriends be damned, they are married. Lucius was one of the first people in his house to befriend him and from there a beautiful friendship formed. It’s very angsty because I think Lucius definitely groomed Severus into joining the DEs, but he also grew to care about him. Lucius knows more about Severus than anyone else so they already have that domestic vibe going on. They’re comfortable with each other and they’ve been together through it all. Lucius has always went out of his way to brighten up Snapes day or just show him a little appreciation. Severus knows how Lucius is: The snobby “I’m better than you” appearance he tries to keep up, the cold demeanor he has around others…but Sev knows better than that. Behind closed doors, while Lucius still is a very confident man, he’s not as stable as he makes himself out to be. All this DE stuff and Voldemort makes him an emotional wreck (even though he hides it pretty well) which means he’s just as in need of stability as Severus. They’ve always found that in each other so it was only a matter of time before feelings grew and became mutual. They’d do anything for each other and I feel like they’d be the one to snap each other out of the dark state they’re in mentally. Just like with Cissa, it’ll take A LOT to come in between the love they have.
Bellatrix: Oof…again, chaos💀. I don’t see them being together at all…it’s similar to Barty, they have two very different personalities and mindsets and they just wouldn’t be compatible in the way Severus would need. 1) Bella is obsessed with Voldemort. Snape would find that ‘beyond the point of return’ annoying…there’s no loyalty to him because she’s hopelessly devoted to her lord and savior Tom Riddle. 2) She seemed to irritate him🤣 I don’t think he’d get into a relationship with someone he didn’t like to be around. Bella is literally so unstable and she doesn’t seem to really CARE about anything. If they DID have a relationship, it’s STRICTLY physical.
Trelawney: Uuummmm…I have no clue😭. I feel like they’d have a relationship similar to him and Tonks, just weirder💀. She’d probably give him a headache from time to time but the love would be there, so it’s all good.
Remus: I’m going to be honest with you, this is tough for me because I hate all of the Marauders and I’d be biased and say “they’d never be together, next caller” but I’m not going to do that. You deserve an unbiased answer: Very domestic relationship. I feel like it would take a while for Severus to get over their past (which means a lot of angst) but once he does, he’ll start noticing the things they have in common. Both are intelligent, introverted, both loved the Dark Arts, both taught DADA, both are flawed, both suffered with loss, both are half-bloods, and both wanted to fit in. Remus is kind (it hurt to say that), patient, and would definitely be far more tolerant of Severus’ attitude and personality, especially knowing he had a hand in why he acts like that in the first place. Remus is a bit cowardly but I feel like it wouldn’t get in the way of the relationship too much. The relationship would no doubt be built off of new found trust and respect for one another, so it would definitely grow to be a stable relationship, especially after the war ends (let’s pretend they both survive😀) and they both settle down.
Sirius: Goody, another Marauder🙄/j. This relationship is angst beyond repair. I feel like this relationship is built around “my dick is bigger than yours” energy, which means it’s just a constant fight for dominance (whether that’s ‘I’m better than you’ domination or sexual domination 👁). I really can’t see there being any TRUE feelings in this relationship, and that’s not me being biased, I honestly don’t see it. Sirius put Severus through a lot and caused him a lot of trauma and I don’t see Severus forgetting that. There is a possibility that the feelings would grow to be one-sided and Sirius genuinely falls for him, but mutual feelings are out the window in my opinion. If they did have a relationship, Sev would keep it physical.
Rita Skeeter: Gossip couple…literally that’s it💀. But seriously, I don’t think they’d be in a relationship. If they did have something physical then it would probably be due to alcohol and boredom, but I don’t see any romance in it.
Umbitch: He would choke her with his bare hands.
I hope my answers didn’t disappoint😭 I’ve been working on answering this since you sent it…lots of thoughts went into this💀
Thank you for the ask!!💚
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
ain't it fun?
Tumblr media
summary: reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
warnings: Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Trauma Bonding, narcotics anonymous meetings, Strangers to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, meet-cute,
word count: 3.3K
a/n: this is completely self-indulgent and overly personal but i def recommend writing why spencer would love you as a form of therapy
read on ao3
In the blink of an eye, she was up and racing around her apartment. Her mental health was like a teeter-totter, and right now she was on her way to the top. Mania was creeping in; changing from just anxiety-induced butterflied to the feeling that she could jump off a building and survive.
That was never a good time. All she wanted was to either spend all her money, fuck a stranger or get high as shit. It made her legs jumpy and her ears ring and she couldn’t take it anymore. It was all too much.
She threw on a sweater and jeans, her hair was up in a butterfly clip and she hastily threw on her fanny pack full of everything she needed as well as a big coat, and she then left her apartment. She got to the stairs before realizing she actually needed to lock the door.
Her hands shook and she tried to slide the key into the lock, dropping them as her neighbour rushed out of the room and startled her. “Sorry,” she heard him say.
She picked up her keys and turned to look at him, “can you help me? I can’t seem to stop shaking,” she asked as she held her keys towards him.
“yes, sure,” he rushed the words out as he walked towards her, only looking at the keys, never in her eyes. But that was okay, she was never a big fan of eye contact.
He placed her keys back in her hand and took a step back, “are you alright?” he asked.
“No,” she said honestly. “I’m going to find an NA meeting.”
“Do you have one in the area? I haven’t seen you around before?”
She shook her head, surprised that he was also an addict, he didn’t look like he’s ever even smoked weed.
“No, I moved in only a little while ago on a whim, but I think it’s time I got some support,” she said as they started to walk down the hallway together. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Spencer,” he smiled softly. “I’m going to a meeting right now, actually, if you’d like to come? I won’t exactly be anonymous to you, but it’s a good one to go to if you just need one to fill the void until you find your preferred group.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I need.” She smiled at him this time as he held the door open for her. “So, have you lived around here for long?”
“For about a few years now.”
“The building is good then? I was a little hesitant but I needed to get away,” she said, this time holding the door for them to leave the building and turn down the street towards where she knew the subway was.
The moon should be out, she looked up but only sees buildings. It was the one thing she missed the most about not being in the country; seeing the stars and feeling like there was a reason to it all.
“Are you running from someone?” He asks as they start the walk down to the meeting.
“Myself,” she said softly. “I’m on disability and don’t drive and I lived in the middle of nowhere with my parents, well into my 20’s, and I needed a change so my parents surprised me by saving up money for a few month's rent and told me to follow my heart.”
“And you picked Virginia?”
“I stayed in Virginia, just moved into the city. I watch a lot of murder documentaries in my free time, I thought being near Quantico would introduce me to some interesting people, but I have yet to meet anyone from the FBI at all.”
She laughed to herself at how dumb it was that she wanted to meet a profiler like Holden Ford from Mindhunter, “either they are all very good at keeping their jobs secret or Virginia is a very large and densely populated area with a low percentage of FBI agents.”
“How long have you lived here?” he asked, slowing as he walked so he could look at her.
“2 months.”
“It took you two months to meet the FBI agent across the hall from you.”
“You’re kidding?” she said, stopping on the sidewalk abruptly. “I knew that apartment was calling me for a reason.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but, are you really just coincidentally my neighbour or are you secretly spying on me because you have an evil plan to kill me and my co-workers?” he's completely serious, it's almost scary.
“No offence, Spence, but for a supposed FBI agent that’s a dumb question to ask,” she said, pointing finger guns at him, “you don’t think I’ll give up my cover that easily? Do you?”
He points a finger gun back at her, “technically, I’m a doctor.”
The two of them narrow their eyes at each other, slowly walking in a circle, still facing each other with their make-believe guns trying to hold back smirks. She lowered her ‘weapon’ first. “It’s okay, doctor, don’t worry. I’m not a spy just an idiot with an imagination.”
He giggled softly, “I’ve never felt this comfortable with someone this fast.”
“Well, you are with criminals a lot, right? That would be alarming if you bonded with them,” she said, bumping her shoulder into his as they walked. “But I feel the same. I actually haven’t talked to someone in person in forever.”
“I do most of my work and socializing online,” She felt embarrassed, but in today’s day and age, it wasn’t that weird. “I’m not very good outside or with people.”
“If it wasn’t for my job, I don’t think I would go outside very often either. My co-workers are my only friends, they’re more like my family actually.”
“That’s so wonderful to hear, found family is very important,” her smile disappeared as she thought about how alone she was. “Um, can I ask what it is you do at the FBI?”
“Behavioural Analysis.”
“Holy shit," she gasps, knowing way too much about that unit thanks to fucking Netflix, "that’s what the BSU became right? Do you work with the really fucked up shit?” she asked softly.
He laughed, “oh yeah, I really do.”
“Do you share a lot at NA?”
“Kinda, I tend to ramble about facts when I’m nervous so sometimes my short talk becomes more like a ted talk and what was supposed to be just me saying I haven’t relapsed on Dilaudid becomes a lesson on how the human brain works,” he explained, rambling just like he said he would.
She nodded along as he spoke, “funny, that was also my drug of choice.”
“Liquid or oral?”
“Oral. I was given it after I had my appendix out when I was 17. They get you started real young now, big pharma has its hand in everyone's pocket,” she presses her lips together awkwardly, “it was rough.”
He hummed in agreement. “I was held captive by an unsub with multiple personalities. One personality drugged me till I died and the other one brought me back.”
“Spencer, Holy fuck?” she stopped and stared at him so incredibly concerned for someone who just met him. She reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder and looked him in the eyes, “I know I barely know you, but if you need someone to talk I’m literally always across the hall.”
“Thank you,” he smiled softly as he looked back into her eyes. “The meeting is right there across the street, do you want a coffee first? The place beside it is amazing.”
She nodded and he took her hand, looking both ways before J-walking across the street with her to buy her a coffee and a snack. Maybe that would help her stop shaking, he looked like he worried about her and she wasn't used to that at all.
He didn’t talk at this meeting, he sat in the chair beside the group leader, she sat down across from him in the circle so she could focus. When the floor was opened up to new members, Y/N stood at the first chance she got.
“Hi I’m Y/N,” she said, to which she was welcomed by the crowd.
“I’m new to the city and looking for a new home group, not sure if I’ll stay here because I know Spencer outside of here but I really just needed to come today.”
She takes a deep breath as she thinks of how to start it, opting to just explain it and let the rant go where it may.
“I’ve never lived alone before and it’s incredibly hard to occupy my time without drugs. I still smoke weed to help me sleep at night but my addiction is with Dilaudid and then Benadryl a little after having surgery in high school. I don’t know if it’s my trauma, my disability or my Autism, maybe it’s my OCD, I really don’t know, but I just feel so useless and alone and boring and lonely, the drugs used to help but they don’t anymore and I really just don’t want to feel this way anymore.”
They all looked like they understood, small smiles grew all around the circle as she took a lookout at the crowd, “Thank you for letting me get that out.”
Everyone clapped as she sat back down and wiped a tear off her cheek.
The meeting ended shortly after that, Spencer walked from his seat in the circle to where she was sitting, reaching a hand out to help her to her feet. “For the record, I think you’re funny, smart, kind and pretty. And you don’t have to be alone anymore if you don’t want to be.”
She slapped her hand into his and stood up with purpose, “Did we just become best friends?”
“I believe we did.”
The walk home was much like the walk there. They traded facts, they flirted, they laughed, she pushed him into a pole at one point, by accident as they laughed. The two of them stopping to sit at a bus bench, laughing so hard she felt like she would pee her pants right then and there.
By the time they were back on their floor, it was well after midnight. “I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to meetings with you.”
“Oh, why?” he looked disappointed.
“Isn’t rule 13 that you’re not supposed to want to sleep with your group members when you’re healing?”
“Wanting to and doing it are two very different things,” he corrected her as he waited at his own door.
She smirked, “you’re right. Still don’t think I can go back with you, however.”
“I’ll probably have a case tomorrow, they normally take me out of town for at least a week, but when I get back, can I see you?” he asked lightly.
“Knock on my door when you get back,” she said before standing on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “See you.”
They waved from their doors before departing, excited by something that felt better than drugs.
120 hours later there was a light knock at her door, she knows exactly how long it’s been because she’s been counting and looking out the door at every noise for the whole time he’s been gone. Waiting for him like a wife whose husband went off to war, not knowing when their next correspondence would be.
“Coming,” she called, stopping to fluff her hair and straighten her glasses before she opened the door.
“Hi,” he said softly.
She took a moment to look him over, a little in shock at what she saw. He was in a plain t-shirt and track pants, he had not one, but two black eyes, bandages on his brow bone and scrapes all along his arms.
“Are you okay?”
“You should see the other guy,” he giggled softly, rolling his eyes.
“Come in, let’s sit you down.” She worried, taking him by the elbow and helping him inside.
“I’m fine, really, I’m used to this.”
“Well I’m not,” she reminded him with a nervous pout, “am I allowed to ask about it or is it classified stuff?”
He sat on the couch and patted a seat beside himself so she would join him. He rested his arm against the back of the chair so that she could slide in beside him.
“Did you hear about the child abduction in Tampa?”
“Yeah? The two boys?”
“I was trying to talk the unsub down and he dropped the gun but he grabbed me as I turned him around and punched me in the face and we fell into the ditch and I luckily managed to flip over him and get his hands behind his back and cuffed faster than I ever have before.”
“You’re amazing,” she whispered.
He laughed, “if I really was, I would have waited for backup before talking to the guy.”
“I’ve always wanted to help other people get justice but not being able to go to school makes it hard to get a job doing anything meaningful,” she whispered, ashamed of the fact she wasn’t successful like most people her age.
“Our technical analyst was hired because she was an amazing hacker, they will hire anyone who is valuable.” He shrugs and watches her face light up at the idea.
“You know what, we have meetings all this week unless there’s an emergency, if you want I can show you around the office?” he offered. “It’s not illegal for you to pass by what I’m working on and notice something I missed.”
“Spencer, I don’t even know your last name and you’re inviting me to your government job? When just last week you asked, not so jokingly, if I was a secret agent trying to kill you and that you’ve been kidnapped before?”
“Doctor Spencer Reid, and what can I say?” he said shyly, “I’m trying to find excuses to see you smile all the time.”
She placed her hand on his cheek, the tips of her fingers lightly resting on his purple and yellow bruised eyes. She leaned in slowly and kissed him on the lips, so gently as if she’s afraid he’ll break or turn into a frog… he was too good to be true.
“You can see me whenever you want, Doctor Spencer Reid…”
He kissed her again, letting his hands roam her back and she trailed her free hand down his chest. She pulled back slightly to throw a leg over him carefully and sit in his lap. Holding his face in her hands now, she peppered kisses over his bruised face.
She stopped to look at him, still holding his face in her hands as his hands now rested on her hips. “I really like you, Spencer.”
She looks at him carefully, analyzing his response and seeing the hurt that rested deep inside of him, “I take it you’re like me?”
“What does that mean?”
“You try to not get too involved with people because no one has ever shown you true genuine interest or love, and you never think you’ll find it anyway so you push away all small acts of kindness, thinking it’s friendly because then you can’t get your hope up, just to have that person drop them?” she explained herself in a whisper.
He nodded, “you get it.”
She kissed his lips again, and then over his cheek and up to his ear, “I do.”
He looked extra sad when she pulled away, she just held his face gently as she mirrored his puppy dog eyes. Communicating with their eyes, she knew he was okay and he didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so she smiled.
“Want to watch a movie?” She asks softly.
He nods, looking behind her to see she doesn’t have a tv in the living room. “How?”
“In my room, the TV is on my dresser if you don’t mind sitting in my bed?”
He shakes his head in a simple no, picking her up and taking her to her room. He knew where it was purely because her apartment was just his but backwards. She laughs, holding onto him tight as she rests her head on his shoulder.
He sets her down gently, watching her move up to the headboard and wait for him. They got under the blankets and she found the remote in the sheet before she cuddled into him.
“You’re really cuddly,” she complimented him as he wrapped an arm around her and held her close. He kissed the top of her head as a thank you.
“I think I’m going to end up falling in love with you, Spencer Reid,” she whispers the words, afraid of them more than his response.
“I beat you to it,” he whispers right back.
She shoots up, turning to look at him with surprise. “How?”
He looks at her like she grew two heads, “what do you mean how?”
“How did you fall in love with me? You don’t even know me?” She’s so confused, no one has ever loved her before and it’s a lot to take in.
“Y/N…” his face drops, his heart physically breaks in front of her. “I don’t know you, you're right. Not all of you, at least. I’m sure you have your hidden doors and locked cupboards but from the outside, I see you’re so beautiful, you’re radiant… your mind is lovely. You’re so kind, you’re so brave, you’re everything I wish I could be as charismatically as you are.”
She’s just swallowing over and over as she shakes her head and breathes through her nose, processing it. She’s breathing deeply then, staring off and she feels like she’s having a new kind of panic attack. A happier one, somehow?
“I don’t like myself, but if you like me I guess I must be pretty nice,” she smiles, accepting his praise and believing him. “Yeah. Thank you, Spencer.”
He smiles then, it’s cute and press-lipped and she swears he almost has dimples. His eyes are like honey and his lips are like roses. She leans in, kissing him and reaching a hand back to cup the nape of his neck.
He doesn’t know it, but he’s the first person she’s kissed in a few years. They’re soft, peck after peck as they hold each other softly, eyes open as they watch each other experience the happiness of finding someone good, finally.
“I uh, I wanted to tell you I’m almost exactly everything you described yourself as in the meeting,” he whispers against her lips, the air touching her skin gently as she absorbs the words.
“What part? My diagnosis or my self-hatred?” She smiles, okay with either really.
“Almost both, I’m pretty hard to be around.”
She shakes her head, “I invited you in for a movie, not a pity party. You can tell me everything you hate right now and then we should just share the good parts okay? Brag about yourself. Tell me what you’re proud of.”
She was really serious, keeping a stern look on her face as she spoke. He nodded, “I’m anxious all the time, I’m always worried because I’ve never had anyone to worry about me. I don’t know how to be a real person really, all I do is drink coffee and solve crimes and I barely sleep. And the only time I was relaxed and okay is when I was on drugs.”
She nodded, “it fucking sucks, doesn’t it? Like why did we get stuck like this, I don't care about peaking in high school but didn’t we deserve some kind of love and support? I’ve never understood if souls and shit are real, why did mine pick this terrible meat suit and awful traumatic path?”
She’s crying because she’s angry and because she’s never said it to anyone before. He cries because she understands. She truly knows.
“I love you,” he announces. “Just because of that.”
Taglist: @blanchardsbk @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor
288 notes · View notes
if you date Ahsoka you get the whole package…..
Jedi Gn!Reader x Ahsoka
Until I feel like not procrastinating on my current fics whoops. This is my first time writing about Ahsoka, bear with me while I figure it out more!
-She has. So many friends and people who are important to her. Therefore, you have a lot of people to impress.
-Obi-Wan was pretty easy. Tell him you drink tea, gift him some of your favorite kind of tea, actually talk to him about feelings and emotions. Boom, he’s on your side. (He really was on your side before that when he felt through the force how Ahsoka felt when she talked about you, let’s be honest.) I think he would aactually help you get to know Ahsoka more, encourage you to keep trying and guiding you through the process of dating her. He’s always there to comfort you if she gets hurt, a truly steady and calming presence throughout your relationship. He’s also super reassuring that no, this isn’t against the code. The code doesn’t say not to have relationships, just not to let those relationships betray your duty as a Jedi.
-Anakin is a hopeless romantic, let’s be honest. He doesn’t really care that much about you specifically, as long as his padawan is happy. So, while he’s thrilled at the idea of Ahsoka having someone, he doesn’t really doesn’t catalog you as anything special. That is, until he sees you doing something mundane for her. Maybe you pick her up caff just the way she likes it, remind her that to eat, stop her from picking at her nails. (C’mon guys, let’s stop pretending she’s not a nervous wreck. Nothing close to Obi’s anxiety, but it’s a Jedi’s job to constantly worry, right? Right, Anakin?)
-Rex is….a little skeptical. He’s only really known platonic and brotherly love (which, of course, there is nothing wrong with. Nothing at all. I know that sounded sarcastic, but it was not.) He knows about Anakin and Padame, he’s 95% sure Cody and Obi-Wan have a thing, but he also knows that Ani and Obi aren’t the same as Ahsoka. He really really just wants to protect his little sister, and this isn’t really something he can protect her from. Of course she doesn’t need it, she can handle in her own for the most part, but it’s just that deep rooted fear of loosing another sibling. He’s been a witness to heartbreak before, he’s seen his fair share of mourning brothers and Jedi. Poor man doesn’t think he could stand seeing the bright, optimistic, fearless Ahsoka like that.
-For Rex, I think you would win him over when he saw you protecting Ahsoka in battle. A simple call to watch out, a force blast to knock down some droids behind her back, putting yourself in front of harms way. (After he talks to you and tells you not to do that anymore because he can tell that Ahsoka needs you to be safe. He needs you to be safe.)
-The rest of the 501st is just generally accepting. She’s basically all of them’s sister, so they’re happy to see her happy. They also love having something to tease her about whenever you two do something as little as holding hands. Plus, they’ve all seen how you stay by her side, steadfast and strong, when things go wrong. Loyalty is big for them, so that was a big “We’re protecting these idiots from now on” moment.
-Padame has been on the receiving end of many of Anakin’s rants about how Ahsoka is growing up and falling in love, “Help me what do I do?” She’s always quick to remind him that he did the same thing and Obi-Wan learned how to handle it, he should too. She’s not super involved in your relationship, she has a lot to focus on, but she’s been open and welcoming to you since the beginning. She knows first hand how hard it can be to love someone like Anakin and Ahsoka, so she’s very willing to talk and support you. Definitely the person you go to when you need to rant about her recklessness, and she rants right back. Obi-Wan sometimes joins too, for sure. It becomes a tradition to meet in Padame’s rooms and rant about your reckless partners and padawans. Drinks are provided in loads, as well as the best food she can provide. Rex and Cody are invited too, and then it ends up being a huge thing. There used to be a list of people who couldn’t (weren’t allowed) to come, but after many complaints from Anakin, Ahsoka, Fives, Obi-Wan (depending on the week), and Hardcase, everyone is allowed and it’s just a fun stress reliever for generally maxed-stress people.
-Plo is just endlessly amused by the whole thing. Young love? Cute and has no consequences. He doesn’t really care if it’s gonna last or anything, but he does make sure that you two are being good for each other, reminding you to spend time with her and vice versa. He likes that Ahsoka is getting to experience falling in love, future fallouts be damned. That’s basically his approach to a lot of it. Until Ahsoka stops being happy, he’s perfectly fine to sit back and watch you two absolutely love-struck clueless morons burn the world down.
221 notes · View notes
hmspogue · 3 years
Outer Banks season 2 Official Trailer shot-by-shot rundown
A comprehensive post where I scream about analyze the entire trailer frame by frame for clues, theories, and plot. Just my own opinions and general tin foil-hatting
These are screenshots from Netflix’s trailer for Outer Banks season 2. I do not claim or own any of these.
note: this post is tagged as a long post if you wish to avoid having to scroll until your thumbs break.
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“My old man used to tell me, ‘it’s best to never say you’ve hit rock bottom’.”
(Putting all of these shots together since they’re scenes we already know but-) Holy shit, okay let’s just....start off like this I guess, damn.
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“'Trust me’, he said...”
Kiara looking back and forth between the boys like this really just feeds the headcanon I have that her form of grief this season is going to be her trying to hold it together for their sakes (and eventually just snapping).
JJ just looks fucking furious someone give these kids a hug? I already know this scene is going to ruin me.
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“You can always go...”
JJ back working at the hotel. He looks literally so angry again in this scene I could see him self destructing at work and losing his job? (Please do not be isolating yourself you beautiful son of a bitch even though I know you’re going to).
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Pope in the Twinkie (costuming wise they all are in warmer looking clothes for some of the shots, so just confirming it’s a little bit into the school year when this all takes place).
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Big John was real big into pep talks, I see. (seriously can you imagine Big John having this conversation with like 8 year old John B after he fucking dropped his ice cream cone or some shit I shouldn’t be laughing).
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I’m just-
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These poor kids, I wanna know how the police all the way down in the Bahama’s knew about them?
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Their calves....
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Are going to be so fucking jacked by the end of this season I stg.
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Fuck you.
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“The gold from the Royal Merchant....it’s here.”
For a while, I had thought that maybe they didn’t even make it to the Bahama���s at the front of the season and ended there (because everyone had been filming in there). But I guess they’re going to be making two trips.
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If I were a bird from this POV I’d shit right on that house no questions asked.
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oooooh ho hokay. Just so we’re clear. Ward Cameron not only get away with murder and about two dozen other felonies, but-
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“Half a billion.”
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Not the polo with the snap back, I just know this man has a playlist called Sad Boi Hours that is just Juice WRLD’s top 5 songs on Spotify and he tells his friends they wouldn’t know the underground artists he listens to.
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Sh, you have lost screaming privileges. Go inside and take a nap maybe.
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“John B, we are fugitives in a foreign country.”
So, previously, I was talking about how I was confused how they would still be trying to find him is everyone thought he was dead, but here the wanted poster clearly says “presumed lost at sea”. I think that will be interesting to see how the Pogues all interpret that. 
Especially because they already had a memorial for John B and everything, I wonder if there will be any part of the Pogues holding out hope that they both could still be out there OUCH.
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I’m going to circle back to this, but it looks like John B and Sarah are going to get separated for a little while in this man hunt, I could see my idiot himbo son trying to sacrifice himself so Sarah can get away but in reality just....stranding her.
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“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid?”
Oh, sweetie....
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“Well, Sarah Cameron, I do stupid things all the time without realizing it.”
The volume of his self awareness is astronomical. sir, that is your whole character summed up in your own words.
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“Hold on!”
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The complete abject terror I would feel having John Booker Routledge driving get-away and then saying the words “Hold on” while reaching fro the gear shift? The english language fails me. 
Sarah, bestie, I’m so sorry.
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I just wanna know-
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what the plan or objective was in this situation. What was the reason for being this dramatic.
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Rest in piss, bozo <3
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“Ward’s still out there...”
Okay, same conversation they were having as before. I wonder what makes them decide they need to get back to the OBX for this tho.
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“I can clear my name. This can all be over in one shot.”
It looks like Topper watching this but way more concerningly, correct me if I’m wrong but this 100% looks like....John B gets caught. And the DEATH PENALTY?! He did have a mug shot for the fliers in s1 and the one above but he was never brought in? Plus he just looks super dirty and dishevled in this one so I-
Jail break anyone?
I also still want to know if they’re going to go with a Topper redemption arc this season. like, does he know more than he should just from being around Rafe and his big fat mouth? Is he going to help out the Pogues even if it’s just for Sarah?
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This shot just suddenly made me really sad. The thought of this all started because Big John left one last thing for his son to find, his literal life’s work. And when it all started, it was just a fun adventure John B and his best friends were going on together and having fun with. Then it all got dragged to absolute shit and turned into what it did, including the remaining 3 Pogues thinking that this treasure hunt took their two best friends away from them. And it’s nothing like Big John intended it to be.
Why my eyes wet?
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Now we’re edging into what I was talking about earlier with John B and Sarah getting separated.
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“If you think there is anything I wouldn’t do...”
Once again, John B is no where to be found. Also, just in case y’all didn’t already know or forgot Ward is an actual psychopath.
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I believe this one of the new character, played by Jontavious Johnson (Stubbs). Based on the voice over it lowkey sounds like they’re implying Ward maybe hired Stubbs and Cleo to find and bring Sarah back. My theory would be I bet they do go to retrieve her, but she somehow convinces them that it would be more beneficial for them in the end to be on the Pogue’s side instead.
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Miss Girl you gotta be keeping your head on a SWIVEL. Especially when you’re a FUGITIVE of the LAW-
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“...you haven’t been paying attention.”
My guy, who are you clarifying this for?
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It’s what you deserve for monologuing.
in all seriousness, the idea of them coming to face to face with Ward in Nassau after thinking they finally escaped him is genuinely terrifying.
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It kind of looks like they’re either hiding their faces or covering their noses? I don’t know maybe it was from some tactic to get away from Ward.
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What did I literally jsut say about yelling privileges, you unhinged mother fucker?
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“I’m calling the shots now. I’m driving.”
The following progression of scenes made me actually snort-
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“I can’t drive stick.”
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Alright, so now it looks like we’re in Charleston. This is the same scene with Heyward’s truck that got leaked from BTS (read: JJ and Kie shoulder touch).
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One of the main things that stuck out to me in the following scenes which, you will see, is it lowkey looks like Pope is kind of heading up this part of the operation, or even going in alone? The following clips are just very Pope focused. 
I don’t know what it means, it’s just an observation.
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“John B was not the only one that Ward double-crossed.”
Bro, we have been hearing about this woman for literal months and I just have....so many questions? 
Who the hell is she? How is she connected to Ward? Why is she in South Carolina instead of the OBX? How do the Pogues even learn about her and how to track her down? How is she meant to “help” them? GAH I JUST WANNA KNOOOW. I already know I don’t trust her though and no I will not be offering up supporting evidence.
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Sir, that is my son please unhand him.
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“I think you know what I want.”
.......no? But feel....free to explain yourself?
The print on the paper is the same one that’s on the ceiling tiles in the following scene. Obviously, with a key on it that most likely goes to the place a few shots from now.
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Hell yeah, son, let’s get SLEUTHING.
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“The treasure belongs to the Pogues.”
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Bestie’s I’m not going to lie, I stared at this frame for a solid 10 minuets and I have no idea what it says on there I’m sorry. Someone in the comments is welcome to enlighten us.
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“We gotta find it first.”
I can’t tell if that’s just dirt or if he hurt his head? But he look GOOD right now for one thing. For another, same outfit as the one in the Twinkie from the beginning of the trailer.
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Look at her. LooK AT HER! LOOK! AT! HER! I MISSED HER SO MUCH even in that damn smiley face top that continues to haunt my waking hours she is in it so much and it stresses me out for literally no good reason I’m sorry-
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I could literally cry right now and I think that speaks volumes to how little we actually see him genuinely happy. Have I mentioned how much I love that red hat?
Also, probably not that important, but this is not from the same scene as the shots of Pope and Kiara were. This is from the next one-
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“Give me some woogity, baby!”
Yeah, this pushed me over the fucking edge, the way that they’re actually happy and laughing? The fact that they kept woogity-woogity and made it A Thing? Yes.
I am, however, going to be intentionally ignoring what appears to be the very intentional stagingof having such an obvious space between where Kiara and Pope are sitting adn where JJ sits, even including the level they’re sitting on because I don’t have the emotional capacity to face those implications right now. Thank you for your time.
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Yes yeeeeEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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before Rafe comes in and literally starts shooting because they can’t breathe for more than 7 seconds but we’ll....get to that.
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They refer to Sarah as a Pogue this season or I burn Netflix to the ground. Your move, Jonas.
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50 bucks says John B is driving the Twinkie again for the first time since being back.
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I deadass think the Pogues JUST got Sarah and John B back and they’re just having the time of their life. Kie was in her smiley face outfit when Pope was in this one a few clips ago, and I still hold to the belief that that one still they released of JJ and Kie hopping over a fence is the Pogue reunion so-
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Ward? I have no idea what he’s looking at behind the wall paper and I’ll be so honest I don’t care my eyes are only seeing Pogue content right now.
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“This is a map of the whole island.”
This fit, when will John B learn how to operate buttons, stay tuned for season 5. Also my previous theory of this being their reunion outfits and stuff because Pope is in the back in the same jacket as before.
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The plot thickens and so has JJ’s hair, Rudy drop the shampoo brand.
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Please, dear God, tell me they’re back in the sex church. For @jiaaraa sake.
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Kiara, your Madison is showing.
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Okay, I really did try but all I can make out is Something to the tomb begin something something.
You’re welcome.
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I am no expert but I do not believe boats operate on land.
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John B looks like he is in the same outfit here that is in his mug shot we saw on the TV screen so I have a sneaking suspicion this is where he gets caught. 
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“John B is back-”
Once again with the damn sexual tension that’s always between Barry and Rafe in every scene they do are we about to kiss right now?
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“-it’s him or me.”
First of all, no.
Second of all, I’m just....so very confused about this time line this season. It kind of looks like Ward and Rafe follow and find Sarah and John B in Nassau (unless those scenes by the truck were actually back in the OBX). So did they....go to Nassau, then just come right back when they did? I’m just confused.
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Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.
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Literally when will you stop at this point I am begging you. 
This looks like the same scene the Pogues were, ya know, literally just having a good time at so fuck me, I guess.
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Yeah, no, it’s going to be a no from me, I’m just going to pretend like I’m not seeing this and moving on.
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I have simply no idea what is going on here or who that is on the bike but maybe JJ? Maybe Luke even? I think that’s JJ’s bike. 
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The sewer scene. The SEWER SCENE-
For months sicne that tiktok leaked this damn scene has been genuinely all I could think about. So (obviously) it seems like they’re sending Kie down into the sewer to go do seomthing and things go horribly, horribly wrong. 
If you haven’t seen the tiktok, essentially all it was was JJ and Pope screaming and trying to lift up the man hole cover while Kie is begging for them to hurry from inside. I’m cheating a little bit as this isn’t a shot from the trailer but this picture was posted and it’s from the same scene.
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I’ll just....leave this here. Back to the trailer shots.
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Nice. Also, same shirt as mugshot.
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Hey, um, what? 
Kiara’s car, she’s driving, I can’t tell who’s in the back seat or the front.
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Holy God what is going on and how can I as an audience member put a stop to it?
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So, same scene as we will see and was in the teaser but, for some reason, they’re all jumping off of a giant ass boat into the little life raft where it looks like JJ gets hurt later but don’t you worry we’re getting to that.
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Cleo 🥵
I’m so excited to see her arc and what it brings this season you guys have no idea.
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Please for the love of God be about to get Ward Cameron’s ass like he deserves literally punt him into jail right from Tanny Hill.
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Sarah at My Druther’s with what looks like a bloody bandage on her side? Same outfit she’s wearing when they’re running from the police on the beach and she has the bandage there too so. Interesting. 
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Topper hugging who I’m pretty sure is Sarah, being a general douche because he’s clearly looking at John B like 😏 
Clips like these serve to remind me just how many of my worldly posessions I would gladly give up to be able to punch Topper Thorton in the throat one time. 
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I think this is Cleo jumping off the boat with Pope after John B and Sarah. 
Absolutely busting a lung at Pope’s form in this one.
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John B and Sarah waiting in the life raft, still Cleo and Pope coming after them. The obvious next question is where are JJ and Kiara. The scene I’m sure you all have been waiting for is coming up and clearly takes place in the life raft as well.
So, I really think JJ and Kie get left for last, something horrible happens as they’re trying to jump (my head instantly goes to JJ maybe like pushing Kie out of the way and getting hit on the head instead or even just some accident). 
And, oh my GOD a scene of him falling off the boat after it happens and Kiara diving in after him immediately, having to desperatly try to stop him from sinkingand get to the life raft holy shit-
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Girl CATCH HIM?????
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Because why wouldn’t this be Rafe’s fault. Part of me wonders if this isn’t related to JJ being hurt.
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I am going to try and unpack this as calmly as possible because behind my computer screen I am vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass but respectfully.
Okay, so scene wise, JJ’s hit his head somehow (probably while he was jumping with Kiara) it looks like and now they’re back on the raft. 
In my opinion, this is either:
A) JJ is in really, really bad condition after getting hurt in the jump and they’re not sure he’s going to make it. So this is a “Please stay with me, stay awake, please don’t die” hug OR
B) They very narrowly just avoided a deadly situation (my first thought is JJ hits his head while jumping, passes out in the water, maybe almost drowns but Kie and the others get him onto the life raft in time) and this is more of a “Oh my God, you’re okay, you’re safe now, we’re okay” hug. 
I honestly lean more to the second one based on the little bit of Sarah’s face we saw in the background. To me, it almost looked like she was smiling thru tears, which, fits way more with the second option than the first. 
Anyways. Moving on before I burst a lung again.
(also, before anyone comes at me, no, I’m not happy JJ is hurt, obviously.  
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(Once again, arrest outfits). You can still see the bandage but it looks like Sarah’s limping now too so...good Lord give the girl a break maybe?
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Everything in this trailer just went to shit so fast I think I have whip lash, can we go back to the Pogues hanging out and being happy now pkease I liked those scenes.
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“I get it. You guys are scared.”
She’s cute but, uh, hello sewer scene outfits. Seems like them planning to do whatever the hell they were going to do in the sewers but the boys are starting to get cold feet as maybe they should but hind sight is 20/20 I suppose.
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“It’s kind of cute.”
“I’m not scared.”
“You should’ve just led with that.”
I will never be able to express how much I adore Pogue banter and general dumbassery and I have a feeling this season will not be lacking in either department
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I high key don’t think these two are actually going to be there for this scene to go down but I’ll let it slide this time because-
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They do be kinda cute.
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It both feels like I’ve been waiting for this damn show for 3 years and also like I just watched season 1 last month explain that to me. 
Either way holy shit. I missed this dumb show and these dumb kids so much it physcially hurts and WE GET THEM BACK IN T-MINUS 16 DAYS.
Also. Where The Hell Is Wheezie Cameron And When Will She Have The Rights She Deserves.
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Actually Pretty Funny-Technoblade
Hello! This is a platonic!brother!Technoblade x fem!reader and a hinted Niki x fem!reader. I made the reader female since the request was the reader coming out to Techno as a lesbian. I hope that you enjoy!
Not in the dreamsmp but also isn’t real life. This is a Sleepy Bois inc fic where Techno, Wilbur, Tommy, and reader are all siblings with Phil being their father. 
Warnings: Mentions of skipping meals
Like this and want more? Check out my masterlist here!
Y/N opens up to her big brother as to why she has been avoiding her other brother and his friend.
I let out a sigh as I flopped face first down on my bed. For the past few days, I’ve been spending a lot of time in my room after school. Why? Well thanks for asking, ambiguous voice. My brother Wilbur has been bringing his friend Niki for the past week and a half. The two had been assigned to work on a project together and they found it easier to work at our house because of the close proximity to the school. So the two would spend hours sitting at the kitchen table working on their project, talking and laughing at the jokes they made with one another and I couldn’t be around it.  But not for the reason that most would think….
Many would think that I couldn’t be around the two because I didn’t like Niki. But it’s really quite the opposite. I like Niki. I mean, really like Niki… Really really like Niki… I have a giant crush on Niki. That’s why I can’t be around the two. I either get so jealous that it makes me feel sick or I make a complete fool of myself because I can’t handle Niki smiling at me. I haven’t told anyone this. Not even my brothers. No one knows how I feel and I would like to keep it that way. I love my brothers and I know they’re very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, but I can’t help but fear that they’ll tease me or look at me differently and I don’t want anything to change. 
So I decided to just hide myself away from all of it. If I don’t acknowledge my feelings, do they really exist? If I hide away in my room, nothing can get out and no one can find me out. I shouldn’t have to do this much longer, the project should be done soon, maybe even tonight. Maybe tonight will be the last time Niki and Wilbur will sit at the kitchen table laughing over how dumb their teacher is. I sure hope so. 
I was interrupted from my self-pity party by a knock on my door. Letting out another sigh, I rolled onto my back and sat up, “Yeah?” The door swung open and I was greeted by the sight of my blonde haired brother. “What?” I questioned with a raised eyebrow. Tommy almost never knocks before coming in so I was a bit surprised. “Dadza is letting us get pizza to celebrate Wilbur and Niki finishing their project. What kind do you want?” Tommy asked, pushing hair out of his eyes. 
My eyes widened slightly at the question. I was right, tonight was the last night that she would be over. But the way that he phrased the question left me with one of my own, “Is Niki staying for dinner?” Tommy rolled his eyes at my question. “Of course she is, idiot. It wouldn’t be a celebration of them finishing without her. Now what do you want?” He pressed. “Oh… Umm..” I stuttered. This had never happened before. Niki never stayed for dinner. Of course Phil made sure she knew she was always welcome, but she didn’t accept the offer. She would always say she had to get home to Ranboo and make sure he hadn’t burned down the house. This always allowed me to fly under my family’s radar. I would go to my room and come down for dinner, claiming that I had a lot of homework and didn’t want to get distracted. Everytime they all bought it. Now what am I supposed to do?
“Umm. Actually, I’m not that hungry right now so I’ll just skip out. Thanks though Tommy.” I smoothly lied to my little brother. At least I thought I was smooth, but Tommy remained in my doorway with a cocked eyebrow and hands now on his hips. “You’re not hungry… For pizza? One of your all time favorites? Yeah I don’t believe you…. Are you skipping meals again? Do I need to go get Techno?” Tommy questioned. My heart began pounding. “No!” I blurted, standing up. I cleared my throat before responding once more, a lot calmer now. “No. No you don’t need to get Techno. I’m not skipping meals. I’m just not hungry.” For a moment, Tommy actually seemed to believe me. But then out of no where, my stomach let out a really loud growl. 
Tommy and I stared at each other for a long while. I silently begged him to not do what I knew he was about to do. If Techno came in here, I knew I would have to spill everything. For some reason I couldn’t lie to my pink headed brother. He always knew how to get me to tell him what he needed to hear. “Tommy,” I whispered, “Please don’t-” “TECHNO!” He screamed, cutting me off. Tommy bolted out of my room and down the hallway toward Techno’s room. I heard Tommy begin to pound on Techno’s door as he yelled his name. In a panic, I rushed forward and slammed my door shut. I then rushed back to my bed and crawled under the blankets, bringing them up to cover my face. 
Tommy’s screams stopped and it was silent. The calm before the storm. A rhythmic knock sounded against my door once more. I didn’t answer, hoping that maybe they would just go away if I didn’t respond… I knew better than that though. After a few moments of silence, I heard the door creak on it’s hinges letting me know it had been opened. It’s moments like this where I silently curse Phil for not letting me have a lock on my door. There was a small click as the door was shut once more. Footsteps echoed through my room and when they stopped, a pressure dipped my bed down as that same person sat next to me. 
The tension in my room was extremely thick as we waited for the other to speak first. I was surprised by the blanket being pulled off of my face. My eyes quickly adjusted as I stared at my brother’s stoic expression, “Hello Technoblade” I greeted softly, looking away from his eyes. “Hello Y/N… Would you like to explain to me why Tommy nearly busted down my door to tell me that you're skipping meals again.” I rolled my eyes and adjusted myself so that I was now sitting up and resting against the headboard, “Because he’s a snitch that can’t keep his mouth shut” I huffed, looking everywhere but my brother. Techno let out a sigh and moved so that he was now sitting criss-cross on my bed. I felt a hand underneath my chin and my head was slowly moved so that I had no choice but to look at Techno. “You want to try again?” He prodded softly. 
I took a deep breath before letting it out and swallowing harshly, “I can’t be around her.” I admitted softly. Techno’s face morphed into confusion, “Niki? Why? Has she been mean to you? That’s really surprising to hear, she’s usually a total sweetheart! I’ll talk to her and let her know-” “No” I cut him off. “No, it’s not that at all… I can’t be around her for another reason…” I trailed off. Techno was still confused, “You’re going to help me out Y/N. What other reason?” I took another deep breath before finally answering, “I like her. I really like her Techno. I’m either sick with jealousy at what her and Wilbur have or I fumble and embarrass myself in front of her… Techno… I’m a lesbian.” I admitted, closing my eyes tightly, not wanting to see his reaction. 
He was silent for a while. I was about to speak again but was cut off by arms being wrapped around my shoulders. Techno pulled me into a tight hug, pressing me close to his chest. On instinct, my arms wrapped around him, my hands clutching the back of his shirt. All the emotions I had been bottling up for the past week and a half came crashing down. Tears began slipping out of my eyes as small sobs choked their way out of my mouth. Techno simply held me closer and began rocking back and forth, smoothing my hair down with one hand and the other rubbing up and down my back in comfort. 
After a few minutes, my tears and sobs came to a stop. Techno tilted his head down and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. “Thank you for telling me,” He murmured against my hair. I sniffed and let out a hum, “Yeah… I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.” Techno pulled back and gave me a stern look, “Don’t apologize okay? You weren’t ready to tell me and that’s okay. No one is entitled to information that you’re not ready to tell.” I processed his words and nodded, “You’re right,” I croaked, my throat raw from sobbing. Techno let out a laugh in triumph, “Always am kiddo. I always am.” 
The two of us sat in comfortable silence for just a moment before Techno spoke again, “I just want to let you know that this changes nothing. You’re still my little sister that I love very much. Just now, instead of beating up your boyfriends, I’ll have to have civil conversations with your girlfriends.” His words caused me to giggle. The thought of Techno gearing up to fight the first boy I bring home only to open the door and find a woman. I giggled more as I pictured him quickly hiding his weapons and ushering the girl to the table and questioning them. “You know Techno, you’re actually pretty funny.” I giggled, shaking my head. A huge smile graced Techno’s face as he fist pumped in the air. “A lesbian refering to me as ‘actually pretty funny’? I’ve won life. Poggers!” I couldn’t help the laughter then burst from my lips at the sight of my pink headed brother fist pumping to me telling him he’s funny. Techno joined in on my laughter, causing me to laugh harder. 
After our laughter died down, Techno stood up and offered me his hand. “Come on. Let’s go get some pizza.” Without even stopping to think, I took his hand and let him lead me downstairs to the kitchen. “There you two are!” Dadza greeted with a warm smile. Everyone was seated at the kitchen table, pizza boxes spread out in front of them. I didn’t realize that enough time had passed to where they were able to order and get the pizza. “Y/N your pizza is right there and Techno yours in next to hers.” aid, pointing to the two empty spots. Techno was quick to sit down and begin eating. 
I took my seat next to Techno and Niki across from me. “Hey Y/N!” Niki greeted with a bright smile. “Hey Niki,” I greeted her back with a shy smile. “I felt like I haven’t seen you much this past week! How have you been?” She questioned, setting down her slice of pizza. “I’ve been good. How about you?” I asked back. “I’ve been good too! Hanging out with your brother has been fun, but it would have been better if I was able to see your face every once in a while.” Her words caused my face to flush a deep red. “Maybe we could hang out, just you and me sometime?” She offered, getting a little shy now. I glanced around at the table and found three shocked faces and one smirking. I cleared my throat and nodded enthusiastically, “I would love that, Niki.” I claimed with a smile. Niki smiled sweetly back at me before going back to eating her pizza causing me to also go back to my pizza. 
There was a silence that fell over the table as the four guys stared at us. “What’s the matter?” I asked in general to the four. Wilbur, Tommy, and Phil seemed to shake out of their surprise and all murmured “nothing” before all going back to munching on their pizza and having a casual conversation. I let out a breath of relief. I knew that I would have to address what just happened after dinner, but for now I was off the hook. I allowed myself to look over to my oldest brother, who was shoving his pizza in his mouth. When his eyes met mine, he gave me a bright smile and a sly wink causing me to giggle and smile back at him. Perhaps it’s a good thing I can’t lie to my pink headed brother sometimes… Sometimes. 
There you go! I really hope that you enjoy! If you did, please be sure to leave a like!
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xxtoothachexx · 3 years
a/n: I’m currently bleaching my hair to dye it and to desperately ignore the itchiness I’m writing dumb stuff once again. don’t bring up the fact I didn’t include nezuko I barely can write something simple for her
I’m incredibly invested in animals so this was fun for me to do
Pet HCs for the Demon Slayers
As much as I want to just say he’d get a dog or some normal pet I think he’d absolutely adore a rabbit or some small rodent
He loves it and takes absolutely phenomenal care of the rabbit. It’s just as nice as him and everyone else also adores the rabbit, but it doe have an issue with biting people he doesn’t like
A very small hamster that he insists is his emotional support despite being as equally anxious as Zenitsu is
It likes to hide in his sleeves or his hood whenever he’s doing work or just hanging out with the hamster
A boar, no I will not explain why
No one knows how or even when he got it. It just showed up and no one has any idea of what to do about it. It will not leave
She ended up buying a random hermit crab she felt bad for at a store and ended up falling in love with it
Soon enough she ended up having a whole ton of hermit crabs but she enjoys helping them pick new shells to move into and caring for them
Shinobu cannot keep track of a single one of their names but Kanao somehow can
Very big bearded dragon vibes coming off of him
Probably gave it some really cute name and takes very good care of it, he likes to let it rest on his shoulder while he does things
Sanemi isn’t allowed to take care of it because a cricket ran up his sleeve while trying to feed it and he never wants to step foot in the room again
The biggest and fluffiest golden retriever you’ve ever seen in your whole life, and it’s just as full of energy as him
It doesn’t have the best training though and has even taken out Tengen jumping on him when Rengoku didn’t put the dog in a different room while opening the door
She would absolutely love orchid mantises and would probably own an unreasonable amount of them. They’re just so pretty and look like little flowers
Other than that she’s probably owned frogs in the past. Her favorites were little poison dart frogs because she’d mortify everyone when she’d just pick them up bare handed
(fun fact w/ maxx: captive poison dart frogs are non toxic because they don’t eat the same insects in the wild that make them toxic!)
Never really found the interest in owning any weird or exotic pets, most of them freak him out or make him uncomfortable
Over the past few years he started adopting senior dogs from shelters to give them a proper home in their last few years and he has a major soft spot for them 🥺
Someone pointed out sanemis beetle I’m kind of an idiot that I forgot it lmao
The most annoyingly pampered and spoiled small dog (I can’t decide between a toy poodle or dachshund and idk why those two come to mind)
Bedazzled collar and cool little accessories and all that. It constantly will be looking at others with the most unapproving glare ever
Of course he has cat owner vibes but I feel like he’d own another animal. He has a small and quiet little cat though that he talks to
He bought a tarantula for the sole reason of being able to tell others that it got out so that they’d leave his damn house when he wanted them to
Has co-ownership of a tiny betta fish that Genya helped him win at a festival. He has co ownership because he keeps forgetting to feed it and clean it’s tank
Despite that the fish is surprisingly resilient. It’s launched itself out of its tank on multiple occasions and survived fine till someone found it but heaven forbid Muichiro be ten minutes late to feeding it
Absolutely another cat lover. Accidentally created an army of stray cats that cry at the front door to be fed every morning. They’re all kind of scraggly but she loves them regardless
Her favorite is an old one eyed calico that Obanai took one look at and named Pirate, she’s very sweet
Kaburamaru and a love for snakes is a given for him. He likes ball pythons the most because they’re very sweet and cute!!
He’s had a blue tongue skink for a while too, but he also hates bugs so he makes other people get the insects to feed it (he can suck it up and handle them on occasion)
The absolute chunkiest grey cat you’ve ever seen in your life. It meows a lot to greet him and let him know where it is around his house
It has a habit of walking through people’s legs and causing them to trip. It will do this to everyone but Gyomei
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The Blight twins, codependency and fatal communication failure
Recently I talked about “the Blight children and toxic behaviors”, specifically about the tough love fallacy and how their parents get them to target each other rather than backing each other up.
In that post I mentioned wanting to make one specifically on the relationship of the Blight twins, and, well, here we are.
When we think of The Owl House and unhealthy/toxic platonic relationships, we think of the one Amity has with the twins in the earlier episodes, or Eda and Lilith, or the one the Blight kids have with their parents. I’m pretty sure very few people would look at these words and think of Edric and Emira… but it’s true nonetheless. The twins are raised in a very toxic environment that teaches them a lot of unhealthy mechanisms. The heavily codependent relationship the two siblings share is incredibly unhealthy for both of them.
Let’s get into why.
More under cut because hell this got long.
Who am I without you?
The Blight Twins always show up as a unit. They’re a set of two, who share the same track and are involved in the same shenanigans.
We never see them separate from each other in the show. Not a single time.
Their mother picks their matching outfits, according to Dana, because she likes her kids to be “color-coordinated.” They’re supposed to always look similar.
To Amity, they’re a united front—we don’t get to see her relationship to them separate from each other, we only get her relationship with “the twins.”
As far as I’m aware we’ve never gotten art from Dana featuring just one of them. They’re also often treated as a pair by the fandom (outside of their respective ships, that is), showing up together and showcasing very similar behaviors in fics, showing up together in fanart, etc.
We don’t have much content of just one of them with Amity (or anyone else that’s not their romantic partner).
You also don’t generally see them disagreeing a lot in fan content, which is interesting. Despite being two separate characters, they don’t get to actually be separate from each other a ton.
The main difference you see in their portrayal is in Emira being treated as the more responsible older sister, while Edric gets treated as more goofy (and a bit of an idiot), both in the show and fanon content. But that’s essentially it.
The twins are the twins. There’s no “just Edric” or “just Emira”. They don’t seem to exist without each other.
Their united front is both their greatest strength and their weakest link. They likely experienced a similar abuse as the one Amity went through, but they always had each other to lean on instead of enduring it alone. And while it definitely helps them a ton that they have each other, it also results in an unhealthy amount of codependency. Edric and Emira ONLY ever had each other. Their relationship with Amity is pretty bad and outside of that almost nonexistent up until Lost In Language, mostly used to hurt each other. Edric is always with Emira and Emira is always with Edric and there is no one else they can fall back on. Their most important relationship, the one with each other, is simultaneously the only one they have, one that they desperately clung to for a very long time. They don’t have any friends that we’re aware of.
Both Emira’s and Edric’s worst fear is born out of this. Despite being completely opposite fears, they stem from the same basic issue. In Enchanting Grom Fright, when they talk about their worst fears, Edric says “Being alone forever.” while Emira says “Being stuck with you forever.”
There is so much characterization in those two little sentences.
Edric has a fear of being alone because he’s always around Emira. He doesn’t know what it’s like to be alone, and he doesn’t want to find out. He doesn’t know who he is without Emira. This is somewhat subtle in the show, but she’s shown to be the more responsible of the two, preventing her brother from eating snow and being bitten by a bat. Edric looks to Emira for guidance, and his fear of being alone might stem from him not thinking himself capable of taking care of himself. Emira is smart and knows what she’s doing, and so Edric always runs after her. Even just entertaining the thought of being without her, without anyone to guide him, scares him so much that he proclaims it his worst fear. He likely leans on Emira a ton.
His desire to to lean on other people because he thinks himself incapable of handling issues himself comes with the possibility of him opening up easier, to the extent of oversharing, doing it so much that it becomes overbearing for Emira. But even if he can open up about some of the fears he has related to not meeting their parents expectations, he can’t really communicate the issues he has that involve Emira, because open communication about their issues is something they generally struggle with (see the point about lack of communication further below). Edric is under the impression that he needs someone else because he’s never been without Emira and doesn’t know what it’s like to exist without her. And as long as he has someone to lean on, he never has to find out if he’s truly as incapable as he thinks himself to be. His refusal to let go of her fuels his fear further—the tighter he holds on, the scarier the thought of letting go becomes.
Emira doesn’t know who she is without Edric either, and that’s exactly the reason she wants to break out of that dynamic so desperately. She doesn’t want to be nothing but someone’s twin for the rest of her life. She wants to just be herself, not have all her interests linked to her brother, for people to stop mentioning her only in the same sentence as Edric. She’s had enough of the matching. What Emira really wants is independence—from her brother, and, to a larger extent, her parents and their control.
Edric leaning on her as much as he does makes Emira feel responsible for him, and she struggles to let go of that because she doesn’t want to hurt him—but the tighter he holds on because he believes he needs her, the more overwhelmed Emira feels by her brother and the responsibility she holds for both of them.
Emira loves Edric, but she’s his sister, and can’t provide him with emotional support 24/7. Spending all day handling someone else’s issues can be pretty draining, especially when you struggle to share the ones you yourself have.
With Emira’s longing for independence comes a refusal to lean on anyone, especially on Edric, because she can’t at the same time let herself be vulnerable and need his support while also wanting to break out of their current dynamic. So Emira doesn’t talk about her issues, she doesn’t cry, she doesn’t lean on anyone. Emira is independent and strong and she doesn’t need anyone, especially not Edric.
It likely started out as them leaning on each other, but where Edric started to become too dependent on Emira always being there, Emira started growing increasingly overwhelmed and pulling back, catching them in a vicious circle of him trying to hold on tighter in order not to lose her, which causes her to draw back further.
To be clear:
a) Emira is not a terrible person for wanting to be away from Edric. What she said hurt him and came across as callous, but what he said harmed her too, even if the “why” that I just explained isn’t as blatantly obvious in the show. Edric isn’t a terrible person for relying on Emira so much, either. Neither of them are inherently malicious in any way, even if they do hurt each other. That they have to deal with these issues in the first place is rooted in the abuse they experienced, specifically in their parents treating them as a two-part set rather than two separate people their whole life.
b) I think it should be clear now why Edric’s behavior is toxic, but I want to address that Emira’s behavior is also an issue. While her desire for independence in itself is normal and healthy, she’s striving for a toxic kind of independence where she doesn’t need anyone anymore, which wouldn’t be good for her either.
Everyone needs to rely on other people sometimes, and if she doesn’t allow herself to, it’s going to cause some serious damaged in the long run. The most reliable relationship she had, the only support system she has, falls victim to her desire to be away from Edric… and only after she is she’s going to realize just how much she needed him, needed anyone to be there, too.
I think it’s very interesting that Edric’s and Emira’s issues are essentially inverted—they have the same root, but their problems are the exact opposite.
Edric is Emira’s mirror image.
This is also shown visually. With the matching clothes and identical dominant features (eye and hair color), they look extremely similar. Their beauty marks are what makes them into a mirror image rather than just looking identical, because they’re on opposite sides of their face. Emira’s is on her right cheek, Edric’s on his left. If they face each other, the marks mirror each other perfectly.
They had the same thing in the concept art I’ve seen of them too, but it was with identical earrings on opposite sides rather than beauty marks.
Caged Freedom
I couldn’t find a way to somehow smoothly fit this into the overlaying topic, but it’s an important part of the reason for their communication issues I go into below, and also just something that I wanted to go into, so take it or leave it.
The twins appear extremely confident, seem like they always get what they want (Amity even resents them for “getting away with everything”), but they really, really doesn’t. Sneaking out of school is the only way they can have the slightest bit of normalcy and freedom and control over their life, and Edric and Emira cannot be caught or it will come back to bite them—the reason they wanted to punish Amity in the first place is that she told on them for skipping, getting them in trouble.
Even within their “rebellion” against their parents, there’s a set system Emira and Edric have to operate within—matching clothes, perfect scores, not doing anything that could get back to their parents or harm the family reputation. Despite skipping school, they both maintain excellent grades. It’s said in Adventures in the Elements, Amity is even trying to beat their best score on an exam.
It’s a careful, calculated kind of resistance, not one that includes them openly opposing their parents. They do things their parents wouldn’t like, they tread lines, but they’re being smart about it, in hopes it will never get back to their parents. Even their limited freedom is caged in that way.
Despite seeming as confident as they do, they’re too scared to talk back to their parents. They cause exactly the kind of trouble that they know is possible to get away with without putting themselves in harm’s way. Going further, openly calling their parents out for how they’re being treated, would be dangerous, and so they don’t. They operate within the system and follow it as much as they have to in order to be able to push the boundaries even slightly.
Their endless confidence, their apparent fearlessness, is just another illusion of theirs.
They wouldn’t need to get back at Amity for telling on them if their behavior was just a huge “fuck you” to their parents. But they do, because their parents aren’t supposed to know. They’re scared, even if they’d never admit that.
Emira and Edric target Amity as a way to cope with the treatment they receive from their parents, which they to an extent blame on Amity (I’ve gone over this more in-depth in the toxic behaviors post I linked above).
Hurting Amity in hopes she won’t tell on them again seems safe in a way that actively calling out their parents behavior could never be.
Lack of Communication
Edric and Emira both have trouble communicating their feelings in a healthy way, and instead of open communication and talking things through they revert to backhand comments and punishment.
They grown up believing that severe punishments are necessary, “tough love” used to help someone improve as shown (and literally quoted) in Lost In Language in regards to Amity. That’s also something I go into my other Blight sibs post.
Regarding the backhand comments, let’s look at their worst fears in Enchanting Grom Fright again. As explained above, Emira’s “being stuck with you forever”-fear is a shitty attempt at trying to get across that she’s unhappy with never getting to be apart from Edric to just be herself. Edric’s “being alone forever” brings up a huge fear of his, especially of being abandoned by Em, which, regarding her worst fear, is justified.
Both of these fears are extremely understandable, and they don’t necessarily have to be at odds with each other—Emira just wants to not feel overwhelmed by Edric, and figure out who she is, and she doesn’t have to completely abandon him to achieve that, even if it’s something she might think she wants now. Edric has to find a way to be able to rely on himself more because Emira can’t always be around him, but he can still maintain a close, positive relationship with her, and would absolutely be able to make other friends that could support him.
What them voicing these fears is, for both of them, is a desperate cry for help, for change. Edric wouldn’t be bringing this up if there wasn’t a part of him that desperately wants to talk to Emira about this, and in the same way Emira wouldn’t have said her fear if she wouldn’t want it too. But the issue is that the twins don’t actually communicate. They put these huge things out there, validating the other’s worst fear with what they say. And then they don’t talk it out. These sentences just hang in the air between them, and then they move on like nothing happened, both anxious and hurt.
And this is because the Blight family in general doesn’t communicate. As mentioned before, the twins don’t dare to talk back to their parents, they do things behind their backs and hope they won’t get caught. They don’t communicate with Amity, and despite Edric and Emira being the closest person the other has, they don’t really communicate the issues in their relationship with each other either, because they don’t know how. This is not a skill they were ever taught, because talking things through like that requires them to be extremely vulnerable. To acknowledge what their worst fears are and why, that they might have gone too far or might have been wrong about some of the things they said, and therefore admit to not being perfect.
But Blights are required to be perfect, and Blights aren’t wrong—if others don’t see things your way, you make them. If others don’t act the way you want them to, you punish them. Tough love to help them grow and “encourage” them to make the “right” decision.
There’s no room for open communication in an environment that sees vulnerability as a shortcoming, and admitting mistakes as a weakness. If neither party is willing to take the first step, communication withers and dies, and the issues go ignored as they grow. Admitting there’s an issue in the first place, and that it might partially be your fault, is considered backing down. And Blights don’t back down. They can’t.
If you back down in business, let others convince you into a bad contact, you’ll never be successful. Worst case: it might be the end. And so you don’t back down. You never do. Blights don’t lose an argument. The other person has to break and back down first.
But that can’t work when both people involved were raised with that mindset. So Emira doesn’t make the first step, and neither does Edric, and aside from their backhand comments that never lead anywhere, they just suffer silently as their relationship disintegrates without as much as their acknowledgement of it.
For Edric, there’s also the issue that bringing up his fear might possibly drive Emira further away, knowing her fear. He doesn’t want to make her angry, and doesn’t want to fight with her, because it might lead to him losing her, which is exactly what he so desperately wants to prevent.
I can’t remember which post brought it up, but one post I read a while back also addresses how despite admitting that her behavior was wrong, we never hear Amity say “sorry” to Willow. Because if there’s one thing the Blight family does even less than admitting mistakes in the first place, it’s apologizing for them. Open communication is weak. Apologizing is weaker.
In summary: There needs to be a balance between depending on yourself and still being able to ask others for support when you need it, and Emira and Edric are currently sitting on opposite ends of the same issue. Both of them need to move more towards the middle. What one of them so desperately wants is what the other needs to recognize.
Emira realizes that she needs space from Edric, and because Edric doesn’t recognize it, he’s the one that needs space from Emira more. He desperately needs to realize that clinging to each other the way they currently are isn’t healthy.
Edric realizes that he needs support from other people, and that’s something Emira denies for herself that she really needs to realize.
They both have half of the solution to their shared problem, but their difficulties communicating the issues within their relationship properly prevent them from finding a healthy solution together.
For everyone that’s incredibly sad now (myself included): I cover these topics in several of my fics.
Most prominently, Locked Out, where I’m currently beginning to explore the Blight twins and their different mindsets further.
Most recently, Sleight of Hand, a collab fic I did with my friend @lexa-alycia, where, among other things, the twins have a long overdue conversation regarding the things said in Enchanting Grom Fright.
But also 6/8 of my currently posted Owl House fics (not counting another additional two that also do and are done but haven’t been posted yet) give focus to at least one of the Blight twins if not both, so yeah I have plenty of twins content on my profile for anyone that wants XD
Next up, probably (because I just do not want to be done with this apparently): a post regarding Vinem and Jerbric and why these relationships would work and be extremely beneficial for everyone involved.
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writingsfromhome · 3 years
Sorry x Rare
A/N: I got two lyric requests for Sorry by Beyonce and Rare by Selena Gomez. They were both sort of two sides of the same coin so I wrote them together it mostly goes from rare to sorry. Thanks for the requests, fingers crossed it lives up to what you wanted! <3
Synopsis: You and Harry have been together for a long time but he’s not the same man you fell in love with anymore.
I move my dinner around on my plate, my gaze on the man pacing outside the restaurant on his phone. My man. But it didn't really feel like that these days. These days, Harry was a stranger to me--late nights, phone calls interrupting dinner, waking up to find him gone and not even sure if he'd come home at all.
I watch him remove the phone from his ear in a rush, stare at it, and then shove it aggressively in his pocket. He walks back in, cheeks pink and huffing.
"Should we ask for the bill?" He sits down in a flurry. I stare at his barely-eaten meal and my own dinner mashed to bits.
"We've barely had dinner."
"Babe, we've been here for over an hour since..." he takes his phone back out to inform me of how much time exactly but something must catch his attention because his sentence dies on his lips. I stare, he was so distant lately. "I'll drop you off at home, I've got to meet the boys they decided to talk business-"
"It's 8pm on a Thursday," I state the obvious. "Can't you catch up with them la-"
"This isn't an argument Y/N," Harry finally looks at me. He was done discussing it. He lifts his hands to the waiter and a minute later dinner's been paid for. He wasn't my baby, I think as we stroll outside to his car. I don't know who this man was.
I wake up the next morning with the weight of Harry on the other side of the bed. I could smell him, the booze sitting in his pores.
“Ugh,” I groan, not wanting to smell that first thing in the morning. I get up and start my day before I head to work. Soon, Harry appears squinting as I stir sugar into my coffee.
“I need a coffee,” he says, his voice hoarse. It used to sound sexy but now it was just another reminder that things changed. We lived like roommates and it hurt that he never wanted to talk. Half the time, he acted like I wasn’t even there.
I watch him settle with his coffee, taking the first sip and letting out a deep breath. A memory comes to me suddenly, the first year we were dating,
“I think this is the best coffee I’ve ever had,” it was the first night Harry had stayed the whole night and I’d made him coffee in my outdated coffee maker. It came out burnt half the time but that morning’s cup was decent. We’re swaddled in my blankets--the room I rented back then had poor circulation in the winter.
“I think you’re still slightly drunk,” I lean my shoulder against his and cup the warm drink. “I’ve definitely had better coffees.”
“Maybe coffees are just better the morning after,” he says, glancing at me and I know he can see the flush on my cheeks. He knew I was shy talking about certain things in the light of day.
“We can say that,” I mumble into the cup. “It’s just nice to have a heat source.”
“Here,” he takes the cup from me and reaches over to put both on the nightstand.
“Hey I wasn’t done with that.”
“I know but if you’re cold, I know this other heat source--it even works for hypothermia.”
His statement causes a blood rush that warms me already but I don’t say no to what he has in mind. I could make us another cup later.
Harry catches me staring when he looks over and raises an eyebrow. I snap out of my thoughts and twist my lips into a smile, looking back at my own drink bitterly. Who was this man in front of me? Out loud, I ask: “How was your night? You came in late.”
“I was out with the boys.” he says in a tone that meant he didn’t want to talk about it. “It got late.”
“A text would’ve been nice,” I say, still looking at my cup.
“S’not like you were waiting up,” he turns to walk back towards the bedroom.
“Learned not to,” I mumble but I know he’s heard me with the way he pauses. But he didn’t care enough to argue, dispute it, nothing. He leaves.
"Guess who just made a commission that's more than I used to earn in a year?" April walks into the small office, an infectious grin on her face.
"You sold him on it?" I put away the file I'm working on and jump up to hug my friend.
"I had to flirt a little--give him a vivid picture of what he could have there, and he signed! I'm bloody brilliant."
April was my American ex-pat who I met when she was looking for a flat a few years ago. And now here she was, working for me at the small real estate office I managed with a few other people I considered friends.
"Do you know if he was single?" I tune back in to hear Janelle asking.
"No, don't give her bad advice!" I scold Janelle. “We don’t date clients.”
"I'm miserably single," April pouts. "I'll take advice even if it’s bad."
"Bad advice is to stay with your college sweetheart to the point where you're not sure he even cares about you." I say to no one in particular. It was just us in the office today, and they knew everything about my life so I didn't care much. But the pin-drop silence that follows is different. I look up to see my friends eyeing each other. "What?"
"Nothing." They stay tight lipped but I push and they crack. "Well, so...we know things are rocky between you and Harry..."
"Things aren't rocky," I clarify. "They're just...nonexistent."
"Right," April slides closer. "Soo, we saw him at the club yesterday."
I raise my eyebrow, "He told me he was meeting up with his boys."
"Oh!" They sound surprised I know, but they look at each other again so I push them. "He was...there was a girl? Sitting on his lap for most of the night? Like, nothing happened I don't think so?" She turns to look at April at the end of each sentence.
Personally, I feel gut-punched even though I suspected this. I knew he wasn't where he said he was going to be sometimes, or with who he said he was going to be with. But he cut our own dinner short last night to be with strangers yesterday? I grip the pen in my hand.
"Y/N honestly...you know we love you and support you. But, you're a special girl and you deserve better than that sod."
"Yeah," Janelle puts her hand on my shoulder. "You're a gem Y/N. There's someone else out there who's gonna see how rare you are."
"I know," I blow my cheeks out. We'd had different conversations like this before, although never this direct. I guess we'd never had direct proof of what my husband was doing until now though.
"He's an idiot not knowing you're so rare," my friends try to comfort me. I feel my eyes well up and I swipe at them. I wasn't going to cry at work but they must sense the tears because they excuse themselves, "We're going to get you a tea, and some pastries to celebrate April's sale. April?"
I keep my face buried in my hands as they leave, take a few deep breaths. "I am rare," I say to myself but even that makes me laugh bitterly. Harry and I had been together for 5 years and here I was trying to count up all the reasons we should stay together when he didn't even care. He was out with other women, and I was waiting around for him.
"I'm rare," I say again. "I'm special, I deserve better. I...deserve better."
When will u be home tonight? I text Harry before I lose my nerve.
Busy he says. That’s it. And then, Why?
What time? I ask again.
8 or so, he responds.
Okay, we need to talk then. I put my phone away, too scared what he might text back. A tear falls from my cheek onto my keyboard, landing on the letter H. It mocks me. I wipe it off, and before I can think about what I'm doing I smash the letter down with my fist. I stand up and walk to the back of the office, a window overlooks the busy street. I'd had enough, I decide. Fuck Harry.
I’m not sure how long I stand there stewing, but my friends walking in with pastries and tea ends the emotional boiling pot from overflowing.
"Thanks," I take the cup from them.
“So we were talking and...” April looks at Janelle and she nods. “You should come out with us some time. Like...tonight. Dance with us, with other people...”
“I...I’ve got something at 8,” I come up with an excuse. As angry as I was, I wanted to have this conversation. It was long overdue.
I check my time again, the last text Harry sent me Ok. But it was 8:25 and Harry still wasn’t home. I’d give him five more minutes, I decide. I’d already tried to ring him with no answer.
I stare at the ring on my finger, it was supposed to symbolize a promise he made to me. What a fucking joke. I should’ve never said I do in the first place.
Was it young love, I wonder. Did we do this too fast and we were just set up to fail? But I remember the good memories, the soft and sweet times between us.
“I-I’ve never done something like this before,” I tell Harry. “I hate heights.”
“Listen,” he crowds around me, blocking my view of his friends who are walking up the narrow trail like it was any old walkway. “You go in front of me, I’ll have my hand on your back the whole time. I won’t let you fall. I promise.”
I look up into those gentle eyes and swallow my fear. “Okay.”
“I promise it will be so worth it,” he gushes, his excitement uncaged now that I’d agreed. “There’s no lights there so the stars are so bloody bright--I know you’re going to love it!”
I can’t help it, my lips crack into a smile at his boyish excitement. He catches it and pauses, a breath in this whirlwind of a night. What started out as a house party turned into a walk to a local beach which turned into a hike into the woods and up a precarious--and very steep--ridge to get to an isolated lookout. Only with Harry did I find myself in these situations. And I loved it. I loved him, I realise then. My expression must change because he tugs on my hand, probably worried I’d change my answer.
“Walk ahead,” he instructs and I nearly tip toe on the ridge that’s at least 30 feet across. But his steady hand on my back pushes me gently and I walk across confidently until I look down 2/3 of the way. I freeze in place but Harry’s ready. “Y/N, you’re safe here. Look at me-look...”
I crane my neck and he grounds me, oh my god how did I just realise now how in love I was with him? He squeezes my hand, asks if I was okay. I had to be, I couldn’t stay stuck in the middle.
Inch by inch we finally make it to the other side and I jump off with a yelp which sets Harry off in a burst of laughter. Pretty soon he’s lifted me over his shoulder and carries me to the lookout on the edge. My feet had been through enough, he’d said.
And he was right--it was so worth it; the view with all the stars laid out. The buildings and their light pollution below were blocked out by the outcrops and it made the stars twinkle in all their glory. It made it the perfect place to be with the person I loved.
“Isn’t it the most incredible view?” Harry whispers in awe behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist.
“I.....I have no words apparently,” I laugh and turn in his arms. “Thanks for pushing me, this...it was worth it.”
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ears and gazes at me in a way that makes me want to squirm. But I hold his gaze.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asks with a smile.
“Compared to the view,” I glance behind us. “I guess I’m alright.”
“No,” he guides my face back towards his. “This view over that one, any day. M’just that lucky.”
My words die on my lips as I’m overwhelmed by this feeling between us, the one I thought would keep us together like this forever.
He raises an eyebrow when I go silent and I shrug, “I’m all out of words today.”
I close my eyes as he kisses my temple. I turn back around and we spend the moment in silence, drinking in the view. His friends chatter around us but they’re background noise. My life felt like a movie right now.
Before we leave as a group, I tug Harry back. This was a good as place as any to tell him. I press my lips to his, and it takes him a second but he’s kissing me back. Before it can get carried away I push away and tell him what I’d been thinking all night, “I love you.”
He takes a step back, and then he’s grinning and pulling me back. “I love you! I love you listen, I’ve been wanting to say that for weeks!”
“Yeah weeks! My sister said it was too soon, I might scare you off!”
I think about a few weeks ago, I was intensely shy around him even then. Maybe she was right, but the idea that he talked about me to his sister makes me flush. I wrap my arms around his waist “I just...this moment is so perfect. I never want it to end.”
“It doesn’t have to.” he’d promised. “I’m yours forever Y/N.”
When 8:30 comes and goes I call April, she lets me know where they were. “We’re so happy you’re coming! Are you sure you don’t want us to meet you somewhere else?” she shouts into the phone. When I tell her I just wanted to be where they were she reminds me to text them when I was nearby.
I have to dig into the back of my closet, past the pantsuits I wore to work, the casual dresses and loungewear. I still had some of my old party clothes, just a bit tighter than they used to be. But for where I was going, it would fit in.
Before I leave, I take a pen and scrawl a note: “Great talk"
My friends spot me as I walk in. The music is instantly too loud, the lights too bright, and there are too many people. But one of my them shoves a drink in my hand and pretty soon it’s the best place on earth. It was exactly where I needed to be. I turn off my cellphone and enjoy myself.
After a certain point, I don’t even know who I’m talking to, but pressed up against a body, feeling wanted, it drives me to keep dancing all night. Eventually, I crash at April’s and don’t roll out of hers until 11 the next morning. Harry’s barely an afterthought until I’m tucked in the taxicab taking me home and turn on my phone. 8 missed calls, 2 voicemails and 13 texts.
I’m shocked at the volume, Harry hadn’t blown up my phone like this in over a year. I listen to one voicemail: “Where the hell are you? I come home an hour late and you’re bloody gone with this stupid note here. Pick up! I’ve called you a billion times.”
I stare at my phone, I hadn’t heard Harry this passionate since...well it was a long time. And all it took was going out late and not answering his calls, giving him a taste of his own medicine. It almost makes me angrier; I had to partake in this juvenile dance to get his attention, even though we’d been married nearly 2 years.
He’s on a call when I get home, talking numbers or something. I head directly to the shower, clean up, and take my sweet time. It must’ve driven him mad waiting for me because by the time I’m out he blows a gasket.
“What’s this stunt you pulled last night? Wanting to talk and leaving me a stupid sarcastic note just because I’m late? Where were you?”
“Out,” I shrug. “I didn’t know you were late. You didn’t text.”
“I didn’t tex--oh I see, now we’re being petty yeah?”
That irked me, “I’m not being petty. It’s not like I get the same courtesy when you’re out late!”
“I’m busy, I can’t always be texting you!”
Excuses, I laugh and he looks at me like I’m crazy. “Busy what? Screwing other women-”
“Don’t be making shit up-”
“I’ve had people tell me that they see you with other women Harry! S’not a far stretch!”
That quiets him. Finally, he comes forward to stand inches away. “Y/N, c’mon. You and me...this is stupid. Sure I go out to party but I’m not-”
“Stop.” he was actually trying to talk his way out of this. And because I’d rather step in front of an oncoming train than cry in front of him, I head to the front door and walk out. I’d find someplace to crash today, but I wasn’t doing this.
“How’re you doing?” Janelle asks. I’d shown up at her doorstep and she set up her guest bed. She had plans so I spent most of my time burying myself in work, trying to get rid of all that angry energy pent up in me. Janelle had just come home.
“I’m just trying to move on. I don’t want to talk about him, I just don’t care at this point--I’m fed up!”
“As you should be,” she agrees. “Listen, I know we had a crazy night yesterday but I’m going out with some friends today and...maybe it’ll help you?”
I think about the killer headache this morning, but I also remember how good it felt to forget for a bit. I agree. Before I know it, Janelle’s found something that fits me and we’re back at a different club than the night before. Her friends are familiar faces but after a few drinks we’re all best friends. It feels great. Until I spot Harry’s face.
“That’s enough,” his face looms over mine as he pushes away the man I’m up against.
“What the fuck Harry...” I trail off as he pulls me away from the middle of the crowd. I try to pry his hand off but there’s too many people and he’s moving too quickly...and I’ve had a lot of drinks. “Let me go!” I say when we finally step away. We’re in what must be a private room. He seemed familiar with it--of course.
“So just because you heard I’m out and about some nights, you decide to come here and fuck around with random men?”
“Excuse me?” I stare at him, he was out of his mind. “I’m out having fun with my friends! I’m not here because of you.”
“Really? You come to the same place I come to all the time and dance with these strangers? And you’re drunk as fuck!”
“Since when did you care?” I ask. “Just leave me alone. You’ve been doing that perfectly fine the last few months.”
“I’m your bloody husband Y/N, you can’t just-”
“Then act like one!” I shout, and in the muffled quiet of the room with the bass thumping through it rings out. “I don’t need you! And you made it clear you don’t need me. These rings are a fucking joke, here-” I take mine off and throw it at him.
“You don’t mean it-”
“I do.” I give him a level stare, suddenly clear-headed. Maybe I’d process it later, but right now I was finally seeing what he’d become. He deserved to feel how I felt, and quite frankly, I didn’t give a fuck. I flip him with both hands, “Quite frankly Harry, you can suck my d-”
“Harry!” A shrill voice rings out from the entrance that now carries the loud beats of the dance floor, swallowing my words. “Liam told me you were here!”
I glance at the brunette in the doorway and back at him. I couldn’t even muster an eye roll; I had enough.
“Y/N!” Harry calls my name as I walk out.
“No it’s me, Becky?!” she tries to correct him. I can’t help but laugh as I make my way back to my friends with a drink in my hand, feeling free.
“Y/N, it’s Harry. I don’t know how it got this shite just please call me back. Just give me five minutes that’s all I n--message deleted”
“He’s moved on to the office phone then?” Janelle asks, her desk was beside mine so she’d heard him as I checked my messages. It was two weeks since that glorious night when I’d dumped Harry’s ass. Although a lot of my things were still at our house, I was just staying in a hotel right now while I figured things out. One thing I knew for sure though, I didn’t want to see him again.
“It’s pretty pathetic,” I say. It was also pathetic how long I’d stayed waiting around for us to be magically fixed. But that was something I was working on getting past.
“You’re glowing without him,” April says from where she’s getting her files together. “Haven’t you got that showing out east?”
“Yeah, oh god is that the time?” I rush to get my files in order. “I’ll catch up with you later-”
“We’re still getting drinks after?”
“Yes, drinks!” I call out as I leave the office and head down to the lobby. I don’t expect Harry there, and I barely have time for him as he comes up to keep my pace.
“Harry, I’ve got somewhere to be please leave me alone.”
“Y/N, wait just please listen to me.”
“2 minutes!”
“Not even 1,” I spot my cab out front and head towards it. I’m about to get in but Harry holds the door. “Harry let go I’m going to be late.”
“Just let me talk to you, please!”
I finally look at him and he’s quite a sight. His hair is matted and without it’s usual bounce. He’s got a rough look and a 5 ‘o clock shadow.
“You had plenty of time to talk to me for months, you were too busy at the club. Sorry not sorry,” I tug at the door and he lets go, I don’t spare a backwards glance as we drive away.
One of the showings is successful, I manage to sell the family on the home and we set up a meeting to go over details at my office later in the week. I’ve got a bounce in my step as I return to the office. I tell the girls I’d meet them at the bar as I finalize my papers at the office. My bounce falters when I go head out after 5 to see Harry waiting outside the building.
“Y/N,” he calls out when he sees me. “I’m not going to leave until you talk to me.”
“That’s called stalking,” I say. A few people walking past us turn to glance at him and he notices. He moves to the inside lobby and asks me to follow. With a big sigh I do.
“I know what I did.” he begins.
“Congratulations,” I roll my eyes.
“No wait, I know what I did to you. And sorry can’t cover it. Just let me make it up to you, we have history and-”
“You don’t get it.” I stop his monologue from going any further. “I’m gonna be just fine. Without you. You didn’t care about our history until you couldn’t have me. I don’t know what happened to you Harry, but you’re not the man I fell in love with-”
“I know,” he says, tears of frustration coating his lashes. “I fucked up, I-I didn’t see what I had right in front of me and I just-”
“Let her slip away? Is that the best you can come up with?” I scoff. “You know what Harry? I’m done with this! Boy...bye.”
“Y/N just--” he grabs my arm before I can leave and pushes something cold into my palm. My wedding ring.
“I don’t want this,” I push it back in his hand.
“Please just take it--hold onto it,” he pushes it back into mine and closes my fingers over it. “I can’t...I can’t hold onto it just take it! You don’t even have to think about it-”
“Harry,” I soften my tone. He was desperate and even though some part of me thought it was about time he felt this type of way, my heart hurt a little. I didn’t want him to see that though so I just tuck the ring into the pocket of his button up and pat it. “Goodbye Harry.”
I walk away with my head held high even though he calls out to me. I walk the few blocks to where my friends are waiting and their warm smiles are enough to help me push the memory of Harry’s teary eyes, and the real history we did have once upon a time away. I was done with him, no longer thinking about him.
I just kept telling myself, I was rare like a gem and I had to see that. And maybe one day, someone else will too.
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