#this was a joint effort and we are both insane
ketchup-monthly · 2 years
Batfam members favorite sci-fi shows:
with the help of @space-specs
Bruce- Doctor Who (i vote he’s either a 12 fan or a 9 fan -ketchup)
Dick- Star Wars: The Clone Wars series (2D and 3D)
Babs- Firefly (just look at the cast.)
Jason- Babylon 5 (also probably a big Star Trek TNG fan)
Tim- Star Trek: Discovery (but grew up watching Voyager and is definitely a Harry Kim fan)
Cass- Star Trek: The Animated Series (has so many of the gifs and screencaps to use as reaction images)
Steph- Star Trek: Lower Decks (its so much goofier than live action star trek stuff and she really vibes with Beckett Mariner)
Duke- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (there’s so many complex interpersonal stories and also Commander Sisko is a badass and a fantastic dad that a kid who lost his dad would look up to so much)
Damian- Astroboy (just look at it. just look at it. like gently holds -specs)
Cullen- Star Trek: The Original Series (idk he just seems like he’d enjoy some really homoerotic-not-at-all-homoerotic space dramas)
Harper- The Mandalorian (just LOOK at the suit designs, omg -specs)
Kate- The X-Files (gay people. also badass hot redhead)
Alfred- The Twilight Zone (its a classic, and he’s a classy man. plus i imagine that when he has time off, he just wants to indulge in something wacky and lighthearted instead of all doom and gloom)
Terry McGinnis- Quantum Leap (i have no explanation except that i think he’d like it -ketchup)
Matt McGinnis- Cyberchase (”it’s so retro!~” -ketchup, as Matt)
Jarro- Futurama (it just is. look at him. then look at futurama. then look back at him. then look back at futurama. now look back at him. now it makes sense to you.)
Drake Winston- Westworld (he’s a batfam member in my heart and deserves to be here. also he just would be, and specs agrees with me -ketchup)
Carrie Kelley- Misfits (robert sheehan. -ketchup)(enough said -specs)
Jim Gordon- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (yes it was a show. he’d like the books as well (all 5 of them), and the movie)
Bette- Lost (she just seems like she’d enjoy it)
Luke Fox- Battlestar Galactica (i vibe-checked it and it checks out -specs)
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spearxwind · 2 months
could we get an infodump abt the new broken horizon lore? how i found you was through extinction, so glad to see them back!!!
The world of Broken Horizon is a planet (that I've yet to name) which has two major sentient species on it: humans and dragons (or khevirs in their own language). Both species coexisted side by side in relative peace (as much peace as two equally matched apex predators would have).
At some point in their history, Cercerion, a dragon with enough power to become a God, goes haywire and starts creating and becoming storms that span almost the entirety of the planet. These storms are devastating electrical hurricane cells that are charged enough to create their own magnetic fields, the incessant lightning rain is enough to literally rip chunks of earth, even mountains, out of the ground and earth and keep them in the air because of these magnetic fields. This is obviously DEVASTATING to the planet.
Eventually, a joint mutual effort from both humans and dragons is able to take Cer down, striking him down hard enough to bury him deep in the earth to sleep for ages, but the impact is so sudden that he cannot dispel the storms he created and loses control of them, leaving them to eternally roam the planet sowing destruction in their paths. There are six in total. (They are much less dangerous than when he IS in control though and the lightning rain is reduced significantly. But they are still MASSIVE hurricanes)
After this event, humans freak the fuckkkk out and in true human fashion decide that dragons are dangerous and must be exterminated. A massive war breaks out between both species where they try to obliterate each other (this is known as the Great Dragonslaying Era). Both sides develop technology to stay on par with each other (humans develop insane machinery, and dragons develop energy manipulation).
The war rages on for years, but true to their nature they an never truly best each other, and the war ends MANY years later in a shaky stalemate from both sides. This would be the present day.
Since the war has only recently ended, there are very few laws that regulate dragons and their rights in human territories, and viceversa. Using dragons as fighting dogs in gladiator arenas and treating them as animals is 'illegal', but extremely common in human cities. That would be the situation where our Extinction crew find themselves in.
Despite all the animosity towards each other, there are a great many people who want to uphold the peace and want to peacefully coexist and even work together (this is the basis for dragon piloting); but there are also extremists on both sides who still believe the others should be exterminated: humans who consider dragons a threat and a pest and no more than animals, and dragons who are unhappy with being 'tamed' and who clamor for a return to being ruthless deadly beasts.
Honestly, the setting of Extinction itself isnt that much changed! It's mostly been tweaked to be a lot more cohesive with the worldbuilding and the world's history. I have added a bunch more in the aspect of dragonflight and races and planes because I think its cool as hell. The gladiator side of it is only one fraction of the world.
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
I just saw this art and had some CEO Sevika Thoughts 😵‍💫😵‍💫
O. M. G. i'm combining this with another ask i got because these two reqs go together like peanutbutter and jelly. EEEK! (also, the link doesnt seem to work now, but it was art of two characters-- i'm not sure who-- where one was sitting in a spinny wheel office chair, back to her computer set up, and the other was straddling her, trying to talk on the phone while the first girl is feeling her up)
the last tidbit in your vacay sex w ceo sev hcs inspired me. could we please get something soft with high!sev after both her and r have smoked?
i like to imagine her hair in a bun with a hoodie and sweatpants on. just looking so pretty and soft and staring at reader like :]
i also like to think she likes skin to skin. :3
men and minors dni
from time to time, you and sevika work from home.
her penthouse has three bedrooms. one for the two of you, one for guests, and one you've turned into a little study for the both of you for times like this.
two desks on opposite walls, a few bookshelves, a couch, it's a good space. it's helped a lot over the years. when sevika's sick, you manage to convince her to just spend the day in her study instead of torturing herself by dragging herself to work. when the two of you are feeling burnt out, a day taking calls and video meetings at home always help.
and today, you're using it for the best reason of all. it's a snow day.
the city below sevika's windows is covered in a blanket of snow. you've been watching the white powder fall all day. sometimes the blizzard rages so hard, that all the windows in sevika's high rise are greyed-out, and it's like you guys are living inside of a cloud.
sevika has no meetings today. you don't either. so, in an effort to stay cozy, you both decided to stay in your pajamas. sevika looks so snugly in her big sweatshirt and plaid pajama pants. her feet are socked in mis-matched animal print socks, one cats, one ducks. her hair's in a messy bun, and she's still got a bit of sand in her eye even though it's almost lunch. you love her like this.
it's been a slow day. with the whole city trapped inside, the usual twenty calls an hour you're used to answering has dwindled down to two.
at lunch, sevika manages to convince you to smoke a joint with her.
"c'mon babe." she whines, kissing up your neck as you stir the tomato soup heating up on the stove. "no one's gonna need us today. and we're already so cozy, 'n we got nowhere to go..." she wiggles the fat joint she'd rolled in your face. you huff and roll your eyes.
"i need to talk to HR." you grunt, snatching the joint out of her hand and shoving the bubbling pot of soup to the side. "my boss is peer pressuring me to do drugs with her." you tease, quickly lighting the tip of the joint against the burner before putting the soup back. sevika snatches it from you before you can take a puff, running out to the balcony. "sevika!" you squeal as she throws sliding door open. "you're gonna freeze your ass off!" you laugh.
"come here!" she demands, waving you over. you giggle, turning the burner off and running after your wife, grabbing two blankets off the couch as you go.
the balcony is spacious and covered, but with the wind this high up, there's only four inches of space that hasn't been covered in snow. you and sevika squeeze together in the shelter, shivering and huddling under the blankets as the blizzard rages around you.
"you're insane!" you laugh, sevika pulls you closer to her chest, puts the joint, somehow still alight, between your lips.
"puff." she says. you forget the cold for a moment-- the demand sending a shock of arousal down your spine. you take a hit, keeping eye contact with her, and she grins, before pulling the joint away and pressing her mouth against yours.
you exhale, and sevika inhales the smoke from your lungs before she shoves her tongue down your throat.
she pulls away with a smirk. you gulp. "there. warmer?" she asks, putting the joint to her lips as she smirks down at you. you huff, then stick one of your freezing cold hands under her sweater, pawing at her nipple. she squeaks, you giggle at how quickly her nipple gets hard in your fingers.
you guys smoke the joint fast, after that, faster than you probably should've smoked a joint that big. but it was so cold, and the only relief was the warmth from the joint, and you couldn't really feel the high out in the cold...
which means that once you guys get inside, giggling and shaking the snow off your blankets and out of your hair as you quickly warm up, you're both hit with a very sudden, very intense high.
you know you're fucked when it starts to feel like you're underwater. you know sevika's fucked when you look up from your feet where you're struggling to get out of your slippers, and find her giggling at a dick she'd drawn in the frost on the glass wall of the living room.
"sev." you whisper, grinning. she looks over at you, her smile growing impossibly wider when she sees you. you can practically see hearts in her eyes, and you snort. "oh shit." you laugh.
"we still got work." she giggles. you bite your lip.
"fuck." you chuckle.
"ooooh babe! food!" she says suddenly, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the kitchen.
logically, you know that it only takes about ten minutes to make two grilled cheeses and heat up some soup. but it feels like it takes a year.
you keep turning the burners off by instinct-- and sevika has to laugh and turn them back on, reminding you that you're cooking lunch.
she keeps trying to 'season' the food-- which is concerning for a number of reasons. one being that sevika's a horrible cook, who doesn't know the difference between a teaspoon and tablespoon; two, being that she's holding the cinnamon sugar while she says it. the third, most concerning thing is that you're tempted to let her. cinnamon grilled cheese? your high, munchie focused mind thinks, that could work...
eventually, the food is finished, without modification. sevika has to smack your hands twice to remind you to wait for it to cool off. you have to smack hers once.
you guys eat, curled up together on the couch in your study. it could be the weed, but you think it may genuinely be the best grilled cheese of your life.
sevika seems to agree. she keeps moaning and grunting as she chews and slurps her soup.
it should gross you out. she's too high to mind her manners and chew with her mouth closed. really though, it's just turning you on.
she looks up at you, her cheeks stuffed with grilled cheeses, tomato soup dripping down her chin onto her lap, and you bite your lip. she chews, swallows, then speaks. "you wan' som'a mine?" she offers.
your heart leaps in your chest and you surge forward, pressing your mouth against sevika's. she groans, her hands flailing, and she clumsily puts her dishes on the little coffee table. the second she's free, you straddle her lap, clawing at her shoulders, pinning her to the couch. she pulls you down to grind against her, sinking her nails into your hips. you shudder.
you aren't wearing anything under your pajama pants, and you know sevika isn't either. it's just two thin pieces of flannel separating you. for a moment, the dry fabric adds a delicious friction to your movements--but you soak through your and sevika's pants in less than a minute.
and, fuck, you feel like you're in heaven. you feel like you're melting into sevika, it feels like her fingers are made of magic, the sweet grunts and whimpers she's letting out sound like music.
she's like putty in your hands too, chasing you when you pull back, whining when you pull away to breathe. you giggle, smiling down at her and tucking her flyaways behind her ears, she sighs, nuzzling against your palm, and you lean down to kiss her forehead.
"love you." you whisper. she smiles.
"i love you too." she says. you watch in fascination as she licks her lips slowly, looking you up and down. "so... y' gonna ride me now or what?" she asks, grinning and waggling her eyebrows at you.
you burst into a fit of giggles, and sevika grins, nuzzling against your neck and sucking hickeys into your throat. "mmm... okay." you agree. you can feel her lips curl into a smile against your neck, her fingers tugging the drawstring on your pajamas undone.
suddenly, your work-phone starts ringing on your desk. you and sevika both turn around to glare at the sound, and you groan when you realize what it is. sevika makes a choked sound. "n-no--" she manages to whine before you pull yourself off her lap and start walking over to your desk.
sevika squawks, and then in a flash, she sprints over and squeezes between you and your desk chair, flopping into it and tripping you on the way. you squeak, but sevika catches you around your waist, pulling you onto the chair, and her lap, in a straddle. you huff, glaring down at her, and she grins.
"answer the phone." she demands, just like earlier on the balcony. you shiver, and she grins, tugging your pants down over your ass as you bend over her and grab the phone off your desk, pressing it to your ear
"hello?" you choke out. sevika chokes on a laugh, smacks your ass, and you flail, squeaking and smacking her shoulder as you do.
the voice on the other line-- somewhat familiar, a recent client's assistant or something-- asks to speak to sevika. sevika, the exact moment the voice says her name, sinks her teeth into your neck while her fingers start to circle your clit.
"ah-huh-wh-sheeee's, uh, she's not available right now." you say, cringing. sevika's free hand tugs your sweater up, and you smack her forehead-- already knowing what she's planning.
the voice on the phone babbles on and on-- you're not sure about what, you're distracted by the cocky smile she shoots you before ducking in and taking your breast into her mouth. you moan, a horrible, very audible "aaah!" right into your phone.
sevika grins like the devil.
"sorry, s-sorry--there's a bug!" you choke out before the person on the phone can ask you any questions.
oh that's okay. the voice says. i'm the same way, especially about roaches. ew. anyways, as i was saying...
sevika shoves three fingers past your lips and down your throat, you gasp, sputter, and choke, and sevika pulls her fingers free just in time for you to mutter a "sorry, continue," down the line, before shoving her fingers back in your mouth.
it's possibly the hottest thing that's ever happened to you. she keeps thrusting her fingers in and out of your mouth, tiny clicking wet noises escaping with every thrust of her fingers as drool starts to drip down her wrist and your chin.
you try to keep your moans to a minimum. you don't succeed very well.
"you like this?" she whispers. you nod, your eyes closed, tears soaking your cheeks as she continues to fuck your throat with her fingers.
she giggles, then pulls her hand away.
you gasp, your eyes flying open for you to glare at your wife. she just darts forward and gives you a quick kiss, and then she sinks one of her drool-covered fingers inside of you.
you bite your tongue to keep from whining. she kisses a path to your tit, gives it a few nips, then bites your unkissed nipple as she sinks a second finger in your cunt.
"uhhhn, fu--she actually just walked in--here she is--" you spit out before pulling the phone away from your mouth, letting out a long whine, and pushing the phone into sevika's ear. she glares at you, pulling her mouth away from your tits with a pop that you're certain whoever's calling can hear.
"hullo?" she grunts, pressing the phone between her shoulder and ear, freeing her hand to fondle pull her pants down as she sinks her third finger inside of you. your thighs quake, her cock springs free, and you moan.
"fuck, sev, please."
she grins, gives your cunt a few more good thrusts with her fingers, before pulling them out and spitting in the palm of her hand, giving her cock a few quick pumps, and then lining it up to your cunt.
it's your turn to get your revenge. sevika always needs a second to adjust before she can sink all the way inside you-- overwhelmed by the squeeze and warmth-- but today you don't allow it.
you sink down on her in one swift movement, grinning at the pathetic, "hhhhaa--" it draws out of her. you're so fucking lucky whoever's on the phone is a chatterbox.
you start bouncing on her cock, your ass smacking her thighs with each go, and sevika's got the most pained, pathetic look on her face as she bites her lip to keep her moans in.
you chuckle. "you're lucky you're cute." you whisper, before pulling your shirt off and shifting so sevika can muffle her moans in your tits, one of your hands tangled in her bun, at the base of her neck.
you tug the phone out of her hand, taking a deep breath and collecting yourself in a true show of your strength and professionalism-- and steadily, (not at all breathy, no matter no much sevika will pretend otherwise) say: "i'm so sorry to have to cut our conversation short, but it seems the blizzard's just knocked the power at our facilities out, and we have to go handle that before our heat goes next. we'll be sure to call you back as soon as possible."
oh, well i'm so sorry to hear that! i hope all your employees are safe! i must say, i thought people were being dramatic about the snow, but it must be awful bad where you are if-- you hang up.
"fuck!" you shout, throwing the phone back down on your desk. sevika growls against your tits, and it a second, shes standing, keeping you on her cock with a solid grip on your ass.
she drops you on the couch, not losing her rhythm for a moment as she balances on top of you. eventually, she has to breathe, and she pulls away from your tits with a gasp. "i fucking love you." she whimpers. you giggle.
"i love y-you too, sev." you whisper.
"louder, baby, nobody's listenin' anymore." she demands. you whimper, clenching around her cock, and she chuckles, one of her hands darting down to rub at your clit.
"s-sevika! baby, i love you, i love you!" you gasp. she grins.
"there you go."
"i love you, please, i'm so close you're gonna-- i'm gonna-- sev, i just-- you--"
"whaddya need baby? anything, anything."
"kiss?" you whimper.
sevika cums at the word, her eyes rolling back in her skull and her arms shaking as she tries to keep her pace. it's so hot, and you're so close, and she keeps fucking you even as her cum starts to leak out of you--
and then she tears her eyes open, gasps, and smashes her mouth against yours.
you fall apart, cumming and clencing sevika's sensitive cock hard. so hard, in fact, "oh, b-baby, i!" sevika collapses against you, her cock pulsing inside of you a few more times, and you gasp.
the moment you catch your breath, you burst into giggles.
"did you just cum again?" you ask. "twice in one minute, sev?!"
"fffuck offff." she mumbles against your tits.
"that.. was so hot." you say. she giggles now too.
"sevika." you tug her bun. "it's the middle of the day."
"i'm done. g'night."
"c'mon." you pout, gently tapping her cheek, trying to get her to open her eyes. "we'll have a warm shower and i'll make hot chocolate? with whiskey? we'll turn the phones off, okay? cuddle in bed a bit?" you bribe. she peeks one eye open.
"can i eat you out in bed?" she asks. you snort.
"i was thinking bed would be more like a nap, babe."
"mmm. can i eat you out in the shower?"
"you can eat me out after our nap."
"can i wake you up with it?" she asks, a sparkle in her eye. you roll your eyes.
"only if you actually let me sleep. and you try to sleep too, okay?" you ask. she nods. "one hour, at least." you demand. she pouts, but nods again, and you burst into laughter. "kiss." you voice your final demand. sevika grins, and leans in happily.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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auncyen · 4 months
(this is slightly morbid but nothing bad actually happens. If that makes sense.)
"Oh, cruel whimsy," Siffrin whispers right of Odile.
"Oh, cruel whimsy!" Siffrin wails from below as he lies, sprawled dramatically, dying.
Odile's seat vibrates because of how excited Siffrin is next to her. "Now leave me, light--" they continue.
"--let all shade come upon me--"
"--and with this last Change--"
"--I end this sordid tale, and pray my next be humorous enough to remedy."
The Siffrin on stage finally dies several minutes after he should have passed out from blood loss. The curtain falls. The Siffrin next to Odile claps wildly, shouting along with the crowd. "Bravo! Bravo!!!"
Mirabelle, on Odile's left, is still crying from the play's tragedy, but has recovered enough to comment, "that's another liberty they took. We don't all believe in reincarnation. It's mostly the Houses in Brisseau."
"And that's fine?" Odile asks, raising her voice just enough to cut through the applause around them.
Mirabelle shrugs, dabbing at her eyes. "The Change religion doesn't focus too much on what happens after death anyway, so it's not really that big a deal, I guess?"
"I don't think the Poterians are worried about accuracy anyway," Odile says, casting an eye around them before focusing on Siffrin--their Siffrin, not the actor who is back on their feet now that the curtain has risen again and taking a bow.
She cannot believe this is the first play Siffrin wanted to see. They'd loved plays, yes, but then those two strange days in Dormont happened, and the first time Isabeau suggested watching a play as a way to take their minds off things for a bit, Siffrin had gotten the strangest look on his face before saying he wasn't really in the mood and maybe they could just look around the market instead. They'd left the topic there for the day, but slowly, with a joint effort, they'd gotten Siffrin to talk about how he'd come to think of life as a play during the loops. They were supposed to say these things to Isabeau, or Odile, or Mirabelle or Boniface, and then the others would always say the same lines, and sometimes deviating from the script was good and created a better script and sometimes it resulted in something so awful that they immediately messed up the next loop and then spent the next six strictly following the better script and making everyone smile, over and over again, so that that "bad loops" wouldn't count anymore. Which was completely illogical, but Odile had to assume whatever had happened--Siffrin had yet to talk about whatever that was--had been traumatizing enough to make Siffrin cling to the safety of repetition even as it was driving them insane.
Needless to say, plays had been taboo for some time. Mirabelle hadn't even been sure at first if she could talk about her books, if any fiction might make Siffrin uneasy, but Siffrin had taken her not reading books by them as her not having any and had dragged Odile on a Secret Quest to procure some, so books were clearly safe.
The taboo on plays was broken today, when Boniface noticed Siffrin's name on a flier and immediately called it out, making everyone notice it. It hadn't taken very long for awkwardness to settle in as they all read further and realized "Siffrin" was the titular character of a play, but before Isabeau or Mirabelle could find a distraction, Siffrin had lit up. "...My name! I named myself after the hero! I love this--that is--" His cheeks shaded with fluster as he realized just how enthusiastic he'd gotten. "...can we go see it?"
It had been a unanimous yes, of course. If Siffrin was rediscovering an interest the loops had taken from them, good. Of course they'd watch it, both to make sure Siffrin enjoyed themself and because they were all a little curious what Siffrin had seen in this play to name himself after it.
"...Wait, where's Bonnie and Nille?" Siffrin was asking. With the play over, he was finally regaining awareness of his surroundings and noticing the other seats in the aisle, already empty. "Isa?"
"...Boniface went out with Petronille because they were uncomfortable with how dark it was getting--we all warned them it was a tragedy, please don't feel guilty, Siffrin," Odile says when Siffrin's face falls. "They knew they might be uncomfortable, they still wanted to try, and they left with their sister when they realized they might get upset. I'm sure Boniface is fine."
Odile is certain Isabeau walked out because he'd overthought the connection between Siffrin naming himself after a character who was from the start of the play almost certain to die at the end of it. She's certain, because she's overthinking it herself. "I'm not sure," she says instead, because he didn't actually tell her that and she'd rather not put words in anyone's mouth with a topic this delicate. "So why did you name yourself after the hero?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Siffrin asks.
She doesn't like the answer that seems obvious. "I'd like to hear your own thought process, though."
Siffrin bounces on their feet. "That monologue in act four--and his banter with Gaston! I can't believe I remember so much of it!"
It is impressive how good their memory is with plays, and Odile wonders if it's because plays, while inspired by the real world, very much take place in their own little worlds, far from memory-erasing islands.
"And, well..." Siffrin sobers. "He loses everything in the play. And I--I guess--I don't really remember if I tried telling people or not, about my past, but I don't think I felt like anyone would have believed me...so...it's not the same, he still remembers, but he felt that sad and everyone feels bad for him, so... it felt like a relief that way?" He shrugs, awkwardly.
"Oh," Mirabelle says, clapping her hands together as she stands up. "Now I get why you like these plays! It's the catharsis!"
Siffrin brightens with a smile at Mirabelle. "That's it! The catharsis."
"I see," Odile says, hoping the relief isn't too obvious in her voice. Yes, she and Isabeau definitely overthought this.
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shurislover · 1 year
Baby Mama Drama
Letitia Wright x Y/N ( Black Fem Reader )
Summary :
Imagine being in a relationship with the one and only Letitia Wright… Being married for 5 years and having a child together. Sounds like a dream right ? Wrong ! Cheating , Lying , Arguing was all that could happen in this relationship, so you took it upon yourself to file for divorce and joint custody of your now 5 yr old daughter.
Warnings : Angst ? Cursing
Tumblr media
“ Do I have to go ?” - your daughter asked
“ Yes Aria , you know it’s what the court ordered , and plus she wants to see you today “- you sighed as you tied her shoes
Aria rarely liked going to her “ Mother’s“ house, it was never fun. Letitia would always shit talk you , talk about how the girl she’s with now is much better etc. You never understood why she did what she did when shes the reason you both spilt up.
She’s cheated on you countless times, you’d ask her about it and it would lead to arguing or sex. Don’t get me wrong the sex was phenomenal you honestly still think about it till this day, but besides that… this was something you couldn’t handle. The cheating….. the lying…., the arguing was doing nothing but destroying you
“ Why does she want to see me, she didn’t care about me before ?” Aria tilted her head
Letitia didn’t put very much effort into caring about Aria until the media was on her ass.
“ Where’s your daughter “
“ We always see Y/N with your baby “
“ Are you even in your child’s life “
“ Bro can you let the media know i’m good to my child ?” Letitia sighed on the phone
“ Why would I lie for you ? You rarely take time out your day to see her. At this point i could’ve filed for sole custody “ I snapped back
“ Why didn’t you ? Media out here thinking i’m some shit parent when i’m not. I send you money to get her whatever she wants. I speak to her on the phone. I always get my baby anything she asks for. She wants it I give it her.
“ see that’s the problem, all this I buy her this I buy her that is bullshit Letitia. You need to spend time with your child. When Aria asks for you how the fuck am i supposed to tell my child “ oh baby i’m sorry your mother is too busy at clubs and kissing other women “ You snapped back
Don’t play with me Y/N , I take care of Aria. These interviewers on my ass about you and Aria, fans are on my ass about Aria. I love Aria so I suggest you let them know I care about her
YOU can tell them. You know what is insane your cast mates and your little girlfriend Eva care more about Aria than you do. I think that’s a damn shame Letitia.
flashback over
You hear your doorbell ring and sighed as you walked toward the door
“ baby your mother is here grab your bag” - you opened the door and met with your ex lover
“ is she ready ?” Letitia questioned as she walked inside
You followed her back into your kitchen
“ she’s getting her things “
“ Why you are you acting so cold to me , you really think this is a good look with Aria here “ - Letitia questioned
“ Don’t start this shit I know you talk shit about me at your home. Aria hears and sees everything and comes home and tells me. Maybe be more cautious of what you say about me“ - You answered back
Letitia rolled her eyes
She knew you were not dealing with her crap today.
“ Be glad i’m here to get my child “ - Letitia groaned
“ Glad ?? Nah she’s your responsibility too “ Letitia “ it takes two to make a baby. I didn’t do this shit by myself. You want the media off your ass so act like a good mother. Aria is 5 years old always worrying if she’s a mistake or if she’s the reason we don’t love each other anymore, and as her Mom i have to sit and reassure her that none of this is her fault meanwhile I’m here on the verge of another mental breakdown. This shit is hard and you don’t make it easy for me. You make it so hard for me Letitia you really do. During this whole fucking break up there’s been times I asked myself if i wanted to be here anymore but I stayed strong for that little girl because she atleast deserves someone who cares about her “
You felt hot tears run down your face, you haven’t been able to express your feelings to anyone because you’ve been in hiding and pushed everyone away.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t even realize Letitia pulled you into a hug
“ I’m sorry “
Those were two words you’ve been waiting years to hear
“ Im sorry. I’ve been a shit wife & ex wife. I’ve been a shit mother. You nor Aria deserve this. I’ve treated you wrong and I know you didn’t deserve any of that. You’ve always shown me what love is , you’ve opened my eyes to so many new things. Aria does deserve loving parents and I’m glad she has you. Y/N you’re the most amazing mother Aria could have. I was so caught up with myself and trying to satisfy my needs I didn’t think about you or how this might affect you. I’m sorry Y/N . I’m so sorry. “- Letitia spoke as she rubbed your back and held you tightly
“ I’ve started up therapy to work on my self, I want to become a more active parent in Arias life. I want to become active in your life again only if you let me, whether we stay friends or whatever. You both deserve the world and I want to give it to you both”
“ therapy “ you whispered
Letitia smiled a little
“ Yes , therapy. I know you’ve been trying to get me to go for months and I finally started going. I’ve given up drinking. 2 weeks sober. I’m learning to control my anger. I’ve blocked nearly every person I’ve had one night stands with, cheated with. I even broke it off with Eva”
“ You broke up with Eva ? Why “ - You asked
“ I only got with her to make you upset. It’s better for us to stay good friends that’s all “ - Letitia pulled back
You sighed and stared at her
“ I want you in Arias life I really do, but you have to be there for her. Not just showering her with gifts. I mean being there for her. Mentally , Emotionally, Physically. She needs to know you truly love her and will always be there for her. If she calls you one day crying cause she’s upset you need to comfort her not just buy her something. Me ? it’s gonna take a while but i wouldn’t mind you in my life again. I think it would be good not only for us but for Aria.“ - You spoke
“ I will do anything it takes to keep you guys with me forever and always. “
Letitia kissed your forehead and smiled
“ Ready Princess ?“
“ Yes mom “ - Aria smiled
Aria ran up to you and gave you the tightest hug
“ I love you baby and be good for your mother okay? Remember i’m only a call away if anything “
“ I love you too “ - Aria whispered
You watched as they both left hand in hand
Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad letting Letitia back into your life……
this is my first story on here so please bare with me. i used to write on wattpad but stopped lol. i hope you guys liked this one and if you have any tips to become better PLEASE let me know.
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leprosycock · 11 months
pls educate/ advertise f0b / peterick yaoi to me. i know nothing about it but i want to.
uhhhhh okay this is gonna be really fucking long and deranged because i've been into them for like? nine years and i promise you from the bottom of my heart that nothing i will tell you is exaggerated or made up, their relationship really is this twisted and intense and insane. a lot of this is gonna be under the cut for obvious reasons
faII out boy are officially formed in the summer of 2001 when p4trick stump overhears joe tr0hman talking about music in a boarders bookstore and feels the need to jump in and correct him because patrick is extremely pretentious and insane about music, having grown up around it due to his blues-performing dad. joe is personal friends with pete w3ntz, a legend in the chicago music scene that patrick has personally admired for ages. joe invites patrick to come try out for a band that pete wants to start on the side next to his other projects, something just for fun. patrick intends on just becoming a drummer- until he meets pete. then his life is changed forever.
to really put things in perspective, pete is 22 years old and patrick is barely sixteen when they meet. pete is an unstable college kid with unmedicated bipolar disorder and kind of a huge sex freak who's very mean to girls and patrick is a loser virginal high school kid. pete is short and covered in tattoos and his hair is buzzed and he has whiskey-colored eyes and bright big teeth and a smirky smug pouty mouth. patrick is shorter and pasty and a little chubby and he has choppy strawberry blond hair and a big pink mouth and big baby blue eyes. both pete and joe show up to patrick's house to hear him audition and patrick is wearing shorts, black knee-high socks, and an argyle sweater. we know this because pete has repeated this story of their first meeting many, many times.
patrick insists that he wants to play drums and has never thought about singing before, but pete bullies and pokes and prods until patrick finally gives in and sings for him and joe as long as pete promises to be the actual frontman and lets him sink into the background because he's unbelievably shy and insecure. pete is immediately taken with patrick and calls him "the kid with the voice" and a "golden boy" and he gives him a knit cap so he can hide his face in front of the microphone. patrick is wearing this same hat on the cover of their first official debut album, take this to your grave.
their tentative first album, evening out with your girlfriend, is a rushed slapjob full of embarrassingly delightful fruity pop punk hits that patrick today is ruthlessly ashamed of. this was recorded with two other former members, tj and chris, who eventually leave in pursuit of other projects that they believe will be more successful. they continue to be friends with the other boys for a while until pete tries to convince chris' girlfriend to use sex dice with him and this causes a rift and leads to chris cutting pete off and, by extension, the band. after these two leave, pete brings in a permanent drummer, andy hurley. andy is a pacifist and a vegan and has a voice like a kitten and is an all-around good guy and well-rounded adult who's around pete's age. they record take this to your grave. during the summer, pete takes his pet high schoolers and his fellow hardcore music scene buddy around on tour in joe's mom's shitty old van so the boys don't have to miss school. (or, more accurately, he has joe do it, because pete does not have a valid driver's license at the time.)
one of the singles on tttyg is called saturday. pete and patrick write a lot of lyrics together for this album and saturday is another joint effort. here are some lyrics:
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and here is the description for the music video:
The video features all of the band, but particularly frontman Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz. Pete is killing the other band members and their friends, leaving a Queen of Hearts playing card with each of the bodies. Patrick is a detective tracking the "killer". During the bridge of the song, Patrick and Pete are seen in the same position, sitting on a bed with a wall of pictures of Pete's victims in the background, suggesting that Patrick and Pete may be the same person. In the end, Pete kills Patrick, but because Pete and Patrick turn out to be the same person, Pete dies as well.
they perform this song at the end of every show and they have since 2002. pete spent their entire tour in 2015 grabbing his dick during this song for some reason ?? idk but i have pictures:
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during the tttyg era, pete and patrick become VERY fast and VERY intense best friends. patrick is extremely temperamental and impatient and has a short fuse and pete has routine breakdowns and is a general violent, obnoxious asshole who likes to torment patrick for fun, so a lot of their interactions tend to ignite like throwing a match on gasoline. he once famously strangled pete with a gas pump, has thrown punches at him in the studio, and cursed him out over small disagreements. for those curious, this feisty little sweaty golden firecracker of a boy looked like this:
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just so you know what we're dealing with.
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the rest of them looked like this ^ andy, pete, patrick, and joe respectively. patrick did that gay little wrist flick in photoshoots a lot for some reason
it's important to note that pete was a genuine creep around patrick and was VERY WEIRD WITH HIM. during this van days era, pete tried to carve a peephole into his bedroom door when they all shared a shitty apartment together in roscoe village and never left his side. he talks about him frequently on livejournal and their website and i will quote some of these incidents here: 04/16/05: patricks birthday is tommorrow. i am in love with him so give him presents. 06/09/05: when i want patrick to sing in my ear i call him on the phone and he does it 06/16/05: that kid is my best friend and the rest of the world could blow up and fall out boy can break up and he still will be 10/11/05: i dreamt him. q&a incidents from the official fob website:
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pete fucking adores this kid with everything in him. patrick is routinely frustrated with pete and his inability to grow up, but he's still just as maddeningly in love and still maintains a sense of hero worship for him and considers him a tragic figure that needs to be protected. they become very codependent.
during van days, they record and release an acoustic album called my heart will always be the b side to my tongue. they also release a dvd called release the bats, which is a hideous nightmare clusterfuck involving a lot of pete doing really gross shit for attention such as vomiting on the floor, pissing in garbage cans, and hurting himself and his friends alongside showcasing some of their live shows and performances with other friends in fueled by ramen, a borderline incestuous record label where everyone knows each other and is constantly collabing and doing shows together. included on this dvd is a short film that pete and patrick make called bedussey. they film this while sharing a dirty disgusting mattress in an even smaller apartment than the last during their writing sessions. it's fucking awful, watch it
just before the release of their second studio album, pete overdoses on ativan in a best buy parking lot while hallelujah plays on the radio. the first person he calls is patrick, who doesn't pick up, and then he finally tries his mom and his doctor. he writes two songs about this, 7 minutes in heaven and hum hallelujah. he also talks about this incident in his book, grey, but that comes much later. not terribly long after this, his nudes get leaked and it's ambiguous for a while as to who posts them, but it's theorized that it was actually chris or a friend of his. i can't honestly remember how much of this was confirmed. pete's life is surrounded by tragedy and flashbulbs constantly popping in his eyes and it's a mix of him bringing it on himself and not finding the help he needs and having terrible, terrible luck in love and in himself.
during this time, he's in an incredibly twisted and unhealthy relationship with a seventeen year old named jeanae white. she cheats on him five million times and vise-versa and they're very mean to each other. she also plays a pivotal role in his book later on. they break up for good in 2006. there's also a vague theory that he had a brief fling with mikey way in 2004 which is referred to as "the summer of like" by those invested. it may very well be true but i couldn't give a fuck about that if i tried; i'm a peterick loyalist. he marries ashlee simpson in 2008 (most likely due to her unplanned pregnancy, even though he was pretty in love with her at the time) and has a baby boy named bronx with her. during this era, patrick is in a committed relationship with a girl named anna who eventually cheats on him and it tears him apart.
jumping back a bit, from under the cork tree is their third official studio album (if you count b side, which i do) and it contains a lot of very interesting music.
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the original lyric was meant to be "just friends" and for some reason, patrick changed it to "best friends" in the final cut. the name of this song is 'i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song)'. pete LOVES to use the idea of summer in his music, which is so interesting, because fall out boy's first tour was in the summer, he and patrick have spent the fourth of july in a beach house together (REMEMBER THIS), and their biggest projects have been produced over summers. it's also worth mentioning that pete has kissed patrick on the neck more than once during shows. even more worth mentioning that pete is REALLY fucking clingy with patrick on stage.
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^ they sing this at each other. i don't really know what else to say
their next album, infinity on high, is slightly more artsy and, in my opinion, a fucking masterpiece. one of the most valuable tracks on this album is g.i.n.a.s.f.s. (gay is not a synonym for shitty) and i will explain why
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"trade baby blues for wide eyed browns" alongside literally walking in someone else's shoes and physically trying to become them or embodying them is just following a theme that pete and patrick have been portraying for years, about how the two of them are inherently the same person, two sides of the same coin. pete says they experience cryptophasia, an implicit, intimate language that can only be used by twins. their next album is even titled folie a deux, "the madness of two". pete later writes about a character named martin (patrick's irl middle name) in grey, who he talks about saving the main character's (pete's) life on the roof of a hotel. "some nights it gets so bad i almost pick up the phone" = pete has said multiple times that patrick has sang to him on the phone to calm him down or help him fall asleep because patrick's voice really is that healing for pete. also possibly another reference to pete's suicide attempt and how his call to patrick failed ?
lastly, here's a quote from pete's livejournal in 05 when he was babbling about patrick:
"i know i am sal and i feel damn lucky to have the wind blowing in the thru the windows as he keeps us at 80mph. make no mistake, there is a difference between a parlor trick and true blue magic. i will remember this til the day i die."
fuck you
2007-2008 is full of massive, massive drama. alongside pete's ongoing war with the media and his almost immediate marital issues with ashlee, he's ALWAYS fighting with patrick inside and outside the studio, both physically and verbally. the band is constantly getting called sellouts and posers and were heckled very badly during the tours they did to promote folie a deux. it's kind of the beginning of the end.
for folie, pete writes a song called what a catch donnie. this is a ballad that pete writes from patrick's perspective that he is very, very nervous to show to him and almost doesn't. showing him something so heartfelt and vulnerable is dangerous given the current nature of their relationship. this is that song.
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the music video stars patrick as a sea captain who's lost and lonely and trying to get home and he's eventually rescued by many of his irl close friends through fueled by ramen. but pete never appears.
after the round of tours for fad ends, they release a greatest hits album called believers never die and the coffin lid starts to slide closed. the band is well and truly dissolving; the reception for fad was very poor and miserable and pete and patrick truly cannot work together anymore and both joe and andy are tired of trying to put up with them. pete tells the boys he's going to leave and the breakup is mutual, to say the least. pete has his head shaven on stage as a ritual of mourning during 'saturday'. pete says in interviews that he thinks his name and his marriage and all the drama that saturates his life became a hindrance to the band.
fob is on hiatus from 2009 to 2013. during this time, pete forms the band black cards and seeks out a female vocalist specifically because he doesn't want to "replace patrick". he writes grey, opens nightclubs, divorces ashlee, abuses prescription drugs, and wants to die. patrick loses a bunch of weight and produces a solo pop album called soul punk. it has a very poor reception and he's bullied and tormented by fans who go to his shows just to tell him he sucks and he wants to die just as badly as pete does. he also gets married, but whatever
he bleaches his hair and dresses like this the whole tour because he's a massive faggot:
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i have this whole theory about how his song run dry is about gay sex. a lot of the album is about infidelity too. he claims that this is because it's a "concept album" but it .. really kind of isn't. patrick is not very good at lyrics. (SOMETIMES. we'll come back to this too.)
pete and patrick do not talk to each other for a bulk of the hiatus. pete says that the hiatus felt like a breakup and hurt just as badly. closer to the end of this painful spell, pete calls patrick to say "i helped buy your house and now you don't even know my kid, that's messed up" and they have to learn how to be friends again. there are vague statements from the band about how they had a series of work meetings before seriously discussing the idea of reuniting. patrick also sends pete a postcard, telling him he has music he wants to show him if he's willing to see it.
in 2013, out of fucking nowhere, like a couple weeks after pete assures the media that fall out boy will never reform, they drop an album called save rock and roll and the band is back for good. as they release this album, they also release a massive and incredible series of eleven music videos for the entire album called the young blood chronicles. essentially, fall out boy plays a group called the members of the faith and they have to essentially defend music from courtney love, who plays a nazi-esque dictator leading a group of leather-clad women who want to establish a dystopia where music doesn't exist. music = faith. the women steal patrick away and put a demon in him and chop his hand off and he turns evil and starts to murder the rest of the band, including pete.
the most important track on this album is miss missing you.
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pete wrote a good chunk of the lyrics for this album, as he is wont to do (this changes later on but it's still mostly pete for now), but this song is all patrick. this was a song he wrote for soul punk, but he never recorded it because, in his words, "it sounded too much like a fall out boy song". this particular installment in the ybc involves solely pete and patrick, separated from the rest of the band after joe and andy have left. this entire music video is about patrick trying to kill pete and struggling to do so, at war with his own humanity that keeps slipping through the cracks. pete has said that this is his favorite music video that the band has ever made.
relevant quotes:
"pete's my best friend. i was the best man at his wedding, i love that man to death. i'd take a bullet for him."
"[patrick is] probably my best friend in the whole world. this is one of the only people in the world that i would take a bullet for."
also! summer! summer summer summer! summer never dies!!!
2013-2014 are essentially a honeymoon phase. fob do tons of interviews, immediately make plans for a brand new album to follow srar up with, and they record an insane ep on a whim called pax am days. they do it while ridiculously drunk. it's REALLY good and SOOOO underrated and some of the most interesting music they've ever made. pete and patrick record a commentary track for the ybc. they're best friends again- admittedly less physically clingy, but they're older and more grown up and pete is more secure in his relationship with patrick. they're easygoing and comfortable and they love being around each other again and they're irrevocably in love.
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late 2014-early 2015 birth their next album, american beauty/american psycho. i have a lot of emotional attachment to it because i was old enough to witness this release in real time and this was the height of my obsession. there are a LOT of fascinating things to pick apart in this album, but here are my favorites (tumblr won't let me add more than 30 images per post for some reason ?? i didn't know there was a limit but alright. Sure):
And in the end I'd do it all again I think you're my best friend Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright? I'll be yours When it rains it pours Stay thirsty like before Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?
very obvious. the kids aren't alright was more or less confirmed to be about patrick and pete tended to get very lovey-dovey on stage whenever they performed it.
Do you, do-do you remember When we drove, we drove, drove through the night And we danced, we danced to Rancid And we danced, we danced And I confessed, confessed To you riding shot-gun Underneath the purple skies And we danced, we danced With windows down And we danced, we danced (Spin for you like your favorite records used to) (Spin for you like your favorite records) You were the song stuck in my head Every song that I've ever loved Play it again and again and again And you can get what you want but it's never enough And I spin for you like your favorite records used to And I spin for you like your favorite records used to
And I can’t, I can’t I can’t remember just how to forget Forget the way that we danced We danced to Danzig And we danced, we danced And when you ask, you ask me how I’m doing Like you know, you know how much better off I am And when we danced, we danced With windows down And we danced, we danced (Spin for you like your favorite records used to) (Spin for you like your favorite records)
favorite record is a big one because of pete's "patrick is an ipod full of my favorite songs" and "you ask me how i'm doing, like you know how much better off i am", a possible reference to the hiatus and their inability to communicate. i'd also like to firmly call back to pete's quote about driving with patrick and remembering that day until he dies.
and, lastly, fuck me:
I'll be as honest as you'll let me I miss your early morning company If you get me You are my favorite what if You are my best I'll never know And I'm starting to forget Just what summer ever meant to you What did it ever mean to you?
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean any of it I just got too lonely, lonely, whoa In between being young and being right You were my Versailles at night
It was the fourth of July You and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworks That went off too soon And I miss you in the June gloom too It was the fourth of July You and I were, you and I were fire, fire, fireworks I said I'd never miss you, but I guess you never know May the bridges I have burned Light my way back home on the fourth of July
My 9 to 5 is cutting open old scars Again and again 'til I'm stuck in your head Had my doubts but I let them out You are the drought And I'm the holy water you have been without And all my thoughts of you They could heat or cool the room, and no Don't tell me you cried Oh, honey, you don't have to lie
I wish I'd known how much you loved me I wish I cared enough to know I'm sorry every song's about you The torture of small talk with someone you used to love
fuck!!!! fuck!!!!!!! summer again!!!! we're back to summer and back to the fourth of july i told you that would be important later. finding your way back home on the bridges you burned. memories of squandered youth trapped in these moments from years back and viewing someone as this grand monument worthy of worship and posterity. "my nine to five is cutting open old scars", pete's job, what he's been filling his life with for years, the music that he makes for a living. "i'm sorry every song's about you" = doesn't have to be literal. i believe it's more so about the idea that so many songs are about patrick and it's more tongue-in-cheek, despite how melancholy it is. i believe this song is a grand release for pete and a way for him to reconcile his feelings after years of confusion and longing and torment. but that's all just a theory
it's also worth mentioning twin skeleton's, which a lot of peterick truthers theorize is about pete and patrick having flings in hotels during tours throughout 06-09. it's not really definitive and it's very conspiratorial, but i do enjoy thinking about it
there's a three year gap between albums this time and then we get mania, which is by all accounts awful. people can defend this album all they want, but i think it's fucking terrible and patrick admits that it was rushed and he doesn't like it and he's right and he should be ashamed. i hate this album. it sounds terrible and there are very few good songs on it. they did a ton of promotion for this record and did a pop-up event where they had rooms you could go through based on each track of the album. they really, genuinely tried, but it was a miss. i was so frustrated with this album that i really don't have much to say about it peterick-wise, but this tour was the first time that i was actually able to see them live, so i can't really stay mad at them. they played thriller and opened with disloyal order <333 (which, by the way, is also about patrick, confirmed by pete himself! he said that "half-doomed and semi-sweet" is a literal description of himself and patrick.)
i do like young and menace, hold me tight or don't, and wilson, but none of them feel like fob. moving on.
they release the lake effect kid ep in 2018 and believers never die volume two. lake effect kid is a BEAUTIFUL fucking track and it made me actually ache for what mania could've been if they'd just returned to their roots. that'll come soon though.
Boomerang my head Back to the city I grew up in Again and again Forever a Lake Effect kid
Oh, I got the skyline in my veins Forget your nighttime Summer love on a gurney with a squeaky wheel And joke us, choke us 'Til Lakeshore Drive comes back into focus I just wanna come back to life Spark my crazy head to keep you warm at night
summer love :))) it never ends :))))))
2023 saw the release of so much (for) stardust. this is one of the strongest albums they've had since the hiatus and i really, really love a lot of it. as New as it feels, it's still very fall out boy at its core and it's full of heart and it's passionate and it's pure.
We were a hammer to the statue of David We were a painting you could never frame and You were the sunshine of my lifetime What would you trade the pain for?
^ love from the other side. pete has likened patrick to sunshine, sunsets, sunlight, and the color gold many, many times while talking about him. there are a lot of songs where he uses the sun as a metaphor for longing, something he can never reach because he's eternally eclipsed in shadow.
My moodboard is just pictures of you, but I'm not sad anymore So make no plans and none can be broken, no plans and none can be broken But I didn't take the love when I had the chance, but I swear I'm not sad anymore So make no plans and none can be broken, no plans and none can be broken
Do you laugh about me whenever I leave? Or do I still need more therapy?
Love is in the air, I just gotta figure out a window to break out Buried alive inside my dreams, but it was all a fake-out And I don't care, I just gotta figure out a window to break out Buried alive inside my dreams, but it was all a fake-out, fake-out
Oh-oh, we all started out as shiny dimes But we all got flipped too many times We did it for futures that never came And for pasts that we're never gonna change
fake out makes me want to die in the most intense way, mainly because there's something so utterly familiar about it. it's SO fob and it's one of the best tracks they've put out since the hiatus. it's also .. so ..... it's very similar to fourth of july for me. this is recovery from the pain and finally coming to acceptance while acknowledging the past, love that was never reciprocated. it's not something that ever really goes away. it'll linger, especially when you still see so much of that golden boy that you first fell in love with the second he opened his mouth and began to sing to you.
i will state emphatically that through all my speculation, none of this is meant to be taken at face value aside from the direct quotes and irl incidents. most music comes from anywhere and everywhere within an artist. artists draw from their real life and nothing has to be literal, but pete writes about a lot of real people. grey is about as subtle as a sledgehammer when it comes to his representation of people he knows irl. sometimes he's writing about exes and sometimes he's writing a story. sometimes he's writing about patrick. we never really know for sure. but it's fun to think about!
i'm really passionate about them and i adore their relationship inside and out. a lot of it is really fucked up and weird and twisted and crazy and a lot of it is genuinely so beautiful and tragic. even if they're not fucking and never have and have never thought about it, they're undoubtedly soulmates in any way you feel like interpreting that. they love each other massively and endlessly and it's a fire that has refused to really die for over twenty years. i love them a lot and i hope you enjoyed this essay!!!
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blnk338 · 2 years
Here's the link to the first b/c y'all loved it sm ty &lt;3
Go read my Ghost x Reader on AO3 | Reap What You Sow
Relationship hcs!!!
Undiagnosed dyslexia
Soap will say some dumb shit about it and Gaz will fire back with something like “you need autocorrect irl b/c no one can fucking understand you”
Hates winter; this is a summer boy!
Ghost told him that Soap’s Halloween party was a dress-up party, but Gaz took it as a sexy dress-up party and came in a slutty nun outfit
Ghost had to go to the bathroom because he was tearing up from trying to hold back his laughter
Can’t pull all-nighters
This bitch NEEDS 8 hours or he’s not happy
Like… he can pull them, but you unlock this secret character trait of “ultimate fucking bitch Kyle”
Got really into Overwatch and then didn’t tell anyone after it died (pre OW2), then was fucking insane at every character when OW2 came out
Soap hates his ass for this
Flexes, only character he doesn’t like is Hanzo (still upset about the scatter arrow removal)
Tinyass bladder
“I have to pee”
Really gentle with his friends, him and Soap’s bromance goes crazy like they’ll do that thing where they almost kiss and they pull back and go “WOAAAAAAH WOAHHHHHHH”
Thinks hairless cats are gross
The kind of guy to sit back and watch shit unfold unless the person who (is getting / is about to get) their shit rocked is someone he respects
Previously had an allergy to shellfish
Raw dogged it until the allergy literally went away
Exposure therapy, man
Knows what “L + Ratio” means and HAS used it against Soap once
Soap and Gaz lost their fuckin beans when he said it and they’ve never forgotten it
Sorta plain texter – really just like “K,” “Ok,” “Did you eat.”
Doesn’t use a lot of question marks
No question marks or really any punctuation other than a period at the end of EVERY text
Doesn’t use Apple emojis or Android, but the text version
Like :)
Eventually unlearns this but ending everything like a sentence lasted for a while
He won’t say openly if he’s annoyed, but will add a little extra sharpness to his stare
Great at FPS games, chooses to not use the mic because he likes shitting on dumb mfkrs and listening to them bitch when he wins 1v1’s
Played OW for Soap and Gaz and got really fucking good at Zen, but almost always plays DPS
Learned how to build computers and finds it really relaxing
Soap and Gaz both asked for him to make them PCs and he said “no,” then did both of them in the span of one 3-week break cycle
Knows everyone’s addresses
How the fuck does he know everyone’s addresses
Definitely the guy to say a random set of numbers pretending like its someone’s IP address
“The Riley Murders” is a popular true-crime segment; literally avoids all true-crime media because of this
Not really a fan of the holidays, but he does put in the effort to be at the 141 parties and get-togethers for his team
Panic attacks for him aren’t obvious. He just stands there, holding his gaze at one spot while he clenches his jaw/fist, trying to push out the ringing in his ears
Doesn’t dress up for Halloween or does the bare minimum (antlers on top of his head, a single bowtie, etc)
Uses all emojis
Weird about how much he likes Minions
Fucked up knee from tearing his ACL as a kid
Like his knees pop when he kneel down and shit
Bros so anti-drug he doesn’t like prescription drugs
*Bleeding out* “Tylenol? Why would I need that?”
His whole house is carpeted aside from the kitchen
No, you don’t understand. Carpeted bathrooms
Man has cold feet
Socks and indoor slippers but he’s got those luxury Ugg slippers that he wears religiously
Hates it when people chew with their mouth open
Plays Candy Crush
Owns an old Dell laptop, doesn’t play PC or console games
POP POP POP his joints are shit but good enough for the army ig
Tried yoga, didn’t have enough motivation to keep going, but still says he does yoga (it’s been like four years n Laswell gets on his ass about it)
“Overwatch? We’re off right now, why are we talking about this?”
“You have three guys on you? What are you talking about?”
Confused dad
Heavyweight drinker; man likes his beers
Gaz called him "dad" once and he owns it like a fucking medal
Says “back in my day” to fuck with everyone
Sings the Star Spangled Banner in the most heinously British accent he can
He only knows “Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light, oh so proud…” and then bullshits the rest
Bisexual. No preference.
Not really a “will kiss anyone” but more of a “please let me kiss someone”
Flirts with fuckin’ anyone and everyone but the issue is that he just doesn’t stay in one place because of work, so unless he’s dating someone in the field (which is super rare), it’s mostly just flings
“Guys, let’s do the brown note endurance contest.” (Google “brown note youtube”)
Spells Spongebob like “Spunch Bob”
“I am not paid enough to do that.”
OW junkie, but likes story games a lot
Support/Tank main (Mercy and Reinhardt)
The Last Of Us fucking ended him; fav character is Joel :)
Hard of hearing in his right ear
Yells “WOT?” all the fucking time
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rin-fukuroi · 8 months
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 [𝐊𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐡 𝐱 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Genshin Impact Pairings: Kaveh x Fem!reader x Kaeya Warnings: polyamory and just fluff<3
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq 
I love this request as much as I love these men, thank you very much. It seems to me that although they are both very different, they have enough in common to get along together, which is why they seem so insanely cute to me together. I hope you enjoy it (´꒳`)♡
Orangestar - Sunflower (feat. 夏背.)
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— …And then he just took and abandoned this project, imagine! Archons, I'm so angry that today you just have to give me a couple more glasses of wine, — Kaveh fatefully settled his head on his hands folded on the table, continuing to mutter to himself. His cheeks were already sprinkled with a slight blush from the glasses of alcohol he had drunk before.
— Ho-oh, don't you say that every day? — Kaeya sips wine from his glass, leaning back on the bench in the tavern, pulling her trademark smile on his face.
— I think you've had enough, Kaveh, — you giggle, picking at your padisar pudding with a fork.
And this happens almost every time. Every time Kaveh, dissatisfied with his work, quietly whines in the corner from his side of the table, giving Kaeya only more food for the next witty jokes, while you just enjoy, which has become almost a tradition, another joint trip to the tavern with your lovers. Often they just exchanged various barbs, gently joking with each other (although, let's be honest, often all the jokes that accompanied your feasts came from Kaeya, mocking another failure of Kaveh), but you never felt superfluous. Perhaps you were always the person Kaveh needed when you comforted him, protecting him from Kaeya's playful attacks.
But none of us have ever held grudges.
Kaveh knew perfectly well that you both care about him, just in your own way. Kaeya never interrupted Kaveh, while he could rant for hours about how hard it was for him to interact with customers, what efforts he made not to betray his own aesthetics for the sake of someone's whim, carefully listening to every word the architect said.
— You just don't understand! — Kaveh suddenly emerges from a makeshift shelter in his own hands, turning a pleading look at you. — Y/N, at least you support me! I don't have any work for tomorrow anyway. Because of this idiot, even all the efforts spent on drawings and sketches were in vain. I just want to relax!
— Why don't you just change your profession? I think such an experienced taster would not be superfluous to Diluc at the distillery.
You gently nudge Kaeya in the side, pouting your lips.
— Who would say, you yourself drink with Kaveh every day. You could just set him an example by drinking tea with me.
— Well, well, this time we all ordered desserts, as you wanted. I admit, they don't go too well with wine, but they'll pass for a snack, — Kaeya playfully wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to kiss the top of your head.
— Why do I feel like a child sometimes with you? Lambad! — Kaveh raises his hand, attracting the attention of the tavern owner. — More wine!
You roll your eyes, sighing softly. Indeed, Kaveh sometimes behaves in such a way that you have to feel like a parent with him, who is obliged to surround his child with comfort and care, but, in fact, you even like such moments. Unlike Kaeya, who hides his feelings, at least you could tell exactly when Kaveh is upset, having the opportunity to cheer him up the way you know how.
—You're both insufferable, — you return to your dessert, scooping up a spoonful before turning your attention to the untouched sweetness on Kaveh's plate. — Kaveh.
The man's ruby eyes suddenly turned to your figure as you thoughtfully peered at his plate.
— Can I try it? Your nuts look very appetizing, it's strange that you haven't even touched them, — you're pouting again, shaking your head disapprovingly.
—Oh… sorry. Of course, here, — Kaveh's thin, elegant fingers cling to one of the pieces of Sumeru sweetness, bringing candied nuts to your lips. You move closer, biting off a corner. A cloying but pleasant sweetness touches your tongue, nuts gently crunch on your teeth as you slowly chew the frozen syrup, then smiling contentedly.
— Mmm! It's very tasty! Kaeya, do you want to try it too?
A blue-haired man, savoring another sip of wine, seems to break out of his own thoughts when he meets your eyes with a childishly pleased look fixed on him. You are like a breath of fresh air in their world with Kaveh, saturated with exhausting worries. Whenever they are burdened with another unbearable burden, whenever they are tormented by doubts or frustrated by failures, you are always there. So relaxed, light, like a breath of the Mondstadt breeze. The clouds of anxiety that sometimes hang over both men seem to be dispelled by the mere sight of how this perky smile stretches on your face, always too contagious not to smile back at you.
Therefore, now the corners of Kaeya's lips also lift in a slight smile when he quietly grins to himself, leaning closer while you wrap your small palm around Kaveh's wrist, bringing his hand with sweetness to Kaeya's mouth.
— Hey, it's not fair, I only treated Y/N!
— You should be more vigilant next time, otherwise someday I'll steal Y/N from you right out from under your nose, and you won't even notice, — Keya teases the poor architect, now squinting his scarlet eyes and puffing up his cheeks.
— How dare you! — for the next few minutes, Kaveh spewed out a ton of discontent, which always amuses Kaeya, who is quietly grinning from his seat at the table.
And everything is in its place.
You are sitting quietly sipping wine from your glass, running your gaze from a disgruntled, pouting, like an anemo slime, Kaveh, to Kaeya, who is holding his drink in his hand, continuing to bring the blonde to the boiling point. But you know that they are dear to each other as much as you are dear to them.
It was so amazing to watch how these two got closer and closer every day, although from the outside it might seem that you were caught in the middle of two fires that never stop arguing with each other. You knew that Kaeya is always ready to support Kaveh with the support that you are not capable of, and you knew that Kaveh never takes Kaeya's caustic words seriously, although every time he boils with half a turn.
Let it all look like a stupid quarrel, it seems that Kaveh no longer looks as depressed as at the moment when the three of you gathered at the same table.
— Y/N.
You are floating somewhere in the clouds, watching with a smile two men who somehow magically captured your heart, when suddenly your chaotic thoughts are dispersed by a soft male voice, accompanied by a look of ruby eyes and a warm touch of long fingers to your hand holding a spoon stuck in the pudding.
— Hm? — it's like you're waking up from a dream, slightly relaxed after drinking alcohol.
— Can I… Try your pudding too?
Your eyebrows lift in surprise for a second before you turn your attention to Kaveh's palm covering yours.
— Oh, of course! — you are scooping up some padisar pudding, bringing the spoon to Kaveh's lips with his fingers still wrapped around your palm, when the purple jelly suddenly disappears into the mouth of Kaeya, who has intercepted the dessert halfway to Kaveh.
— Mm, next time order me this dessert, Y/N, it's very tasty, — Kaeya closes his eyes, savoring the sweet taste of soft pudding on his tongue.
— Hey! Then share yours too! — Kaveh reaches across the table, dipping a spoon into the almost untouched cream of the Sumeru rose in front of Kaeya.
—Ha-ha! Maybe I should make you some Mondstadt pancakes when we get home?
— If you think that this will somehow make up for your guilt today, then you are mistaken, — Kaveh grumbles, licking his spoon. — But I think Y/N would like to try…
— Well, well, I already realized that you are interested, you don't have to always hide behind Y/N.
And, it seemed, the anxiety tormenting Kaveh completely disappeared at the moment when the air above your table was filled with the sound of two men talking and your quiet giggling while you stretched out your hand to taste Kaeya's dessert too.
Sweet. And this sweetness, which replaced the tart bitterness from worries about Kaveh, spread a pleasant warmth in your chest. You would like everything to remain just like this, and never change.
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script-a-world · 1 year
Submitted via Google Form:
Hey, I can't seem to find much info about physical aspects of aging in species other than humans. For animals I always get changing physical aspects due to sexual maturity, not old age. In fact what spurred this on is I saw a picture of a 22 year old cat and had utterly no clue how insanely old he was other than 'adult'. [Of course, I'm not a vet/zoologist. Maybe it's in fact obvious to them. But that isn't who my audience is.] Interesting, that even other primates don't show signs of aging as humans do? Since I'm writing a whole lot of aliens - both humanoids and not humanoid, as well as alien animals so this got me thinking I should understand aging stuff better since I kinda basically gave them human aging characteristics and maybe I shouldn't overuse it. Did prehistoric humans (or earlier) age like we do? I mean I've seen art of old neanderthals that age like humans, but art would color dinosaurs so... maybe by that time they were definitely far removed from other primates to have human aging characteristics anyway and I can't seem to find anything earlier.
Wootzel: Many characteristics of old humans do apply to other animals, but you may have to step back and think about why those characteristics happen in order to avoid making it seem like you’re just copy/pasting human characteristics onto your aliens.
The vast majority of old-age characteristics happen because the body’s processes for rebuilding itself slow down or stop. Parts of the body that see a lot of use begin to accumulate wear and tear. Skin no longer replaces itself as quickly, so damage from the sun and other environmental factors starts to accumulate, so this gives you wrinkly, thinner skin and things like sun spots on elderly humans. Tissues that give skin and organs their structure and elasticity don’t get replenished as much, so gravity’s pull makes skin droop. Cartilage in joints gets worn and broken down all our lives, but eventually it starts degrading much faster than the slowed rate of repair. Human hearts kinda just stop making new cells very early in our lives, so what you have is what you get! When heart cells take damage from traumatic events or from use, they can’t be replaced. This is true of a lot of mammals, but not all life on Earth. 
All of this is to say that you can think back about the causes and then extrapolate a lot of similar aging effects to other species, based on how their bodies work, and end up with different results. 
Some Earth species, notably lots of fish and reptiles, never entirely stop getting bigger, so size could be an indicator of age. Most species with fur see similar effects to human skin degradation, in which the fur stops growing as quickly and vigorously. This fur might be thinner or coarser (used here to mean not as soft) because it’s not being replaced as quickly. Feathers, fur, and hair can all become more brittle and likely to take damage during normal activity. This can give a lot of older animals a more ragged appearance. 
Many animals with fur groom themselves less as they grow old and feel less vigorous. Old cats tend to have a clumpy look to their fur, which is mostly from a reduction in grooming. 
Muscle tone tends to go with age as well, again, due to a reduction in the body rebuilding them. Exceptional loss of muscle or fat is usually caused by some health condition that’s much more severe than just old age, but elderly humans and many animals will look a little thinner than their younger counterparts. 
Pigment production is another thing that could be applied across many species. Pigments are often part of the structure of their respective body parts (white feathers are often weaker than black or brown ones, for example), or they serve a purpose in finding/impressing a mate, or they might be camouflage… etc. The body might put less effort into pigments with age because some of these purposes are just less needed. Humans get gray hair, dogs get gray muzzles, and your aliens might lose their bright blue forehead spots. 
Hormonal changes could be a factor. Humans, especially those with uteri, experience a reduction and a cessation of fertility significantly before the end of their lives, because those body systems take a lot of energy to maintain, and it could be used to help existing offspring survive instead of making more. Lots of birds go through “henopause” and experience a similar end of fertility--and these hens often take on much more masculine plumage and behavior! Not all species experience an end of fertility before death, but it’s likely to evolve in most or all sapient species because ceasing to reproduce in old age makes the society as a whole more efficient. 
A couple of factors that are likely to apply to most life (unless there’s an evolutionary reason against these!) are that old beings will have lower movement abilities, more aches and pains, and will generally have slower metabolisms than younger ones.
DNA is very fragile, and gets damaged by all kinds of normal environmental stressors. Minor bits of damage and/or errors build up over the lifetime of an organism, and this is why cancers are much more common in old age. If your aliens use something similar to DNA to pass traits down, they’ll likely have this phenomenon as well. 
If there are any hard structures on your aliens that will not regrow, such as horns or teeth, you might be able to show age with these. Horns that continue to grow but do not replace their tips might take on a worn or blunted appearance. Teeth tend to wear down somewhat and either become flatter (if they were already flattish, such as with human and dog front teeth) or sharp teeth might become more rounded. You might find it interesting to read up on how an experienced person can guess a horse’s age with pretty high accuracy just by examining its teeth. 
People familiar with a species can often tell when they’re looking at a very old animal, but as you mentioned, not everybody knows what to look for! Some of your aliens might not age in ways that are very obvious to a human audience, but maybe a human familiar with the species would be able to tell at a glance. You could certainly play with this as a plot device or even just some social worldbuilding.
Some specific examples:
Iguanas tend to lose vibrancy in their coloration as they age. Some parts of the body might look more “silver” and some may darken with age. They can develop saggy or wrinkled skin, as well (thanks to Feral for this example)
Cats tend to get a clumpy look to their fur as they age. This is a combination of less time spent grooming (thus, more oil and dirt hanging around) and increased roughness since the fur sheds and replaces itself less. Tomcats get thicker skin on their faces, arms, and shoulders, and their faces develop fat pads to protect them from fighting damage. Neutered males and females tend to get at least a little rounder in the jowls, but eventually thinner around the cheekbones and muzzle. Cats can go a little grey, though it’s often not as dramatic as with humans and dogs. Cat eyes can also show signs of age, since the iris often degrades with old age, which can result in color spots appearing later in life, or just a rougher, more textured appearance to the eye. 
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Not Again! (The "Drunken Sailor" Incident)
Triggers: annoyed coworkers, insanely catchy earworm, bad singing, Dr. Gears is annoyed, liberal use of duct tape for unintended purposes, 073 saves the day, Dr. Bright!
It was a quiet Tuesday in Dr. Gears' office. I had just sat down after handing him a coffee, ready to start the day's tasks. We had just gotten to reviewing the new proposals when it started. The unmistakable sound of Jack Bright, attempting to sing. Dr. Gears closed the door, muffling the sound a little. This did not deter Dr. Bright in the least, if anything he just got louder. Dr. Gears looks at me.
"It's clear we're not going to get anywhere with him caterwauling like that. Rabbit, you have earplugs?"
"Did not expect to need them, Boss." I shrug. He hands me a set still in the Foundation packaging.
"Pop those in and go find help. No need for both of us to suffer." I nod. That's Dr. Gears for you, noble and devoted no matter the threat. I insert earplugs, exit office.
Strangely, but not unexpectedly... no one is in the hall. Can't say I blame them. It's well known Jack Bright cannot sing. And whomever taught him that old sea shanty should be used for target practice. With throwing knives and maybe a sledgehammer. I can sort of hear him.
"Weigh hay up she rises, weigh hay up she rises, weigh hay up she rises early in the morning..." I book it before he hits the verse and I get tempted to keelhaul him in 682's unit. And, as luck would have it, manage to knock a box of duct tape out of 073's hands when I run straight into him. He's trying to talk to me, but I can't hear him. I pull out the plugs. Good. No more singing. I pick up the scattered tape rolls.
"Hey, want to help us out? Dr. Bright is stuck in 'Drunken Sailor' mode again."
"Third time in a week. Let's go." I pop in my ear armor, and we approach our target. Sure enough, he's in the third chorus. Cain starts unwrapping the silvery silencer, and I try to distract Dr. Bright.
I start dancing with Bright, holding onto his sleeves. Cain neatly steps up, and slaps a patch of tape directly over Bright's mouth. After half a roll, no more sea shanty. The full roll had him strapped to his own chair. Just in time for Dr. Gears to come in, with three very annoyed MTF members.
"Huh. That deescalated quickly. Who came up with the duct tape idea?"
"It was a joint effort between Agent Rabbit and myself, Doctor. I'm relieved it seems to have been successful." 073, modest as ever. He did the hard part, all I did was wiggle around and hold Dr. Bright's sleeves.
"Nicely done, you two. Have a free coffee from 294 on me." He hands us each 50 cents. We accept, sheepishly. Dr. Gears turns to the guards. "Wheel Dr. Bright down to the antimemetics department, let them figure out how to erase that earworm from his mind. I swear, one more time, and I'm going to beg 05 to send him to Antarctica. With no winter gear." Bright is wheeled out, looking horrified. Serves him right, he cannot sing. Sounds like a wounded casowary with a leg caught in an industrial sausage grinder.
"Hurray for industrial strength duct tape and quick thinking."
"You know why duct tape is silver, Cain?"
"Why, Rabbit?"
"Silence is golden." That gets a chuckle out of him.
"And in Dr. Bright's case, far more rare." This had Dr. Gears smirking.
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danglovely · 8 months
Regrading Taskmaster: S04E08 Tony Three Pies. AND Series Four Winner
*Score changes noted in parenthesis.
Series Four wrap-up time.
Prize Task: Most Cash
This is an insane prize task category. Let's get the easy out of the way early: Noel didn't bring in any cash so he gets last place. The rest should probably be interpreted consistently and so the question becomes "does the most cash mean physically or in money value?" Hugh actually brings in the least by both measurements, so he gets fourth.
It would be unfair to rank Joe ahead of Lolly who brings in a ludicrous amount of money. This means that money value is the correct measurement and the rest falls into place.
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Hugh: 2 (+1) Joe: 4 (0) Lolly: 5 (0) Mel: 3 (+1) Noel: 1 (-2)
VT 01: Make an exotic sandwich. Eat your exotic sandwich.
The first part of the task provides no win condition! That means the grading should be exclusively based on how much/how fast the exotic sandwich is consumed. Per Alex, no one finishes their sandwich -- so we must ask whether the task should be graded based on percentage of sandwich consumed or total mass consumed. My instinct is to grade based on the former so the first part of the task isn't completely irrelevant.
I would say Joe eats a negligible amount of sandwich and Lolly eats a good bit of hers. Hugh easily eats the most. Noel eats some of Alex's hair, which is probably the least, but he still deserves to beat Joe who had actual food and still didn't appear to consume any of it. A for effort, Mel.
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Hugh: 5 (-1) Joe: 1 (-5) Lolly: 4 (-2) Mel: 3 (-4) Noel: 2 (-5)
VT 02: Strike one of these objects the furthest distance with one of the other objects. You have three strikes with your chosen object.
I do take issue that Alex counts attempts even when they miss because the task dictates "three strikes," not "three attempts." No other controversy here. Tony Three Pies takes it.
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Hugh: 4 Joe: 3 Lolly: 1 Mel: 2 Noel: 5
VT 03: Do something surprising with this rubber duck.
Tasks that call for surprise are always tricky because the nature of the task makes the surprising become expected. Joe gets last because buying Greg a holiday is completely unrelated to the duck. I think Mel is correctly placed in first because she actually surprises Morello who had no idea what was going on.
I'm actually bumping Hugh up past Noel because no one is surprised when Noel does anything crazy. Lolly gets penalized because I've seen multiple people set things afloat with balloons in Taskmaster and it's just not all that original of an idea (blame David Correos).
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Hugh: 4 (+3) Joe: 1 (-2) Lolly: 2 (+1) Mel: 5 (0) Noel: 3 (-1)
Live Task: Draw the median duck. Bonus point for the best duck.
Greg quickly takes away any ambiguity as to what "median" means. It means size. We have Joe and Mel trying to skirt the rules by writing versions of "median duck" on their boards. It appears they both drew something too (though it's tough to tell with Joe). Alex only measures length, but Mel's does look third biggest when I look at them all together.
I also agree with Greg that Noel's is the best, mostly because it's generous to call the remaining four "ducks."
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Hugh: 0 Joe: 0 Lolly: 0 Mel: 5 Noel: 1
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Hugh: 15 (+2) Joe: 9 (-7) Lolly: 12 (+1) Mel: 21 (0) Noel: 12 (-8)
Mel won the episode the first time and she does so again. Major deductions based on my choice to eliminate half the grading for the sandwich task.
Series Final
Hugh: 140 (+11) Joe: 126 (-10) Lolly: 122 (+3) Mel: 124 (-10) Noel: 122 (-22)
Couple of shockers here for me. When I started the series, I predicted I'd have Joe winning. I did not predict Hugh would jump him, let alone by more than ten points. Furthermore, I knew I was going to drop Noel because I remembered tasks where I thought he was inappropriately favored. I didn't think he would be down with Lolly in joint last place.
In all, Series Four probably has the worst grading throughout. Common sentiment is matched here though -- Hugh was the rightful champ.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water (Live)
There's a whole lot of things happening and people are figuring out that a lot of the people here are full of s*** no they're figure out they know the code and then what's going on and they're not asking because it's trying to get insane and it's going on now a lot of it a lot of questions are being asked and they're actually moving out this song is about this area coming up soon they go out and they try and fight the people who are doing the mining to try and infiltrate The empire well the pseudo empire and it's continuous they get rid of a lot of boats and they have to get boats here they can't seem to do it and they want to make boats and they can't seem to do that and they try and make the metal boat and make it stitch and it works but they can't get the metal panels and they know what to do but only a few of them and our son and daughter know what to do there's a type of fiberglass you can use but really what you do is you tape the joints with fiberglass on a wooden boat and you don't use the stitch system you meld it with your frame nuclear to the frame with special adhesive that works metal to Wood and then you fiberglass the frame in on the inside and you put fiberglass on the inside I'm about a quarter inch thick and you have only fiberglass the seams on the outside and you fiberglass with the spray on on the outside and when it's upside down it dries smooth it goes on in coats people put on like two or three coats and it comes out to be about 1/8 of an inch if you put on a four or five it's about 3/16 and you put on a eight layers it's over a quarter and that's what you want eight layers it takes patience but the stitch won't works and there's a bunch of designs out and you use a metal frame it doesn't seem right but it works and you do bolt it to the frame and you put these special flat headed bolts in they're like carriage bolts but they're flat and their recessed and you recess them in a little and it works very well a lot of people use two layers of plywood and they use marine grade if they can find it and we suggest two layers of plywood a half inch is good 3/4 is better but you won't bend the 3/4 and when you put it together you glue it together with wood glue and that's what you do
Frank Castle hardcastle most people make it 21 football and some make 30 ft and they actually come out pretty good using this technique they come out very very nice if you're going to use a wood frame you're in a lot of trouble it's not strong enough let's use hardwood and then the boat waste of time usually people use metal and it works very well 3x3 angle or 3x4 or 4x4 and doesn't have to be very really heavy but it has to be sturdy of an inch thick a little bit more and it's working sturdy and you bolted together and you put spacers and you both the frame to the frame and it works very well usually use space the frame on the interior and you both together and a lot of people put the frame on the seam and we do not recommend that we recommend putting a piece of metal on the inside at the seam that's bent and matches it and you clue the wood to metal glue in there and you bolt it on too that thing is going to be Rock solid and you've made your own hole and it takes you don't have to have a mold and it does take less time and effort and a lot less fiberglass and it's actually stronger but the whole point is just about anyone can make one
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haechanhues · 5 months
First, happy new year! I'm actually really excited for 2024 and hope you all are too! I'm just gonna share some moments of the year with you all (some are sad and there are trigger warnings just a psa but most of them are happy.)
tw : mentions of s****de and depression. animal death, surgery and weightloss, nsfw implications and mentions of smut. this is so long that i've just kind of scrapped this other idea i had...
My 23 for 23!
This is kind of a joint December 2022 - February 2023 effort but I wrote 'Just Say It'. It's my favourite smau I've ever written and like, the absolute love I got from it and love I had while writing it too.. Will never forget the feeling.
I also underwent surgery for the first time ever. I don't exactly hide from the fact that I've had it and I can't really anyway. i had weight loss surgery at the beginning of the year and my surgeon and everyone has been brilliant in the recovery process. It's also left me feeling a lot more confident and happy and just- I actually love it.
I wrote smut for the first time, like ever and the reviews were so positive about it. In all honestly there's quite a bit of terms that I feel gross about but too be honest, there's no better alternative. I'm learning and it still makes me kind of nervous BUT yeah.
I made a post about it, but in August we had to put down my cat, Quincy. He's been with me since I was 5 and I'm 23 so aging without him has been hard. He'll always be my best friend and my through thick and thin guy. I miss you so much, Senor Quincy. I miss those nicknames and you in general. Love you. Forever.
In saying that, my mum ended up getting two little kittens. One of which looks exactly like Quincy. His name is Pai (pronounced 'pie' - I first named him 'Percy' but he responded too well to Pai to not change the name) and the other 'Nala' (named after the Lion King). Pai is this social little guy who is too curious and nosy about the world and people around him whereas Nala is this loving and cuddly pretty soul who has the softest fur coat ever. Love them both very much. We also ended up getting a dog called 'Poi' who has completely opened our family up in a way that is different and interesting. Welcome to the family our babies. Your older fur brother would absolutely hate you but we love you enough for him.
I visited Rarotonga/Cook Islands during our Winter (June/July) for my cousin's birthday. We had beautiful food, I fell in love with 5 different guys and just, such a cool time. I started planning a girls trip after that. But, so fun. It was so fucking hot too my body was so confused.
I got a new laptop! After being able to stop using a laptop that relies on a constant state of charging and basically life support, it feels amazing.
On the flip side, my phone is going through it. I've had it for about 5 or 6 years now and it's now reached it's T-Minus days, for sure. The screen is barely holding on by a thread (not joking) Fun fact, but me and my brother got new phones at the same time and he's already gone through about 9 to my 1.
My friends!! I've made some new friends and new connections and stuff this year. I'm finally a part of a GC where my friends know each other (irl two of my friends absolutely fucking hate each other) and I talk in it! But I love it and them and just everyone.
I've started watching The Sidemen on Youtube regularly. I love their humour and I know they're not for everyone but I really enjoy watching them. They're who I watch when I take a break from Kpop and just..they're great.
I went back onto SSRIs and I did partake in therapy for awhile because I was really down in the dumps. i cut a part of my hair at the back and if that isn't a cry for help. Like, my state of health...my neglect of haircare and the disinterest in life and all in it, it scared me. But I'm doing a lot better and I hope you are too.
Girl groups have this chokehold on me lately. Like, the amount of fondness I have for them right now is insane. Discographies, songs etc. They're tearing up the music industry at the moment for me right now. Women in general. Like yess.
I rewatched some of my favourite shows/movies and I loved it all the same. The Empress is an amazing German show, I've loved it as much as when I watched it the first time. Enola Holmes has some of my favourite aesthetics and she's so pretty and smart and Tewksbury is a wonderful 'boy boy'. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade is my fave out of the movie series. Again...such a cool aesthetic. Harry Potter was a needed rewatch this year and I loved it. Brooklyn...Just amazing. Love this.
My favourite in-New Zealand trips of the year... I went to Auckland and to a casino for the first time (randomly picking up my cousin who was hungover and going through it) I won over 1k that day. I went to Wellington to watch NCT Nation and told the whole cinema who my man was. I went to the yearly trip to my cousin's bach and even though it fucking pissed down until the last day. It was an amazing holiday as per usual.
My favourite books of 2023 that I read this year was; The Song Of Achilles - Madeline Miller (finally read it and it was amazing). Binding 13 - Chloe Walsh (The angst was so good). Book Of Days - Patti Smith (the inspiration awakening). Magnolia Parks - Jessa Hastings (some good stuff). Once Upon A Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber (that cliffhanger had me by the balls) and The High Mountain Court - A.K. Mulford (Perfection.)
I got the opportunity to do paid research for my iwi and for my people and to learn and enrich our knowledge and community. It's hard to explain by vague explanations but I don't want to go too much into detail.
My favourite Kpop songs were - 'I Don't Understand But I Luv U' by Seventeen, 'Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's Wife' by LE SSerafim, 'Ditto' by New Jeans, 'S-Class' by Stray Kids and 'Down (Juicy Juicy)' - Jo Yuri. I just realised it's a Hybe/JYP fest in here. But they were so addictive.
My favourite songs that weren't Kpop were - 'Collide' by Justin Skye, 'Agora Hills' by Doja Cat, 'Utua' by Maimoa, 'Greedy' by Tate McRae and 'Be Your Light' by Victor Ma. So pretty.
My favourite albums of the year were - 'GOT THE BEAT' by GOT THE BEAT. Rose was my favourite of the album. 'Dark Blood' by ENHYPEN. Woke my love up for them and the dance is fucking amazing. Background dancers and without. Chaconne is my favourite. 'Playgirl' by Lolo Zouai. Such a pretty voice. My favourite is a choice between 'Picking Berries', 'Open The Door' 'VHS' and 'Crazy Sexy Dream Girl'. 'The World Ep. FIN' by ATEEZ. My BOYS. Started the year with them and finished the year with them. Favourite song off the album is still undecided but Crazy Form is part of my daily. 'Unlock My World' by Fromis_9. Love the album. My Night Routine. Attitude. Prom Night. Beautiful voices. Insane. '3 Of Us' by FLO. New addition to my favourite Western groups but holy shit welcome to my heart.
My favourite movies; Howls Moving Castle (bully me about it - why didn't you watch it earlier?), All Quiet On The Western Front (so fucking sad and heartbreaking), Coco Reo Maori (good movie and the fact it's in Te Reo Maori? Fucking AMAZING. The Black Phone (not a horror movie girly, but such a good movie and I'm obsessed). It (again, not a horror movie girly but Loser Squad <3)
My favourite shows (not Asian); Ginny and Georgia, Grown-Ish, The Time Traveller's Wife, The Summer I Turned Pretty and Love 101.
My favourite Asian dramas; Love In The Air (the hottest show I've ever seen), Twinkling Watermelon, Hidden Love, When I Fly Towards You and Himitsu No Ai Chan, Dangerous Romance. They're fucking masterpieces.
I'm sorry to end this on a sad note but Christmas Eve, my cousin committed su***de and it was hard to climb over the wall grief had built about it. His older sister told me all these lovely things and it was the first kind of cry I had over him. I'm a little angry but also sad. It's hard because then I got COVID.
Welcome, 2024!
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fnafactionfigure · 2 years
FNAF Action Figures
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"It is a distinction to get The NPD Group's top selling toy of the year grant in the subclass classification Action Figure Collectibles and Accessories for our 'Five Nights at Freddy's line," said Brian Mariotti, CEO of Funko. "'Five Nights at Freddy's was our most fnaf action figure memorable expert permitting understanding and an exhibition of how we consolidate our driving plan and item capacities with our solid retail joint efforts to think up a strong product system behind a brand. In only a couple of brief years, 'Five Nights at Freddy's has developed from a non mainstream computer game to a main media establishment with standard youngster allure, and we accept Funko's product system was instrumental in the brand's prosperity."
"Five Nights at Freddy's" 5-Inch activity figures by Funko highlight five marks of explanation for both presenting and play. These activity figures of fan most loved characters from the hit computer game incorporate a form a-figure part of construct a reward activity figure when joined with every one of the figures in the set. Notwithstanding The NPD Group's acknowledgment, Funko has additionally been designated for the 2018 Toy of the Year (TOTY) Awards, including the Plush of the Year class for its Plush Line, and Collectible of the Year for its Mystery Minis line, the two of which will be declared at the current year's Toy Fair on Saturday, February 17.
 Mariotti proceeded, "As a disruptor in the business, we highly esteem having our finger on the beat of mainstream society drifts and finding energizing new happy like 'Five Nights at Freddy's'. With our driving pace to showcase abilities, we have had the option to use the strength of our in-house imaginative group to move rapidly from item plan to pre-selling in as not many as 24 hours with plans that resound with shoppers. This grant is one more demonstration of the difficult work of our energetic imaginative group and fans."
In any case, on the off chance that insane animatronics with a following issue aren't for you, we get it, yet why not head over to our Kirby rich guide? We guarantee the pink puffball is a cuddly sidekick that can protect you. We likewise have Monster Hunter Rise amiibo, Animal Crossing amiibo, and Kirby and the Forgotten Land amiibo for all you authorities out there.
What better method for showing your adoration for Freddy and co than with a FNAF rich? Without a doubt, these animatronics need to kill you, and have next to zero regard for individual limits, yet take a gander at how charming the plushies are - they merit some affection. Maybe that is all they need, some affection and consideration. Consider it. They make you one of them by stuffing you in a suit. That is love, that is.
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1kook · 3 years
commercial break ; TEN
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this is part of my netflix & chill series takes place directly after vickey & hickeys !
SUMMARY See, there’s no one in this world who ignores his house rules more than you. Even worse, there’s no one on this planet who can make Jungkook ignore his own rules like you do.  WARNING smut, kissing, unprotected sex, missionary, a love for cum/precum, mentions of hickeys, uhhh idk what else lol MISC valentines day, jk cute housewife tbh, jk being in love again u know the usual, jk clean freak  RATING m (18+) WC 1.4k
NOTES its not proofread bc im lazy but i love them... doesn't that amount to something.... YES! we move lads 
Jungkook has been living by himself for about four years now, give or take, and in that time he has come to understand the dire need for order when maintaining a home. He never understood why his mom was such a stickler for rules until he began living on his own. Those first few months had been awful, just the mere memory makes him shiver. His kitchen counters had been littered with an array of stains. His laundry basket seemed to fill up faster than usual. He never envisioned his adult life would start off with him polishing each and every inch of his hardwood floors. But because of that experience, Jungkook has finally followed in his mother’s footsteps and composed his own list of rules, eponymously titled Jeon Jungkook’s 5 Rules for a Happy Home.
He liked order and peace, liked when his coats were lined up from lightest to heaviest, when his glass plates were all stacked according to size and collection. He’s generally a neat person, prides himself in maintaining a clean personal environment. But of course, because the universe just loves him so, they repay him for all his efforts by giving him an absolute wildcard of a girlfriend. 
See, there’s no one in this world who ignores his house rules more than you. Even worse, there’s no one on this planet who can make Jungkook ignore his own rules like you do. 
The list goes like this:
1. Shoes must always come off at the door; this keeps them clean and allows the hardwood floors to retain their glossy sheen for as long as possible.
The plan is to spend Valentine’s Day at his house, watch some Netflix, maybe chill. You had been giggly the whole drive back from the store, brandishing your repaired phone screen like it was something incredible. And because Jungkook had so graciously paid for it, he is reimbursed with a flurry of kisses that have the two of you stumbling into his house. “Baby,” he pants, hand at your waist. He hears rather than sees the loud thump of your sneakers against his hardwood floor. But Jungkook has long since mastered the careful art of distracting you, and it only takes one twirl and careful push until you’re pressed against the door, his hardwood flooring saved from your outside shoes. 
Of course, you misread the action. “Are you gonna be mean to me again?” you purr, throwing your hands over his shoulders. Your breathing is a little shallow now, lips kissing against his jawline as he helps you out of your shoes. You surge forward once more, press those satin lips against his. But this time, it’s your sock-clad feet that step onto his flooring, a soft whimper falling through your lips. 
2. Return everything to where it belongs; coats should go in the closet, keys on the key rack, etc, etc. 
“Take it off,” you husk out, pushing his jacket off his shoulders, and then rather mindlessly tossing it against the base of the stairs, where it was certain to be a safety hazard. Jungkook doesn’t even have time to protest, because then your coat follows. And then your top. And then your bra. 
He’s a weak man. 
He kisses down your throat, makes sure to glide his tongue over the bruises from last night. Not because he wants to see them heal, but because they ignite this sort of possessiveness in him that has him pushing you against the wall once more, guiding your leg over his hip. “So pretty for me,” he mumbles, letting you manhandle him out of his own shirt. And when your pebbled nipples press against his chest, the blood rushes down to his nether regions. You whimper, an airy little sound that sends him to the brink of insanity.
3. Always hold the stair railing; the steps can be slippery sometimes, so it is best to be safe. 
Just as predicted, his discarded coat ends up being the safety hazard it was destined to be. One blind step backwards sends him tumbling onto his behind, the edge of another step digging painfully into his back. “Fuck,” he groans, but not at his blossoming bruise. You shimmy out of your bottoms, present him with this stringy little thong he doesn’t think he’s seen before. “C’mere, baby.”
You’re his good girl, always, so you climb onto his lap with ease, slot yourself over him where you belong. “Right here?” you ask in the soft voice, look at him with this sinful gaze that sends shivers over every inch of his body. 
“Right there,” he confirms, wrapping an arm around you, uses it to pull you flush to his chest. The other slides over the curve of your ass, along the length of your thigh. His gentle touch makes you arch against him, a soft sigh escaping through your lips. “Gonna be good for me?” Jungkook murmurs, pressing a kiss to the tops of your breasts. You nod, and he slips his hand just behind your knee, uses it as he hauls you into his arms. He can’t even see his own two feet as he stumbles up the stairs with you in his arms. 
4. Don’t slam doors or unnecessarily swing them open; you can damage the walls or the door itself. 
It’s a joint effort; you twist the doorknob and Jungkook kicks it open. It slams against the wall, but Jungkook doesn’t really care, not when you look like that sprawled over his sheets. He can’t get his pants off fast enough, eyes trained on you as you slip out of your thong. You’re already so wet, gliding your fingers through your arousal as he stumbles out of his jeans and boxers. Always a tease. 
“Open,” you murmur. It’s what he should be saying to you, hand lingering on your knee, but he does it anyway. Jungkook parts his lips and savors the sweet taste of your arousal on your fingers, sucks and licks until you’re pulling away with a whine, spreading your legs for him to slot himself in between. He has half the thought to reach for the lube in his nightstand, the warming one that you love so much. But Jungkook is desperate and impatient: he spits in his hand and calls it a day, grips his cock in one hand and gives it a harsh tug. Unexpectedly, it’s an action that impresses his audience. “Me too,” you beg, tugging at his forearm. 
And Jungkook complies. He revs up his throat and leans over you, spits in your mouth like you wanted him to. But he’s off today, not completely sane, and half of it splatters against the corner of your mouth, over your cheek. You flinch, eyes squeezing shut. A moan slips past your lips.  And then Jungkook watches in awe as your tongue peeks out, licks at the corner of your lips like you’re trying to save it from going to waste. “Oh, baby,” he groans, and it’s with that final thought that he guides himself in. 
You’re so warm, tighter than usual. He hopes it doesn’t hurt. By the sound of your cries, it doesn’t seem to. Still, despite his concern, Jungkook can’t bring himself to hold back and begins thrusting after only a couple seconds. You claw at his shoulders, probably leave bright red marks all over him. You’re exceptionally needy today, cross your ankles at the base of his neck and make it impossible for him to get too far. 
Jungkook isn’t any better. He can’t let go of you even if he tried. If he’s not holding your waist, then it’s your breasts. If not there, then it’s your throat. There’s something so sexy about you today, so needy for him. He just fucked you last night, made you cum until you cried, and yet you always want more. More and more, just like him. 
Neither of you last that long. Normally, he’d be embarrassed about that. But today, one press of his thumb against your clit has you spasming around him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your cum coats his cock. So he’s not embarrassed, mostly proud. It’s a new record. 
5. Always say I love you. 
“I love you,” he gasps, holding your leg against his chest as he follows in your stead, vision fuzzy as his orgasm overcomes him. A hand touches his abdomen, gentle and encouraging. “I love you, I love you— I wanna marry you,” he shudders, before the pleasure eventually subsides and he’s slumping over your equally tired, equally sweaty form. 
That he’s embarrassed about, hiding his face in your neck as you card your fingers through his hair. “Me too, sweet boy,” you hum, pressing your lips against his forehead. 
Jungkook isn’t sure which of those two confessions you’re addressing.
(He hopes it’s both.)
Copyright © 2021, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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hqamore · 3 years
boreal star ✵ chapter two
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kirigan wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t care for appearance and reputation. he supposed he would have to tiptoe around you until you showed your cards. until then, he’d have you play new recruit.
series genre: romance & angst
series pairing: [past?] general kirigan (the darkling/aleksander) x reader
word count: 1.7k
warning: slight suggestive theme (mentioned in passing)
note: wow. i’m absolutely astonished with the enthusiasm the first chapter had. thank you guys so much! i have two exams next week so i’m not entirely sure if i’ll be able to update. i will try my best :)
here’s the masterlist
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“here’s your room.” aleksander gestured to a room that was vaguely familiar.
brows furrowed, you turned to him. “your room is next to this one.”
his eyes rounded in mock innocence. “really? i hadn’t noticed.”
your nose crinkled in distaste as you glimpsed down the hall. “what of my old bedroom?”
“someone else is staying in there,” his arms folded across his chest. “alina starkov, the sun summoner.”
“oh? it’s to be expected, i suppose,” you bobbed your head, stepping to explore the room. “why create another staged cage when you already have one ready?”
you observed the flowers by the bedside and plucked one out to tuck it behind your ear. “you like to give your prized cattle the very best so they may feel important, no? it makes it so much easier to subdue them.”
“what? prized cattle? alina’s not— you were never—”
while he wrestled for a response, you continued to inspect the room before happening upon a locked door. “where does this door lead to?”
“my room,” aleksander cleared his throat, recovering from your accusations.
you froze, your hands twitching, before you tore away from the door. “your room?”
“my bedroom, specifically,” he clarified. in that moment, he looked like the cat that ate the canary.
“why would anyone want to have a room connected to yours?”
looking into a mirror, aleksander fixed his appearance. “well, i assume these rooms were designed with my future lover in mind,” he replied.
bitterness rang throughout your body as you barked out a laugh. “your lover? to think you wouldn’t jump at the chance to house your precious sun summoner here. what? was there a snag in your plan to seduce her? a boyfriend back home?”
at his silent admission, your jaw dropped. then, genuine laughter erupted from you, causing you to lean on the bedpost. your knees nearly gave in until you saw his glare. you took deep breaths and tried to stifle your amusement behind your hand.
“i’m sorry. it’s rude to laugh,” you surrendered. while your giggles subdued, he remained silent. aleksander’s reflection was eerily still, his eyes far away from reality. when you stepped towards him, he broke from his stupor and made for the door.
“rest up. you have a full day ahead of you tomorrow.” he began closing the door when he paused just before it shut. “goodnight, [y/n].”
well, that was odd.
with the sun high in the sky, aleksander walked with you to the training grounds.
“do all new recruits get escorted by you or is this arrangement special?” you walked beside him with your hands linked in front of you. you sported your new deep blue kefta with white detailing.
“i can’t risk you disrupting alina’s training with your spitefulness. whatever i may or may not be planning for her, she’s still ravka’s only hope of banishing the fold,” he said. “my accompanying you is a precaution as well as your formal introduction to the second army.”
as you approached your destination, you spotted multiple grisha huddled in a ring. two of them were fighting in the middle.
“you teach them physical combat now?”
“you’d be surprised how often we lose grisha to drüskelle because they’ve tied their hands. they cannot always rely on their powers,” he droned.
off to the side, you spotted a burly man. “you have a shu training them?”
aleksander looked down at you, “he used to be a mercenary. i think you’ll find him adequate.”
“i think you’ll find i’m already above your training,” you whispered as everyone turned their attention to you or, rather, aleksander.
the shu made his way over and bowed, “general kirigan, i had no idea you would be joining us today.”
you see a girl peek her head out from the corner of your eye, her face lighting up at the darkling’s entrance.
alina starkov. i see she already holds some sort of affection for him.
the general raised his hand, “please, botkin. i am only here to introduce everyone to our newest member, [y/n]. they’re a gravity summoner.”
at the sound of your name, you reverted your attention to the crowd and gave a small smile. placing a hand on the small of your back, aleksander guided you to the center. 
“actually, i was hoping you could evaluate their combat skills.”
you whipped your head around, staring at him incredulously. he didn’t change his diplomatic smile when he met your eyes.
“that is no problem, general.” botkin faced you and gestured to the crowd. “please, choose your opponent.”
your eyes scanned the crowd before you smirked inwardly. “if it’s no trouble to the general, i would like to fight him,” you requested. “i’ve only ever heard how powerful general kirigan is and, well, if he is the standard…”
the grisha around you looked at you as if you were insane. you peeked through your lashes at aleksander whose eye was ever so slightly twitching. before botkin could voice his disapproval, aleksander shrugged his kefta off.
“why not? i can’t remember the last time someone challenged me so bravely.”
you grinned as you threw off your own kefta. out of the corner of your eye, you saw the sun summoner pushing her way into the circle with a dazzled look. botkin warily lifted his hand. “no using your powers. only your fists and wits.”
you nodded and took an offensive position. botkin threw his hand down, “fight!”
you dropped down, doing a low spinning kick, and swept aleksander off his feet. he landed on his back with shock evident on his face. you then pressed your knee onto his diaphragm and gripped his sleeve. grinning, you gave him a cheeky smile.
“i don’t think i’ve ever had you on your back,” you said in a hushed voice.
with annoyance written on his face, he grabbed the lapel of your shirt and pulled you off him. he trapped your arms by your sides as he straddled you.
“because you always liked it when i was in control,” he smirked as you rolled your eyes. you thrusted your left hip up, effectively throwing him off balance and freeing you. you both scrambled to stand. aleksander crept closer to you and threw a punch. before his fist made contact, you blocked it and gripped his arm. you threw him over your shoulder and stepped on his shoulder joint. he groaned under the pressure when you leaned down.
“it’s a good thing i came to my senses then,” you said. “yield.”
he narrowed his eyes before you shifted your weight onto your foot. with the discomfort and pain rising, he quickly tapped your calf. you moved off him and offered a hand. he begrudgingly took it, allowing you to pull him up. the grisha stared with open mouths. you sheepishly smiled and hurriedly put your hands behind your back.
“i apologize, general kirigan. it seems i didn’t know my own strength,” you said in deceiving shyness.
he smiled tensely and slipped his kefta back on. “no, i am glad you are so advanced. it makes it all the more assuring that you are with us for the war effort.”
you bowed your head and brushed the dirt off your kefta, shrugging it back on. without another word, he left, alina following in his wake.
botkin clapped his hand on your shoulder. “you are an impressive fighter. where did you learn?”
“shu han. i lived there until hearing about the sun summoner.”
the man looked surprised before nodding. “your fighting style did appear familiar.” after that, he left you to be greeted by the others.
they were mostly friendly, some talking nonstop about how you defeated general kirigan. you just brushed it off as him going easy on a new recruit. you noticed another girl, a squaller judging by her kefta, glaring at you before stalking off.
“don’t worry about her,” a voice said. you turned to see none other than alina starkov herself. “apparently, she hates anyone that’s a threat to her spot as general kirigan’s favorite.”
“she must be delusional because there was nothing about that interaction that hinted at favoritism,” you snorted as you held a hand out. “[y/n].”
“i heard. i’m alina starkov.” she shook your hand with a bright smile. “it’s nice not to be the only new person.”
you returned her smile, “it all does feel rather isolating, doesn’t it?”
she laughed and nodded. “my friend, mal, and i never really liked grisha. they acted like they were the elite.”
ah, is mal the boyfriend?
“if i’m honest, i don’t like them either. i actually ran from ravka when i found out i was grisha,” you said honestly. “i guess i couldn’t run far enough.”
her eyebrows lifted, “oh? where did you run?”
“shu han. a nice place once the villagers get to know you.”
she tilted her head with confusion etching her face. “don’t they, you know, kill grisha?”
you scrunched your nose, “not as much on the outskirts. but, it gave me more reasons to hide my powers.”
“does that mean you’ll have to take lessons with baghra too?”
your shoulders tensed at the mention of the older grisha. you put on a grimacing smile, “i suppose so.”
oh, baghra’s going to kill me when she sees me.
with knowing eyes, alina grabbed your hands. “don’t worry. she’s a bit mean, but she does help you control your powers. 100% success rate, i hear.”
you nodded, patting alina’s hands, before withdrawing yours to your sides.
“alina!” two girls called. they waved their hands to usher her over.
alina looked at you apologetically. “sorry, i’ve got to go. lessons with baghra, actually.”
you sent her off with a wave. “it’s fine. it’s not like we won’t see each other again.”
she grinned, “right. i’d really like to be your friend, [y/n].”
you couldn’t help but soften at her words. “we already are, alina.”
her grin grew wider before she departed with her other friends, leaving you with your thoughts.
so full of life, that one. no wonder aleksander’s drawn to her. the brighter the light, the darker the shadows. let’s just hope he doesn’t snuff her out.
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taglist: @kykymyeon @shelivesindaydreamswme @blackbirddaredevil23 @amortentiaaaa @safetyhtom @savannah-elliott​
continue to chapter three? yes
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