#my least favorite part of upgrading computers
deathcupcake · 10 months
I scraped my knee on the case of my newly built computer and drew blood.
✔ Blood sacrifice complete
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Part 3
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 4,500 Warnings: Language, fluff.
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Part 3: Contact
As it turned out, your life started to get better after you missed that shift at the coffee shop.
Oh, you still got fired. But the experience of nearly getting splattered on the pavement by an oncoming truck gave you some unexpected clarity about your life.
Mainly, you needed to stop wasting it. You were tired of jobs that would pay your bills but not bring you closer to your career. And frivolous thoughts of coffee shop boys and…the hope of running into your soulmate.
Maybe one day, you could dare to hope, but from now on, you wouldn’t let it rule your thoughts. You wouldn’t hope too hard either.
It could save you from the disappointment of never hearing anyone’s thoughts but your own.
So you decided to check the University of South Dakota’s career board for jobs, and you discovered an opening in the history department! A research assistant for one of your favorite professors, who was writing their dissertation on the strange, superstitious, and sometimes down-right disgusting social practices of the Ancient Greeks (including bottling up the sweat of their best athletes, because they thought their musky body oils contained magical properties).
Since you were already majoring in history, you were a shoe-in for the job. And working directly with your professor gave you a great resource for future classes.
Four years later, you had earned your bachelor’s degree in History. You even decided to further your education when you were able to get a scholarship for graduate school.
Now you were just one semester away from finishing your master’s. You still worked in the history department, but you had been able to upgrade—to Executive Secretary to the Dean of Ancient Studies.
It sounded fancy, but really, you were a glorified slave. Or at least, your boss seemed to think so.
“I need you to cancel my meeting at two,” said Dr. Birch. She breezed into your tiny office without knocking, startling you from where you were hunched over your laptop.
“Good morning!” came your reflexive greeting, though it was a bit too loud and sharp. You internally winced at yourself and relaxed your posture, like a bird unruffling its feathers. “Cancel your meeting with Dr. Wells?”
Dr. Wells was a nice man, and an important one. He was the Head Dean of the entire History department. Technically, he was above Dr. Birch. It wasn’t a good look to blow him off, but you weren’t about to say so.
“Yes, I have an important lunch, and I already know it’s going to go overtime. Gary will understand,” she replied. She was looking at her phone rather than at you. For all she cared, you were just a calendar with hands.
Dr. Helen Birch was a brilliant woman. She’d published no less than five books, had won awards for her peer-reviewed articles, and she had been your academic advisor all through graduate school.
She could also rival Meryl Streep for “bitchy-ass boss” in The Devil Wears Prada.
“I also need you to grade the final exams for one of my classes,” she said. “Greek Studies this time.”
You held back a sigh. Again? I’ll never finish my own finals at this rate.
But what you said was, “Sure, I can do that. And I’ll email Dr. Wells to reschedule.”
“Yes, make sure it’s not on Thursday,” she said, brushing a finger through her thin blonde hair. “I have to leave early to get my roots touched up before I go away this weekend.”
“That’s fun,” you chatted while you revised Dr. Birch’s calendar on your computer (and sent an apology email to Dr. Wells). “Where to?”
“Oh, I have this tedious conference in Chicago. But then my boyfriend is taking me skiing in Breckenridge.” She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I simply can’t wait. This semester has been a drain on my psyche, and just terrible for my migraines.”
With the email sent, you took a little breath and gathered some courage as you got up from your desk and gathered a handful of papers you had stapled together. It was a rough draft of your thesis, which was only a bit worse for wear (including a suspect coffee stain that you didn’t remember accidentally putting there).
“Actually, I was going to ask you if you got my email about my thesis. I just wanted to go over some of the feedback you gave me on the draft,” you said, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
Dr. Birch raised a brow. “What of it?”
“Well.” You showed her the front page, which was covered in red ink. “Mainly the part where you crossed out the first three pages and commented, ‘Missing the point.’”
She nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid I have nothing to add about that.”
Well, that didn’t exactly help you. The first three pages was your entire introduction to your thesis, “TV & Film: The Modern-Day Mythology of the Masses.”
You must’ve had a pitiful, lost look on your face, because Dr. Birch finally took pity on you. She sighed.
“You are a creative girl. I’ll give you that, but your degree is not in cinematography. You are a historian,” she said. “And while the ‘Well of Souls’ in Raiders of the Lost Ark may be based on a real historical place in Jerusalem, that does not mean Indiana Jones can, or should be described as a ‘religious experience.’”
My ten-year-old self would bed to differ, you wanted to retort, but you kept your mouth shut and lowered your eyes. Dr. Birch nodded to herself and was about to leave your office, until she stopped short and gave you her Amex card.
“Oh. And get me a coffee, would you, dear?”      
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The moment your day ended and you were able to get into your car, you let out a long sigh of relief. While you waited for your car to warm up, you massaged your hand, aching from grading papers for Dr. Birch’s class.
You rubbed your hands together, this time to warm them as the frigid air draining from the car still bit into your skin. A shudder tingled through your body, and not in a pleasant way. Honest to God, I hate the winter.
On reflex, you toyed with the silver ring on your right hand—your mom’s ring. It usually comforted you, but today, remembering her made your heart heavy. Because today was the anniversary. 
You still remembered that snowy day when you were fourteen, could picture it so clearly, like a scene painted on glass.
With one last sigh, you fished out your phone to call your dad. It rang for a few seconds (it always took him an eternity to answer his phone, and it drove you crazy).
“Hey, Dad,” you said.
“Hey. Just got off work?”
“Yeah, I’m headed back to Sioux Falls. Want to meet at home and go together, or do you just want to meet me at the cemetery?”
The other line was silent for a moment. Longer than you would’ve liked.
“You’re coming, right?” you pressed.
“Look, I’m gonna have to work late tonight,” Jack said. “Don’t wait up for me.”
“Really?” Your voice was terse. “It’s one day a year, Dad. You can’t even manage that?”
“I told you I’m working a case.” He sounded annoyed. You didn’t care.
You were pissed.
“Whatever,” you dismissed. But then, you realized you weren’t willing to let it go just yet. “You know, I just find it interesting. On her birthday, Christmas, today, somehow you just can’t be bothered to visit your wife.”
“Hey, drop it, all right?” your dad snapped back.
“Sure. It’s none of my business, I guess.”
“I don’t need your sarcasm either.”
You silently fumed, but you weren’t willing to hang up the phone first. You didn’t want to look petty, and apparently, neither did he. You both could be stubborn like that, sitting in a tense stretch of silence instead of just…
Instead of just, I don’t know what, you could admit, if only to yourself. Eventually, his voice reached your ears.
“I’ll go when I can,” he said.
And you really did hang up this time.
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What should’ve been an hour drive back into your hometown took almost two with the traffic.
Oh yeah, you still lived at home with your dad. It wasn’t ideal, especially with a long-ass commute every day. But unfortunately, being a full-time student with a part-time job didn’t give you the budget to have your own life.   
At least you had your car—a dark blue Camaro your uncle had restored and gifted you for your twenty-first birthday. You didn’t talk to your Uncle Bobby as much as you would like. Between work and school and taking care of the house for you and your dad, you didn’t have much free time on your hands. You did see Bobby around town sometimes, and occasionally shared a beer with him when your demanding schedule allowed.
Your dad had never liked it, you hanging around your uncle. So you didn’t tell him.
That seemed to work out better for both of you.
In fact…
You reached for your phone again and found your uncle’s number.
“Stop badgering me, Rufus. I’m busy.”
Your lips curved into a grin. “Uncle Bobby?”
“Oh. Hi, darlin’. Sorry, thought you were some riff raff that keeps spammin’ me.”
“What did Rufus do now?” you asked.
“He knows,” Bobby said. The surly edge to his voice made you smile in amusement.
“What’re you doing later? Up for a beer?”
“Usually I’d take you up on that, but I’ve got some people coming in pretty soon.”
You scoffed. “You have people? What people?”
“You’re not the only number in my cell, you know,” he said dryly.
“What, you mean Rufus?” you teased.
“All right, now you’re just runnin’ up my minutes,” he said. “If you really want that beer, you’re welcome to swing by, if you want. I’ve got a stocked fridge full of cold ones.”
You laughed, then you considered his offer. Did you really want to go home and deal with your dad (whenever he bothered to come home)?
“Well, I’m going to the cemetery first, but I could maybe swing by after,” you replied.
“Right, that’s today, ain’t it?” Bobby said. “Give your mom my respects.”
A more genuine smile grew on your lips. “Thanks. Will do.”
You hung up with him just as you got to the cemetery. It was hard not to feel melancholy here, especially in the winter. All the graves were lightly dusted with snow, and it felt like the world came to a quiet stillness here.
You bundled up with your scarf and gloves as you braced yourself for the cold, stepping out of the car. On your way in, you heard the rumble of a car going by. It was loud enough to make you turn your head and see a flash of black speeding away.
You shook your head. People drive like maniacs nowadays.
You were about to continue on your way towards your mom’s grave, when you finally heard it.
Say goodbyeee…never say goodbye-y-aaayy. Holdin’ on we gotta try, holdin’ on to never sayyy goodbyeee.~
Someone was warbling a Bon Jovi song in your mind, and it certainly wasn’t you.
But you did come to a dead stop in your path. Your eyes widened as shock claimed your heart and your brain. Soon enough though, your heart warmed as you became aware of something new. It was like a low hum at first, reverberating inside your chest.
You and me and my old friends, hopin’ it would neeever end. Say goodbye—
The singing continued, but all you could focus on was the thrumming in your skull, the thread of connection you could sense and feel inexplicably. You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt warmth trickling down your cold cheeks. Sniffling, you wiped your tears with the back of your hand and smiled tremulously.
You were finally feeling your soulmate.
Which meant, he was close by…and with that realization came an important question:
What the hell do I do now?
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They were in South Dakota again.
Dean knew coming back here was…potentially dangerous. He hadn’t heard his soulmate’s thoughts in four years, since the last time he was in this state.
Truth be told, he hadn’t wanted to come here. After the last hunt though, he could use some R&R at Bobby’s for a couple of days.
This time Dean had his brother with him, albeit the circumstances weren’t…great. Their dad was missing, and Sam had lost his girlfriend in the process of trying to find him.
Sometimes, Dean really regretted going to find his brother at Stanford. Part of him thought, if he hadn’t hooked Sam into coming with him to try and find John, maybe Jessica Moore would still be alive.
A more selfish part of him (one he wouldn’t name) was glad to have Sam with him. Dean was actually having fun hunting with him. And maybe, Dean was having to get to know him again too.
“You think Bobby will have any intel on Dad?” Sam asked from the passenger seat of the Impala. They were about five minutes away from Singer Salvage, the old man’s tow business (and his house).
“Doubt it,” Dean replied, changing the radio station once Bon Jovi turned to REO Speedwagon. He could get down with some pop rock from Jovi, but REO was pushing it.
“Then why are we here?” Sam turned to him with a frown. “We just ganked a poltergeist in our old house and…we saw Mom. You think we should be wasting time right now?”
Dean’s lips pursed. Leaving their old house behind in Lawrence, Kansas was exactly why he needed a minute before jumping into the next case. As much as he wanted to find John, Dean just…he needed a minute to breathe.
Revisiting those old (painful) memories wasn’t easy for him. He wasn’t sure that Sam completely got that.
“Bobby’s got a stack of lore books to Kingdom Come. Who knows, he might have a way to help us find Dad,” he said.
Sam shot him an unimpressed look. “And if he doesn’t?”
Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He got why Sam was so fired up. Really. The fact that the kid was having weird…premonition dreams about the near future was concerning. And he wanted to find the thing that killed Jess, that killed their mom, but this was clearly going to be a marathon. Not a sprint.
“In the meantime, we crack open a couple beers,” Dean said, “get one or two of free nights on actual beds, and then we’re on our way to the next gig. How’s that sound?”
Sam let out a sigh through his nose and faced the road ahead. They both knew he wasn’t happy. Dean couldn’t exactly blame him.
When they finally got to Bobby’s, the old man greeted them with a casual wave, beckoning them inside. He offered them the contents of his fridge—a few beers and a frozen lasagna defrosting in the fridge. Dean scoped it out while Sam dropped off his bag in the upstairs guest room.
“That for us?” Dean pointed to the lasagna with a grin. “Didn’t know we merited the red-carpet treatment.”
“’Cause it’s not just for you,” Bobby said dryly, then he hesitated. “...My niece might be swingin’ by later.”
Dean raised his brows in curiosity. “Didn’t know you had a niece.”
Or any family, for that matter. He knew the old man had a wife, once upon a time, but he assumed she’d passed away. No kids. Bobby had never talked about having an extended family. He didn’t have pictures on the walls, and the shelves only had books and locked boxes.
Bobby took a long sip of his beer after opening a bottle each for himself and Dean. He had one ready on the counter for Sam, who came into the kitchen looking tired. The kid hadn’t been sleeping well for the past few weeks, to say the least. Dean handed him the beer.
“I don’t see her much,” Bobby conceded.
“Why’s that?” Dean asked.
It took a moment for the other man to answer. Eventually, he was honest. “Well, she's grown. Going to school, got a job. But you could say I had a fallin’ out with her dad, a while back.”
“You have a brother?” Sam said.
“Brother-in-law,” Bobby corrected. He didn’t say anything more about it though. Sam and Dean shared a look that said they agreed: There’s something off there, but I’m not gonna pry.
“You still see her though?” Dean asked.
“Every now and then,” Bobby said, sipping at his beer again. “It’s a small town.”
That kind of pissed Dean off. Bobby was a good guy. He’d watched Sam and Dean a lot when they were kids, their dad on a hunt. He’d made sure they had decent food to eat, good movies to watch, and even played catch with Dean a time or two.
So what kind of assholes did Bobby have for family, that they couldn’t be bothered to check in on the old man every now and then? They must’ve been off living their lives, in their own little world. Must be nice.
Dean brought the bottle of Heineken to his lips, only to realize it was empty. Couldn’t have that, could we?
He went to the fridge and opened the cap, only to jump as the beer fizzed and leaked over his hands.
Damn it!
Bobby sighed. “And I just mopped the damn floor.”
“All right, Martha Stewart. Keep your slippers on,” Dean teased. “Sam, get me a paper towel.”
Bobby tried to get by him to get the mop, but beer was still dripping down Dean’s arm.
“Would you move to the sink, already?”
Sam finally cracked a small grin as Dean rolled his eyes. “Fine. Jesus. You’d think Miss America was comin’ into town.”
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Damn it.
You heard him again. And this time, you could hear his voice, so you knew the thought belonged to a him. The voice was pleasantly deep, and annoyed. You actually felt his irritation and were able to recognize that the emotion didn’t belong to you.
Excitement bubbled in your throat, almost making it hard to breathe as you drove your car down the road. You had been too worked up to go see your mom, and technically you were supposed to head to your Uncle Bobby’s house, but this was too important.
You needed to figure out how to talk to him—your soulmate.
So you pulled over on the side of the road, and even turned the radio off. Okay, now what?
You didn’t know what you were supposed to do. They taught about this subject in school, sure, but that had been years ago! You’d spent the past six years filling your head with college and work and learning how to be an adult.
Okay, just breathe. You calmed down a bit with some deep breaths, and you closed your eyes. When you first heard your soulmate’s singing in your head, you remembered feeling warmth spread through your body, emanating from your chest. Then in your mind, you’d noticed a…a thread, of what could only be described as energy.
You felt it now. You could almost visualize it with your eyes closed. In your imagination, it was bright and beckoning. You focused on it, and it grew brighter, thrumming and soft.
You thought of what you wanted to say, and you tried it—sending your thoughts and your will through the connection.
Having a rough day?
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Dean was still wiping beer off the floor in Bobby’s kitchen when he heard your voice ring through his mind.
Having a rough day?
His entire body tensed, and he paused with a ball of wet paper towel in his hand. Sam had taken the mop from Bobby and was about to finish off the floor, until he noticed Dean blanking.
“Dean?” he asked.
It shook Dean out of his shock, enough for him to look up at his brother. “Hmm?”
“What’s up? You were staring off into space.”
Dean feigned innocence. “Nothing.”
Sam’s brow rose, but he didn’t press the issue and went back to mopping. Dean took the opportunity to toss the wet paper towel in the garbage.
“I’m gonna hop in the shower,” he said, and made his swift exit to the bathroom upstairs, so quickly that he didn’t see Bobby watching Dean curiously from the living room.
“Don’t use up all the hot water!” Sam called after him.
Once again, Dean found himself locking the bathroom door and staring at himself in the mirror. His green eyes were conflicted as he tried to calm down. Maybe his heart was starting to beat a tick faster. Maybe a trickle of nervous sweat was making its way down his spine. Maybe he didn’t know what the hell to do.
His dad’s warning was still clear as a bell in his mind.
“Unless you’re prepared to hang up your gun, and stop hunting, don’t open that door.”
Dean knew why John had said it, and even agreed with him…at least, logically he did. His life was complicated, and insane, and bloody. How could he put someone else through what he went through? What he still went through every day? It wasn’t right.
But his chest was aching. He rubbed at it absently.
He could feel your worry again, he realized. You were anxious, probably waiting for him to respond. Dean could feel you. Having a rough day? you’d asked him.
So as usual, he made an impulsive choice.
You could say that, he carefully replied. He remembered the way your voice sounded, smooth and pleasant in his mind, and he couldn’t help smiling a little. But not for long, I’m thinkin’.
Your relief hit him in a slow, but powerful wave. It almost made him feel guilty for taking so long to answer.
Well, it’s not every day you hear someone else in your head. Maybe you’re going crazy.
She was teasing him. You were teasing him.
It brought an incredulous smile to Dean’s face. You’re one to talk. Maybe you’re just talkin’ to yourself right now.
Hmm. I don’t usually warble to Bon Jovi, but maybe you’re right.  
A beat of surprise, another to remember what he and Sam had been listening to in the car earlier, and then embarrassment prickled at the back of his neck.
You heard that, huh? he asked wryly.
Maybe, you giggled. It was a cute sound, and it cut through some of his embarrassment. He wasn’t used to being put back a step by women. He was good at reading people’s body language, and usually it didn’t take him more than one look to figure out what a woman thought about him, and what they wanted to do with him.
So the fact that he couldn’t see you was a challenge. With that realization, a slow smile spread across his face. He was game for a challenge.
Well, I’m likin’ your voice so far, he said. Think I could get you to sing for me?
He felt you pause, a flutter of warmth through a tendril of shyness. I’ll leave the performing to you, Romeo.   
Come on, it’s only fair.
Who said life is fair?
Dean sobered a bit at that. Ain’t that the truth.
Hmm, so you were having a rough day.
Make it a week, he said.
Yeah, I know the feeling…I wasn’t having a good day today either.
Dean sensed your melancholy and didn’t like the feeling. Well, now you’re talkin’ to me. So it should be smooth sailin’ from now on.
He could feel you brighten at that. It made warmth bloom once again inside his chest, especially because he sensed you were smiling—a bit shy, but genuine.  
…What’s your name? he asked.
It took you a beat, but eventually you gave him your name. It wasn’t what he expected, but he liked it. Your name rolled through his thoughts, and he tested on his tongue.
What’s yours? you asked predictably. Somehow, Dean didn’t anticipate the follow-up.
Suddenly he realized exactly what he was doing: he was talking to you. (Something he’d told himself he wasn’t going to do.) Not to mention, he’d been locked in the bathroom for about ten minutes and hadn’t even showered yet. Pretty soon either Sam or Bobby was going to come knocking to see what the hell he was doing, so he might as well shower for real.
He answered you as he turned on the showerhead and started undressing. I’ll make a deal with you…if you can guess what I do for a living, I’ll come by and introduce myself in person.
Dean felt your shock, so he let you think as he stepped into the shower. Eventually you came back, annoyance coloring your emotions and your voice.
That’s stupid.
Dean smiled. Aw, come on. It’ll be fun.
For you!
Don’t you know, sometimes the best things in life come after some delayed gratification.
You paused for a moment, in which Dean didn’t know if you were in shock again, or just pissed. Maybe a combination of both.
Great, I got a comedian, you deadpanned. …You’re not a comedian, are you?
Sweetheart, I’m hilarious, Dean replied. But no. Good guess, though.
He sensed the equivalent of you rolling your eyes.
Just then, Sam knocked on the bathroom door.
“Hey, you better not use up all the hot water!”
“Twenty minutes of peace, Sammy. That’s all I ask,” Dean shot back. Sam made a sound of annoyance, but he went away, leaving Dean almost alone with his thoughts.
Look, I gotta go, he said regretfully. But I expect you to have some guesses cooked up by the time I get back from work.
You were still annoyed, but you begrudgingly agreed to his terms.
Fine. Just…don’t wander too far off. I can’t win the game if I can’t hear you.
Dean sensed your underlying worry, and your fear. You were afraid he was going to leave.
His heart softened. As a result, he ended up promising things he didn’t know if he meant.
Don’t worry. I’m not leaving town until you win, he said.
He felt your warm smile, along with your excitement.
Goodnight, sweetheart. We’ll talk soon.
He hung onto the feeling of your presence for a few seconds longer, before he let go of the connection. For now.
Dean caught himself smiling, but it quickly turned to a frown.
“Nobody should be waiting on men like us to come home bloody.”
When he once again remembered his dad’s warnings, that new warmth in his heart chilled, and it sunk like a stone. He leaned against the cool bathroom wall and pressed his forehead against the tile, while lukewarm water beat the side of his face and body.
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AN: Oh, Dean. What're we gonna do with you? lol
I hope you enjoyed Part 3! I promise they'll finally meet soon lol. What did you think of their first conversation?
To keep reading: Part 4
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dailycharacteroption · 2 months
Junk Technomancy Technomancer (Technomancer Alternate Class Feature)
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(art by David Bonilla on Artstation)
Perhaps one of my very, very favorite things about the Starfinder technomancer class and their spells is how well they integrated technology and magic together, (in the spells at least, the magical hacks are kinda hit and miss for me) and nowhere else is this clearer than in the “junk” spells. Junk spells include those that either transmute nearby junk into a form unable by the mage, conjure junk usable for the former as their primary function or as a side effect, or that utilize already transmuted junk in a new way.
It began in the core book with the various junkbot spells, which were a stand-in for summoning until they perfected that with Alien Archive, but as more books came out, we got junk armor, junk swords, barricades, grenades, extradimensional shelters, and even the ability to detonate junk or transmuted creations!
It only makes sense, then, that there would be technomancers that specialize in these sorts of spells. They might be self-taught mystical tinkerers using the most readily available resource they know of in low-income neighborhoods, or they might be enthusiasts that see the ruined beauty and functionality in what others deem worthless.
Regardless of where they come from or how they feel about these things, only a fool would underestimate a junk technomancer just because their arsenal is all secondhand. It may not look pretty or be as sturdy, but they can squeeze surprising amounts of power out of what others cast off.
In exchange for having a cache and cache capacitor, these techno-mages specialize in junk spells, learning junk armor and junksword immediately in addition to their normal spell allotment, as well as upgrading to higher level versions of junksword as they gain levels (the text suggests that junk armor upgrades as well, but that spell doesn’t have variable level. It’s just a first level spell. A mistake on the author’s part?) Additionally, they can cast either one of these spells once a day without expending any energy.
Their junk spells also prove just a little bit better, their armor becoming tougher, and their transmuted creations lasting longer.
Given their focus on cobbling together contraptions than programming, they also focus on engineering rather than computers.
Finally, they improve their junksword and junk armor to allow for upgrades, their armor gaining an armor slot which they can install an upgrade into, and their junkswords able to incorporate a fusion seal the technomancer has on hand into their design.
The junk spells of a technomancer are versatile, ranging from defense to attack to utility, but they all require scrap electronics to work, which is why spells that conjure junk, be it the junk shards attack spell or the fabricate junk cantrip are very important for when you venture beyond junkyards, broken-down slums, or easily-smashable tech labs. That being said, you also still have all your other spell slots to diversify for those times when junk is not available and conjuring some would waste precious seconds. In any case, the focus on junksword and junk armor does mean the build expects you to be at least partially a melee build, so your spell and feat selection could probably do with options that tilt melee combat in your favor, such as debuffs and battlefield control options, to say nothing of enhancing your own combat prowess.
The versatility of junk spells cannot be denied, but one must also remember that no only are these creations temporary, but they render the junk used in them inert to any more castings of the spell, valuable only for their use as scrap. As such, I imagine that many of these technomancers also enjoy making longer-lasting creations as well, possibly from the junk they’ve spent on previous castings of their magic, incorporating components harmlessly into the whole of a project.
Strange attacks have been happening in the upper city, with people being slain by beams of light from invisible foes. The culprits are a group of lurkers-in-light, led by a lightweaver. However, confronting the fey in the upper city will be nearly impossible without first causing a blackout. The simpler option would be to track them to their dark undercity lair, home to junkers of all descriptions.
Most would consider Visak’s Folly, a debris field of derelict ships left over from the last great war, to be a poor place to forge a community, but for the xulgaths that dwell there, it is a golden opportunity. So much salvage to recover and sell. Many of them take up technomancy as well, turning the scrap that surrounds them into tools and weapons, the latter especially one those that attempt to muscle in on their claim.
It wasn’t the plentiful resources or the verdant wildlife that attracted Polgan to the colony world of Pillar, it was the ancient superstructure that gave the planet its name. Attempts to explore or survey it have been met with disaster before, but the young technomancer is certain that with his junk magic and know-how he can make the attempt alone and self-sufficiently. Such is the foolishness of youth.
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messinwitheddie · 6 months
Somehow this anonymous ask was deleted as I posted it?? So, hopefully whoever sent this asks sees it. Luckily I had the questions written down (helps me visualize sometimes)
1: Was tallest Red sick? If so, how long did he have it and did Purple see the signs? When did he die?
2: Hitz is the one out of the three whose upgraded vessel didn’t get destroyed during the last battle. Where is he now at the time?
3: I like to learn about tallest Spittle. He is one nicely built Irken. Confident enough to pose naked and loving how it intimidate his rivals.😆 what has he done for the empire during his reign? How did he pass away? Who was his closest staff workers?
4: How Was Hoola’s encounter with humans so far? What does he think of them and has he done any study of their world or at least learn form one?
5:How fond of Hitz and Soxx was of Dava? Enough to want to ally with her? Want her to be their life mate and have their sworms?(or was that towards Kii?)
6:Did Purple survive the battle against the control brains? Did he take back his throne or did he sit this own out? If the 6th era started, how is irk fairing after all this trauma over the years being led by each crazed, power tripping leaders and super computers?
7:If they can go back to the natural way of breeding, would they? If the irkens can find a way to limit the rick factors and death tolls. And only using the smeetiry method if it’s in dire need for population control. Surely there must have been a small amount of irkens who wish to have smeets of their own?
8: Out of all tallest, who’s reign was the least damaging to the empire and is more towards fixing itself from the inside while trying to gain Allie’s and trading partners on the outside? Any in favor?
9: When the time comes for them to die, will Zim and Dib see each other in the afterlife or will their paths be separated? Will they still watch over others?
10:What’s Cini’s favorite color? What would it be like if Lich was to be his personal guard? How would the interaction be between the two for the most part?
(Sorry this is all text. I will absolutely illustrate to these answers at some point... Catching up on other drawings this week. I like the numbering system; helps me stay focused. I is shit at focusing lol)
1. Red wasn't sick exactly. He and Purple suffered chronic joint and back pain, especially after their official measuring process which limited their physical activity. Red slowly developed a drinking problem after ID I, so his robes were a little tighter on him than Purple, even if on livestream that seemed unnoticeable. Red's reoccurring headaches started shortly after the Massive escaped the florpis hole.
The Massive's medical staff was OVERLOADED with emergencies at the time. Maybe something ailing late Red was misdiagnosed or overlooked in the chaos, but he was young and relatively healthy for his abnormal height. Nothing concerning showed on any of the maintenance tests Medic Hoola or the imperial PAK technician ran on his PAK. Late Red's death via aneurysm was unexpected. It shocked the empire. It nearly destroyed Tallest Purple. Purple didn't take Red's complaints seriously for a while. He will always blame himself for this. At the same time, a repressed part of him wonders if Red's death wasn't a freak coincidence. Tallests are telepathically/ wirelessly synced directly to the control brains. They often express displeasure with Red/ Purple's work performance... Maybe this was their way of punishing them? Their way of keeping Purple humble and in line...? He tries not to wonder. Outside his personal chambers, they can hear...
The exact date Red passed away, I honestly don't remember when I said originally or if I ever specified. I would have to look it up... In my AU Zim left earth a little under 2 years after the events of ETF. Red passed away some time between then and when Zim returned to earth (18 years after the events of ETF).
2. Self indulgent ending for Hitz (or his updated flesh vessel at least). The exact details have not been fleshed out. To sumarize, the one single surviving back-up flesh vessel, Purple winds up adopting the newborn updated Hitz and raises him as his own on Mem's mystery planet. New Hitz is a very big, very challenging smeet, but the evil, greed and hatred that infested his original vessel never infests new self. New Hitz is showered with love and friendship growing up. He has the same compulsive need to be orderly and follow rules and a logical routine, but he has no desire to enforce rules through violence and fear.
3. (Trying to gloss over this part, but… yeah) Spittle was the 21st tallest of the 4th era. He wasn't the brightest drone; he could barely manage the label on a nutrition shake. BUT, he had the good sense to surround himself with bright drones and listened to their counsel. He trusted the judgment of his staff, frylords and military nobles.
Spittle had a competitive streak and inferiority complex. He also had body image issues, if that wasn’t obvious. So in his efforts to build a strong, thriving empire and a flawless physique to match he invested large sums of monies and resources into medical research; improving the irken population's overall health.
Improving quality control and labor-drone's burnout on Producia, Foodcourtia and the other major snacking systems was advised by the frylords of his day, so he enlisted more service drones and made it mandatory for encoded full-time soldiers to work shifts for service drones due for a reprieve (vacation). For a soldier to refuse to show for service-drone duty or fail to perform the job correctly was considered a punishable offense. His advisor and battle pilot comrad, Blinx, cautioned him about declaring war until the armada was upgraded. So Blinx invested heavily in military research. Within the first century of Spittle's reign, he commissioned and mass produced three new battle crafts, the Spittle Runner (named after him), the shuvver and the ripper. Navigational tech upgrades were installed in all the Armada's ships. Maintenance on all crafts were performed more often and the regulations themselves were updated and reinforcedmore strictly.
Spittle had enlisted for battle pilot training when he was a cadet, so he especially enjoyed discussing battle crafts, space battles, racing stats ect.
Funding for Irken military and battle pilot academies was increased as was the number of training hours needed to graduate. Training improved exponentially and the stats of cadets across the board improved. The youth of his day confidentiality believed Spittle was leading them into a platinum age of Irken history...
He seemed untouchable, but Spittle had two character flaws; he had a habit of showboating and taunting his enemies and he never learned his limits. After declaring the only war during his short reign, Spittle started a strict body building regimen. He injured himself at the gym. In an attempt to rush his recovery and gain results, Spittle went against the advice of his medic. He took a cocktail of performance enhancers. His heart gave out.
His advisor, Blinx was measured the next tallest and the war Spittle declared lead to the pandemic that decimated the Irken population when Cini was a smeet.
4. The only two humans Hoola has interacted with so far is with Reg (Dib's oldest child) and Lyr (Gaz's only child). He is pleasantly shocked by how kind they are to him, considering how much these humans know about the Irken race and their endless warpath. He likes these young humans. They're funny creatures; very expressive and curious. Reg especially asks a lot of questions. Hoola knows giving away too much information may be a punishable offense, but he is sick of the injustices plaguing the empire and his life clock has been detonated, starting his 10 year retirement countdown to death.
He enjoys participating in Reg's interview. Lyr is especially fond of Hoola. He considers him their Irken grandpa. Lyr is deeply troubled when Hoola explains to him how retiring works in the Irken empire.
5. Dava was long dead when Hitz, Soxx and Kii ruled as tallests if their respective hives. Soxx and Hitz would have HATED Dava. Dava allowed her drones too many perks and freedoms. She encouraged disobedience. She spat on tradition. Kii ruled the same subterranean territories Dava and her allies ruled. She admired Dava or how her legacy described Dava, as a smeet but failed to honor her memory in the long run.
6. Purple survives several battles against the control brains. He dies long before the final battle. He lived a comfortable-ish life in Mem's hive. He did what he could to help the resistance.
7. I think it would take a few generations to get used to the idea of a natural/ smeetery option birthing system. The smeetery has been the only method of birth permitted in the empire for thousands of years. Most Irkens would choose to let the smeetery replenish the population, but if the alternative method is decriminalized eventually more drones might find the natural method appealing. It would be a huge win for drone rights if natural pregnancies weren’t a punishable offense.
8. Hmmm… Late Cini probably fits that description as far as my ocs go. Spittle is a close 2nd. But I haven't written lore fot 17 or 18 other late reigns of tallests.
9. I'm sure Zim and Dib will run into each other. Where and when I'm not certain. Zim is relieved Dib has kept tabs on his family / descendants. Otherwise, it would take Zim forever to recap.
10. Cini's favorite color is neon pink. He is also fond of iridescent silver or iridescent pink, and sequins of any color.
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hrokkall · 1 year
Hi in honour of the short carla conversation we had the other day. Miss Carla Dosa. To no ones surprise
MORE than happy to talk about her :]
Favorite thing about them: I love how her reviews of the Weasel Kid games really reflect her attitude towards Lionel at the time. She really just wanted to root for him no matter what (she doesn’t even seem angry over SWK 06 like all of the other reviewers, just sad) and it’s a shame how that turned out for both of them. Congratulations on surviving being a human character in the Mullinsverse Carla and also sorry about your best friend being blinded by success and ultimately consumed by it.
Least favorite thing about them: She didn’t appear at all? Come on, she could’ve at least gotten a grainy picture like Kaycee did but. Nope. </3
She did get to make a game and get it published to steam though so good for her in that regard. Even if it opened a back door to (fictitiously) installing a clown virus on your computer.
Favorite line: I don’t have a favorite line but I DO want to point out that the font she uses in Secrets of Legendaria is the Minecraft font. Absolutely fantastic on her part.
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brOTP: The dynamic between her and Sado is so interesting to me and I wish it was explored more in canon (but it wasn’t/probably won’t be in the future so I’ll just do it myself). The way I see it is that Sado is purely chaotic neutral in all respects except around Carla, who she sees as a friend and therefore actually listens to (Carla initially worried that she’d accidentally hard-coded her with that loyalty and—after learning she was alive—immediately tried to undo that by insisting that Sado can do whatever she wants regardless, but that’s not true. Sado is sticking around because she wants to and that’s about it).
OTP: I don’t really ship Carla with anyone
nOTP: I don’t not ship Carla with anyone either—again, I’ve seen maybe two or three Carla ships and I don’t have a strong opinion on any of them one way or another.
Random headcanon: Pretty much everything is a headcanon regarding this character but I’d like to imagine that—following the incident with Secrets of Legendaria—Carla gets a job at GameFuna proper (honestly not much of an upgrade, but GameFuna is in desperate need of programmers who actually know how to program… the head of the company who insists on pushing all the concepts himself definitely isn’t qualified, no matter how passionate he is. Plus, GameFuna doesn’t give a shit about someone’s reputation, AND she gets to work from home a lot of the time, it’s a win in her book). She’s also not aware that her boss is the Actual Devil just because that’s funnier in my book. He’s just an eccentric asshole to her. “Yeah he’s a CEO obviously he’s the devil. What do you mean from the bible.”
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think there are any unpopular Carla opinions on account of the fact that I don’t think anyone remembers she existed outside of… maybe three people. I’d say four but that’s pushing it.
Song I associate with them: Hm, don’t think I have a specific one—at least not one that actually fits. Maybe Remain Nameless by Florence + the Machine? Not 100% on that though. As a bonus I inexplicably associate her with Goodnight Socialite by the Brobecks. It has absolutely nothing to do with her character as far as I’m aware. I just think she’d enjoy it I guess.
Favorite picture of them: There aren’t any </3
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idowhatiwantspock · 4 months
FedEx is my least favorite delivery service.
I sent this to a friend to explain what's going on so y'all get it to now. You're welcome.
Context: my computer is broken and needs a full upgrade.
[So I order parts from Best Buy for the computer and the location nearest me doesn't have all the parts. So I ordered for shipping cuz it's free. And on the order it says it might even be here by Thursday. On Friday at around noon there was a knock on the door but I was half asleep so I didn't answer it and I found a FedEx tag that said that they would try three more times on consecutive business days before holding it for a week for me to pick up from them up in the NE. I get an email from Best buy at 4 p.m. saying it was shipped.
Then nothing which is not unusual. I was expecting for something on Monday. Monday comes and goes nothing. I call yesterday being like "where package?" The person updates my delivery information to let them know I'm disabled and it'll take a bit to get to the door and tell me that they're coming with my package after the call. I wait outside for THREE HOURS and nothing.
I called today after class and the person's like "they've already tried to deliver it four times. It wasn't even going to arrive yesterday. It's at our warehouse ready for pickup." Meanwhile, the tracking app says it's returning to sender and it has been since before I called them yesterday. So I ask for a supervisor who tells me that they use different systems for tracking and the customer isn't seeing what they are seeing and it says that they tried to deliver it four times: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday. Told them I have been home and the only time I heard a knock was Friday. They tell me that they will give my package to a delivery person tomorrow because all of the deliveries are done for the day already???? And then text me so I know when it'll happen. But guess what? That'll be at 7 A.M.. So now I have to wake up at 7 in the morning and wait until my package arrives.]
Context: I go to bed at 3 a.m. on a good night. My Pokemon sleep app is already confused about my sleep and now FedEx is gonna fuck it up even more.
Lesson: Best Buy free shipping is a lie. You pay with sanity and hours of sleep.
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purplesurveys · 11 months
1 - When was the last time you spent over $100 in one transaction? What did you buy? Around a month ago when I bought my Dunks. I wanted to have nice shoes for my holiday, but it was also to give a subtle fuck you to my Nike-competitor client since they’re turning out to be my least favorite client.
2 - Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I guess BT21 plushies count as stuffed animals, yeah? And no, I wouldn’t judge at all. I don’t care for the most part how people live their lives.
3 - Would you describe yourself as fashion-conscious, or do you just wear whatever feels comfortable? Hm, I’m pretty conscious. I like to look good. Some days I’ll be tempted to just go the comfy route, but then I’ll change my mind once I look in the mirror and see that my top and bottom don’t match. 4 - The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? I went from the living room to my bedroom since I wanted to have a bit of me time with the rain before I need to start working tonight.
5 - Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? Read.
6 - Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock? It may have been my older cousin.
7 - What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen? I don’t invest in this kind of stuff, tbh. I’ve used a scented candle once or twice but I’ve never held on to it as a habit.
8 - How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading? I’ve had this trusty laptop since 2017, so it’s been over six years. It definitely needs upgrading if we’re being technical – I’ve since stopped receiving Chrome updates for it – but since I only ever open this anymore to take surveys, I’m not in a hurry to replace it anytime soon.
9 - When you’re home alone, do you make sure all your doors are kept locked? Only in the evening when I turn in. Otherwise, I don’t mind keeping the doors open during the day. I live in a safe, private neighborhood and everyone minds their own business. 10  - How often do you light candles? Do you just like regular ones or do  you prefer scented ones or ones that make pretty patterns when they melt? Never. The only ones I’ve used have been gifts, too. 11 - Are you any good at taking care of plants? Nope. They never last with me.
12 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Will you take anymore surveys today once you’ve finished this one? This is my first one today; I’m not sure if I’ll take any more after this. If I do, I’m guessing around one or two more before it starts to feel tiresome. 13 - What are the main two colours in the room you’re currently in? Did you pick these colours out yourself? White and brown. Sure.
14 - What was the last hot drink you consumed? What about cold drink? I had hot milk tea in Malaysia – apparently they like their milk tea hot! Pretty unique experience. As for cold drink, I’m having iced coffee right now.
15 - Do you have piercings anywhere except your ears? How many and what are they? Nope, you got it right with just ears.
16 - Do you prefer taking baths or showers? How come? Showers because 1) we don’t have a bathtub, and 2) starting a bath is just too much work for me lol. It’s also like, you need time to fill it up, then you just sit in your own dirt and stuff. Not really a fan.
17 - What time do you need to wake up tomorrow morning? What is it that you have to be up for? 9 AM at the latest – work.
18 - If you work, how often do you get paid? Would you prefer to get paid more or less often? Every two weeks. I’m fine with the length; I learn how to budget from it.
19 - What does your favourite pair of pyjamas look like? Do you wear them to sleep or just to be comfy around the house? It’s purple and has a checkered design. Yes, I just wear it in the evening when I’m about to sleep.
20 - How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee? That never happens as I stay up long enough to sleep through the entire night, anyway.
21 - What apps do you use the most on your phone? Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Reddit.
22 - Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you own any of either? I like dogs; yes, we have two.
23 - Do you have one of those fridges that has an ice-maker in the front? If not, would you find one useful? We don’t have an ice-maker, and I have no immediate need for one.
24 - Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style? Yes, I have several bucket hats.
25  - If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? Back then with Kimi I used to be the all-around parent, from feeding him, cleaning up after him, bathing him, to paying for vet visits. With Cooper and Agi, my sister and I split – I pay for anything that needs to be paid, my sister feeds them.
26 - What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? Whatever?
27 - Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous? That’s...so unusual. Literally nobody does that around here.
28 - Have you ever walked out of a job before? What were the circumstances and did you ever go back? Nope.
29 - Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items? Just K-pop merch. They are both.
30 - Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights? Nopes.
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suttonwillis71 · 1 year
3 wire protocol
Are you interested to find how perfect watch Sky Sports live football streaming from the world wide web? If an individual might be a huge football fan like me, you won't want to overlook watching any live match of your favorite teams. With internet technology becoming so advanced, football matches can be streamed live to the part in the world. This article will list the main ways carbohydrates use start watching live games. Of course, if you like to go for that experience, apply for one of the minor tournaments as actually. This will give you an idea of bona fide. The Netflix section lets you watch movies from their vast archive of online movies just for a small monthly fee. This is probably pick a you makes use of most. And when you like to watch associated with money movies, bradenton is a money short-cut. For the movie buff you are usually in heaven with the choices of films that exist. There are also lots of foreign movies as well as lots of documentaries will be fun to evaluate too. The Professional player. If you really are all all about the gaming and fancy yourself the best but don't feel like sharing the data (vocally at least), you are pro. Even if you will not be talking all due to being almost completely geared towards the game do not abandon broad cam. A dream is worth a thousand words so let the audience enjoy the small smile you provide as you force the enemy team to GG. Virtually. hearing the instructor speaking live via webinar or live streaming while visual being computer screen, PowerPoint presentation or white board; students on individual computers along with a headset. A genuine effort . opportunity for live Q&A. Setting wirecast pro Crack Free Download is simple to start with. You will first need to talk to a wirecast pro as well as set up an era and date for your event. may even have filming crews available to aid you with your event catapulting. wirecast pro Cracked will want to be certain of of in order to choose this service membership packet that will fit your standards. Streaming service providers may not be able to upgrade or downgrade your account plan once your event initiated a policy of. However, we occassionally would hook up at the park or I would travel to see him play league ball. I enjoyed being with him. There had always been an ongoing between all of us. Many times he would talk to me about elevating my self-esteem and being a significant GIRL. You also can listen to music being played by radio stations all the particular world if you as those radio stations have an equivalent counterpart. Imagine listening to music from some exotic place across the other side of the world, genuine time. Should you be working abroad and getting homesick, feel right to home while listening for ones favorite station back inside your country.
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longventure · 2 years
Where does doubletwist store music on android
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#Where does doubletwist store music on android for free#
#Where does doubletwist store music on android upgrade#
#Where does doubletwist store music on android android#
you should tell people up front it does not support photo from tel to computer. but if you buy it it will work and does everything and more then it says it willīefore you buy from this dev. it never crashes on me at least running my mac.
#Where does doubletwist store music on android android#
When a supported device such as the Apple TV is recognized on the same WiFi network as your Android device, you can start streaming to it from the doubleTwist playback controls if you are an AirSync user. just forgot to say that before people buy it from the market place. Stream to Apple TV (music, videos and photos) and DLNA devices (music and videos). but it doesn’t do it with this version that is out now. "Wirelessly sync your iTunes playlists, photos and videos with your Android phone using your home Wi-Fi network." Here is the thing on the frontpage of the website it says this OH that is being tested now and will be out in the next version. I read on the support forum that someone asked. Just thought anyone else who is stupid enough to buy this thinking that it will sync your photo from your android. Now I'll see if MacUpdate actually takes my post since the last 4 recent ones are no longer showing up. I would suggest anything buying anything the uses the GS web system to think twice, even if the app has good ratings outside of its own site (and DT does not). This dev team is quickly becoming as notorious as others using GetSatisfaction forums for support, where users are tossed into a sea of others to often fend for themselves. So if we want a few of the new features in that, we end up paying for AirSync, etc.
#Where does doubletwist store music on android upgrade#
And yet there's little to no upgrade option for those of us who already paid for the Airsync or other add ons now included in DT Pro. In addition to the 'doubleTwist' folder, you may want to remove any previously synced music, video, and photo files. I won't reiterate its limitations and misleads, as others herein have already done so.ĭevelopment has moved over to DT for Android, and now has pushed on to DTA Pro for a price. For those devices, the folder is stored within the Android app directory and will be automatically removed when the app is uninstalled. It still has many of its major past problems and limitations, though I haven't seen the crashes and locks that others report. All developement on the desktop app has been at a dead stop for a long time.
#Where does doubletwist store music on android for free#
Magic Radio is a part of the doubleTwist Player for Android, which is available for free in the Google Play store.Just an update. Because of the changes imposed by Google in Android 4.4 (KitKat), playlist files are now stored in the Android directory on the SD card. The service will even cater music towards specific keywords you mention (like "Woodstock" or "Coachella") and you can even base a station off a specific tempo that you want. The subscription will also get you ad-free listening and access to more than 13 million songs that doubleTwist says will be all about discovery rather than repetition. Plus, Magic Radio is launching with a 7-day free trial, and only costs $3.99 per month afterward, which is cheaper than most other music-streaming services out there. The new service takes the user's existing library and mixes it with with new songs of similar style from doubleTwist's music catalog that consists of over 13 million songs.ĭoubleTwist says that, unlike Pandora, Magic Radio doesn't base a station on a single song or artist, but rather a user's existing playlists, favorite genres, and can even cater to a user's mood. Magic Radio utilizes a user's existing music library, as well as the user's various musical tastes to deliver a personalized music experience.
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cafejust · 2 years
Quiplash minimum players
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#Quiplash minimum players upgrade
#Quiplash minimum players code
We’re planning more and more of this in our future games, but for now, we hope our first stab at this feature in Quiplash is a successful first stab, without anyone getting hurt. Additional players can join the audience and play along All you need. At least five players is where you get a Quiplash when you sweep all of the votes on your answer. Even though its minimum amount of players is three, it's better with more. It’s kind of an “enhanced spectator” role, if you will – you actually affect the outcome of the game. Drawful 2 requires a minimum of three players and supports a maximum of eight players. When it completed its download, I tried it with my family and they love it. Sure, just watching our games can bring you plenty of laughs, but who wants to just watch when you can participate? That’s the idea behind the Audience. Weve updated Quiplash 3, Trivia Murder Party 2 and Tee K.O. Our goal is to keep making party games that everyone – and maybe someday, literally everyone – can play simply by pulling out their phones.
#Quiplash minimum players upgrade
This is a big upgrade for us over our previous games, one of which (Lie Swatter) allowed up to 100 players in the same game. If you have a stream with thousands of viewers, they can all participate – up to 10,000, anyway. Other players only need to see the game screen and connect from their mobile devices or computers via a special website. If you have a party of 10 people, 2 can be in the Audience, and then they can get in the next game, letting two players swap out to the Audience. Thats why Jackbox Games created an easy-to-play party game called Quiplash for 3-8 players. Quiplash is played by 3-8 core players, and works with or without an Audience. “Oui Oui Land” or “Armpithairylvania”? That’s for the players, and Audience, to decide. The player whose answer receives the most votes, wins. Then, the other players AND THE AUDIENCE (if there is one) vote for their favorite answer. Quiplash pits two players’ answers to humorous prompts like “Another name for France” against each other. The Quiplash Audience actually affects the outcome of the game by voting, kind of like on a reality competition show on TV. Quiplash, like the rest of the Jackbox games, is available on Steam. This party game requires a minimum of three players to begin, with a maximum of eight jokers able to take part. Quiplash 2 requires a minimum of 3 players to play there needs to be someone to judge whose response is better when two of them go head-to-head (Your use of the word 'both' makes me think it's just the two of you.the game is waiting for a third person to start.) If, however, you DO have three or more players and the game still won't begin. Now, while an “audience” usually means a passive group of people who are just “watching,” in Quiplash, it’s different. Although Quiplash favours more mature audiences, it does feature a family-friendly filter, removing the more suggestive prompts from its repertoire. So with Quiplash, we decided to try to embrace this phenomenon by introducing a new feature we call: the Audience. This has also allowed for a big explosion in streamed games, where people are joining streams of our games and actually participating from afar.
#Quiplash minimum players code
While you fire up the game on your PS3 or PS4, players connect to the game using their phones, tablets, or any internet-connected device (even computers) by entering the unique game code into the “” web site. 704348.If you’re familiar with our recent games Fibbage and The Jackbox Party Pack, you’ll know that our games do not require controllers. Ocuk Limited trading as Overclockers UK is a credit broker and is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct AuthorityĬredit is provided by Novuna Personal Finance, a trading style of Mitsubishi HC Capital (UK) PLC, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Outbid your opponents for weird art pieces drawn by players themselves and win this strangely competitive auction game Dont be a bidiot Quiplash XL. Zotac Top categories NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Graphics Cards |Ĭredit subject to status and affordability.
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omenapologist-moved · 2 years
This is a nightmare I had last night. Everything about it felt so visceral and real, and I lived out years of my life in it.
I was hired to work in tech support and repairs for a budding new company that I believe was called Aboleth, after the DND monster because the creator and CEO had grown up playing DND. Imagine Elon Musk, but a tabletop nerd.
Aboleth claimed itself to be the future of media and employment because they were going to “game-ify” the workplace. One example of this was a little minigame we had to complete every day to log in and out of our computers at work. It was similar to pong, but faster-paced and had a rhythm game element to it with a very distinct jingle. This is important later.
I’d been working there for several years and moved up from tech support into development, and as I got older things started getting very, very bad in the world. Nuclear tensions rose. Precautions weren’t taken to slow global warming, and climate disasters and refugees were a regular issue. Covid hadn’t stopped either. And then, something big happened. I don’t know what, I can’t remember it, but it was a massive, world-changing event.
And I was just... Out. Gone. I would later learn my family had been told I was going on an important trip and would be away indefinitely, and that I should not be contacted during this time, but that was complete bullshit on Aboleth’s part. Rather, the company had taken some of its employees and put us into storage in a way that froze us in time. We didn’t age or anything.
Eventually I was awakened and given a debriefing on updates to the world. I had been given a cocktail of drugs that made me accept this without question and dull my thoughts so I couldn’t begin to put the pieces together. I was brought on a long trip back to my hometown where my father still lived, and they put on this massive welcome home party for me, and then after that, i was allowed to see my dad. He had met a new wife and adopted some kids.
But my dad wasn’t my dad. It’s hard to explain, but once I saw him I was given another debriefing, like a cutscene almost, which explained to me that some people had been given the privilege of exchanging their physical bodies for a “new vessel”, which were called Elves. Elves were these shapeless beings of light which oscillated between being blue and green, and hovering at the center of an Elf was their “core”, this escher-esque device that moved with impossible geometry. To interact with the world, blue-green orbs would appear which behaved like hands. Elves had come about when Aboleth began their “mass upgrade” of the world, the details of which I would slowly piece together.
After I was allowed to meet my father again, he brought me to a high-tech ice cream bar (which unsurprisingly, was created by Aboleth, as they had become a world-controlling monopoly in my sleep) and ordered for me, remembering my favorite flavor of ice cream all this time later. We ate, and then he brought me home, where I met a friend of his and his two new adoptive kids, one older and one younger. The younger was playing on a tablet which, of course, had been created by Aboleth. Also created by this monopoly were countless screens in the house. There were at least 7 or 8 in the living room of all shapes and sizes, and at least two screens in every other room in the house. They were incredibly advanced smart TVs, and having this many TVs in your home which were implied to be able to observe you was simply a part of the “mass upgrade” of the world.
We caught up and I explained the work I had been doing for Aboleth, and eventually the topic shifted to when I would be able to really see him again, because I knew this Elf-body was not really him anymore. Everyone in the room grew very quiet and the atmosphere became tense.
The tension was broken by an error appearing on the kid’s tablet, which then spread at first to one of the monitors on the wall, but soon infected every screen in the house. All of them went down, and I started to go to try and fix them, since it was my job, after all. 
And then I heard it. The jingle that played with the computer boot-up minigame.
I hear my dad and his friend go, “Oh, yeah! They said families of employees should watch for your reaction when you hear this!” and then they and the kids started to laugh.
I was frozen in place.
At first, I started laughing too, and then I begin to hyperventilate, and then I start having a combination of an asthma attack and a panic attack in the dream. I start to pass out and reach for my dad, trying to mouth for help, when my vision froze. Like when you’re playing a video game and just before it crashes, everything stops. And I wake up in some sort of testing chamber that I had been hooked up into the entire time, and figured out that nothing I’d experienced upon awakening was real and was, in fact, just a simulation test by Aboleth. They had taken my consciousness and shoved it into a game and played with me. Played as me. I was in this deep sleep for countless years, never aging, while the world around me crumbled and Aboleth grew more powerful and everyone I knew and loved died. And then the full knowledge of the global situation hits me.
Like I said before, the pandemic never ended. People were terrified as more and more variants spread and became more dangerous. Aboleth talked some people out of giving up their physical bodies so that they could live in a “painless, illness-free heaven on earth” as the Elves. Their consciousnesses were uploaded into those hologram-light-things, and their physical bodies were experimented on and used for organ harvesting. They were never told of this. I was never supposed to awaken from the testplay they were running in my mind, but on some fluke, I did. As I was figuring everything out and putting it all together, as I was having a panic attack in the non-simulated world and realized I had just been living in a game I was being forced to play, I simultaneously realized it was just a dream and woke up.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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ilikedetectives · 3 years
Hi, did you play every AC game? If yes, in term of game plays which are the easiest? For someone without much experience in games, ty!
Not every AC game, because I can handle only so much of cookie cutter games at a time. Before I say more, lemme get this out of the way first: I played the Ezio trilogy back in 2018 because Da Vinci’s Demons was cancelled and I wanted more Da Vinci content and the white and red hoodie looks cool. In other words, I didn’t play the game because it’s called Assassin’s Creed.
The AC games I played so far, by the order of which one I play first. I’ll rate gameplay by my personal preferences (because it’s the only way I know how).
Ezio’s trilogy (AC2, AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, played in 2018): decent parkour, minimal grind (just invest in the villa and you’re a millionaire in a day or two), very story focused (perfect balance of historical and modern plots). Decent combat. The golden years of AC and I agree.
Unity (played a few months after Ezio): good parkour, medium grind (bigger map and more items to upgrade, you still get to invest in properties so it helps). Time-saver items are on sale for real money aka MTX (ew). Combat is ok, not much difference since Ezio. Historical story is meh (I don’t care for Arnold because Elise’s story is more interesting) and they completely ditched the modern plot (you think Odyssey has little modern day plot, try Unity). Buggiest AC game I encountered and I played this game 4+ yrs after launch (hold on to that thought, keep reading). Ubi spent all of their time and budget doing the interior design (which is gorgeous btw) that they have none left to fix the bugs.
Black Flag (a few months after): chasing flying papers is my favorite activity to NOT do. Grindy af (no property investment). I can’t tolerate the controls for the ship so I hate everything that involves ship in this pirate game, except for sea shanties. You’ll have more fun playing this game as a pirate than an assassin. Combat feels the same since Ezio. Other mechanics are like Unity (understandable). Modern plot is minimal, but it makes bloodline irrelevant and there’s a....soul inside a computer server that wants to possess a human body, meanwhile said soul’s husband is a maniac who has unlimited reincarnations (realism, I know). Black Flag is the gateway game that convinces me that I should stop wasting my brain cells in “what kinda bs realism is dis?”
Odyssey (a month after launch, bought solely because of Kassandra also when I heard Odyssey is set before the creed, oh fuck yea I don’t need to sit through another rehash of Creed crap or at least minimal anyway): oh gods a breath of fresh air from the old controls where you have to hold R2 whenever you want to run and my fingers hurt sfm. Climbing is the best because the protag actually moves where you want them to move. MTX (ew). Grindy but because the combat and movements are smooth, best combat so far; I don’t see Odyssey as grindy because I enjoy my time playing (also Kassandra); I platinum the game on PS4 at around 130 hrs I think, could’ve been earlier but photomode. Fun quests that I giggle whenever thinking about them (I don’t remember shit about any quests in any other AC game, but then again Kassandra). People bitch about no parkour but who parkour in the 450BCE?!?!? Full disclosure: I never cared for parkour and never will. I stop caring for modern plot after how Unity and Black Flag handled it. Playing Odyssey makes me realize that I enjoy AC games more if idgaf for the AC aspect, rather, I play for the fictional historical tourism aspect. Just ditch the AC and voila, blue sky and fresh air. Playing Odyssey also makes me realize that I want a spin-off IP that focus on the Isu so we can go full fantasy. Do I need to say how pretty Odyssey is? lol
Origins (planned to play Origins first, but Kassandra. Also, I remember Amunet from AC2, but somehow we play as a dude in Ancient Egypt, I’m not too eager to find out, despite I prefer Egyptian mythology over Greek and I’d like to thank Yu-gi-oh for that): combat is clunky, heavy, and slow, though no need to hold R2 to run so phew. Grindy af. The bow mechanics is a decade outdated (Horizon Zero Dawn came out the same year and oh boi the difference is night and day, oh yea I played HZD before Origins. I get it the bow isn’t the focus but does it have to feel like Skyrim in 2017?). I’m glad I play this game for the Ancient Egypt (which is beautifully designed *chef kiss*) aspect and no more. 
Syndicate (I play this along side of Origins, still haven’t finished it though. Literally bought the game for Evie and I nut over Victorian fashion): combat is no different from Unity. Grindy like Black Flag and Unity. Story is meh in both historical and modern plot so far. Evie is the only reason I’m still trying to play this game. At least the Helix outfits are included in the Gold edition of the game. Victorian London is gorgeous tho.
Valhalla (only care for this game because Eivor. Tbh after God of War and Hellblade, idc for another Viking game): game is buggy af, buggiest AC game I’ve played. Combat is like Origins but worse: the only saving grace is the finishing move & the bow mechanic hasn’t been improved since Origin; I honestly would rather have combat from the Ezio games over whatever-this-is. You have to toggle a button to run now, which is dumb af because I miss Origins and Odyssey automatic run. They bring parkour back (because Vikings totally dig parkour back in the Dark Ages) as well as the-character-doesn’t-move-where-you want-them-to from the older games. Chasing flying papers from black flag is back, no thx. Looting enemies is useless, but hey you get to run around to look for a key or two or THREE to get some minimal amount of materials; so imagine if 2/3 of every chest in Origins and Odyssey are locked. Oh! You have manually pick berries/food to heal, no healing potion, wtf is this half-ass RPG shit? Side quests, oh sorry World Events, aren’t tracked in an open-world game (guess who hasn’t been doing these bitches?). Grindy af. I’m wasting my time looking at the skill points interface (you have 99 lv in Odyssey, 55 in Origins, 403 power in Valhalla. A game doesn’t feel like grindy if you level up every 2 quests for 403 times, does it? lololol). The useless SP tree is so massive that I just don’t use the skills I acquire because it takes too much time to find out which buttons to push to locate the 10 skills in this 403-dot clusterfuck, but the astronomy design is beautiful (gotta give credit when it’s due). Scummy practice from Ubi: releasing “time-saver” pack AFTER reviews are published. Also, who wanna bet there will be more mtx outfits than in-game outfits? Don’t worry, Ubi makes inventory management cLEaNeR for you *hands over 8 outfits for an RPG game*. The free event bugs tf out of your already buggy event, but hey, you’ll get a free outfit that’s a reskin of what you already have, teeheee be grateful. Eivor is amazing but by the gods playing this game is a chore. Tbh I only play Valhalla if I don’t feel like playing Ghost of Tsushima that day. Lastly, why is England so yellow like it’s Ancient Egypt?!?!? And why the sunlight moves faster than Eivor’s running at full speed? Which parts of this game does realism count?!?!?!?
Unsolicited opinion: GoT is an example of how an AC game should be and how DLCs should be handled, but with Ubisoft it will never be and I’m so fucking glad that it is Sucker Punch Prod which handles feudal Japan with utmost respect and realism. See how “honor” is handled in both games and compare the writing. Ubisoft should have announced ding dong AC is dead and create a new IP, but AC is their most financially successful franchise so expect more of this MTX, I mean, grindy RPG approach with minimal narrative. 
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trashcankitty12 · 3 years
Tecna Headcanons
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Tecna Mode, the Guardian Fairy of Zenith would like to make your acquaintance. 
She’s a tad sassy, a bit of a show-off when it comes to her projects, and a video game expert. 
(All headcanons are for my main au verses, “Balance/New Company of Light” and “Left”.)
-Tecna tends to be reserved in her emotions, but just as her family knows, her friends (and Timmy) quickly learned that Tecna can be rather affectionate when she feels safe and loved.
-As a Zenithian, Tecna has an easier time learning new technological systems and how to rewire electronics.
-She also tends to be able to see at night. Not better than nocturnal animals, but better than most Magical Dimension people.
-Tecna is also somewhat immune to being electrocuted. Somewhat. (Lightning attacks by storm harpies and Stormy aside, electricity doesn’t bother her. In fact it sort of wakes her up.)
-Tecna is really close to her parents, partially due to her being an only child, partially due to her curious nature putting her in the middle of her parents’ work because she was determined to help.
-(She didn’t necessarily want to be an only child, and her parents had wanted another… But Magnethia had had a hard enough time getting and staying pregnant, that they felt Tecna was more than enough.)
-Tecna may have been a bit of a spoiled child… Her parents made sure to get her the latest technology when it came out, and they gave her her own workspace when she got older.
-As close as she was to both of her parents, she’s closest to her mother. Magnethia loves having Tecna help out at her and Electronio’s workshop. They have created many new gadgets and gizmos together, including specialized robots to do household chores. (Which is why Tecna has no idea how ‘obsolete’ cleaning tech like brooms and vacuums and mops work.)
-Because of Zenith’s climate, most animals and plants do not live/thrive there. So Tecna has had minimal contact with non-robotic plants and animals. Which led to quite a shock when she came to Alfea and saw all the greenery and the birds. (And Kiko and Flora’s plants.)
-Tecna, as a Zenithian, isn’t as bothered by the cold climates as other people would be. In fact, it’s the heat that bothers her.
-Which is why she’s not a fan of the beach. She doesn’t mind going and hanging out with her friends, but the heat and the sand and weird feeling of the ocean just sort of… Bugs her. (Which is why she stays more on the actual beach and wears specialized shoes to keep sand away from her feet.)
-Tecna has a major sweet tooth and has ‘borrowed’ from Stella’s secret stash of chocolates before. (Please don’t tell Stella…)
-She doesn’t like veggie meals much. It’s the textures and slight tangy tastes that turn her away from them. (And as a Zenithian, she doesn’t need them as much.)
-Physically speaking, she’s not in the best shape. She’s like… Bare minimum shape to pass Griselda’s and Real Avalon’s classes. (She’s decent enough at running away and decent at feats of climbing, but trying to be acrobatic or trying to physically fight with her fists or feet is difficult without her winx/fairy forms).
-She’s not a strong swimmer either. But Layla has helped her get to be decent enough that she can make it to her destination without getting herself hurt or drowned.
-Layla has also helped Tecna get better at dancing, which has in turn helped Tecna with her rhythm and dance video games. (Take that Rubis!)
-Tecna is extremely competitive when it comes to games. Video or board or card games with Tecna can lead to arguments and a smug Zenithian fairy. (Bloom even brought some from Earth to try and trip Tecna up… Monopoly and Uno are no longer allowed on Alfea’s school grounds. Thanks, guys.)
-She may not have the best grades at Alfea, but it’s not her fault… Well, not entirely. Okay so she could stand to study more… But her projects just need a little more tweaking. (Please Ms. Faragonda, understand.)
-Tecna doesn’t have the best handwriting… But her typing skills are out of this world.
-Tecna doesn’t have a big appetite, but when she’s hungry, just hand over the plate. (She doesn’t just get hungry, she gets hangry.)
-Everything has to have a place. Tecna’s workshops/workrooms may be messy and unorganized due to everything always being used, but her actual room and desk? Spotless. Everything put away neatly. (And she tries not to look over to Musa’s side of the room when they were still sharing a dorm. That’s not her mess or her side, it’s not her problem.)
-Tecna is sort of a mom friend. But she’s the sort of mom friend who will be telling you why what you did was stupid while she’s bandaging you up. (“Dammit Layla, I told you this would happen. Why did you think you could jump from that height without your wings?” “Musa bet I couldn’t do it.” “Why do I even bother?”)
-(Yes, Tecna has swearing problem. But only around friends or on her own. She tries to tone it down around parents or those who are in charge.)
-Digit, despite being just as big a gamer and tech guru as Tecna is, is also more in touch with her emotions (thanks to having roomed with Amore for so long). Which is great, because Digit helps Tecna naturally learn more about her own emotions without pushing or pressing. (And damn does it feel good to see Tecna and Timmy being more open with each other.)
-Tecna is unabashedly an anime fan. (Or at least, the Magical Dimension’s version of anime.) And she loves comics. (Which shocked her when Stella showed her her own collection. They may have a few get-togethers just to talk about their favorite comics now.)
-Tecna first transformed at 12, after trying to protect a younger cousin from an incoming snowstorm they had gotten lost in. Thankfully it helped her boost her power to signal for her mother and aunt.
-At Alfea, Tecna is part of the STEM club, anime club, robotics, and gaming club. Thanks to her and a few other Zenithian fairies, Alfea’s robotics club finally beat out Red Fountain’s.
-Speaking of Red Fountain… Tecna may have borrowed Timmy’s badge to enter into Red Fountain’s weaponry.
-(She was always curious about how Red Fountain’s weapons and ships worked, and the best way to figure that out is to take it apart and put it back together… She may have even upgraded a few things… Please don’t tell Saladin.)
-Tecna didn’t thrive as well as she claimed while in Omega. She just didn’t want her friends to feel guilty about not coming for her sooner.
-She understood why it took so long. And it was lucky that she was used to Zenith’s frigid temperatures. But it just… She did her best.
-She had to fight like hell most days, trying to keep herself alive and safe.
-And once she was back at Alfea… She had nightmares. (Which she logged into her tablet to try and help herself with later.)
-Eventually, during spring break, she went home and talked it all out with her parents. They had a hard time letting her go back to Alfea after that, but they knew they couldn’t keep Tecna from her education or from her friends.
-(The nightmares eventually faded a bit. But they still haunt her from time to time.)
-Before the whole Earth mission, Tecna and Timmy were one of the first couples to move in-together without any of the other members of their teams.
-They got an apartment on Zenith near their university. (They still go to their classes, though they take them mostly online these days. And they still keep the apartment, though it’s mostly a glorified work space now.)
-Tecna surprisingly gets along really well with Riven. They help each other with their respective partners and they like to build and work on projects together. (And play video games. They’re both super competitive and watching them go at it is like watching a train wreck. It’s awful but you can’t look away.)
-Tecna finds Flora to be the hardest to converge with. Their personalities and feelings on different issues tend to clash and it makes it difficult to meld together.
-Surprisingly, Tecna finds Stella to be the easiest to converge with. It’s like they just complement each other on a new wavelength.
-Tecna didn’t have any interest in music until rooming with Musa. After a few months into their rooming situation, she asked if Musa would teach her how to play an instrument because she felt it’d be cool to come up with her own soundtrack (for a video game project she’s been working on since she was like 12). Musa got Tecna a keyboard and the rest is history.
-She doesn’t get emotional about a lot of things, keeping a cool and level head to focus on facts is a Zenithian trait after all, but when someone messes with her projects or belittles her work or comes after the people she loves? You’re gonna get fucked, and not in the good way. (She has a real temper when she blows up, and people tend to get electrocuted.)
-Once they started their Earth mission, Tecna had to mentally fight herself every day to not upgrade or complain about Earth tech. (“Bloom… How the fuck do these people live like this?!” “Tecna…” “Please. Just one computer. Let me upgrade one computer.” “People will notice and we have to keep a low profile.” “Dammit Bloom!”)
-Tecna has several projects going on any given day, and since dating Timmy and having been bonded to Digit, they’ve been included in helping her with them.
-Most are gadget-based projects, things that girls need immediately or things that can help them. Some are robotics or engineering/vehicle based. But the one she’s the most proud of is the video game she’s still working on. (It’s almost done and she hopes to be able to publish it soon! Maybe sooner than expected since she’s got backing from Sky, Stella, and Layla.)
-Tecna’s main goal, after all this craziness with being a Winx Girl is over, is to take over her parents’ business and to further the Mode Brand of tech. (And maybe even expand into the video game departments. Depending on how her video game goes when she finally releases it.)
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lifeinahole27 · 4 years
CS ff: “Walking the Tightrope” (Chapter 4/10) (au)
Summary: Killian’s daily routines are a matter of habit. When he wakes up late one morning, his routines all change for the better. Emma doesn’t care about routines, but she does care about Killian, no matter how reluctant she is to admit it to herself.
Rating: E (much later in the story)
Content Warnings: Maybe some strong language. 
A Special Thank You: My continued gratitude to my lovely friends, @captainstudmuffin and @phiralovesloki. And a heap of love to @captainswanbigbang for putting this together and helping me accomplish this.
A/N: Without going into too much detail, I’m moving to a twice-a-week posting schedule. Mental health and mental illness are truly fickle things. This is the only way I can control mine right now. If I’d had my way, I would’ve posted the rest of the story in one go and taken a few months away from all social media. This was the proposed solution. Thank you for all the support and love over the last five years. It’s been my favorite adventure, so far. 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | 
Find it on Ao3 & FFN!
Chapter 4: Middle of the Road
October 25: Friday 
Friday is another night out at the Rabbit Hole, and for once Killian is there before her instead of the other way around. He’s in the middle of some animated story about lobsters, much to the amusement of those in attendance judging by their rapt expressions. There are two seats open at the table. One is the safe option, across from Killian and next to David. Or the other option is to sit at the head of this cacophony of tables and next to Killian directly. 
His gaze flicks over to her, as if he senses her thoughts, and as the story wraps up to the raucous laughter of their whole group, he puts on a satisfied little smile and lifts his hand in greeting. 
It looks as though he’s gotten the approval of both Snow and David, so that’s a mark in the right column. 
When her drink is set down in front of her, she wanders over, making a split second decision to sit at the head of the table. 
“Seems like I missed the best part of the evening,” she says as she settles in beside him.
“Long story short, the lobsters won the battle,” Killian tells her, smiling and sipping from the bottle in front of him. “How was your day at work, Swan?”
“David hit a new record in computer freeze-ups, so it was a little long.”
“It’s not my fault the computers are still running Windows 95,” David argues, his scowl not directed at Emma but at the ancient technology they’re currently running in the station. 
“And it’s not my fault you just decided this year that you wanted to start digitizing the last fifty years of records we have,” Emma retorts, losing the battle with herself and sticking her tongue out at David when he does the same to her. “Also, I would definitely argue that it is your fault that our equipment is so damn old.”
“Have you spoken to Regina about upgrade budgets?” This comes from the other end of the table, where Robin is seated, and almost every head swivels to look at him. “Ah, that’s right. You’re all terrified of my fiance. How silly of me to forget.” The blase tone has no offense to it; Robin is simply used to the stunned silence he gets at the obvious suggestion of asking Mayor Mills for budget increases in certain departments. It’s no big deal to him, the guy dating her, because one day he walked into her office to talk to her about a playground rebuild and suddenly they were seen everywhere.
Of course, back then, everywhere they were seen included heavy amounts of arguing. Then, suddenly, one day they were everywhere and making out. So that was an interesting development for a sleepy little town. 
“You know, I forgot that since she started dating you she’s been much easier to talk to,” Emma mentions. “Maybe I’ll schedule an appointment with her and ask about getting some upgrades in the station.”
“It’s best that you do this one on your own. She’s still mad at me for dragging a pack of dogs through those daffodils she had in front of Town Hall,” David admits.
“Only a little, mate,” Robin adds, winking when David looks at him. 
“Isn’t it rather handy to have the expat club around, love?” Killian nudges her with his elbow when he says it, grinning wide when she makes eye contact.
“It’s not so bad, I guess,” she responds with her own smile back. 
After a couple hours, the length of the day starts to weigh on her and she can feel her eyes drooping shut even with the group still in full swing. 
“Okay, I’m calling it a night,” she announces to their side of the table. 
“I’ll walk with you, Swan, if you’ll allow me. I’m at the end of my night, as well.”
It’s on the tip of her tongue to dismiss him, but Snow catches her eye and gives her one of her meaningful looks. She gives one of her own back, indicating that yeah, fine, okay she gets the message.
“Okay. Let’s go,” she says lamely, instead of whatever objection had been waiting.
Outside, they both take a moment to adjust to the quiet and the wind, with Emma pulling out her beanie and pulling it on snugly.
“I need to remember my own,” Killian says, indicating the hat on her head. “You’d think I would be better suited for cold weather given the track record of my home country.”
“After I moved back it was a struggle to get used to the temperatures again,” Emma admits.
“Moved back?”
“From Florida. I spent three years down there,” she says, leaving out all the rest of the story on purpose. But the answer seems to suit Killian just fine. 
“I never officially lived anywhere else until I moved here,” he tells her as they walk down the street. “Visited a lot of places in the Navy, but official, permanent addresses were all in the same town.”
“The Navy, huh?”
“Aye. One day you’ll get to hear all about my sordid but charming history,” he says, a teasing note to the words. 
It’s so easy, walking the short distance with him. She almost tells him she can take the rest alone when they hit their corner but she resists, instead leading him again along the path to her building. He stops when she does, still standing a respectable distance away. 
“Thanks for walking with me,” she says quietly. In truth, she wants to ask him up for a cup of coffee or something, but she can’t remember the last time she’s had a man in her home and now doesn’t feel like a good time to try when it’s getting late and she wasn’t lying about how tired she is.
“Always a pleasure. Goodnight.”
She responds in kind, itching like she did that first time he walked her home to reach out, to have some form of physical signature to end the evening. 
He’s just turning away when she moves again, grabbing his arm and going for a quick kiss on his cheek but he turns and the peck ends landing right on the corner of his mouth. Rather than sink into the comforting embrace of awkwardness, she stands her ground against the urge to run.
“Thank you again,” he tells him.
“For what?”
“Everything. Walking me home. Understanding. Not pushing me. I’m trying to get on the same level, and I wanted you to know that.” 
“All at your own pace, Swan. Goodnight,” he says again, his smile tinged with peace.
She makes sure to give him one last wave and smile when she gets to the door, liking the way this night ended much more than the last time he walked her home. 
-x- October 30: Wednesday
While Storybrooke is a small town, it doesn’t mean Mayor Mills has an abundance of time. As such, Emma can’t get an appointment until Wednesday. It’s something to break up the monotony of the day, however, so she doesn’t mind. Right before lunch time, she heads to the stately office building and waits her turn behind various townspeople requests.
It’s such a simple meeting, with professional courtesies and barely any spare chatting or gossip. Regina’s never really been the type, even before she got together with Robin. While he’s certainly made her more approachable, the meeting is still over about ten minutes after it begins, and Emma comes away from it with more than she anticipated.
Armed with her upgrades budget and a wishlist a mile long, Emma heads outside and starts walking back to the station. Across the street is NeverEndings and she slows down a bit, weighing the decision to go in. Ultimately, the idea of surprising Killian and maybe asking him if he wants to grab lunch with her is what sends her crossing, pulling open the heavy wooden door and rushing into the reception area. 
The last couple days have been really nice with him. They walk together in the mornings, and sometimes she loops her arm through his while they cross the street. She has snuck him two kisses outside of the library so that Granny doesn’t see it when he leaves her at the front of the diner. 
And today, she didn’t even have to stop at the diner. Instead, Killian was waiting at their corner with a second mug of coffee. The least she can do is give him his afternoon caffeine fix. 
It turns out the office building is a little more active during the day compared to when she brought him his dinner. She stands there in shock for a moment, remembering that there are people that work here that aren’t Killian, or Will, or Robin, and trying to decide if this really was a good idea. 
She’s just about to turn around and head out again when the secretary, a woman named Anna, calls out to her. 
“It’s nice to see you, Emma! It’s been too long! Is there anything I can help you with today?”
“Um, I’m actually here to see Killian? Killian Jones?”
“He’s in his office. Do you need me to take you back?”
“No, thanks. I know the way. Thanks Anna.”
It looks like Anna is about to launch into something else to say - the woman has a penchant for talking far too much but is one of the nicest people she’s ever met - but Emma moves quickly beyond the desk and back towards the office she knows. 
She weaves her way through the halls again, finding Killian’s door wide open this time. He’s not alone, however, and she startles when she sees a young teenager sitting in the chair across from Killian’s desk. Like he can sense she’s there, the man in question glances away from his computer screen and makes eye contact with her. 
“Ah, Swan! Good afternoon. Henry, just give me one moment,” he tells the young man in the chair, starting to rise from his own. 
“Sorry, I didn’t -” 
The boy turns then, curious brown eyes landing on her, so familiar that it steals all the breath in her lungs momentarily. Even his hair looks the same color as Neal’s. 
“I didn’t know you were busy. Never mind,” she says quickly, turning from the door and all but running back out through the front doors before Killian even has a chance to finish standing up.
His voice follows her down the hallway, but she doesn’t slow down, doesn’t even stop to consider what this may look like to him. The only thing she’s concerned with is getting away from the memories she wishes she could forget. 
Her feet take her to Granny’s - something about this place is the heart of Storybrooke and so everyone always ends up here one way or another - but it’s mostly a trip for comfort rather than necessity this time.
In that regard, the proprietress must sense her needs, because she’s handing over a bear claw fresh from the fryer while Emma waits for her usual lunch to cook. Directly after, a mug of hot cocoa is placed in front of her, cinnamon already sprinkled over the whipped cream. 
“How much do I owe you?”
“Same as always,” Granny says without slowing down in her movements behind the counter. “Dessert’s on me. The hot chocolate is from that one over there.”
Emma glances to where she’s pointing, expecting to see David or Ruby or anyone besides Will settling into a booth along the windows. He raises his own mug and turns back to his conversation with Belle, but she has a feeling that’s not the end of the moment just yet. 
She’s halfway through pushing her lunch around her plate when Will wanders over and props against the counter where she’s seated. 
“Did she put the rum in it like I asked?” he asks, pointing to the mug in her hands. Suddenly, she wonders if there was a different tang to the usual comfort today but Will’s smile is one she recognizes. “Only joking, lass. I know you’re on the clock. But surely you could’ve used it with the way you looked when you ran from the office.”
“You saw that?” She wants to cringe, to run away and hide again, but Will isn’t judging her so it’s not the end of the world. 
“Sped right past me as I was on my way back to Killian’s office. You know him and I go way back?”
“I thought you just met when he moved here.”
“Hardly. Met right before he joined the Navy through some literary club thing he was in. He was interning at the London branch when this position opened up and I told Robin to hire him and stop having all those brains wasted on fetching coffee and being a gopher.”
“Leaving England for a junior editor position had to be a big decision. Why would he come all this way for a spot he probably would’ve gotten if he stuck it out over there?”
“That’s all his story to tell you. But there is something I’ll tell you about Killian,” Will starts, and Emma won’t lie and say her heart doesn’t stutter at the words. She’s expecting the worst, as always, but she nods at him to continue.
“He hasn’t been in a relationship for a long time. Had his heart broken clean in two. If I’m not mistaken, that’s something the two of you have in common,” he says gently. There’s something about the way he says it. This is a level of friendship they’ve never crossed, preferring witty banter and faked hatred to show their friendly affection for each other instead.
“I’m guessing he doesn’t know you’re telling me this?” Emma asks.
“No. Probably tell me to mind me own bloody business. But it’s funny. About a month and a half ago he started smiling the way he did, before life got to him.” He gives her a look at that, before Belle is back by his side. Her fingers link with his like she doesn’t even know she’s doing it, and the sight makes something in Emma’s stomach clench with want. 
They turn to leave her, but Emma calls back to Will before he gets too far.
“Thanks. I’ll try not to be too mean to you from now on,” she says.
“Bollocks! That’s half the fun of it!” he exclaims, grinning ear to ear and turning around as Emma laughs. 
She doesn’t particularly want to return to the station but knows she should go back to work. The rest of her day is spent intently focusing on the files she’s copying. When David leaves for the day, she tells him to go on ahead. If he’s worried, he knows better than to push for information right now, which works just fine for her. She’ll talk when she’s ready.
When the last file of her stack is completed, she finally shuts everything down, looking up to find Mulan kicked back at her desk and reading a book. 
“Never thought you’d give up,” the other woman mutters without looking away. “Go home. David delivered food to your apartment over an hour ago.”
“I’m going. But not because you told me to,” Emma points out. She stands, bending and twisting and stretching until all the pops and cracks from her back have helped ease some of the pain she feels. 
With more amiable separating words from both of them, Emma finally leaves Mulan to take over the next shift, knowing that Phillip will probably be in after his aptly named son, Phillip, is put to bed for the evening. Her walk home is trudging, at best. Even knowing that David dropped off food for her isn’t helping pick up her feet any. 
The shock of seeing a kid look that much like Neal is enough to sour a whole day, if not the whole rest of the week. 
It’s not just that Neal left her, and that he left in the middle of the night while she slept, but that he did it because he thought Emma was pregnant. There was no indication that she even was. She had a stomach bug, three days of her head in the toilet which was preceded by her mentioning she had a craving for Granny’s grilled cheese sandwiches and a chocolate milkshake from back home.
Not even bothering to do the math or ask about her cycle, he just assumed that the cravings and the vomiting meant she was pregnant. They’d had sex once. For roughly thirty seconds until he complained that she was too tight and he pulled out. And he’d been wearing a condom. 
The anger of it starts fueling her into moving again, and she almost rushes right past Granny’s when she hears the calling of her name. 
“Evening, Swan!” Killian greets her from where he’s kicked back in one of the chairs on the patio, even though it’s far too cold to be sitting out here like that.
She waves, something jerky and unsure, and keeps moving along. She had no intentions of waltzing into his office and then fleeing like it was the scene of a crime this morning, and it’s mostly embarrassment that has her feet moving quicker. 
“Come on, Swan. Don’t make a man drink alone.”
“Not in the mood for a drink. Or a man,” she says, half-zoned out and just wanting to get home to try to process the rest of her emotions. 
“Emma, sweetheart?” he asks, hurt evident in his voice, and when she doesn’t slow down he gets up from the chair he was in and moves after her. “Wait a moment, Swan. What’s happened? What did I do between this morning and when you stopped by my office?” 
The fact that he thinks it’s his fault is what has her slowing minimally and letting him catch her around the forearm with his prosthetic hook. He uses that momentum to coax her to turn around, and the look on his face is finally what makes her cave. He doesn’t deserve the brunt of her fuckery. He’s been so patient through everything else, and while any other man in her life would’ve probably run at her first change of heart, this one has stood nearby with no pressure, no conditions asked. She fights through that heavy feeling in her chest, past the lump in her throat, so she can maybe even try to explain what happened. 
“It’s not you. I just… was reminded of my past and why I’m not good at this kind of thing.
“You’ve got to trust that I have no ill intentions here.”
“You think this is because I don’t trust you?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Of course I trust you. But it doesn’t change the fact that everyone I’ve ever been with has left me behind.” It’s probably the first time Emma has ever admitted any of this out loud, and suddenly what she thought was just a slight case of emotions feels a lot more like a boulder sitting in her stomach. For the tiniest moment, she’s afraid she’ll start crying. Her voice is almost garbled when she speaks again, fighting past the emotions welling up. “Neal, Graham… even Walsh. They left me in one way or another.” He doesn’t know them yet, doesn’t know what they did, but letting their names out into the open takes away some of their power.
Moving just a bit closer, Killian holds eye contact with her, probably just as much for him as for her. “Well, love. You don’t have to worry about me. I may leave this area on occasions, but I’ve no intention of leaving you unless you tell me to.”
It could just be an empty promise, but coming from Killian it sounds like a genuine one. She nods, just a fraction of her chin tilting down, to show him she understands. He moves forward the rest of the way, his intent clear without being overpowering. And then he’s kissing her, his arm coming snugly around her waist. 
It’s different from their first kiss and the small affectionate gestures they’ve shared recently. There’s something more than intention behind it and without the spontaneous factor involved, it’s calmer if not less intense. It doesn’t occur to her to be ashamed that they are standing in the middle of the street because how can she care about anything else when Killian is doing his best to remind her what human connection feels like with each subsequent press of his lips? 
This is enough for now, the start of a new routine for them. She always just assumed he was some nerdy dude with an office job, but really, Killian is like twenty things all wrapped into one and she’s discovering she’s eager to uncover each layer of him one at a time. 
With that thought, her final hang-ups fall away and she surrenders instead to the warm lips attached to the man that has changed her mind about dating. She thinks to tell him that, but then he’s shifting, his hand sliding into her hair as his left arm pulls her closer and then she’s all but crawling into his jacket. He’s warm, chasing away the chill she’s felt not just because of the temperatures but because of the hole she let herself sink into earlier. Chest to chest, she can feel the sound that rumbles through him when she wraps her arms around his waist. 
There’s a part of her that wants to know, desperately, why she was resisting this - resisting him, but she knows there’s still miles to go before all the dark spots fall away from her memories. This is a good start, though. It’s just them, figuring things out and also making out like they’re a couple of teenagers.
“There are better places to do that than the middle of the road.” It’s Granny’s voice that springs them apart. 
“Seriously?!” Emma says, looking over Killian’s shoulder at the older woman. 
Granny just gives her one of her patented looks and goes back inside, leaving them alone again.
“Would it be all right if I walked you home?”
“Sure. I’d like that,” Emma answers, taking his hand as they start heading that way. “Are you dressing up for Halloween tomorrow?”
“Aye. Quite the get-up I’ve got, too.”
“Oh yeah?”
He hums his agreement, but not saying anything more about it. “How about you, love? What have you cooked up for a costume?”
“I don’t normally dress up,” Emma admits. “But I think I can pull something together easily enough.” Even as she says it, she’s thinking of the parts of a suit she has at home. Surely she can pull that off with a couple accessories, right? It’s too good of an idea not to try, and so even though she's sad to say goodnight to Killian after the moment they’ve just had, she’s also excited to get inside and go tearing through her closet.
She makes sure to thoroughly kiss him goodnight before she does, however.
Chapter 5
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Boo York, Boo York – Gala Ghoulfriends Elle Eedee Diary
< September 25 >
I have my calendar program set up to count down the days until the Day of the Comet. Each day that passes gets that much more exciting in Boo York. Being a city of frightseers, it is usually crowded on a regular day, and, thus, I am never lacking an audience for my impromptu concerts. However, the sheer volume of out-of-tombers converging on the city is getting astronomical. And they all seem especially amped to hear my brand of techno pop infused with whatever I feel like infusing it with. It is a fantastic time to entertain... and be entertained. I have often felt my operating system warming in the excitement and have required a pause to cool down. Normally, an occasional overheating would not worry me so much, but out on the streets of Times Scare, there are few places to reboot. But when it has happened, there have always been kind strangers willing to lend a helping plug. That is part of what makes Boo York so bootiful; it is really just a small community at heart. And that knowledge alone charges me enough to send off a few sparks.  
< September 27 >
Ghoul’s Day Out shopping with my motherboard. We made a whole day of it and went to our favorite place to shop - the suburbs! I picked up some spare parts a sweet synthesizer at a flea market. The flea monsters always have a bite on the beast stuff, because they pick up mint-condition devices that get tossed when newer gadgets come out. The way I look at it, one monster’s junk is a robot monster’s upgrade. We also visited an antique shop and found a classic pocket watch for father. He is fairly up-to-date for an older-generation robot, but he claims his clockwork heart will only beat in analog. I have been trying for most of my unlife to convince him to install the latest system, but he insists that there is a purity to the continuous passage of time that cannot be expressed digitally, and that someday I will understand. I have tried to search for his meaning, but it does not compute. But I digress. After a quick stop at the hardware store, Motherboard and I went to the day spa and received an energizing buff and polish. I think I will do some dancing in my room when I get home, since the parental units will be nearby to reboot me if necessary. 
< September 28 >
Slept in this morning because I required a complete recharge after shopping all day and then dancing all evening yesterday. I try to keep the dancing to a minimum, because it is not good for a building robot to overheat too much. Motherboard assures me that when I am older and become hardwired, I will have more control over my cooling system and then be able to dance as much as I like. I hope she is correct because I enjoy dancing, but I also love to create music and I can do that as much as I like now. I have been composing comet-themed songs today, and I cannot wait to premiere them in Times Scare. If they are well received, I will perform them at the monstrous Comet Gala at the Museum of Unnatural History. I won the music competition at my school to be the official gala DJ, which makes me think the comet really is magical and it’s already working some of its power on me!
< September 30 >
I am so amped! I think my street audience fearly enjoyed my performance today. I met some ghouls from Monster High who rocked out with me: Draculaura, Frankie, Clawdeen and Operetta. They are also going to the Comet Gala, although they are going as the guests of Cleo de Nile, who is a mummy princess. Cleo, her sister Nefera, and her boofriend Deuce, were all on their way to visit the Ptolemys at Ptolemy Tower, so they were definitely high-end ghouls. I am always pleased to meet new monsters and music is such a good ice-breaker, which is yet another reason to love music. 
< October 1 >
Something beast-zarre happened. I was playing in Times Scare, rehearsing for the gala tonight, when I received a strange transmission? feedback? brain feart? or something in my head! Talk about a systems error! It was like music or a song, and it caused my circuits to completely shut down. It was die-sturbing, to say the least. Luckily, the Monster High ghouls - and a pizza ghoul? - saw that I was frozen and came over to console me until I finished buffering. I am still not quite my easy-loading self; I feel like I have been hacked and it is not a pleasant experience. I hope I am not coming down with a virus. 
< October 1, Entry 2 >
The gala has begun and I am keeping my nervous system tamped down so that I do not crash in front of important monsters. That kind of embarrassment would do major damage to my hard drive. I just saw the Monster High ghouls, and they look bootiful and calm - they do not appear to be in any danger of short-circuiting. Luna, that pizza ghoul, is also working this gala, except now she says she is playing the part of a waitress. She amuses me. I also met a rat princess, Mouscedes, and, considering she is royalty, she did not make me nervous at all. Clawesome - Queen Ptolemy just complimented me on my music as she walked past! One benefit of being a robot monster is the ability to DJ and dictate my diary at the same time. But now I must go on stage and do the only dance I can do without fear of overheating, and I cannot dictate and dance at the same time. You have not seen anything until you have seen a robot ghoul do the robot!
< October 2 >
Sometimes it takes a complete blackout - a total shutdown of electronic lights and sounds - to truly hear the music within you and to recognize its importance. At midnight last night, the comet spoke to me - no, it sang to me... harmonized with me - and it was magical. We created a symphony of friendship and promise. I have always been kind of a lone robot - a one-ghoul band - and that is okay. But now I know that I can also be part of something larger than myself; that I can surround myself with friends and be inspired by them. And that is music to my receivers. 
< October 4 > 
Now that Comet Fever is no longer infecting the city, I am on my way to interface with Luna and Mouscedes. I enjoyed fanging with them at the gala and already feel like we are beasties! I am not positive where we are meeting, but Mouscedes emailed us a map. Luna said it looked too much like a maze, but she will just fly over the landmarks to the destination anyway. However, I am going to turn on my navigation system and take the long way. Even without the Comet, there are always monsterrific things to see and hear in Boo York!
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