#this was sweet and also fun!! thanks for sending
ffsg0jo · 3 days
"She asked for no pickles" with the JJK men if you would like?
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characters (all written separately): nanami x reader ; gojo x reader ; choso x reader
warnings: fem!reader , mentions of food , pickles , swearing , gojo being weird , light angst (choso)
w/c: 1.5k (roughly 500-600 words each character)
a/n: this was really fun to write, so thank you sm for sending a request in !! i kinda deviated from the brief a little, so i hope you don't mind too much :)) i hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think !! ive also decided to split it into 2 parts since it was getting really long.
part 1 (nanami ; gojo ; choso) ; part 2 (toji ; geto ; sukuna)
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"sweetheart what's wrong? why aren't you eating?"
your husband’s concerned voice pulled you out of your reverie. you sighed, weighing up your options, trying to decide whether it was worth telling kento your problem or not.
it was supposed to be a cute day out for you both, first going to an art museum which had a special exhibition you were both dying to see. then deciding to visit a nearby park with freshly baked bread, feeding your beloved husband a bite, and then the ducks.
now you were both currently sitting at a restaurant, and the sight before your eyes was enough to ruin your mood.
your husband reaches out and holds your hand from across the table, eyebrows furrowing further as he sees the despair on your face. you refuse to look at him, and kento starts to worry even more.
"my sweet girl, please tell me what's wrong," he urges, lightly squeezing your hand.
you sigh once more, and he follows where your eyes are pointedly staring the burger on your plate. immediately, he sees pickles sticking out from the edges, cemented into the melted cheese, and everything clicks.
"i asked for no pickles ken, but i don't want to be rude and send it back."
kento rubs your hand with his fingers and asks if you want him to take pickles off for you.
"i'll still be able to taste them though because i know they were there," you slightly pouted.
you looked so upset, and your husband hated that. you were really looking forward to trying this restaurant's burger due to all the good reviews you've heard. and as a fellow foodie, he can empathise and share your massive disappointment.
that won't do, kento thinks. his dear heart asked for no pickles, so she'll get a burger with no pickles.
kento spots a waiter nearby and makes eye contact, politely smiling and lifting his hand up. the waiter comes over immediately and asks if everything's okay.
"my beautiful wife here asked for no pickles on her burger, but there seems to be pickles," he looks at you and sees the slight embarrassment on your face and reassuringly rubs your hand. "would it be possible to send this one back and get one without pickles, please?"
you looked up at the waiter in hope with a bashful look on your face.
"absolutely sir," the waiter smiles at your husband and moves to take away the plate from in front of you. he turns to you and dips his head. "i apologise for any inconvenience caused, ma'am. i'll get that to you as soon as possible, alongside a desert of your choice, on the house."
you thank the waiter profusely, and once he's gone, you turn to your husband with the biggest smile on your face. you bring your joined hands up to lips and press kisses on the back of his hand.
"i love you so much kento, thank you!"
your husband smiles with a light blush adorning his cheeks. he leans over the table and presses his lips softly against yours.
"anything for you my sweetheart, i love you too." he whispers softly, with his lips still pressed against yours.
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“satoru, my darling, my honeybun sweetie pie, did you put pickles in my fucking pastry?”
your boyfriend, who is sitting next to you, freezes at your tone, with his thumb pressed onto his lips to lick away cream from his cake that had gotten onto it. he turns to you with an incredulous look on his face, hand slowly falling back down to his lap. everything’s silent for a moment as he just blinks at you.
“pickles? did you say pickles babe?”
seeing the visible confusion on satoru’s face, you move the plate in your hands closer to him and pout.
“there’s pickles in my pastry.”
he looks down, and you’re right. for some reason, alongside the cream and the strawberries, there were two small slices of pickles half hidden underneath the strawberries. satoru’s confusion doubles, but then he remembers your accusation and how you looked like you were contemplating murder.
“that wasn’t me babe, i promise, scout’s honour!”
“don’t disrespect scouts toru,” you whine. “i was really looking forward to it you know.” you place the plate down on the tea table in front of you and huff, falling back and sinking into the sofa.
the only thing that got you through the long, hard day was the prospect of feasting on the pastry you bought and cuddling up to your lover. and now it was all ruined. what kind of sicko jokes around and puts pickles on perfectly delicious pastries, actively working to ruin people’s days.
seeing your lover’s shock, you’re inclined to believe him. out of everyone, satoru knew not to mess with people’s food, especially sweet treats. but you could’ve sworn putting it in the fridge with no pickles on it. so what happened?
satoru looks at you all upset, and he loses his appetite. don’t get him wrong, he would die for cake. but seeing you so distraught, he could not, in good conscience, enjoy his slice without you. he looks down at the slice of cake in his hand and decides to make a compromise.
“here, my love,” he says with a sweet smile on his face, handing you his plate. “you can have my slice.”
you look up at him, with your mouth slightly open in disbelief. no way, satoru just offered his cake. you never thought you’d live to see the day. looking at his plate, it does look delicious and pickle-less, but you shake your head. he deserves his sweet treat.
“s’fine baby, thank you though.”
“no, honestly, i don’t mind something savoury with my sweets,” he pushes the plate into your hands and grabs the pastry from the table. satoru makes a show of picking a pickle slice off the pastry and licking the cream off. “see it’s delicious,” he smiles brightly, seemingly enjoying it?
“i love you, but you’re a freak,” you grimace burrowing yourself into satoru’s side.
he only chuckles in response, munching on the pickle. he absolutely hates it. he’s a brilliant actor, but you can see it in his eyes, yet he still swallows it. you lift your hand up to his cheek, holding it gently and pressing kisses to every single bit of skin you can reach. your lover only gives you a cheesy smile in return, popping another cream covered pickle into his mouth.
“you don’t have to eat that love, we can just share your cake.”
satoru shakes his head, adamantly refusing. instead choosing to take a massive bite of your pastry covered in pickle juices. it’s disgusting, and he’ll probably cry in the shower before bed at the horrifying taste, but he could handle a couple of pickles if it ensured your happiness.
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“baby it’s fine, i promise”
“no it’s not choso, first they made fun of you, and then they messed up your order on purpose,” you spluttered in pure disbelief. “it’s disrespectful and rude, i’m not letting them get away with it!”
how dare they, you thought as you sped back to the fast-food chain choso had gotten food for you both from. your husband is the sweetest and most respectful soul to have ever graced this earth. how dare they make fun of his facial marks and hair. you wanted to hug and kiss him all over, but first, you had some strong words for the workers at the food shop.  
to say you were fuming was the absolute least of it. you know for a fact that choso probably just awkwardly stood there, hearing their remarks and silently accepted his order whilst they laughed at his buns. picturing it only made you angrier, fists balling and blood rushing through your ears.
“baby, please calm down,” your husband called, hot on your heels. you were only a couple of shops away, and he absolutely did not want to make a scene. he took hold of your arm and gently pulled you towards him, grabbing your other hand in his too.
“my love, it’s okay, just let it go,” he urged. you looked at his face and you saw the slight shine in his eyes, and you were about to turn to straight back around. choso only tightens his hold on you and his hand moves up to hold your face.
“they’re just miserable people, not worth wasting your time on them baby.”
“you would do the same for me cho, i’m not hearing it!”
“i absolutely would, but the workers were young, and i don’t want you getting in trouble for fighting a bunch of kids,” he stressed. “let’s just go home and cuddle, and order takeout or something. please.”
the discomfort of going back inside the shop was written all over his face, and you really didn’t want to make choso’s day harder or worse than it already was. your husband deserved the world, and it made your heart break, knowing that there were people being mean to him. sighing, you lean up and press a soft kiss to the bridge of choso’s nose, right where his mark is.
“okay,” you relent. “let’s go home.”
choso kisses your hand and smiles at you, relief written all over his face.
“you didn’t deserve that choso, i’m really sorry they said all those horrible things to you.”
“’s fine,” he says dismissing it. “my wonderful wife did my hair and tells me how gorgeous she thinks i am every minute of the day. some silly teenager’s words won’t affect me.”
it was easy to see the words had affected him more than he let on, but for now, you decided to let it go. tomorrow you’d talk to him and offer reassurance properly and make his day extra special, but for now you’d let it go, seeing how clearly he wanted to leave it behind.
holding onto his hand, you both turned around and started making your way back home, discussing what you guys should order, already feeling lighter.
“oh babe, let’s invite yuuji over, we could have a family dinner,” you suggested, knowing if there was one thing that would cheer him up, it would be his brother. your husband’s face immediately lights up and he beams at you, nodding his head enthusiastically and agreeing.
it’s sorted then, cuddles with you, then takeout as a family, and then some more cuddles with you both whilst watching a movie.
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extra note : geto put pickles on your pastry thinking it was gojo's when he came over the day before. gojo had been annoying him all week, so he decided to hit him where it hurt. when he found out it was yours, he felt terrible and brought extra pastries for you when he next came round.
© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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tennessoui · 2 months
✨✨✨✨🫱Care to share🫲✨✨✨✨
The message was sent to you because someone loved your writing and stories. ❤️
▪️What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
▪️How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
▪️What do you do when you have writer's block?
▪️How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
▪️Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
You are welcome to answer if you have the time and desire, or you can simply respond to the questions that come to mind.
💐Thank you for your work as a writer and as a member of this fandom!💐
hello and thank you!! i can try to answer these questions, but i don't think anything i have to say is particularly revolutionary or interesting so be warned i'm not going to be helpful haha
▪️What are your writing suggestions for newcomers, or what would you have liked to know when you first started?
it's really really ok to like your idea more than others!! when i first started writing fic, i would come up with an idea and share it and people would say 'that's great what if it went like this instead?' and that was fun and i think i have a lot of aus that have been influenced by posting on tumblr/talking with people here, but at a certain point i had to just learn for myself that it was ok to say 'yeah that would be fun too but i also really like my idea the way i wrote it, and that's what im going to focus on'. that probably sounds really obvious lol but it also took me like. a solid year to learn and feel comfortable saying.
not that your ideas will necessarily be better than someone else's or that "better" is a good matrix for creativity. but if you're writing fanfic, you're doing it in your free time for no cost. it should be something you absolutely are in love with and it's really ok to fall in love with your idea/your fic and not change it no matter what other people suggest
▪️How do you write different personalities and perspectives? Could you explain how you came up with the manner you written your favorite or any character?
i change my characters up a lot between fics/aus and give them different personalities each time, but i do try to keep some traits recognizable so they still feel like obi-wan and anakin. for obi-wan, for example, i picture him as having some innate qualities that i put on a sliding scale. bitchiness (i.e. sarcasm, irritation at the situation, capacity to insult, anger) and manipulation are my main two for him. then depending on the fic and the characterization, i adjust my bitchiness and manipulation scales: pbatmb obi-wan is both extremely bitchy and extremely manipulative. 10s across the board. stacy's mom au obi-wan is low on the manipulation scale (even though he's trying SO hard) but medium on the bitchiness scale. infinite sadness is probably also one of the scales come to think of it.
▪️What do you do when you have writer's block?
i go outside!! i go for a walk or a run away from screens where i can just tease out the idea i want to write and work over it with no distractions
also and i cannot overemphasize how much i love these but writing warm ups!!! do writing warm ups!!! i collect prompts that i write out before i start a major project (which i define as something going on ao3) which helps getting the words flowing and helps prevent writer's block for me. if you don't want to do prompts from a list, pick a fic that you already have and just write a scene for it that will not go into the fic. like, the characters going camping or waking up in the morning or discovering there's no more coffee. something short, 500 words, 1k words, whatever. it really, really, really helps me
▪️How do you come up with new ideas and develop them?
lol two ways. i write about things that happen in my life and tweak them a bit ("fixer-upper" was written after i toured an apartment with my friend and she liked the place but hated the stove/appliances; "tripping over my words trying to give you my name" was written because people always tell me to tie my shoelaces) OR i throw words around like darts at a board until i have a solid idea. usually this involves taking an idea that i feel has been done or feels pretty straightforward and thinking about how i can put a twist on it to make it feel like mine (i.e. sith obi-wan, but what if we make him x, y, and z too)
and tumblr asks help a lot because people really can flush out an au so fast by just asking open-ended questions like 'where's shmi? how does qui-gon react to this? when do they get together?' that make me think more about the story and how i imagine the characters!
▪️Any messages for your readers or fellow writers?
thank you for reading what i write, that's really amazing and i'm glad you do!! i think i've grown so much in the past few years as a writer and it's because this fandom has become such a safe space for me to experiment with my writing style and story-telling.
and thank you for writing if no one's told you that recently - you deserve to hear it every day! ✨
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basketobread · 6 months
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i feel a little embarrassed to be announcing this truthfully but... i opened up a kofi! if you'd like to support me, here's the link!
first, i want to say that by no means should anyone feel obligated to tip me. ive received so much support from everyone these past few weeks that my heart is so incredibly full. so thank you so much. each and every one of you :) <3
and also, minor announcement, but my commissions page/info is almost done too! i'm still debating between keeping 4-6 slots open at a time but it'll be a first-come-first-serve basis. i know a few people were interested so i thought i should announce that too. ^_^
anyways, before this gets too long, thank you all so much again for your support! i hope to continue my daily comics/doodles for years to come! have a lovely day and know that im rooting for you :) <3
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
istg piepoe is so scimdiddlydooblygoobly i feel like they make a good quiche or pie <33
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She definitely can!!!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
rmphmrpmhpe i think it's sleepy time for me <33 night night guys i love you! sleep well (ESPECIALLY YOU RYO SLEEP DAMNIT)
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oc-atelier · 29 days
Weird combo but I'd love to know!
(Shhh that's totally okay oh my gosh! I love different types of combos of questions! :D) For this, I'll answer with my main WHA OC Leoht!
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🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Leoht was actually inspired from a, "Create a Witch Hat Atelier OC," meme going around a few years ago! For each question that was on the prompt sheet, one comment on the post would decide what each part of him would end up being! So, it went something to the effect of this:
1.) Brimhat or pointy hat? Pointy hat
2.) Magic specialty? Lightning
3.) Forbidden body mods or occupation? Occupation: Using lightning magic in some form
4.) Where do they live? The Assembly/the Great Hall
5.) Color scheme? They have a dark color scheme with very vibrant details (imagining lightning striking through a dark cloud)
6.) Hat details? Inspired by Sailor Moon's Makoto's oak leaves crown
7.) Robe details? Very clean and elegant robe with decorations related to lightning; basically, the outside is very fancy, but inside has a thunder pattern and more chaotic?
(The final two that needed comments ( 8.) Extras? and 9.) Pen design?) I came up with myself)
And thus Leo's creation was assured thanks to a fun little meme all my friends were participating in at the time JJKLGSKLJGKJ
As for what inspired his personality as a character, even though he's since deviated from his original inspirations and has become his own thing over time, I definitely initially based his personality around really goofy, charismatic, not-a-single-thought-in-that-head and sunshine-y characters such as Flynn Rider and Rapunzel bc I was basically trying to make an OC that encapsulated my favorite character archetypes and mashing them all together
But nowadays he definitely has a nice balance of everything I love in my favorite character types, and I'm really happy with how far he's come in his development since then!
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Oh, absolutely! I'd say his biggest ones that affect him the most would be his fear of water, fear of thunder (ironically) and fear of heights.
His fear of water has been around for about as long as he can remember, though whether that fear is because he's afraid of the idea of drowning or because he's never learned how to swim is unclear even to him, but he has a feeling that the two kind of go hand-in-hand in contributing to his fear. He'll still go around smaller bodies of water like streams and the like, but anything bigger than that and he gets paranoid about tripping and falling in
His fear of thunder is more so due to the loud booming noise of it more than anything. Since he was little, he's always gotten rattled up by loud sudden noises, and thunder was no different. Even when he lived underwater via The Great Hall, the muffled noise of thunder above the surface was still enough to keep him awake at night, and once he moved into his professor's atelier for the first time and had to bare witness to thunder full-throttle without the safety net of the sea above him-- well, it really only further cemented a phobia he already had and cranked it up to an eleven
As for his fear of heights, Leo only really started developing a phobia of it when he was first learning how to fly with his shoes. One wrong glyph drawn on the soles of his shoes was all it really took to make him utterly terrified of flying high in the air like that again, and even though for a bit (after he met his childhood friend Elric, who tried his best to help Leo overcome that phobia) Leo seemed more or less calmer about heights than he used to be, after his and Elric's friendship ended out of nowhere during their youth Leo found his confidence in flying shaken and his ability to do so properly even more so. So, despite trying his hardest to hide his phobia of heights from those around him as an adult, all it takes is looking at his face once to realize he's completely and utterly horrified at the events that are unfolding that led him back into the air after so long spent deliberately avoiding it
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
I've had Leoht living in my brain since January 13th, 2022 (but technically he was starting to exist on the 9th since I was brainstorming him around that time)! He's officially been around for the past two years now, and I'm honestly so beyond happy and proud of how much he's grown and developed as a character; and I'm even happier that I revisited his outfit design last year and gave him a much needed new and improved one since I was learning more about character design and how I wanted to incorporate the different elements I wanted for his character into his clothing; the colors are definitely a massive upgrade bc his old outfit colors were hideous to me JKJLKSJDKLG
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agrippinaes · 2 years
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@willwriteforruns asked: charlotte x sydney, charlotte x colbourne, or charlotte x young stringer?
she's not half the woman you are, charlotte. if he can't see that, he doesn't deserve you.
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roselise · 8 months
Nutmeg is so stylish 😎 I love it!
🐶 ⊹ ˚ . 🤍 * ! ! !
Aw . . yay! She says thank you & gives many puppy hugs, my friend !! ♡ ♡
Cause honestly she loves friends & attention !! It’s actually Pepper who is shy hehe :’)
He is very sweet, and comes around quickly if you’re gentle to him though! It’s funny how opposite they are, but they are still best friends ♡
And enjoying the spooky season !! They had fun decorating with me the other day c:
(Although Nutmeg did try to take on a light-up pumpkin, I’m not entirely sure why but it is now her nemesis it seems ??)
What about yourself? Are you having a fun spooky season, dear anon? I truly hope so !! Have lots of fun, but please make sure to be safe, too, okay ??
I send lots of love & all my happiest thoughts! Take care ~ !! XOXO . ˚  *   .  ʚ 🤍 ɞ
🐶 * 🧸 ⊹ ♡
⊹ 🤍 ˚ . 🎀 * ⊹ 🌸
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For the OCs headcanon, I feel like Tzipporah (my Lavellan) would absolutely hang out with Ari. My girl got so many anger issues, Ari's calm and diplomatic behaviour helps her stay grounded and keep her feelings in check. This anger is mostly fueled by a burning sense of justice (due to mistreatment by humans in her early life) so Ari's strong morals are like. More than brownie points lmao. But his presence would definitely help after her breakdowns. She's an elf, he's a Vashoth, they both had hardships to go through
Since Tzipporah is unable to have children, she has adopted and raised many of the clan, including a Vashoth (Ari kinda reminds her of them). I guess she shares with him the urge to protect Cole and Sera, they must be Cherished (and join Sera in prank wars lmao).
Maybe when they trust each other enough, she'll go fetch a chair so she can reach Ari's head and give him a pat. Even though he found a purpose in the Inquisition, it is still a heavy weight to bear in her eyes, especially if you are alone. "Sure, you save the world. But who saves you?"
Hell yeah Dalish/Vashoth solidarity 💪💪
Also i love that?? Ari would def be bamboozled that he is the one being parented for once hflsdjld but it would do him good, heaven knows he needs it (even if he doesn't realise it). He's not nearly as good at handling emotional stuff as he is at diplomatic matters, but if him Being There can help? He sure will Try His Best. The respect for the sense of justice is strongly reciprocated, in any case
Also he kind of panics at first when he finds out that he is smh considered a Dad Guy (that 100% did not happen intentionally or consciously lmao) so he'd absolutely go to Tzipporah for parenting 101 advice haha
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dutybcrne · 6 months
I like to think that the very reason Diluc keeps Kae at arms length despite wanting to reconcile & go back to their old ways as much as Kae does is the fact that Kaeya adamantly Refuses to tone down the new facade of his ( the shield for his vulnerabilities ) & Diluc, being Diluc, hates liars & doesn’t want to feel like Kaeya will drop another secret on him/is keeping smth from him all over again.
#//Signs Luc wants to? for a start; the hidden strife letters#//Addie’s mentions letting Kae stay at the Winery while Luc’s gone saying she knows he wouldn’t have objected. Even being AFTER the Fight#//Diluc thanking him for his intel & esp the last one where he asks Kae to take care of himself. KEEPING ALL OF THE LETTERS KAE SENT#//Of Ballads & Brews event is SO good for this too. If not Diluc staring up contemplatively atthe cliff where Kae was looking to the Winery#//THEN THE WHOLE FREAKIN DINNER BIT#//Mans acted all huffy and defensive when Kae was there for Business. Only got even MORE annoyed when Kae tried to dodge the dinner#//What I love abt that supporting my thoughts is Luc lightens up on him TWICE through the whole ordeal#//Once before during while Kae starts talking abt how he’s here to help Razor & ask Luc for help (which he GIVES so easily)#//Which makes me laugh also bc of how even standoffish as he was abt the wine for the KoF; he STILL let Kae have it (Lisa KNEW he would)#//& then when Kae starts acting flustered and shy bc of Addie. Mans is even PLAYFUL & pokes fun at him TWICE & asks him to stay via it#//That one event with the seashells too; when Luc’s tone Softened after Kae reminisced fondly abt their childhood#//The DK quest where Luc Immediately bristled up when discovered; & his Reaction when Kae said he was just happy sb was looking after him#//His hangout was Delightful for this too. The Up & Down of Kae saying they came back from Sumeru to say hello & Diluc Immediately welcomin#//And then backtracking to Annoyed when Kae started asking for free wine. & then teasing him for reusing an old excuse to get it#//The fact that Luc REMEMBERED it sends me jdfgf. And don't get me started on the GIFTS#//Diluc commenting on Kae's 'unique aesthetic taste' in gifts; yet KEEPS BOTH THINGS HE GAVE HIM no matter how odd they are to him#//When in Venti's story quest; he commented he gets rid of things he doesn't need (any wonder he hasn't tried to actually get rid of Kae?)#//& how he commented he really would have loved to join Kae & Traveler for drinks outside; but couldn't (& the good regards was so sweet!)#//& the way Luc sounds when he asks where Kae is after! Plus the IMMEDIATE switch to a more business one once Traveler says he's still ther#//Elzer exposing Diluc so hard was so fucken funny too. Kae out here tryna only take bottles home to not get Diluc on his case#//Elzer's like No; take a barrel; trust me; Diluc will NOT mind & will Not mean any complaints on you for doing so#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Heck; this just spiraled lmao#//This bouta have more citation than my academic paper I'm putting off kjdffghf. Can you tell they are my favorite duo?#//Anywho; but yeah. I just love the fact that Luc tends to lighten up on Kae when he's being honest/more like 'himself'. Like#//Mans Backtracked on the snark in Venti SQ when Kae got offended abt the drinking remark; then only restarted when Kae brought up Crepus#//I want to see them talk in a future event or cutscene. I am invested in them and their dynamic & how it could be mended. Do it for Addie!#//I laugh at the fact that even Varka himself tried to intervene in their mess & make them play nice lmao. Varka in Natlan chapter; PLS-#//Bruh; I didn't even include shit from the manga jkdg. Luc had every right to be pissed at being falsely accused & provoked by Kae#//Yet not only did he help Kae save Collei & get arrested; but he ALSO Kept the vase his Vision was brought in & fixed him up a drink afte
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kamipyre · 1 year
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@bloodxhound​ sent in: [ word of advice ; self-defense lesson < 3 ] “If you wanna throw a proper punch, you gotta put your whole body in it—not just your arms. Try again, but this time start the punch with your feet. Pivot on your back leg an’ twist your hips into the punch. That’s how you make it powerful.” || advice that’ll go for miles ( ft. word of advice meme. )
In all technicalities, this is all SUKI’S DOING. Since most of their work is done in the lab, forensics don’t have a physical to pass, unlike the detectives and police officers with their yearly examination. It makes sense, really- considering the kinds of witnesses that take the stand, being physically fit is almost a necessity if the court hopes to get any kind of progress done. And knowing what more often than not happens in these trials, Suki is more than happy to let detectives like Ray take the reins in these situations. 
That and she knows. Has heard the rumors and perhaps when she isn’t too engrossed in her papers, has seen firsthand the kind of…taskmaster he is when it comes to training. For someone who commits vandalism often enough, Detective Barlowe is quite regimented when comes to keeping in shape. Not that she’s seen him at the GYM ( a place Suki herself would never step foot in voluntarily ), but considering that when she has seen his desk, the gym bag is always there…she can’t imagine him bringing it along just for show.
That being said though. 
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Her hands aching, she glares at the punching bag she’s been ‘sparring’ for the past half hour or so. It would be safe to say, the bag is ‘winning’ thus far since it has barely moved an inch, let alone made a sound. Her arms are also aching and the rest of her body feels like lead. Is this supposed to be the end result of a gym session? 
( If it is, how is that supposed to be ENJOYABLE? )
A foot nudges her feet into what Ray deems as proper stance- which makes no sense to Suki by the way. If the point of throwing a punch is to use one’s arm, why does footwork matter? Spy x Family made it seem so much easier…Nevertheless, after a few practice strokes with her leg and arm, she pivots with her back leg and follows through from her hips to her hand throwing the punch. The movement foreign to her, she stumbles a step before in the aftermath…but it’s accompanied by the sound of a punching bag groaning. It swings a little more unhinged than in the aftermath of her previous attempts. 
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With bright eyes, she turns excitedly toward Ray.
“I did it!”
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thetimecrystal · 2 years
20, 31, 53? 💖
(also here's some breakfast and tea, a flower 🌼 and a hug 💖💖)
send some numbers!
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
hmm, between honey by robyn and spellbound by siousxie and the banshees
31. 3 random facts
i got good at english through writing fic.
my hair grows way too fast
i really really really want to learn bass
53. 5 things that make me happy
i answered this once but it is so nice so i will answer it twice
funny socks
when it first gets hot during spring
sims videos
laying down in bed at night
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yuujispinkhair · 5 months
Hockey player! Sukuna headcanons
Inspired by this lovely ask by @subarusuguru. You made my head spin with the idea of hockey player Sukuna!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! I had to write a little something 💗
Pairing: Hockey player!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff + smut Word Count: 700 Warnings: 18+, smut, mentions of injuries, but nothing bad. All characters are of age. Divider by @/benkeibear
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Hockey player!Sukuna, who is a devil on the ice. The rival teams always know they will have several injured players after each match against Sukuna. He has a very aggressive playstyle, and his speed and strength, combined with his quick mind, make him unstoppable.
Hockey player!Sukuna, whose maroon eyes always find you when he enters the ice. He winks at you and makes a kissy face, laughing when you blow him a kiss back. The whole hockey arena can know that you are his, and he is yours. And anyone who dares make a rude comment about him being so soft for his girl will receive a brutal body check that sends them facefirst onto the ice or into the boards.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who has a mad glint in his eyes during the whole match. He is ambitious and confident, and he always plays to win. He loves being an asshole and taunt his opponents, laughing when he can get under their skin with his snide comments. But no matter how much Sukuna riles them up, they still aren't able to stop him because he always puts his whole anger and strength into his game.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who is a completely different man when he goes on the ice with his princess. Treating you with so much care and being such a gentleman. He holds your hand to make sure you don't fall when he teaches you how to ice skate. And once he can see you are ready for the next step, he lets go of you and tells you to skate toward him to get a kiss.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who has so much fun when showing you how to play hockey. Your time on the ice is filled with playful fights and good-natured teasing comments that are so flirty that you get butterflies the whole time. His laugh sounds different too, happy and free, and he only uses his strength to pick you up and pin you against the boards so he can kiss you until you are breathless.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who grins that charming grin when he lets you score and praises you for being such a natural talent, even though you know you suck. Of course, Sukuna also has to show off a little in front of his girl, and he steals the puck from you easily, making you gasp at his speed and watch with wide eyes and a smitten expression on your face as your boyfriend skates across the ice and shoots the puck into the goal with so much force it almost rips the net.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who feels a proud buzz running through his veins anytime he sees you in his jersey. Somehow it drives him crazy to see you walking around with his last name on your back. It spurs him on to play even better and show you that he is worthy to be your man. Maybe he should buy a ring and give you his last name on your ID too, and not just on a jersey.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who loves to fuck you in the locker room after every match when his teammates have left. A victory fuck to celebrate when he is still pumped full of adrenaline and euphoria, pulling you onto his lap and bouncing you on his thick cock while groaning in your ear and telling you that it is all thanks to your love and support that makes him play so damn good. Or an angry fuck after a loss to make him feel ok again, lifting you up and slamming you against the shower wall, snapping his hips fast, fucking you hard and deep, growling your name when he cums in you and finds sweet relief in your warm cunt.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who can't stop smiling when you dote on him when he is injured after a rough match. He has a high pain tolerance and doesn't really worry all that much about the injuries, but he loves it when you take care of him and look at him with so much worry in your eyes. It makes him feel so warm, and so he happily plays along and lets you change his bandages, pet his hair, and cuddle him.
Hockey player!Sukuna, who loves to win, but who thinks his biggest victory was winning your heart.
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I am so in love with him!! Thank you so much for sending me that prompt!! I hope you liked my little headcanons ;)
Comments and reblogs would be very sweet 💗
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minasweep · 10 months
top 5 fruits!!!!!! <33
omg I could go on for AGES of how much strawberries mean to me !!! They have so much sentimental value to me from the strawberry milk I'd pick out at the store when I'd go on family fishing trips to every strawberry season coming home after school to find a crate of strawberries on the table sent over by my aunt from a local festival !!!
the best peaches I've ever had in my life were Georgia peaches from a makeshift stand on the side of the road near an intersection that were so juicy and sweet we haven't been able to find ANY that can begin to compete with the memory of them but we still look every time we go shopping for fruit!
gonna b real cherries have more sentimental value to me (specifically maraschino cherries) bc a wonderful guy I know told me the story of how they're his favorite because his mom would bring them home for him from her job and that story sticks w me so much ♡ (black cherry is also such a good flavor!!!)
what I wouldn't give rn. at this very moment. for a mango fruit cup with tajin and chamoy. so sweet so wonderful also there's that mbmbam bit abt a hypothetical mango cult from yahoo answers what's not to love !!!
if it didn't cut my tongue after so many bites I'd eat it so much more frequently vv similar to my love for mangos it's always wonderful in a fruit cup !!!
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epitomees · 1 year
You know, even though I sent that command. Hearing someone from the "Legally cannot say Fuck" part of the meme feels wrong. But it was incredibly amusing. Good job writing it
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((I was debating whether or not to go HARD CORE with the command request, and initially I was going with a 'light' curse of 'damn' or 'hell'. But then I said SCREW IT!! We'll bring out the big guns for my girl Sumire!))
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augustinewrites · 8 months
satoru absolutely does not know how to ride a bike idk how i know this but i know cw: suggestive content, mdni
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“that was…good,” satoru settles on, still unable to properly articulate. he whines, still a little lightheaded and breathless as you roll off of him with a laugh, pressing a kiss to his shoulder before tucking yourself into his side.
“just good?” you tease, fingertips gliding over his chest. “if i’d known there was going to be a review, i’d have done that thing with my hips that you like.”
you roll your hips against his thigh, sending a warm chill down satoru’s spine. 
“don’t do that,” he warns, but his face is flushed and he can feel himself getting hard again. “unless you want to leave the kids at your dad’s for another night.”
“oh! speaking of the kids!” your sweet movements stop abruptly, causing him to peek one eye open to send you a long suffering look. “my father bought the kids bikes yesterday, and i told him you’d teach them how to ride them.”
now, it’s no secret that gojo satoru is good at a lot of things. 
he can manipulate the infinity around him and exorcise special grade curses with the flick of his wrist. he knows the words to every avicii song and can make mug cakes that don’t always explode in the microwave. 
there’s only one thing he can’t do. 
“i remember when my dad taught me,” you sigh. there’s a fondness in your eyes as you describe the memory. it’s something special and cherished, and satoru wants that for his kids. 
“this isn’t funny, shoko!” 
“you’re right.”
“thank you—”
“because it’s hilarious. gojo satoru, the strongest sorcerer of our time, never learned how to ride a bicycle.” 
she trails off in a fit of laughter. satoru hasn’t heard her laugh like this in a long time, and he’d be ecstatic if her amusement hadn’t come at his expense. 
“i didn’t have anyone willing to teach me!” he tells her, huffing. “it was all cursed technique this and cursed technique that. not to mention bikes are literal death traps on wheels.”
“motorcycles are death traps on wheels. bicycles are for babies,” she corrects, though he can still hear the laughter bubbling in her response. “why’d you even agree to teach them?”
“because she did this super hot thing with her hips, but focus!” he whispers harshly. “i can’t teach the kids how to ride a bike! what if i just bought a car—”
“only you would try to buy a car for an 11 year old.”
“not for megumi. tsumiki’s basically 13. she can start learning so when she’s old enough—”
“so tsumiki is going to learn how to drive before you learn how to ride a bike? you are so tragic,” she snickers. 
well, it sounds lame when she puts it like that.
he looks up when the sound of the shower running stops. “and you’re useless,” he growls into the phone. “i’ll ask nanami.” 
[shoko]: i heard gojo’s teaching the kids how to ride their bikes
[you]: yeah :) i’m so excited!
[shoko]: me too.
[shoko]: can you send videos?
[nanami]: I would also like to see videos. 
[you]: sure. but why the interest?
[shoko]: bcs i care about them and want to celebrate their achievements
[you]: you didn’t come to megumi’s violin recital because you said you valued your eardrums. 
[nanami]: It will be a fun moment to look back on when they’re older. 
[shoko] yeah that ^
[you]: fine i’ll send videos.
the sun is just beginning to set and the city beginning to settle when you take the kids to the park. 
“i really think—”
“satoru, we are not teaching megumi how to teleport to school.”
“but if he uses the shadows—”
you thrust a helmet into his hands, stern look shutting him up immediately. 
“fuck,” he mumbles once your back is turned to help the kids. he shoves the helmet onto his head and buckles it tightly.
the kids walk over to him with their little bikes, the huge helmets on their head making them look like bobble heads. 
you document his torture with a quick photo before giving him the floor. 
“riding a bike is…super simple,” he tells them, patting the seat of your bike. “you get on, put your feet on the pedals, and…pedal.”
the kids only stare at him, confused looks on their cute faces. 
“maybe you should just show them,” you suggest. 
“why don’t you show them?” he quickly deflects. please please please—
“no! i’m taking the video!” 
satoru grips the handles of the bike tightly. he’s faced the worst of the worst, died and come back to life. he could ride a stupid bike.
he kicks at the stand your bike is leaning on, getting it up on the fourth kick. he swings his right leg over so he’s straddling the seat, his feet planted firmly on the ground.
it can’t be that hard, can it?
“watch and learn, kids.”
he takes a breath, then pushes off and places his feet on the pedals.
the bike rolls forward slowly. it’s wobbly at best, but he’s doing it. he’s doing it! he picks up a little momentum, heading off into the sunset—
“satoru! don’t lead them downhill!”
sure enough, the path in front of him leads down a slight decline. he squeezes the brakes and jerks to the side, sending him toppling over the bike and into the grass.
as he lays in the grass, dazed, megumi and tsumiki bike right past him. he’s sure the former even rolls his eyes.
“they have training wheels,” he says when you run over to check on him. “they’re cheating—”
“do you not know how to ride a bike?!”
“i never learned,” he grumbles, cheeks blushing at the admission. 
“oh, honey,” you sigh, brushing some grass from his shirt. “why didn’t you just tell me?”
you kiss his brow, unable to hold back your laughter as he pouts. “you were so excited about me teaching them. didn’t want to disappoint anyone.”
“you could never disappoint us,” you tell him firmly. “now come on, i’ll teach all three of you.”
so you teach him, holding onto the back of his bike until he’s steady, until he’s confident enough to do it on his own. 
he’ll get the hang of it eventually.
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