#this is where my logan rant goes
bagofbonesmp3 · 2 years
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safetycar-restart · 7 months
NOTE: This is an NSFW fic with sub!Logan and dom!reader. If you are under 18 or uninterested, scroll past. Alternatively, if you like what you see here then consider checking out my blog :))
This work forms part of a kinktober series where I discuss a different kinky concept with a different motorsports athlete every day. We also discuss the concepts in more detail on my blog so if you have any thoughts, feel free to stop by!
(Since it's COTA, I figured we should have some Logan thoughts)
It's no secret that Logan has had a tough season, and that he's being very very hard on himself about it. And honestly I think the best thing anyone could do for him is just give him a safe space?
Logan feels so much pressure to perform, to be good for Williams, to represent his country, to prove himself, to perform for his family and himself and it just... it gets too much for him sometimes. When the race goes badly, or even just mediocrely. He gets so stuck in his own head and he doesn't need someone to try and distract him, he needs someone to just give him a safe space where he doesn't have to perform like that.
And cockwarming is perfect for that?
He starts to ask for it actually, starts to come to you after races and fall into your arms, mumbling against your ear and asking if you two can spend the night in the hotel and not go out. You say yes of course, knowing that Logan needs quiet time.
He holds your hand the whole trip to the hotel, trying to keep it together in front of the team but you can see how he's struggling. It's all reaching the point where he's put too much pressure on himself for too long and now something has to give.
When you get to the hotel, he says he's going to have a bath by himself, clearing trying to tell you he needs a moment and so you agree of course, telling him you'll order room service in the mean time.
You're alone in the hotel room for all of ten minutes before you hear crying from the bathroom, and two minutes later he's calling for you. You have to wait until he calls, because you know how much trust it takes for Logan to let someone see him like this. If you go before he asks, he'll feel violated and uncertain if he can leave the door unlocked anymore. You would never ever do that to him.
So you wait until he calls, and then go.
You find him sitting in the bath, crying with his knees brought up to his chest. When he spots you, he just mumbles, " 'm sorry, it's just... I dont know it's all so much."
Your heart breaks for him, and rather than say anything you just hold your hand out for him to take. There's nothing you can say, but you can look after him.
You dry him off, ignoring that tears are still running down his cheeks and then take him to the bedroom. He hides under the blankets with you, resting against your chest and talking about his day. He tells you how sad and disappointed he is, how much he wishes he could do better, how much of a disappointment he is.
You let him talk, kissing his head and rubbing his back at the same time to give him some extra comfort. He talks himself hoarse, letting himself complain and rant and have a little pity party because he needs to be allowed to feel those things.
When he stops talking, he stays cuddled against your chest. After a little while, he looks up at you and gives you a small smile, thanking you for listening and saying he loves you. You give him a little kiss, promising him that you love him too and that you're always willing to listen to him.
It's then that he moves up and requests some more kisses, turning into a slow makeout session. You know where this is going, and you're more than happy with that.
"Can we?" logan asks, a little smile on his face.
"Of course we can," you tell him, always happy to be close to him.
So you stroke him to hardness, kissing away his little whines and shaky breathes until he's ready for more.
It's so slow as he enters you, inch by inch until eventually he's as far as he can go and then he just collapses against you. You hold him close, trading soft kisses and just enjoying being close.
You two will stay like that until Logan gets soft enough to slip out, and then you'll warm up the room service you ordered and talk about anything except racing.
But for now, Logan is happy and safe in your arms, finally able to let everything go and just enjoy being close to you.
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thevulturesquadron · 23 days
Okay okay I have many thoughts and I apologise if this is gonna end up very incoherent and disjointed but I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE AHHHHH
You know what the episode did very well (the writers, man)? Make the audience feel like they're taking crazy pills. There's this almost cognitive dissonance from the rest of the squad (Charles esp) with the way they say and behave because as Rogue stated "none of you were there". This is SO good in showcasing that you can be as understanding as you want, be literally a part of the same group... and STILL it's not enough because you didn't have the (in this case unfortunate) exact experience. The previous episode is a great addendum to this. The rest of humanity's (majorly the big wigs of course but you get what i mean) scared and at worst callous and apathetic reaction to the genocide. They're not scared because of what happened to those mutants, they're scared because of what Magneto would do in retaliation. Cooper is another example of how much actual experience can wholly change a person. She's not a mutant... but she was THERE. Erik and Rogue were there... right in the middle of it. How does anyone expect SOMETHING to not happen. You know who else saw what happened? Us, the audience. The latest episode felt frustrating and cathartic in the best way. It felt like decades of repressed righteous anger spilling in the most messiest manner, but it's OUT there. It needed to be said. Rogue's rant at the group before joining Erik, Erik's iconic "SHUT UP" line (yo lemme tell you istg i said the EXACT thing after that drivel Charles said). That's another thing that was so well done. Showcasing that no matter how well meaning Charles is... sometimes it feels like the dude's not LISTENING (Erik talks about watching a child be eviscerated in front of his very eyes, and I feel like all he's getting from others is an 'aw im sorry thoughts and prayers now can you please CHILL out') and does need this slap in the face. And the consequences keep piling up (the last big thing being what happened to Logan). Nothing will ever be normal and it's sad and scary and I'm very much looking forward to what comes next.
On a small note, showing how Roberto's decision was unsure with him trying to apologise to Jubilee and then his shocked reaction at her not wanting to hear him was so sad. It truly felt like a boy who only realised how massive of a consequence he's facing but just wanting his friend back.
I'm pretty sure I had more things to say and a more thoughtful way of saying them but anyway... 10/10. VERY ANGERING AND FANTASTIC. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE LAST EP!!!
HI!!! ✨SAME!! 💜💜💜💜 thanks for coming in kicking the door down and shouting my way cause I needed that!! My brain has been stuck on a loop with the events in E9.
I love, love, love this episode exactly because of the strong emotions it made me go through. To see the division, to see where everyone stands, to see what matters most to them: what they are going through or an ideal? It. Was. So. Good! It was skin itching to see it at the same time. Each episode has continued to take me by surprise and go beyond my expectations.
I love how well the writers have been able to portray the difference between people who have been through horrible events, and those who have seen them ‘on screen’. Remember in episode 7 when Amelia said 'a survivor is the last thing I’d wanna be.’? Now it resonates even more than ever. It’s poetry. And yes, Cooper isn’t just someone who ‘saw it Magneto’s way’. No. She was one of the perpetrators caught in the middle.
So that when Scott goes around saying ‘Magneto is responsible for this.’ When Wolverine is out for blood - it should make you angry cause it feels like the crimes that Bastion has orchestrated are secondary to the X-men's agenda of 'righting a wrong'. Bastion is just a battle, another villain they need to defeat. But the call was coming from inside the house all along.
I’ve seen people online saying that this episode did Magneto dirty. But I think it’s the opposite. Magneto had always been capable of awful things in his pain and anger, but that’s not the point the writers are trying to make. The name of the episodes is ‘Tolerance is extinction’ - the whole point is to put the viewer in the uncomfortable position of understanding Magneto’s anger, but knowing his actions have big consequences, all the while making you lose your mind at how backwards and ignorant Charles' side seems. People are dying because ultimately his dream is more important than the people the dream is made for. And Rogue and Magneto are calling him out on it. The beauty of it is that Charles is preaching an ethical way where everyone matters, but how entitled and arrogant he must come across when everyone else around him is just ‘sacrifices he is willing to make’ for the sake of an ideal. It’s beautiful and awful that the cry for battle and survival is coming from the mouth of those that have nothing left but violence in them, while the champions of the just offer shackles and tell those that suffer to endure more for the greater good.
Yes this episode is supposed to make people angry and confused. And I think it succeeds.
If there is one less positive thing to say about the show, it's the pacing. You can feel that they were forced to put everything in just 10 episodes because there are a lot of moments throughout the show that are either missing or rushed. (For ex. in this last episode I would have liked to have scene with Rogue and Roberto on Asteroid M, in a similar fashion to what we got for the two X-men squads; just a glimpse at how things are impacting them instead of immediately seeing them in a 'villain guards' roles.) But I am not going to hold it against the show; from what they've delivered it reads a lot like cuts that they needed to live with.
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keegansgf · 2 years
"my angel, my paradise"
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pairing: Keegan P. Russ x fem! reader
word count: 2.2k
synopsis: You got injured enough to need a recuperation period. It's unsafe to leave you alone on Rorkes ghost hunt, so Keegan is left to watch over you.
tags: injured reader, comfort, coworkers/friends to lovers, fluff
A/N: My friend gave me the idea for this fic so thank you <3 I hope you guys enjoy this fic!
Having two more ghosts on the team has been easier for all of you. Logan and Hesh Walker may be good at what they do– but it never stops inevitable injuries during battles from happening. Three gunshot wounds to the thigh aren't enough to take you out, yet they're enough to decrease your performance until you recover. Being stuck laying on a thin cot didn't help stop your mind from wandering, now that you have time to think about your position. What if the federation gets one over your team? What if the team falls because of your own failure?
Your thoughts were cut short by the sound of doors opening– Elias and Keegan stood next to your cot, Keegan closer to the foot of it. He occasionally made comfortable eye contact with you. You could see Logan, Hesh, and Merrick outside the door's small window with their gear, fully armed. By the looks of it, they were heading out soon. Elias was here to fill you in on what you assume to be the same mission the rest of the ghosts were doing, which was nothing new– but why was Keegan here? You didn’t mind his presence– in fact, you welcome it. 
You and Keegan rarely have moments where you're alone, but when you both have the time, you have a few conversations about mundane or personal topics. He’s caught your eye the more you’ve gotten to know him. Underneath the cool, cold guy act, he loves dogs, music, and adventure. It almost felt like you were a teenage girl memorizing your high school crush's interests. You patiently listened to your check-in, taking in any new information so your return wouldn’t need much of a catch-up. Elias was about to finish his update.
“–It would be a dangerous idea to think about leaving a ghost alone, knowing Rorke is hunting us down. I'm leaving you with Keegan. I doubt an attack will happen here, or at least not now– But we can't take any chances, understood?" 
"Yes, sir." You responded. Thankfully, your question got answered without the need to ask. You were happy to get some more time with Keegan. It’s been a while since your last one-to-one talk with him.
"Good. If anything goes wrong, you both know basic escape protocol." With that, Elias walked out of the room, taking the rest of the team, leaving you and your coworker alone. Keegan isn’t much of a talker outside of missions, even with you. He’s always happy to listen to you rant about anything you like, no matter the topic. You and him are always in harmony, except for now, your own thoughts are taking over, stopping you from starting your usual conversations.
The silence was interrupted by the occasional buzz of the white LED lights, which served as the background noise for your mind to wander to those same worries earlier. They get louder the more you look at your bandaged wound. The fear of being a failure is something you’ve struggled to cope with– but it isn’t any easier when this affects your friends… your family. On your breaks,  you’re told stories about your coworkers' happy lives before the war started. Those stories were about hiking, sightseeing, and enjoying simple hobbies–  average things before the downfall of society. Maybe in another life, you and your friends live calmly and happily. You didn't notice your company taking notice of your distracted demeanor.
“Hey, you okay?” Keegan seemed to notice your spaced-out expression. The earlier mentioned harmony you shared included reading each other pretty easily. During the first few conversations you and he shared, you caught his interest too. Your mannerisms were what interested him the most. You were so expressive. He always paid close attention to how you would look up while recalling a memory, or how your eyebrows furrowed while bringing up something upsetting. He could tell your worries were related to your injury. It almost looked like you were creating another hole staring into your thigh by how hard you were staring at your bandages.
“Yeah, just a few thoughts circling my head. Nothing new.” You weren’t exactly lying, but you sure were minimizing. 
“If that were the case, I wouldn’t ask. You like to downplay a lot.” He caught on quickly. Keegan has always been observant– of his surroundings, situations, and even people. To your team, he’s been an older brother of sorts. Perhaps it was just the desire to seek some type of ‘family’ as comfort during a war. Something about the way Keegan interacts with you is far from a brother. It almost felt like he was more of a lover, something you wish was your reality. He works well on the field– but he’s more than a killing machine. He’s sweet and comforting, like a warm cup of hot chocolate on the coldest of winters. You glance at him and collect your thoughts to avoid scrambling your words.
“I’m just disappointed in myself, or disappointed that I got this injured.”
“Why is that?” Keegans' full attention is on you.
“It’s hard to ignore the feeling that you’ve failed your team when you’re... excluded. Even if it’s for recovery purposes.” You look up at the lights above your cot before continuing.
“I don’t want it to sound like I don’t believe in the ghosts, because I do– I just get worried about them, it’s even harder to process because they’ve been like one big family. I don’t want them to end up like this… or worse.” Keegan takes a moment to process your words before he thinks of a response. After around four seconds, he takes a deep breath and takes a seat at the edge of your cot.
“They’re going to be okay, y/n. Injuries aren’t some sort of weakness. Hell, I know you’ll recover quickly, but I need you to take the time to heal. You’ll be back out soon.” His tone was softer than usual– it’s the tone he uses when he’s alone with you. 
“Trust them the same way they trust you. If you’re able to come out alive, they’ll be okay too.” If it were up to him, you wouldn’t be here risking your life with him. Something about you was so pure, an unfitting description for this line of work. There’s never a day that goes by where you’re not checking in on your friends after a mission, or taking the time to get to know them personally– asking about pets, family, or their favorite things. Just like you do with him. You were the first person to treat Keegan like a friend. He wasn’t just a respected teammate or just a ghost, but a true friend in your eyes, maybe something more. He watches you take in his words, hoping it relieves your stress in the slightest bit. You look him in the eyes and smile. That same friendly, warm, raw smile that had him obsessed with you. Your hand reached for his.
“Thank you, Keegan. That calmed my nerves a bit.” You smile in appreciation. He calmly nodded in response. His eyes darted to your interlaced hands. He subconsciously lightly tightened his grip on your hand. Why couldn’t you have met under different circumstances? You’re his light, his escape in this hellhole of a war. The long conversations you two would have were precious to him. He remembers everything you say, just like what you do with him. How you would’ve decorated your home, your disliking for overly sweet foods and drinks and how it stings your throat, your favorite color– Everything about you was perfect. He looks at your wounds and looks back up at the room. 
“Nothing hurts?”
“Not a lot.”
“Not really.”
“Are you cold?” “A little.” He stood up to grab an extra blanket from the cabinets, disappointed that he had to break the contact from your hands. He tossed the blanket over you, checking that you were as comfortable as possible. Maybe this was his form of special treatment– treatment no other soldier would see or receive. This was him behind closed doors... next to you. He’s truly a softie, especially for you. If he could take your place in that cot, taking the pain in your place, he would.
He loves you.
“Keegan?” His eyes met yours the second he heard his name come from your mouth. The way you said it was sweet and powdered with love. It drove him crazy– in a good way. He glances back at you as a silent cue to continue. You began to speak again once you got his attention.
“What do you want to do after this is all over?” The question took him by surprise. 
“I don’t really know. I’m sure I never want to go through this again.” He jokes. You both softly laugh.
“Ever thought about settling down with someone? Perhaps a lover?” He tensed up after hearing that. 
“I have.” He sat back down, linking hands again. That lover was you. All he wanted was to see you in a white dress and a veil, with a golden band signifying your mutual love. You felt him drawing shapes with his thumb on your palm. You sighed softly at the action.
“Me too. Maybe I’ll move somewhere quieter, like the countryside. I’ve always lived in the city– even growing up.” You reminisce the memories of cars constantly driving down the street as late as 2 am. Nothing ever seemed to stop in the city of your childhood. Not much has changed in that way– now you’re constantly moving around, hoping to see another tomorrow. The city was Keegans’ last guess on what type of area you grew up in. The city is chaotic, dangerous, and forever awake. You were so down to earth, despite citylife doing anything to sweep people up. He’d do anything in his power to live that quiet life you dreamed of right at your side.
“–But back to settling down with someone, I think I want to do that too. A break from hazards is one thing, but I hope I share it with someone else.” You looked up at the ceiling trying to picture the sight. Keegan looked at you, then looked down at his feet.
“What about your special someone–”
“It’s you. I love you.” He interrupted, letting his impulsive thoughts win. He was pleading deep down that he didn’t make a fool of himself, that you reciprocated his feelings. You snapped out of your trance. It took a second to hear that correctly. You looked into Keegans’ eyes, shock being present in your expression.
“Really–? I mean– you’re being one hundred percent serious?” There was doubt in your head. You were telling yourself this was too good to be true– but this is Keegan. He wouldn’t do or say anything to hurt you. He was too enamored with you, drowning in love to be lying. His thoughts are consumed by everything he adores about you. He picked up your hand and brought it to his masked lips. You took that as his confirmation and sat up, being careful of your leg pain. Keegan turned his body to face yours better. You leaned into him and wrapped your arms around his torso as he embraced you. The warmth made you happily sigh as you let out a soft giggle. The feeling of euphoria washed over you. He really loves you, and you love him.
“I love you too, Keegan.” He rested his head over yours, lightly rocking you from side to side. It felt unreal to hear that out of your mouth. He goes back and forth from how you both made it official to thinking about his future with you. Your, no, both of your shared futures, hand in hand.
“After this is all over, I’ll make sure that quiet countryside life you dream of comes true– I promise. No more war, no more dangerous circumstances, nothing. Maybe we’ll get a dog together.” You hummed in response, feeling drowsy from the amount of emotion and the long day you’d had. He kissed your head through his mask, holding you tighter. You look up at him and pull his mask high enough to expose his lips. He leans down to share a short, sweet, soft kiss. No matter how short, it was a kiss full of love and adoration for each other. Keegan felt as if his life was complete. He could call you his and you could call him yours. Your head leaned against his shoulder as the both of you enjoyed the comfortable silence. Keegan pulled away slowly and motioned you to lie back down, sensing your tiredness by how your grasp around him was loosening.
“Rest up, okay? I’ll wake you up if I have to leave.” You nodded and got yourself comfortable. Keegan lovingly kissed your head and brushed his hand over your hair. You’re his to protect. He’ll do anything to keep your comforting, gentle smile on your face. No matter how dangerous things get out there, he knows how to keep his promises. He’s promised your teammates that they’ll win the war together– but he promises that you’ll live in the home of your dreams outside of rolling green fields full of wildflowers and berries. He’ll wake up next to you to see the morning sunlight making your skin glow and go to sleep seeing the moonlight cast a halo behind you, like the angel you were– his sweet angel, his paradise.
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berrinlee · 3 days
🩸- anon here with a few more silly ideas. (I’m a masc person so most of these are from a masc perspective:((( )
Logan and Goth older brother reader, kind of like Sunshine X Cerberus, but in the phantom realm? Readers the terrified one. And then Logan takes the protective role of :3
Ashlyn with a tap/acro dancer, friendly competition of different dance styles. Or a martial artist, I say this because if you’ve ever been in a dance studio that does multiple styles, the friendly beef is CRAZZYYY
Ben with either really short chaotic reader or a reader who’s taller then him and is the dad friend, bro is prepared for everything^2
Tyler with a Shakespeare quoting theatre kid, overly flirty and all (with consent ofc) they’re so gay for eachother
I literally can’t view Taylor dating someone who’s masc, but best ship I think is girlboss (Taylor) X girl failure, like fem reader is clumsy, bad at school, but in phantom realm? She’s the one hunting the phantoms down
no idea if this is a request, i assume not. but i’ll involve this with the misc list since i throw in my own ideas and a whole ass rant.
LOGAN. sunshine x cerberus would be the funniest thing ever because it reminds me of rodrick heffley. so lots of bonus points if goth older brother is a HUGE tease and does music. i feel like it’d be fun for goth!reader and aiden vs tyler with that personality i’m going for. just imagining goth laughing and encouraging taylor to record them; even provoking aiden and tyler when they’re all grumpy. but side effect: VERY IGNORANT PERSON if they were not involved with the phantom world, they would tease logan about the whole thing; even in public. which would cause serious problems like accidentally outing them and causing suspicions. if they were involved with the phantom world, they would react the same way tyler did but start a whole argument with tyler using tons of different insults. (bonus: actually very loving towards logan. does not care if their teasing goes too far but would protect logan with his fucking life.)
ANOTHER BONUS! in the band au, goth!reader would def help logan with his eyeliner (only did it when he noticed how half-assed logan’s make up was.)
ASH. at first, would most likely find the competition weird. if you made playful competitive jokes when you first meet her, she’d most likely be confused with your tone. are you making fun of her? are you trying to fight? are you joking? honestly kind of like another aiden x ashlyn if he was a dancer.. turns into a taylor x ash dynamic if we make this competitive little fella a good comforter. that’s absolutely adorable. at some point ash will find the playfulness easing her; sometimes irritated when you accuse her of “cheating” in the playful competition which is… most definitely not possible. if sbg were to be a musical, just imagine these two having a song where ash has to keep up with tap/acro dancer; most likely a “the other side” from the greatest showman type of song ngl.
BEN. would have such a fun personality if there was another dude who was way taller and was more of a dad figure. huge idol for ben honestly. yk the scene where ash compliments him for his good “first aid skills” or wtv and he blushes? imagine him always blushing everytime dad friend!reader compliments him or pats him on the head telling him that he did such a good job and that he’s proud. ben would hate showing his anger issues more towards dad friend!reader because he feels something in him that he doesn’t want to disappoint dad friend!reader. when they first met, he’d be way more timid because i like to think dad friend!reader would be a yapper but more of a calm one. would find it absolutely awkward being around dad friend!reader but finds so much comfort when dad friend!reader does something father-like (finds himself agreeing with dad friend!reader a lot and mindlessly following him while also throwing in his ideas.)
BONUS: picks up random habits that dad friend!reader does
TYLER. would find it absolutely ridiculous if a kid were to quote Shakespeare to him. but get this guy in a grumpy mood and tell him a shakespeare quote him? now you’re just being annoying. THOUUGHHHHH this guy seems to be keeping those words? oh m ygod just imagine reader getting upset and he pulls up with a shakespeare quote and he gets all shy when you tease him because he just gave out that he thinks of you when he sees ANY quote at all. proceeds to say “it’s just a one time thing” but uses quotes you have said to him to motivate him in the phantom world.
TAYLOR. she SCREAMSSSSS bisexual in denial. just imagine her blushy face when she sees how strong reader is in the phantom world, constantly defending her n shit. bandaging her own brother can be hard, but bandaging you??? YOU????? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO WITH HER?? MARRY HER??? BECAUSE SHE ISN’T SAYING NO!! just imagine ash having to divide the group for a plan and taylor immediately volunteers to go with you because holy shit. shy clumsy girl who’s good in fighting? no need for more info, she NEEDS that number. just imagine taylor teasing you and when you get all blushy and laughy, she sees your face and turns into a TOMATO. despite you being the clumsy one, she feels like she’s the clumsy one around you; becoming uncoordinated and messy when she sees you wipe a bloody nose and breathe heavily. bonus points if shy clumsy girl actually did martial arts and has a uniformed (person in the army) father who is HELLA STRICT WITH HER. more bonus points if the shy clumsy girl is actually really slim and her body aches after experiencing high amount of adrenaline
this is very self projecting because im literally describing myself. sorry guys.
btw just imagine being the clumsy girl and running into taylor in a garage where she’s wearing a white tank top with oil all over. ohMY RHAOJCOCJOWWMOANSODMDDJQOWMSODMDO HELDOFOPSPWP
AIDEN. huge angst here idc i love aiden angst! just imagine his childhood friend being aiden’s BIGGEST friend but suddenly lost all contact when they moved houses, and aiden just loved them so much he thinks of them everyday; doing things that his friend would’ve done and likes videos that reminds him of them. despite him learning to be able to live without them, he has so much loyalty for them. just to run into them at the school and seeing that they refuse to interact with him until they were forced into the group bc of that TEACHER. huge slowburn due to their unknown want to avoid from aiden. bonus points if aiden tries to push them (like how he was pushy the first few eps) by reminding them of things they used to do when they were kids or showing them things that remind him of their childhood.
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u’ve been fed.
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For the 🌑Hidden In The Dark💉 AU, I have something morbid to put forth.
Imagine after one brutal experiment session, reader is just thrown into their containment cell and just moves to the corner, covering their face and something in their hand. When one of the adults goes to investigate, the find… reader’s eyeball in their hand and an empty socket, they’re regenerating, but it’s wrong. The muscles are forming but there’s nothing to form around and the tips are just hanging to of the socket. And there’s reader, trying desperately to put their eye back in, cause the doctor said if it doesn’t grow back, they’ll start plying teeth.
Well, thanks for reading my rant!
Could I be 🌂?
Oh f*ck, that's dark. But that would work well in this au- (And sure, welcome to the club, 🌂 Anon)
Okay, for a regenerative/healing factor, I'm assuming Reader has that ability or is related to Logan or Sabretooth in some way. So if we go that route with this, then let's say-
It's going to get brutal very fast.
Reader's trying to hold it all in, trying not to cry, but the pain they're in is intense, unlike what they've ever felt before, and they've lost their own eye. It burns, it freezes, it hurts so, so much. And all they can do is drag themself to a corner of the room and curl up, trying desperately to get their healing factor to kick in... And it eventually does, but... they aren't growing an eye back. Their flesh is mending, trying to stitch itself back together and to cradle their eye, but their eye... it's still in their hand, and it's hard to look at, near impossible to hold, but hold it they do...
Whoever is in the cell with them (one of the adults), is trying to get a closer look at Reader, desperately trying to calm them down and see the damage- And when they do, it makes them feel sick. And they can't do fix it. Reader's face is damaged, but slowly healing itself, but the socket where their eye should be- it's a bloody, dark hole, oozing blood and gore onto their kid- And oh heavens, their kid-!
They're gentle as they can manage, trying to hug Reader and curl around them, trying to put themswlf between them and the door and anyone who might enter. They hear Reader's stifled wails, their sobs that are full of panic and pain and fear, and their heart breaks over it. And then they're being told by their kid if their eye doesn't grow back, if they end up "broken", their teeth will be pulled next... And if their teeth don't grow back, it'll be their bones that are broken... And if that doesn't heal... Reader won't be around anymore...
They go still. They still clutch their kid, who's only crying harder, hardly breathing through their tears, and they ask, as carefully as they can, if Reader can put their eye back in. That makes their kid quiet, if only a little. And then they're guiding their hand back up, holding their eye up, and push it back into place. Their kid screams for a minute, but they soon go quiet, slumping against them, unconscious... When the adult checks their eye, flicking open the lid and checking the tissues, they find its reattached itself, and breathe a sigh of relief...
They know it hurt... They're so, so sorry it hurt... But they couldn't lose their kid. And they won't. And if that means they kill whoever comes through that door next... then they'll do it in a heartbeat. No one, and they mean NO ONE, mutilated their kid/cub/pup, and gets away with it... And their instincts scream at them, to stay around them, to lick or wipe away the blood that stains them, and to try to keep them as comfortable as possible. Their kid may fight it for a minute, but they'll understand. They have to... They just can't lose them...
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Ranting About Sanders Sides Again Because I Can
The fact that Roman and Virgil are currently the two sides with the most stable relationship out of the whole cast right now is just, so sweet to me.
Technically you could make a case for Janus and Remus's relationship or Janus and Patton's relationship, but Janus and Remus haven't actually interacted in a canon episode just yet, and Janus and Patton's relationship is just really getting started, so I'm not counting either of those just yet.
Now, Roman and Virgil. We know them, we love them, and I think all of us know that their relationship initially started off pretty rocky. For pretty much all of Season 1 they didn't exactly get along at all. But since then, they've gotten to the point where they're genuinely really good friends, (I'd personally even call them best friends!) and they've still got their usual banter, but at this point it's become their thing. They're not really Roman and Virgil without it!
The fact that Roman's become so much more closed off towards everyone else, but is still happily bantering with Virgil really just goes to show how much he trusts him. And it makes sense! Virgil's proven to him that he actually cares about him (see FWSA for reference) and in turn that's caused Roman to become much more comfortable around him! I mean, just look at how Roman talks about him in the 5th Anniversary Episode compared to when he's talking about the others!!
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See the difference? I certainly do!
Whether you consider their relationship to be currently the most stable in the series right now or not, you have to admit that Roman's relationship with Virgil is most definitely his own most stable one out of everyone right now. Including Thomas!
Honestly, if we don't get to see Roman and Virgil being freaking best friends in the season finale, you will not hear the end of it from me. There will be many a grumpy rant coming from my end.
I'm very excited to see how their relationship develops from here, both with how they're gonna be responding to Janus's acceptance, and with their interactions with just each other on their own. It'll be nice! And I'm very excited to see how it all plays out! :)
Also the Sanders Sides season finale cannot come soon enough, I am absolutely craving more content and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Alright! That's all from me for now! See you all again soon!! 👋
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jeanmoreaux · 8 months
top 9 books
tagged forever ago by @doctorsrose & @rosesau (🫶🫶🫶)
tagging: @lvnchs | @permanentreverie | @tolerateit | @speaknowtv | @henwilsons | @newtmsa | @greenribon | @brimay | @hollyfhumberstone | @tbosas | @alinastarkovz (ofc no pressure <3 would love to hear about your fav books in whatever way you wanna share and if you don't then that's okay too!)
rules: list your top 9 books obviously. like the people before me and probably most people who did this i cheated and put series or several books by the same author as one thing bc rules are made for breaking <3 this is very much both an 'off the top of my head' as well as a 'laboured over this for hours' kind of list that's heavily biased to the present moment.
(1.) all for the game by nora sakavic; i don't even know what to say about this. either you read it and Get why this is on my list or you Don't. and if you haven't read it this is not a recommendation btw. this is just me saying these books did irreparable damage to my developing teenage brain. hit me like no other series probably ever will again because i read this at the Right Time while being the exact right amount of Insane. and just like seed mentioned in her list if you want to know Me and Understand Me then you need to know this series. i am sure there are traces of it in my dna by now.
(2.) the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater; same goes for this one tbh. if you want to know Me and Understand Me then you need to know this series. another instance of Right Time and Right Me. these books burrowed themselves deep into my bones and became a part of my dna. they shaped soo much of my taste in prose, storytelling techniques, tropes, and dynamics. this story and these characters took me apart and put me back together again but rearranged some essential parts inside of me. much like with aftg, i came out of this series irreversibly changed and drenched in blood final girl style.
(3.) frankenstein by mary shelley; a beautifully written story with soooo much room for whatever literary lens you want to apply to it. i know i answered an ask once where i talked about my love for this book in detail but i can't find it. but i found this rant on frankenstein and the creature. i think a lot of my love for this story comes from the fact that i had the chance to work closely with the text several times. but also it's just a heart-wrenching tale about how we define humanity and how love is essential nourishment for the soul. it reminds me of that one quote from the good place: "people improve when they get external love and support. how can we hold it against them when they don’t?" because frankenstein basically answers the question what happens when someone gives you a life you didn't ask for and then opts out of any (emotional) responsibility and leaves you desolate and utterly forsaken.
(4.) the green bone saga by fonda lee; an epic family saga i still think about A Lot. kinda succession without logan but make it fantasy mafia. sibling relationships are a big part of this story too. which if you know me. big fan of that. it's also a series that grows in scope (world building wise) and keeps adding complexity So Naturally it's impressive. amazing storytelling craft at work fr. definitely an underhyped series in my opinion.
(5.) the sword of kaigen by m.l. wang; another fantasy story focusing on family dynamics but also functioning as a character study. it's a self-published work and it shows in the BEST way. there's just something about it that makes me insane one a storytelling level because it breaks so many conventions and you either hate that or love that but no matter your opinion on it i think it's undeniable that this book has some of the best character work written in recent years. i desperately need to reread.
(6.) on earth we’re briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong; another book that fucked me up with its beautiful prose and incredibly gut-wrenching emotional honesty. it really feels like you're reading about someone ripping out the most vulnerable and messed up and complex parts of their soul and laying them bare for you to see expecting nothing but acknowledgement in return. and while my own lived experience is nothing close to ocean vuong's the emotional core of this book rings so true. also i just have to say it again. the prose fucks severely.
(7.) the grisha trilogy & the six of crows duology by leigh bardugo; another (two) series i read in my teens that shaped my taste to a drastic degree. the crows are just forever ingrained in my brain. alina's story will forever fuck me up. you all know. you all understand. w're not getting into it. i think the fact that tgt is so misunderstood and undervalued just makes me love it more. because if you get it. damn. devastating. if you don't. so sorry for you because you're missing out.
(8.) the song of achilles & circe by madeline miller; tbh both of these retellings did something to my brain. you all know these i don't have to elaborate. it's very typical queer of me to fawn over anything to do with greek mythology and retellings but. these two just HIT different. also, the prose? makes me a little insane.
(9.) giovanni’s room by james baldwin; this book has some of the most insane prose i have ever read. baldwin's grasp on language is uncanny fr. every other sentence packs a punch in one way or another. he manages to capture some aspects of the queer (specifically the bi) experience in a way that felt so familiar to me and put words to so many of my internal experiences. it's about the self and identity and being lost and refusing to let yourself be found. it's also about human connections and how you'll wither when you deny yourself to open up to the people closest to you. it's about so many things without being about one think in particular. like all the other books on this list, love and belonging are at the core of it, but in a very distorted way. i don't think you can really understand unless you've read it. it's So Good.
honorable mentions; emma by jane austen (cunty women RULE), wuthering heights by emily brontë (severely fucked up in the most entertaining way. that's how you write drama.) east of eden by john steinbeck (cain and abel shit and deranged women? sign me up), these violent delights by micah nemerever (be gay do crime in the most mentally ill way possible), if we were villains (love it when characters haunt a narrative. also definitely a book about the gay sex that is not happening), women in love by d.h. lawrence (still currently making my way through this one but it's so deliciously messed up and queer i am almost certain it will leave a permanent mark)
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𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔,𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟:ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ᴘᴀʀᴋ
𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔:ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ᴘᴀʀᴋ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ/ʏᴏᴜ
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->He is the sweetest and softest boyfriend in the world.(besides eli and zack ofc)
->The first time he met you was probably back when he was still being bullies by the fat fu–i mean logan lee.he admired you for being confident enough to stand up to him and not getting your ass back to you.Mainly because you were the principal's kid.
->Anyways,after you defended him from logan,you befriended him.well,not really but still you tried to if it weren't for daniel's overwhelming anxiety of thinking that he'll be in trouble for just breathing next to you.
->So after you two became friends,it was going well.he wasn't being bullied anymore and he even got a friend that didn't give a damn on what he looks like.you are extremely patient with him and he respected you for that.this goes on for 2 months until you transferred schools.
->Appearantly,your dad wanted you to focuse more on your studies than the piggy you're friends with.you argued with him for a while,until he basically forced you to transfer schools.you say goodbye to daniel and promised him that you'll come back for him.
->And back to hell he goes.
->He was devasted when he learns your father forced you to transfer schools.he lost his only friend because of him,and now his life has gone back to square one!just great...
->But of course that didn't last too long and he also transfer schools which he hoped it was the same as yours so he can meet you again.
->And when he discovered that he had two bodies,he thought he could've had a chance with you since...you know.a world where the unattractive people are treated like dirt and the good-looking people are idolized and worshipped.so,he thought you would like him with his much more slimmer and more handsome body.
->He introduced himself in school,beat zack lee's ass and had a bunch of girls fawning over him and yet he still can't find you.
->But later on,he did.
->It was the third day of school and he was in the fashion department,where he saw you.he was excited but paused since he remembered that if he talked to you in his tall body,you wouldn't recognize him.
->After thinking,maybe it wouldn't be bad if he were to chat with you even if he's in different body.so,after gathering enough courage he speaked to you and my,my,were those some envious glares that were staring right through you.
->He was very nervous in the inside thinking you would just reject him on the spot but you didn't.
->You smiled and shook his hand like you were buddies and you two hanged out ever since.
->Of course you became part of the group with his friends and highkey everyone thinks that you guys should date.which you waved your hand at them disapprovingly,telling them that you already liked someone which truly breaks daniel's heart.
->He guessed that he really doesn't stood a chance with you.well,that's what he thought.he met you again,but this time with his original body.
->You smiled happily at him,greeting him and hugging him while telling you missed him so much that he couldn't help but blush hard from the contact and you're words.
->You asked him how was he from the past month,and he told you it was fine,nothing special.you two kept chatting like this until the late midnight strucks and you had to go now.but that wasn't the last time he would be seeing you.
->Every night now that you will visit him,bring him some snacks in case he got hungry,chatting with him about your day and always asking him if he had a good time,god he can't really cover the blush on his cheeks.
->Of course there are some rude costumers who makes remarks about him and why does he always blush with someone too good for him.in return,you told them to fuck off and mind their own business instead of coming inside to insult someone who's working.
->If they are some god complexed guys,then looks like you two will be hearing the longest rant of why daniel is just a fat piece of shit that doesn't deserve someone attractive like you and why you should just date them instead.which you responded with,
->"Why would i date garbage?"
->Welp,great job for destroying their pride.they will never visit the store ever again.you huffed and contiued to chat with daniel who still had his jaw dropped into the floor and only closed it,when you tell him there will be a fly going inside of it if he didn't close his mouth.
->After maybe like....a year or something,when he finally gained more confidence with his original body,he finally confessed to you.and you accepted it which caught him off guard cause he didn't really expects you to say yes and also for the fact that you told him in his taller body that you had already liked someone else.
->He asked you about that which in respond,you laughed and told him that HE is the one you liked.
->Daniel became a shy blushing mess after that.
->But we all know,daniel's secret of having two bodies will be found out by you anyway.it wasn't hard but you put two to two together,and boom,you confronted him about it.
->He was conflicted and tried to hide it once more,but you coaxed him gently that this is a private matter and you won't tell anyone about this EVER.which kinda makes him calm down a little,but he still has some worries but eventually he does tell you about it.
->You do two will have to worry,because sometimes you two sometimes forget that he has two bodies.and you are STILL dating daniel(his original body)which almost everyone thinks you are cheating on him with daniel(his taller body)if it weren't for the fact you managed to convince them that you two were just joking around.
->Now you two vow to never be lovey-dovey with his normal body in school or anywhere else at all,since it might take risk for someone to find out about his secret.
->So,the only time he actually got to be more affectionate is where no one can see you.also,lucky you for having two comfortable bodies that can give you the most heart-warming hugs/cuddles that you can ever dream of.
->Also,like i said before,daniel is one of the sweetest and softest boyfriends ever.
->He is always blushing over every compliment you have him,and is definetely the type to kiss your cheek or forehead every and each night before going to sleep.
->His dates are simple,either going to a cafe or to the theaters,it still gave you two a fun time.
->Also,i am very sure that daniel's mom will love you,A LOT.
->And yeah,remember the one chapter where sophia(?)i think her name is in the one night II arc.you had never thought that the cute young boy infront of your apartment will be the same chubby boy that you dated for 3 months.the change was immaculate,that you almost didn't recognize daniel for a whole minute.
->Yeah but overall,you and daniel may be wary for the dangers in the near future but you two are happy together nonetheless.
->Daniel is also lowkey thinking on what you two might had in the future.he does wish that after a few more years of dating,and when he finally had enough money to buy a new place to live in,you two will get married.
->But we all know you are going to accept it,you are so inlove with this sweet boi that you will gladly accept the marriage proposal he will do in the future.
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incubum · 11 months
okay so hear me out -
one night (post-s1 pre-s2) richie is sitting in a bench down by the pier having a teeny tiny existential crisis reading the book he told carmy about in ep1. a crying or maybe cried-out woman comes to sit next to him and after couple minutes of very awkward silence he asks her if she’s doing okay and regrets it very quickly because she is/was crying for fuck’s sake obviously she’s not okay. fortunately the question doesn’t backfire and she’s actually grateful cause she’s got so much bottled up so everything just sort of spills out. at the end of her rant she’s kind of embarrassed that she’s bothering this complete stranger with her whining but richie, who was also having a night full of self-pity himself, is feeling rather sympathetic and takes a chance on this strange woman and trauma-dumps in return. they spend the night wallowing and eventually end up feeling the tiniest bit better by morning once they get everything out there. surprisingly, a pathetic night turned out pretty good after all. eventually once the morning comes she has to leave to go to work. they exchange “see you later”s but forget that they haven’t exchanged names or numbers but this only hits richie later on when he goes to pick up his phone to talk to her and tell her something funny he’s heard that he thought she’d crack up at. which throws him back to square one, all sad and shit. a few days later they cross paths and richie thinks he has used up all his luck in the world on this moment, finding the one person he wanted to see again despite how fucking huge and crowded chicago is. this time they exchange names and numbers and it eventually turns into something serious. she travels a lot due to work so they’re always either texting or talking (mostly talking because richie doesn’t quite get texting). she texts him a photo of herself in his devry university sweatshirt that he left at her place and he makes it his lockscreen because that’s the sort of thing I KNOW he’d do okay don’t judge me. one day carmy sees his lockscreen and he goes “richie why the fuck is (character’s name — let’s call her roman roy because that’s the sort of thing i had in mind) your lockscreen?” and richie is so confused because although he has talked about her before he never gave them her full name so he says “how the fuck do you know jesse?” and carmy just laughs and goes “cousin that’s roman fucking roy she’s that asshole logan roy’s daughter, she’s a fucking billionaire” and richie is just so fucking shocked but obviously he dismisses carmy saying “why shouldn’t i know roman roy” and trying to act chill but the second he’s gone he’s immediately googling roman roy and his mind gets sooooo fucked and calls her a bajillion times while she’s in a meeting
okay that might be absolute crap but i was thinking abt succession and the bear happening in the same universe and this came out — it’s totally self-indulgent but i kinda wanna write it and see where it goes??? idk you’re my favourite richie writer and i guess i just wanted to tell you about it
never seen succession but i finally sat down and read this ask and i was vibing and jiving with it the whole time. you should DEFINITELY write it my dude
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e7 recap: tom, the one pepper menu item, gets spicy
sorry for the delayed recap this week, girlies. somehow i had a life to live and it was not very conducive to breaking down an episode where literally everyone is going through a breakup.
oh well.
we start the episode at tom and shiv's, where tom has made her breakfast after a long night of boning.
(this is an episode for the foodies, btw. did you guys notice?)
he gives shiv a scorpion as a present because she is toxic and can kill him.
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hilarious joke, tommy. hilarious.
all is not well in this household. and none of the other significant relationships seem to be doing that well either:
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this shot.... succession camera person, i see you.
i'm so happy we get to see rava, even if the writers are giving us crumbs at this point.
she tells ken to call her daughter. sophie is scared of the election and all the racist rhetoric which is spewed most prominantely by her father's news network.
ken pulls out his inner logan:
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seems like most of the kids do this episode and it is certainly not a good thing for their personal relationships....
this goes for everyone except connor, who honestly seems to be having a great time this episode.
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he's just happy his father is dead and that he is polling at 4 percent in alaska.
truly a power play by the writers to give con all the best lines in the episode. our girl is thriving!!
the tom/shiv saga continues, this time with sexting.
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can't believe they are getting some of the best classically trained theater actors in the world to write this shit.
and make faces like this:
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what time to be alive.
ATN is downsizing. greg is out for skulls.
shiv and tom host a tailgate party before the election which isn't really a tailgate party and all the finest people in the land are gathered, including a strange tv couple and a podcast god.
roman and ken are using the occasion to spread doubt about mattson and the gojo deal:
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just two failsons/CE-bros working together for the good of the republic.
also, they've invited nate to go regulatory on mattson's ass, which tom is of course totally chill about.
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it's the guest appearance nobody asked for and yet he has more screen time than gerri in this episode. the succession writers truly do not understand me.
con is offered a post as ambassador to somalia if he drops out of the race by mencken, but mogadishu isn't really his vibe.
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he came to win this episode.
gerri arrives at the party and roman is like, phew, my girlfriend isn't mad at me for firing her and my guy frank probably worked it all out with her for me, right? right???
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it's giving high school drama.
let's all take a moment to imagine gerri, three martinis down, ranting about what a little shithead roman is.
the girlies stick together<3
mattson arrives at the tailgate party after shiv tells him about the regulatory route dumb and dumber over there are planning to go down.
he arrives during a moment of silence for logan, but not to worry, this swede knows how to behave and will not put his dick in the guac.
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lukas is, of course, his normal charming self:
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my face exactly when i'm caught between my potential future boss and the guy i've been boning nonstop for the past 12 hours.
the roman/con negotiations continue. it's a no on the slos, con wants to take berlin by christmas and contemplates opening up north korea like nixon did china.
it's giving napoleon, it's giving girlboss.
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if you can believe it, you can achieve it, con con.
but alas, he is offered oman.
shiv asks mattson this:
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if i was mattson i would eat her out right then and there.
i'm having perfectly normal feelings about it.
nate continues to.... be there.
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luckily he doesn't stay for long. bye bye, nate. see you never!!!
con tries to sell willa on the whole oman thing:
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the pros are: no lines at the airport and you can hit people with your car. bonus: you actually DON'T have to live under ground.
this is perhaps the first time in succession history that we see a couple have a truly genuine discussion about what their next move should be - together.
sticking up for your man's delusions really works out, i guess.
oscar is great.
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he doesn't like greg. i like oscar.
ebba wants to murder everybody:
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communications people with social anxiety, unite!
greg is a try-hard and joins in on the hazing of ebba.
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i don't think i've ever liked him less.
anyway, turns out it helps the failbros, who come to ebba's rescue, smoke a cig with her, figure out lukas is basically not the coder from gothenburg he says he is, but instead some swedish elon musk type who took some tech to marked.
oh, and his numbers in india are completely wack.
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rome and ken are ecstatic!
lets run down a list of mattson's flaws so far: - fudged the numbers - sent weird items to his employee - potentially has a little drug problem? - calls things he doesn't like gay
totally inappropriate for a company like waystar, in other words.....
roman does the best gerri impression i've ever heard.
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i know j. said she thinks the impression is stupid but i had to watch that moment three times to figure out if it was actually her saying the line or not, so..... sorry j. <3
gerri is done.
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i feel unwell. someone please convince me this isn't their last ever scene together.
j. said there'd be ups and downs. WHERE ARE THE UPS?
roman is upset and takes it out on connor in his best logan impression to date:
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con is like nah, i'm good on oman and willa is like everyone hates your fascist candidate, roman.
good for them.
ken and mattson fight over who has the fakest numbers.
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mattson shits on new york like a true swede.
anyone doing the "drink every time someone fights" game this episode is dead by now.
speaking of, we get the best hbo balcony scene since the wire season 3 episode 11.
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at the risk of mixing my hbo references, this is my red wedding.
the fight goes something like this:
shiv: you are a social climber tom: you are broken, you never got your dads approval and you shouldn't have kids because you are horrible
at least now tom can get some sleep, i guess, because the bonefest is certainly over.
ken talks to frank about taking doing a reverse viking, meaning waystar buys gojo, not the other way around.
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OH MY GOD THESE KIDS. they can't even fucking pull off ONE deal before they are on to the next. c'mon.
oh and he wants the CEO position for himself. shocker.
imagine being frank in this scenario. just imagine.
tom is tired from all the sex and all the talk about him getting fired and acts exactly like me whenever i have people over:
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tired girlies need representation too.
the era of wambsgans ire is here.
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shiv is like oh fuck.
the episode ends with everyone pretty much being alone. there are no teams anymore. there are zero hugs except for one very disturbing one between mattson and ken, and i'm having a hard time remembering if i like any of these characters at all.
oh no, wait, i like connor.
it's all good. i still like connor.
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f0point5 · 6 months
I may be a bit late to the party but my ick is people saying that like half the f1 academy girls are the next big talent of motorsport and are going to get to f1 within the next 5 years or could beat (just an example bcs I see this often) logan sargeant in the williams.
Just a few hours ago I saw a fanfic (set in 2023) where bianca Bustamante was the f1 mclaren reserve driver like f1 academy races in f4 level cars (if not feel free to correct me). And also just time is working against these girls bcs as far ad my observations go, the trend goes towards younger drivers. I don't mean to be like misogynistic or smth but if we take bianca as an example, she's now 18 and will be 19 during her f4 season next year. If we give her an average of 2 years per category, she'll win f2 when she's 24, if she even gets that far. And even then, no guarantees that there'll be a free seat, that teams would sign her etc.
I'm not saying girls can't get to f1 but the pool of talent is much smaller and therefore the chance of a girl being talented enough (and rich and connected etc.) to get to f1 is unlikely at this point in time.
I just can't see any of the current f1 academy drivers or female f4 drivers in f1, I'm sry.
(Sry for the long rant)
Well, Bianca is now sponsored by McLaren so it’s not totally unrealistic.
But yes I do think people massively need to get a grip on the whole F1 academy thing. It’s a good project, but it’s not going to achieve what people want overnight (personally I have my doubts if the next female F1 driver will even come through a female only series). This crop of girls aren’t going to be the ones who make it. The concept needs time to grow and expand and find its feet, these girls will age out before then.
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
[That super anonymous question meme: given control of Hank's storyline, what would you write out/envision for his future? Do you see any great triumphs and tragedies in his life? Any great loves or discoveries? How do you think the world will remember Your Hank McCoy?
Oh wow, so anonymous, I have no idea who this could possibly be from! Maybe a secret admirer? So mysterious . . .
Nah, but for real, this is a good question because it's got a complicated answer. I write Hank McCoy, I adore complicated, which is why you're getting three flavours of answer.
First off, there's my verse: each of us is a nest of lies, which basically aims to tackle Hank as he's presented in X-Force, but just with, like, actual emotional complexity and a degree of sympathy for the devil, rather than moustache twirling mutant Henry Kissinger (don't rest in peace, you fuck). Having seen where X-Force is going, I have a pretty good idea of where 616 Hank is headed, and it . . . honestly, makes me kinda sad.
Hank goes through with the grossness of mind controlling Wolverine, using him as a weapon, nearly getting deep sixed by the rest of the X-Force team, losing almost everything. The Fall of X occurs, and Krakoa, the nation that he threw everything that he was into the garbage for, dies, while he isn't even there, while he was off in-fighting with his subordinates (in his mind, that's what they still are).
He loses it. He starts lashing out. I already write him as dissociating from himself - which is why you'll notice that my narration for him never calls him Hank, only Beast, and why he insists on calling everyone by codenames if he can - and this would just tip him over the edge. Full on ranting, raving, raging against the world, against the people who held him back, against the people he (in his mind, anyway) tried to sacrifice everything for and protect only for them to spit in his face.
Through means unknown, X-Force resurrects a younger Hank. Early 20s, wide eyed, bouncy, one of the goodest good eggs you've ever known - and wildly in love with Simon Williams, aka Wonder Man. In my mind, this is what the older Beast wanted, hence why he left only that Cerebro backup behind. He knows he's poison, he knows he's awful, he knows that everything he is has been carved out and replaced with biotech and cruelty and empty platitudes about necessary force. He pretends he hates that old him, but he doesn't. He's viciously jealous of him.
Logan, young Hank and Simon put him down. I like to think Logan has it in him to pop the claws himself instead of leaving it to the younger McCoy or the man who loved Hank no matter his mistakes, maybe even saving young Hank from older Hank.
This is where I imagine I diverge from what Ben Percy and Marvel have planned.
They would probably let old Beast die and rot, leave it on an ambiguous note that young Hank has a chance to avoid becoming that now, but I would personally opt for Sage to get a chance to show the compassion and humanity that old Beast didn't give her, and pass his memories to the younger Hank. It would scar him. It would make him sick. It would wound him. But it would give him purpose.
Ultimately, I believe in compassion and the human spirit, so the idea of Sage and Logan (maybe Piotr, too) getting the chance to show that they were better than the weapons and tools old Beast tried to make them by being kind to Hank when he needs it most makes me feel . . . good, honestly.
That young Hank goes on to have extremely explicit gay wonder sex with Simon, comes out as bi, and has a long, illustrious career as the gayest Avenger. No notes, that's where he goes.
Then there's the verse I have with bothsidesofaquestion, the verse called: the ground beneath our feet is alive but are we? which brings Hank back after the old version of him is already dead. I don't love the idea of Hank existing without the knowledge and memories he gained over the last 40 years, so even though he knows why older Beast had to go, even though it's, in its way, forbidden knowledge, he would have to seek it out. He's a scientist, his curiosity demands no less.
This version of Hank ends up rejecting Krakoa. It's a sunshine driven cult of sex, death, violence and supremacy, and Hank McCoy is an Illinois farmboy who likes Star Trek and puppies named after deciduous plants. He can't grok it, he can't handle it, he needs to leave.
Maybe he's the one who goes back to the Mansion and restarts it as a school, because maybe Xavier and everyone else gave up on the dream, but he didn't. Call him crazy, call him a naive idiot, call him an evil man just waiting for his moment to turn, but he doesn't care.
He needs to leave a positive legacy behind. He cares too much to retreat to an island paradise and just give up. I like to think this version of Hank would find Abigail again, and maybe they find peace together, or at the very least, they have a fun 'I'll make you good again-I'm going to protect you from the world by being kinda evil but also fiercely loving you' dynamic going on.
Then there's my verse: the irredeemable beast. I don't want to go into too many details because I'm still writing this fic, but I want Hank to really have to grapple with who he is and what he's done. He wants to be hurt, he wants to be tortured, he wants to be made to pay, and he actively spurns kindness and love because he knows he doesn't deserve it.
I liked the idea of inverting the body horror that's such a prevalent theme in X-Force by giving this version of Hank an overcharged, Wolverine-style healing factor and putting him through the wringer, so that happens a lot. Five chapters in, and he's already been shot multiple times, at least once by an anti-tank cannon. It hurts. He feels like he deserves it every time.
Again, no spoilers, but this fic is my way of making peace with the fact that the Hank I fell in love with, Grant Morrison's complicated, unpopular, bipolar, fiercely kind and unfairly hurt Hank, is going to be gone soon. Unless someone at Marvel wants to fix things properly, he's going to be set all the way back to 1981 and lose a lot of his nuance, and that . . . hurts. So I cope in my own ways and on my own terms.
There's also a secret fourth answer which is I force my way into the Marvel offices, reveal that the Beast in X-Force has been an imposter since issue 1, have the old Beast come back, and things just go back to the way they were before Bendis and Percy got their grubby mitts on him. Send him back into space to have chaotic adventures with Abigail again. I don't give a single flying fuck if this renders X-Force #1-50 completely pointless, I will go to your house and burn your copies myself you piece of -
So, yeah, that's the general tenor of the storylines I see for him and how they unfold, including my predictions on how the 616 version will play out. But my Hank McCoy? The one I write?
Honestly, I want people to remember him as that time they came across a Hank McCoy on Tumblr that sounded just like the Beast they knew, but better, with a strong, consistent voice that they just fell in love with. I want people to remember my Hank before they remember Ben Percy's, Matt Fraction's, or Brian Michael Bendis'. Selfishly, I want to protect his legacy, even if it's just one person at a time, one changed mind at a time.
Hank means a lot to me. More than anything, I want to do right by him.
Thank you for the question!
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charleslebatman · 9 months
Okay I’m gonna go on a bit of a rant cause I think it’s so strange… why the fuck do like 3-5 drivers feel the need to get hammered whenever they are out in public with their gfs?
Like seeing the Carlos video of him “partying” in a club after he won deadass make him seem like the most boring dude alive; like homeboy ain’t even dancing on the goddamn dance floor he just standing there getting wasted and his gf or whatever the fuck is she to him at this point, is trying to get his attention and his like yeah no my drink is more interesting but I will pay little attention to you so you can feel happy. Like some of these drivers seem so uninterested and uncomfortable around their gfs and you can lowkey tell that Carlos’ and Charles’ girls are deadass rebounds (in my opinion). Like that shit is lowkey embarrassing not for the girls but for Carlos and Charles….
At least Charles takes Alex to the track. Like holy fuck. Also not to mention Max also looks uncomfortable as hell 90% of the time he’s out with Kelly or his wasted as fuck as well. Like really my dude.
I just don’t understand why can’t these drivers just stick to one night stands or something and stay single for a while, fucking hell, Charles and Carlos are both attractive guys why won’t they just go and hook up with random chicks like I’m sure Logan and Lando do instead of constantly changing gfs what feels like every fucking season.
I’m in no way hating on these girls I just think honey if you are there for the money and fame sure go for it, have your expectations crushed and ruined for all men. But if you are looking for something serious I swear there are better guys out then athletes who aren’t ready to settle down.
I will never understand how can these girls put up with their boyfriends looking so uninterested and uncomfortable around them. Like I would be running out that door.
That’s why I always thought Oscar and Lily and Alex and Lily are cute together cause they seem super into each other, and that’s that Oscar and his gf don’t seem to like pda but in every photo taking of these two couples they are always talking or laughing with each other.
This is in no way hate or criticism on the girls, it’s more so criticism on these driver who can literally never be single for whatever reason, like I feel bad that these girls may be thinking these drivers are gonna settle down with them, when in reality in a couple of months from now, they are out the fucking door and the driver is onto the next girl.
I just can’t imagine how shitty of situation that is, and I know we never see what goes on behind closed doors and maybe they only look that way with them in public but in private it’s different but still, how can you go for looking uncomfortable/uninterested in public to be being super happy in private?
At the end of the day I feel like drivers who are constantly jumping around and dating random girls every few months just need to do what Lando does and just fuck around cause at least girls aren’t expecting anything more than a single night with them.
I don’t know though it’s definitely an odd situation and I think it must suck to be the ex and seeing these assholes move on like they where nothing to them.
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newx-menfan · 1 year
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Storm #1 Review
The issue opens with Storm and the X-Men fighting the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
As Mystique and co are captured…we find out the whole thing was a stunt for some unknown customer and not about getting mutant files… (foreshadowing!!)
As Storm assessed how the team did, Ororo and Kitty get in a verbal spat… (this takes place before Piotr broke up with Kitty…but around Kitty’s freak out about Storm getting a Mohawk..but before “Love Story” with Forge…if any of that makes sense lol) 
After the battle, the X-Men do what the X-men do best- chill at the beach.
While swimming (cheers for the iconic thought bubbles returning!!), Storm nearly drowns and questions her old status of “Goddess”.
Meanwhile some human named Jimmy (it always Jimmy’s…) goes on some anti-mutant rant at Kurt….while Kurt just ignores the whole thing to more or less put the moves on his girlfriend (The real reason people hate Kurt is because he will steal your girlfriend…)
Kitty and Rogue go off together after Kitty blows up at Storm for having a motorcycle (Kitty got mad at the weirdest shit back then honestly)…
Rogue seems hesitant to “corrupt” Kitty, knowing she’s still on thin ice with the team despite saving Logan in Japan awhile ago… (I weirdly love early heel turn Rogue, so this is a HUGE treat for me!) 
Storm runs into a HOTTIE while out on her bike who’s apparently randomly and conveniently a climate change tech bro…(you GET IT Storm 😎 !)
Storm gets back to the mansion about the same time Kitty and Rogue do…
And….Kitty…walks in with cornrows and a tat (😬 pulling a “Vanilla Ice” there Kitty?? 😂🤣🤣)
Xavier lectures Kitty while Ororo goes out to see her tech bro again (Man Storm must like techies…also the guy must be like a 10 in bed if she’s going back to see him so SOON! 😂🤣🤣) and accidentally causes a hail storm (Storm blames dark thoughts…I blame being horny 😂🤣🤣🤣) and some rando appears that looks like Gollum and blames Storm for causing it (damn that’s just being PETTY) and fights her…
Storm questions if she is at fault while she drives him away from the civilians…
As Storm drags said rando in a tornado, there’s a backlash…causing her to fall from the sky!
The art is depressing horrid…like “New Mutants vol. 2” levels of horrid…(sorry not sorry)
How Kotian got on both CLAREMONT and NOCENTI books…I will never know!
It’s reminiscent of the old X-books…but in a good way! Seeing Colossus use Russian and his corny comment on it meaning “thug”…or many of the admittedly corny moments like Kitty saying she’s gonna make Colossus a “mixtape” or Storm talking about the  “weather at her fingertips”…It just feels like the old X-Men. It just feels FUN again.
Rogue stands out the most- I didn’t realize how much I missed Southern stereotype skunkhead until reading this compared to “Rogue & Gambit”…
All the characters feel like “themselves”, which honestly makes this book a huge treat, even if the story is pretty “meh””.
In an era where characters feel interchangeable- it’s nice to see them be DEFINABLE and FLAWED again!
My only critique is- I would actually like Claremont and Nocenti to branch out a bit…
As fun as it is seeing them write “Gambit” or write “Storm” again…It also a choice that feels a bit safe.
I would like to see Claremont or Nocenti try taking a crack at some of the newer characters instead of just returning to previous eras, partially to see what they’d do and because I do think they need more of a challenge!
Still- this is a fun read, especially if you miss the old Claremont X-Men! 
I mean OBVIOUSLY the rando is the tech bro, whose somehow messing with or stealing Storm’s powers. And the girl flirting with Kurt is in on it….
Rogue will say “hog” so many times that it will become a drinking game…
Kitty will start listening to rap music and Colossus’s mixtape will be Kitty’s new rap album 😐😂.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Ooooooo, Pray tell, what are your thoughts for the DarkDinosquadAU?
Lamb Anon
Hi 🐑 Anon!! I'm glad to hear from you again!
Okay, so my idea for it goes something like this:
Reader, who was likely the member of the squad (the main AU one, with Scott, Rogue, Remy, and Pietro, plus Logan as their good raptor teacher), to struggle the most with accepting their situation and forging friendships withe everyone (a bit like Caruso, kinda, from the original show), ends up leaving for a bit. You know, the angry walk and rant about how they aren't okay or happy with what's going on... (It's in almost every 2000s kids heroes'tv shows...) Yet they end up caught, by scientists or hunters or someone who wants to pick apart their dinosaur form and more or less kill them to do so... Maybe Reader kept the teams secrets from them, or maybe Reader led them away from the team, so as to save or spare them... Either way...
Reader ends up hurt. The bad kind of hurt.
Maybe they had to fight a hunter. Maybe the scientists experimented on them. Or some strange mix of those options... Reader ends up rescued just in time by their team (plus one p*ssed-off Logan), and is taken back to their base/lighthouse...
Reader is taken care of while they're asleep (think Leonardo from TMNT after getting hurt, where they all went to the farm/barn...). They eventually wake up, and go through the process of getting back on their feet, but not without having a few heart-to-heart discussions with each team member, about how they don't hate them, they never did... they just were scared, of being rejected and about being a dinosaur and how they were the smallest/weakest member... And they all forgive each other, assure Reader, and life seems to move on...
Except a few weeks to about a month later, Reader starts to show symptoms of something.
They all think it's a small cold or fever at first. But it doesn't go away... They keep an eye on it, and while it doesn't affect their efforts on keeping the town safe from Victor, the more time that passes, the worse it gets. Ultimately, Reader starts coughing something up... Yet it isn't regular bile or vomit or puss or blood... It's... No one is sure what it is. It appears black, almost like oil or ink... yet it has the same viscosity of ink or bile... It's disturbing. Logan starts running tests, trying to figure out what the h*ll is going on, but it isn't any illness or poison that modern or ancient medicines know of. It's something new. And from what the tests point to... Reader is slowly being poisoned from the inside out. The substance, whatever it is, feeds off of them and whatever they digest/ingest, and keeps spreading to living tissues. It seems to destroy everything it touches, devouring it or rotting it, leaving behind the black residue...
So Reader only has a few months left.
Logan does what he can, but it doesn't change anything. Reader accepts what's happening to them, as that's the only thing they can do, they believe. And the others...?
When they find out that Logan has done all he can... they decide to turn to Victor. He's their enemy, yes. He wants to turn animals and humans and plants back to prehistoric times, yes. He's scary, dangerous, and could hurt them, yes. But he's their last option... So with that, they get in contact with him, without Reader's or Logan's knowledge, ready to try a new approach...
Reader does what they can to enjoy the time they have left, yet with each passing week, then each month, it only gets worse. Coughing up more and more of the black bile, growing weaker and pained... It hurts, what they're going through, but they'll try to stay for as long as they can.
One night, they start to feel worse, more drowsy and tired and sick... They ask if Logan can stay with them until it's over... He does.
Yet after a day, Reader is unresponsive...
They aren't dead, not yet, but he's staying by them until it's over, even if it takes months...
The others, who have spent the last few months secretly getting the help of Victor and trying to come to grips with the choice they've made, find them like that. They'd only been gone a day or so, giving a few samples of the residue to their new mentor/ally... And now Reader isn't waking up, and Logan isn't leaving them until they're gone. They try to say they have an idea, if he'll listen... Yet when they say who they think they should go to, who they should bring Reader to, he grows worried. Upset. Because he doesn't trust his brother, and he can't guarantee he'd help them, or even not betray them...
But they weren't going to take no for an answer... And out from the shadows comes his brother, the last person he thinks should be there. He tries to say something... but then he's fading out, a small sting in his shoulder...
Victor takes all of them in, and while he doesn't find a cure, he finds something to stave off the illness for the moment. Once it's given to Reader, they wake up in a few days...
And now they have to face the fact they're trapped, Logan is sedated, their friends aren't with them, and the last person- well, dinosaur- they want to be near is the one who's keeping them there... and taking care of them, all of them, for some reason...
(And this is where I'm at a crossroads as to what path to take. Also, Victor would never kill any of them or eat them or hurt them, but he's not letting Reader or Logan leave, and while he and the others are working together, he still doesn't plan to let them leave, either, should they change their minds... He wants to keep them all alive, happy, even... But it seems he has a few humans to get rid of... Starting with the one/s who almost killed one of his and his brother's nestlings...)
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