#this recipe is from King Arthur baking company
herooffire101 · 1 year
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I baked an Orange Pound Cake today. I have to remember later to buy more of the baker's special sugar from King Arthur.
And I will post more Cats musical stuff, I just need to feel motivation and either release some of bits of writing or finished stuff or just headcanons. I'm welcome to asks anytime, I'll answer them when I can.
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copperbadge · 1 year
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@scifigrl47: King Arthur Baking Company has a new “loaded baked potato” pizza recipe and I kind of want to try it.
@scifigrl47​: Nobody issued any kind of chall -- 
That’s not verbatim how it went down but it’s more or less what happened. I’m sure it’s actually a fine recipe, I have yet to get a stinker from KA Baking, but I don’t like straight un-mashed potato and I didn’t like cheddar as the only cheese on a pizza, so I decided to design my own. 
[ID: A photograph of a pizza baked in a cast iron pan, sprinkled with seasoning, with bacon visible here and there; the two kinds of cheese are both golden-brown from the oven.]
The modified KA Baking pizza recipe I use creates two deep-dish cast-iron crusts, so I made one full-on experimental potato pizza and one relatively normal pizza.
First, I let the dough rise in the pan and then gave it a very light sprinkling of mozzarella cheese. I added my usual pizza sauce to half, and left the other half sauceless. I took cold instant garlic mashed potatoes (I don't want to hear it, instant mash is fast and comes out perfect every time) and sprinkled broken up bits of it all over the pizza, then sprinkled cooked bacon bits over that.
I covered half the pizza with sharp cheddar and half with low-moisture part-skim mozzarella (my pizza cheese of choice), arranged so that there were four quadrants: sauced-cheddar, sauced-mozzarella, unsauced-cheddar, and unsauced-mozzarella.
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[ID: Two photos of the same not-yet-baked pizza, one without cheese so the potato and bacon is visible, one with cheese, to demonstrate how it's half-and-half cheddar and mozzarella.]
The other pizza, I used pizza sauce on the whole thing, mozzarella cheese on the whole thing, then half I sprinkled with sauteed diced mushrooms (a personal favorite) and half I dolloped with mashed potato and tomato-onion jam.
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[ID: A pizza in a cast iron pan, dotted with red sauce and mushrooms, with chunks of mashed potato here and there, brown at the edges.]
That one'll eat well regardless, I feel.
Anyway, I baked them at 450 for 15 minutes, and the experimental pizza came out of the oven looking fine, so I sliced it and taste-tested each slice.
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[ID: Two images of the same experimental pizza; it is sliced in four quarters. In the second image, each slice has one giant bite taken out of it, right at the point, so that it looks like the pizza has a hole in the middle of it.]
I live alone, if I want to take a bite out of every slice of pizza, it's fine.
Anyway, my tasting notes are thus:
-- I still prefer mozzarella to cheddar. Cheddar gets kind of nasty when it melts open like this. Crunchy and oily, not a fan.
-- The bacon bits were either too large or shouldn't be there at all. I'm not a fan of bacon on pizza for texture reasons; the bacon should be a flavoring, I think.
-- It needs sauce. It just does. Mashed potatoes straight onto pizza crust is too much dry stuff at once. The mozzarella helps, but only so much. The pizza sauce, while it did add a nice texture, was not the right flavor for the potato. I think instead of pizza sauce, a bacon-ranch sauce would be ideal, incorporating the bacon flavor without adding too much crunch.
-- A perfectly nice pizza, but like, there's no reason to do this other than novelty. Arguably just making 'tato skins would be easier. Still, it's a fun thing to serve at a party or something.
I did have some leftover bacon so I made a bacon-onion sauce out of sour cream, a tiny bit of milk, the remaining bacon, and a generous spoonful of dried onions.
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[ID: A sour cream cup with a fork in it; the cup is about half-full of a sour cream sauce with red and green flecks of bacon and onion.]
I'll try dunking the reheated pizza in it and see how that goes. But I'm willing to call this a qualified success. Eminently edible, and it was fun to do!
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brightgnosis · 8 months
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Instagram Repost: July 27, 2022
Now THAT'S a stack of books 😬 Though, to be fair, not all of them got checked out of the Library today (some of which were rechecks to finish, anyways); only some're what I've gotta get through in the next 2 weeks, ha. The rest are mine 😅
From Mine:
📑 'The Great Big Cookie Book' by Hilarie Walden (given to us recently by my Mother in Law)
📑 'The Essential Cookie Companion' from the King Arthur Baking Company (Just purchased because we loved the above book so much and misunderstood that my MIL was giving it to us, ha)
📑 'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of American Cooking' (Only pulled out at the moment because I'm marking recipes I love + I'm making something from it tomorrow night).
From the Library:
🔖 'Occult Botany: Sédir's Concise Guide to Magical Plants' by Paul Sédir, translated by R. Bailey
🔖 'Spiritual Herbalism: The Magic and Medicine of the Plants' by He Who Sadly Turned Out To Be An Ass To Me -Including Intentional Misgendering Me
📚 'The Feminine Face of God: The Unfolding of the Sacred in Women' by Sherry Ruth Anderson and Patricia Hopkins
📖 'Kabbalah: Secrecy, Scandal and the Soul' by Harry Freedman
📖 'A History of Judaism' by Martin Goodman
📒 'Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America' by Margot Adler (I've no actual intent to read it again, but it's good for the Library to see it get checked out occasionally)
📚 'Judaism, The Way of Holiness: The history, Beliefs, Literature, and Observances of the Jewish Faith' by Solomon Nigosian
I'm just saying that I may have a problem, y'all.
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type40thiefoflight · 6 months
Jesus Christ, even the stand mixers are "smart" appliances now.
Description from King Arthur Baking:
Introducing the GE Profile Smart Mixer, a stand mixer revolutionizing baking.
Experience the future of mixing with the General Electric Profile Smart Mixer. This innovative stand mixer, equipped with Auto Sense Technology, ensures perfect results every time by monitoring texture changes through motor torque. It boasts a range of intelligent features, including a Built-In Smart Scale, voice control compatibility with Alexa and Google Home, and a companion app filled with guided recipes for effortless baking. The Advanced Digital Motor guarantees both durability and consistent high speed and power for swift emulsification and mixing. With its user-friendly design suitable for both right- and left-handed users, front-facing digital display, automatic wireless updates, convenient automatic shutoff, Reverse Mode for sticky dough, easy-to-use One-Click Release function for attachments, and an easy-to-see Notification Light Ring to monitor the mixer's status, this intelligent mixer is a must-have for any kitchen and every baker.
Description from GE:
Auto Sense Technology
Auto Sense Technology actively monitors changes in texture and viscosity through motor torque feedback to optimize mixing performance. Over-mixing and under-mixing fails are no longer a risk in recipes* that previously required intuition and experience, as an automatic shut-off feature will turn the mixer off when completion is reached.
GE Profile Connect +
With Connect +, your Smart Stand Mixer keeps getting better over time. Connect your mixer to home WiFi to receive software updates that include new features—like step-by-step guided recipes—as they become available.
Voice Control with Alexa and Google Home
No need to touch your mixer with messy hands. Connect your voice-activated smart stand mixer to your Alexa or Google Home device for hands-free control of these functions:
Stop mixer
Set timer (Google function only)
Adjust speed
Set speed
Since when do you need an app and software updates to make cookies?
Not to sound like a crotchety old person, but oh my god why does everything need to be so "high-tech" these days?
Does it mix the ingredients properly? Yes? Good. That's all it should be doing.
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scribefindegil · 2 years
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I posted 1,026 times in 2022
That's 482 more posts than 2021!
483 posts created (47%)
543 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 877 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#mp100 - 165 posts
#curseblogging - 84 posts
#the owl house - 78 posts
#conversations - 54 posts
#mob fluff stockpile - 42 posts
#hubris quilting - 39 posts
#mp100 spoilers - 33 posts
#mushrooms - 32 posts
#amphibia - 21 posts
#kitties - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and then got so burnt out i didn't get around to ancillary justice which is the one piece of ace rep that actually super resonates with me)
My Top Posts in 2022:
So far no one at a fabric store has asked what I'm quilting so I haven't had the chance to whip out my phone & be like well u see. this.
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10,248 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Got in a big order from my favorite mushroom company and apparently now they give you mushroom trading cards as freebies?
13,369 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
Many vegetables, most noticeably sweet corn and sugarsnap peas, are full of sugars that start turning to starch as soon as they're picked, so you will get the best and most flavorful experience if you eat them as close to harvest as possible.
Winter squash is full of starch that slowly turns to sugars once it gets picked, so you will get the best and most flavorful experience if you wait six weeks to three months (depending on the variety) after harvest before eating them.
Cold-hardy roots and brassicas are full of starch that turns to sugars after exposure to frost, so you will get the best and most flavorful eating experience if you wait to pick them until they've gone through multiple freezes.
This has been Vegetable Lore With Scribe.
24,147 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A useful article from King Arthur Flour (my beloved) on baking while disabled.
29,683 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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grumpywagon · 2 years
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Whole Wheat Banana Bread with Butter and Cinnamon Milk. This quick bread has 50/50 of whole wheat flour and unbleached AP flour, brown sugar and heavy on the ripe bananas. It has a crispy Turbinado Sugar topping. This recipe came from King Arthur Baking Company Baker's Companion Book. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
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Fruits: week of 5/27/24
Mixed fruits sourdough muffins
Grade: B+
I haven't tried them yet but this is a go-to recipe so can't be too terrible.
Almost didn't want to bake this week, but fortunately this recipe was quick and efficient.
Recipe: basic muffins (with berry and oatmeal versions) from King Arthur Baking Company
Modifications: 70g sourdough in half recipe; reduced sugar by half; ½ tsp baking soda instead of ½ tbl baking powder
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graysongoal · 5 months
Support King Arthur Baking Company
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image description for the screenshot above: I borrowed this screenshot from the Libs of T i k T o k account. This screenshot is of the Baking Pitchfest page, where LoT has circled that King Arthur is specifically only allowing "Person of Color led business" to enter into the Product Competition and "Person of Color led bakery" to enter the Bakery Edition.
The Libs of T i k T o k and other white supremacist assholes have forced King Arthur Baking off of Twitter for specifically focusing on uplifting bakeries and businesses owned and led by Black, brown, Indigenous, Asian, Middle Eastern, African, Latinx, and other people of color.
Don't know about King Arthur? Well, they are an incredible 100% employee-owned company with high quality ingredients and a ton of gluten-free options.
They focus heavily on food access and justice, climate change, and underrepresented and forcibly oppressed folks. Plus, they're one of a few businesses who practices what they preach. Their DEI page really highlights a lot of work they've done, both internally and externally, to make the word a better place.
They also have a baking school with virtual options, a ton of recipes, and other tips and tricks. And, of course, their shop has many flours and baking mixes. They also sell other ingredients, kitchen tools, and bakeware.
I have a lot of love personally for King Arthur Baking because they were one of the early companies that started selling gluten-free mixes and flours in mainstream stores. I had to ditch gluten in 2012 and I thought I'd never enjoy breads or pastries again. The supply of gluten-free items was sparse in those days, y'all. Phew! Thankfully, I found them through the amazing Chef Brad, and learned SO much from the tips and tricks they shared.
It sounds like hyperbole, but they changed my life. I only hope that we can help support them so that they make it through this ridiculous LoT issue unscathed.
PS: I also borrowed the below screenshot from an upset asshole on Twitter, and I really like the way KA replied:
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image description: an email reply from King Arthur Baking Company (written by Amy) to an upset asshole. The email reads:
Hi Cathy, We're sorry to hear that this doesn't sit well with you and you feel compelled to go elsewhere. Helping build joyful, equitable communities that celebrate diversity is an important part of who we are as a company. Please know that we'll be here and hope there'll come a day when you feel ready to rejoin our community. We love baking with anyone and everyone. Our simple expectation is that everyone show respect for one another. Kind Regards, Amy
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russellharvey16 · 1 year
Ginger Cake Recipe
To revisit this recipe, go to My Account, then View saved recipes.
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But some of the visually stunning bakes is this Battenberg cake recipe. In a separate small mixing bowl, beat the butter until easy. Serve the loaf heat with custard and a cup of tea to make a beautiful pudding (meaning dessert in general, not American pudding!).
Elements Metricus Customary 1x2x3x
Each could be made and saved within the fridge for up to per week. The chocolate cake may additionally be made prematurely and frozen for up to a month. A fool is a basic British and Irish dessert that's often made with whipped cream and cooked fruit. This quick model makes use of rhubarb and berries. Fond reminiscences surround this traditional college lunch dessert.
Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl and stir in any of the sticky residue that’s collected there.
When the cake is cooked, remove it from the oven and allow it to chill for 5-10 minutes.
Sift the dry components collectively into a big bowl.
Turn up the heat and bring the mixture to only below boiling level.
I love to read them and answer your questions.
Grease and line a 28x18cm/11x7in baking tin with baking paper.
As with the basic gingerbread men recipe, the wet ingredients are combined over a gradual heat to make it easy and lump free. Moist and dense , this single-layer cake is tremendous ginger-y thanks partially to the addition of ginger syrup. If Ginger spice 're a fan of ginger and its spicy kick of heat, you'll love this fast and simple cake.
📋 Recipe
Place on centre shelf of 180° C (350° F) oven for minutes. Bake at 340 F for minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Copyright © 2023 King Arthur Baking Company, Inc. Let's have fun the legacy of Black baking In my Old-Fashioned Coconut Cake, there's history in each slice. Adjust the quantity of spices, based on your desire.
Make certain that the frosting is good and clean and no giant chunks of cream cheese remain. As soon as you've poured the syrup onto the flour, fill the saucepan with scorching water and leave to soak or it is going to be difficult to scrub. It's really easy to make - just melt the butter and sugars and mix with the dry ingredients. Of course, it wouldn't be a ginger cake guide without including the well-known Yorkshire parkin. If you may have time, wrap in foil and leave for 3 to five days before eating, during which time it will become softer, stickier and all of the extra scrumptious. This top-notch showstopper, with ornamental golden brown Italian meringue, completely screams Bonfire Night.
How To Prepare Dinner Potatoes
Next add the eggs and molasses and blend properly. Pour the combination into the prepared tin and bake in the midst of the oven for 35–40 minutes, or till golden-brown and the top is springy to the contact. 4oz ginger is 115 grams which I weighed out precisely and was capable of grate it really nice. I will try it again however will tweak it. I love those recipes which have somewhat slider that immediately converts it all..... Peel, slice, and chop the ginger very nice with a knife .
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basicallybaking · 1 year
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Recipe from King Arthur Baking Company Very nice, lightly sweet and taste of corn from the masa harina, dough seems very soft and can be hard to roll into a tube because of that but then cracks. Can't really taste the cinnamon. A little dry despite the softness, so they're good with a drink. Baked at 350F.
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pearlsmith25 · 1 year
Barley Flakes Market 2023 Size Strong Revenue and Competitive Outlook
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Barley flakes are a type of cereal grain that is made from whole barley that has been flattened and rolled into flakes. They are similar to other rolled grains like oat flakes and can be used in a variety of dishes such as porridge, granola, and baked goods. Barley flakes are a good source of dietary fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. They also contain vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc. Some studies suggest that consuming barley flakes may help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. To use barley flakes, you can soak them in milk or water overnight and cook them on the stove for a warm and hearty breakfast. You can also add them to smoothies or use them as a crunchy topping for yogurt or oatmeal bowls. Additionally, barley flakes can be used as a substitute for rolled oats in many recipes.
Key players operating in the global barley flakes market include King Arthur Flour Company, Inc., Honeyville, Inc., Nestlé, Kellogg, Cereal Food Manufacturing Company, Bob’s Red Mill Natural Food, Rude Health, Naturally Yours, Gaurang Foods, VLS Foods Pvt. Ltd., VEE GREEN ORGANIC LIFE CARE PRIVATE LIMITED, Nith River Milling, and Hodmedod's British Pulses & Grains.
The global barley flakes market has been growing steadily in recent years, driven by increasing consumer demand for healthier and more natural food products. The rising popularity of whole grains and plant-based diets has also contributed to the growth of the market. The market is segmented by type, application, and geography. Barley flakes are available in both organic and conventional varieties. They are used in a variety of food products such as breakfast cereals, snacks, bakery products, and animal feed. North America and Europe are the largest markets for barley flakes, followed by the Asia Pacific region.
The demand for barley flakes is expected to continue to grow in the coming years due to several factors. One of the primary drivers of demand is the increasing popularity of whole grain and plant-based diets, which emphasize the consumption of unprocessed, natural foods. Barley flakes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates, making them a healthy and nutritious option for consumers.
Additionally, the growing awareness of the health benefits associated with consuming barley flakes is also driving demand. Research has shown that consuming barley flakes can help to lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and aid in weight management.
The versatility of barley flakes is another factor contributing to their demand. They can be used in a wide range of food products, including breakfast cereals, snacks, bakery products, and animal feed. This versatility makes them a popular choice among food manufacturers, who are constantly looking for new and innovative ingredients to incorporate into their products.
Finally, the increasing availability of barley flakes in supermarkets and health food stores is also contributing to their demand. Consumers are becoming more aware of the health benefits associated with consuming whole grains, and as a result, are seeking out products like barley flakes that are both healthy and convenient.
There are several advantages to the barley flakes market, including:
Health benefits: Barley flakes are a rich source of dietary fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates, making them a nutritious and healthy food option. Research has also shown that consuming barley flakes can help to lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, and aid in weight management.
Versatility: Barley flakes can be used in a wide range of food products, including breakfast cereals, snacks, bakery products, and animal feed. This versatility makes them a popular choice among food manufacturers who are looking for new and innovative ingredients to incorporate into their products.
Sustainability: Barley is a relatively sustainable crop that requires less water and fertilizer than other grains like wheat and corn. This makes barley flakes an environmentally friendly food option.
Market growth: The global market for barley flakes has been growing steadily in recent years, driven by increasing consumer demand for healthier and more natural food products. This growth is expected to continue in the coming years, providing opportunities for producers and manufacturers.
Cost-effective: Barley flakes are generally more affordable than other grains like oats, making them a cost-effective ingredient for food manufacturers.
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remnantpresence · 2 years
Bread Baking
I’m looking to flex some of the baking skills I would like to develop. Here’s a list of breads I plan on baking in the coming weeks.
French Baguette (According to this flour company.) Active Dry Yeast or Instant  Yeast (1 and 9/16th teaspoons) Starter Wait Time: 14 hours. Dough Wait Time: Approx 3 hours plus managing.
Rustic Sour Dough (King Arthur Again) 1 cup of ripe sour (fed) dough starter. 1-2 tsp of instant yeast. Dough Wait Time: 2.5~ hours plus 1 managing. SUPPLEMENTARY SOUR DOUGH STARTER: 50 minutes prep. 6~ day wait. 1 Quart Container. IDK whole wheat flours.
Japanese Milk Bread 3 tbsp of whole milk. 1 tbsp of instant yeast. 4 tbsp of melted unsalted butter. 2 tbsp of condensed milk. Cake Pan. Dough Wait Time: 2.5~ hours plus 1 managing.
French-Style Country (Crusty) Bread 1/2 teaspoon of active dry yeast or instant yeast Focaccia (Exotic ‘Flat’ Bread) Lots of olive oil? 1 tbsp instant yeast. cheddar cheese powder. Dough Wait Time: 1 hours
Sandwich Bread 2 1/4 tsp of instant yeast. 2 tbsp softened butter. 1 tbsp honey. 9-10″x5″ Loaf Pan. Dough Wait Time: 3 hours.
All of these recipes are from “King Arthur” flour. So go buy it. I guess.
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Old Hagging Out Repost [July 2022]: Honey, Honey
I had a lot of ideas rolling around in my head for @msgraveyarddirt​ / @graveyarddirt​‘s Hagging Out theme of “Bees” this month. After all, I literally have an entire holiday dedicated to pollinators and helper spirits in July. It should have been an easy one for me- especially since I started Thyroid medication this month and it’s quite literally changed my life.
Gone is the neverending exhaustion and depression that’s plagued me this year, finally, and prevented me from participating in these events like I’ve wanted to. That should’ve meant Hagging Out was back in this month, in full, right? Ha, if only it were so easy for me, really; when one great thing happens, my body decides to pull the plug on another- and all of a sudden down the toilet went all the progress I’d made thanks to one tiny little digestive flair.
Then Covid cases amped up at my Husband’s work this week, and cases started going up in our county again. And so we hauled both our rears down to the Health Department as soon as we could to get our boosters; we were due for them soon, anyways- and with us officially returning to The Festival this year, we needed to get them within the next month regardless. 
It was a good time to do it. But between it all, it sort of threw all of my previous plans and talk subjects out the window ... Then I had the bright idea to bake cookies. I thought, they’re simple, right? They don’t take much effort, right? Oh boy, was I wrong.
Not only were good Honey Cookie recipes that I liked difficult to find (chalk it up to my always being picky), but Covid-Arm simply disagreed. Thankfully that  later disagreement only lasted a day, however. And I was, finally, able to find two recipes I enjoyed well enough I didn’t mind cobbling them together. So there is, at least, something small for me to offer up to the Hag Spirits this eve: 
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Soft Tea Cookies flavored with Ginger, and a double dose of Honey in the form of both Bärenjäger, and the last remnants of some Honey I purchased at the local Herb Festival in June from a Sunflower Farm located out in my family’s original hometown of Lamont, Oklahoma. I topped them off with a homemade Black Peppercorn and Almond Icing.
They have such a lovely, soft spicy flavor that pairs perfectly with a hot cup of black tea; arguably the best cookie I’ve made yet, I think. And definitely one for the permanent cookie box. 
We’ll just ... Ignore the fact that I was annoyed by having to suddenly share the kitchen with my In Laws (who decided to be in the way, in every way possible)- and so I stuffed all the cookies in at once, leading to just over half of the 20 cookie total being burned on the bottom. But the icing makes up for it; icing always makes everything better.
It’s just a shame it’s not a recipe I pulled out of our new 'King Arthur Flour Company Essential Cookie Companion, Revised and Updated'; I have to admit I’m incredibly disappointed in the lack of Honey based recipes they had available (only one!) ... Maybe they’ll do better in the next edition.
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suegreene · 2 years
[PDF/ePub] The King Arthur Baking Company's All-Purpose Baker's Companion (Revised and Updated) - King Arthur Flour
Download Or Read PDF The King Arthur Baking Company's All-Purpose Baker's Companion (Revised and Updated) - King Arthur Flour Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => The King Arthur Baking Company's All-Purpose Baker's Companion (Revised and Updated)
[*] Read PDF Here => The King Arthur Baking Company's All-Purpose Baker's Companion (Revised and Updated)
 Comprehensive in scope, authoritative in style, and offering clear, practical, and encouraging instruction, The King Arthur Baking Company's All-Purpose Baker?s Companion is the one book you?ll turn to every time you bake. In it, the experts from King Arthur lead home bakers through hundreds of easy and foolproof recipes from yeast breads and sourdoughs to cakes and cookies to quick breads and brownies. Winner of the 2004 Cookbook of the Year Award by the James Beard Foundation, this dependable cookbook has been reinvigorated with new photography, recipes, and revisions to keep it relevant to today?s modern baker.Decades of research in their famous test kitchen shaped the contents of this book: 450+ recipes, a completely up-to-date overview of ingredients (including gluten-free options), substitutions and variations, and troubleshooting advice. Sidebars share baking secrets and provide clear step-by-step instructions. Techniques are further explained with easy-to-follow
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This ended up being a very long post and I'm on mobile, so I'll fix the read more in the morning when I get on the computer.
TW: covid, depression, Thanksgiving, a lot of food talk
Today, we officially called off Thanksgiving with family (it had pretty much been decided but today we called the few people to confirm it).
Some background: my family only started celebrating Thanksgiving because I wanted to. We're Chinese, so growing up, it wasn't a thing for us, plus my mom wasn't fond of turkey.
At the age of 13, I picked up a bread baking recipe book at a Scholastic book drive. Up until that point, I had been baking stuff from box mixes, so making bread from scratch was a huge deal for me. Age 14, I told my parents I wanted to do Thanksgiving the American way. We qualified for a free turkey at our local supermarket anyway, so why not? To make it more palatable, I incorporated Chinese elements into the menu--various Chinese vegetables (choy) instead of green bean casserole, sticky rice (loh mai fan) stuffing--and i would bake fresh bread. There would always be white rice.
I have a huge extended family and on the weekends, my parents would have family and friends over to play mahjong, so Thanksgiving went over great because they loved trying all these new foods, and I loved trying new recipes. We always had a rotation of at least thirty people, so the food went. I think one year, I counted just over fifty people--it was like a revolving door at my parents' house, some people would pop in around lunch time and hang out until they had to go to their own family's Thanksgiving dinners, some came for dinner, and some came for dessert and coffee with a side of mahjong.
As the years went on, my menus got more and more elaborate, and I would enlist my younger siblings (I have three) to be my sous chefs. It was a THING. Thanksgiving was my thing.
The college I went to is very involved with the Macy's Thanksgiving parade balloons, and while it would have been an awesome experience, it required giving up your Wednesday night and most of Thanksgiving Thursday. That was a deal breaker for me. That's how much my Thanksgiving ritual meant to me.
Some of my favorite memories are waiting in line at DiPalo's (before they expanded, back when it was just the corner storefront) with my sister the weekend before Thanksgiving to get fresh mozzarella and ricotta and parmigiano (lasagna was a huge hit with my family). The longest we waited was three hours one year.
Another year, this was after I had graduated and moved out and was working. My work let us out early (around 2pm), but this asshat in another department ensured me that he needed these numbers so he can work over the weekend. I ended up running out to DiPalo's to pick up my order and going back to work, working to 9pm to get those numbers out, before going back to my parents' house to start cooking. The asshat didn't look at them that weekend (we get the Friday off too).
Mind you, it's not that I couldn't get the ingredients in Jersey, I just honestly had no idea where to go. My parents did the bulk of their grocery shopping in Chinatown and DiPalo's was right at the border of Chinatown and Little Italy.
As I said earlier, my menus got more elaborate over the years. Everyone kept eating the loaves of fresh bread for breakfast, so I made Thanksgiving an all day affair, with a breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu.
One year, the theme was fried foods (fried turkey legs, homemade mozzarella sticks, etc.). I always tried new recipes on Thanksgiving, because honestly, what I enjoyed most about it was the process, the production of creating something delicious.
My siblings started sending me recipes throughout the year. One year, I made a vegan raspberry cheesecake (the base was cashews and almonds).
My siblings also said that they knew my now husband was a keeper because he had not only survived Thanksgiving at my parents' house, but he rolled with it (I'm pretty sure I put him to work too).
After we got married and bought our house, I claimed Thanksgiving for both sides of the family (there were no objections, because I didn't care about Christmas, so they had Christmas). My husband's family had been getting their Thanksgiving meals catered for a few years at this point, so they didn't mind not cooking.
But including his family meant I had to start making sacrifices to my process. One person only liked Stove Top stuffing (don't get me wrong, Stove Top chicken flavor is amazing, but so is a sausage stuffing from scratch). The year my second child was born, I think I was a bit burned out by everything, so we ended up ordering a whole pig (think spit roast, but Chinese style) and some roast ducks that year. We were told the next year that some people would prefer to have turkey. One year, we decided to smoke our turkey, and the feedback we had gotten was that some people really preferred oven roasted. So the following year, we did turkey three ways (roasted, smoked, and deep fried) and we started getting feedback that we were doing too much variety. This happened with the sides too. Heirloom vegetable recipes (guys, I used to watch the Food Network religiously) were reduced to sauteed green beans or asparagus. We were told to reduce the variety of things, so the only pasta dish that kept making it onto the menu was mac and cheese, because that was someone else's preference. And I couldn't even play around with the mac and cheese, because the family's recipe used Velveeta (yes, I know I sound like a food snob, and it's because I was back then).
But year after year, the creativity of the menu decreased and decreased, to the point where my husband and I felt it wasn't enjoyable anymore.
This morning, after we had called the family (it was really just my and his parents, whom we have been seeing during this whole time because we live close and do shopping for them, etc.), part of me was excited to finally make a menu and my husband and I agreed on a very small menu, because it's just us and our two kids.
And by the time I went to bed, I was excited again for Thanksgiving because we will be cooking things that we want. There are three, possibly four varieties of scones on the breakfast menu right now. I haven't mentioned this yet, but my menus are always too ambitious. I almost never get every single dish on the table, but the important ones get there. The experimental ones get ranked in order of what I want to taste.
After all these years, we have established staples. We always have bacon cheddar scones with breakfast. My sons requested chocolate chip and vanilla, respectively, and I want pumpkin. We'll see how many varieties actually get made. I always make fresh cranberry sauce for the sole reason of baking it into a crumb cake for Friday morning. We also eat the Ocean Spray jellied (with whole berries), and I serve it in slices. My husband is the mashed potato king, so he handles that. The King Arthur masala chai pumpkin pie recipe has been a hit year after year, so that is a staple now. I was excited to be able to cook what we wanted again.
It even inspired a Thanksgiving chapter in the fic I am writing. (I am so, so, so happy and excited for this chapter now.)
But as I was going to bed tonight, I was thinking about those memories at DiPalo's and cooking with my siblings, and pandemic sadness hit me like a ton of bricks. I cried hard. I miss my siblings. I miss the hospitality of it all. Just like my parents' house was a revolving door, when my husband and I took over Thanksgiving, it was an unspoken rule that extended friends and family were welcomed. My siblings' friends from high school and college would stop by. My one sister's friend would even ask to be on the menu distribution list (I usually drafted a menu and my family members would vote on which dishes they wanted, and that was partially how the menu was created) and invite himself over lol.
I miss that company--the people who understood my Thanksgiving--my family. I haven't seen (in person) one sister since January and the other since March. And while we're constantly talking to each other and do the occasional video chat, it's just not the same.
If you read this far, thank you for your time and energy.
I don't have a point to this post, except maybe wear a fucking mask and stay home, so we can eventually beat this pandemic and resume some semblance of pre-covid life.
And I know this post is very much a first world problem. We have enough to eat and a warm roof over our heads. I am very grateful for that. But I am allowed to be sad too. This year would have been my 25th anniversary with Thanksgiving.
Writing all this out really helped though.
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cinnalock · 4 years
TWST Mond Twin Headcanons
((A masterlist of all the random facts and trivia bits for the Mond twins. I may create separate posts of new things in the future, but those new bits will always be added/archived in this post! As with some of my other character lists/profiles, a “last edited” date will be posted to inform when the last addition was.
Diamond Crown Academy, Katherine’s school, is created by @phoenix-manga.
Last Edited: 5-15-2020, added DCA Festival headcanons, corrected an old headcanon, newly added headcanons are in bold font.))
GENERAL HEADCANONS: headcanons that don't necessarily fit into a specific category, mainly little general snippets about the twins.
The Mond twins are a...peculiar set of siblings. They're friendly enough at their own schools, but get them together and you'll likely never see one without the other. They're very attached and seem to only trust each other. Despite how nice they seem, there always seems to be the aura that you talking to them feels like you're intruding in their space and better play by their rules because of it.
There's a rumor that the twins aren't entirely human, if they're human at all. Some believe they're fae or fairy. The twins have never addressed these rumors themselves and, if confronted with them, tend to give vague answers that neither confirm nor deny. Some believe that in of itself confirms the rumors, but the Monds have been known to be mischievous and may simply get entertainment out of confusing their classmates.
Despite their cunning, secretive behavior, the twins aren't bad or evil. They're mainly mischievous and distrustful of others. They're neutral at their worst, just wanting to protect each other above all else. They might relish in the chaos of something like a prank, but destruction and devastation doesn't sit well with them. They're not above schmoozing and sweet-talking to get something like an extension on homework or the last tart in the lunch line, but they wouldn't betray a friend to serve themselves. Ultimately, it's better to be on their good side, but being on their bad side isn't much of an inconvenience, unless the situation is very, VERY bad.
In regards to the above headcanon, the twins mostly represent characters that appear to be on the villain’s side before ultimately abandoning or straight-up betraying them, or characters that you’re absolutely sure are the main villains before the actual villain’s plot comes to light and you realize they were working against the evil.
"Canonically" for TWST Katherine might not be part of NRC due to the "all-boys school" angle, but at the very least she'd visit a lot; if she was part of a NRC dorm, it would be Ignihyde like her brother despite everyone and their grandmother expecting her to be sorted into Pomefiore. In Ignihyde, she'd specialize in web design, but she'd also have a knack for engineering; seeing various pieces like a giant puzzle to put together to make things work. Many classmates would come to her for help with building their own PCs.
Thomas and Katherine share a bank account, but have their own cards attached to it. Both earn relatively the same amount of money in their side jobs. Thomas' payments might be more substantial in the moment, but Katherine is commissioned much more frequently, either through bulk orders of products made by her own hand or companies paying substantial amounts for the rights to various recipes they pay her to concoct.
As proud as Thomas is of his sister's accomplishments, Katherine sends him a hysterical amount of perfumed goods of her own creation, asking for critiques. He does what he can, but to reduce them overwhelming his dorm room, he usually does his initial "testing" with them once before leaving them in a box on Pomefiore's doorstep.
Katherine's animal companion at DCA is an orchid mantis named Lamarie; while normally only the companion's owners can hear them speak, Thomas can hear Lamarie talk as well.
Lamarie is a very conceited, boastful little bug to the point where Vil would describe her as "full of herself" if he could hear her speak. Despite her selfish attitude, she cares about Katherine dearly and will go to great lengths to protect her, even if the effort isn't always necessary.
The Monds use a similar fragrance mainly comprising of cloves and fresh rosemary. Thomas' cologne also contains hints spearmint and bergamot. Katherine's perfume also contains hints of lavender and patchouli. Their respective scents are present in various products made by Katherine, and they regularly bathe with the pure oil mixtures stirred into their bath water. This leaves their smells being particularly persistent (almost overwhelming) and while Katherine says there's no magic additives, non- or weak-magicked beings tend to find themselves being slowly entranced or even "hypnotized" by the smell after a certain period, weakening their resolve and rationality.
While their favorite food is chestnuts, both of the twins' favorite dish is chicken curry, though Katherine likes Indian-style curry while Thomas likes Japanese-style curry. While both enjoy a certain level of spiciness, they tend to exaggerate their ability to tolerate it, leading to some...interesting scenarios when the host/cook takes their word on such.
While curry is their favorite food, Katherine enjoys caviar tasting, though Thomas finds caviar gross. However, Thomas enjoys artisan cheeses while Katherine loathes it.
Both twins love boba drinks, particularly ones with lots of fancy toppings. Thomas eats the toppings out of the whip cream with a spoon before drinking, Katherine likes to drink the toppings through her straw as they sink into the drink.
The twins are relatively neutral when it comes to sweets, though once in a blue moon they get plagued by a ravenous sweet tooth. They prefer baked goods over candy when it comes to satisfying their sugar cravings. Thomas is a straightforward cake-lover, especially chocolate (god tier: chocolate lava cake); Katherine will say her favorite dessert is French macarons because of the aesthetic, but she'll sneak out at the crack of dawn to get donuts for the aforementioned sugar craving above.
Thomas is naturally gifted in herbology and plant-based magic. Katherine grew into it in her teens with lots of training and practice, but she had the terrible luck of frequently killing plants when she was a child. When Thomas discovered his affinity, he'd often revive the plants to keep Katherine from crying. Katherine's prized possession is a lamb's tail succulent Thomas gave her when they were kids that he guided her into keeping alive. Thomas doesn't have a passion for herbology, but he keeps a small potted lilac tree in his dorm, as Katherine gave it to him as the first plant she was able to successfully grow during her first year at DCA.
On the flip side, Thomas could burn cereal as a child. Like how he helped Katherine with gardening, Katherine has tried to help his cooking skills. He learned well enough, but without a dedicated cooking class at NRC (chemistry being the closest thing, which HAS surprisingly helped), his learning process has been slow. He's an okay cook now, and what he does make is at least edible if not enjoyable, but it's definitely not pretty. (Thomas: *standing casually in front of a collapsed cake* "Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appetite.")
While Thomas is in the board game club, if the club is cancelled or on the days it doesn't meet, he sometimes sits in on magical shift or track and field clubs to help get regular exercise in; he also helps in tutoring/instructing junior students in the clubs.
If the gardening research club doesn't meet, Katherine might show up to the greenhouse/club room to watch and fuss over the plants, even if she doesn't actually interfere with them because she wants to be a good gardener. Sometimes other clubs, usually the volleyball club, will drag her to their meetings to keep her from worrying.
Thomas is usually on the magical shift team for Ignihyde during the tournament, but he's willing to yield his position on the team if there's 7 players stronger than he is.
BACKSTORY HEADCANONS: headcanons relating to their backstory or explanations of how their origins affect other aspects of their life.
The twins were taught how to read, write, and most basic skills by Mim, including how to use magic. This was to her advantage so they could be independent enough to follow her orders (and not bother her when she had no tasks for them).
However, King Arthur adapted magic into his being over his long life, both by being tutored by Merlin for so long and then over the course of his main journeys and triumphs. Spending so much time with the twins as kits, he imbued them with a little of this magic and is the main reason they remember him so well despite how young they were.
In short, the twins had an adaptation to both good and black magic when they were young.
The twins can change between being human and being squirrels. They themselves have wondered if they could transform midway into a hybrid form, but they’re worried about getting “stuck” and haven’t tried. They also don’t want to try because being born as squirrels is a secret they’ve kept from their classmates (they believe it’s a secret to the teachers and staff as well, but both Crowley and Citrouille are well aware of this, despite not knowing full details of the twins’ origins).
Since Mim is an incredibly powerful sorcerer, the twins adapted a human lifespan once they were transformed by her. They were only a few months old as young squirrels when she transformed them and they had become children as humans, but they also started to age as humans as time went on.
The twins adore mainstream human cuisine, but they still have the tendency to snack on nuts and berries they pluck straight off the plant. They have to be careful of this habit because while they can digest certain things like fresh acorns, they have to be mindful that someone might notice them eating raw foods that would normally be poisonous to humans, such as uncooked acorns.
Naturally, the twins excel at Animal Linguistics. They have to be particularly careful about this because animals on campus risk revealing the twins’ secret to other students proficient in Animal Linguistics if they’re spotted transforming. They have to feign natural excellency at the subject as humans, but also not be found out when transforming into squirrels to use their natural forms to their advantage.
The twins don’t remember Merlin very well from the short time he was looking after them. While he seemed kind enough in wanting to save them from Mim, they’re not interested in reuniting with him because they don’t know his true intentions.
What they don’t know is that Merlin had managed to locate them when they started school, but has decided to leave them alone for the most part. His original agreement with Arthur’s son was to make sure they were released safely into the wild and he sees their current situation as a way to interpret it. He’s normally away, but sometimes he checks in, guiding them as a disembodied voice or animating objects to lead them in the right direction. The twins write this off as normal absurdity in their magic-filled schools and don’t realize it’s him.
The twins weren't sorted into Savanaclaw or Sagamore despite being animal-humans partially because they're not clear hybrids. Another, bigger reason is that their memories from being in nature are not pleasant ones (first being orphaned as kits and then living under Mim's hand) and they want to distance themselves from nature and their "origins" as much as possible.
They put a lot of effort into learning as much as they could about the modern world in such a short amount of time. Their knowledge is certainly passable, but they still slip up here and there. They prioritized learning alchemy for potions that could help them stay awake to study longer or help retain information a bit better. The same came with learning how to use computers as they noticed it was important in the current society. It was difficult for them when they were in hiding before they enrolled, but their fear possibly being enslaved by another witch encourage them to study hard and get stronger in both knowledge and resolve.
Lamarie knows they’re origins and the twins know she knows, but she keeps their secret to respect their wishes and protect Katherine, worried that the witch from their past might be trying to find them.
Lilia and Malleus are also highly aware that the twins aren't human, but they keep it to themselves.
One reason the twins use such strong fragrances in their products is because when they were still hiding at NRC, one persistent Savannaclaw student could pick up on their scent in rooms they were previously in during the night. Even if they were in human form in that room, the student specifically mentioned picking up on the scent of "squirrel" so it lead the twins to believe that even as humans their natural scent/musk smells animalistic. They threw the student off their literal scent before he could find them out by slipping a potion into his drinks and food to give him horrible allergies for the rest of his time at NRC, making him unable to smell clearly until he graduated.
IN-GAME HEADCANONS: headcanons regarding how the twins would work as canon characters in the actual game.
Thomas' unique magic is called "Found Your Weak Spot". He zeroes in on an opponent's weakness, whether it's physical, emotional, or magical and identifies how to exploit it; his attacks become critical.
Katherine's unique magic is called "Take a Deep Breath". A pleasant, but abundant fragrance overtakes her opponents, confusing their minds and slowing their movements, making their attacks much easier to dodge.
If they were in the game, they'd have an overblot boss battle as a special event. During the event, a side story would unfold where the player finds out about their past. The event would reward the player for participating by giving them rare cards where the twins unlock a human-squirrel hybrid form (similar to Savanaclaw students). The cards would depict stories of the twins trying to come to terms with being more open about their origins with their classmates, as well as trying to adjust to their hybrid forms.
CHARACTER RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS: headcanons explaining how the twins, either separately or together, interact with canon or other OC characters.
During holidays where students can visit home, the twins stay at NRC, normally spending it having huge gaming marathons with Idia. While it took years of getting to know Thomas for Idia to open up to the idea, he enjoys how they're much more willing to venture out to restock on snacks and other supplies in his place. Ortho, unsurprisingly, has to be the voice of reason and makes sure the trio doesn't die from their diet of pizza and chocolate pretzels during this time.
Going back to how the twins have relatively normal diets, they will eat the most decadent, indulgent food concoctions (think burgers with jelly donuts as buns or hotdogs with s’more toppings) in front of Vil just to horrify him. Vil’s motions to have them banned from Pomefiore dorm and a restraining order from him personally have gone unapproved.
While not particularly kid-oriented, the twins are very good at interacting with Ortho. Thomas tries to look after him when Idia isn't around, particularly performing small maintenance on Ortho's suit (such as replacing worn wires or tightening bolts) when it wears a little from extensive use in the middle of the school day. Katherine has had less interaction with Ortho, but gives him little trinkets and souvenirs from DCA when she visits Thomas.
Cheka doesn't know the twins all that well, but he likes their long hair worn in braids (or, as he calls them, their "head-tails").
HOLIDAY HEADCANONS: headcanons specifically centered around how the twins celebrate the holidays.
During their first Christmas at NRC when they were hiding, they'd sneak into dorms and watch holiday movies any students were watching. They were enamored by gingerbread houses and managed to get a boxed kit each year to decorate, but now that they're older, they decide on a design and Katherine will bake the pieces herself when she visits NRC during the holiday break. Ortho typically joins them and has fun helping decorate the structure; he tries to get Idia to join, but the older Shroud tends to hyper fixate on one area to decorate and over-obsesses on how to make it "perfect" to not ruin the overall look of the gingerbread house. They're all glad Idia joins them, but they worry about whether or not he's actually having fun with it.
DCA FESTIVAL HEADCANONS: headcanons regarding the festival held by Diamond Crown Academy.
Katherine gives her bath products to be sold at the perfume booths by the alchemy students. She checks in occasionally to see if they need more of her products (and sometimes to man a stall for awhile so someone else can take a break), but she's normally involved in the more physically active attractions.
Katherine's duties for the festival rotates throughout the course of it. Since one of her strongest subjects is Obstacle Run (see: squirrel), she spends a good amount of time at the obstacle course being a potential challenger for the visiting students to race against.
Katherine is part of an idol group, but with rotating performances from different groups, she doesn't have to spend a lot of time on stage.
Despite not being a dorm leader, a lot of DCA students recognize Thomas as Katherine's brother (either as a formal acquaintance or just "hey, he looks exactly like the girl from Chateau Beastiale") so the native students are more open to approaching him out of familiarity. Some students even "drag" him to a certain booth or attraction to get his opinion on their hard work.
The first few years, Thomas was content to just wander around on his own. He tried hanging out with Rook during the festival for a bit, but the attention Rook tends to get got a little boring for Thomas to put up with. Now he just trades off who he hangs out with, if he hangs out with anyone at all while Katherine's busy.
Thomas doesn't realize it, but he has a bit of a "prince charming" reputation himself. This is because of his long hair and charming demeanor, but DCA students fawned over him at a distance one time while he was helping Katherine fix her hair before one of her performances, people swooning over his caring "older brother" instinct.
Aside from watching Katherine's group, Thomas tries to distance himself from the idol performances. Whether it comes from wanting to tease their colleague's brother or just wanting Thomas' attention, some groups will drag him on stage after their initial performance and encourage him to try and dance along to one of their songs. He goes along despite being embarrassed because he'd find it more embarrassing to "run away" or cause some sort of scene at Katherine's school by protesting.
Thomas usually spends his time trying out different foods, but he'll also find himself in the art gallery, trying to see if there's any pieces inspired by King Arthur or the twins' original home world. If there is, he purchases it immediately if he artist lets him, but given the unlimited points of inspiration in the world, he almost never sees any pieces.
He also spends a surprising amount of time at the Futterwacken dorm because the sentient tea sets stir a strange feeling of nostalgia in him. While he doesn't interact with Riddle too often, them both enjoying the tea parties at the festival allows them to catch up and have fun in familiar company, even if they don't usually hang out at NRC.
It's through the above that Thomas came into a possession of a very strange sugar bowl. The dish's enthusiasm humored him a great deal and when he asked about it, it brought attention to how nobody at DCA actually knew where that particular sugar bowl had come from and, with the staff's permission, they allowed Thomas to buy it and take it back to his dorm. The little bowl's antics still continue to amuse him, but he can't seem to make it understand that he doesn't want sugar in anything other than coffee or tea. He doesn't drink energy drinks or do his alchemy homework in his room anymore...
SPICY HEADCANONS: a link to general headcanons regarding NSFW headcanons about the twins. This set of headcanons will always linked at the bottom of the post. These headcanons will typically contain explict, sexual details so please do not read if you are not comfortable with such. (no link exists at this time)
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