#this might or might not be Harry presenting Draco to the Weasleys
tink-wondering · 2 years
For @drarrymicrofic's July 22 prompt: Seven 
“That would’ve been too chaotic for my taste,” Draco comments, eyeing at the Weasley family.
Harry sighs. “What are you talking about?”
“Growing up with six siblings.” The obviously, heavily implied. “Although, clearly Ginny is the only one with common sense. They do say the seventh is the most powerful.”
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
Lucius did NOT want Draco to be a Death Eater
In my last meta, I explained why Draco DID want to be a Death Eater, rather than being forced into it. In this one, I will argue that Lucius not only did not coerce Draco, but was actually opposed to his son’s taking the Mark — and for this too the story is more compelling and tragic.
Lucius’s actions suggest he became a Death Eater more out of self-interest than ardent devotion to Voldemort or his cause. For Lucius, joining the Death Eaters seems more like a pragmatic matter of being wherever power and privilege are. 
Of course he believed in pureblood supremacy, but he wouldn’t die for it, like Bellatrix. He was also not disenfranchised like Snape, so it’s not like Voldemort was his only option. Voldemort was simply a convenient option at the time, but Lucius wasn’t that attached.
That’s why he doesn’t stay loyal to Voldemort after he loses the First War. As soon as there’s nothing in it for him, Lucius dips out: “[Malfoy’s family] were some of the first to come back to our side after You-Know-Who disappeared. Said they’d been bewitched” (PS6).
Between the wars, then, Lucius forgets about Voldemort and simply puts his efforts towards other sources of influence: joining the Hogwarts Board of Governors, currying political favour through “donations to excellent causes” (GF36)...
He even acts directly against Voldemort’s wishes by smuggling Tom Riddle’s diary into Hogwarts. As Dumbledore tells Harry:
Lucius was supposed to wait for Voldemorts sayso [...]. No doubt he thought that Lucius would not dare do anything with the Horcrux other than guard it carefully, but he was counting too much upon Lucius’s fear of a master who had been gone for years and whom Lucius believed dead. [...] Had Lucius known he held a portion of his masters soul in his hands, he would undoubtedly have treated it with more reverence — but instead he went ahead and carried out the old plan for his own ends. By planting the diary upon Arthur Weasleys daughter, he hoped to discredit Arthur and get rid of a highly incriminating magical object in one stroke. (HBP23)
Lucius gets away with that for the time, and by the 1994 Quidditch World Cup he’s feeling unstoppable, gathering with the old Death Eaters in a highly public place to torture Muggles for sport. However, he’s in for a brutal surprise when Voldemort returns:
“Lucius, my slippery friend,” [Voldemort] whispered, halting before him. “I am told that you have not renounced the old ways, though to the world you present a respectable face. [...] Your exploits at the Quidditch World Cup were fun, I daresay… but might not your energies have been better directed toward finding and aiding your master? [...] You have disappointed me… I expect more faithful service in the future.” (GF33)
Plus, says Dumbledore:
“[Voldemort] was not aware, for instance, that the diary had been destroyed until he forced the truth out of Lucius Malfoy. When Voldemort discovered that the diary had been mutilated and robbed of all its powers, I am told that his anger was terrible to behold.” (HBP23)
So Lucius is fully aware that he is on thin ice with Voldemort. Retrieving the prophecy from the DoM is his chance to regain his standing, but that goes horrifically for him:
“Ah, poor Lucius… what with Voldemorts fury about the fact that he threw away the Horcrux for his own gain, and the fiasco at the Ministry last year, I would not be surprised if he is not secretly glad to be safe in Azkaban at the moment.” (HBP23)
At this point, Lucius surely realises that being a Death Eater isn’t the advantageous pursuit it once was, at least not for him. So why would he want to bring his son aboard a sinking ship?
Lucius has high expectations for Draco’s future: in the same scene where he berates Draco for not being top of his class, he also says, “I hope my son will amount to more than a thief or a plunderer, Borgin” (CS4). In the past, he might have imagined joining Voldemort would bring Draco the prestige he dreamed for his son, but by now that has no reason to remain the case.
Although Lucius’s love for Draco isn’t the healthiest, he never wanted harm to come to him. In the Nimbus 2001s and Buckbeak incidents, Lucius shows concern for Draco’s well-being, even if it might be mixed with pride and possessiveness. Lucius is not Bellatrix, who “would be glad to give [her sons] up to the service of the Dark Lord!” (HBP2) — Lucius’s son is his.
Proud, arrogant Lucius also wouldn’t want to rely on Draco to save the family. For one thing, it would only compound on Lucius’s post-DoM humiliation to need his sixteen-year-old son to fix his mistakes, to allow his son to be more competent than him.
For another, Lucius struggles to believe Draco is competent at all. As mentioned, Lucius does have high expectations of Draco, but at the same time he’s very worried that Draco can’t fulfil them. So, when it comes to being a teen Death Eater — something many people justifiably doubt Draco’s capacity for — Lucius would likely be sceptical, too.
This lack of validation is the root of Draco’s daddy issues, and that’s precisely what Voldemort exploits to concoct a beautifully evil scheme.
Voldemort lures Draco into serving him by promising Draco the recognition he never got from his father. Everyone else can tell that Draco isn’t expected to succeed (if Narcissa and Snape can, I don’t see how Lucius wouldn’t), but Draco is so desperate to prove his worth that he believes Voldemort. 
Thus, Lucius’s punishment is not simply that his son is endangered for Lucius’s failure as a Death Eater. The most cruel part of it is that Draco goes willingly — and that it’s Lucius’s own fault for his failure as a father.
It’s also thematically more logical that Lucius not be in control of the situation. He starts out as a cunning man who can manipulate his way out of anything and pull all the right strings to get what he wants, but then his arc is about losing all that due to his hubris.
After the DoM, the fitting plan for Lucius would be to distance himself and his family from Voldemort, just as he did after the First War — only now that’s no longer possible. “Slippery” Lucius can’t slip away this time, because he’s literally trapped in prison. 
He has been caught by the Light side, invoked the wrath of the Dark Lord, and now he can only watch impotently as the bigoted and callous upbringing he inflicted on Draco leads his son to towards his death.
In the end, Lucius loses command of his estate, loses his wand, loses his dignity, and very nearly loses his son. The puppet master becomes Voldemort’s helpless puppet himself.
Draco, meanwhile, tried so hard to make his father proud, but only ended up feeling more incompetent than ever. He made mistakes with lifelong consequences, while everyone, including his father, could see that he was only getting played for a naïve boy.
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bridenore · 9 months
HD House Magic fic recs
Here are a few Harry/Draco recs featuring house magic. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Changing with the season by @harryromper [36k]
Harry’s determined the first time he hosts the extended Weasley clan for Christmas will be a success. The Grimmauld Place advent calendar has other ideas … until Draco shows up to help.
The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by @bixgirl1 [74k]
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home.
Coffee, Cakes and Doorknob Snakes by Omi_Ohmy [40k]
Harry’s house is trying to kill him, and only one person can help him: pity it’s Draco Malfoy.
Make Yourself by @anyaelizabethfic​ [103k]
Harry just wants to be safe within the freshly painted walls of Grimmauld Place, with his friends around him. But when he hears Draco Malfoy has been spotted at the local soup kitchen, he can’t help but encourage a different type of stray to come under his roof.
Martyred by @doingthechachaslide [82k]
Harry Potter only wants one thing: to take care of the people he loves. After Teddy’s abrupt departure from his role as Andromeda’s caretaker, Harry decides it’s finally time to step up and handle the job himself. Castoff Manor, an old Black family estate, has never seemed as sinister as the stories make it sound, but it’s there that Harry stumbles upon ghosts, haunting family secrets, and a familiar, snarky blond gardener hell-bent on chasing him out. Maybe if Harry sticks around long enough, he’ll finally learn why all of Andromeda’s previous caretakers have fled without looking back.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by @firethesound [11k]
Sometimes, Harry can't help but wonder why such strange shit always happens to him.
Stately Homes of Wiltshire  by @waspabi [57k]
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
Title & Possession by @kbrick [49k]
Harry Potter’s life is going well in the aftermath of the war. Sure, his house is dark and run-down and might hate him (while his house elf definitely hates him). But other than that, things are good. Except, yeah, okay, Hermione and Ron are no longer on speaking terms. Worse, they keep trying to get Harry to pick sides. But otherwise, Harry couldn’t be happier. Well. Except for the fact that Ginny is being super weird about their relationship and never wants to have sex or talk about the future. But other than that, Harry is perfectly fine, thankyouverymuch. At least, he is until Draco Malfoy sues him for ownership of Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. Then Harry really isn’t fine at all.
The Unknown Door by @amywaterwings [60k]
There is something wrong with the Bellcrest. The heart of the place beats rotten. Everyone says so. Where Draco is a magical property manager, Harry is a recluse, and they’re definitely not hiding from their problems in the run-down flats of the Bellcrest. Not at all. Not one bit. It goes as well as one might expect.
The Unplottable Time Conundrum by @writcraft [45k]
When the past starts bleeding into the present at Grimmauld Place, an old academic article pulls Draco Malfoy out of his life of luxury. Haunted by the memory of a fleeting post-war kiss and thrust into the ghostly spaces inhabited by Unspeakable Harry Potter, Draco’s easy life is about to get a whole lot more complicated.
What Dreams May Come by @firethesound [36k]
If Harry had to get called into work on his day off, at least he was able to get Malfoy called in too.
What We Pretend We Can’t See by @gyzym [131k]
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
Who Will Guard the Door by musamihi [36k]
The day his father is sentenced, Draco takes the Mark and is given his impossible task. Thorfinn Rowle, assigned to be his mentor, is less interested in assisting him than in satisfying his own appetites. As Draco sinks further into failure and watches the war sweep his parents away from him, he takes refuge in the Manor – a member of the family he never knew he had. But the Manor suffers its own wounds during Lord Voldemort’s residency, and the Chosen One may be the only force that can heal them.
You open always (petal by petal) by birdsofshore [65k]
Harry’s not the kind of person who pays for sex. He really isn’t. Until he is.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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saintsenara · 5 months
I’m obsessed with your unhinged ship opinions! They’ve really gotten me thinking about interesting combinations which is such a fun activity for the subway
My submissions:
- Narcissa Malfoy/Petunia Dursley
- Voldemort/Molly Weasley
- Nagini/Crookshanks
- Walburga Black/Barty Crouch Sr.
ahhh, thank you so much @epigaea-repens - light of my life and producer of the finest piece of fan art i've ever seen - i'm genuinely delighted to discover that somebody other than me gets something out of doing these.
narcissa malfoy/petunia dursley
i'm oddly partial to a bit of draco/dudley - entirely because the idea of vernon trying to out-pompous lucius is funny to me, as is the fact that they'd clearly both think harry would care and harry's actual response would be 'who's draco?' - and i have to confess myself partial to this too.
narcissa's narrative mirror is molly weasley - both of these women share a certain fierceness [and, especially, a fierceness and strength one might not expect of them at first glance], but they also share a certain disconnection from the rest of their family, and an undercurrent of loneliness can be detected in their characterisation.
this is present in the way petunia is written too - the implication of canon is both that she's married "up" in terms of social class and that vernon is quite a bit older than her.
[and her fandom reception is a victim, i think, of the aging up of the adult cast of the films - petunia is, at most, twenty-four when lily dies. like her sister, she marries and has children young, even by the social standards of 1970s/1980s britain, and having to take on harry changes the trajectory of her life when it's only just started - i am absolutely wedded to the idea, for example, that harry being placed in her care means that she gives up a plan to have a second biological child.]
she is, of course, also confined in a prison which is directly of her own making - the bland domesticity of her perfect little house, all of which is an artifice constructed so she doesn't have to admit how deeply she once longed to be magic. narcissa experiences the same - i always read her as someone who leans heavily on the gendered conventions of the wizarding world as a way of coping with how utterly both of her sisters defied them, and as being someone who is very concerned with keeping up appearances [hence why her wildness and desperation when she goes to see snape in half-blood prince is so shocking]. i think you can imagine that she runs malfoy manor to have the same nothing-wrong-here vibe as number four privet drive, and i think you can do something very interesting indeed with the idea of two women who live behind masks being forced to drop them when they find each other.
lord voldemort/molly weasley
does, in fact, exist, in the form of a story i will recommend to everyone - come slowly, eden by paimpont - which, like all the best rare-pair fics, takes two implausible characters and creates a genuinely meaningful love story between them, through a lovely character study of molly and her ability to notice when people [and, especially, when people who are very much in want of a mother] are hungry.
i had to look up crookshanks' gender for this - which is a wild thing to say on a weekday afternoon - so that i could confirm... flopping. nagini's a lesbian, crookshanks misunderstood when she said she liked pussy.
it's fine in the end, though. nagini's got something happening with one of the malfoys' peahens, and crookshanks can go back either to the enemies-to-lovers thing he's got going on with mrs norris or to the soulmates thing he's got going on with sirius.
walburga black/barty crouch sr.
i am completely obsessed with this concept, i don't even think it can be considered a crack ship, and i would like to see it written immediately.
debilitating grief at the son you thought you knew disappearing - whether literally or metaphorically? delicious.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Hello, do you have Drarry Fic Recs centered around Christmas or the Holiday Season? :) Love your blog, best regards
Apparently, I know more Christmas fics than I thought I would? Considering that I'm not a Christmas person at all lmao. Another caveat that I took a 2 year hiatus, several friends have written advent/holidays fics but I'm not very up to date!
Humbug (A Christmas Tale) by Snegurochka (80k)
Draco has been taking his casual relationship with Harry for granted. Visits from four key ghosts the night before Christmas just might shake up his priorities in life.
All Roads Lead Home by dracogotgame (14k)
Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
The Safe House by emmagrant01 (10k)
Aurors Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are forced to spend Christmas together in a safe house. Bet you can guess what happens. ;-)
A Lick and a Promise by @tackytigerfic (55k)
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts! When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help. Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea. Things are complicated between them—what’s new?—but they know they have to learn to work together (and keep their hands off each other in the corridors) in order to solve this case. Luckily for them, Hogwarts itself wants to lend a hand. A tale of love, lessons, and learning to really live.
Un Noël très parisien by @femmequixotic and @noeeon (14k)
When Draco crossed paths with Auror Potter at a political function in Paris, he was not expecting their former animosity to change into something rather more intriguing. But he could be certain their casual flirtation would not last more than the night, couldn't he?
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound (81k)
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him.
And a Malfoy in a Pear Tree by lauren3210 (7k)
Draco works in a coffee shop. Harry drops by every day to get his fix. Of coffee, Ron.
Settle in in my slow-burning heart - orphaned (10k)
"So maybe it really actually starts like this: Draco is gifted a truly horribly ugly Christmas jumper by his mother, and is guilt-tripped into wearing it at work. Apparently Harry takes the hideousness of the jumper to mean that Draco is okay with receiving terribly ugly things for presents, because the next time he’s abroad – in bloody Chicago – he brings back an eagle with the American flag on its back that is capable of singing the first three lines of the American anthem if you press it on the stomach back for Draco." __ Five years after the war Draco is working a tech developer job in the Auror Office, and it's all great except this one thing: Harry Potter works there, too. Things only become stranger when Harry starts bringing Draco ugly souvenirs back from his work travels. When Harry then shows up injured in Draco's flat, Draco considers the possibility that he's going insane.
Anatomy of a Wolf Heart by @clytemenestras (40k)
MALFOY HEIR FOUND ALIVE IN WEREWOLF FIGHTING RING Three years ago at the tragic Battle that freed our great Wizarding World from the grip of a megalomaniac Dark Wizard, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, our world lost many Witches and Wizards. Among the dead and missing was Draco Malfoy, the only son of notorious Death Eaters Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, both of whom volunteered their home for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to use as a headquarters. Sources have confirmed that the young Malfoy took a vow to follow in his parents footsteps by taking the Dark Mark. Inside sources have uncovered that the Malfoy heir has been found alive. Aurors recently went undercover to expose a fighting ring involving illegal potions and unregistered werewolves. Among those rescued was Draco Malfoy.
It’s No Great Mystery by @agentmoppet (57k)
Who on earth decided that bringing back the Yule Ball for their eighth year would be a good idea? It feels like the worst day of Harry’s life, watching everyone get glammed up like the war never happened, like the last Triwizard Tournament wasn’t such a colossal failure. And then it happens again. And again. And again.
come with me into the light by @tryslora (21k)
Everything has changed by the time Harry returns to Hogwarts for his second attempt at his final year. He no longer wears glasses, he mourns dead friends from the war, and Draco Malfoy walks the halls as if he is a ghost as well. When Pansy asks Harry to help snap Malfoy out of his silence, what else is he supposed to say? Malfoy needs to be saved, and that's just what Harry does.
The One Where Everybody Finds Out by @slytherco (8k)
Prompt: "That’s mistletoe we’re standing under.”
Remember those few legendary F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episodes where Chandler and Monica thought they were SUPER sneaky with their relationship but all their friends found out one after another? Well, here's just that - in Drarry flavour.
Come Back to Me by Sophie_French (28k)
Lily Malfoy-Potter could ask Father Christmas many things: a beautiful doll with glittering pink and purple robes, a stuffed kneazle just like her cousin Rose’s or even a colour-changing diadem like the princesses in the bedtime stories her Papa tells her. But she won’t. No, this year, she will only ask for one thing: for her Papa and Daddy to get back together and be happy again. She just can’t wait.
A Room Up There (And You In It) by @the-starryknight (59k)
When Preservationist Draco Malfoy was assigned to work on Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, he was excited to delve into the gorgeous Black family antiques. His excitement quickly ended when something in the House decided it did not like his presence one bit. Featuring a grumpy antiques lover who most certainly did not sign up for this, encounters with a vengeful apparition, and a healthy application of Christmas spirit.
A Melody of You & Me by @academicdisasterfic (64k)
Draco Malfoy has a Christmas choir competition to win, and Harry Potter has an orphanage that needs funding. When Luna Lovegood intervenes, they agree to help each other out: Harry will join the choir if Draco chooses to sponsor his charity. But agreeing to work together also means getting to know each other again - in new and unexpected ways. Ft. a chaotic festive choir, scheming friends, a healthy dose of mental health issues, one very irritating ex, and boys learning how to love and be loved.
All I Want For Christmas (Is For You To Stop Talking) by @femmequixotic and @noeeon (162k)
The Niffler's Garden is the most prestigious wizarding nursery school in England and has been for the last century or more. Harry Potter's boys are both enrolled as pupils at the Garden. When he volunteers to assist with the Yule pageant, he has no idea that he'll be working closely with another parent, Draco Malfoy. Although they haven't seen each other much since their own school days, Harry faults Malfoy for not being a hands-on dad to little Scorpius. Will the intense weeks of preparation fan the fires of enmity or something else entirely? Warnings: Background discussion of divorce, coming out, parenting, very brief mention of difficult pregnancy.
All Must Draw Near by Saras_Girl (61k)  
Harry doesn't have time for rumours; he has a shop to run. Which is just as well, really.
The Light That is Blinding Me by @acciotomriddle (22k)
After Flourish and Blotts stop stocking the books of Harry’s favourite author, he is directed to a queer bookshop and discovers it’s owned by none other than Draco Malfoy, who has more in common with Harry than either of them realise.
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sitp-recs · 10 months
Liv, meu anjo, I come here asking for some very niche shit, but I believe only you can help me. I'm atm weirdly obsessed/craving to read some drarry + Draco kissing/eating out women in the same fic. Do you have any bisexual Draco recs for me? I'm open to any kinds of open/infidelity/groupsex/whatevah fics. 😎 Love u xuxu
The way I gasped in delight seeing this ask! We are indeed taste twins, I love bi Drarry with all of my heart and imho we deserve more group sex/triad/threesome fics with ladies in this fandom 🌝 I think I’ve read more but in the interest of keeping this list Explicit I chose to highlight the fics below. I’ll do some extra digging and come back to update this list if I find more!
Most fics have Harry and Draco together in the sex scene, but a few feature Draco/female character on his own. I’ll also link Lipstick by @kbrick which doesn’t exactly fit the ask but it’s gonna be right up your alley: Harry/Ginny & Pansy/Draco becoming Ginsy and Drarry 😏 Enjoy my love!
Sharing by Alisanne (3.5k) - Harry/Draco/Pansy, endgame Drarry
Harry is tense, and his houseguests help him to relax.
Hermione Granger and the Day Ron Weasley Called her a Slut by ellebesea (4k) - Drarry, Harry/Draco/Hermione
To be honest, Harry had also found Hermione’s determined mingling with the Slytherins to be odd, but he knew better than to actually confront her about it. Besides, he isn’t exactly one to talk, is he? Not when one considers his newfound urge to show his dick off to Malfoy, anyway.
Flatmates by @unmistakablyoatmeal (5.5k) - Drarry + Romione, foursome
Hermione is just as bossy inside the bedroom as she is out of it. The reason Draco knows this is because Harry's walls are too thin.
Better Than by marguerite_26 (11k) - Hinny + Draco, triad
Ginny offers Harry something a little different for their anniversary.
The Waiting by @oknowkiss, art by @babooshkart (43k) - established Drarry in a foursome 😈
It’s been almost ten years since Draco Malfoy disappeared during a routine Curse Breaker training exercise. Harry, his partner in more ways than one, is determined to figure out why. As the past resurfaces and the present fades into confusion, Harry discovers the only thing more unreliable than memory is love.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (81k) - Draco/OFC, endgame Drarry
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Eagles in Truro (Alt: That filthy one that snuck in a plot.) by @vukovich (284k) - Drarry & multiple ships
Hermione Granger just wants to get laid and maybe someday become Supreme Mugwump. Ronald Weasley just wants to build a dubiously-criminal empire and hug everybody. Harry Potter just wants... he's not sure, but it might be Malfoy. Draco Malfoy just wants to survive the post-war world. And snuggles.
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dewitty1 · 10 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up - July 2023(ノ゚∀゚)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
Harry Potter: DILF Hunter by Vukovich @vukovich
Auror Potter doesn’t know what a DILF is, but if Malfoy’s one, then Harry’s gonna be the Ministry’s best DILF Hunter ever! Or, five times Harry heard Draco was a DILF, and one time he found it to be pleasantly true. *All spelling errors are Harry’s, not the author’s. Rec Post
Witness Marks by gryffindorhearts @gryffindorhearts
No one comes to Cogg and Bell’s with a working clock. After all, it’s Draco’s job to repair what’s broken and put time – quite literally – back in order. When Harry Potter waltzes in a few decades after the War, red Head Auror robes flashing, Draco expected to serve as a consultant on a case. Instead, Harry offers him the broken Weasley family clock, and with it, the chance to live in the present for once. Rec Post
Bonded Consort by Lomonaaeren
Nineteen years ago, the Potters betrothed their firstborn child to the firstborn Malfoy child. Eighteen years ago, Voldemort was defeated for good. Seventeen years ago, the Potters changed the contract so that their secondborn child was substituted for their firstborn. Now, Draco Malfoy is trying to work out what happened. Rec Post
Blessed Are The Lambs (Do You Walk With Gabriel?) by Cannibalschism @cannibalschism
It’s been eight years of this. Eight years since the tug that drew Harry like the tide pulls the earth towards the Camerlengo and Vatican City. Eight years since he’d last felt what it was to think freely and not around the wretched, awful din. Eight years since the bars of his gilded cage had slammed shut around him all while the Camerlengo spun the key on his conniving finger. But it was today when Draco Malfoy walked into St. Peter’s Basilica, looking so young as though the years had passed him by, and smelling like pennies and dead leaves. Rec Post
I’ll Play Your Game by JayseHasNoGrace @jaysehasnograce
After quitting the Auror department at the ripe old age of twenty two, Harry Potter finds a nice, uneventful job in an apothecary. At least, it’s uneventful until his old rival Draco Malfoy comes into the shop. They strike up an unlikely friendship, which evolves into an increasingly convoluted scheme, which then snowballs spectacularly out of control into a tangle of lies and blurred lines. They’d agreed to a fake relationship — in Harry’s case, to get the wizarding world to take him off his ‘perfect saviour’ pedestal, and in Draco’s case, just to be given a chance in wizarding society at all — but neither of them expected just how difficult that might really turn out to be. Especially when the stakes grow ever higher, and they both start falling for each other. Just a little bit. Rec Post
Butterflies in Winter by Justlikewriting
Of course Harry had known that Malfoy’d been sent to Azkaban, but, to be honest, since the trials Harry hadn’t really thought of the git at all anymore. A random visit to Slug and Jiggers was about to drastically change that, though. And whose exactly were those letters that Harry found there? Rec Post
You Know the Feeling by iota @iota
Harry waits, but the hex never comes. In the mirror, Malfoy’s eyes dip shut, and he lets out a soft sound that goes right through Harry, heat rising in his body, pushing out against his chest. Malfoy turns slowly, careful not to dislodge Harry’s hand. He swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing, then speaks, his voice low. “Don’t start something you won’t finish.” *** Harry’s not sure why he’s started hooking up with Malfoy. Boredom, or the heat of the summer, maybe. Whatever it is, it’s nothing too complicated. Right? Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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Release by maraudersaffair @maraudersaffair
After serving two years in Azkaban, Draco is ready to finally live his life on his own terms. He gets a job at Borgin and Burkes, rents a crummy flat in Knockturn, and begins seeking out fit Muggles to shag. Then one night Draco comes across a gorgeous man who’s tied himself up and stuck a message on the wall for any stranger to read: Free use. And what’s even better? The man resembles Harry Potter.
All Things Go by iota @iota
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out.
The Inconvenient Death(s) of Harry Potter by nv-md (ANW815) @nv-md
Harry and Draco have spent the decade since the War avoiding each other, even as they’re forced to work together at the Ministry and their friend groups begin to alarmingly overlap. But what happens when Harry meets a tragic end (in a manner of speaking) and Draco’s the only one who can save him? Or Harry won’t stop dying, Draco’s had too much coffee, and there’s more than enough time for them to make a mess of each other’s lives.
Constellations on your skin by shushu_yaoi_lj @orange-peony
“I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. “Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks. “The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.”
and the world is tumbling down by thewakeless @thewakeless
Draco is thirty-five and content. He’s a writer, a painter, and has built a life for himself totally separate from the one he envisioned as a sullen, fearful boy at Hogwarts. Everything is calm—until his house begins trying to kill him.
The Cursed Manor by AhaMarimbas
Ophelia’s been a paranormal investigator for almost ten years, and she’s starting to run out of haunted and cursed sites to explore. When her eclectic roommate and assistant reveals that he owns a large, cursed Manor, Ophelia finds a lot more than just a new career opportunity.
the treehouse near primrose downs by softlystarstruck @softlystarstruck
Draco and Harry have been roommates for years, so buying a magical house in the countryside shouldn’t be a big difference. But in between fresh loaves of bread and beds of wildflowers, things start to fall into place.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo, Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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sweetpandorabox · 2 years
What these HP boys would be like as a dad. (Gender Neutral)
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
A/N : Hey sexy it's Angel, I have just got a small little quick blurb here of what these HP boys would be like as a dad, let me know if you end up enjoying this blurb and I might make more, I take requests as well okay enjoy. <33 (Also I know that some of them have kids and might treat them a bit differently than the way I'm interpreting them in this, but... ngl I don't like the Cursed Child book so I'm not including Harry as a shitty dad lol)
Warnings⚠️: None what's so ever it's pure fluff
Word Count: 994
List of Characters :
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Oliver Wood
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Blaise Zabini
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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Harry Potter :
A really proud dad, no matter what his kids achieve even the smallest of things he's incredibly proud of them.
A very encouraging dad, he'll push his kids to do the things/fight for what they love and are passionate about.
He makes other Dads pale in comparison. 
He's very humble despite all his achievements and uses them to inspire his kids to be good wizards/witches.
He's a very present dad, he makes sure he's there for his kids every step of the way.
Often tells stories about his Hogwarts days and all the times he defeated Lord Voldemort because his kids begged him to.
He protects his family even if it means torture and death.
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Ron Weasley :
He likes to eat - EVERYTHING. But makes sure to save his kids some and usually buys the best snacks.
He lets his kids win every time during board games or bets and even a round of quidditch.
Takes care of his kids when they're sick and lets them have some junk food, even if their other parent doesn't let them.
Takes out his kids for a dad and kid day out once in a while approximately every fortnight.
Takes a lot for him to get mad, and when he is mad it's just the silent treatment for a full day then back to normal tomorrow.
Get his kids their first pet when they're 11 years old and are all ready to go to Hogwarts as a present.
He has integrity.
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Neville Longbottom :
He is a good listener.  He will listen and let his kids speak and give the best advice.
He is reliable.  You can count on him for anything and everything.
He loves gardening and tends your huge garden and probably has a greenhouse too.
Helps his kids with school work especially Herbology.
He reads story books to his kids during bedtime.
He is generous. Too generous. Many people can attest to this.
He's probably very affectionate toward his kids like hugs and pats on the back.
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Draco Malfoy :
Probably spoil his kids and buys them anything they want no matter the price.
Become a better dad than his dad, because he wants his kids to feel loved and appreciated.
He tries to be as honest as he can toward his kids no matter what.
One of those dads that are fun to shop with because he has style and is actually helpful at giving fashion tips.
The type to enjoy a glass of wine for dinner.
Strict, but in the best way because he wants what's best for his kids.
Talks about his kids constantly at work, at dinners with friends or colleagues, and to anyone he can talk about this too.
Enjoys taking his family on expensive and lavish vacations.
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Cedric Diggory :
He constantly checks up on his kids and asks how everything is going for them.
He's an amazing dad to his kids, but he has a soft spot for his grandkids.
He can fix anything that's broken like furniture, his kid's broken hearts during their first break up, and many more.
The type of dad that shows his partner (his kid's other parents) so much love and respect to give an example of what a good partner and a healthy relationship looks like.
The type of dad that adores and loves all animals.
Stuck up for his kids when they're in trouble with his partner.
A literal saint, because he's so kind and nice and just the best dad.
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Oliver Wood :
He teaches his kids how to play quidditch and bond with them through it.
He is always willing to try new things with his kids to show examples of curiosity.
He never loses his temper in front of his kids, always keeping a calm face in front of them no matter how angry he is.
He's the type to carry his kids to their room after they'd fallen asleep on the couch.
He sacrificed a lot to give his family a comfortable life.
He gives his kids a chance to put forth their views and opinions no matter how much he disagrees with them.
He never hesitates to admit his mistakes and apologies to his kids not believing the stereotypes that parents/adults are always right.
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Fred Weasley :
He is a good dancer.  He can cut a rug and you don't have to ask him twice to dance.
The type of dad that makes a cool handshake with his kids and shows it off as much as he can.
He teaches his kids how to Apparate carefully so they can pass their Apparating test.
A really brave dad.
He loves adventures and is a thrill seeker and brought up his kids to be the same.
A bit of an immature dad but is serious when people need him to be.
He makes funny faces to make his kids laugh until their stomach hurts.
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George Weasley :
He tells funny jokes. Inappropriate jokes.  Silly jokes. Lots and lots of jokes.
Probably good at building things like cabinets, tables, chairs, and other things.
He's not just a dad he's also his kid's best friend.
Enjoys cold beer on occasion, especially watching a quidditch match.
He's extremely supportive of his kids no matter what they do and chooses in life.
Makes fun of his kids about crushes and early relationships that they had.
He is grateful for what he has in his life.
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Blaise Zabini :
Reads the daily prophet like every morning with a cup of hot black coffee in hand.
Probably the most patient dad out of all the boys in here.
He probably cries at his kid's wedding, like an ugly cry out of happiness.
He's the type to like singing/karaoke.
He is not a quitter and he won't let you quit either.
He sends letters quite frequently to his kids while they're away in Hogwarts to keep in touch with them.
He's probably the type to be a good cook and knows what his kids love to eat.
He forgives easily and never holds grudges.
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A/N: Hey sexy hope you enjoy that little blurb let me know which one was your favorite in the comments, love you all, and have a great rest of your day xx.
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browneyesandhair · 6 months
Harry Potter Rec Fest Day 25: A T-Rated Fic
Thanks to @hprecfest for organizing this event! Please see below for some fun T-rated fics! These are all top-tier fics that I'm obsessed with!
The Changeling by Annerb
Ginny is sorted into Slytherin. It takes her seven years to figure out why.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences; Rape/Non-Con
Relationship: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Additional Tags: AU, Drama, Angst, Women Being Awesome, Slytherin Ginny Weasley, Mostly Canon Compliant
Heal Thyself by astolat
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.” “What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th. “Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Additional Tags: Healer Draco Malfoy, St. Mungo's, Medical School, Hospital, Medicine
The Art of Self-Defense by cgner
Lily got pregnant at sixteen and left Hogwarts to work at an inn. After seventeen years of single parenting, she now has to manage a persistent James, nosy villagers, and a son who's all too interested in joining the Order.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: James Potter/Lily Evans
Additional Tags: AU - Gilmore Girls Setting, AU
Forever Means Forever by cocoartist
If she ever saw Unspeakable Number 37 again she would kill him with her bare hands: Hermione's research into the Veil has an unexpected side-effect. COMPLETE.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle
Additional Tags: miscellaneous unspeakables and aurors, Soul Bond, BAMF Hermione Granger, Sane Tom Riddle, tomione - freeform, complete, two shot,
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
What do you think Voldemort was doing during book 6?
Well, we don't know a lot about what he's up to, but what we know is Garrick Ollivander was kidnapped in July of 1996:
“Talking of Diagon Alley,” said Mr. Weasley, “looks like Ollivander’s gone too.” “The wandmaker?” said Ginny, looking startled. “That’s the one. Shop’s empty. No sign of a struggle. No one knows whether he left voluntarily or was kidnapped.” “But wands — what’ll people do for wands?” “They’ll make do with other makers,” said Lupin. “But Ollivander was the best, and if the other side have got him it’s not so good for us.”
(HBP, page 106)
And it makes sense Voldemort would be interested in Ollivander. See, the only thing Voldemort cares about during the second war is killing Harry Potter. That's it, he just wants the object of all his failings dead and gone. So everything he does is to serve that purpose.
So he returns from the dead at the end of book 4 and fails to kill Harry Potter again. Now, he starts to wonder why? What causes him to keep failing in killing this kid who is a way worse wizard than him (not really, but that's what Voldemort thinks)? And he can't blame Lily's love protection this time.
So he searches for the answer. For the trick Harry is pulling, so Voldemort can rectify it and kill this bane to his life.
So in book 5, he tries to retrieve the prophecy. He knows there is a prophecy about how Harry is his future vanquisher. Now, I don't think he believed this prophecy at first, but now he failed at killing Harry twice, so he thinks maybe there's something in this prophecy that could explain it. He starts thinking that maybe the prophecy isn't bullshit.
After he fails in retrieving the prophecy due to Harry Potter, he goes to his next possible lead into how to kill Harry — figure out what went wrong the second time.
He made sure Lily's blood protection wouldn't stop him in his resurrection, so now he needs to figure out how to circumvent whatever happened between their wands. And who's better to ask than the best wandmaker in the UK? So he kidnaps Ollivander and probably tortures and questions him on everything Voldemort could think of that might be relevant. And more, just to be safe. (It's why he tries to use Lucius' wand in the Battle of the Seven Potters)
We also know he wasn't checking up on his Horcruxes. If he was, he would've noticed the ring and perhaps the locket were missing. It doesn't seem like he knew though, since he didn't act as desperate as later in book 7 when he knows his Horcruxes are getting hunted down.
Unfortunately, this and Draco's mission (that is more punishment than mission, but Voldemort really does want Dumbledore dead) are the only things we know Voldemort does in book 6. I mean, he's not even present in the battle at the end of the book. So unfortunately anything beyond this point is in the realm of guesswork (I'd like to think I'm better at this than Dumbledore, though).
Things Voldemort might've been doing during book 6 (in no particular order):
Not giving up on the prophecy and trying to track the full version down by other means — if it happened, nothing came of it.
Forcing Ollivander to create a new wand for him that could defeat Harry — if it happened, nothing came out since the wand chooses the wizard and is not made to demand.
Researching wands and wand lore in general beyond just Ollivander's words. Perhaps, during this research, which may have even taken him abroad, he discovered the legends of the Elder Wand and some of its traces — if it happened, he noted it as a backup plan if he couldn't kill Harry with any other wand. (he ended up falling to this backup plan in book 7) (I also think this one is the most likely to have happened)
Researching Lily's blood protection again since it might've influenced Harry's survival — maybe, but probably not.
Researching other forms of magic that could allow Hary to survive, because this kid already evaded him twice and he wants to cover all his bases — honestly, he might've.
Researching the killing curse and potential alternatives for the same reason as above — if he did this he never found alternatives he liked.
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misguidedasgardian · 3 months
The Lifeaters (II.1)
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I. A Kerfuffle
Chapter Summary: You are back!
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, in this “book” it comes in strong!, a physical altercation, a bit of violence, hehe
Wordcount: 2.8 k
Notes: The second book! it gets more interesting!
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Only few things could make Draco Malfoy upset
He had a comfortable life, parents that adored him, and gave him anything he would want, he also had friends, more like… followers… more like and then, he had you
His very best friend.
Hence… the upset part
He didn’t got any news from you all year
You lied to him, according to himself, you didn't come back in August, you didn’t even write, but that wasn’t your fault, he sent many letters, but his eagle-owl came back with his letters unopened. Owls were not allowed to fly internationally, not all of them. 
Hence, he was upset, he couldn’t even care that his father had stopped by the broom shop and ask the owner how much the Nimbus 2000 cost, he didn’t care anymore if you weren’t with him
He did get some messages through though, through floo, and they were short because you were busy with your family, he only knew that today at certain hour you were going to Diagon Alley to buy your things, you just yesterday came back from France
He was frowning, he only managed to distract himself when his father took him to Borgin & Burkes, he thought he could buy you a present there. He knew just how much you liked mystery and curious magical objects
“Touch nothing, Draco”, warned his father as the bell over the door ranged announcing their presence
“I thought you were going to buy me a present”, he said, already bored 
“I said I would buy you a racing broom”, he said shortly
“What’s the good of that if I’m not in the house team?”
“You will be”, he assured him, “trials are normally the second week of classes Draco, don’t fret”
“So? Harry Potter already had a year playing Quidditch, he and his NImbus 2000, gifted to him by a teacher…only because he is famous!”
“‘You have told me this already”, he said with a silent warning on his eyes, “and I would remind you that it is not…prudent… to appear less than fond of Harry Potter, not when most of our kind regard him as the hero who made the Dark Lord disappear… ah, Mr Borgin”, he greeted an old gruffy man that showed up behind the counter 
“‘Mr Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again”, even Draco could tell he was lying, “and young Master Malfoy too! How may I be of assistance?”
“I’m not buying today, Mr Borgin, I’m selling”, said Mr Malfoy, wanting to be done with the interaction already
“‘Selling?”, Mr Borgin’s was not smiling anymore
“You have heard, of course, that the Ministry is conducting more raids”, said Mr Malfoy, taking a roll of parchment from his inside pocket and unraveling it for Mr Borgin to read. “I have a few items at home that might embarrass me, if the Ministry were to call …”
“The Ministry wouldn’t presume to trouble you, sir, surely?”, asked the man, seemingly outraged
“I have not been visited yet. The name Malfoy still commands a certain respect, yet the Ministry grows ever more meddlesome. There are rumors about a new Muggle Protection Act… no doubt that flea-bitten, Muggle-loving fool Arthur Weasley is behind it… and as you see, certain of these poisons might make it appear…”
“‘I understand, sir, of course”, said Mr Borgin. “Let me see …”
“Can I have that?’ interrupted Draco, pointing at the withered hand on its cushion.
“Ah, the Hand of Glory!”, said Mr Borgin, abandoning Mr Malfoy’s list and scurrying over to Draco. “Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder! Best friend of thieves and plunderers! Your son has fine taste, sir”.
“I hope my son will amount to more than a thief or a plunderer, Borgin”, said Mr Malfoy coldly and Mr Borgin said quickly, “No offense, sir, I only meant…”
“Though if his school marks don’t pick up…”, said Mr Malfoy, more coldly still, “that may indeed be all he is fit for”
“It’s not my fault,” retorted Draco. “The teachers all have favourites, Hermione Granger…”
“I would have thought you’d be ashamed that a girl from no wizard family beat you in every exam,” snapped Mr Malfoy. “Even (y/n) did better than you!”
“It’s the same all over,” said Mr Borgin, ”Wizard blood is counting for less everywhere”
“Not with me”, said Lucius
“No, sir, with me neither”, said Mr Borgin, with a deep bow.
“In that case, perhaps we can return to my list,” said Mr Malfoy shortly. “I am in something of a hurry, Borgin, I have important business elsewhere today”.
He looked around for a gift for you, eh found a beautiful opal necklace, that had a small sign that read “cursed, this item had taken the life of 18 muggles”, that did interested Draco
“Done,” said Mr Malfoy at the counter. “Come, Draco!”, the exchange was done and both abandoned the store.
But your absence wasn’t the only thing upsetting him, it was the secrecy and anger of his own father. Not directed to him, never him, but…
There have been many raids from the Ministry, and his father was scared they were going to dare to take items that were in his father’s possession, and more so, Lucius was angry, so angry, he started to look for a culprit.
And Draco had heard all about it, all summer.
He couldn’t find any gift for you but… he was relieved when his father finally pulled him out of that creepy store, and they went back to Diagon Alley, next stop was Flourish & Blotts, for his books. Lucius sent him ahead while he went to find something else, Draco left him, because maybe he was going to take himself back to that broom store and…
Draco smiled mischievously entering the bookstore
He growled visibly when he realized he was not the only one looking for this year’s books, everyone was there, and Gilderoy Lockheart was signing books, his own books, books Draco needed to purchase for school.
He found the guy to be a creep and a phony, he was even more angry when Potter himself showed up in the scene Gilderoy grabbed him and they started taking pictures together. He rolled his eyes as he went to the second floor of the store to grab the rest, and then he came back. 
Not even the chance to bother Potter was fun without you by his side, laughing at his jokes. 
He grabbed a book, saw something that you might like, ripped the page and kept it, yeah he shouldn't do that, whatever. 
He was certainly more interested when he heard the squeals of Granger herself, he looked down and spotted the lot of them, Potter, Granger, even the Weasleys, all of them. 
“This is for the daily prophet”, even a photographer was there. Draco pulled out his tongue in disgust when he saw the both of them, Gilderoy and Potter together 
“When young Harry here stepped into Flourish and Blotts today, he only wanted to buy my autobiography… he had no idea that he would shortly be getting much, much more than my book, Magical Me. He and his school fellows will, in fact, be getting the real, magical me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have great pleasure and pride in announcing that, this September, I will be taking up the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!”, Draco did not like this idea at all
But the small crowd there, waiting for him to sign their books, clapped and cheered 
Potter released himself from the small mob and walked towards the exit
“Bet you loved that, didn’t you, Potter?”, he couldn’t help it, he had to say something, “Famous Harry Potter,” said Malfoy. “Can’t even go into a bookshop without making the front page”
“Leave him alone”, muttered the smaller of the Weasleys, Draco looked at her with a smirk
“Potter, you’ve got yourself a girlfriend!” drawled Malfoy. Son the other two members of their little trio showed their faces
“Oh, it’s you, bet you’re surprised to see Harry here, eh?”, he mocked, but Draco was in a mood for a good kerfuffle 
“Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley”, he retorted. “I suppose your parents will go hungry for a month to pay for that lot”, Ron was ready to fight too, walking towards him with that look on his face that meant trouble, but Granger and Potter grabbed onto him
“Draco!”, he turned quickly, to see you entering the store with a big smile on his face, he only smirked
“There you are!”, he said quickly, but there was no time for hugs. You looked behind him and saw the troublesome trio with a little girl that you could only assume was a Weasley, and then right behind them, the Weasley’s father
“Ron!”, he called, “what are you doing? It’s mad in here, let’s go outside”, his eyes traveled to Draco, and then you
“Well, well, well, Arthur Weasley”, right behind you was Lucius himself, he placed himself right behind you, placing one of his hands in Draco’s shoulders, and the other one in yours
“Lucius”, said Mr Weasley coldly
“Busy time at the Ministry, I hear”, said uncle Lucius, you didn't understand what was happening. “All those raids ... I hope they’re paying you overtime?”  
He grabbed a book from inside the cauldron the little girl was holding 
“But judging by the looks of this, obviously not”, he said. “What’s the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizards if they don’t even pay you well for it?’”, you didn’t understand the hostility, but Draco seemed to do so, as he was smirking
“We have a very different idea of what disgraces the name of wizards, Malfoy”, the other man snapped.
“Clearly”, said Mr Malfoy, you didn't know what happened there, since he was behind you you couldn’t know where he was looking at, “The company you keep, Weasley... and I thought your family could sink no lower”
A loud bang distracted you when a cauldron dropped to the floor and then Mr Weasley was lounging for Uncle Lucius, he grabbed him and pushed him against the bookshelf 
“oh Merlin! un cafouillage!”, you murmured
“A what?”, asked Draco
“A Kerfuffle!”, you pointed out outloud, grabbing into Draco, you had never seen uncle Lucius so angry and less of it in a physical fight, but he pushed back Mr Weasley, they grabbed each other and started to bump into shelves, dropping books left and right
“Get him, Dad!”, cheered Fred and George Weasley
The assistant of the store came begging for them to stop, but they wouldn’t listen
“Break it up, gents, break it up!”, he begged
But Hagrid showed up out of nowhere, grabbing both men and separating them easily.
Mr Weasley had a cut lip and uncle Lucius had been hit in the eye by an Encyclopedia of Toadstools. He was still holding that old transfiguration book. He almost threw it at her
“Here, girl take your book, it’s the best your father can give you”, that sounded mean, he released himself from the hold Hagrid had in him, grabbed you and Draco and pushed you out of the bookshop
“Where were you?”, asked Draco as you walked down Diagon Alley
“Sorry, my aunt, she... needed more time to work on a skin potion”, you said softly, “I’m sorry for not coming back”, he twisted his mouth, thinking to prolong the whining, but he thought better of it.
“Extend our gratitude for the invitation to your grandfather”, muttered uncle Lucius, “we will make it next time”
“Yes uncle Lucius”, you whispered with a soft smile
“It was a boring summer”, Draco whispered
“I know, for me it was too a bit”, you answered back, you had no friends in france, and no family of your age
Uncle Lucius was rattled, you could see it, after going to other placed he brought you back to Flourish & Blotts to purchase a large collection of books from Gilderoy Lockheart
You knew who he was, and not because he was a famous wizard, but because… he dated your aunt a couple of years ago, it did not end well, so you were nervous
You liked the sound of the engine of the train, you loved train rides, it was a comfortable sound as Draco spoke what they had done all summer
“Did you even practice?”, he asked
“Yes I did! in my old broom though, we went to see a couple of games, in one, the french minister of magic took a bludger in the head, it was pretty funny, he had to pretend it didn’t hurt because he didn’t want the game to get canceled”, you giggled, “he is a Quiberon fan just like me”, you said cheerfully
“I don’t understand your obsession with that stupid game”, mocked Mathhew, you didn’t know what to say, “it’s stupid, besides, Potter if the star of it”
“Well, last year, despite Potter, we won the cup”, you said dismissively
“It will be fun to knock him off his broom”, mocked Malfoy, “I didn't see him on the platform, maybe he is not coming!”
“Whatever, I don’t want to dance to that halfblood’s pace”, snapped Matthew, that sounded a bit aggressive.
“Half Blood?”, you asked
“Potter’s mother was a mudblood”, he said contemptuously
“So?”, you asked
“That makes him a half-blood”, said Draco, and you looked alternatively between them, what did that have to do with anything?
“And he was raised by muggles”
Yes you knew what a halfblood was but still, when that mattered for anything? Well your family did prefer the company of pure-bloods, but in reality,  maybe it was a coincidence that… all their friends were pure-bloods… or… was it?
You started doubting.
The ride now was a bit uncomfortable, you wanted to talk to Draco, just the two of you, like before, but matthew seemed to be attached at the hip to him, you noticed Lucius buying two sets of books, you thought the other one was for him
But why? But you thought it was rude to ask, at least out loud
This year, since you were not first years, you had to ride a carriage that was pulled by something invisible, so you were going to get there faster. They were right, you didn’t see Potter on the platform, and you didn't see him now either, well… you couldn’t be that lucky, right?
It all looked the same, as no time had passed at all, everything was just like you remembered it, and you were so excited for this new year, it was going to be even better!
You sat on the Slytherin table, wearing your ceremonial hats again. Dumbledore of course gave you a small speech, then he made you stand up and sing the Hogwarts song, which you didn't know
To your horror, Gilderoy Lockheart was the new professor against the dark arts, this was going to be a long semester. Draco didn’t like it either, but Pansy, Milicent, Tracy and Daphne seemed like they loved it.
Like you said, you weren’t that lucky. The very next morning, everyone was talking about how Potter and Weasley arrived last night in a flying car that crashed against the Whomping Willow in the castle’s grounds, and they were sitting at the Gryffindor table.
The first mail arrived at that moment, you thought it was a bit rushed, given it was the first day, but you received a letter from your aunt, like always, wishing you for the best and she even sent you a sweater that you forgot, to warm you up for the fall and coming winter.
You almost jumped out of your seat when you heard a loud voice screaming, Draco was laughing and you noticed that Weasley had gotten a howler from who you could only guess was his mother.
Her voice was still ringing in your ear through the first period.
You had a heavy schedule this year, all classes of last year, but no more flying lessons. You were trading that one for Quidditch, you hoped. Next year were the trials and you couldn’t wait any longer. 
Even though it had only been almost three months, and even though Draco looked the same, you couldn’t help ut felt guilty, something had happened in the summer, he was different, he sounded different, and his hatred for Potter increased if that was even possible
You wished you could have been here, but you had to go back to France, your family had called you back, what happened in the summer? You knew uncle lucius was angry because something happened at work
With you he acted the same, but… 
You had a bad feeling about it 
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tenthousandyearsx · 2 years
WIP Snip
Fandom: Harry Potter Category: M/M Relationship: Draco Malfoy / Harry Potter Rating: Knowing me, it will likely be E. This snippet is G however (or T for cursing, I suppose). Author: tenthousandyears (tumblr | AO3) Thanks: Thanks to the wonderful @crazybutgood for the beta! Any remaining mistakes are my own. Additional Tags: Fall in love or die, Curses, Veritaserum, Pining
Draco sits down heavily on the sofa. Potter is fucking doomed. Potter is going to die unless he falls in love with Draco. Which means that Potter is going to die.
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Notes: I've been tagged by several people, but I thought I was going to finish my Fall-In-Love-Or-Die fic and just post it. Alas, no luck. Since I'm working on a separate WIP for an anon fest now, I thought I might as well post a snippet. Enjoy! x
The knock on his door at 10 pm on a Tuesday is unexpected, but it’s the sight that presents itself when Draco opens the door that makes him freeze.
“Malfoy,” Granger says, looking apologetic. “We need to talk.”
Weasley has none of the same courtesy, the oaf, which doesn’t surprise Draco in the slightest. It does, however, surprise him to be suddenly held at wand point.
“Let us in,” Weasley says.
“It’s a matter of life and death,” Granger says urgently. “We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.”
Draco rolls his eyes. “Isn’t it always, with the Golden Trio?”
Potter is not with them, he notices, which makes his stomach knot unpleasantly.
Draco hasn’t seen Granger and Weasley in years. He has kept up with Potter, obviously, the press makes it impossible not to; but he hasn’t talked to him since the trials, even though he sees him around sometimes. They nod at each other on the best of days – and that’s that.
“It’s about Harry,” Granger says, and Draco’s stomach properly twists now, which is utterly preposterous.
“Fine,” he drawls, even though he should probably ask, How is this my problem? And, Was that supposed to be a convincing argument? And even, What in Salazar’s name are you doing on my doorstep? The words don’t come, however, and he arches an eyebrow and opens the door to let them in.
Granger and Weasley follow him inside through a corridor and into Draco’s sitting room, and Draco has the time to catalogue the tiredness in their eyes, the sallowness of their skin, how much both of them fidget. They don’t look much different from their Hogwarts days, even though both of them are Aurors now.
It’s a sobering thought. Draco always assumed the Golden Trio must have developed nerves of steel after the war, but perhaps that’s just not how Gryffindors operate. If he thinks of Potter – stubborn, heroic Potter just flinging himself into life and death situations, all hot-headedness and no thought – Draco has to wonder whether the myth of Gryffindors’ skillfully wielded courage is just that – a myth, a PR operation for people who move through the world with their hearts, not with their heads. His chest feels funny again and he wonders where Potter is.
“Can we have a drink?” Granger asks, once they are seated. “Something strong. It would help.”
Draco’s eyebrows shoot up. “Didn’t really peg you for a Whiskey type, Granger.”
He complies, however, mostly because he feels like he needs one too. What has Potter got himself into, for Weasley and Granger to be looking for him?
He summons three glasses and a bottle of Talisker, and fills all three. Every noise is amplified in the silence, the clinking of glass, the pouring of Whiskey, Weasley’s overt fidgeting. Draco eyes them, tension zinging through his own body, and levitates two glasses to them.
“Do you know what this is?” Weasley asks, taking out a few sheets of paper from the pocket of his robes and handing them to Draco. His wand is still out. Draco eyes it wearily but takes the papers nonetheless.
At first, Draco is unsure of what he’s looking at. The writing is minute, the curls precise. Complex calculations are scattered among geometric shapes and rune patterns, the result so intricate it’s practically bewildering. It’s nothing Draco has ever seen used in this specific way before.
He sits down and reaches blindly for his own glass while staring at the pages.
“These are to calculate location,” he muses aloud, scanning the pages and gesturing vaguely with his glass. The other end of a spell? Or the one who cast it? No, that doesn’t seem right.
He takes a sip. There are more than two endings; there are… at least three. A triangulated spell. He turns the page frowning and there it is, a triangle with the relevant runes and coordinates jotted down. And the last one ends right at his – right at his –
“I’ve put Veritaserum in your drink,” Granger says out of nowhere and Draco is startled enough that he drops his glass. It smashes on the floor, the liquid splattering on the polished wood and seeping into the carpet.
Draco is on his feet before he knows it, his heart hammering wildly, his wand pointed at Granger.
“What the fuck, Granger?”
“Don’t you even think about it, mate,” Weasley says, his own wand trained on Draco.
Draco’s body shakes. He doesn’t know what they can possibly want, doesn’t think he’s been so ready to leap and hex since the war.
“You come to my house,” he seethes. “You hold me at wand point, you drug me –”
Granger swallows but doesn’t move. “I only need to ask you a few questions, Malfoy. Then we’ll be out of your way.”
“I’ve only had a sip,” Draco spits. “You won’t be able to get anything out of me.”
“True. But I put the equivalent of three vials in that glass.”
Draco’s throat tightens with rage and fear and he has to fight the need to lash out, to put both of them in a Body Bind and step on their faces.
He considers Apparating away until the effects of the Veritaserum wear off, but Granger’s It’s about Harry echoes in his mind and he can’t bring himself to move.
“What the fuck do you want?” he hisses instead. His fingers itch to hex them, level the field a bit, but he can recognise a checkmate when he sees one. There’s no way he can get both of them without ending up in a Body Bind himself.
“Just ask him, so he can say no and we can be on our way,” Weasley mutters. Then, to Draco, “We’re not enjoying this either, Malfoy, whatever you think.”
Draco ignores the urge to spit in his face.
Granger braces herself and looks up at him.
“Malfoy,” she says. “Draco.” Draco winces. “Are you in love with Harry?”
Draco freezes. That’s not what he expected. But he’s even more shocked when his mouth opens and he says, “Yes.”
Weasley looks like he’s been struck by a Stunning Spell, and Draco cannot blame him, because that’s how he feels too. “What –”
“Were you in love with him at Hogwarts?” Granger presses on, and Draco’s mouth opens, and to his horror, he finds himself saying, “Yes.”
He turns around, startled, his hands flying to his hair. He wants to pull it out.
“What’s this?” he asks. “Did you want to humiliate me? Congratulations, you’ve succeeded. Now, if you can just fuck off –”
The unthinkable happens, then – Granger crosses the room in three strides and hugs him.
“Oh god, it’s you.”
“What –” Draco starts again, bewildered, and when she pulls back, he's astonished to see her wiping away her tears.
“That just makes it worse, ‘Mione,” Weasley says, looking completely baffled. “You’re weird as hell, Malfoy, you know that?” He almost lowers his wand then, but he changes his mind half-way and points it back at Draco, his gaze hard. “Would you intentionally hurt Harry, if you had the opportunity?” he asks, and Draco whispers, “No.”
Draco is too stunned to keep a hold on his rage or to keep track of what’s happening. He’s too unsettled by what he’s being forced to confront after all this time – without having seen Potter in weeks, without having talked to him in years.
Granger looks at him as if she can read his mind. “Have you seen Harry, recently?”
“I –” Draco swallows, the Veritaserum taking over again. “There’s this Muggle breakfast place, not far from here. I see him there, sometimes, in the morning. But… not in weeks. We haven’t talked since the trials.”
Granger nods. “And you are still in love with him.”
“I don’t –” Draco croaks. “Yes.”
The room spins. Draco knows what he said is true. He knows he has never uttered anything truer in his life. But he didn’t know. He hadn’t wanted to know.
Weasley lowers his wand, passes a hand over his face, and collapses on his sofa.
Draco might be too shaken to collect his thoughts, but he still raises his wand, points it at Weasley and growls, “Explain.”
Weasley doesn’t even flinch, he just grabs his drink and downs it in a single gulp. Granger picks up the papers again, skimming them ruefully.
“Harry has – has had an encounter with a hag,” she says.
“He’s been cursed,” Weasley says. “On the job. It’s –”
Draco swallows. Hag magic is no laughing matter. If these two are here, in his living room, they must be at their wits’ end.
“Go on,” he says, because this is still about Potter and Draco is in love with him, Salazar’s fucking –
Draco has to remind himself to breathe. He would have appreciated some time to freak out alone, but that's apparently not an option. His heart is thrumming and he can feel it everywhere.
“The curse was in hags’ tongue,” Granger says. “It's a good thing Harry thought of preserving the memory, because otherwise… Well, that’s why it took us so long. I translated it and –” she takes a deep breath "– Harry is going to die, Malfoy, at the next equinox. Unless he falls in love with –” she swallows “– with someone who has been pining for him for 180 moons.”
“That’s fifteen years, Malfoy,” Weasley says, looking truly distressed now.
Draco opens his mouth and closes it, feeling completely wrong-footed.
“What made you think that meant me?” he almost wails, because that couldn’t have been obvious. It hadn’t been obvious to him.
“We went through every other option,” Granger says. “Every other person we could think of. Then, I remembered that I’d read somewhere about combining Ancient Runes and Arithmancy to calculate the location of magical threads – assuming that I could unravel them first, obviously. Well, it took me ages, but I could. And after that, I could pinpoint the three points of the curse. One was the hag, untraceable. One was Harry. The third – the third brought us here.”
Draco sits down heavily on the sofa, his eyes on the shattered glass, the liquid a useless pool on the floor. That’s how he feels too. Shattered. Hollowed out.
Potter is fucking doomed. Potter is going to die unless he falls in love with Draco. Which means that Potter is going to die.
“What are you asking?” he croaks, because this is still about Potter, and Draco has been in love with him for fifteen years. Salazar’s sagging bollocks. “What do you expect me to do?”
They must want him to do something. Do they expect him to date Potter? The thought is fucking ludicrous, and it makes Draco want hex everything in sight.
Trying to date Potter means he will have to face Potter’s rejection first and Potter’s death later. He doesn’t think he can take it.
“We’re trying to keep Harry alive,” Granger says, like Draco is being deliberately obtuse. “And for that to happen, he needs to fall in love with you, Malfoy.”
Draco lets out a hysterical laugh and leans forward to stare at her. “He’s fucking doomed then, isn’t he, Granger?”
“Don’t you fucking dare –”
Draco looks up at Weasley balefully, but Granger has put a hand on Weasley’s arm, eyes intent on Draco.
“What do you have to lose?” she says. “You’re already in love with him. If it goes well, you’ll get what you want. If it doesn’t –” She swallows. “Well, Harry will be dead anyway.”
Draco can't breathe.
“I’m looking at other scenarios too, obviously,” Granger continues. “I’m trying to unravel the curse, but it’s been two months and I have nothing, Malfoy. Nothing.”
“Well, how do you suggest I go about it?” Draco snaps. “You can’t fucking expect me to ask him on a date.”
“I don’t know,” Granger says, chewing on the inside of her cheek, looking as despairing as he feels. “You cannot ask him on a date, that’s out of the question. He’ll know it has come from us and he must not find out. You can’t tell him we approached you, Malfoy, or he won’t talk to us about the curse anymore and we need him to keep us updated, so I can adjust my research accordingly. We – We might have set him up on a bit too many dates,” she sighs. “We had a fight about it. He asked us to stop meddling, but see, he’s not doing anything to survive this, he’s just…”
“Not even that, he’s… sure that it will all solve itself or – or not.” She swallows. “And he’s not particularly worried about the… not scenario.” She smooths her papers, frustrated. “He’s just not – He’s not good at this, Malfoy, not just not getting himself into life or death situations, obviously, but also… you know. He hates dating. He’d probably been on three dates in his whole life before this curse and he hated every single one of them. Don’t tell him I told you this. We sent him on about thirty-seven in the last two months –”
“– and he has hated every single one of them, too. It’s just – it’s just not his thing.”
“Thirty-seven dates, Granger. Bloody hell, were you just picking them off the street?”
“We were not picking them off the street,” Granger scowls. “We went through people in our year, and then… some of the other years. That’s the thing. We needed someone who has known Harry for at least fifteen years.”
Draco rubs his eyes, feeling suddenly exhausted. “Wasn't he seeing your sister?” he asks in Weasley’s direction.
Weasley scoffs. “My sister has been dating Hannah for the past five years.”
“Not in love with him, then?”
“Doesn’t look like it, no.”
The feeling of relief that surges in Draco pisses him off even more.
“Fine,” he snaps. “So what do you suggest? Even if I’m willing to try, which I’m not sure is a humiliation I want to subject myself to, Potter won’t – He’s still going to die.”
Granger chews her lip. “Can you think of an excuse to live with him?”
“Live with him?”
“He has only three months until the equinox, Malfoy. It was five, but we wasted two. Do you think you’re going to woo him with flowers and some letters?”
Draco can’t woo Potter. He has to tell her that, at least.
“He hates me,” he says instead. The words feel bitter in his mouth. “You know he hates me. This won’t work.”
Granger eyes him speculatively. “He’s always been obsessed with you,” she says. “If he ever hated you, I’m sure he hasn’t in a long time. Will you give it a try?”
And Draco has to laugh, because they have asked him if he is in love, if he has been all along, if he would ever hurt Potter – and now they think he won’t try?
“You knew I’d help since I answered your first bloody question,” he says bitterly, “Of course I’ll give it a try. But let’s be clear, Granger. I won’t court him.”
Granger opens her mouth to protest, but Draco raises a hand to stop her.
“I’ll help you research the curse. I’ll move in and keep an eye on him, if he’ll bloody have me. I’ll do what I can. But I won’t –” He swallows. “I won’t court him. I won’t do anything romantic. I won’t –” forsake my dignity, he thinks, but doesn’t say it. “I can’t,” the Veritaserum pulls out of him, and Draco chokes on it, hates saying it and hates that it’s true. “That’s my only offer. I don’t care what you say. That’s as far as I can go. Take it or leave it.”
“We’ll take it,” Granger says earnestly.
“But –” Weasley says, startled. Granger shakes her head at him and Draco doesn’t have to watch to know she's mouthing Veritaserum. He looks away, pretending not to have noticed. His eyes sting.
He Vanishes the mess on the floor, summons another glass, and reaches for the bottle of Talisker, pouring himself some more Whiskey, trying to drown his terror about the fact that Potter is going to die, the shock of being faced with his own feelings, and the horror of having been outmanoeuvred by two Gryffindors – one of them not even particularly bright.
“Good,” he says. “Now get the fuck out of my house.”
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theserpens · 1 year
Drarry Fic Rec: Set Five
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Sealed with a Kiss by Faith Wood 46,434 words, E Harry Potter will fall in love with the first person who kisses him. Draco knows what he must do. A Christmassy Hogwarts fic, this.
Pensieve For Your Thoughts by @fencer-x 22,067 words, E
Ostracised from the more discerning social circles after the war, Draco decides to spend his final few months at Hogwarts attempting to ingratiate himself with the Boy Wonder in the hopes he might be able to salvage his reputation in the doing. But when has anything involving Draco trying to be Potter’s friend gone right, really?
All I Have to Do by @fluxweeed 9,570 words, E
The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised. Or: Draco finally has some alone time; Harry just needs to nip in for a book.
A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption by @aibidil 43,328 words, E A fuck-or-die fairytale in which Draco Malfoy lives a despicable and unapologetic life — that is, until he's cursed to die unless he can fall in love with and fuck Harry Potter.
Time and too much don't belong together by toomuchplor 22,831 words, E
“You think a little thing like hating each other would stand in the way of having sex?” Malfoy says, scoffing.“ A Malfoy family heirloom gets triggered in a raid, binding Draco Malfoy to Ron Weasley; neither of them is too chuffed about this.
Magic is tricky, and between daydream potions, love spells, bonding rituals and devious hags - love becomes tricky as well. This set includes a selection of stories that touch on grey areas and instances of dubious consent in the magical world. But don't worry, neither Draco nor Harry ever had any objections anyway. All of these stories are humorous, light-hearted, and have their own clever approaches. So, stick with them until the end!
'Sealed with a Kiss' is a classic, fueled by confusion and filled with bad intentions that lead to very wholesome outcomes. 'Pensieve For Your Thoughts' is sexy, sometimes sad, and features some very slithering Slytherins indeed. 'All I Have to Do' made me grin the whole way through, is ninety-nine percent sex and misunderstanding and very nicely written. 'A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption' presents an organic and fun execution of a familiar premise. 'Time and too much don't belong together' is a clever deconstruction of magical bonding spells and their implications, with Ron and Draco as the bonded party. However, it is still very much a Drarry story and a fun one at that. So, enjoy!
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bridenore · 10 months
HD fangfest 2022 recs
Here are some of my favorite fics from HD fangfest 2022. Listed in alphabetical order.
Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly [9k]
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore.
Love Bites, Or How Draco Malfoy Learned to Let Go and Celebrate His Allure by @m0srael [50k]
Recently-turned Draco Malfoy is doing his very best to be a normal, productive, contributing member of wixen society. So far, he's managed to keep his bloody little problem a secret, even from his best friends. But when the professional opportunity he's been dreaming of finally   falls in his lap, he finds himself with much more than just a potential promotion. Will a profile on a new creature-exclusive dating app, a wolfy stranger who seems hellbent on liking Draco just the way he is, and a little self-confidence help Draco finally love himself and his newfound community?
what husbands are for by @softlystarstruck [52k]
To settle tensions between werewolves and vampires,  Harry volunteers for a political marriage. But it turns out he's  marrying Malfoy– cold, untouchable Malfoy, who he hasn't seen in ten  years. Throughout contention and politics, werewolf pub nights and  grudgingly shared meals, they have to make it work. And in the midst of it all, Harry finds something he already gave up hoping for.
Witness Marks by @gryffindorhearts [15k]
No one comes to Cogg and Bell's with a working clock. After all, it’s  Draco's job to repair what’s broken and put time – quite literally –  back in order. When Harry Potter waltzes in a few decades after the War,  red Head Auror robes flashing, Draco expected to serve as a consultant  on a case. Instead, Harry offers him the broken Weasley family clock,  and with it, the chance to live in the present for once.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did! 
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firendgold · 11 months
“Harry doesn’t trust adults”
The above is an oft-uttered statement in the fandom, generally taken as fact. I would agree with an it to an extent—however, there are adults Harry trusts almost implicitly throughout the series, and typically he does so because they fulfill certain requirements:
they treat him with respect (not quite like a peer, but like someone whose voice and thoughts matter)
they are almost-constantly present
they give him information or answers
The two who most frequently fulfill these requirements and earn Harry’s trust are Remus Lupin and Albus Dumbledore—but Dumbledore consistently edges out Lupin because of the amount of times he is respectful, available and informative.
First though, the obvious rebuttals:
What about the Weasley parents? 
Harry is very fond of Molly and Arthur, and he does come to see himself as an extension of the family (as they do for him)... but. It is not a complete envisioning, as evidenced by how many times Harry is surprised to have Molly hug him (year 4), or admit in an argument with Sirius that he is “as good as” another son (year 5), or even to receive a family watch when he is seventeen after knowing and being around the Weasleys for five years (year 7). Even as he adores the Weasleys, he still considers himself somewhat apart from them.
We do not see Harry entrust Molly with secrets, with information, with how he is feeling as the Problem of the Book is running rampant on his physical, mental, and emotional health. He seems to instead take a similar stance as Ron, who would not be caught dead telling his mother about goings-on at Hogwarts unless he absolutely had to. 
Indeed, Harry even keeps relatively harmless things from her such as his sponsorship of Fred and George’s joke shop, although this causes Molly to worry for some time that the twins got the gold through nefarious means. 
And as for Arthur, he is a warm but rather distant presence in Harry’s life, usually serving as a source of comic relief in the earlier books and only getting a bit of personal time with Harry after Nagini attacks him in year 5. Though he is definitely a father and a good father to his children, you don’t get the sense that Arthur sits in that chair for Harry except by extension of being the patriarch of the family Harry is already fond of.
In year 6 when Harry confides in Arthur about his suspicions concerning Draco Malfoy, Arthur kindly but definitively brushes him off, reinforcing the minimal level of trust Harry has given them throughout the series.
In short, Molly and Arthur adore Harry but are simply not available enough to qualify as reliable, and they (rightfully) treat him like a child that needs to be protected, even though Harry’s experiences do not quite line up with or justify how they treat him.
What about Professor McGonagall? 
There’s a line in book 5 chapter 32 after McGonagall has been cursed and sent to St. Mungo’s that shows how much Harry has come to see his Head of House as a pillar of fairness and stability:
“There was nobody left to tell. Dumbledore had gone, Hagrid had gone, but he had always expected Professor McGonagall to be there, irascible and inflexible, perhaps, but always dependably, solidly present.”
So then, you might say, doesn’t that mean that Harry trusts Minerva just as much as (if not more than) he trusts Remus and Albus? Nope, not completely. Here’s why: Professor McGonagall has let Harry down before.
There’s no need to go into detail about year 1 where the trio tries to tell Professor McGonagall about the Philosopher’s Stone (which to be fair to her is not in danger) and she shoots them down, but this is still a pivotal point in shaping Harry’s opinion of her. 
Shortly before this, he has been punished by McGonagall for being out after curfew, trying to help another staff member smuggle a dragon off the grounds. There’s no doubt he’s broken the rules, but the 150-point deduction she takes from him, Hermione and Neville feels disproportionate and extremely unfair.
In year 2, when suspicion lands on Harry after the Chamber opens, it is McGonagall who takes him to Dumbledore’s office for the first time after Harry ends up in too many wrong-place-wrong-time situations with Petrified students. It’s clear to the reader that she doesn’t really suspect Harry, but it’s also notable that even though she is his Head of House, it is Hagrid that bursts in later on Harry and Dumbledore’s meeting to vehemently declare Harry’s innocence. 
In year 3, with a little help from Hermione, McGonagall is also the instrument of taking away Harry’s new Firebolt (understandably so, to be fair), and doesn’t do such a great job reassuring Harry about its eventual return once it’s cleared for curses. 
And much later in year 5, she makes the glaring error of losing her temper with Harry and telling him to control his after he has already had several of Umbridge’s sadistic detentions, and twice come to her for help with handling them.
This doesn’t mean that she always lets Harry down, though. McGonagall is also the one who persuades Dumbledore to bend the “no first year broom-havers/Quidditch players” rule in year 1. 
In year 4 she is one of the first to back Harry up when he insists to Dumbledore that he did not put his name in the Goblet of Fire, even though that means going publicly against Snape, and she allows Harry and Hermione to practice spells in abandoned classrooms for the tasks. 
And in year 5, during Harry’s career advice session, she stands toe to toe with Umbridge and promises Harry all the professional advice and assistance she can give, even if that means going against the Ministry’s party line.
In short, McGonagall has the curse of being just as distant toward Harry as many of the other adults in his life, though not maliciously so. I’d argue that Harry trusts McGonagall to be professional and fair and present when it comes to school-related matters, but not so much when something unusual or Voldemort-related happens—and since “Voldemort-related” covers most of Harry’s life, he doesn’t extend McGonagall as much trust in that arena after being shown several times where her priorities lie.
What about Sirius?
Sirius is a special case. Harry admires Sirius, and he worries for him. He does trust Sirius, and he believes Sirius cares for him without needing as much reinforcement as he does for/from other characters. But for all their limited time together, Harry steps into a parental role for Sirius just as much as Sirius does for him:
Harry trusts Sirius enough to be honest with him about things going on with Voldemort, and even relies on Sirius to keep him informed when other adults wouldn’t—but he also tries to keep Sirius from being caught again by the Ministry practically from the moment Sirius first gets away. This includes writing Sirius letters about pain in his scar in year 4, then backpedaling immediately and asking Sirius not to come to him when Sirius understandably freaks the fuck out and says ‘I’m flying north, don’t try and stop me’.
Harry tries to physically shield Sirius from Snape in year 5, even though the two are adults and have every right to have stupid fights in the middle of Sirius’ house about Harry’s Occlumency lessons and shit that happened twenty years ago. (You can tell how I really feel about that.)
Also in year 5, the infamous two-way mirror: Harry doesn’t know what Sirius’ gift is until too late, but he also resolves almost immediately after getting it to never use it, because he wants to protect Sirius from any potential consequences from Snape, the Ministry or any others. He is fifteen years old, and by this point has so often embraced the role of keeping information from Sirius to keep him ‘safe’ that it never occurs to him that he is metaphorically sitting in the wrong chair.
Sirius’ one mistake is not mistaking Harry for James, but occasionally goading Harry to make decisions based on what James might have done or not done—for example, when Harry verbally tries to dissuade him from coming to the school in book 5, Sirius invokes James to make Harry feel guilty and push him to do what Sirius wants, and you can tell it stings:
“Listen, don’t go asking too many questions about Hagrid,” said Sirius hastily, “it’ll just draw even more attention to the fact that he’s not back, and I know Dumbledore doesn’t want that. Hagrid’s tough, he’ll be okay.” And when they did not appear cheered by this, Sirius added, “When’s your next Hogsmeade weekend anyway? I was thinking, we got away with the dog disguise at the station, didn’t we? I thought I could—” 
“NO!” said Harry and Hermione together, very loudly. 
“Sirius, didn’t you see the Daily Prophet?” said Hermione anxiously. 
“Oh that,” said Sirius, grinning, “they’re always guessing where I am, they haven’t really got a clue—” 
“Yeah, but we think this time they have,” said Harry. “Something Malfoy said on the train made us think he knew it was you, and his father was on the platform, Sirius—you know, Lucius Malfoy — so don’t come up here, whatever you do, if Malfoy recognizes you again —” 
“All right, all right, I’ve got the point,” said Sirius. He looked most displeased. “Just an idea, thought you might like to get together —” 
“I would, I just don’t want you chucked back in Azkaban!” said Harry. 
There was a pause in which Sirius looked out of the fire at Harry, a crease between his sunken eyes. “You’re less like your father than I thought,” he said finally, a definite coolness in his voice. “The risk would’ve been what made it fun for James.” 
“Well, I’d better get going, I can hear Kreacher coming down the stairs,” said Sirius, but Harry was sure he was lying. “I’ll write to tell you a time I can make it back into the fire, then, shall I? If you can stand to risk it?” 
There was a tiny pop, and the place where Sirius’s head had been was flickering flame once more.
It’s a clear sign that Sirius loves Harry, but doesn’t necessarily respect Harry’s attempts to keep him safe.
Harry trusts Sirius, but not entirely, and not consistently. In some ways, he does not always treat Sirius like an adult like he does with other adults.
Done. Now for the two adults Harry does choose to trust for extended periods.
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Why does Harry trust Remus?
Remus is one of the first adults in Harry’s life to be distant, but still kind, respectful, reliable, and dependable. 
One of their first points of conflict (Remus not letting Harry face the boggart) is handled by Remus better than many other adults ‘handle’ Harry: he explains why he did what he did, listens to Harry’s counterpoint, and provides more analysis and guidance for Harry’s fears. He is one of the few teachers Harry has that does so.
How is Remus different than everyone above?
To be fair... in some ways, he isn’t. Certainly he is around much less, so Harry ends up “trusting” him for a much shorter time period than he does for the Weasleys, McGonagall, Sirius, and Dumbledore. But his experience with Harry in year 3 has a lasting positive impression on Harry:
Though he has to almost beg Remus to teach him the Patronus Charm at first, Remus does agree and sacrifices lots of his personal time to do just that. The fact that the lessons are ultimately successful strengthens the bond between them. It wouldn’t be too far-fetched to imagine that every time Harry is able to successfully cast a Patronus, he thinks of Remus along with his dad and his happy-memory-of-choice.
Although Remus gives Harry an intense (and, we later learn, hypocritical) dressing-down in the same year after catching Harry out after hours with the Marauder’s Map and Snape, his willingness to lie directly to Snape’s face (long seen as a source of authority in Harry’s world) means that Harry sees him as someone who isn’t afraid to bend the rules for a good cause, or to protect someone. This means he sees Remus in a different light as a teacher than he does someone like McGonagall (who doesn’t rebel against her peer/boss Umbridge in Harry’s line of sight until a few years later).
Remus shows he is willing to protect Harry from Sirius before the Wormtail-reveal, and also from Harry’s own recklessness, which means that Harry can rely on him to be in a more senior/paternal role in the way he can’t always do with Sirius. 
This may explain why he doesn’t seem to hold any grudge against Remus for disappearing post year 3 and not showing up again until the beginning of year 5.
How is Remus the same? 
Remus does have his shortcomings, which push him slightly down on the list. 
The aforementioned disappearance between year 3 end and year 5 beginning is never properly explained, and we don’t get the sense that any letters were exchanged between Remus and Harry in that time. 
Remus is also guilty of invoking Harry’s parents to try and shame Harry into doing what he wants (in this case, not running off recklessly with Sirius on the loose in year 3). 
In year 5, when Harry confronts him and Sirius about James’ behavior toward Snape, both men give less-than-satisfactory explanations. 
In year 6, Harry is just as displeased with Remus for brushing off his Draco-concerns as he is displeased with Arthur. 
Most importantly, Remus’ offer to join the trio on the Horcrux hunt in year 7 even though it means abandoning Tonks and Teddy almost shatters Harry’s good opinion of him entirely, and forces Harry to see the man he has long admired in a new light.
All this means that Harry trusts Remus with things he wouldn’t trust Sirius, McGonagall, or the Weasley parents with, but there are still many things he keeps to himself. It’s notable that out of the Sirius/Remus/Albus trio, Remus is the one Harry discusses Voldemort with the least.
 So, that’s Remus sorted.
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(at last, we have arrived.)
Why does Harry trust Albus?
I’d hardly argue that Dumbledore handles or treats Harry perfectly. But Harry’s first impression of him face to face is perhaps the most positive out of everyone above minus the Weasley parents. 
Albus does a lot to endear Harry to him without even trying, precisely because that’s just how he treats all his students. Albus is polite, respectful, and kind to Harry. 
Albus is also very seldom absent for very long. He vanishes briefly at the end of years 1 and 2, but is back almost before Harry has time to miss him. He is present throughout the entirety of years 3 and 4. In years 5 and 6 this turns into longer departures from the castle, and we see how Harry has come to rely on Albus so much that he is discomfited by his absences. And once Albus has died, a significant portion of Harry’s brainpower is taken up in grieving the loss of everything Albus was to him.
How is Albus different than everyone else?
Albus knows from the beginning that Voldemort will target Harry once he returns, and this informs the discussions he has with Harry. Where other adults seek only to shield Harry from Voldemort or related topics, Albus is aware that even their best protections will not hold against Voldemort’s hatred and determination, which is why he and Harry have the most conversations about Voldemort by far.
Albus does reference Lily and James, but doesn’t compare Harry to them or use them to shame Harry into doing the opposite of whatever he’s currently doing.
Notable example: in year 3, when Harry expresses regret for letting Pettigrew get away and not letting Remus and Sirius kill him, Albus praises his decision and says it is one he believes James would have made as well.
It’s true that Albus doesn’t give Harry all the information he has about a subject at any given time, but he is very open with information that other adults in Harry’s life wouldn’t necessarily share with him, and doesn’t lie to him. (For example, can you imagine Molly Weasley saying anything about the Mirror of Erised besides “Stay away from it”?) Examples:
Year 1: he fully explains the dangers of the Mirror of Erised, and later explains Nicolas Flamel’s decision to die and the reason why Quirrell couldn’t touch Harry. 
Year 2: he supports Harry when Harry is the school pariah, gives Harry information about Fawkes that later saves his life, and later sheds some light on Voldemort’s early history.
Year 3: He interacts least with Harry here, but still comes through in the end to infodump about Patroni, prophecies, and the concepts of compassion and mercy.
Year 4: Before this, Albus has typically defended Harry either from Voldemort or from low-level hostility from his classmates or teachers. GOF is the first time he has to publicly defend Harry’s reputation and physical person from governmental and international threats. He does so while still allowing Harry information on things others wouldn’t, such as the post-Halloween 1981 Death Eater trials, the current disappearances linked to Voldemort, and personal information about Ludo Bagman and Snape. 
It’s also notable that along with Sirius, one of the first people Harry considers writing to at the beginning of the book when he has his scar-vision is Dumbledore.
Year 5: Hoo boy. Well. Not very much respect, presence, or info-sharing here until the big prophecy reveal at the end, but even as Albus completely changes his approach to Harry in this book, he still takes pains to defend him from both the Ministry during the DA debacle and Voldemort himself at the Ministry of Magic.
How is Albus the same?
Although he doesn’t express it the same way as any other adult, Albus definitely sees Harry as a child (albeit one burdened by ridiculous challenges), and this backfires on him at the times he chooses not to provide Harry with adequate information or protection because he wants to protect him.
Naturally, Albus’ age and prestige also keep Harry from sharing certain things with him that he might have shared with Sirius or his parents, like his love interests or his more minor academic woes.
Can I just write “year 5″ here? When Albus chooses to keep pertinent information from Harry and directs the other adults (and kids!) in his life to do the same, Harry rebels and gets into ever more dangerous situations culminating in Sirius’ death. It’s bad. It’s really bad.
Like pretty much everyone else in book 6, Albus dismisses Harry’s concerns about Draco—and although we know in hindsight that Albus took them completely seriously and already had counterplans for Draco’s actions, on the surface (and in Harry’s eyes) he was let down by someone who was meant to trust him and take his word for things.
The specter of Severus Snape also constantly stands between Harry and Albus, with Snape’s allegiance and reasoning being the one bit of information Albus does not share with Harry under any circumstances.
On the surface, it seems like Remus and Albus have more than enough flaws and make more than enough mistakes with Harry to not elevate them above the other major adults in Harry’s life... AND YET.
Even though Remus and Albus do both let Harry down at significant moments, he retains enough trust in them due to their past behavior and treatment of him to rely on them the way he relies on almost no one else.
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hd-fangfest · 2 years
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HD FangFest Week 3 Roundup
Well, folks, this is the FINAL weekly roundup of FangFest 2022! All of our fantastically fanged fics and fanart have been posted, and we hope you've found something to satiate your supernatural thirst 🩸! As usual, links and summaries are under the cut. Watch this space next week for a complete master list of all our vampy contributions!
Week 1 Roundup Week 2 Roundup
🦇🧛🏽‍♂️🩸🦷, Your FangFest Mods
🦇 What You've Come For by @nv-md [1.3k | E]
It doesn't matter that Draco's a bloodthirsty vampire, Harry can't stay away from him, and they come together night after night in the Astronomy Tower.
🦇 Witness Marks by @gryffindorhearts [15.5k | M]
No one comes to Cogg and Bell's with a working clock. After all, it’s Draco's job to repair what’s broken and put time – quite literally – back in order. When Harry Potter waltzes in a few decades after the War, red Head Auror robes flashing, Draco expected to serve as a consultant on a case. Instead, Harry offers him the broken Weasley family clock, and with it, the chance to live in the present for once.
🦇 The First Taste by @maraudersaffair [7.1k | E]
After being ostracized by nearly everyone after the war, Draco says yes when Harry offers him a place to stay. Perhaps he should have looked the gift horse in the mouth, however, when he discovers Harry is not all he seems.
🦇 Like Ghosts in the Snow by Pheaphilus [10k | E]
People are going missing, and Harry's not about to start reliving the days of the war, when missing wizarding folk were ten a penny. The best part of being an Auror is hunting down evil, and rescuing those who need it. And who better to ride-or-die with than his (infuriating, beautiful, annoying) Auror Partner? But this time? It might just be Draco and Harry who need rescuing. Sink your teeth into the mystery of the missing Unspeakable!
🦇 Hidden Away [ART] by @celilasart [T]
Your sweet blood on my red lips, your soft skin under my fingertips.
🦇 what husbands are for by @softlystarstruck [52.6k | E]
To settle tensions between werewolves and vampires, Harry volunteers for a political marriage. But it turns out he's marrying Malfoy– cold, untouchable Malfoy, who he hasn't seen in ten years. Throughout contention and politics, werewolf pub nights and grudgingly shared meals, they have to make it work. And in the midst of it all, Harry finds something he already gave up hoping for.
🦇 Sweet Like Candy in My Veins by @shah-writes [7.6k | M]
In which Harry is a magical theorist with a penchant for catching vampires for the Aurors and Draco is the vampire who’s in love with him. a.k.a. Draco’s hot and powerful and Harry’s going through a crisis.
🦇 a love that consumes by @amorsindolor [7.8k | M]
They come together in the only way they know how to. An exploration of monstrosity and how love consumes us.
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