#this has steered in a way that one wonders how the things are related but i swear they are
hannahchronism · 1 year
i saw. an edit on tiktok (yeah i know) of someone who had compiled a bunch of pictures they took when they started to feel like the thing they were doing wasn't real and that sort of. boxed me into acknowledging that that should probably be. the minority feeling. if it happens at all.
#smth smth christian household. smth smth father from very....#oh my mom said it the other day and it was such a good word for it but now i've lot it.#hmm anyway his father was army and not particularly. hm. not Not demonstrative but didn't Say things#father from very 'my dad was army and his dad was army' family#mother has image-focused gaslighter whose favorite child was the boy for a mother#(and her dad died when i was very little)#((and then actually dad's dad died when i was a little older but still. quite little.))#(((((that's a fun trend we have. there's more to it but that's . anyway.))))#this is a very circumventive way of getting do ''my god do i know how to not talk or address or look at things''#jordan's family freaks me out they all yell at each other about stuff and it's like. that's not allowed ;slkfjgs;dlkfjg#like that sound derogatory i really don't mean it to be and im sure there's a whole list of pros and cons for that one too it's just like#god it's So Different. it's so different. we don't yell until someone has like. Snapped. usually over something little#this has steered in a way that one wonders how the things are related but i swear they are#the ultimate point meant to be ''god i wish i knew how to talk'' which actually i guess isn't that it's really more like#god i wish i trusted myself to know how to talk because i do i worked very very very hard to be able to but im always afraid to do it anywa#it's so much easier to never say anything if you are willing to accept the cost of that#and if you have been doing it for a very long time its very hard to remember whether or not you are and how to hold on to not accepting it#which is mainly. rooted in self trust#im having a time. im trying very hard i know it does not look or sound like it.#and if you are down here this far please understand i don't think. that i want eye contact over the top of this post#i am very good at looking away. i am very good at (& used to) being invisible. being looked at is very scary.#i really almost don't like it very much at all but if you could sit with me without looking that would be. really very cool#but that is much harder online#hmmmmmmmmmm starting to feel very visible in fact right now but i've been posting on this blog for years since like the peak of disaster#why stop now
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moonmunson · 2 months
either way / no doubt
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a/n: either way and no doubt by Odie Leigh have been on repeat currently and I relate to them so heavily so I word vomited on a Google docs. its a little rushed but oh well LMAO (I'm also always writing with a plus sized reader in mind)
cw: over thinker fem!reader, autistic coded reader, not knowing how to enter into a first serious relationship, kind lover boy!Eddie, no use of y/n
wc: 2.1k
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It is the beginning of Spring when she meets Eddie Munson. Genuinely meets him, not just sees him around town and wonders what it’s like to be in his orbit. Working at the local diner, she sees him and his group of friends often. She’s served them a couple times, and they’re always respectful - albeit rambunctious. They tip well, stack their dishes for the busboys to clear, wave to her on the way out. 
It’s the day Eddie comes in by himself that marks it as different, new. He sits in her section of the diner, glances her way and then averts his gaze when she meets it. That’s odd, but she doesn’t think much else of it. Not until the end of his meal - consisting of a solitary cup of coffee and a slice of apple pie - does he stop her when she checks to see if he needs anything. 
He asks if she’d want to hang out sometime, and she laughs - a forced exhale of nerves. He asks why she’s laughing, and she doesn’t know what to say. After a few moments of awkward silence, she relents and shrugs. What would we do? He says anything she wants. What if she doesn’t know what she wants to do? He says they’ll figure it out together. 
They end up sitting in the back of Eddie’s van, the open doors facing Lover’s Lake. She’s fidgety, and stumbling over her words. He keeps staring at her when she talks and she’s not used to anybody doing this much work to stay focused on her and what she has to say, especially because she’s not saying much of substance. He asks her so many questions, and mundane ones at that. How are classes at the community college? What’s your major? She answers as best she can. 
The feeling of someone looking at her makes her skin crawl. She doesn’t know what to do with her hands, she’s uncomfortably aware of the position of her nose on her face, which seems incredibly silly, and then she’s thinking about just how silly that is when he asks her if she’s alright. 
“I was just asking if you felt alright. It looked like you went away for a second there,” Eddie ducks his head down to catch her line of sight. Eye contact has always been difficult for her, but this is different - warm - like sunshine. “I know I’m not the most exciting person to talk to, but I hope you’re having a good time. I enjoy talking to you.” 
“I’m here, sorry. I like talking to you too.”
“You don’t have to apologize, it’s okay.”
“Sorry. Oh-” She sucks in a breath and places her hand over her mouth, eyes wide at the realization of her mistake. He giggles, a sweet boyish sound, and it warms his face. She thinks she could love that face, if he let her. If she knew how. She laughs too, despite herself. “It’s a bad habit. I really have to stop apologizing so much.” 
He’s still smiling when he says it’s okay, he understands. 
Later, when he drops her off at her apartment, the sun has gone down. The ride he’d offered her is relatively quiet. It’s a strange thing, to see the way someone adjusts themself around you. The usual loud heavy metal is absent here. The fast driving and sharp turns are traded in for complying with the speed limit, graceful steering and soft brakes. When he looks at her, she directs her gaze out the window - when she looks at him, he is focused on the road. 
He stops her as she takes off her seatbelt and goes to open the door, jumping out of his own and running around the front of the van to open it for her. She leads him to her front door, and he asks if he can see her again, if he can have her number. She nods, and rummages around her purse for a few frantic seconds before finding her waitress notepad and pen. When she rips the page out that she’s written her number on and hands it to him, he clutches it to his chest and smiles.  
“I’ll call you when I get home, if that’s okay. Just to let you know I made it back safely.”
“And if I want to keep talking to you?”
“We can talk for as long as you want to.” 
Eddie walks backwards for a few seconds, keeping his eyes locked on hers, paper still against his heart. By the time he’s made it back to his van, he lifts a hand up for a short wave goodbye, and turns to face the vehicle. 
Now or never. 
“Eddie?” In true Munson fashion, he whips around completely at the sound of her calling out to him. 
“Yeah, sweets?” 
“I just wanted to tell you I had a really nice time with you today. I can’t wait for you to call me later.” She tucks her hair behind her ears, needing to do something with her hands to offset the nausea brought about by her impulsive vulnerability. He smiles wider, if that’s even possible. 
“I’m glad you had a good time. I’ve been wanting to ask you out forever, Gareth and the guys kept busting my balls about it. I promise I’ll call when I get home.” 
She nods, her eyes tracking his steps as he makes it to his car. She watches him drive off. It feels so strange, this immediate wanting him to come back, wanting him to come inside and crawl into her brain. To know her fully. It scares her in a way she’s incredibly unused to. When she can’t hear the music blasting from his speakers anymore, she makes her way inside and slumps against the door for a few seconds. 
He does call when he gets home, and they talk until the sun rises. 
They spend the next few days talking on the phone. It’s easier like this, she thinks. She doesn’t have to worry about the way she looks when she’s thinking of something to say. She doesn’t have to avoid his white hot gaze, the way she can feel it trail over her face when she’s speaking. If he notices how much more she opens up to him when they’re not actively sitting next to each other, he doesn’t mention it. 
When they’re not on the phone, he clings to her brainspace like moss on a tree. She can’t stop thinking about him, to the point she’s worried she’s obsessing over something that isn’t there. He’d said he had a good time, he said he enjoyed talking to her, so why does it keep bothering  her so much? He feels safe. He does feel safe, but she’s not used to conversations with no expectations. No guise, no hidden agenda. If he notices the way she starts to pull away due to her overthinking, her sentences shorter and stunted, he doesn’t mention it. He carries on as usual, calling her to talk about what he’d done that day. It makes her smile. 
When he asks, unprompted, if he can see her again, she says yes. 
They go to the lake again. It is an early March morning, the last tendrils of Winter still grasping desperately for some kind of recognition against early Spring. He brings a blanket and hot cocoa for both of them, and she feels it in her chest - warm and sweet and chocolatey, like his eyes. It’s easier this time, talking to him. She spends less time worried about her posture and cadence - more time really listening to him speak and trying her hardest to maintain eye contact. 
The early morning breeze makes ripples on the otherwise still surface of the water. It’s so beautiful. He’s so beautiful. He’s so expressive when he speaks. She used to think he was careless, jumping on tables and riling up the people he knew didn’t like him. Seeing him up close like this, she realizes it’s kind of the opposite. It’s careful, planned, the way he uses his hands, his eyes. Even when he’s talking about a book he's read a million times, she feels like she's there among the scenery and characters he describes. It’s entirely captivating. She wants to be more like him. Carefully carefree. 
She’s never done this kind of thing - the relationship kind of thing. If that’s what this is, she has no idea how to traverse this new terrain. She can’t find her footing, she doesn’t know what the formula is, what the proper way to go about it looks like. She doesn’t think about sounding weird when she asks:
“What are we doing?” 
Eddie pauses mid sip, brings the cup back down to his lap. 
“Currently? Or like, with our lives?” He chuffs out a little laugh. Not in a teasing way, though it's hard for her to differentiate. “Because currently, from my perspective at least, I’m sitting in my van with a pretty girl talking about our favorite books. What I’m doing with my life is something a lot of people, including me, would really like to know.” 
Levity, she recognizes. 
“Sorry if it's a weird question, I just…” She trails off, breaking eye contact, looking at her hands in her lap. He scoots forward a bit, the side of his thigh touching hers as their legs dangle off the back of the van. He doesn’t push her to say anything, doesn’t acknowledge the unneeded apology, doesn’t fill the silence with his own voice.  He just waits, patiently. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen him sit this still. 
“I really like you, and I really like talking to you. I’ve never done anything like this,” She uses her pointer finger to gesture between the two of them, drawing a connecting line between their bodies, “I don’t know how to, if that makes sense. I’m not really a lot of people’s type, I guess.” 
“Hey, look at me,” Eddie sets the cup down next to him and very gently takes her hand, locks their fingers together. When she raises her eyes to meet his, he continues. “There’s no rush, I mean it. You set the pace here, okay? I like you, like a lot. If all you wanna do is sit here and talk, I’m totally fine with that. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”  
“Yeah, sweets.” 
“What if you find out how weird I am and decide you don’t want to talk to me anymore?” 
At this, Eddie relinquishes his grip on her hand, hops down from the lip of the back of the van, and stands in front of her. 
“Y’know who you’re talking to?” two thumbs pointed towards himself - eyebrows raised, mouth quirked in a goofy grin, “King of the freaks, misfits, and ne'er do wells. I don’t think you could scare me off, but you’re certainly welcome to try.” 
“So just… be myself?” She scrunches her face up - the idea of being genuine is almost totally foreign to her. 
“Be yourself!” 
“Ew. Yeah, alright, fine.” She sighs in resignation and shrugs a shoulder. Doesn’t think about how convincing he is, or how willing she was to drop some of her defenses. Carefully carefree. She can do it. 
They share a laugh, finishing their luke-warm cocoa together and talking until the sun is high in the sky and the temperature rises too high for them to ignore any longer. This time, the drive home is less quiet. She meets his gaze when he looks over at her from the driver’s seat, she hums along to the sound of the radio, it's nice. Comfortable. 
Just like last time, Eddie hastens to run around the van and open her door for her. He extends a hand to help her down and out, and they stay connected on the short journey to her apartment’s front door. Eddie watches while she digs the keys out of her purse, unlocking the door and leading the both of them inside for a drink. He kicks his shoes off by the welcome mat, and they look like they belong there. 
It is the beginning of Spring when Eddie Munson permanently plants himself in her life, a steadfast source of comfort and nourishment. It is hard for her, and it takes longer than most for her to truly open up. To show him all the nooks and crannies of her mind. He takes it all in stride - her overthinking, her quirks and neuroses. He shows her that it is entirely impossible to trust someone enough to take part in the watering and flowering - that it's not a weight she has to hold alone. She can bloom.
if you enjoyed this story please like and reblog!!
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schraubd · 11 months
The Holocaust Was Not Summer School; Slavery Was Not Trade School.
Someone -- I can't find who -- once said, in relation to claims that Jews had "failed to the learn the lessons of Auschwitz", that "the Holocaust was not summer school."
The retort there was in relation to claims that Jews had not imbibed the correct moral sentiments following our genocide. But I was reminded of it upon hearing the recent defenses of Florida's "anti-woke" efforts to whitewash slavery by lauding the "skills" slaves allegedly acquired -- apologias which, unsurprisingly, have spilled over to Holocaust minimization as well.
Fox News star Greg Gutfeld, whose latest book debuted on Tuesday, is currently under fire over his recent observation that Jewish people “had to be useful” in order to survive concentration camps, prompting the Auschwitz Museum to rebuke his comments as an “oversimplification” of the Holocaust. 
During Monday’s broadcast of Fox News’ The Five, which both Watters and Gutfeld co-host, the panel raged against Vice President Kamala Harris’ condemnation of the Florida curriculum as racist. Watters, for instance, blasted the veep for not wanting “African-Americans and white Americans to know that Black Americans did learn skills despite being enslaved.”
The heated discussion, however, took an uncomfortable turn when lone liberal panelist Jessica Tarlov drew a parallel between slavery and the Holocaust, wondering if Florida schools would also teach that Jewish people received some benefits from the Nazis systematically murdering them in death camps.
Gutfeld, referencing a famous book by Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, took Tarlov’s challenge and ran with it.
“Did you ever read Man’s Search for Meaning?” Gutfeld wondered. “Vik Frankl talks about how you had to survive in a concentration camp by having skills. You had to be useful. Utility! Utility kept you alive!”
The slide from "anti-CRT" to Holocaust trivialization is nothing new, of course. And here in particular we have one of those moments where an ounce of truth helps generate a ton of falsehood. It is true that, comparatively speaking, a Jewish inmate who had skills that happened to be useful for the Nazi war effort (or otherwise coveted by the local commander) was more likely to survive. Likewise, it's true that having enough wealth to pay for bribes actuarially increased one's life span compared to the destitute. It is not true that "utility kept you alive" (a phrase that is eerily adaptive of arbeit macht frei). Plenty of people with "utility" were murdered by the Nazis. It is not true that having money insulated Jews from the Nazis. Plenty of Jews with means were nonetheless rounded up and slaughtered. The relationship of "utility" to the Jewish experience in the camps was not one of moxie and grit overcoming incredible odds; anymore than the relationship of wealth was one of frugality and financial stewardship steering one to safety. There is no favor done to the oppressed that they can sometimes leverage opportunities to resist.
But again, this is the inevitable byproduct of the anti-woke panic. The obsession with never speaking forthrightly and honestly about oppression and discrimination -- always viewing it as a "both sides" initiative -- means one has to find ways to render Nazism, if not benign, then at least filed down. Others have written about the gentile obsession with telling feel-good Holocaust stories where plucky protagonists show their wiles and skills to secure a happy ending. This is a myth that non-Jews need to tell themselves to evade reckoning with the Holocaust in its full horror; the Holocaust did not come with happy endings.
And the same is true of slavery. Slavery was not a somewhat-unsavorily-run trade school. It was a form of White supremacist oppression. Trying to find the "happy endings" is an attempt to avoid reckoning with its horrors. And the thing is, if we actually took seriously the "nobody should be made to feel guilty based on the color of their skin" pablum, there'd be no quarrel with teaching the history in its full terrible glory. Learning of the horrors of slavery doesn't and shouldn't make White people feel guilty. The guilt comes from learning those facts and then wanting to carry on as before -- no change in affect, no change in politics, as if it never happened. The dissonance between the historical knowledge and the desire to pretend as if the history didn't happen or didn't matter -- that's what creates the guilt. But that's guilt based on one's own choices, and history class needn't and shouldn't have an interest in absolving you of that.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/LJUWduZ
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 9 months
Some random Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom headcanons
Because I’m just feeling it, and why not?
1) After Alys gives birth, Wylan goes to visit her and meet his baby sibling, and Jesper goes with him. They arrive to find that the baby is in fact half-Kerch, half-Suli and Alys is borderline tearful about Wylan knowing this; Wylan is trying to convince her that he would never judge her for cheating on his father because of the situation she was in, and Jesper has doubled over laughing because this is the funniest thing he’s experienced in his life. Jesper begs to be allowed to tell Van Eck that the baby isn’t his. As the kiddo grows up Wylan still acts as a brotherly figure, he visits at least twice a month and brings them the best presents, and he also gives great advice. His boyfriend gives less great advice that the kiddo has to be steered away from.
2) Ok I’m not sure if this one counts as a headcanon because I don’t actually remember the details of how this would fit in with the timeline between crooked kingdom and king of scars, but I have this idea of Nina going back to the Little Palace and Zoya and Genya being seriously concerned about her and originally not letting her go to Fjerda because she’s emotionally unstable, vulnerable, and (because of her death-related powers) having auditory and visual hallucinations of Matthias. Obviously we see her talk to Matthias in her head in King of Scars, basically I’ve been wondering what if that was the most controlled version and before that she would often fall into hallucinations where he was present or even to the extreme of forgetting he was dead until suddenly remembering what happened and continually reliving her pain. For example, waking up in the morning convinced he’s in the other side of the bed; she has a conversation with him, they tease each other, then she rolls over to kiss him and the bed is empty. I’ve actually been thinking about maybe writing a little fic of this so lemme know if you’d like it, I know there are fellow Helnik-angst fans out there.
3) Cornelius Smeet’s wife is brunette and nothing short of a counter argument from the queen Leigh Bardugo herself will ever change my mind.
4) When Inej starts going after slavers, she builds herself up before taking down Heleen but she doesn’t have an attitude of ‘leaving her until last’ because she’s seen what that’s done to Kaz. She knows that Kaz will never have the satisfaction he’s searching for - I could write essays, he’s in many ways an addict - and so instead of finding the individuals who hurt her and taking them down one by one until only Heleen remains, as Kaz has done by murdering the boy who acted as the roper and by the implied murder of Saskia and Margit as well as many others, Inej doesn’t focus her efforts on directly tracking down the people who hurt her individually. Her focus is far more in the individuals who are being hurt right now. She will go after Heleen when she is good and ready, but it will be by no means the last act she takes in her journey because the purpose of this journey is not revenge on Heleen; the purpose is the act of taking the journey as her healing process and saving not only the thousands of children being hurt right now, but the thousands more that would continue to be hurt by the people she takes down for so long.
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tealfloyd · 2 years
"MC's first Halloween ended up being disastrous a marvelous one~!"
SUMMARY: During the last day of Halloween, MC encounters a singular ghost who drags her to a confusing situation... (Everyone x Fem!Reader)
WARNINGS: Death mentions at the end, jealousy (?)
CONTENT: I didn't have any ideas for Ortho :( The ghost has a sad backstory, and, uh— That's it, I think. WORDS: 7K+
A/N: Okay, I know Halloween has already passed, but I got an excuse since this is a repost, so bear with me here :)
Some costumes were hard to describe, but I think they're not that bad. They're acceptable tier, I guess.
After this fic, everything else published will be the requests I've saved, so I ask for some time before starting to work on the new ones!
Now onto the fic~
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Halloween was just around the corner, and you’re still trying to figure out what is happening.
It was a strange surprise when Grim and you returned to your dorm, not expecting to see it covered with paper and cloth; somehow looking a lot like a Ghost Festival entrance.
Lilia was on charge of the decoration placements, and while you were okay with it (it actually made the Ramshackle dorm look good), Grim was demanding an explanation for this.
After he got it, you wondered if everyone was doing the same thing, and now that you think about it, you haven’t seen any of the first years after class during the recent days; most likely preparing everything for the arrival of the spooky season.
It wasn’t till the next day that you got a more detailed explanation of how Halloween was celebrated here; your troublemaker friends being overly excited for this event, and you had to admit that the joy was contagious.
And you may be wondering: “will this finally be the event where the only requisite is to enjoy it and not engage in any unusual thing?”
And to answer that question, I must ask: “MC, are you really attending NRC if not?”
A week before Halloween arrived, a steering committee session was scheduled so everyone could show the work they’ve done so far, talking about the venue decoration and the costume related to it.
Since a stamp rally was going to be held, everything had to be in perfect condition for when the guests would come to visit.
You got to see every dorm’s venue location and costume, amazed by the amount of work and effort they’ve put into it.
Vil tried to make you a costume, but you declined, stating that you were okay without a one. He really wanted you to have one, fuming slightly when you refused again, the response being that you didn’t want to take advantage of him. At the end, he reluctantly agreed to it, understanding your position.
However, that idea changed (non-voluntary) when the last day of the Halloween week started.
Before I narrate the occurrences that happened the last day, first I must narrate what happened through the entire celebration.
You visited every dorm’s venue periodically, just wanting to have a fun time with your friends and talking about how cool their costumes were, along with some compliments of your own costume, the one that the ghosts gifted you in spirit of Halloween.
Everyone was trying to beat everyone, non-literally, of course (well, most of them). More like they were trying to show off in front of you, looking to gain your attention and appreciation.
It didn’t work at the end because they were all your friends, and you genuinely appreciated every performance they’ve put since that meant they were trying their hardest, and as much as they love your thoughtfulness, they wished you could have chosen their dorm.
Overall, everything went great. You were surprised at the way some of them interacted with children, finding it cute as you continued to stroll with Grim, the little creature receiving a lot of attention because of the viral picture the ghosts posted some days ago, leaving you to wait aside. This, shockingly enough, made you feel at ease, since now you weren’t the only girl roaming in the campus, which was now filled with children and their parents and/or brothers.
However, you weren’t invisible to a certain ghost, who decided to approach after seeing you for some time.
“Why are we here again? We’re missing all the fun!” Whined Grim, his little paws making it difficult for him to catch up with your fast pace.
“We won’t be here for long, but if you really don’t want to be with me then I guess you can go and—“ He didn’t let you finish as he ran away, excited to be once again the centre of attention. “—Leave me alone… Just when you think they’re going to listen."
You shocked your head in disbelief, returning your gaze to the pond, looking for something.
“Hey, little fishes~ Where are you~?” You called, gaze tracing the water to see if they were hiding. “It’s me, so there’s no need to hide—"
“I see you’ve grown quite fond of these creatures."
The unknown voice startled you, and you backed away in surprise, almost falling into the water.
“Oh, thank the Sevens…” Exhaling in relief, you exclaimed. “You scared me!"
“Isn’t that the purpose of this event?”
It didn’t come off as a surprise to be spooked by a ghost; you’ve grown accustomed to it since it was Halloween, yet it did seem weird that this one was the one spooking you, thinking that it took advantage of your unawareness.
“Can I help you with something? I don’t have candy right now but if you wait, I can bring you some," you said, hoping that your words convinced her.
“Oh dear, I’m not looking for candy," you turned your head, furrowing your brows. “I was looking for you”.
Baffled, you pointed at yourself. “Me?”
“Indeed, I’ve noticed that you are the only female student here," she floated closer to you. “I wonder why~”
You sighed. “It’s a large story, but that doesn’t explain why you’re looking for me."
“Aren’t you afraid of me?”.
“If I’m being honest ma’am, I’m more scared of Lilia’s cooking than your presence."
“Well, that works for me~," she chuckled at your response, seemingly thinking about something. “Where did you get that Halloween costume?”
“This?” You signalled the costume. “My ghost friends made it for me, since Grim and I were the only ones without one."
“I see~” She inspected it, humming in disapproval as she checked every detail. “Some of the seams are incomplete, and the colour palette can be better…”
“Hey, what are you doing—"
“I’ve decided!” The abrupt yell caught you by surprise, looking at her in shock. “You’re going to be my new muse, and your friend’s designs are the perfect way to start!”
Now you’re confused, completely and utterly confused, because you can’t comprehend what this ghost is talking about.
“Muse? I… I’m afraid I don’t understand…" You said, tone hesitant. “You shall not worry, dear! You will get it pretty soon!”
And with that final note, you seemed to have no other option than to let this ghost drag you outside the outings of the campus, floating towards Diasomnia’s location.
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The costume didn’t have any major changes on it; most of the original design was kept untouched, but what differentiated Diasomnia’s costume from this one is that it had a golden necklace, and in the centre of it was a shiny chrome diopside, the green gem contrasting with the solid colours of the entire outfit. But what did change was the head accessory, the hat being replaced by a golden crown, vaguely resembling a dragon.
“What are we doing here…?” You asked, seeing how everyone was walking around the intricate decorations.
“Now, stay still…” And just like she was using a magic wand, she started swinging her hand with grace and after some seconds and several sparks, she proudly smiled. “Done! Now tell me what you think!”
You looked down, surprised to see that your old costume was replaced with Diasomnia’s one, feeling somewhat conflicted. “I… I don’t know what to say…”
She took this as a good sign, happily exclaiming that she did an excelling job, attracting the attention of the visitors.
“Woah, look! It’s a ghost!”
“Is that girl part of the presentation? Her costume is so elegant~”
“She’s so pretty! Is she supposed to be an empress? The head ornament is really cool~!”
And with that, the people who were previously taking photos of the decorations now are asking to take photos with you.
The commotion being heard by the Diasomnia students, who approached to confirm everything was right.
Malleus is baffled. At first, he doesn’t know why you have a Diasomnia costume, but that thought is quickly forgotten as he steps closer to you, complimenting you in his unique way, accidentally making the visitors think that you were a couple. He doesn’t do anything to deny those claims, sighing sadly when you explain that you’re not, feeling slightly betrayed at that. He knows that you’re beautiful, and he understands the people who think the same, but he can’t help but apart you from anyone even the ghost that he thinks is too close, hiding you behind his intimidating form, leading you to calm him down so he wouldn’t scare the customers off. Sometimes, he wishes he could keep you safe in a tower. Just sometimes.
Lilia is enjoying the whole situation. He notices the female ghost that’s part of the “main show," and he guesses that maybe she could be the reason why you’re using his dorm’s costume he likes to play detective. He’s delighted with the design, saying some strange compliments that only Lilia would say, expressing his endearing feelings for you in a… Complicated manner, one that rivals Rook. He’s the first one that poses with you, happy to see your cute attempts as your fingers try to adopt a scary pose. He had to restrain Malleus at some point from hissing at a customer because he tried to flirt with you. He gets it, but he can’t let him hiss at anyone that tries to flirt with you!
Silver is the only normal person here, but in everyone’s defence, he’s the only person there. He compliments you too, yet it ends up sounding a bit… Frigid? He doesn’t mean it that way, you caught him, the normally collected Silver, off guard showing up with his dorm’s costume. His mind wanders from helping Lilia control Malleus, to you. He knows he shouldn’t be glancing at you; his priority is the sovereign of Briar Valley, but he supposes he can let himself be distracted when the life of his master is not in danger.
Sebek is yelling at you because “you didn’t get permission to use and change Diasomnia’s costume!” Shutting up after some seconds of this because of his master’s ominous glare. He doesn’t mean to appear so rude and the fact that he made Malleus angry is something that he would never forget, but how do you expect him to react after seeing you so… Empress-like? The royal aura you’re emanating makes him want to bow down before you and patiently wait for your orders, so that’s another bodyguard for you. He also sets aside anyone that is near you, accidentally blurting a: “haven’t you learn that royalty doesn’t interact with commoners!?” and now he’s a blushing mess, screaming: “I was talking about Lord Malleus, not you, human!”
Thanks to their unrequited actions, everyone mistook the scene as a comedy skit, fortunately helping their image because right now they’re a disaster.
They didn’t really ask about the ghost beside you, maybe a ‘why?’ and ‘what?’, but they’re pretty chill about it. Yes, even Sebek.
Lilia suggested that you all should take a selfie, and since Lilia’s the shortest he took it while floating, sending it to the group chat, most likely to annoy the other students.
As you were about to be engaged in another exhausting photoshoot with the visitors, the ghost decided that it was enough for you… In this costume.
She holds your hand, and you bid your Diasomnia friends goodbye as she leads you to the next location.
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The top was tight, the laces on it being identical as the original ones, while the cuffs were a bit more open. The pants were changed for a torn-up skirt, a little bit higher than the knee. Black stockings covered your legs, having a bone pattern so it would match with the skeleton concept. You didn’t had gloves, some white chains replacing them as they attached themselves to rings on every finger. Instead of a hat, you wore a skull pin on the side of your hair, a bit of black tulle added to it.
“The botanical garden, great… Why’re we here again?” You asked, a bit nervous because of the attention your costume was getting.
“My, haven’t you noticed? To change your costume, of course!” That easy going attitude wasn’t wearing off, and much less now that she’s got to see you as a source of “inspiration."
“My costume? Why? I thought it looked nice…”.
“It does! But my creativity has reached levels that I cannot ignore, so we will be changing your attire a few times today~," you couldn’t even have time to protest as she started doing the magic wand trick again, sighing at the lack of communication.
Once the magic was over, you looked down, seeing the new costume that resembled Heartslabyul’s skeleton idea.
“And…? What do you think~?” She asked, impatient for your answer.
“Woah, look there! They’re holding a magic demonstration!”
“That’s such a cute costume! But I thought the students were the only ones using them?”
“I’ve heard that there’s a girl studying here, and to top it off she’s very pretty~”
“Oh no…” Indeed, here comes the photoshoot session again.
Riddle doesn’t even know where to start. He wants to scold everyone that it’s crossing your boundaries, and then he realises why it’s that. His face becomes redder than his hair, and he’s conflicted with his feelings because on one side, you look beautiful (he doesn’t understand why you’re using a Heartslabyul’s costume, but he guesses he can set it aside for now), and on the other side, some teenagers are getting too close to you, much to his and your like. He steps in, trying to be a good friend that helps another friend romantic interest, but he’s mistaken as a, and I quote, “loyal skeleton husband," Don’t worry MC, Cater’s been recording since the start of the interaction so you wouldn’t miss his flushed face. He ends up getting collared for that.
Trey chuckles, and you can’t help but think that Jade’s mannerisms had finally stuck to him. In reality, he’s doing it as a way to cover up his bashfulness, thankful of the veil covering his face. But that doesn’t mean he won’t tease you about it, saying some funny compliments in order to hide his flushed state. He’s the calmest out of the five when it comes to people approaching you, asking them to not invade your personal boundaries, his high figure making it easier for them to listen to him. He hears a comment that has him coughing out of the shock, stating that they wished they had such a gentle partner. You pat his back, completely worried because, Trey? Why’s your face so red?
Cater doesn’t know where to start; by the fact that you’re slaying in that costume or the fact that you’re using his dorm’s costume in the first place. He decides that is not important because the only relevant thing here is that you are using his dorm’s costume. He feels so proud as he announces that he was the one that came up with the original idea; not exactly this, but you know what he means. He’s the one that teaches you how to pose for photos with the visitors, snapping some quick selfies of you both and the rest of the students because it’s necessary, and no, he’s not taking any criticism. He posts it immediately, adding some fun captions and hashtags as he continues the photoshoot.
Ace remains quiet for five seconds, and you’re scared because you think he may mock you for using this. So, imagine your surprise when he muttered that you looked good in an unusual shy tone. The Ace Trappola complimenting you directly and with no teasing involved? It seems too good to be true, and it was as soon as you were about to say something nice too, he reverted to his normal personality and stated that it was because the costume itself made everyone look good. As some say, all good things must come to an end, so prepare yourself, because he’s going to tease you non-stop during your entire stance in the venue.
Deuce stays still, mind trying to elaborate the sentence he’s been meaning to say to you since some minutes ago. He’s so nervous that he ends up saying: “you look MC, beautiful." You laughed so hard that your stomach started to hurt, and the same thing happened to everyone else; even the visitors let out a chuckle at his innocent comment. He quickly tries to retract himself, blabbering that he didn’t mean it that way. He knows he just made the situation worse for him as you continue to laugh your ass off. Once you recover from the accidental joke, you tell him that’s fine, you understand what he meant by that. He’s relieved, but also concerned because he knows that Ace and his upperclassman are going to use this against him.
The whole scene seemed like a stand-up comedy show, the unintended funny comments made everyone think that it was a special performance since it was the last day.
Too bad for Deuce, now he’ll never hear the end of it because everything was recorded from start to finish. Don’t let him know that people are posting this, he’s not prepared.
Contrary to Diasomnia, they did ask about why you had a ghost accompanying you. You tried to explain them the situation, confusing them further. At the end you gave up because you didn’t understand it either, so you just dropped the topic.
After a few more photos, Cater took a surprise selfie, posing while everyone else was distracted. He also sent it to the group chat, with the captions: “Look who decided to join us~!”.
Not for long though, the ghost lady dragging you off to the following place while they were attending some customer, making them sad skeleton boys upon realisation.
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Instead of the black shirt underneath the white button-up one, it had a crop top; a black harness belts covering it. An oversized white dress shirt was tucked into the skirt, some loose bandages wrapped around your waist, along with some leather belts to secure it. Your nails were painted black, and a boater hat was placed on top of your head, slightly tilted to one side.
“Are we visiting every venue because of your inspiration stroke?” You said, already getting tired of being dragged off.
“Now you’re getting the hang of it!” She exclaimed, stopping in front of the laboratory. “It’s time to change, aren’t you curious about my next work?”
“I would be lying if I said that I’m not."
She did her magic, and in a couple of seconds your costume had drastically changed; Octavinelle’s concept, you guessed.
“Do you feel comfortable in it? I don’t know if you like the top…”
“It’s fine, it’s not usually what I would wear but it’s comfy." Relieved, she exhaled, as if she could breathe for starters.
You were wondering if nobody saw you, and that thought vanished as you heard the now expected comments of the customers.
“Is that a ghost? She looks so cool!”
“And that girl over there, is she using a mummy costume?”
“Maybe she’s the female student everyone’s talking about!”
Both of you entered the laboratory, and that did nothing to soothe the stares and whispers; if something, it enhanced them.
Azul mind’s is multitasking. One part is processing the fact that you showed up, out of the blue, with a ghost and an Octavinelle costume; this is not something he can ignore, although he can’t ignore anything that has to do with you. And the other part is thinking of possible promotions for the Mostro Lounge with you on the cover; a businessman never stops being a businessman after all. He salutes you as always, cordially asking what brings you and your ghost companion there. Azul can be a great actor when the time requires it, and this is the time that really requires it; if he embarrasses himself in front of these amount of people, the tweels and you… Be certain he isn’t leaving his octopot anytime soon.
Jade knows that when something involves you, there’s always a twist, and what a charming twist you’ve made today. He’s entertained by this scene, softly chuckling as he puts on his best smile, greeting you with his gentlemanly demeanour. He’s checking your reactions at his planned compliments, finding all of them utterly adorable. The laboratory had a fair amount of people before you arrived, but since you showed up the visitors have been doing the same; and for this situation he has a subtle way to make the customers apart from you, and by subtle I mean scaring them off with “discreet” threats and a sinister close-lipped smile.
Floyd’s mood is constantly changing from happy to hostile. Happy because of you appearing with his dorm’s costume on and with a ghost; just when he thought his Shrimpy wouldn’t get more interesting! He’s stuck to you like a koala to a bamboo tree, happily talking until someone asks for a picture, and that’s when the hostile mood comes; he can’t stand anyone that comes near you in a ‘flirtatious’ manner, ominously looking down at them. You have to distract him with funny comments so he wouldn’t squeeze anyone, but there’s definitely an unspoken condition there: he’s going to appear in every picture taken, no complaints.
They’re lucky you visited two dorms before theirs, because if not people would start to suspect that maybe anything of this wasn’t planned at all.
At this point, everyone saw the two videos that went viral on Magicam, Lilia and Cater’s courtesy, which had the only female student at NRC magically changing her costumes with the help of a friendly ghost.
The three of them had seen the photos sent to the group chat, but Floyd was the one that spoke out loud, placing the phone real high, kind of not giving time for you to pose appropriately.
He sent it immediately, bragging off about the fact that they had the coolest selfie, creating a discussion under his message, giving start to a selfie war,
The ghost lady noticed the behaviour of the sly students, and so she took the advantage when they were distracted to drag you off there to continue her inspiration spree.
Less to say that they weren’t very happy about this.
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The main thing that differentiated this costume from the original is the top, which was red with some golden patterns on it, a translucent material covering your belly, same thing with the long sleeves. The pants were still baggy and white, a golden chain wrapped around your waist. You had a water drop head chain, making it easier for you to wear the wolf ears, while the clawed gloves were replaced with long, black nails.
“We shouldn’t have done that, now they’re going to look for us," you sighed, already thinking about the outcome.
“Don’t be silly, it would take a while for them to find us in this crowd," she seemed accustomed to it, and you don’t know if you should feel relieved or scared.
“I got lost in the mall once while shopping with Jade and Floyd, and they found me two minutes later. Two!"
“I know a thing or two when it comes to escaping~" Scared, that’s how you feel right now.
“I—" You thought for a second before re-doing your sentence. “What do you have planned for Scarabia?”
“I’m sure you would love this one!” She spoke with so much confidence that you were getting excited about this, staying still for the transformation.
Once it occurred, you were happy with the outcome, speaking your thoughts of it before she even asked. “This one’s great! How do you make these costumes?”
“You can say it’s my speciality~”
“Did they invite a princess?”
“I think she’s the female student of the videos; her werewolf costume is so cute!”
Oh, that was a different one.
Kalim acts like a puppy every time he sees you, all giddy and if he had a tail, it would be wagging. He was surprised to see you appearing in a different costume, and he happily complimented you, not realising at first that it was based off his dorm’s costume and not one of your ideas. You present him to your fashion ghost, who instantly loved his carefree personality, stretching hands with big smiles on their faces. It was cute, and that was a common sentiment as everyone asked for a photo; the supposedly ‘scary’ expressions only gained more attention, making Jamil act as a guardian for you both.
Speaking of Jamil, you thought he was mad at you for something since he didn’t say anything from the moment you arrived. He’s perceptive, so he probably knew this from the concerned look you unconsciously sent at him, muttering a small: ‘It suits you’ after. You don’t get to see his face since he’s hiding it, but you don’t mind, glad that you didn’t make him mad. As if you could make him mad in the first place; if anything, your presence makes him feel at ease, and he would’ve said something else if it weren’t because of the fact that you were dressed like an Arabian werewolf princess and the amount of people surrounding you right now.
Kalim already attracted the people, his cuteness being the cause of it. So, add to the formula you, the dress-shifter with a stylish ghost, and that equals: More people.
Jamil literally acted like a bodyguard, trying to control the crowd as you both posed for more pictures.
At some point, Kalim gave his phone to a girl and kindly asked her if she could take a picture of you three. She complied, shuttering a few photos until she was satisfied with the last one.
It was the typical best friend group photo; the lively Kalim, the annoyed Jamil and the one that’s in the middle, you.
Everything was fine until you heard a loud yell, which screamed: “Shrimpy~!” And that was the moment the ghost knew it was time to go.
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The coat was larger than the original one, almost touching the floor; the ends were a bit thorn, but it was considered more elegant than the boy's version. You wore a fancy shirt, which was under a leather, black vest; you also wore the same pants, just a little higher and tighter. You wore several silver rings, and high leather boots. You didn't have an eyepatch though; what you did have was a pirate hat, with golden feathers neatly placed on it.
“Hey— Wait! You’ll make them angry!” You could barely stand by how fast she was floating, and you swore you were floating too because you couldn’t feel the ground.
“We are short on time; we don’t have time to worry about them!”
“But they’re 6’2! And Floyd can do parkour. It’s a matter of time before they find us!” Without context, it would seem like you both were escaping from the mafia; and with context… It’s the same, but for different reasons.
“You’re right!” She abruptly stopped, leaving you to fall face first on the sand of the colosseum. “This is the perfect situation for the next costume!”
“That’s what you’re thinking about? My personal space's on the line here!” You yelled, spitting the sand that got in your mouth.
“Shhh!” Shushing you, she helped you get up, doing once again the costume transformation. “There! Aren’t you the prettiest pirate here~”
“It does fit the context, though—”
“I didn’t know the Savanaclaw dorm had pretty girls~”
“I don’t think they do, maybe she’s the student from the videos.”
“She’s such a cool pirate~ I’m going to ask for a picture!”
“When will this end…?“
Leona was napping inside the boat in a secluded place, but he got up after hearing the commotion outside. He tried to sleep again, but the noise was too much for his sensitive audition, so he went to investigate the source of it. Less to say that he froze in place after seeing you; ‘why are you using a pirate costume’ and ‘what is a ghost doing beside you’ are some of his questions. He walked up to you, asking why you are wearing that, an unconscious smirk travelling up his features. He didn’t mean it in a bad way, it’s just his way to express interest, and you seem to get it because you thanked him. You drop the topic and explain the situation, and he’s baffled because he doesn’t get how you understand his actions yet don’t realise he’s in love with you, like, how does that even work?
Ruggie chokes. He was drinking water since his throat was starting to get dry after so much talking, and that’s when he saw you. He makes enough noise for you to notice, so you try to help him, unintentionally making it worse. Once he’s done with the coughing, he asks why you’re using his dorm’s costume; he didn’t understand the explanation, maybe because he was busy staring at you. He knows he has to say something, so he compliments you; not directly though, saying that the costume looked good. You agreed, toying with the golden buttons of the coat, failing to see his flushed face. Good, because if you did, he would have to lie, and his mind can’t elaborate a lie right now.
Jack was absent for the majority of your stay, returning from Sam’s because Ruggie asked him to bring some snacks. He did hear something about a female student changing costumes, but he didn’t imagine it was you at first, thinking that maybe a girl was taking advantage of the rumours. Now he knows that he was wrong. You spoke to him first, even retrieving his bags so you can place them aside, all while people still ask you for pictures. He only begins to move when they start to cross the line, hiding you behind him so you could take a breath from the sudden fame like a good friend would do, and not a boyfriend like the customers think- Wait, a boyfriend, your boyfriend? All the efforts he made to not blush go out of the window as his tail wags and his cheeks become red.
The visitors in Savanaclaw were more controlled than those in the other dorms since you had three scary beastmen by your side Ruggie can be scary, I’m sure of it, literally, and that reduced their shoving and overall craziness.
The idea of taking the photo was from your ghost companion, seeing that none of them brought it up.
It ended up being a pretty funny photo. A boy snuck behind you all, and before he could even pose, Leona grabbed him by the collar. Jack tried to set free the poor teenager, Ruggie was laughing, and you still stood there in the middle, smiling to the camera.
There wasn’t a second chance, she liked it too much to delete it, instead sending it to the group chat.
She decided it was enough fun for this venue and continued to the next one.
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Ignihyde's costume wasn’t changes in the slightest, it was the same black and neon blue armour, just that yours was adjusted so it would fit you. But instead of the greenish pumpkin head that Idia had, you had an orange one. The face in this one also changed, with mischievous eyes and sharp teeth forming a terrifying smile.
“Can I ask you a question?” You said, tilting your head to look at her.
“But of course, dear! What do you want to know?”
“Why me?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not really an interesting person, and I’m sure there are a lot of people who are more befitting of these clothes than me."
“I see… Well, that is a topic I would discuss later, when I depart, but you were my only option for this, and I sincerely mean it," instead of the cheerful tone she always spoke with, she had a nostalgic one replacing it.
“Okay…” You both didn’t talk for a few minutes, only conversing again when you arrived to the library, a crowd of people inspecting the place. “Are you going to turn me into a knight?”
“Not a knight, dear. A dame!” She made her magic, and soon enough you had a new, shiny armour and a pumpkin helmet, unaware of how scary it looked. “How does it feel? Replicating that boy’s technology is extremely difficult, so I tried to make it as light as possible”
“It’s not too heavy, but this thing surely is suffocating me," removing it from your head, you organized your hair, a bit squashed because of the sudden pressure.
That movement was enough to get you a whole fan club.
“Kyah! Who’s she? She’s so cool~!”
“Right? She must be the girl that’s trending on Magicam, she’s prettier in person~”
“Who needs a prince? I want this girl to rescue me.”
“Wow, they’re getting more creative."
Idia first thought that a devoted fan of “Pumpkin Hollow” appreciated his work and decided to show up as the character to show his respect. He didn’t expect to see you out of all people but consider him a part of your fan club with that hair movement. His hair becomes pink, and he tries to deviate the conversation from your costume to the movie. To be honest, he felt betrayed when he knew that you didn’t watch the movie at first, yet he knows he can’t blame you because you were isekai’d into this world, so he asked you if you wanted to watch it. He thinks you loved the movie just as much as him, but when you told him that your new ghost friend made it for you he deflated a little. Not for long when you told him that you did like the movie, already planning a marathon for you and Ortho to watch.
Going to Ignihyde was fun from the start. I mean, sure, some of the people were annoying, but it wasn’t too uncomfortable.
At some point, you acted a bit, reciting a few lines of the movie that you remembered, making the visitors intrigued about the movie, muttering that they were definitely going to watch it Idia thinks he’s in love with you.
For the selfie, you took two: one with the helmet and one without the helmet. Idia wanted to delete the helmet-less one, but you pressed send before he could finish the sentence plead.
It was getting late, and you knew that the next location was going to be the last one, so you took the initiative and told the ghost (that suddenly became more thoughtful) that it was time to move, and so you both exited the library.
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The Pomefiore costume really had major changes; you wore a Victorian dress, which had the same pattern and colours as the original, a black sash covering your waist. The cape had the same design, a bit larger so it could embellish the shape of the dress. You didn't have any accessories besides your black gloves. Your makeup was also done; a dark eyeshadow and lipstick complimenting your skin.
She did the transformation with no funny puns and old-styled jokes, and you thought something was… Off.
“Are you okay?” You said, calmly walking towards the mirror chamber.
“Of course, I’m okay. Why the sudden question, dear?” She replied, a forced smile making her way past her lips.
“You seem a bit… Sad." She widened her eyes at this, lips forming a gentle smile after a couple of seconds.
“It’s nothing to worry about, dear. This will be over soon."
The usual three comments you got used to were replaced by the voices of your distressed (except Rook) friends, looking for an explanation as soon as you arrived.
“Potato! What’s the meaning of this?”
“Ma chérie, I’m glad you’re finally here!”
“I can’t believe we were your last choice…”
Vil felt offended and outraged. How can you decline him making you a costume, but you so gladly accept the same offer from an unknown ghost? He does realise he shouldn’t be mad at you; he doesn’t know if you gladly accepted after all, but he can’t help but feel betrayed. And you didn’t come visit them first; you know he’s a beauty guru, why would you hide this from him? He found out when checking his Magicam, the trending topic being: “NRC female student magically changes costumes with the help of a friendly ghost!” He calms down, not wanting to get a pimple out of stress; he does think the costume is great, sure, there are a few errors here and there, but nothing he cannot fix.
Rook is delighted. This man would praise you if you used a trash bag as a dress, so imagine the amount of compliments you’re getting from him using his magnifique dorm’s costume! He found out too when he was asking Vil something, strangely zoned out, so he decided to see whatever had him so mesmerized; but if isn’t his belle prefect! Of course Roi du Poison would be enchanted by this! He patiently waits for you to come visit, hopefully with a new costume based off his dorm, and he sure wasn’t disappointed! He even thanks the ghost at some point for enhancing your effortless beauty, and then he just straight up starts confessing in French. He knows you don’t know French, but he enjoys seeing you so confused as you try to decipher what the hell he just said.
Epel is also offended. MC! You’re one of his best friends and romantic interest and you decide to visit him last? How could you? He starts lightly scolding you, and in the middle of it, he shuts up, noting that you were indeed using your own version of his dorm’s costume. He becomes so red that he’s not a vampire anymore, he’s a tomato. Because of this, he lets you be, uttering a small compliment while looking away, not wanting you to see his blushing face. You get distracted by Rook, and he silently thanks him as he organises the stand; the gratefulness doesn’t last long because, well, it’s Rook, and Vil also added himself to the conversation, fixing a few details of your costume. He groans, discreetly commenting something so you would talk to him too.
The Mirror Chamber didn’t have any customer, and you felt a sense of relief washing over you. People would start calling you names if they noticed that you were friends with Vil, and you didn’t need that right now.
Since this was the last venue, you stayed with them until they finished cleaning, helping a little as you couldn’t really move freely in the dress.
You all went out, taking a break before returning to their respective dorms to prepare for the upcoming party, clearly taking a selfie before it which ended up winning the contest because Vil was the one who took it.
You were almost spotted by the tweels, but manage to hide before they saw you, carefully running with your friend towards your dorm.
Once you got there, she made her magic again, transforming the dress into a simpler one, white with some flowers on it, all while a heavy sigh leaving her mouth.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, now concerned because of this.
“MC, you know why I chose you for being my muse?” The sudden question caught you off guard, and you shook your head in response. “I had a daughter, just like you: young, beautiful, and had this charisma that made every head in the room turn into her direction. Truly a charm."
You stayed silent, waiting for her to continue. “I was a fashion designer when I was alive; I rarely saw my daughter, maybe once or twice in the week, and that if I had time."
“She got sick one day. I thought it was sudden, but the doctor said that it had been going for months, and that she had only a few ones to live. It turned out, it wasn’t like that."
“One week later I was rushing to the hospital, carrying her in my arms because she collapsed."
You guessed the end, but that didn’t stop the feeling of dread. “She died that day, and I couldn’t even tell her that I loved her…”
“I’m sorry…" You muttered, not knowing what else to say.
“When I saw you, I saw her; smiling and living contently with no worries, as if she was fine and healthy," she stopped to look at you in the eyes, and asked one more question. “Do you know why I’m a ghost?”
Your eyes widened in shock, and you shook your head again. “I promised her I would dress her with beautiful clothes; I promised her that I would be there …”
“Do… Do you mean that—"
“I think that this day may have given me the chance to encounter her again… That you gave me the chance to encounter her again."
“I…” You stopped for a brief moment, a warm smile forming on your lips. “Thanks for today. I really hope you can meet your daughter again."
She chuckled, slowly vanishing as she stroked your hair affectionately. “You’re such a kind girl. Those boys are lucky to have you."
And with that, she disappeared completely, white sparks fading as silence invaded the room.
You felt something wet on your cheek, only realising after touching it that you were crying.
“Henchman! Ace told me the party’s already starting! We better get there before they run out of food!“ Grim said, abruptly yelling as he passed the opened door.
“Yeah, sure, just, uh— Give me a minute…" Hurriedly wiping your tears, he stood there dumbfounded and concerned.
“Are you crying?” He asked, frowning in confusion.
“I’m okay, it’s just that… I remembered something” You smiled in order to ease him up, knowing that down deep his egoistic façade, he was worried about you.
And it worked, since he scoffed, quickly changing the topic as you two walked towards the location of the party.
There was one thing that she was right about, they were very lucky to have you, but you were just as lucky as them.
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amonggtheestarss · 6 months
Welcome back to Surveyor unnecessarily going through tiny details of Rodamrix because he is just That unhinged. I just think it's cute how Rodamrix gave the crew actual roles, and they're actually noticeable on screen, especially with these guys.
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(Stabilize steering)
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(Divert Power)
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(Download Data)
In Alternate, Blue and White do actually keep with their roles onscreen (Red, not so much, but in all fairness, my man is going through horrors beyond comprehension)
White is easily most noticeable, always doing anything relating to communications
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And Blue was just a taaad bit harder to notice, but that's mainly because I mistook their tablet as like a temporary gift Tan gave them as a time passer while they rested in Medbay.
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However, for some reason, even after leaving it behind when running to get pizza for Red...
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My man just somehow gets it back when on the ship.
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And at first I thought, what the heck, did they STEAL it?!? Because it's surely not theirs, it's Tan's. Well, Blue's a technician, so clearly the tablet was theirs the whole entire time and I didn't realise.
Not to mention the fact they can just freaking do this???? Does nobody question the fact Blue could just hack into the ship system??? They just did that! They found the map AND a way to open a locked door. Blue should not be able to do that!!! But they did! Technician skills I guess???
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Good for them, I guess!
Now this aligns to both Blue being techy AND White being the communicator (and is also just an even more minor detail), but just them having ways of calling each other digitally is cute.
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It's no wonder they (and Red) stand next to each other in the crew photo!
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And an even TINIER detail which might even just be SHEER COINCIDENCE because I'm just that much of a loser
I think it's funny how Purple has stronger dislikes to Red and White as they killed those two in Original, meanwhile Pink has a BIG thing on Blue while also being the one to kill them in Original.
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Again, this could easily just be sheer coincidence. I just thought it was funny. Pink is just REALLY mean to Blue in both series /J
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yardofangels · 5 months
merry christmas gorgeous! how are you doing? hope you get a big ass Austrian under the tree this year! that being said, what does König think of christmas traditions? does he have a favorite? what kinds of gifts does he get?
omg merry christmas and happy holidays!!
im doing okay, so so so tired. working retail this christmas season has me DEAAADDDD
but this idea has me AAAALLLIIIIIVVVEEEEEE
unfortunately, no Austrian under my tree. devastating, really. but hopefully if there's no Austrian here, they must be with you!!
making the executive decision here to add a little smut. maybe its self indulgence, but i know some of ya'll will enjoy it, you little nasties. feel free to skip it if you like, everything non-smut related comes first!!!
könig loves christmas. perhaps it's his central european upbringing, but he finds the spirit really comforting and reminisces over all the traditions from his childhood. he's not particularly into the 'white christmas' thing, he much prefers a christmas adorned with a little sense of spooky and will relate aaaalllllll the krampus myths to you by the light of the fire. just to see if he's able to scare you because he's mean
his favourite part of christmas is the food. the warm, home-cooked meals. the spices and seasonings that have you feeling toasty and calm well after the embers die out. he is truly impressed when you make a batch of pfeffernüse, and he surprises you with a bottle of his! own! mulled! wine!
he hands it over looking so proud of himself. a big cheesy grin on his face as he's already grabbing two glasses, so he can get your reaction to a taste test.
and he of course hits the nail on the head. it's delicious. he should be proud of himself!!
as for gift-giving, he struggles a bit when getting you gifts. as per usual, christmas always sneaks up on him far too quickly, and all of a sudden there are five days till he's supposed to give you something and he hasn't thought about it, much less started shopping.
but, he pulls it off!! success!! you watch as the space under the tree slowly gets filled over the course of the week. his gifts for you finally joining your gifts for him.
he pampers you, naturally. how could he not? generally steers to all the things that are going to make you feel pretty or expensive, because he wants you to feel like you look good, too.
buys you expensive-smelling perfume he swears you mentioned in march, skin-care you might have brought up in may, a book or two he thinks you told him about in july, a pair of shoes you raved about in september, a dress he saw in november that reminded him of you, and more.
he really does stun you with how much he remembers, and the fact that he did almost matters more to you than the gifts themselves. he puts so much thought into what he gifts you, and then has the audacity to ask you if it's enough. if you like them.
you pounce on him, knocking his stupid little christmas hat off and sending him backwards, dragging you with him. you giggle and cover him in kisses, mumbling in between them how wonderful he did. that you love it. he lights up, squeezing you tighter.
he stops you for a moment, saying he has one more thing.
pulls out a little box from his pocket, and drops it into your hand. watches with delight as you pop the lid and see a customised necklace, with a little pendant that says "K." on it. you get a bit teary, and ask him why he got this in particular for you.
he tells you it's so nobody mistakes that you belong to him.
alr a bit of smut below!!
GOOOOOOOD does he love sex in december. he loves how sensitive you are to his cold hands trailing your body, he loves how hot you get when you're trapped by his body heat and the thick blankets, he loves you in those skimpy pjs that do nothing to shield you from the freezing air, he loves that you always beg him to warm you up.
but he won't just take you in the bed on the cold nights. nope. he'll have his way with you anywhere. he doesn't know what it is, but he always seems to get more horny in the cold months. he just can't help himself, he'll do it anywhere.
in the kitchen while you're cooking dinner, lifting you onto the countertop so he can bury himself in you.
on the couch in the afternoon, letting his hand slide up between your thighs, then telling you to concentrate on the movie until you cave and crawl into his lap.
in the steamy morning showers you share, claiming that your gingerbread-scented body wash makes you smell too good to resist.
all through the month, his go-to excuses are "you're cold", "i'm cold", or "it's an early present." he's almost relentless, so you come to make a guessing game out of which one it's going to be. you always tease him about it, but it's not his fault! you just keep him so warm and cozy :((
ADOOOOORES cock-warming on the particularly nippy nights, too. he promises it's for sharing body heat and that it isn't uncommon among couples in the winter where he's from. but you know that's a bold-faced lie, you see the glint in his eye. you can feel the way he throbs inside you, and clenches his jaw against the skin on your neck.
nothing confirms that he's lying more, though, than when you are gently awoken by him. you think it must be serious, because he's usually adament on not waking you up.
but you turn your head and his entire face is red, with his puppy dog eyes staring at you.
"i can't concentrate on anything else, meine liebe. you were squeezing me in your sleep. please, let me take you. you'll be even warmer with my cum in you."
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youmakemyhearthowl · 2 years
The first time Eddie ties Steve up in bed, he has a panic attack.
It’s a really bad one too.
He ends up dislocating his wrist before Eddie can get the handcuff off him, and he fights back. Hard.
By the time he comes back to himself, Eddie’s got a split lip, and seeing it sends him into a sobbing fit, apologies spewing from his mouth so rapidly he’s sure some of the words blend together or get missed in the sentences. Eddie’s got him cradled to his chest, rocking them back and forth, whispering soft words of reassurance and love… so much love.
Steve is sort of drowning in it all of a sudden, and he needs to breathe. Can’t breathe, buried in Eddie’s chest so he pushes off him, scrambling to slot his back firmly to the wall behind him. It’s an after shock sort of panic attack, he’s only ever had one once’s before with Robin, but the whole feeling is so fucking exhausting and he feels like he’s gonna pass out.
“Baby, baby I need you to breathe okay? Just follow my chest, in and out, yea you got it.” He registers suddenly the pain in his wrist and his eyes lock onto it, the skin red and rubbed tender, a soft purpling already starting on the one that drew his attention.
“I set it back, we just need to wrap it, baby.” Eddie’s voice is calm and slow. Steve has flashes of a cold metal room, and Russian voices screaming at him and a far away part of his brain tells him he hasn’t told Eddie about that yet.
“Steve.” Eddie’s voice is still soft but firmer now, Steve’s eyes snapping up to lock with his. He catalogs his boyfriends face, the way he’s schooled his expression but his eyes are fucking terrified, larger and so full of fear Steve’s heart aches. He wonders briefly if Eddie’s afraid of him.
“No baby, never afraid of you.” Eddie offers out, and Steve must have thought that out loud. He’s watching Eddie’s hand, coming closer to him as he breathes out a “Can I touch you baby?” And Steve knows the voice Eddie’s using now. He’s used it before, when Steve’s panicked out of control, but even Steve knows it’s never been like this, never been bad enough he’d completely blacked out and hurt himself in the fear, never hurt Eddie. His heart cracks a bit but he nods, crawling back over to Eddie and into his lap. He can’t find any words right now, doesn’t want to find them, and Eddie seems to understand, just holding him and whispering ‘I love you’, ‘you’re safe’ into his hair.
He’s not sure how long they sit like that, but his eyes start to droop and he’s trying to fight it, when Eddie speaks up again.
“Baby let’s get you some water and Tylenol okay? Do you wanna wait here or come with me?” Steve clings tighter to him and Eddie lets out a soft, sad chuckle. “Okay let’s get you a wrap for that wrist too.” It takes some maneuvering to get them up and on their feet with how entangled they are, but soon Steve’s cradling his wrist to his chest, curled into Eddie’s side as they make their way first to the bathroom for the first aid kit, and then to the kitchen where Eddie steers him towards a chair at the table, and makes quick work of filling up his favorite Garfield mug with water and coming to sit on a chair in front of Steve, their knees woven together.
Eddie hands him the medicine and the water and watches Steve take it, before he pulls out some numbing cream and rubs it gently on the red rings the cuffs caused, and then begins wrapping his wrist.
“It was the Russians.” Steve’s voice is hoarse, and quiet when he finally speaks. Eddie glances at him to let him know he’s listening before focusing back on his wrist.
“Me and Rob, at Starcourt. It was Russians under the mall, the whole burning down thing was Upside Down related, and me, her , Dustin and Erica found a Russian bunker under the fucking place.” He takes a sip of water using his free hand to grab the mug. “Me and Robin got caught, helping the kids get out. And I… “ he swallowed thickly, looking into chocolate brown eyes now that Eddie’s done with his wrist, “Robin talks when she’s nervous. We all know that. I knew it back then too, so I just talked more and - and louder, to draw attention from her. I was cuffed the whole time it happened. I- I think Robin thought I was dead for a bit.” He’s watching Eddie’s face, a careful mask in place but, Eddie’s always worn his feelings in his eyes and Steve can see the pain and the ungodly amount of sadness in them.
“Oh, Baby.” It’s barely spoken, so soft and quiet, as Eddie’s hand comes up slowly to cup his cheek.
“I didn’t know Steve, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, hey, it wasn’t like you just did it. We’d talked about it before hand. I didn’t even know it would be something that… that caused that.” His eyes dart down to Eddie’s split lip, and guilt consumes him, a soft whine escaping from somewhere in the back of his throat. He brings a hand up to cup Eddie’s face and gently brushes his thumb over it.
“Hey now, don’t go beating yourself up over that. You did nothing wrong” Eddie says it with so much conviction in his voice, Steve’s eyes sliding up to meet his again. “I promise. I’m not upset with you, or mad or afraid of you. I just want to wrap you up in my love and keep you safe.” The adoration seeping into Eddie’s eyes now makes Steve feel warmth bloom where he’s been feeling numb, and he stands up grabbing Eddie’s hand and leading him back towards the bedroom.
Slowly, they climb in together, Eddie mindful of Steve’s wrist, and tangle their limbs till they can’t tell where one of them ends and the next begins.
“I love you.” Steve whispers into Eddie’s hair, placing a soft kiss to his temple.
“I love you too baby.” He can feel the press of Eddie’s lips to his arm.
When Wayne gets home to find them still woven together later that morning, he smiles softly to himself.
He’s content in knowing both his boys are loved.
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dufferpuffer · 1 month
What do you think lupin needs in a romantic partner to have a functioning/healthy relationship (as healthy as this man can manage atleast)? What qualities would this person have to have to be able to deal with all the more challenging aspects of being in a relationship with him? But also what does he want in a partner? And what would he absolutely not want?
Me. I am perfect. Remus Lupin hmu
Remus Romantic Partner pt1: Remus is needy Link to pt2: Remus is good Link to pt3: Shipping, I guess (aint done)
In short: Remus Lupin needs an ANCHOR POINT to harbor his ship. 1. Someone interesting he can pour his attention into. 2. Generally up-beat/optimistic, so he has warmth to lean on. 3. Bold enough to be themselves - even if they're different. 4. Kind and accepting of other people 5. A little 'cute'. 'Quirky'. Small 'issues' support. (just a bonus, really) 6. Independent. Can live without him just fine but still want him. 7. Emotionally strong. Immense maturity and stability. 8. Doesn't have much temper, doesn't start drama or fights. Of course he doesn't need ALL of these boxes ticked - but the highlighted ones are the closest to a MUST for the relationship to even have a chance at being healthy. In long: Explanations (and example characters who I think fit) are below. B^)
Remus is an introverted man. He isn't shy (he can take charge of a room, he can speak publicly, he is good at getting people to like him) but when he isn't the focus he is a wall-flower. He doesn't talk much unless he has something to say. He is deeply, irreparably self-conscious. He has trauma of unintentionally hurting those he loves, so he keeps his distance.
((His parents became sick with the stress of having to move house every few months, find new work every few months, keeping their bank account drained... socially isolated with a son they had to lock away every Full Moon - lest he killed them. They loved him but that was a difficult thing for Remus to grow up witnessing, knowing he was the cause. Knowing him leaving for Hogwarts was the best thing to happen for their health since he was bitten... Of course he pushes people away. He can't help being sick - but he can help them not suffer... if he stays away.))
He is always thinking inwardly. He is always anxious. He wonders how he can make himself smaller, friendlier, less scary… Trying to plan how he wants others to relate to him. He tries to control how others think of him, to steer them away from the bad things... He is a wolf in wizards clothing. If he treats everyone as dolls to manipulate, and if they never know the real him... it will hurt everyone less when he leaves.
1. He needs someone who can bust him out of that toxic mindset. Someone that grabs his attention and pulls it away from himself. Someone interesting, skilled, passionate - living a life he can't achieve. Someone with knowledge or stories he can listen to at length and live a little through them... or they can even include him. More of a talker so he can be a listener, so he can focus on someone else's world - but they're also eager to hear whatever he has to say without prying. They aren't arrogant or loud: they can listen, too. Remus needs good, witty conversation over a cup of tea.
2. They need to be generally up-beat, but not in a way that'll crush his down-beat. They invite him to join in if he wants - or else lean on them like they're a heater for his troubled soul while he feels down. Sometimes he will feel bad, or flat, or tired - and they can't fix it.
I don't think he has any visual preferences. What he notices first about people are their mannerisms. He is always shaping himself to fit the room, so I think he admires people who act authentically: Boldness. Bravery. Honesty. Earnestness. Brashness. So... 3. He would be more attracted to people of subcultures and/or strong interests - or are simply out-of-the-expected-norm. I think he would be fascinated about these little nooks of belonging - alternate 'normal's' when the Wizarding world can be so rigid. (Do I think he has a preference for LGBTQIA+? Yeah. General androgyny too.)
4. Kind. Accepting. They need to be kind to others in general. Because he can't always be kind to others. He puts himself first and sometimes that hurts because he WANTS to be more kind. A partner who can pick up the slack? Who he can trust to always be kind and accepting of him - because they are such a way with everyone...? That's just a requirement, really.
5. A small thing I think he likes in particular: A cute factor. A little clumsy, A little slow, Enthusiastic, Awkward, Weak, A bit short/tall... something that isn't an issue but will pop up every now and then, distract him and make him go '...cute. That was cute.' Something he can effortlessly support. Something he can be thoughtful about, thinking of their needs rather than his own. - They struggle to read quickly? He can read out loud for them. - They tend to act impulsively? He can hold them back just enough to let them to give it a second thought. - They struggle in social situations? So he can talk on their behalf. - They keep fumbling and tripping over? He can keep them steady. It's nice to feel useful and kind in a simple, effortless way. Something so obvious to proves he isn't bad at heart - even when he feels awful.
6. They need to be Independent. What he CAN'T have is someone who NEEDS him. Oh god, the pressure… He cant be trapped. He requires a high level of independence... because he WILL FAIL. He WILL leave and break their heart over nothing. He WILL make promises he doesn't intend to keep - because he intends to run away and never look back. If they NEED him, just to stay afloat…? It will break him. He can't be the bread-winner, even if he could have a stable job. He can't be a long-term emotional support, only short-term. He needs to know that WHEN he breaks down and fucks off not 'if' - even if it's FOREVER… that they will be okay without him. 'Not being ok without him' won't make him stay. He will not 'shape up under a bit of pressure'. It will only injure him.
7. He needs someone strong enough to be forgiving. Not a self-harming, forcing yourself to forgive-and-forget either. That is a very real danger with Remus: If he got with someone who was as much a people-pleasing self-depreciator as him…? He will tear them to shreds. He is a toxic man and he requires tough gloves to handle:- Genuinely emotionally strong. Someone he can lean on, far more than they lean on him. - Wise enough to see through his bullshit manipulations and lies - with enough tact to navigate them, understanding he struggles without judgement but holding him gently accountable. - Empathetic enough to understand him even when he can't explain himself properly. - Mature enough to hold him accountable. Can help him understand how he can do better. He is filled with shame - sometimes for very good reasons that need addressing.
He will go through periods of being unable to be contacted, periods of self-endangerment… He needs somewhere, someone, he can crawl back to in shame. Who WILL talk with him seriously about things… but is willing to just let him sleep quietly for the night in their arms, for now. (Am I saying he needs to date a therapist? Yeah, basically. Dating Remus isn't easy.)
8. Doesn't start fights. Doesn't lash out. Doesn't live off of drama. Remus fits himself into situations passively - he doesn't need someone making situations more difficult to feel comfortable in. If they get angry and yell at him - he will yell one hurtful thing back and leave. He has a very limited ability withstand tension. He tries to keep a level head and a level room - he needs a partner who will support those efforts, or at least not sabotage them.
Partners I think have good chemistry, for examples:
NYMPHADORA TONKS. It is annoying how perfectly she has been made to fit Remus' needs, as she is so underutilized. I wouldn't find her as frustrating if she got more fleshing out in ways that weren't the specific things suited to being with Remus… ugh. - She is a skilled Auror, especially for her age. - She lightens the mood of any room by being playful. - She is unapologetic in being herself, accepting people with ease. - She is a bit clumsy - but capable and hugely independent. - Her ability to roll with the punches is insane: every time Remus is hot-and-cold she has both the ability to hold him responsible for how much it hurts and the strength to still stand there for him. - She is firey and doesn't back down, but she isn't trying to start fights. She's just stubborn and confident in what she has to say. To make claims like 'Remus only likes her because she can shapeshift' or whatever is just... no, its because she is perfect for him.
LUNA LOVEGOOD. Surprising, I know. Perhaps in different circumstances they could have hit it off. - Strong interests, a subculture at the edge of Wizarding society yet she is always 'uniquely' and brazenly herself. - Optimistic and up-beat... a little dreamy, air-headed, focus could use some steering sometimes. - Helpful and kind to all, even those that have been mean to her. - Very used to being alone. Independent in body and soul. Quite comfortable being alone - but friends are nice, too. - Emotional strength is a specialty of hers. Even in the worst situations she keeps her head on her shoulders and, despite how aloof she appears, is intelligent, sharp and serious. - Can make demands when she needs to - not a pushover. Bonus: An interest in magical creatures, too. :)
Close, but I think have a large flaw (that might makes them spicy):
SEVERUS SNAPE - Potions Master. Dark Arts specialist. Veteran teacher. All the steady employment and deep, fascinating interests Remus wishes he could have - along with ALSO having been a Spy... and being misunderstood. They have more in common than they don't. - He isn't optimistic, but he is a problem solver, dedicated to making things better than they are. He faces problems head on while Remus would rather curl away. - He understands feeling quiet and low. He might not be warm, but he is a softer place to rest than you'd expect. - He has never changed himself for anyone. He is stubbornly himself, even when it makes him seem like an outcast weirdo. - He has little patience. He isn't gentle or nice. But he cares enough to be kind, even to those he hates... and he is loyal. It isn't ideal for Remus but it gives him a place to fit himself: If Severus is cold, he is warm. If Severus has the quirk of being a snarky, prickly bastard - Remus is skilled at the opposite. - Independent. Accustomed to being alone. Expects to be alone. Being with someone who understands him... a little daunting, really. The main place I think Severus fails here is emotional strength. He is quick to anger and lashes out. He holds grudges. He starts shit and Remus can't handle shit. Severus needs someone who can temper those anger flares, or at least weather them - and Remus can do neither. But perhaps that is the place they can meet in the middle...?
LILY EVANS - Everyone liked her. Talented, bright and strong-willed, She was a popular girl. I think Remus liked her too, but... James and Severus. - She seems a bit cheeky, quick witted - she brightens a room when she walks in. - She was best friends with Severus for years. Maybe she had other friends in her dorm - but if they were as close to her as Severus was, they would have been HIS friends, too. She was willing to be with the outcast, even when popular. - I know it's a movie quote, but I think it still fits from Remus' POV when he says Lily was an 'uncommonly kind woman' and 'had a way of seeing the beauty in others when that person cannot see it themselves.' I think she accepted him fast and firmly. - She didn't need anyone else. She stood up to James by herself. She knew what she was worth. - She seems to prefer ending fights rather than starting them. She hates a bully. Lily doesn't have the 'grit' (for lack of a better word) to take toxicity. She hated James' bullying. She dropped Severus. She has patience and an 'I can help fix him' desire - but they need to put in the effort, too. James cleaned up his act somewhat and she liked that. Remus isn't going to fully succeed at 'fixing' himself. Not just by 'putting some effort in'. It is going to take so long, and be so slow... Severus would be far easier to 'I can help fix him' - and she couldn't handle him. !!!This isn't saying Lily is weak or something. It is incredibly HEALTHY to not being able to put up with toxic shit, to have the strength to say 'enough is enough'. That is a GOOD thing.!!!
A popular partner I DON'T think works out so easily:
SIRIUS BLACK Sirius Black is a dog. He needs people. He needs constant companionship - especially after Azkaban. He is a mess who needs support, company, loyalty... and Remus can't provide any of that with regularity! Waking up in an empty bed, in a cold room, after Remus timidly promised to 'always be there' for him but was lying... it would shatter Sirius. He doesn't have the strength or stability to lose anyone else. Sirius is honest and sticks to his guns even when times get tough. He would rather DIE than turn his back on a loved one. Remus lies unprovoked and runs away with his tail between his legs at the slightest sign of trouble. Sirius, as a traumatized man, is not going to be able to understand why Remus can just throw away everything he has to run off. How he could just leave him alone again...? Doesn't he love him?! At his worst: he is more likely to try and emotionally trap Remus with him, force him to stay - and that just isn't going to work. Remus is a Wolf. He can't be locked in. I don't even think Sirius at his best, pre-Azkaban, would fit well: - He is upbeat, but in a way that tries to break others out of their funks. It's abrasive for him to hang out with someone sad. ((I'm sure he could learn to do it but his instinct is to help.)) - He is kind - but he has a limit. When that limit is passed, his care is snapped. He holds grudges and he makes judgements. - He is not and has never been independent. He is strong-willed and confident about himself, yes - but he thrives when he is at another's side. He has always been like this Azkaban just made it worse. - He doesn't have what it takes to weather Remus' bullshit. That's not a bad thing either, he know how to cut toxic people from his life when they are too heavy - but post-Azkaban he is even more scared of losing people, which makes him vulnerable. - He starts shit. He jumps into arguments, he escalates, he enjoys the thrill and the drama of it. Remus wouldn't join in, even if he agrees with Sirius, and thus would leave him unsupported. We see this very thing happen in OotP
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ineffable-endearments · 2 months
The Crow Road and Good Omens: Further-Out Thoughts
Here are a few more thoughts; they're more interpretive yet than the ones in my original post about The Crow Road.
I see some similarities between Prentice and both Aziraphale and Crowley.
Prentice feels this need to believe there's something beyond this life, in large part because this life can be ended so quickly and so easily, and it isn't fair. Throughout the novel, he is never very interested in organized religion; his interest in spirituality is truly about the feeling that there has to be a deeper meaning to existence than this one life.
Likewise, I tend to interpret Aziraphale as willing to consider that the people who make up his institution are fallible, but still stuck on the idea that Heaven is performing an essential role: someone should be up there Doing Good, or, more accurately, encouraging people to Do Good. He has reservations about the existing spiritual establishment and how reflective of truth it is, but he still has this feeling that there has to be a greater power and a greater meaning that can be given to people, himself included, because otherwise, what would be the point?
Then again, there is a nonzero amount of Crowley in Prentice, too (and I know the point is that everyone has a little of each). Prentice is a college-aged young man trying to figure himself out in a world that can be profoundly unfair, and he wants to be allowed to experiment with the idea of life after death. Considering perspectives different from one's parents is part of growing up, after all. Kenneth is determined to steer his sons toward a specific worldview, and as much as Kenneth's perspective on spirituality is supported by the narrative, his stubbornness is also ultimately the thing that gets him killed. Prentice observes his mother's hands-off approach to ideology may have ultimately been more effective.
Doesn't this sound a little familiar? Prentice wants to be allowed to question, and he isn't willing to just shrug and accept unfairness without an argument. When he can't find satisfactory answers, he also tends to drown his anxiety and depression in alcohol and other substances.
All in all, I feel we may have seen the conflict between Crowley and Aziraphale playing out in Prentice's character development; they are the angel and demon on his shoulder, as usual. But the conflict was resolved in the way that I think and hope Crowley and Aziraphale's will be on a grander scale. Prentice ended up having to surrender his philosophy, especially the life-after-death stuff, but then his deep need for a sense of meaning was satisfied much better by finding that meaning here on Earth.
There's also an interesting interaction between the two stories in relation to the afterlife. Namely, The Crow Road takes place in a universe that presumably works just like ours, while we know for sure that in Good Omens, there is an afterlife of one kind or another. We can't be sure how it works, but we've seen human characters in both Season 1 and Season 2 maintain their consciousness after death. I wonder if maybe in the world of Good Omens, human mortality is somehow being exploited by the higher-ups?
Anyway, as a result of this difference, Good Omens also has a special opportunity with the "death doesn't give life meaning - life gives itself meaning!" message. Its main characters are immortal. The book already subverts the whole "oh, being immortal sucks, everyone eventually wants to die" trope by portraying Crowley and Aziraphale's motivation to maintain their Earthly lives instead of starting Armageddon. Season 2 added depth to that, and Season 3 has an opportunity to fully flesh out why exactly life on Earth is where meaning is created even when there is no time limit, even if people don't have the inevitability of death looming over their heads.
Another thought: something a little ironic in The Crow Road is that the incident that led to Kenneth's death "should," theoretically, have made Prentice believe in higher powers, if it was really about that. It certainly convinced Hamish. However, the whole conflict between himself and his father was more about the meaning Prentice sought, so instead, it pushed Prentice toward Kenneth's ideology.
I am wondering if this points toward an event that Aziraphale "should," theoretically, take to mean that Heaven is right or all-powerful or otherwise can't possibly be defied, but which will be the very thing that convinces him the entire system is wrong.
Finally, @loverdosis brought up the great point that memory and history are also major conceptual themes in The Crow Road. In The Crow Road, memory and history give the characters their sense of identity. Prentice also mentions it as one way people can achieve a kind of continuity that doesn't infringe on the importance of life itself. And all of that meshes with Good Omens. So far, Gabriel's plot has involved a very strong focus on memory issues, and through that, we've seen that there is something going on with Crowley's memory as well, although exactly what it is - how much of his memory is missing, who took it, whether he can or wants to get it back - is uncertain. Beelzebub described Gabriel's memories as "All your...you," implying that memories are the majority of what gives Gabriel his identity. The memory wipe punishment is very much a death sentence.
After consideration, I would not be surprised to see memory make a roaring comeback as a theme in Season 3. It could even bring themes of identity and purpose with it.
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What do the M6 spent an exorbitant amount of money on? So much so that it could be considered an addiction? (Doesn't need to be expenses related to the MC, but could be.) I feel like for Lucio it would be Furry Comissions (regardless of whether or not you want to set the hc's in a modern AU or the regular story).
The Arcana HCs: M6 and their shopping weaknesses
~ a request from my wonderful fantastic mutual @helshollowhalls ? Anything for you, friend! Enjoy the madness - brainrot ~
Depending on how the two of you like to split your duties, it may be more or less frequent for you or your beloved to shop alone. Most of the time you don't have to worry too much, they're an adult! They know what they're doing.
Until they creep into your shared quarters one evening, oozing both excitement and guilt as they hide the results of their errands behind the door. "MC, you wouldn't believe what I saw for sale in the market today."
He's standing almost like a soldier, chest bared and feet braced for your reaction, arms folded under his cape behind his back
"What did you buy, Julian?"
He's not ready to answer your question. "I have it in good faith that it may one day prove essential to saving someone's life."
He's really getting into character now, and you're beginning to worry
"What did you buy, Julian?"
"A rare instrument necessary to my practice! A scientific breakthrough! Behold!"
And with a grand flourish, he pulls out a feat of engineering that seems to be an obscure medical instrument. Fair enough
"So what does it do?"
You watch him deflate like one of those car dealership tube men at the end of the day
"... I don't know."
"And how much did you spend on it?"
He clutches it to his chest protectively. "Does it matter? I'll figure out a way to use it eventually! Maybe it pairs well with leeches!"
You can't tell if they're grinning or grimacing, but their dimples are out and they're almost sparkling with excitement
"They had so many options, MC. I've never even heard of most of them before!"
He can see your eyes widening as Faust tips over the duffle-sized bag behind the door, slithering over the piles of packages that pour out across the floor
"How much did you spend, Asra!?"
"Not as much as I could have, and only my own money. They had sample packs!"
Now that their secret is out, they're excitedly unwrapping every bundle and disappearing in a mountain of paper and twine
Faust seeks refuge on your shoulder and the sheer diversity of smells filling the room are making both of you a little dizzy
Small bottles of perfumed oil, tiny pots of lotion, mini candles and twigs of incense cover every surface of the room
All the candles and incense are lit. Every tester is being applied in random patchwork
He got over 50 new scents and he is thriving
She feels a little guilty for going without you, but she's so excited to have been part of your world like this
She went to the central marketplace
And she got everything suggested to her
Because who would know better than the people selling what she needed to get?
Two menservants are bringing in the multiple bags she brought back in the carriage while she goes over each thing with you, excitedly repeating their sales pitches
She's halfway through the second bag, telling you all about her new gilded mop holder when you finally interrupt
"Nadia, my love. How many things did you get?" You're holding your breath, hoping the question doesn't burst her bubble
"Oh, nothing extravagant. You should see the shipments that come in for palace events! We'll go back together, my darling, and we can do a proper shopping trip then."
You do go back together, and this time you steer clear of the salesmen taking advantage of her inexperience
He's peeking around the door of the hut, and you can tell by the set of his eyebrows that he is embarrassed and has no regrets
You smile up at him, walking over to greet him after his trip into town
And the door swings a little further open to reveal his cloak, stuffed to the brim with something that keeps cheeping
He's got the squirming mass wrapped protectively in his arms, slowly kneeling to lower it to the ground
And from the depths of his clothing burst a tidal wave of baby chicks, spreading out to cover the yard and sending the chickens already present into a ruffle of squawks
"Muriel, how many are there?!"
" ... twenty-four. The pet shop had them with the kittens and puppies and," he pauses to peek at your face, "chickens are different. They wouldn't be happy in the city."
The ground is yellow. Inanna has turned into a sulky, wolf shaped jungle gymn. Muriel watches quietly. "Did I do the right thing?"
"Yes. But they are your responsibility."
You see the way Pepi perks up and Portia moves to guard the giant paper bags she's holding, and that's how you know it's food
You pick Pepi up to protect the goods and take a closer look. The two bags are each nearly the size of your beloved's torso
"Portia, what small army are we feeding!?"
She drops them on the table, flicks a stray crumb from her sleeve, and deflects Pepi's swipe at the pastry that tumbles out
"Ok so don't be mad, I may have overspent just a teeny little bit, but she was a traveling baker from up north! And I had to try some!"
"And then?"
"And then we started talking about baking, and she gave me a discount so I tried one of everything, but I didn't want you to miss out so I got two more of everything for us to eat together!"
You're not sure what to say. It's a lot of food
You end up inviting the Palace bakers to enjoy it with you (they'll be able to really appreciate the technique) and eating lentil stew for the rest of the week
You're having flashbacks while he fidgets in the doorway. This used to happen every time you let him do the shopping alone
In his defense, nobody ever taught him to budget. His job was to hunt his food or eat his rations until the old Count took him in
But you two have been working on it together, and he's gotten pretty good at making and sticking to a list and limit
Which can only mean one thing:
"It was so shiny, MC. I know I made an oopsie, but look at it! It goes on my arm!"
It's a jewelry piece that he's clipped to the grooves on his gauntlet. It's not that big, so you can't see how it's an oopsie unless ...
"Is that an emerald? Is that real gold!?"
He nods excitedly. "Don't feel bad, MC, I got you one too! Now we match!"
It's beautiful, but, "Lucio, where did you get the money for this?"
"Next week's budget." He sees your face and grabs your hands. "But don't worry! I did the math, and I already found a job to cover it."
This man is going to be the death of you
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agent-calivide · 5 months
Sometimes I think about making an IEYTD tier list on my personal experience with the levels, but I think if I were to do that I’d have to make three separate lists. One for aesthetics/narrative, one for mechanics/puzzles, and one for completionism.
Like, Party Crasher? 10/10 story and setting, the environment is beautiful and the characters are so well done, but it’s one of the only levels you can get soft locked in.
Deep dive? Stressful and frustrating thanks to the constant flooding that can still happen even after your sub’s breeched, but has really easy achievements to figure out and is a great one to speedrun
First Class? Absolutely GORGEOUS. I fucking love all the small designs and the solutions are all pretty easy to find, but hidden enough you’re getting the satisfaction of solving the puzzles. But the achievements are a fucking nightmare because two of them rely on a stun grenade that’s really hard to finesse the timing of, you only have three of them, and one of them can only be finished in the last 5 seconds of the level, so if it slips your mind you have to redo the whole thing from the beginning of one of the longest levels in the first game.
Rising Phoenix is another one that’s fantastic narratively, but having two achievements related to charging the battery makes it so you have to redo the level multiple times, which is frustrating if you’re just trying to figure them all out and know there’s something with the banana and something with the cattle prod, but can’t do both. And having it be so you can only take down the sawblades with the prod and or the battery (as far as I’ve seen) and charging the battery with the prod makes it to you have no alternative to stop the blades when the game ENCOURAGES you to try that is irritating.
Blind spot is ingenious, driving is clever, the setting is beautiful, and I never felt truly stuck on a puzzle that wasn’t due to a lack of observation on my part, buuut it’s the only part of the game that makes me so motion sick I can’t do more than one speedrun attempt in a row, and tbh the knife in the gearshift did not feel intuitive or hinted at at all, especially when the steering tool looks a lot more like it could undo the screws.
Winter break is really pretty and cozy, and the achievements are really easy to find and speed run, but you spend half the level hunched over like shrimp with a high, screaming whir in your ear.
Some of the robot trophies would penalize the levels in IEYTD 3 because unlike the film trophies in IEYTD 2, they’re not hidden in an intuitive way, they’re just tucked into a tiny tiny corner that goes beyond being observant and straight into “how were you supposed to see that?” Particularly in Hot Water and Cold Shoulder where I honestly still couldn’t see them after watching a guide, I had to trust in the TK to highlight over them.
Cold Shoulder is wonderful design wise, making you feel cold and isolated even down to seeing your breath and the confrontation with Prism is just chef’s kiss, and the achievements are very direct in what you need to do and where to keep an eye out for them for the most part, but if you are near-sighted and can’t get your headset to focus on the Kanji for the mountains you are fucked. I spent seven hours on that level for two days because I couldn’t see the text and was blind firing by the end of it because all I had was “west” and “same level” so I was firing at the wrong mountain for ages.
That last one’s likely heavily influenced by bias from the nightmare that was trying to finish that level, I can admit that, but to try and rank them all on “what’s good and what’s bad” when they all have really strong strong suits and really weak weak points.
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Doctors In Love
Okay so a little background. Today is my birthday and I love mad scientist/doctor characters so much. So I decided that I would indulge in writing about some of my favorites in many kinds of situations about my life, still no gender or descriptions but I'll note what each character deals with in case you wanna skip something. Anyways enjoy. Warnings for strong languages, blood, injuries, experimentation on reader and other people and like creepy doctor things. Also maybe spoilers for some of them
Dottore- S/O is super clumsy
Dottore at first seems like he doesn't care about how clumsy you are, as long as you aren't breaking his things it doesn't matter
However, as we know our dear doctor would not be with you if he didnt care and though he doesn't tend to show it he actually cares a lot
He found out just how bad this problem was when he saw you get cut by a spoon only to then continue to use said spoon to eat
After that he began keeping a closer eye on you and oh my sometimes he found it hard to believe you managed to come this far with such luck
Most of the time when he can't be around he has one of his segments keeping you company, dont worry they like you just as much as he does
They do a good job at steering you away from too much trouble but slip ups happen and when it does Dottore is always there to help patch you up and fix any mess
" You know if something even has a chance of causing you injury you really should just let one of the others handle it. Though I suppose this is part of your charm."
Maruki- S/O that rambles a lot
I think Maruki would be wonderful when it comes to a good debate
He listens well and always takes your thoughts into consideration when looking over his own work plus he loves getting to share his thoughts with someone just as passionate
Maruki loves getting to hear you talk about anything you like and if it happens to be something he knows about then he gets just as hyped
He tends to jump around conversations so if you can keep up with him it makes him so happy and warm
Always praising you when your studying or working on something no matter what its related to
Will spend hours in a debate with you about the difference of a villain and a vigilante and why it's important to know
" You know I love whenever you get really into a topic, it could be about anything. I just like that look of utter joy you get when we talk about it."
Mayuri- S/O has weak bones
Mayuri is a little mean about it but ultimately won't care until it causes trouble
He's about mocking about how frail your body is but should you ever get hurt he will be the one to fix you even if it means just making new bones for you
Since it doesn't affect your ability to work he still expects a lot of you but as his partner Mayuri is more forgiving if you end up making a mistake
Nemu told to keep a close eye on you whenever Mayuri is busy and if he needs her for something his squad knows to make sure you aren't hurt
It can be annoying with how often you risk breaking a bone or just having a day where walking or writing is tough but he plans to make something to fix this problem
You have so many splints and braces to use thanks to him making new ones to see what works, in a way you become a guinea pig but at least he's trying to help
" Sometimes I wonder what you would do without me. Now sit still! You're lucky I'm willing to put up with this, dont smile like that I never said I enjoyed helping you."
Urahara- S/O with a heart problem
Urahara would be the best boyfriend if you had any kind of sickness or major health problem
When it comes to your medication Urahara has a schedule to make sure you never miss the time he even starts to take breaks from work to make sure you eat with him when you need to take it
On days when an SVT causes trouble Urahara will be there to help calm it down and make sure it doesn't become any worse
Without you even asking Urahara will make you a gigi one with no problems you would have to worry about so if you want to do something but can't because of your heart he has you covered
When and if you want to get surgery he'll also be there to help as long as your safe and happy then he's also happy
Urahara will look for a great hospital to go to and have everything needed for your recovery you wont need to worry about it at all
" It's nice getting to see you so excited but please be careful, you don't want to push yourself too much. You might not need medicine anymore but we were told to not rush into doing thing for at least another month."
Szayelaporro- S/O who has a fear of medical things e.g needles
Look we should just say it outright Szayelaporro is going to be very mean about this and there is no escape from it
Not only will he mock you for being afraid but he would go out of his way to make you deal with some of these fear
Now I won't say he's totally heartless about this, if something is too much for you to handle he deals with it and if he crosses a line he will eventually apologizes
For the most part Szayelaporro will keep you away for his lab and research areas to make sure you don't have to be nervous about anything
He gets really good at hiding anything that might freak you out should he need you to come visit him and if you need blood drawn he's the only one allowed to do it
With how much he tease or just bullies you about this it can be said that he does actually want to help you overcome this fear, things like this are part of his life and he doesn't want you afraid of him
" Though it might seem scary, there is an art to things like this. The world of science is vast and ever changing. In the macabre we can still find beauty, it's why you and I ended up together after all."
All done! So I'm a day late but I had a lot of fun yesterday and ended up only writing for a few of them. I still wanted to finish it of course so here it is. Once more this is very much based on me so I know it's not something everyone will fit into but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Thank you so much for reading and this is how I'll bring up that I’m now writing for Maruki. I played Persona 5 Royal with my family and loved it so much! Maruki became a favorite so fast. I'll be adding him to the list. Anyway thanks once more for reading this and have a lovely day/night! - Lilly
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thesreid · 1 year
Starved: Spencer Reid
Tumblr media
Category: Fluff
Summary: A y/n fic where reader has always been a bit intimidated by Spencer until a case forces them to be a little closer than they ever planned
Warnings: Case talk/Usual case things
Word Count: 2.1K
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
I’ve always been a little overly cautious of Spencer Reid. To me, he is other worldly. From his handsome yet awkward appearance, all the way to his extreme intelligence. That hasn’t stopped me from paying a little more attention to him than any other members. Today marks one year of me joining the team. Not that it matters, but it also does. All the hard work put in to get here and the work done after matters to me.
Still, when I walk into work, it feels like any other day. I drop my purse onto my desk that’s in front of Spencer’s. It’s odd we aren’t close when we work quite closely, but that can be blamed on the anxiety he gives me. I sometimes wonder if I make him feel the same way, since he doesn’t speak to me much either. I doubt it.
“Morning.” I greet softly and sit down. Currently, he is going through files reading at a rapid pace. I watch him for a moment, admiring how he drags his long fingers down the pages as he reads them, occasionally scribbling something down. I’m deeply focused, thinking about the man in front of me. I didn’t even notice the Morgan come up behind me. He rests a hand on my shoulder, making me jump.
“Jesus, Morgan!” I exclaim. “Woah, didn’t mean to interrupt your staring!” He retorts. Leave it to him to call me out like that. He has caught Spencer’s attention by now, and the doctor is watching us with a slight smile. Morgan reaches over and ruffles the younger man’s hair, making him groan. “I- Morgan!”
I laugh softly and watch as he attempts to make his hair lay back down with a pout. I admire how close he and Derek are. Spencer and I don’t even speak if it’s not case related. Much less touch each other. I remember my first day when he said no to my handshake, making it clear he is a bit of a germaphobe. I’ve made sure to steer clear of touching him since.
Morgan just rolls his eyes at Spencer, “Come on, you two, we have a case.” He says, walking off. I silently stand up and follow him to the briefing room. We all take our seats as Garcia starts to give us the run down. The case isn’t too far, but far enough we still have to fly. College girls have been turning up dead, all the bodies disposed in dumpsters like trash.
“Have we been able to track down how the unsub is finding his victims?” JJ asks, starting off our case discussions.
“All of them were out with friends. Somehow our unsub is getting them alone. They were able to get one of the abductions on security footage outside a bar. He’s getting them out of the bars and into the back alleys, then taking them.” Garcia briefly explains pulling up the footage. Shortly after, the video ends. Hotch stands, “Wheels up in thirty.” He announces.
We all stand leaving the briefing room, and it isn’t long before we are all seated on the plane back to discussing the case. We have put together what we can if the profile.
“We will be landing soon, and I want to get on this immediately. If he continues this pattern, he will be looking for a new victim tonight.” Hotch tells us with that serious tone of his that sometimes makes me hope to fall asleep.
I start to space out thinking to myself, and I’m only pulled from my thoughts when I hear my name, “Reid and y/l/n are together. I want you two to start on a geographical profile, then tonight you two are to canvas bars and back alleys of the area.”
I quickly glance at Spencer to see if I can read how he feels about this. It’s not the first time we are working together, of course, but it’s not often we get sent out to work together.
The only thing I can think is that I may puke.
The entire time we worked on the profile
I was a mess. Stuttering and making a fool out of myself. I try to tell myself it’s simple because he intimidates me, but I can’t help but know that’s not the reason. Good thing I’m good at avoiding my feelings.
Before I know it though we are out walking around the streets, weaving in and out of alleys. I don’t really know where we are going, but I try to put my trust in Spencer and assume he knows.
I’m trailing behind him, keeping my eyes on the back of his shoes as we walk. I’ve never been good at walking with my head up. Lack of confidence, I guess. It soon proves to be a terrible idea because my face collided with a hard surface covered by some fabric before I fall backwards and not so gracefully land on my ass.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry, I figured you would see my stop, but I forgot you walk with your head down.” Spencer rambles, putting a hand out to help me up. I just shake my head, trying not to make eye contact because of the blush on my face.
I don’t take his hand, but I push myself to my feet and brush myself off. “It’s alright, I know I should work on looking where I’m going.”
I finally look up at him when he drops his hand, “I just assumed you walk with your head down to avoid tripping to make up for your lack of coordination. It also reflects your shyness. You also daydream a lot, and you always look down when you’re deep in thought.” He rambles.
My jaw drops a little at the realization he has been paying attention to me. I try not to be a little hurt over the coordination comment, reminding myself that he is just very blunt occasionally. I’m about to respond, but he turns the other direction. “Did you hear that?” He asks, starting to walk.
This time I keep my head up and follow him as he weaves in and out of alleyways. Despite actually paying attention, I soon lost sight of him. I instinctively put my hand over the weapon holstered on my hip as I look around. “Spencer?” I call out but don’t get a reply.
The panic sets in when I hear footfalls behind me. Heavy ones that don’t belong to Spencer. I pick up my pace and tighten my grip on my weapon. “Hey darlin! This isn’t a safe place for a girl to be walking alone!” I ignore him. Soon I can hear more steps in hen none at all. I’m about to turn to see what’s going on, but I’m harshly grabbed and pulled into an alley.
A hand is clamped over my mouth while the other hand is around my waist, holding me flush against them. “It’s me. Don’t make any noise. We have to go. It’s not what we thought. They’re a team.” Spencer’s voice says in my ear. I relax a little when I realize who it is. Not much, though, given the way he makes me feel.
He slowly takes his hand off my mouth and is about to let me go before the steps pick back up. He pulls me even closer, sinking us further into the shadow of the alley way. We are both holding our breath as they walk past. We can hear them calling on another woman. Before either of us get chance to make a move, sirens can be heard and our team is filling the alley making the arrest. “I already handled getting us backup.” He points out.
We are still pressed together, and I feel like my heart might jump out of my throat. By the time he lets me go, the situation has long turned awkward. I can’t even hide my blush as I return to the team.
I thought that my time with the doctor was through. We would go back to our separate lives and act like strangers who work together. I’m proven wrong when he plops down in the seat beside mine on the plane. Most of the team is asleep and the ones that are awake are seated far away. I look up at him, but immediately look back down when we make eye contact.
“Have I done something to offend you? I know I can be a little insensitive at times, but I never meant to be cruel. I apologize for calling you uncoordinated earlier. I shouldn’t have done that.” He rambles out in the usual Spencer fashion.
I finally look at him. This may be the first time I’ve looked at his face during a conversation, “What? No, you haven’t done anything.” I quickly assured him. I thought that would clear things up, but he just looks confused.
“Then why don’t you talk and joke with me like you do the others? You won’t look at me or touch me. You have only said 8 words to me since the case ended.” He points out with a deep frown.
I shake my head in disbelief at him, “I thought I bothered you. I’m not as intelligent or collected as you are. I don’t touch you because I thought you would get upset because of germs.” I don’t really give much more of an explanation because the blush on my face keeps darkening, and I already know I’ve made a fool of myself.
Spencer simply shakes his head at me, “That’s ridiculous! You’re just as intelligent and capable as I and the rest of the team. I’ve never been scared to touch you…if I’m being honest, back in the alley I didn’t want to let you go.”
There is a long pause. I have no idea what to say, and he seems to be thinking. He gently takes my hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze.
I'm going to combust right here in the seat of the jet.
“You sit in front of me everyday pouring over files so deep in thought you don’t notice me. You realize you have worked here a year today and today is the first time we have ever touched each other?”
I just sit there open-mouthed as he goes on. He has kept track of how long I have been here?
“Why does it matter? I’m nothing special. I don’t see the point in wanting my attention.”
Spencer just laughs softly and blushes. It’s enough to make me wonder if he has avoided me for the same reason I have avoided him. Those little butterflies that seem to crawl up my stomach until they reach my throat, taking all of my sense and words with them when they go back down. I wonder if he gets those too.
“I don’t see the point in counting freckles, but I know you have 5 on your left hand and 3 on your right. 4 on your collar bones too.” He rambles, “You like your coffee a certain way and never drink it when the team buys you some or tries to fix it for you. You have to have it just right. You walk with your head down because you lack confidence. I don’t see the point in knowing all those things about you, but I do.”
There is a really long pause. Any words I have are stuck in my throat and I can’t seem to make myself say them.
He inhales slowly before starting again. “I also know that when we were in that alley, I wasn’t even worried about those guys. I just knew I had one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever known in my arms, and I never wanted to let go. Ever since then, I’ve felt like I’m starving for your touch. I know you have to have a certain amount of physical affection, but I still avoid it most times. Now though, God, I think I might die.” He concludes.
“That doesn’t seem like something someone who is just a coworker would say.” I finally speak. It’s simple and a little flirty and makes him grin.
“Maybe we are more than just coworkers.”
“Friends?” I ask with a smirk.
“Perhaps a little more than that.” He teases and leans closer.
I playfully push him back, but he grabs my hand, holding it firmly on his chest. “You don’t even know if I like you like that.” I tease.
He leans even closer now, making my breath hitch. “But I do know.” He teases back with a wide grin.
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theresawritesstuff · 11 months
12. It was perfectly normal to discuss a book they see at the bookstore with their friends, but it's definitely not normal to suddenly be interrupted by the author of said book
New York, 1973
"Okay girls, we've hit the modern stuff. Go nuts! Books are on me," Midge told the band of teenagers.
"Thanks for taking us shopping, Mama," Esther said, browsing through the biographies.
"Of course, sweetie! Always happy to help. Especially when it means dishing on backstage gossip in the name of academics."
"I still don't see why we can't do our report on you, Ms. Weissman," Audrey sighed.
Midge bit back a smile as Esther rolled her eyes. "Sorry, hun. I've been banned from any school related interviews. Esther and Ethan both agreed. I'm happy to pull favors with anyone I know who you might be interested in writing about though."
She heard her daughter make a sound of disgust as she pulled a book from the shelf. "Why did someone let Gordon Ford write a book? He doesn't even write his own show."
"He doesn't?" her friend Vivian wondered through her bubblegum.
"Most of these celebrity authors have ghost writers helping them," Midge informed her gently.
Vivian clicked her gum disapprovingly. "Well that's bogus."
"Yeah. If I have to write my own essays, so should they," Audrey agreed. "They're even getting paid for it!"
Midge chuckled. "That's the business kid."
"Here's someone who we know actually did the work at least."
Esther picked up a copy of a new book from the display table bearing a familiar face.
Vivian let out a giggle. "Oh my mom has the biggest crush on him!"
"Really?" Audrey wondered incredulously.
"What? He's cute in an older guy kind of way. Don't you think he's cute Ms Weissman?"
"I'd also be curious to hear the answer to that question."
They all turned to stare at the man in question smirking behind them as he leaned against a bookshelf.
"Not as cute as he thinks he is, but sure," Midge replied.
Lenny chuckled, coving his mouth with his hand just like he was always wont to do. "I'll take it."
*Hi Lenny."
"Hey Midge."
It had been so long since they'd last spoken, yet seeing him like this again made it feel like it had been no time at all. 
Her heart certainly flipped just the same.
"You look good," she commented casually.
He certainly looked healthier. Steadier. His eyes were brighter. Like a light that had been going out had been reignited.
He looked more like the Lenny she knew. The Lenny that lived in her memories.
It was a good look.
Lenny shrugged. "For an older guy."
"Oh my god," Vivian gawped, realizing who had overheard their conversation.
Esther looked between the two adults and began to steer her starstruck friends away, giving them some space to talk. "Hey let's go check the science fiction section and see if they've got any Ray Bradbury books on sale."
"Why?" Vivian wondered.
Audrey, catching the vibe, gave her a pointed look.
"Oh. Oooohhhh. Right."
Esther handed the copy of his memoir to her mother as they passed. "We'll just be back there, Mama. Nice seeing you, Lenny."
"You too, Esther," Lenny murmured, giving her a little wave.
With the teenage trio gone, the tension between them grew palpable, hanging in the silence.
"It is a nice picture," Midge said, noting the author's photo.
Lenny smiled softly. "Thanks. Kitty actually took it."
"She's got a gift."
"I certainly think so. Given what she had to work with."
Midge didn't take the bait to compliment him further.
"Esther's grown a lot since I've seen her last," He commented softly, sounding a bit melancholy.
She nodded in agreement.
"She really shot up last summer. Growing like a weed, that one."
"They always do, don't they?"
The conversation lulled again, but they held the other's gaze intently, that unspoken electricity still sparking between them.
Some things never change…
"How are you?" she asked genuinely after a moment.
He nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockers. "Good. I'm good. Doing a lot better. Here for a book tour."
"Oh well in that case, would you sign mine?" she teased lightly.
"Love to."
He stepped in closer to take the book from her hand, his fingers brushing hers on the pass.
"So, Ms Weissman…" he drawled, clicking his pen to scribble that illegible signature he was so proud of. "You didn't take the new husband's name? I saw the announcement you were engaged in the tabloids a while back."
Midge bit her lip, avoiding his eyes.
"Yeah I um… didn't go through with it after all."
"Why's that?" he asked, handing the book back but still hovering in her atmosphere.
"I just realized he didn't make me laugh as much as I would have liked," she answered.
She cleared her throat, brightening her expression. "Thanks. For the book. Can't wait to read it."
"Nice seeing you, Lenny."
"You too."
She turned to leave but heard him say 
"Are you doing anything later?"
She turned back, tilting her head coyly.
"Maybe. What did you have in mind?"
He gave her a hesitant shrug. "Just thought we could catch up a bit."
A part of her wanted to run. To hide from the pain of the past and let things be behind them.
But that part wasn't nearly as strong as the parts of her that missed him.
"I'd like that…"
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dustedmagazine · 4 months
Rick Rubin (with Neil Strauss) — The Creative Act: A Way of Being (Canongate)
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Mega-producer and record label magnate Rick Rubin brings us his first book (co-written with Neil Strauss), The Creative Act: A Way of Being. At 404 pages, the book is a surprisingly breezy read, giving some insight into how Rubin approaches the art of being creative. Which for him boils down to a way of being. Those looking for juicy anecdotes about recording sessions with Johnny Cash, LL Cool J, Slayer, The Red Hot Chili Peppers or any of the other innumerable artists Rubin has worked with will be disappointed. But for those curious about the modus operandi behind one of the most influential record producers of the last 50 years, and how this might relate to one's own life, The Creative Act: A Way of Being could prove useful.
Admittedly, I was at first skeptical when the book caught my eye in a bookstore window. I was like, That Rick Rubin, the producer?  Well, why shouldn't an immensely successful record producer know something about creativity? It was more the framing of this knowledge as a way of being that caused a brief spate of disbelief on my part. Growing up in Los Angeles (The Land of Fruits and Nuts, as my hard-scrabble relatives in South Boston referred to California in general) I was used to seeing books from dime-store gurus. Edgar Cayce, Ram Dass and Timothy Leary paperbacks lined my mother's bookshelves. I had girlfriends who went to Golden Dawn temples, friends who dragged me along to channeling sessions for some deity from Venus. It was hard for me to take any of this very seriously.
Maybe it was the extreme disconnect between Rubin's commercial background and his espoused role as a seer that pushed me over the edge and caused me to buy the book. The opening quote from American artist Robert Henri sets the tone for what follows: The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable. The book therefore provides less a toolbox for working on one's life than a series of vignettes where Rubin extrapolates on various contingencies related to achieving a state of mind and spirit where creativity is possible. Some of these topics include, Listening, Self-Doubt, Non-Competition, Freedom, Inspiration and Awareness. Basically anything which Rubin feels has pertained to his creative process is included in this book.
Ironically, what came more to mind while reading this was not Rick Rubin's background but the German artist Joseph Beuys' famous dictum, Everyone is an artist (Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler). Unlike Rubin, Beuys did not frame his belief as much in the context of a spiritual journey, but like Rubin he did see himself as a kind of shaman or teacher who could lead society onward to a new — and more positive — direction by unleashing the creative possibilities each person innately possessed but perhaps did not know they had. For Beuys, this would later morph into a concept of social sculpture, where the creative state in each person would further society as a productive, forward-thinking organism.
This would also be the gist of Rubin's book. He's not trying to tell us how to make a better record, write a more catchy song, more successfully promote an artist's career (although all these things are mentioned tangentially throughout the book) but to help people realize their own unique creative strengths in the hopes of steering society in a less self-destructive direction. Though the main text and sprinkling of aphorisms scattered liberally throughout the book often verged for me on a kind of treacly sweetness, in the end I came away feeling that Rubin had really made a sincere attempt to show people the way to something they might not have realized they'd had all along.
The most inspiring take-away from the book would be this sense that even in a person's everyday life there is this great wellspring of energy to approach the most mundane tasks from a creative standpoint. That being creative doesn't necessarily mean creating something, making some beautiful object. It's about a state of mind where creativity equates with a way of existence, of approaching life with an awareness that will put one in a place where they can reconnect to a life energy which, at the very least, will lead one to experiencing a more personally fulfilling existence.
All this being said, the book also includes many concrete examples of how to circumvent creative dilemmas and meltdowns, whether this be in the recording studio or just trying to make it through a workday. Though Rubin seldom mentions people he's collaborated with by name in the book, he gives numerous examples of how he works in the studio — not necessarily microphone placement or which effects he used, but more how he guided various recording artists on an inspirational or spiritual level to realize their full creative potential. And in this context the book moves beyond its often sentimental, esoteric trappings to provide some real-world advice for people, whatever their vocation in life, to find a new way of being.
Jason Kahn
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