#theyre fambly
heleizition · 1 year
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cyno + one (1) collei :]
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tsukana · 7 months
my HEART for phil teaching baghera pvp strats and how to crit properly and how to punish-crits and w-tapping....
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silvercrane14 · 2 years
You are so right drawing ryuseitai kids as you do… they look so good I’m so extremely obsessed
thank you i stole your Midori
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flygefisk · 2 months
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my lil guys & the way i'm choosing to interpret them
antlers would not be conducive to a subterranean lifestyle, so i'm interpreting them as branched antennae/sensory organs. dusthides with the antlers gene are often nestkeepers- the thicker fur helps to keep eggs and young hatchlings warm in the cool underground, while the 'antlers' allow them to detect small changes indicating dangers or distressed hatchlings.
their bodies are closer to armor-plated badgers or weasels (depending on the individual) than armadillos, but armadillo-like ears help them detect the slightest sound or vibration from the surface above. some individuals have larger or smaller dewclaws, some even appearing to have only the large digging claws. they use these claws for breaking into termite mounds and anthills.
their wings are strong, but too small and their bodies too dense to fly- their wings are more often used to scrape dirt from the sides of tunnels. their tails are flat and somewhat curved, used to scoop out piles or dirt or pack it tightly to strengthen walls or smooth out floors.
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arbitersart · 3 months
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that funny little girl
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zeldathusiast · 1 year
Thinking about Wind hiding an injury from the rest of the Chain in an effort to prove that he's just as capable, just as strong as they are. He can handle himself.
(Nevermind that his injury would end up being one of the worst the Chain had ever seen.)
After hours of straining himself and angrily batting away concerned hands and gazes, he can't go on anymore. He feels his legs give out under him, feels white hot pain rocket through his body when Legend catches him just before he hits the ground.
The Chain panics when they see their baby brother collapse like a limp puppet, and Legend can't get the image of Wind's blood coating his hands out of his head.
At some point, Wind feels himself being placed into a soft bed, and at another he feels a warm potion slip down his throat accompanied by the warm tingle of fairy magic that soothes his wounds.
Wind fades in and out of consciousness for days, time blurring together. In his feverish delirium he mistakes Four for Aryll, letting slip the truth of how scared he was when he saw Aryll get kidnapped, how scared he was when he was thrown into the sea, how he didn't expect to wake up again. How he knew he'd failed her.
(The Chain's hearts break as they hear him apologize to thin air over and over until he once again passes out. "I'm sorry, Aryll," he whimpers, "I'm sorry you have such a weak brother who couldn't even protect you.")
When he finally wakes lucidly a week later, the Chain is tearfully relieved that he's alive. Wind learns that he nearly died multiple times as they rushed him to an Inn.
Wind is flooded with guilt when he sees Hyrule unconscious on the bed next to him, clearly suffering from extreme magical exhaustion.
After more recovery and a thorough scolding by the Chain to "Never do that again or so help me I'll kill you myself," Wind feels safe.
His brothers will eventually ask him questions about what he said, and Wind will finally be comforted and assured that he did his best and protected his baby sister so, so well. That he was enough. That Wind was a hero, through and through.
But for now, Wind starts with promising to never hide an injury again. :)
edit: THIS IS NOW A FIC! check pinned :)
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c-kiddo · 7 months
i understand the vibe of drawing cad with a very cute and hashtag cottagecore cup of tea or cake but TO ME . he makes big meals for everyone to share in a couple big plates and eats with his hands or a worn-soft spoon and drinks tea from sturdy handmade cups, because its like home and its a comfort. (and yes he does make sure everyone washes their hands first lol who knows where tmn's hands have been). its the greatest honour to pass tea or bread to someone and especially to a friend or your family. he makes tmn soup and passes around their cups to be filled with it and they share flatbread made on the fire by their camp and tear bits off and hand them to eachother . and then there's tea after , with a little dried fruit torn in half so there's enough for everyone. peace and love on planet exandria
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pitayaparty · 1 year
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herlock and iris doodle dump <3
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
concept: clark gets himself a cool leather jacket in the kon style and shows up wearing it at some point as superman like. so what do you think? do i look cool? and kons just like (through tears) its fine,,
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ok here's a sketch
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crimeronan · 8 months
Crying laughing at Amity's perception of polyamory being absolutely spoiled by the little she has heard about odaladarius.
Just. Amity only hearing bad stuff from both her parents surely did something to her worldview. It's easier with one person. She's perfectly happy with Luz. She should ignore any feeling towards other people, it'd end up in arguments and tears. It's definitely not something she should bring up ever.
And then trying it and thriving and realizing once again that she isn't either of her parents
YESSSS YES YES YES YES YES YOU GET IT. ALL OF THIS. amity out here like "hey guys.... what if my parents MADE stuff suck..... instead of everything they ever did just being inherently bad and shitty...."
add to this the million layers of complexity with her feelings for willow and trying to figure out if that's OKAY and WHY she feels that way and is she just being overprotective again or WORSE is she being POSSESSIVE and MEAN is she doomed to ruin everything with willow again because she can never figure her own shit out or is she overthinking this and will the overthinking lead to a fight that will also fuck up her friendship with willow forever
anything happening with luz and hunter would be emotional background for her. she's like listen. luz. you two have been attached at the hip for literal years i don't Care. i am BUSY. having a PANIC SPIRAL,
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deimosatellite · 1 year
the line rei said about how he found out ''how warm it is sleeping three to a bed" was what rlly made me wanna cry bye
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nilesmoon · 1 year
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i love my dad fukuzawa
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ocdhuacheng · 7 months
Denji and nayuta make me soo.
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nonbinarycollector · 1 year
LOOK. and im NOT coping. but based on how the portal door looks, kings star sticker, and how theres really not much reflecting to do by yourself when youre like 9, i genuinely dont think the collector actually stayed away for that long from the boiling isles. its a really kid thing to do to think wow i need to learn all this big stuff im gonna try to do it on my own and them come crawling back to any of their friends or family after a week (or month) bcuz theyre like wait fuck i dont actually know how to do that. ok. the collector needs family and needs to be around mortals and they GET IT. REAL!
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banqanas · 6 months
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Fantastics Instagram
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