#to do those things...go do them. yk? maybe it's just bc i didn't start being very online until i was already an adult and had done
filmnoirsbian · 7 months
The thing w the silly "no one does anything on this site" poll post that makes it so funny is that people TALK on here like they do things and then just...don't. And it's fine to not do things! But when someone who has never had sex talks about being a slut or someone who does not interact with their local lgbt community in real life calls themselves a "queer elder" it's just funny to me idk. Not just the "no one does anything" site but the role playing site. But instead of pretending to be a kickass centaur you're pretending to have an offline social life.
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
hi :) i was wondering if i could get somethin with the cricket crew folks (those who are a-okay with xreaders) and a reader who deals with type 1 diabetes, like the reader is having low blood sugar troubles while hanging out pretty please 🦕 (platonic or romantic doesnt, matter to me)
OF COURSEEE OMG sorry for taking so long to get this out, I did a lot of research into this so hopefully I got everything accurate! my dad has type 2 diabetes so sorry if anything got mixed up with that as well 😭 billzo and aimsey are the two that aren't cool with x reader fanfics so I didn't include them, although I'm pretty sure they're okay just being in the bg? lmk if I need to change anything! I genuinley appreciate it
HANDSOME BROS ; you have type one diabetes
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, tubbo, & freddie badlinu
warnings ; swearing, mentions of fainting, mentions of needles/dexcom
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instantly shoving bills diet coke down your throat
he just panics at first and kinda asks you what to do
yk like in movies when all the characters are shouting over each other in panic? that's him
bill rushes over since his drink just got stolen
"dude, their dexcom needs changed"
"what the fuck is a dex-com!?"
Tommy's too scared to help you in the beginning, literally forces Bill to help you if you need it
even seeing the damn dexcom app on your phone scares him sometimes
like when you walk too far away and it starts doing that scary ass beeping thing, he jumps out of his skin
you left your phone with him while you went to use the bathroom in a public area and your phone started doing the thing because you were too far away and his face went from 😊 to 😨 in a millisecond
"What if they're dead in there???"
wilbur and tubbo are usually the ones reminding him that you're fine and it beeps when you're out of reach
after time, he gets used to it
although he never lets you forget your phone
he's still scared of the beeping
but he learns a lot on how to help you and shit from both you and bill
if he's got an embarrassing question, he'll go to billzo bc he's so scared of making you uncomfortable LMAO
has a whole notes app list for procedures when you're having issues with your dexcom/blood sugar troubles
makes sure you eat some snacks through the day
🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 I'm so hopelessly in love
before you guys even meet up irl he has a talk with you on what to do if problems arise
you literally hear him type it all down on his phone through the vc
he's pretty calm even from the beginning, but sometimes the nerves do get to him
always has to ask if he's doing things to help you the right way and stuff
if you need his help putting the dexcom in a new spot, he'll be there to help but he's about to panic in fear he'll hurt you
"tubbo, it's fine. you can't hurt me"
"I'm scared I will!"
after time, he'll get used to helping you since he knows you're scared of doing it yourself/have trouble putting it in some spots
keeps some snacks in his pockets/backpack when you're out and about so your blood sugar doesn't drop while you're recording a video or something
if you get weasy or feel like you're gonna pass out, he's got the whole emt training istg LMAO
if you're feeling unwell on stream he'll literally force you to get your phone, hop on a different call with him and prove that you're getting food and whatnot
he'll literally force you to eat on stream
chat uses this for intros of tubbo + y/n edits
gets some advice from Bill as well to make sure you're not lying about eating or anything
if he can't get through to you, maybe Bill can because you're going through similar shit
if not him, aimsey will get through to you
in aimsey we trust 🤞
the first time it happens it was while you were out with them and aimsey
you only told the both of them "hey I'm diabetic just so u know" and left it at that
so when you started having blood sugar troubles out and about with them, they didn't know what to do
you kinda had to explain yourself and tell them how to help and stuff
ranboo made a little safe plan after that, now worried that you could possibly faint and stuff
he has a whole like 3 page note on his phone (like size 9 font too) of what to do in certain situations and when to call 911 if needed
he runs it by Bill too in case you guys missed anything
like bi-hourly checkups that your sugar is okay and stuff, making sure the dexcom is working etc etc
makes sure to only take you to restaurants and fast food places where you'll actually eat instead of pulling the "I'm not hungry" bullshit
he's just looking out for you
"we can't go there, y/n won't eat and I haven't seen them eat today. if you guys wanna do that, that's cool, we'll probably run by a gas station or a store to get something for them, though"
"ran, it's fine-"
"shut up. youre eating, you toe muncher"
if you're recovering from low sugar and being weasy/feeling like you're gonna faint, he just tries everything to make you smile
from dumb jokes to comfort videos, etc
they'll do anything to make sure you're better than you were before
you and bill have a diabetes competition where you're just talking shit and spewing about how you've got it worse than the other and ranboo just records it 💀💀💀
during the pov you're at a family reunion ranboo stream is the first time you have troubles around your friends
you forgot you needed to change the dexcom and almost halfway through you step out
like half an hour later you're still not back and the whole groups confused to Freddie goes to retrieve you
brother finds you in the bathtub in and out of consciousness
tbh you blame yourself for writing it off and not thinking about a plan just in case but lessons learned
he texts the groupchat to inform the others what happened while you stumble back into frame with Freddie's help bc you were not gonna ruin this for the others or chat, no matter how much he told you that you weren't ruining anything
you were acting a little out of it but he got you eating off the charcuterie board which helped a bit
afterwards, he always makes sure that you're eating properly and helps you with communicating if you need help with your dexcom and stuff
like Tommy, the beeping when you're too far away from your phone scares the shit out of him sometimes
sometimes he gets a little anxious and slides your phone under the bathroom door or quickly gives the phone back like "I'm just making sure you're okay! it disconnected, I got a little worried"
God I'm so head over heels for him 💔💔
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
Hello!hope ur having a good day :) <33
I was wondering if u wanted to share some trans reg hc, could be overall or like the boxing au one, or anything rly.
Like who was the first person he came out to, how/when did he realise, how does he deal with dysphoria- what gives him dysphoria/euphoria, and maybe how would it translate into like relationship and sexlife, would he be able to go ahead without any/much dysphoria, or would he have to have sex a ‘specific way(?? Idk??)’ to make it work?
A lot of question I know, and u don’t have to answer if it makes u uncomfortable or anything, I just wanted to hear more about your headcanons about this.
//a trans guy who is obsessed with trans reg, and ur writing
hi darling!! i have today off so i am . in fact . having a great day <3 i hope yours is treating u kindly too!!
and ofc i want to!! i'm gonna do it boxer au based, since reg's trans experience isn't the same in every story!! and don't worry, i'm happy to answer ur questions!! it doesn't make me uncomfy in the slightest, trans reg is very special to me too for many reasons and i loveeee talking about him <3
the first person he came out to was sirius!! this is my Truth almost always no matter the fic. it changes sometimes, if he takes longer to realise and he and sirius have a complicated relationship but !! in the boxer au they get along great and they're very close, so reg told sirius first!!
sirius already had his suspicions tho, and they had a lot of long deep convos about gender. he helped reg figure himself out and supported him every step of the way
in the boxer au, he realised quite young!! he was never completely comfortable in his own body, but since he was a very awkward and . odd . kid everyone attributed it to reg just not being 'normal' in general. when puberty hit it got worse tho, and even tho everyone told him it'd pass and that puberty wasn't supposed to feel good or fun, reg knew there was something else
sirius also noticed there was something going on with his brother, so he tried to help him in every way he could. he lent him his clothes whenever reg asked (even tho it was always kind of begrudgingly), convinced their parents to allow him to wear his hair short, bought him oversized clothes and called him by his nickname and never his actual name
but i think the moment it actually hit reg was when he got mistaken by a boy one time he got out of school and went to his father's office to wait for him. the receptionist assumed he was sirius, and it finally clicked for him
he didn't tell sirius immediately tho. he researched a lot first, almost obsessively, and he doubted himself all of the time, having these moments in which . he was afraid he was actually somehow making it all up in his mind
reg was very scared of change, and this was a very big One. he knew sirius would support him no matter what, but there's always fear yk?? and there was also the matter of his parents. he was absolutely terrified
but he ended up blurting it out one night he and sirius stayed up late in secret. sirius talked to him about this one boy he was crushing into, and came out to him. and reg came out to him in return!! there were a lot of hugs and a lot of tears (they pretended this never happened the next morning)
sirius was a man on a mission after this. he helped him browse names and started using the correct pronouns, always getting so incredibly upset when he slipped at the beginning. reg found it very endearing, and assured him it was fine bc it was understandably gonna take them both some time
reg didn't have many close friends back then, so he didn't really come out to anyone in school, and he graduated with only sirius knowing the truth
those years were hard ngl, and reg struggled A Lot, but having sirius on his side made the whole thing . slightly more bearable . sometimes not even that was enough but reg appreciated it immensely
how he deals with dysphoria has changed over time!! he relied a lot on the internet when he was younger, and on his brother too, but there was only so much sirius could do apart from offering a willing ear and being comforting, considering he couldn't really understand what reg was going through. it absolutely broke sirius' heart, to see him have breakdown after breakdown, losing his appetite or refusing to leave his room for days
back then reg experienced dysphoria constantly. he wasn't comfortable in his own body and he had a hard time looking at himself in the mirror, or even listening to himself talk
some days he could kind of deal with it, remain functional despite it all. he did his best to keep himself distracted so he wouldn't think too much about the whole thing
but other days getting up from bed was Hard
now tho !! it doesn't happen That often, he's the man he was always meant to be !! he's on T and got top surgery and legally changed his name and gender so he's kind of thriving
he still has his moments tho bc this is something he's gonna have to deal with for the rest of his life so when it happens he goes to the twins!! they're both trans in this story so they Understand what he's going through and they support each other Always
they exchange advice and comfort each other when it gets especially Hard and . idk it's all very lovely, they're each other's ppl yk??
again, back then a lot of stuff gave him dysphoria, but nowadays it's more specific?? little things that usually don't upset him that badly but that sometimes pile up and end up giving him actually bad dysphoria??
like . he's a well-known sports journalist, he isn't really a celebrity or anything but ppl do talk about him sometimes, especially bc of sirius (and then bc of james) and they tend to mention his looks or how similar or different he looks to his brother
and sometimes they use more . feminine adjectives or straight up say he's kinda feminine or even comment on him being trans since it's public knowledge and reg has spoken on it more than once and . it's stuff that doesn't affect him that badly but it still annoys him
it's the same when ppl highlight how passing he looks, how u can't even tell he's trans, etc
there's also the ppl that are purposefully transphobic or misgender him which . does actually make him quite dysphoric, even tho he's mostly very comfortable with his identity + his looks now
he also has a bit of a complicated relationship with . stuff that it's considered 'feminine'
like clothes don't have any gender, same with makeup, and reg wouldn't mind wearing a skirt even tho it's not his style and he does wear some makeup semi-regularly for tv interviews etc etc but . sometimes he feels slightly uncomfy on it, like he gets bad memories or becomes paranoid about how he looks in it, if the clothes make his body seem too . curvy .
as i've said, he's very confident nowadays but he still has his moments!!
when it comes to gender euphoria, it's all about the little things!! people calling him handsome, seeing how hairy his body is now, the fact that he can take his shirt off now when he goes to the beach etc
when it comes to relationships and his sex life he has reached a point in which he can usually go ahead without getting dysphoria but . it depends on his partner really
some ppl can be transphobic without meaning to or simply bc of a lack of knowledge which is fine by him u know he totally gets it, it's a matter of being willing to learn and to listen to him
like . he's used to guys assuming he only bottoms or not even ask if he's comfortable using his front hole u know
or using afab terms to refer to his genitals without making sure first reg is okay with that
which brings me to my next point !! in oby, reg himself uses afab terms and he's fine with james using them too, they've had a convo about it and everything
but it's different for reg in the boxer au!! he does use afab terms for himself, he doesn't mind at this point and it doesn't give him any dysphoria however . when it comes to his sexual partners . he prefers them using words like a cock or hole or more neutral names . it gives him gender euphoria!! and the other stuff makes him kinda uncomfy. it's fine when he's the one saying it or thinking it but hearing it out loud coming from . other people, especially people who are just there bc they're attracted to him and want to fuck him is . Not Great
he also isn't always fine with using his front hole during sex, it depends on his mood and how much he trusts the person he's gonna be sleeping with. besides, he quite likes anal too so !!
this whole thing is another reason why . reg doesn't want to sleep with james bc he feels like he's gonna be a bit of an asshole about it or be another guy who doesn't even bother asking about his preferences or what he's comfy with
which isn't the case at all!! james has been with trans ppl before, and even if he hadn't, he's very considerate with his partners!! and as he should tbh. him being arrogant or knowing he's great in bed doesn't mean he's selfish
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thswrtchdthng · 2 months
Okay here are some Magshawe prompt questions for your pleasure
1. Could Jonah kill Jonathan? Could Jonathan kill Jonah? I feel like they both have reasons to.
2. Who'd be willing to do cannibalism on the other?
3. Who do you think "died" first, Jonah's official death or Jonathan?
4. How do you think they met up?
5. Did they ever kiss?
6. Are they ever capable of being soft or are they stuck forever in passionate mode?
7. What if Dr.Fanshawe got time travelled to modern times and met Elias, would he fall again?
always coming in clutch, love that of you
1. well I've always thought of Jonathan as being quite a lot more physically strong than Jonah, so he definitely could kill him. I imagine it would be in a fit of that mix of rage and passion and fear and general morbidness that characterized the later part of their relationship. probably an accident too, and he'd feel equal parts like a hero for erasing an evil like that from the world and like absolute shit bc, well, he just killed the only person who understood him. he just killed his Jonah.
and as per Jonah, I don't think he could do it himself (even poisoning him or shit like that, it's just not his thing. I reckon he'd feel kinda meh about getting his hands dirty back then and he knows there are better things he could do). what he could do, and what he did in my interpretation of their relationship, is drive him to suicide. like just manipulating him and generally fucking him up emotionally and psicologically that he just kills himself yk. also in my brain it was a very gorey death, I might write something about that. of course, Jonah feels terrible about it too, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do yk.
2. cannibalism as a metaphor for love is so them. both. idk what it'd take for Jonah to do something like that but he's definitely not above it. I think a big part of his feelings for Jonathan in their later years together is the desire to metaphorically swallow Jonathan whole, which might translate to something literal. I'm not sure why or how, but he definitely could do it.
and Jonathan- well of course he could. I get the vibe that that desire to metaphorically devour the other was mutual, and along with his general Feelings by that point (the love, the rage, the constant panic, the distrust, the morbid curiosity) who knows what he could have done.
3. Jonathan. definitely. Jonah was not letting Jonathan outlive him, and I always thought the whole bodyhopping ordeal came as a surprise to him. so yeah he would've taken good care of Jonathan before anything.
although now that I think of it, the other option is also fun. Jonathan catching wind of the stuff going on both at the Institute and ar Millbank and being like "wtf are you doing now" but not wanting to give in to curiosity (and the need to see Jonah of course). Jonathan finding out about Jonah's 'death'!!!!!! he wouldn't know how to feel lmao.
4. hmmm I always thought they might have met at some sort of conference (those did happen back then didn't they) or symposium about some really morbid, really understudied branch of medicine (yk those that would piss off the church). Jonah did that thing where he starts asking the weirdest fucking questions like one asks about the weather and Jonathan was immediately like "he's so clever and interesting and curious and unashamed I need to talk to him" and they just hit it off
my second idea for a meetup is back in their university days. Jonah didn't study medicine (I have my own headcanon on that) but I think the general social scene was pretty open. maybe Jonah was out for drinks with some friends and saw Jonathan sulking in a corner and thought "interesting specimen, need to investigate"
a third idea I had was one of Smirke's little gatherings, but I wanted to see if I could come up with something new lol
5. yep. and much, much more. I imagine Jonathan was very reluctant at first, but by the time they first kissed the tension was unbearable and Jonah was already, well, a whore, so they were fine in the end (no they weren't).
6. wonderful question. I believe it's a mix of both. like their deranged passion has a bit of helpless softness mixed in, and back when they could be soft (before their entire relationship went to shit) even that softness held a passion that made it impossible to think straight.
7. oh that's a good one. for starters, it would be so fucking funny. like "what are you doing here" "what are YOU doing ALIVE. and how did you get there"
at first Jonathan would be absolutely outraged and disgusted by everything Jonah's done, but then, of course, he'd get curious. in my brain Jonathan was one of the first Flesh avatars, back when they were discussing whether the Flesh was real or not, so I think he'd have fun with that. and he was always big on the modification of the body from what it's born as to what you want it to be (Dr. Fanshawe said trans rights) so when he found out Jonah'd been straight up switching them around he'd be equal parts enraged and thrilled. can you imagine his reaction at how much medicine has progressed in the last 2 centuries? bby would be fucking elated.
Jonathan reading about modern medicine and being all euphoric while Jonah just watches him with heart eyes the entire time.
and it might get Jonathan far more into the Fears, especially into the Flesh. maybe he ends up like a different version of the Boneturner or something (and then monsterfucker Jonah kicks in and well, the rest is history yk).
this was so much fun tysm!!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! This has been on my brain for a few damn days here, Okai so the idea is what if one night the reader is walking around the ministry alone at night bc they have things to do before going to Copia and sleeping but a feral ghoul or something comes along and attacks the reader, either Copia or one of his ghouls sees it happening and goes batshit trying to protect the reader and because everyone’s being so loud and yk violent it wakes up half the ministry and they’re just stood there in shock at how Copia is ripping this ghoul a new one for trying to hurt maybe even murder the love of his life because they’ve never seen him angry before
Hey I am here once again to apologize to an anon for taking forever to get to their ask/request.
Here's a longer snippet for you Ghestie. Hope you enjoy Copia seeing RED, with of course a nice Prime Mover twist.
The Fires of Indignation
Also available here on A03
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NSFW below the cut related to intensely frightening and violent scenes.
Commission are still open! See pinned post for carrd info!
I am working diligently on my Valentine's Day letters as well as my two Valentine's Day fic winners so stay tuned for those too!!!
"Damn." You whispered to yourself, careful to not wake your Papa. It was the second night that week you had forgotten your notes in his office before heading back up to the Papal suites. You smiled as you looked over to Copia, sleeping soundly in bed, having passed out long before you'd find yourself able to crawl inbetween the sheets beside him. It would be an even longer night if you couldn't finish studying for your upcoming rites.
Prime Mover—that's what they called you now or at least would within a week's time. It was the highest and grandest position a mere sister of sin could ever hope to obtain. The right to conceive and carry a Papa's child, an ancient tradition within the Emeritus bloodline and, with the revelation that your once Cardinal was really an Emeritus heir coming to light, it had now become your duty to fulfill. One you intended to do with honor and prestige.
Well I'm off to a good start, you thought to yourself, realizing that you had been fumbling through your preparations and struggling immensely in your studies. It was bad enough that you had to be there physically for the Prime Mover ritual, a nerve wracking thought for sure. Placed on display like some prized glit for the congregation to scrutinize and examine. You also were expected to flawlessly perform many rites as part of your ceremony, all of which relied on you memorizing those damn notes.
You carefully stood up from the desk, the floor creaking as your weight shifted off the aging floorboards. The old Abbey made so many sounds at night. It was hard to keep track of just which spots would shout, as opposed to whisper, away your position. You crept through the bedroom and into the parlor, before letting yourself out the door.
With your small lantern in hand, you made your way down the dark corridor that led to the main stairway and down to the main hall. You swayed the small light back and forth, catching glimpses of portraits as you passed. Papas, long dead, painted as regal and enigmatic along with their Prime Movers and brood. You were wondering to yourself if one day Copia and your portrait would hang on these walls beside them.
You stumbled a bit as you reached the last step. "Ah!” quickly placing your hand over your mouth. It was so dark this time of night in the Abbey, with only the shining from the moon through the stained glass windows to illuminate your path. You were honestly surprised more siblings didn't end up taking a crash down the stairs.
You made your way to your destination, which was still next to the front office on the main floor. It would still be a few more weeks after his appointment as Papa, before Copia would take over the office previously held by Terzo. Copia didn't mind however, preferring the smaller space. "More intimate" he called it, with his old bookshelves, tattered wallpaper, and paintings of the plague. So many memories in that office that made you smile and even a few that set your cheeks aflame.
You were going to miss the days when he was just Secretary of the Treasury. Things were simpler then, and while he was always busy handling the domestic and international financial concerns of the Abbey, his responsibility only seemed to double once he became Papa.
You shook off your anxiety once more, quickly running to grab your notebook that was laid out on his desk. When you reached for it, you noticed a small note slip off the top and drift to the floor. You bent down to pick it up, carefully unfolding it before recognizing the meticulous handwriting in front of you. It was from Copia.
I knew you would forget this and I apologize for not bringing it up for you, but I thought it would be cuter if I let you think I'd slept through it all. Want to come up and I'll quiz you? For everything you get right, I will take something off. Oh and cara…I'm only in my robe.
"Oh Cope." You whispered, your heart fluttering in your chest as you held the note against it. This sweet eccentric man knew you better than you knew yourself. You would only be too happy to help him usher in the next generation of Papas. Maybe you'd get started tonight?
You swiftly grabbed the notebook and a few other notes just in case, and bounded back down the hall towards the stairs. It wasn't until you reached them—you noticed. The marble floor, giving away the sound of footfalls behind you. The small hairs stood up on the back of your neck, and somehow you knew this was not Copia.
You stopped, pretending to tighten up your robe, when you felt the breath steadily against your neck. "Please no–", you shuttered as you felt a ghoul's claws dig deep into the flesh of your shoulder. The ghoul spinning you around to face him. His eyes black as the night and piercing, but not as sharp as the teeth he bore at you. It was Alpha, one of Terzo's old ghouls. The one you'd all been led to believe was bashed back to Hell after he had attempted an assassination on the former Papa.
A lovers quarrel, reaching new heights when Terzo’s affections fell on Omega instead. Alpha was furious and incited a few of the other ghouls against him, almost killing Terzo, Secondo, and Primo during one of their evening Uno tournaments. It was all thanks to Copia that they were found and that the poison they’d be injected with, just happened to be one from a known Abbey stash.
"So pretty…" Alpha growled. The ghouls tongue licking up the side of your cheek. "What a beautiful, beautiful Prime Mover our former Cardinal has procured himself. Tsk tsk…that's just too bad huh?"
"Please Alpha. We had nothing to do with your banishing. Please just let me go." You implored him. The fear made your heart pound hard inside your chest as you struggled to think of a way to escape him.
"No…I'll deal with him and your precious Papa soon enough, but first I'm gonna make sure I end their hopes of ever continuing the bloodline…" he hissed. The tears came pouring hard and fast from your eyes. Your vision blurred as you squeezed them shut to block what was left of the sight of him.
Suddenly you could hear the ghoul taking a deep inhale. Huffing and puffing before he spoke again. "Seems I was almost too late." Alpha's words, hitting you like bullets to the chest—you were already pregnant. Your eyes widened, now fearing for not only your own life, but also for that of your child.
The raging ghoul lifted you into the air up by your throat. Crushing your windpipe within his grasp as he slammed the back of your head into the stone wall. The trouble with your vision, now intensified by your immense pain, and the feeling of warm blood trickling down the back of your neck. "Ah!" You screamed, unable to control your cries.
The next thing you knew, Alpha had been torn off you. His body flung to the ground as if he weighed less than a feather. Copia, your beloved Papa, pummeling him in the face over and over after as Alpha tried hard to stand. You slid down the wall, a streak of blood in your wake. Your head, pounding away as you noticed the squabble between them which was loud and violent, began awakening everyone from their beds.
As they arrived one by one, the whole of the Abbey watched in horror as Copia jumped on top of the ghoul. The sisters surrounded you, helping you to rest against them as they tended to your wounds. They blocked your vision, grateful you were that you didn’t have to watch. With each hit, Alpha's dark blood stained Copia’s knuckles and spattered against the walls and floor. “Guess you’re not as weak as you look Pa-Pa.” Alpha groaned.
“Come cazzo ti permetti! Lei porta mio figlio e tu l'hai aggredita! And for what? Your wounded pride at the loss of your lover? One you also tried to kill. You're pathetic!” Copia howled, his vision tinted red with rage. A fury building inside him that would rival Satan himself.
“Boss, stop! You’ll kill him!” Aether begged as he, Swiss, and Dew tried desperately, in vain, to pull their Papa off. Copia may have been a smaller man compared to them, but faced with the loss of his lover and child he had grown in strength tenfold. There was nothing anyone could do to stop it, Alpha smirked, continuing to spit up blood as Copia cracked yet another hit off his lower jaw. You started to get your bearings as your fellow sisters helped you back up. Praying to Lucifer for this to be over, you hand resting protectively on your belly.
You watched as the mob of siblings and ghouls crowded around the spectacle before you. “Copia please no!” Said a voice suddenly shouting loudly from behind you. You turned carefully, your head still throbbing and your vision still blurred, but you could tell Terzo had come on the scene. Both him and Omega, running past you as they could—pleading for Copia’s attention.
“No he deserves to die!” Copia said, the tone of rage in his voice turned to tears. This was nothing like him, the violence, the hate—Alpha had driven him to it and all because of his love for you.
“He’s not worth it fratello.” Terzo sneered, his disgusted gaze falling over the bloodied ghoul. “I told you Alpha that what happened between us was nothing. Omega and I—”
“Puh–” Alpha spit the blood out that had been pooling in his mouth, hitting Terzo’s crisp white spats. “All you Emeritus are just alike…willing to use us all up and then throw us back into the pit when we are no longer useful. All for the sake of your undeserved lovers and some unborn child.”
“So you say…is it true Omega…is she?” Terzo asked, the look of shock covering his face. Omega went to you, looking you over and taking in your scent.
“It is.” he replied, both Copia and Terzo shooting each other a cautious smile. Copia looked at you, such love and fear in his eyes. He could have lost you had he waited even just a moment longer.
“Will she be alright?” Copia asked as the sisters from the infirmary assessed you. You were pale and had lost a lot of blood from your wounds.
“She will need to come with us for stitches but she and the baby should be alright.” Sister Agnes assured him. Copia and Terzo nodded, you still having not said a word. You noticed that Omega and Aether had taken hold of Alpha in the stairway. Lifting up the limp and bludgeoned ghoul to carry him away. A rush of relief over you realizing that it was over and that Copia hasn't had to finish what Alpha started.
“We will send him back to Hell if they’ll have them, you go be with your Prime Mover fratello.” Terzo insisted, Copia flicking the blood from his hands and nodding as he approached you.
“Amore, I’m so sorry. I should have never left your notebook in the office…if I hadn’t then maybe—” he began, his words halted when you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly.
“Copia, it wasn’t your fault. We are going to be fine.” you insisted, sending him a smile before the sisters tending to your wounds made you wince in pain. Copia, looking worried until your smile returned once more.
“You will be more than fine amore, you and our child will thrive and that ghoul is damn lucky that Terzo still cares for him or I would have killed him myself." He growled, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. He picked you up and carried you to the infirmary, holding you close to him as he walked.
“I love you Copia.” you whispered against him, so happy to know it was all over. Copia sniffled back his own tears. He too was happy he hadn’t killed Alpha, but so hurt by the thought of losing you he realized he absolutely could have. He took in a deep breath, setting you down on the bed in the infirmary, and looking deeply into your eyes.
“I love you. And I promise you…no one will ever harm you or our child ever again. Never again.”
Glit- a female pig who has not had a litter.
Come cazzo ti permetti! Lei porta mio figlio e tu l'hai aggredita!- How fucking dare you! She carries my child and you assault her!
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oddinary4bts · 5 months
Thank you soooooo sooooo much for writing this. You said it'll be a happy ending for everyone and you did it. I read you were writing your own book? I ALREADY KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING.
Yk that part where OC talks about that cheating meaning something because he actually loves Jimin. Oof. That made my heart shatter tbh🥲 but atleast he wasn't cheating just to hurt her. She was truly happy for him.
I'm glad Yoongi found someone like Jimin. Ofc the way he did was not okay but I'm glad he's not hurting anymore.
The way he was in pain knowing OC was in pain when he ran into her the first time. I feel for him. He was still trying to make amends when he asked to meet her for coffee, wasn't he? 😞
She can't eat apple crumble because of him and he can't eat croissants because of her🥲🥲🥲
I really wish Namjoon would've been a better friend. He's right to feel angry but Jungkook was his friend too. Him being such good friends with Yoongi even though he cheated is such an irony. She was Yoongi's girlfriend, yes. But he knew JK loved her. You get to yell at your friends when they're wrong but you also need to be there when they need you the most.
Was some of it Jungkook's fault? Yes. But OC and yoongi are to be blamed. They started this.
I understand why JK felt the need to go away from everything. These were his friends, the people who were his family or were supposed to be his family. I get why he didn't reply. He looked up to namjoon and for him to do this, that's gotta suck. Running away seems the best choice.
As someone who lost friends before I can relate with JK. (Speaking with tears in my eyes🥲)
I'm glad JK and Yoongi had that conversation. They really needed it. As for Yoongi bringing Jimin along, it's been a year. Why wouldn't he want his friends to meet the person he loves? So I get why he did. Jk feeling all of those emotions seeing Jimin truly make sense. I would be a little angry too.
As for OC, I'm soooooo glad she tried to put herself back together for the one year she didn't see any of them. From what you've said so far, it seems OC was friends with the girlfriends( not Maya ofc) so I'm glad she has them. Hoseok's girlfriend has been the nicest person to her 😭😭😭. Throwing away the box and running into JK daaaammnn.
I'm glad she was finally at a place where she understood the feelings she had for JK. Kicking him out before was horrid but it was also not good of JK to ask her out when it had been only a few days since they'd broken up.
Jk lost SO MUCH. So much. I feel the most for him. His past, the friends, her. That must've taken a toll on him. I'm glad they're happy together now. "Don't tell me to go and I won't" oof😭😭
Do you think JK and the boys tried to reconcile and tried to stay friends after?
It's sad to say goodbye to this fic but I'm sure I'll keep coming back to reread🥺. How do you feel now that it's finished? 🥺
I cried throughout. I feel sooooo much for this fic. Thaaannkkk youuuuu soooooo much for this. It's so beautiful. 😭😭😭
I'm sorry my thoughts are all over the place and that it's such a long ask.😂😭
Don’t apologize for it being a long ask I loved reading it!!! Thank you so much for reading✨
Yes I’m writing my own book!! It’s actually loosely inspired of my fanfic The Tailor of Chaos, which I never finished bc I realized I wanted to make it into a book instead😌
To reply to your ask ->
Yes, OC is happy for Yoongi. She is also a little relieved that he does love Jimin, bc you know to her it’s not like he cheated just to cheat, you know?
I’m also glad Yoongi found Jimin. They’re happy, and after everything I think that’s all that’s important
Yeah, he definitely was just trying to make amends. He loved her once, and hd’s felt horrible for what he did to her the whole time
I wanted to show how sometimes we also lose a piece of ourselves in break ups?? Hence the ape crumble/croissant thing!! Thank you for pointing it out😌
Honestly yes Namjoon maybe should have yelled at Jungkook when he learned about the nudes but then be there for him. Though I think it took Namjoon a moment to be friends with Yoongi again! So he didn’t just accept Yoongi you know?
Running away did seem like the best choice to Jungkook!
And yeah I wrote Jungkook losing his friends in a similar way that I lost friends so… I relate🥲
Yes it made sense for Yoongi to bring Jimin after all this time! Jungkook’s emotions were valid though, and that conversation with Yoongi was indeed much needed
Yes OC was friends with Ryunah and Sohee! They helped her through the year, but she also healed herself back up, you know? Bc she wanted to do it alone. To break in quiet silence and then come back stronger
It took OC a while, but I think some part of her always knew that she had fallen in love with Jungkook. She really just needed time
Jungkook lost a lot, but hopefully in the next few weeks in the fic he’ll gain a lot as well🥺 I 100% think Jungkook and the boys reconciled. Some part of me even believe he and Yoongi would get even closer than before, bc they understand each other and their pain better than anyone else can, you know?
I’m honestly really sad that it’s done🥺 I always get sad when fics end tho but I try to remember that I’ve got tons of other projects I want to share with you guys!! It helps a little bit
Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a thoughtful and detailed review✨✨
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luvlyhyunjin · 2 months
omg i literally sent you an ask like two hours ago thinking "well this can't get any worse now we're gonna be so up from here on" AND IT SOMEHOW GOT WORSE?????? AGAIN I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START WOAH yeji having it out for y/n over something that happened years ago and that hyune obviously got over is just soooo.. like she has so many reasons to give y/n a piece of her mind for and she chooses /this/ hill to die on?? AND not addressing her directly???? babyyyy this ain't it!! i think this is also a way of evidencing how distanced yeji and hyune have grown more than the distaste that she has towards y/n, like she doesn't know about hyune and her's connection and where they stand as much as the others do bc yeosang drove her away from them all which is so sad :-( sometimes she frustrates me a bit but i have a lot of sympathy towards yeji especially in this situation bc i know how hurtful it is to feel ostracised from your close friendships due to a toxic relationship and trying to hold on to the things you knew about them while not realising that they've changed bc you haven't been there enough to witness those changes :-( idk if this was your intention when you wrote it but it's really accurate. i know there's a lot of bad blood between yeji and y/n, now more than ever with the yeosang situation 💀 but i really do wish they can have a heart to heart sometime bc both of them have been so wronged and hurt by evil men and idk if a friendship between them is possible tbh but i feel like they can find a support system in each other even if they aren't friends. i just want my girls to be happy and i know there's a long way to go but they both deserve healing smsm :-(
now WDYM MFS RAIDED HYUNE'S HOUSE OH MY GOD????? this is y/n's fuckass father FOR SURE his ass wants to play gangster so bad HE AIN'T SHIT!!!!!!! i'm so flabbergasted i swear i never saw this coming??? i never thought that bum would ever go to this length to try to impose control on his daughter like that man's crazyyyyy. at first i thought the raid was bc of yeosang but you know that man ain't got no friends and is a coward he could never pull up like this 😭 so that's why i think it's y/n's father who's behind this bc he wants to have his godfather moment for some reason 💀 yk how weird men go crazy once they realise they can't control the women they feel entitled to so i think y/n moving out made him feel some kind of way. i can't wait for that asshole's downfall i swear i'm praying on it im going to church over it im manifesting it 🙏🏻 unless hyune is onto something that we're not aware of??? which idk im not sure about that honestly but i didn't see like half the things that ended up happening coming either so you knowww im seated, hyune and hannie living with y/n will be so cute too!! we love to see domestic hyune+y/n content we used to pray for times like this 🥹 so we might be kinda up after all maybe
thank you sm for the update so soon!! you're working overtime for this and it's sooo appreciated you deserve the world fr 🫂🩷🩷
genuinely curious what made you think "its only up from here" cus... 🫡efuhhfihw fyi anon i take my angst tag VERY seriously 🧐 some may say i'm not trust worthy but i just like being unpredictable
about the whole yeji situation it is intentional yes! im so glad you noticed its kinda hard to write such subtle things in smau without it being in your face because it's one of those things that i want ppl to notice but sometimes im like ahh idk if anyone would notice, i think for her she obviously views y/n as a rival but because she's left out (hence jinnie growing more distance ever since yeo came into her life) she tries to attack y/n with the only available card she has which is "you did smth bad to my friend" bc she doesn't know anything else and she wasn't even there when it all happened she only got snippets from the story and from jinnie's side when he was still feeling resentful towards y/n and you see the difference in this specific subject between her and lix (bc lix was there) he gets their bond sm more and it's so much easier for him to not hold it against y/n
listen y/n's dad might be a little worse than her mom idk they're competing for that title rn, ty for being so kind baby as alwayys i enjoyed reading and im sorry for talking sm i just get excited about my characters🥰🥰💞💞
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thegeminisage · 7 months
tng update time. a day or more ??? ago i watched "the outrageous okona" in several bits and pieces, and then last night i caught "loud as a whisper."
the outrageous okona: this one is...fine? i think it seems better than it actually was due to being in the first two seasons in tng
i liked okona and i really liked the plot twist about him not actually doing any crimes whatsoever but instead playing messenger boy for his buds. that part was good. appearances deceiving etc, and he pulled a very clever stunt to get them to admit the truth. unfortunately by the time i started liking him the episode was over. so.
did NOT like the "data can't be funny" plot...like, he did define a joke in an earlier episode, and it frustrated me that he seemed to have forgotten the definition and NO ONE would explain it to him. they just kept going "you gotta feel it bro"
personally, i think if data was told the definition of a joke, and had the concept of comedic timing also explained to him, he could master the art of TELLING jokes, even if he himself never felt or even understood the urge to laugh. it's just ai learning. i guess in 87 they just hadn't conceived of it.
i did like the part where guinan was like just bc you cant laugh or make other people laugh doesnt mean you're not human...it was kind of the narrative to want to be accepting of his differences...but at the same time the whole premise felt so terribly unfair to him it's not enough to save it
also, the jerry lewis moment has uh...aged. a lot of those jokes aged
speaking of data, he had several good ace moments in this episode. "sexual attraction is not a part of my programming" and "i don't believe it's true that the act and emotion of love are the same thing" etc etc. i don't know if i believe in ace data because again you cannot be making the robots ace but i do deeply respect people who do and i'm happy for them that this was in this episode. if stuff like this keeps happening you could win me over maybe. MAYBE.
loud as a whisper: WWWWOW 10/10 EPISODE.......a rare win for early seasons tng......
first of all, that one guy speaking through those other people was COOL. like at first it was a bit creepy, are they his thralls or what, are they ok, why does he keep flirting with deanna in the workplace, but after it was explained that they were interpreters and after riva got angry that picard spoke to them instead of him it was like. YES. this is the shit. his interactions with deanna became a lot less skeevy once you realize his interest is genuine and benign and he's not some megalomaniac psychic nutjob
his conversation with geordi...like yes it's a little on the nose to be like "my disability is part of me and i like who i am so i like my disability" but this was 87. some people hadn't gotten it yet. i mean hell a lot of people still haven't yk
offering geordi a cure out of nowhere when they previously said it was impossible is wack BUT I DID REALLY LIKE that even though geordi's condition causes him chronic pain he still didn't leap at the chance to have his sight restored. like that's his way of existing and being alive and nobody would choose to change it on a dime unless it was causing them nothing but abject misery...like it's such a nice way to communicate that geordi values the different way in which he sees the world
not to be like sooo personal on a fucking tng liveblog post and definitely not to be like "being blind is exactly the same as x" bc it's absolutely not but things like being ace or having adhd/a multitude of other mental illnesses have caused me so much FUCKING grief over the years but if someone came along and offered to magically fix me like...it's such a fundamental part of Who I Am and how i experience being alive that if i was fixed i might not be me anymore and you can SEE THAT like you can quite literally see the gears turning in geordi's head and it's so fucking good. i love geordi so much he's my best friend
today i still have to do "the schizoid man" and "unnatural selection" hopefully before 730pm where we will finally do "a matter of honor" and "the measure of a man" together. AUGH
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shifthours · 2 years
OK I THINK ITS A RLY COOL (I MEAN NOT COOL BUT) THEORY I don't think it will happen in canon but the idea of will becoming a villan also makes a ton of sense bcs vecna was like oh I wanna build the perfect world and he tried to get el to build it with him but she was like fuck off and banished him 2 the upside down BUT as you can see with vecnas family home being the upside down, he can kind of manipulate it to be what he likes BUT maybe he needs help (why he was trying 2 recruit el before) and MAYB vecna could sort of sense wills powers forming or his potential for powers forming in season one, which is why he stalked him amd kidnapped him, trying to absorb his power. It wld also explain why the world froze in the time that will went missing bcs vecna wanted to make his own world out of the world they already had, he can just make a small scale copy of one town and start to build his own world in the upside down, and then after absorbing wills power could spread back out into the real world (another theory i have was vecna wanted to bring will into the upside down to truly awaken his powers, not absorb them but make them stronger so he could use will later) BUT will gets away blah blah, but will still has a very strong connection with the upside down (which may have been intentional on vecnas part!!).
Flash forward to season 4, vecnas doing his thing cursing ppl whtever, and we know vecna preys on those with traumatic memories (WHICH WILL HAS WAYYY TOO MANY OF!!) and maybe when will gets vecna'd, vecna doesn't try to kill him but instead tries to talk to him, convince him to look at his life in a different way (the same type eof speech he gave el when he was trying to get her 2 joi him). He might reveal to will that he is capable of using powers like el's and that together they can make a better world with no more suffering in the boxes society puts them into and yk what I feel like that type of speech might hit will harder than it hit el (ESP IF BEFORE WILL GETS VECNA'D, MAYBE HE OVERHEARS MIKE AND EL REUNITING AND IS LIKE WELL SHIT BCS HE THOUGHT HE HAD A CHANCE THERE). When vecna gave his speech to el she was just a kid, she didn't know about the world, she didn't really have things or people she cared abt just a sense of good and bad within her, but otherwise that's it. Meanwhile Will keeps getting beaten down over and over since he was a kid, lonnies abuse, bullying all through his life by everyone, getting taken into the upside down, not being able to escape the horror of the upside down bcs it keeps attaching itself to him (possession, him feeling whenever it's near), and now when he's trying to be happy again everyone around him is in danger AND his best friend/crush (WHO HE JUST GOT BACK and probably thought there might b smth there) is probably going 2 ignore him again now that he's reunited with el.
AND if you think about it, he's never truly opened up abt this shit 2 anyone his entire life. Whenever somebody asks him if he's okay or if somethings wrong he always lies and says it is WHEN ITS NOT. He has all those memories and feelings and thoughts roiling inside of him with nowhere to go and I think joining vecna would be like a release for him.
Vecna reinforces all these thoughts, like yes the world is an awful, awful place, but you and me, with our combined powers can fix it, make it however we want.
And I think will, in pain from reliving the traumatic memories as vecna makes them appear, as well as having his judgement of the real world temporarily clouded by vecna, would join forces with him.
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nova-they-exist-yup · 10 months
urggg once again I have thoughts to dump on you. You don't have agree or anything but I think I have a point maybe.
remember when I brought up how HMS probably incorporate dark side functions as well?
welllll I've adopted a new belief/headcanon/whatever
I don't think *any* of those functions perfectly map onto any of the jashlings, rather they individually listened to whole's "dark sides" and that's what split them (further) apart. they detracted their own interpretations of what the shadows taught them and in a way killed them, either actively taking on their functions or passively absorbing their beliefs.
Thomas refers to Roman, Patton, Logan and Virgil as being core sides rather than light, so I guess the same applies to HMS being core to Whole, explaining why they get referred to as being the only parts that make him up in the Soul eclectic + plus other songs probably I can't remember.
TDLR: I'm deciding to go with the take that HMS are mouthpieces for any other sides of Whole that might exist, meaning they kind of pick and choose any shadowed of him to overlap with rather than fully embody. Or rather, they broke down any side which didn't map onto their black and white view of the world into pieces and plucked up those pieces to use for their own self-gain. Soul is the only survivor of this as he had the most connection to Whole's personality.
Idk I find it more interesting. Also I do think whilst the orange side may not be bias on it's own, he'll probably cause Logan to be biased towards whatever he represents. (I think Logan might already be affected by bias as his own side in some way since it's really hard not to be. We'll have to see.) So I'm still crafting my own understanding based my personal prediction. Also orange side will probably have a demonic(or angelic) theme imo so do with that what you will. If he does it'd be cool.
I think if Whole had a show like c!Thomas Heart and Mind would take their animosity out on each other, bewildering any other side which dare show up. They'd be like "oh hi x! nice to have somebody other than this bitch to talk to". And then they start pulling each other's hair. They hate each other too much to acknowledge any "outside" input smh. Try acting like a Disney villain towards people who don't give a damn and see how far it gets you. It'd be funny to watch at least.
I don’t have many thoughts besides “based” so yeah-
Also (off topic) but I feel like the Orange side is going to have a lighter colour palette than Logan, considering Logan already has the black in his design, and if Orange were to be Bias it would make sense bc you don’t think much of your biases and are like “what I think is right” yk? anyways
one more thing then I’m out: I feel like Orange and Logan are going to have a sorta Jekyll and Hyde situation, considering how closely Bias and Logic are linked.
Also I am getting to the thing of the Sides seeing hms’s worse sides of themselves! Just Band Camp is getting in the way a bit and I keep forgetting to check tumblr- :/
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i think you mentioned something about this before so i thought i'd tell you but i was watching a video of harry visibly tearing up during falling (like, he even had red eyes!) and i haven't seen many people in my followings reblog it. anyway, he looks up at one point and he puts on a smile and have you also noticed that every single time he's tearing up, he always smiles at someone in the crowd? i feel like its a quick way for him to gather himself.
oooh kind anon :') yeah, i've noticed, and the way he gently displays his emotions like that when he's clearly touched is just so !!!!!!!
falling really is one of those that hit him hard, i think, bc it's all about feelings that don't go away, yk? insecurities about what others think of you, self-doubt, self-deprecation, decisions you made in the past, being good enough for your partner, your partner needing you as much as you need them, general anxiety
he didn't perform falling at wembley, but i had the privilege of having a front row view of him performing sign of the times there. it had been an emotional weekend already, and during n2 he was having a lot of fun, but he was clearly also nervous and experiencing the joys of getting to perform at wembley in a very raw way. he sang sott with his eyes up to the sky, never lower than the highest seats, with a look on his face that made it obvious that if he were to look down and meet the eye of a fan, he'd probably crack. i was silently sobbing, as was my entire group, just staring up at him while he was singing. i'll never forget the look on his face. pain and restraint. deep, deep hurt when it comes to the meaning behind sott, as well as being touched by getting to perform it at wembley, and seeing his fans, especially obviously queer ones (as we were) touched beyond words by it. ugh. it really was one of those times where he couldn't check and meet a fan's eye.
my partner @caralara has the most wonderful story (and video !? kdsjhfkrs) of how he does do that typical thing of checking in with a fan during an emotional moment: right at the start of matilda during hslot hamburg, he checked up on them. i do think it is a way of putting himself back into the reality of the performance, of maybe allowing the emotion to be the fans' instead of all his, which might ensure him keeping his composure, yk? he obviously performs almost every night and isn't still moved to tears every time, but he's also so sensitive and that little reality check might be one of his self-taught tactics for connecting the audience with the music instead of being in his own bubble.
yeah i went on a long little ramble there. harry's emotion during the shows is something so powerful, and i'll never be the same after witnessing it. so thank you, kind anon, for giving me a little prompt to go on about it hahah
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kyetalksshit · 1 month
my dream last night was chaotic and difficult and I only remember glimpses. I was just reminded of a moment with thorns because I was checking my rune app and it mentioned poems that talked about thorns.
so I remember at one point traversing some kind of land to get... somewhere? (will go deeper in a sec) and I have this very vivid memory of, in my dream, accidentally touching thorns and getting them stuck on my right hand. it was very painful (and I almost remember physically feeling it...) and the people I was traveling with (p sure one was my cousin crystal) had to stop and turn back to help me. I unstuck the thorns from my hand as best as I could and met them halfway, incredibly distressed, but there were still thorn slivers that were stuck in my finger, and not only that but somehow the base of that finger and also a part of my wrist were wrapped super tight and cutting off circulation and physically warping my skin, even though it was just thorns. the people I was with (again, my cousin I think and maybe my little sister?) tried for a second to help but there was some kind of sound that alerted us to danger and that we had to keep going and rush to our destination, and only once we were hidden could they help get it off. so we're running and I just keep staring at my hand and freaking out and being upset that I can't detangle it myself because I can't even see the strings that are wrapped around my finger and wrist cutting off circulation. like the thorns suck but I can get those out later, these strings could make me lose my entire finger or hand???
i remember at some point getting to a safe spot (not to our destination but a hideout of sorts) and crystal (?) turned to me and explained that the thorns I touched shoot out strings of cotton when someone gets stuck in them, like a defense mechanism. she was going to try to help me detangle them but something happened that she had to focus on. but after she told me about the cotton I suddenly could see the strands I couldn't see before? it looked like a spiderweb at its thinnest, but as I started to gently unravel myself, it started to look more like floss. as it turned out, there was even more than what was just cutting off my circulation, there was also some draped around my shoulders and wrapped lightly around my arm before the intense wraps around my finger and wrist. but I DID finally get myself free before we continued on.
before that, I remember being on the interstate in a hay bale ride type thing? it was flatter than that but that's the closest I can describe it as. and I (and the few other people riding there with me) was laying flat and gripping onto the sides. weirdly, it was also on the front end of the truck which doesn't make any sense to me but yk. and at one point my cousin crystal was in a drone plane above me. I saw it and thought "omg that's probably crystal lol" but didn't say anything bc I was in a flat truck bed on the interstate, but then she backed up and I saw a camera come out and look down at me. knowing it was her, I risked letting go of the bar for a second to wave at her, and she waved back and then the dumbass just jumped straight to the road from her drone plane (which... either disappeared or had other people in it that flew it away? idk lol) and I was like whAT ARE YOU DOING YOURE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED BRO and she ran and hopped on the truck bed with me and the strangers I was on. not sure what exactly happened right after that,
but at some point I met up with family and also was waiting for a car to be given to me. I also was dressed up in business clothes and about to apply for a clerical job inside the brick building in the parking lot I saw everybody in. I was on my way inside when my car was delivered, so I walked back and then drove it into the parking spot beside my mom's car, but it kept turning funny so I kept trying and got it parked before going inside. my mom said she'd meet me at her house. when I opened the door to the building though the lights were off and I almost closed the door right back behind myself except I saw someone in there look up at me. so I opened it back up (it looked like grandma earley's house) and apologized and said why I was there. they told me to come on in. the lights stayed off but we did do an interview. I don't remember if I got the job or was told to wait or what, but it was time to leave and meet my mom at her house. I believe I completely forgot about my new car or maybe it disappeared I'm not sure, but I started walking and crystal was there again, and i'm pretty sure my little sister appeared shortly after as well to walk with us. I don't know when it turned into a run, but it may have had something to do with the weather?
although at some point I was in a truck (can't remember if I was driving or not but I think I might have been) with Heather and crystal, and we were looking for somebody specific. I'm not sure who irl but I knew them in my dream and it was very hush hush but we had to deliver a message to them or something. so we went to the meeting spot we all knew of behind a shack of a house, and when we didn't see them, we walked down the sidewalk to the place that they were supposed to be living. but the woman who answered the door didn't know who we were talking about, but she let us in anyway. the house was a bit of a maze and it was very... like political intrigue meets supernatural lol it was a dangerous place to be in and after a little while we were sure it was just a ruse and we had to escape from there. I think after that is when I got stuck on thorns while we were running.
anyway fast forward to after I unraveled myself from the "cotton" from the thorns, we go a bit further and FINALLY find my mom's house. when we get there and get inside, my mom is like omg I was worried about you getting here in this snow! and it had been a warm California day lol so we were like snow?????? and she opened the curtains to the picture window in the living room and sure as shit it was a full foot + of snow outside. she had her books out and some coffee and said something about how harsh and cold it is outside and how much she loves it. I just remember seeing the snow covering up a bag of garbage, and then looking up to stare at the icy tree branches. at one point I even tried to brush some of the snow off the front porch (we somehow entered through the back door or a side door that doesn't actually exist idk it was almost like we opened a door to a different house but the door was a portal and we just appeared at my mom's) but even though a little bit fell, I didn't actually make a dent.
and then I woke up.
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buddyapologist · 11 months
its 6:30 am and i have the spn au on the brain. i feel like my akira au has more substance to it but i tried writing that and man it was like pulling teeth yk? i really like the concept but that just wasn't going to happen lmao. do love the imagery of buddy with tetsuo powers and everyone riding those sick ass bikes tho!!! anyway spn au rambles below
i rly rly rly want to keep Buddy And Dustin's Grand Adventures located around olathe bc i want their not-so-secret main motivation to be to figure out why brad mutated, so yeah there's been instances of mutants all across the country but their dad never left his hometown and that was ground zero and that might mean something. they're driving around with his notebook trying to find the people who knew him when he was trying to get buddy back but there's so few real names that it's hard to find, and sometimes they find them but it's their bodies or their families who hadn't seen them in a week and fear the worst. they find terry and he's like "oh wow you're actually brad's kid! yeah the last time i saw your dad he ditched us on the side of a road? what happened" and they have to explain everything to him and he's like YIKES OKAY. they try to confront people right before they mutate to figure out what's going on, but they just can't find the connection, because joy isn't just joy, it's been laced into other drugs that people have been buying il/legally for years. the cops and the FBI can't figure it out either, and there were too many hunters who mutated for hunters to stay out of it.
they don't even realize the truth until it's staring them in the face, until dustin catches buddy taking a drug he's never seen before and she says it's a painkiller, it makes her a better hunter because she has to be a hunter now, but he knows something's wrong, and it's so wrong. it's almost too late when they find out that this is the drug that's been causing it the whole time. they know there's a ticking clock on buddy's life when they travel to find the source and shut it all down. bernie shows up to say some cryptic shit every now and then because he's in the exact same boat as her but he's terrified at how quickly it's progressing with her, at how it only took her a few months when it had taken him years. he was supposed to get her hooked on it but now he regrets ever taking that job even though it was the only reason he didn't go to prison.
basically i'm thinking joy kinda serves the same purpose as sam and his addiction to demon blood in s4, but when dustin finds out he's just like :( but you're like 18, baby sister, as opposed to dean who gets mad at like 80% of what sam does. but joy is also kiiiiiiiind of like the croatoan virus maybe? i also kinda like the idea that because joy canonically "makes you feel nothing" it could even make ppl act like how soulless!sam acts. it doesn't have a direct spn counterpart. maybe other hunters have started to guess at it and are trying to infiltrate drug operations and drug manufacturers to figure out where exactly normal drugs are being laced with joy? idk i have a LOT of work to do on this before it can really be a thing. it just came to me one night after watching spn, this was the exact thing i made at like 3 am on a google doc one night lmao
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hyuckmov · 1 year
AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET TO LET ME KNOW ONCE YOU FINALLY GET TO GO... (doesn't even have to be in sk only... if you ever have a trip to wherever and feel like sharing it with me... PLEASE. im all ears(or eyes lmao)) you heard it right because those girls are really so sooooo. so. pretty. idk if i wanna be like them or HAVE them for myself instead. they're also really fashionable even if it's the simplest of clothes they can make it look so good yk what i mean? i'm starting to take it as an inspiration lmao i'm gonna have a wardrobe change NDHDHD and ykno when we were in the amusement park we were taking a rest these two cute kids passed by wearing a gown and all and they just... bowed like a real princess (like shouldn't we be doing that to them first at least NDHDHDH) THEY'RE SO FREAKING CUTE AND NICE GODDDD. (really lucky to have encountered such nice people there even if there were few rude ones but hey we wouldn't really survive there if we just let it get to us..) NGL IT IS DRAINING.... but you'd still think how much fun it is to be with your dear friends doing all the fun stuff. when you're in a different place with them it's really like you're suddenly having this new life :(((( i would so love to have that feeling again.
(several days later and i'm still bitter i wasn't there lmao) there sure are a lot who share their streams but yea it would be a much better experience if it's uninterrupted. BUUUUT you are also right it's kind of on the expensive side... although this one is encore so i really think it's going to be extra special aside from the fact that there's def going to be at least a couple new songs/perfs. SORRY I CAN'T EVEN BE MUCH OF HELP. IT'S NOT ME BUT I CAN'T EVEN DECIDE NDHDHDHDHJSUEUEH
I STOPPED subscribing (i couldn't choose one (mk, jm, jn, hc... yeah.............) so i just stopped altogether. that's adult life. even if you love what you're doing, if you're sick and tired that's it. that's why (REAL) worklife balance is super important. i wish you and your friend would have so much fun <3333 that'd be super nice.
i'm still in the middle of catching up with all the shows i missed and i'm already dreading this team lunch we're having tomorrow. 😫
OKKK i will definitely let u know if i end up going on the trip w/ my friends!! "idk if i wanna be like them or HAVE them for myself instead" WELCOME TO MY DILEMMA!! omg the fashion in kroea must be insane (but also i have a friend from there who says she really hates how everyone loves to follow fashion trends and like the LACK of individuality... did u notice that too...) i think the new life things is so true. i often think about what it means to be friends with people or even partners... and it all comes down to this openness to experiencing life together and having them by your side...wanting their point of view and craving their comfort...something sososo romantic and lovely about getting a taste of another life w them!!
omg no i get you. because every time i see a video from my friend who went to the concert i literally cannot watch it out of PAIN and regret. ITS SO HARD im sorry for being spiteful but CANCEL THE TOUR!!!! WHY IS HAECHAN JUST GETTING hotter and sexier and cuter I CANNOOOOOOT deal w this!!! i'll wait for the encore prices and see ;-; maybe i'll invite my friend who didnt go and we'll make it an EVENT!!!
omg... i lowkey ended up picking based on who would be the most active (didn't pick jaehyun bc he NEVER posts) work life balance is so important :( might pause on work for a little while and go back to trying to get my driver's license... I HOPE THE TEAM LUNCH WENT WELL!! ur so sweet everyone must LOVE talking to u as much as i do irl <3 ALSO WHAT SHOWS!! i've been getting to dr romantic 3 and im so HAPPYYYY i missed my surgeon shows
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rasp-my-berry · 2 years
a summer glowup // klitz x chubby reader
ok i've decided to make this a chubby reader AND set in modern tech era bc really not much would change and i prefer to write about that which i understand better yk 🙄i think this is part one??? might make a second part maybe not idk 😵 also i did not proofread this leave me alone 😭😭😭
"i want him in me so bad you guys you don't get it i want him IN MEEEESSNSNS" your story read. you giggled as you typed it and finally posted it. you loved to just post whatever came to mind, whenever. you loved getting reactions out of those that follow you, sometimes forgetting that people you respect follow you and see the shit you post.
your favorite part about posting these things though, was the reactions you would get from your friends. they always had something to say.
eli would usually say something equally as horny. matt would usually say something about how you should really keep those thoughts to yourself and how disgusting you are. he's just joking though... you hope. but klitz? he would always take any opportunity he could to flirt and tease you. it only took a few minutes before the tripod's responses came rolling in.
“just let me be inside you y/n just one chance plsssss 😫😫😫" eli responded.
“STOP THIS. ENOUGH. SEEK THERAPY" was matt's response.
klitz's was the only one to actually make you giggle out loud though. "yk you could just tell me instead of posting about me 🙄🙄"
you began responding to all of them. first to eli. "yk i'm in a committed relationship w my pink dildo eli don't be silly 🙄"
next was matt. "unless ur willing to pay, it won't be happening"
and finally klitz. "ur right klitzy bitzy boo babe, i'll start keeping our sex life a secret dw 💕💕"
you turned your phone off with a dreamy sigh, holding your whale plushie close to your chest as you squeezed your eyes shut. you hoped and wished with all your heart that one day all the flirting with klitz wouldn't have to be just that. that one day you may be able to just kiss him and buy him flowers and get freaky or whatever. but unfortunately, this summer, it wouldn't be happening.
this summer vacation was going to be spent out of state with you favorite aunt. she invited you over and insisted on having you stay, saying the much needed girl time was well overdue for the both of you. the tripod was disappointed to hear you wouldn't be able to spend everyday going on dumb adventures with them but made you promise to do group calls when you could.
you agreed, of course. you didn't know what you would do without being able to contact them. you'd already scheduled your first 3 calls, all of you promising to reserve those times for the calls.
a soft noise from your phone brought you back to reality. it was klitz. he always responds the fastest, unless he's asleep of course. if you wanted to get a hold of him while he's sleeping you knew to call.
“good. i don't want the whole school to know how much raw, hot, crazy sex we have 😖" he responded.
“we both know you don't care about that part. you just don't want them to know i peg you every thursday and turn you into a whining bitch in heat for me huh"
he read the message instantly and it took a while for him to start typing.
“you're absolutely right ☹️ once they find out ur into that shit they'd all start lining up and i wouldn't have you all to myself 😞" he said.
giggling, you began typing up your next response. "i hardly think that'll be the outcome. nobody wants me 💔🕸🕷⛓🥀" and you followed up with another text. "fr tho most of the guys at school couldn't handle me 🙄 i'm too big 💕"
he didn't read it for a few seconds and in that downtime you began texting your best friend. "EEEEE KLITZY RESPONDED TO MY STORY AGAIN 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭"
she responded almost instantly, a string of texts coming from her.
you rolled your eyes with a smile. this is gonna be a long night.
while you were arguing with your bestie about whether or not klitz was into you, the tripod was at eli's home, having an equally as ridiculous conversation.
“she totally wants me. she wants me balls deep so badly." eli said in relation to your posts, scrolling on his phone.
“ELI-" matt started.
klitz cut him off. "she's not into bozo virgins like you, dickwad!"
“oh, right, i forgot shes madly in love with you. and how do you know i'm a virgin?!" eli defended, rolling his eyes.
klitz pointed to a pile of socks laying by the side of eli's bed, the pile looking as though he hadn't even tried hiding it properly. "there are literal CUM SOCKS, ELI, ON THE FLOOR-"
“shits radioactive at this point. generations on those socks, man.." matt muttered.
eli groaned. "those are NOT cum socks!! lemme prove it to you fools!!"
he waltzed over to the side of his bed from the gaming chair he was previously sat in and grabbed one of the socks, instantly dropping it and gagging out of disgust. the sock was literally rock hard and as it fell on the hardwood floor, it CLATTERED. ACTUALLY CLATTERED.
the three boys continued the gag for a moment following.
“that's actually disgusting-" klitz finally managed.
matt couldn't even breathe properly yet, still reeling from the sound the sock made. eli was beyond embarrassed, pushing the socks further under the bed with his foot, the socks making an awful scraping noise as he did so. he cringed.
“PLEASE DONT TELL Y/N" he shouted, dropping to his knees.
klitz laughed. "oh come on, it's not like she would be surprised to hear you've got a pile of rock solid cum socks."
“can we PLEASE move on from this subject—" matt gagged again. "and do your fuckin' laundry eli!"
the next day at school, you walked in with your best friend, chatting and giggling as you walked the halls u til you parted ways to get to your first classes. spotting the tripod from a distance, you walked over.
“hey boys!" you smiled, waving shyly at them as you walked over. the boys looked over and began walking to meet you halfway. seeing you again after the long weekend, they felt nervous again. they never imagined a girl would be a part of their group. especially one as pretty as you.
they always imagined they'd be known as the group of the most pathetic virgin boys, never even feeling the touch of a woman. but then they met you, and you changed everything. they never thought you'd have gravitated to a group like theirs, when your looks could easily get you in with the big dogs.
“hey, y/n" matt waved with a small smile.
“y/n!!!" eli cheered, smiling wide. "how is my fav virgin slut!!"
you quickly shushed him with wide eyes and a smile. "eli!! not so loud!" you turned to klitz, deciding to tease "hey klitzy bitzy! how's my baefy?"
he blushed and stuttered. "i.. i told you not to use that name in front of them-"
matt did his best to hide his laughter, holding a hand out in front of his mouth. the blush on klitz's face only depends and he scratched his cheek awkwardly.
“it's not that serious, dude. it's just a stupid nickname.." he tried to defend himself.
you giggled. "don't tease him all day, boys. that's my job. i'll see you guys at lunch!"
it was a month later from that interaction and there was a lot of tears. the last day of the school year, and your last day with the three boys and your best friends before your trip out of state to be with your aunt for the summer. it was mostly eli crying, actually. and your best friend just shed one tear and encouraged you to have a good time and scope out cute boys for her.
klitz looked stiff and awkward. his face was sad but he didn’t know how to communicate that. matt just seemed too embarrassed by eli’s overdramatic sobbing.
“lemme hit just one time before you go y/n!!! just once!!” he begged, falling to his knees.
klitz rolled his eyes and shoved eli. “i’ve already reserved the night for myself, you rabid animal. go fuck your pillow or something.”
your face burned in embarrassment. “oh, klitzy.. i thought you wanted our sex life to be a secret.” you bat your eyelashes.
he had to clear his throat and look away from you. “oh, right. i forgot for a second there.” he pushed his glasses up nervously.
“hey, klitz?” you asked under your breath, stepping closer.
eli and matt were talking with your best friend and arguing about something dumb so you took the chance to say something to klitz in a somewhat private fashion.
“hm?” he hummed.
you grabbed his clammy hand, ignoring the way you could feel heat creeping up your neck and to your face. “can you promise me you won’t go out with any other girls this summer, alright?”
he paused for a moment. he didn’t even know what to say. what did you mean by that? was it because you wanted him to still be available when you got back? did that mean you liked him? you? the prettiest girl he’s ever interacted with in his life? no way. this had to be a dream.
“anything for you.” he stuttered, instantly cringing at his corny ass response.
you smiled at that and nodded your head. “good. i’ll see you in august.”
“…see you in august.” he sighed. you had already turned away and started walking home. he started biting the inside of his cheek, feeling embarrassed by how upset he was that he wouldn’t be seeing you over the summer. embarrassed by how much he was gonna miss you.
august came quicker than expected. over the summer, you group called the boys at least twice a week. each time it seemed you had so much to tell them, some new, exciting thing you did. the boys felt so left out, wishing they could have half as much fun as you were.
the first time they saw you, their jaws literally dropped. you had changed entirely, and only in a matter of a few weeks. you walked through the doors of the school and started finding your way to them. your hair was bouncing with each step, and the bracelets on your write jingled as you moved. you were wearing low rise pants that flared at your calves, a hot pink top that was cropped maybe a little too much for dress code, chunky sandals that tied the whole ensemble together, and a juicy couture bag slung over your shoulder. you were the definition of a dream in klitz’s eyes.
he watched the way the skin of your stomach rippled with each step, the way your breasts bounced deliciously, the way you were just oozing confidence he had never seen from you before. he felt his heartbeat pick up and he had to force himself to look away.
but then he looked back and he noticed more. the way your skin of your hips bubbled over the edge of your pants, the way you were smiling at the sight of the boys and rolling your eyes at any of the boys who used to tease you suddenly taking an interest in you.
“KLITZYYY!! ELI!! MATTY!!!” you shouted, picking up the pace and running to the boys.
klitz gulped loudly, swallowing a lump in his throat as he watched the way your body moved with your actions. he’d never seen you this way before. you always wore baggy clothes, hiding yourself. he knew you were a little insecure about showing your body in a world that only appreciated pornstar skinny bodies, but he’d never imagined you looked THIS good.
he just knew he’d be spending the night imagining you again, only this time he’d actually have something to go off of. he instantly felt guilty about that thought and shook his head. fuck. you’re his friend. his friend he flirted with on a regular basis. his friend he was extremely attracted to. god.
eli started running to meet you halfway and caught you in a hug. “Y/NNN!!” he picked you up and twirled you, making you squeal out of excitement.
“eli!! i missed you!!” you smiled, hugging back tightly. “how was your summer???”
he instantly started filling you in on all the things they did over the summer while klitz and matt continued walking over. klitz seemed nervous. he was visibly shaking and looking around. matt seemed happy, but did a good job keeping his cool unlike his two friends.
“klitzy!!” you smiled once he was close enough, instantly pulling him in to a tight hug. he wrapped his arms around your waist, bending down slightly so you didn’t have to stand on your toes to hug him comfortably. he could smell your perfume and took a deep breath, holding you closer, feeling your body against his-
you kissed his cheek. “i missed you!” you smiled. “oh, whoops, i left some lipstick on your cheek—“
“LEAVE IT!” eli shrieked. “leave it!! i’m getting the sense him having lipstick on his cheek will attract good attention.”
“yea, well i’m getting the sense he’s gonna look like a bozo idiot ratio all day if he leaves it.” matt said.
“i’ve got a makeup wipe right here, don’t even worry babe.” you smiled, pulling one out of the little packet and wiping his cheek clean.
his breath was shaky. “babe?”
“whoopsie, just let that one slip there, huh? yknow, sometimes i really just don’t think before i speak. i’ve been meaning to work on that!!”
“don’t worry about it..” he trailed off, his head feeling fuzzy. you just called him babe. even if you didn’t mean it..
you smiled up at him. “can we talk?” you turned to eli and matt, giving them a look that clearly meant you wanted some privacy.
matt easily took the hint and had to drag an oblivious eli away while he was shouting about not getting the chance to fully catch up with you.
once they were finally gone, you took a shaky breath, adjusting your bracelets. “so… any girls over the summer?” you started.
he chuckled. “i promised i wouldn’t, didn’t i?”
you smiled, chewing your gum at a quicker pace now, as if the speed matched your emotions. his eyes flicked down to your lips, noticing the glittery tinted gloss on your lips and god did your lips always look so kissable? had it just been the distance and the time away that made him feel this way?
he couldn’t care less. he just wanted to kiss you.
“well, the only reason i asked that if you wa-“
he couldn’t take it anymore. “can i, please, kiss you?” he stuttered, cutting you off.
your eyes widened, and you nodded your head frantically. he reached a hand out, cupping your cheek and pulling you in, tilting his head down to meet you halfway.
when your lips met, you swore you felt thousands of butterflies flap their wings in an instant. you giggled, pulling away.
“wanna hang out after school?” you asked.
he didn’t even say anything, he just nodded his head quickly. you giggled.
“good. because i’ve got a few ideas on what we could do.” you winked.
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hakukoyu cats are invading my mind
i have like so much bits of lore for them for some reason and idk press read more if ur ready for entire paragraphs of kity lore !? oh yeah half of this is funnies the other half is how hakuji cat gets to muzan's place DW I'M A MERCIFUL GOD KOYUKI CAT IS ALIVE
1. vk goes ham and explains backstory lore but only the poisoning arc + demon arc in full detail
when the poisoning happened yk haku cat went on a rampage and probably beat up a buch of kity but he didn't realize that only keizou was dead koyu cat was just sleeping a little weirdly near her water thing . it just looked like she died but she was actually jus snoozing completely unaware of anything haku cat got abducted by muzan n got all sad meanwhile koyuki woke up and saw pure desctruction ( and dead keizou but ... ya ) and she knew that when a disaster happened hakuji would go ham n beat up everything in his path following the trail of injured cats n scratched up mailboxes n other stuff like that she was frantically looking for any trace of hubby and hubby was found . just sitting there in muzan's front yard they probaby had a sob filled dramatic reunion kind of thing but in the end koyuki lived at the side of muzan's house . a little bush ( that can be walked around btw ) concealed her presence nobody else could know abt koyukity bc at first hakuji cat didn't trust muzan enough but once he did a new threat emerged : douma cat so uh . koyuki is forever hidden behind the small bush but hakuji couldn't leave the muzan place to sit in the bush corner with koyuki bc 1. free food n drinks ?? where else he gonna get that . hunting for 2 cats is not easy 2. if he went missing one day muzan is gonna look for him at least a little bit ( bc muzan would definitely not want to lose such a powerful cat ) and that risks them being spotted so yea haku cat ( akaza cat ) sits in the house for half the day and when the sun sets he goes on a night walk , basically a mini hunt session n then visiting koyuki and forfeiting all his leftover kibble to her n then sleeping vibing cuddling idk what cat couples do he wakes up extra early to sneak back into the house n sit in his cardboard box n pretend to be asleep till muzan awakens so nobody suspects a thing he purposely doesn't eat much so koyuki can be full and happy but dw he is not starving himself . sometims he hunts like rats or squirrels or something he eats those bc he's more used to it , being a stray cat for some of his life . koyuki was a house cat for her entire life so she woudl probably get all shook when offered a rat oops this one time akaza's cat bed went missing overnight and instead he was seen sleeping ( actually not sleeping he rushed into that box just a few minutes ago n pretended to be asleep ) in a cardboard box with a little snowflake carpet in it he actually gave it to koyukity so she could sleep comfy he liked cardboard box more anyway
2. vk goes on a tangent and starts talking abt the random snowflake carpet
maybe keizou ( he is the owner of the cats here yes ) maybe he had a carpet with a snowflake pattern on it and maybe hakuji cat just really liked to sit right in the middle of it for some reason ( haha compass needle ) maybe he somehow found a way to steal the carpet and take it to muzan's place when the ' demoning arc ' happened idk how tho im dumby that snowflake carpet just belongs to him now . it's his carpet if anyone tries to take it away from him he will fight them it is his carpet
3. vk suddenly remembers how hakuji cat got all pink n stripy despite being born as a black cat
me and a twitter friend once made a silly funny theory that haku cat went to a kind of festival / carnival thing idk !! with koyu cat n keizou there was this face paint stand bc idk i think there's usually one and hakuji cat kept mewing at keizou he wanted to be pink then keizou got a bit too carried away and made him pink all over , gave him blue stripes everywhere even on his face n then when they went home the paint just didn't wanna come off no matter what so he remained pink forever oh yeah about the eyes he has heterochromia his left eye is yellow his right eye is blue ( left n right from viewer's perspective ) oh yeah yeah this is random but last night my sister gave me the idea of koyuki getting little kity babies and i am currently discussing it with my discord friends so expect an announcement on that sometime later ( n also potential kity babie content if we all agree on it )
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