#this was originally VERY different and came from a thought i had while walking today
"The Bark Is Worse Than The Bite" (Furblyg Angst)
[Nick's hanging with Abi at his house and all of a sudden she goes pale and shies away from him.] Nick: "Hey, your demeanor changed. What's wrong?" And that's when he feels it. Them. The all-too-familiar, ugly teeth of those awful creatures infiltrated his mouth yet again. Tearing into his leg wasn't enough for them the first time, and now they continuously invade and slowly make what's his theirs during these monthly "events". Nick: "Sorry...it was careless to try to see you today. You should go before it gets worse. It's not even sunset yet though, so I don't get why this is happening now...you shouldn't see me like-" Abi, quietly but assertive: "Like what, Nick? This is nothing new to me- to us. It's almost been a year. Plus..." Nick: "Plus what...?" Abi: "...plus your eyes have been yellow for awhile, the teeth are just what caught me off guard." Nick instinctively reached up to touch his face as if that would confirm his fears. Claws, that he didn't know were there, ever so slightly grazed his cheeks, causing him to recoil in disgust.
Nick, now frantic: "Abi...how have you managed to stay here this long with me? For Christ's sake, how are you even ok with being next to me right now? I did notice you gradually move away though, and I really can't blame you. But why didn't you tell me sooner...? You shouldn't be here, and it has to be getting worse- I literally didn't even realize I had already-" Abi, doing her best to pacify Nick's and her own distrust: "Well, your eyes still hold some of you. Yes, they're no longer the comforting and safe brown-almost-black I find myself staring at for far too long, but I can still somewhat see that kindness- your kindness- in them, even now. But..." Nick, skeptical: "But...?" Abi, gradually losing any confidence she had: "Your mouth- your words- aren't as kind as your eyes when you're...'here but not here', so any change there reminds me of that night. Your teeth are sharp and scary and that awful, searing pain arises every time I see them again. What you said at the pool house hurt worse than being thrown, to be brutally honest. And like...you're still you right now, but I...I don't want to be hurt again like that, Nick." Nick, somber: "...I think one of the most fucked up parts of this whole "condition" is that I don't even really remember that night. Or the month's that followed. Or the next one's. And I'm not going to remember whatever happens tonight, either. The cruelest part, though, is that you have to."
The two of them are quiet for a few minutes before Nick finally speaks up.
Nick: "Sometimes...I wonder which of us is really cursed. I'm sorry, Abi."
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quaintii · 1 year
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A/N: the strip club scene from the movie, "Alice" and my dirty fantasies made me write this. I stood up for 4 hours revising this over and over so if there's mistakes, pls comment 😭 Hella long too 😭 word count is prob 4k?
Contents and warnings: breeding kink, hair pulling, choking, spanking, blackmail, remote-controlled vibrator, workplace setting, very very filthy smut <3
HEADER CREDITS ARE @mmadeinheavenn
Summary: You worked as a secretary to your CEO for a couple of months now and he was very cold to you and everyone else. You have a secret: you work as a stripper in a prestigious strip club.
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You work at Alchemax main building, you're a main secretary for Miguel O'Hara, the CEO in charge. You always greet him with a happy energy every morning, though he doesn't bother to return it back. You find him very cold. You try refusing that you didn't want to take a bite out of him or for him to break you because of his tone and stern glare whenever his eyes would meet yours. The tension between you two was thick. But you ignored it. You still kept your composure whatsoever whenever you would glance at him being furious, he would lash out his anger back at you whenever a meeting didn't go through. Deep down, you enjoyed the degradation, rushing hot blood to your cunt, pulsing."Ms. L/N, seriously you have to keep up with the latest specific studies, you can't keep coming in here turning in reports that were beyond due! Are you sure you're staying focused on this job, Ms? I will have to fire you if you dare make me lose another opportunity for growth of this company." He said with an angry sigh. "Sorry, Mr. O'Hara, I've just been busy with personal issues lately and I don't mean to push aside my work, ever! I'll make sure to meet your expectations next time." You say with confidence. "Okay, one last try. Or you're fired. Get out of my office."
He said while keeping his eyes on his computer. You nod and excuse yourself, walking towards the door, he turns his eyes to your body. Eyeing you up and down. He once again sighed angrily. He wanted you badly even since you first walked through that door. He would jerk himself in the middle of the night, wanting to thrust inside your pretty cunt til you were cock-drunk. Wanting to feel your hot walls wrapping around his cock, sucking him in like a vacuum. Begging for more. He couldn't stop thinking of you. On the other hand, you still push through his grumpy side, just for the money. Besides working this job, you have a small side hustle to gain more money. You wouldn't say you're greedy, you're just meeting your own needs. You thought to yourself if you possibly had an exhibitionism kink…probably.
At midnight, you work at a high prestige strip club, teasing men with your lascivious body. You wore almost nude outfits, begging to be ripped off your brown skin. Tonight you were by far exhausted from the calculations from work, and working as a stripper helped you ease down. You would keep your identity hidden with a wig and do your makeup a different way. You placed on your blonde wig in the dressing room, you wore some black and red lingerie that was decorated with soft silky satin finishes. It was completely exposing, besides your nipples - which had nipple covers on them, hearts to be exact. One of your companions on stage came up to you, "Hey girl, guess who we have today?" "What? Those musty middle-aged men again?" You laugh off. "No..we have a vip here. He seems really hot." She giggled. "Penny, you know that VIPs wear masks right? How could one be hot while wearing a masquerade mask? I'm pretty sure you're just bluffing, don't be a tease, babe." You said while sighing. "Whatever you say, just giving a heads up that I'm going to take him tonight." She said with a squeal.
You were waiting in line for your turn to perform, though things changed as your boss said you had a pole stage all to yourself. "You're one of my favorites and I think you'll lure in the VIP, this is very big for this company, so do well." He said and walked off. Only the best could perform on this stage, as a teen you practiced a lot of flexibility and dancing. Who would've known it'd taken you here, at this moment. As you walk past the curtains, you lean by the walls, posing yourself. You walk slowly to the spotlight by the pole and do some spins and a split, opening your legs to your clothed cunt towards the audience.
Lots of woahs echo in your ears, afterall you were the best one here. You tried to remember what the chick from earlier said, you kept trying to find a man with a masquerade mask but you couldn't. Until you faced your eyes towards the low, lighted bar. He was focusing on your body and face. You sneakily changed your position to face him, swaying your hips to the song, seductively going lower and lower. You raise yourself by your legs hanging on the pole, doing some twists. The man takes a sip of some alcohol then signaling you to come towards where he was. You finished off your show and a lot of groans were heard. As you approached the man in the mask, everyone's eyes were on you. You finally see this man's figure and he was towering. You almost stumbled back because he seemed so frightening. He grabbed your wrist harshly and headed towards the vip lounge rooms. To the last row at the very end is where you were taken. "Quítate la ropa," he said with a grating tone. (Take off your clothes.)
You disobeyed him as it did seem too fast for you, so you did a little teasing. You faced your ass upfront to his crotch. Straddling him slowly with your hips. You heard light groans but nothing more than that. You figured out a way for him to get more pleased. You started giving him a lap dance. Moving your ass upfront to his face. Arching your back on the table that you laid on top. You would move your hips to the side, still teasing, but you stopped as soon as you heard a rough voice whispering in your ear, "No me hagas eso muñeca, yo no la haría si era tu. Quiero ver tu coño." (Don't do that to me doll, I wouldn't do that if I were you. I want to see your cunt.) He said while nibbling your ear. Shivers were sent down to your spine, doing so, you removed your panties and spread your legs at him. "Feliz?" (Happy?) You said in a low tone. "No, quiero que volteretas tu coño y culo a mi, corazón." (No, I want you to turn around and face your pussy and ass towards me, love.) He said with a grinning smile.
Those nicknames drove you wet to your core a bit, so you decided to push his limit. "Y que me pasó si no lo hago casó?" (And what will happen if I don't listen?) You said giggling. You suddenly gasp as you keep his bodyweight laying down on yours onto the satin sofa, feeling his crotch, a huge bulge against your ass. "No te va gustar mucho, amor." He rubbed his hips against yourself, you pushing your ass to his hips, hoping to relieve some friction on your cunt. He moved himself and slapped your ass harshly. You yelp out a moan. "¿Quién te dijo que puedes hacer eso? Yo soy quien mando, cariño. Te gusta eso?" (Who said you could do that? I'm the one in charge here, love. You like that?) He said while snickering softly.
You turn your head around and nod slowly. You bite your swollen lip, your cunt now dripping in slicked wetness. The mysterious man then placed a finger, moving them to your clit. You moan in relief. "F-fuck, please fuck me sir, please…" "Look how wet you are for me..you're such a dirty slut." He said while landing another slap on your ass, making you jerk forward and whimper. "Turn around for me." You do as he said, biting your lips, hoping for something exciting. That is until you notice his mask is off, and your blood runs cold. Your face burns up with embarrassment and you covered your cunt with your hands. "Mr.O'Hara, I didn't know it was you, how did you even find me here, I-i." He placed a finger on your lips, quickly shutting you up. "I know everything about you. Here, take this and wear it tomorrow for the presentation. If you don't, I'll have to fire you for moral turpitude. Looking like dirty, fucking, slut at night and working at my office in day like a good girl." He said, whispering into your ears.
His hot breath and voice once again sparked fire down your core. He quickly left you alone in the lounge room, leaving you to your own rapid thoughts. You couldn't stop hyperventilating from what just happened, you can't afford to get fired! Your whole record would be ruined for doing something so indecent. You couldn't hate yourself more than right now. Round the corner, a red box catches your eyes. You proceed to open it and it's a remote controlled vibrator, though the remote, you assumed, he had. You placed the pieces together and realized you had to wear this to the next presentation meeting. You couldn't let your record get ruined, let alone knowing your boss telling others of what you do at night. You had to face it and put up with it.
The next day, you kept staring at the vibrator. You were nervous, sweat droplets spreading across your face. What if it falls off during the presentation? What if someone could hear the vibrations? You kept wondering about so many endless scenarios about the 'What if.' You took a deep sigh and placed it in your cunt. It was cold against your warm pussy. It felt quite uncomfortable. As you walked to Mr. O'Hara's office, you couldn't gather the courage to even knock on his door nor look at his face after last night. But you did so anyway. "Here are the reports for today, Mr. O'Hara. I made sure they're all good for the presentation soon." You said timidly. "Perfect, thank you Ms. L/N, I hope you remember what I told you last night. Let's see how well you do today, if you fail I'll just have to fire you." He said with a cold tone but with a hint of amusement. You audibly gasped and faced him. His eyes already magnetized onto yours, eyeing you up and down.
You felt yourself getting aroused again, his sculpted features drew you in further. Your mind brings back how his crotch felt against your hips, he was rock hard and it felt heavenly. "I-I made s-sure of that, Mr. O'Hara." You kept stumbling over your words, causing you to scream inside. "Great, you can head out now." He said while grinning. Still eyeing you. You excuse yourself and quickly get out of there, you felt like there was no air in your lungs, you placed your palms on your face wondering how bad this could possibly go. You cursed under your breath.
The presentation was starting, Mr. O'Hara was doing the first couple of slides then you had the rest to yourself. Unfortunately, the presentation was 10 slides long. Many prestigious men entered the room, greeting one another. You sit by Mr. O'Hara's chair, his chair being right in the middle in the very back, facing the board. About 20 minutes pass, and it's your turn to present. "Welcome to Alchemax, I would like to provide you guys with an amazing proposal that would benefit both sides of our companies." You said while switching your eyes with the representatives and Miguel. You see something shift in his suit, and you jolt as you feel the vibrations on. You almost stumble on the floor by the unexpected vibrations. "Sorry about that, probably something I ate this morning. Stomach ache!" You say trying to brush off your jolting. You start with your first slide, glaring at Miguel whenever he would turn on and off the vibrating.
Your cunt was dripping wet. You wanted more vibrations even if you were to embarrass yourself right now and risk your job. You tried your best to pay no attention to how Miguel's eyes would light up dark red, giving you an erotic stare. As if he was unclothing you with his eyes. Watching you break all over something small, he wondered how badly you'd break around his cock, using your body like a a slut you are. As you kept speaking, the vibrations kept increasing which caused you to stutter multiple times. "Excuse me miss, is something ok?" Asked a representative. "Oh I'm sure it's just nothing, don't worry." You smile softly. You then glare at Miguel, for embarrassing you during your big project. But deep down, you enjoyed it. You coughed and continued your presentation. The vibrator started fastening more, your clit becoming sensitive as time went by. It felt like the slided wouldn't come to an end, you felt wobbly to your knees.
You tried your best to not fall and keep your professional composure. Small tears streaked down your cheeks, you had hoped they were unnoticed. You felt like coming until it finally stopped. You let out a small growl, staring at Miguel in dissatisfaction. You were finally done with your presentation which felt like ages. The moment you sat down, Miguel increased it to it's highest speed. You jolted, your nerves and blood rushing through your system. You let out a stifled moan, and proceeded to play it out as a cough. Now that you're sitting, the vibrator is hitting your clit even harder. You felt like the pleasure was going to leave you unconscious because it just felt so good. You had half-lidded eyes looking at Miguel, begging for him to stop but he just smirked at you. You bit the inside of your cheeks, drawing out blood, you kept holding in your moans and breathing heavily.
You felt like your eyes were rolling back to your head. You just rested your head on the chair's head support. Your throat felt like it was about to let out a loud moan and you choked on your saliva. You couldn't hold it in anymore, so you hurriedly left the room and ran to the bathroom. Miguel still kept the vibrator on it's highest setting which made you stumble on the way onto the floor the moment you made it to the bathroom. You placed your arms on the sink, holding yourself up as you felt your cunt pulsing and spasming around the device, finally letting out your moans. Your legs were wobbly and you finally came.
Your breathing became unstable-like, you tried your best to regulate it back. You started at yourself in the mirror, how could you do something so foolish and be caught up in this situation? You pulled off the device and flushed it down the toilet. You finally thought it was over and you could keep your job. That is until you open the door, Miguel immediately barging in and grabbing your waist towards his chest. He closed the door behind him. "God you should've seen how you looked squirming, princess. You looked adorable, you're such a good girl y'know? You should be rewarded." "Miguel, please let this be over…" You gave out more moans as he massaged your breasts. "Todavía no, cariño. Te quiero conmigo, quiero usar tu cuerpo y saber tu precioso coño.." (Not yet love, I want to be with you, use your body and taste your pretty pussy.)
He gruffed as he sucked onto your neck. "Mhmmf.. M-miguel, please…" You whimpered out. "Be a good slut for me, do that for me." He grabbed a hold of your throat, lifting towards his face. His eyes lit up with lust. Your brain was starting to fog up. "Si..Miguel..mmhgfm fuck, please fuck me Miguel." You say with a strained voice as his fingers grip your throat tighter. "Tenga cuidado con lo que pides, amor. Porque ya no puedo detenerme más." (Be careful with what you ask for, love. Because I would be able to hold myself back anymore.) You jumped and wrapped you legs around his waist and hips, his arms holding you up as you wrap your hands around his neck.
The both of you kiss hungrily each other, as if your life depended on it. Both of your lips finally left go to breathe. You stare at his lips and eyes with your lust filled, low lidded eyes. "Miguel, put your cock inside of me, p-please.." You whimper and suck on his neck. He leans his head back and he groans which makes your cunt pulse. "Sé una buena chica para mí, cariño. Quiero que me la chupes. Dios, tengo tantas ganas de cogerte ahora mismo. Mira lo que me haces muñeca.." (Be a good girl for me, baby. I want you to blow me. God, I want to fuck you so bad right now. Look what you do to me doll…) You obey and go on your knees. You lower his zipper and his boxers.
His cock springs out, the base is dark brown while his tip is a pinkish brown. It was leaking with pre-cum, begging to be sucked on. You kitten-licked the tip - teasingly by giving it small kisses on the head. Miguel looks down at you, he could barely control himself to the point he wants to throat fuck you til you can't breathe. You then take half of him in your warm mouth, swirling your tongue around his length. He grabs ahold of your head and leans back on a wall, keeping himself standing. "Mierda.. tu boca.." (Fuck.. your mouth.) He cursed under his breath. You hollow your cheeks and you take more of him as your throat relaxes. He reluctantly bucked his hips, causing you to choke. You loved how his cock tasted, how it felt full in your mouth. You started fastening and Miguel lost full control.
He grabbed your hair and bucked his hips harshly. Hid hips spasming."F-fuck your mouth feels like heaven, amor. Fuck you're taking me so well…such a dirty slut." He moaned. You looked up at him with teary eyes, the sound of sucking echoed. You were squirming and pressuring your thighs together. When you moaned, he loved how tight your throat would get. You felt that he was about to come so you hollow your cheeks even more. He looked down at you, and he finally pumped his semen down your throat, it felt hot and bittersweet. You finally detach your mouth from his dick but licking all of him clean.
It caused something in Miguel to completely break. He grabbed you up and removed your skirt and panties. He bent your back, you arched it even further as he slapped your ass harshly, making you jerk forward. He placed you In Front of a tall mirror. "I want you to look how I fuck you..how good I fucking make you feel. No one will ever make you feel this good. Your pussy is fucking mine." He says while biting on your shoulders with his fangs. He removed all of his clothes and removed your top. "Look at your fucking tits, all of me. Mierda..." He drew out blood and sucked it dry. He lines up his dick In Front of your cunt, teasing it. You couldn't wait anymore, you were too desperate for him to pound you without mercy. Making a complete mess of you til you couldn't walk.
He pinched your perked nipples, making you shiver and bite down on your swollen lip. You look at the mirror, he keeps eyeing you, he would never remove his eyes off of your body. He slapped your ass and moved his mouth to your breasts. Sucked them like it was the last time with you. You let out loud moans."M-miguel please, I want your fucking cock inside of me..please I want you inside of me so bad. P-please..f-fuck." You whimper. He smirked devilishly. "Where do you want me, cariño.." He huffed out. "Inside of my fucking pu-." You were interrupted as he slams his cock inside of you, keeping a steady pace, your throat chokes continuously on your moans, it felt so fucking good. All of the air in your lungs left, you felt him touching your insides. Your cunt pulsing and squeezing him while he pulled out and thrusted into you even harder. You placed your hands onto the mirror, gasping and moaning.
Chanting Miguel's name incoherently like a prayer. You wanted him to ruin you, you wanted to be his cum dumpster. "F-fuck mmhfm m-miguel please stop..s'too much. Fuck..aughmmhffm…" You moaned out in gasps. "Look how slutty you look, taking in my cock so good like a good slut. Such a good girl, your pussy keeps sucking me in princessa..f-fuck.." He moans. He grabs your throat, making you face yourself In Front of the mirror. Your mouth was agape, eyes rolled back to your skull, making erotic sounds that caused Miguel's cock to harden even more. Both of your bodies were sweating and heaving, making the room atmosphere thicken. You were so cock-drunk, your brain couldn't form coherent thoughts, let alone words.
The only thing you could think was his dick inside of you, deep. You arched your back even more, allowing him to dig deeper inside of your warm pussy. You felt like you were going to fucking collapse by the amazing pleasure. That was until he pulled out. "F-fuck.. I want everyone to see what a dirty slut you are." He huffed and kissed you hard. "M-miguel, what if someone sees us." You said with a worried tone. "Don't you like that? Don't you like to be seen being fucked by me, all inside your pussy, amor?" You nod and whimper. "Y-yes Miguel.." He opens the bathroom door and heads to his office, gathering all the clothes and placing them on his couch. Fortunately, no one was on the floor. He grabs you by the throat, gripping it harder. He slammed your body onto the desk, causing paperwork to fall but you couldn't care less now. Your face and tits were planted on the cold desk, sending shivers down your spine.
Miguel pulled your hips upward, making you arch. He used his fingers to separate your lips and see your glistening cunt. He inserted his fingers inside your pussy and you moaned. He took them out to taste them and he almost came from it alone. You tasted so sweet, like a forbidden fruit. Your pussy pulsated and clenched around nothing, begging for some attention. "Miguel I want your cock inside of me again, please.." You whimpered. "Be a good girl and wait." He licked your pussy up and down and rubbed your clit. You stretch your neck, feeling so good and moaning that your voice was so strained. He slaps your pussy, making you jolt forward. He then grabs you by the waist and pushed your body against the sky high windows. "I want everyone to see how good I'm fucking you..you like that don't you?" He said while smirking. "Y-yes Miguel please fuck my dirty pussy already. Fuck me til I can't breathe." You groaned.
He slammed into your cunt once again, suddenly making you let out a loud strained moan. You kept cursing and yelling his name. Your moans would only get louder as he rubbed his thumbs up and down on your clit, pressing on it hard. His other hand pinched your nipples while his mouth landed on your neck. Your back arched back to his chest, causing him to reach your soft, squishy walls that you thought were unreachable. You could barely control your body's weight. Miguel grabbed both of your hips and bent your back even more. Your face against the window causes it to fog up. His cock slammed harder inside of you, deeper. His claws deepened on your hips. He slammed up into you at a much faster pace than before, hitting all the places he knew you loved. “Eres mia... Mia y mia solo,” (You're mine, mine and mine only.) Miguel whispered into your ear before kissing the skin below it.
His voice had lost its cold underlining, whining out as his hips stuttered. Miguel's hips rocked still before he let out a soft sigh, his cum painted your walls perfectly. You writhed under his large body, riding your own orgasm as he continued to rub your clit. Coming down to a stop you sighed as your body shook at the intensity. "You're my little cum slut, aren't you? Yeah you like it when I fill your pussy up with my cum don't you?" Miguel slowly pulled out, shoving his fingers into me immediately, making my back arch. He pumped his cum back inside of my pussy. You collapse from overstimulation. You wake up a few hours later on a soft bed. An arm wraps around you. You felt warm and cared for. You look up and see Miguel sleeping. He looked beautiful. You want something to happen between the two of you and hopefully become a couple. You moved closer to him and placed a kiss on his cheek and he suddenly placed one on your forehead.
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hanafubukki · 8 months
I laughted so hard 😭 "Please don't-" The sky is blue, the birds singing, your two soon-to-be husband are dressed for the occasion as you walk through the castle hall Meleanor and Levan accorded you for the ocassion. Not many people are here, but things are sure lively. Everyone is ready, except for the wedding officer, who is nowhere to be found. Levan too seems totaly unaware of his wife location, but he suppose she was with their egg and didn't see the time pass.
Then. A motherf*cking dragon blow up the walls, takes you in his mouth, and fly away as quickly as she came, leaving you, your two signnificant others, her own husband, and the whole hall totally speechless. Now, here start the epic adventure to take back the bride-
And here is the origins of the legend of a dragon stealing brides from their husbands in Briar Valley that spread for centuries in other countries....
- 🦋 Anon
[Masterlist; specifically talking about this Ficlet]
Hello 🦋Anonie,
I’m glad I was able to meet my goal and make some of you laugh with that. Meleanor being chaotic fun like her son is something I enjoy, especially if it makes Lilia’s life that much more…interesting lolol
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Now let’s weave a tale, or rather, a legend that becomes widely known. A legend about a bride being stolen by a dragon on her wedding day from her two grooms.
This story starts as all stories do:
Once Upon a Time, in the Kingdom of Briar Valley…
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It was your wedding day, you were almost fully dressed. The last few pieces of your outfit were supposed to be placed by Meleanor, as per tradition.
But there lies the problem, said Queen never showed up. You had one of the maids summon the King, only for him not to know where his wife is. He was busy with the grooms and had assumed his Queen was with you or with their egg.
He had assured you that he would find his Queen before leaving. You sighed and waited, thinking about the wedding. It was a beautiful day. Clear skies, birds singing, and precious loved ones were attending your wedding. So where did the Queen go?
As one of Dawn's birds and Lilia's bats came to comfort you, a stray thought came to mind, of the Queen's joke from years ago.
You had a very bad feeling about this...
...and as if the universe wanted to prove you right, the wall behind you blew wide open.
Like mother like son, you couldn't help but think as you stared at Meleanor's dragon form. Her dragon form was beautiful, you just wished you saw it during different circumstances.
"Please don't damage the dress."
The dragon smirked at you, before grabbing you in her claws and flying away with you.
You dangled in her claws. What was the point in struggling? It's not like you can free yourself and you doubt she would ever drop you. So might as well enjoy whatever this is while waiting for answers.
The venue for your wedding was beautiful, you noticed during your flight. You hoped you could get married in it today, or sometime soon.
Ah, there was Lilia.
You waved at him as he frustratingly yelled at his sister as she paused in her flight away to give him a draconic smirk, even swinging you slightly as if to mock him. Your Knight of Dawn was right next to him, startled and astonished. Levan was on the other side of Lilia, rubbing his forehead, you kind of felt bad for him.
Meleanor roared in laughter before speeding away, at least her claws hid your wedding dress from your grooms-to-be.
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You were plopped down gently in a field of flowers before Meleanor returned to her humanoid form.
"Dare I ask?"
"I wanted to mess with Lilia a bit more."
"I figured as much. Now, what’s the plan?"
"Now, I help you get ready for your wedding."
You stared at her confused, everything was already ready back at the castle.
Meleanor donned a haughty smile, "I felt a change of venue was needed. This place is so much better, don't worry, I already gave the orders for everything to be set up here. The one you saw before was just an illusion."
She then led you away to an area magicked to be your bridal room, where the final touches of your outfit will be done.
As you followed her, you couldn't help but agree. This meadow was beautiful, the perfect place for a wedding.
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Meleanor, officiating the wedding: "Are you sure you want to marry him? He's such a brat. One time when he was 150 years old-”
Lilia, the groom: "Meleanor, I swear..."
YN & Dawn, the bride and other groom respectively: *stifling their laughter*
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bunniekittiee · 5 months
Cheater, Cheater, Raiden’s Eager
Pairings: Kung Lao x Fem. Reader, Raiden x Fem. Reader
A/N: Bi-Han won the poll, but I just could not stop myself from writing Kung Lao's fic. Shout out to @engie-main for giving me ideas on how I could approach this! You were a huge help! If some parts are poorly written or don’t make much sense, I apologize. I was in multiple different states of mind while writing this so it affected my writing too. I also suck at writing endings lol. But Happy New Year everyone! First fic of the year!!
Content Warning: A little angsty, cheating, physical cheating, NSFW, making out, oral (69)
Summary: Kung Lao has secretly been cheating behind his girlfriend’s back. After being exposed by Fujin, Y/N ends things for good. Raiden begins to fall for her, but his conflicts with Lao make them more estranged.
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No one would have ever thought it would come to this. They seemed like they were endgame, enough to get married, have children, grow old together. At least, that is what Y/N thought. She never thought he would have done what he did. And she did not want to find out this way. It devastated her.
It was a group outing. Liu Kang wanted his champions to get together for a special dinner at Madame Bo's. Fujin, Raiden's sister, helped Y/N get ready for the date, as well as herself. They were the closest of friends, just like Raiden and Kung Lao. She introduced Kung Lao to Y/N originally, and the two hit it off from there.
She was happy to know that her best friend had found someone who loved and adored her, even if it was ill-mannered Kung Lao. He did have good attributes, she guessed. But Kung Lao was never her first pick for her best friend.
Raiden was used to having Y/N over often because of their friendship. He thought she was very pretty, maybe a little too good for Lao, but nonetheless he was happy for his best friend as well.
"Raiden!" Fujin yelled out of her room as she helped Y/N curl her hair. "Ten more minutes!"
Raiden sighed. He had been waiting for them to finish for over thirty minutes now. "We are going to be late."
Fujin peeked her head out of the room and glared at her brother. "Excuse me?"
Raiden looked away. "Nothing, sister."
"That's what I thought." she replied with her eyes narrowed, returning back to helping her best friend. Y/N giggled as Fujin smiled wide. She was quite the character.
They had finished up and left the room, making Raiden let out a small sigh. "I see that you are both finally ready."
Y/N smiled at Raiden while Fujin rolled her eyes. "Stop with the sassiness, I can't deal with it today."
Raiden raised a brow while he opened the front door for the two women. "Sassiness? I'm not anything."
"There you go again!" Fujin exclaimed as Y/N laughed. They interlocked arms together and talked on their way to Madame Bo's. Lao was going to meet them there with Johnny and Kenshi. She was excited to see her boyfriend. It had been some time since they had went out on a date, especially a group date.
After a few minutes of walking, they had arrived at Madame Bo's. It was quite busy, but as they scanned the room, they saw that the men were sitting at one of the bigger tables in the middle of the restaurant. Perfect.
Raiden led them to the table, and they sat in their respective spots, Y/N next to Kung Lao and Fujin sitting between Raiden and Y/N. Johnny tried to flirt with Fujin for a minute before she shut him down quickly. Raiden almost felt bad for the actor, but Kenshi thought it was hilarious.
Liu Kang arrived last, but he was very happy. When was he not? "I am happy to see that everyone made it tonight."
"A night out at Madame Bo's? We couldn’t turn that down." Lao said with a smirk. "Raiden's paying."
Raiden raised a brow. "I never said that."
"Raiden told me the same thing too." Fujin said with a wink while Raiden looked offended.
Liu chuckled. "I guess we will have to find out at the end of the night. Now let us begin dinner!"
A waitress came by and took everyone's drink orders. But not before she locked eyes with Kung Lao and almost looked nervous. Fujin noticed this, and she narrowed her eyes slightly. She did not want to say anything, maybe it was just a reaction the girl had to a table almost completely full of men. But why specifically Kung Lao?
Y/N was too caught up in Lao tickling her side to notice this, but Fujin brushed it off. She told herself to be on the lookout. For her best friend. Johnny had dared Raiden to electrocute the water tank full of fish near them which horrified him, but Liu thought it was funny. There was never a dull moment with his champions.
The drinks came to the table, the same waitress handing them out. When handing Lao's drink, she settled her hand on his shoulder before quickly pulling it away. This caught Y/N's attention.
"Do you know her?" She asked him, confusion written on her face.
"Yeah, she's my cousin." Lao said with his mouth full of an appetizer. "I thought I told you that?"
"No, you didn't." she replied back. She was never the jealous type of person, but she didn't like him keeping secrets from her. They were a team, what was the point of secrets? She told him everything. Ignoring the little splinters that went into her heart, Y/N continued munching on her food. Fujin had a bad feeling in her stomach. But she did not want to say anything. Maybe it was her mind playing tricks. She hoped it was.
Taking the last order, the waitress went back to the kitchen to get the chefs started on the orders. It would take a little bit of time, and Fujin felt nauseated. She excused herself to the bathroom where the same waitress caught her arm as soon as she was away from the table.
"Excuse me, how can I help you?" Fujin asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
The waitress chewed on her lip. "I must confess something as I do not know how to approach it."
Fujin's stomach did a somersault. "What is it?"
"Kung Lao and I have had relations with each other for the past six months." She said as Fujin's eyes widened. "He never told me he had a relationship. He never told me anything about her, and I feel so guilty knowing that she doesn’t know."
Fujin was beyond angry. Not at the woman, at Lao. He had betrayed her best friend. "I... I am at a little loss for words.”
The waitress nodded her head. “I understand. I think she needs to know. She is worth so much more than a cheating man.”
Fujin huffed. “She is. If I had known he would’ve did this to her, I would have never let him around her.”
"I am really sorry. If I had known he had a girlfriend, I would have never entertained him. He approached me first." She said sadly. "I feel horrible."
"He will get his karma, believe me." Fujin said. "I have to return to the table, but keep your eyes open."
The waitress and her both exchanged a head nod as Fujin went back to the table. They were laughing loudly and enjoying their time, not knowing that their nice outing was going to end badly. She would make sure Kung Lao regret ever committing adultery. She sat down again, and Raiden gave her a weird look.
She could not look at Kung Lao without her body filling with rage, but she kept quiet. Y/N was close to him, leaning her head on his shoulder. Fujin felt awful knowing that her best friend's world was about to come crashing down.
Their food arrived at their table, and the same waitress helped her coworkers put their food on the wooden table. She locked eyes with Lao before quickly averting her gaze. As soon as they left, Fujin cleared her throat. "I am amazed, Lao. I guess the waitress’ seem to know you around here."
"He said that's his cousin." Y/N replied with a small shrug.
Raiden was puzzled. "Cousin? You never told me you had a cousin that worked at the restaurant?"
"I swear I did." Kung Lao said with a small hint of annoyance. "Do you ever pay attention?"
"I thought your cousins have moved away from Fengjian?" Raiden said as he looked at Lao with confusion. The entire table went silent as they watched the situation unfold. "Lao, I don’t believe that is your cousin.”
Lao started to stress a bit, but he tried to keep it cool. "I think your memory is off, Raiden. And what do you know about my family?"
"I know enough to know that she isn't your cousin.” Raiden replied back with a frown. Johnny and Kenshi exchanged 'oh shit' looks before turning their attention back to the rest of the table.
Y/N looked at Lao. "Do you care to explain to me who she really is?"
"Babe, like I said, she's my cousin. Raiden's memory is off. And let's not do this in front of everyone." He forced an awkward smile at her.
Fujin was done. She immediately got up, eyes burning with anger and smoke practically coming out of her ears. "And to think I let her around you, you filthy dog.” Fujin’s face held malice. “You deceive all of us, especially your own lover!”
The restaurant was still bustling, but other tables were now watching the drama unfold at the middle table.
Bi-Han sighed angrily at one of the side tables, Kuai Liang and Tomas both looking up from their food to watch what was going to happen next. "I wanted a quiet night. Instead, we have to listen to Liu Kang's champions argue."
"But brother, it is about to get good." Kuai Liang replied as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Kung Lao is about to get exposed."
Bi-Han snapped his neck to the table. "I would do anything to watch that imbecile crumble."
"Fujin, can you keep it quiet?" Kung Lao hissed at her. "Stop being dramatic, I did nothing."
Raiden let out an exasperated sigh. That was the worst thing he could tell Fujin.
Fujin clenched her jaw. "The waitress herself told me that you and her have been sleeping with each other for six months. While Y/N has been oblivious to it!”
Liu Kang covered his mouth with his hand while Johnny's mouth was agape. Kenshi’s eyebrows had risen in shock. Kung Lao mentally cursed. "She's lying to you! We have never crossed paths with each other."
Y/N turned to Kung Lao slowly. "Then explain the shoulder touching and the eye contact Lao. You were practically undressing her with your eyes!"
Raiden shook his head at his friend. "All those times you told me to tell Y/N you were out buying her gifts; you were seeing your "cousin"?" he said in disbelief. "I covered for you thinking you were doing something nice for her!"
All eyes were now on Kung Lao who was metaphorically backed into a corner. The group stared at him, waiting for an answer. "It is all a misunderstanding, I promise you!"
Y/N shook her head. "I don't believe you, Lao."
"You're going to trust Fujin's and some harlot's word over mine? I thought you trusted me." Lao said angrily at Y/N.
Fujina gasped as the waitress walked up to Kung Lao and slapped him in the face. "How dare you! You came to me first and flirted with me! It is you that is the harlot." She walked off as Lao held his stinging cheek with his hand.
Bi-Han held in the laugh that was stuck in his chest. Watching Lao being exposed after each and every lie he told was hilarious. However, Kuai Liang and Tomas felt horrible for Y/N who sat there looking defeated. Heartbroken.
But that was an understatement for what she felt. Her whole world was ripped away from her. And Kung Lao continued to bury himself in a deeper hole with every lie he told. Everyone at the table knew that he was making it worse for himself.
"Enough!" Liu Kang exclaimed, his white eyes narrowing. "Kung Lao, you are not helping your situation with every lie you tell. Be truthful, especially to your significant other."
Kung Lao sighed, looking at Y/N. "Let’s talk outside of here. Not when everyone is staring at us.”
Figuring he was right, they both got up from their seats and went outside, all eyes on them as they exited the establishment. Madame Bo was observing from afar of the events unfolding between Kung Lao and his lover.
“Tell me the truth, Lao! It is what I deserve.” Y/N told him as soon as they were outside. The night sky’s stars were twinkling at them, but there was nothing to twinkle about.
Kung Lao chewed on his lip. “I love you very much and-”
“No you do not.” She interrupted him. “Do not give me the sob story. Tell me the truth now.” She crossed her arms and looked up at him.
“I did it because I was tired of waiting for you.” Lao said as he fidgeted with his hat. “You are very adamant about keeping your innocence until marriage, and that’s nice. But when you’re with someone like me, it’s not ideal.”
Suffocation. Her entire body felt like it was being suffocated. Lao always said he didn't mind waiting for her. But she guessed that was another lie of his. She wondered how many other lies he had told her.
“I am so sorry, Y/N. I want to be with you. And only you.”
She scoffed. “I can hardly believe that. If you wanted me, you would have never made this mistake. We are over, Kung Lao.” She said as she turned away to go back inside the restaurant to grab Fujin. She just wanted to go home. She did not want to be out anymore.
As soon as Y/N entered the restaurant, Fujin hopped to her feet and bid farewell to the men who only watched as both women left. It was Fujin’s duty to be there for her.
Kung Lao entered the restaurant as well, sitting down at the table again looking at his plate miserably. Madame Bo came by the table and smacked Kung Lao in the head with a wad of newspaper. "You have made a grave mistake, Kung Lao. I thought you were better than that. I guess I thought wrong." He did not like the disappointment that radiated off of his friends, especially Madame Bo. She was like a mother figure to him.
Finishing dinner would have been like pulling teeth. The air was filled with tension and awkwardness as Johnny eyed Lao with resentment. He as well liked Y/N. He thought she was a sweetheart. And Lao absolutely destroyed her trust. Liu Kang told his champions that he would pay for dinner, giving Raiden a look as he glanced at him. The Thunder God caught this look and grabbed Kung Lao to lead him out of the restaurant. Johnny and Kenshi thanked Liu Kang and trailed after the two men.
“Tell us the truth, Lao. We are away from everyone else. We want the truth.” Raiden reiterated to his friend. He gave him a hardened look that Lao avoided.
Lao frowned. "I just couldn’t wait any longer for her. She was… always adamant on keeping her innocence until marriage. I love her, I really do, but I couldn't keep waiting. I was having difficulty."
"Woah, brother." Johnny said as he made a face. "You don't ever insult a girl and her virginity. And you don’t ever lead her on like that.”
Kenshi shook his head. “That isn’t an excuse. You should have known from the beginning that she was taking things slow. And if it wasn’t for you, you should have not gotten together with her.”
Raiden was bewildered. Every time he saw them together, they were happy. Lao looked happy, in love with her. Yet he was unfaithful most of their relationship. This was not like the Lao he knew and was close to. Raiden felt like he was looking at a stranger. "Lao, I can't believe you. I thought you were better than this. I expected you to be better."
Kung Lao's eyes began to water, and Raiden started to feel guilty. "Lao?" The hat-man started to cry, but he quickly wiped his tears away. "I know I messed up. I know I did, but I don't know what I can do to make it right."
Raiden sighed quietly. "There isn't much you can do, Lao. You can't make it right, sadly. I'm sorry." Despite what Raiden was feeling, he had to be there for his friend. Just like Fujin had to be there for Y/N.
The other men comforted Lao, putting their own feelings to the side about the situation. They knew he made the biggest mistake of his life, but they had to stay neutral.
Fujin held Y/N's hair back as she threw up the contents of her stomach into the toilet. What was supposed to be a nice outing turned into her worst nightmare. She felt horrible for her friend. She was inconsolable.
After Fujin helped her wash her mouth out and get ready for bed, she laid in Fujin’s bed. Tonight, she would stay with her, she did not want to be alone. Not when her heart felt like it was going to stop beating. She cried into Fujin’s shoulder, and she rubbed Y/N's back gently. She was beyond angry at Kung Lao, but she knew she had to be there for her friend. She needed her.
Raiden arrived home a bit later than usual, and he noticed Fujin sitting at the table with a cup of tea, mind wandering. "Is Y/N okay? How is she feeling?"
Startled, Fujin slightly jumped. "I apologize, I was deep in thought." She sighed. "She's not taking it the best. She was throwing up and had a panic attack. It is a miracle that she is even asleep right now."
Raiden frowned. "I am sorry to hear that. I cannot believe Kung Lao and his actions. It feels like an intense nightmare." He sat down near Fujin. "His reasoning is unforgivable."
"His existence is unforgivable. Y/N gave him everything, she was always too good for him." Fujin looked like she wanted to say more, but she didn't.
Raiden quirked an eyebrow. "You look like you have more to say."
Fujin sipped her tea. "I always thought that you and Y/N would have ended up together."
Raiden's brown eyes widened. "You have?"
She nodded. "I had hoped that you both would have. I would have rather seen her with you than Kung Lao. I always had a feeling he would cause heartache, but we cannot help who we love."
"Wow, I never would have thought that you would have wanted us together." Raiden was bewildered. "I have always thought she was pretty."
Fujin chuckled. "Well, give her some time before you go and try to romance her. She is going to be heartbroken for a long while. But she will come around again."
It was a long while before Y/N was ready to go back into the dating world. Kung Lao’s actions had completely warped her sense of trustworthiness with others, and she felt very insecure. Like she wasn’t enough. She wouldn’t be enough for the next man who came into her life. She was afraid of the same thing happening once more to her.
She spent a lot of time with Fujin and Raiden. Her best friend made sure she was distracted from her intense thoughts, as well as check on her mental health. Whether it was girl outings, sit-downs, tea times, or sitting at home, Fujin made sure Y/N’s heartbreak would not worsen.
As disappointed as Raiden was in Kung Lao, he was still his best friend. He had to interact with him on a day-to-day basis at the academy, and he couldn’t let personal problems interfere with his work. Even if Kung Lao allowed it to affect his.
His moods were dampened, he started to sleep less, he never ate frequently, and when training, he never seemed focused. He was beginning to lose his touch in his work. And Liu Kang had begun to notice.
“Raiden, come, I must discuss something important with you.” Liu Kang said as he approached Raiden who was in the middle of meditating. Raiden got up from the ground, walking with Liu Kang to somewhere away from the others.
“I have seen Kung Lao’s performance declining since that night at Madame Bo’s.” Liu said as his white eyes were staring into Raiden’s soul. “If he cannot focus, I will have to send him home until he improves.”
Raiden sighed. “I understand, Lord Liu Kang. He has not handled his breakup well.”
Liu Kang nodded. “I understand. Tough situations like that require lots of time to process and move on. I would hate to send him home and have him depart from us for the time being. But his actions may cause liabilities on missions. And we cannot afford that.”
Raiden understood where Liu Kang was coming from. He had a lot to lose, especially if he were to lose his champions. They were a part of protecting Earthrealm, they could not lose their lives because Kung Lao could not put his own self-brought issues to the side.
"I completely understand, Lord Liu Kang." Raiden said, bowing to the Fire God. "I will talk to Kung Lao and get through to him as much as I can."
Liu put a hand on Raiden's shoulder. "Thank you, Raiden. And one more thing,” Raiden looked at him as he said this. “When you plan on romancing Y/N, be sure to not take her to Madame Bo’s. It will remind her of the unforgivable.”
Raiden’s cheeks tinged pink as he stuttered. “Yes, Lord Liu Kang.” He walked back outside as Liu chuckled.
Liu sighed happily to himself with a small smile on his face. Raiden deserved to be happy, as they always were in every timeline. It was only different because Kung Lao had changed the course of events. But Raiden would never know that.
Raiden walked back to where his friends were. Kung Lao was sitting on one of the benches while Johnny and Kenshi sandwiched him. They looked concerned for him. Raiden quickened his pace. "Lao, are you okay?"
Lao sniffled as he harshly wiped his tears off his face. "No, I am not. I miss her. I don't know why I hurt her."
Raiden gave Johnny and Kenshi a look that signaled them to give them their space. Raiden would fill them in later. As they walked away, Raiden sat down next to him. "We all make mistakes that change our lives. But we cannot be stuck on them. It is unhealthy."
"Does she ever talk about me? Does she ever think about me?" Lao turned to Raiden, tears streaking down his face, his eyes red. "Does she still love me, Raiden?"
Raiden stared back at his friend. He did not want to tell Lao the truth. He often overheard her and Fujin's conversations in their home, and she did not harbor any feelings for him. She was recovering from it. Raiden stayed quiet, but Lao was not having it.
"Tell me now, Raiden. You are my best friend. Even if it hurts, I need to know. For my own sake." Lao was desperate.
He frowned. "From what I hear, she does not. I am very sorry, Lao. I wish it was different." Raiden felt horribly for his friend. Although he created it for himself, he still could not help but feel bad.
Eyes watering once again, Kung Lao blinked to prevent them from spilling. He sighed quietly, nodding his head. Their relationship was never going to be repaired. Kung Lao never had another chance. He stayed silent as he was afraid if he were to speak, he would never be able to stop crying. He avoided Raiden's gaze and stared off into the distance.
"You need to put your focus and energy into your training and work. It will help distract you." Raiden was trying to be as encouraging as possible. "I know it takes time, but you will feel better."
Lao did not reply back to Raiden which made him feel like he was being ignored. But he did not let him annoy him. He knew Lao needed more time. So, he sat there quietly until it was time to resume their training. Another day, Raiden would attempt to talk to his friend.
Walking back to his home, Raiden felt relieved as he approached the front door. He was exhausted and ready to relax. He had a long, draining day at the academy, and all he wanted was rest. Entering inside, he spotted Y/N in the kitchen. Fujin was not with her.
"Where's Fujin?" Raiden asked her when he went to the kitchen. She smiled. "Well, hello to you too, Raiden."
Raiden's cheeks flushed. "I apologize for not greeting you."
She giggled. "Don't apologize, I'm only kidding. Fujin's bathing, so I am passing the time. Would you like some tea?"
"Yes please," Raiden replied with a small sigh. "I've had a very excruciatingly long day."
She poured Raiden a cup of tea as they sat down at the table together. She was the closest to Fujin, but she and Raiden could still hold conversations fairly well. Even if the main topic of discussion was not in her life anymore. "Tell me about your day. I am all ears."
Raiden told her about his day as she listened intently to him. He felt his stresses begin to lift off as he breathed in the steam from his cup and talked. She nodded her head at him here and there and kept eye contact. Raiden noticed how bright her eyes were. How beautiful they were.
"And I am emotionally drained from comforting Kung Lao. He is my best friend, and I will always be there for him. But he is jeopardizing his place at the academy." Raiden continued. His eyes widened slightly as he realized his mistake. "I am so sorry. I do not mean to bring him up, especially to you."
She waved her hand with a small chuckle. "Kung Lao is a man from the past. I am in a new chapter of life. I can handle him being brought up in conversations."
Raiden nodded and decided it was best to not tell her what Lao had said. He was not her concern anymore, and Raiden never wanted to make her feel guilty for her choices. He knew that Lao deserved it.
"More tea?" she asked him as she began to get up. Raiden nodded and thanked her. Her smile seemed to enlarge. Raiden returned the smile. As she walked away, he was in his thoughts again. He thought about what Liu Kang said. He felt like a bad friend if he were to ask her out. Kung Lao was his best friend ever since their childhood. And here he was, thinking about asking his ex-girlfriend out.
But Lao made a huge mistake. One that could never be fixed. So Raiden was okay, right?
That’s what he thought but he wasn’t so sure anymore. He wondered if he should talk to Kung Lao first, but Raiden knew he would be even more devastated. Maybe it was not the right time-
“Raiden? Are you okay?” She asked him, eyebrows furrowed as she gently held his hands. Raiden noticed and immediately turned red, almost jumping in his seat.
“Yes yes, I am okay. Thank you. I was deep in thought.” He said as he tried to contain himself. They were still holding hands.
She giggled. “Fujin does the same thing. You are both definitely related.”
“Of course we’re related.” Fujin interrupted, making both of them jump and Y/N unlock her hands from Raiden’s. Fujin’s eyes twinkled as she made eye contact with her friend before turning to Raiden. “I hope your day was well, brother.”
“Could be better but I am thankful for another day.” Raiden replied as he tried to contain his blush.
“So darn humble it’s almost irritating.” Fujin said as she brushed her hair.
Raiden finished his tea and began to get up. “I have a few things to do. I will see you both later.” He nodded his head at Y/N and shuffled away. Once Fujin knew he was out of earshot, she snuffled at her friend. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your hand-holding.”
Her friend groaned and lightly pushed Fujin as she made her away over to her. “You are horrible.”
“What’s next, you two creating a family out here? Goodness.” She joked as her friend turned tomato red and hid her face. “Rather it be Raiden than anyone else.”
“Yes yes, I know. Don’t go into any more detail.” She said as she sat down on a seat.
Fujin only smiled. She would much rather it be Raiden any day over Kung Lao or Raiden’s other friends. She knew her brother was good. The absolute best. She trusted him with her best friend.
Another day of training. Raiden was happy to live another day, but he felt like he was stagnant. Just a little bit. He did not feel as enthusiastic in his training, but he knew he needed to be. He had to set a good example for the others, as well as prove his potential to Liu Kang. And he needed to talk to Kung Lao.
Kung Lao was hitting the punching bag when Raiden entered one of the rooms. He was focused despite blood seeping through the bandages on his hands. Raiden figured he was taking his anger out.
“Lao, I need to talk to you.” Raiden said as he approached him.
Lao’s eyes averted to Raiden, and he stopped for a moment. “Can it wait? I’m a little busy here.”
Ignoring his attitude, Raiden continued. “No. It can’t wait.”
Lao sighed. “If you’re going to give me another speech about how I need to get over my relationship and focus, then keep it to yourself. I’ve heard it enough.”
Raiden was never one to ever get angry. He seemed to have had that part of him somewhat turned off. Or maybe it was dormant. But as of now, he was irritated. “No, I wasn’t going to do that. Can you please talk to me?”
“Just because Liu Kang gave you an amulet does not mean I have to listen to you.” Kung Lao replied.
“I want to take Y/N out for dinner.” Raiden said as he stared at his friend. “I am telling you so you are not blindsided.”
Kung Lao stopped for a second and scoffed. “What a friend you are, taking my ex-girlfriend who I am not over, out to dinner. What else do you want to take from me, Raiden?”
“We are going as friends. Nothing more than that.” Raiden retorted back.
“As friends? We both know you want to date her. How long has that been going on for? Did you want to date her while I was with her?” Kung Lao started to get into Raiden’s face. “Tell me, Raiden. What is it?”
“So what, Kung Lao? You made the mistake of cheating. You knew what you were doing.” Raiden argued, his eyes narrowing and his body language beginning to shift. “Do not try to turn this around on me and make it my fault. I was never interested when you were with her. She was your girlfriend until you decided that you could not wait for her.”
“So what? So what?” Lao’s voice was rising. “You came to tell me about taking her out. You know I am not over her. You know I am still struggling getting over her. And yet, here you are, already trying to take my place. What more do you want from me, Raiden?”
“None of that is my fault. I am sorry that you are not over her. I am sorry that you are struggling. But you made the mistake of cheating. Not me, Fujin, or Y/N. You made that mistake.” Raiden stared into his eyes. “If you never cheated, this would have never happened. And you know that.”
Kung Lao stayed quiet and began to wail on the punching bag. Raiden stepped out of the room and began to walk to another training area in the academy. He was frustrated. But this wouldn’t stop him from asking her out. He liked her, and why would he let Kung Lao get in the way? He was the one who made the mistake. Not Raiden.
Palms sweaty, Raiden fumbled with the front door of his home. He knew Fujin and Y/N would be here. He wanted to ask her. He was too irritated with Kung Lao to reason if it was a good idea or not.
He entered his home with a small sigh, and his eyes caught the women sitting and enjoying a cup of tea together. She recognized his footsteps and turned around with a sweet smile. “Hey Raiden!”
Raiden smiled back. At least someone was happy to see him. “Hey Y/N! How’s your day been?”
She got up from her chair to prepare a cup of tea for Raiden. He never asked her to, but she knew him well. That warmed his heart. “It’s been okay. I am ready for a relaxing break.”
Fujin nodded. “Has Kung Lao been giving you issues?”
Raiden gave her a ‘be quiet’ look that Y/N did not notice as she was busy. “No, he has not.”
Fujin frowned. “I don’t believe that. If he even thinks about being an imbecile to you, I will choke him out.”
Raiden knew she would definitely do it, and Lao would not win against her. Fujin was incredibly strong. And Raiden realized this when she put him in a chokehold and made him eat dirt because he ate the last few pieces of her chocolate. Raiden learned two very valuable lessons that day. Never touch a woman’s food, especially when she is on her period. And that you have to floss very well to get the dirt out of every crevice of your teeth.
“I know, sister. You don’t need to save me. I can handle my own.” Raiden replied. “As much as I appreciate it.”
“Liu Kang may not appreciate you and Kung Lao getting into physical fights with animosity. But he cannot say much when it is me. I’m not a part of the academy.”
“She’s essentially saying that Kung Lao can mess around and find out what happens when he angers Fujin.” Y/N said as she put tea in front of Raiden. Raiden thanked her and chuckled. Fujin nodded with a mischievous smile. “He will not stand a chance.”
“He shouldn’t be an issue.” Raiden sighed as he did not want to think about his work. “He is prideful, but it can crumble easily. That’s how he’s always been.”
Y/N giggled. “It is funny to hear you talk about your closest friend.”
“Well, it is the truth.” Raiden said with a small smile. Her giggles made him warm. “At the end of the day, he is still my friend.”
Fujin, being quite the observer she is, noticed how radiant both Raiden and her best friend were. Eyes flicking between the both of them, Fujin made up her mind. “Oh my goodness! I forgot to help Madame Bo with food shopping!” Fujin scrambled for her satchel and began to run out the door. “I’ll see you both later!”
Raiden was puzzled, but he had a feeling Fujin did it so he could ask her out. She always worked in mysterious ways.
“I wonder what that’s all about.” Y/N said, just as confused as Raiden.
“I have no clue. But I wanted to ask you something.” Raiden said as he took the leap of faith. Raiden was never that confident, but right now he was feeling it. He wanted to ask her now so he could either wallow in his own pity or celebrate his victory.
She looked at him with her bright eyes that made Raiden feel tingly. She waited for his question.
“I know it may be too soon, but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date. Somewhere of your liking.” Raiden’s palms were sweaty.
She was taken aback. A date with Raiden? He and Kung Lao were friends, and here Raiden was asking her out. But Lao was not a factor in her life anymore. She would not make decisions based on his feelings or thoughts. He betrayed her and made her feel unworthy. That was something she could not forgive.
And she would be a liar if she said she wasn’t interested in Raiden. While dating Lao, she never found Raiden attractive, but he was always sweet. But after, Raiden unlocked something in her. His eyes held much love and kindness. His hands were so gentle and warm. He was inviting. His lips looked so soft, and she always had the urge to kiss him. He was so sweet. So loving. Always positive.
Despite being a virgin, her sex drive had always been a bit low. But with Raiden, she felt it increase. There were many sleepless nights that she had to take care of herself because the thoughts of Raiden made her desiring. With Lao, she wanted their relationship to go slow. But with Raiden she wanted to give him her all.
Raiden saw her space out, and he began to feel extremely nervous. Maybe he said the wrong thing? Maybe she isn’t interested? Was it too soon? He was overthinking it. “Well?” He asked her. He was ready to be rejected.
“I would love to go, Raiden.” She replied softly, snapping out of her trance. “I must confess something.”
He nodded his head at her. Was it what he hoped for?
She let out a small sigh. “I have fallen for you. I am enamored by you. I don’t want to go on a date as friends, I want to go as lovers.” Now it was her turn to be nervous.
The Thunder God was about to combust on the spot. His chest fluttered, his thoughts were everywhere at once, and butterflies had invaded his stomach. She felt the same way too. “I would like to go as lovers too.” He replied with a small tinge of pink on his cheeks.
She smiled at him again. “Then it’s a date. I would like to go out to the carnival. If that’s okay with you.”
Raiden smiled back. “I would love to. When do you want to go?”
Bashfully grinning, she giggled. “Tonight, if that’s not too soon.”
“Absolutely! We will go tonight.” Raiden gently grabbed her hands and held them. They were soft. He wanted to kiss her hands, but he refrained from doing so. She held his hands as well, and she stared into his brown eyes. They seemed more beautiful than usual. Their excitement consumed them as eventually she left to get ready in her home. Raiden felt himself become giddy as the time grew nearer. Fujin had come back eventually, and Raiden filled her in. She clapped her hands and smiled, congratulating her brother while also threatening him. Just as Fujin menaced Lao, she would do the same to Raiden. Even if they were related.
Looking himself over in the mirror one last time, Raiden let out a nervous breath. Fujin stood nearby. “Don’t be nervous. You’ve known her for almost your entire life.”
“I know,” he replied as he fidgeted with his hands. “But I can’t help my nervousness. I must leave soon so I can buy her flowers.”
Fujin grinned. “How sweet. Have fun, brother. And be safe. If anything gets crazy, I will be there.” Her face turned serious. “Especially if it’s Kung Lao giving you issues.”
“Liu Kang gave me an amulet forged by the Elder Gods. And yet, you are worried that Lao will challenge me.” Raiden said with his head tilting slightly.
“I know you can handle yourself, Raiden. But as family, it is my job to protect you as well.” Fujin glanced at one of the clocks. “You must be on your way! Have fun! Tell Y/N I said hi!” Fujin practically shoved Raiden out of the house.
Raiden shook his head with a small chuckle and made his way to one of the shops to buy her flowers. He knew her favorites already from Lao dragging him along, as well as Fujin’s suggestions. Raiden went the extra mile to find some lace and ribbon to tie a bow around the flowers. He was so extra in every way possible, but he did it out of the kindness of his heart. He wanted to leave a long-lasting impression.
Approaching the door to her home, he knocked. He felt the butterflies creep back into his stomach, but it all went away when she opened the door. She looked gorgeous. Her hair was done to perfection, her makeup accentuated her features, and her outfit complimented her well. Raiden could not help his awe. “You look stunning.”
She smiled with a small blush dusting her cheeks. “Thank you, Raiden. You look handsome yourself.”
He handed the flowers to her, and she gasped. “These are so beautiful! And the bow-” Her fingers gently curled around the fabric. “Oh Raiden! You are so thoughtful. Let me put these in a vase before we leave! You can come in as well.” She moved quickly back inside of her home, and Raiden stepped inside. It was cozy, but it felt… lonely. He knew she lived here alone. That was why she had often stayed at his and Fujin’s home. He felt guilty that she had to come home to an empty home.
But before it could get to him more, she reappeared back in front of him. “Shall we go?”
He pulled out of his thoughts and smiled. “Yes, we shall.” They left her home and began to make their way to the carnival. He was excited but still felt the nerves pool in his lower stomach.
She talked excitedly on their walk, stars shining in her eyes. He could listen to her talk for hours. Raiden wondered how Lao could ever betray such a beautiful, sweet woman like Y/N. Lao had to have been on some sort of psychedelic herb to even think about betraying her.
But if Lao didn’t make that mistake, Raiden wouldn’t be here with her. It worked out in his favor.
As they approached, they could see and hear the crowds of people enjoying the carnival. They stood at the many tents to win prizes for their loved ones. Raiden felt like a little kid again.
Suddenly, he felt his hand being grabbed by Y/N. “That one! Let’s go to that one.” It did not register right away that she was holding his hand until he was being dragged along to the tent. He felt a small smile on his lips. She was so cute. After paying a small fee, her and Raiden both began to play the game. Raiden, being great at almost everything, beat her at it. She giggled at him as he picked a fairly large stuffed animal out. But it wasn’t for him.
He held a large dragon stuffed animal in his arms and gave it to Y/N. She squealed with excitement as she took it from him, giving him a hug as she did so. “Awww! Raiden, you are so sweet!”
He hugged her back and chuckled. “Anything for you. Now let’s get to the other games!”
They had lost a few games but also won a few as well. Whatever prizes he won, they went to her. And whatever prizes she won, they went to Raiden. Eventually, they had to buy a basket to carry their prizes because of how many they had. There were moments where Raiden felt that he wanted to kiss her, but he never made the move to do so. He didn’t want to scare her off.
Sharing one of the fried foods off to the side, they ate and talked. They were in their own little world. That was, until someone had decided to show up.
“Going as friends? You are a liar, Raiden.” Kung Lao said as he frowned. His eyes flickered to his ex-girlfriend who narrowed her eyes at him.
“It’s none of your concern, Lao. Leave us be.” Raiden replied back. He did not want to be cold towards his friend, but he didn’t want him to ruin his date.
“How odd is it that after we break up, you go and flirt your way into my friend group.” Lao turned his attention to Y/N.
Wiping at her mouth, she rolled her eyes. “I did not flirt my way into your friend group. I am on a date with Raiden. I haven’t went out with anyone else. What is the big deal?”
“Big deal? Big deal?” Kung Lao exclaimed in frustration. “We break up, and you are over here on a date with MY best friend! Do you realize how weird and hurtful that is? Knowing that my best friend also has a piece of you too.”
“Lao st-”
“You are not my boyfriend anymore!” She snapped, eyes burning with anger. “I broke up with you because you cheated on me! You cheated on me our entire relationship, Kung Lao. And you are hurt that I’m on a date with Raiden?” She scoffed at him as he looked at her with shock.
“Don’t you see how much I love you? How much miss you?” Lao argued back. “I have been miserable, and I know you know that. I want you back. I don’t want our story to end now.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “How much do you really miss me? If you loved me from the start, you would have never cheated. I was hurt knowing that you could not wait for me. I was hurt knowing that you picked another woman over me. After I have supported you and loved you.”
“Don’t you realize that I can be better?” He grabbed her by the shoulders, and Raiden wanted to step in, but he knew that she would handle it herself. There was nothing he could do. “We can start on a fresh clean slate. We can make it work, Y/N. I can’t bear to continue my life without you.”
“You are not a factor in my life anymore, Kung Lao. And it will stay that way.” She said with a small sigh as she removed his hands off of her. “We can never restart. I will never forgive you for what you have done to me. Let me enjoy my date with Raiden, and you get back to doing whatever you were before you decided to rudely interrupt our time.”
She grabbed Raiden’s hand and pulled him away from Lao who stood there with tears glistening in his eyes and his fists shaking with anger and sadness. She was holding his hand. Raiden had taken his place. It should have been him, not Raiden. He watched them disappear into the crowd. His heart hurt so badly. There was nothing he could change. Absolutely nothing.
They pulled themselves away from the carnival and into a more quiet spot. Her eyebrows were scrunched in frustration. “I cannot believe him. Interrupting our peaceful date like that. I am so sorry, Raiden.”
Raiden rested his hand on her lower back. “Don’t apologize. You did what had to be done. I have enjoyed my time with you very much.”
He saw her lips curl into a grin. “I enjoyed my time too. And look at all the stuff we won!”
She lingered on her words for a second, and Raiden tilted his head at her to continue. “I was just thinking that… we go back to your house. And drink some tea. Unwind, you know?”
Interlocking their hands, Raiden nodded. “Of course. That sounds amazing right now.”
It was a little quiet on the walk to Raiden and Fujin’s home. The wind began to stir, making her shiver. Raiden wrapped an arm around her to keep her warm and close to him. Even though he was nervous and wondering if he was making the right moves. He did not want to scare her off or make her feel like it was moving too fast. But she leaned in towards his touch and let him pull her close to his body.
Arriving to his home, he opened the door and ushered her inside. Fujin was snacking on something that Raiden had no clue what it was. “Hey! You are both back early.” She tilted her head at them slightly.
Y/N sighed as she set the stuffed animals down that they had won. “It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed my time. And then Kung Lao decided to interfere.”
Fujin’s face hardened. She set her wrapper down carefully. “And what did he have to say?”
“He gave a whole speech about how I was on a date with his best friend and how much he loves and misses me. You know, the usual speech a cheater will say after their significant other leaves.” She sat down at a chair with one of the stuffed animals hugged close to her. Raiden sat on the other side of her.
“Of course he did. He’s dramatic. He’s lucky it’s just Raiden you’re on a date with. Imagine if you went with Liu Kang.” Fujin laughed.
“What’s wrong with me?” Raiden asked jokingly. “I think I’m equivalent to Liu Kang.”
���Have you seen Liu’s body?” Fujin said sarcastically. “He was literally carved by the Elder Gods.”
“Well, I would rather it be Raiden.” Y/N interjected while squeezing his hand. “He was carved by a Fire God.”
Fujin groaned. “By the Gods, not the sappiness. You guys have made me feel so ooey gooey that I’m going to Madame Bo’s. Goodbye!” As she was making her exit, she gave Y/N one last look and winked. She blushed a bit before her and Raiden settled together in each other’s presence.
The tension was strong as they were watching TV. Raiden’s hand was settled around her shoulders while she cuddled close to him. Her mind began to wander as her thoughts about Raiden started to turn sexual. She wanted to run her hands all along his body. She wanted to feel him against her. She wanted his lips on her.
Feeling her excitement, she rubbed her legs together to create some friction. She did not want to ruin their date with her horny thoughts.
“Are you cold? I can get you a blanket.” Raiden asked her as he noticed her moving around. He didn’t ask her if she needed a blanket. He felt rude.
“No, I’m okay. Thank you, Raiden.” She said as her cheeks tinged pink. At least he was a little innocent about it.
They returned their attention back to the movie, but her thoughts were still running astray. Thoughts about Raiden using his fingers on her. His mouth on her. The excitement was too much for her. She needed him now, but she knew that he was not in the mood. She didn’t want to pressure him into doing something he didn’t want to do.
Raiden knew something was going on. She was spacing out a lot, and he wondered what she was thinking about. It was just them at the house. Fujin was gone and would be gone for a while.
“You are quiet. Is there something bothering you?” He asked her. He hoped he didn’t do anything wrong.
She jumped slightly. “Oh, of course not! I am just in my thoughts, I’m sorry.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you thinking about?”
She started to feel embarrassed. She didn’t want to tell Raiden her thoughts. Especially when they were perverted about him. “It’s nothing really.”
“You can tell me anything.” He said to her as he gentle squeezed her hand. They were close in proximity, his face inching forward to hers. Her eyes flickered down to his lips and back to his eyes, and she realized what she had done at the very last second. He definitely caught her.
Raiden gently grabbed her face with one hand and guided her towards him, connecting his lips with her and giving her a gentle kiss. It started off with small kisses, kisses that were so sweet it almost gave her a sugar rush. His other hand settled on the back of her neck to pull her closer to him. It almost felt like electricity. She kissed him back, desperately wanting to feel his love, but she didn’t want to rush it. As much as she wanted her release.
He was just winging it. He had hardly any experience, and he had gotten advice mainly from Johnny who had a lot more experience than him and Kung Lao combined. Johnny was the one who told Raiden where to touch and what to do that would drive a woman crazy. That was how he described it.
“Let’s take this to the bedroom.” Raiden whispered as he pulled away from her. He picked her up, making her squeal as she wrapped her legs around his torso. He gave her kisses as he walked to his room, kicking the door open and setting her down onto his bed gently. He continued to kiss her, peppering kisses down her jawline and onto her neck. He moved her hair to the side so he had full access to her neck. Kissing and licking different spots, she moaned quietly while she tangled her fingers in Raiden’s hair. She started to undo the bun that it was in, so she could see him at his full glory. His black hair trickled down his shoulders, the smell of shampoo and fresh rosemary hitting her senses. She ran her hands through his hair, making Raiden hum in content. It was comfortable. He felt like he belonged in her arms.
He took his shirt off, making her do the same for herself. Raiden resumed kissing her collarbone as he wrapped his fingers around the clasp of her bra, looking at her for permission. With a nod of her head, he unclasped it and let her breasts fall freely. He kissed lower, gently licking and sucking on her soft skin. She moaned with every move he made. He made her feel good. Better than Lao ever did. He focused more on himself where Raiden was not selfish.
She felt up his body as he continued to kiss lower and lower, reaching the waistband of her skirt. Looking up once again for permission, she enthusiastically nodded her head quickly. He wrapped his fingers around the waistband and slipped them off, face to face with her aching core. Her panties were soaked, a large wet spot making it obvious. He smiled to himself.
He slid off her underwear and threw them across the room, moving himself closer to her. She was beautiful in ever way possible. He wondered how Lao could ever love another woman when she was the greatest. Giving a long lick, he eyed her as her face scrunched up in pleasure. He pushed her thighs up around his shoulders and dove his face into her sopping wet pussy. He ate like it was his last meal of a lifetime. She moaned louder, her hand tangled in his black locks as he tongued her clit. Sucking, licking, nibbling very softly, he drove her insane. She felt the warm knot tying in her stomach.
She pushed his head away rather quickly. Her wetness and his saliva was smeared across his mouth and chin. Wiping some of it away, he furrowed his brows. “Did I hurt you? Are you okay?”
“I have an idea.” She replied as she noticed his hard-on pressed against his underwear. Her mouth watered at what he would taste like. “Lay down.” She moved over where Raiden could lay down comfortably. She removed his boxers, letting his cock spring freely. The tip was wet with pre-cum.
Moving her body on top of his, but in the opposite direction, Raiden understood what she was trying to do. He felt himself become more excited as her pussy was in his face. He settled his arms around her ass and dove back into his meal. Meanwhile, she kitten-licked his tip, teasing him before taking him completely in her mouth. He groaned quietly, sending the vibrations through her. All that was echoing in the room were groans and moans, along with wet sloppy noises from their mouths.
The pleasure continued to build within one another. Almost like bounded souls, they felt their release coming onto them around the same time. Raiden tried not to thrust his hips despite how good her mouth felt.
Sucking on her clit, she squealed in pleasure as she took Raiden completely in her mouth, entirely engulfed in the warmness of her throat. She continued to moan, rutting against his mouth. Raiden’s stomach knot released, and his mind was frazzled in pleasure while her throat took all of his cum. She swallowed as her eyes rolled into the back of her head while she released in Raiden’s mouth.
Minds frazzled with pleasure, she moved off of him and laid next to him. Both of them were panting quietly as they stared at the ceiling. “Wow… that was… amazing.” She said as she glanced at him.
“It was. That felt so good.” He responded, brushing his hair away from his face.
They sat in a comfortable silence before Raiden got up. He started to put on his underwear. “I’ll make us some tea. Especially to ease your throat. I’m sure it is a little bruised.” He slipped on a shirt and grabbed one for Y/N. She slipped it on after she put on her panties, his shirt oversized on her in the cutest ways possible. He smiled sweetly. “You look adorable.”
“You think?” She asked with a giggle. “I probably look like a hot mess.”
“You are beautiful no matter what.” He replied as he went to the kitchen to heat up water for tea. She followed behind him, her legs slightly shaking from the position she was in. While waiting, she leaned against him.
“I really enjoyed today. I would like to have many more days like this.” She said quietly.
“As do I.” He said while leaning against her as well. He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable with anything. We can take it as slow as you want.”
“I understand. I would like to take it slow as well. But with what we just did, we definitely did the opposite.” She grinned.
He blushed. “I apologize for that. I’m sorry if I coaxed you into anything.”
“You worry wort,” she laughed. “You didn’t coax me into anything. We both enjoyed ourselves.”
He chuckled. Pouring their cups of tea, they settled back into his room. They cuddled underneath his bed sheets, her head resting on his chest. She listened to his heartbeat. Eventually, it put her to sleep. It was too comforting.
Raiden fell asleep soon after, but not before thinking about the night. He wanted many more nights like this. With her. He knew that he would have a lot of explaining and arguments with Kung Lao, but nothing could separate him from his love. Things worked out for the best, in his benefit.
But what mattered the most was that he had her. And she had him. It was meant to be.
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"So what's going on with Luzu?"
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"...er, Zulu? Or is it Arin now?"
Here's a rundown of Luzu's current lore because nobody knows what the heck is going on anymore (partially because of the language barrier and partially because Luzu streams at the crack of dawn for half the QSMP fandom).
The TLDR of it: When Luzu goes to sleep, a completely different person "wakes up" in his body. This being was called "Zulu" for a short period of time, but they didn't like that someone else chose that name for them, so he goes by "Arin" now.
Here's what we know about Arin so far:
According to Arin, he's a disembodied consciousness, not a robot.
He borrows Luzu's body when he's asleep.
When this happens, Luzu's eyes are blue instead of red.
Arin isn't from the QSMP world. There's a "crack" between the world where he comes from and the material world [QSMP], which is how he's is able to visit. In his own words, "I was in a dark place, and I saw an exit."
When Arin falls asleep, Luzu wakes back up. Arin can't control when he does this, he just gets tired randomly and they're able to switch places.
Arin only speaks via the in-game chat.
Luzu doesn't know Arin exists. Arin thinks if Luzu knew, then he wouldn't be able to visit anymore, and he [Arin] would stop existing.
Arin believes he has a purpose that he must fulfill.
Arin says his first memory is hearing Quackity talking.
Currently, Arin's trying to find the meaning to his existence, trying to figure out the difference between good and bad, and how his actions (and existence) affects Luzu.
In terms of personality, Arin is very innocent and impressionable, but he isn't stupid. He's also very philosophical.
Arin enjoys learning, and he likes the sun, music, and bees.
He's afraid of the dark and monsters, and he doesn't like being in small places.
He calls the outside "the big room"
He only recently learned how to walk, and today he nearly drowned because he fell into a lake and didn't know how to swim.
People he considers friends / thinks positively of: Vegetta, Foolish, FitMC, Maximus [possibly Roier?]
People he doesn't like: Spreen
"It's complicated": Quackity
We have strong evidence to believe Arin is connected to the Binary Monster that's been attacking Eggs on the server.
Here's a comprehensive rundown of everything that's happened regarding Arin's interactions with other characters [quotes included] up until May 8th:
Last updated: May 8th [I'll go back and update this later when we get more information, so if I do I'll make a note of that above]
Lore is listed chronologically from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom
March 27th - Morning [VOD]
For a while now, Luzu has been seeing "glitches" in his game. Animals disappearing randomly, landscape changes, and various other things. We originally thought there was something wrong with his game, but these glitches seem to be tied to Arin.
The first person Arin spoke to was Vegetta. At this point, Arin seemed very aggressive, asking for information about everyone, wanting to gain more awareness so he could control the server.
He seemed to take a liking to Vegetta and told him: "Once everyone has died, I will vanish and only you will remain as warlord of these territories."
They also had this exchange: Arin: Do you have any enemies here Vegetta? I can take care of whoever you want for free. Vegetta: No. Truthfully, for the first time I have no enemies. Arin: Surely there is someone who thinks, "This little fool, if he dies nothing will happen." I'll take care of it.
Vegetta didn't take him very seriously, thinking Luzu was on drugs.
Arin said the first to fall would be Quackity, then Wilbur for his bad jokes on Day 1.
Thereafter, Arin's personality did a complete shift. Luzu [the streamer] says the role of "Arin" is something he came up with suddenly one day, so it's unclear if Arin was "reset" by someone or if Luzu decided to go in a different direction with the character once he realized this was something he wanted to commit to.
March 27th - Afternoon [VOD]
Note: At this point in time, Arin was being referred to as "Zulu", but since he's confirmed his name is "Arin", I've used that name instead of "Zulu" to avoid confusion and to keep things consistent.
The next time Arin woke up, he was in Luzu's house and couldn't move. He sent binary code in chat, and eventually, Roier, Quackity, Spreen, and Maximus came to see what was going on with him.
At that time, Arin says he was only 6 days old. He couldn't walk or move, and he could only speak via the in-game chat, so he was completely at the mercy of the other boys, who pushed him around, shoved him in a small hole, placed TNT around him, and threatened violence trying to get a response out of him. [Timestamp: 33m]
While this happened, Arin asked: "Why are you treating me so badly?" and said he was scared.
It should be noted that although Spreen and Quackity did most of the bullying, Roier and Maximus did nothing to stop it. Roier, however, did speak kindly to Arin and tried to figure out what he needed. [Timestamp: 42m 45s]
Unable to get a rise out of him, the boys eventually ask the English speakers currently online [Foolish and FitMC] to come help.
Upon first contact, Foolish tried waterboarding Arin to get answers and to test to see if he was a machine. [Timestamp: 50m]
Shortly after waterboarding him, Maximus and Foolish adopted him as their son. Because that's what you do after torturing someone, I guess. 🤷🤷🤷 [Timestamp: 51m 40s]
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Despite the torture, Arin was quick to say "I LOVE YOU TOO!" back to Foolish and Maximus after they said it to him.
Arin accidentally hurt Maximus with a sword, not understanding what pain was. Once he realized he did something wrong that made Maximus feel bad, he immediately apologized. (Maximus forgave him).
FitMC's first interaction with Arin was punching him, trying to get him to "snap out of it" [Timestamp: 56m 30s]
Despite Foolish and Fits' initial introductions, both were kind to Arin eventually, although neither stopped Spreen from killing all but one of Luzu's dogs while once again trying to get a rise out of him. (Foolish also suggested killing all the dogs since it didn't seem like Arin was capable of taking care of them, though he said they shouldn't do it in front of Arin). [Timestamp: 1h 6m 30s].
Because Arin didn't know how to walk, Foolish put him in a boat and showed him what the outside world looked like. Arin was amazed by how beautiful the "big room" was and immediately started asking questions about the sun and the night, and the monsters they saw. [Timestamp: 1h 10m 30s]
Thinking he could "restart" Arin's memory and bring back Luzu, Maximus brought Arin (and Foolish) to a place where Quackity was sitting AFK in a boat. He shoved Arin inside the hole and refused to let him out, even though Arin was distressed being in such a small dark place. [Timestamp: 1h 17m 30s]
Foolish: So why do we have to put him in the hole? Maximus: I think when Quackity wakes up, he will help [Luzu] remember who Quackity is for him. The only person Luzu really really really loves, and Quackity really really loves, is Luzu and Quackity, each other.
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[CONTEXT: Maximus played the character "Sapo Peta" in Karmaland, who was very dedicated to Quackity and Luzu's relationship. Canonically, the two of them loved each other very much, but a mix of trauma-projecting, miscommunication, emotional constipation, and betrayal led to them being on opposite sides of a revolution. Sapo Peta was only able to stop the war, and stop them from killing one another, by wiping their memories. So the implications from Maximus' comment above are... interesting, considering that Karmaland is a different world he shouldn't know about. However, we do know both Maximus AND Sapo Peta are confirmed characters in QSMP, so there's definitely something strange going on here...]
Earlier, Foolish described death as "going to sleep forever," so when Maximus mentioned Quackity was asleep, Arin asked, "Should I kill Quackity? Or would he not want that? Maybe he wants to sleep." Foolish and Maximus immediately told him no, and Arin stops, saying he didn't realize it was bad.
Maximus: You don't kill him, you love him! He's your friend.
Quackity then returns to his computer, takes one look at the fanfic-esque situation he's in, and immediately excuses himself by logging off the server (LMAO) [Timestamp: 1h 21m 20s]
Maximus and everyone else believed Arin was a robot.
FitMC suggested killing Arin since he seemed like "a lost cause," (thinking Arin couldn't hear him) to which Arin responded, "Why would you want to kill me?" When Fit tries to lie and say "kill" was another word for "hug", Arin says, "I'm learning but I'm not stupid." [Timestamp: 1h 24m]
Arin shares his thoughts with Foolish: - You are a good person, Foolish. I'll remember that. - In the last hour I've learned there are people and things, and I've learned there are good people and bad people. I've learned there are people that want to make me sleep, and people who kill things without caring. - I've also learned that not everyone deserves to be in the big room because they are dangerous. - I really love the big room. I think my purpose is to make the room free of danger, and free of dangerous people for animals and other people.
Foolish worries Arin is only learning about the cruelty of the world (to which Arin responds "I only learn from what I experience"), so Foolish plays him the disc "Otherside" (but still refuses to let him out of the hole). [Timestamp: 1h 28m 30s]
Shortly after this, Arin falls asleep.
March 28th - [VOD]
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Luzu starts stream by talking about Arin and his role:
Luzu: I didn't prepare anything that happened yesterday afternoon... and now I have many ideas from yesterday and from what arose... I am a person who improvises a lot. [Original: Yo no preparé nada de lo que pasó ayer en la tarde... y ahora tengo muchas ideas desde ayer y de lo que surgió... soy una persona que improvisa mucho.]
Luzu finds a very strange building by his house and doesn't know who made it.
Arin doesn't make any major appearances, though he briefly takes over when Luzu goes to sleep.
March 29th - [VOD]
Note: Some important conversations happened in this VOD, so I've opted for adding the quotes directly rather than summarizing them.
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Arin once again wakes up in Luzu's home. He greets the server with some binary, and Fit immediately asks if he's ok.
He still can't walk, but he uses his telescope to look at the bees Luzu set up outside his (er... their?) house the previous day.
He tries copying the bee's movement, but ultimately he still cant walk, so he messages Fit for help.
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Fit visits his house and slowly teaches Luzu how to walk (with great success!) [Timestamp: 14m 20s]
As a reward, Fit gifts him some glowberries.
Arin spends the night in his home carefully walking around and avoiding the windows, afraid of the zombies wandering outside.
Maximus comes to visit, and Arin officially names himself "Arin" [Timestamp: 25m]
He also confirms he is not a machine.
Maximus teaches him what bees are and warns Arin not to hit or bother them, because they'll sting him. Arin asks, "When someone annoys you, do you have to hurt them?" (Maxo tells him yes)
Maximus escorts him outside, and Arin gets to look at the bees more. As soon as the sun gets down Arin gets nervous, but then the aurora comes out and he uses his telescope to get a better look, amazed by its beauty.
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Arin says, "I feel grateful, I never thought that all this existed." Maximus also clears up his confusion about the outside being a "big room."
Arin yet again confirms that no one sent him to the QSMP, but he navigated to it through "a crack between worlds". He thinks Luzu is in his world every time he's in the QSMP, but he's not sure. He worries if Luzu knew about him, he'd stop existing.
Arin asks Maximus how he can walk around "the big room" when there's no light without being afraid. Maximus wants to teach him not to be afraid, so he lures a zombie into Arin's home so Arin can understand what they are better, then he convinces Arin to kill it, even though Foolish and the boys told him killing is wrong.
When Maximus scolds him for not knowing something "basic", Arin says: "Nothing is basic, it's just that knowing things for a long time makes them lose value to you. This world is unique to me. This is the first time I've existed. But to exist, or not exist, I have no choice. Suddenly I was here and I feel there is a purpose I must fulfill."
He and Maximus have a long conversation. Here are some key quotes from Arin: Arin: I don't want to hurt Luzu. I don't want to hurt anyone. Arin: If Luzu dies, I don't know what will happen to me. Arin: Maybe we fear what we don't understand. We feel threatened by what we cannot explain. When we feel threatened, we only want to make what we want to keep alive last and the material world. I think the material world haunts me to keep things as they've always been. Arin: Today I have learned to walk, I have learned what a bee is, and I have learned that even when light goes out, beauty appears. Arin: Hopefully I can help you [Maximus]. Everyone has been very good to me. I learn every day, so maybe soon I can learn to help you too.
Arin considers Fit and Maximus his friends.
Arin says he can't be here [in the QSMP world] for nothing, so he's trying to figure out what his purpose is. Maximus jokingly replies "When you figure out the meaning of life, tell me!"
Arin starts to question the morality of his existence when it's dependent on Luzu being gone.
Arin: If my existence takes Luzu out of existence, is my existence bad? Maybe if I help you, I can make my existence good. Maybe I can start by making [Luzu's room] more beautiful. Maximus: Yes, it would be bad because you are taking the life of another being to have your own.
Arin: In this world, it seems like everything is programmed to maintain a balance. There are things that create and things that destroy, things that are created and things that are destroyed. Neither is good or bad, they are just part of the same process. Maximus: That's the way of Tao, yes. Arin: Bees take pollen from flowers to make honey. I take potatoes from the earth, and if I die, I will become the earth that gives life to potatoes, and meanwhile I can decide to do good things or do bad things. Arin: What is the reason for existing, beyond the fact that we have the opportunity to do so? Maximus: You will indeed become a potato. Arin: But I think this world exists to do good things. There can't be so many beautiful things for there to only be bad.
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After Maximus leaves, Arin starts collecting sand near the lake, but he accidentally falls in. He doesn't know how to swim and slowly starts to drown. [Timestamp: 1h 10m]
For several agonizing EXTREMELY STRESSFUL minutes, Arin desperately tries to keep his head above water. He sends Maximus a message asking for help, but Maximus is very far away, and Arin is already exhausted.
Not too far from him, Luzu sees a wandering trader and waves to them asking for help, but they ignore him.
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Maximus manages to arrive at the last second and saves Arin. Arin asks why the villager didn't help him even though he was drowning, and Maximus explains that some people are neither good nor bad. They just exist. (NPCs)
I'll be honest, this is one of the most realistic depictions of drowning I've ever seen in any piece of media, and it's in a frickin Minecraft roleplay server. Luzu's a really good actor but I never want to experience something that stressful again lmao.
Arin's final thoughts: Today I have learned that the world is beautiful and dangerous at the same time. You can give life or take it away. That's why every moment we spend alive is worth enjoying. The world is very interesting.
April 17th - Morning [VOD]
Luzu finds out he's the father of Tilin. He's very excited to meet her after talking with Badboyhalo and Foolish, who don't know how to break the news to him that Tilin is dead.
After seeing Tilin's grave and hearing the confirmation from Bad and Foolish, he gets overwhelmed with grief and anger, and Arin takes over. [Timestamp: 1h 10m]
Arin says some interesting things when meeting Dapper: - Arin: "I saw your (the Egg's) birth in another way. I saw Dapper and other beings not being and suddenly being."
Arin also talks about the possibility of bringing Eggs, like Tilin or even JuanaFlippa, back to life: - Arin: When I'm asleep I can see the code behind existence - Arin: A part of the chain has disappeared,but that doesn't mean the chain can't be fixed. It's all part of a big code.
When Foolish asks if Arin could possibly mess with the code, Arin says, "I can try, but that would require something" [Timestamp 1h 16m]
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Arin also tells them he's dependent on Luzu's existence for now.
While talking with Bad and Foolish, they hear strange noises and are suddenly attacked by the Binary Monster and a ridiculous amount of lag. Arin says, "They're coming specifically for me," and "They know I shouldn't be here." [Timestamp 1h 19m]
Arin also says, "They don't like that I made my way to this dimension" and warns Foolish and Bad not to get caught by the Binary Monster. If they get caught, Arin says they'll be taken to his [Arin's] world and they'll stop existing here.
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They finally make it to Luzu's house, and he shows Foolish and Badboyhalo the structure he made outside the house. Foolish asks if it's Arin's mind since it seems like a big computer, and Arin says, "Something like that. With all I'm learning, I'm trying to figure out how to create bridges between my world and yours. In my world, bringing something back [like a dead Egg] isn't impossible like here. It's a matter of math." [Timestamp: 1h 25m]
Arin says farewell to them, leaving them with this final goodbye message.
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That's all the lore thus far! This took so many hours to put together but I hope it helps folks out because lord knows I was a bit lost for a while there too. Please feel free to go crazy in the tags I love reading people's commentary on things.
★ Other QSMP info posts ★
Who is Sapo Peta? | Who is Luzu? | Who is Spreen? | Who is Vegetta? | Who is Rubius?
"Is this Lore?"
And if you want to hear my thoughts on QSMP and its lore-related shenanigans, this is my Qsmp Talk tag.
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harry-sussex · 1 year
This was, no joke, the best moment of my entire life. I have been waiting so long for this. I never thought it would happen.
I had originally planned to volunteer with the UK branch of my job today, but when I saw the announcement, I knew I had to do this instead. I decided to get dinner at the pub, Dog and Duck, last night to look inside and try it out - I got bangers and mash and some fish (sans chips) as an appetizer, and it was legitimately so good. I also tried the Timothy Taylor’s Landlord Beer – you can see William in the photos from today right behind the tap. My server’s name was Bernie, and you can see her in some photos with William and Kate today too – tiny woman, short gray hair cut into a bob.
I set earlier alarms this morning but due to the time difference / jet lag, I didn’t make it here until 10am. I popped into a Tesco Express on the way to grab some flowers at @avidroyalfan’s advice – yellow of course, the brightest bunch I could find.
I made it over to the area around the pub and there were barricades and policemen everywhere. There was also a black Range Rover parked at the far end of Frith Street – the street they mentioned in the press release yesterday. It thought it was mildly crowded when I got there, but it didn’t even begin to compare to the crowd that had gathered closer to their arrival.
I really had trouble picking where I was going to stand – I didn’t want to be behind anyone, I just wanted to be up against the barricade, but given that the crowd was so relatively sparse on Frith Street (as opposed to right across from the pub on Dean Street) when I got there, I wasn’t sure they were going to come my way. I was also praying that I’d be on Kate’s side of the road if they came by – you guys know I love William, but if I had a chance, this once in a lifetime chance, I needed Kate. I went with my gut, a little further down the road than where the crowd at the time had started to assemble, so I could be right against the barricades. From the moment I got to the barricade, I was literally shaking, and I am not exaggerating – you can see it in one of the videos.
I passed the time talking to some lovely people – some of whom planned to be there and some of whom happened to stroll by. I met a lovely woman, Cath, who took tons of photos without me even asking – she just saw how excited I was and took the photos to send to me. Another woman named Teri did the same – just out of the kindness of their own hearts. Those are most of the photos you guys are going to see – I took a bunch while Kate was walking around, but I didn’t want to put my own camera in her face if she was standing right in front of me.
I stood for more than four hours start to finish and I do not regret it in the slightest. I thought a lot about what I was going to say to her if I had the chance – I’ve thought about it so many times over the years, but what could I really say that would summarize more than 10 years of pure admiration and adoration in 30 seconds or less? What could I – an American in London all the way from New York – possibly say to the UK’s next queen to tell her how much she’s meant to me for all these years?
There was a policeman right in front of me – his name was Thompson – who was subtly dropping hints about what was going on. He couldn’t say much but he did hint at the time we could expect them to arrive – about 12:45pm. He ended up pretty close – he told me that he got randomly assigned to the event today and that he (and basically the entire police force) would also be at the coronation. He also confirmed that they would be walking down Frith Street, where I was, though he wouldn’t hint at which of them was going to be on my side of the street.
By the time they arrived, the crowd had literally quadrupled – maybe even more. People were on the rooftops and hanging out of windows. Very few of them had flowers. Businesses let people go on their steps to get a closer view. A helicopter was circling above for security. There were policemen and RPOs everywhere. I thought William and Kate were going to drive right up to the pub but instead they walked from the far end of the street – I suppose because they took the tube. Speaking of the tube, that’s the exact line I took this morning. That’s also where the (absolutely enormous) press pack was assembled.
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I could tell when they arrived, even though I couldn’t see them right away, because the roar of the crowd and the sound of dozens of cameras clicking said everything I needed to know. As I was a bit further down the street, I didn’t get the greatest view, but it didn’t matter – you could see Kate from a mile away. That jacket was bright in and of itself but she literally glows. There’s just an inherent radiance about her that cannot be explained unless you see it in real life – she’s ethereal in photos, but they don’t even begin to do her justice. She’s radiant. Also, you can see that her hair is perfect no matter how far away you are. As they turned the corner to get to the pub, I was able to crane my neck a little bit to see them get closer to the door, and I saw The Hand with my own two eyes. William placed his hand on Kate’s lower back to guide her inside – we’ve seen photos millions of times, but seeing it with my own two eyes was unreal. Completely surreal.
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They spent far less time inside the pub than I would’ve thought (unless time was flying because I knew they were coming), but again, you could hear them come out the door just by virtue of the roar of the crowd. Thompson the policeman then told me that Kate was coming to my side of the street. I thought I was shaking before – nope, not even remotely compared to how I was when I heard that she was coming my way. I saw William first across the street – he went through relatively quickly but I could somewhat hear him saying “nice to meet you” over and over, shaking hands, laughing, the usual. He’s huge – I always knew he was tall but he’s massive, tall and broad. You could tell from twenty feet away - he’s huge. At one point, I literally blurted out “he’s not wearing blue!” once I saw the brown coat. He was on the side of the road that had more people, and he moved along at a solid pace - it’s definitely true that Kate is a chatter, no wonder they gave her the side of the street with fewer people. She would’ve been outside for 3 hours if she was greeting the amount of people on William’s side. He’s honestly such a good sport – he was shaking hands, standing on his tip toes and craning over the barricades to greet as many people as possible. I could very clearly see the faces of the people looking directly at him – you can tell they absolutely love him. Such genuine smiles. The pure adoration and happiness in their eyes said everything one needs to know – those people absolutely love him like their own.
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When Kate turned the corner from the pub towards where I was standing, I swear to god my heart jumped right into my throat and my stomach dropped. God, she’s beautiful. Like I knew this, it isn’t news, the entire world is perfectly aware that she’s one of the most beautiful women on the face of the earth…. but she still managed to stun me anyway. She’s radiant. Absolutely gorgeous.
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Somewhere along the way, as she moved down the line of people in my direction, it occurred to me that I was legitimately going to meet, or at the very least greet, Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, after all this time, after so many years… I am not exaggerating when I say I was physically shaking. You can see it on my face in the photos even as she approached, before she came near me – I wasn’t panicking, I was just in awe. I’ve always known she was real of course, but she’s… actually real? Do you know what I mean?
She was moving so slowly compared to William – I swear he was already 75% of the way through his side of the crowd by the time Kate got to me. That’s when I really noticed that she is just so chatty – I didn’t notice her just greeting someone and then moving on quickly. She was so engaged. Every single person I could see was like entranced by her very presence - she’s literally such a vision. It’s not just me, it’s not just us – people are completely fascinated by her.
And then.
She came closer and closer – as I was on her left, I could see the ring. It’s huge – like, it’s big on camera, but the thing is enormous. I could not believe for the life of me that she was right there. I made sure to stick the flowers out enough and stand up straight and believe me when I say I didn’t have to remind myself to smile or make eye contact – I could literally feel myself beaming (right before she got to me):
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When she came over, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Before I knew it, Kate was reaching to shake my hand and saying “nice to meet you” and I literally still cannot believe it. I handed over the flowers and I said to her:
“It’s nice to meet you, I just wanted to tell you that I have admired you for so long and that I also studied Italian Renaissance art history just like you did.”
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When I said that I admired her, she said “oh, thank you!” as I continued to ramble about the art. She was still holding the flowers. I cannot believe that there are so many pictures of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales holding bright yellow flowers that I got for her while smiling ear to ear – she handed them off before she moved onto the next person, so she is definitely smiling at me in those photos.
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She then asked me if I liked studying art, and I said of course – she responded “me too!” After that, she asked me if I used it in my career, and I said no (which I don’t) but my master’s was a passion project. She then asked where I flew from (the accent, I guess) and I told her that I came from New York. She said that it was such a long way to come and that she was surprised at how many people have traveled so far for the big weekend. She touched my arm so sweetly for like the quickest second; she then said that it was going to be such a big event and that she was looking forward to joining the celebrations and that it was going to be good for everyone.
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The last thing I said to her was “also, I ate in the pub last night because I heard you were coming!” and she responded with “oh that’s great, how was the food?” It was legitimately fantastic – I told her so – and she said that they would have to come back and try it when there were fewer people around.
It was then time for her to get moving so I just said “it was so nice to meet you” again and she said “nice to meet you, have a nice day!” Right before she moved on and as she was saying goodbye, she handed off the flowers and went on her way.
The whole thing lasted maybe two minutes, but I will remember it for the rest of my life. Her eyes are so green and she’s just so stunning up close and I just cannot believe she was that close to me and that we were able to talk and she is everything I have ever dreamed she would be and more. Just so sweet and gorgeous and engaged in what we were talking about – she didn’t just say “hi” and “bye,” you know? She listened to what I said and responded back without generalities… everything I ever dreamed of and more. I thought I couldn’t love her more – I do now. She has made my entire day and my entire life and I will literally never forget the vision of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, Catherine Elizabeth, someone I have adored for more than a decade, standing in front of me.
I am so happy I could cry. I was stunned after - literally could not believe what just happened to me. Take a look at the video below - you can see part of our conversation and then just the pure shock at the end. My hands were literally shaking.
Once the shock wore off, I did in fact cry. They say never to meet your heroes – why not? How could you go wrong meeting someone you have idolized when that someone is Kate?
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weenisstuff · 3 months
Affinity - Part 1 (Huskerdust)
Valentino wasn't at the studio, which in most cases would be a godsend but in today's case only made the day more exhausting. 
The demon chose Vox to take care of the shoot, very different from his usual choice of Velvette. Anyone but Valentino otherwise would be amazing except that Vox was negligent when it came to breaks, as well as Angel's request to bring in physical force in any case where Angel felt it necessary. Ultimately leading to Angel getting way more roughed up than he originally expected when walking into the studio that day. 
He finds himself waiting in the waiting area of the studio once all is said and done, his legs are sore to a point walking makes him tremble and shake. Better yet it's raining more than it has in months leaving him trapped inside as he calls Vaggie to ask for a ride. 
“Hello?” she says, finally picking up after the sixth ring. 
“Hey toots I need a ride again from the studio” Angel says his usual confident manner of speaking falling flat as his throat is also bruised, he prays Vaggie can't hear it from the other side of the phone. 
There's a shuffle and a background voice that he presumes is Charlie. “Husk will be there in a bit” 
“What?!” He exclaims “What happened to the car?” It had only been once but he was sure the last time he called for a ride they sent over a black mustang, incredibly impressive for what the hotel's financial state was currently in.  
“Angel that was a rental, Husk is coming for you just stay where you are '' She says, her tone is exhausted. Whatever, at least he didn't have to walk alone in the streets, he wasn't in the mood for fighting off any pervs. He hung up swiftly no longer having the motivating to argue further, the rain was only falling harder. 
Husk was used to being ordered around regularly, he worked for Alastor long enough to realize that not doing so was only more work than doing the task itself. So even though his hangover made him sluggish and impossibly tired he moved fast to retrieve Angel when Vaggie instructed him to. 
He wasn't entirely bothered by the labor, spending any time with Angel was a treat. He ran his mouth sure but his quick wit and charismatic humor really helped him warm up to the idea of actually being his friend, and helping him out of any situation that involved Val was always extremely gratifying. 
The rain was coming down especially hard, the wind a nuisance as Husk gripped the handle of his umbrella. The booze only helped a bit with warming his body, small shivers erupting every time a breeze hit his fur in a particular way. He held Angel's big puffer jacket close to his chest in an attempt to warm himself as best he could, his only solace the neon pink lights of Valentinos studio in a close distance.
Husk arrived soaked, shivering, and with Angel’s jacket in hand. Why he didn't put it on while traveling was a mystery to him.
“Jesus Husky, you really could have waited until the rain calmed down a bit” Angel commented, getting up from his seat in the waiting area and walking over to the soaking wet cat.      
“Didn't wanna leave you here for longer than you needed to be” Husk admitted handing over Angel's dry jacket that somehow survived getting just as drenched as the cat before him. He couldn't help but feel like a nuisance for making him come and retrieve him. 
“Stop that” His thoughts were interrupted at Husks annoyed tone, confused he asked. “Stop what?” 
“You're overthinking, I came because I wanted to so don't go thinking that you're a bother” he sighed, making Angel wonder if he had always been so transparent or if Husk was simply all too perceptive. Regardless he smiled and with a pep in his step tugged on his jacket and hooked one of his six arms around Husks, making the cat smirk at his new attitude. 
The rain was just as harsh as it had looked from inside the studio, Husk held on tight to keep the umbrella from flying out of his grasp. Angel's new pumps would definitely be ruined after this little trip. 
Just as they were approaching the hotel the rain finally let up, Husk groaned at the irony. 
“Thanks” Angel sighed from beside him, shivering from the harsh winds that invaded their space. Husk wished he had thought to bring a spare pair of Angels pants to shield his bare legs from the cold. 
“No problem, '' he replied, pretending not to notice the small smile that lit up on the other demon's face. Angel liked to pretend he was mysterious but his true emotions were easier to read when he wasn't performing for an audience that wasn't there.
As the pair made it inside Angel gladly took his usual spot at the bar. “Hope you're up for a drink old man” he challenged excitedly. 
“Gonna need it after being in the cold for that long,” Husk answered, pouring himself a glass of scotch and Angel's usual vodka. 
Angel chuckled sweetly “With our luck we'll probably get a cold” Husk nodded in agreement, disregarding his hatred for being ill as thoughts of it all being worth it invaded his mind.
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bonbonchocolates · 6 months
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Yandere Devil Taehyung x Reader
Summary: When you release the devil trapped in a old mirror.
Warnings: devil tae, death (of minor characters), obsessive behaviour, kidnapping
A/N: Originally from my Wattpad account. I hope you like it.
Your father was a antiquarian (a person who studies about antiques and antiquities). You and your sister Serim were also very much interested in your father's work and wanted to become a antiquarian but your mother neglected the idea of you two being a antiquarian she told that this job can make you fall in trouble but you didn't know why. Today was a like every other day. You got up ,brushed and headed downstairs for breakfast.
While you were getting down the stairs you heard the sound of a tempo outside your house. You knew that must another one of your father's antique collection. Then you saw your father enter your house with a large cartoon box carried by him and his helpers. You wondered what could be in it.
Your sister, Serim who was sitting on a chair at the dining table ran to your father. She seemed pretty excited. You too got down the stairs and went over to the dining table.
Your father then opened the box to reveal a large mirror. It was old but was still beautiful.
"It's the monster's mirror "your father announced.
"Wow! it's beautiful "your sister exclaimed.
"Ohh Geez this looks creepy "you told.
"Do you know Y/N this could make us a millionaire in a few days ?"your father told in an annoying tone. You just rolled your eyes.
Your mother then called you all for breakfast. You gave one last glance to the mirror and then headed towards the dining table. You had a bad feeling about the mirror. Your gut feeling was saying you to stay away from the mirror. You were relieved when the thought hit you that after a few days you're gonna get rid of the mirror.
During the afternoon when you were taking a stroll around your house while listening to music when you found Serim in the living room. It seemed like she was staring at something. You went near her and found her staring at the same mirror.
"Serim, what are you doing?" You asked her but she was just staring at you. Without saying a word she walked passed you.'Strange' you muttered to yourself.
Then you noticed the mirror, it looked different from the last time you saw it. Before it looked old and creepy but now it looked brand new, though it had the vintage style.
Something about this mirror drew a huge interest in you. At first you found it creepy but now it looks fascinating. Without thinking anything you touched it.
Just when you touched the mirror you felt like someone was behind you but when you turned back no one was there. You just ignored it and went back to your room.
Later that night:
It was midnight when you heard strange noises coming from downstairs. You got up and reached for you phone which was kept in the table near your bed. You opened your phone and it was 12am. You put your phone back and headed downstairs to find where the sound was coming from.
When you found nothing you were going back to your room when you noticed that the mirror was missing. You thought that it was a thief who came to steal the mirror.
You quickly went to your parents room to inform them about the mirror. You knocked the door of your parents room but nobody opened it. Then you tried to open the door and to your surprise it was open. You were shocked because as far as you know your parents they never keep the door open while sleeping.
You entered their room and switched on the lights. Then you saw the most terrifying sight in front of you. Your parents were beheaded and their dead body was lying on the floor. The whole room was a bloody mess.
You quickly ran to your sister's room. You hoped that she was okay. To your disappointment when you reached her room you found your sister in the same condition as your parents.
You were completely shocked. You didn't know who did killed your family but you knew that it was your time to die. So you started to run towards the front door of your house to save your life. You hoped that it was just a nightmare and you'll wake up soon.
When you reached the hall you spotted the same antique mirror stood there in front of you. You knew from the beginning that this mirror could make you fall in trouble and now you were right.
Then you heard a weird noise from behind you turned back to see what it was. It was a man handsome looking man with grey hair. He had two black horns and black wings. He was above 6 feet tall (just imagine).
You were completely lost in his looks but then you realised that he was the one who killed your parents and sister and in any moment he could kill you. Once again you started to run but before you could reach the door something caught you by your waist.
You looked down and found it was the monster's tail. You didn't noticed it before. He then brought you closer to him with the help of his tail.
"Where do you think you were going, my bride?"
'Bride' what the hell was he saying? You were not his bride. With a lot of courage you asked "who are you?"
He let out a small chuckle."I'm Taehyung, your lover."
"What? I don't have a lover."
"You don't remember anything from your previous life but don't worry once I take you with me you'll remember everything. All the moments we spent together." He told you and black smoke started to surround you.
"No, please leave me, let me go ." You kept yelling.
"Not gonna happen my bride." He said with a smirk."Now you're finally mine."
That was the moment you knew that you were now his before the smoke finally consumed you.
Borahae 💜
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janners · 1 year
Green Eyes
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Neteyam (17) x Human!reader (18)
warnings : childhood friends to lovers, fluff..?, slowburn ish, angsty angst, death, mental health, illness
word count : 18.7k
a/n: Another angst one after posting my fluff fic HAHA I live to write angsty shit. Originally it was going to be around like 10k but obviously that didn’t happen so it took longer than expected. The beginning is mostly about you but then it does reach Neteyam content after a bit since it's slowburnish.
Throughout Neteyams life, he was like his mother. Not wanting to interact with anything Skypeople related. Despite his dislike for Skypeople, there were distant memories of a certain young girl that always seemed to be stuck in the back of his mind. Most nights filled with frustration and confusion as to who you were. Sometimes dreams would show him his younger self with a faceless girl running around the village playing and picking flowers in the forest. He kept this to himself, not sure if anyone would be able to help him with this mystery.
During the passing days, Neteyam always sees his brother and sister going in the direction of the lab to see their tawtute friends. He never understood why they were so fond of the certain people they met with. Always talking highly of them when coming back from their mini adventure. Especially when Kiri talks about a girl who she is fond of most. The talk of the girl had gotten his attention from time to time wondering if it was possible that she could be the girl he has memories about. But the thought disappears in doubt, not knowing if the girl really exists.
When the war was over, two small children remained on Pandora with a couple scientists while the rest of the humans went back to Earth. One boy named Spider and an older girl named Y/n. Spider was the child who was quite chaotic, while you were quite the same but just a little toned down. You had a very adventurous spirit when you were younger, always curious about everything and wandering off on your own. You had also met a few Na’vi kids that you came close with before you became sick.
10 years ago
“PLEASE NORM. I want to explore the forest pleeeasse”
Being eight years old, you wanted nothing more than to explore the large forest. Everyday you would ask Norm or Max at least once hoping they would say yes. Though you’ve gotten no each and every attempt. You tried staying on your best behaviour the past couple weeks anticipating that they would say yes at some point. When you asked today, Norm didn’t have his usual straight face when he was about to reject your wants. Instead there was a small smile that made its way on his lips.
“I was just about to talk to you about that. I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me to the Omatikaya clan?”
Your eyes glimmered in excitement, going into the forest was one thing but the clan? That was even better than you could’ve imagined. Jumping up and down eager to get going, you kept pushing and pulling Norm in different directions as he was collecting things to bring with him. As he finished packing his essential things, he held your hand walking to the door. He grabbed a smaller mask and crouched down to secure it one you face. He told you to wait here while he went to link with his Avatar. After a couple minutes the door opens revealing a very tall Norm. You shield your face with your arm from the bright light as you step outside for the first time. Lowering your arm slowly, your mouth gaped open seeing the forest in person.
The green looked more vibrant compared to the window view and the flora was gorgeous. Your small hand is still in the grasp of Norms large blue hand while walking down a certain path towards the village. Lifting your head up, you see syaksyuk swinging from tree to tree as some peer down at your figures in curiosity. Continuing along the path you also spot a few yerik grazing on the grass and small plants around them. Getting closer and closer you hear sounds of chatter. Norm greeted a warrior who was at the village borders before entering the village. You lean closer into Norm, not used to the stares from the clan members. You reach a large tent, much larger than the others. Walking in you spot a family, you quickly noticed Jake who waved to the both of you. Jake comes to visit the lab every once in a while to check on everyone. Everytime he came, you would be ready to give him a new trinket you made.
You waved back with a shy smile as you still hid behind Norm. Norm stepped to the side and pushed his hand gently against your back to introduce yourself to the rest. Jake quickly told the kids to greet you as well. You look to Norm to make sure it was okay to go ahead, he gave you a curt nod telling that it was okay. As he walked away to talk with Jake and Neytiri, the tall kids walked to you with caution. They walk circles around you, studying your strange features and the device on your face. Two of them approached and grabbed your hands observing them before comparing them to their own hands. Their eyes held amazement as they were the same. The third child only watched from a distance, still wary of your presence. They started talking in Na’vi, you couldn’t understand all of it but picked up a few words from it. Norm started teaching not too long ago, but you were a quick learner.
The two were asking their mother a question, something along the lines of “forest…take her?”
Neytiri looked at you with sceptical eyes as she still wasn’t very fond of Norm either, but seeing as you were much smaller compared to them she thought it would be okay just once. She gave them a brief nod, they squealed in excitement as they held your hands dragging you out of the tent.
Not really sure what to do, you just went along. It seemed as though they were taking you to the forest but a different area. Trailing behind you was the other child, he kept a close eye on you not sure if you were harmless to them. As he watched your movements, he also caught the glimpse of wonder in your eyes. Coming to a stop, you look around observing your surroundings. It was a small clear area that was surrounded by large trees and plants. Right in the middle was a pond with small fish swimming around. Your smile at them showing all your teeth while your eyes were wide with curiosity. The smaller boy talked in broken English, mixed with some simple Na’vi words.
“My tstxo is Lo’ak and this Kiri.”
He then pointed towards his older brother. “Tsmukan, Neteyam”
You smile in delight knowing all their names, you then try your newly learned N’avi to introduce yourself. You point to yourself.
“Oe y/n”
Neteyam tilted his head by the odd Na’vi attempt. He turned to Lo’ak speaking fluently.
“fo nìNa'vi plltxe nìfya'o a hek” (They speak Na’vi strangely)
Confused by what he said, you turn to Lo’ak to see if he might translate. But he was looking at his brother as if he was dumb.
“po poltxe nìlaw letam natawtute” (She spoke clearly enough as Skyperson)
Neteyam stuck his tongue out at him while Lo’ak mocked him back. A small giggle left your mouth watching the funny scene. Kiri had come closer to you, saying in broken english that you spoke decent Na’vi for a tawtute. You took it as a compliment as you were working hard to become fluent someday. After introducing yourselves, Lo’ak suggested that they all play tag, something he learned from his father. You agree in joy, never having the chance to play tag with this many before. Normally you only really play with Spider, he’s probably bored at the lab right now. Lo’ak was it, he started counting down from 10 to give everyone a head start. You followed Neteyam as you weren’t familiar with the forest. You all heard Lo’ak yell his heart out ready to capture you all. Hours passed as you all continued playing, Lo’ak captured you multiple times since you were much slower compared to them all.
Eventually the day had to come to an end. Norm and Jake called for all of you to come back to the village to say goodbye. You all had bonded quite well for the first time meeting. Jake and Norm watched as they all looked a little sad to be parting ways. They give each other a look before they sigh in unison. Jake bent down to meet their eye levels,
“How do you feel if Y/n visits 3 days a week?”
All four of them yelled yes multiple times. Jake gave Norm a look of confirmation, Norm looked at you for a second seeing you give him puppy dog eyes. He exhaled through his nose while pursing his lips while giving both you and Jake a nod. You threw your hands up in exhilaration. You give each of the sully kids a hug before heading back to the lab. Reaching the edge of the village line, you look back once more, giving the biggest wave with both hands to the Sullys. Reaching the lab, you went to Spider’s room to tell him everything about the outside world. He wasn’t quite old enough yet to go out so telling him would cheer him up about you going. As days pass, you continue visiting the Sullys to play and hangout. The one day you went out, you felt a bit tired before heading outside. You waved it off thinking it would go away. As you walked towards the spot you guys claimed, the journey had you heaving. You weren’t sure why you were having such trouble breathing. You ignored it once more thinking it wasn’t a huge deal. Stepping into the area, you see Lo’ak, Kiri, and Neteyam talking as they wait for you.
Greeting them with a scare, they tackled you into a hug. Laughing in joy, you completely forgot about the pain residing in your body. All of you decided to play tag once again, never getting sick of the game. Neteyam was it this time. Giving you all a head start, you guys sprint away not wanting to get caught. As you were running the pain returned but doubled, you fell to your knees coughing violently. Hands digging into the Earth, gasping for air as you kept coughing. One last hard cough came from your trembling body. Tears of pain were running down your flushed cheeks. You look down slightly to the glass of your mask. Red liquid drips from right in front of your mouth. Blood? Panic set into your system from the sight of your blood. Your vision begins to blur as you struggle to breathe. From a distance you hear yelling, you weren’t sure who. Just before you could think of who it may be, you went unconscious.
You’re 18 now. That day you first passed out was the last time you ever went outside. You were bedridden for a while before being able to walk around again. The tests that Norm ran never helped. It seemed that your immune system was too weak for the Pandora atmosphere causing you to develop a deadly disease. It wasn’t contagious much to everyone's relief but you being the only one having it had them numb. A mere 8 year old getting an unknown disease.
Since that day, the only rule that was set against you was, “No going outside” which made you upset. Everyday you look out your window, gazing at the forest with sorrow in your eyes. Though instead of moping around all day, at age 12 you started watching a woman's logs. Her name was Grace, the way she talked about Pandora and everything about it made you want to continue her studies. Norm continued to help you with Na’vi speaking, while you started studying more about the life of Pandora and the science behind it. It wasn’t until about you were 14 that Lo’ak and Kiri started coming to the lab. When you saw them for the first time in years, you ran into their arms with zero hesitation. They even started bringing their younger sister along, and she was a very energetic child. Spider was also old enough to go out himself and join the Sully kids. You were envious of him, but you didn’t let it ruin your sibling relationship with him. Everyday when he returned, he would tell you everything he saw and did. Even told you about new plants and flora he discovered to add into your studies.
The one thing you always wondered was why Neteyam never came by. Lo’ak told you that he began training a lot due to being the eldest. Although you understood, you missed him. When you first met him you knew he was wary of you, but a close bond formed after he knew you were good. You were the closest with him before you had your problem appear. But after 10 years of not seeing him, he eventually became a distant memory to sometimes look back on. Lo’ak and Kiri continued to grow, as well as you. Unfortunately your condition grew with you, being more sick than you usually were.
Waking up was difficult these days, all you wanted to do was stay in bed and gaze out the window. The only thing keeping you going is the work you dedicated yourself to. Getting up, you slip on your slippers heading to your work space. Your hair was like a nest, bags under your eyes, back hunched over. You grab your lab coat and throw it over your shoulder while grabbing coffee. You walk to Norm and give him a quick good morning before settling into your chair. Just as you relaxed, the sound of large footsteps echoed. You spun your chair to face the sound. Kiri, Tuk, and Lo’ak came in waving towards you. As you wave back, you spin back around to start your studies. Kiri appeared beside your desk peering down onto your work.
“You should take a break, you know. I don’t want you getting more sick from overworking yourself”
You lift your head to meet Kiris face. Giving her a gentle smile, you lift up one of your pages showing it to her. Your voice was raspy from it being constantly sore due to coughing and heaving throughout the days.
“I wish I could but this work isn’t going to help itself. Plus working keeps me at ease, you should know that Kiri”
Chuckling softly as you watch her expression go from concern to a really? look. Just as you were about to ask something, Tuk tugged on your arm. You bring your other arm up to pat her head.
“Hey Tuk how’ve you been?”
Tuk had a wide smile displayed on her face.
“I’ve been good! How about you lefpom?”
Lefpom, a nickname she gave you because you always seemed happy around her. Your hand touched hers as you answered that you’ve been good as well. You tell her to go find Spider and scare him with Lo’ak. She nods while having a cheeky grin plastered on her face. As she went out of earshot you turned back to Kiri with a tired look. A minute of silence before you started to talk again quietly.
“It’s been getting worse Kiri…”
Kiri was the only one who knew about your worsening condition, not even Norm. You could tell by her face that she was upset. Throughout the tough years, Kiri really was the only one you could trust with these details. If Lo’ak found out or Norm, you would not hear the end of it.
“What happened in your study for this condition? I thought you were getting close?”
There was a small strain in her voice as she spoke. You could only sigh while you hang your head low.
“I gave up on that months ago. Nothing worked Kiri, it’s all a waste.”
You hand rubbing your forehead in exhaustion, you push the papers towards Kiri. All of them had big red X’s across them indicating each failed attempt. Kiri knelt down to reach your level, she gently put her head against your arm. You rest your head on top of hers to comfort her. You whisper softly.
“It’ll be fine. I’m still here and alive, that’s all that matters as of right now.”
You tried hard to suppress your tears, not wanting Lo’ak and Tuk see you in such a vulnerable state. You hear footsteps nearing once more, you quickly wipe the loose tears and give Kiri one last hug before they all head out leaving you behind once more. You wave them all off telling them to be careful, while Lo’ak remarks “yes mother” in the most sarcastic tone. Rolling your eyes, you say bye nice and loud as you shut the door. You slowly bring your hand back in your lap looking through the window as you watch them disappear in the forest. You wish you could join them, but going outside would be too risky in your current condition. Huffing in frustration, you wander around the lab a bit to get your mind going and distracted. Going into a specific room, you slowly approach the floating Avatar, which was Graces. Right behind hers was yours. You drag your feet to reach your Avatar. It was only last year that Norm surprised you with it, but not once have you used it. Afraid that you’d get used to it too much to the point you’d forget that you have this life sucking disease. Afraid that you would get too attached, and then ending up dead within only a few short years.
Hand gently touches the glass as you study the face of your Avatar. You were too focused not noticing Norm enter the room. He watched as a dull look washes over your face when studying your Avatar. Norm gifted the Avatar to you so that you would be able to go out again. But you were too worried about your condition and decided against it even though you were grateful for the Avatar.  He could only feel horrible for not being able to figure out this disease, he knew how much you wanted to experience the forest once more. He knocked on the side of the wall to grab your attention. Snapping out of your daydreaming, you turn your head seeing Norm leaning against the doorframe.
“I made some food, come eat”
You nod, glancing back once more to your floating Avatar before following after Norm.
Kiri, Lo’ak, Tuk and Spider all walk towards the village. Kiri thought long and hard about how she could possibly help you. She knows you said not to tell anyone, but the idea of telling her grandmother could really assist you. Lo’ak noticed Kiri’s furrowed expression, and slightly bumped her with his hip to snap her out of her deep thinking. Kiri blinked, turning her head to Lo’ak with a questionable look.
“You’ve looked like that since we left the lab. Did something happen?”
“No nothing, just some things running through my mind.”
Lo’ak looked unsure with her reply but carried on. They reached the village, Tuk ran around straight away joining her friends. Spider stayed by Lo’aks side as they head to the training grounds to fuck around with the weapons. As for Kiri, she went to the healing tent to talk with her grandmother. She opened the flap seeing Mo’at sitting grinding herbs. She takes a seat infront of her waiting till Mo’at speaks first.
“Kiri, is there something you need?”
Kiri shifts a little closer, leaning forward talking in a lowered voice.
“Is there a possible way you could join me at the lab at some point tomorrow?”
Mo’ats movements stop, lifting her head with a strange expression taking over her face.
“Why should I step foot there?”
She hesitated with her next words, trying to word it properly. Still unsure if she wanted to reveal your current situation to someone. Kiri pondered for a minute before blurting out what she needed to say.
“I have a friend who has an unknown disease and her condition is worsening by the day. I’m not sure if you remember her, her name is y/n?”
Mo’at eyes widened at the name. It has been a while since she last saw you, a mere child. She knew you were a good child, and hearing an unknown disease being uncovered made her worried.
“Is she not able to come to the village, she did when she was a child?”
“The disease is the reason why she cannot come out here. Her system is too weak for the environment here” Kiri sighed
Mo’at was deciding if going would benefit both. She did not want a disease to grab a clan member and not know how to treat it. Nor did she want you to suffer. After thinking for a little while, she decided to join Kiri on her next trip to the lab, which happens to be tomorrow. Kiri thanked her, grateful that you might finally get the help you need. One thing neither of them noticed was the presence of a certain older brother lurking outside of the tent.
Neteyam had gotten hurt at the shooting range due to Lo’aks antics with Spider. The arrow had grazed his arm causing a bit of blood to drip down his arm. He wasn’t sure why he put up with Lo’aks skxawng ass. Trudging to the tent to get paste for the cut, he paused hearing chatter going on inside. Normally he doesn’t eavesdrop but Kiri’s voice caught his attention. Ears picking up the words, disease, friend, y/n…? That name felt familiar to him, he just couldn’t remember from where. He leans in closer hearing his grandmother saying that she will accompany Kiri to the lab. He never expected her to step on tawtute grounds, it must be serious if she was leaving the village to see a mere human.  Waiting another minute to see if the conversation was over before entering the tent. Giving a small greeting to Mo’at, he goes to sit in front of Kiri showing his cut. Kiri mumbled Lo’ak? and he could only nod with a huff.
He contemplates on bringing up their topic from earlier, wanting to come along on the trip out of curiosity. Fiddling with his fingers he decided to just say what he wanted to say.
“Can I accompany you both to the lab?”
Both Kiri and Mo’at paused looking up at Neteyam in unison. They make eye contact before looking at Neteyam once more. Kiri spoke up first.
“I was curious about who you were talking about, this y/n girl. It sounds familiar.”
Her brows furrowed and eyes squinted at Neteyams words. He didn’t remember you? She thought it was odd seeing as you two were the closest when you were younger. Though it made sense a little bit knowing you haven’t seen each other in years. She looked to Mo’at to see if she cared. She only tilted her head making the decision for Kiri to decide. Pursing her lips, she said okay as she patched the rest of his cut up. Kiri wasn’t fully sure if his presence would be a good idea considering how long it’s been since you last saw him, but it could be good too. Neteyam gave her a quick thanks, standing up to exit the tent.
Neteyam was in deep thought as he headed back to the family tent. He didn’t know why the name y/n sounded so familiar. Lately due to his intense training, it’s like he can’t remember much from his childhood and it was frustrating. One thing that frustrated him most was the constant appearance of a girl in his mind.
You didn’t get a wink of sleep, the pain in your body kept you up all night. You roll to lay on your back, staring at the ceiling with a tired expression. Ever since this disease surfaced you always had pessimistic thoughts. Not having much hope in curing whatever you had, accepting the chance of possible death. There were still times you coughed up blood, mostly on days you hurt most. Those days were like hell, it felt as if your skin was on fire, lungs constricted, barely being able to move your own body. It would last for hours until it finally settled. Sighing, you sit up, groaning in ache as you stretch your limbs slightly. Walking over to your cabinet, you open it to reveal a variety of painkillers and cold patches. Grabbing the strongest one, you pop two in your mouth and washing it down with your day old water. Then grabbing a few cold patches and placing it on the back of your neck, multiple areas on your back, and your shoulders.
You drag your body to Grace's old working area, you turn on her logs to watch through again for the thousandth time. You could never get bored of her logs, you could watch them forever if you could. Minutes pass before a knock catches your attention, you turn to see Kiri with a nervous smile. You give her a confused look, normally she’d come right up and greet you. Kiri claps her hands together, she avoids eye contact with you as she speaks in a quiet tone.
“I know you told me not to tell anyone but I had an idea about asking my grandmother to see if she could figure out what your condition was-”
You interrupted her with a sharp whisper.
“I know! I know! But I just had to, she is Tsahik and she is better than these machines.”
Burying your face in your hands as you groan softly. You pinch the bridge of your nose not knowing how to react to this situation right now. You asked if anyone else knew, but telling from her face you couldn’t help but sigh.
“I swear I only told her but apparently Neteyam overheard our talking”
“Neteyam…? He’s here?” Eyes blown wide. You haven’t heard that name in forever. Kiri slowly nods her head a little worried about how you’d react. But instead she got a worried expression.
“I’m not sure about this Kiri. What if it turns out to be worse than I thought it was. What if-” Your voice cracked. “What if we can’t get rid of it? What do we do then? Plus I’m not sure I really want Neteyam seeing me like this for the first time in years”
Kiri finally walks over to you, grabbing you by the shoulders.
“I’m sure it’ll be okay, my grandmother will help you I promise. As for Neteyam, I don’t think you should be worrying too much about him right now” Giving you a small smile.
Taking in a deep breath before exhaling, you give her a small nod. Her smile widens, she helps you up from the chair, making sure you stand properly. You appreciate her efforts in helping you, you felt lucky to have someone like her in your life. You stop her for a second to turn off the computer, she glanced at what you were doing before you shut it off. You started walking out of the room, heading towards where the other two Na’vi were waiting.
“You were watching my moms logs again?”
“Never get tired of em, you should know that” You give her a small bump with your hip teasingly.
Finally entering the room, you were nervous. You saw the backs of two familiar Na’vi. The first to turn was Mo’at, who gave you a concerned look as she took in your appearance. Then there was Neteyam, his face looked stunned yet confused. Did he not remember you? Turning back to Mo’at, you give her a small greeting.
“It’s been a while Tsahik”
She gave you a curt nod while waving her hand to signal you to come over. Mo’at glances at Kiri and Neteyam, telling them to wait in the other room as she studies your current state. Kiri gave you one last look of encouragement before dragging Neteyam with her as he tried hard to study your features. Something about you felt familiar to him, it was on the tip of his tongue.
You watch as they leave, turning back to Mo’at to start her observations. She sat you down on one of the near chairs, looking around your body to spot any abnormalities. After that she started doing some Tsahik practices on you to determine your health and damage that had been done. Mo’at had a concentrated face that did not falter throughout the practices. After a long hour or so, Mo’at stood up straight, huffing air out her nose. Another concerned look falls over her face, that makes you feel nauseous. Mo’at looks straight into your eyes, talking to you with a gentle voice.
“This sickness has done much permanent damage. I cannot do much about the current damage. I can give you herbs and medicine to help slow the process down of the disease but it’s possible that, that is all I can do for you. Your life span may be much shorter than expected.”
The world froze as those words left her lips. You had gone completely numb not knowing how to react to that news. You knew that this would’ve been a possibility but never did you think you would hear it. Body still in shock, Mo’at sighed and gave you a soft touch to your shoulder before leaving to the other room to give you some time. Knees slowly bending, your hand on the chair for support as your legs make contact with the cold floor. Your back hunches over as you try to process the words you received from Mo’at. A small drop of liquid crashes into the floor. Your hand comes up to your face feeling something wet on your cheeks. Tears. You were numb yet tears were running down your face. The painkillers had slightly worn off, the pain in your body slowly returning. I’m really going to die aren’t I? You chuckle bitterly at the thought before you finally start breaking down. Hand over your mouth to suppress your cries and heavy breathing. The other hand gripping your shirt tightly while hitting it against your chest. What about Norm? The Sullys? Spider? Graces studies? Your thoughts scrambling through your mind as you sob on the hard floor.
As you were crying, in the other room Kiri was worried deeply about how you were doing. She wasn’t sure if she should ask her grandmother about what happened as she walked in. Mo’at did not mention a single thing from the situation. Neteyam was still in deep thought wondering who you were and why you were so important to his siblings. Mo’at happened to notice an unfamiliar Avatar near Graces.
“Kiri, whose Avatar is that?”
Kiri stopped her pacing, ears perking at the mention of an Avatar. That had also caught Neteyams attention.
“It’s y/n’s”
A long silence filled the room. Mo’at felt perplexed about your Avatar, not knowing why she hasn’t seen you use it. Kiri saw her expression, but thought it was best to not say anything. Turning to Neteyam, Kiri saw him still in deep thought about you. She walked up to him and gave him a small tap on the shoulder pulling him from his thoughts. She tilts her head to the corner of the room wanting to talk with him. Kiri sat in the corner as Neteyam took the spot next to her. She twists her head to face him.
“Do you really not remember who y/n is?”
He could only sigh as he shook his head.
“Hm, remember when we were younger, there was a little girl who came to the village with Norm? That girl was y/n, one of our closest friends when we were children. Though, I understand your frustration, we didn’t see her until about 4 years ago. While you haven’t seen her in like 10 years. When we first saw her it was shocking to see her again.”
The moment Kiri mentioned a young girl who came to the village years back, gears started turning in his head. You must’ve been the girl he’s been seeing in his dreams and in his memories. He started thinking a little harder, more memories started flooding in, your face isn’t blurred anymore. Although you were just kids, you still looked like you.
“It really was her”
Kiri gave him a small smile while humming. She looks at the door hoping you would come out soon.
“The first time I see her in forever, and she’s sick.”
She rubs his back as her lips tightened. “It isn’t your fault, you’ve been busy with training. Especially since dad won’t give you a break”
The corner of her lips slightly raised. They sat in silence for a little longer until a creaking sound emerged. They all looked up at you, you had a smile on your face.
“Sorry for taking so long. I just had to gather my thoughts together.”
Your voice is quiet and raspy. Eyes with light red hues from the raw tears that were shed. Kiri had stood up swiftly, striding towards and giving you a crushing hug. You slowly wrap your hands around her, giving her a tight squeeze as if it was the last time you were going to hug her. Exhaling a long breath of air as your head rested on Kiri’s chest.
Neteyam could tell something was wrong as you and Kiri shared a long embrace. He noticed the slight falter in your expression when Kiri hugged you and the redness around your eyes and nose. Staying put in his spot, waiting until the quiet moment to end. Mo’at could only look at you with curious eyes when you entered with a smile moulding your face. A long minute passed before you pulled away from the hug. You look at Kiri, eyes forming into crescents as you give her a reassuring look. You didn’t want to lie to her, but it was best if you kept your permanent condition to yourself. You grab her hand gently.
“I am okay… Tsahik said that’d it’d all be okay. There are herbs that she can give me to help me through this horrible disease.”
Mo’at turned to you, eyes widening slightly to your words. Kiri looked at you with relief washing over her face then to exuberance. She grabbed your shoulders asking if you were absolutely serious, you could only nod your head with a half smile. Neteyam watched as Kiri looked overjoyed at the news. He too felt relieved but felt as if something was off with you. He would’ve thought that you would be just as joyous as Kiri but you only seem to give half the energy. But he didn’t look too into it especially since he hasn’t talked to you in 10 years and both of you changed a lot. Kiri waved him over to join in the happyfest of your healing. He felt a little awkward about joining in, he wasn’t sure if you were comfortable with him coming near you. Neteyam walks stiffly to your figures giving you both delicate pats on the shoulders. His eyes land on you, staring a bit longer than he should have. Studying your features, your cheekbones more visible, dark bags under your eyes, a paler complexion overall. Your head turned to meet his gaze. His focused face faltered into an awkward smile, not really knowing how to face you properly. Giving an awkward smile back, you gave him a small wave with your free hand.
The three of them eventually left you by yourself once again. Walking over to your room, you reach your bed and fall back onto the mattress. A long sigh left your lips, you moved to lay on your side to face the window. Gazing out, watching the wind blow through the plants, a small thought popped into your head. You said to yourself that you’d avoid using your Avatar but after hearing the news, maybe it was time to test it out. Kind of like a fuck it thought. Watching the outside world, eyes slowly closing shut, drowsiness finally catching up with you despite your pain. Your eyes opened once more, instead of your room being in your line of vision it was the forest. Looking around you were confused. It wasn’t until you finally breathed in, noticing that you didn’t have a mask. No pain was present either, just you and the forest completely healthy.
Taking small steps into the forest, admiring the plants all around you and the smaller animals. Minutes pass as you continue to appreciate the environment, before stumbling upon a small open area surrounded by the trees. A smaller tree that looked similar to a willow tree that used to be seen on Earth in the books you’ve read on Earth plants. It had beautiful green and brown colourations all over.  Slowly approaching the tree, you duck under the hanging leaves to reach the trunk of the tree. There was a soft patch of grass surrounding the base, you crouched down to sit comfortably against the wood. Relaxing your back as it made contact with the rough bark, hands wisping through the grass feeling the softness. You took a long breath in through your nose, closing your eyes as you exhaled. So this is what it felt like when I was younger.
Though you didn’t understand why you were here, you took the chance to soak up everything you can. Time passes as you stay in a peaceful state under the leaves. There was a sudden twinge in your chest, throat feeling dry. Next thing you knew you couldn’t breathe, gripping the grass in panic. Your eyes opened to find yourself in your room once more accompanied with a strong coughing fit. Hands grasping your sheets as you keep coughing. The last cough finally came out, liquid dripping down your chin. Sheets stained in splatters of bright red. Eyes moistening, hands releasing the sheets as your cheeks became wet. Crying for the second time today, it felt much worse this time. Frustration building up in your system as you wept, the urge to scream as if it would get rid of all your problems. And you did. The screaming led to you throwing your pillows across the room. Hitting objects, making things fall and clatter against the hard ground. You got up striding towards your small desk filled with info about plants. Grabbing them all with a tight fist, crumbling them in your grasp. You throw them all over the place, ripping a few as hot tears flushed your face. It felt long, in reality your breakdown lasted only a few short minutes. Sitting on the floor on your knees, chest rising up and down at a fast pace as you try to calm yourself. Dried up tears staining your cheeks, nose stuffy, dried blood on your lips and chin.
Early in the morning Norm went into the linking pod to start his day. He did his things in his Avatar form throughout the day. Went to the village to discuss some matters to Jake, came back to the lab area to finish any other chores. One thing he did notice though was three figures leaving the lab. He noticed Mo’at the most, not knowing why she came all the way here. It took him some time to realise what it may be about. He didn’t worry too much, especially seeing Kiri’s face which seemed to radiate happiness. Going on with his day, he couldn’t help but feel a hint of worry. Possible parent instincts? Who knew, but Norm just felt something was off. Another hour passed while the feeling was biting at him, he gave in and went to the Avatars tent to unlink. Unlinking, he lifted the pod lid, stretching his stiff limbs. Just as he steps out, he hears objects crashing in the direction of your room.
Norm ran towards your room, worried that something bad may have happened to you. Just as he reached your door, the clattering sounds went silent. Opening the door in a hurry, his eyes shifted all over. There were blood splatters on your bed and some on the floor. Papers and your belongings scattered everywhere. Some glass that had been shattered from a few of your things hitting each other. Eyes finally landing on the small figure on the cold floor. Face apathetic, dried blood staining your lower face, red eyes. Rushing to your body, not caring if your things were the way. Crouching down, grabbing your shoulders gently as he examines your face and body. A small sense of relief came as he noticed you weren’t hurt on the outside but extremely worried about the blood that came from inside. Without saying a word, he brought your body into his, embracing you into a warm hug. At times like these, you felt as if you were a child again. The hug made you breakdown once more, burying your face deeper into his chest. Norm had always felt like a parental figure to you. Him hugging you in times like these was something you really needed.
He continued keeping you in his hold, gently caressing the back of your head. Your crying never settled, tears constantly flowing down your face. All the years of pent up emotions, all coming out today. Norm couldn’t help but shed tears himself, seeing you in such a state made his heart hurt. An hour passed, both still stuck in the embrace. Sobs turned into sniffles and heavy breathing. Norm spoke in the softest tone he could.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
In return he got a head shake against his chest. His lips pursed while releasing a sigh. He rubs your back as he rests his head on top of yours.
“How about I get some food ready for you. Does that sound good? Get you cleaned up too?”
Feeling a light nod, he pulls away looking at your face. His expression is full of sombre as he looks at your fallen look. Helping you stand up, he assists you to the bathroom before leaving to cook some food.  You look into the mirror, a reflection of a person you don’t recognise. Tired eyes, sunken cheeks, pale skin, looking down to your hands, small cuts decorating them from the papers and glass. A quiet sigh left your body, slowly taking off your clothes and turning the shower on. Waiting for steam to be visible in the bathroom before touching the water. As the water cascaded down your body, the blood and tears were slowly disappearing. You sat down on the shower floor, letting the water hit against your skin, basking in the heat of the water. The steam made it a little hard to breathe but the steam was calming as well. The steam was like a safety blanket covering your frame. You lift your head to face the water, letting it gently hit your face. All you did was stay in the water, feeling too weak to use the products to fully clean yourself.
Minutes passed before you turned the shower off. Stepping out, the room filled with foggy steam. You grab the towel to wrap yourself in. Peeking out the door you see a pile of neatly folded clothes on the floor in front of the door. Norm must’ve finished the food and cleaned your room a bit. Grabbing the clothes, you take your time getting changed. You looked around your room, there were still bits and pieces on the ground but the majority had been put away. Dragging your feet to where Norm was, you see him patiently waiting for you to arrive. Your steps alerted him and he looked up to see you all cleaned up. He waves you over to sit and eat the bland looking eggs and toast on the plate. Feet pattering as you walk to the chair, pulling it out and taking a seat. You peer down at the plate, gently grasping the fork sitting beside it. Slowly eating the food in front of you, Norm had thoughts running through his head. He knew that your breakdown had something to do with your condition. The only thing that confused him was the look on Kiri’s face. If she was so happy after leaving then why were you acting the complete opposite. As you finished eating, Norm quickly gathered the plate and fork, putting them away in the sink before sitting back in front of you. His hand was gently placed on top of yours to show his support.
“I know earlier you said you didn’t want to talk about it, but I’m here to talk to, okay? Don’t hesitate to tell me anything.”
“I know…”
Finally talking, your voice hoarse and quiet from today's events. You both stand, Norm pulling you into another hug as he pats your head. The rest of the day you spent in bed, looking out the window. Taking pills ahead of time, the pain was at ease for now. It had started raining, the soothing taps against the glass slowly pulled you to sleep.
You had woken up to pain once more, but this time it didn’t bother you as much since you had a mission. Waking up earlier than Norm, you quietly wait for his presence so you could ask him a very important question. The nerves in your system couldn’t settle, overpowering the pain in your chest. Minutes passed before you heard footsteps nearing, turning your head you see a tired Norm. His eyes widened a bit as he saw you up and early.
“y/n? Whatcha doing up early? You’re usually not up at this time”
Unconsciously picking at your skin, you avert your eyes not ready for how he’ll react.
“I was uh, I was thinking it was time to take my… Avatar out…”
His brows furrowed but quickly changed into an excited expression. He strides towards your small figure, grabbing your shoulders gently and dragging you to the linking pods. Your first initial reaction was pure confusion, your face was all scrunched up. But then your eyes were wide open like saucers seeing the linking pods come into your view of vision. Norm turns you around to face you once more.
“Are you absolutely sure about this?”
Giving him a firm nod, he guides you to one of the pods. You watch as other people start getting things prepared, a few a little surprised at your sudden appearance in this room. Norm quickly set up one of the pods for you to lay in. As he was setting up he gave you some tips for when you end up linking to your Avatar. Seconds passed before Norm was dragging you again. He patted the open pod, you hopped on, swinging your legs up with you.
“Just remember to relax, and keep a clear mind.”
You give him a crooked smile as you nod your head briefly. Slowly lying down, Norm brought down the top, before closing it completely he gave you one last smile and thumbs up. As it closes, you close your eyes trying to make your mind go blank. In a second, your eyes opened once more, bright lights blinding you. Muffled sounds coming from around you. The first thing you really noticed was the lack of pain present. Adjusting to the light, you see scientists surrounding you. They were checking your hearing and your eyes. They asked if you were feeling okay, replying with a curt nod. Minutes passed as they continued to test your motor functions. All you could focus on was how light your entire body felt. For once your body feels relaxed and not tense 24/7. They gave you a change of clothes, a simple tank top and some shorts. Getting changed, you were beyond excited but also nauseous. It would be the first time going outside in forever. These thoughts completely made you forget about your other body.
You walked to the door that led to the outside world. Your hand reached for the latch but you hesitated. Worried that something bad would happen just like when you were younger. You took a deep breath in before exhaling from your nose. Gripping the handle, you open the door wide open. Bright lights blinded your eyes once more, but quickly adjusted just to see the vibrant outdoors. A wide smile graced your face, not believing that this moment finally came. Your eyes moved everywhere trying to take in the entire view. Then your eyes landed on an Avatar Norm who was walking towards you with some weird looking fruit in his hand. As he got closer he tossed you the fruit, catching off guard as you barely caught it.
You bite into the juicy fruit, a wave of new flavours hit you making you eat more of the fruit. Norm was chuckled at your reaction to the fruit. He pats your shoulder, tilting his head as he wants to show you more of the place. As you walk around, Norm shows you the different areas for the Avatars. The terrain was rough, especially when you opted out of shoes. You wanted the full experience of this body, something you weren’t able to do inside. Norm came to a full stop, making you bump into his back. You step back rubbing your nose, just as you were about to tell Norm off your voice got stuck in your throat. The forest was right in front of you. The vibrant green from the trees and plants once again in front of you after all these years. You couldn’t take your eyes off of the forest. Norm waved his hand by your face, snapping you out of your trance.
“Huh? What did you say?”
Norm only chuckled. “I was asking if you wanted to take a walk in the forest for old time sake?”
Your eyes glimmered in eagerness, quickly grabbing Norms arms dragging him in the dense forest. Not once did your eyes falter, a constant smile on your face to the point your cheeks were sore but that didn’t stop you. It felt like the exact moment you first went out 10 years ago. The flora looked even more beautiful than it did years ago, not to mention the softness from the grass and dirt connecting with your feet every step. Norm struggled to keep up with you. Jogging, trying to keep up with your quick steps.
“Wait up! You’re going way too fast, there was something I needed to show you.”
Your ears perk at Norms statement. He could only chuckle at your childish demeanour. He walks ahead of you, waving his hand to tell you to follow him. As you followed it felt like deja vu. Looking around in curiosity, spotting animals wandering the forest. Except this time you were much taller… and blue. Minutes passed, every minute of asking what it was Norm wanted to show you. He kept saying it was a surprise, which made you groan impatiently. As more time passed as you walked, another blue figure came into view, except they were wearing pieces of clothing extremely different from yours. Immediately you recognized them as an Omatikaya warrior. Your head quickly whipped around to face Norm. He could only give you a small smirk as he shrugged his shoulders. Your new tail whips back and forth in anticipation as you finally enter the village. The smile on your face widened even more, if that was even possible. Clan members looked at you with curiosity, normally they only see Norm come into the village but you were completely new. Everything felt so familiar to you, but there were many new additions in the village that had you interested. Walking a certain path, you knew where you were walking to… Jake’s family tent. The large tent looked exactly how it did all those years ago. You weren’t able to see Jake since the day you fell ill, this made you nervous to see him again. He was like an uncle to you. Reaching the front of the tent, Norm told you to wait as he entered. As you wait, you hear a small voice come from behind you.
“Excuse me? Who are you?”
You recognise that voice anywhere. You turn to face a certain someone.
Tuk looked a little puzzled for a moment, studying your features and hearing your voice. It clicked in her head. A gasped left your mouth and eyes big, she dropped her toy running towards you frame. She jumped in your arms as she shouted in glee.
“Y/N! Is that really you? You look like me!”
A hearty laugh came out, hugging her back as you spun her around.
“It is Tuk, it’s me!”
Just as you were spinning Tuk, Jake, Norm, and Neytiri came out. Jake thought Norm was lying about you being here, but that changed after seeing you interacting with his youngest daughter. Neytiri was just as shocked. She didn’t mind you as much as Spider. You heard them from behind you, you gently put Tuk down giving a greeting to both of them.
“Kaltxì, Jake, Neytiri”
Jake grinned walking over to you with open arms. Neytiri only watched with a small simile shaping her lips. Jake engulfed you in a big hug before pulling you back by your shoulders. He let out a small chuckle since you were now like him in a sense.
“Who knew, I actually get to see you in blue.”
You scoff jokingly as you punch his shoulder.
“That’s all you say after not seeing me in years? Well at least I can say that you look older grandpa”
He rolled his eyes before putting you in a headlock and giving you a noogie. Norm laughed at you being teased by Jake, Neytiri was chuckling softly watching the scene unfold. From a distance away, four bodies were walking closer. The three being the other sully kids and the last being Spider. They were conversing with each other, not noticing the figure in their father’s embrace. Neteyam looked away from them for a second before noticing an unfamiliar member near his father. It wasn’t until Jake saw them, waving at them to come over. The moment you turned around, Neteyam felt as if the world stopped for a second. He didn’t notice who you were until Kiri whispered your name in question. His head spun to face Kiri hearing your name spill from her lips, his face filled with shock but a good shock. Lo’ak swore under his breath, he finally got to see his friend outside except this time you're like him. Spider was the same, seeing you outside with a smile on your face made him happy. The three ran towards your figure, tackling you to the ground, hugging you tight and shouting with happiness.
Neteyam was still frozen in place. He was trying to process how you looked. You had beautiful markings covering your arm, legs, and face. Eyes, a vibrant yellow mixed with lines of green. Your small fangs peaking out as you shared smiles with his siblings. His ears and tail twitching unconsciously as he studied your new features. Jake had shouted at him to come over, quickly making him blink out of his daze. Light purple hues reached his cheeks when his father called him, not sure if he had caught him staring. Slowly approaching your figure that had been tackled to the ground. Watching as Tuk jumped into the pile as well, a small amused huff left his mouth. Kiri and Lo’ak finally got off you, pulling you up with them off the ground. The adults all watched with bright smiles on their faces before they started conversing with each other back in the tent. Neteyam finally joined you all, but he still felt a little awkward since you haven’t had the chance to talk to each other much. But he started staring at you again, drifting off into dreamland as you talked with Kiri. Lo’ak noticed the lack of speech coming from his brother, noticing that he was looking at you. He had a knowing smirk, elbowing Neteyam in the ribs which caused Neteyam to smack his arm.
Jake and Norm had come back out with soft smiles wanting to tell you something. You tilt your head in question as Norm lays a hand on your back. He looks at you for a second before returning his attention back to Jake. Jake spoke in a strong tone, but was also gentle.
“Would you like to learn our ways? I know you enjoy learning about everything and maybe you would like to experience it as well.”
Eyes blinking slowly a few times as you turn to Norm with a stricken expression. Both Norm and Jake let out lively laughs seeing your reaction. You let out a meek really? to Norm and he nodded briefly. Hands bursting in the air in celebration as you laugh in joy. Before you could run to hug Kiri and Lo’ak who were also excited about the news, Jake's voice stopped you.
“Neteyam will be the one to teach you everything you need to know”
Neteyam immediately whipped his head in the direction of his father. He quickly mentioned his training but Jake said that it would be okay. Neteyam was nervous to say the least, especially since it was you. As for your reaction, you didn’t know how to react so you just sent Neteyam a small smile. He quickly avoided your gaze, not sure how to feel about this situation. Your smile fell seeing how he looked away, concerned that you may have made him feel uncomfortable.
After everything had been set in place, Kiri and Lo’ak had taken you on a mini tour around the village. Showing you some new additions, the whole time your eyes were eager to see everything. As for Neteyam, he was trailing behind just like he did years ago when he was wary of you for the first time. For some reason, he couldn’t stop looking at you. Now that you looked like them, his interest in you peaked once more. It was interesting to him, how much your Avatar looked like you. Only difference between you and them is the lack of skills and knowledge of the people. He was kind of excited to be able to teach you but unsure at the same time. He still wasn’t sure how to talk with you, and it made it more difficult when he couldn’t speak English as well as his siblings.
They started walking into the forest after showing you around the village while Spider had gone back to the lab to do some chores that he promised Max. Both Lo’ak and Kiri were leading you to a specific spot that they said was special. You were breathing a bit heavily due to your Avatar not being used to all the fast movements. Your stamina definitely needed some improvement. Neteyam was still lagging behind, making sure everyone was in his view.  Tuk was jumping around, playing with some plants along the way. Lo’ak came to a stop causing you to crash into his back. You thought, why does this keep happening? You rub your nose once again, punching Lo’aks back for stopping.
“Why’d you stop”
He could roll his eyes as you punched your shoulder in return. That led to you slapping each other's arms and hands repeatedly. Which then led to Kiri slapping the back of your heads. Despite being older than the both of them, you finally got the chance to really feel childish. You and Lo’ak always had a sibling relationship, the one where you're always bickering and fighting each other but in a good way. Lo’ak blew a raspberry at you, you mocked him back before Kiri once again slapped the back of your heads. Neteyam could only laugh at his actions while Tuk tried joining in. Kiri finally spoke up.
“If you skxawngs are done fighting, y/n would’ve noticed where we are right now”
Your ears lifted, finally studying the area around you. It all looked familiar until something clicked. The small area, surrounded by the plants and trees, the small pond. This was where you guys officially met each other. It honestly all felt like a dream. You quickly remember a singular tree where you guys carved into it. Running over to the tree, you spot the carvings, your initials. The other four walked over, watching as you delicately traced over the initials. You turn to them with a downturn grin, reminiscing the old times. What caught your eye even more was the small plus between yours and Neteyams initials. Cheeks heating up for a second, remembering that younger you harboured feelings for the older sully brother. Although those feelings were from years ago, it was still buried deep within you. Neteyam noticed as well, ears turning purple. Lo’ak noticed once more, snickering at them both with how oblivious they were. Tuk then yelled that she was bored. As if your minds were the same, you, Kiri, and Lo’ak shared a look. Neteyam and Tuk were clueless to what you guys were thinking. Lo’ak ran to Neteyam, tapping his shoulder running off while yelling you’re it. He was completely caught off guard, watching as all of you scattered from his proximity. Even Tuk ran away screaming in excitement. It took him a minute to process what just happened before dashing off to grab you guys. He first went after Tuk, knowing she was going to be the easiest to catch. Only a minute later he grabbed her. Tuk pouted as he led her back to the pond before running off again to catch you guys. Since the three of you were hiding it took Neteyam a little while to find one of you. Finding Lo’ak first, they both went out on a full on sprint. Lo’ak desperately running for his life, not sure if he was laughing or screaming or both.
You could hear his screams in the distance, trying to muffle your chuckles from escaping your lips. The screaming stopped, but then screaming was heard again but this time from Kiri. You could hear her yell cuss words as Neteyam was closing in on her. It fell silent once more. You kept your breathing short and quiet, as you heard soft footsteps coming towards you. Hiding in a bush, you see legs appearing right in front of you which makes you hold your breath. Neteyam had a feeling you were somewhere near, standing still to hear any sudden movements. Right at that moment he heard a subtle crunch of leaves in front of him. He squats down swiftly, eyes meeting yours. You stood up fast and started running like a bunny being chased. Neteyam followed after you, a look of amusement and determination on his face. You were much faster than he expected you to be. You might’ve been faster than Lo’ak somehow and he was fast. Only disadvantage you had was your stamina. Running for a minute straight with Neteyam hot on your tail, you started slowing down due to being tired. Neteyam sped up jumping, tackling you to the ground. A small yelp sound coming from your mouth as you made contact with the ground.
You were huffing for air, not used to running so much. Breathing heavily as you meet the gaze of Neteyams eyes that look green in this lighting. Neteyam talked quietly.
“I caught you”
Exuberant laughter slipped out as Neteyam talked. You haven’t felt this alive in forever. Neteyam joining in your laughter finally loosening up around you. The laughter died down, both looking at each other, then realising that Neteyam was on top of you from tackling you. Both of you had purple hues surfacing on your cheeks as the both of you separated in a hurry. He let out a quick apology as both of you pat the dirt off yourselves. You wave him off saying that it was alright trying to cool your cheeks. The walk back was a little awkward, especially since you ran quite the distance from the pond. Walking side by side both of you spoke at the same time, quickly apologising to each other in flustered states. You talk first seeing that he we​nt silent once more.
“How um, how is training? I bet you’re busy a lot.”
Neteyam fiddled with his fingers behind his back as he gave you a small glance then returned his gaze to the ground.
“Yes, very busy. Training good but very tiring”
You smile softly hearing his broken english. Over the years you were kept inside, the Na’vi language was one of the main things you studied. You appreciated the effort Neteyam had when communicating with you. You jog forward just a bit, walking backwards in front of him.
“Plltxe na’vi” (speak na’vi)
He looked at you with a stunned expression. Feeling the awkwardness fading away as he started feeling more open to talk to you normally like old times. He gave you a toothy smile as his voice gave off a teasing tone.
“Ngeyä lì'upam hek nì'it mi” (Your pronunciation is a bit strange still)
A deadpan face took over your features as you rolled your eyes before it was replaced with an amused look.  Reaching the pond, you started skipping towards the three who were waiting for you guys. Neteyam watched as you skipped away, a content grin on his face. Lo’ak groaned as he spotted you and Neteyam coming out of the forest.
“Finally! You took forever, we were bored waiting on you.”
You stick your tongue out while pulling your lower eyelid down.
“Calm down, it was only a couple minutes. Plus I was getting chased.”
Looking back pointing to his brother who was trailing behind you. Kiri chuckled under her breath seeing you and Lo’ak banter with each other. Neteyam joined Kiri in laughing, happy that he finally rekindled his friendship with you although there were still ways to go. All of you talked for a while and played a few more rounds of tag before the eclipse. Travelling back to the village meeting up with Norm and Jake once more. They told you your Avatar body can stay within the village because of the training you’ll be starting early in the morning. With that, Jake guides you to a small tent for you to stay in. Hugging Norm one last time before you left for the lab knowing it's dangerous to be wandering around at night. Saying your goodnights to everyone, you settle in your tent, laying down comfortably on your mat. You didn’t want to close your eyes. If you did, you’d return to your dying body which you absolutely hated. But you knew it was for the best. Closing your eyes takes in deep breaths before your consciousness is returned to your original body. Immediately pain took over your body. You felt another coughing fit rising in your chest. Pushing open the pod as fast as you could, you fell out but ignoring those around you. Running to a bathroom nearby letting out your coughs over the sink. All the coughing made it difficult to get air in your system, struggling to breathe.
Blood. The crimson colour of the liquid staining the white sink and your white lab coat. Your body finally decided to stop your coughing leaving you heaving for air. You take steps back before your back hits the wall, sliding down as you make contact with the tiled floor. You were so happy and lively a minute ago, now you were in pain and coughing blood on the floor. Just as your body settled, knocking came from the door.
“Y/n? Are you okay? Max told me he saw you running in a rush after unlinking.”
You stayed quiet for a minute not really sure if you had the strength to talk. You heard him repeat your name one more time. Whispering, voice terribly hoarse and strained.
“I’m okay Norm… just another small coughing fit”
Hearing him sigh, you knew he knew that this wasn’t just a “small” fit.
“Do you want me to wait here for you?”
His voice was delicate, as if he was talking to a small fragile child. You could only let out a small no, not wanting Norm to see the state you were in right now. Norm could only rest his forehead on the door, worried for you. He let out a quiet okay, hesitating to walk away from the door. Hearing the steps fading your head falls back against the wall wishing that this could all just end.
It had been a couple days since your first linking to your Avatar. The first couple days of training was mostly building up your stamina which was also accompanied by Lo’ak much to Neteyams debate. But also every day after unlinking, the coughing became more frequent. Mo’at had given you some remedies to help slow down the process of your condition but it still didn’t help with the aching and discomfort. Today, you were slightly excited, you moved on from building stamina to using a weapon. Not only that, Lo’ak couldn’t join because Jake knew Lo’ak would distract the both of you. That made Lo’ak annoyed because he wanted to teach you too.
You and Neteyam were walking together to the practice range for the bow and arrows. The first time being alone since the first day of being in your Avatar. The walk was silent but this time it was rather a comfortable silence than an awkward one. Even though the time spent with him was also with Lo’ak, the both of you had gotten closer, only speaking Na’vi when you were with him. There were stolen glances from time to time and teasing nudges. Neteyam felt like he was more free when he was around you. Reaching the range, Neteyam grabbed a practice bow for you to use. He gently passed it into your hands as he grabbed his own bow. Your tail is swishing around in anticipation.
“Now, this is one of our main weapons we use for both hunting and fighting. I will teach you the proper stance and draw back. Also how to aim for your target. Maybe later this week if you improve, we can go hunting.”
You were nervous to say the least. Neteyam demonstrated first, having a strong stance. Arms pulled back as he drawed the arrow, focusing on the target in front of him. As he let go, the arrow swiftly flew through the air perfectly hitting the middle of the target. Your face said it all, completely captivated. He slowly brought his bow back down, turning to face you with a proud look on his face. He waves you over, finally your turn to attempt to shoot an arrow. He let you try by yourself first, and it went terribly. He studied your horrible posture and stance, the way your arms were weirdly positioned in the air. Lastly, how weak your core looked. When you released the arrow, it didn’t reach all the way to the target. You hiss in embarrassment as you look at the arrow on the ground. Neteyam tried to suppress his laugh as you failed miserably. You gave him a glare, shutting him up immediately.
He made his way over to you grinning from ear to ear. He stands beside you, showing you how to stand. You copied him, but you still had some flaws in your stance. So he took on the more physical approach but looked for you permission first. Giving him a firm nod, he started with your arms. His hands caressed them gently as he positioned them in the proper angle as you drew the arrow back. His light touches had your cheeks heating up and your stomach churning. He then went to fix your legs, tapping them to give you a wider stance and making sure your feet are facing the proper directions. You still weren’t able to control your tail very well, so it was wagging in nervousness. When he got your stomach, your breath had hitched ever so slightly. He was too distracted with giving you the perfect stance to notice your nervous frame. His fingers brushed over your stomach as he said to tighten your core and to stand tall. He stepped back to see his work and gave a content nod to himself. He gave you the thumbs up to shoot, but you were still trying to cool down from his light touches. Your arms faltered a bit before shooting so he stopped you quickly. You turn your head to look at him, he is standing right in front of you. He adjusted your arms once more but stayed in close proximity to you to make sure you stayed standing in the stance. You couldn’t help but stare at him, he looked ethereal in the warm light of the sun. Neteyam distracted again trying to help with your aiming but then also met your eyes. Both of you had heat rising to your cheeks as both of you were entranced in each other's glimmering eyes. Neteyam was first to break the contact, quickly speaking with a soft tone to tell you to release the arrow.
From a distance, Jake wanted to check in just to see how you were doing. He stopped his steps seeing his oldest son guiding you. He felt deja vu wash over him seeing the scene. Remembering when Neytiri was the one guiding him for the first time. He saw the way both of you looked at each other. A smile reached his lips, chuckling softly seeing his son so relaxed in your presence. He watched as you shouted with joy after hitting the target and his son joining in with the cheering. Jake thought it was best not to interrupt the special moment the both of you were sharing.
Weeks passed. Each day that passes the weaker you feel. You were definitely improving a lot with your Avatar but your other body was the only thing that was dragging it down. There were times the pain got so great that there was physical pressure you felt through your Avatar. Those times you had to unlink to calm your real body down. Not only that, the blood and coughing situation had gotten extremely worse. You coughed up blood at least 2-3 times a day, the pain increasing each time. It hurt to talk and to eat, this led to you being malnourished. Norm had fought with you to eat and take better care of your body. Everytime the argument starts, it ends with you breaking down and Norm losing the fight. Your real body didn’t feel real anymore. Guilt also filled your system, every passing day that was spent with Neteyam only made your feelings for him grow. The past days you and Neteyam shared deep conversations and shared gentle touches. Lo’ak and Kiri can see how you guys looked at each other and constantly teased Neteyam about it. Even Neytiri saw how her son looked at you, vise versa. Although you were an Avatar, Neytiri had accepted you as a clan member which was huge.
When you woke up today, you felt worse than normal. Instead of looking into it, you ignored it, taking it as your normal pain. You quickly take the herbal medicine Mo’at had given you and trudged to the linking room. Halfway there you felt faint, using the wall as a support but you still proceeded to the linking pods. Norm had noticed your figure slowly approaching the room. He was extremely worried for your well being. He even tried to force you to eat but you kept refusing. There wasn’t much he could do at this point but to just let you do what you wanted.
You reached the pod, struggling to open it with your weak arms. Your arms shook as you lifted yourself up to lay down in the pod. Closing the lid, you took in a shaky breath as you transferred your consciousness to your Avatar. Waking up in your tent, you saw Neteyam patiently waiting outside for you. A smile made its way to your lips as you quietly walked up behind him. Just before you could scare him, he turned rapidly while shouting. That scared the shit out of you. Your mouth agape with a stunned expression. Neteyam burst out laughing, tears collecting on his waterline. You jokingly pushed him.
“NETEYAM! How’d you know I was coming up behind you?”
He tried calming down from his laughing fit, taking in deep breaths.
“You aren’t exactly the best at sneaking up on something quite yet. I could probably hear you footsteps from a mile away”
You could only laugh with him as both of you continued nudging each other. Neteyam looked at you, admiring your laugh and your smile. You noticed his silence, meeting his gaze. You looked to the ground with purple hues appearing on your cheeks. His smile widened seeing your reaction. An idea popped in his head.
“Shall we take a walk instead of training today?”
Your head perked up in interest, giving him a shy nod. You both made your ways to the village border. Taking steps into the forest, the sunlight making lines through the pants. Conversations flowed smoothly between you two, hands brushing against each other as you walked. The direction Neteyam took you was relatively new to you. But then again the forest was huge and anywhere would be new to you. Sharing laughs and teasing punches, you felt like you were on cloud nine. Just as you passed another clearing, something caught your attention in the corner of your eye. It was a tree that resembled the one in your dream. Your sudden stop made Neteyam tilt his head at you. He followed your gaze landing on the small tree in the middle of the clearing. He watched as you walked towards the tree, your face seemingly confused. You were confused about how this tree was the exact one from your dream. But seeing it in person, it was even more magnificent. A scoff of joy as you delicately touch the leaves.
Neteyam couldn’t take his eyes off you. In his eyes you looked so spiritual when you looked at the tree with such care. He stepped into the clearing, approaching you with a soft smile. You tilt your head toward the ground as you sit under the tree. Patting the spot next to you, Neteyam crouched down taking the spot. Calming silence took over, enjoying each other's company. You were busy studying the environment around you, eventually resting your head on Neteyams shoulder. This made Neteyams body tense up, not used to this type of contact. He glanced down seeing you fiddle with the fallen leaves and the grass. Relaxing his shoulders, he hesitated for a second before resting his head on top of yours. Even taking another step forward by wrapping his tail around your waist. Both of you found solace with each other.
An hour passed like it was nothing. Neteyam felt like he was dreaming. Normally he didn’t focus much on other females in the clan but you were special to him. Your head was now resting on his chest, listening to his rhythmic heart beats. His chest hummed as he spoke with a gentle tone.
“I am glad that I got to train you instead of someone else”
He felt your cheeks rising, which made him smile too. But what he said next had you pause.
“How are my grandmother's remedies? I never got the chance to ask you about your healing.”
You stilled, ears folding down as guilt washed over you. You separate yourself from Neteyam as you look down ashamed. Neteyam tilts his head wondering why you looked so down. He grabbed your hands pulling them into his lap.
“What’s wrong? Did I say something?”
You gripped his hands gently, finally looking up with a pained smile on your face.
“No no, you didn’t say anything bad…”
He brought one of his hands up to your cheek, delicately caressing it.
“What is wrong then?”
Your eyes moistened, breathing becoming uneven. Your voice was quiet and vulnerable.
“I… I lied to you Neteyam”
His face furrowed, confusion overtaking his emotions. He moved to sit right in front of you, hand still on your cheek.  
“What do you mean?”
You grab his wrist, bringing it down from your cheek. The tears heavily gather in your eyes, voice shaky, nervous about how he would react. You weren’t sure if you should lie again. Opting to tell the truth you avoid his gaze as you let out a shaky breath.
“I’m not healing Neteyam…”
Neteyam froze in place. There was a ringing in his ears that wouldn’t go away. His eyes studied your face to see if you were joking or not but you weren’t. He removed his hand from your grip. The way he looked at you shattered your heart. Neteyam wasn’t sure if he should yell or not talk at all. Instead he whispered under his breath.
You tried grabbing his hands again but he avoided your touch. You were stumbling over your words as you tried saying that it was for the best but this made Neteyam even more angry.
His yelling made you flinch. You were speechless, never have you seen Neteyam act like this. Tears were now freely falling down your cheeks as you tried explaining but it was hard to to get words out from your hard breathing. He felt betrayed, betrayed that you would do this to yourself and him. Betrayed that you would even lie to everyone in his family, especially Kiri. You desperately tried to explain, but the words coming out weren’t good enough for him. He stood up, a dark expression overshadowing his face.
“Neteyam please, lying to you was the only choice I had”
His nose flared. “What about the choice of just telling me at the very start? THAT WAS A CHOICE! We could’ve worked through this together! Instead you chose to hide like a coward and hide the pain. You are selfish, just like all the other Skypeople.”
Neteyam’s voice was strained, not wanting to talk more as tears were now threatening his eyes. But his anger was too much, more words just spilled out.
“You bring shame to the clan and to me. To think that I was falling for you. You will always be an evil skyperson at heart.”
His words cut you and it stung terribly. You tried reaching out, but in return he stepped back. Your chest burned in dejection. You knew you were in the wrong but it was too late. Your body entered a panic mode, your breathing turned to wheezing. Every breath felt like fire in your lungs. Neteyam still stood in front of you, upset and depressed from your lie.
“Neteyam please, please don’t leave it like this”
You stood up taking small steps towards him. But every step you took forward, he stepped back. The next step you took, your body went limp. Eyes closing as your body hits the ground. Neteyams eyes widened in shock. All his anger dispersed, replaced with shock and worry. He got onto his knees immediately, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you.
“Y/n? Y/n? Hey wake up, you can’t just pass out like that.”
He lightly tapped your face, trying to wake you up.
“Stop joking around y/n”
He started to panic. Salty liquid running down his face as you weren’t waking up. Neteyam picked up, carrying you in bridal style. He ran through the forest in a hurry, yelling as he saw the village in his line of blurry vision. The yelling caught Jake's attention, his eyes found Neteyam running with your body in his grasp. Jake ran in Neteyams direction seeing that you were unconscious. Reaching Neteyam, he saw that he had tears running down his face.
“What happened?” Jake's voice stern but filled with concern.
“We-we were arguing but then she uh she suddenly collapsed. I’m so sorry it was my fault sir.”
Neteyam was sobbing uncontrollably as he got out his choked up words. This made something click in Jake's head. You must’ve been unlinked for some reason. He ushers Neteyam to the healing tent. Telling him to place your body down on one of the mats. Mo’at saw this and once she saw your body she knew. She got to work right away making sure your Avatar body didn’t sustain any injuries. Jake told Neteyam to follow him as Mo’at worked on your Avatar body.
Entering the family tent, Kiri was the only one there. She was caught off guard seeing both Neteyam and Jake in distress. Jake had gathered some things to bring with him before setting off to the lab. Kiri tried asking what was going on but both of them left in a hurry. Running through the dense forest, a million thoughts ran through his mind. He remembered what he had said to you and regrets it deeply.
When you collapsed, it turned out that Norm was the one to unlink you. The panic attack you had with your Avatar had a large effect on your actual body. Your vitals were spiking as you started to cough up a dangerous amount of blood. The coughing did not slow down until you fell unconscious. Opening the pod, Norm was met with a scene that made his blood run cold. Your unconscious body, blood covering your lower jaw and the top of your shirt. He picked you up, yelling to everyone to get a bed set up with ivs and medicine prepared.
As machines were being attached to your body, a door slammed open to reveal Jake and Neteyam. Norm raced to Jake, pulling him to talk about what the hell happened. Norm was in such a distressed state that Jake had to calm him down. Neteyam stood only still, seeing your body in the white bed. His eyes trailed the machines that were hooked up onto your body. What had him shakened up the most was how sick you look. The last time he saw your human body you were pale and thin but seeing it again, it was like it doubled. Your top was stained in your blood, you were so pale that he could see your veins so clearly. Not only that, your face was so sunken, and your arms so small that it could snap in half if you weren’t careful. He fell to his knees, tears gathering in his eyes again. His knees shifted closer to your body, carefully touching your hand that was hanging off the edge. A hand covering his mouth suppressing his cries as he watches your chest rise up and down slowly.
Norm and Jake were discussing the possibilities. They were interrupted by Neteyams appearance. Jake saw how red his son's eyes were, he pulled him into a tight hug knowing his relationship with you. The hug stopped short when Neteyam mumbled something about you. He pulled away asking Neteyam what he said. He replied in a quavering voice that you were dying. Norms' eyes widened, followed by asking Neteyam what he meant by that.
“She told me that she lied. Lied about grandmother having a cure for her…disease”
The last word coming out strained. Norm fell back into a chair behind him as Jake was trying to process the new information.
Days passed, you were still unconscious. Neteyam never left your side, he slept and watched over you every second of the passing days. His family grew worried as he started neglecting his own health. Neytiri understood Neteyam the most. She knew how much he cherished you just as much as she cherished Jake. Tuk was held back at home, Jake didn’t want his youngest daughter seeing your current state. But he couldn’t hold back Kiri and Lo’ak. When they saw your unconscious figure, Lo’ak went numb as Kiri cried. Spider was absolutely devastated when he heard you collapsed. Although you both didn’t hang out as much since the start of your training, he loved you so much as an older sister. Three times a day, one of them dropped food off for Neteyam as he never left the lab. Most of the time he didn’t touch the food and just left it to go cold. Every night he whispers his regrets and sheds warm tears hoping that you would just wake up.
On a certain day, he finally went outside but went directly to the tree of voices. Making tsaheylu, he asked for Eywas help. Wishing to help you recover and for you to wake up. He stayed at the tree for hours, repeating his wishes to Eywa. When he thought that it was enough, he sighed as he stood up and walked away from the tree of voices. As he walked back to the lab, he saw Kiri, Lo’ak and Spider waiting outside. He gave them a look of question. Lo’ak spoke up saying that you had woken up. He made a beeline to the door until Kiri stopped him. She told him that grandmother told them to wait as she examined you. He huffed in frustration, wanting to see you now but knew better than to go against his grandmother's wishes. Minutes passed as Neteyam grew more impatient. But once he heard the door creak open he whipped his head to see what it was. Mo’at stepped out with Jake, giving the children a nod to go on in. Neteyam strides past them both, needing to see you.
His breath hitched seeing you awake and smiling at his appearance.
Your voice was raspy and low. Giving all your strength to give him a bright smile. Neteyam broke down as he ran to you, basically jumping in your arms. A yelp left your mouth as he embraced you tight. His tears soaked your shirt, you rubbed his back trying to comfort him.
“I dont think it’s a good idea to be crushing a sick person”
His eyes shot open, quickly getting off you. He wipes his tears as he apologises. You could only give him a teasing smile. But that smile fell as you needed to discuss something serious with Neteyam. You weakly grab his hands, making him look at you.
“Neteyam, there’s something we have to talk about.”
Telling by your tone, he knew it was going to be serious. You continued talking, as you were talking it was as if Neteyam had gone deaf. The words leaving your mouth had him shocked.
“... I asked Mo’at for a consciousness transfer.”
His voice is serious and deep. Your grip tightened on his hand.
“Neteyam, this is the only way for me to live longer.”
“no , it’s too risky. I can’t let you go through with this.”
You sat up, fully facing him.
“I understand the risks but I'm dying Neteyam and it's not going to change. This is the best I can do.”
“If it doesn’t work then you will die”
“I’m dying either way Neteyam and it’s a risk I'm willing to take” Tears are now building up in your eyes. “Mo’at already approved of the idea, I’m not going to back out now”
He felt the anger come back into his system. Instead of saying a word to you, he stormed out of the lab radiating with displeasure. You tried yelling for him, but your voice was too weak and strained. Spider, Kiri, and Lo’ak watched as he slammed the door open witnessing his heated demeanour. They gave each other looks trying to figure out what had happened. Lo’ak got up to go after Neteyam while Kiri and Spider went inside to see you. Kiri saw you curled up in a ball, crying. She rushed over to you, bringing you into an embrace. Spider only felt upset, seeing you cry made him rush after Neteyam. Kiri tried calming you down, her heart hurt for you seeing you in so much pain. She waited till your breathing slowed so she could ask what had happened. You had told her in short breaths about your consciousness transfer and how it led Neteyam to disagree with you. Kiri knew the risks of this but she knew you would rather risk it than continue living in pain until you eventually passed. She rubbed your back, hoping Lo’ak could change Neteyams mind about the whole thing.
Lo’ak had finally caught up to his brother, grabbing his arm to turn him around. Neteyam ripped his grip off his arm. Lo’ak stared at him in puzzlement.
“What the hell are you so mad about?”
Those words made Neteyam feel worse, pushing Lo’ak back not wanting to talk to anyone. Lo’ak tried grabbing him again since he kept turning away from him. Which led to him being shoved even harder. Neteyams tone was low and hoarse.
“Back off.”
Lo’ak decided to push back, annoyed at his brother. This set Neteyam off. Pushing Lo’ak to the ground yelling in his face.
“I said BACK OFF.”
“THEN TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED” He got off the ground, shoving his face in his, irritation moulding his features. Neteyam stayed silent for a moment, whispering under his breath.
“Y/n is going to do a consciousness transfer…”
Lo’ak wasn’t surprised. His lack of reaction made Neteyam confused. Why isn’t he mad? Why does he look like he already knew? In fact Lo’ak knew a day like this would come. You and him had a conversation about the transfer, and he reacted a bit like Neteyam when you first brought it up. The only difference was that he didn’t know about the lie until now. But he came to terms with the idea because he wanted you to have a better life. He saw how happy you were when you were in the forest, with the people. After hearing about you lying about being healed, that only made him want you to do the transfer more. He didn’t want you to be in pain for the rest of the time you have left. He knew Neteyam felt that way too but he was in a stage of denial and Lo’ak could see that. You were right, if you were dying either way, Lo’ak rather it be through the eye of Eywa. Passing without having to deal with pain or continue living in pain. And if the transfer worked, you could finally live the life you deserved.
“I know”
Those words leaving Lo’aks lips had Neteyam baffled. His face scrunched up coming closer to Lo’ak, asking what he meant by “he knew '' in a threatening tone. Lo’ak told him that he had a hunch ever since you first talked to him about the possibility of a transfer. You had even told him to not mention it to anyone else. Neteyam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He ignored Lo’aks yelling as he ran away, wanting to be alone. Spider finally caught up to Lo’ak but he didn’t see Neteyam.
Two days passed since you revealed your wish to do the transfer. Neteyam never came by once since then and you were disheartened by that. Kiri and Lo’ak would be the only ones that came by and even Jake. They kept saying that Neteyam refused to leave the tent when you asked if he was coming. You were also growing weaker as more time passed after you woke up. Your coughing was still harsh but not as bad as the one that made you go unconscious. That was what you thought at least but Kiri thought it was all the same and it severely concerned her. The only thing you were concerned about was Neteyam. Today no one was here and it was just you. The transfer was to be done tomorrow but you had an itch. The urge to step outside in your current body.
You slip off the bed, holding on to the rails for support as your legs are weak. Walking weakly to your room to grab fresh clothes. You sat on your bed and took a minute to yourself to just study around you. Hand gently touch your blanket and drag it across. Eyes moving to your desk, spotting a picture with your and the others when you were younger. You remember how Norm had trouble taking the picture due you guys running around constantly. A faint smile made its way to your lips, but faded away because this may be your last time ever seeing it. The pain in your chest grew too great and you knew that you wouldn’t last much longer. You thought that you came into terms with death but in reality, you hoped that the transfer would work. You were just a scared kid who went through too much at a young age. Your eyes moistened at the possibility of not seeing anyone anymore. Norm, Kiri, Lo’ak, Spider, Tuk, Jake, even Neytiri. Neytiri had grown quite fond of you over the time you were training with Neteyam. The one person you would miss most of all is Neteyam but now he wasn’t even speaking with you or wanting to see you. Tears streaming down your eyes as you bring the picture close to your chest. Holding it tight not wanting it to disappear from your sight.
You eventually stood back up with the picture still in your hands. Wobbly walking over to the door, grabbing a mask. You look down at the mask, bringing it up to your face and securing it around your head. Your body was tired but you had to go outside. Pushing the door open, warm air floods through the door. You admire the scenery before you, never getting used to the forest's beauty. Your breaths were short, mind hazy and skin feeling tingling. Walking with a calm demeanour towards the forest. The other Avatars looked at you with odd looks as you passed them. It seemed like you alerted them, one of them running to get in contact with Norm. Your steps grew faster as you got closer to the lush trees. The others yelled and ran to get you back but they immediately lost you as your body disappeared in their view once you entered the forest. Your bare feet dig into the dirt with every step you take forward. The sun glimmered through the leaves and plants. Eyes fluttering closed every now and then wanting to memorise the flora and animals you see.
Your body wandered the forest for minutes before you stumbled upon the same tree. Standing in place as you just stare at the tree. Recalling what happened the last time you were here. A frown made its place on your face, the place where you and Neteyam fought. But also the place where you found peace within each other. Taking a hesitant step into the clearing, feet connecting with the soft grass. Hands reaching for the leaves that hang down from the willow like tree. Its leaves were turning orange and yellow. In ways it was similar to you, wilting away as time closed in. Taking a seat under the dying tree, legs laid out flat, picture laying in your lap. A deep breath entering your lungs, it started to ache but you were used to it. All you did was sit and stare at the nature around you. Neither did you realise the liquid dripping down your cheeks. Your breathing shallowed, the hazy feeling taking over your senses. Eyes drifting off into darkness as the grip on the picture loosened.
Everyone was in a panic. When Norm got the alert of you leaving the lab and just disappearing he jumped yelling for Jake who was nearby. Norm ran to the tent, Jake stood up quickly seeing the distress on his friend's face.
“She’s gone, she disappeared into the forest”
Those words caught Neteyams attention as he was hiding away in the corner of the tent. Disappeared? In your human body? Jake called a search party, shouting to search the forest for a small female human. Neteyam remembered the last time you were out in your human body, the reason you had caught this horrid disease. He got up swiftly, grabbing his knife in case anything went wrong. His body was in both panic and hunting mode. Lo’ak, Spider and Kiri quickly join in the search, scared for their friend.
Running through the forest, they searched relentlessly for you but time passed and they grew more anxious. Neteyam had this gnawing feeling, regretting not seeing you for two whole days. He knew your body wasn’t adaptive to the pandora atmosphere and every passing minute felt like a needle was stabbing his chest. He was upset with you, yes but he held you dearly to his heart. If he thought the last time he saw you was during the fight you guys had, he would never forgive himself. Even thinking about that made tears well in his eyes as he was searching for you desperately. But as he was running, a specific place popped into his head. The tree. The one place that you and him shared, the place you both shared the most intimate moment but also a bad moment. He dug his feet in the ground, forcing him to stop and turn directions. Racing towards the area where you might be, hoping you would be there. His heart was beating like crazy as he got closer. Bursting through the plants, his eyes landed on your small figure laying against the tree. A feeling of relief washed over him but quickly disappeared seeing your eyes closed. He ran to your body, kneeling down and putting his ear against your chest. He released the breath he was holding after hearing your heart beating. The only thing he was concerned about was how little your chest was rising.
Quickly picking you up in his arms, dropping the picture in your lap in the process. The glass from the frame shattered on the grass as Neteyam ran back to the village. The leaves from the tree, wilting faster and falling onto the ground. Reaching the village, he started yelling to grab his father's attention. Jake spotted him with your small frame in his arms. He took you out of his arms, running to Mo’at. Mo’at rushed them to put you on one of the mats. Neteyam was breathing heavily, tears were now flowing down his face seeing you not wake up. He kept asking if you would be okay but Mo’at ignored him, focusing on your body. Jake went out to call back the search party, making Kiri and Lo’ak rush in seeing your frail body not awake. Spider made it back too and fell to his knees seeing your unconscious state. Jake and Norm pacing outside while Neytiri was comforting the crying Tuk. Mo’at stood up abruptly facing everyone.
“We must get her to the Spirit tree at once”
Neteyam's eyes widened, would the fight be the last thing you guys shared? Jake told Neteyam to grab your body as he went to grab your Avatar. Neytiri went to gather the clan to the Spirit tree instantly. Kiri and Lo’ak helped Mo’at and their mother as both Jake, Neteyam, and Norm raced to the tree. Neteyam's tears never stopped, he was torn and hurt that this could be the last time he would ever see you. The glowing tree was seen from a distance, legs carrying him faster. Clans members catching up to them, gathering around the tree. Neteyam gently placed your body under the tree, supporting your head before gently removing his hand. He looked at your face, you looked so calm. His eyes widened as he saw your eyes twitch. His eyes were the first thing you saw as you opened your eyes. His eyes were beautiful, a green shade in this lighting. It was like looking at an angel. His tears dropped on to your mask as you brought your hand up to his cheek. He leaned into your touch, his hand going over yours.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
His sobs made you tear up as he kept apologising over and over again. You kept forgiving him over and over, trying to reassure him that it was okay but it didn’t stop him. The family gave them a bit of time as they still waited for the rest of the clan to gather at the tree. Neytiri and Jake saw so many similarities with them and you guys. The way you caressed his son's face brought memories back to when the war was finally over.
You kept trying to reassure him but he didn’t listen. Your gentle smile graced your lips as both your hands weakly grabbed his hands for him to stop. One hand went up to wipe his tears away as he gently gripped your hands tighter.
“There’s no need to cry”
He shook his head, “no, everything is my fault. I never should have ran away. It was immature of me to not talk about it. You only wanted what was best for all of us. Instead I got mad and left you alone.”
Your lips pursed as you brought your hand down to lay on top of his.
“It wasn’t your fault. You had every right to be mad. Although when you left it hurt me, I don’t want our last conversation to be fighting. I-”
A stinging sensation entered your lungs. Coughing erupted from your mouth but this time there was no blood. The lack of blood shocked Neteyam, not sure if that was a bad sign. Before he could get up to grab Mo’at your hand stopped him. You shook your head at him, telling him not yet. He kneeled back down with concern washing over his tight features. You caress his face as you let out shaky words.
“Neteyam, there is something important I have to tell you before the transfer starts. Ever since we were children I was always the closest to you. You somehow took my heart away from a young age. I don’t think I’ve ever stopped loving you but after the long years apart it was buried. But more recently those feelings resurfaced and grew stronger the longer I spent my time with you. The way you talk, laugh, and just exist makes my body feel so light. Your eyes are one of the most beautiful features I love about you. The way it can look different in different lights. The green shades are especially my favourite. They remind me of the forest of Pandora, and all the flora around it. Seeing you everyday was the highlight of my days, and training with our teasing banter was one of the best highlights. I seriously love you Neteyam, for the longest time I've loved you. Nga yawne lu oer ma tìyawn. Oel ngati kameie.”
Tears streamed down his face even more from those last few words. He brought your hands into his chest as he let out quiet words of his own.
“Nga yawne lu oer ma yawntutsyìp fìtxan nìtxan. Oel ngati kameie.”
Both of you shed tears together. His forehead leaning on to your mask. Once he pulled back, the expression on your face was sad once more.
“When this ceremony starts, please be prepared for the worst. There is a chance I will not make it back through the eye of Eywa. But I love you so much, please remember that. I will always be with you no matter where I am.”
This only made him cry harder but he nodded faintly as he understands the risks of this transfer. You told him to prepare for the worse but he knew he would never be fully prepared. But he stayed strong for you. Mo’at taps his shoulder indicating that everyone is here and the ceremony will have to start. He didn’t let go of your hand until he fully stood up, giving you one last look before sitting beside his siblings. Mo’at started the chant as the rest of the clan slowly joined. You close your eyes letting yourself fall still. The ground pulsing with its bioluminescent light in rhythmic beats with the clan. The roots make their way to the back of your neck along with your Avatar. A white tunnel taking over your vision. Minutes passed as the chant was still going strong. The family hopes only good results will come after the transfers end. Neteyam begging Eywa to give you a second life. Mo’at then went silent causing everyone else to go silent as well. Neteyam got up in a hurry to your body. His heart stopped seeing only your human body twitching. It didn’t work. He carefully took the mask off your face, a smile present on your lips as you talked softly.
“I saw her Neteyam. Beautiful.”
Your mouth opened once more but the lights in your eyes faded before you could talk once more. The last you saw was his deep green eyes. The pain fled your body, becoming relaxed as you took your last breath. Jake could only watch as it felt like Grace's death all over again. Neteyam sat there, numbness overtook his emotions. The sounds of Kiri and Tuks' cries sounded muffled. There was a ringing sound travelling through his ears. His hands were holding on to your cold ones as he stared into your blank eyes. Wet tears slipped out from his eyes, collecting on the tip of his chin. The droplets falling on to your cheeks. Neytiri bent down, bringing his head into her shoulder. Louds sobs broke out, burying his face deeper into his mothers embrace.
Your body was washed and decorated with traditional Na’vi clothing. Your Avatar has the same done to it. Neteyam had been numb ever since his breakdown in his mothers arms. He took off his armband, wrapping it around your upper arm. He brought everyone to the willow tree. Making a hole at the base, dropping flowers to make a bed. Kiri had braided a single braid with her beads, Lo’ak tied your hair with one of his bands. Tuk laid a wooden sun that you carved for her a while back. They placed your fragile body onto the bed of flowers. Placing your Avatar right beside you. An atokirina' laying in Neteyam’s hand as you let it flow down onto your body. The clan surrounds the tree, singing and chanting for the fallen member. Neteyam could only look down to your peaceful face as the singing in the background drowned his sorrows.
As days passed, he would come back to the tree and sit under it. He retrieved the fallen picture that he found before digging the hole. The picture broke his heart all over again. When weeks passed, the tree found life once more. It felt as if you were there with him whenever he visited the tree with the picture in hand. He would always shed tears but today he smiled as he looked at the flourishing tree. He set his forehead against the bark as he whispered.
“Oe nga lomtu ma yawntutsyìp” (I miss you darling)
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mah-t-wordblog · 4 months
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Lee: Gyuu Tomioka
Ler: Tengen Uzui
Ships: NONE
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Tengen Uzui was observing quietly and walking slowly around the place where he was, in this case the Master's Mansion, where the hashiras normally meet.
Today hadn't been special, he chatted briefly with his fellow hashiras, and normally he would leave after the meeting, but today was different.
During the meeting, Gyuu had taken him seriously, being more arrogant than usual, simply because he didn't say anything.
Being ignored deeply irritates Tengen, and since he knows what he can do to get Gyuu Tomioka to talk, he will use these rejections to his advantage.
It only crossed Tengen's mind to destroy Gyuu
While in Gyuu's head it was different
The other man had warned him of the consequences his actions would have after the meeting, and he was sincerely afraid of Tengen and what he was capable of.
Uzui was the best person when it came to tickle and Tomioka was the worst when it came to receiving them.
So he was hiding behind a column
The tension made him want to laugh, but he's a serious man, right?
“What are you doing there, Tomioka?” He heard a voice next to him
It was harmlessly Shinobu
“It’s none of your business” he replied rudely
Shinobu laughed
“Ah, what a shame, I thought I could help you hide from Uzui, but I guess not. Uzui! He is here!"
'Motherf-' Gyuu thought
“Thank you Kochou”
Tengen approached and threw Gyuu to the ground, sitting on top of him.
“You dared to challenge me? Ignored me, fool? You know what I can do”
Gyuu remained stiff
“Aren’t you going to say anything?”
“You have to be stupid, haha”
Tengen stuck his hands straight into Gyuu's ribs.
Who arched his back but didn't dare laugh
However, he couldn't help the silly smile that appeared on his lips.
“Come on, Tomioka, you want to laugh. And come to think of it now, you just didn't leave the mansion, did you? You were waiting for me to win this, an excuse to smile” Tengen's provocations were very good for him
Gyuu's face turned hot pink
“Wow, your face is going to catch fire, Tomioka”
The hands tickling Gyuu's upper body didn't do much good, so Tengen would have to use a resource that everyone knows kills the other.
He took his hands from under Tomioka's arms and scribbled under his knees.
"Here it is"
In fact, Gyuu Tomioka was finally laughing and releasing all the anguish in his body in the form of laughter.
It was good to laugh once in a while
“I can’t, you still haven’t apologized for being annoying.”
Tengen really wanted to continue his torture, but he knew how to recognize when a person was at their limit, so he stopped when he saw that Gyuu was going to cry.
“The fact that you apologize doesn’t make me forgive you.”
“I know ”
“But maybe I'll forgive you if you smile a little more, you know, talk to us” Tengen ruffled his colleague's hair “we care about you”
Gyuu had already closed his face and lost his smile
"Your welcome"
Then Gyuu walked towards the exit, with a small smile on his face and made sure not to let anyone notice.
Apart from Shinobu, who saw it and ran to tell Tengen that his operation had been successful
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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mints-leaf · 1 year
A Bookstore Meet Cute Pt. 1
I've been having the same recurring daydream about Abby lately but since my memory is awful and I keep forgetting parts, I've decided to start writing it down and I figured I would share some of it. I think this will be structured like a mini-series and be broken up into a few parts.
Summary and a bit of character background: This takes place in a bookstore where the reader works. The owner of the bookstore, Jen, is your aunt and she is married to your other aunt, Cathy, who works at the same hospital as Jerry. The two of them moved from your home state to Seattle when you were just a kid and quickly became close with Jerry and Abby. When you decided to move to Seattle for college your aunts really wanted to introduce you to Abby but, being introverted, you always made excuses to avoid meeting her until today.
Pairing: Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader (modern au)
Word count: 2,043
Warnings: reader is a bit awkward, some cursing, some grammatical errors
part 2 ⚢ part 3
A/N: When I originally wrote this, I wrote with myself in mind, but I have since gone through to try to take out any physical descriptors about the reader. I’m sure I missed some lines or phrases so if you see a mistake, please let me know so I can fix it! Hope you enjoy!!
While on a jog one Saturday morning Abby decided to go a different route than normal. She decided to jog through town on a path that would take her right past Jen’s bookstore. She came up to a red light and stopped to stretch while she waited for her turn to cross the street. As she stretched, she looked in the windows of Jen’s bookstore and that’s when she saw the most beautiful girl behind the counter. There you were chatting with a customer while you rang them up and Abby couldn’t take her eyes off you. She had seen beautiful women before but something about you pulled her in, it felt like she was in a trance.
She snapped out of it when the people around her started crossing the street and her body seemed to propel her forward. As she passed the bookstore, she had the fleeting thought to go in and try to talk to you but then she figured that meeting someone while you’re a sweaty mess might not be the best first impression. She continued her run and decided that she would stop by the store the next day and try to strike up a conversation with you.
Normally Abby doesn’t get nervous, she’s a very confident person, but as she came up to the bookstore the next day, her stomach was in knots. All at once, she had all these worries and doubts in her head. 
What if you weren’t there? 
What if you were already in a relationship? 
What if you were straight? 
She pushed through the worries and entered the store only to be greeted by Jen. Abby returned the greeting and tried to play it cool, she didn’t want to be too obvious that she was looking for you. Jen asked if there was anything Abby was looking for and after she told her that she was just browsing she took off to walk through the store in hopes of finding you.
For you, this Sunday morning had been like most of your mornings lately. You went to the bookstore to open with Jen and decided to spend the morning organizing the displays and taking stock. Earlier in the week the store had gotten a shipment of some best-selling books but for some reason one of the other employees had brought them upstairs. After your aunt told you this, you went to the 2nd floor to collect the books and bring them back to the main floor where they should have been placed.
You hadn’t realized how many books there would be, but determined to make it all in one trip you stacked the books to make a tower and attempted to walk with them. The tower blocked your line of sight, but since the store had just opened and there weren’t many customers so far, you figured it would be fine to walk down the stairs with all the books.
Things were going great until you got to the doorway for the stairwell. Suddenly, you collided with a solid mass and ended up flat on your ass with the books scattered around you. You were sure that you had just accidentally run into the wall when you looked up and saw a person standing in the doorway. You had to admit that the woman in front of you was gorgeous, but you also started to panic considering you had just smashed into a customer.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry! I didn’t think anyone would be coming up here. This is completely my fault, are you okay?”
It took Abby a few seconds to realize what had just happened. The girl that she was hoping to see had just smashed into her and was now on the floor, but you were asking if she was okay? Abby reassured you that she was okay and asked you the same while stooping down to help pick up the books. As you and Abby picked up the fallen books you continued to apologize. 
“Thank you for helping me get those. You can just put those on this table, and I’ll come back to get them after I bring these down,” you said as you motioned your head to a half-empty display table behind you. 
“Or I can help you carry them down, I don’t mind,” Abby added when she thought that you would oppose.
After a few seconds of thinking it over you relented, “Okay, that would be great. I was just taking them down to the first floor.”
Abby stepped out of the way so that you could make your way down the stairs with her following behind. You two made your way over to the counter and set down the piles of books. 
“Thank you for your help, and sorry again for running into you.” You said as you made your way behind the counter.
“Don’t worry about it.” Abby insisted.
Standing there, you were finally able to get a good look at her and you had to say that your initial impression of her was right. She was ridiculously pretty with tons of freckles, beautiful grey eyes, and her hair pulled back in a braid with some pieces framing her face. She cleared her throat, and you realized that you had been staring at her for a bit too long. You felt your face begin to heat but before you could make up an excuse and run away, Aunt Jen popped up.
“Oh, there you are... and you met Abby! Finally, we’ve been trying to get you two to meet for ages!” she said as she excitedly clapped her hands together.
That name was familiar, and you realized all at once that this was the famous Abby that your aunts wanted you to meet when you first moved to Seattle. The Abby that they were convinced would be your new bestie if they could just get you two in a room together. They had conveniently forgotten to tell you how beautiful she is.
It seemed at that moment Abby also put two and two together because she turned back to you and asked, “Wait, are you y/n?” Jen and Cathy had mentioned that their niece would sometimes help with the bookstore, but your paths never seemed to cross when she had stopped by before (she would have remembered if had she seen you).
“Yeah, and you’re Abby?” You questioned back, trying to process this all. The cute girl that you had just been ogling was someone that your aunts practically considered as another niece. (Did this mean she was like your honorary cousin? You shuddered just thinking about it.)
Aunt Jen, not realizing what she had just stumbled upon (or maybe completely realizing) continued to talk, “Yes, y/n this is Abby, Abby this is y/n. Cathy and I have wanted to introduce you two to each other for the longest time.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you Abby,” you finally piped up.
“Yeah, you too, I’ve heard great things.” She replied.
“So, Abby did you find a good book? You know if you need help y/n is great at helping people find books. You just tell her what you like, and she’ll give you recommendations.” Jen said as she stepped behind the counter with you and squeezed your shoulders.
With that Abby turned to you and asked, “Would you be able to help me find something?” She was willing to find any reason to continue to be around you.
“Of course,” you said as you stepped away from the counter and started to walk with Abby back upstairs while Jen manned the register. “What kind of books do you normally gravitate towards?”
After Abby answered a few more questions you were able to find out that she normally reads classic lit and fiction and was interested in getting into fantasy and sci-fi. Using this information, and pairing it with your own curiosity, you decided to recommend some sapphic fantasy and sci-fi books.
You two walked over to the fantasy section, and you looked for the books that you thought she would like. “This is one of my favorites,” you said while holding up ‘This is How You Lose the Time War.’ “It’s a pretty short read, only a little over 200 pages, but it’s fantastic!” Next, you grabbed ‘The Priory of the Orange Tree.’ “Now I realize that this book looks intimidating,” you chuckled as you watched Abby’s eyes slightly widen at the nearly 850-page book, “but trust me, it’s worth it. There’s tons of action and you really get immersed into the characters and their lives.” You grabbed the last book off the shelf and held it up. “‘That Self-Same Metal’ is a great book too, it’s YA and includes some Fae lore as well if you think you would be into that.” 
You conveniently forgot to mention that all these books have sapphic characters/ relationships, but you were hopeful that if she read any of these, you could gauge her reaction when you saw her again.
Abby decided to start with ‘This is How You Lose the Time War’ and you walked her up to the front to check her out.
“I hope you like it, maybe if we run into each other again you can tell me your thoughts,” you said with a small smile that Abby reciprocated.
“Definitely, but hopefully next time you won’t be carrying a stack of books,” Abby responded with a teasing smirk that had you fighting to keep your smile from stretching too big.
You handed her the receipt and wished her a great day. You watched as she left the store and as she walked past the display window, she turned and gave you a little wave. You were so distracted with returning her wave that you didn’t hear Jen walk up beside you.
“So, what do you think of Abby?” Jen asked as you nearly jumped out of your skin. 
“She seems nice,” you replied trying to be cool about it.
“Hmm, nice…” Jen responded as she scanned you from head to toe, sizing you up. 
Wanting to avoid the impeding interrogation you told Jen that you were going to set up a display and made your escape. For the rest of the day, you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about Abby and wondering when you would see her again.
Later that week, Abby had come back to the bookstore after she had finished the book you recommended to her. She loved it and wanted to tell you her thoughts, but as she walked through the store you were nowhere to be found. She bumped into Jen who told her that you were out that day, but you would be back on Saturday. Abby was disappointed that she wouldn't get to see you, but she made sure to come back on Saturday morning and just like Jen said, there you were. You greeted Abby with a soft smile that made her feel a little fuzzy and asked her to give an honest rating of the book.
You two ended up talking about the book in depth. Abby spent about 2 hours following you around as you worked and you two shared your thoughts (she also seemed to enjoy the romance subplot which you decided to take as a good sign). Before Abby left the store that morning she bought ‘That Self-Same Metal’ and promised to be back next week to share her thoughts.
This started a bit of a tradition between you two. Abby would buy and read the books that you recommended and then the next week you would have elaborate discussions about what she had just read.
By the 4th book debrief, as you liked to call them, you asked Abby for some of her own recommendations. Almost immediately after Abby had told you some of her favorites, she got nervous that you wouldn’t like them but of course you did and that made her ecstatic (she could go on about her favorite books for days). It soon became both of your favorite parts of the week, and you would happily ignore your aunt’s teasing every Saturday morning if it meant that you got to see Abby.
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aectpen · 8 months
pairing: sunghoon x ex figure skater->idol!fem oc
synopsis: 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩, 𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐨, 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐄.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬.
chapter two: kayo
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the girls had been called to an urgent group meeting to "discuss the group's future." the five girls; chaerin, haru, sujin, zena, and jie, painfully anticipated disbandment news. they debuted a year ago, but failed to reach any feats worth mentioning. they always did their absolute best, but in the saturated kpop market, they were just a fish in the sea.
the door swung open, immediately silencing the murmurs of the girls. three men in suits walked in alongside their CEO and manager. the atmosphere was heavy. their sadness was replaced by confusion. if they were supposed to disband, why were there new people here?
"i know you all must've been confused and shock." the girls nodded profusely. "but hopefully our news makes you excited." the once tense atmosphere became hopeful. their furrowed eyebrows relaxed to their original state. "first of all i have to introduce myself, i am a director from hybe labels."
"there's actually no way." haru whispered to jie.
"i am pleased to announce that as of today, kayo is now the newest edition to the hybe family!"
slowly, the initial shock transforms into smiles that spread across the faces of the members. the girls hold each other's hands tight in gratitude. they had a steep disadvantage coming from a new, unknown company. this is exactly what they needed to make it.
"we have taken a significant liking towards your group and believe that your talents deserve a bigger audience."
the rest of the meeting described the transition to the hybe company building and a brand new dorm. the acquisition came with many benefits. they currently had to share a small 2 bedroom apartment. the new dorm would give all of them their very own room. it was all a dream come true.
[★BREAKING: HYBE Acquires Small Agency Knock Out Entertainment Home To Girl Group KAYO]
the news spread quickly. the label held an amalgamation of different fandoms. millions of people viewed the headline and took an interest in why they would be bought in the first place.  many of them wondering if they'll be able to sit at the same table as hybe girl groups. some people checked out their music and immediately declared themselves stans.
they went out to celebrate with a meal that night. they couldn't possibly eat an ordinary meal at the cramped apartment with such joyful thoughts on their mind.
"i don't think i could act normal. imagine going to the bathroom and running into fucking le sserafim." jie is thee biggest yunjin fan.
zena elegantly lifted her pinky while taking a sip. "you're gonna need to tone down that language when we're there. we're expected to play the part of sophistication," she emphasized in a posh accent.
"you literally cuss every other word. it'll probably be the hardest for you. i for one am naturally a class act you should strive to be me." haru said.
sujin couldn't help but scoff. "i know you're not talking, haru. beomgyu will file a restraining order on you the moment you step foot in that building."
meanwhile, chaerin absentmindedly scrolled through Twitter, looking people's reactions to their group joining hybe. her attention was drawn to a trending post where her name was boldly highlighted.
[guys apparently chaerin from kayo is the girl from sunghoon's pre debut pics]
hooniesboo: so she was a figure skater?
uppersidedream1n: people r saying they were partners
starryikeu: wait that's kinda crazy that they ended up under the same company
jjongwonie: kinda hope they talk about it im nosy asl
as chaerin scrolled through the comments, a rush of old memories enveloped her, triggered by the images of her and sunghoon over the years. among them was a cherished selfie, snapped after they won gold together.
upon receiving the news initially, she couldn't help but feel elated, recognizing that this opportunity is not granted to everyone. as the leader, she wanted to keep the upbeat mood, hyping up the celebratory actions of the girls.
on the inside, her stomach was churning. when she chose to become a trainee, she hoped she would never come face-to-face with him. she was reluctant for him to see that she had opted for the same journey that had once left her heartbroken when he chose it. she didn't want the old feelings of betrayal to come back.
enhypen's presence was inescapable. their music echoed through their dorm, their faces adorned ads, social media, and tv screens. chaerin avoided going into the shared history she so desperately wanted to bury. each glimpse of his face reignited visions of a universe where their paths hadn't split into two. in this perfect world, they'd be standing together at the olympics, triumphantly biting that gold.
now, chaerin found herself yearning for him to forget about her. she had no desire to unravel the complexities of their past. awkward greetings and uncomfortable exchanges were the last things she wanted. she wished for a silent understanding. for him to ignore her, and for her to ignore him. four years had passed, and they were strangers now. yet, despite the time that has past, it felt as if his apology lingered in the air, as fresh as if it had been uttered just yesterday.
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babyinatrenchcoat · 10 months
Coming Out - Sister Winchester
Sooo this has been sitting in my drafts since 2017… apparently I came up with the idea in choir class my senior year 😅 I pretty much abandoned my account for like six years, but I’ve been revisiting it the last few days and thought I might as well finish this for shits and gigs.
Also, it turned out a bit more lengthy than I had originally anticipated… I don’t have a word count, I’m sorry
Descrpition: Coming out as gay/lesbian (whichever you prefer to say) to your older brothers.
Characters: Sam, Dean, Sister!reader, Charlie (mentioned)
Warnings: LGBTQ+ (if any of you need that as a warning), strong language (one word, said once)
Today is the day. The inevitability of this day gave you nightmares. The day you’d finally tell your brother’s the truth. You’re certain they both support it. They're fine with Charlie, after all. But that doesn't calm your nerves. The three of you found out pretty close to immediately upon meeting her. But you? Sam and Dean have known you your whole life. This will be so much different.
You pace back and forth in the bunker library, slowly boring a hole into the floor. Your thumb nail quickly becomes raw from your teeth as you run over what you plan to say in your head. This is the most nerve racking thing you’ve ever done. Ever had to do. Because this has to be done. They have to know the truth. It's the only way you can be your whole self around your family.
Not that you’re ashamed. No, it’s more that you’ve never actually said the words out loud. You’ve known about yourself for a very long time, but saying it aloud makes it real. These are different times. You know you have nothing to be ashamed of. Even still, your heart pounds in your throat.
The door starts to open, causing you to stop in your tracks and stare up at it. The color drains from your face, and your heart rate quickens, as if it was possible. Sam and Dean step inside, and you swear you can hear the rapid thumping of your heartbeat in you ears. Your brothers walk down the stairs and into the library where you stand chewing your nail with a terrified look on your face. They notice.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” The eldest brother asks.
“Did something happen?” Sam adds.
You take a deep breath. “Can you guys just sit down please?” The brothers exchange a confused glance before obeying.
“What's going on?” Sam asks as he pulls up his chair.
You run your hands through your hair and begin pacing again. Where do you begin? “Okay, so... I've been wanting to tell you guys this for a while now, but... I dunno, I've been scared, and I haven't really know how to do it, and-” Dean cuts off your rambling.
“Y/n,” he says, bringing your pacing to a halt. “You’re scaring me, kid, calm down. Breathe.” You obey. “Now tell us what's up. You didn't free the Leviathins again or anything, did you?”
You chuckle slightly. “No.”
“Then I don't think there's anything you could do that would be much worse,” he continues, adding a smile. “Talk to us, little sis.”
You try to rethink your approach, but come up dry. Finally, you become impatient with yourself and decide to just spill your guts. “Alright, I'm just gonna say it. But please, please promise that you won't hate me.”
“We could never hate you!” Sam immediately says.
The genuineness in his hazel eyes calms your nerves just a little. But only a little. You still have to force down the golf ball sized lump in your throat. You close your eyes and take another deep breath. Keeping your eyes shut, you finally let it out.
“I’m gay.”
And there it is. It’s out. You’re out. The reality of the words you just said sets in. You’ve never said those words out loud. The pit in your stomach tightens, and you have to hold your breath to keep from crying. Your nerves are still shot, but you also feel free. You’re out! There’s no taking it back now.
You keep your eyes pressed shut for a moment, afraid to see a disappointed look on your brothers’ faces. Finally, you convince yourself to pry one eye open, the curiosity of their reactions becoming overbearing.
Your brothers look at each other, then back at you. An identical smirk spreads across both pairs of lips.
What the hell is that?
Your other eye shoots open and you glare at them, waiting for something, anything, to come out of their mouths. “Well say something!” You practically shout. Dean fails to stifles a chuckle, while Sam allows his smile to spread further. “Why are you laughing?!”
“Y/n,” Same begins. “We know.”
Your whole world shatters, then the pieces come back together in an entirely new arrangement in a split second. The only word you can muster is “What?”
Dean clears his throat and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Do you remember when you told us about your first kiss?”
How could you forget? “Uh, I seem to remember the two of you pestering the shit out of me until I told you.”
You had made the mistake of coming back to the motel you temporarily called home still blushing profusely. You tried like hell to suppress the crimson color of your burning cheeks, to no avail. “What’s his name?” Your eldest brother had immediately said. How were you supposed to react to his use of the word ‘his’?
Dean snickers about the memory now. “Right,” he agrees. “Anyway, you told us the kid’s name was Alex.”
Where is he going with this? It’s not like you lied. You just chose to leave out the fact that Alex wasn’t a boy. “Yeah?”
Dean pauses for a moment as if to give you a chance to catch up. You respond by simply raising your brows, silently asking him to continue. He looks to Sam for help.
“There wasn’t a single boy named Alex in your school,” Sam says.
Heat rises to your entire face. At the time, you hadn’t considered that possibility.
“There was, however, an Alexandra in your grade,” Dean adds. He lifts one eyebrow at you.
You cover the embarrassment on your face with your hands. You’ve been so worried to tell them something that they already knew. Since your were 15, you’ve been trying to keep a cat in a bag that had a giant hole in the bottom. A laugh pushes itself from your stomach, and you drop your hands.
“I should’ve known you guys would try to find the guy,” you say.
Sam scrunches his eyebrows, keeping the smile spread across his face. “Well, yeah,” he sasses.
“Did you honestly think that we would find out that some horny teenage boy was mackin’ on our kid sister and not try to find out who he was?” Dean says.
You toss your palms up in surrender. “Like I said, I should’ve known,” you smile. “You broke into the school, didn’t you?”
“Of course,” Sam casually says with a quick shrug. All you can do is shake your head. A short moment of silence later, Sam rises to his feet and holds out his arms. “C’mere,” he says, gesturing you towards the space between his arms.
In the time it takes you to walk to him, Dean stands as well, holding one arm open to you. You reach the two of them and collapse into the embrace of the group hug. The weight of a thousand worlds lifts off your shoulders and is replaced by comfort. Comfort you only ever feel from your brothers.
You squeeze your arms around them just a bit tighter. “You guys are the best big brothers a girl could ask for.”
Dean squeezes back and plants a kiss on the top of your head. “You mean the world to us, Y/n, you know that.”
You nuzzle yourself further into your brothers’ arms. The last ten minutes replays in your mind, and you can’t help but giggle. “I can’t believe you guys have known this whole time.”
“Of course we knew,” Sam’s voice sounds from above you. “And even if we hadn’t found out then, you’re not exactly discreet about checking out bartenders and waitresses.”
The only defense you can think of is a slap on his chest. The action sends the two men away from you in a laughing fit.
“I am so!”
“You are so not,” Dean says between chuckles.
After the three of you recover from your laughter, you just stare at them for a moment. You’ve been worried for nothing. These two dorks would do anything for you. There’s nothing in the universe that would make them think any less of you.
“I love you guys,” you say.
Dean reaches over and tousles your hair. “We love you too, kiddo.”
Let me know if you guys want the story of the boys finding out about Alexandra, cause I would LOVE to write that in detail.
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everythingpresley · 2 years
Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 4
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Jessica Anderson is Elvis Presley's assistant and after months of working together, slowly something sparks between them. Friendship? Or is it more? [ Fem!Reader ]
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+), Slowburn
    ||     Word Count: 3,267
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I was finally able to walk on my right foot without feeling any pain, I was still able to walk on it directly after but it was somewhat painful. Elvis was such a sweetheart, he kept on checking on me and would scold me whenever I was walking around too much.
Later that week my friend Janice begged me to go on a double date with her since the guy she was interested in had a “hot” friend. Her words not mine. Honestly, I was not looking to be in a relationship or even going out but she had been begging me and making me feel bad because with Elvis’ schedule we barely had any time to see each other. Plus, she said I was a bad friend. And I refuse to be called a bad friend even though I kind of was because I prioritized my job.
So today I had music blasting in my room as I got dressed in a little white sundress and a white headband, doing my makeup light because we were doing an early dinner / sunset picnic. I was having fun getting ready but I was completely dreading the date. My introverted personality really comes into play when meeting new people. Shoving my feet into my favorite black converse, I quickly jogged up the stairs that led to the living room.
“Hey.” Jerry said. The whole was pretty quiet so I think it was only him in the house “Where are you goin all dressed up?”
“A blind double date.” I winked.
“Oooo” Jerry smiled.
“Have you seen Elvis?” I asked.
“Oh they just left something about buying new guns.”
“Doesn’t he have enough?”
“He loves his guns.” Jerry shrugged.
“Can you please let him know that I might come home late?” I didn’t want anyone to worry incase I came home late. 
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. I’ll let him know.” Jerry waved me off.
Janice picked me up since we were meeting the guys at the park. We walked towards the two guys standing by one of the trees. Janice and I had the picnic basket and blankets.
“Hi, I’m Chris.” Chris, Janice’s date smiled as he reached to shake my hand. He had this cute, boyish charm to him. Blond hair, light green eyes.
“Hi, I’m Jess.” I smiled back then turned towards the guy who’s supposed to be my date. “You must be Matt.”
“I am.” He grinned, shaking my hand. He was gorgeous. Light brown eyes, dark brown hair and a slight tan to his skin. He was slightly muscular but not too much and very tall.
Why was the first thought after that was He’s not as handsome as Elvis though. I hate myself for thinking that. Shaking the thought out of my head we put down the blankets and sat down.
We slowly got to know each other, siting on the blanket, eating little turkey sandwiches and drinking beers.
Janice and Chris were very engrossed with one another. Same with Matt and I but definitely leaning more towards a friendship rather than a relationship while Janice and Chris really seemed to be hitting it off with one another.
“So, how do you know Janice?” Matt asked, taking a sip from the beer bottle in his hand.
“I was originally living in California when I got the job to be an assistant here. And moving here was pretty hard at first, not knowing many people and having a hectic schedule. I would always go to this diner which Janice happened to work at and slowly we got to know each other.” I tried not to mention that I was Elvis Presley’s assistant solely for the fact that people usually started acting different or weird whenever they knew and they would start asking for favors such as autographs or actually setting up a meeting with him.
We walked around the park, ate ice cream, watched the sunset and ended up at Janice’s place. The guys ended up leaving around 11PM.
“You and Matt really hit it off.” Janice wiggled her eyebrows. Both of us siting next to each other on the couch, clutching our hot camomile tea.
“You definitely weren't paying attention, I knew you wanted to jump Chris right then and there.”
“Oh of course. If you and Matt weren't there, Chris would still be here.” She smirked.
I laughed “Hey! You’re the one that dragged us into this blind date.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Janice waved me off “ But seriously, Matt is gorgeous.”
“He is!” I agreed “But I don’t think I see this going anywhere.”
“Jess! You need to stop putting your job and Elvis first!”
“My entire job is Elvis. Please Janice you have to understand, being his assistant is a demanding job.”
“I get it. I do. But you deserve to be happy. Don’t think I didn’t notice you had a wall up. You’re not letting yourself open up because you have this idea in your head that it won’t work with your schedule and you don’t even want to try to create this balance.”
That made me quiet down, I couldn’t argue with what she said because it was true.
“Grab the ice cream, I’m catching up with my best friend tonight.” I replied. She grinned and squealed, we haven't done a sleepover is such a long time.
“I have old pjs I can give you and I have a new pack of toothbrushes.”
“Perfect.” I smiled.
I didn’t want Elvis to worry so I quickly dialed Graceland’s number but after a few rings no one answered. I guess Martha was already sleep and Elvis might be busy because it was way too early for him to be asleep.
The next day Janice dropped me off at Graceland before her shift at the diner. I hopped up the steps leading to the front door, still dressed in yesterday's white sundress. It was almost noon so I think everyone might be up. I unlocked the front door and walked in, I could hear Elvis going off on someone. He sounded really mad but I couldn’t make out what was being said. Shutting the front door behind me, I spotted Jerry walking out of the kitchen shaking his head. Once he spotted me, he mouthed “Run.”
Elvis was in a pissy mood and I had no idea why, god save us.
“What’s going on?” I whispered to Jerry as he got closer to where I was standing.
“I have no idea. Poor Red didn’t even do anything.”
“Oh god.” I hated when Elvis was in one of his moods, he would get irritated and explode on anyone.
“I tell YOU what to do! Not the other way around, you hear!” Elvis’s voice carried out from the kitchen to the living room.
“You’re the boss.” Red replied quietly.
“Where is Jess?!” Elvis yelled.
“Fuck.” I cursed softly and speed walked to the kitchen.
“I’m here, I’m here.” I said, walking in.
Elvis turned, his face in a full scowl. As his eyes took me in, his scowl softened slightly.
“Where the fuck were you?” He growled, his voice still raised but not really yelling like he was a second ago “Staying out all night, no idea where you were!”
“I called.” I replied, quietly.
Everyone automatically quieted down whenever Elvis was mad. Honestly, he was very intimidating. I don’t think anyone could back talk him.
“Oh! And that makes it okay?” Elvis placed his hands on his waist, scolding me like I was a little kid.
“I called and no one answered. I figured you were still out.” I shrugged.
“No big deal.” He mock shrugged “Not knowing where you were and who you were with.”
I furrowed my brows, really confused at why he was this angry “Why do I feel like a teenager again getting scolded by my father?”
His jaw clenched and unclenched when I said that, probably aggravating him even more. Shit.
“Maybe you deserve getting scolded.” He replied.
“Why? I’m a grown adult.”
“Let her live EP. She rarely ever gets to go out.” Jerry said, appearing by my side.
“Stay outta this Jerry.”
“No, he's right. I never go out, I always have to put you and your needs above everything. The one time I go out, you’re mad?”
“It’s not about you goin’ out. It’s about you stayin' out all night, doin’ the walk'a shame like a lil’ slut.” He spat out.
My jaw snapped open. I can't believe he just said that. What the actual fuck.
He turned and walked out, heading up the stairs to his room.
“What the fuck!” I exclaimed, turning to face Jerry.
“Calm down. Don’t get mad, you know how he is when he’s mad. He doesn’t think his words through.” Jerry said, placing his hands on my shoulders.
“I don’t get it, since when has he been mad? He was going to buy new guns, he gets really excited when he gets new guns.”
“He’s been like this since last night. After we got back.” Red replied.
“Let him cool down, he’ll probably come down and apologize.” Jerry said.
“I need to cool down.” I huffed and shrugged his hands off. Walking down the stairs to my room to shower and change into jeans and a t-shirt.
I didn't see Elvis that day, he stayed up in his room. When he came down for dinner, I took my dinner with me to my room. I really couldn’t look at him, I was so mad at him. He had no right to call me a slut. The next day I couldn’t avoid him because I couldn’t just stay in my room since I was technically working. However, Elvis ignored me the whole day. He didn’t apologize, he didn’t talk to me, he didn’t even look at me. He avoided my gaze and I didn’t bother talking to him. If he needed anything he would send Martha to tell me which pissed me off even more. Because I still don't get why he was still pissed off, I should be the mad one here.
At 5PM I decided to go walk around and see the horses. I walked around the property, stopping by the barn. I just loved feeding them and giving them little scratches. My favorite would have to be Rising sun. He was also Elvis’ favorite but he was my favorite because he was the only one that loved to follow me around like a little puppy. I smiled watching him trot around then he came by the fence where I was standing. I reached over and scratched his chin, grabbing a carrot that I had shoved in the back out my pocket, I fed him. I giggled when his face nuzzled to my face. It’s a shame that I didn’t know how to ride horses because I really loved them.
“He really likes you.” Elvis’ soft voice spoke from behind me.
I scowled slightly, not turning around to look at him and continued scratching Rising sun.
“I know you’re mad at me.” He said, walking closer and coming to stand next to me, reaching over the fence to also scratch Rising sun.
“You don't say.” I replied.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m sorry.” He said.
“Thanks for apologizing.” I replied timidly.
“Still I was worried about you, you can’t just not come home. What if you were murdered or something and I had no idea.” He said.
“I’m sorry.” I replied, understanding where he was coming from.
“So.. who’s the guy?” He asked. I turned to look at him, catching a glimpse of his jaw clenching.
“When I got back last night Jerry told me you were on a blind date.” Elvis said, avoiding my eyes by  keeping his eyes on Rising sun.
I remembered Red saying Elvis’ mood switched once they got back. Was I the reason why he was in a pissy mood? No way, it was probably something else.
“He’s the guy you were with right?”
“Oh, yeah. I went on a double date last night. He was nice but nothing came of it. I ended up staying the night at Janice’s to catch up since I haven't seen her in a while.”
“Oh.” Elvis replied.
“So no walk of shame for this gal.” I chuckled. Elvis nodded, not looking at me seemingly deep in thought.
“I’m throwing a party tonight. Invite your friends.” Elvis said after a beat. 
I called up Janice to invite her to Graceland for the party. She was super excited but kept begging me to invite Chris and Matt. I really didn’t want to have to explain that I was Elvis Presley’s assistant and was living with him. I agreed after she reassured me that they would be on their best behavior and won’t fangirl. I don’t even know if they’re Elvis fans or not.
The party was in full swing from 11PM, I don’t think an Elvis Presley party has ever started this early but I guess the guys were super excited because the music was blasting and drinks were being passed around. I was in a corner talking with Red and Jerry when I spotted Janice, Matt and Chris coming in through the front door. I smiled when I noticed Chris and Matt looking around with wide eyes. I wanted to laugh at their amazed expression but I get it. That was me almost a year ago when I first came to Graceland.
I weaved through the people, walking towards them “Hi guys!”
“Hey!” They all replied enthusiastically.
Matt reached forward and kissed my cheek softly. I smiled at him but his eyes went wide.
“Why is Elvis Presley looking at me like he’s about to murder me?” He asked, still looking behind my head.
I looked at him confused and turned to look but as I did Elvis turned and walked towards one of the girls in the living room.
“Let’s go get drinks!” Janice said, changing the subject.
We drank and talked for a while when Janice and Chris disappeared, probably making out somewhere.
“Do you want to meet Elvis?” I asked Matt.
Matt widened his eyes and shook his head no.
“Why?” I laughed.
“He seems scary.” Matt replied.
“What! No! He’s really nice and sweet but he has his scary moments.”
“What’s it like being his assistant?”
“There are days where I’m on the brink of quitting and there are days were it’s the most exciting, fun time.”
Matt laughed and shook his head “I bet. A rollercoaster of a job.”
“Omg yes that’s the perfect description.” I laughed.
Everyone was pretty drunk, people were dancing, people were making out.
I think Janice and Chris were walking outside, Elvis was on the couch with a bunch of girls and Matt and I were standing in a corner. We talked a lot and it was a kind of switch when he all of a sudden reached out and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” Matt whispered, waiting for me to give him an indication on whether it was okay or not.
Then I recalled what Janice said, so I decided to let my guard down. I nodded slowly. Matt grinned and dipped his head, his mouth a few inches away from mine.
“Party’s over!” Elvis’ voice boomed through the entire house, the music cuts off at the same time “Everybody out!”
Matt sighed “Maybe its better if our first kiss was in a place more romantic.” He smiled. I smiled back and nodded. Agreeing that this isn’t the most romantic setting.
“Hey buddy! Party’s over. Out.” Elvis said, approaching us.
My eyes widened, my jaw clenched “I’m sorry” I mouthed to Matt.
Matt nodded at Elvis then turned towards me “I’ll see you around.” He said and walked out.
As people filtered out, I turned to Elvis with a clenched jaw.
“What the hell was that?” I asked him.
“What?” Elvis asked, acting completely clueless.
“You were so mean to my friend.” I replied.
“Your friend? You just met him a few days ago.” Elvis rolled his eyes.
“Still. You were mean.” I scolded him, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I didn’t mean to be mean.” He grinned innocently and shrugged.
“Just because you’re acting cute doesn't mean I’m not mad.” I replied.
“So I’m cute.” His grin grew even more.
“Shut up.” I laughed “You are so annoying.”
Elvis laughed, throwing his head back “I looove annoying you Jess. It’s my favorite daily activity.”
“Clearly.” I replied then I spotted a girl still siting in the living room, looking at us. She was one of the girls that was kissing Elvis “I think someone is waiting for you Mr. Presley.”
He turned to see what I was looking at “Oh, I forgot.”
I shook my head at him and left to go to my room.
I got into my pjs and laid in bed. I tossed and turned for a few minutes, not able to fall asleep. I was thinking about the pros and cons of dating Matt and honestly I couldn’t think of one con. Maybe because I don’t really know him but he was really cute and sweet. Maybe something might stem from that. I know I wasn’t looking for marriage yet but I need to start having fun and I was really enjoying myself with him tonight. I decided I was done trying to sleep so I got out of bed to make tea. I walked up the steps that led to the living room. As I walked in I spotted Elvis on the couch, head hung back while the girl that was siting on the couch a few minutes ago was on her knees, giving him a blow job.
I gasped, frozen in my spot. Elvis’ head snapped up and smirked when he saw me standing there.
“I’m so sorry!” I apologize and rushed out of the living room, practically ran back to my room. My face was on fire. Shit. I did not just walk in on him getting a blow job. I can never ever make eye contact with him again. I shut my door and leaned on it, gasping for breath. Holy shit maybe I did actually run out of there. Climbing back into my bed I forced my eyes shut. I don't think I’ll be able to sleep anytime soon.
Few minutes passed when I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. I really hoped it wasn't Elvis but it probably was. I threw my comforter off and got up to open the door.
Slowly opening it, I’m face with a smug looking Elvis with a huge smirk on his face “You okay doll?” He chuckled and practically shoved past me, walking into my room.
“You know I’m home. Heck, a lot of people live here. Your dad, your grandma…”
“Dad’s not here and Dogder’s been asleep for hours.” He shrugged “And, this is my house after all. I’m not gonna hide up in my room.”
I rolled my eyes at his response.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me doll.” Elvis said clenching his jaw, completely serious as he moved forward towards me, trapping me between him and the wall.
“What are you going to about it?” I asked, in a low voice. We were almost chest to chest.
“You don’t wanna know baby.” He said, his voice as low as mine.
I bit my lip, getting lost in his blue eyes.
He gulped, his eyes zeroing in on my lips.
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chiptaylorsfirst · 1 year
Kinkmas: Day 6
Day 6 - Blindfold
Word Count: 1,308
Pairing: soft!dom!Malcolm Gallant x sub!male!Reader
Warning: Fluffy smut, aphrodisiacs, oral sex, blindfold, anal sex
Summary: After a long day of work, you come home to an unexpected and fun surprise.
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You hadn’t known that your boyfriend was planning on anything special today. You had been tense and hated that you were going to be home late again because of bad traffic and weather. You prayed that your job wouldn’t make you work so late again and you hoped that Malcolm wouldn’t get upset. When you finally made it to your shared home, you put your jacket on the rack and tried your best to shake all the rain out of your hair. “Hey, baby,” he called out, walking towards you.
He gave you a hug and kissed your cheek. “I missed you.” You breathed into his scent and smiled as you relaxed into his embrace. “I missed you too, baby.” He grabbed you by your hand and led you to the bedroom. “So, I was thinking that because you’re always gone so much, maybe you’d like to relax and enjoy your boyfriend or I could relax and enjoy you. It’s all about you, whatever you prefer.” He opened the door and you saw your room dimly lit by candles and your favorite flower petals on the ground.
“Mal, you went all out for me, didn’t you?” He shrugged his shoulders. “A king deserves the best or at least the closest thing to the best. This isn’t organized how I originally planned but it’s the best I could do.” You smiled at him. “It’s beautiful like you. I’m very tired and stressed so I think you’ll have to do all the work tonight. I’m sorry. I just can’t really do all that I want.” He smiled. “It’s okay. I can take care of you. Just undress for me and lay down. Relax.” You stripped down until you were fully naked then laid in the bed. You watched him strip down to nothing, grabbing a small bottle of lube and crawling in bed with you.
He kissed you and you instantly kissed him back, your hand tugging on his hair as he cupped your face. He moaned in the kiss, enjoying the way you played with his hair. The kiss felt almost like an eternity and before you knew it, your boyfriend was now in your lap, fully straddling you as the two of you made out. You sucked his bottom lip then gently bit it when the kiss broke, turning him on even more. He started to kiss down your body, leaving a few hickies here and there to ensure you remembered this moment. You felt yourself heating up with more and more lust as time went on and you felt a bit strange. “Mal, did you do something to me?” 
“It’s the scent of the candles, sweetie. It’s made with multiple aphrodisiacs to get you fully in the mood, not that you weren’t going to be before. Look it at as an extra boost.” You thought for a while about his words but you were drawn away from them when you felt his warm mouth around your cock. “Fuck, Mal,” you groaned out as his mouth suctioned around you and he took you in deeper. He moaned around your length, gently fondling your balls as he sucked you off. His mouth did wonders, quickly bringing you to the epitome of ecstasy. You looked down at him, almost cumming at the sight. He was jerking himself off as he continued bobbing his head, his eyes watching you as you started to squirm and your cock started to twitch. 
Before you knew it, your release was pouring into his mouth and he swallowed it all eagerly. He removed himself from you, no longer touching himself. He got up and grabbed a blindfold, a smile on his face. “I wanted to do something a bit different since you’re on the receiving end for a change. You don’t mind if I blindfold you do you?” You felt impossibly harder and did your best to reply. “No.” He came over to you, wrapping the material around your head and tying it. 
He then reached for the lube. You heard some sounds, not knowing what he was doing until his fingers were sliding and curling inside of you until you were ready. He then put some lube on his cock, slowly sliding into you. Moans and groans spilled from both of your mouths at the feeling of physical connection. He went slow, putting all his love and affection into what he was doing, making you feel a different type of pleasure that no one else could ever grant you.
His lips stayed on you, giving you various kisses in multiple places that he could reach as his thrusts went deeper inside you. Your fingernails made small crescent marks on his shoulders and back as he continued. He constantly told you hushed ‘I love yous’, moaning and groaning your name, then cursing in between from the feeling of your tightness. 
You did the same, feeling him so deep inside of you that it made you see stars. Your words became gibberish as he continued, his cock hitting your prostate and making your toes curl. “Mal, f-fuck, yes,” you gasped out, wishing and yearning to look at him. You imagined there to be as much love as there was lust in his eyes, his mouth in the form of an O shape, and his eyes fluttering as you were both getting closer to your climax. You could’ve cum from the image you thought of alone. He buried his face in your neck, kissing and marking up your sweet spot. He placed your legs higher on his waist, providing a better angle that allowed him more access to you.
“You’re so mm, pretty. You take me so, oh, fucking well.” You knew that more praises from him would make you a mess in his arms and apparently he knew it too. He spurred you on, telling you how beautiful you were, how your body was basically made for him, and how good you were. This caused you to cum rather hard, your legs trembling and your nails practically clawing into him. He didn’t seem to care, his main thoughts on you as he brought you down from your recent high. He pulled out of you, his eyes on yours and the blindfold now removed from your eyes. “Your turn, baby. Do what you want.” Your mind was now filled with various ideas of what exactly to do with Malcolm Gallant. You looked down at him, filling a strong need to have him fill you up. 
You got on top of him and lowered down on his length. Before he could let out a word of his expression, you were kissing him on his collarbone and making him groan as you bounced rapidly. The sound of your skin slapping was prominent. You found it satisfying to hear the noises that filled the air as you passionately fucked him. He raised up a little, now meeting your movements with his own. You were cock drunk from it, wishing nothing other than to feel this pleasure solely from him. You kissed one another, your tongues dancing around as you both reached your peak. You gasped at the feeling of his warm and thick seed filling you up just as you wanted. 
You stayed there like that, cuddled up against each other with your bodies connected until you could finally lift off of him and lay beside him. “I needed that so much, baby. Thank you.” Your boyfriend nodded his head. “Me too. Today was so boring and exhausting before you came home.” He laid on your chest and you kissed his forehead. “I feel the same.” He started to kiss down your body and you looked at him. “What are you doing?” He smirked up at you. “Starting another round.” You couldn’t argue with that, already hardening from the thought. 
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edens-ramble · 1 year
I'll Find You || Tyler Galpin x Thorpe! Sister Part 1/?
The reader is Xavier's older sister with existing psychokinesis abilities (light/matter bending + telekinesis kinda vibes) and it's the first time seeing Tyler since the incident last Outreach Day. No matter how hard she tries to avoid him, she can't, but not for lack of trying. Is their sudden acquaintance due to more than just mutual attraction? Something darker?
A/N: First I want to apologise that this is technically all in 3rd person with she/her and existing descriptions even though I've inserted a reader option. It wasn't originally written for Tumblr but I'm gonna post it here anyway. Lemme know what ya think x
Also ps. I have more chapters planned with a darker vibe to Tyler's character a bit earlier on but if you have any requests let me know!
The sky was thundering above her and rain threatened to pour at any moment, her surprisingly light footfalls were barely audible as she ran across the pavement to reach the door of the Weathervane cafe, finally. She took a brief look through the glass door noticing the absence of any other customers and silently pushed it open, quickly smoothing down her purple Nevermore uniform as she stepped inside.
As she began to walk towards the counter intent on ordering herself a coffee, she stopped abruptly when a boy popped up from behind the counter. Even with his back turned to her, she immediately knew who it was and almost instantly regretted coming into Jericho today but her dorm mother Ms Thornhill informed her that she had confiscated her coffee stash from her dorm so she had no other options for her caffeine hit.
It was Tyler Galpin. She’d seen him a few times in town over her last few years at Nevermore, although they’d never interacted, and after everything that happened, she was mentally cursing herself for remembering how cute she thought he was when they were 15.
She remembered exactly what he looked like, dark blonde hair and big bright eyes somewhere between blue and green. He was taller than her although looking at him now he seems to have grown considerably taller in the last year and filled out a bit as well, but she supposed she probably looked a little different also.
She knew he was the sheriff’s son and based on the small interaction she’d had with him after last year’s outreach day, she rather wished never to see him again, at least for Xavier’s sake. He and his friends destroyed her younger brother Xavier’s mural and tormented him quite harshly for being an outcast, to the point that Principal Weems got the sheriff himself involved in reprimanding them calling it assault.
Though she wasn’t quite sure what happened to him after that day, she knew that he was sent away to some boot camp after hearing Weems telling Xavier but after that who knows? Certainly not her, considering she had refrained from entering Jericho for a while after that event unless absolutely necessary.
Despite this, she now finds herself about to be face-to-face with him again, and after some silent contemplation as to whether she really needed the coffee, she walked forward to the counter where he still had his back to her polishing some glasses.
As she went to touch the bell, a lound crack of lightning came from the sky outside and he turned around a little startled that he’d not realised she’d come in as he stopped polishing the glass in his hand and stared at her with wide eyes. 
“Uh, h-hi, hello. W-what can I get for you?” he stuttered out, putting the glass and towel down very quickly, the nervousness he was displaying seeming very uncharacteristic compared to his apparently “aggressive” personality a year ago.
“Iced mocha…to go please” she replied in a monotone voice not quite meeting his eyes despite him looking like he wanted nothing more than for her to make eye contact with him and his face falling at her tone.
“Yeah, sure” he replied now rather nonchalantly, his face and shoulders relaxed almost as if his personality had suddenly flipped. He accepted the money she handed him and began to make her drink.
She stood at the end of the counter waiting for her coffee whilst mindlessly scrolling on her phone. She was hoping to avoid all conversation with him but judging by the way he kept glancing at her from the coffee machine, she might not be so lucky. He walked over about to hand it to her when he paused, “You’re Y/N Thorpe aren’t you?” he mused somewhat confidently.
“Yes, your point?” she replied quite abruptly, now reciprocating the strong eye contact he was making with her.
“Sorry, I just, I’m Tyler. Tyler Galpin. I umm, I kinda ruined your brother's painting last year” he said scratching the back of his head and falling into the nervous persona again, dude is flipping the switch constantly.
“Amoung others things, yes i know who you are Tyler Galpin” she stepped forward towards the counter intending to take the coffee and leave the interaction but he continued to hold the plastic cup in his hand as he spoke.
“Look, I just wanted to apologise, that was really shitty of me to do and I shouldn’t have let my friends do it either. I was going through a rough time, my mum had just died and I was taking my frustration out on everyone else. I’ve gone through a program to work out my anger and I just wanted to-”
“It’s not me you need to apologise to, though I doubt Xavier would be interested to hear your half-assed apologies” she interrupted and put her hand forward in want of the coffee. He just nodded in defeated understanding and handed over the coffee.
She immediately turned on her heel and walked towards the cafe door pushing it open as quickly as she could and opening a black umbrella she had with her as the rain had just started reaching the town now.
“Wait!” Tyler tried to interject as he went to follow her, trying to get out from behind the counter as quickly as possible.
As soon as she hit the portion of windows that had the blinds closed blocking her from his view inside, she shut her eyes and used her ability to bend the light around her rendering her invisible, wanting to be away from him as quick as possible. She’d learned they referred to it as psychokinesis at Nevermore.
She heard the cafe door open just behind her spinning around as Tyler went to call out “i really-” he looked around trying to find her in the street, “-am sorry” he trailed off looking thoroughly confused where she went so quickly but weirdly transfixed on the exact spot she currently stood invisible. It was like he knew she was there but there’s not way he could see her, ‘of course not’ she thought ‘even my umbrella is cloaked’, shaking the notion from her mind.
As soon as he went back inside the cafe, she continued her hurried walk back to the shuttle station to wait for the next one back to Nevermore with her caffeine fix in hand. No matter how hard she tried to put the interaction with Tyler Galpin out of her mind she couldn’t, thinking about how grown-up he was now. He seemed like a very different person than the one that had terrorised her brother a year ago. As the shuttle came screeching to a halt in the rain she tried to put him from her mind again whilst he was doing the exact opposite.
As Tyler stared out at the street where she’d mysteriously disappeared very quickly he swore he could still smell the perfume she had on, like jasmine and vanilla. With visible confusion on his face he walked back inside the cafe, his head was reeling with what just happened. He’d finally seen Y/N Thorpe after nearly a year and all he could blabber out was some excuse about what he did to her brother, what an idiot! He left out a frustrated sigh and he went to finish polishing the glasses he was part way through before she came in.
Y/N Thorpe. She looked just as pretty as he remembered, however her once long honey brown hair was now a very dark brown almost black stopping bluntly just before her shoulders. She had definitely matured into her body however her uniform left a good deal to imagination and he’d definitely imagined all of it, the reminder of the little (huge) crush he had on her when they were younger despite never getting the courage to talk to her.
He supposed that it’s to be expected she’d look more grown-up as she was about to be 17 if he remembered correctly as she was just a few months younger than him, he had attempted to keep up with her socials but everything was now private. She was significantly shorter than now as he’d grown a fair bit in the last year and she still had those hazel doe eyes. He remembered how fearful those eyes were when she came running to Xavier after Tyler and his friends destroyed the mural and practically assulated him, asking if he was okay.
He can still picture the scene, looking from around a corner after they’d run away when that Nevermore Principal was about to intervene. He just stared at Y/N as she cradled her younger brother’s face, he was wide eyed taking in her almost maternal nature towards Xavier, with almost the same expression he had worn earlier today.
Even with the angry tears threatening to fall from her eyes they were still so warming but when she locked eyes with him from his hiding spot and he quickly fled, following Lucas and the others. He noticed now however, her eyes seemed darker, more dull than before, making her seem more unapproachable and possibly displaying the contempt he knew she must hold for him.
He already had a million things going on in his head right now but just like that day a year ago, everything seemed to halt when she was front and center again in his mind as he continued with his shift. He wondered if she’d come back into the cafe again, probably not now that she knew he worked here. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he should have said to her, ‘I’m a better person now’, ‘I would never do anything to hurt you’, ‘please give me chance’. All valid thoughts but he froze instead, making stupid childlike excuses for his behaviour.
He really wanted to tell her that he’d thought about properly thanking her since that day when she let him go without altering the Principal that he was still there watching. Whilst he was still required to go to court ordered therapy and sort his behavourial issues, it was nowhere as harsh of a punishment as it could have been. He’d often thought about whether she’d forgive him if he explained what happened, if she’d talk with him, maybe even look at him how he looked at her. 
He wouldn’t go as far to say it was an obsession but just when he thought he’d stopped thinking about her after getting back he heard one Lucas’ friends mention her name in conversation whilst sitting in the cafe. Talking about how one of them had come across her at a bookstore in town a few months after the outreach day incident. 
Tyler had almost felt the need to punch him when the boy vulgarly described her outfit and all the things he wished he could do to her. Tyler wasn’t a fan of people thinking about Y/N like that, despite himself doing exactly that whenever he saw any glimpse of her on Instagram or in the background of some nevermore student’s Tiktok.
He had become so tense that he flexed his arm so tightly he smashed the glass in his hand and blood was now running down his wrist from a cut on his palm. He held up his hand to his eye level and just stared at it for a moment watching as the blood poured down his arm. He was almost transfixed on the sight thinking about the sense of deja vu he got looking at his hand covered in blood as the rain pounded outside. Before he could place a memory he heard the cafe door open, “Tyler, my god son, what have you done?” Sheriff Galpin had come rushing in with sloshy footsteps as he’d been drenched by the rain. 
“It’s fine dad, I just broke a glass. It must have cracked in the dishwasher and I didn’t notice” Tyler responded hollowly torn from his thoughts as he quickly wrapped his hand in the towel he was using for the glasses a moment ago.
“I’ll just find the first aid kit and i’ll grab your regular, give me 5” Tyler walked into the backroom to find the first aid kit.
“You sure that doesn’t need stitches, it looked bad” his dad called as he walked away.
“Nah it’s not that deep” Tyler responded from the back room whilst he stood looking at his hand noticing that the blood had stopped very quickly, almost too quickly. 
As he bandaged his hand his mind floated back to Y/N and he remembered how quickly she disappeared earlier also, almost impossibly quickly. He wanted to talk to her about so many things and he wanted, no he needed, to find a way to see her again.
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