#thinking specifically abt some of the shit that’s coming up for my mom as she FINALLY starts going to therapy and realizing she had an
pepprs · 10 months
i guess like. i mean it’s not even an i guess thing it’s like i know because it’s been studied and talked about including in my own life. but someone close to you experiencing trauma (even if it was like before you were born or if you never witnessed it / weren’t close to it or whatever) is also… hm… traumatic!
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mangokabuto · 3 months
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Some dance + real-world-equivalent-ethnicity headcannons :)
Some more little bits i be thinking abt for those who want more dance content: (under the cut)
Usopp with his salsa fundamentals and luffy with his vague memories of samba end up, at some point, coming up with their own much more chaotic combo of the two. They r spinning around so fast its insane. Luffy is about to launch them into the sun. They're having a great time.
Sanji being absolutely miffed when the only other ppl on the crew who know how to couple's dance with him are Usopp and Luffy. He gets over it ofc, being able to actually dance with another person quickly overwhelms the "I wanted to tango with a beautiful lady" grief
Sanji being able to help Usopp re-learn salsa and them bonding over their moms abt it 🥲Luffy is a lost cause tho he's not learning shit /j
BaroqueWorks Robin and Bon Clay bonding over ballet Q_Q
Brook inventing the most INSANE new dips/twirls/transitions because he no longer has muscles or skin or whatever in the way
Also I firmly believe Usopp listens & dances to anything made by Spice, Mr. Killa, and Yung Bredda, but he refuses to let the crew know this. He's not embarrassed or anything he's just fairly sure Sanji would have a heart attack and die if he heard the lyrics
Sanji listens & dances to Rodrigo y Gabriela he's in love with their story
Zoro is one of those freaks who has no desire to listen to music at all but he won't turn it off if it's on, yk?
As made obvious above I think Usopp and Sanji are the 1st and 2nd most versatile dancers, but neither of them dance more Often than Franky
If i had to rank them based on how often/readily they will dance its....in the order I placed the pictures, with chopper between brook and nami. Luffy is only so low cause he'd usually rather be eating, and brook cause he'd rather be playing, and zoro cause he'd rather be drinking/napping
Robin will readily dance with you if you ask her but she's not going to initiate
If you love dance like i do and want to see some specific choreographers/dances i had in mind while drawing these, that will be the rest of this bullet list!
Sanji is doing Derek Hough's little solo bit from his pasodoble choreo on dancing with the stars. look it up it is so peak
Dancing with the star (chopper <3)
In my head Usopp is perfectly capable of dancing any choreography by Latrice Kabamba (west african steps), Tricia Miranda (dancehall), or Yeifren Mata (mostly male solo salsa)
For Franky I think some old way choreos by Nastya Batrachenko or Dashaun Wesley (he mostly does fem now but he has good old way stuff) r good
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sugar-omi · 3 months
I hate myself for thinking this but, what if MC finds out she’s pregnant and the first thing in her mind is that she’s fucking up Cove’s future. So instead of telling him she just breaks up with him and shuts herself away from him so he can’t convince her that they’ll work it out. Now Cove has no clue why the love of his life just broke his poor heart. Skip to five years later, Cove comes back to surprise visit his dad but surprise there’s MC, Cliff and a little five year old boy that looks way too much like Cove. Like I’m talking copy and paste that’s a little Cove
oh my fucking god.... i. pls i have some thoughts but also OUCH. BIG OUCH
mmm i'm not gonna make a full fic/detailed post... maybe later if we're all itching for some angst or i'm up for causing more heart ache n then i am very much open to expanding on this (already thinking abt cove getting to know his son.... omfg my heart HURTS)
but i wonder how MC "gets away" (for lack 'a better words) with not telling cove about the kid.
because i can tell you right now, cliff and kyra can't know about it and keep it a secret. not for 5 years at least.
so does she beg everyone in her family to keep it a secret? i think that's the best bet. moms would really prefer Not to keep it a secret, but they also can't force you to tell cove...
but i also don't see them letting 5 years without cove at least knowing, go by either... they'd try to keep the secret, but seeing cove's sad face would break them quickly, if not instantly.
also your friends!!! god, they can not keep a secrete to save their life, especially that big. so you can tell them, but expect the news to find its way back to cove in about.. mmm... 4 hours? so yeah....
anyway!!! lets say that your family kept the secret...
i think your son would eventually start asking about his dad. he sees how you and your family react to him, hears all the mumbling about how he looks so much like... "cove"? when you think he's in the other room.
and he sees how sometimes you look sad and how you slowly and tenderly run your fingers through his hair. and how sometimes you tell him "yknow, daddy has hair just like yours."
and when he asks why you're sad, if you respond with something along the lines of "you look just like your dad, thats all."
or even if you say that in response when he asks what his dad looks like (if you haven't shown him pictures), or if he overhears you saying he looks like this "cove" guy
you notice he starts looking at himself more often... maybe even asking, "does daddy have green hair like mine?" "are his eyes really blue, just like mine?" "does he wear glasses too?" and still in awe that he and this man he's never met, but already seems to adore him (as much as a toddler can adore someone they don't know), share the same features.
and if you show him pictures of cove, which i hope you do, but if you don't, don't worry because your son will probably realize "he has green hair like me!!!!" and he'd either run up to enthuse about it or run up to ask him if he's his daddy bc they have the same hair color... or just call him daddy n if anyone tries to argue about it, wdym?! they have the same hair color, what more do you need?!
so hopefully, cove is the only man with specifically seafoam green hair. otherwise, you're shitting yourself every time your son runs off to meet his green-haired-brethern
anyway. I think all your sons questions, and seeing pictures, knowing that he shares so many traits with cove, and seeing you miss him.
oh god, seeing you sad would make him insist so so much on seeing cove.
"if we meet daddy, will you be happy again?"
also can't believe I almost forgot.. your son being sad about not having a dad, and being jealous of other kids for spending time with their dad, etc.
he'd ask you questions about why he doesn't have a dad, n if he does. why isn't he around? and a real heartbreaker.. does daddy hate him? does he not love him? is that why he isn't here?
so I guess that means it's time to go back to sunset bird! and finally explain why you moved away n never looked back, and why you don't talk to anyone but your parents from back then...
now I won't get into everything right now (im a fuckin liar. I can feel a tangent coming on)
but I wanna talk abt how cove would feel, just a bit, and how I think your future with him would look...
I think at first, he'd be really shocked, seeing this carbon copy of his much younger self. the only thing telling him that his 4-5 year old self didn't jump out of one of his many childhood pictures,
is any birthmarks or beauty marks that maybe you have, or the boys hair being curlier than his, or his skin tone, or maybe he has your nose. whatever it is, he knows he's looking at the imperfect combination of you and him.
(cove's heart is beating outta his chest right now, n you're lucky he only stumbles instead of fainting, because this really is a shock... but that deeper part inside of him, that egotistical, primal almost, part of his heart swells up at the thought, the reality. that his son looks mostly, if not entirely like him.)
but after shock, he's sad. I think he'd be really sad, because he realizes that this is why you broke up right? and no matter how in control of your emotions you think you may be, your wide eyes show how afraid, nervous, and sad you are. he knows. he knows without even talking to you and it hurts
and after he gets past the anger and confusion stage, maybe even in between in fact- which would be more natural since, I think he'd feel this all at once but that's besides the point
he'd be really sad he missed all his sons milestones. walking, first words... God he probably dreams about it (when he does eventually fall asleep), and now his heart is tugging at the seams and the seams are RIPPING.
he also starts thinking about how hard it must've been doing it by yourself. and going through all that without him, your partner.
but maybe you didn't rely on him like he relied on you? maybe you didn't trust him like he did you, maybe you just... didn't need him. like he needed you.
you did break up afterall, and you never let him know about the kid until now, so maybe you thought he'd be a failure of a father and nipped it in the bud before disaster struck...
but I also think that's where anger comes in. because you didn't tell him. he didn't have a choice at all.
he knows he had a tendency to hesitate or run away, but he thinks really hard about it, and he knows he wouldn't have ran away from this.
leaving you alone would scare him a lot more than being a father. being a bad or absent father would scare him a lot more than trying to be a good one. knowingly abandoning a life he helped create, would scare him so much more. he wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise.
so while he gets it. he doesn't get why you didn't try.
and if you explain that you worried about ruining his future, he's so upset and so mad because how could you make that choice for him? how could you take on the burden alone?
this is also where confusion merges in, because while the answers are so obvious or easy to guess, he just can't believe it. he doesn't wanna believe it...
now about your future...
cove still loves you. he's loved you his whole life, it's hard to stop even 5 years later... and seeing you, it makes his heart throb because he's dreamed about this for many nights.
you broke up with him without giving any answers. you even up and moved by the end of the week so when he tried to give you space, before talking to you, it was too late. your room was pretty much void of every sign of life.
you took all your treasured items, your clothes- spare some youd been meaning to get rid of, your pictures, your hobby items. everything. he's surprised you didn't just take the bed and frame.
he's surprised you didn't just carve out his heart n take it with you, because if it's still in his chest, why does it feel so hollow?...
it'd take a really long time to even think of a romantic relationship. if at all. maybe cove's even accepted the break up at some point, depending on how long you'd been together. but if you'd been together since you were 13, it's a hard pill to swallow. bc you can put up with his angsty teenage self, what changed...?
I think seeing you be a parent, and so adored by your son, warms up his heart. makes him fall in love a bit at the sight.
it's not instant, he's getting to know you again. and getting to know this life that he didn't even know was waiting for him.
it's a good 2 or 3 years of figuring out this mess until it becomes something that makes sense. or as much sense as it can make. and if there's still something there, no matter how miniscule. it will catch fire.
now about the kiddo... he's so scared. and I hope you took a few days of talking with cove, and prbly cliff n Kyra bc they have a lotta feelings n thoughts on this too, before you try to integrate cove into his life.
it's small. cove meeting you at the park, and either your son is asking cove a billion questions (both abt why the sky is blue, and awkward questions abt why he wasn't present before...)
or he's trying to drag him on the monkey bars (doesn't work, cove's feet are on the ground still....)
or he's sitting silently on the blanket, reading, occasionally showing cove his favorite scene of the picture book or making him pronounce a word
but it does get bigger, it becomes lunch-n-movie dates, spending the night at your house (at your son's insistence. prbly bc he didn't want him to leave after a fun day), then cove taking him out alone..
it's a lot. and sometimes it feels like you're going backwards or that you're not moving at all because it's hard, for awhile. and even though his dad is on speed dial, there's not enough information he can give cove in how to take care of and deal with a kid he just met a few months ago.
especially a kid who already has a bit of personality, is hell on wheels (like most 5 year olds), possibly has many questions n sometimes problems with cove suddenly being here... it's a lot. n cliff can't help with any of it really.
he does get comfortable, eventually. although there's still times when he's sad, sometimes even angry about what happened, and all he's missed out on, he's so so happy to not miss out on anything else.
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tojikai · 11 months
ok so in part 2 we got to see more of gojo x reader past “relationship”
i wonder if gojo knows about his mom thoughts about reader (her being a one night stand and nothing more) and why do i have a feeling Naomi wasn’t just lucky to be in the right place and right time…
she’s gojo’s dad assistant AND his mom approved her immediately 🤔🤔 even though Naomi comes from a completely different social circle…
i don’t think Naomi is a saint as gojo think, not saying she’s evil either BUT she might get a little help from the outside (gojo’s mom) to act the way she does. bc how come she goes from acting shy and apologetic when reader found them in the couch, to give reader tips how to be a better parent and allowing yui to call her mom 🤥🤔 make it make sense
like who in the right mind would take a toddler on a trip without both parents permission?? in many countries that could be considered kidnapping even if one parent is with the baby and they dont cross the border! - when i was six i went abroad with my mom and in order for me to travel, my dad had to sign a written permission otherwise i couldn’t exit the country and my parents were married…
gojo pissing me off when he was trying to defend naomi for the mama episode by saying he will propose to her…like that doesn’t change anything reader IS the mother and eventually naomi will be the STEPMOTHER she would still have NO say in how Yui will be educated bc she has/will have NO legal rights. she can give her opinion/suggestions to gojo BUT NEVER to reader.
Gojo has to open his eyes bc if he’s truly happy with Naomi - i don’t really think so - good for him but he has to stop making reader’s feel like shit just bc his gf goes crying to him when reader doesn’t share the same opinion as her. i also noticed as soon as gojo doesn’t share the same opinion about something, naomi becomes sad and gojo tries to either reassure her or slightly changes his own opinion 🤥🤔👁️ my mom would call that manipulation 👁️
Honestly speaking Naomi is the easy route, what were the chances they got together if reader never got pregnant? bet gojo would still be having one night stands and wouldn’t spare naomi a glance.
The reason why gojo x reader didn’t work was because they were two strangers having a kid and didn’t communicate with each other. gojo was the first to give up even tho he promised reader to give it a try. bc how come soon after he got with naomi and she was oh so perfect 🥴 how can you possibly compare the two relationships when one has a kid involved…
so the mysterious man could be sukuna (bc of the tattoos).
it’s been weeks since the last argument, reader was clearly suffering (her mom’s words to gojo)…
that’s why i don’t think in that specific moment (a stranger man opening - shirtless- readers door to gojo) the man could be a possible love interest, maybe more like a friend bc she was still in love with gojo and a few weeks can’t possibly erase her feelings for him and make her move on easily, some people can do it tho (i.e gojo with his new gf 🙄)
also from the last sentence why do i have a feeling gojo has already met this “stranger” before?
the scratches in the stranger’s back scream sex but the bruises on his face? it’s a bit sus
last but not least contrary to popular opinion i still wish for gojo to be endgame, for that to happen he really has to have a gigantic redemption arc for all tje pain he caused to reader, specially when he said he wished they never met and had yui together, thanks good yui is still a toddler and was sleeping otherwise 💔 rip gojo’s relationship with his daughter
cant wait for more
this a great take, nonnie !! i like how you analyzed the few words of yn's mom and deducted abt yn's conditions, bc she really wasn't in a great condition during those weeks. she even had to steer clear of satoru as much as possible, bc seeing him hurts her. although, I can't say which of these is true or not, i can definitely see where you're coming from ~ thank u so much for this, and im happy that you're enjoying the fic <33
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plantboiart · 1 month
I am in purgatory or perhaps hell (had a 3 hour nap that I got up from around 10pm and have not been able to fall asleep and it is now 3:40am).
anyways, could u talk abt some headcanons that you've been wanting to? /nf ^-^
Oh shit sorry to hear that, can kinda relate I woke up at like 3.30 am and couldn’t fall back asleep today lol, hope you can get some rest though
Also! Absolutely!!!! Hold on entering my mind palace hhhh
Kian has NPD. I know this. In my heart. Very much like a case of “I /need/ to be better than others because if I’m not then I don’t have any worth at all”. Like he holds himself to impossibly high standards that he would never actually expect from anyone else because he’s supposed to be different
Rand also has npd. I also know this in my heart.
Got reminded of this while relistening to ep 4, when I first listened I just like. Decided to hc Rolan as transfem. And then promptly forgot and made him into a gay man instead oops
Rand was given Barc as an emotional support animal after Rachel disappeared
Kian’s parents were teens when they had him, which. Definitely played a role in why they didn’t do a great job with him. I imagine at least one of them (specifically his mom idk why) had like very strict parents who like. Disowned them when they got pregnant which is a pretty big part in why they ended up how they did
Rolan was a weird mix of super anxious and super obedient but then also extremely rebellious when they were young. Like extreme switches between being terrified of doing anything wrong and disappointing his parents and then a day later running away for a few days and getting drunk with the others because he just couldnt handle them
Stolen from @cleverpaws Rolan had like. Longish hair as a teen. Basically as long as his parents would let him have it
Kian went through like every possible hair color as a kid and preteen before settling on blonde because Identity Issues
Have. Touched on it a bit in the series but yeah Kian in my mind definitely did sex work at some point while living in Hollywood. He stopped after someone literally like nearly killed him (which i also referenced in that one oneshot! Fun times)
Becky’s band stayed together after her death/disapperance and ended up pretty popular. Like. Not a household name but they would definitely have a bit of a cult following especially within lgbtq+ circles
Rand was the tallest of the guys for so many years and he was so upset when Rolan had a sudden growth spurt and got tall
Also. Stolen from my convos with cleverpaws Kian was Rachel’s favorite babysitter because he 1. Would listen to her infodump 2. Was the only one that would agree to like. Play dressup and such with her and 3. Was actually smart enough to somewhat understand what she was talking about
I have talked about this before but. Rand. In my heart. Would not be skinny he is overweight and i need this to be more popular as a hc
Coming back from the dead healed all of kian’s wounds which unfortunately included his piercings :( he needs to get them redone oof (at least he still has his tattoos)
Speaking. Of tattoos: the guys would all get matching tattoos after everything happened
Not really a headcanon per se. But. I did realize yesterday that ive kinda accidentally started thinking of what happened between kian and becky under that tree as like. An allegory for sexual assault. Which. Yeah. Rough.
Mentioned both in the coming out oneshot and in a previous post at some point but kian has just a small box of things that mean a lot to him that he keeps hidden away and managed to keep safe even while homeless and stuff. It will definitely show up later on in the fic
Rolan has gone to a gay bar once, almost had a panic attack, and decided to never try again
No clue if i will include this in the therapy series or not. Also cant remember if ive made a post about this or not. But. Rand would start working out at some point after they all survived simply to flirt with kian better (pick him up. He just wants to be able to carry kian around)
Speaking of rand after they all survived (im not in denial shut up) he would eventually discover just a very genuine care for gardening. Like. Non weed plants. Hed grow a very nice garden in their backyard :)
Rolan has had 4 girlfriends in the past, one in high school, one in college, and then two afterwards. They all ended relatively calmly
I can absolutely give more if you want but to not make the post way too long here it is lol
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zombie-ghost · 1 month
Doing a aphmau pdh/ MyStreet rewrite!
(Tw for mentions of og Ein, depression, bullying)
If u like the og mystreet then that's fine! I'm very nostalgic for the series, I just think it would be fun to rewrite it! BTW LOTS OF THIS MAY NOT BE CANON TO THE REWRITE LATER ALSO THis is just what I jotted down, also I haven't rewatched the series yet and I'm waiting for my school to have another long break (srry for over explaining lmao)
☆trans girl
☆ autism+adhd
☆ *didn't meet Aaron online (kind of?? I'll explain later, it's not complicated dw)
☆ she/her
☆ likes video games (dating sims, rpg, combat)
☆ very physically affectionate w/ her friends and family
☆ freshman in s1 15 year old, sophomore in s2 16 year old, graduation days 18, 18 in falcon claw universality 20 at the end, 22 in the big move, 22 in my street s1 23 at the end, my street s2 23, my street s3 24, my street s4 25, starlight/when angels fall 28
☆kind of oblivious (not dumb)
☆ competitive
☆ *First ment Aaron in some combat video game voice chat like 2 years before pdh starts (they are both very competitive, as u can imagine it didn't turn out well, nether of them remember this.)
☆ slow typer bad grammer
☆ *her and Aaron will have a rivals to playful rivals, to friends (pdh), to lovers (llp) arc. Wowza slow burn*
☆ In band (pdh)
☆basically kind to everyone
☆quite and awkward when u first meet her but once you get to know her she's a chatterbox (seriously she will not stop talking)
☆her parents separated when she was 6
☆ her dad was always chasing greater opportunities, always bussy with work
☆ aphmau moves in 5th grade leaving all of her childhood friends behind in the process
☆ aphmau was bullied in middle school bc she was "weird" and "annoying"
☆mental health got bad
☆ by the time she was in 7th grade she didn't have energy to eat or get out of bed, or just take care of herself in general
☆ aphmaus mom thinks it would be beneficial if she was homeschooled (aphmau agrees)
☆aphmau is homeschooled for 1 year and doesn't go out
☆ aphmau *somehow* misses irl school and begs her mom to transfer her
☆ aphmau has struggled w/ depression snd anxiety since she was a kid (yayyy genetics :3)
☆ more confident online then irl
☆ likes to draw and paint
☆ has a very stylelized art style (does that make sense??)
☆ LOVES THE HOLIDAYS!!! Specifically Christmas and Halloween!
☆ A bit squeamish when it comes to horror
☆ unhealthy obsessed w/ purple
☆ likes to cosplay in free time
☆ had a crush on Garroth for a few months when she first came to pdh, she confessed and he rejected her, they are still friends
☆ may drop out of falcon claw university when shes a junior (this may change later)
☆ Ein is aphmau half brother (NO ROMANCE!!!)
☆ Ein is one year younger then aphmau
☆ Ein transfered schools because of the forever potion revival project (fprp) because they (the fprp) found out that kids of the ppl who advertised the forever potion
☆ the plan was to get the people who advertised the forever potion and/ or the kids of the people who advertised the forever potion (who were experimented on), Ein being one of them, to join the project
☆ Ein wanted to get close to aph (FRIENDSHIP) to get her to join the project also because he wanted to see how much better her life was (he thought his dad left him for his other family *aph, savanna* he did not)
☆ he isn't close w/ his mom
☆ He became jealous of aph
☆what I'm not gonna do is Ein being weird towards aph, making up rumors of them dating, and him basically making her his sl @ v 3 because what the actual fuck, he does other fucked up shit though (stealing aphs stuff, making some of her peers and even some of her friends hate her for a short period of time due to spreading rumors abt her, brainwashing her to hate Aaron and her friends and want to kill them)
☆freshman in s1 15 year old, sophomore in s2 16 year old, graduation days 18, 18 in falcon claw universality 20 at the end, 22 in the big move/my street s1 23 at the end, my street s2 23, my street s3 24, my street s4 25, starlight/when angels fall 28
☆ demi-romantic
☆trans guy
☆ he/him
☆ likes rpgs and combat video games (or any game with an interesting story and/or visual)
☆ fast typer rlly good grammer
☆ in Band (pdh)
☆ on the track team
☆ anger issues
☆is in therapy for it
☆ stronger then he realizes
☆ got into a fight while trying to stand up for someone, he won but got expelled as a result and transfered to Phoenix drop high
☆ he's trying to manage his anger in a more effective way that doesn't involve coping in self destructive ways or yelling at others (his solution for this is Journaling and working out)
☆ really neat hand writing
☆ Super anxious when it comes to socializing due to his parent sheltering him and being super strict
☆ can't tell when people are being sarcastic/ joking
☆ the internet was his safe space, to escape the stresses of school, life, family, etc (same for aphmau)
☆ he pushes away any who shows interest in being his friend fearing that his parents would prevent him from seeing them (this changes throughout the series)
☆ he was forced to Socialize w/ her when he was seated next to her in both werewolf history and English, in English they had a project and they were assigned as partners
☆ he started dating aph at the end of love love paradise
☆ loves trashy horror movies
☆ likes Halloween bc he likes watching cheesy slasher horror movies
☆ competitive
☆ can play the guitar
☆ sophomore in s1 16 year old, junior in s2 17 year old, graduation days 19, 19 in falcon claw universality 21 at the end, 23 in the big move/my street s1 24 at the end, my street s2 24, my street s3 25, my street s4 26, starlight/when angels fall 29
☆ very athletic
☆ out spoken
☆ bisexual
☆ she/her
☆ Captain of the volleyball team (pdh)
☆ had braces in s1
☆ clumsy
☆ anger issues
☆ bruises like a peach
☆ like Aaron, she's trying to manage her anger in a more affective way (sports is her way of doing that)
☆ extroverted
☆ very loyal
☆ protective of the people she loves
☆ she's very "act first face the consequences later" or however that saying goes (she gets better dw)
☆ gets good grades
☆ LOVES classic literature AND she is ASHAMED (UNRIGHTFULLY)
☆ Theater kid in disguise
☆ really likes singing and songwriting but would rather die then preform infront of anyone because she has stage fright
☆ LOVES BOY BANDS AND POP (Very ashamed of this)
☆ as you can tell she's ashamed of her interest she doesn't want to be bullied again
☆ used to be a pick me girl from 4th to 6th but then she ment an even worse pick me girl and that scared her out of being a pick me
☆ she is rightfully very ashamed of this phase in here life
☆ likes watching cartoons
☆ likes pop, boy band and rock music
☆ has a secret love for fandom and cosplay
☆ desperately needs to learn the saying "to be cringe is to be free"
☆ has a lot of siblings
☆ and no she will NOT hit Travis or anyone!!! I'm not even sure her and Travis will be in a relationship in my rewrite
*note: the forever potion can be used for anything, not just mind control*
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tomsfoolery · 2 months
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headcanons abt Astarion’s past ft. my bc of his mom
+ her in my origin run as his guardian bc nobody is safe
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ok ok so onto the headcanons
personally I’ve named her Lysistrata in my head by complete accident bc I was rereading bosas when I was first thinking abt this so
for his mom i think she was a Paladin/cleric of sorts?? or some kind of good-aligned mercenary
so like she’d come back with all these grand stories about monsters and magic for wee little Astarion and I think he would’ve found them so fascinating as a child which would’ve led him to become interested in monsters & monstrous things up until he was an “adult” and began pursuing darker things like more power and immortality n stuff
Astarion has her hair texture & thickness, and before he was turned he had her eyes bc I cannot stand blue-eyed astarion (he needs to be able to look at the sun)
Between his two parents Astarion was much closer with his mom bc she always had such interesting stories and she absolutely spoiled him with gifts and books n stuff
I see her being the type to try to see the good in everything so she’d often sympathize with some monsters (let’s say in cases like a parent trying to protect its young) and I think that kind of stuck with Astarion in terms of him being more willing to deal with the less savory as a magistrate (or just an excuse for him to take bribes because “they’ve all got families to feed” or whatever)
in connection to that I think the biggest reason Astarion never went to her for help was bc he didn’t think there was any good left in him and that she’d hate him and end his misery in the name of what she once stood for (also lowkey hc her as being a follower of Lathander so…)
she taught him a lot but I think she herself wasn’t the greatest abt love and opening up to people and she has a hard time putting complex feelings into words so all Astarion really got was “sometimes you really like a person?? but sometimes you just like their body but also sometimes their soul and um. don’t commit to relationships you don’t want to?”
her husband is definitely a dork I’m sorry
like my original headcanon is him as an inventor but I could see him dealing in magic as well
I don’t think that he wasn’t necessarily loving but I think he just didn’t pay as much attention to Astarion as his mother did so they just naturally weren’t super close
However his dad did drag him to a bunch of social functions n all that so combine that with how spoiled Astarion was and you get classic rich boy
Astarion got his hair color & most of his face from his dad and I keep really wanting to call him Felix
After Astarion became a magistrate his mom didn’t approve of some of the things he did but she still loved him anyway, once he started trying to carve out more power and immortality she tried getting her husband to speak to Astarion abt the dangers of such ambitions but he didn’t really talk to him abt it and when he DID talk to Astarion, astarion didn’t really listen
When Astarion first disappeared Lysistrata practically tore the city apart looking for him and called in a lot of favors from old flaming fist friends n stuff but they couldn’t find him. So she resorted to a fiend warlock pact trying to find him but all she was led to was this overgrown grave with suspiciously fresh dirt and she was convinced she was lied to and broke the pact so now she’s got horns :] good job Astarion look what you did to your mother
^after this her marriage became extremely strained as she began to blame her husband for not warning Astarion but she also blamed herself for not trying to do anything herself. Thank goodness she was invited to a dinner by a local noble to help cheer her up! I sure hope he wasn’t an oily little weasel. Nowadays she does a lot of investigations on missing children in and around Baldur’s Gate and she helps out with orphanages
for my durge specific i think she would either learn of some shit going down at the Crimson Palace between this elf and cazador OR she would run into Vael (durge) picking up a portrait of Astarion and she would then inquire about why Vael was getting such a thing
idk overall she’s just very, very tired. as of now in my headcanons Astarion is her only child and to lose him so soon with no answers took a lot of her hope away from her. Especially since any gods she prayed too wouldn’t have answered for the whereabouts of some disgusting vampire
girlypop probably prayed to send Astarion a guardian Angel and then he gets sent durge
Vael’s trying his hardest but he was raised half in the hells and half in the cult of Bhaal he stinks so bad
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hannahwashington · 4 months
ALSO IM JUST NOTICING YOUR HEADER IMAGE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH gundham danganronpa and crash bandicoot (is that his name im sorry) real. also btw feel free to talk abt th emountain experience bc i dont think i ever asked yet
YES HIS NAME IS CRASH BANDICOOT ive honestly BEEN waiting for someone to comment on my header it is one of my favourite images ever (thanks @horatios-mom). it's like a sequel to the era when i had lesbian crash bandicoot as my icon. i'm only through the prologue of sdr2 but i have been obsessed with gundham for Years,. i barely know the guy but i love him. i will Know More Soon. and trust i will be So mentally ill about him and also the series. i already Am i am just waiting to finish the games to post about them.
anyway MOUNTAIN EXPERIENCE. OH BOY. where to begin.
let me take you back to a time when a wide-eyed 17 year old Archie got traumatised by a mountain. sit back, relax, and follow along my recounting of an experience i found so horrible, i had to vent by projecting onto my favourite blorbos at the time. Don't worry, I am more than comfortable with sharing this story, and with hindsight know exactly where to direct my anger with what happened.
It's March 2020. I'm in my second-last year of high school. every year my school takes the people in this specific grade to a leadership camp to teach a variety of skills and stuff to prepare them for the next year, when they will be school leaders basically. this leadership camp happens to culminate in a hike up the Drakensberg, where we sleep overnight, then come back down and go back home.
To be Quite frank. I was Very Excited for this trip. the more school-related activities not so much, but getting the chance to hang out with my classmates outside of school and the hike were what excited me. I'm not the most fit person, but i loooove me a good nature walk.
So it's a few days before the hike. they take us out to a bunch of activities and it's pretty fun. we did an adventure park thing and i was in the middle of a massive tarzan fixation so when i went on a giant rope swing i did his iconic yell. there were ziplines. once when i went down a line i forgot to brake and SMACKED into the mattress on the tree. so that was fun. here's the thing though. they made us walk everywhere. and these weren't easy strolls, they were hikes in and of themselves. i can't speak for anyone else, but the days leading up to the hike were PAINFUL. my feet were so fucking sore and we hadn't even gone near the mountain yet.
Then they hit us with the "yeah we're pushing back the hike by a day because it's gonna be pissing buckets tomorrow." which, duh, of course it's gonna be pissing buckets, it's the drakensberg, it's kinda known for that. but also, that means another day of walking, another day of worsening the condition of my feet. i felt like sam from death stranding when you let him walk barefoot everywhere. it's around here where you might start recognising elements from the fic snippets i posted, by the way.
so the next day like the absolute ass he is, the headmaster (who joined us for. some reason) made us hike up a mini-mountain to 'prepare us' or something. he was a horrible person for completely unrelated reasons and this logic is totally and completely backwards. anyway, after THAT nightmare, we went tubing down a nearby river. this WAS fun. i went down the river multiple times even though my feet hurt like shit. i had to get my fleeting joy somewhere during this trip-turned-nightmare. everyone had fun except this one girl who was not lucky at all. at the end of the river there's a small drop and 99% of the time when you get there you fall out of your tube. she was one of these people, and was really unlucky as she ended up cutting her foot on a rock. she had to be pulled out of the river by a few of the boys.
now then you would THINK she would go home because of this. kind of a bad idea to hike up a mountain with a cut up foot. but no, like the madwoman she is, she decides to pull through. i respect her so much for it.
Anyway, next day comes, my feet are basically throbbing so bad it's like my heart practically lived in them, not even to mention the soreness in my legs. again - i was NOT fit. i was so nervous i could barely eat breakfast. i tried to twist it into something positive by being like "tehe i'm going up a mountain like my favourite teenaged blorbs" but it really was Not helping. sooooo we get to the foot of the mountain and get ready to go. a couple of girls left and missed the hike because they had a netball tournament or something. to this day i wonder if they realise Just how lucky they got.
This is the part i remember most vividly. the Worst part. we set off on our mountain adventure, and i repeat this mantra: keep pace with the person in front of you. which goes great for all of two minutes until like a whole five days of walking absolutely nonsensical distances catches up to me and i slow down and down and down until everyone has passed me and oops! i've stopped completely. my legs are Begging to be put out of their misery and i am Rooted To The Spot. to cut a long ass panic attack short eventually someone comes back to pick me back up and Get Me Up This Stupid Mountain. it wasn't sam unfortunately, it was the drama teacher, but he was a pretty cool person and probably most comforting adult there, so perfect to deal with me in that moment.
he tells me about setting little goals for myself, like finding a specific rock and making my way to it. break the whole hike down into thousands of little baby steps. this way, i actually started to make progress, little by little, until we break the tree line. i can't remember if this moment was in the snippets i posted, but i look up and see the rest of my classmates above me, and when they notice us they start whooping and cheering and singing break my stride (which is kinda the theme song of the trip, ngl). i was still kinda in hysterics so i yelled at them to shut up. looking back, i appreciate it so so much. anyways, the drama teacher and i carry on with our baby steps.
when i've calmed down enough i start talking. i can't remember if he told me to talk to get my mind off of things or if i started on my own, but in any case i just start talking. i know specifically i brought up treasure planet - my all time favourite movie - and he told me he hadn't heard of it. another fanfic snippet moment here: i did, in fact, rant to him about midsommar. i remember specifically talking about the daylight horror aspect and how the black bars could've been white instead to emphasise just how bright and sunny the film is. also at some point we passed random people on the road who didn't speak english and for some reason, to this day i still have no idea why, the drama teacher told me that he thinks those dudes were drug smugglers and using the trail to get drugs over the border. anyways.
eventually, after so, so long, we make it to the top. not the end of the hike, far from it, but the vertical climb is over. you see, this specific trail has like two hours of a horrible vertical climb, but after that, it's a basically-flat trail. not that that would make it any easier but anyway, i thought that the worst was over. from our position we could see the rest of the group, who were all resting by a fork in the path - a significant landmark. eventually we catch up to everyone, and if my fic is to be trusted, everyone started clapping and cheering and singing again, this time 500 miles (hardy har). this is one of the only details in the fic where i can't tell whether i made it up or if it's actually based on what happened. when i sat down, guess what, legs wanted to shrivel up and die, what else is new, but what really struck me was that Literally Everyone Was In The Same Position. some were crying. some were staring into space with cold, dead eyes. Nobody was having a good time. how foot-cut girl was even still here was what shocked me the most. again, CUT IN HER FOOT, it was PRETTY SUBSTANTIALLY SIZED. even so she did Not look good.
drama teacher had gone to talk to all the other adults about our (my and the injured girl's) predicament. we were in No position to carry on with the hike. (i'd argue nobody was but i digress). it was a full-blown argument from what i remember, and when the adults tried to talk to us they kept on interrupting each other. one kept trying to offer a way down, but another teacher (who championed this leadership camp btw, to put this into perspective) was Adamant we continue and simply sleep at the closer campsite.
You can probably guess what ended up happening.
The break just honestly made me feel Worse about moving, and my mentality obviously wasn't the best, and i sorta just really started missing home at this point, but i had to keep going. since it was flat this time i could actually keep some sort of pace, though head leadership camp teacher complained whenever i slowed down too much (actual villain of the story in hindsight). eventually we make it to one of the campsites.
Here's how the camps worked. every year the group split into two - boys and girls - and rotated each year on who went to each of the two campsites. one camp was by a river, the other by a cave. so, one year the boys would go to the cave and the girls to the river, and the next year they would switch. this year the girls were supposed to go to the cave. guess what. it's the further camspite - a good extra... i dunno, hour of walking? obviously injured girl and i couldnt do that. issue is, you need a tent to camp riverside - we obviously didnt have one. however someone, an actual god among men brought an extra tent with him. i never spoke to that kid. but he made it so we didn't have to suffer as much. so i hold a sort of affection for him.
so, the group splits and we finally, FINALLY get our chance to rest. properly. let me tell you, river water has never and i mean NEVER felt so good. i think i spent like a solid hour soaking my feet. the boys - who. somehow had energy after all THAT - made a dam out of rocks. one guy was taking pictures. i never took my own pictures of the mountain, even though the view was beautiful. i was in too much pain to care. i took a Single picture related to the hike itself, and i'll share that at the end of this thrilling tale. that evening after dinner, i snacked morosely and watched at least half of happy death day on my phone. maybe an episode of unbreakable kimmy schmidt, though i don't now for sure about that one. injured girl and i shared that extra tent.
oh yeah, and guess what. it ended up pissing buckets during the night. shocker.
anyway the next day comes and the walk back is worse. one of the other teachers decides to use 'tough love' on me - which was basically yelling at me and failing really badly at being encouraging. honestly would have preferred being tossed off the mountain instead because it just made me Very Distressed but anyway. what was nice was that this time for the walk injured girl and i were at the front of the line setting the pace. and also two of the boys, two absolute GENTLEMEN were walking with us and leading us. you know me, i'm a lesbian, but god i could've kissed them for what they did for us. (i did not but you get my point).
surprisingly the vertical climb down was the easiest part. the really, really vertical part anyway - which was mostly near the top. so easy that a few boys raced ahead of the group... and ended up taking a wrong turn and getting lost. more on them later. when we dipped into the treeline it felt like we were so close yet so far, SO close to ending this suffering, but every single turn without the tar road in sight made me fall deeper and deeper into despair. i think i literally yelled out "MERCY!" at some point. anyway when we did finally get to the road i started crying as we made our way back to the bus that would take us home.
everyone started taking showers, blessed, cold showers at the public bathrooms, and washing myself of the whole experience felt Wonderful. except it wasn't quite done insulting me just yet.
So. the day before we put our suitcases in the bus that would take us home. what they neglected to tell us was that we needed Everything we'd need for that day and the following day on our person. which means they wouldn't be taking our bags out of the bus, not even if we REALLY needed something. i didn't have my flip flops on me. i had put the shoes i had hiked in away (and also they were like sopping wet which is disgusting). it was hot as fuck and the parking lot outside was all gravel. i had to walk in that barefoot.
insult to injury.
i got myself ice cream. tried not to cry. we all had to wait for like half an hour as the lost boys made their way back to us (i can't remember if a teacher had to go back onto the path to find them or not). borrowed drama teacher's flip flops which were hilariously oversized. and then, literally RIGHT as everyone was boarding the bus to leave. i whip out my phone and grab the one and only picture i have related to the hike itself.
it was a long drive back to my home province. i put on some music, cuddled my pillow and tried to sleep. i mostly just tried not to sob. out of pain, relief, anguish - whatever. since it was a long drive, we stopped at a strip mall that's a really common sort of stopping station for people doing drives like this, such as to use the bathroom. another school happened to be pulled up as we stopped by here, and a girl gave me the filthiest, most judgmental look i have EVER seen because i was barefoot. i honestly don't blame her.
it was dark by the time we got back to the school. i did, in fact, cry when i saw my family. the very next day - no exaggeration, i'm 99% sure it was the VERY next day - it was announced that schools would be closing and the country would be going into lockdown due to covid. which means i got to spend the next, like, two weeks recovering instead of thinking about school. i think one of the days after i got back i watched interstellar. i was on a bit of a sci-fi kick. it was okay.
here's that picture i took outside the bus before we left for home.
Tumblr media
people Did see me take this. a couple of my classmates made jokes about how they relate and at least one gave me a high five.
anyway, that's the story of my Mountain Experience™. again, more than comfortable sharing this story as i think it's quite important with understanding me and we know who to blame for putting us through this. i've had chats with other alumni who came before me and they had their Own nightmarish experiences with this camp, which makes me wonder how it continued being a thing for so long.
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lucaaazd · 19 days
Hey so, do you have any thoughts/ HCs abt piek? I don't have the best grasp on her, but you seem passionate and I'd love to know what you think
Hi there friend!
“You seem passionate” 😭😭 hahahahaha I am. I never thought much about her until recently with my “Annie grew up in paradis” AU rendering female Titan Pieck a possibility. But here are some of my hc’s about her (mostly modern au):
Her FT would be godlike and super tall with that slick ass Eren founding Titan hair.
(Modern nyc au) she grew up in the east village near Tompkins, specifically stuy town, with journalist parents. Hope that’s not too niche lol. She sings & plays the synth (has classical piano background) and makes the sickest experimental indie art pop with Annie (guitar & bass). She actually reminds me strongly of Björk the singer (Mikasa does too a little) and I feel like that would very much be her style. She would have great vocals, airy and melancholic and a little smoky.
Very artsy pothead. One of those kids who thrift even though they come from money. I imagine her fashion to be like, whimsy goth. Eclectic, girly, casual but also a little witchy. Lots of big pants and loose shirts.
Idk what her and Annie’s band name would be. Something funky that has to do with space, probably.
She’s a very chill drunk. Would let men buy her drinks at the bar and straight up lie and play with them lol. “Yeah my name’s Emily <3” “My boyfriend’s a cop. He’s actually stationed at 59th street not too far from here :D” “wow really, u grew up around here? Same, I think my mom knew ur dad back in the days and she told me he like, had seggs with his sister’s boyfriend 😳”
She became friends with Annie through sports. All the other girls talked shit about Annie for being cold and stuck up. The only reason Annie was still on the team was bc she was a really insanely good player. Pieck was the only person who’d talk to her.
Her ex boyfriends are all friends with each other. She’d dated whole friend groups in the past. Doesn’t mind what they think tho.
That’s it for now! I love talking abt headcanon’s so let me know if u have other questions <333 check out my modern au fic here if you’d like something fun & melodramatic to read that gets into like, murder mystery later
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rt-lots · 7 months
Joining in on the Ian and Rammy ask train… 🌂✏️ (and 🍎 specifically for Ian!)
TW for a fair bit of suicide talk!!!
umbrella - i assume this doesnt need an answer for both of them, bcuz they belong 2 the same story. i imagine ian and rammys story being a vidya game, and i guess itd b a psychological horror? which feels like, pretentious to say but the main scaries of the story are how much ians life sucks and he wants 2 die. so... i think itd count. thats all overarching stuff tho... most of ian n rammys time spent together is lightheared, i think. theyre two dudes hanging out and one of them is slowly coming to terms with the fact his suicidal thoughts won. whatever genre that is
pencil - WAHHH it depends a lot of the time... ian and rammy have definitely made a big resurgence in my brain recently (past month) bc im 18 and can post bout em, but also just cuz i love them sooo much and want to chew on them constantly. id say i write abt/draw them pretty frequently tho!! i doodle them on my school work and in notebooks a lot and they have some of the bigger galleries on my toyhouse lawl. i dont write much directly for their universe, but ive typed... many paragraphs to my friends just braindumping the shit i think about them. so, yeah, less often than id like, but theyre up there in my priorities of ocs :3
apple (for ian) - GRAHHHHHHHHHHH u dont know what demons uve unleashed w this. i already twed this post for suicide but im gonna move this part under the cut bc mentioning ians dad specifically ties a lot into the suicide aspect of the story
OKAY SO. ians family consists of his mom, sister, and him. his dad was in the picture when he was a little kid, like early elementary age, but ditched after some time. his relationship with both parents was relatively normal, they definitely couldve done a better job raising him, but they were never intentionally hurtful nor did they scar him at all. (well, correction, his MOM didnt scar him at all)
after ians dad left, though, his side of the family still kept in touch... they gave very flimsy reasonings for his fathers absence, why he couldnt make it to holidays, why he wasnt saying all these things directly, etc. it kept things strained and tense as the family knew things were being kept from them but never got to know why. the last interaction ian ever had w his dads side of the family was on his 18th birthday, where his uncle gifted him a silver handgun with his name carved into the handle. it was a hollow attempt to connect with ian, a display of violent masculinity that ian would later use to try and take his own life.
i dont have it fully figured out what this *means* for ians character, but its something i go insane about. ians only memories of his dad are him doing stereotypical masculine dad things w him, like fishing. maybe he didnt interact w ian ass if he was his child, but if he was his son, and that improper socialization is part of the reason he hates himself- why the gun is what kills him. but... i dunno really. ians social anxiety, addiction, and general collapsing in on himself are cuz of a life time of mental illness that went unchecked until he successfully isolated himself to the point no one *could* care, not just cuz daddy give him gun.
okay! that is NOT what u asked at all but now u know it. hehehe. of course ian and rammys story is a big wip forever so excuse me for any side tangents and/or general plot points w loose ends
but! as for his actual relationships w family (ill include sister since his relationship w mom isnt rlly fleshed out yet):
he and his mom havent spoken in 6 years, nor have he and his sister. he slowly faded out of their lives when he moved away, partly out of a subconscious desire to isolate and partly due to just not having the social confidence or energy to maintain regular communication w his family. his mom is the first person he talks to when he escapes his Puter, and she's his rock in his remaining months of recovery. shes very underdeveloped as a character atm, but what is certain is she tries her hardest to understand her sons struggles and support him, offering to pay for therapy for him. ian loves his mommy lalala
ian and his sister are... dddifferent. ian also had an average relationship w his sister, but shes a lot more upfront with him when it comes to talking about how his 6 year absence effected her than their mom. their mom, while wanting her children to seek help for their respective struggles, doesnt really want to actively talk about those things with them. shes terrified of saying the wrong thing, and it doesnt help that she doesnt even have a clue what *to* say. ians sister, though, isnt afraid to tell him "hey man we fucking missed you. your absence hurt a lot because i didnt have any friends either, and i wish we couldve had eachother. jackass" post main-story they are friendly and hang out. during his time w rammy, ian does talk about his thoughts on his sister before he left, that being that shes a "crazy bitch"... family <3
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another-dra-anew · 1 year
lying on the floor. im so normal about him im so normal about him im so-
- My identity hc for them
tbh! i go back and forth on whether i view him as gay or bi. so. hm. uhh canonically likes guys, and i don’t really have any consistent thoughts past that! + canonically a trans guy. my boy fits the “can’t go out without wearing 4+ layers” stereotype… rip.
  - Thoughts on their home life/family
hmm. what’s something we won’t cover in canon- OH. so, he has two older sisters, and  his maternal grandparents had three kids- two girls, and a boy, with the boy being the oldest (koba mom (yuriko) is their youngest child). so koba and his siblings are a mirror reflection of their mom and her siblings. also, her mom has a very dear friend she’s been close with for forever, and is also close with his wife now. koba considers their children to be his cousins- this is why he has some french knowledge, they live in france! has one cousin who he especially likes, a lass a few years older than him.
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
i feeeel… like he can feel a bit one note/flat? but.. i think completing his ftes will show a sort of depth to him that comes through in the main game, if you know it’s there. (also some of his feeling flat does come from me boyfailing in the past when it comes to writing. so.)
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
hm. less so something i want to make canon, moreso… something i hope people pick up on? my boy is constantly trying so hard to protect his peace. the only reason he comes across as okay as he does is because maeda only sees him at breakfast and dinner, and maeda is kinda a dunce, so he hasn’t noticed that kobashikawa is connnstantly self soothing. again. maeda is our protag and oh how that limits things. but- OH. holiday event, the start of harus arc. the way he tries to console himself, but then just distracts himself until things go away? yeaaah.
- My number one favorite ship for them
….so. you see i should say otohiko. i should. they’re iconic they’re the moment i do genuinely really love them. but i’ve had such bad kobamae brainrot…
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
kisaragi! cuz kobas huge on building planes, and kisa is a inventor. i think they’d have fun working together!! parallel play :]. also koba has a fwend he knew for like.. a year? in elementary school. who also attends hopes peak! that year of school was Really Rough on koba, so he kinda. just isn’t as eager to reconnect? bc of poor associations. but fwend is… maybe he doesn’t quite understand, but he’s trying! and he has a very good heart. so i don’t really ship them but sometimes i see stuff that makes me go “oh… it’s them 🥺” so. ya know!!
- The thing i will NEVER ship
no “enemies to lovers” with him and higa don’t even try to slide that shit by. that’s a bigot x the person he hate crimed. (i do think while koba wouldn’t ever be *friends* with higa, they could be acquaintances. he wants an apology he 100% wants an apology he’s not going to stop giving higa hell (in non despair) until he gets an apology. but yeah i just. i don’t think they’re compatible i don’t think they’d mesh well and i just. why would u do koba like that ?
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
not to say iranami again. but they were besties in the first iterations of beta so it’s a fun little throwback for me!! i also think abt him and tsu in non despair a lot. i think they kinda… tend to run in different circles a lot? but they occasionally seek out each other specifically. cuz they’re friends!! they just don’t really have the same friend group. overall i think koba is p popular/well liked! so like… should chat more abt him and everyone
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
mmm.. i’m actually redesigning his fit rn but i think his general color palette is a vibe!! it’s been consistent since betas inception and has stayed the same. i kinda tend to give up on his fit cuz it never works with me,, but surely this time it will all work out for me… yes…..
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
uhhhhh. like or like like - miniature tigers. specifically the chorus/“do you like or like like me? juuuuust sayyyy youu do…” gives me him vibes. i think he tends to make people go 👀 at him so if he was ever uncertain if someone liked him back he wouldn’t really be able to deal with it well? like or like like works because the phrase is a more light hearted/less serious way of seeing if someone feels the same, but it’s also like… again that line is accurate to what koba would want- for that person to just say they like him (tho, while that’s what he’d want to ask of them, if they actually just said yes bc he asked. he’d be v upset)
the king - conan gray, is similarly kobashikawa trying to Cope if the one time he wants someone, it doesn’t come easy to him. this song is one i have down for both him and otori lol. the only exception - paramore, is also very much so a them song. theres probably other songs i associate with him that i’m forgetting about but he’s being spoiled rn compared to the other kids. so.
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strawberrycircuits · 1 year
I don’t know what tloz is but do you have any headcanons or ideas for it?
aHeLO this draft is so old but im insane in entirely new ways from when i was working on it so here u go ily for this mwah mwah
-prior to the events of skyward sword i think link and zelda almost definitely got into prank wars every now and then. zelda gets her loftwing to deliver glitter bombs to links bedroom and link puts water cups all over her dormroom floor so she cant get anywhere. gaepora hates this shit so fucking much not just as zeldas dad but as headmaster of their school
-beedle is immortal and has been since pre-skyward sword. read a thing that doesnt change with time right now or i blow up a building ok?
-twilight princess link absolutely has a southern accent? he grew up on a ranch come on
-oot link had a lil onesided crush on sheik specifically and said crush didnt carry over to zelda when he revealed himself
-also oot sheik/zelda is genderqueer. he uses both names, he/she pronouns, and i think her titles would be interchangeable too (prince/princess, king/queen, etc). also she didnt figure this out until AFTER link defeated ganondorf
-wind waker link said damn one time in front of aryll and it took him 40 rupees and him promising to catch seagulls with her to convince her not to tell their grandma
-also ww link would make your mom jokes bc hes. 12
-twilight princess link uuh kept the sharp teeth and the doglike behaviors . hes always bringin stuff to people he likes. he gets sneezy when he gets too excited. he fucking adores the fetch quests he gets from people in Ordon/Hyrule. etc etc
-fi watches the other links sleep. not just bc she has nothing else to do in the sword or because of general protectiveness, but because skyward sword link had those semi-prophetical nightmares so often she would always watch to make sure he would wake up before they got too bad. she doesnt wake them anymore, but, you know. old habits die hard.
-speaking of nightmares, i think skyward sword link probably got some reaaally weird dreams for a few months after being cursed. weird as in he was seeing vague snippets of the Links to follow.
-minish cap link would go and talk to zelda's statue when he felt especially hopeless or lonely during his quest
-botw link uses she/he/they pronouns and is bi and zelda uses they/she and is sapphic
-do neopronouns exist in hyrule. i dont know and i especially donot care anyways Purah uses she/xe
-skyward sword link is a. trans dude👍 when he came out groose redrew the picture of link he canonically tapes to his punching bag to look more masculine bc he didnt wanna be transphobic about it
-basically none of the reincarnations are allocishet i think
-as much as i love zelink i. i dont think theyd be together (or even interested) in every timeline. i think that theyre tragic friends in oot and besties in wind waker and essentially coworkers in tp. like i think that theres always this background noise of "i know you and i trust you" that lingers on long after the link and zelda in skyward sword, but thats abt it yaknow
-cherry? the little ancient sheikah robot in robbies house? yeah i dont have any headcanons for her i just love her a whole lot. bring her back in totk if shes not already in it nintendo puhleaseeeeee
i have. more. but i will spare u all from my brain worms...... for now
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scover-va · 2 years
An updated Rust McClain (and Rocky) HCs post
Because I've been thinking abt him more and have updated thoughts abt him (og list can be found here in case anyone wants to compare) (it also just has some overall waste world hcs tbh)
CWs because I realized while writing this that it gets very dark in some bits: Frequent mentions of death (Specifically dying in labour, a baby dying, and then Rocky's canonical death), non-specific ED mention. Let me know if I should mention anything else!
Backstory/False Memory HCs
To start off on the same foot as the og post, due to Rust having a very fucked up memory situation going on and believing he's a real person, his mind has basically supplied him with fake memories. I googled it and it's called False Memory Syndrome. There's a similar term, confabulation, but that leans more towards remembering things concerningly wrong (fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories) than having full-on fake memories
His false memories are also made up partially of what Lionel had figured out for Waste World's plot, since this game is a lot more story oriented (or at least, was meant to be before the modding incident)
In Rust's mind + in Lionel's story drafts, the nuke that caused the radiation dropped when Rust was a little kid, ~10 at the oldest
Rust has no memories of having a mom, or any sort of maternal figure in his life, so he has no specific memory for that. He's assumed that she died in childbirth though for reasons that'll be explained ahead
Something that was also actually written in by Lionel was that Rust's dad died in Rust's mid-teenage years. Lionel never came up with a reason, but Rust's mind has made it so his dad died protecting him. His dad handed him a map to the cache and told him to run
Due to Lionel constantly flipping back and forth between 'Rust and Rocky are a father/son duo' and 'Rust and Rocky are close friends', Rust has some. Odd memories when it comes to Rocky
His brain has both convinced him that Rocky is biological and not biological, having two very conflicting memories when it comes to Rocky
Luckily, he's written it off as stress-induced memory issues and, without the help of his FMS, just figured out a reasonable explanation himself. A sad one, and he's probably just making himself mentally iller, but. Oh well
Route One: The biological-son memories. Obviously, Rust needs someone to have a kid with, he can't have a kid on his own. Doesn't matter with a cis or trans hc, can't get a surrogate in the middle of a fucking apocalypse, and he doesn't have magic or anything of the sort
So, as I've mentioned a few times before, brain wife that he completely made up in his head! Her name's Lock and she's mentioned/shown here and here
And as mentioned in a previous post, she assumed he was bad news and kicked him really fucking hard in the back. He now has back problems.
The back problems are Actually caused by his heavy ass fucking bag hidden by his cloak but he obviously doesn't realize this
Blah blah blah, relationship stuff, anyways his false memories are making him believe she died in childbirth, to explain the lack of Badass Wife in game. But bam! Child!
He wasn't there to witness it though, she sent him off to collect supplies. Aka his brain doesn't know what mental imagery to suggest with that one
My girlfriend and I have a joke that she wrote down name ideas for the kid while Rust was supply searching. Unfortunately, he cannot read
However, obviously, his brain also needs to go with the not-biological route. And how was that accomplished, you may ask?
The baby died
Rust can't remember *how*, but it did, and god that tore him apart. Because it was probably just simply a case of 'They couldn't find food soon enough' or something. Like you can't prevent that, shit happens, but it still breaks him apart to think about
So then at some point, Rust finds an abandoned baby (or at least thinks he does, bc FMS), and just. Immediately decides he needs to protect this random baby he found. Whether it's a parental instinct or guilt is up to interpretation
Child raising stuff, or at least the important bits, can be found in this fic, I'm too lazy to go over them again
Pre-Canon + During-Canon HCs
Separated from the backstory ones on account of those are fake memories, this stuff is like. Events that actually happened
He got kidnapped and died. Working on the theory post for that <3
He and Rebecha became fairly good friends! She babysat Rocky if he ever needed to do anything alone
Rebecha didn't get too attached to either of them, considering the fact that she's already gone through Combat Arena X and Secrets of Legendaria, but y'know
Was supposed to fight The Vurm in the forest, but Sado removed the cave so she could, instead, add fog. Because after the forest would (supposedly) be the route that leads to The Cache
Honestly? Most of Rust's planned enemies were never added, but were planned, so he knows about them anyway. Hence why there's only 2 bosses in the Boss Rush Mod
Back to Rebecha, Rocky learned his first ever swear word from her
She earned a lot of shit for that, especially since said word was a loud "FUCK" after Rocky nearly fucking died doing something stupid
Rust has yet to let her live it down
"Rust, I'm sorry, but you just don't have enough resources-" "'Ey remember that one time a while back when m' kid swore? Wonder who taught 'im that." "I said I was sorry, the fuck do you want from me??" "R e b e c h a."
In a Rocky-lives au though, if Rebecha didn't teach him how to swear, there is a sorceress elf who could do that much quicker than Rebecha ever could without trying-
Rust's had to repair his gun so many times
The shotgun actually 'belonged to his dad' so that's why he cares to keep it functioning, not to mention it's hard to find resources out in the Wastes, including weapons
How does he keep ammo? I dunno. He might be able to make it on his own, I don't know enough about guns
At the inn, Rust did try talking to the others. But FPP wasn't saying anything so Rust assumed FPP hated him for some reason, Weasel Kid was automatically an asshole, Chandrelle was also automatically an asshole, and Chandrelle was often sitting with Bryce, therefore excluding Bryce from the viable options list. And Rust just gets a bad feeling from Reggie. So! He sits with Lazarus and chats with him
Genuinely interested in Lazarus' stories. He doesn't understand whenever Lazarus brings up the topic if games failing, or magic, or anything of the sort, but he DOES know what aliens/cryptons are and how shooting works
He has asked Lazarus way too questions about his different guns. He has also talked a lot about other guns. Lazarus is getting extremely annoyed by the gun talk. But Lazarus is too much of a pushover to tell him to shut up. So, the gun talk continues
By the time the ritual takes place, Rust is just...out of it. The memories of what happened to Rocky just made him unable to focus on anything for a while, not to mention that the Mind Control Serum was at least somewhat being used, just so Rust wouldn't back out last second
My hcs for the immediate aftermath of the ritual (from Rust's pov of events ofc) can be found here
Post-Canon HCs
Most of my post canon stuff can be found in fics, so. Here: 1, 2
Not much to say that hasn't already been shown in fics
I do think Rust would isolate himself from the group a little, whether intentional or unintentional. He accepts their help, provides help, etc., but he just. Can't handle having genuine bonds anymore. Not after everything he's been through
So he. Gets a little bit cold. Not a lot, and again, he still does spend time with the others, it's just hard for him
Despite his abandonment issues, that doesn't mean he has trust issues. He has faith in the others, excluding Reggie and Jeremiah
Absolutely despises Jeremiah, and refuses to be in the same room as him, no matter what. He can tolerate Reggie, but doesn't pretend to like him
Has very complicated feelings when it comes to Irving and Lionel, because he never knew either of them. And no one wants to talk about them, including Lazarus, who's chatted with Rust the most
Had developed an eating disorder after Rocky's death due to eating MUCH less than normal, and that's saying something considering the Wastes. He's slowly working on it, though
Oh and also has to work on his sleep schedule
He's just. Overall trying to get better after that happened. Bryce is helping him the most through that
Would likely end up leaving the inn after a while. He needs to be on his own, and the lack of explanations are just frustrating him
General/Non-Specific HCs
Last section! Holy fuck
He's very good as fixing up vehicles! He often borrows or buys tools from Rebecha, who doesn't care, she doesn't want to be working anyways
He can get it functional enough to work for a little while. Not too long, but still
I learned while doing a bit of research that basically if you stab a specific car part you can get gas (or a gas-like eqivalent) from it! So he does that
He also. Somehow. Knows almost everything about guns. He has no access to previously done research. He does all this just by taking apart guns then putting them back together
Is incredibly far-sighted, and really badly needs glasses
He's adapted to shoot based on sound. Instead of trying to be stealthy, he startles his target so it makes noise, then shoots. He can pretty accurately shoot vital bits too despite his vision problems
If using sound isn't an option, he just. Shoots at whatever blob he's aiming at. Nowhere near as accurate but it's better than nothing
Bisexual king
Like I've said before, he doesn't know what sexualities are, he just figures everyone finds men and women attractive
Lots and lots of nightmares. It's been like that for as long as he can remember
Came to the inn some time after Bryce and Chandrelle
I don't have a strict voice claim for him, but for some reason there's a bit of a vibe match with Poor Mans Poison. I'm not sure why
Very accented way of talking, though! Half his words aren't fully pronounced
Probably from the south or the west, but we have no way of knowing for sure obviously
If you asked him for his favourite food, he'd say roasted radrat, but also say that the occasional canned peaches/canned food in general tastes really good. Bryce has made it his mission to make him try out new foods
His blood is a bit of a brownish-greenish-reddish colour now due to exposure to radiation and the mind control serum
It's a miracle none of his organs are failing, really
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starlooove · 1 year
Ok so like my issue is that I have so many AUs revolving my oc that I can’t give a set story or even anything definitive abt how they fit into the timeline so imma just give interesting factoids or whatever;
-batcat kid but specifically an Afro Cuban Selina so the kids afro cuban
-I can’t decide on a gender BUT for names I’m thinking Simón (like See-Mon) but I change my mind by the hour so
-I think their specialty would be stealth and info gathering on a street level as opposed to online. Like I think they’d have the hiding in plain sight thing totally down and they don’t do stakeouts cause they can literally sneak in anywhere when they feel like it.
-Very sticky fingers. Doesn’t even meant to steal shit sometimes and will even return things to their siblings after they notice. Damian goes through an existential crisis when they return a whole fucking sword he didn’t notice was missing.
-Has abandonment issues in the: I’ll screw u over before u screw me over kinda way, and a tendency to run from consequences. Big moment for them is doing smth wrong and instead of hiding or flat out leaving till it’s forgotten, they decide to just stay and take whatever happens. (Whatever they did doesn’t have to be a big deal, maybe like a knocked over vase or whatever; but it’s a big moment in the sense that they feel so secure in not just their place in the fam but the fact that the fam loves them that they can get grounded and be fine or whatever.)
-split up from Selina a lot when it came to escaping or just general wandering for awhile but they always made their way back to eachother. The kind of ppl that can go months without speaking and be completely fine when they come back (tho they absolutely prefer not to and make it a point to see eachother at least thrice a week when the kid gets older)
-Selina’s vv protective of the kid but also doesn’t want them to grow up spoiled and with the ability to survive if smth ever happened to her. She feels like a shitty parent sometimes bc her kid doesn’t seem socially ready for so many things but she can’t help but feel a surge of pride or vindication whenever her kid comes out stronger after something tough. It makes everything worth it when her kid can babble about how they fought off some thug, even if her heart aches as she’s bandaging their bruised knuckles.
-Twin whips. This is me projecting a bit (finding out ppl don’t generally use two nunchucks on the regular after tmnt 2012 fucked me up) but they don’t feel comfortable if they’re not dual wielding. They can’t use one pistol, it’s gotta be two. It just makes them feel unbalanced and unprotected so they follow in their moms footsteps but yknow they had to double it
-big ole eyes. Slightly unsettling. They’re green and if you look at them too fast you could swear their pupils look like slits at times…
-causes problems on purpose and is genuinely surprised by the consequences
-if they ever got caught and genuinely couldn’t escape, Selina would step in but if she thought they could make it out on their own she’d leave some kind of sign or clue as to how to go about it. She’s so proud when they don’t take her cue and escape on their own for the first time.
-is very used to going unnoticed so ppl who are extremely perceptive or pay too much attention to them freaks them out and it makes them kinda defensive. Someone asking about their day will feel like an attempt at getting them to admit to smth and they’ll respond as such.
-don’t know whether to make them younger than Damian or his age for the sheer comedy but either way they get along with him and Duke the most
-starts picking up the caveman grunts from Bruce and everyone is trying to get them out of it. “Let’s use our word sugarplum :)” “Hn.”
-toxic trait is they expect everyone to know what they’re feeling despite looking like they were etched from fucking marble all the time. They genuinely think they’re an open book and don’t understand why Tim doesn’t get that they don’t ACTUALLY hate him they just said that in a fit of rage and it doesn’t matter anymore because it’s over with.
-very go with the flow kinda person tho. “This might as well happen” personified
-smoothtalker to the max, can lie like a fucking rug. Considering their actual blunt kinda awkward personality, watching them lie so smoothly is almost as jarring as watching Batman become brucie wayne.
-if someone talks shit Abt Bruce it’s whatever and same for most of their siblings but they’ll step for Selina and Jason 😭 (spreading my close Selina and Jason agenda btw)
-tells Jason that if he doesn’t take them on a joyride around Gotham, they’ll let themselves get caught in Bristol and tell Selina that he wasn’t watching their back. They get batburger on the way back
-is very black and white at times and they know that ppl CAN change but they’re also not very forgiving. “Fool me once and fuck you I can’t wait to dance on your fucking Grave” kinda thing.
-big moment is them telling Damian or smth “I don’t wanna be mad at you anymore” and forgiving them for smth big. Smth Abt love being worth heartache and smth Abt how ppl can hurt you w/o meaning too but that doesn’t mean they love u any less or whatever.
-that’s kinda all I got
-OH! They’re darkskinned btw. None of that light caramel macchiato swirl yall always do to mixed kids. I’m thinking Eartha Kitt or Harley Quinn show Selina so they’d be somewhere in there with dark hair. They get strong brows from Bruce (I’m thinking duckytrees drawings of him) and the way they emote is all him.
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berniecranes · 1 year
🤥,👪,🍧,⏳,💔 for any ocs you want of course!!!!!
*giggles* I don't know what came over me, sorry these are kinda long!!! Thank you bestie for the ask!!
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Andy: Erm no. He would not be a good liar. I feel you can tell he fidgets more when he's nervous. Tangling his fingers together, tugging on his sleeves or even readjusting his glasses. 'Cause they're his little nervous ticks I'd say more rampant, if that makes sense.
Frances: To an extent. But she truly doesn't like lying and doesn't do it often. I think she'd be able to hide it better because she was already taught to be very prim and proper and she can use that kinda as a mask. That's usually used for more emotional things she tries to hide, but definitely could work for a lie. BUT— when she can't hide it, you can tell. She'll just have a lil bit of a pained expression sksksk
Richard: sksksk I don't talk about him much because he's like my own character not rlly tied to anything. But he's a great liar. And you won't be able to tell he's lying. He's got the businessman ability to be a piece of shit and look you directly in the eyes, knowing he's getting the better end of the stick, even if that means a lie or two mixed in there.
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Andy: His family is a great lil average family. They don't have much, work with what they have, and love what they're able to have. His family is genuinely close to their neighbors, not in a just neighborly way, but in a legitimate friend of the family way. They come together and have Barbecues, help out with yard work and what not. Oh and I'm not gonna talk abt his extended family. It's fucking big.
Andy is very close to his mom. I feel she tries to never let him feel left out for being the middle child and truly tries to treat all of her kids with proper love & affection and respect. His mom may have a specific soft spot for Andy though, as he was the softer one of her boys.
Andy has two other siblings!! He has an older brother Julio who is in college, and a younger sister named Yolanda!! Andy and Julio have had to share a room practically their entire life and have butted heads from time to time. But he really looks up to Julio and loves him dearly. And Yolanda and him!!! They are the closest!! Andy loves hanging out with her, showing her the plants he's learned to identify through boy scouts and leading her around. They are probably only a year or two apart, whereas I think him and his brother are maybe 3 years? I'm still working them out.
Richard: Ohhh....this guy loves his family. He'll tell you they are his absolute priority. Everything he does, it's for them. He is utterly in love with his wife, Kathleen. And Emily, his daughter is daddy's little girl. She honestly could get anything she wants! She still follows her dad's strict rules, while knowing how fun and playful he can be. Emily is around 8 years old. Richard's biggest issue family wise is his work! He is a workaholic to the max, and constantly either late, or bringing the office home. He has to go on business trips from time to time, sometimes his family can join, sometimes they can't. When they can't, it's definitely rough. Richard misses his family a ton, and maybe that's why he goes out and has some fun. Yes; Richard is a cheater, which his family is unaware about. I hope that first part makes a lil more sense now.
Richard is an only child and has a little rocky relationship with his father. He respected him, but sometimes that is all there felt there was; just respect. When Richard started growing into his own him and his father worked out a lot of stuff. His father helped him become the stern, proper man he is. Richard was always close to his mother, making sure to help around the house so she didn't have to do anything all on her own, as his father, too, was a hard working businessman.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Andy: He still has a toy airplane that is hung from his side of the room's ceiling. He's had it since he was a baby. He's never pulled it down, he's just use to it there, he likes it. He's always thought planes were cool. Andy likes looking at it because apparently his dad picked it out for him. Andy doesn't have much things like this, so he holds it dearly to him.
⏳ HOURGLASS - are they usually late or on-time?
Andy: Tries to be on time. Mom says is disrespectful to show up late, that person is giving you their time. But for family occasions not hosted at his house? His family is coming in a lil late. Sksksksks
Frances: Shows up early, but in a normal way. It's the proper thing to do. She would never come an hour or so early, she feels that is dropping in the hosts time, and doesn't think that is fair.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Frances: she would be heart broken to find out he was a cheater. I think that is rather obvious and common, but she just would be devastated. All she ever wants to do is be the best she can, and that means giving her all in a relationship. And a bit more specific one for her, which I won't elaborate on, but be like Dante. That would send her into a little bit of a crisis.
Andy: If I'm being real; probably their first fight. Andy is already getting ready to lay in bed for the next week after it happens. He's never had a girlfriend yet, so he really thinks the first fight is gonna be the end. Talking to his mama about all the things he should have or could have done, when in reality it rlly was neither of their fault and will probably end up realizing they were just better as friends sksksksk.
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lucky-draws · 2 years
trueee they really cant escape each other lmao. could you maybe talk a bit more about fate and how it connects to bosselot? just if you want to ofc i love how you explain things :) i think that concept is so interesting to think about in a normal way (is also insane about bosselot)
hello!!!!!! tee hee hee im glad my insane words make some sense 2 you. i can surely attempt 2 talk abt bosselot some more + specifically abt fate. hrm . mission commence.
i guess. i suppose there's an element of fate like in a cruel twist of fate way running through the whole saga of the boss, the sorrow, ocelot, snake etc; like when the boss kills the sorrow, neither of them know the other is involved, she doesn't know it's him until they come face to face etc. and they've no choice but for the sorrow to die. star crossed lovers or whatever the hell.
and then in mgs3 its the fuckin. ocelot doesnt even know who the boss is at the start. much less that she's his mother. and he falls in love/is infatuated with snake whilst being totally unaware that snake is later going to kill his mother. thats not exactly fate ig or is it idk what im saying here but like....u know??? its the cruel irony of it all basically. i suppose there's an element of history repeating itself (which is in the wider series a big element ig. never ending cycles.) one must live and one must die, first with the boss + the sorrow and then with the boss + snake.
i guess also hghgfgfm. have u ever seen that post, its in the bosselot tag i think by captmelbourne and it goes like. 'thinking abt ocelot being born from a snake shaped wound and destiny and shit.' and jhghg listen i think abt that always. idk. ocelot being fated to/born to meet snake or something. idk.
i guess actually rather than any sound analysis here i just like the sort of visuals of it. aesthetically. the scar is just a very tasty element of this all. i like the visuals of the mythological red string of fate where uve each got one end of the red string of soulmateness tied to ur finger and it never snaps etc etc EXCEPT LIKE. with bosselot its in like a bad/tragic/evil/weird way. connected by the red snake of i killed your mom fate. red snake of you were born from a snake wound and. i am a snake (???) therefore um it's ..something? (????) . ALSO. ! connected by the blood-red snake of i was literally born on a battlefield (fated to a life of conflict) and you were shaped into a soldier (fated to a life of conflict) by my mother. ..... u know??
and god like ok. big boss giving himself the boss' snake shaped scar in peace walker...... it's all the mirrors or symmetry or parallels. the repetition. ?
+ on subject of parallels: the way they see themselves reflected in each other in relation to the boss. like big boss starting off as the rookie kid mentored by the boss. and then later he then becomes the mentor to ocelot the rookie kid. oh and ocelot just happens to be the son of the boss. ! and also which i guess maybe links to what i already said before abt the coma + the 9 years bringing them equal ish idk.?
i suppose in a wider non-bosselot way maybe there's some kind of fate or full-circleness about ocelot in mgs4 being killed by solid snake. i.e. he was born from a snake shaped wound + was eventually killed by a snake. hm. ...
i guess there’s probably some other stuff im missing or forgor.,i am a little tired sorry but yeah i hope some of this made sense. and if i think of anything else or think of a better way to articulate it then u can be sure i will be inflicting another post abt it on u lol.
OHHHH before i go omg. another thing on subject of paralells/history repeating. and this isn’t an orginal thought or anything obvs everyone has talked abt this but what the HELL is up with the whole.   the boss in the ocean. (+ strangelove  pulling her out.)  and then falling into a coma.  > big boss in the ocean. (and we could choose to believe ocelot pulled him out if we really wanted to.) and then falling into a coma.     > solid snake in the ocean (and otacon pulling him out.) LIKE THIS SERIES IS JUST THE SAME THING OVER ANDOVER. ourou fucking boros. !!!!
so yes anyway!!!! thank u for indulging and allowing my bosselot insanity i am glad u are also really normal (insane) about these two. :-)))))) thank u for dropping by!! feel free to ask anything else etc etc ! o7
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