#this dessert thing i also got really recently
beananium · 10 months
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fuck it. my plushie squad
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emometalhead · 21 days
#having a day full of mixed feelings#I suppose this is how life goes#I'm officially done with my Bachelor's degree as of today#obviously I'm proud of myself for the accomplishment and I was excited to be celebrated today#it was a long and difficult road and there were many times where I didn't think I'd live to see it through but I made it#I'm the first person in my family to get this degree and I was really looking forward to having today be my day#I had a really lovely morning and then things kind of waned#there were a few arguments. someone I spent the day with repeatedly made negative comments about something I care about#it felt awful. I know it was intended as more of a playful jab than anything but I directly asked for the comments to stop and they didn't#it especially hurt that it was a fandom thing and the person is so invested in their own fandoms yet they felt it fair to step on mine#even though I've never done that to them#then people kept talking over me and acted like I was wrong for trying to interject to finish my own sentences#also as I said in the last post I was deeply upset by how my family members spoke of my 12 year old cousin#she's just a kid and some of our close family members have such a nasty opinion of her. she's so young and she's had a rough few years#but it seems like no one except my brother and I are willing to give her any grace#I think everyone else has forgotten what it feels like to be a kid and feel as if the world is against you#on a more positive note. I had a decadent slice of chocolate cake. it was heavenly#unfortunately I was really too in my head to fully enjoy it#literally every day for 3 weeks I've been talking about the lunch I planned to have today#I knew exactly what meal and dessert I wanted from the restaurant. it's my absolute fave and isn't available at any other local restaurant#I was totally starving by time we got to the restaurant. we were out all morning and I ate a tiny breakfast in anticipation of this meal#when we got there we found out they removed what I planned to order from the menu. I was devastated.#I know it's stupid but like this was the one part of my day that I've had planned for MONTHS and I've been thinking about it for weeks#we had a 40 minute car ride where I mentioned my excitement for the food no less than 10 times so this crushed me#also I'm just really picky in general and typically restaurants only have one or two things I'm able to eat#I offered to just eat the dessert while everyone else ordered food because they were all really hungry too but they wouldn't allow it#we left the restaurant and I still feel horrible for walking out. if I had known the item was removed we wouldn't have even gone there#it happened so recently though and I feel dumb for not even thinking to check the menu online beforehand#so we went to another restaurant and I barely ate anything and now I have no appetite for dinner and I feel bad for ruining the afternoon#even though it's my day and my celebration and I feel like I'm entitled to a slight amount of unreasonableness
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vynegar · 4 months
14% of the way through....
#ok i can do like half an hour each day and then i'll finish on the weekend. good pace. we can do this#hopefully tomorrow i can do some reading at work. LMAO.#honestly my bottleneck (aside from my own focus/free time) is the rate at which people upload the main story recordings to youtube#youtube channel polar artem u are my hero. i love you. i hope you have a good day 366x this year#tot liveblog#wow i should translate something again... maybe i've improved (wishful thinking)#but it really has been a while and there are some things i said i would translate that i never did. lol#probably not a card tho (mainly since i haven't been reading the recent cards). maybe an extra thing like interview. i'll probably look for#some fan analyses since we got a main story chapter. idk tho i kinda wanna chew over word choice again. then again i get to be a bit looser#when translating discussion posts....#EDIT 2/12: post is still happening just. it takes so much focus to read two things at the same time aldsjfklsjlaskej#so much more tempting to read other VNs where i'm like. just reading normally. and not also trying to keep track of a plot spanning mult ye#years while simultaneously trying to consider the implications for characterization in the context of 2.5 years' worth of interaction#it's fine my relationship with tot content is totally normal and healthy and i absolutely do this voluntarily. for Fun#ok but DEF it'll be up by next weekend promise (bc i need to distract myself before dessert de otomate)
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thehmn · 2 months
I’ve been a fool! An idiot! A halfwit!
Ages ago my mother gave me a slow cooker (or crock pot if you like) and over the years I’ve only taken it out sparingly, maybe once a year, maybe only every other year. But now? Now it’s firmly placed on my craft table (because I can’t fit it on the kitchen table) because I only recently realized you can make most things in it so long as you’re not addicted to the crisp. It can make things crispy just not super crispy.
I’ve really come to appreciate that I can start the slow cooker in the evening before I go to bed and have breakfast immediately in the morning or start it before I leave for work and get right to dinner once I get home and still use less electricity than if I had cooked it in the oven for 30 minutes. So far I’ve of course made various stews but also whole chickens, baked potatoes, bacon, rice milk porridge (Christmas dessert), bread, meatballs and banana cake.
I’m mostly making this post for my fellow low incomers or low energy besties who don’t have the time or energy to cook or want to save money. Slow cookers are some of the cheapest cooking appliances you can buy and my ADHD brain sometimes wants to buy another one just because the one my mom got me is bigger than I need it to be. It can seem scary at first to make other things besides stews in it but it cooks so slowly you’ve got plenty of time correct any mistakes. I can’t recommend a slow cooker enough.
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gojoscloset · 4 months
“You smell sooo good.”
“Thanks! I taste even better.”
with JJK boys (Choso, Toji, Gojo ) NSFW/Suggestive
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He took notice of your new scent and decided to act on it. He complimented you but he did not expect what you had to say in return.
“Thank you! I taste even better.”
You give him a wink and instantly he was a mess. He was at a loss for words, his throat and mouth suddenly became dry and his mind couldn’t help but wonder if maybe you could help him quench his thirst.
Choso’s nonchalant expression switched up to a more shocked one. He looked away, tugging at the scarf around his neck to ease the sudden heat that reached his body. He was thankful for the baggy-ness of his clothes, otherwise a growing tent would be present for everyone to see.
He didn’t hold back, when does he ever? He caught a whiff of your scent once you got in his proximity and he couldn’t help himself.
“Damn girl, you smell good enough to eat.”
His lips curled into a smirk and made his way closer to you, the sweet aroma enticed him and whatever it was you were wearing was literally good enough to make his mouth water.
“Then why don’t you?”
You dared him and looked straight in his eyes, your innocent expression challenged him and he wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, chibi.*” Toji smirked and crossed his arms over his broad chest, he looked down at you, the size difference more noticeable as he closed the gap between you and him. Before you even said anything his mind wandered to all the things he could do to you. How he would bend and fold you and how he would have you at his mercy. He was known to be a demon with his mouth and questioned how you would receive him. Would you really be able to handle it?
“I know what I’m getting into, I think I can take it.” …
Satoru invaded your space, as always. He practically placed his nose in your hair playfully taking a deep breath. “Wow you smell delicious, is it new?” He smiled and moved his hands to waft the air closer to him, like you were some kind of freshly baked dessert.
“Thank you! And if you think that smells delicious just wait till you taste me.”
Satoru cocked a brow and gave you a confident grin.
“Hmmm. Sorry princess but I don’t think I CAN wait, you know I have a sweet tooth.” He licked his lips and moved closer to you, taking in your scent once again. “As a matter of fact,I’m craving something sweet right now.”
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Authors notes:
*Chibi can be used to call someone shorty.
I came up with the idea because I recently bought hella stuff from Bath and Body Works and I smell so so so delicious and have been getting compliments. LOL
Also I can’t believe I wrote for Toji 🤢 I h8 him but I did it for the girlies lmao
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🧁 cupcake analysis 🧁
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YES, YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY 🤡 I’m still fixated on the cute character-themed cupcakes we got from the recent TsumTsums x TWST collab… so I’m going to talk about more things I noticed in the cupcake designs by dorm + by individual characters!
Mmm, cupcakes… 🧁 I would make these if only I had the tools to make all of the painstaking little details—
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They all have checkered cupcake liners with a half-painted white rose. Famous Heartslabyul iconography!
Their names are written out in a white cursive font. Not the wackiest they could have gone with, but it fits the whimsical style of these cupcakes.
Of course, we have strawberries—a fruit from Riddle’s favorite dessert, his beloved strawberry tarts (which also have personal significance to him, being as it was a strawberry tart’s taste that entranced him and made him late to return home as a child). The ring of frosting piped around the strawberries kind of creates the illusion of a tart’s puff pastry with the fruit nesting inside.
Red frosting made with a piping tip to resemble a big rose! Again, more famous Heartslabyul iconography.
The cupcake also has the crown and a ribbon similar to the ones he wears in his Dorm Uniform~
Unlike the other Heartslabyul cupcakes, Riddle’s is predominantly one color: red. This could be referring to how Riddle is the most rigid in the dorm and someone who demands uniformity and preaches absolutism (“follow the rules”, “paint all the roses red”, etc.).
Even so! There are still little gold and blue sprinkles (though still in a neat arrangement)! I like to think of them as sprinkles of hope and a willingness to change… the first step he’s taking outside of his comfort zone!
No card; this makes sense since Riddle is also the only one without a card suit mark on his face.
The cookie iced to look like his hat…
Another cookie iced to look like the three of clubs heart (for obvious reasons)!
Trey’s cupcake looks kinda fuzzy like moss, so that leads me to believe the frosting got dipped in sanding sugar to give it texture or something. This makes the cupcake look like it’s an unassuming shrub—and really, isn’t that what Trey claims to be? He’s not an exciting red rose like Riddle, he’s the mild-mannered “normal” guy there to support the flower as the leaves and shoots.
Sugared violets as a topping! Nice way of incorporating Trey’s favorite food into this.
He has a little dusting of sprinkles too; maybe because it was him that showed Riddle “a whole new world”.
There seems to be a layer of jagged chunks (maybe crushed pistachios) along the rim. Feels quite different than the rest of the cake—maybe it’s to represent the less kind side of himself that Trey sometimes alludes to.
Two cookie sticks, which remind me of like two spears crossing to block off a path to the queen. On-brand for Trey, who initially follows Riddle’s orders to a T and kicks out his rule-breaking underclassmen.
There’s a LOT going on here, and I wonder if that’s in part because Cater is a Magicam fiend and in part because he’s using his flashiness to distract from looking deeper into him. This cupcake reflects that idea well, especially with the colorful sprinkles in the center (as opposed to spread out like Trey or Riddle’s) to make the otherwise mainly orange and red cake pop out more on a social media feed. It also could mean that Cater really keeps to himself, as the sprinkles are not spread outward.
If you look closely, the frosting vaguely resembles Cater’s hair. There’s a larger dollop in the middle which sort of looks like the middle section of his hair that’s pulled back.
There’s lots of little decorations that resembles the decorations on Cater’s phone case—an item near and dear to his heart.
The orange slices can be sweet—the impression that Cater tries to give off—but the pretzel implies a savory taste—what he actually prefers to eat.
There’s a squiggle of darker orange under his name. Is it to call attention to his identity? Cater tries to seek validation and attention from socials, so maybe this is a call to action.
Cater’s cupcake is the only one in his entire dorm that has TWO cards (both four of diamonds). One is probably a cookie and is in full color whole the other is one solid color (brown) and made of chocolate. Most likely this is referring to his UM, which allows Cater to create clones of himself. I wonder if the second card being chocolate alludes to something else too… Namely, the more melancholy and downtrodden part of himself that Cater usually does not let his peers know about 😔
Also two cookie sticks! Similar meaning as Trey’s, especially given that Cater was the first upperclassman to toss Adeuce out (after he gets them to paint the roses for him).
Ace of hearts card!
A sprinkle of hearts… Are any of us surprised??
His frosting is very ruffled and playful, much like his personality.
The cupcake is more on the simple side compared to many of the others; this is also very “Ace” of him, as Ace is commonly described as “the average high school boy” and has indicated himself that he has no particular goals or ambitions yet.
There’s a cherry on top! Very bright and cheeky, just like Ace—oh, and let’s not forget, cherry pie is his favorite food!
There’s also what appears to be almond shavings on Ace’s cupcake; almonds are actually very closely related to cherries so it’s a great pairing! If we really wanna stretch it, maybe it’s a reference to how Ace is skilled at mimicking or copying others, as the taste/smell of almond and cherries can be commonly mistaken for one another.
Two of spades card!
Deuce’s cupcake has a very different texture to it. Unlike the others, his is very smoothed out and almost shiny (like a mirror glazed cake!). It makes me think this is to help him stand out as someone who is trying to reform and reinvent himself into something sparkling—especially seeing as the blue part of the cake seems to be covering up/glooping over the body of the cupcake itself.
Little candy eggs (one with a crack in it) and a baby chick! A callback to him liking egg dishes and the utter despair he experienced when he first learned that supermarket eggs aren’t fertilized…
The light blue squiggle makes me think of Deuce meandering and not knowing where he wants to go in life, representative of his delinquent phase or perhaps struggling to stay on the straight and narrow path of an honors student.
Finally, we have the grey marks on the cupcake which look like tire marks left from skidding around on a magical wheel/blastcycle, Deuce’s preferred mode of transportation!
Deuce's cupcake goes from blonde/yellowish to blue, which probably refers to him going from bleached hair as a delinquent to his natural hair color as he tries to reform himself.
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Golden yellow cupcake liners with Savanaclaw’s signature horizontal zigzag pattern.
Their names seem to be done in a blocky text on chocolate. Fits the tough, somewhat rigid hierarchical feel of the dorm.
A crescent moon-shaped candy invokes the imagery of Scar singing the final line to Be Prepared as he and the hyenas ready themselves for the coup.
The darker frosting swirled on the side be interpreted as his scar or maybe the end of his tail.
Cacao nibs kind of remind me of rocks, perhaps to symbolize the hard childhood Leona had, desperately trying to prove himself to people who didn’t like him in the first place. There’s notably also golden specks there—a ray of hope for him to be better? Or maybe a nod to his noble lineage.
The chocolate sauce makes this cupcake feel very decadent but also adds to the dark look of it. I would say it resembles blot, but none of the other OB boys have this same feature. Maybe a hint at Leona’s depressive traits?
Wishful thinking on my part, but Leona’s cupcake is the only one in his dorm with a large splash of green (thanks to the leaves there). I like to think it’s him “turning over a new leaf” and turning his sights onto his internship + working toward helping to help preserve nature and discover energy efficient methods to help his country.
His cupcake is the “tallest” in Savanaclaw (because of how high his frosting is)—he’s obviously the leader of the pack.
Very decadent cupcake. A large scoop of ice-cream, nuts, pastries, tons of cream and frosting… it looks like someone just piled on all their favorite desserts (which suits a glutton like him). Even his own cake looks like it’s about to burst out of the liner!
Two donuts inserted in, because 1) they’re Ruggie’s favorite and 2) two is better than one!
The scattered chunks of chocolate resemble the pattern on the coat of a spotted hyena, which is what Ruggie is.
WHY DOES HIS CUPCAKE JUST STRAIGHT UP LOOK LIKE HIM… The two paler frosting peaks are his ears, the two-tone swirl results in his hair but also results in the high peak of his tail.
This cupcake has a lot of nuts (I see a walnut, a cashew, maybe crushed peanuts, and many whole hazelnuts). Maybe because Jack is “a tough nut to crack” due to his stoic and standoffish attitude? But we all know he’s a sweetheart deep down, perhaps why the most abundant of these nuts is hazelnuts, often used in many desserts and especially paired with chocolate.
xvsjwveiwk This is a slightly unserious note but there’s something whitish that night be dried coconut??? Sprinkled on the cake… I-Is that Jack shedding/j
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Each Octavinelle cupcake has a black macaron decorated to resemble their dorm uniform hats! The filling is purple (like Octa’s usual color) and has candy pearls (since they’re from the sea).
Their names are written in an elegant flowing font, with emphasis on the first letter of their names (slightly bigger than the other letters). It provides an impression that differs from the other letters in their names, much like how the Octatrio themselves can be deceptive.
A bowtie that matches what each boy wears in his dorm uniform.
The sprinkling of little purple pearls could really be nothing, but they could also be all the powers/abilities they have collected together.
The single chocolate stick (not two, unlike Cater and Trey’s) could pass as a straw, making the whole cupcake appear like a drink. Makes sense, the Mostro Lounge has a 1 drink minimum + his Dorm Uniform vignette is all about how he wants to buy the rights for the popular Mystery Drink from Sam.
A little contract and writhing chocolate tentacles pair nicely together. Together, they represent his UM and how his tendrils reach out to pull people into deals.
Azul also has a scoop of ice-cream, but it is notably VERY different looking than Ruggie’s. Azul’s is much smaller (because he moderates what he eats and how much) and neater too (because he cares about his tidy appearance).
There is a swirl of purple frosting on the bottom but most of the frosting is white and piled high. The former must be Ursula’s skin, and the latter her hair, as it is similar in shape.
His cupcake liner has the widest stripes (because he used to be overweight in the past) and has little purple dots (maybe in reference to the suctions on his tentacles).
Azul keeps the spiral seashell that resembles Ursula’s necklace.
Azul's cupcake goes from purple to white, which may denote his transition from octopus merman to human.
The twins have a scalloped seashell that splits in half, representing the other brother. The way the shell divets also makes it look like a heart shape, implying the brothers “share a heart” or perhaps calling back to how both of their UMs involve “the heart” (Shock/Bind the Heart).
Their frosting is the color of their hair, even containing a stripe of black (in opposite directions) to match their hair. The frosting also seems to be slightly textured, which matches the gills and scales on their merforms.
The peak of the frosting resembles the ends of their eel tails flicking in opposite directions.
Three diamond-shaped “scales” on each cupcake; this is ghe same shape and design as the earrings they wear.
A ring of purple frosting is included; this could represent Azul, someone whom the twins closely work with and consider a great source of amusement. It’s telling that the purple frosting is below the teal frosting, as the twins have made it clear before that they’re not his minions or “below” him, they act independently and choose to follow Azul because they want to (and have the agency to leave whenever).
Jade’s cupcake liner has the most numerous and thinnest vertical stripes. There is also a very fine zigzag running through the liner. Very similar to Jade’s teeth arrangement and how they present as small but frequent.
Jade's cupcake stays a consistent color throughout the creation process.
Floyd’s cupcake liner is in the middle of Azul and Jade’s in terms of line spread and thickness. The zigzag is also more elongated than Jade’s, matching Floyd’s more easygoing personality between the two twins. He’s also more likely to show his full teeth!
Floyd's cupcake goes from gold to teal, but Jade does not do the same or even the reverse. Maybe this hints at how Floyd is the more fickle brother?
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Scarabia cupcake liners are color blocked with solid black and a deep red with an intricate golden pattern. Matches their dorm uniforms well!
They have snake biscuits with their names in bold, blocky all capital letters for impact. The biscuit shape suits the Sorcerer of the Sands. The text choice… I’m not sure, maybe to match the “casual streetwear” style of the dorm…? Or the dorm leader’s brazenness and overt friendliness?
His earrings have been made into an edible version!
Thumbprint cookies that resemble glistening jewels! This, plus the colorful sugar pearls, represents Kalim’s immense wealth.
There’s a bow tied around his cupcake liner, which matches the cloth he wears around his head in many outfits of his.
The feathers that transition in color are for Kalim’s love of animals and willingness to accept others of all kinds (“colors”). This could also be a reference to his Dorm Uniform vignettes, where he pulled off a trick that made white birds appear to be “rainbow”.
At first I thought the white puffy frosting was to look like the Sultan’s turban, but wouldn’t they make it smoother and resemble one cohesive lump in that case…? Then I realized the white frosting actually resembles a CLOUD 😭 which fits Kalim so well, since he takes his friends out on magic carpet rides…
The red peak poking out of the top could be like… the domed roof of a tower, since there is one both for the Sultan’s palace and in Scarabia dorm. The white sprinkles/coconut shreds on the red part also gives the impression that the roof just poked through the clouds www
VERY tiny detail but if you look closely you’ll notice that Kalim’s cupcake is… lumpy… almost as though he tried baking for the first time himself and messed it up a little, so Jamil took over decorating for him to cover up the mistakes. (That’s headcanon anyway, lol)
Jamil’s cupcake is a two-tone twirl thar matches the colors of his dorm AND the turban he wears when he overblots.
We have the classic red feather, three golden orbs, and a thumprint cookie (again, resembling a jewel) to match Kalim’s and to match Jamil’s hair accessories!
The little bits of gold sprinkled around are hard to place but maybe it’s to show how Jamil has to put Kalim first and foremost while his own feelings get dismissed/belittled/treated as less important.
Large chunks of chocolate on top! Not sure what this could be, but a part of me wants to believe it’s his depressive or defeatist traits, since Leona also has chocolate, but scattered. (Can you tell I loved these two’s interactions in book 6?)
Finally, we come to the enigmatic and out-of-place golden squiggle. Someone as meticulous as Jamil couldn’t possibly have intentionally placed that there, right…? Allow me, if you will, to circle back to the “Kalim was trying to bake with Jamil” theory… What if, while Jamil was decorating Kalim’s cupcake to cover up the unevenness of the cake, Kalim tried to thank Jamil and repay the favor by decorating Jamil’s cupcake??? And it resulted in… that squiggle… so Jamil had to roll with it and make the rest of his cupcake look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
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All Pomefiore names are written in elegant script on a chocolate disc that is also stamped with the stars and moons of their dorm.
The cupcake liners have the same stars and moons pattern and has the colors of Pomefiore.
Similar to Riddle, Vil has a crown to show that he is the dorm leader. His is, of course, a different design to reflect a different queen (the Fairest Queen, not the Queen of Hearts).
The frosting has a slight gradient which is the same as the tips his hair.
The golden leaves match the leaves on the back of his dorm leader tiara/crown.
There are berries on top; notably, a red one still has a bit of leaf and branch stuck to it, making the berry look like a red apple (you know, cuz the Evil Queen used one to poison Snow White).
Vil has golden dust and two types of round candies evenly dispersed on the cupcake. It shows us how clean and yet elegant his personal style is.
Rook's cupcake has a very unique shape that is not quite like any other student's. Indeed, his cupcake resembles his hat (note the little feather sticking out of the top purple part) and bangs (the lower yellow part).
The purple part looks like it is made with an extruder and results in a texture similar to the top of a mont blanc; this is probably to help differentiate it from the smoother texture of the yellow beneath. Since the purple is a hat, the texture is most likely to make it seem more "fabric-like".
The yellow part + the color change from yellow to purple may also be a reference to how he was originally in Savanaclaw, but then transferred to Pomefiore.
An edible bow and arrow motif befitting of a skilled huntsman!
The squiggle line here seems to be showing the path of his arrow, which always finds its mark. Additionally, Rook himself is a tricky person and usually employs roundabout strategies or misdirecting ways to achieve his goals.
At the end of the arrow's path is a cluster of what seems to be pomegranate seeds, which seems odd and something more befitting of Idia or Ortho (who have ties with Hades; there is a tale about Hades having Persephone eat a pomegranate fruit which dooms her to spending half of her time in the Underworld). However, I think here the pomegranate seeds are meant to be... like... an artistic, abstract depiction of blood once the arrow strikes its target.
There's blueberries on top, an element he has in common with Vil (someone whom he devotes himself to). The leaves here with the berries tie Rook to the wild, both as a huntsman and has an ex-Savanaclaw student.
The pale purple color of the frosting is the same as Epel’s hair!
Unlike Vil’s sprinkled-on decorations, Epel’s are not spread out evenly and instead cluster at the top. This may be attributed to their different levels of maturity, as Vil and more knowledgable than Epel, who expresses outdated views on gender and has a limited understanding of the world due to coming from a very rural area.
There’s a fine shimmer on Epel’s cupcake—probably because his arc in book 5 was about learning to appreciate and weaponize his beauty.
Two apple slices because… well, when you think of Epel, you think of apples and the Felmier family business!
There seems to be a little bit of yellow peaking out from the cake? Are those more apple slices or an apple filling…?
The pale frilled strip of frosting resembles a lace collar, something which Epel wears in his school uniform.
Epel is the only member of Pomefiore to have a cupcake which LACKS a blueberry (or really any berries at all). This is a subtle indication that he is the “odd one out” within the dorm, as he, unlike Rook, is not conforming to the standards set by his dorm leader.
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The Ignihyde cupcake liner has the same black and blue geometric look as their dorm uniform jackets.
I don’t know how to really describe the font their names are written in, but the way the letters are cut reminds me of a “Greek” style of text (similar to this).
Their names seem to be displayed on Oreos chocolate sandwich cookies with Ignihyde blue fillings. Counting the parts (2 cookies, the cream filling), there’s three in total, which matches the count of the heads of Cerberus, as well as how many Shroud brothers there are.
Both Idia and Ortho have what look to be confetti cakes as the base for their cupcakes, Because of the dark color of the cake and the bright color of the sprinkles, it creates the impression of stars in the night sky—maybe to reference Star Rogue, their favorite video game.
The skull-shaped technomantic device Ida uses to launch his magic spells tops off his cupcake.
On either side of the skull device are candies (?) that look like the same light sticks Idia is super into waving around at his beloved idols’ concerts.
The blue frosting is meant to look like his fiery hair!
Idia’s cupcake goes from a red gradient to a blue one. His hair actually goes change color like this based (on his mood), We’ve seen his hair go from blue to red from anger and/or determination and passion in both book 7 and in his Dorm Uniform vignettes.
This cupcake seems to represent both the deceased Ortho and the current android Ortho.
Not sure what it is, but there’s something with a cybernetic glowing design that implies a circuit board; this is part of the internal parts which make up robo!Ortho.
There’s some kind of sauce with sprinkles over the top of that layer; this could be the blot that makes up phantom!Ortho, since we usually don’t associate the “dripping” of the sauce with robo!Ortho.
The smaller dollop of blue frosting is Ortho’s fiery blue hair. He’s smaller and younger than Idia, so the flames do not consume the entire cupcake. (Alternatively, this could also be the fire-shaped bottle that serves as phantom!Ortho’s head.)
Under the frosting is a cookie and a thin ring which resembles the ring of glowing triangles that appears around robo!Ortho’s neck. A similar pattern appears around the neck of phantom!Ortho.
This cupcake’s cake is a lighter color than Idia’s cake. It also has a larger variety in the sprinkle colors, maybe as a nod to Ortho’s cheerier and more hopeful personality compared to Idia’s gloomier and pessimistic one.
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The Diasomnia cupcake liners are black with a green briar pattern.
Each student’s name is piped in chocolate, with the third years in white and the underclassmen in what seems to be milk chocolate.
The cupcakes seem to be malformed or sort of puffy like Kalim’s is. I wonder if that means Lilia roped all of his kids to bake with him as a bonding exercise www
Malleus’s cupcake goes from Diasomnia green to black (the royal color of the Draconia bloodline), symbolizing the eventual transition he must make from student to king of his country.
The frosting on top is the same colors as he night sky sprinkled with silver stars. Malleus likes to take solitary strolls under the cover of night, so this suits him.
Malleus wouldn’t be Hornton/Tsunotaro without the horns! Of course we’ve gotta include a chocolate version of his iconic horns.
Extra frosting in a bright green; these are meant to be Malleus’s apocalyptic green fire that he spouts.
There’s a purple grape cut into two (I’m sure Rollo would be furious/j) to reveal the green insides. How curious! These colors are also considered accent colors for Maleficent. Another nice detail about the grapes is that the veining of the flesh makes the insides resemble reptilian eyes—like those of a dragon.
The frosting is black for Lilia’s hair and has magenta (berry?) sauce to reflect his hair streaks.
Lots of berries (Lilia loves his berry juice) and irregular pink sprinkles or candy shards. It’s cute, punky, and whimsical, just like he is.
Chocolate bats for the bats that swarm Lilia in many animations. He’s also shown taking care of a bat in his Dorm Uniform vignettes.
I’ve been trying to figure out what the whole cream is… My best guess is they’re representing Malleus, Sebek, and Silver??? Silver and Sebek are the smaller two dollops since they grew up and trained together + are the most immature of the group. Malleus is the big, textured swirl on the left—he is older and more powerful than Sebek and Silver. This analogy also works when you consider that these three sit upon Lilia (the cupcake), who is the oldest and serves as the father figure and foundation for their dorm to get along with each other and with others.
I don’t know what that ahoge-like thing is supposed to be or mean—
His cupcake goes from a deep blonde/yellowish brown to silver. This reflects his hair color change following Lilia’s blessing.
Silver’s cupcake has a very dreamy and cloud-like quality to it because of the abundance of pastel-colored cream. The top of the frosting even droops over, sort of like a head dropping in sleep.
Crushed bits of an aurora-colored candy are sprinkled over the cake. They’re the same color as his eyes, as well as the ring gifted to him by his parents.
Two birds and some mint (?) leaves make up the colors of the Three Good Fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather). They also speak to Silver’s familiarity with the forest creatures.
The pastel green frosting for Sebek’s cupcakes is sloped, and it is the only one styled this way. It may represent his lopsidedly views and understanding of the world, as he is easily one of the most rigid thinking within his dorm.
Many different things are sprinkles on the cupcake; it looks like someone threw them on thinking they would look cool with very little thought or planning. It fits how brazen Sebek is and also (funnily enough) matches his struggle with the arts.
Sebek is the only student with triangular sprinkles; is this meant to look like scales?? Or maybe particles of lighting?
There’s a massive chocolate lightning bolt topping off the cupcake. Nothing subtle or tactful about it, much like Sebek’s personality and voice.
There are two pieces of sliced grape to mimic Malleus’s cupcake. Interestingly, the grape halves seem to come from entirely different kinds of grapes: one green (unlike Malleus’s), the other red (like Malleus’s). Assuming the red half (which Malleus has two of) implies fae heritage (Malleus is full fae), then the green half is one’s human heritage. The grapes, then, denote Sebek being of half fae, half human descent.
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He has a unique black and white vertically striped cupcake liner to represent Ramshackle dorm!
Grim’s name is written on a cookie that looks like a puffy manga text box. Makes sense, he’s usually being the mouth piece for Yuu when they don’t get dialogue options or even when they do.
Seems to be covered in sanding sugar to achieve the fuzzy texture of fur!
Little wafer (?) shaped like Grim’s tail! And cookies (?) iced to resemble his ears! Two paw prints 🥺 to match Grim’s toe beans… The cupcake truly is made in his image!!
The white shell border is probably a stand-in for the white tuft of fur that Grim has.
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Moonlit Bath
(Diavolo x gn!MC)
(NSFW) (slightly submissive Diavolo) (NSFW tags: brief food play, sex in the water, oral, biting, marking, penetration with no condom, creampie, cock warming, outdoor sex, very sweet and gentle, no specifics about MC's genitals which was a bit difficult, but I didn't want to make two versions - maybe next time, though?)
Word Count: +3,600
“Please, Lucifer?” Diavolo was already a full minute into his appeal with no sign of Lucifer giving him an inch.
“No; must I repeat myself again, Diavolo?” Lucifer sighed and set his drink down on the table between them. “I’m not giving you my blessing. You can invite them, and they can accept, but I won’t pretend to be happy about it.”
“Please, reconsider,” Diavolo decided to switch tactics, “MC has been so exhausted recently. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
Lucifer tensed up. Got him, Diavolo thought. Lucifer leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs, intertwining his fingers and cupping his hands around his knee. “You realize that you’re twisting me into an uncomfortable position, don’t you?”
“Of course,” Diavolo smiled, “so?”
“As I said, you can invite them, and MC is free to go with you. Just make sure they have a good time, alright?”
“Of course,” Diavolo held his hand out to Lucifer, “thank you, Lucifer. I will ensure MC enjoys themselves.”
Lucifer took Diavolo’s hand firmly – aggressively so – and cautioned his friend, “you had better return them in one piece.”
That conversation held behind closed doors preceded Diavolo’s invitation to take you on an overnight trip. He was right about you being exhausted, and it was no surprise that the House of Lamentation had played a part in that. You loved the brothers, but sometimes they drained your energy. So, when Diavolo was gifted two vouchers for an overnight resort, you were the first person on his mind. You deserved a break, and he craved a night alone with you. Although he knew that your decision was all that mattered, he didn’t like the idea of Lucifer being upset with him, and Diavolo knew that Lucifer hated to let you leave his side for longer than a few hours. Having preemptively smoothed things over with Lucifer, Diavolo finished his drink and eagerly sought you out.
“MC, would you be willing to clear your schedule this weekend for me?” Diavolo asked with a childlike grin.
“I can probably manage that, but what do you need me for?”
He presented the voucher to you, “would you go to an overnight resort with me? Each room has gorgeous outdoor baths, and the resort provides guests with a large selection of bath products to enhance the experience. They also have chefs from across the Devildom to provide room service. The resort offers massages, as well. You could relax with me for a full day.”
“Really?” You perked up.
“Of course,” Diavolo laughed, “and if that isn’t enough, the manager informed me that they have small, crow-shaped portable freezers, so you can fill them up with drinks and desserts and enjoy them in the bath. A few gourmet ice cream brands partnered with the resort, so they have the best options.”
You pulled Diavolo into a hug, “you had me at overnight resort, but that all sounds amazing! I’d love to go with you! Thank you so much.”
Diavolo chuckled and picked you up in his arms, twirling you around. He couldn’t look away from that smile – it was as if the invitation itself had rejuvenated you. Anticipation rose in his chest: a whole day alone with you where you could just enjoy yourself around him. If you could feel at peace with him, he would be the happiest demon in all three realms. He couldn’t resist peppering kisses all over your face.
“I promise you’ll have a good time,” you could feel the joy in his words and the smile on his lips as he kissed down your neck. He pulled away from you reluctantly, a slight pout on his lips, “but for now, I have to head back to the castle. Barbatos won’t let me so much as leave my office this weekend if I don’t get my work done on time, so I need to get that done for you.”
“My prince,” you kissed him once more to hold him over. “Work hard. I won’t slack off either, so we can enjoy this weekend together.”
Diavolo’s chest flooded with affection. He bit his lip, wondering if you would allow him to be greedy with you, “can I have one more kiss? Please?”
“Yes, my little prince,” you placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Now, get your work done.”
You both kept your ends of the deal, and when Diavolo drove up to the House of Lamentation that Saturday morning, no one could deter you from getting into that car. The drive was relaxing in its own way, and it gave you an opportunity to stare at Diavolo all you wanted. He could see you watching him from the corner of his eyes, and it took all the restraint he had not to pull the car over in some scenic location and fuck you right there – or let you fuck him. He didn’t really care, so long as he could touch you.
It was a quarter past noon when you checked in. Before you walked into the room, Diavolo confessed, “I requested that they give us a room with only one bed. I hope that wasn’t too presumptuous of me, given our relationship.”
“Of course, it’s fine. I’m a bit insulted that you think I wouldn’t want to share a bed with you,” you joked as he unlocked the door. You pulled him into the room and towards the bed, gently pushing him onto it. He stared up at you expectingly, and you rewarded him with a kiss. You pulled away and stared at his soft gold eyes; desire lived in his eyes when he looked at you – an emotional exhibitionist who bared his feelings for you. When Diavolo made himself so easy to read, you almost felt impure for looking at him, knowing you were seeing something no one else would, as he had expressed so many times that he only showed these sides of himself to you. You smiled at him to hide your shame at witnessing such raw honesty. Still only inches from his lips, you spoke, “I’m looking forward to getting you in bed later tonight, my little prince.”
Diavolo could feel his face burning. For a brief moment, he wanted to forgo all other plans and spend the next few hours in bed with you, but he knew that patience would pay off.
Diavolo stomached someone else’s hands on your body during the couples massage he booked – although he made a point to hold your hand the whole time, much to the inconvenience of both of your masseuses. It seemed as if Diavolo was intent on touching you to his heart’s content today. He even suggested that you feed each other when you ordered room service. As advertised, you two enjoyed a relaxing afternoon – although Diavolo could not determine whether the resort had a larger impact on this peace or whether it was you. Actually, no, he knew it was mostly you, but he could only hope you would say the same about him. He was too embarrassed to ask.
With the early hours of night upon you and the moon beginning to rise in the sky, you and Diavolo visited the resort’s shop to select your bath products and filled your portable freezer up with a selection of fancy macarons and pints of ice cream. Diavolo held the freezer up and smiled, “this is so cute, it kind of looks like one of the crows that follows Mammon around, right?”
“That really chubby one?”
“Exactly!” Diavolo laughed. “Do you think they sell these? I would love to have one of them at the castle. I could fill it with your favorite ice cream and keep it in my room. That way, if you’re ever having a rough day, you can come directly to me, and even if I can’t help, I’ll have ice cream.”
He was always thinking of you, and it was so sweet that it was hard to respond to, so instead, you pet him, taking the time to enjoy how soft his hair was. Diavolo melted against your hand. Finally, you managed to speak, “I’m sure we can find a way to get you one.”
Diavolo grinned and started to pull you out onto the room’s private patio. Leafy trees and stone walls isolated you from other customers without hindering your view of the sky. From the cliffside on which the resort was located, you could even look out above a small oceanside town and the vast body of water. The moon floated just above the horizon, leaving a small space between its brilliant glow and a wavering reflection.
The bath was a massive natural stone structure, sunk into the ground with more than enough room for four people – which explained why the bath bombs were so large and came in a pack of two. A slightly raised stone bar was attached to the bath, and on it was a basket of towels, a bottle of Demonus in an ice bucket, and two wine glasses. Next to the bath was a showerhead attached to the tall stone wall. A variety of cool colored Devildom flora were planted around the patio, with a deep violet flower sprouting up near the edge of the bath catching your eye. It was almost a perfect contrast to Diavolo’s eyes.
“What do you think, MC?” Diavolo asked you.
“This is gorgeous, Diavolo! I almost can’t believe I’m in the Devildom,” you stared in awe. He laughed in the face of your honesty before turning your gaze towards him, running his thumb across your lower lip.
“One day, I’m going to show you just how beautiful the Devildom can be. I want to take you to every pretty place and watch as the shock slowly disappears – so that whenever you leave, you dream of coming back to me.”
He looked so sincere. You wanted to apologize for how you phrased your awe, but he kissed you before you could speak. One of his hands started to play with the hem of your shirt. Diavolo had been patient long enough, and he had been looking forward to bathing in the moonlight with you more than anything. He wanted your naked body pressed against him in the steaming water. You squeezed his bicep softly as you kissed him back. The bliss painted across his face when he pulled away was starting to make you impatient, too.
“Get undressed,” you told him. “I’ll start running the bath while you wash off.”
As you filled the tub, ensuring that the water wasn’t too hot for your skin, you stole glances at Diavolo. He was so sensual that it was hard to believe he wasn’t purposely putting a show on for you: the water rinsing suds slowly down his chest and arms as if it was caressing him, the way his hair clung to the nape of his neck, and even the way he bent down to lather his legs seemed unfairly sexual. When the bath was nearly filled, you dropped in the bath bombs. The water became a soft, milky pink, as flower petals and herbs floated to the surface.
Diavolo came up behind you, his warm, wet body pressing against you in an embrace. He whispered into your ear, “your turn to wash up.”
You nodded, hoping that the warmth you felt was in part due to the heat of the bath. Diavolo got into the tub and watched you shamelessly as you undressed and washed yourself until you finally joined him. The second you dipped into the water, his hands were on you. He kissed you wildly, opening his mouth as if to beg you to slip your tongue inside of him. He moaned against your lips. You pulled away so you could leave kisses across the top of his chest – any part of him that rested above the water – while caressing his chest and stomach just below. He leaned back and moaned louder.
“Wait, MC,” he whimpered through shallow panting.
“Yes, my prince?” you asked against his skin.
“I brought you here to make you feel better.”
“I do feel better,” you sucked on his collarbone.
“No,” he moaned and held you by your hips, “I want to make you feel good first, please?”
You pulled back and looked at him, disheveled and slightly flushed. His lips parted desperately. Diavolo begged again, “can I? Please?”
“What did you have in mind?” you asked while smoothing his hair back.
Instead of replying, he lifted you out of the water and sat you at the edge of the bath. The stone ground was cold, but Diavolo’s warm hands caressing your hips and thighs warmed you up slightly. He placed one of your legs over his shoulder so he could easily kiss and bite your inner thighs. He eagerly sucked on your skin, leaving a trail of hickeys up your thigh before slowly kissing back down the trail of marks. You moaned and ran your hands through his hair. He pulled back slightly, pride swelling in his chest for marking you and forcing those sweet noises out of your mouth. Between the sweet scent of you and the milk bath, he felt intoxicated. Diavolo panted and asked, “can I try something?”
“Of course,” you smiled down at him. Diavolo reached for the freezer and pulled out a pint of ice cream. He scooped a small spoonful out and dropped it on your thigh.
“That’s cold,” you complained, earning a chuckle from him.
He watched it start to melt against your hot skin, slowly sliding down your thigh. Diavolo brought his tongue to your skin and licked you clean, the taste of your skin and ice cream melding. His mouth was so hot compared to the sensation before. He grabbed the bottle of Demonus and poured a generous stream down your other thigh, letting some of it drip into the bath. He licked the sticky trail of liquor off of you, pulling another moan out of you. You were so intoxicating to him.
As nice as his teasing tongue felt on your thighs, you wanted more. You used the leg he had placed on his shoulder to slowly pull him closer to you. He licked his lips as you did so.
“Want me to taste you now?” Diavolo asked. You nodded and he dove in, using his mouth to pleasure you greedily. His tongue eagerly lapping at you and his sweet moans sending vibrations through your body. He swirled his tongue around your most sensitive spots, savoring your taste. You could feel his fervor in the desperate sucking and licking, causing you to clench your eyes shut.
Suddenly, you heard a large splash in the water. You looked down at him, some of your fluids dripping from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were wide. In his excitement, his lower set of wings had sprouted out of his back. You were taken aback, but still enamored with the sight of him. You felt one wing graze your foot and tried not to laugh.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” you smiled sheepishly.
“I’m sorry, I got worked up,” he averted his gaze shyly. “I can transform back.”
“No, no it’s adorable,” you chuckled and reached out to pet his head. The moonlight reflected off his hair and along his wet skin. He was so lovely. Diavolo gave you a grin that distorted your notions of what was angelic and what should have been demonic.
With your permission, he continued, allowing you to hold his head and guide him. You watched his wings twitch slightly as he moaned. The moonlight shined against the soft gold at the tip of his wings. His pretty mouth felt so good that you tilted your head back and ran your fingers through his hair mindlessly. Diavolo could tell you were getting close and started to use his hands. He pulled you closer to the edge of the tub so that he had better access. Diavolo licked one finger and slowly put it inside of you, curling his finger to bring you more pleasure.
“I’m close,” you tightened your grip on his hair.
“Good. Take whatever you need from me,” he said before continuing to put his mouth on you. He added another finger, stretching you out slightly. You rolled your hips and felt him go deeper. Diavolo savored the feeling of you clenching around his fingers and twitching against his mouth as you came for him. With little regard for your sensitivity, he gave you a few more soft licks and gentle thrusts with his fingers before he pulled them out of you. He licked his lips and gulped, ensuring that he took everything you gave him.
“MC, I can’t hold back anymore. Please, let me fuck you. Please?” Diavolo begged you. You tried to find the words to reply in your afterglow. Impatient, he continued his pleas between messy kisses along your inner thigh. His damp hair tickled your legs. “Please, I want to keep making you feel good.”
You found it impossible to deny him, and as soon as you agreed, he pulled you into the water with him. He set you on top of his lap so you could feel his hard cock against your stomach. He rubbed himself against you a few times before aligning himself with your hole, stimulating you at the same time. Slowly, he thrusted up into you, with the warm water easing the insertion. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tracing your hands along his wings – which seemed to enhance his pleasure. The water in the bath ebbed and flowed in rhythm with his thrusting. A splashing sound pulsed in harmony with his moaning and the slapping of your skin. One of Diavolo’s hands held you firmly by your back while the other rubbed your body in the thin space between the two of you. His hand snaked even lower, driving you crazy until your eyes were screwed tight.
“How does it feel?” he managed between shaky moans. You could hear the need in his voice, and you indulged him.
“You’re doing so good, my prince,” you pulled back and kissed him. Your taste still lingered in his mouth. Praise was all he needed for his hand to pick up speed and pressure for you. His thrusts became slower and deeper, causing you to sink your nails in his back. He moaned into the pain.
“Fuck,” he growled, “can I cum inside of you? Let me mark your insides, please.”
“Yes,” you panted, “cum for me.”
As he did, he bit your shoulder at the base of your neck in a weak attempt to muffle his moaning. The vibrations of his mouth and the sharp pain combined with the heat of his cum inside of you and the continued stimulation from his hand, which pushed you over the edge a second time.
He released your shoulder and kissed over the saliva coated indents in your skin. His eyes were hazy when he pulled back. Still inside of you, Diavolo let out a content sigh.
“I’m so happy you came with me,” he smiled and kissed the mark on your shoulder again. Realizing what he said, he got flustered, “ah, wait! I didn’t mean – I meant that I’m happy you came to the resort with me, not that you came at the same time as me.”
“I know,” you chuckled and smoothed down his hair.
“But I’m happy about that too,” he admitted, burying himself against your neck and holding you tight. You soothed his embarrassment with gentle pats.
However, the cool night air was starting to get the better of you. You interrupted his nuzzling, “Diavolo, my sweet prince, the water is getting cold. We should probably wash off and go inside.”
Diavolo refused to pull away from your neck, choosing to whine against your skin, instead. “I don’t want to take my dick out of you. It’s so warm. Is it possible to wash up and stay inside of you?”
You couldn’t resist laughing. He may be the next demon king, but right now, he was just a needy demon who loved you too much to want to be apart from you. You traced a finger down his back, feeling the slight bumps along his skin where you had scratched him. “I’m not sure about that.”
“Then at least let me wash you this time. I’ll even dry you off,” Diavolo offered through a half-genuine pout. He added, “after all, there are still plenty of hours left in the night, and I want to take care of you for every second of it.”
When Diavolo walked you up to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer greeted you both at the door. He was quick to spot the bite mark near the base of your neck. He glared, barely containing his demon form, “what the fuck did I tell you?”
“I brought them back in one piece – like I promised.”
“With a giant bite mark!”
“But I had a good time, Lucifer,” you admitted. His gaze instantly softened, but he pulled you into the house and closed the door on Diavolo.
“Next time you need a day off, I’ll deal with it myself,” Lucifer grumbled.
By the time you had returned to your room, you had three messages from Diavolo:
Don’t let him see your thighs, MC!
Actually, don’t show anyone else your thighs. I’d be happy if I was the only one.
Also, I had a great time with you. I can’t wait until I can spend another night alone with you. I want to make you feel even better next time.
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AITA for getting upset about my mom's food waste?
so food waste is an ongoing problem we've been having for probably our whole lives. recently, i've started to realize the extent to it (i wouldn't say it's absolutely horrendous, it just feel guilty about how much we trash) and try to minimize how much we throw out.
for context, i (16m) have my chores constrained to the kitchen. i am fine with this and have volunteered for it since i have a love for cooking and own it as my responsibility. i meal plan, cook dinner, breakfast, desserts, etc., keep the fridge clean, do the dishes, and clean the counters. again, this is all to my own volition.
i have set up a system that i've discussed with my whole family (mom and two sisters) that every week my mom and i will do a shopping trip to get ingredients for the meals for that week and only that. they have all agreed and the plan works pretty well from there.
this is where i'm wondering if i'm the asshole.
my mom has this weird habit of not being able to say no to herself. i've repeatedly told her she's not allowed to buy things not on my list since it usually doesn't get used. every time i've brought it up, she agrees. and the she'll do it again.
i've gotten really frustrated with her behavior and have started to get snappy about it. the sister i am very close to has said she understands my frustrations but ultimately i cannot control my mom and she can get things she wants.
the other night my mom and i had an argument over this. i had gone through the freezer and pulled out a few things that had their expiration date either 1 or 2 years back, so i threw them out. i think it's gross to eat them since they've most likely been in there for 4-5 years (freezer items usually last 2-3 years right at purchase). my mom saw them in the trash and asked why i threw them out. i told her they were expired and she got annoyed, saying that even if they were a bit past the expiration date, they were still good. i do understand that that's sometimes the case, but this was mostly meat. i have a weird relationship with meat where if it is even slightly off (being in the freezer too long, looking weird even if it's good, having any cartilage, etc), i won't it eat because it makes me want to throw up.
i took it to my own judgement to throw it out since it hadn't been touched since we bought it anyway. she got mad and said it cost her money so we should use it anyway. i retorted that if it was so expensive, why had she forgotten about it for so long? i also thought about bringing up all the stuff she buys and throws out later, but decided to keep it to myself.
the argument ended with her washing the items off and putting them back in the freezer. i'm still mad about all the food she buys that hasn't been asked for. i do feel weird about it since she can eat whatever she wants, i'm not controlling her on that, i'm just trying to reduce food waste. so, aita?
What are these acronyms?
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bumblebeehug · 10 months
Gave him her heart
Ship: Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfilia Summary: Lucy worries about what to get Natsu for his birthday, not knowing how ridiculously easy it actually is. Day 5 of Nalu Week 2023 - prompt: gifts Ao3
Natsu was a good man. He was wild, fun, crazy, but most of all: good. Lucy was very aware of this and knew that such a good man truly deserved the best. So, naturally she felt slightly panicked when she realised his birthday was coming up.
Lucy liked to believe that she was good at giving gifts. She was observant, both on the battlefield and off, so she knew what people looked a little extra at when they browsed shops or went by markets. Wendy turned to sweets, cute dresses or jewellery, something Lucy was relieved over when she noticed it – Lucy was nothing if not good at picking clothes and accessories, and Wendy was transparent with her tastes (sweet = good, savoury = fine, if there was a good reason to why it was gifted, otherwise a little weird, and sour = danger zone. It could be risky, but citrusy tastes were appreciated in sweet desserts). Erza was also easy to please with gifts – either go the sword and armour route, or go the girly route, possibly with some suggestive books. Gray appreciated nice soaps and clean décor for his house, and if she wanted to be funny with him she could always gift him underwear, seeing as it was the only clothing that stayed on for a while (though since him and Juvia got together it wasn’t really an option – Juvia didn’t care too much about what Lucy gave him, underwear or not, but Lucy herself felt weird about it, so nowadays she kept to soaps). Carla liked tea and pretty dresses as well, but appreciated flowers and other handmade things, and Happy was never happier than on his birthday, when he practically could get buried in the number of fishes he’d be given.
Natsu, however? Lucy wasn’t too sure what she could give him. He liked loads of things – food, fights, adventures, funny hats, board games: few things were off the table with that guy. If she gave him a bouquet of flowers he’d probably smile and say thanks (and maybe he’d try to eat them once he got home), if she gave him tea, he’d probably set the leaves on fire and accidentally get high or something – she didn’t want to risk it either way. He’d be thankful for any clothes she would give him, but would most likely only wear them when he really had to, or to sleep if they were comfortable enough. He really liked his special made ones, that managed to stay intact no matter how hot his fire was. He would definitely try to eat the soaps, and that wasn’t worth it in her opinion, and if she gave him a fish he’d very likely think she was either giving Happy a gift through him, or that she was confessing her undying love for him, since that’s what it meant when Happy gave fishes as gifts to the opposite gender (of the same species, might be important to add).
Point is: giving Natsu gifts was hard when you knew him too well. She had even considered giving him jewellery that matched with the ones she had gotten from him recently, but it once again came down to him only wearing them as a chore, and her pride couldn’t really take that. She would have to put a pin in this challenge though, because she was expected at the guild to help cover a shift for Mira as she dealt with one of her requested missions.
As she entered the guild hall, she was relieved to see that it was rather empty. It had its perks, working at a bar in the middle of the day, and since she saw some of her closer mates, she knew she could take her chance to dig around and find out what others would be gifting him.
“Hi Master,” she greeted Makarov, still using the title he had tried to give over so many times already. Though technically he was still in charge, so Lucy thought it only appropriate to keep calling him master until he truly was off the position. “I’m covering for Mira this afternoon.”
“I heard,” he grumbled from his position in the wheelchair. “You’ve been behind the bar before, so you know the drill. In fact, could you bring me a plate of fried squid and a beer? Just put it on my tab.”
Lucy took his order and sent a note into the kitchen per his request. Normally Mira would help out in the kitchen as well, but since Lucy had limited experience with cooking the meals they were serving, she was excused to just manage the drinks and easier snacks, like nuts and chips. As she waited for the staff in the kitchen to finish the order, she poured a glass of beer for Makarov. Half with light alcohol, half with none. He was currently cutting down on his alcohol intake, Porlyusica’s demand, but to not make him fall back immediately from quitting cold turkey, they slowly made him drink lighter and lighter.
“So, Natsu’s birthday is coming up,” Lucy said, trying to cover it up as small talk, but realising it was obvious what she was trying to do.
“I’ve heard.” A smug grin graced Makarov’s face. The relations between the mages in his guild were always amusing, especially in the stage that Lucy’s and Natsu’s had been in the last couple of years.
“I’m a bit curious…” She gave him his order. “What do you think he wants? You’ve known him for longest.”
“Child, I’m too old to remember all my guild members’ gift preferences, and I’m definitely not rich enough to give away gifts like it’s nothing. For a long time now, I’ve allowed myself to forget who likes what.” Lucy smiled, ready to brush the topic off and take another order across the hall, but he continued. “I do, however, know that you could give him a stick or a pebble you found on the sidewalk, and that boy would treasure it like it’s his most sacred, most valuable item in his possession. Do what feels right, Lucy.”
She thanked him, but within she felt like she was back at square one. She knew he would be happy about getting any gift, but she didn’t want to give him just any gift. She wanted it to reflect how much she appreciated him and their friendship, and she wanted it to stick out. Maybe it could even suggest that she appreciated him more than a normal friend, but only if he started overthinking the gift (which she doubted he would do anyways). It was meant to be subtle, but not subtle enough for it to never be discovered by him. And if it needed to be discovered by him, whatever this little message it was she was trying to convey to him, then it would have to be flashing in neon lights above his bed when he woke up in the morning.
So, she spent a few hours continuing to ponder on what to do, as she was taking more and more orders as people kept dropping in. At around 6:30pm her true saviours arrived at the guild hall. Her team, plus a few other closer friends and minus Natsu and Happy, who were camping today and tomorrow, were back from one of their shorter missions, and they were probably starving for some dinner. Lucy was quick to come over and take their order, also grabbing her chance to question them about their thoughts on this conundrum.
“Hi guys, did the mission go well?” She greeted them, preparing her notepad.
“It went great!” Wendy beamed, and Lucy made a quick mental note to ask about the mission more in detail at a later date. She must have done a good job if she allowed herself to be this proud – Lucy always thought she was too harsh on herself when they fought on missions.
“Gray even kept his clothes on,” Erza added, praising the man on her right.
They took a quick moment to chat, and as they finally decided on what to eat, Lucy seized her moment.
“So,” she started, already knowing she would never live down asking a question like this, considering that many of the people at the table were quite transparent on their opinions on Lucy’s and Natsu’s relationship, “Natsu’s birthday, huh?”
The silence her sentence brought made her regret it immediately. She could already see how their brains were working on new ways to tease her for whatever she was going to say next, but she would have to swallow her pride once again. It’s for a good cause, she kept telling herself.
“Have you gotten your presents yet?” She chuckled awkwardly, hoping their answers would be enough to inspire her, so she could get their food and forget she ever brought it up in the first place.
“I have too.”
“And I’m with Wendy on her gift,” Carla added, still making it painfully obvious that nobody was elaborating their answers. They were making Lucy work for it; she just knew it. They loved grabbing their chances to make her say embarrassing things, and today was no exception.
“Really…” She forced out a laugh. “So, what have you gotten him?” She tried again to prompt anyone at the table to speak up, but they knew she would have to continue pressing, and that it would sound more and more desperate the less information they gave her, so after they all stayed silent for another minute, Lucy gave in.
“I’ve just completely blanked out; I can’t even remember a single thing he likes! Please, help me! Give me some inspiration!”
Erza exchanged a glance with Wendy before she answered.
“Well, he likes fire.”
“And fighting.”
“And ugly tourist shirts,” Gray chimed in. Lucy groaned.
“I can’t exactly give him a clip card for sparring matches, and I’ve already considered a bonfire, but I wanted to have a get together later with all of us where we make a bonfire and drink hot chocolate and stuff.” She spared Gray a short glance as well. “And he only wears his special made clothes, so I can’t give him a shirt to frame for 200 jewel.”
“Then we can’t help you,” Erza said, flipping her bangs as she always does when she lies. Lucy pouted.
“I’ll get you your food, please help me afterwards?”
After 30 minutes she finally had four hot plates balancing on her arms, ready to serve to her stubborn teammates. They were chatting along just fine now, so hopefully the would have forgotten their silent agreement to keep themselves clammed about their gifts. Lucy hurried to place out their food, hoping that they would notice her way of bribing them by giving them extra big portions.
“Now please...! What should I give him?” Lucy sat down at the table. She wasn’t going anywhere until she got an answer she was pleased with.
Wendy gave her an apologetic smile.
“Well… We can tell you what we think, but don’t you think he’d like it better if it truly came from you?” Erza nodded along.
“I’m going to give him a sword that’s enchanted with endless fire,” she revealed. “But you know, it’s not really a gift that screams ‘Lucy’.”
“Erza’s right. I’m giving him some scrap wood I found in the woods because I can’t really bother, but no gift we tell you to get will be as appreciated as the one you come up with,” Gray said, taking a sip from his beer.
“And we’re getting him a small cupon at a restaurant,” Wendy added.
Lucy sighed.
“I know it won’t be the same, but my creative well has completely dried up. Nothing I think of feels like enough. If I get him something I’d appreciate it would be like I don’t know him at all, and that doesn’t feel fair.” She started to feel hopeless. She didn’t like how drained she got from worrying about this – she loved Natsu! And she would love to properly show him how much she loved him, because he truly deserved that. Platonic or not.
“Hey, you look like you’re giving up, that’s not like you! Think of it like this, we’ve all combined our own interests with Natsu’s interest: Erza with the sword, Wendy and Carla with the food, and me with the scrap wood that shows that I have zero interest in him. Why don’t you write something to him? It may not look like it, but I think he know how to read. At least simple words.” Gray gave Lucy a half-hug from his seat in an attempt to comfort her.
“So… you think I should write him a letter? Would that be enough?” She felt sceptical, but it could work.
“You spitting on him would be enough,” Carla snorted, almost offended by her obliviousness.
“Carla!” Wendy burst out, not before Lucy raised an eyebrow in confusion. Her gut told her not to ask, and for once, she decided to actually follow that gut feeling.
“Do you really think a letter would be enough though?” She asked.
“How about you give him an experience? A friendly date of sorts,” Carla suggested.
“An experience?”
“Like going to the movies, or to a restaurant, or maybe picknick or stargazing?” It was Erza who spoke up this time, and Lucy thought she could see a sparkle in her eye. If she didn’t know better, she would almost think that Erza had been on dates like that herself.
“Hm… I guess you’re right. If he doesn’t like it, I’ll just have to ask him directly, I suppose.”
Lucy stood up from her seat at the table and bid farewell to her friends, along with her thanks. A letter would have to do, and she had a gut feeling that told her that she would figure out a good topic to write about. She hurried to end her shift so she could get to her gift-making. A good idea rarely stayed for long in one’s head.
When she finally sat at her desk, pen in her right hand and paper in front of her, she knew this was the right thing to do. What better way was there to tell Natsu how much she appreciated him, if not through words on paper? It was her speciality, after all. She had even lighted some candles to keep her company, since she knew she would sit there for a while. There was a lot of things she wanted to tell him and thank him for, and the letter would be the perfect way to convey these feelings. Right. Feelings. That could include her less platonic ones, and even if this was a great opportunity for that as well, she didn’t know if she was quite ready to go that far yet. In the meantime, she would just have to tell him she loved him in every way except the straightforward one.
Four hours and 16 pages later, she had her letter. It was ridiculously long, she knew that, and he probably wouldn’t be able to read it in one go, but her heart felt light. A letter was the perfect gift. She had even included multiple invites to ‘experiences’ she wanted to give him, and if he took as long to read it as she thought he would, then those experiences would be experienced with about one week in between them. Lucy gave the thick envelope a quick lick to seal it, and after that she couldn’t help but to give it a soft kiss. She had poured her heart out, and though it would be embarrassing for her to know that he would read such things, it also felt very right. It wasn’t a love letter, but in a way, it felt like it was. She had told him all the things she loved about him, all the moments she especially appreciated him being there, and how great her entire life was thanks to him. If read with the intent of reading a love letter, it could very well translate into one, and maybe, someday in the future, he could look back at it and see the hints she left him.
Lucy leaned back in her chair with a big yawn. It was well into midnight hours by now, and she really needed a refreshing shower. A thought went to how Natsu and Happy were having it right now, in a tent somewhere in the woods. Though she was happy to get to sleep in her soft bed, she was missing them. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough. To speed time up she hurried to the bathroom so she could get into bed as soon as possible – her apartment wasn’t the same without those two.
Lucy cursed herself. Why, why, why had she written that letter? It was the most obvious love-confession anyone could ever read, how on earth had she not realised that when she read it through yesterday? She was dragging her feet behind her, because if the embarrassment wouldn’t kill her when he read it later, she would have to kill herself, and no one non-suicidal would ever look forward to something like that. So, her feet dragged. The letter felt heavy in her hands, and she knew that as soon as it would be opened, she would feel naked. Her gut was begging her to turn back, but her heart told her that celebrating Natsu today was more important than her pride. Him and Happy were coming back from their camping trip, and they promised her they would stop by the guild to say hi before heading home, and that’s when they would be surprised with a small celebration. Nothing like other events, where people went completely wild, but a celebration big enough to show him some appreciation.
Checking the clock one last time, she made sure that she was there before they arrived. They woke up pretty late generally and their favourite camping spot was about an hour into the woods. 10am. Maybe they hadn’t even woken up yet, but Lucy didn’t want to risk it. She wanted to prepare and decorate the guild, and then she would grab something to eat, considering she hadn’t eaten any breakfast yet.
As she entered the guild, she was relieved to only see her team and a handful more people. They were chatting and blowing up balloons, and they had turned one of the tables into a gift-table. Lucy hurried to put her letter amongst the others, eager to get the gift out of her hands.
“Good morning, Lucy!” Levy greeted her with a hug. “You’re pretty late, did you stay up last night?” Lucy chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, I had something important to finish.” She felt her team’s eyes in her back – they knew she had stayed up writing, and though Lucy knew she hadn’t written a love confession of any sort (other than platonic) she still managed to feel a blush creep onto her cheeks.
“So, do you need help with the balloons?” She offered, greeting the rest of the group.
“It’s fine, you go ahead and grab some breakfast instead,” Mira smiled.
“How did you know I haven’t eaten?” Lucy sat down at a table.
“You have a tendency to forget to eat when you have other things on your plate,” Mira just answered, placing down a yoghurt bowl with homemade granola and fruits. Lucy could only smile sheepishly, slightly embarrassed how obviously nervous she was about this event. She was sure Erza had told her about her moment of weakness yesterday, so she reminded herself to try to keep herself under the radar. She’d just be here, sing a happy birthday song, eat a piece of cake and watch Natsu open his presents, then the day would be over and the whole Lucy-confesses-her-feelings-though-a-letter thing would be over! No unnecessary teasing from her friends, if all went well.
“I’m back!”
The guild door shot open with a noise loud enough to give the untrained ear a heart attack. Lucy however had a trained ear, so she just turned her head and met Natsu’s happy gaze, her heart fluttering at the fact that his eyes immediately searched for her and no one else.
“Happy birthday!” The guild cheered. Lucy stood up from her place at the table, not really knowing why until Natsu stood in front of her, just an arm’s length away. If she reached, she would be able to bring him into a hug, and it truly itched in her arms to do exactly that.
“Hey,” Lucy smiled softly. “Happy birthday.” Watching Natsu’s smile go from surprised and generally happy, to soft and caring made Lucy lose what little control she had, and she caved into her needs to hug him. As soon as she felt him hug her back, she knew that whatever the others thought about the content of her letter contained, as long as Natsu read it and took it to heart, all would be fine.
“Thank you,” he whispered, tightening the hug for a second before he went ahead and thanked the rest of his friends, never straying far from Lucy.
The birthday party was overall a quite big success, everyone had a great time, and Natsu, who not so secretly had been itching to open the presents, finally gave in and announced what he was planning to do.
“Time to open the presents!” He cheered, almost jumping in place in excitement, clearly not representing the age he was turning (400-something years old) but making everyone smile regardless. Everyone except Lucy, whose heart flew up in her throat, suddenly getting the strongest urge to grab her letter before he got to it so she could throw it away or burn it. Not because she didn’t want him to read it – she would just prefer it if he read it somewhere more private, where the burning eyes of her much beloved friends could read it and jump to conclusions. So, she hurried close to whisper her plan to Natsu – despite him being the cause of these nerve-racking feelings, he was still her partner in crime, and she knew he would break his neck to achieve whatever she asked him to do. This time, what she asked him not to do.
Natsu shot a glance to Lucy, who was whispering just quietly enough that no one else would notice, unless they had dragon ears and paid attention to her. Lucy, who saw that he had heard her, hurried to shoot her shot.
“My gift is the letter, I would kinda like it if you read it after the party instead? It’s just – it’s quite long and it won’t be any fun if you sat down and read it here, you know?”
The ball was in the air, and now she could at least sleep well knowing that no matter the outcome, she did try her best to steer the situation into best case scenario – all to her means of course.
Natsu, the king of pranks and someone who was surprisingly good at sneaking around, despite his usual love for the “let’s just barge in and fight anyone who tries to stop us” approach, still managed to keep up his gleeful demeanour as he had listened to Lucy’s request. He once again met her gaze and gave her a quick nod, ensuring that she had scored. The rest of the evening would manage to stay calm and uneventful. All thanks to their ways to keep down low. It was really convenient to have dragon hearing at times like these – though usually she had that thought on missions, and not happy, meant to be uneventful celebrations and parties.
The birthday boy himself didn’t mind opening Lucy’s gift later. In fact, he was just happy he was getting something at all from her, considering how stressful most birthdays could be for her. Sure, she already knew what genre people liked, but getting down to picking the actual thing and managing prices was a hard task for Lucy to tackle without stress. So instead, he went ahead and opened the elongated, wrapped gift that said “Happy birthday, from Erza” on the card. He would make sure to ease Lucy’s mind today, considering how stressed she clearly had been the last couple of weeks.
Natsu couldn’t stop grinning. He truly had the best friends ever, and despite him not being a big birthday celebrator when it came to himself, it felt good to be appreciated. There had been good songs playing, yummy food to eat, and most importantly: good company. He especially loved the presents he had gotten, since they clearly were gifts that his friends had carefully thought through and taken into consideration before giving them – yes, even Gray’s gift was appreciated, because though it seemed silly, he did sometimes need firewood after hard missions to speed up his recovery. Everything was dear to him, so when he finally got home with that thick letter in his hands, he couldn’t wait a second more to open it. This, you see, might be the dearest gift of all.
The softly written “To: Natsu Dragneel” on the front of the envelope made Natsu’s heart beat harder. He knew that the content in it probably wasn’t anything out of the ordinary stuff the two of them said to each other, but still. He liked that Lucy had put extra thought into whatever she had written. Or, at least he hoped she had, seeing as he didn’t actually know what the letter said yet.
Happy peaked over Natsu’s shoulder, closing the door behind the two.
“So, what are you waiting for? Open it!” Happy urged, eager to see what Lucy wanted to say to him, but clearly couldn’t since she had to write it down. In his opinion a speech would be quicker, knowing how slowly Natsu read.
Carefully Natsu parted the sealed wax from the paper, making sure not to tear anything. If he could make some space, he’d want to hang everything on his memory wall later, and in that case he didn’t want to ruin it.
Still standing just inside the door, Natsu began to read. The letter started out rather normal. She was writing the obligatory happy birthdays and saying hi to Happy, who she knew would read over Natsu’s shoulder despite it being a private message. That part piqued Natsu’s interest a little extra. What did she have to say to him that not only had to be written, but wasn’t meant for Happy to know? It sparked some hope in his heart that she possibly could feel something special about him – special-er than what they already had. He continued down the page. She started reminiscing about the past, and about halfway through the second page, Happy gave up on Natsu’s slow reading and told him he’d simply read it after Natsu was done with it. Natsu took a seat as he joined Lucy’s trip down memory lane, enjoying the new information on how she saw him when they first met, during their first missions and more. He especially liked learning that despite his foul mood the first days together, she still had fond memories of him, like when he included her in his list of friends when they fought Macao (before they knew it was him, since he had turned into a Vulcan) and how the reason she didn’t refuse to get along with him after he had seemingly deceived her for a mission, was because he had managed to get a few lucky words in. Something like “because we thought you seemed nice” had made her stick, and Natsu could only thank his past self for accidentally pressing the right buttons.
As he continued reading, he was struck by the wonderful realisation that he truly mattered to Lucy. It’s not like he didn’t know that she enjoyed his company, but seeing in in black and white was completely different. It wasn’t just that she had written something along the lines of “I care about you, your existence matters to me” (though that would have worked as well), but the fact that she could remember so many small details of what he had said and done, that she may as well have written a complete book with all those moments, and it would probably be at least 200 pages long. He knew she had been cutting down on what memories she brought up in the letter, because enough talks with one person made them show how much brain capacity they had, and Natsu knew that her brain capacity was way longer than a 16-page letter. This was her way of being concise. Yet she still managed to bring up moments he only vaguely remembered, sharing almost exact quotes of what was said and by who. Mostly the who was either Natsu or Lucy, but it was still impressive.
Natsu had never been interested in reading. It was a chore he had to go through to get the money he needed for food, had never been any more interesting than that. Except for two occasions: Lucy’s first published book, and this letter. Sure, he had been reading it for almost double as long as it probably took to write it, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t interested. This letter was so far the greatest thing he had ever received, which wasn’t an easy thing to manage.
At 4am had he gotten to the last line of the letter. His eyes were trying to force him to rest, but his mind fought it like never before. He had skipped dinner for this, and he was not planning to give up last minute, just to succumb to something so superficial, boring and unnecessary as sleep. No, he gathered up some extra will power and pulled though. “Though you probably understand this after reading this letter, I am simply eternally grateful for everything you are, and what you’ve just read is the best I could do at describing my gratefulness in words. Thank you for all you’ve done, and for being unapologetically you. No one else could make me as happy as you have, so once again: Happy birthday, Natsu Dragneel.” She had signed it with her signature at the very bottom, ensuring that all he had just read was completely and wholly from Lucy. After reading the whole thing, he felt his legs itch. No, maybe it was his arms. Feet, hands? No, it was most definitely his soul that had started to climb inside his body. He wanted to go to her, and he wanted to see her. Preferably five minutes ago. He threw another glance at the clock. 4:50am. He had been tossing around, unable to even do as much as close his eyes, for the last 40 minutes, and he knew he wouldn’t feel better until he was within a 20-meter radius of Lucy. Or rather, 2-meter radius.
Not bothering to sneak around the heavy sleeper that the exceed was, Natsu jumped out of the bed and pulled on his slippers. In less than 3 seconds he was out the door, and in another 3 he noticed that he was running. He wasn’t quite sure what he would do when he saw her, especially considering that she most likely was asleep in this hour, but he simply had to get to her, quickly. The time was ticking, like he was a bomb soon to explode, like he was going to run out of time if he didn’t arrive soon. Wind blowing in his ears, he could barely make out the sound of his heavy breathing. He hadn’t run this fast in Mavis knows how long, and he might actually had made it outside her apartment in record time. His chest rising and lowering in big breaths, he managed to make something of a sigh in relief to see her window slightly opened. Climbing the wall quietly was no challenge with Natsu’s experience, so he swiftly pulled himself up, making sure to fully open and enter the window as quickly as possible – though this time with less success since he didn’t have as much experience with that part. Usually he just barged in after scaling the wall, seeing as the time he did it at was most often a time where Lucy either was away or awake.
Either way, he didn’t manage to sneak in as stealthily as he’d like. The window creaked and his body almost fell limp after getting a whiff of Lucy’s calming scent – that he had been running like a maniac to get there didn’t help either, and after a loud, nongraceful landing, Lucy was already awake.
“Natsu? ‘s that you?” She mumbled, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“Yeah, sorry for waking you,” he whispered, finding his balance on his legs again as he stood up.
“No worries.” Lucy had now swung her legs over the edge of her bed and sat in a more upright position. “Did you need anything? Is Happy alright?”
“Yeah, he’s at home sleeping. I just felt like coming here,” Natsu said, full transparency.
“Alright,” Lucy said, now taking a better look at his face. He looked red and flustered, but with his heavy breathing it might just be the fact that he ran to her place.
“I read it.”
Lucy’s face started getting hot as well.
“The letter?”
“The entire thing.”
“Wow. Uh, so what do you think of it?” Had the hour been normal she might not have asked him such a bold question, but something about the way the streetlights and moon illuminating the room made her feel brave. Perhaps she still thought she was dreaming, but this felt much too real to be just a dream.
“It’s perfect.” Natsu took a few steps closer. He could now make out most of her facial features, sleepy yet alert of his presence.
“I’m glad.”
A few more seconds went by, though it felt like minutes.
“Is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“All of it. All the things you wrote?”
A soft smile graced Lucy’s lips.
“Of course. I would never lie about those things.”
Natsu knew he could be dense in most situations. He couldn’t always read the room, and he wasn’t good at subtext. This time however, he had felt something the whole time as he read that letter. Maybe it was what other would call “reading between the lines” but he suddenly had great confidence in something that could change their relationship forever. Of course, it was a very long shot, but perhaps the adrenaline from all that running was just what he needed to gather the courage to take it. He did, however, decide to test out the water first. Running headfirst was usually his go-to method if he could choose, but he wasn’t blind to the delicacy of the situation he was putting himself in.
“Can I assume things?” He tried.
“Assume things? From what I wrote?” Lucy asked, curious where he was leading this conversation. She was very aware of her heartbeat, but she didn’t know that she didn’t have to be this time, considering that all that Natsu was hearing was his own.
“It depends. What do you want to assume?”
Natsu swallowed. Did he always have this much saliva? If so, maybe something was wrong with him. He swallowed again, clenching and unclenching his fists. Had he ever been this nervous in a situation as calm as this? No bandits, no monsters, no big wild animals – not even an annoyed Erza was around.
“That…” he started, his tongue thickening as he spoke. Not literally, but it sure felt like it. He could barely concentrate on what he wanted to say, gazing into those doe eyes. She was so, ridiculously pretty. He knew that before, of course, but he almost found it unfair. How could he think of any words when she sat there, looking all nice and pretty. “That you like me?”
He had said it as a question, though it sounded more like a statement right now. Lucy’s heart must have skipped a beat or two. She was still sleepy, but the tiny possibility that this wasn’t just a perfect dream made her stop herself from straight up answering yes.
“Well… I hoped my letter was clear on that. You’re my best friend in the whole world, how could I not like you?” She let out a small chuckle at the very idea of disliking a friend. She didn’t, however, predict what he would say next.
Natsu reached out his left hand, touching a piece of her hair that had fallen out from behind her ears.
“But can I assume…” He put it behind her ear, “that you like me more than a friend?”
Natsu’s eyes were darker than usual in the dimmed light, but Lucy saw clearly that he was being serious. Though, this exact facial expression was one she had never seen before. She had seen his tender look, his soft look, his happy look, his loving look, but she had never seen this combination of all. And it was her he was showing it to. In fact, maybe it was exactly this expression that made her admit the truth for once. For so long she had been scared that he would feel bothered or surprised by the very idea of “liking beyond friendship”, or love, as she would prefer to call it. She had been afraid that he would find her fantasies of the two of them living their life together as a couple weird, or even mildly repulsive. That her confession would lead to their friendship breaking apart forever. That, however, could no longer be the case. Lucy wasn’t blind, and she certainly wasn’t dumb. If Natsu looked this… happy? To even assume that she likes him beyond friendship, then the outcome from telling him the truth couldn’t possibly be bad. She tilted her head lightly towards his hand, sharing another smile.
“Yeah. I do like you more than a friend, or a best friend.” Natsu took another step closer, now close enough to make her feel his hot breath on her face that he had tilted upwards, towards him.
“Then…” He bended down slowly to come closer to her sitting position. “Can I kiss you?” His words didn’t come out louder than a breath, but Lucy knew what she heard. Her heart had never danced as wildly as it did when she nodded and closed her eyes as Natsu closed the space between them.
The kiss itself was probably nothing special to someone watching. It was plain and soft, just two mouths pressing against each other. For them, however, it was nothing short of magical fireworks. Lucy’s cool, soft lips against Natsu’s hot, slightly rougher ones sent shivers throughout both of them, as if the small touch had opened a completely new door, a way for them to connect and become closer than ever.
Inexperienced as they both were though, they soon had to break it off to breathe. After less than 20 seconds, Lucy pulled their faces together again. How could they have been missing out on this awesome experience for all the years they had known each other? Natsu knew that this already had topped the list of his favourite activities – even placing higher than eating and fighting. The next time they went up for air, they couldn’t stop themselves from giggling.
“Can this count as a birthday gift if I haven’t slept since yesterday?” Natsu asked, more energetic than reasonable after his long day.
“If that makes you happy,” Lucy smiled, giving him another peck on his lips. Whatever they decided to do from this point on, Lucy knew they would figure it out. After all, if they had managed to overcome the obstacle of going from friends to whatever this was, then they could definitely manage anything and everything else thrown at them. What’s important was that they from this point out, took on every challenge together.
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deancaskiss · 11 months
what your lips taste like
Kiss #23 - A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating.
50 types of kisses masterpost. Series also available on ao3.
Summary: Of all the things Dean was looking forward to, watching a Western movie by himself from the comfort of his bed with a secret midnight snack of Tiramisu was top of the list. What Dean hadn’t been expecting was a certain angel sneaking into his room to eat his dessert, only to get caught in the act. And he certainly hadn’t been expecting Cas to have a sweet tooth. But maybe tiramisu wasn’t the only sweet treat that Cas might be interested in. Only one way for Dean to find out… by offering Cas one more taste.
Word count: 1,818 (continued under the read more). Also posted on ao3.
The benefit of being the one who stocked the Bunker’s kitchen with food meant that Dean had the advantage of buying himself midnight snacks. The downside? Having to hide them before they got stolen and eaten by a Sasquatch and a Nephilim. Hence why he’d been coming up with ever increasingly clever places to hide snacks and desserts.
But today, Dean was quite proud of himself. He’d gone to the store early that morning, remembered to get honey for Cas, cereal for Jack, and fresh fruit for Sam, and then managed to sneak a tiramisu for himself into the mini fridge in his room without anyone seeing.
That tiramisu had been motivating Dean all day as he cleaned the Impala and continued inventory with Sam. Reshelving books in the library, which had been strewn out across the tables from weeks of cases, was only made easier by thinking of his plans of watching a Western movie in bed and eating that tiramisu by himself.
Evening bled into night as Dean flicked books at Sam just to annoy him, and Sam retaliated by blowing dust into Dean’s eyes. Dropping the final book into place, Dean yawned exaggeratedly and nodded towards his room. “Think I’m gonna hit the hay for the night,” he said, before belatedly realizing the library seats that had been occupied were now suspiciously empty. “Hey, have you seen Angel and Angel Junior recently?”
Sam shook his head, scrubbing his eyes tiredly. “Think they wandered off an hour ago? Not really sure.”
Deciding Cas and Jack could very much take care of themselves, Dean used the opportunity to slip out of the library, sneaking into the kitchen on the way to his room to snatch a fork.
Oh, he could already taste that rich coffee flavor on his tongue.
What a good night this was going to be.
Swinging open his bedroom door with a fervor that could only be fueled by anticipation of dessert, Dean stepped into his room, humming AC/DC under his breath…
And froze.
The fork clattering to the floor.
Dean stared…
And Cas stared back, a deer-in-headlights look crossing his face as his eyes darted to Dean and then flittered away.
“Dean,” Cas mumbled around a mouthful. Of tiramisu.
The dessert was sat on Dean’s desk… half eaten.
And there Cas was, sitting in the chair at the desk, with a streak of cream across his cheek. Eating Dean’s tiramisu. In Dean’s room. As if Cas belonged there.
Dean’s eyes darted from the demolished tiramisu to Cas, and back to the dessert again. “What the actual-” Dean started to sputter.
“I can explain,” Cas rushed out, quickly pushing away from the desk. That embarrassed look was still darting across his face, eyes cast down as a red flush graced his cheeks.
Dean crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe and raising his eyebrow at the angel. “Oh, this oughta be good,” he said, gesturing at Cas in a ‘well, go on, talk’ kinda way.
Cas fumbled for a second, glancing back at the dessert he’d stolen before guiltily looking over at Dean. He opened his mouth, as if to speak, but then floundered. No words came out.
It was the first time Dean had ever seen Cas speechless. Actually, scratch that. The first time he’d ever seen Cas at a loss for words, and the first time he’d ever seen Cas actively choosing to eat.
A tug of pity yanked in Dean’s gut, and he softened. “All you had to do was ask, you know. Woulda shared it with you,” Dean muttered, moving into the room and knocking Cas’ shoulder with his own.
The touch seemed to spark something in Cas, because the angel jerked backwards and deflated; shoulders sagging in shame. “Dean, I’m sorry, I-”
But Dean cut him off. Grabbing the half-eaten tiramisu, he snagged Cas’ sleeve and tugged them both down onto the bed. “You’re here now. Might as well share it.”
Cas shook his head, immediately making a move to get off the bed. “No, Dean, no, I can’t. Why aren’t you angry? I stole your dessert. I didn’t ask. I only meant to take a bite…”
Cas looked helpless. Utterly lost.
Dean felt a tug on his heartstrings for the second time since he’d laid eyes on Cas in his room.
That was a good question. Why wasn’t he mad?
Because… because it was Cas. Because if there was anyone he’d share a movie night and midnight snacks with… of course it would be Cas.
Rolling his eyes fondly, Dean tugged on Cas’ sleeve again. “Sit down and share this with me before I change my mind,” he teased, making room for Cas on the bed.
Shaking his head again, Cas muttered, “No, I’m not having another bite.”
Something in Dean’s brain twinged, and an idea sprung to mind. A very risky idea. A very risky, very dangerous idea.
But if Cas was already here, eating his dessert, knowing there was a risk of being caught… what was one more bold move in the grand scheme of things?
“Oh?” Dean said, flickering his gaze up and down Cas’ body before deliberately picking up the fork Cas had been using. “What about one more taste then?”
Slowly, Dean dragged the fork down into the dessert, making sure to get each layer of the tiramisu. He caught Cas’ eye, making sure to raise his eyebrow deliberately as he carefully and intentionally brought the fork up to his lips.
The taste of coffee and cream burst across his palate as he ate the forkful of tiramisu. Taking his time, he chewed slowly, making sure to savor the delicious flavor and warmth of cocoa powder and mascarpone, never taking his eyes off of Cas as he pushed the tray with the dessert to the other side of the bed.
Swallowing with a show, watching Cas break their eye contact to follow the movement of his Adam’s apple, Dean grinned. Leaning forward towards where Cas was perched on the end of the bed, Dean made a show of dropping his gaze down to Cas’ lips before dragging back up to Cas’ eyes.
“One more taste?” Dean asked again. The offer was clear. But Dean let it hang in the air between them. Letting Cas process what was happening, giving the angel a chance to bolt if Dean had read this all wrong.
Cas’ gaze flickered to Dean’s lips, then he was nodding, imperceptibly at first, and then more obviously. Shifting forwards slightly, Cas made a noise in the back of his throat, cut himself off, then looked at Dean and murmured, “Yes.”
Surging to close the gap, Dean caught Cas’ lips with his own. Cas let out a startled huff of air against Dean’s cheek and he pressed closer into Dean’s touch.
Starting the kiss out slow and simple, Dean traced Cas’ mouth with his own, giving Cas just the barest hint of sweetness on his lips. Cas hummed softly, and Dean felt a shiver cascade down his spine.
Gliding their lips together, Dean slipped one hand down to snag Cas by the waist, drawing him in closer. The new angle made it even easier for Dean to trace Cas’ lower lip, first with his own lips, and then, slowly, with just a hint of tongue.
Now it was Cas who was shuddering, letting out a little gasp and parting his lips.
Using that to his advantage, Dean slipped his tongue into Cas’ mouth.
Cas was quick to chase Dean’s tongue with his own, tracing the sweet taste of mascarpone cream. The touch was warm and delicious, and Dean felt himself letting out a shaky breath this time.
Cas broke the kiss with a little huff of laughter, and the sound was enough to have Dean seeing stars. Yanking Cas by the lapels of his trenchcoat, Dean pulled him back into the kiss with his own lips parted as an invitation. Cas immediately took it, licking past Dean’s lips and into his mouth.
The kiss tasted like tiramisu; coffee and sweet cream and rich cocoa all at once. Cas was chasing the flavor of the dessert, while Dean was savoring the flavor that was distinctly Cas.
Dean let Cas take the lead; let the angel trace his tongue over the roof of Dean’s mouth, curving along the back of Dean’s teeth before gliding along Dean’s tongue.
Sweetness mixed with intoxication, and Dean couldn’t stop himself from meeting Cas’ fervor. The more Cas leaned in, the more Dean tugged him closer. The more Cas let out little gasps and stuttered breaths, Dean felt a moan catch in the back of his throat.
The last traces of tiramisu were licked away by Cas, and yet, Cas didn’t break the kiss. Instead, the angel nudged his nose against Dean’s cheek, wordlessly surrendering control to Dean.
Pulling back a fraction so he could draw in a sharp breath, Dean slowly melded their lips together again, just barely catching a hint of coffee on the tip of Cas’ tongue. And then Dean was taking his time, kissing Cas deep and slow as if there was nothing else in the world except for this kiss. There was still a sweetness lingering on Cas’ lips, but maybe that had nothing to do with the dessert at all.
Breaking the kiss felt like sweet torture, and Dean couldn’t stop himself from leaning back in and pressing fast and chaste kisses to Cas’ lips, as if that could make the moment last longer.
When Dean finally pulled back, putting the smallest amount of space between them, Cas looked utterly wrecked. His hair a mess and his pupils blown wide with desire. His cheeks tinged and his lips swollen red. There was still a streak of marscapone left on his cheek, and Dean shifted forwards, pressing his lips to skin and licking away the cream.
Cas’ breath caught in his throat, his voice deep and thick as he gasped, “Dean.”
The word hung in the air between them, and Dean darted his eyes down to the forgotten dessert. Without a word, Dean picked up the fork and snatched another piece, offering it to Cas with a little smirk. “More?”
Glancing at the fork, Cas shook his head. Hand reaching out, fingers wrapping around Dean’s wrist, Cas guided the fork to Dean’s mouth, and the angel’s eyes lingered on Dean’s lips—kiss swollen and gleaming.
Dean got the hint, opening his mouth and letting the tiramisu melt on his tongue. Cas’ eyes never wavered from Dean’s lips, the angel swallowing thickly when Dean deliberately licked his lower lip, leaving a trace of mascarpone cream at the corner of his mouth.
“Well?” Dean teased, raising an eyebrow at Cas when he’d finished the piece of tiramisu.
Closing the gap between them, Cas’ lips hovered over Dean’s as the angel murmured, “Maybe one more taste.”
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rius-cave · 3 months
What was the moment that made both Lucifer and Adam realize they have feelings for each other?
I know you said Luci would realize first but what was the moment and how did they react?
God anon,,,,, this is such a loaded question. You're putting my delirious shipper brain to the test here, I must say. But I'll give it a go.
This has to happen very well into Adam's redemption, alright? Okay so, I think Lucifer would realize and accept to himself that he's attracted to Adam somewhat very early on. It's easy to tease him, it's fun to put him in his place and watch him be so weak and also getting his just desserts. Somewhere along those lines, the teasing goes into a territory where he's like "yeah, I'd fuck that, why not" and I imagine he does so not long after lol. However this is still very much a power thing and a "putting him in his place" thing. And then Adam eventually starts to change and behaves better (not without relapses obviously) and Lucifer starts seeing that potential that he always knew he had, actually blossom for once! After literal millennia! This makes Lucifer be more open to a more... amicable relationship outside of the bedroom. Lucifer and Adam actually start becoming friends. A lot of drama occurs in between, a lot of relapses, fights, maybe even some betrayals, disappointment, etcetera etcetera.
But once things settle in, picture Adam in his room, a pot in his hand, he's been trying to get this flower to blossom for weeks, and it's finally getting there. Charlie told him a few weeks ago that this was her favorite flower, but it's hard to find and maintain in Hell's conditions. Adam took the challenge and found a seed, a pot, some good soil, and began trying to make it bloom. Lucifer sees him, carefully trimming and plucking so it looks perfect for her, and Lucifer realizes the huge difference between the Adam before him, and the Adam who was in Heaven a couple months ago. He sees him making one of the nicest things he's seen ANYONE ever do, and it means even more coming from him. And then he realizes, holy shit, he's in love with that man.
Adam, meanwhile, it's weeeeeeeeeeell after that, lmao. I don't think he has the emotional maturity to distinguish when he's in love. He hasn't been in love for most of his life/afterlife by this point. He's forgotten how to love, he's forgotten how it feels to genuinely care for a person in that way. Adam doesn't fall for Lucifer in one specific moment, he will never be able to really pinpoint a moment. In fact, even when Lucifer finally drops the bomb and tells him that he's developed real feelings for him, Adam does not believe him, doesn't even UNDERSTAND what he's talking about, like what does that even mean??? Adam doesn't understand what love is anymore, sure, he loves having sex with Lucifer and most recently he actually has fun hanging out with him, they understand each other better and Adam feels really fucking good with himself about his new attitude. But love? Please.
This probably leads to even more drama, Lucifer is frustrated and a little heartbroken because even after confessing his feelings, he just can't get through to him! Much less figure out if Adam feels the same or not! But it's okay, because he's patient, and even if Adam doesn't understand, he asks if they can make their relationship more formal and serious.
Adam is hesitant, but he figures why not, it's not like things will change much for him anyway, it's not like he's fucking anyone else or really wants to fuck anyone else, so he accepts. And they carry on with their relationship for another looooong, long time.
Finally, one day, Adam wakes up next to him, after a particularly good night, and he simply... stares at him, blinks, takes in all his features, and thinks about how he got here and everything they've been through together. A warm sensation spreads across his chest, one that is familiar, he's felt it before, but only now is he able to recognize it. Holy shit, he's in love with that man.
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quibbs126 · 9 days
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And now I have made a part 3 of the human Cookies, this time featuring the Legendaries
You know I’m noticing that recently I’ve been drawing a lot more. I mean I’ve drawn 3 pieces in the last two days and I drew stuff last week. Seems my medication is at least helping something, even if it’s not me doing actual work to get my life together like my parents hoped. But hey, it personally makes me happy I’m drawing more, so it’s at least somewhat of a win
I think I was spurred on to do this one because I was playing around with the Mii maker on my 3DS, and I was making Cookies and started making the Legendaries
I will say, the Legendaries are probably some of the more difficult characters to translate into normal humans, since their designs are more fantastical. Almost all of their hair is made of something not normal, like fire, grass or water, so I have to try and make it at least semi-cohesive. It also means a lot of hair dye
I admit, while Wind Archer doesn’t look terrible, he does look very boring, like a generic guy. But frankly I just don’t see him using hair dye, or getting a lot of piercings. He doesn’t feel like someone who would to me, and so he looks boring
On the subject of designs I’m not satisfied with, I think Sugar Swan came out the worst. I just legit didn’t know what to do with her design. I’m a proponent of short haired Sugar Swan, so I gave her that, but I don’t think it turned out the best. I also wasn’t sure how to incorporate all the wings and swan thing on her head. I got that but it’s not that great
Originally in Sugar Swan’s spot was Millennial Tree, but he wasn’t turning out great so I tried doing Sugar Swan in his spot. Maybe that spot was just cursed or something
I think my personal favorite of the bunch is Sea Fairy, I think she turned out fun. Honestly I can see her going either way with the hair dye, so might as well just give her the blue. The buzz cut thing was actually something I got from another Sea Fairy design that I really like. I was debating between her having black or dirty blonde hair, but I eventually settled on the blonde
Moonlight and Stardust were pretty fun. With Stardust, I wasn’t sure whether I should have him dye his whole hair blue or have him bleach the front of his hair. I asked on Discord and they said the latter, so that’s what I did. But also note, I realized that if I were to try and give him bleached front and also potentially blue tips, he would have had Yugi Moto anime hair, but just flattened down instead of all spiky. Like I’ve seen people draw Yugi with hair similar to it
I wasn’t really feeling it after Sugar Swan’s failed design, but Fire Spirit got my mojo back, I think he turned out good. And with that I was able to make a Millennial Tree design I liked a lot more (while also looking at someone else’s interpretation of his design and deciding to use locs as well). Maybe not the best but not as bad as it was before
I kind of threw in Frost Queen because last spot and also she is an elemental Legendary. With her, instead of her hair being dyed, it’s supposed to be that her hair has actually turned white from either stress or age, with a tiny bit of her blonde still there at the ends. Don’t know why I picked blonde other than light color though
In my head while I was drawing, I was trying to come up with human things for them to do, but I really only got as far as the Dessert guys and the Wizard guys
Moonlight is the heiress of the “Wizard’s” estate, and she lives there and is the self proclaimed custodian. I’m not really sure what Blueberry Pie and Sugar Glass are doing there, but they’re probably also here. I also don’t know what the estate really is, I just have the idea that it’s a big place that the “Wizards” used as a research place, until they just stopped using it or disbanded or died or something. Stardust meanwhile is either Moonlight’s half brother she didn’t know about, or they’re full siblings who were orphaned and then separated at a young age via the foster care system. Stardust’s journey there would be him learning of his sister and her location and then I suppose hitchhiking his way there until he arrived
Meanwhile, Sugar Swan owns this wildlife preserve, which is the Dessert Paradise (probably goes by another name but I can see “Paradise” still being in the name), meanwhile the Dessert guardians, including Wind Archer, are the other caretakers that manage and guard the preserve. Are they also Sugar Swan’s kids? Maybe, I don’t know. Wind Archer probably is though, and maybe Millie’s his dad, I’m not sure
Frost Queen I think is just an accomplished doctor who lives in a more remote area and takes care of patients with a rare condition that she specializes in the treatment of (and also contracted herself when she was younger). She also just kind of dresses like that I guess
Genuinely I don’t know what Fire Spirit does, he might just be like, Pitaya’s adopted son or works under Pitaya, I don’t know. I can’t see him with much of a job
I imagine Sea Fairy has some sort of job (that she might neglect), but I have no clue what that job would be, since it presumably impacts both Black Pearl and Abyss Monarch in some big way, so like, running an aquarium might be too low stakes. Her crush on Moonlight might be something like she met this cute astronomer one time at some sort of astronomy conference or something, but she doesn’t know where she lives and so doesn’t know how to meet her again. Moonlight also thought she was cute, but again, doesn’t know where she lives
And yeah, I think that’s about it. I hope you enjoy these designs
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The 118 Sauce Chat
Eddie: I definitely make spaghetti sauce extremely wrong but I’m not going to stop
Chim: please elaborate on the wrong way to make spaghetti sauce; it sounds highly entertaining?
Eddie: 1 chop onion and put in a pot
Eddie: Add 1 or 2 cans of diced tomatoes. Whatever makes the ratio of onion look right.
Eddie: Add a ridiculous amount of frozen peas. Peas should make up a notable portion of this sauce.
Eddie: Add frozen corn also if you wanna be real fancy. If I have bacon I’ll ad that too. But I very rarely have bacon.
Eddie: Cook on HIGH
Eddie: While sauce is cooking, grab the nearest bottle of mixed spices that isn't obviously for desserts. Add some. How much? I dunno, enough that you feel like you've added seasoning so it's technically cooking. (For me this is most often a mix called Moroccan, but it could be anything. Buck reorganised my kitchen recently so tonight it was something called Pizza Topping.)
Eddie: If you happen to have green herbs lying around, add those too. Whatever you have on hand that's green
Eddie: Let the sauce boil on HIGH until all the water is gone. Stir occasionally so the saucepan will be easier to clean later. Serve on cooked spaghetti noodles with no cheese
Eddie: Today I added a new step called "while the sauce is cooking, duck out for 15 seconds to text the group chat about spaghetti sauce, then get distracted and forget you are cooking." This adds a novel Extremely Burnt edge to the flavour profile.
Chim: I am not Italian, or of Italian descent by *any* stretch of the imagination.
I am also not one of those "cooking purists", who believes that everything must be done in a specific/ traditional way (unless you are making a cooking video with the title "how to make x" in which case if you don't specify mid video that your way is not traditional god help you).
I am a firm believer in "If it tastes good, then it is correct for you".
Chim: Except in this case
Bobby: This hurts every cooking bone in my body. The latent ancestors in my soul. The judgmental elf in my brain just bit a cyanide capsule
Hen: Why? The spices.
Using a different spice mix every time, based on what is ready at hand just ... hurts
Eddie: *sends SPICE IS SPICE meme*
Ravi: absolutely deranged, Eddie. Food crimes.
Bobby: Hey Eddie, looks like you forgot to mention the part where you obviously sweated the onions, because nobody would make spaghetti sauce that had straight up raw onions boiled in tomato juices.
Bobby: RIGHT????
Bobby: Please Eddie
Eddie: I don’t know what sweating the onions means
Hen: It means. It means you cook em a little in a pan with a bit of oil first
Eddie: A pan? How many dishes do you want me to have to wash here?
Hen: I mean you can also do it in the same pot you're making the spaghetti sauce in! The important thing is the onions get a little cooked before the wet stuff goes in, so they're not so wet and limp and boiled....
Eddie: Honestly this depends entirely on whether I remember to chop an onion first or I find the can opener for the tomatoes first. The ingredients go in in whatever order they go in.
Ravi: Eddie, who hurt you???
Eddie: A pack of wild chefs herded my mother off a cliff
Chim: Theres probably a hit out on you for this
Eddie: What kind of stupid idiot would waste money assassinating someone who's so clearly going to accidentally poison themself for free at some point
Bobby: hi Eddie, big fan of your firefighting, this is the sauce equivalent of the running up a metal ladder in a lightning storm to try to pull up a 6’0” tall man instead of lowering him to the ground
Eddie: Athena, that is the meanest review my cooking has ever received
Chim: congratulations you found the worst way to do it! this feels like a spaghetti recipe made by AI before it got really sophisticated
Eddie: this group chat’s hate mail game is insane
Ravi: at this point please just eat every ingredient raw… please
Eddie: Do I look like Tony Abbott to you
Buck: As a former Committer of Food Crimes, I have decided to make this sauce this weekend after I have a chance to go to the store. I will report back.
Eddie: Excellent, I look forward to vindication.
Hen: No one's going to vindicate your boiled onion in cinnamonny tomato juice on noodles, Eddie
Eddie: Not cinnamon. Cinnamon is a dessert spice. You use the nearest non-dessert spice.
Ravi: cinnamon is absolutely not a dessert spice
Eddie: Yes it is! It's for muffins and pancakes and fruit pies!
Chim: Cinnamon powder is absolutely a dessert “spice” and Eddie if your cooking is this bad I can’t imagine your baked abominations
Eddie: I put lemon juice in everything I bake that isn't bread
Written for the only two gremlins (endearment) who find this as entertaining as I do @professionalprocrastinator22 and @gravelyhalversobbing
Inspired by:
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Teacher Sanemi x Teacher Reader
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You were the theater teacher at the Kimetsu high school and it was a long day. The kids were wild and not listening so when the bell finally rang and signaled the end of the day, you were relieved. You entered the teachers lounge and saw Mrs. Kocho, Mr. Rengoku, and Mr. Shinazugawa.
“Hello Y/n!”
Kanae said as she set down her recently brewed coffee and Rengoku gave you a bright smile.
“Hello Y/n! How are you doing today?”
“I’m exhausted, the kids didn’t listen to my directions and nearly ruined the props, and then this one boy who was running around, tripped and knocked over one of the lights and it broke.”
You said as you plopped down on the couch next to Sanemi. Kanae giggled and Rengoku chuckled.
“Well, they might be teenagers, but they still appear to have childish behavior.”
Kanae said and sipped some more coffee, Sanemi glanced at you but then looked away and went on his phone. Rengoku peeked at his watch and decided that it was his time to leave.
“Well, I should get home and grade these tests, they aren’t going to grade themselves.”
He chuckled as he grabbed a couple folders and stood up from his chair and walked to the door.
“Farewell! I hope you three have a great rest of your day and get lots of rest! I’ll see you all tomorrow!”
You and Kanae smiled and waved to him, Sanemi nodded at him but remained silent. You and Kanae continued talking about the students and Sanemi sat there staring at his phone while scrolling but in the corner of your eye, you were able to tell that his phone was turned off. You were puzzled but decided to ignore it, maybe he was trying to look busy so that no one would talk to him. 
However, this was not his entire motive, he was acting busy so he could listen to the soft sound of your voice. He wanted to talk to you but he couldn’t, he was nervous because you were outgoing and confident and he was hot-headed and arrogant. He didn’t see himself worthy of you so he always tried to ignore and get rid of his feelings but he always failed. Kanae glanced at Sanemi and she got an idea so she got up. 
“I’m sorry that I have to cut this short but I need to go take the girls home, bye bye Y/n and Sanemi.”
She knew about Sanemi’s feelings towards you and she found it adorable and a little shocking. A grumpy angry person such as Sanemi capable of love and affection? She found it intriguing but she also wanted to see the two of you matched up so she would do anything to help that. 
“Aww okay, bye Kanae!”
You replied and Sanemi just huffed although his face appeared to be a bit red. She smiled before she exited the room, leaving you and Sanemi alone in the room. 
“So, how was your day? I didn’t get a chance to talk to you today.”
You said and he waited a beat before turning away from you and replying.
“It was fine.”
Sanemi didn’t really waste his time with words since most of the time he didn’t really care but with you, he cared a lot and tried his best to pick out his words carefully so as to not hurt you. 
“I like your…skirt…a lot.”
He managed to get out and you smiled. 
“Aw thank you, I was worried that it was too short and that people wouldn’t like it or think of me as an attention seeker.”
‘I would kill anyone who dared to hurt you whether it was physically or mentally.’ He thought to himself and just nodded. He had no clue what to say to keep the conversation afloat so he started looking around for objects that might provoke a conversation to start up again. You watched him with a hint of confusion on why he was looking anywhere but you. He spotted the fridge and turned back to you.
“What’s your favorite food or snack or dessert or whatever.”
He asked as he forced himself to stare into your eyes to not appear disrespectful. 
“I personally enjoy (favorite thing to eat), it’s delicious!”
Sanemi made sure to imprint that into his memory so he could get it for special occasions. He didn’t realize how much he was enjoying this time with you and this made him wonder how close he could get to you. 
“You said you and your students were preparing for an upcoming play?”
You nodded.
“Could you tell me about it and maybe even show me the set?”
He watched your eyes sparkle with excitement, he heard from the others about how passionate you were about theatre, he found it quite adorable. You got up and grabbed his arm before dragging him to your classroom which was also known as the theater. He watched you climb up the stage and pull the curtains to reveal the set of props. There was painted sceneries, costumes, plastic trees and plants and even a sound board. 
“What’s the play about?”
“It’s a romantic drama that circles around two teenagers who are forced to marry other people and since they are friends, they talk about how they relate to each other and as the friendship progresses, they eventually find themselves in love with each other.”
“Oh wow, so how do they find out they have feelings for each other?”
You smiled and held out your hand towards him which he took and you helped him on the stage and led him to the middle.
“When they learn that they have to slow dance with their fiancés, they want to practice and since they were in the same situation, they decided to practice with each other and as they danced, like this.”
You grab Sanemi’s arms and put them around your waist which caused him to blush like crazy, and you put your arms around his neck.
“They danced as they stared into each other's eyes and the sunlight dimmed and was soon replaced by the glow of the moon.”
You explained to him and he stared into your eyes, taking in all the details of your skin, your lashes, your lips. His heart pounded to the beat of your steps and he took a deep breath before saying.
“F*ck it.”
And he pulled you towards him and connected your lips to his. You turned into a blushing mess but soon melted into the kiss. A couple seconds later, he broke the kiss and looked away.
“I’m feeling brave right now so I’ll ask, will you go on a date with me, I’ll buy you your favorite food and we can do whatever you want whether it’s a movie night or a walk through the park, I don’t care. I just want to be with you no matter what, I already wasted enough time.”
The speed of your heart rapidly picked up and you smiled at him
“Of course, I would love to go on a date with you.”
He let out a big sigh of relief and hugged you.
“Thank you…I’ll never let you down, I promise.”
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Ooh what about Yandere katsuki falling for someone quirkless 🥳
Bakugou is already a jerk enough to everyone and it’s clear he’s even more of a jerk to quirkless people (like Deku). To fall for someone quirkless? ~Le dramatic gasp~
Bakugou’s confusion 10/10
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Title: Hate That I Love You
Pairings: Bakugou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, insults to reader, timeskip but no spoilers, Bakugou is a jerk but what’s new
Summary: Hating you would be easier than what Bakugou feels.
Part 2: here
“And I hate how much I love you, girl
I can't stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you, girl
But I just can't let you go
But I hate that I love you so.”
-from “Hate That I Love You” by Rhianna
Bakugou isn’t sure why he finds you so infuriating. After all, you’ve done nothing to incur his wrath.
You don’t get in his way like Deku- if anything, you mind your business better than any extra he’s come across.
Is that the problem? Is he angry you don’t pay him any mind? That you don’t worship the ground he walks on like you absolutely should?
You’re a little quirkless nobody, yet you wouldn’t give him the time of day unless he lowered himself down enough to ask you for it.
Maybe he’s furious that he can’t seem to hate you. Hating you would make everything much less complicated. He wouldn’t have to deal with backflips his stomach seemed to do every time he came face-to-face with you.
You’re sweet enough to make Bakugou sick. And yet, he can’t get enough of you, salivating over you like you’re a chocolatey dessert and he hasn’t eaten in years.
Your presence makes his skin crawl. And yet, he feels like a piece of him is missing whenever you’re out of his sight.
He can’t figure out why he all these conflicting feelings plague him, and it’s the reason why he wishes he could just hate you instead.
Whenever the idea that maybe, just maybe, he likes you crosses his mind, he gets even angrier with you somehow. Him? Like you?
He’s Bakugou Katsuki. A top pro hero.
And who are you? Basically just a sad little modern batman. Quirkless and helpless, you have to rely on support gear to fight villains.
Don’t you know that’s dangerous? Don’t you know what that would do to himif one of those pieces of shit got you one day?
Your audacity makes him fucking furious.
How dare you fight villains with not an ounce of special ability in your veins? How dare you risk your pathetic life for only a fraction of the glory being his girlfriend could get you? How dare you choose being a low level sidekick over being with him?
It boils his blood every time he lets himself think about it, which is much too often for his own good.
He can’t really entice you with fame and fortune- not when you get so much attention for being a hero without a quirk to her name. Not to mention you are good. And Bakugou hates to admit it.
You’ve only talked to him a couple times, when your agency sent you over to help out at his own. He has to admit that he’s fired more sidekicks on purpose recently with hopes that you’d be sent over once again.
He heard you talking about him only once, and it wasn’t anything flattering.
“It’s weird that such a successful pro hero is also such an asshole. I didn’t really think those things were compatible, you know?”
You might as well have ripped his heart out and showed it to him with how much your words dug into his chest. He knew he was an asshole but hearing it from your mouth broke him a little.
He’d tried to be nice to you, tried to hold his tongue and watch his words, and yet he’d failed somewhere along the way. So, what was the point in trying anymore?
He could always show you just how much he wishes he hated you instead of loving you.
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where-dreamers-go · 2 months
“Teasingly Sweet” Dick Grayson x Reader
(A/N: Here’s part three after “Lucky Treat” of 90s Robin and Reader. What happens when Robin thinks he’s the one having bad luck? Also, do they know what’s even going on between them? Warnings: Use of (Y/N), slight angst maybe, spicy times of a makeout session, and fluff. Word Count: 2,321 words)
Gotham City had its fair share of people. Even masked heroes and creative villains who had eventful nights compared to their civilian days.
You, on the other hand, were having a pretty tame evening. The day had been productive, however nothing was too much to handle. A really decent day that lead to you grabbing a well deserved treat from a confectionary in the city.
Street lights and buildings kept the streets lit well enough.
You kept an awareness to your surroundings. Keeping your mind mostly on what moved around you and partially on ideas of what a certain masked hero could be up to.
Hopefully, Robin is alright, you thought as you held a light box of delicious treats close. He usually is. That we know of. You kept your jacket zipped up, an extra layer against the chilly night air.
After deciding to take a detour to avoid the growing crowd at a coffee shop, you annoyingly realized there was even more activity down the busy street. Lights flashed and news vans lined the road to boarder the sidewalks. Much too close for you to ignore.
Really? You thought, I don’t need this today. Pivoting on the spot, you turned with every intention of squeezing passed the line for coffee on your route home. Safety first.
You had very good intentions and determination to avoid any trouble. The good luck you were having again recently was not going to be thrown away on your watch. No way. There were treats to be had.
Just keep walking and you’ll be fine. No big deal. Average Gotham City night.
Average night, was it?
Was it not uncommon for a crook to flee from a police car?
Was it also the usual night for a crook to head straight toward you without your knowledge?
Definitely not.
Heavy footfalls came in rapid succession behind you.
Alarmed, you turned to the noise and saw a person, wrists cuffed, headed your way. Despite the initial scare, you were able to see a positive. Another person coming your way.
Robin sped forward, almost flying across the concrete to intercept the crook. Cape rippling behind him, your hero launched himself through the air.
You watched on in awe as Robin flipped over the guy and took him down in the process.
Oh, dang.
Hopping back to his feet, Robin spotted you as the crook peered around in a daze.
“Close call, sweets.” Robin said, looking you over. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” You clutched the dessert box in your grasp. “You?”
“I’d be better if this guy didn’t run off, especially too close to you.”
“I’m okay.”
“Good. How ab—hey,” Robin held the guy more firmly as he struggled against the hero. “I’ll be back.”
“Okay.” You stood quietly beside a building. The chill in the air made you shiver slightly.
All the movement remained about seven yards away, reporters trying to get closer to Robin and the dark looming figure of Batman stood by officers. Quite the sight really. There was no way you would want to be tangled up in that mess, even if it was under control.
Taking the time to check around, you deemed the area around the sidewalk boring and safe. Almost an oddity for Gotham City.
Can’t believe how fast Robin got that guy, you thought. He just…flipped and… Did he use his legs? I don’t know.
In less than about five minutes, Robin strutted towards you. Really heroic in that cape too. Yet he wasn’t smiling as you thought he might.
Is he okay? Did something else happen?
“Hey,” you said softly, “are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just…a lot of little things going wrong. Nothing I can’t handle, but it’s irritating.”
“Bad luck today?”
“Yeah,” he laughed half-heartedly. “You know a bit about that, huh?”
“A bit. But I know what can make it a little better.” You smiled as he perked up at your words. “I have some ice cream at my place and cookies, if that’ll make it any better.”
Robin smirked, “Are you inviting me to your place?”
“Yeah. If you want,” you shrugged, shy. A little nervous perhaps considering how much of a fan you were of Robin.
He’s walked me home before, you thought, and drove me home on his bike. Plus we’ve… Woo. Yeah. Okay, this could be interesting.
“Sounds better than how my night’s been going so far.” Robin replied.
“It can be my gift to you.” You quickly added, “You’ve helped me before and now. Why not give you something? You do so much already for everyone.”
“I can’t argue with that.”
You smiled. “I was headed home now. If you’re not through crime-fighting, I won’t take the ice cream out just yet.”
“You’d wait for me?”
“Yeah. It— Is that weird?”
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m flattered, but you shouldn’t have to wait that long. Give me a minute.”
You nodded and watched as he returned to the busy press-filled sidewalk.
I can’t believe this is happening again, you thought, feeling your heart rate pick up again. But…inside my apartment. I’m so glad it’s not a mess.
After wrapping up business with Batman, Robin jogged over to you with a charming smile.
On the way to your place, you two talked, caught up on anything new, and were very close. For chilly weather reasons, obviously. Robin was easy to talk to and wasn't completely full of himself. He knew what he was capable of and he didn't flaunt it.
Entering your apartment, you kicked off your shoes by the door.
“Make yourself at home.” You said as you set down the box of treats on the counter.
“Thank you. Nice place.”
“Thanks,” you smile warmly to him and walked over to the couch a few feet away to unzip your jacket.
“Is the box off-limits?” Robin asked, coming to stand by the end of the kitchen counter.
“Sorry, it is. This was for a well-productive day. From me, for me.”
He hummed in appreciation, “Is it cake?”
“…No.” You turned away slowly and took off your jacket.
It was then that you realized what you were wearing.
Crap, you thought and tried thinking of a way to hide the prominent ‘R’ decorated on the upper left of your Robin fan club shirt. Be subtle about it.
Left arm raised, pretending to scratch your neck, you attempted masking some of it from view as you walk back into the kitchen.
“So, uh, you can pick whichever cookies you want out of the pantry there.” You offered and quietly sighed as he did so.
“Hmm.” He turned around with a sleeve of cookies. “Sweet as you.”
“Gotta have some on hand in case of a bad day,” you shrugged.
“I’d say my bad luck has disappeared at the sight of you.”
Smiling, you replied, “I could say the same. You did show up when I was having a terrible birthday.”
“And how’d that go?” Robin smirked.
Like he doesn’t know! You flirt.
“Well, after a really nice walk, I got a gift from you. So, I think it went really well.” Moving in the kitchen, you reached into the top cabinet, grabbed two bowls, and turned to set them onto the countertop. No clumsiness included.
“Did you like your gift?”
Oh, now he’s full on teasing.
“Very much.”
He smirked, happily confident. Blue eyes sparkling in the warm light.
Opening a drawer, you took out two spoons and quickly set them by the bowls. “I hope you don’t mind (flavor) ice cream.” You said and stepped to the refrigerator.
“I don’t mind any flavor you give me.”
After nearly choking on spit from Robin’s words, you pulled out a carton of ice cream with images of its contents all over. The thin ice coating its edges relieved some the heat radiating from your hands.
I’m going to be fanning myself with a magazine if he keeps this up, you thought.
Leaning on the counter, Robin watched you prepare to bowls of ice cream with a smile. Every move he caught with curious and attentive eyes.
“Is this good?” You asked, spoon in hand.
“Yeah. Thanks.” Robin walked over to stand beside you and took up the second spoon.
“Beats running around outside?”
“I’d take being here with you over chasing down some guy determined to ruin people’s day for the thrill of it. This is more fun.”
Apparently smiling while eating ice cream was a minor challenge. The two of you took that challenge with ease. Ice cream with good company definitely brightened both Robin’s and your day.
It was a wonder how you were comfortable enough with him to invite Robin inside. Then again, you were a fan and had gotten to know him quite a bit during your last two meetings. You were proud of yourself for asking.
Why shouldn’t you gift a little with whatever type of relationship you two had going?
What’s he thinking? You wondered as you saw him looking at you with your peripheral vision. I mean, he probably has to leave soon. I guess. You quietly set your spoon down in the empty bowl. I wish he could stay a little longer.
“You know,” Robin started as he put the spoon down, “I owe you a ‘thank you’ for your gift. Inviting me in and treating me to ice cream and cookies. You didn’t have to.”
“It’s about time I gift you something. Something other than one piece of candy.”
“And about thanking you…”
Robin’s gloved hand pulled you in by the waist. A move he definitely perfected as he instantly kissed you. Stealing your breath, Robin kept the pace slow as his lips pressed against yours. Dizzyingly passionate as he curled his other arm around your back.
Another kiss for the record.
Eyes shut for a moment, you broke for air. Your hands finding purchase on his biceps.
Even with his knee-shaking kisses, you needed to know something. To ask one thing.
“Is this...casual for you or…?” You left the question open ended.
How do I even ask this?
Robin took one of your hands and pressed it against the pulse point on his neck. A rapid pulse. “Lately, I've been wondering the same thing, but... I think I only want this from you.”
“Your heart racing?”
“It can be calm too. But not when I think of seeing you again. You’re all I can think about some times.”
“Just me?”
“You and me.”
You pulled him in for a hard kiss. Fingers in his hair, you deepened the kiss with all you had. In turn, Robin held you impossibly close to his body. Both of you expressing what you wanted and tasting of frozen dessert with no signs of stopping. 
Neither of you had to be anywhere else.
Leading you backwards through the apartment, Robin continued pressing his lips to yours. You stumbled to keep up, not knowing where you were headed when you mind was on how he teased your lips with his tongue.
Your world turned sideways and Robin was all you could feel as you landed onto the couch. The cushions softening the fall onto your back. His cape covering you both as limbs entangled.
Time passed further into the night. Both you and Robin showed no hints of leaving the couch. If anything, it appeared as if you two would remain there much longer.
Panting breathes were exchanged between wet lips and heavy gazes. It was getting a little hot in the apartment.
Hands intertwined tightly over your head, neither of you dared break contact.
“We should probably stop,” you murmured.
“Probably,” Robin said into their neck. He rolled his pelvis onto yours. “Ahh. I should go.”
You bit your lip, keeping yourself quiet as your legs instinctively hugged him closer. Fingers still locked together with his gloved hands.
Robin. Oh, please. You thought as you felt your mind slowly floating away with pleasure, of being with him.
Placing another kiss on your neck, Robin kept a slow and sensual pace with you. His eyes fluttered shut as the two of you continued.
No thoughts of responsibilities or anyone else. No worries of where either of you should or should not be. Only thoughts of being closer together and all of the feelings that came with it all.
“Robin.” Back arching, his name escaped you like a plea.
Above you, he stopped completely and released your hands. “We can’t. As much as I really, really want to…” He looked you over in your half blissful state as he blinked away his own fog of pleasure. Shaking his head, he added, “Not while I’m like this…as Robin.”
You nodded, processing his words. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Yes,” you kissed his forehead.
Smiling, Robin kissed you again. Much shorter that time, but with no less affection. He pulled you up with him into a sitting position, chuckling at your disheveled appearance.
“And maybe we can pick up on where we left off?” He lightly pulled at your shirt and added, “With your fan shirt.”
“Sure. Maybe without your mask and cape?”
His hands held you to him, “More cotton and less…”
“Whatever this is made of?” You knocked your knuckles onto the front of his suit. “As long as it protects you, it’s fine.”
“It does the job.”
“Good.” You pecked his lips.
Reluctantly, the visit had came to a close as you walked him to the door. The pair of you shared one more kiss, a promise.
“Good night,” you murmured.
“Good night. See yah soon, (Y/N).”
Robin left your apartment quietly and went off into the night air.
What have you two gotten into?
Was he, the Robin, really going to reveal his civilian identity to you?
Was that even allowed?
Was it safe?
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @
90s Dick Grayson Tags: @
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