#this is by far my best tmi story I think
emkini · 9 months
Every once in awhile I remember that one toxic friendship I had as an 11-13 year old where our highly involved animal/keeper roleplay got so weird and intense that we had a safeword. Hope that girl is living the kinky life of her dreams nowadays because dear lord
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idkbutimgabby · 5 days
Good Days - A Lee Minho ff
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Hey loves... idk what has been going on but I've been feeling so emotional lately 😭 idk why bc I literally had my period already and I usually get super emotional right before... sorry if that's TMI but I'm so confused 😭 anyways this is the result of that. I hope you like it. I hope you cried as much as I have while writing this and looking for inspo.
word count: 1k
-fem!reader x bestfriend!leeknow
warnings: ANGST if I haven't made that clear enough, character death, car crash, drunk driving, cuts (? not sh just a tw jic) grieving, cursing, fluffy
Im so sorry 😭 my Instagram is cursed because why do I keep getting reel after reel of some heart wrenching story? Istg all I do is cry for strangers on the Internet ✊😔 Anyways I'm probably over hyping this you probably won't cry but if you did please tell me that would make me so happy 😭 you know what I mean 😒 *lightly proofread* calling all my emotional people this is for you get your tissues ready
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Having a best friend is something you can't describe. Having someone you know will always run to you first, someone you would trust with your life and who you know would trust you with theirs. You can't even begin to spew some shit about how much you love him; it would be pointless. Words can't describe it, truly.
The person who stuck with you through the years, through the hardest times of your lives, and the best. The person who sat next to you during your first week of kindergarten because he saw you crying when you got lost on the first day. The person who you've never seen cry, because he doesn't like how it makes him feel.
The person who was there when you were sick, and who stayed up all night while you were asleep doing your missing assignments, because he knew you hated asking for extensions. The person that saw you grow up, and the one you saw grow up. The person who held you as you cried, wiped the tears from your cheeks and rocked you both to sleep.
The person you cheered on as he pursued his dreams of dancing. The person who cheered you on as you got into your dream school, joining a program you've been waiting to join since day one. The person who was driving you to your graduation, excited to walk across that stage and watch you walk across it, finally being able to acknowledge how far you've both come.
The person who was taken from you, when a driver under the influence ran a light and crashed into his side of the car. The same person you cut up your hands to shove all the shattered glass away from.
The person you've cried for countless times before, but this time you couldn't shed a tear. The person who you saw stop moving, whose pulse stopped even after your desperate attempts to save him. The person you slumped over, holding his body and ignoring the sharp shards of glass puncturing your skin and clothes.
The person whose body you held until you felt his spirit drift away. You think about that moment every day.
The person whose parents asked you to speak at his funeral and deliver the final speech, because who else could do it but you? You're not a public speaker. You couldn't possibly remember a speech, and you didn't want to write it out because your hands would have been shaking too much to read the words anyway. Instead, you just wove your speech around one memory that still sticks in your mind, all on the spot. You cried everyday after the accident, but you made it through your speech, driven by the fact that he needed to hear everything you had neglected to tell him while he was still there.
"I remember one time that he asked me the question, "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" It was a joke. I rolled my eyes, probably slapped his arm. But I return to that moment when I grieve for him. And I wish I had told him everything that question brought up in my mind. I think that was one moment I realized how big a part of me he really is. I wish I had told him that I would love him until the worms swallowed up every last bit of him. That when I'm six feet under the ground, with the worms eating my brain, they'll see visions of him; his beautiful face, crooked smile, bunny teeth, and glittery eyes. They'll smell what he smelled like; the vanilla and orchid scent that always calmed me down, and still does. They will hear him call my name, voice of honey, where you were always able to hear his smile. They will experience the greatest of wonders, as they feast on the corner of my brain that houses him. They won't be able to move an inch without bumping into a piece of him. Then, I'll fade away, as will he. And they'll go back to eating, gnawing away in awe at the wonders they experienced, the wonders that were my best friend."
The person who got you, understood you in a way that no one else will. The person who your family accepted as another of their children, who was treated at your house like a prince. The person who snuck through your window at night anyway to hang out, just because he wanted to know what it was like. The person who always did the most for everyone else without making it obvious because he didn't like making a fuss over it.
The person who always bought and wore jewelry and clothes that supported a cause or charity, and encouraged others to do the same. The person who had three cats he loved more than even you. The person who always cooked for you when you mentioned a new food you wanted to try, and who fed you bites just because he wanted to and thought it was cute.
The person you loved the most. The person who loved you the most. The person you'll always miss, who you'll never forget, and who you'll go to hell and back to make sure no one else forgets about him either.
Your beautiful best friend. Simultaneously angelic and feral. The oddest person. The sweetest person. Now unburdened, cutting through the sky and watching over you. Forever your best friend, forever a worm. Forever your worm, actually.
You love him.
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again I deeply apologize. LINO ISNT DEAD GUYS HES ALIVE AND WELL I PROMISE 🙏😭 ngl tho I was flowing with this one... I might try writing angst more often 🤭 normally I'm a fluffy kinda girl (my favorite trope is literally bsfs 2 lvrs 😭) next fic guys watch out I'm getting better at this 🤫 also I'm so sad I don't have the original author but I did get some of the speech from a poet on Instagram just fyi 😓
Anyways love you 💋💋 Muah byebye 💕
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satureja13 · 17 days
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Saiwa's Therapy Game - Part 2 It starts -> here
Saiwa is still torn. Shall he stay as the Captain of the Sea Urchin or leave and follow his own path? Staying would mean he'd have to deal with all the stuff he ran away from and he has the feeling he's not strong enough for this right now. He sighed and delayed his decision and started the inventory list for the Vicegerent. It's still quite tempting to stay as the Pirate Captain. But what he wants and what he needs are two different pairs of pirate boots.
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Saiwa finished the list by noon and stepped out in the bright afternoon, where the Vicegerent already waited for him. Saiwa guesses the Vicegerent will have the final say if he can leave or not. He might need some time to find a new Captain for the Sea Urchin.
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Oh, it's NPC Wesley! (TMI: Wesley is Vlad's first love and partner of Vlad's arch enemy Leander ^^' but the other Boys like them.) Vicegerent Wesley: "That was your best tour so far. Amazing Job! I'll get your wage ready and we meet in the 'Salty Mermaid' later! If you keep it up like that you'll soon be more wealthy than I am haha!" (I have no idea why there is a carrot lying on that bollard ^^')
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Captain Duath (=Saiwa): "Erm, about keeping it up. I'd like to take a break to - uhm - sort a few things out..." Vicegerent Kareem (=Wesley): "Sure, my friend. Take all the time you need. Captain Whittaker was pestering me for months now to get his own ship. He is raring to take over, don't worry." Captain Whittaker? The ghost dog from 'The Irish Rover'? Captain Duath: "Ah - thank you. I guess..." Does Helm Satureja look worried or relieved? Saiwa was relieved. He didn't think it would be that easy. But easily being replaced by a dog was a bit...
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Captain Duath took a walk around Bacalao Bay before he entered the 'Salty Mermaid'. The others all already there.
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Oh no! The piano player is NPC Jeb! Saiwa wasn't prepared for this. He tries to remind himself that this is just a game and that this Jeb is just a NPC Tiny Can created for his therapy. Probably an idea from the Little Goats... And after the experiences of the others, NPC Jeb shouldn't even know him. But he really isn't ready to face any version of Jeb. He should have waited with his Therapy Game. No matter what the others said and how well their therapy went... How the crew's expectantly eying him hahaha
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Best he avoids Jeb and leaves after he said goodbye to his crew. But Saiwa made the calculation without the permanent flirty First Mate Guidry. (TMI: Claude René Duplantier Guidry has a quite interesting -> background story) First Mate Guidry: "Hey Captain! Isn't the new piano man amazing? You should meet him. I'll call him over. You will like him, he's hot and handsome! Look at his muscles. Ah, he's a sight to see!" Captain Duath: "Uhm, that's not necessary. Let him play. I just came in to say goodbye and leave before dawn."
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First Mate Guidry: "Hey Jeb, come over and meet our Captain! He's hot and handsome!" Oh no, what to do? What to do???
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Ok new plan, just say ahoy and then leave. NPC Jeb seems to be just as nervous as Saiwa. And for a few (too many and too long) seconds, none of them said a word. Until NPC Jeb blurted out: "You're utterly beautiful." (Hahaha the crews faces!)
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First Mate Guidry: "Ayayay Jeb! That's not how you greet our fierce and ruthless Captain..." Jeb: "I'm so sorry." Guidry and Kili started to teach Jeb how to make a better first impression and Saiwa took the cue to take his leave. Captain Duath: "I'm leaving guys. See you again next time around!"
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But Jeb followed him. Saiwa will have a word or two with Tiny Can when he's back! Jeb: "When will I see you again?" Saiwa: "Eh, I have to sort a few things out - for a while." Jeb: "Where are you going?" Saiwa: "Far, far away."
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Ach. Saiwa's heart became heavy and to make matters worse, it started to rain.
Saiwa didn't know what to say to him. He can't stay here with Jeb. He needs time for himself. Even if it's only here in the game. No responsibilities, no sorrows. Only caring for himself and find out what he could be without his burdens.
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But Jeb didn't want to let Saiwa go and asked again where he's going to. That was when a song came to Saiwa's mind and he told Jeb he could find him where the Blarney Roses grow. He couldn't look him in the eyes, though. (I don't know if you're familiar with the word 'blarney' (I wasn't ^^') it means: deceptive or misleading talk. There is a quite interesting story about the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle -> here. I first thought it was a hoax but it seems to exist haha) Jeb gathered all his courage: "I will find you there. I promise. Let's seal it with a kiss." Saiwa is utterly sure that Jeb will never find him so he gave in. Jeb kissed Saiwa chastely on his cheek. Aouwww. Saiwa is melting away and Jeb's kiss almost made him change his mind. But after all these years as the Boys' leader it's part of his flesh and blood to put his mission over his emotions. (Like he did when he started that damn fake relationship with Kiyoshi that teared them all apart - and brought him here...)
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The Dead Man and his chest are watching them :3 It's a while ago he saw something so annoyingly sweet here at Bacalao Bay ^^'
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And then Captain Duath left. And he took Jeb's heart with him.
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Saiwa bought this little dinghy thing from his share. Let's hope it takes him far enough from everything so he can heal ö.Ö'
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'There's roses in Killarney and there's some in County Clare But upon my word, the roses, lads, I can't find anywhere She blarneyed me for by the power, she left me broke, you know Did the damsel that belonged to where the Blarney Roses grow
Can anybody tell me where the Blarney Roses grow? It might be down in Limerick town, it might be in Mayo It's somewhere in the Emerald Isle and this I want to know Can anybody tell me where the Blarney Roses grow?'
Blarney Roses by The Willoughby Brothers (TMI: I only knew this live version from Fiddlers Green but I just found this one on youtube and it's so amazingly sung by these 6 brothers(!). Both videos have not many likes but this song is so beautiful. One of my favourite irish songs for sure.) Link to spotify below is yet another version from Fiddlers Green from their 25 years anniversary album (from 2015 omg ö.ö) ^^'
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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mistress-ofmagic · 9 months
I feel so low at the moment you guys I’m sorry for venting on here but sometimes it doesn’t feel like I have a space to vent anywhere else so I’m sorry bout that lmao
I know it’s not a helpful to keep running narratives over in your head but I feel like I have had a pretty rough year like the year kicked off with a gal I’ve been besties with since high school friend falling out with me bc I couldn’t go to her birthday party (that’s a whole other story lol) and I started a new job. The job is the same as the last but I still miss my old work friends a lot and feel disconnected from them. I then have had major surgery and recently my sister has moved out to far away who I am very close to and miss her a lot.
In the meantime I feel so disconnected from everyone and everything I feel numb and anxious and sad all the time and keep having such negative thoughts which I try to block out. I feel so alone a lot of the time and isolated from my best friend (who I live in a different city to) and we don’t talk that much anymore. I don’t feel connected to my boyfriend much anymore and (tmi?) I’m struggling so much in the bedroom lmao I can’t have sex at all I go into fight or flight and just can’t deal with it and get irritated.
In the past few years we’ve had covid obvs and I came home from my masters and had to recover from anorexia and then covid hit like a few months later pretty much. I kept thinking oh my life will start up when covid is over but we’re not in lockdown anymore and my life has not started up lol.
I literally have no motivation for anything I don’t wanna go to work I don’t really care about doing the doctorate anymore which was always my life’s dream because I feel like I won’t be able to hack it now because my resilience is low.
Anyway I know people have had it worse lmao but I feel like life has been like fairly crap for years now even and it’s not getting better actually more bad things keep happening and I don’t know how to fix itttttttt.
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claraxbarton · 4 months
You might have answered this before, BUT I’m a recent follower and curious ok!! Generally speaking, what is your writing process like? I’m genuinely so impressed by how many different fics you’ll have going simultaneously and they’re all updated SO frequently. AND THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD?? Like do you have vague plans/outlines or drafts that you expand on/edit? Your accountability post will mention writing a few thousand words and then there’s an update the same day and it’s written so well lmao it blows my MIND bc it seems like you just come up with the plot on the fly and then casually write a lil masterpiece after work like it’s nbd. All of this to say I appreciate your work so much ♥️
So uh, to start off with, I'm guessing when you say you recently started following me, you're probably just reading my HRPF fics? I SAY that/ask that because I've bounced through a few fandoms and I kind of go back and forth between being VERY prolific and finishing up projects and kind of... losing steam.
To be fair to me and not to scare anyone off, before this year I have, for the last decade and change, been juggling two full time jobs, part time work, childcare and a lot of volunteer work PLUS trying to write so like, I'm cutting myself some slack on abandoned projects. Because I'm finally down to 1 full time job and 1 part time gig that is only during the summer. I will ALSO say, in December I switched meds for my anxiety/depression so I'm on a new dose, new meds for the first time in 5 years and I do think that's been really impactful in a positive way.
SO, exposition and TMI out of the way:
I wish I could say I had a really clear process that I follow every time, but I don't want to lie. I create docs with notes - I'm thinking about including those as an epilogue chapter on the fics I'm currently working on, if anyone is interested in my scribbles aside from myself and my beta - and SOMETIMES I create outlines. A lot of the time, I will write a chapter or two and THEN create the outline? That's what happened with Gold Rush, but also with Gold Rush, I have already deviated from the outline like... a lot.
I'm trying to be way more chill with myself than I used to be. I was in this deep grind of forcing myself to be productive because that's where my value was (@kangofu-cb is a real one and has been trying to beat this out of me for years. Beating with love). And I'll be honest, being kinder to myself and putting less pressure is, like, so far, so good.
I usually have about, like... a dozen or so fic ideas in my head at any one time (@dwisp can attest to the DAILY messages of 'hear me out' as can @kangofu-cb), but I uh, I really feel 4 long fic is my simultaneous max.
I also have a problem with like, so if you DO want to read some of my not HRPF stuff, I think a good primer is the WinterhawkHood month I did in October with a fic a day, and the consistent issue is: I feel like I'm really good at creating a premise and that premise wants to exist beyond 2-5k. So longfic is probably the format to best tell the stories I want to tell, but, like, writing shorter fic is a lot of fun? That also does NOT answer your question.
Oh! MUSIC! It's so so so so important to my process. I used to put on specific artists, like really get into a singular vibe for a fic. But these days it's just my routine sleepy sad girl playlists (name coined by a former assistant and like she wasn't wrong). Which also probably explains how much sad sack Leon there is in my current fics. I should probably like, get some new playlists going...
Uh, in terms of like, my style/my ideas... so my professional life is theatre adjacent, and I think because of that, dialogue and THE INCITING INCIDENT are really important to me. So usually any fic idea forms around the kernal of the meet ugly and some choice words.
Like, for Gold Rush, I absolutely started from the idea of Leon being a bitch to the press and getting a text from an unknown number/Matthew and it just grew from there.
For Playing Favorites, I absolutely wanted to have former camboy Vince realize his new... work colleague??? Adam Larsson knew he was a former camboy. Which is funny because that moment happens in the middle of the fic (which I AM going to update again soon, y'all might vote consistently for Gold Rush in the polls but this weekend I think it's gotta be some love for my two Lars&Dunn fics).
For Northern Attitude, that inciting incident is, uh, about to occur in ch4 that I'm currently working on. And it's. Well. Yeah. So I got the idea for that 'scene' if you will first and then figured it out backwards?
For Wildfire that, too, has an inciting incident that has yet to make it into a chapter. But she's coming soon.
So really, only Gold Rush started as the beginning as far as ideas went for me? That said, I still START at the beginning when I write. I used to scribble down scenes and then piece them in, but I honestly found it constrained me more than anything else and I'm aware that doesn't make much sense.
I feel like this entire answer is a total nonanswer of me just blathering away. I hope at least part of this is what you wanted and uh... sincerely? Thank you for asking. It means a lot and like, my process is weird and inconsistent but I do genuinely love to talk about my writing.
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noisytenant · 6 months
personal story, regarding my adoption. poignant? don't know how to describe/warn for this.
first: kind of worried this is tmi? not in the sense of making others uncomfortable, but. "is it wise to share this information online to a sizable audience?"
but, well, i'm probably going to talk about it in a more coherent form eventually (i actually started a zine but didnt continue it; it was 2020, you know the drill), and i don't think it poses much risk to just share.
i was adopted from birth, and was aware of my adoption from the beginning. my birth mother was 17(?) when she had me. not hard to see why she wasn't keeping me. never got the sense that i was rejected or abandoned or whatever.
with this knowledge i never really had any problems with being adopted, and mostly thought it was really cool, and that i was lucky. if anything i probably had a chip on my shoulder about it, and this has made me an extremely normal person.
anyways, in the office closet, shoved far in the back corner on a high shelf, was a baby bag that i assumed had things from my childhood.
but it actually had plushes, a doll, and letters from my birth mother--from her to me, and also from her to my parents--that i was unaware of and had never accessed. so it sat untouched for 20 years, i guess. to be fair, i never really asked about my birth mother at all, but... man, bit late for that, isn't it? but better late than never.
anyways, i'm rereading the letters now. some darkly(?) funny parts:
"...I know you guys [my parents] are everything you said you would be, and probably more." The "probably" is really fucking funny to me
She mentions that they (collectively) didn't negotiate how much contact they planned to have after the birth and adoption, which I think is really funny and typical of my parents. She was thankful about it, but whatever amount of pictures and letters my parents sent (I get the sense not many--maybe 3? 4?) was evidently not ideal. Really, what a situation to be in. When DO you cut the cord there?
She attached some printouts of "special emotional needs" for adoptees. The very first: "I need parents who are skillful at meeting their own emotional needs so that I can grow up with healthy role models and be free to focus on my development". Lol. LMAO.
Another: "I may appear more whole than I actually am. I need your help to uncover the parts of myself that I keep hidden, so I can integrate all the elements of my identity." Oh buddy... MISSION FAILED!
some observations and more poignant parts:
It's really weird to think that she was younger than me when she wrote these.
I think there is a photo of her and the father, but I'm not sure if we were certain about him. She was seemingly going steady with him since they got engaged after I was born, and I do have similar eyebrows (for the record, one of my best features). But the resemblance is challenging to discern. Neither of them seem to have as prominent a nose as mine, that's an index original.
She was evidently into scrapbooking/stationery; several of the cards are handmade. Thick cardstock, fancy hole punches, embossing powder and delicate stickers. It's easy to imagine the process of them being made. You can kind of feel the love coming off them, or whatever.
She mentioned struggling to write a letter for me. It's somewhat reassuring because I also struggle to write letters for people. In the end I think the pictures and craftsmanship did much of the speaking for her. The letter is three sentences long.
In the "special emotional needs" pages, one also says, "I suffered a profound loss before I was adopted." I get frustrated when people assert adoption trauma at me without considering my circumstances. I dislike the sentiment that blood relations are less traumatic when I think that the family structure itself is traumatic. But I do have this strong sense that I was born into grief, and reading some of these pages (and sidestepping the multiple Christian-specific ones, damn you) provided some interesting reflection on that.
She apparently made a scrapbook for me, presumably including the pictures she received from my parents. I am quite curious about their letters. I guess if I reach out I could see, but it's difficult to know what to say. ...And I'm transgender.
there's a photo of her the day after she had me, standing outside and smiling. she has what appears to be a cigarette in her hand. This is, I like to believe, the source of all the problems in my life.
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thotsforvillainrights · 7 months
Heya! I hope you're having a great day and that your pregnancy is going well! 🙏
I absolutely love your stories and how you write the Villains. Its always so sweet and in character, I'm obsessed! Could you possibly write about Giran with a smoker S/O? Its a nasty habit, yeah. But there's something about sharing a smoke with a loved one thats so romantic. 🥰
(Thank you! I think things are moving along well enough but honestly I'm at the point where we're looking out for movement in the next few weeks. I can't tell if my bubbles are gas or movement. TMI? Yes absolutely, but it's nice to talk about haha)
(Sidenote: Sweet, yes. In character? Noooooo. At least as far as I can see haha! But still I appreciate the support and I'm glad to provide these little things for everyone. Thank you for the Giran ask btw!)
~Giran and his Smoking S/O~
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-Best believe he's made a few 'smoking hot' jokes here and there. It's one of those things you can expect coming from him.
-There's nothing better than having a smoke with your favorite person. Well...at least that's what the two of you seem to think. You've come to enjoy your evenings out in the back alleyway of one of his many hideouts. You'd chat together in the dim yellow of the nearby streetlight, mist but not quite rain falling on you two. In fact, chatting while having a smoke is pretty much love language for you two at this point.
-If you end up running out then you can rely on him to give you a cigarette out of his pack or to spot you the money to buy a pack. If you two are in a situation that calls for it then you can share a cigarette with him. It doesn't bother you, the slight dampness on it. It's not like you two haven't swapped fluids before anyway.
-Speaking of which, cigarettes after *activities* is an absolute MUST for you two.
-There is something oddly romantic about your partner leaning down and staring you directly in the eye as they give you a light. Or maybe there's just something special about the way that HE does it for you specifically. It's hard to tell, I suppose
-If you ever think about quitting someday, consider him to be the most supportive person on your side. He'll go the extra length just to ensure he's helping you as best he can. However, it'll be a cold day in Hell before he quits with you. He'll smoke outside of the room or far away from you. He'll set personal schedules just for you, depriving himself of a good smoke. He'll buy you all the damn patches and hard candies in the world. But joining you on the quitting wagon? Oh...oh absolutely not lol.
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
Can you rank ur fav to least fav couples in the shadowhunter world and why u rank them there 🤪🫶?
I definitely have done this before lol but sure! I'm only going to provide short reasons for most of them, though, because there are so many. I'm only including endgame ships (with one exception) because otherwise this list would be insane.
Thomastair (tied with Wessa) -> So hopeful. So healing. Soulmates right there. Best friends in love. Share interests. Perfectly-matched dispositions. They love every part of each other, even when those parts are snappish or petty. Loving someone's flaws, the pretty and the ugly, always gets me. The heart in this ship hits hard. Also, a ship where I love and adore both characters individually as well as together.
Wessa (tied with Thomastair, put slightly lower because their story makes me sad sometimes) -> Another ship where two of my individual faves get together. It's the BOOKISHNESS of it all, the banter, the joy, the love. They have perfect chemistry, and like Tessa says, Will is a person like her. They let each other shine. He lets her bejeweled. Also they're super funny together, like they should form a comedy duo.
Gracetopher -> Deserved better. Deserved the WORLD. Aggg this had the potential to be healing and hopeful in a similar way to Thomastair. I love both individual characters, though I'm not as attached to them as Thomas, Alastair, Will, or Tessa. Or Matthew, #1 fave, who isn't on this list.
Sophideon -> Their entire courtship is hilarious. Scone incident? Blurted proposal? Awkward himbo meets headstrong girl will never fail.
Malec -> So nostalgic for me. They're really well written and have a great arc. They make me feel like a giddy teenager again as I was when I read TMI for the first time.
Ragnor/Catarina -> The only non-canon ship on this list. I see the vision.
Jordelia -> This may come as a surprise since I think their dynamic is a bit boring to watch. But I love Cordelia and James clearly makes her happy.
Gwynburn -> The only good thing about TDA. Such a good story.
Gabriely -> Adorable and funny
Chenry -> Adorable.
KitTy -> They have a LOT of potential, but I don't quite see it yet. Still, I'm excited to learn more about them, and they very well could move up this list a lot.
Clace -> Cute. Gotta respect the OGs.
Haline -> Hilarious. Fun. By far TSC's superior sapphic ship.
Dru/Ash -> Currently neutral, but potential.
Sizzy -> Neutral feelings
Maia/Bat -> Neutral feelings
Ghostwriter -> Great story! Unfortunately, the characters are both extremely lackluster imo so it never realizes its full potential
Arianna -> Toxic AF, Ari could do better, but okay I guess. I don't care enough to get pressed, and I like Ari, so they stay here.
Luke/Jocelyn -> They exist
Kierarktina -> Queen of the savior complex, lowkey asshole, and highkey asshole? Poorly developed polyamory. Nope.
Jemma Blackstairs -> God I hate both of these characters. At least they deserve each other, though. 0/10.
Jessa -> Don't like Jem, boring dynamic, he doesn't let her bejeweled and her sparkle is dulled around him so much. Do not see the appeal. Literally they are ruining new content for me left and right, I plan to skip all of their scenes for the rest of TSC unless there are Blorbo Mentions.
Is that it? I think that's it. I hope I didn't forget anyone.
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angelicyoongie · 9 months
i’m sorry maggy but i’ve been reading TOP nonstop since it has been uploaded 😩
it was released around 00:48 here and i was struggling to stay awake (literally my ankle is twisted ) but coincidentally when i saw TOP in my following page, my whole body forgot sleep 🥸☝🏽
i fear if i start giving my review you'll have to read a whole book, but a canon that seokjin is sweet, but in a fucked up way. he's considerate enough and he went as far as to starve himself to keep oc with him, abides by her wishes and gives her the time to accept his proposal. wonder why? mer people can't ‘love’ anyone, atleast not in sense of what humans perceive the word, yes?
i actually feel so bad for our strong oc. seokjin is weird with emotions and doesn't feel anything, not atleast what oc does with her experiences and stress with the sea. i actually wish to give her the basic medications for her injury to heal, because a lil tmi, my shoulder is very much at this point similar to oc’s conditions and even with proper care, it's hard, so what oc is going through is just my imagination ;_; with all that hurt of losing her everything at once to being alone with a creature who isn't so cooperative is so scary, wth
but at the same time seokjin is...😩. so hot.
like, he's the advanced merman, meaning he can communicate and understand stuff better— and when he bought the captain's chest, he had my attention already 😮‍💨
like what actually made me go aww ( yes i’m so fucked up because it's been a hot day or so i realised i like him hhdjklsahsjaksk) was the fact that he was mindful of his claws and made oc feel good and was aware of it ( 🥹 ) and, all the small acts of considerations, though being the bare minimum ( apart from the biting her flesh apart, uh ) somehow made me fall more for him. He's manipulative in a way that lmskdkdkfjbsbfh. The sass he holds each time, especially in the beginning when oc started to interrogate him, ugh
overall, the story was so well written, all thanks to your hardwork ♥️ take some rest because you deserve it..
a small canon that ; both tcs kookie and top seokie are sweet but in a weirdly fucked up manner
TCS!kook being a sweet, oversized puppy who can kill you and
TOP!seokie being the sassy mermaid who can kill you and would remind you that very often as well..lol
oh no, i hope your ankle is better by now!! it happened to me last year too, it hurts like a bitch :(
seokjin's actions can be perceived as considerate in some ways but at the end of the day he's doing all of that for himself. he's starving himself not for the MC, but because he finds her amusing and wants to keep her alive for longer. he listens to her requests when he feels like it but it's more to instill a false sense of security over him actually caring about what she thinks, you know? but he does have some tact though, i'll give him that 🙈 that's correct!
this poor MC is in the trenches with her injuries, i shudder to think what would become of them over time 😩 she's not in for a fun time ahead of her, that's for sure. maybe seokjin could find some form of medication in the sunken ships but i doubt it!
sdjksd, he's hot in a scary way for sure 🤪 he's terrible when he wants to be and kinda-sorta-sweet when he wants to be, it's just hard to tell what version you're dealing with until it might be too late, lol! the sass is the best part about him haha 😌
thank you so so much!! 🥺💖💖
lol yeah, i would say that's pretty spot-on descriptions of them!!
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darcyolsson · 10 months
hi I was reading some of your tsc posts and saw you talking about how tlh character writing vs tmi and how cc’s maybe started actively making her chars more palatable because of criticism, I also think that while tda as a series is far from perfect (although it is my second fav after tid personally) it is one where, in books 1-2 at least cc took more risks imo with both the themes and the chars/dynamics being palatable in that way and fan response wasn’t always the best like with Julian being polarizing as a char, I also remember when I was in the fandom as the books were coming out a lot of weird moralizing about ships like people writing essays about how codependent and obsessive blackstairs are and how it was b a d to ship them and then shippers responding that no they’re not when like… a) of course they are that and b) it’s very fun and great that they are, codependency is sexy <3. Similarly weird morality discourse about Keirark/Marktina/Kierarktina at times. I think those things could have potentially influenced decisions for tlh especially your point about retconning what the original James/Grace story was going to be based on the whole vibe of the midnight heir. I also feel that while criticism of tmi definitely influenced some things about tda especially LM that departed from it TLH seemed very much like it wanted to imitate the success of TID and couldn’t fill her shoes, so that puts the writing in an insecure position.  all speculation ofc but just what that made me think about
ohhh thats interesting!! when tda was being released i wasn't really active in online fandom so i had no idea what the fandom response was. honestly, if julian was too much for the average reader, i get why she felt the need to change james from his midnight heir personality lol. blackstairs getting hated for codependency is very funny bc will & jem INVENTED parabatai codependency and everyone loves them for it <3
i think in general, flawed characters are a lot more acceptable now than they were a few years ago. i feel like in the mid/late 2010s, the general idea in YA was definitely that protagonists had to be exemplary people, and whenever a protagonist acted messily that would immediately be seen as bad writing, and i definitely feel like that that affected tlh (and even tda now you mention it!!)
i think you're right about tlh being influenced by tid a lot, or at least going for a similar vibe! obvious reasons aside, i feel like whenever people talk about tid's strong suits the main talking point is the lack of personal conflict between the main 3, because that created a really unique situation where the characters' relationships felt incredibly strong. and i think she maybe tried to keep that same idea of loads of love between the protags going in tlh, except that just left them kind of.... bland? bc in tid there WAS still loads of conflict between characters, just not the main 3, which kept it intersting.
that being said, i genuinely do wonder how an alternate tlh where james and grace kept their tmh personalities would have been received? i feel like this grace is still quite controversial even though i feel like her motives were explained extremely well and she's made as likeable as an anti-heroine could possibly be. i know the tumblr girlies and i would've ate it up but honestly... for an audience as big as hers, maybe it was the right move to make them more palatable? she could've absolutely changed other parts of tlh to make it more interesting, but when it comes to james and grace, well. who knows.
(on the other hand, it absolutely had to be james for tlh to be genuinely compelling. him not being allowed to break the herondale mold is imo the biggest wasted potential of this series </3 rip james who destroyed his carefully crafted family legacy you will forever be missed)
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lesbiankrem · 1 year
i am about to make everyone so regretful you followed me ...
tmi history thoughts confession time... sometimes i wonder if pants being associated with men and some kind of skirt being associated with women, unless both sexes wear skirts... is because in the past women were just going out and squatting to pee. Outside or over a chamber pot or something similar. And yeah it's easier in a skirt. Not impossible in pants or shorts at all, but there is still always that piss on your clothes risk unless you step all the way out.
it seems trivial at first but then you go to live your life day in day out without bathroom facilities and it suddenly becomes an issue enough to totally re-design your clothes around it
For certain kinds of dresses/skirts especially I think it for sure was about it being a patriarchal culture where women were meant to look like they were more decorative if they wanted to look richer/more womanly/feminine... but so many lower class women DID work. And worked manual labor too, plenty of times more or equal to the men. From paintings I can see they did shit like tie up their skirts up the middle to make pants effectively, but still wore skirts. Maybe it was just about ease of peeing while female, without modern bathroom set ups.
I have no idea what they were wearing under the skirts though. If it involved undergarment shorts or something then that blows up my theory. Only for women in the real early days of sex-differentiated clothing though -- once something gets going for a practical purpose, it can really easily spin out to be a cultural thing to emphasize difference between the sexes to emphasize different cultural ideas about them, social roles, and that kind of thing.
big argument against what i just said is that i can imagine a garment where it's like pants, but unbuttons like those pjs with the flaps (u know what i mean hopefully) giving free access to squat pee without risk with a simple unbuttoning process. Perhaps the ancestors didn't go for that without covering it up with a skirt, though, because it looks so fucking stupid. Universal truth. So skirt as solution to the issue for women still wins out.
disclaimer: i never went to college and I don't really know what i am talking about with history or sociology or whatever this is
i am just a humble lesbian feminist who kept trying to find records of some culture out there without any sexism
sometimes i think on our own planet, with our own species, patriarchy was just too old. it probably developed while other hominids were still around. before we were even homo sapien maybe ourselves.
and the ability and motive for men to create it over and over was just too high because of how human pregnancies are so risky and debilitating.... and because it is just so easy to look at the one who gives birth as having more to do with raising the children. And its also easy to look at rate of death and pain in childbirth, pain with menstruation and say, hm maybe women are cursed somehow. I don't think it's right but I see why people kept drawing the conclusions they did.
so any "matriarchy" is at best a patriarchy that swung egalitarian but still have cultural artifacts from some far older patriarchy... and still has separated roles for men and women where the women do usually get the "child care" end of the deal
it gets difficult to even say what we mean when we say matriarchy
i might measure matriarchy with the following
level of woman-positive stories/beliefs common to the people, and lack of woman-negative stories
possible presence of negative stories/beliefs warning against men taking power over women, promoting men acting right
leadership is either all-woman or culturally understood to be typically a woman thing. leadership means making decisions, having property ownership in her name if any and bloodlines traced through her, and access (possibly exclusive access) to the right to use violence and means to use violence, with women in these roles directly or as the order-giver
women get to have whatever role they want. men maybe can have whatever role they want but maybe are expected to do something specific like fish or something i don't know... basically it still counts as a matriarchy to me even if they have some amount of sexism (gender) in roles as long as the penalty of lost role-mobility/flexibility is paid by the men, not women
Ok update i forgot about some factors such as horses and also about togas. see notes for more confusion by me.
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lesbianbluesey · 8 months
which tda book is your favorite?
Lord of Shadows slightly edges out Lady Midnight although they’re really close since I love both so much… but LoS has the overall most impactful arcs and storylines to me the section in the Unseelie Court is probably my favorite part of the series, and the ending packs a big emotional punch to say the least. It might be my favorite tsc book period actually I really love LoS. Also like I just said in the previous ask I tend to be a middle book(s) or middle seasons girlie it’s just who I am. I think this book struck a neat balance between being character driven and plot driven that was extremely effective although to be clear it would probably also be my favorite if it was just character centric filler angst about Emma&Jules because that’s who I am… but I’m still glad it was more than that! LM is also wonderful in a way that few first books in fantasy series are to me usually there’s a slow burn for me to be really invested but not here, and the whole murder cult mystery with body horror (had forgotten about the missing hands that made it even better) + forbidden romance + familial dynamics themes combo and vibe really works for me. Qoaad is my least favorite of the three but I still really like it, and I definitely thought far better of it on reread compared to when I first read it since back then I had been anticipating it so hard and theorizing etc. and had very sky high expectations (especially with Clockwork Princess being a rare perfect finale to me and with how much I loved the first two tda books I hoped for Qoaad to accomplish the same thing..) on reread I could evaluate it more for what it is and I came to the conclusion that about 80% of the actual content of the book I am a fan of, it’s just that the pacing of the book is insane. Genuinely if that book was split into two books and they were paced normally I’d have loved them as much as the first two I think! Genuinely I think cc has gotten too attached to trilogies as the sole structure for her work and it’s a big part of why the receptions for her last two finales have been what they are … (well I’m sure there are multiple factors at play but I’m confident that’s one of them) also maybe even effected tmi part 2 because I remember cofa being pretty filler and the plot there feeling like it could be resolved in a duology? I love almost every individual storyline in that book so if you asked me which ones I would snipe for the third book to be paced correctly I’d be hard pressed to get rid of things but if you split it into two books and grounded them each tonally to feel distinct and just gave us some breathing room I think you could stick the landing! But since I like almost every individual element of the book it’s an enjoyable reread when you already know where the story ends up and the best parts of it really work for me / get a level of emotionality from me no tlh or tmi book does so it still ranks high (like #6ish since I like all the tid books more as well as first two tda) for me, I slander her but she’s my bestie <3.
#s speaks#myhouseofivyandstone#so to answer your question Lord of Shadows lol#tda#tsc#asks#I think it’s the same deal with Chain of Thorns objectively btw the issues are more about pacing than content. But then it was the opposite#for me with that book since I wasn’t actively theorizing or anything so I don’t think I went into it with much expectation and I liked it#more than most of the fandom. But I’m curious if I were to reread those books back to back if it would be the opposite and I’d be more#negative on a reread? tabeling that thought for the future#the role hype and expectations have in a reading experience. not to be underestimated#the best part of qoaad is definitely what it has to say about grief which I can also appreciate more now because#sadly my loved experience over the years since I first read the book mean that those resonate more with me now. Especially these methods fo#exploring it in a paranormal/fantasy media#but it is objectively something that makes it an odd finale because there’s a lot of other things at play. Which is why I think there shoul#have been another bigger book to delve into those themes and Thule Livvy and switch-off Jules and everything. And then another book about#the main political storyline and parabatai curse (and there would be overlap ofc but as main areas of focus)#I wonder if that might have been why there’s such a lack of willingness to give Any time to characters grief in ChoTh. Like she went too#hard in the other direction#the dark artifices
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kittttycakes · 9 months
Ahh I’m so glad you’re enjoying GND. It is the best and I love it so much.
Also I reread ‘kiss the ring, bend the knee, bow down’ and damn, I needed a cold shower after that.
The line where Morpheus says “I would not ask for what you would not willingly give: only your love. Your devotion. Your obedience. And in return, I would give you everything: a place in my kingdom, by my side, in my bed, in my heart.” Is just nnnnghggh.
It does also remind me of Jareth in the Labyrinth saying to Sarah “I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave.”
And now I want to rewatch it haha.
I really hope Grace does get that friend! I can’t think of anyone in universe off the top of my head though. Do you think you’d consider some kind of sneaky crossover with an adjacent fandom?
I’ll be absolutely stoked if you’re able to write something where Constantine runs into/meets Grace and Hob. I love the thought of Constantine being surprised and maybe slightly TMI upon realising that maybe tall, dark and broody doesn’t have as much of a stick up his ass as you’d think.
Having been rereading a bunch of your writing, I noticed a few were written for Promptober 2022. Do you think you’ll do something similar this year?
That line was definitely inspired at least in passing by that very line from Labyrinth! That was a formative movie for me, and there’s just something about the power dynamic between full control and total submission and both at the same time that’s rife with possibility. Morpheus gets to use all of his pretty words to his advantage, as a treat! He can be all things, and Grace wants it all. I’m so happy you enjoyed that one, that might actually be my favorite of the smut one shots (so far).
I would never say never to the possibility, especially for a possible future one shot! Even just something subtle with a name…I would love for Grace to have someone who she can be fully honest with and relax around, instead of constantly having to keep in the back of her mind what she can and can’t talk about. She’s good at keeping things vague enough for plausible deniability, she pulls out a lot of “my partner” and just using pronouns instead of names, but if her friends ever think about it too hard, the stories she tell don’t quite line up sometimes, and it’s almost like there’s two different personalities at play.
I love Constantine so much (both Johanna and the short lived 2014 NBC series), so any excuse I can have to bring her back in, I will absolutely be taking. I’d really love for her and Hob to meet, that has to be a bit of a trip for him! Grace would be very interested in her and what she does, if she can weasel anything out of her about her job. Constantine definitely does her best not to think of Morpheus’s personal life, but it’s a big surprise that his type appears to be very far from the sort of Morticia Addams type she would have guessed at, if pressed.
I am planning to do another round of Promptober this year! Like last year, it will likely extend into November, but hey, it’s for fun! I did 15 prompts that I gathered from a few different sources and my own head last year, I think this year I’m going to be borrowing a little from kinktober, whumptober, and a fall/Halloween themed list that I have saved as a draft that I’ll credit and link to when my masterlist goes up. I also have a few saved asks with prompts that I’m going to be working through soon too, so lots of plans there!
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90363462 · 2 years
What If You Hate Oral Sex? - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty
Shellie R. WarrenOct. 09, 2020 05:11PM EST
Recently, while talking to one of my marriedfriends, she told me that the topic of oral sexcame up in their household. All of her and her husband's children, minus one, are young teenagers at this point. And so, when one of them came into the kitchen and said, "Do you and daddy have oral sex?" and my friend replied with, "Absolutely", I rolled at her candor and how her child was like, "Eww!". The way I see it, good for them that they are so open about sex. After all, it's how their children got here.
Yet, as I thought more about fellatio and cunnilingus, I also reflected on the various responses and reactions I've witnessed, every time one or both acts are mentioned. I'd have to say that probably around 7 times out of 10, oral sex is spoken of, by both men and women, very fondly. Oh, but there is that 30 percent who, whether it's giving head and/or receiving it, words cannot express how much they find the act to be close to grotesque and definitely unappealing. "Problem" is oftentimes, when someone like this is in a relationship, that sentiment isn't even close to being mutual. And sometimes, that can rock the boat of the relationship, more than a little bit.
That's what we're gonna tackle today. If you're someone who thoroughly enjoys everything about sex other than giving oral and/or receiving it while you're partner is all for it, all day and every day (on both the giving and receiving end), here are some things to think about—that you might've never considered, quite this way, before.
Is It All in Your, Umm, Head?
I've actually shared before that one of my favorite stories about a mom having "the sex talk" with her child for the first time came from a female comedian who was sharing her experience during a Ted Talk. Her daughter, who was somewhere between 8-10 at the time (I can't exactly remember), intently listened to her mother put her own spin on the birds and the bees. When her mom finished, the daughter then said, with a semi-horrified look on her face, "So you have sex where you pee?!", only for her mom to revisit how real that revelation was and respond by saying, "Yeah. It's kind of like taking a trip to your favorite amusement park and going to a toxic waste dump at the same time."
Even though that might initially evoke some double yucks, just at the mere thought of it all, the reality is, when any of us who have sex, that's basically what's transpiring. For whatever reason, God himself designed us to relieve ourselves with the same parts of our body where sexual pleasure comes from. So, if that is a part of the reason why the thought of engaging in oral sex freaks you out, I get it. At the same time, God also created the people who invented things like showers, baths, washcloths and soap. So, if the reason why you struggle with the thought of participating in oral sex is because "he pees down there", I promise you that if you make the request that he hop in the shower first, you will feel more calm and confident. Or at least, you should.
Have You Ever Even Tried Oral Before?
I'm going to be very TMI here for a moment. As someone who has participated in more than her fair share of fellatio, other than bracing myself for "the final act" (I'm sure you get it), to me, it really isn't that big of a deal. In many ways, it's like sucking on a really big…I guess "thumb" would be the best way to explain it. Yes, you have to factor in things like breathing, shifting speeds and endurance (based on how long your man's stamina is), but to tell you the truth, I'm actually far more impressed with men who go down on us—not because our vaginasaren't one of the best things on this entire planet but because, if he's doing things right, there is a lot of fluid going on down there, right off the rip.
That's why, whenever a woman tells me that she hates fellatio, my first question is, "Have you ever even tried it before?" because oftentimes, they haven't. And if you've come to the conclusion that you semi-loathe something that you've never even experienced before, well, you're either basing your decision on ignorance or the stories of others—and when it comes to something like sex, that twisted logic simply isn't good enough. As Mikey used to say in the throwback Life commercial, "Try it. You just might like it."
Let’s Break Down the Penis a Bit, Shall We?
Remember how I just said that giving headreally isn't that big of a deal? If you're looking at the monitor with complete and total side-eye, I've got another question for you—how much time have you even spent with a penis? Laugh if you want but I'm dead serious. Other than perhaps catching a peek (and maybe not even wanting to do that) when your partner is naked, do you really not give penises much thought beyond it being what penetrates you during intercourse? If so, that could also be a part of the issue/problem. Sometimes it's because our parents totally sucked at giving us the sex talk, sometimes it's because we barely paid attention in high school-level anatomy class, other times it's because the Church acts like sex is something that shouldn't be discussed until marriage (and, let me tell it, barely even then)—for so many reasons, there can be such an ignorance around male genitalia that it profoundly affects us on a sexual level.
That's actually why I wrote articles on the site like, "15 Pretty Tripped Out Things You May Not Know About Penises", "Do You Swallow? The Unexpected Health Benefits Of Sperm", "10 Things You Didn't Know About The Male And Female Orgasm", "Blow Your Man's Mind By Giving Him This Tantalizing Massage" and "8 Men & 8 Women Told Me What They Wish Their Partner Would STOP Doing In Bed". I'm a firm believer that the more you learn about something, the less fearful you tend to be about it. Study the penis. It's not as "terrifying" as some of you might think that it is.
Did You Have a Bad (or Selfish) Oral Sex Experience?
Also, remember how I said in the intro that I wasn't only going to tackle this from the angle of women who hate to give fellatio but also women who aren't big fans of receiving cunnilingus too? I know quite a few women who roll like that (interestingly enough, a lot of them are Leos and Capricorns; if you fall into that sign, please hop in the comments). When I've asked them why they would rather pass on receiving head, some have said that it simply doesn't get them off. However, more have said that the times when they have conceded and given it a shot, it felt more sopping wet and uncomfortable than anything else. And so, after giving a couple of different partners a try and the experience totally sucking (and absolutely not in a good way), they've decided to pass on all future opportunities. Then there's another scenario. Some women I know don't get down with giving or receiving oral sex because they've found their partners to be selfish as hell. Either all he cares about is getting some head or, if he is going down, it's more like he's barely tolerating it so that he can get some fellatio as soon as he's done.
If you fall into any of these dynamics, while thankfully, I can't really relate, what I will say is, you are sooooooooooo—breathe—oooooooo missing out if you've decided to let the past hinder your future. Aside from the fact that 75 percent of women barely have orgasms from vaginal penetration alone, there is something that is so damn hot about engaging in the kind of sex that has no hindrances.
If you've had a bad sexual experience (including if your partner was selfish), the best thing to do is share that with your current partner so that the two of you can work through it. If after a few tries, you're still like "nah", don't feel bad. Oral sex—on the giving or receiving end—isn't necessarily for everybody (I once had sex with a guy who really liked giving oral sex but hated receiving it…go figure). Just make sure that you've come to that conclusion solely based on preference and not some really unpleasant past situations.
What About Performance Anxiety?
Any of you who are die-hard Insecure fans, you might recall the episode when Issa and her girls went to a sex expo and discussed their thoughts on oral sex; especially giving head. Issa shared that she wasn't that big of a fan because she felt like her teeth were too big and she wasn't all that great at it. Then, when Tiffany told her about how empowering giving fellatio was, Issa tried it on Daniel, only for him to ejaculate on her face and totally piss her off.
First, doing anything sexually with the objective of "overtaking someone" is probably not the best idea. On the sexual tip, do things because 1) you enjoy it and 2) you want to please your partner; not manipulate them. And second, while I would be lying to you if I said that all oral sex is the same (some folks really are better at it than others), what I will say is if you're with a partner who is truly worthy of you, it's not a "performance pageant" or competition of some sort. In other words, he's not looking at the top of your head and imagining a scorecard. He's simply enjoying being with you. If you're willing to check your fears and your ego (not one or the other—both) at the door, he will be willing to share with you what works for him. Also, if he's a really great lover, he will want you to do the same when it comes to pleasuring you too.
Is Giving Fellatio a Deal-Breaker for You?
Now if after all of what I just said, you're still like, "Yeah girl, I'll pass", then this is what I've got to say on that—be upfront with your partner. The reason why is because, while oral sex may not be that big of a deal to you, it might be for him. By the way, that doesn't make him a bad person. Not in the least. Matter of fact, I've said in more than a few interviews, that if I fall in love with a man and he is not completely enthralled with oral sex, he's someone I am going to have to take a pass on, on the marriage tip. I take the marriage covenant seriously, so I'm not signing up to spend the rest of my life with someone who isn't all-the-way-dirty-down on both the giving and receiving end of head. Are y'all kidding me?
Men have the right to feel the same way. So, if you are someone who doesn't like to give fellatio and/or receive cunnilingus, once the two of you enter the sexual part of your relationship, it is definitely something that you need to put on the table. If what you're thinking is, "Why? It shouldn't be that big of a deal" then the checkmate I have for you is, if it isn't a big deal, why are you hiding it?
I am all about the right couples being a great complement for one another. So, look at it this way—if he really is your "the one", then he will Kanye shrug at your reservations and all will be fine. But if he's honest that it's something that he can't go without (whether it's giving or receiving), don't penalize him for that. Sexual satisfaction is a very real and justifiable priority in a relationship. It's always best to wait for the one who will fulfill you, as you fulfill him, fully, in this area.
Always Remember That Great Sex Comes with Some Compromise
Compromise. It's what makes relationships go 'round. That said, if you're someone who basically hurls at the mere thought of giving or receiving oral sex, it would be totally irresponsible of me if I didn't advise that you absolutely not push yourself past your comfort zone. Sex, of any kind, should never feel violating. Yet if fellatio or cunnilingus are simply no more or less than not your favorite things to do—like maybe you've got a sexual position that you prefer over another—consider "being down" more often, simply because your partner wants to be pleased andplease. Also, keep in mind that oral sex tends to have levels. What I mean by that is things like how long you do it and up to what point you do it can both take some of the "edge" off.
Bottom line, sometimes focusing more on simply being close to your partner can take some of the "eww" out of acts like oral sex. You won't know unless you try. So…why not try it?
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
All of your writings are great. Ok, some are exceptional. But Day Dream... I think it’s your best so far. The flow of the story, the dynamic, the symbolism, the implications... It really shows your capability as a writer. It's so complex but still enjoyable and intriguing. I can’t imagine how and what is on your mind when you wrote it. Would you please tell us an untold tmi about it? I really want to know what’s on your mind when you write Day Dream ☺️
Well done!
Anon, you're so kind 😭😭 thank you for speaking so highly of my stories and Day Dream! Um so let's see how to explain 😂 a little backtracking...so when RVW overturned I was a mess tbh. I live in the South and just the helplessness of knowing it was going to be overturned, it was like the 2016 elections all over again where you were just so aware of how many people just don't give a fuck about you as a woman/POC/immigrant. So I was like...either I'm going to lose my fucking my mind over this or I'll just write some stories and cope lol.
So I plotted out all these different stories...some came from a place of rage (Yoongi's and Jimin's lol), some from sadness (Jin's). Hoseok's story...maybe helplessness? escapism...the secret unknown stage of grief between anger and bargaining known as self-destructive horniness lol.
Like a lot of women, I've been in abusive relationships before, but I've also been in great relationships and gone through that whole...'I know I can trust you but if you don't give me the passcode to your phone so I can look through it then I can't be with you' phase of fucked up 🙃 thinking about those relationships instead was the jumping off point to this particular story. I feel like people who've been following me for a while can see I put a lot of "myself" into my stories, I'm just not that creative lmao. There are a few dreams I put in there that I used to have when I was younger, some so traumatizing I never even have verbally told anyone. It was a nice to at least reference them in a story. And then things like drop kicking your tormenter WWE style was just fun and hilarious to write! Actually, just to write it all in a dreamy way...as a writer, it took all these horrible feelings I had and made them...not so horrible...I had a good experience writing it 😊
It was actually really fun to write this story compared to the others. I have mostly been leaning towards happy hopeful endings, but this time because of the characters, it felt good to write a "bad" ending.
And also, I wanted to take all these random ass dreams and ideas and genres I have been wanting to try to write for, for sooo long now, but I was too scared, and just stick them all into one story 😅 when I thought about how to connect scenarios like that, "falling" into dreams and the cycle of abuse seemed like the perfect metaphor.
So that's the tea lol.
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splungecoyote · 3 months
TMI Tuesday: 22, 23, and 24
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
Usually at night when I get home from work, or in the afternoons on my days off (which are typically Thurs-Fri). Since my work schedule is pretty sporadic and/or dab smack in the middle of the day, I often don't have quite enough energy to wind down and also draw when I get home, though.
23. Do you listen to music or watch shows while you work? If so, what’s your favourite?
Audiobooks and podcasts, actually! For Podcasts, I like The Adventure Zone, and We Have Concerns is pretty great too. I just started listening to Fools Gold Sands and I'm enjoy those antics.
As far as audiobooks go, really like The Wandering Inn series by Pirateaba. Sadly only available on Audible, but the narrator Andrea Parsneau is fantastic at voices! I rarely think "this is a female author doing a male's voice" and just get drawn into all the lore and characters lives so easily! XD
I'm currently listening to Nautical Noobs by Ryan Rimmel- also from an Audible only series- and wasn't sure I like it but i'm six books into the Noobtown series and don't seem to plan on stopping. ^^;
When I want something shorter, I will often listen to Reddit stories on youtube. Mark Narrations, RSlash, Hellfreezer, Markee, and Crispy's Tavern are my go-tos for that.
24. How do you deal with artblock?
Heh, when I don't wanna draw something, it's often because I actually want to draw something else. Because I have so many ideas of what I want to do, sometimes focusing on one thing can be hard. I'll often try because I either want to please others or want to stay relevant, but if I don't allow time to do what I want I burn out pretty quickly.
Rewarding good behavior seems to get the best work out of me!
As far as having an idea about what I want to draw and not being able to think of how to detail it- I'll often search the internet for something similar and pick and choose what to use.
Like, with this scene in Wild Children:
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I knew I wanted a stove in the picture because I wanted a hot pot to be the source of danger for Echo here! But despite Heartisty's wonderful help, the kitchen reference I had from her didn't have a stove.
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(Discord poofed away those things on the counter and I didn't forget to draw them! Yeah, that's the story I'm going with!)
But yeah, I wanted a kitchen that was similar to mlp canon, so I looked up mlp kitchens and eventually found this one:
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So I took colors from the fridge, sketched out what I imagined the stove would look like facing towards the camera and winged it! I think I did a decent job- although the counters still look not quite in perspective to me.
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