#this needs to be done before Monday
deathcupcake · 10 months
I scraped my knee on the case of my newly built computer and drew blood.
✔ Blood sacrifice complete
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sadlittleratboy · 2 months
Put down my cat late last night. She was old, around my age (24) and I've had her basically my whole life. I miss that rage beast already. She died comfortably in my arms at least. As long as I was holding her she seemed happy. I held her the entire 40 minute drive to the emergency vet and four 2 hours prior, and I held her during the hour and a half wait for it to all be over. She loved being held, and she even started feeling better enough to purr right before the end. I almost put a stop to it all and took her home because she was feeling a little better, but I knew it would happen again. It seemed like she was ready to go anyway. I feel like I left a big chunk of me in that clinic. When I get her back she'll be ashes. I've had to put down a pet before (just three years ago) and though I loved him I hadn't had him for half the time I had her. She cuddled me to sleep every night. She demanded my attention every second I was home. Even with my other two cats seemingly understanding that I need them more than ever right now it's not enough.
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milflewis · 5 months
every single day this week has been another variation of surprise shawty! except every surprise has been a nightmare and shawty is so sad
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theemporium · 6 months
when you spent all day trying to get the group project presentable when nobody else is doing anything else to help, just for someone in the group to come in and completely fuck up the forma🙃
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antstarion · 2 months
cough. starting to realise i really dont care about my dissertation. scared
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kipaia · 4 months
surprise panic attack???
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imagine-nerd · 1 day
The fucking disconnect is so real.
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#theo's thoughts#Story time for the people who love reading tags bc I love sharing things in the tags#So I work at a therapeutic day school and this past school year like four school days before Thanksgiving break I was asked a question#The question was if I would be willing to step up and be a long term sub in a middle school classroom#To me this was less of a question and more of a hey we need someone to do this and you're who the assistant teacher asked for#Which cool yeah fine I'll give it a go I really like that person (the assistant teacher who asked for me) and I trust her judgement on this#I was asked and accepted on Thursday. Friday‚ Monday‚ and Tuesday happen. Then three day Thanksgiving break#When we got back from break I was the teacher and it was rough at first and it sure as hell was never easy but I enjoyed it#My formal teacher observation was my boss basically going like so I see you doing all the things and the basis is there#But it's not being followed through on because of behaviors from the most unmedicated classroom I've seen in all my years working education#And now for the summer they're changing 2/3 staff that were in the room and who even knows who the teacher will be (a new hire? Maybe?)#If there truly is a new hire coming in (fed to the wolves immediately btw what a dick move) but that new hire will be the fourth teacher#These kids have had in a year? A year and a half max. The fourth. After the only thing I've been repeatedly told by admin for months#Is that we need to be stable and consistent because we may be these kids' only reliable source of that consistency and stability?#So you're going to have me come in and tell me I've done such a great job and then tell me you're moving me to 'give me a break'#Trauma informed care my fucking ass. I hope those kids raise fucking hell over it.#The brutal satisfaction of watching your own crops burn and knowing that the invaders will starve is great and all but these are kids!#They're barely just about to be teenagers (11 at the youngest and 14 at the oldest) and this is what you're going to do to them?#Yes they can be complete assholes and are often dicks to one another but they're in our school for a fucking reason? I don't get it.#Then two hours later after being told abt the change‚ the clinical director puts me as one of the three main recipients in an email#Saying that there's going to be a new student starting in that room in the summer and the real icing on the cake?#This all happens on last day before summer break. we're out of session for two weeks now and you're just dropping these changes on us now?#God I'm so fucking tired
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theflyingfeeling · 8 months
I should finish some work that I've been procrastinating the whole week (more like literally didn't have enough hours in a day for it), but here I am contemplating whether I should post all my work from the random tumblr ficlets by theflyingfeeling tag to AO3, just in case 💀
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mossflower · 1 year
oh i am FUCKED fucked
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shopwitchvamp · 2 months
February Preorder Status Update:
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transgaysex · 3 months
sewing hard
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quicksilversquared · 3 months
My advisor, a month ago: so the nice thing about this being a Master's project and not a PhD is that I can help with the stats analysis stuff!
My advisor, this week: I would like a PowerPoint presentation on the arguments that the authors of the papers you mentioned made regarding why they used the statistical tests that they did, please and thank you.
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vanity-complex · 11 months
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melelinoe · 3 months
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idk if im allowed to post these but whatevar this is my personal blog anyway my anime club is holding a con and doing a raffle and one of the prizes is a sticker pack from the artists collective and i made one :D
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random2908 · 1 year
I started by telling myself I shouldn't feel bad that I didn't get all my planned chores done: Saturday is a rest day, and we've just finished three weeks of crunch at work. (Next week might also be crunch but probably not; the product ships at the end of the week but we should be in good enough shape already.)
But then I realized: I ran three errands in the morning, and did three chores in the evening--even if one of the chores was just "cook a healthy dinner" and two of the chores were banking-related on a website. (But one involved sending text messages, and one involved an actual phone call to customer service, so I can't even really say they were just on a website.) That's six things I got done on a rest day. I may have overscheduled by saying I'd do at least eight things, but still, six things is very good.
#the things I did NOT do all involve a hand drill so#I have about average upper body strength for a woman which means I do struggle somewhat with hand drills#although these chores all involve walls not metal so it's not THAT bad--except it's sideways rather than down so I can't lean into it#so yeah that's a level of chores I was not up to on my rest day#tomorrow is too booked up for chores--I told my friend I wanted to hang out with them this weekend#since I said no two weeks ago (I was fully booked) and they had to cancel on me last weekend#and normally we meet in the middle for hiking (we live 1.5 hours apart) but this time they suggested I drive all the way out#and I said yes before I realized that's what they were suggesting#so that's fine--but I can't do anything else beyond that tomorrow even just basic chores#which is a little bit getting to me because a house guest is coming to visit in four days#and I really need the shower curtain to be properly secured to the wall by then?#anything else is gravy--I already have clean sheets for her and everything--but THAT needs to be done#I've been living here almost two months and have only knocked the shower curtain down about three times so it's really not that bad#I even hang my towels on it and it's fine BUT I know how to do it? and I'm like professionally good at manipulating physical objects lol#like being a mechanic of sorts is literally a significant chunk of my job#whereas she doesn't pick up object-manipulation tasks easily--especially not involving gross motor skills#in fact when I mentioned it to her she was like yeah that was something she was not going to be able to handle#if I didn't have it properly installed by the time she arrived#so uh... well not today or tomorrow#and Monday and Tuesday I have work... and she's arriving Wednesday#ok realistically tomorrow night I'm just going to have to suck it up and get to drilling no matter how tired I am from driving and hiking
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911bts · 2 years
Hi do you know if they are on a thanksgiving break now or do they film today?
They're on break!
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