#this file was literally too big to upload to tumblr i had to take a SCREENSHOT.
awesomehoggirl · 1 year
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kafus · 8 months
file too big for tumblr so you get a youtube video but HIII I DID IT!! I BEAT THORTON!!! I GOT THE GOLD PRINT BABEY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS TO HAPPEN TONIGHT!! months of on and off grinding and then 3 days straight of doing this nearly all my waking hours and losing so many streaks and I DID IT!!! this is one of the hardest things you can do in gen 4 ever i think i'm losing my mind. pthgss battle factory does NOT fuck around
some commentary below the cut if you're interested in my thoughts/strategy while doing this
when i saw whiscash i swapped into scizor because i thought it was safe and i wanted to preserve weavile's strength, speed, and fake out for later... and i did my calcs wrong. i've been hunched over calculators and spreadsheets for hours to have the best odds of winning this streak and somehow i was calculating doubles damage instead of singles so EQ was stronger than i expected. embarrassingly i didn't notice this until someone pointed it out to me after the fact LOL. i don't even know how i didn't catch it, of course EQ does more damage, it's STAB!! so that was actually a pretty damn dangerous switch! but he missed stone edge i am BLESSED stone edge more like stone MISS AHAHAHAFSDKFSDAL
anyway after whiscash was down i let entei take out my scizor because scizor is slow and was already on low HP, if i tried to preserve it it would probably just get outsped and die to a legendary or something later. and entei had two dangerous sets in particular it could possibly be so i really needed to scout its fire move. tbh when i saw entei my heart sank, i knew my team was really weak to fire and that it could be a problem but i just never found any good pokemon to swap while climbing round 7. i just hoped that garchomp resisting and having earthquake would suffice... but the entei had a shuca berry (halves a super effective ground hit) so outrage actually did more damage. if entei crit me at any point it would have been over but otherwise it would have been impossible to take out garchomp in two hits thankfully. and i had a persim berry if outrage ended in two turns and confused me. but didn't end up mattering!
my heart SANK when the focus band proc'd on latios (a 10% chance) but then i was like YES!! THIS IS WHAT WEAVILE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!! THERE'S NO WAY IT PROCS TWO MORE TIMES IN A ROW RIGHT?! because weavile using fake out would give me a chance, and then if focus band proc'd again, the flinch from fake out would let me get a second turn and weavile outspeeds that latios SO it was pretty safe unless i got insanely unlucky. AND IT WORKED OUT!!!!
i dunno if i deserved this win because my round 6 (the round before this one) was INCREDIBLY lucky, like, i got the round 7 staraptor in my draft and it had choice band brave bird and just decimated EVERYTHING except a couple bronzongs which i had a strong vaporeon for, so... it was basically a freebie and then round 7 had some close calls but also i got garchomp from trading with the literal first trainer (who i almost lost to but shhh) and then all the stuff with scizor/whiscash... BUT. it's been long enough i'm TAKING IT
anyways POGGERS
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i'm probs gonna upload this battle video to the dns exploit server later but i gotta wait for my parents to go to bed so i'm not interrupting them using wifi by turning on the gen 4 compatible guest wifi lol
(btw if you want to do factory yourself please look up smogon's resources on it and use calcs and stuff i promise without it it will be a living nightmare 10x more than it already is)
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hollowsart · 2 months
saw a really cute and really pretty image in a video (very quick scroll by for a split second by the op who was talking about scrolling on insta) and I wanted to see if I could find the op, however, the image was small so details were easily missed (..I should have noticed the hands sooner tbh), I had hopes there was an artist who actually drew it, but alas.
I found the image in full after taking a screenshot and uploading it to the google lens and finding some source that has the image on it that was a big clear file.
I looked at it and realized it was AI GENERATED.
I'm going to scream. Nothing could possibly make me angrier and more upset than I am right now.
I want to know the original artist this AI is stealing from. it's likely they're on some other site besides tumblr so I can't follow them or give them any form of interaction (likes, reblogs, etc) which sucks, but hey. at least I'd get to see more really good cute anime girl art. >:|
But y'know what? The more I look at it in full, the more I realize things that are off and don't make sense:
firstly, the hands is the dead giveaway. those fingers are an abomination. an affront to artists everywhere.
secondly, the hair. You could make some excuse for the lack of direction with the hair and how it's flowing and the fact it's all up like she's either falling or being hit with a gust from below. Unfortunately. Even real human artists would have SOME FORM of coherency and readability of the form of the hair. it's also blending into the bg and little accessories on the head are blending into the hair, too.
accessories again, they lack any form, some are literally melting into the sleeves and just.. Anyone could see there is something wrong with this image.
the ONLY thing I will give it, is that the color palette is nice.
that's it. that's not even a pity sticker. not even a pat on the back. that's just a "mm." reaction.
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stelyost · 7 months
Big Apology about Askbox.
Tumblr stopped showing me any indication that I had messages sitting around for years (All these messages came in the timeframe of 2019-2022, I literally just figured out how to look at the timestamp of individual asks). Contains messages addressing things related to UTAU, music, personal. I dipped in activity during those specific years due to offline things going on, so I wonder if I toggled it off and forgot about it. I'm not sure if the people who originally asked them will still be around to see my answers, but I'm going to do my due diligence and answer them all here, just so I'm caught up. I will also try to dig around and see if I can actually get that inbox notification back so I can be more on top of answers going forward. Long post incoming:
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No, music is a medium meant to touch people, I'm happy to hear that it resonated with you that way. Thank you for sharing this with me.
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Thank you very much for the birthday wishes! (These were from 2019, 2020)
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ありがとうございました。Thank you for the bday wish. I'm very happy you like my works and my UTAU! I am continuing work on Galvan's voicebank in the background currently. Please look out for more signs of his voicebank / multipitch in the future.
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Yes, I intend to do a redone / new cover of that song, as I really like it too.
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Thank you very much for your support! I am happy to hear it can inspire you. If you're talking about my original music - maybe/ yes, it'll take some time to get uploaded, some songs still need work, but I started with one song so far, and it is going to be sort of an ongoing process (as I sort out what exactly I want to do with the video or art for the songs).
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Hello two anons, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'm no longer interested in distributing the Electrolysis voicebank, it's no longer the representation of Denki Sai and Galvan Ize that I want to continue with.
I don't remember deleting the Mega download, but it's also possible the file ended up expiring.  極彩色 / Ultra Vivid Color was actually test covered with Galvan Ize THEORY and DenkI Sai PROOF - Not Electrolysis!
Calamari Inkantation is also Denki Sai PROOF, not Electrolysis. Galvan Ize THEORY and Denki Sai PROOF are both multipitch banks. Because of my offline issues, I haven't been able to continue with their development nor release. Thank you again for your interest, I will continue with their voicebanks in the near future.
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I appreciate your concern, kind anon. I was not okay for a time, but I am okay now. Thank you very much.
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Thank you!
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Not currently.. I'm sorry! I will try to figure something out for fan submissions. Please stay tuned.
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Ahh, this ancient relic. If you're referring to the song by Caeles, it was a song by Kaoling "The World Turns, We All Turn", with Miku - Very underrated. I meant to do a full cover and it just never came to pass.. but now that I'm reminded of it, I may consider covering it.
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It’s time we talk about SimsDom again.
Most of you probably already know who and what Simsdom is but for those that don’t, Simsdom (or SimsDomination) claim to essentially be a CC finds website, which in essence I suppose they are... But don’t get your hopes up for a Lana replacement because they are SO much more than that. And not in a good way.
I know this is an old subject, and most people probably thought it was all over and done with, but Simsdom is still around and what’s worse is that I’ve noticed a growing trend among my fellow Game Changers who create content for Youtuber and Twitch/Mixer of promoting the site by using it to do CC shopping haul videos and streams, which is encouraging their viewers to use Simsdom. I’m not going to name names or point fingers but it made me realise that maybe some people don’t understand just how bad Simsdom is for the community in general, but especially for the amazingly dedicated CC creators of Simblr. And it’s just so disappointing to see people that some many in the community, including myself, look up to promoting this garbage site!
If you’re curious to know why this is a problem, I’ll explain under the cut. If not, keep scrolling... But don’t say I didn’t warn you.
If you visit the Simsdom website (which I’ve purposely not provided a link to because you absolutely shouldn’t visit it) you’ll notice a whole bunch of custom content is available there, more than likely you’ll even find quite a bit from some of your faves like @peacemaker-ic​, @nolan-sims​, @storylegacysims​, @crypticsim​, @renorasims​, @savvysweet​ and MANY more. My stuff is even on there as well and if you’re a creator, the chances are high your stuff is too; whether you want it to be or not.
But don’t be fooled, myself and most of the other creators whose content appears on their site did not give permission for our content to be shared on there. In fact, most of us have specifically asked Simsdom to remove our content from their site. I say “most” because there are some people who willing uploading their content there (god knows why). The easiest way to the tell the difference is to look at who posted the content. If you see this:
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That content has been shared by a bot, without the creator’s permission and more than likely against their many requests that Simsdom NOT share their content. If it says the name of the actual creator instead of “Exchange”, that creator uploaded it themselves.
You might also ask why anyone would care if their content was shared on a CC finds blog, after all, it means more traffic to our blogs and content, right? First of all, whether it brings in more traffic or not, is beside point. These creators have specifically requested Simsdom not share their content and they have been ignored, disrespected, threatened, and harassed. Simsdom claims that their users make up 30-90% of Tumblr creators traffic, but I call bullshit. I check my Google analytics every single month for traffic coming in to both my Tumblr and Blogger from Simsdom and I can tell you that LESS THAN 1% of the COMBINED TOTAL traffic from BOTH BLOGS comes from there. And when you understand how they operate, you’ll understand why that is.
In reference to Simsdom’s response to this post, they linked 5 creators that they claim meet their crazy statement that their site provides creators with 30-90% of their traffic. So I just thought I’d point out some interesting facts I noticed while looking at those sites.
One of those sites is dead; literally, it doesn’t exist anymore, if it ever even did. Another, @simiracle​, is a fellow Game Changer who reblogged this post, so I’m guessing they don’t have support there. And the other 3 are alpha CC creators, none of whom have ever uploaded any of their CC to Simdom, nor have they ever mentioned Simsdom on their sites in any way. However, all three earn money on their own content via either adfly, adsense, patreon, or some combination of the three; my guess would be they wouldn’t be too happy to find out Simsdom is making money off them too.
You see, Simsdom might sometimes link back to the original creators site, but often times they don’t. I’ve noticed quite a bit of the content of my own on their site directly links to the file on SimFileShare, completely bypassing both my Tumblr and my Blogger. This might not seem like a big problem, but what about if the creator has put specific instructions, requirements, or notes on the original download page that if the downloader doesn’t read could result in broken/unusable CC, or worse, a broken game?
In reference to Simsdom’s response to this post, they linked to SimFileShare’s page on SimilarWeb and claimed that I was lying about direct-linking to my files there because their site does not appear in the list of referring sites. What they failed to mention is that that list only shows the TOP 5 sites that link to SimFileShare regularly. There are still 385 other sites that aren’t shown and can’t be seen without having an account with SimilarWeb. Convenient, huh?
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I also said they only direct-linked SOME content. With my content it was only about 4 or 5 things out of the 15 or so they have on their site and I didn’t check anyone else’s stuff but I have heard other creators say the same thing. So of course they’re not going to show up in the top 5 if it’s only SOME links.
But wait, there’s more.
Anyone downloading from their website without an adblocker is forced to wade through potentially harmful ads as well. Notice the blue button that says “download” at the top? That’s not a real download button and if you click it, it will instantly begin shoving pop ups in your face claiming you have a system error or that your local law enforcement agency has detected illegal activity from your IP. Yes, I clicked it. There is nothing of importance left on my HDD (it’s all stored safely on an external drive that isn’t connected to the PC at all) because this drive has been slowly dying for weeks and I’m destroying it tomorrow and replacing it with a brand new one, so I decided to take a chance.
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These ads, which are on pretty much every page of Simsdom, are what’s called “Ransomware”, and it’s whole purpose is to distract you with fake pop up “warnings” when you click on it so that you don’t realise it’s actually downloading a very harmful file to your computer in the background. It’s designed to be next to impossible to close the pop ups, so that even if you somehow became aware of the download happening, you couldn’t get past the pop ups to stop it before it’s had time to finish downloading and automatically begin running it’s payload when it’s done.
What payload? That’s the scariest part, you won’t know until it’s too late. It could be something as simple as a trojan that will force your PC to mine bitcoins, which is still harmful because these mining trojans are resource hogs and put a massive strain on your CPU. Or a trojan designed to target and encrypt specific files on your computer (usually sensitive ones) and demand you pay a literal ransom (usually either in bitcoin or pre-paid cash) and if you don’t, your files will either be complete erased or leaked.
Or worse still, it could be something even more sinister such as a key-logger; a piece of spyware that is designed to track and log EVERY. SINGLE. KEY. you touch on your keyboard. So every password you use, every online banking key code you enter, all the conversations you have via Discord, Twitter, Tumblr, or any other form of instant messaging, that fanfiction you’ve been working on that you are too scared to show anyone in case they think you’re a pervert, your credit card and bank account number you use to shop online, what porn you look for, even your Google search history (regardless of if you’re incognito); all of it will be no longer private and in the hands of someone who could use it to steal your identity, empty out your bank accounts, charge thousands of dollars worth of goods to your credit card, or expose every little strange thing you do on your computer that you thought no one would ever find out about, unless you pay their ransom.
Scary huh?
Also notice that those Get Famous recolours I made don’t say that they actually require Get Famous? Why is that a problem, you say? For most people it’s not, you see “Get Famous Recolours” and you automatically know you need Get Famous to use them, but what about people who are new to using CC and don’t know that for my recolours to work you need the pack they came from? Yeh, that’s a problem, because that particular download is one of those ones that leads straight to SimFileShare:
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It leads directly to the merged file, which is NOT the only file available for download in that set, just the largest. But no one who finds my content on Simsdom will ever know that will they? Nor will they read the part of the download page that clearly states Get Famous is required to use the recolours.
I hear you saying “But adblockers are a thing”. Yes they are, but that doesn’t solve the issue of them linking straight to the file. And also, here’s what happens when you try to download something from Simsdom with an adblocker enabled:
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You’re forced to wait 180 seconds before the download button appears. THREE WHOLE MINUTES in which you cannot move from that page or the counter will stop, and it will only restart when you go back to that page and stay there for the entire three minutes. Even Adfly isn’t that gross.
So, all of that isn’t enough to discourage you from using this vile site you say? Well, let me introduce you to the person/people who run the site. There are plenty of examples floating around Tumblr of how disrespectful, arrogant, immature, and disturbing the owner/s are (just search for “Simsdom” and you’ll see) but here’s just a few posts showing “receipts” of what happened to creators when they ask for their content to be removed from the site: Here,  here, and here.
They have threatened to doxx several creators, tried to blackmail others, threatened to shut down some people’s sites, and even actually refused to remove people’s content unless they say “please”; as though these creators are six year old children who need to learn a lesson for not wanting THEIR content on someone else’s website!
All of this was said AFTER they made a post on their Tumblr saying they would respect creators wishes to not have their content on their site. I myself had a run-in with them as well but I don’t have the receipts because as soon as they finally agreed to remove my content (after almost 4 days of arguing with them and being threatened several times) they blocked me... and they continue to share my content to this day. That’s part of the reason why my motivation to create has been so low lately; I know its just going to end up over there, locked behind a paywall making money for these disgusting people and tricking simmers into thinking they have to pay to access my stuff.
But back to the story! Once they realised 99% of Tumblr creators — the people they get most of their content from — were going to ask to have their creations removed however, they changed their mind and instead started refusing to remove content. In fact, if you go to their website and use the contact form and choose the option “Remove my Content” they literally ask if you are Tumblr creator or not, and if you say you are, this is what you get:
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And that “Our Rights here” link? That leads to this nonsense that literally contradicts itself with almost every single sentence:
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“Creations can’t be uploaded without the creators permission... but we do not need permission to share your creations” “Feel free to contact us to ask to remove your content... but actually don’t bother contacting us asking to remove your content because we won’t” “SimsDomination is a free website... We don’t steal any content... *literally has other people’s free content locked behind a paywall and charges people membership fees to remove said paywall*”
And as for the EA terms part... I have news for you Simsdom, YOU are the only one breaking EA’s terms of use by putting content behind paywalls. I’m an EA Game Changer, I have actually read the terms of use AND spoken at length on the topics of earning revenue from CC, and why paywalls/memberships/exclusives are against EA’s terms of use with the Sim Gurus, have you? Didn’t think so.
If you had, you’d realise that we are allowed to earn revenue from our CC by having ads on our blogs/sites provided they aren’t deceptive — you know, like that ad with the big blue button you have that shows up on every single page of your site — and don’t lead to anything malicious, which yours do. I clicked several of the ads on your site and they all either lead to disgusting 18+ websites, started producing ransomware pop ups like I described earlier, or tried to download a mysterious file called setup.exe to my computer (which was most likely a trojan as well). We are also allowed to earn revenue via donations and Patreon early access systems provided the content is also made available for free to the general public within 14 days.
We are not, however, allowed to lock content behind Patreon exclusives, memberships and paywalls such as Adfly; which is exactly what you are doing. Like Adfly, you are not only potentially exposing underage children to 18+ content and risking the safety of people’s PCs, but you are also forcing them to wait to click a link and charging membership fees to avoid having to wait to download said content that isn’t even yours; content that you have been asked REPEATEDLY to remove. That is the very definition of a paywall. It is NOT the same as Pinterest or Facebook AT ALL, they might have ads but they aren’t malicious and they do not force people to wait to view content.
In reference to Simsdom’s response to this post, this is probably one of my most favourite Simsdom lies, because it never changes but it’s so easy to prove false! “Users don’t need to pay to download any content and don’t need to wait to download them” Oh really? Shall we take a look at your site on the old SimilarWeb that you love so much?
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How strange. If you don’t make people wait, then why do you need adfly? And if no one has to pay, then why do you need premium memberships to get rid of the ads and wait time you don’t have? Odd.
Also, lets talk Adsense. I never said I had a problem with you having ads on your site; I said I had a problem with the TYPE of ads on your site. If you seriously don’t think your ads are in any way harmful, I’d suggest you take another look at your Adsense, because either it’s been hacked or you seriously don’t know what you’re doing. Oh, but that’s right, “Google will never display suspicious ADs“... Mmm hmm, you just go right on believe that. Yeh, it’s definitely not possible for Google to be hacked... Nope, definitely not.
Also, if you use your Adsense revenue to pay for your site.... what happens to the extra? Because based on your SimilarWeb page I can take a rough guess at how much you earn every month through Adsense alone and there’s no way your site costs that much to run. For that matter, where does all the extra revenue from Adfly, Short.st and this mysterious “other” go? And all the revenue you get from your premium subscriptions that you totally don’t charge people money for?...
Is that fish I smell?
You are not doing anyone any favours here, so stop pretending that you’re in this for anything other than money. Stop sharing content you’ve been asked REPEATEDLY to remove/not share and breaking EA’s and many creators TOUs!
If you’ve managed to make it this far, congrats lol I know this has been long and probably boring but thank you for taking the time to read the whole thing. All this post was meant to do was explain why people should not support Simsdom, and why I’m so disappointed in other Game Changers for promoting it, but it kind of got away from me a little.
Oh well, now you know what Simsdom is and why I will NEVER support them or willingly allow my content to be shared on their site. And if you do decide to still use their site, just... please be careful. My content will always be free and safe to download, just like the majority or CC creators here on Tumblr. Don’t pay for something you can get for free from the original source.
Also, if you’re looking for a Lana replacement (aka a good CC finds blogs that isn’t shady af like Simsdom) check out @maxismatchccworld!
This isn’t in relation to anything specific, just the situation as a whole. It seems Simsdom has just removed the search box from their website completely:
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I’m sure it was totally legit reasons and not at all because they didn’t want anyone searching for their own content on the Simsdom website. Just like it wasn’t for that reason the last time too...
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annoyed-galaxy · 4 years
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welcome to another rendition of “I CANT FUCKING DRAW” and “THE FILE WAS SO FUCKING BIG I HAD TO TAKE A SCREENSHOT JUST TO UPLOAD THIS FUCKING THING” and “im tired now im taking shots of coffee”
Yes this was based on one of those good ole “draw your squad” things and this one features my Fable family. Possibly in an AU where Sparrow never dies. If the quality looks like shit, well that’s because I literally had to take a screenshot from CSP just to upload this because the file was too fucking big for Tumblr cause Lily doesn’t know how to use a few layers and rather a shit ton and I’m tired of THIS SHITTY LAPTOP being slow so PLUNK there you go enjoy.
Context behind this: Reaver of course flirting with Sparrow. Aelyn (who is my HOBW, I finally gave her a name) doesn’t realize Reaver’s her dad and doesn’t like him and Logan, who had a sneaking suspicion that Reaver was his father and now has it confirmed, is trying to drag his sister away before she turns Reaver into a glorified pin cushion.
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booksandgalore · 5 years
Mirrors of Pride [Yandere!BTS]
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Taehyung’s company is enjoyable when he isn’t contemplating about the different shades of black-and-white filters. Sure, he cares too much about the number of likes he has on social media.
And, yes, maybe you have to reject taking pictures of him everytime he hands you his phone, but true friends stay with each other no matter what. You just need to overlook his growing vanity, and ignore all the warning signs when he starts talking about someone non-existent.
Author’s Note:
It’s my first time posting (cross-posting) a story on Tumblr! Bear with me as I navigate how to link, edit my layout, etc. Though if you do have an tips and/or pointers on how I can make my blog look more appealing, haha, then I’ll take them. Do leave a comment if you enjoyed it!
[previous chapter]
The professor was changing the PowerPoint slides way too quickly, and even though you had been smashing the keys on your laptop as fast as your muscles could allow, you were left with unfinished bullet points on the topics you’d be tested on.
It seemed like your classmates shared the same sentiment as you. Looking at each other, they pursed their lips yet continued scribbling furiously in their notebooks and typing away.
However, Taehyung, who was sitting next to you, merely had his brow raised before he shook his head, his pencil moving ever so slowly.
You glanced over at his notes. He had hardly written anything! The only thing he had going for him was his outfit, you supposed. He wore a black cross earring on his right ear, and he donned this sort of sweatband on his forehead that pushed his hair out of his face. A plaid shirt was also tied around his waist even though he was sporting a jean jacket. The things he did for fashion.
Wait. You weren’t supposed to be that critical to a friend. Did you just insult him? So what if Taehyung preferred to focus on his clothing choices over something the professor lectured about? It was no big deal. For all you knew, Taehyung could be booking private rooms in the library to study in later, or he could be a photographic memory prodigy in disguise.
Gah, you really just insulted your friend, huh? Rolling your eyes at yourself, you reverted your attention back to the professor.
“And that’s all I’ll be discussing about today. Any questions?” Professor Smith said, scanning the room for any raised hands. “No? Well, that’s all, folks. You’ve got ten minutes left if you want to stay in this class, but I’ll get going now. I will post the slides by tonight.”
This was your karma seeking you out. You deserved this.
Yet shamelessly you grabbed Taehyung’s hand in order to stop him from closing his notebook. You released your grip on him when you saw his widened eyes, the dangling of his cross earring occupying your thoughts for a brief second. It suited him. Scooting closer to him nevertheless, you brought your head down to the paper and reviewed what he copied from the slides, but it wasn’t that much and Professor Smith was notorious for uploading his files a week later.
”Why does this class always make me so nervous?” you exclaimed, handing his notebook back to him. “How do you study, hmm?”
”I book a room in the library, but I usually stay late. Do you need help?”
Wow. How could you have undermined Taehyung’s intelligence just minutes before? You needed to work not on suppressing the materialistic tendencies you had left, but on being a good friend. Feeling the guilt creep up on you, you lowered your gaze while rubbing the nape of your neck. Was this why you had five close friends instead of the twenty diverse friends people seemed to have? You should buy Taehyung a surprise lunch during free hour to make it up to him...though he didn’t need to know the why.
”I’ll just wait for him to post the slides.” You had turned your head in such a way where you couldn’t see him through your peripheral vision as you shoved your laptop into your backpack. “Where are you going to be at free hour?” When your shame deemed that you had enough, you were able to face him once more.
”I’ll be at the Bio building,” Taehyung replied, standing up and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “Just have to turn in this paper and then I’m done. Want to come with me?”
He smiled at you and suddenly your spirits brightened up a little. You would have to buy him those tacos he liked so much.
You returned his smile back at him. “I’ll just meet up with you at the Commons.”
Taehyung’s smile faltered slightly. “You’re not coming with me? Who will you be with?”
You weren’t sure who you’d be hanging out with in the Commons. Maybe you’d see Jimin and sit next to him if there was an empty spot, considering that the Commons was literally a common campus building where students bought and ate lunch, but then again Jimin was usually with Hoseok and that other friend group. You could always move away once Taehyung texted you, though.
“I’ll be with you,” you assured him. Knowing the words that would soothe his mind, you stated, “Who else would I be with, Taehyung? I don’t have that much friends.” You crossed your arms and sighed dramatically for effect, placating Taehyung’s irrational worries. The amount of times you had to do this....but friendship was different with him.
With everyone.
With Jimin even.
People were people, and people had different personalities, thoughts, aspirations, goals and fears, so it wasn’t wrong to act like this with Taehyung...right?
“Okay,” Taehyung winked, his smile retreating back to its fullest potential, “big brother will take care of you.”  
“Dude, shut up. I’m older than you by one month!” You stood up and walked to the door; holding it open for him, you said, “Ladies first.”
“...Jimin,” you whispered harshly, stupefied. “Is that soju I smell from your water bottle?”
“No, it’s vodka.” Jimin sipped a bit of his alcohol before offering it to you, his hand outstretched and eyes glinting with mischief. He was bold but a reckless type of bold and you were still in disbelief from the randomness of it all. Sure, Jimin could down seven shots of whatever mixture you could give him no matter how strong and still come out sober an hour later, but, damn, did the stress of finals week get to him?
You grabbed his “water bottle” and confiscated it inside your backpack. “You’re not getting this back.”
”(Name), it’s Friday. I only had one class today, and I’m done for the rest of the day. Let me live a little!” he whined, stomping his feet which was unlike him to do so. God. How much of these water bottles did he drink?
“Yes, but not on campus. You’re doing this in broad daylight and you could have gotten expelled, Jimin. Expelled!” You frowned at him and raised the level of your voice to convey the gravity of the situation. “What’s gotten into your head?”
Jimin remained silent. Then, he rested his head on your shoulder. Voice quivering, he confessed, “Eve broke up with me and I...I guess I...I mean I—“
”...Jimin,” you whispered, softly this time. “Come on, we know a girl can’t affect you that much.”
“You’re right.” Jimin removed his head from your shoulder and leaned against the wall. “I think it’s the alcohol, but why...why do I miss her so much?”
It was a miracle you guys were in a secluded area inside the Commons where people didn’t frequent as often. You wondered if on-lookers would simply walk away if they saw someone having a mental breakdown, but you speculated that college students were sympathetic with each other, and thus they would help Jimin. This thought comforted you. Jimin wasn’t alone, but Taehyung? Oh, Taehyung kept an arm’s distance from anyone he didn’t personally know. Would he be willing to receive the warmth of a stranger?
It was funny how despite Jimin’s silent tears rolling down his cheeks, you still thought of Taehyung. Perhaps it was because you knew Jimin could handle the hurt, and perhaps because you had witnessed the depth of hurt that Taehyung couldn’t handle. Likewise, the incessant vibrating of the phone in your pocket only served to remind you who needed you more. It had never stopped buzzing from when you first found Jimin in his depressed state. You couldn’t ignore him much longer.
”I’ll text Hoseok to come and get you,” you said, holding his hand. Jimin placed another hand on top of yours, though his eyes were still transfixed on the wall. You pulled away reluctantly to unlock your phone; you had ten messages from Taehyung, and half of his messages were sent on different apps. Ignoring an incoming call, you told Jimin, “Forget about Eve, okay?”
”Who’s Eve?” Jimin laughed, shoulders shaking with each chuckle. The tears on his face hadn’t stopped. “Eve who? Christmas Eve?”
”On second thought, how about I take you back to your dorm?”
“Will you carry me?”
Sighing, you sent a quick text to Hoseok telling him to come to your location. He had responded fairly fast, telling you that he was already near you guys and would be arriving in two minutes.
“You really risked it all and drank on school grounds for a girl?” You rubbed the temples of your forehead, a slight headache starting to form. “Really?”
Jimin continued staring at the wall. There was no response.
“You know better than that,” you said, hoping that this tough love would get through his head. “You’re better than this.”
He started to cry, and he didn’t stop crying even when your heart softened and you gave him a hug he desperately needed. You kept stroking his hair, rubbing his back, and murmuring sweet cheer-me-ups until Hoseok came and assessed the situation. Hoseok had hugged Jimin, and engulfed you in the process. The three of you were in this position for who knew how long, but Jimin’s tears had stopped flowing at one point, his body settling into quiet hiccups before remaining still.
“You should go, (Name). I’ll take care of him,” Hoseok urged you, voice close to your ear. If it were another scenario, you would have blushed.
You nodded, squeezing both Hoseok and Jimin’s shoulders, before heading away, to the person who needed you more.
But why did it feel like you only touched the surface level of Jimin’s troubles? Was it alright to leave? Should you have stayed? Should you have interrogated Jimin and seen if there was an underlying root cause about his sudden impulsivity to drink? Were you a bad friend?
These questions plagued your mind as you spotted Taehyung near an empty table, which was close to your university’s convenience store.
”What took you so long?” Taehyung asked, lips curved downwards. He ruffled his hair, an agitated sigh escaping his lungs. “I was waiting for you.”
”Sorry I was with Jimin. He was having a rough time.” You pulled your chair closer to him. He looked at you from the corner of his eye before resting his arm on the back of your chair. His brows remained furrowed. You figured out a long time ago that Taehyung liked it when you were next to him whenever he was in a bad mood, and since you left him hanging for thirty minutes, especially when you understood the type of person Taehyung was, he was, undoubtedly, in an unpleasant mood.
“Was it that bad?”
“Yes, it was.”
Taehyung scoffed. You glared at him. Even though he had issues which he told you about, what he did was still rude!
”How can it be that bad? Did he cry?” Crossing his leg, he clicked his tongue. “You should have at least texted me about it.”
You should breathe deeply. Friendships differed from person to person.
Understand Taehyung and where he’s coming from, you thought, because he helped you during times when you needed it the most.
“I’m sorry about that, Taehyung,” you said, looking at him in the eyes so he could feel the sincerity of your words. “I mean it.”
Taehyung’s posture appeared to relax, his tight-lipped frown dissolving. “It’s okay. Did you eat yet?”
”Not yet. Did you?”
”No,” He shook his head, “I didn’t.”
”Well, why don’t we buy some tacos from the food trucks outside Greenhill Hall? It’ll be my treat.” You bumped his shoulder in a lighthearted manner.
As you both headed towards your destination, you couldn’t help but stifle a heavy truth weighing inside your mind. You could think about it later. For now, Taehyung was the focus.
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druid-for-hire · 5 years
Reeve Carney as Orpheus; Eva Noblezada as Eurydice; Amber Gray as Persephone; Patrick Page as Hades; André de Shields as Hermes; Jewelle Blackman, Yvette Gonzales-Nacer, Kay Trinidad as the Fates; Afra Hines, Timothy Hughes, John Krause, Kimberly Marable, Ahmad Simmons as Workers Chorus.
Liam Robinson as Conductor/on piano/accordion; Dana Lyn on violin; Marika Hughes on cello; Michael Chorney on guitar; Brian Drye on trombone/glockenspiel; Robinson Morse on double bass; Ben Perowsky on the drums/percussion. The file is too big to upload to directly, so here is a google drive link. Tumblr will block me if I embed it, so I have had to copy and paste. FULL VERSION: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vJ6ESVsBLx2mCx6kWMhMe9B8FluSyxwt/view?usp=sharing
Notes & lyrics:
(Note: these lyrics are directly transcribed out of the audio and i’m going off my memory, so there may be inaccuracies.)
[Trombone starts]
HERMES Mmmmm... CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES Mhmmm... CHORUS Mhmmm... HERMES Chugga chugga chugga chugga (x4) Once upon a time there was a railroad line CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES Don’t ask where, brother, don’t ask when CHORUS Mhmmm... HERMES (spoken) It was a road to hell It was hard times It was a world of gods And men! (sung) It’s an old song CHORUS It’s an old song! HERMES It’s an old tale from way back when It’s an old song CHORUS It’s an old song HERMES And we’re gonna sing it again Gods and men, aight? We got some gods in the house tonight... [Deities cheer] See, on the road to hell, there was a railroad line And there were three old women all dressed the same
[Fates shoot Hermes a look. The sass.]
(spoken) And they were always singin’ in the back of your mind Everybody meet the Fates!
[The Fates step forward onto front and center stage; spotlights come down on them. Fates bow.]
(sung) On the road to hell, there was a railroad line CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES And a lady steppin’ off a train CHORUS Mhmmm... HERMES (spoken) With a suitcase full of summertime: Persephone, by name! [Persephone descended the stairs with her fan; she now enters front center stage and a spotlight comes down on her. Persephone bows.]
(sung) And if you ride that train? CHORUS Ride that train... HERMES Can you ride that train? CHORUS You ride that train! HERMES If you ride that train to the end of the line? CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES Where the sun don’t shine and it’s always shady CHORUS Mhmmm... HERMES It’s there you’ll find the king of the mine, O mighty Mr. Hades!
[Hades takes front center stage, and a spotlight comes down on him. Hades bows.] (spoken) Are there any other gods? Oh yeah, almost forgot. (sung) On the road to hell there was a railroad station CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES And a man with feathers on his feet CHORUS Mhmmm... HERMES Who could help you to your final destination Mr. Hermes! That’s me! [Hermes takes front and center stage, and a spotlight comes down on him. Hermes bows/flourishes.]
See, someone’s got to tell the tale Whether or not it turns out well Maybe it will turn out this time On the road to hell, on the railroad line It’s a sad song CHORUS It’s a sad song HERMES It’s a sad tale, it’s a tragedy It’s a sad song CHORUS It’s a sad song HERMES But we sing it anyway [Workers Chorus gets a little rowdy and cheer each other.] (spoken) Now, not everyone gets to be a god, and don’t forget that times are hard. Hard times in the world of the men! Let me introduce you to a few of them. You can tip your hats and your wallets, brothers and sisters, boys and girls, to the hardest working Chorus in the gods’ almighty world! [Workers Chorus lines up and take front center stage; spotlights come down on them. Workers bow.] And workin’ just as hard for you, let’s see what this crew can do! [Hermes indicates the Band. Sicknasty dance break for the workers and the band. The Fates clap and cheer for the Workers Chorus; Persephone up on her balcony cheers and waves her fan at the stage left band; Hades leans over the railing with an encouraging look towards the stage right band.]
HERMES (unmicd): Aight! Aight! [Workers settle back down and sit in the seats at the tables. Orpheus enters, dressed for work in an apron, carrying a small crate of cups and rags. He begins setting things and wiping down the tables.] (micd): On the road to hell there was a railroad line CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES And a poor boy workin’ on a song ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la... HERMES His mama was a friend of mine And this boy was a muse’s son On the railroad line, on the road to hell CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES (spoken) You might say the boy was “touched*...” ORPHEUS La, la la la, la la... HERMES (spoken) ‘Cause he was touched by the gods themselves! Give it up for Orpheus! [Orpheus misses his cue as he wipes down the center table. His back faces the audience.] Orpheus! [Orpheus turns around, startled. He waves enthusiastically to the audience and takes a bow, then goes back to work.] (sung) There was one more soul on this road (spoken) Girl, come on in from the cold! [Eurydice enters from the stage right upstage entrance. She begins to wander downstage.] (sung) On the railroad line, on the road to hell CHORUS Mmmmm... HERMES (spoken) There was a young girl lookin’ for something to eat CHORUS Mhmmm... HERMES And brother, thus begins the tale... [Hermes indicates Orpheus and Eurydice.] Of Orpheus-- [Orpheus and Eurydice collide into each other center front of the stage.] --and Eurydice! (sung) It’s a love song CHORUS It’s a love song HERMES It’s a tale of love from long ago It’s a sad song CHORUS It’s a sad song HERMES But we’re gonna sing it even so It’s an old song CHORUS It’s an old song HERMES It’s an old tale from way back when And we’re gonna sing, HERMES & CHORUS we’re gonna sing, we’re gonna sing it again! * Apparently some fans are put off by this line. It should be noted that in many of the myths Orpheus is either a direct son of Apollo, god of music, son of a Muse, son of both, or given a golden lyre by Apollo himself and taught to play it. “Touched” more than likely refers to his literal god-given gift of song.
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aharris00britney · 5 years
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                                                                                                                                ASKS 14
Ok so 24 hours after I planned to do this but... last time I answered stuff was January(5 months ago). There is a lot under the cut ;n; sims, nonsims, other games, all kinds of stuff ya know
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Anonymous said: Hi! Wcif the shirt you used on your Belle hair post? (Btw, that hair is GORGEOUS.)
I have the cc I use in my previews linked on Patreon. Makeup/skin and all that will be on my resource page once I get around to updating it for my 2 new models (who will be up for download soon hopefully). Also ty <3
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Anonymous said: What make-up do you use for most of your posts?
The only eyeshadows I use are by @crypticsim or @catplnt. The makeup I use on Macie/Taylor are listed on my resource page. The other two models makeup will be added once I get them added on there but I know they both use similar stuff to Macie/Taylor.
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@thatsimmergirl91​ said: Just wanted to take a moment out and say how amazing you are ! I love all your stuff and your blog. Never forget how awesome you are 💗💗💗💗🙌🏻🙌🏻
Thank you so much. Like I know I am going to be typing a lot of thank yous in this post, but I truly mean them. Playing Sims/Making cc is something I did not think would be such a big thing in my life but god is it and I love doing it. Thank you again <3
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Anonymous said: You're incredible and I love all your hairs! In fact, you're my favorite cc hair creator. My question is are you planning on making any hairs with the Island Living meshes anytime soon?
Thank you! I am glad you enjoy my hairs <3 I am planning some stuff with the island living meshes. Probably just a conversion to toddlers if I am able and I might do something simple with the adult meshes to release outside of my Patreon stuff. We shall see though! Ty again
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@ayoshi​ said: When are you opening an Onlyfans?
idk babe when are you posting your birthmarks? ;)
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Anonymous said: Heya! Love your cc! You're real talented
thank you! <3 It isn’t so much talent, more or less just a lot of practice and time. I appreciate the compliment though
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Anonymous said: any tips to get high quality sims screenshots??
I have 2 methods I use. When I am taking CC previews I rotate my screen using Ctrl + Alt + the ◄ key. For my lookbooks/upcoming Sim downloads I use a method by foursims who deactivated?? This is the method/video <3
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@verdeclaroangels​ said: What skin do you use??💕PS i love u
I use @luumia​ newest vanilla default, alongside his Smooth Butts overlay, and my own fruitpunch overlay. All are linked over on my resource page <3
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@vhlori​ said: Austin queen of pop!
q king of edits! <3
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Anonymous said: i love your creations and i appreciate the time you put into your cc, i wish i could support you 💕
Thank you!! Sometimes the time crunches can be stressful but I put them on myself so I survive haha. Don’t feel the need to support me please <3 I make sure everything is public eventually so that people dont feel like they are missing out on anything by deciding not to pledge. Thank you for wanting to though, I appreciate that a ton.
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Anonymous said: Just a rant here. I'm annoyed that there are no rings in the glove category or some other category. The reason I want this is because I use eyelashes that are in the skin detail section and rings don't work and I don't want to use the accessory eyelashes because my sim wears glasses. It annoys me but that's all.
i... rant away luv i feel u
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Anonymous said: What do you do besides sims? That is all you post about and I was curious if that is all you play?
I play Roblox with @ayoshi sometimes, cause that is about all my computer can handle lmao. I have a switch so I play some Nintendo titles on there like Zelda, Splatoon 2, and other stuff. I also have been plying Fortnite recently with @imvikai @greenllamas and @pinealexple. That is about all I play right now lmao. I play Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Pokemon Go on my phone.
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Anonymous said: Hi there ! Just wanted to say I've also been experiencing that problem with your 'downloads' page. I don't have a Tumblr account so I had to tell you this way. Perhaps it's a MacBook issue ? I'm not sure, but I'm using a MacBook Pro. Anyways, thank you for all the beautiful cc you provide us with, you're the best.
Yeah I got another ask about them using a Mac for it. That seems to be the problem. I am not a coder, nor do I know a single thing about coding. All I can suggest doing is going to http://aharris00britney.tumblr.com/tagged/s4cc and using that which sucks to page through I know :( I am sorry
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Anonymous said: This is really random, but I love your Sims! I normally don't like Sims with Clay hair, but GIRL, you make them work. Just want to say to keep it up, and if I had money I would support you <3
Thank you lmao <3 stan clay hairs
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Anonymous said: Literally im in this sims discord nd they were DRAGGING how you make the same sim in different skin colors and how you make such cookie cutter sims and honestly i felt bad
Meanwhile me in CAS:
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Anonymous said: This may be a strange request but what does that one alien toddler you've used on multiple occasions to model hair look like when he's older?
He uuh... idk where they are in my library tbh I can’t find them cause I was going to age him up and show ya but.. yeah idk what happened RIP alien toddler
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@amorimlulu said: Hi! I love your creations, they're incredible! I'm completely in love with two of your sims: the asian woman from the patreon 06-16 post and the woman from the ava hair post. Could you, pretty please, upload them on the gallery? I'm dying to play with them. Thank you ^^
I am planning to in the next month! I have the photos taken I just need to get the CC list together and plan it around Island Living posts, CC posts, all that jazzzzzz
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Anonymous said: Hello Austin! I really like the way your sims look, so I was wondering if you can tell me where to get the skins and lashes, please? I am new to the Sims 4 and searching for some cute looks :)
Hey! I have this stuff listed on my resource page, and I have over 100 WCIF’s I have answered along with my lookbooks for some clothes. My cc finds blog is @aharris00finds​ if you want to look there :D
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Anonymous said: can i just ask? how do you remove the shadows on hair with S4S? im a complete noob at s4s and i was wondering how you would do it?
You just need to click shadow, then make blank :) pic below
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Anonymous said: Hi, just a quick message to say THANK YOU for all those beautiful creations. You are so talented and I want you to know that. Thank you so much for making my sims look way more beautiful !
thank you so much <3 I have said it before and idk if anyone will be able to convince me, but I am not talented lmao it just is experience :)
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Anonymous said: hey, could u pls make a tutorial abt how u make ur mesh?? i love ur hair meshes so much
I have tried filming a tutorial before and I will just have to wait til I get a good mic lmao. My speed meshing videos are somewhat useful for learning but they are sped up and without instructions so take it with a grain of salt
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Anonymous said: would you ever try to recreate lydia martins hair in 3.04? sorry, but you're the only teen wolf fan thats a simblr that i know and i desperately need that lovely hair in my game. thanks!         
tbh I never finished Teen Wolf XD I stopped at the end of season 5 I think. Idk I just lost interest as I grew up :(  Also I have no idea what hair that is sdfgfvb and google isnt telling me either. If you can send a link to a picture or DM me a picture I can see if I can make it <3
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Anonymous said: Hi, could you please please upload this sim post/183989453251/e41 ! She's just too pretty
Anonymous said: please upload this sim from your post/183989453251/e41 for download? Thanks   
Idk if I still have her saved but if I do I might upload her. I will check and see later tonight lmao                    
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Anonymous said: Is there any way to put everything you make into a .zip file. I really like what you make and I wish there was a way to mass download it. It sounds dumb but really I enjoy your content
Tbh since I post hairs 3 times a month it would be hard for me to keep everything up to date. I might do something like all my CC from 2017 in one zip, and all my cc from 2018 in another? and then make one for 2019 at the end of the year. I’m not sure though.
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Anonymous said: Wheres the hair in yo profile pic? And will you upload that sim? AND can you make more clothes ur amazing at it!!! (Also, asking 4 my bff <3 r u boy or girl?)
the hair in my current profile pic is Maddie Hair, the sim is already for download, and I will have some clothes coming next month :) I am a boy :P
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Anonymous said: hello! is the model sim in your eve hair valentines special downloadable? I find her really pretty. I really enjoy all of your cc!! I love all of them soooo much.. :)
I will check if I saved her to my library, if so I will add it to the list of stuff I wanna try and do <3 also thank you
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Anonymous said: Hey! Love your hairs! Can I request a Riley hair without the hairclip?
the riley hair doesn’t have a clip so I am going to assume you mean the Peyton hair since it was released in the same month. It wouldn’t really be possible to do Peyton without the clip since it has a part of the hair going up into the clip. Without it there would be a hole and if the hole was filled in it would still look weird since the hair would be going up into nothing. I’m sorry <3
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@lacr1mation23​ said: Kinda not a question. But, i'm gonna fangirl all over you. You ROCK!!! I LOVE your CCs. BEST. HAIRS. EVAR.   Impressed like woah from Florida. 
thank you so much ;n; this made me smile lmao I appreciate stuff like this a ton
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Anonymous said: Hey I think there's something wrong w/ your Lydia hair.. could u fix it?
I’m not sure what the glitch is, so if you could send me a photo or an explanation of what it is then I could help.
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Anonymous said: I'm sorry you're having a bad day! I want to let you know your CC is lovely and I hope you have a better day tomorrow! Lots of love and if you like chocolate then I'm sending you plenty of virtual chocolate to help you feel better!
lmao idk what ‘bad day’ I was happening when this was sent but thank you!! I had a rough semester but I am doing a lot better now I think :)
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@simsloverlilian​ said: Hi lol I just think this is really funny, my friend asked me where do you get your cc? and I was like: "oh.. ahoob's WCIF place xDDDDDD" and we both died laughing.. at your place you can get amazing hairs, accs, shirts! (lol love your cc keep it up! ;))
thank you so much! I love that yall use my blog for finding cc :)
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@raha-plays-the-sims​ said: Okay... I actually want to take a screenshot of my Sim with your new Riley hair on to my hair dresser and tell her to cut my hair that way XD I love it so much! Thank you for continuing to make amazing content!
lmao i have wanted to do this before with a male hair i found for my game. I never went through with it though XD thank you for the compliment <3
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Anonymous said: Everyone!!! Stan LOONA for clear skin and good health...
stan red velvet and WJSN
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Anonymous said: I just want to say that "EVERYTHING" about your blog/cc/sims is absolutely immaculate. Your CC is like renaissance to Sims 4 modding(I ain't even kidding).Thank you for sharing/uploading them here on tumblr.  Would you be uploading any video on how you create your sims on youtube anytime soon? And what sliders do you usually use in creating sims if there are some?
thank you so much!!! I have tried recording my game before and the footage just comes out super lag. Hopefully later this year I will be able to get a computer and I could record something then. Also I don’t use any sliders or presets on my main Sims :)
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@lllac-lady786​ said: This isn’t a question, but your sims are just so pretty and you are so talented 🤩
thank you <3
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Anonymous said: Did something happen to your Lydia hair?
I don’t think so? It seems to be fine for me
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Anonymous said: How are you able to edit the new game pack when sims4studio hasn't been updated yet? I am itching to edit some stuff but I can't yet :(
I use CAS Tools! I might make a tutorial this week depending on how busy I am. Not sure though <3
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Anonymous said: How likely would you be to recommend the new pack to another simmer out of 10?
(this was sent during Strangerville) I would say 8/10 recommendation. But I love storylines and stuff in games so my opinion is very based on that.
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Anonymous said: Would you ever make male hair or recolour some of ea's so they work with your ombre accessory?
I am thinking of doing some ombre accessories for the new Island Living pack for the two ombre hairs. I am not sure if I will be able to or not but I will see :)
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@milugameplay​ said: Hello sweetheart, I just like to say that I love the hairs that you create. Thank you for sharing them with us.            
thank you <3 i appreciate the compliment
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Anonymous said:Hi! When you uploaded peach earrings, the blonde sim had a braided hairstyle. Was it cc or a maxis one?     
hey! It is from outdoor retreat GP :)     
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Anonymous said: Have nothing to ask. Just want to tell you that you are amazingly talented. ❤ I have been playing the sims since its original Sims 1 release, and have always been a heavy CC user. (Upwards of 50GB in sims 3). Never have I ever felt the need to download EVERYTHING a creator has ever made, until I found you.  So, in short, you are amazeballs. Keep it up.
this is so sweet lmao. Even I don’t have all my own CC in my game <3 I appreciate this so so much. Thank you for this
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Anonymous said: How did you learn to create custom content??Did you see any video tutorial? I'm trying to create a hair but I can not get it :(((( help me please
most of the stuff I have learned from trial and error, or help from S4S fourms and friends :) Feel free to message me with questions on tumblr or discord
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Anonymous said: I know Sims 5 is still so far away, but I still have a question! With the release of Sims 4 so many awesome creators for Sims 3 just stopped creating from one day to another. So my question is: Could you imagine yourself creating Custom Content for Sims 5? I'm asking because I seriously love every single piece you create for Sims 4, and I really wish the glory era of Ah00b won't end with the release of Sims 5. Ily! <3
it depends on the style that TS5 goes for tbh. I love Sims 4 style and I don’t know much of anything about creating alpha hairs so if TS5 goes that direction I doubt I would be able to create for it. also thank you for calling it the glory era of ah00b lmao
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Anonymous said: You have hairs named after all the girls in black pink except Rosé. Is there a reason for this?
Well I named a hair Rosanne thinking it was close enough to her name lmao. I might name a hair coming in July Rosie. We shall see when it gets to July XD
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mrfanjerry · 3 years
She’s sleeping peacefully, and I love the idea of the whole thing. I’m just scared. Can I also point out that this was the first time I had to make a second post because apparently my word document size rambles can’t be handled by tumblr lol. Every since they took the porn off this app it’s gone downhill lol. Sorry these post are kinda all over the place, I’m generally scatter brained when I’m fucked up, which is currently. I mentioned earlier the YouTube stuff, and Google drive, and that’s kinda a story in itself. I went to my best friends wedding in Waterford, Michigan, April 27th, 2021. I’m a YouTuber so I have a pretty balling 4K video camera, LUMIX G7, not the top of the line, but 4K 30fps is quite a bit. Anyways I’m just now doing something with his footage. By something I mean I’m literally just uploading it to Google drive unedited. He’s been asking me to do it for months, and I just never did until now. I want to think it makes me a shitty friend, but he has some mental health stuff too, so I hope he understands. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to sit down and edit it properly. I have enough footage to probably even make it into a nice video for my channel on YouTube. Speaking more about that I haven’t uploaded a video in a month. I’ve managed to keep my weekly live streams going, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to get my shit together enough to edit a video. It’s not like I don’t even have anything recorded, I have videos ready to edit. I just haven’t had to emotional strength to get it done. My brain just gets so focused on anything and everything else in the world. I need a partner in crime that knows the basics of editing. Syncing audio, adding subtitles when needed, and cutting the boring shit out. Doing the fine details of the edit is my absolute favorite part. I just get overwhelmed when I see 65 minutes of footage for a video that’s only going to be 15-20 minutes long. It’s just so much filtering of nothing. I’m also always afraid when I’m deleting big chunks that I’m going to fuck it up and somehow delete something important. Not that I can’t just re-upload that file or something, but I won’t know what one it is and it takes forever to re-find it. It’s just a pain in my ass and I’m honestly not very good at it. Idk maybe I need an agent or something? Someone that can put me on a schedule and force me to do it. I used to have a personal trainer, not because I don’t know how to work out, I was a US Marine, but because if I was paying some dude $400 a month to tell me to work out, I felt obligated. I mean I could probably just hire and editor and not have to even worry about it, but then we get back into the money thing. I have some, I just don’t have a shit ton. Definitely no savings, I have a 401k I think, where I put in 5% of my pay, and my company matches that 5% which is cool, but I had to take a loan out last year to build a new computer so I could edit my videos easier, my iPad doesn’t like the huge files sized. I think there is a low quality image attached to the post. I probably fucked it up tho. Fuck it, I’m done endlessly typing for tonight. Hopefully it’s not two years before I’m back. This actually helps me and I forget how much it does.
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markrothko · 6 years
1, 2, 10, 32, 34, 40, 41 for the gif ask
What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made?- My color entry for The Force Awakens- The only Krennic-centric set I made for this blog (barring the cropping error)- My first set on this one too (It’s Graves bc yea)
What is your least favorite set you’ve made?This one super orange Farrell set that I’ll spare you from looking at. It’s really fucking orange…
What was the first gif you ever posted?Technically it would’ve been some stamp back in the DeviantArt days, but my first one was of the Bayonetta 2 (demo) title card on my previous blog
What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop?I’ve really grown fond of Exposure and how one of its sliders can really give an extra glow to bright spots. Second place would be Color Balance, particularly when used against ugly color filters.
A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came outMy Singin’ in the Rain color set. While some of it had to do with the overall composition and figuring out for the first time how to crop a film shot in the academy ratio, it was a downright chore trying to fit these under the 2mb limit, and much mental crying was involved every time I had to take out frames.
(And then the 3mb limit was unveiled literally the next month after I posted this. Thx tumblr.)
Why do you make gifs?Originally back when my previous blog was gonna function as both a fandom and art blog for myself, I started partially bc gifs can get you exposure, but also bc I wanted to practice with a lot of the tools Photoshop had to offer. I think the big reason, though, was the fact that in VERY early 2015, nobody was making the quality gifs for video games or youtubers that I absolutely loved from film fandoms. One of the few times I’ve actually managed to BE THE CHANCE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD~!
So of course 2017 had to find MANY ways to scare me away from making gifs a lot this year
What is your least favorite part about your gif making process?Right now, with an asus laptop, it’s the fact that if I wanna upload frames the way I used to on my mac, the window that pops up to enable that is extremely small, AND the fact that I now gotta hold the fucking SHIFT key of all things if I wanna specify exactly what parts of a video file I want. Why is the Windows version so fucking cumbersome?! (Not that it’ll ever get me to try figuring out how tf to use KMPlayer)
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lilietsblog · 7 years
(update: nope didnt work. guess i do have to save the pics separately and not just copy-paste them into an rtf o well)
last time on: is Gasai trying to kill them??? i have no idea last time she was onscreen they (she and Yukki) were drinking soda from the vending machine????
I LOVE AKISE AND HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS SO MUCH like theres the normal guy freaking out and then theres this beautiful white haired disaster
meanwhile I think Yuno is??? roleplaying??? like she counts on him being non-responsive to play out her fantasy of being a caring housewife? anyway yeah she's done this offscreen huh. that was a jarring transition
AND SUDDENLY OPENING its somehow SUDDEN every time and I admire that man I love this opening so much and I cant take a single screenshot reflecting how awesome it is because the entire Thing is constant movement so hey Akise whatcha thinking man I love just the CONTRAST Akise:
Other people:
what is it with me and characters who never show their emotions on their face or in their voice but act exclusively based on them??? like theres this very specific anime trope of a white haired character who is stoic as fuck but instead of making rational decisions motivated by human people logic they do 100% self-destructive things based on curiosity / love / sense of duty / whatever the fuck else and in the end they appear to be missing precisely one emotion and that's self-preservation (yes self preservation is totally an emotion look it up) Akise is that exact trope and I LOVE IT SO FUCKING MUCH meanwhile, Yuno is having trouble feeding an unconscious prisoner... what an unexpected problem that could in no way be foreseen. let me guess: she's going to try to wake him up so he can swallow his damn katsudon ah no instead Hinata intervenes. hon SHE BEAT HIM UP AND TIED HIM TO A CHAIR HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK SHE CARES IF HE WANTS KATSUDON. what made you think speaking up was a good idea here
theres a meme of 'ask someone whos not in the fandom to interpret whats going on in this picture' but you know i think random ppl would identify this situation 100% correctly +- who Hinata is to Yukki. this anime is a cultural icon "Aren't you Yukiteru's girlfriend? Can't you tell?" I love the moon logic this anime operates on, that people inside it are forced to work within. Hinata knows how to put it in the one and only way Yuno would be willing to engage with it, ha. Aaaand looks like it's less roleplaying and more delusion. oh Yuno ah she figures out how to make him open his mouth by pressing on his jaw Yuno honey maybe the police wont come after HIM but after the shit you pulled it sure as fuck will come after YOU then again according to Akise it was coming after you anyway I guess I'm morbidly curious as to exactly how Yuno is going to organize Yukki peeing >_< huh, a sock aaaand Akise goes for the win! two skulls alas I already know One Spoiler that they are her parents, and her actions Almost Kinda Make Sense in that dream logic way so I think last time we saw the bodies they were mummies? but now that's definitely skeletons. huh
okay I'll be honest this is a reaction I did not predict this anime keeps surprising me with happenings that make perfect sense in retrospect, I really respect that about it OH IS THIS THE SCENE THAT SCREENSHOT SET WAS FROM NO I THINK THAT WAS YUKKI ASKING HER but Akise what the fuck are you counting on, that she'll come murder you in person??? I doubt all three of you could overpower her in Murder Mode tbh did you see her with an axe oh right you didnt :>
OH HEY THAT'S CLEVER I like how Yuno goes between 100% self-delusion about Yukki and painful 100% sane clarity about the horrible stuff with the other option being relatively normal interactions with Yuuki, memory suppression about murders and cheerful willingness to kill anyone for Yukki I think that second option really is better for her long-term )= you two do you realize she hears you as well maybe shut up okay no not really -I- know she's thinking because of the camera movement and stuff, -they- don't aaand she laughs. i dont think anyone (other than Akise I guess) saw this coming okay yeah looks like the gamble failed. the mind-preservation instinct of retreating into delusion overpowered the more mundane concerns so that's totally ventilation up there huh. I'm not sure if the gas plan will work for her huh so hum moment of truth WILL Akise send the email to the police or was that just a threat? (orrr the police might know already? he might have told That Nice Cop Guy about it) awww Kousaka's dying message is kinda cute
kinda superfluous - the police already know who they're looking for - but nice AHAHAHA POST LIMIT THAT'S KINDA HILARIOUS THAT'S WHY EVERYONE ELSE JUST USED THE MEMO FUNCTION ah no the rank increased fair enough wait what????? what the fuck @ Deus ah okay to clarify: what the fuck @ 8th well hey it worked out! I still quesiton a ventilation duct in a gassing room but hey I guess there was a lot of gas and Yuno didn't see a reason to conserve it and Kousaka's question is of course why the fuck is Yuno in her underwear. I mean... fair enough, I'm kinda curious too omfg
HELLO POLICE I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT A MURDER oh right... bad joke anyway I like how camera doesn't play along with Kousaka, while he's saying he's the ultimate weapon he's literally blocked by Yuno's head. we know who the main character is oh hey Yukki is coming to his senses! but can't talk huh right I figured it'd be the soda
*whaps with newspaper* NO NO BAD YUNO STOP THAT (she's drawn so prettily tho damn <3)
oh my sweet summer child you don't know the rules of this game AT ALL hum and the girls can't escape the same way he did because they aren't tall enough dude she's gone up against like five diary owners already and came up on top every time you don't know who you're challenging
huh she actually agrees to play the game wonder if that's genuine or if she has a plan like, I can imagine she's just been pulled into the situation and the role of the big bad setting up traps enough to enjoy toying with people and not just getting her way at the very least she hasn't axe-murdered him... or Hinata for that matter... yet
SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED it definitely wasn't just one event tho. Yuno doesn't act like someone who used to be a normal healthy kid in a supportive environment until One Bad Thing Happened and took their entire world. No, Yuno is acting like someone who'd built up the dissociation/delusion defense mechanisms over a long, long time, like, say, a victim of abuse who finally snapped and then didnt find a way to snap back I just wanna knooooow
yeah at least she didn't kill him... immediately hum
Hinata and Yukki are both tied up so I'm not sure what they can do together behind Yuno's back but I know a foreshadowing shot when I see one for all that this anime keeps genuinely surprising me with twists, it does take care to make the events easy to follow, and I like that this is Quality Storytelling
yeah but it would have shown a Dead End, right??? or does it not work like that because it's like a 'secondary' diary, an offshoot of the 8th??? I wonder
AHAHHA sorry Yuno you're used to being up against diary owners, but so is Yukki, and he's been growing more competent at this too
NICE and she'd given him his own diary -> ???? brilliant decision but seriously if Hinata did something to Yukki wouldn't that be predicted orrr I guess Yukki's actions were actions of a diary owner so when he made a new decision based on his diary (again, brilliant decision) it changed he prediction ooooohhh she kicked the key that wasn't doing anything to Yukki in itself, it just enabled Yukki to act, which, again, the actions of a diary owner three diary owners????? please tell me that's Akise and Mao and oh right Kousaka was the third one the math doesn't add up :x I think the three diary owners would be able to find them bc of Kousaka's Diary and that's the 8th's plan
this must look so utterly surreal from the side
Yuno? You're not going to drug me and tie me up and try to kill my friends, are you? This girl seriously needs to learn how normal relationships work and I Yearn to learn what the fuck fucked her up like that.
congrats Yuno you Fucked That Up
sorry but... yeah. you deserve this
???? someone in the cast lives in an orphanage??? I'm calling Akise in that case
oh nm it's something else huh
ah that's what it was oh Kousaka everything about you was a bad idea ...
... what
it really, really fucking isn't Yukki acted on information he had, and made the best decisions he had available. but he can't control other people's actions
...are these... the apprentice diary owners? how does the system work, anyway? how does the 8th send them after anyone? Kousaka has no clue...
uh was the dramatic slo mo effect in-universe too??? they were kind of racing on opposite lanes that couldn't have taken more than like. two seconds
see that's not wrong but. you really need to up your girlfriend game dammit im just rooting for Yuno in all this. you go girl. you fight your inner demons and figure out a happy ending for yourself damn that felt like a really long episode. probably because of the screenshots here's a proposition of a new function for the tumblr staff: uploading .rtf files automatically, splitting into several posts if they are too big. thats the kind of convenience the social media is supposed to offer, right? oh hey Murmur's diary! third installment of the You Saved Me series
you naive fucking child oh my god Murmur
so was this, like, a dream or something? hum interesting
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zzpopzz · 7 years
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Really long rant about how I made Vanilla Twilight, I typed it at 2am so it’s kinda crappy and boring, just skip through this post.
So I'd been thinking about it for a long time now, even before finishing Vanilla Twilight that I'd talk about it if someone asked, well that never happened so I was just thinking that I'd let it go but that post is so important to me so well fuck it I'll just talk about it anyway. I did it completely on a wimp like how cool would it be if I make a lyricstuck for Toumaki like I'd be the first (if anyone did this before me im sorry). The first song I intended to do wasn't VT, it was a much shorter and easier song. I saw the music video first time after a while and the lyrics gave me some scenes to draw right away, like the tones, the atmosphere, the lyrics all fit them very well, made me wanted to draw something happy but sad. The ending for it was a happy one instead of a sad one like other songs I did (I didn't post the ending for any of them, just let the viewers decide what it's gonna be) I was very scared like what if it won't turn out ok and people gonna hate me for it or no one even gonna look at it. Also what I visualized are mostly illustrations with backgrounds, what I never done before so high chance it won't go anywhere. I thought well let's just see how far will I get and won't talk about it at all until I post it so at least I won't be all barks no bite. I was very traumatized that someone might know about what I did so I locked all the files when I shut down my PC in case someone hack into it lmao. I started with making a storyboard(kinda) for it, this is where I first got trouble because there was some part I didn't think of when I visualized what I'd draw at first ( 'I don't feel so alone' part mostly and some in between) and it's only at this point that I realized how many I'd have to draw (over 40 images total) and it's mind blowing for someone who rarely finish a painting like me at that time, that number is more than what I'd draw in a year. VT doesn't have choruses that meant I can't do tricks like repeat some panels (I don't like this anyway). I usually painted on small canvas before that but I wanna make sure I can fix things later and some idea I had was pretty big so I used 3000x5000px canvas then trimmed them down ( I didn't know how big it was and it's huge). The idea was to make a tumblr scroll-post like a lyricstuck (my favorites are by paperseverywhere and toastyhat/emptyfeet , they made really cool tutorials about these) so I tried to drew out compositions that would look good scrolling down panel by panel and have some connections between them (this didn't turn out so good in the end because I wasn't good lol) Since I was scared that people might point out that I draw something wrong, it took me almost a week or something searching for references (check my pinterest board) like the streets, sky, houses, roads, outfits, poses,... I was going to draw. I got some knowledge about bikes by this too, like I can tell the differences between road bike, mtb, touring bikes,... I also see and captured bunches of screenshots and reread ywpd trivia countless time to make sure I won't get anything wrong. If you take notice, every outfit Toumaki wear in there are all canon, from anime or promos. The first few panels was really exciting because I had never painted so many with backgrounds before, I was really happy when I almost finished the first verse even compared to the full 3:50 of the song it was only 20 seconds and I thought maybe I can pull this after all. The last panel was intended to be Makichan standing infront of his house looking at the sky but I wanted to show the sky at the end of the panel and that wouldn't work on scroll-down post so I had to leave it for later, I repainted this panel for about 3 times and finished it just 30' before posting. The first panel of the second verse wasn't turning out alright too because that was my first time doing a 3 points perspective drawing and the colors didn't turn out as I wanted either (my intention was a green/gold dawn scene). Things kinda worked well despite that until the scene when Toudou sits in his ink, gdi I didn't know why I was so caught up in that and painted every piece of that wooden floor, it took me almost a week but turned out better than I expected so I was ok with it. I was going to make sketchy paintings for all of the panel but I did too much details on that one so it gave me the impression that I'll have to do just as much for every others. Now I still had school to go and that semester my uni got me pretty crappy schedule that made me have to wait for classes at school frequently, I was frustrated because I didn't get to paint during that time and I might finish it too late (even though I didn't set a deadline) and when I got home I just spent so much time checking twitter and just can't pick myself up to draw and ended up feeling shitty about it. *Side story*  I was so mad because I didn't get anything done and there's still more than half of the whole thing to do and the worst part is that I had no one that I can talk to because I didn't have any friend who ship Toumaki and I also don't want to publicly talk about what I was doing, I wanted to surprise people when I'm done, I didn't wanna give people the expectation then screw it up (I literally thought I'd drop a bomb not a grenade lmao) I can't remember how long was that shitty phase but I felt like it was so long, I barely finished verse 2 at that point. I was so mad at myself and my progress so I spent a few days to look at time management threads and this helped a lot, I changed my habits completely  by this and I still apply those methods now, like I used to stay up til 3am to read fics (bless you writers you fueled me with your writings bless you all) then I switch to bed before 12 and get up early for a good start or reduce working time while increasing quality* After that I kinda got things together,I just went ahead with painting tho it's still kinda tiring, I had to work on 5 essays during this time too. At this point I was like screw all, I give no shit about what everyone thinks I'm just gonna finish this and get some good nap (I practiced power nap to get more focus time for painting but dude everyone wants a good long nap) 10 days before uploading I found out that there's a Toumaki day (I'm so sorry), I was going to posted on the first sunday of June (I did researched on which was the best time to post on social medias so I randomly picked a sunday) and Toumaki day is the last sunday of May, that meant I had 10 days left and 15 panels to paint! I was going to ignore that but I already made it big I should make it right too so I shit my pants going through those last panels. I purposely hiding Toudou's face till the last verse to emphasize the feelz and got so relieved that I finally got to paint him (I read some tags that some viewers got emotional at this part so I'm so glad it worked). The whole things was put under Makichan's perspective so I was so sick of painting him at that point, he showed up in every panel and I can't paint him ugly because he's beautiful (especially his hair, I spent shitload of time painting them). I can talk lots about why I picked to do so but that's headcanon shit and it's embarrassing so let's just skip that. The last day I had only 3 panels left and I was hell confident that I've got this and somehow spent the whole evening rewatch Toumaki pingpong ep (end me). Of course that didn't end well, I managed to finish those by midnight but I still had like 3 panels that needed  repaint completely and all 43 needed retouch and edits. My plan was to post at 9am sunday (thats 9pm saturday est) so I had to get up at 5am and finish all that, I ended up cutting down 2 panels and simplified the instrumental panel (some tags said that was nice so I was at least relieved). Unlike other songs I did, the length of every line's quite different and the original sizes I did would make viewers have to scroll slower or faster at different parts. I didn't plan this beforehand and had to trim down some panels even the parts that I really liked and spent lots of time on. I also found out that people outside the homestuck fandom might not familiar with this type of post so I made a video too (I’m sorry I have zero skill in editing). After posting I was terrified of people's reactions or worse, there won't be any reaction so I turned everything off and went to sleep and woke up with an unimaginable number of notes I'd got, I set the target of 500 notes and I really didn't think that I'd get past that number like maybe 2-300 (well my other songs didnt even get 200), at the end I got 5000. I spent the next week reading and screencap tags given in reblogs, I put them on desktop and they're still my motivation til now. Vanilla Twilight is the thing I'm proud of the most even until now, when I've done other songs and projects that look somewhat better. If I have to recommend one thing on my blog I'd recommend it despite its' unskilled paneling, poor composition and muddy colors. It was the first time in my life that I'd put so much effort into something and went through such emotional roller coaster, the feelings I put into it was raw and the idea was very original compared to other songs, I improved and changed a lot during the 2 months I spent on it and never once regret doing it. ***Anyway, you sure have much free time to read it this far, here's a little game for you: I put random things in VT and HF like some characters/stuff from other series, my ocs,... (there wasn't anything purposeless in there even the logo on their cups or the bags they wear) just send me anything you find and I'll draw you something in return**
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slarty1 · 7 years
July 5th 2017
I forgot to date the last entry.  I'll have to fix that with an edit. That reminds me...sometime I'll have to edit all my videos on YouTube.  For the description of your video to tag correctly you have to separate with commas, which I was only able to discover when I got a computer.
Well...I waited too long before writing this entry.  I can't remember what I did clear back on the 2nd.  I'm lucky if I can remember what I did today.  I still think era 3 is a good idea.  Both my cousin Mike, and Lisa have put a like on my Facebook page for my Tumblr activity recently, and it seems to coincide with era 3.
I still have no Obamaphone, but I did get a letter in the mail congratulating me that I was approved for 1.  It said to expect the phone in 10 days, so I do.  I don't remember which day I got it.
Today would have been the day I went back to Free Geek if that guy hadn't come along.  That my computer has a 32 bit architecture may be causing me grief.  I eventually downloaded iTunes (yesterday), but it doesn't seem to do anything.  Part of that may be because I had to download an older version of iTunes due to my 32 bit architecture.  I have given up trying to get my music on my SD card and only my SD card.  It seems to be something that the phone simply does not allow. My phone usually registers in the USB port now, but there's no telling why.  I have successfully transferred my phones music to my computer, but to play my tunes I have to highlight all the files and right click open with Banshee media player each time I turn my computer on.  I'd like to have Banshee know I want to play those files without me going thru that process, but I don't yet know how. I think it was the day before yesterday, that I told MWR who still didn't think you could comment on my blog, that all you had to do was click on the thing that looks like a comic voice box to comment. I've as yet seen no reply to the email wherein I told him that.  I think I should get someone else to comment on my blog so that he knows he's wrong.  I'm almost certain comments are enabled on my blog.
I did in fact take a shower and wash my clothes the day before yesterday.  Scott was @ STP where I wash my clothes, and I told him I now have a computer and asked whether I could just put the albums on my Nano myself.  He said he didn't see why not.  He set up an appointment for me for the following day (July 4th _yesterday) @ 2:00pm, there @ STP.
While I was @ STP washing my clothes I shot video of a visually intriguing top that happened to be lying around in the laundry room. I think I may have spent the rest of the day @ the library.  I took my clothes home and put them away 1st.  I may have relaxed @ home, and done some more things, but I don't remember.
I did in fact go shopping the day before yesterday, too.  I had to psych myself up @ home 1st to go shopping.  The library closes @ 8:00pm on Mondays, so it was getting pretty late by the time I got going.  I think it was already dark, so I guess it must have been sometime after 10:00pm.  I took a few pictures on the way to Safeway.
I bought:
1)  4 cans of Nalley Hot Chili.  The label says “Con Carne With Beans”.  I'm pretty sure con carne means with beans.  They were on sale if you bought 4.  I've already eaten 2.  1 while writing this entry. I ate them both from the can.  I've promised myself that I'll eat @ least 1 cooked, @ least nuked, if not cooked on the stove.
2)  A jar of Signature kitchens Dill Pickle “Slicers” (long cut pickles).  I love dill pickles, and I hate sweet pickles.
3)  A box of Wheaties.
4)  4 avocados.  They were on sale if you bought 4.
5)  Some mushrooms.
6)  A jar of Value corner Mayonnaise.
7)  A jug of milk
8)  4 2 liter bottles of Coca-Cola.  99 cents each if you bought 4 or more.
9)  A huge sack of Signature kitchens Fine Granulated Sugar.  I'm running out of sugar.  Now I won't have to buy sugar for like ever. I bought the largest size the store carried.
10)  2 12 packs of Lucerne Dairy Farms Vanilla Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches.  They were buy 1 get 1 free.
11)  A loaf of dark rye bread.  I used most of it for burger buns, and have no more of it.
And that I think covers it.  I had a hell of a time getting that all home, what with the 4 2 liter bottles of Coke, the jug of milk, and the huge sack of sugar.  I think it was something like 11:30 when I got home.  So thats why I didn't write this entry then; and yet I think I may have stayed up until about 2:00am to 2:30am.
I don't remember when I woke up yesterday morning, but I had some activity I was doing which had the secondary effect of killing time before my meeting with Scott.  I still got done with whatever it was a bit before 1:00pm ( I now remember that it was making burgers.  The burgers I made had pepperochinis and mushrooms cooked into it, and were cooked in a layer of BBQ sauce.  They were on dark rye bread, with avocado, ketchup, Grey Poupon, and mayonnaise.  I used up all my burger for this too.)  I was running very low on smokes.  
So I showed up @ STP around 1:00pm.  While smoking a cigarette, I suddenly noticed Scott smoking 1.  As soon as I was done with my smoke,  I walked across the street to where Scott was, and said I was ready to get started as soon as he was.
He asked me if I had iTunes.  I told him I did not, and that it was difficult to get iTunes on a Linux machine.  He was under the impression that because it was an Intel machine, it should be easy. I had to firmly correct him about that.  
He said anyway I would need to have iTunes installed to put the songs I had on my computer on the Nano.  I thought he could just use the Nano as a disk drive and put the songs on that way, and maybe he could, but he denied it.
So the meeting was short.  I think I then went home, but I don't recall why.  I think it was that I needed to get my doubled up bags of cans to see if I could get enough money to get some cigarettes.  I figured if I could then great, and if not, then I would @ least have enough to go to Starbucks (I'd just be smoking rollies).
So I eventually got around to going to Whole Foods.  On the way there, who should appear, but Scott.  I hit him with another work around I'd thought of.  He could get the songs from off my phone.  He said his computer didn't have a USB port, which made 0 sense.  
I said I had a micro-USB to USB converter cord, but he came up with some reason that wouldn't work.  Theres nothing much I could do or say @ that point, but I'm getting quite tired of what seems to me to be Scott's BS.
When I got to Whole Foods the machine was up.  I think I got $2.60 for my efforts.  Added to the dollar and a few cents I had that did not make $4.05, but before I resolved to go to Starbucks, I realized I  could use the WI-Fi @ Whole Foods.  
The WI-Fi @ Whole foods is pretty iffy, but it was worth a shot. Whole Foods has a cafeteria where you can buy a pop or whatever on food stamps, and use their WI-Fi, so if that option worked it was well  worth it.  Saves using cash.
It seemed to be working OK.  It was there and during that time that I finally got a version of iTunes unpacked installed or whatever, on my computer.  The version wine (a Linux program for installing Windows programs) put on my computer doesn't do much of anything, tho, so congratulations would be premature.
After about 2 hours I rediscovered that the WI-Fi @ Whole foods quits after about 2 hours.  I eventually got around to trying my phone for more time, but the cafeteria was closing, by that time.  But I got a lot done, so no big deal.
I took a picture of my burgers for MWR.  My plan for celebrating the 4th was to go out to Beaverton to a place I knew where you can view several fireworks displays @ 1ce (thats what I cooked all those burgers for), but it was getting late and I was concerned that I wouldn't get a bus home on time even without that.
So I went to Pioneer Square.  I don't remember how I got there.  I think I went part of the way on the Max; but when I got there,  I decided to go sit outside the Starbucks, and upload my stuff, and see if MWR had anything else to say.  Thats what I did.
By the time I got thru with that, it was getting close to dark, so with a sigh, I decided to give the trip to Beaverton a miss.  I decided to check out the show @ Waterfront Park instead.  My phones power was down to 30 some odd percent.
So I took the Max down to 1st.  The park was very crowded. I got food out of the trash, several cans, and some videos of peoples amateur fireworks before the professional show began.  There were lots of boats on the Willamette for the 4th, so I also shot those, the whole time concerned about my phone's low juice.
 I then shot 8 videos of the professional display.  The longest is 5 minutes 52 seconds, and the shortest is 29 seconds.  I'm disappointed with that.  The videos aren't as high quality as real life and I missed a lot of the real thing, looking @ the view on my camera.
I then shot 3 videos of the aftermath.  2 of them are of people playing guitar.  1 of those is 2 people playing guitar, with 1 singing of his love for marijuana.  The 3rd is a 6 second video of a man lying in a pool of blood.  Cops on the scene said he fell.
It's 6 seconds because thats when my phone ran completely out of juice.  I'm lucky it automatically saved those 6 seconds before dying.  2 ambulances eventually came for him I think, but if I'm right about that, I don't know what the 2nd ambulance was for.
Some time around then, while walking home (the max was crowded to the limit) I found a huge doubled up bag of cans with a sign on them saying “free cans”, so I put the cans I had in it (I had already had to switch from my backpack to my doubled up sacks) and continued on, leaving my bags there.  With the 2 collections together the bag was so full, cans and bottles were falling out the top of the bags.
About half a block to a block away I suddenly saw that the bags were leaking quite a lot.  That would not do; so I took the cans back to where I found them, and put them 1 by 1 back into my doubled up bags.
It was getting close to my curfew, but I got the liquid out of all the bottles and cans.  2 or 3 were almost full.
I ended up getting home at about 12:40.  I think it took me until about 2:00am to 2:30am to get to sleep 1ce again.
I didn't wake up today until about 11:30am.  I think I relaxed, smoked, and played some Nethack to prepare myself for turning in my giant overflowing doubled up bags of cans and bottles.  Before I turned them in I went to Caron Kepic's building to see if she had made good on her commitment to bring me in a bag of cans.
She hadn't.  Fine.  I don't know what I'd do with all those cans and bottles anyway considering what I already had.  I called, and got her voice mail, and told her as much.  After I got back it was eventually getting to be about  2:00pm, so I resolved to do my labor in the heat of the day.
@ whole Foods I turned in my limit of $14.40 worth of cans and bottles (Oregon law demands a limit of 144 cans and or bottles per day per store).  I then sat and had a rolly, and decided and committed to turning in the rest at Fred Meyers, or if that looked like too much of a wait, @ Trader Joe's.
The Fred Meyers machines were pretty packed so I made my way to Trader Joe's.  There I turned in almost my limit there, so now I know the approximate capacity of my bags.  I got $13.80.  I then took the 20 to my new smoke shop and finally got some store bought smokes, and went home.
I started this entry @ about 7:00pm, and the time is now 1:17am.  I have $28.29.  I'm in affluence.
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