#thinking about brawl
imaginationblur · 9 months
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Whenever I would play Smashbros I used to pick Kirby as my main, but as the yellow skin and I would always announce him as-
I also liked the blue kirby, straight up looked like a blueberry :)
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afilins · 7 days
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felt like making myself sad
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humans-are-tasty · 11 months
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arthur just isn’t arthur to me unless he has a vague but undeniable aura of sleaze. a bit of a leer. yes he’s a “gentleman” but that’s “gentle” in the sense of “lordly”, and when hasn’t calling oneself a gentleman been a signifier of some utter depravity lurking under the surface anyway
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and yknow.. since the monkees vs. beatles brawl poll was fun, im taking it a step further
this is NOT a popularity contest and this is NOT who you like more. look into your heart of hearts and ask yourself who would be the ultimate winner if they're all fighting each other.
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dizzybevvie · 17 days
adding another song to my Soriku Coded list
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(plus just. kh2-ish riku. i didnt wanna draw his jacket AJSDASD)
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boxofoxberry · 2 months
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jesstra brainrot from today...... they make me so violent
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mrmosseater · 4 months
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HELP i have a hc where chester is like grays adopted son in a way and chester finds out mortis and gray are married. and chester is absolutely scared shitless of mortis. chaos ensues. my favourite thing to think about rn
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brawlmetaknight · 6 months
OK SO in the great maze in subspace, you battle everyone pretty much in the same areas they were first encountered outside of subspace, except for meta knight who can be found at the helm of the halberd. i have to wonder if this could possibly be because of the scrapped cutscene where he would lose the halberd to the subspace army.
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starrr-cringee · 3 months
so i was queuing up solo in knockout(as brock) and
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a mortis and colt! how wonderful, as usual i screenshot this because im unnormal about coltis but....
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they did they thing.......they used they valentine spray......they even made an attempt to connect it.....(i was so flabbergasted by it you can see the volume tab in the screenshot LOL)
and after like 4 games WE WON!
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so that my story where i found the canon incarnations on colt and mortis (IN RAMADAN #NOTCLICKBAIT)
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my silly little guys 🥺🥺
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chuchu-bs · 1 month
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okay you guys can have ONE more piece of lawriecolt yuri
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incorrect-brawlstars · 5 months
Lola: (on the phone with Fang) Wait how many times have you kissed Buster?
Lola:... Yeah, I don’t think that’s a bromance.
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averys-happy-space · 29 days
was doodling the cinema trio and realised some design parallels & contrasts between all of them and thought id put it into a post because why not
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design-wise fang and maisie are actually really really similar, ive always thought this but i didnt realise just how similar they are until i started listing all of it to someone i was talking to on discord
both wear sleeveless tops
both wear loose/puffy high rise pants, both of which are also cuffed at the bottom
both wear gloves
both have the popcorn logo somewhere on their design
both wear sneakers (whereas buster wears boots)
could argue both have unnatural/dyed hair colours, though i googled it and apparently it is possible for dark skinned people to be naturally blonde but its just v rare... rare enough that i reckon this point still stands
both have golds + reds as their accent colours - buster sorta has this but its much less obvious/striking compared to the other two
this makes it sound like buster is the odd one out which he v much is at least design wise. but he has some similarities with the others too:
all 3 wear something around their foreheads (bandana, sun visor, headband)
all 3 wear blue pants of varying shades
maisie and buster both have a tool (fire extinguisher / film projector) where fang does not
fang and buster both have something slung over one shoulder (suspender, film loop). theyre on opposite shoulders too (something something one completes the other)
and then there's the differences / contrasts:
this one blew my mind when i realised it but fang is mostly primary colours (red yellow blue) whereas buster is mostly secondary colours (orange purple green). feel like this point isn't that strong though if you consider that buster also has black & grey + blue jeans too, and fang's hair is arguably more purple than dark blue. but i still thought it was interesting enough to mention anyway. also, maisie is a mix of both palettes (red yellow blue / purple black + her skintone is an orangey brown).
fang's hair is made of sharp edges, while maisie's is categorically rounded, and buster is somewhere in the middle where he shares fang's sharp edged bangs but his hair curls around the back, making it more rounded like maisie's
they all have different eyebrow shapes (triangle, rectangle, oval). could probably make an argument for this being reflective of their personalities with fang having the most sharp edges (most aggressive, reckless, confident); maisie being sharp in the sense of being very perceptive, responsive, quick witted but still less intense than fang; and buster being the softest, most shy, most protective
their personality is reflected in their playstyles too which are all starkly different - fang is aggro, maisie is control, buster is defensive. also means their trio can be a well rounded team in 3v3s too (which they were until maisie and fang got nerfed lol)
lots of cool design choices. knowing the release order was fang -> buster -> maisie can also help explain why buster is so distinct from the other two as well i think. because stuff like the popcorn logo seems like a strange thing to leave out of his design until you realise oh, the designers probably weren't thinking of having that be the logo of the theatre the trio work at until maisie came along and they realised it'd make a good logo/emblem.
there is also something to be said about fang and maisie being so similar because at first glance you'd think they're complete opposites - one is reckless and carefree, the other is literally a safety coordinator. that's definitely the impression you'd get from watching the animations from maisie's release as well. but maisie's bio admits that she lowkey enjoys dangerous situations and i think deep down she is actually very similar to fang in that they're both thrill seekers. she's still far better at keeping a level head when things go wrong than he is though
buster and fang being opposites is also really cute, at least to me. opposites attract and all that. i also think buster's actually a lot smarter than the maisie release animation gives him credit for, especially considering he was able to customise a film projector from the theatre for his own personal use. writing this now though i think one thing they do have in common is they're both pussies lol. as much as i hate the willow release art where fang is in shelly's arms, i do like the idea of him being a total wimp, just because it directly contrasts against all his other personality traits. buster is also clearly easily spooked if you look at his release animations in the ghost station. but he still saves gus in that one animation and i think thats indicative of his bravery - he'll always do the right thing even if it scares the shit out of him. fang, uh... probably not as reliable for that lol
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
There is that piece of art that has TFE Megatron laying an egg...
So clearly that is what should happen. Megatron realises that he's carrying while they're still working with G.H.O.S.T, so he and Optimus entrust the coming clutch to Dot&Alex.
Wait there is give
But also yes your little situation idea sounds fascinating, especially with them asking crunchy questions regarding how Cybertronian reproduction works and just. I've been thinking about earthspark eggs all day and how humans would react to them
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lesbiansurge · 5 months
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these two 2️ think 💭 that they are Jacob & Esau 👬 from The Binding of Isaac 😭
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