#this is for simps of lord Shen
kathiann26 · 2 months
Okay, time to post this sh!t
I don't even know how to call this (like nsfw or slight nsfw, idk) ...but...enjoy it...
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lordshenreal · 1 year
*the small brown cat reappears, its tail flicking nervously. It explains in great detail the concept of a “simp” to Lord Shen.*
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Shen just stands there with his beak hanging open.
"Shōuxing, are you hearing this?!"
"No, but I don't think I want to."
"*sigh* Another thing to prepare against."
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solarwoniii · 10 months
zb1 tits ass or thighs preference?
omg ok lets go
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jiwoong is the biggest ass man i've ever seen and NOBODY can convince me otherwise. he LOVES spanking and he can't get enough of fucking you from behind because he loves the view he gets 🥱🥱 (also the type to smack ur ass as he walks past BUT THATS A TANGENT FOR ANOTHER TIME!!!)
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hao being a boob man just MAKES SENSE u guys. istg he would love grabbing at them while you're making out, or play with them while he's inside of you. and because i also see him as an extremely mean dom (i feel like ive talked about this already HAVE I TALKED ABOUT THIS ALREADY????), i can very well imagine him completely RUINING YOUR TITS. biting them, hickeying them, digging his nails into them... goodluck girl im praying for u.
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hanbin is also a boob man. no explanation needed but i will give you one anyways incase there is any PROTESTORS. yes he would love all of you (because he is a simp king body worshipper), including your ass and your thighs but if you choose to go braless around him WATCH HIM MELT. his eyes will only be on your chest, AND TO GIVE HIM CREDIT!! he will try not to stare but he cant help it ITS NOT HIM U GUYS ITS HIS BOOB MAN SENSES HE CANT CONTROL THEM
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matthew... ok i want to believe so badly that he likes tits bc it wld be so cute :(( mattchu sucking on your tits while toying with your clit and constantly looking back up at you to watch your reactions... BUT THAT WOULD BE A LIE BECAUSE THIS MAN LOVES THIGHS SO FUCKING MUCH HE GOES FERAL FOR THEM HE IS A THIGH MAN.
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okay i need help with this one because i genuinely do not know with taerae.. i'm thinking tits but also thighs..?? I DONT KNOW MAN i think taerae just loves everything and will appreciate your body no matter what (but will also explode with hanbin if u dont wear a bra around him pls do it for his sake hes too weak for you).. COMMENT UR THOUGHTS THOUGH I WANNA SEE WHAT U GUYS THINK !!
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ricky... dear lord... ok. is he a boob man?? absolutely BUT IS HE ALSO IN LOVE WITH GROPING YOUR ASS??/??/? YES. its so annoying bc this mf acts all shy n sweet BUT as soon as everyones gone HES A DIFFERENT MAN. will not leave your ass alone. it hurts to sit down without a pillow under it because of how many times hes spanked you. AND IS HE SORRY??? NO. he will not hesitate to laugh at you. in conclusion fuck shen quanrui (in both ways)
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prinzgnomeovonchaos · 11 months
Post Canon Scene where nyy somehow accidentally ends up in pidw and meets her counterpart who has been delegated to a flat, one dimensional mommy type wife (and not the fun kind, the "I'll do all the household chores plus the emotional labour" kind of manchild wet dream) and just looks deeply into her eyes like "don't you just want to go ape shit?" (At this point I like to imagine nyy and mf have a fierce rivalry going on about who gets to be head disciple this year and who can impress their shizun and martial aunts and uncles more)
Nyy being furiously disappointed about what this reality did to her counterpart goes on the warpath and bingge is honestly kind unequipped to deal with this? Like how come his parallel version is a pathetic simp but nyy somehow turned into a fury come to beat his ass? Like sure, bingge is stronger but he also can't really retaliate you know? His nyy is watching and somehow his lmy also seems to be on the little terrors side??? Like what???
Nyy turning her little unplanned vacation into a union building workshop for the wifes and terrorizing bingge as a treat <3
(at some point a terrified shen yuan and half his peak + all the peak lords nyy has charmed turn up for a rescue and he just goes "ummm... Okay, yeah, proceed I guess..." Bingge will never forgive the kind shizun)
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shadowtoons · 1 day
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When my whole server become Lord Shen simps and send me memes-
What have I done to deserve this? Shsbwhdbd
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 #Yandere #YandereKungFuPanda #YandereLordShen #LordShen #LordShenXListener #LordShenXReader #Reader #Listener #KungFuPanda #Headcanons #Scenarios #FemaleListener #GNListener
Base Yandere Lord Shen Headcanons+Scenario: His Fate and His Obsession
[Hello My Sexy Muffins, welcome back to another update, I hope that you all enjoy this lunar new years update!]
.Disclaimer: Lord Shen is not yandere in canon, simping for fictional yanderes and fictional characters is fine. As long as you separate fiction from reality and do not do anything illegal or gross. You know who you are. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life, this is just for fun and NOT to be taken seriously at all!
Disclaimer 2: You are a duck in this and a female duck in the scenario!
Anyways I hope that you all enjoy this!
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Lord Shen-
.Lord Shen is a bit sadistic man.
.It shows in the way he treats people around him, especially rivals.
.He is capable of caring for others though and the person he cares most for is you.
.You have stolen his heart and become his obsession.
.Though to him he wanted you to be his fate.
.So he is even more determined to eradicate all pandas.
.Comitting mass murder on all Pandas.
.With you he is willing to get rid of anyone in his way no matter what he has to do.
.May it be ending their lives, torturing them, or even worse things!
.He is not afraid to do it.
.Though he is also very cowardly.
.In which he fears someone would try and steal you away from him.
.So he would keep you chained near him at all times.
.He also would be afraid that someone would look upon your beauty.
.So he has you draped in clothes so no one may look at you.
.Only he could gaze upon your beauty.
.He would not allow you to speak as only he can hear your sweet song of a voice.
.When in private you would have to be focused solely on him.
.If not he will have fear you were thinking of someone else, or worse you were thinking about leaving him.
.He would guilt you and gaslight you into you believing you were in the wrong.
.That you were a bad partner and that you cheated on him.
.The manipulation and emotional abuse he would give you as a yandere is obscene.
.He would also emotionally manipulate you into thinking no one could love someone as nasty as you.
.You are not nasty he just will break you down so you stay with him and be grateful to him.
.He is very much a toxic manipulator type of yandere.
.Thinks that he is the only one good enough for you and that you are his.
.He would not confess in the normal way.
.Most likely give you a choice to be his.
.If you say yes the emotional manipulation will be subtle but still very toxic.
.If you say no he will kidnap you and it will be very clear and a bit cruel how he does it.
.He knows what he is doing to you is wrong.
.Though he believes it is needed and he refuses to change his way.
.With Rivals he would slaughter them all as he wants you to be his fate, so if there are no rivals taking you from him then you must be his!
.After all, he will make it happen or die trying!
-Scenario Yandere Lord Shen X Female Duck Listener!-
(No One's POV/Third Person)
She was the most beautiful duck he had ever seen. That Duck was you, a beautiful duck that was just minding your own business. Lord Shen came across you one day. His heart was stolen and he knew he would make you his no matter what. So he began to learn about you, having his men gather information about you. Finally, he has been brought into his home where he could confess to you.
"My My." He says. "You are even more beautiful up close my sweet~"
"Why am I here!?" You demand to know of the Lord.
"Well you see my sweet I am due to have a bride, I thought no one would be more better suited for the job than you." He says. "You will be mine and I can give you everything you want and more."
You stare at him in shock. You knew he could do that, but also you know what this man has done. You could not be with him.
"I am sorry." You tell him. "But I will have to respectfully decline."
His eyes narrowed upon you and you knew that was not the answer he was looking for. You go running but one of his guards snaps his fingers and grabs you. He walks up to you slowly.
"I was not asking my sweet, you will be mine and you will stand by me forever." He says and then kisses you
you were shocked and could not even react before he pulls away. "Take her to the dungeons, I will make her learn to love me, she will be my fate."
You were dragged away screaming and kicking and he smirked. Oh he finally had you and now that he does have you. He is never ever going to let you go. He does not care how long it takes he will break you and make you his at last.
"You are to be my fate, my sweet (your name)"
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy all my sexy muffins!]
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analviel · 1 year
Introducing my new favorite fic
Peak Lords as Family. Shen Qingqui is an actual bastard but still their bastard. Airplane bro. Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqui the personification of cat and dog relationship - including this is my brute and this is my pissy shixiong only I'm allowed to tear him a new one. Yue Qingyuan as much of a simp as he usually is and the only realistic reaction he can have to an accidental kiss - a peck really- from Shen Qingqui.
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warheittiashi · 8 months
Today's prompt is lingerie. I kind of like this one.
The pairing is Liu Qingge/Shen Jiu. It's been a few days since I last wrote about it, so I thought I might as well do it today. I've had some stress in my personal life right now. I think a bit of this should do the trick and cheer me up.
I really enjoy writing SIMP Liu Qingge, so there will be a lot of that.
It'll take place when they are already peak lords, but before Luo Binghe joins the sect.
Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge are in an established relationship. After their misunderstanding had been cleared up by Shang Qinghua, and after Liu Qingge discovered that there was more to Shen Jiu than he had assumed, they began to fall in love.
Liu Qingge had realized that he always wanted Shen Jiu's attention all along and just didn't understand the meaning of the frustration he had when those jade eyes weren't focused on him. Shen Jiu was moved by the earnest and sincere affection that Liu Qingge had toward him.
Even though he knew that they were Shen Jiu's sisters, Liu QIngge couldn't help but feel jealous whenever Shen Jiu visited the Warm Red Pavilion. The girls thought it was hilarious and liked to tease the war god, acting more clingy and coy with Shen Jiu whenever he visited.
One day, they told Shen Jiu that he should play a little prank. They gave him a pair of lingerie and instructed him to wear it and give a shock to the war god. Shen Jiu thought it would be funny and agreed.
Liu Qingge had returned from a mission and his first course of action was to go to the bamboo house. When he walked inside, without knocking of course, he was surprised to see that Shen Jiu wasn't ready to greet him. Feeling glum, he thought that maybe the scholar was elsewhere.
After looking around the peak and asking around, Liu Qingge thought to check the Warm Red Pavilion. Shen Jiu wasn't there, but the girls seemed as though they were laughing at him.
Giving up, Liu Qingge finally went to report to Yue Qingyuan about his mission before returning to his peak. When he opened his door, he nearly had a heart attack.
Shen Jiu was lying on the bed, snowy smooth skin on display and clad only in a pair of crimson lace panties. He could see the faint outline of Shen Jiu's soft length underneath the flimsy fabric, and he felt something wet drip down his face.
Shen Jiu was amused. He leaned on his hands and widened his legs in a silent invitation.
Cut to black just as Liu Qingge's brain reboots and he pounces.
Yeah, something like that. Liu Qingge knows his priorities, and all of them are Shen Jiu. I'm sure they had a lot of fun after this.
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demonsheepprince · 9 months
Hello, I am very new to Tumblr and social media as a whole. I just want to rant about a SVSSS fanfic that has captured my mind it is so good.
There will be spoilers for it so before I get into what I like about it I'm gonna pitch a non spoiler version for anyone who actually happens to read this. Then I will get into what is so great about it.
***The author is demoniqt***, I am only gushing about the fic, the story is 100% not mine. I'm sorry for how cringe this is I sware I'm an adult I'm just an adult with no friends.
THE LINK: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36698833/chapters/91545391
It's called "The Hidden Flower" or "Yin Hua". The story follows Shen Jiu who has recently awoken in his third life right back where he began. After being reincarnated in the modern world and experiencing what it truly felt like to be loved, Shen Jiu doesn't stand for child abuse anymore! Since he can't change his past life, he has to start in this one. Only... he never meant to start his own sect full of orphans! Nor does he know why he has what seems like a whole cast of unlikely suiters asking for even a chance at courtship!
But why was he reborn like this? What about Binghe? Can he stop really that beast's rise to power?
Meanwhile, two others ponder what happened to a certain Qing Jing peak lord...
SPOILERS START!!!!! (Will sound like nonsense without reading fic)
Okay so this fic has it all. Ying Ying killing her husband, Tsundere Liu Qingge, Cool orphans, and really, really sad parts, and Yue Qingyuan simping.
So I'm not actually done it but honestly, when I realized Shange Qinghua was the one who found the knife, I was struggling not to yell. It all comes together so well and that is just great. I thought this fic would just be a silly time with some cute shenanigans but boy was I not ready for the emotional journey. There is one part near the beginning where Shen Jiu wonders if he would have turned out better in his first life if he were shown kindness and- THE ANSWER IS YES!! Living though his second life and being showed love made him kind and empathetic. The whole thing has this whole theme of kindness breaking a cycle of trauma and it is amazing. I have so many screen shots of emotional and funny parts of this fic.
The ocs are so top teir. Cheng Yi and Qi are the best sisters and the Songstresses- I love them. The relationship between Shen Jiu and the previous Qing Jing peak lord is really sweet, as well as just the interaction in general between him and the Cang Qiang peak lords.
I made some very rough fan art. I'm not finished yet, but I wanted to include it because if Shen Jiu with a veil doesn't make you want to read it, I don't know what will.
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ao3feed-liushen · 1 year
But the demon sheep are so fluffy!
read it on the AO3 here
by silas_the_frog
If Shen Yuan’s illnesses in his previous life had decided to follow him into the next one, a lot about the story would change. And with a more lenient system that just wants to change the plot and isn’t too worried about how it happens?
A recipe for simping Peak Lords and extra sticky disciples. Too bad Shen Yuan is just stupid.
Words: 4690, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of MXTX fics
Fandoms: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Liǔ Qīnggē, Yuè Qīngyuán, Mù Qīngfāng, Luò Bīnghé, Míng Fān, System (Scum Villain), Shàng Qīnghuá
Relationships: Liǔ Qīnggē/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū/Yuè Qīngyuán, Luò Bīnghé & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Mù Qīngfāng/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shàng Qīnghuá & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū
Additional Tags: Chronic Illness, Chronically Ill Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Oblivious Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Out of Character, And I Dont Care, Fainting, demon sheep??, Accidental Harem, White Lotus Luò Bīnghé, Pining Liǔ Qīnggē, Pining Yuè Qīngyuán, Pining Mu Qingfang, everyone is stupid, Nice System, I want to be clear no relationships will actually happen because shen qingqiu is stupid, this is a mess my apologies, actually im not sorry, One Shot, Rated T for language, crack fic?, idk - Freeform, its stupid tho
read it on the AO3 here
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kathiann26 · 3 months
I'm very bored, I saw an... interesting drawing of Shen on Twitter and I want to do something new
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I will return in one week with two or one drawing if this ends with more yes than no, but if is winning the yes In less than a week, I will post it before:)
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lordshenreal · 1 year
how do you feel about people simping over you?
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Shen looks behind him.
(From another room)"WHAAAAAA-AAAAAAT?"
Shen turns back to you.
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springbox19 · 2 years
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Look I'm going to say this right now if you like affogato cookie you definitely liked or you simp for Lord Shen as a kid
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cantalooprat · 2 years
Thousand Autumns
What I Liked
plot was good, leads were outstanding. there will be no one else quite like shen qiao and yan wushi, ever. they're both matured and such distinctive people, yet also still had room to grow and see the views no one else but each other has shown to them before.
yan wushi?? is probably??? one of the most distinctive male leads ever?????? like. hes such an asshole. but hes an asshole with principles and powers to back up his principles. he sees power above all, and as long as he is powerful, he can back up his opinions and views. the story doesn't make excuses for his shitty behavior, or try to redeem him as an "evil lord seeing the good of this world and turning a new leaf". he stays true to himself till the very end, only willing to concede to shen qiao because shen qiao gained his respect. n u know what, i can respect that. he's really truly one of a kind.
shen qiao is very... he's v respectable. he has his own sense of justice but is also compassionate, and kind above all else. but he also isn't a pushover, which makes it v refreshing to see bc sometimes these "pure mc" types r rly kinda frustratingly weak. when facing his own trials and tribulations, he never gave up, instead choosing to rise again to show that his nature will stay eternal even after a thousand autumns pass.
What I Disliked
i wish some of the side chars were established more lmao, like shen qiao's tiny disciples and yan wushi's hilarious disciples
fuk me give me more extras, even 12 extras aren't enough
the way mxs ended the novel lmao it was brilliant but also... god... i lowkey felt so blueballed
for a short-ish novel of 128 ch, the tls sure r varied. i'll go back to read sassystrawberry's tl once it's done.
neither a pro nor a con, but thousand autumns really deserves a reread to gain a new perspective on the "growing romance" between shen qiao and yan wushi, because there's no quite rose-colored heart-pounding moments, nor is there a clear point in time when one could clearly tell shen qiao fell in love. or yan wushi, for that matter. there is so much subtlety to their relationship that's quite impossible to pick up at first which is why some readers feel their romance is forced, but i rly like it?? it's a v interesting character study n deep dive into philosophies of two very different people who happen to meet each other and have their fates entwined.
to reiterate more, ta rly feels more like a character study and a big what-if essay of two conflicting ideologies and how they could harmonize like yin and yang, written in fiction format, which is... pretty amazing. it really, really deserves a reread. when good tls r all out.
ngl i read this after i read like 20 ch of tgcf n then found out that hua cheng's entire character is "xie lian simp" so somehow i was spurred to read a wn whose ml is the definition of trash ml and the opposite of mc simp (but in an honorable way! im...a yan wushi apologist...god)
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ramuneda5149 · 17 days
I like to look at your art when it comes up on my dask. It just kinda just puts me in a cuz I like it. I wanna eat ur art it's very ✨️
Anyways I don't know if you've said this before but could I get a list of fandoms you like? Even if you don't draw them it's nice to just hear someone else likes something you do, since from what I can tell a lot of our fandoms overlap and it makes me happy
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Fandoms... I often wonder If I'm part of fandoms or just a fan outside the dom........
My hyperfixations are a bit too many to say em all but here's a list with some of them...
Hatsune Miku
Project sekai
Navillera (manhwa / ballet)
Ballroom e youkoso (Manga / Ballroom dancing)
Medalist (Manga / Professional Ice skating)
Debut or die (Manhwa+Novel / system-like)
SSS-class suicidal revival Hunter (Manhwa / system)
Your Throne (Manhwa / like 7D chess / historical + fantasy + royalty)
SouSou no Frieren (Manga / Himmel's no. 1 simp)
Lord of the Mysteries (obviously)
Omniscient Reader's viewpoint (+side stories ((novel)) i hate the fandom)
Your Turn to Die (Death game)
Danganronpa (Death game ((also DR2 is the best one)) but i also liked the anime(s))
Link click (Donghua)
Shen Yi Di Nu (Novel / transmigration / vengeance)
Dungeon Meshi (Anime only until I finish watching then I'll be a manga only bithchd)
Lout of Count's Family (Novel 100/10)
Golden Kamuy (Anime ok, Manga superb...)
Fire Emblem (Awakening and Fates mainly)
Windbreaker (Anime and Manga!!!!!!!)
Genshin Impact (sorry)
Honkai Star Rail (sorry again)
Houseki no kuni (Manga)
old rpg horror games (ib, witches house, mad father, etc)
many more things but they're way too many oh god im so sick in the head.
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liminallacry · 2 years
Hello! I am New to this blog and Stop by at that Lord Shen fanart of your annnnd OML I am having a gay panic over this O///////O your art is perfect I just watch Kung fu panda and now I am simping over this peacock >////< I can't wait to see more arts from you <3
Adafafsdafa Thank yoOooooUuuu!!! OMG I'm glad that you like it uwu o(〃^▽^〃)o
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