#they've really grown better as actors
meraki-yao · 4 months
My two cents on the story some Nick fans hate Taylor:
From what I've seen around they are mainly people who have been following him since before rwrb and if you look carefully they are often huge purple heart fans (and have a slight obsession with the "relationship" between Nick and Sofia) therefore I think that this hatred for Taylor derives from 2 things:
1. They hate that so many people have gotten closer to him because of rwrb but they share the support and love with someone else. That's why they always have to specify that for them Taylor is unemployed (unlike Nick), Taylor is not a good actor (unlike Nick who is the best around for the next 100 years), Taylor is loved only for his hot body and we are all envious that Nick is mentioned around as an actor etc etc. It's impossible for them to accept that people can appreciate both and one must necessarily be better and more loved than the other and they are better fans because they have been following him since before rwrb and they don't want him to still be associated with this film because he will never be "the sole star" but has to share everything with Taylor.
2. Racism. From certain comments they make it is undeniable that this has great relevance in this situation and I don't even want to delve into it because it's not even crazy it's simply disgusting and this is definitely the worst part.
They hate rwrb (but praise Nick as Henry and think he's the only one who did well in the movie) and keep making up this bullshit about how Nick hates the project, hates the cast, his body language says he was uncomfortable on that set, this is the only cast he hasn't remained friends with, Taylor tries hard for have his attention to be relevant but Nick just proves they have no contact and they need it to be true because that's the only thing which they can cling to to hope he doesn't make the sequel. Oh, plus Nick is too busy to accept the sequel and it would be a downgrade for him to do the sequel given the career that awaits him, unlike Taylor who only has rwrb to work and be relevant (all read with my own eyes unfortunately)
In short, I don't know how they can think this is good for Nick and how they can think this is the type of support he deserves and would like. As another blog said, we can't stop them, there are moments they become more vocal and mean and the more we respond the meaner they become saying things like "you get angry because you know it's the truth"
They treat Taylor like a monster, like he's a really bad person, they've done bad things towards him like doxxing and spreading false information about him to convince everyone what an evil person he is.
They say he uses Nick, before Nick's response when he signed the book they said Taylor bullied him with those drawings on his face all because they have this unhealthy relationship with an actor and they think they have some right over his life.
You've explained their (ridiculous) mentality really well, and frankly, it drives me insane that there are people in the world who think they understand one person's career/relationship/life when he doesn't know them
On the note of purple hearts, I didn't watch the movie and I don't plan to, but when I just got into the RWRB fandom and started learning about Nick and Taylor, and I kinda saw some comments from us, that's kind of... something like Purple hearts fans are mad at RWRB because of... opposing political beliefs?
Oh, also agree on the racism thing. Fuck racism man.
My one hope is this bullshit doesn't affect Taylor and Nick. I have faith in their relationship not to turn sour or blame each other because 1, it's not each other's fault 2, they're grown ass adults who understand how this industry, parasocial relationships and fan culture work, but if any of these shitty comments reaches either one of them it must hurt, and arguably hurts Nick more than Taylor, because these people are hurting your friend in your name. That's fucked up.
Again I think the best thing we can do is ignore them, block them and remember that we hold the actual truth: Nick loves RWRB, and Taylor, and Henry. And he and Taylor, on both sides, plus Matthew and a couple editorial writers, stated and showed that they are genuine friends with genuine chemistry.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hi Storm! It might seem a shady question, but it's just curiosity: have you ever disapproved of something the boys did or said, or felt that something wasn't exactly your cup of tea?
I'm thinking about the fact that even between the closest and most affectionate friends disagreements can happen, and that it can happen also with idols, actors etc; I'm thinking about the recent declarations of Jackson Wang, and on a more personal note of a disagreement I had with one of my best friends. It never happens, and then it happens, and I was wondering if you ever felt like this towards BTS, since I think you have a cool and rational perspective on things and you aren't one of those fans that follow blindly their myths.
Personally, I don't have any issues with BTS, and even if I think about some wrong stuff like the misogynistic lyrics Namjoon wrote when he was very young, I also think about his mature and responsible reaction, and how he addressed clearly the issue for what it was without trying to sweep it under the rug. He held himself accountable, a thing that can be hard, so it was worthy of respect in my opinion.
About what is or isn't my cup of tea, I think I feel less of a connection with Taehyung, but this doesn't mean I don't find him quite funny, or adorable or smart, at times. It just means I feel less drawn to him and more towards other members. I think it means he's not my bias? I still don't really use the terminology 😅
I made these two examples in hope you see this question as sincere and not as a provocative one: I adore BTS, I just think they're humans and deserving to be treated as such.
Hi, BTS are humans and they are not infallible. Of course that's okay to talk about, as long as the conversation is respectful, which you have been and I appreciate. Yes, there have definitely been things they've done that I haven't liked. Most honestly that I think they've grown and learned from though honestly too. Because they are geniunely good people.
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In their early years, they did have some issues with cultural appropriation with their use of black culture in, probably an effort to be more hip hop, but just ended up being inappropriate. As well as some issues with cultural appropriation for Native American Cultures as well. Some hairstyles they (all) did, using AAVE a few times in an earlier interview in not a great way, some not great comments about not wanting to be "too tan." And honestly, mostly after 2015, they grew up a lot and things got better and they seemed to learn. There haven't really been any similar type issues that I know of and they are in general, much more sensitive and culturally aware. Especially considering the world wide stage they now stand on. And while I fully appreciate their growth and respect it, doesn't make me not cringe and some old photos of theirs at times too. (Although there also isn't as many instances as antis like to pretend there are) But it's not an issue for them currently. And Namjoon even apologized for his past actions in cultural appropriation during an interview before too and made a log video with an apology later as well too. A very sincere one. Similar to his apology for any participation he had in misogyny with his lyrics. Fully owning up to it and growing.
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I also, and this is the only one that is still something that is hard for me sometimes, hate how entrenched they are in diet culture. And I know a lot of that has to do with how they were raised and probably lowkey traumatized in the kpop industry where that is a HUGE deal. But while they are professionals, and they do have staff and med staff and trainers with them to help make these sometimes unhealthy choices to be healthier. They do have a lot of people who look up to them and I sometimes wish they would be able to help preach a healthier relationship/mindset with food and with body positivity towards themselves. I do think they have gotten BETTER about this, but it's still prevalent. I don't necessarily fault them for it at all either. Because it's an industry thing and self love is a continuous and constant journey. I actually have an ask about this topic too that I've been sitting on and trying to figure out how to best answer that and I'll get into it more then, or maybe I won't and I'll keep my answer more general. It depends on how much I think I actually have to say about it all. Lol I'm not REALLY wanting to open these topics up for debate or discussion really as I don't think there is anything that can be added here and be a productive conversation.
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The misogyny issues brought up were never ones I personally found offensive, but that's just me and I know other people can feel differently about that as well. And that's okay.
Overall though, they are geniunely good people, tend to make good decisions, and geniunely care about people, the world, their fans, each other, etc. I trust them, I also trust them to make good decisions for themselves and those around them and as examples to the world. I trust them to learn and grow from any mistakes. And I trust them to do what's right for them and trust in them as good hearted people, because they really are. Hopefully that all makes sense and this is taken and received well, as I mean it to be. Love them all so dearly. And love yall. Thanks for the ask 💜
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forcebookish · 9 months
Hi there! Just wanted to say that I LOVE ForceBook so much here. Like TopMew silent date? I was squilling like a baby goat the whole time. And the amount of acting from Force through the whole car scene… I was enjoying his acting all 3 episodes, but that was just WOW.
These two are the only ones from OF cast with whom I didn’t watch the series, and now I definitely need more of them. Like they gives me that soft type of chemistry like “stable couple who’s been together forever” even with this whole mess going on 😅
I’m interested if this is their usual style? From OF and interviews I kind of feel that way. Also maybe you have suggestion for me from which of their show I shoud start?
Sorry for ranting here about it ❤️
everyone in my asks keeps apologizing for ranting, have you seen my posts?? you're good, darling, you're giving me a taste of my own medicine and it is DELICIOUS. gather ye round, it's ranting time <3
and yes!! they absolutely are like that. they've been friends since kindergarten and since reuniting for this weird job they have, they've only grown closer - they're basically an old married couple by now😂 book has even referred to themselves as husband and wife😂
my foray into forcebook was kind of similar: i plummeted right into a boss and a babe halfway through its airing, binged half of it and then started following along weekly. between one of those weeks, i shot-gunned enchante because i was so desperate for more of them😅
you probably want to go the more sane route and watch them in order instead (but still binge them between only friends episodes i guess haha). from the start they've been great actors and have had amazing chemistry, and they keep improving. so if you watch in order, you can see the progression of their talent. they're very passionate about their work and have continued with acting classes to this day. book especially has incredibly expressive eyes and force can say so much with just a facial expression, just like in the car scene💔
or you could choose the story that's more interesting to you and start with that one to leave you wanting more! or save the best for last🤔 hm, i might not be helping😅
in enchante we've got pining childhood friends reuniting (sounds familiar, huh?), slow burn, mystery and intrigue, staaaaring into each other's eyes, and shenanigans. and it's even better on the rewatch! don't read any spoilers!! i mean, you might figure it out (i did) but still!
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in a boss and a babe, we've got a scandalous office romance that has more to do with homophobia in the workplace and loving each other despite what anyone thinks, rather than any sort of "power imbalance." it's got instant attraction, sexual awakenings, (not-so) subtextual kink, silly sound effects, and dark backstories.
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and its our skyy 2 sequel episodes have them acting even more like an old (kinky) married couple!
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of the two, a boss and a babe is my favorite, and force's character gun is one of my favorite characters ever, but i find myself coming back to both of them all the time.
forcebook know how to make their characters come alive and their connection feel so real, through intensely emotional, comedic, sexy, and sweet scenes. they're the whole package!
and the constant throughout is: snuggling🧡💙
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thank you for loving forcebook! they really deserve it <3
(you see what i meant about ranting??😅😂)
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redpool · 6 months
Liveblog of the Teen Wolf: The Movie
Yeah that a great place to store the most powerful enemy you've ever had
That was the whitest Japanese I've ever heard
Who the fuck are you
Ok darth vader, chill out
This is the worst thing I have ever watched
Oh my god
Just no
Dude, what the fuck?
I hate it here
Still don't like her
Jordan?? Why are you still here?
Mason's a cop now? Why.
Dude, that was so unnecessary
Dude, that was so unnecessary pt 2
And you're holding hands why?
That was not a two person job
I hate you all
Exactly, why are you here?
Why are you explaining what the nemeton is? We already know????
Eli, that was unnecessary
Derek seems like the best dad
He's a shithead
And a smartass
And also a dumbass
Is it just me or is the a ting really bad?
Oh God, I know what's about to happen.
I'm not mentally prepared for what's about to happen
I dont want to see Ryan's ass
I have been subjected to so many naked bodies over the past week, I'm over it.
Awww, he's trying to be a good dad
Can you put your pants on please
Does this relationship actually bring anything to the plot?
Jesus christ
Why are they acting like they've never been there before??
Seriously, why.
Um ok riddler calm down
Oh, never mind
Have you just learnt to swear??
Bonding moment?
Are we not going to talk about that???
Yeah, Eli and Derek are the only good thing about this movie.
What the fuck
Have I mentioned that I hate it here?
Wow, they really are using that r rating to the fullest, huh.
Why is she naked.
She didn't die naked, so why is she naked?
Why am I doing this to myself
Best scene in that whole movie
The lip filler on this one
Why are her nails painted and done perfectly??
Are you kidding me?
You're going to tell me that Allison, who just came back from the dead, can beat a werecoyote, two police officers AND a true alpha?
Um ew
Dramatic ass
Ok bro, you are over acting rn
What the actual fuck
Why are you walking like that?
Liar liar
Oh my god
She went straight for the head
You're going to sit there and tell me that a human woman is stronger than a at full health werewolf?
Kitsune really said 🧍🏻‍♀️
Just heal? Why aren't you healing?
'Yeah, but I'm a good demon.' yeah bby you are
I've witnessed the Derek Hale take worse hits then that and walk around like its nothing.
Ok, that was pretty cool.
Why are they taking out normal humans?
You've been spending too much time with cowboys
Jesus christ.
You two just need to kiss already
No, it's Kira. You need Kira. You don't need Lydia, you need Kira.
What in the CGI fuck was that
I seriously hate it here.
I really dont give a shit
Lady, you dont even know this child.
Her quiver was literally just empty.
Oh my god
*deep sigh*
Are Tyler Hoechlin and Ian Bohen the only actor that continued a ting after Teen Wolf ended?
You're such a shit-stirrer Peter
It should have been you, instead of Brett & Lori.
Oop, she ded
Oh, they got dusted.
Why did I just gasp?
Oh ok, just throw him down the stairs why don't you.
Oh my god
Are you an idiot?
That was so unnecessary pt 3
Yeah like I cant fucking see the puddle of blood sitting right there.
I'm so uncomfortable
How has the acting gotten worse?
You guys are fully grown werewolves, it's a piece of fucking rope.
I didn't care about your relationship then and I still don't now.
It's the fucking teacher isn't it.
I miss Brett so much. Isaac too.
You're getting to Joker rn dude.
How has the eye cgi gotten worse?
Called it
That's so sad
Has everyone in this movie just forgotten how to act?
Yeah, I really dont care.
Yeah, that's not how it works bruh
See, should have recruited Peter ages ago.
Missed you Jords
How tf would you know?
Do the roar
Holy fuck
Fully body goosebumps rn
Oh shit
Umm what?
He's a unicorn
Bout fucking time
That was so fucking cool
Ew, no.
Jesus fucking christ
I see some Johnny Cage in you Sheriff.
Umm ew
You look like a really fucked up seal
Please shift back. Your wolf faces are really ugly.
Jordan, can you please do something.
'You can't catch me! I'm the ginger bread man.'
Gets worse everytime.
Jords, had him just fine. Derek didn't have to sacrifice himself.
Unnecessary death so it doesn't count.
What is with the writers and burning the Hales.
That didn't happen. Derek is fine.
Get out of my fucking house.
That didn't happen either.
I fucking hate you.
You're full on making me cry rn.
Pretty sure Derek was the first teen wolf character I ever liked, this hits deep.
Oh honey
You seriously think that Peter and Cora would let Allison and Scott raise that child?
Ew, stop.
Have fun in hell bitch.
Am I supposed to know who that is?
Eli, what the fuck are you doing?
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cityoftheangelllls · 1 year
Soooooo the Mario movie was awesome! Definitely the best movie-going experience I've had since Spiderman No Way Home! Illumination really outdid themselves and I think that this has to be the best movie they've done, even more so than the first two Despicable Me movies and Sing! And I can tell they and Nintendo put so much effort into this and making it a giant fan to Mario fans everywhere, from the kids to those who have been there from the beginning. It wasn't perfect (I mean, what movie is, and is there really such a thing as perfection?) but it was still a lot of fun!!!!
Below is what I loved about the movie and what I felt could have been better! Just a heads-up, there ARE spoilers. Even though it has pretty much the typical storyline of most Mario games and is therefore somewhat predictable, I don't want those who haven't seen it yet to miss out on being blown away as I was about it.
The Ups:
MARIO. HE IS THE BIGGEST SWEETHEART. HE LOVES HIS BROTHER SO SO MUCH. HE WOULD FETCH A STAR FROM SPACE FOR HIS BROTHER IF HE COULD. I WOULD DIE FOR HIM AND THE LOVE HE HAS FOR HIS BABY BRO. And from the beginning, he's so determined and motivated and never gives up! And it's his brother that motivates him to do most of what he does! I also liked the little details they added to his character that we never got to see before, such as the fact that he initially hates mushrooms.
Peach was amazing! At first I thought that they girlbossed her a bit too much to the point where she was a carbon copy of Daisy, but now I see her as a kind, maternal, and feminine young woman who fights when she needs to and is just doing her job protecting her kingdom. I hate how people are bashing her characterization here, like, have they forgotten how she was in the DIC cartoons, the 1986 anime, and SUPER PRINCESS PEACH? I also like her backstory and she's so cute as a baby! Also, since I HC that she and Daisy are super close, maybe she learned a thing or two from her!
Toad was so silly and chaotic, and he stole every scene he was in!
Luigi was precious and Charlie Day was perfect for his voice, as I predicted! I can tell that he was totally channeling Tony Rosato at times. I loved so many of his moments on screen, especially when he protects his brother during the final battle!
Jack Black KILLED IT as Bowser! He made him a villain who's hilarious but intimidating and ferocious at the same time and not many people can pull that off effectively!
Donkey Kong was a bit annoying and Illumination-y but they did a good job with him here. Also HE DID THE SETH ROGEN LAUGH TWICE FACK YES
The voice cast in general was fantastic! Charlie Day, Kevin Michael Richardson, and Jack Black were literal perfection in particular, Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong was lit, and Keegan Michael Key was great for Toad, as I predicted! He's a very versatile comedian and voice actor, after all! Also, Chris Pratt's Mario has grown on me in a good way. Although I vastly prefer Charles Martinet, as well as Lou Albano (who has my favorite Mario voice ever), Chris really didn't do that bad of a job! He DID TOO put effort into voicing him, and his "Wahoo!"s and cries of delight and triumph were on point! The only voice that I still feel like I have to get used to is Anya Taylor-Joy as Peach. She's a talented actress but I don't think she entirely suited Peach's soft, feminine, and maternal nature, but that's just me.
Mario and Luigi's parents are so precious! In fact, their whole family is so cute and hilarious! They remind me of my own proudly Italian (mostly) family. And Charles Martinet voicing their dad was the icing on the cake! I'm just so glad we finally got to see their family in general.
I also like how the boys' situation of still living with their parents, (presumably) not pursuing college and working blue-collar jobs while in their 20s-30s wasn't portrayed in a negative way. It's a great way of telling audiences that it's okay if you haven't gone off on your own yet in adulthood or attended college, that life isn't a sequence of steps that everyone has to follow exactly and at the same time, and that patience, hard work, and a positive attitude will lead you to great opportunities in life when you least expect them, like with what happened to the bros.
And then them teaming up together to defeat Bowser and his forces, AS IT SHOULD BE.
I mean seriously this movie was a slap to the face of everyone who thought Mario hates his brother
Mario and Luigi getting their own little house in the Mushroom Kingdom! AND COFFEE CUPS THAT MATCH THEIR HATS!!!!
Mario and Peach's relationship thus far! I love how close they are by the end of the movie, even though they haven't developed a romance yet, and how Mario was telling her all about Brooklyn and how he'll get her a pet turtle once he gets to take her there. D'awwwwwww.
Peach completing the trainer course ALL WHILE WEARING A FULL LENGTH BALL GOWN AND HEELS. AND her admitting that she didn't master doing it until she had tried multiple, multiple times was such a great addition to character, proof that while she may be more of a girlboss here she still has more character development than Rey in the Star Wars sequels.
Peach telling Luigi that he's brave was so sweet :3 Even though they didn't really have a proper meeting scene like I hoped, I'm glad they got to at least interact a little.
Although I wish they would have used the wedding dress from Odyssey or even Paper Mario, Peach's wedding dress here is so pretty!
Donkey Kong becoming an ally of Mario and them helping each other get to the Mushroom Kingdom was super nice, although I do feel their friendship could have been built on a little more and that DK should have apologized to Mario for insulting his brother.
THE MUSIC!!!!! Brian Tyler NAILED the orchestrations of all those iconic themes! I especially got so happy when I heard the SNES Rainbow Road theme, the DK rap, and Toad's House from SMB3! I can only imagine how Koji Kondo, the man who composed so many of these melodies for chiptune almost 40 years ago and is STILL composing music for the games, is feeling now that they have these epic, sweeping orchestral renditions.
They outdid themselves with the animation and visuals as well! ESPECIALLY the visuals. They're so colorful and whimsical and just scenery p0rn all around, from the Mushroom Kingdom giving off major Alice in Wonderland vibes and Bowser's incredible floating lava castle to the Jungle Kingdom and the rainbow road! And I can't think of a single character (re)design that I didn't like! They all look so good!
Bringing back such an obscure and relatively forgotten character as Foreman Spike was awesome!
Every time that Diddy Kong was onscreen was so funny!
ALL THE EASTER EGGS, GOOD GOLLY. From the references to the SUPER SHOW OF ALL THINGS to the guy who's supposed to resemble Jumpman (Mario's first incarnation) at the beginning!
That one bit where Mario is sitting in his room playing a video game also felt really reminiscent of the beginning of The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach (1986). If Nintendo was going for that I'm so glad they acknowledged such an obscure piece of Mario media!
The Downs:
Goddammit, you SERIOUSLY had to include minions in the Illumination logo.
It honestly felt a bit rushed in places and I wish more scenes could have had more time devoted to them. Some characters, ESPECIALLY Luigi, didn't really get as much screen time as I felt they needed, and that kind of sucked.
I was really hoping for Bowser to have a hard rock-style villain song, as that really suits his aesthetic and Jack Black could totally have done it! I mean he was in School of Rock for crying out loud and he's proven afterwards that he can really belt out classic rock tunes! Despite that, I'm glad he got to at least sing in the movie, and his song dedicated to Peach was hilarious.
I'm bummed that the movie wasn't really a musical as I had heard around the net so many times; only two characters sang (Bowser and Toad, even though the latter's wasn't really an actual song) and there were a bunch of pop/rock hits from the past few decades sandwiched in. They were still good songs that I like though, such as Thunderstruck, Take on Me, and Holding Out for a Hero (although I wish it could have been the original Bonnie Tyler version). I was ESPECIALLY pumped to hear Mr. Blue Sky!! But still, a lack of songs sung by characters bummed me out.
I don't like how some lines were changed (such as Bowser's "NOW WHO'S GONNA STOP ME?!?!") or cut entirely (e.g. Mario's "I'm not afraid! I'll do anything for my brother!") I'm especially bitter about the latter, since hearing that line in the final trailer made me super emotional and cutting it meant less devotion to how much Mario loves and misses his brother.
It was kind of a wasted opportunity to not see Mario and Luigi's family (and the rest of Brooklyn for that matter) bewildered over their sons bringing back a princess in a wedding gown, a little mushroom man, and an ape wearing a necktie. I bet their dad would have been wondering what someone put in his coffee, and their mom would have taken one look at Peach and been all like, "OMG IS ONE OF MY SONS GETTING MARRIED ALREADY??" It just would have been nice for them to interact a little.
The blue star/Luma was honestly so annoying and gave me an unsettling identity crisis, I just thought that was not fitting for a family friendly movie. Also, why was he/she in Bowser's dungeon in the first place?
As Donkey Kong should have apologized to Mario for fighting with him, Spike should have apologized to Mario and Luigi for doubting them. It didn't really make sense for him to just abruptly cheering for them.
Part of me kind of wishes it had taken place in the 1980s. It kind of makes sense, given that the Mario and Luigi characters formally debuted in 1983 and this is an origin story for how they came to be.
But despite all this, there were way more ups than downs, and the "downs" are just little nitpicks from me that don't take away from the movie being one hell of a ride. It was fantastic, and definitely one of the best animated movies I've seen in a while. 9/10 from me!!.
Some of my several VERY high hopes for the sequel:
Also, if I have to predict a voice actor for Yoshi, it would have to be either Frank Welker or Kazumi Totaka reprising his role.
Luigi getting more screen time and also getting to share in his bro's adventures! Dude deserves way better!
Mario having second thoughts about Luigi accompanying him in dangerous situations because he's terrified of losing him again, and Luigi reminding him that "nothing will harm them as long as they're together"
PLEASE just more brotherly love!
Mario and Peach developing a romance and vowing to protect each other!
At least one callback to the "Mama Luigi" episode of the Super Mario World cartoon series. I mean, it would only seem right now that Yoshi is joining the gang, right?
Heck, I bet it's going to be chock full of references to the Super Mario World game, the Yoshi's Island games, and the Super Mario World cartoon.
Bowser's backstory (and possibly redemption)! It's clear to me that he's just a big softie that needs love and friendship in his life. And, since he's really their friend who likes to engage in role play just for fun according to word of mouth, I wonder how they will incorporate that into the Mario Cinematic Universe.
Some evidence that Mario and Luigi alternating between their lives in Brooklyn (probably just so that they can spend time with their family) and the Mushroom Kingdom
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outlawssweetheart · 4 months
I submit Nitara and/or Reiko for the character ask game (but really if you want to ramble more about Erron and/or Skarlet, go right ahead !)
Oh, I would LOVE to talk about both Nitara and Reiko! 🥴
How I feel about this character:
She's my baby, and I love her. She deserves so much better. She is horrendously underutilized by NRS, the fandom doesn't appreciate her enough, and for fuck's sake, don't get me started on MK1! But I will. Megan Fox's voice acting is terrible, and her voice simply sounds nothing like how Nitara should sound; she sounds like a bored Cali-girl. Her face doesn't look right (like Megan, but not as pretty?), but I can look past that because at least she isn't ugly. And her characterization? Nitara is supposed to be neutral, and now they've made her a complete monster who wants to enslave other races, force them to breed (🤮), and use them and their children she forces them to have for food. They've basically turned her into one of, if not the, most evil and sick characters in the franchise!
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Erron, a bit. But only a bit. And I guess the idea of her and Reiko is amusing to me for the obvious reason.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I... don't think I have one. 🤔
My unpopular opinion about this character:
She should be a main character! And I hate her original look. Her look in MK2021 was perfect, Idc.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
I wish she'd been in MK11, I wish she had a real voice actor, I wish she hadn't been killed off after barely even existing in the movie, I wish her entire look was better in the games, and I want her to be a main character in my lifetime.
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How I feel about this character:
I honestly didn't care about Reiko other than as a tool for Skarlet's characterization and Skarron's relationship for the longest time, but he has grown on me recently. Granted, I think I've attached myself to him recently because Nitara in MK1 is so disappointing, and neither Erron nor Skarlet are there, and he's a Skarlet proxy to me, but... yeah, he's definitely grown on me. And he's hot now, so there's that! 😏
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Skarlet, a bit. But only a bit. Mileena by a spec. And, as I said, Reiko/Nitara sounds amusing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Shao, in the new timeline. I know some people ship them, and I'm cool with that because I'm a "Ship and let ship" gal, but it's just not for me.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
He should also be a main character. Or at least not a damn jobber. (Same for Nitara.)
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Main character, or at least not a jobber anymore. And I wish MK2021 hadn't done him so fucking dirty. That was not Reiko! 😩
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Give me a character, and I’ll break their ass down.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
The main leads of Never Let Me Go simply cannot act. I'm not big on amazing acting in BLs. That is, what I'm trying to say is, I don't watch BLs for tasteful or even Oscar worthy acting, however even I can't sit through the terrible emoting of the main actors in NLMG. Only one episode left and through it all I, kept hoping they get better, but the series just kept going south, especially after episode 5. And the plot literally makes zero sense! Like I don't need supremely deep or meaningful plots, but it should at least be something. I feel like a lot BLs now are just becoming about hot kisses and steam quotient(I'm not complaining), but the story should make SOME sense at least!! The only reason I am still holding on is for Chopper. He deserves the world and the actor Perth also out-acts everyone in the series even with only 5mins of screentime/episode.
Welp, we can agree to disagree! I fully respect and enjoy the main two actors and consider this to be their redemption arc after Fish Upon the Sky.
So it's hard for me to comment much on this. I think Pond and Phuwin are quite talented actors and I'm enjoying their story. Is it perfect? No. But it makes more sense than the other mafia/bodyguard BL we got last time so no complaints here! (No, I will not name nor discuss this more, okay y'all?)
I really like them. I like Nueng and I see his growth and how he's matured and changed and learned about the strength he can take from other people and the bravery to admit his own sexuality but also the distrust that has grown in his that has lead to the way he's hurt my boy Chopper and I love how Palm has gone from forced into the job and thinking his boss was cute to mixing love and duty into one rather unhealthy mix that hopefully Nueng can take the time to help him unlearn from his father.
Chopper is absolutely my favorite character but that's also about how I like my characters. I still hope he gets shot instead of shooting his dad.
Anyway, everyone watches shows differently and I cannot judge acting ability because I am totally oblivious to a lot of the things that go into good acting and/or good acting chemistry. That's not my wheelhouse. But I like Pond and Phuwin and I'm very glad that they've gotten this chance to show us what they could do after FUTS showed us... nothing good.
I am worried for the finale because you are right that Chopper has had very little and I'm not sure they can give him a satisfying ending especially with Ben at this point. But they can try, I guess.
I mean, I'd again like to repeat that NLMG is absolutely my favorite bodyguard/mafia type BL to release at this point. 100% my top favorite and I am so happy.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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The opening of Big Dragon has hooked me in! Drama! Blackmail! Toxicity! Chinese mythology and dragons and lion dancers! And the title sequence and theme song is a great vibe.
I'm liking the lighting/coloring and all the camera work. I suspect it may go a long way in making this show seem interesting. Perhaps more interesting and unique than the plot actually is? I will have to see. The Greek Chorus of dum-dum friends seemed very typical to Thai BL pulp, even if the room they were in seemed more grown up. I hope either they get more interesting or they disappear from the story.
I was trying not to compare, but so far it really does feel a lot like what Fahlanruk is trying to be. When two fuckboys collide. The parallel hookups did not help the comparison (Big Dragon did it much better.) Although the actors actually did very little that was explicit in that scene, the editing, script, music and acting made it feel a lot more explicit than anything in Fahlanruk has.
Anyways, I was excited about Fahlanruk's concept of two fuckboys meeting their match and disappointed that they weren't giving it to me. So I'm feeling excited and hopeful about this one so far. There chemistry has been more antagonistic at this point, but they're doing well at that. And the trailer made them look very good together.
~ I hope we don't get too much of these business interview things or business talk in general. Business bros are boring. Even the translator thinks so, the subtitles got markedly worse in that section. It seems like they got messed up at a crucial point when Mangkorn was sending Yai a loaded subtextual message during his speech. Or at least I didn't I understand what he was saying there.
~ Is this woman Ajo he's asking out gonna turn out to part of the lesbian couple? I'm getting distinctly uninterested vibes from her, but she's also framed like she's going to be an important character.
~ Secret photographer!
~ I like the spoiled but hardworking rich kid thing Yai has going on. He has a cute pout. I like how he kind of gets transformed by his circumstances. Young and earnest at the interview, full of swagger at his bar.
~ I also like the sets. They all seem textured and visually rich. I'm so tired of white walls. I know they're the low budget option so I'm not mad about it. But it's also really nice to see something else. (One of the reasons I like My Only 12% as well).
~ Pong and Park! They're great. I love that we've established some sort of pining situation right off the bat. The slapstick is a bit over the top for me, but doesn't stop me from liking them.
~ But what is Yai's necklace! I still haven't been able to get a good look.
~ Ok, so I am Very Intrigued by this rivalry they've got going on. When did it start? Why did it start? Was that the first time they fucked? The conversation kind of made it seem like it wasn't. 👀 And does that mean Mangkorn hired the photographer himself just to taunt Yai?
~ I like Ajo a lot. And I love that Mangkorn is constantly being shown entering rooms with shots that Pan up from his feet. Very fun and dramatic.
~ The colors! The textures! I love the look of this show. And, since I've had sound mixing on my mind, the sound quality seems decent. The whole thing feels... not expensive, but also not low budget. For some reason it's making me think of the US American TV show Revenge. Not that they're very similar in premise or even the look, but it has the same feel of trashy glamour. Or perhaps glamorous trash. Very fun.
~ Ajo's face as Yai and Mangkorn are doing their posturing game. 😂
~ Ah, it's a tiger pendant. Thanks, Mangkorn!
~ Phew. That skirted the edge of feeling too dubcon for me, but managed to stay on the safe side. Still fucked up, mind, but it feels mutually, consensually fucked up, and fits this glamorously trashy world.
~ That was reasonably hot with reasonably good chemistry. It didn't blow me away, but that feels about right for these characters at this point in the story. It was all very well shot and edited.
~ Ohhhhh. It's all been a flashback. They tricked me. 😂
~ THEY ALREADY HAVE EACH OTHER SAVED ON THEIR PHONES AS 🐯 AND 🐉!!! I don't know why but somehow that is the cutest thing. Even when they still think they hate each other they're using cute emoji symbols. 🥺
Plus a moody angsty music video at the end?!! This is amazing. This is perfect. I love it. This show is exactly what I didn't realize I was looking for. Thank you, universe for providing.
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orange-ghost · 1 year
Long post? I've been thinking a lot about Sia's "Music" lately. No, I'm not trying to insult her. I'm talking about the film. Her diagnosis has been all over my timelines, and most people are condemning her for the film's content nonetheless.
I think all the other big Autism accounts have criticized her well enough that I don't need to add on. As they should. They've all said what I wanted to say & I personally won't be forgiving her so easily. But the "Music" fiasco... actually reminds me of how PAPERBOY (my webcomic) was born, in a way?
Matthew & his classmates have lived in my head since 2015. And I remember that when I started PB, I actually didn't know I was Autistic yet, either. At the time, all I knew was that I was a kid in Special Ed, that disability was an unspeakable topic, and that a lot of the people involved in it treated me badly.
Kids' brains are like sponges-- they soak up whatever's around them. And I was raised drowning inside of an awful program. One that didn't show nor teach us respect, acceptance, or anything like that.
I resented, looked down at "certain" kids with the more noticeable disabilities, for "making SPED kids look bad! You're the reason we ALL get seen as less than!" And the thought that I could ever really count as a disabled kid was my worst nightmare. Because in my head, being disabled would mean that all this abuse was justified. And that I was truly & utterly inferior.
And I'd wring out all that nasty thought-process water. It would spill onto the pages of notebooks that became PAPERBOY's first drafts. And oh, believe me, it stained.
But, unlike Sia, I was a kid then. She's grown. She also put that shitty story up for all to see, while mine was restricted to notebooks. And it was only a year or two after I learned about being diagnosed as a baby that the ND movement(s) started blowing up online. So I looked into it, and like... it opened my 14-year-old mind up a lot.
So you know what I started doing? CHANGING THE STORY. Writing a better one. One that was much less hateful. And I changed the core message from "fuck disability, and fuck Special Ed too!" to "being different is not something we should feel punished and pain for. We are a community. And we deserve better."
Autism is neutral & one if the most human things I can think of. It's not to be demonized or glorified. It's not a tragedy, and it's not always some amazing miracle, either. We are people, not props. We deserve to be spoken & storytold about realistically. And we should be embraced at the end of the day. You need to be willing to learn how to listen & respect life's Autistics as they are.
Sia can't undo the real life harm she & her ableism inflicted. I can't, either. But... she CAN choose to change, grow up & out of it, and maybe lead her audience with her. Hopefully, with her new diagnosis, all that time offline, and a crap ton of self-reflection, she can. I mean, I managed, and I'm nowhere near as life-experienced, smart, OR skilled as she is!
Truth be told, I kinda hope she makes another Autism movie? With a big writing team of experienced, Autistic storytellers who know what they're doing. Cast Autistic actors. And instead of writing about somebody that she clearly doesn't see as an equal, she can actually level with them & write them a better story, too. "Music" was dedicated to somebody, right? I think that Somebody deserved a story where they're not just seen, but they're heard. And spotlighted! (Music certainly wasn't.) So... why not try again?
Or hey, maybe not even that, maybe she can try writing from her own experiences as an Autistic woman this time. Growing up undiagnosed, what that was like for her, dealing with a taught self-hatred in a mask that seems to have controlled her life.
I don't know. I like to live my life focusing more on what we CAN do about something instead of doubling down or getting stuck on what we can't. And I think others should, too.
Doubt she's reading this, but like... you've gotta make this right, Sia. Do better. Figure something else out. That's all.
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emeraldhazeart · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @friendofbats!
Sorry it's taken me so long - I really struggled to find 4 ships 😅
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships
In no particular order
1. The Titanic (1912)
2. The Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)
3. The Ever Given (Suez Canal March 2021)
4. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Star Trek)
OK, OK, not that kind of ship. Gotcha.
For real though, this was kinda hard because I'm not a big shipper. I tend to just go along with the default canon ships. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of ships, but I had to really wrack my brain to find four I love.
1. Female Shepherd x Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect trilogy)
I was not expecting to feel so strongly about this ship, but after recently replaying the ME trilogy and romancing Garrus this time, I was blown away by the chemistry between him and FemShep. The voice actors do a phenomenal job anyway, but they really brought their 'A' game to this relationship. It made the ending all the more bittersweet for me, knowing how ME3 closes out...I just want these 2 to be together forever, dangit!
NB: I know the player chooses Shepherd's appearance and how they respond to certain situations, but I still see Shepherd as a defined character, rather than an OC/self insert.
2. Nina x Galen (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Does it still count as a "ship" if they've already been married for decades when we meet them? Eh, I'm counting it.
When I think of OTPs, I think of characters I can't imagine with anyone else. That defines Nina/Galen for me. They clearly mean the world to each other.
3. Fox x Vixen (Animals of Farthing Wood)
I've spoken before about how the AoFW cartoon was my childhood. Well, these 2 were my OG ship. I can't think of Two characters more meant to be together.
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Even the narrative (in the books, at least) calls out how unusual their bond is, with the two choosing, unlike other foxes, to stay together long after their cubs are grown up. I love the way they respect and admire each other, how there's never even any question of anyone else for either of them, and how, even when times are tough, they never turn their frustrations on each other.
4. Robin x Starfire (Teen Titans 2003)
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I've always enjoyed 'Friends to Lovers' stories - Which makes a lot of sense since I realised I'm demisexual 😅 My favourites are the stories where they've been friends for a long time, before something shifts and they finally realise they see each other as more than friends.
I think that's part of the reason I resonate so much with this ship.
Last Song: Eyes Closed by Ed Sheeran
Currently Reading: Shadow by Michael Morpurgo
Last Movie: um... I really can't remember what my last movie was. It's been that long since I consciously sat down to watch a film
Craving: it's a cliché, but: milk chocolate. 😅🍫
No pressure tags: @sneakyfox55 @lizzie-tempest @hannahcbrown @acustardduckling @harvestpokerune @devaneiosblues and anyone else who'd like to have a go 🙂
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someoneinjersey · 10 months
while googling the answer to "why does 5 seconds of summer hate their song 'dont' stop'" last night i came upon a tumblr post from a now deactivated account, dated 8 years ago listing four big reasons why they hate 5sos.
as someone who's almost 40 and just became a 5sos fan and has lived through the golden and bullshit days of pop punk and little bands full of dudes etc, i was like OP I JUST WANNA TALK
like their points were that 1) they steal riffs and logos and designs, 2) theyre mean to fans, 3) theyre sexist, and 4) theyre homophobic.
as to point 1 -- at the time the post was made, they were still teenagers (or three of them were, one was 21) and they were of COURSE going to be making music and designs or whatever that were influenced by the bands they liked and grew up on. that's how that shit works, both being teens and being in bands. its extremely hard to be original anymore, and you can't even say the bands they copied were being original either because they TOO were drawing from artists who came before. everything old is new again, every song sounds like another song and every art design has been influenced by another or is a tribute to another. that's just ART. the video linked to prove that a 5sos song was the same as another band's (it was either MCR or FOB or Green Day, idr) is no longer available, but i think a better video to watch would be one of several that points out all popular songs are from the same chords.
as to point 2 -- again, the post cited that explained the bad experience has since been deleted, but you will find that EVERY SINGLE ACTOR OR SINGER OR BAND OR ANY TYPE OF CELEBRITY HAS STORIES FROM FANS WHERE THEY WERE "MEAN". because people have bad days, and sometimes fans really feel entitled to too much of them. we as consumers of their art aren't entitled to shit. and once more (this is a theme to my pov) they were literal teenagers who shot to fame and by their own accounts were sometimes doing five countries in five days.
points 3 and 4 -- the sexism and the homophobia which were just old twitter posts ... i would like to know if OP has ever met a group of young male friends or anyone from australia. obviously we know now that shit's not kosher and hope they've grown and learned, but they were teenagers (I say this because all the ones cited were by Michael who was not the member who was 21 at the time of OP's list). they're about the same age as my brother, and having been around him and his friends at that age ... that's how they talk to each other. same with having had a best friend from australia for 17 years, culturally it's not a big deal to say shit like that. and AGAIN if it's about putting it on twitter for everyone to see, THEY WERE STUPID BOYS.
even though i'm not on twitter anymore (or fucking X or whatever) and i don't follow them on social media at all, i haven't seen anything to suggest they still have that same dumb boy mindset. and you can look at it like, thats me being sexist or ageist, or you can look at it like i'm excusing it all because of their age and gender and the cultural differences, plus their parents probably didn't teach them any differently. so honestly take this however you want but like man. having lived through the pop punk bandom during the 2000s and 2010s, you gotta be able to separate people making stupid mistakes from people doing really fucked up shitty things.
so thats my rant because that post rubbed me the wrong way OH WELL.
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sunshineapparition · 8 months
mb interview
hii, i've put together a rough transcript of things Mosbank said in the LoveCast interview, please go watch it, everyone was sweet and lovely, but maybe it'll be useful for some
i might do the same for their most recent live interview just cause there might be new info
'very spicy', but it won't be like Big Dragon; it'll be romantic and sexy
separated into two parts - Thai Old Period and Present time; the Old Period will also show more about Thai culture and build the story
the mystery (Phaya Naga) in the last scene from the trailer is supposed to give wealth and prosperity, so…
they've answered this almost everywhere but - for Bank, Lin is more him than Yai, he thinks that Lin is little bit stupid, but cute, clumsy, trusting, less angsty, just like he is, and Yai to him was more of a grown up (was he really xd..)
for Mos - Mangkorn was closer to him, much easier to portray, and Sun is 30yrs old and so he has to look and act more mature (in Paris Bank said that he thinks Mos will do well because many things Sun does for Lin, Mos does for Bank)
more subtle sexy than showing off sexy
now this interview was recorded I believe in August and Bank said the workshop will be at the end of the month
(however I still believe the trailer won't be until Jan 2024, though I want it now xd I also want everyone to work really hard on the series, not only that MB deserves it, but the culture as well)
the author of the novel said few days ago the english version is coming soon btw!
Big Dragon
basically nothing was said; not surprised
i will dig into the other interview just for the movie actually
Club Friday the Series
Bank again said don't watch his series (however I loved his performance, I think he shouldn't be ashamed, quite otherwise, and I found it much more interesting than Mos' one, he was also great, but I love toxic drama xd)
Bank is playing a very mature character, sexyy scenes and all
Mos is the opposite, young, straight and great partner
at first they didn't want to accept the offer - they thought they wouldn't be good enough compared to their bigger co-actors (Saiparn,..), but now they feel that it helped them become better
focuses on equality a lot
it'll be different from the pilot
SH wanna like make a bang with it as there aren't many thai fantasy/supernatural movies
international actors will join this movie too, out of SH
also Mos talks about it like he's in it but I'm not sure, right now he's not
they were really nervous but excited about the Pride parade; their idea was to show people, help people understand (some people from the provinces, far from big cities, didn't even know about the Pride) - Bank inspired his mom and she would like to join next year
their concept was 'love is pure' - hence they white and the wings (Bank dressed as fairy)
name Bank is too popular in Thailand - so he went to the fortune teller; and then tried it in instagram first to check if there are any accounts
Mos' real name is Modt, it turned to Mos because of his grandparents pronouncing the name with different accent - then Bank helped him with Moslhong
while modeling - Bank disliked dressing up just for jobs, he didn't feel like he had his own identity, now he wants to be himself
they've been taking dancing classes and Bank said he grew up with 1D
chemistry game - they nailed it
the future in 3 words - Bank 'thank you, sorry, see you soon' and Mos 'grown up, developed, six-packs'
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faccal · 2 years
I swear, the way Lord John Grey looks at Jamie is gonna be the death of me. So full of love, sadness, David Berry is such an expressive actor he literally only needs his eyes. I'm almost halfway through season six, and there's a scene where the current governor is reading aloud a letter Jamie had written to him, standing down from his position for Indian relations, mentioning personal obligations are preventing him from continuing (he didn't exactly say that, but I have poor memory, lol) let me tell you, the confused and even angry expression John made just staring at the letter when the governor set it down. He then asked John if it was a letter of resignation or possible rebellion (Jamie is joining the Sons of Liberty y'all) John's face immediately relaxed and he went back to his calm, cool, masked self stating "I'm sure it is only the former."
The episode goes on and they see each other at Mistress McDonalds (the way these two men stare at each other, look at each other, see each other, is gonna fucking kill me) they have to stop some people from tar and feathering a printer (side by side, John grabs a broom covered in tar for defense lmao) and later when Jamie tells John what he's gonna do, John's eyes get full of so much sadness and worry. When he says something about Jamie potentially dying he seems to cut off and his left eye twitches really badly. (I've never seen his eyes twitch once in this show)
He also then says "you may lose your life" to which Jamie replies "or gain my freedom", with a retort of "freedom from what?" From John. Honestly I just, these bebes are so tragic and sad and I just wish they could all be happy. I really want John to be happy but Jamie loves his wife so I'm just sad about these two men and how far they've come. The whole episode John looks so sad, concerned. Anytime he looks at Jamie it's almost as if he's worried it's the last time. I just....ahshdhdjdhjcc. These men deserve better, as does Claire. These three have been through so much and I love them all.
Also in one of the promos for this episode, Sam (Jamie) talks about where his character is during this episode, and David (John) mentions how his character is torn between his loyalty to the crown, and his loyalty to the Fraser family *cough* Jamie *cough cough*.
I shouldn't ramble about these two, but they equally make me so happy and also terribly sad all at once. My books should be in within the next two weeks, I order them on the 16, the nine outlander books and the four lord John novels. I intend to buy the other side novels she's written, in order to get more information and to see my babies on paper. The Scottish Prisoner is about Jamie's time with John at Helwater* (originally I put Ardsmuir but that's only because I hadn't actually explored what each individual Lord John novel was about.) I'm excited to see them all on paper!
I must. Consume. Everything. Lmao, I just can't handle these two damnit. Also I've grown to love Claire, I really didn't care for her in the first season as much. I did enjoy her character and I loved the story, but upon my third watch through, I did start caring more about her. Frank's story is pretty tragic I think,and I do believe she was selfish for not letting him go, but these characters are portrayed so realistically. Often times you'll see unrealistic characterizations, or characters who always know the right way and nothing goes wrong. They have no flaws. These characters in Outlander, do have flaws. They have emotions,thoughts, opinions, they aren't created two dimensionally (for the most part, there are exceptions) and I just love the depth of each of the main characters. I just, enjoy the show. I am Scottish, mainly, though my family has lived in America for a long time. My ancestor Hateville, who came over and settled a town near where I work, is buried close by as well. I watched for the Jacobites and stayed for the storyline lol (and some of the drama)
Alright, enough of my nonsense and rambling, for it already makes little to no sense.
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authorangelita · 2 years
For the fanfic writer ask!!
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Thank you for the asks!  I really had to think about these for a little bit, and I hope you like the answers 😃
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
I'm going to go with the little verse of Wearing Your Wounds and Sanctuary because they're the Dalton Ranch fics, and they have OCs.  For Jack's mom, I think Sally Field, yes?  For Jack's sister Shelly, I think I'd cast Rachel Griffiths (from Brothers & Sisters), her husband Joe could be Ian Bohen (from Yellowstone & Teen Wolf), and I have no idea about the kids.  I used to have favorite actor kids, but they've all grown up!
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I answered this one for pluto, but I'll give you another one because I don't just have one.  The Care & Feeding of MacAndJack is one of my favorites.  It's an outsider POV (via Annie, my fave nurse), and I had a lot of fun writing someone else's thoughts on Mac and Jack and their partnership. 
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Writing is a great outlet for feelings.  Stories are some of the oldest ways to communicate and work through things, and they can evoke all the emotions.  Sometimes, you want to feel like you're part of the team.  Sometimes, you need to live vicariously through someone else's comfort.  Sometimes, you need to work through pain by putting it on a fictional character.  There have been times that I've cried my way through writing a story, but I've felt better afterwards. 
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yeonchi · 1 year
Tsuburaya Productions has announced an English dub of Ultraman Z, but instead of casting Japanese-based English voice actors like they did for the Ultra Galaxy Fight miniseries, they casted American-based English voice actors. I didn't recognise the other names because I haven't been following anime (let alone dubs) for years, but when I saw Christopher Sabat being credited as executive producer and narrator, I knew Tsuburaya had come full circle and it only took them four years to do it.
Does this go to show that American-based English voice actors are better than Japanese-based English voice actors? I don't really think there'll be much debate on that because the former is more known to dubbed anime fans compared to the latter as they've mostly been known to do narrations before Bandai got some of them to start voicing tokusatsu toys. I was hoping that the latter category would become as well-known as the former category but in my opinion, Westerners always tend to gravitate to what they know best because they might have grown up with it.
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"hello nice to meet you" goes bonkers over this song
So first of all starting off with the obvious new greg
Plot reason to explain a new actor! He literally became a new person- Rebecca perceives him way differently than she did before
This Greg is cuter I'd say, because she sees him as less mean
Similarly, Rebecca's transformation comes in the evolution of her hair, which I've talked about before
Considering the show is from her POV it makes sense as to why shes the same actor, sure she changed, yes she acknowledges she changed, but deep down she still perceives herself in a similar way, because those bad things of her past will remain in her mind, she can forgive others but not herself
WHICH! i will come back to later
The first place they go to is the pretzel shop- the first example that shes becoming her own person and doing something that makes her happy
This shows Greg that she has gotten better- however as established in a later episode, the pretzel shop isn't her "dream" so while it makes her happy, its not her full true self. This matches with the fact shes really happy to see Greg however the guilt of her Marco incident weighs her down- she enjoys the pretzel shop but shes still not achieving her dream
Rebecca is stunned to find Greg so different- he was a bitter guy who, despite going back to her a lot, found it hard to forgive She needs reassurance that he's ready to forgive- she doesn't THINK he should forgive especially considering Marco
The song starts because Rebecca doesn't feel like this is reality- while the songs are usually her escape from reality this isn;t the same, she can't believe this is reality
Greg says at the start he wants to start over, however Rebecca's mind is telling her that they can't truly start over fully. Thats why she starts off with "You've been inside of me" as she can't disconnect their past from them Then he responds with "You broke my heart" obviously not something he holds against anymore, but I see it as Greg telling her that he cared. We see in the song "I hate everything but you" he has a really unconventional way of saying I love you. Greg can come off as uncaring so he wanted to reassure her But back to Rebecca's starting line, she uses sex to cope a lot of the time, to cope with the fact that shes debating about the Marco thing she cracks a joke like that
They then say "I've spent many years processing my anger, wouldn't know what to say to the person I knew, but its nice to meet you" They acknowledge the fact that they are the same people but they can see in eachother that they've grown- maybe suggesting to eachother they're proud of the others growth
Then the sets come in
They aren't real, they don't look real
The characters acknowledge them. A lot of Rebecca songs the sets are very IN the song but the fact they are obvious sets continues the fact that Rebecca doesn't see this as real- she can't believe it
"Oh maam your baguette!" ,,,hear me out on this one guys Basically they're only kinda talking about their issues with eachother, only one off sentences but they'd rather make jokes and act like nothing happened Obviously,, this isn't the best as seen later but this is what Rebecca WANTS to happen She doesn't want to say the Marco thing because she likes Greg, she wants to act like nothing happened So they can make jokes but the song has the general theme of "ypu did this to me!!" covered with a joke, cus Rebecca wishes something as big as that could be jokes about
Greg agreeing with him being toxic and rebecca agreeing that she was a bitch <3 theyve grown so much my sillies
"Yeah she kinda was" They're not going to make excuses for eachothers past actions, they just forgive
Which is the entire thing of the song
Don't ignore but forgive
Also the screen ratio changes from average film to tv (tv being,,, rebeccas real life) once again suggesting that feeling of not real
"I mean is anyone we meet really that new to us, we're all the same species that grew in a uterus" so true line Every human is some way is connected adn connections are important We all came from the same place so #worldpeace whatevs
"You seem really cool" they're so dorky I love them. Plus his little spin is so much like the "I gave u a uti" song, this time she gives into his silly goofiness tho! cus love
"if you have a message for my doppelganger, I'm happy to pass it along as a favour" Making it clear to eachother that talking and setting boundaries is important and that they do want to let the other vent out past emotions, however they won't take it as personal as they aren't the same people as they were 2 years prior
However, Rebecca knows she has to tell the truth about his dad so she tries to bring the conversation back to seriousness with "Tell him its sad that he had to hide" Then Greg responds with a jokey line, shutting her down However, unlike old Rebecca she wants to let people know how truly sorry she is so she immediately says "Tell him I'm sorry" she wants the conversation to be serious for a second And Greg realises that, so he goes along with it. Showing how unlike before he's ready to face his emotions
The camera also changes back to normal during that line cus thats when it gets real,,,
They just take a second
To smile at eachother
No singing
No speaking
Just a simple smile
Then a cute walk back to where they started at the start of the song, Rebecca seeing the smile realised he did mean it, he does love her AHH
Ok why isn't one on youtube
Theres a song right before this next one where they sing "I mean is anyone we meet really that new to us, we're all the same species that grew in a uterus. A kiss is a kiss, a face is a face, so what if we met in another time and another place"
After Rebecca tells him about the Marco thing- she thinks its over
However, he meant what he said
He meant that he wanted to start over
He truly forgives her, so he reconfirms it They know that they're good together- it truly was just "right person wrong time" and they realise this, their faults are faults but they're still a person, just like the other
the reprise.
"she can forgive others but not herself"
this is represented in her dislike/ignorance of the child she donated her egg to
She says shes getting better but her hatred for herself is now put into this baby- which she sees as a small version of herself
Babies as commonly known as "pure" yet Rebecca's thoughts on herself taint Hebby's image
Though this song starts off with her introducing herself- cus shes ignored this baby for so long
You know Darryl calling the baby Hebecca probably did not help her
But Rebecca introduces herself because this is her acknowledging the baby isn't her
"Your kind of me" Still- she does feel like her mental health issues will impact this baby, shes worried shes made a mistake and itll grow up to have as poor of a life as she did
And she knows the baby is in good hands, so she knows the issues won't come from family trauma, but she assumes it would come from her. She doesn't want to even acknowledge what she sees as a mistake
Considering the fact the baby was born as she as getting arrested (knowing Rebecca's reliance on "signs) her view is,,, probably ruined by that too
"Since your both the future and kinda a mirror, I'll tell you right know that life doesn't get clearer" But she realised her best chance at letting Hebby have a good life was to give the baby advice- to ensure her future would be good. Plus, she wishes she got the advice, as she searched for her life to suddenly "make sense"
"All I can say is have fun in the grave" Still- Rebecca is a pessimist despite her trying to hide it in optimism. So she lets herself slip into a more morbid thought in front of the child
Then at the end, she emphasises "It's nice to meet you" because Hebby is her own person- a person that Rebecca should have a connection to as she grows up
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