#to whom he probably feels he has less to prove
you guys ever notice how in his dialogue when he's in bertie's presence, jeeves uses quotations and references constantly, but in his THOUGHTS during "bertie changes his mind," he doesn't use any? this is obviously because he doesn't care if we the audience know he knows shakespeare, but he will languish and die if he doesn't get to dazzle bertie with his wit and knowledge every five seconds
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
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[Old love never rusts. Mihawk has to face that truth when he meets again the husband of the girl he almost had.]
Mihawk's version | Enjoying my work? You can leave me a tip on Ko-Fi | Have a request?
Mihawk wants the entire conversation to end before it has even started. He's aware that his heartache and anger are bound to get the better of him. Not to mention Shanks, who will surely gloat and boast beyond tastefulness. Although Mihawk can't exactly blame Shanks for his pride - the Warlord knows that he'd behave identically, if not worse, were their roles reversed.
Shanks knows what's on Mihawk's mind. he can read it on his face, in the sombre gloom that clouds his yellow eyes. Still, the red-haired captain patiently waits for the swordsman to break on his own. It will happen soon enough as the matter of you is the only subject that rids Mihawk of his self-control. He may be a great man, in more ways than one but when it comes to the insatiable love seems unable to let go, the Warlord becomes a young boy at heart, always seeking assurance that his affections are returned. Or not outright rejected, at least. Alas, the consequences of his own selfish actions have finally caught up to him and Mihawk must face the truth - this love is never going to be returned.
"How is she?" Mihawk asks reluctantly. He hates to give Shanks the satisfaction but the famished desire of his heart is a lot stronger than his iron will and pride. "You know of whom I speak."
Shanks gives him a mocking smile, a devilish flame appearing in his brown eyes.
"I also know you have no right to ask that, hawk-eyes," he answers. "Not when you treated her like a backup option."
"I never-" Mihawk hangs his voice. He takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. Agitated negation will only further prove the captain's point. Truth be told, deep inside Mihawk knows that Shanks is right. He did treat as someone who would always be there, waiting for him until he came back from his escapades. Until you grew tired; until you didn't. "Where is she?" he asks angrily. But what he really wants to ask is 'If you're here, who's taking care of her? Who's looking after the one you promised to keep safe and happy?'
"Home with the kids," Shanks retorts casually. Despite his light-hearted tone, there's a hint of something mischievous between his words.
Mihawk feels disgusted. The thought that Shanks got to know you intimately and built a familial life with you fills him with rage so visceral he'd rather claw his own eyes out than think about it. And that red-haired poor excuse of a husband probably considers himself good enough for you.
Laughable, if it wasn't so sad.
"I suppose I should wish you well," Mihawk begrudgingly murmurs. Once again, his words do not quite reflect his actual thoughts. He wishes you well but couldn't care less about Shanks's well-being. Mihawk already knows for a fact that the red-haired captain is incapable of taking care of you properly so it would really be mercy if Shanks had a little accident and Dracule could play the magnificent role of a consoling party.
"You should." Shanks nods. "But I know you won't." He lets out a bitter chuckle. He's disillusioned about Mihawk's perpetual heartbreak. Some part of him still pities the Warlord. After all, how awful must be the torment that can haunt someone like him for a good decade?
"Yes, I won't," Dracule drones his words. There is jealousy, there is envy and then there is the horrible sensation that has been eating him up for the past ten years, slowly turning the man into a bitter, brutal husk of a person. And he shall never find it in him to wish Shanks well after he had shamelessly taken the person the closest to his heart.
Turning on his heel, Mihawk marches away from Shanks. He knows that if he spends another minute around the red-haired man, he will do something he might regret.
He could be a mighty Warlord, the greatest swordsman alive and, perhaps ever - truly a someone. Alas, as a wise man once said: You're nobody until somebody loves you. And everyday of his life, each time he wakes up to a cold bed and a house drowned in deafening silence, Mihawk is reminded that he is less than nobody. For it was his own grandiosity that had ridded him of the person he cares about the most.
Dracule's gnawing loneliness is accompanied only by his own thoughts, only by the rumination of his utmost failure. 'It didn't have to be like this', he reminds himself on the nights when he can't fall asleep, 'You could have had everything'.
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angellayercake · 3 months
How about a spicy prompt?? Terzo realizing the reader really likes his hands (tends to stare at them a little too long as he does random tasks, things like that). Take this in whatever direction you see fit. Thanks!
Oh you did it anon! You finally got me to write something about THE GLOVES!!! They make me crazy insane and I probably think about them far more than what is normal but there we go 🙃
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Terzo x GN Reader | NSFW | 1200 words
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
You twitch every time a sharp nail comes in contact with the desk. It’s not even the noise that is driving you to distraction. It is those damn gloves. And, well the hands that are wearing them. And by default the infuriating man to whom they belong. 
Why it was decided he needed to wear his full vestments for this particular meeting you do not know but in your mind at least you violently curse the person who insisted on it. It would be a lie to say that you didn't find him distracting on the best of days being so well acquainted with the capabilities of his dexterous fingers but there really is something about those particular gloves that melts your brain among other less appropriate parts of your anatomy. 
Usually it is manageable. Rarely does he wear them and even then you are only cursed with a glimpse from a distance, barely catching the sharp glint of nails and certainly not able to hear the quiet creak of the leather every time he gestures. Which damn his dramatic Italian ass is everytime he speaks.
 At Mass you fight to keep your thoughts on his words as much as you can. Rituals are so full of spectacle and performance it's easy to break your fixation. And official events are usually so stressful you don't have a thought to spare.
But today you are not so lucky. To call this meeting tedious would be under selling the situation greatly. You can't even remember what is about now, which is especially bad for you considering you are supposed to be note-taking. The visiting Cardinals had insisted on meeting with all the Higher Clergy to tell them something they deemed very important but that was proving very dull for almost everyone else. 
Sister Imperator has the appearance of listening attentively but you can see the glaze over her eyes, probably thinking of all the other actually important things she could be doing with this time. To her right Cardinal Copia sits in a similar position to you, notebook and pen in hand, yet every minute or so his grip loosens as his eyelids droop and it's only the dropping of his chin or the pen about to fall from his hand that jolts him back to wakefulness. To her left, Papa Nihil has given up all pretence of paying attention, slouching back in his chair and snoring quietly. 
And then there was Papa. Your Papa. Initially he had tried to engage the visitors with his usual charm but even he had not proved a match for their dreary topics of conversation. So he had taken to torturing you instead. Ever the attentive man he had cottoned on quickly to the way your gaze was drawn to his hands with every flick of his wrist and now seemed to be doing his damnedest to keep them centre of your attention. Which was hardly a challenge. 
Every time he flexes his fingers you watch the leather strain to accommodate the movement of his impatient tapping. They are so tight they fit like, well, a glove, but more indecent somehow. The skin tight leather and the glinting pointed tips elongating his fingers perversely until all you can think about is the way they would feel against your skin. The cool sharp scratch followed by the soothing soft warmth. He likes to tease, to push you to your limits and then further still until all you can think about is him so you can easily imagine how he would start. Seemingly innocuous touches as he slowly peeled away your clothes only to reveal how much the barest touches of his gloved fingers had ruined you.
Suddenly he flattens his hands on his desk in irritation, interrupting the drone of a Cardinal with an angry interjection but after a moment's shock you drown out their bickering taking the opportunity to admire the gloves openly displayed as they are. Careful lines of stitches fan from his wrist, the deliberate placement helping achieve the perfectly tight fit. You had watched him pull them on once, easing them over his hands and struggling to slide down the zip which follows the curve of his thumb and keeps them in place. Clearly still incensed by whatever they are discussing he gestures towards one of them palms up so you can follow the seam across his palm allowing for the movement of his thumbs. 
As precisely as it is sewn you can only imagine how it might catch your pebbled nipple if he were to palm at the curve of your chest as he explored you. Your skin could be left a criss cross of scratch marks as his large hands covered the planes of your body varying the pressure as a threat of something more, the possibility of him breaking your skin ever present. Perhaps they aren’t so sharp as that but a part of you wishes they were as you allow yourself to think about them sliding between your legs.
His finger tips would trace you meticulously, one wrong move and he could damage you severely, but isn’t that a large part of the reason you find yourself so drawn to them. The anticipation tinged with dread of the sharp sting of his claws only building the warm pleasure you feel. And for him, hopefully the power you would allow him to hold over you would only make him want you more, making the necessity of his slow, precise movements even more frustrating for the two of you. 
You realise somewhat detachedly that your pleasure would likely ruin his beautiful gloves. They are such an important part of his image, his costume that marks him as the dark and powerful leader but even then you think you would have no regrets. Not when you would feel the metallic nails grow warm against you or the leather slipping smooth with barely there friction due to your arousal. Perhaps they would survive, stained with the evidence of their effect on you, the scent of you lingering on his fingertips as a reminder of your sweet lustful sin.      
Sister Imperator stands, and everyone else follows her lead, signalling the end of this meeting and breaking your reverie. You risk a glance at Papa, daring to catch his eyes and he knows, he always knows when your thoughts have strayed to the sinful. It is impossible to look away from his smug expression even as his gaze drops down your body knowingly. Slowly, deliberately returning his eyes to yours he beckons you towards him. One long finger curling deliberately pulling you towards him, as inevitable as gravity. Until Cardinal Copia interrupts your line of sight and prevents you from stepping into his orbit. You are needed, urgently for some other pointless duty, the realisation that your fantasy is no longer about to come to fruition dousing your lust as if cold water was cascading down your body.    
Papa’s displeasure flits over his face before his expression shutters and he is back to business even as you are steered out of the room by the Cardinal. You spare him one last look and you can only hope the flash in his eyes and the quirk of his lips are a promise that if not now you will be his again as soon as he can get his hands on you. 
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raventreehall · 9 months
no one wants to talk about the theon and littlefinger parallels fine I'LL TALK ABOUT THEM. they're both social inferiors in a foster family that they desperately wanted to join but are prevented from doing so which leads to all sorts of complexes!!!
littlefinger didn't really do anything wrong in seeking out catelyn's hand and dueling brandon, he only misread his importance to the tullys and tried to functionally be part of the family that he had been raised in. but that was not allowed to him because of his low birth, just as theon was always relegated to an outsider role within the stark household because he was a hostage. (also note theon's boyhood dream of marrying sansa and ned accepting him as his son; littlefinger's obsession with catelyn seems to actually have catelyn at its core rather than just being a projection of a desire to be accepted within house tully, but who knows, his obsession with cat could actually be the product of an obsession with house tully and his general ambitions to increase his social status). they both had such intense 'i hate you'/'i want to be you' emotions knocking around in their heads as a result of this that they ended up killing—or trying to convince people that they killed—their foster siblings! (i know there's a lot more complexity with the littlefinger and lysa situation, but i think this parallel is really interesting)
littlefinger also had to work for years in gulltown/king's landing to rise through the ranks, to in a way 'regain his standing' to what it was when he was a ward of hoster tully's. throughout his childhood he was constantly around lysa, catelyn, and edmure—all of whom were destined to become lords and ladies of great houses—and was raised like their brother, but after he is banished he struggles to hold even half the status that his foster siblings enjoy naturally. theon goes through a little bit of a similar rude awakening when he arrives back at pyke expecting his father to hail him as his heir returned only to find out balon could not care less about him and likes asha way more, and he takes winterfell to try to prove to balon and the rest of the ironborn that he should be respected. interestingly, we have seen both theon and littlefinger's homecomings on page and they both come across as complete outsiders in the places were they were born, acting above their station because of the circumstances they got used to during their fostering—while this leads to theon trying to reject the starks and gain acceptance from his birth family in acok, in asos when littlefinger goes home to the fingers he wants to get to the eyrie (and to one of the tullys) as quickly as possible
they share some behaviors/character traits, too. littlefinger is noted to dress well, he pays a lot for clothes made of fine fabrics, while we know that theon likes to do the same. littlefinger certainly does this to prove that he is rich and powerful and has made it, showing that he can pay for the same things that any great lord can, which is probably born from more than a little resentment towards hoster for taking him out of the luxury of riverrun and sending him back home to the fingers. similarly, theon dresses elaborately to set himself apart in winterfell, to impress people, and to make himself known, and again this is born from resentment and insecurity (seen best when he goes back to pyke and stresses about what to wear in front of balon). they're also both arrogant and flippant, with a tendency to smile/make jokes too much, perhaps to try to further resist and disparage the social order they feel restricted by
finally there's catelyn: theon looks to her as a quasi-mother figure while he's in winterfell and littlefinger looks to catelyn as a lover, but both of these are impossible and end up being rejected. there's no evidence that catelyn was, like, especially mean to theon, they seem to get on fine in agot, but he was her husband's hostage and we know that she does mistrust him. this attitude is obviously a result of her not trusting the greyjoys because they're reavers/rose against the crown in open rebellion, but it is also no doubt informed by her previous experiences with petyr! it would make sense for her to be wary of a foster son getting close to her children after what happened to her as a kid
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siflshonen · 2 months
I kindly request you elaborate on why Bakugou would respond to a girl's love confession with immediate suspicion
At the beginning of the manga he is standoffish and mistrustful to almost everyone and certain that he needs to prove himself to the rest - and this conviction persists for much of the series. He’s also the overall third-ranking, sports-fest-winning guy in UA’s top-performing class, 1-A, so everyone else would be, from a performance perspective, “inferior”. This matters in his mind less as the manga goes on - you and I both surely know he doesn’t totally trust the illusion of meritocracy that is the current social system as accurate, but he knows damn well that it exists, other people do believe in it, and as a middle schooler he would play into it as needed to shore up his poor self-esteem.
Katsuki is also probably the single student in 1-A with the highest media profile (sludge villain, sports fest, Kamino, whatever else is happening right now during the current arc if we’re going that far) with Shoto Todoroki being the only other kid with comparable spotlight (Iida and Momo seem to stay out of the limelight.) Whatever little spark of excitement or surprise or cutesy-giddy feelings he felt about this would likely be pretty heavily tempered by his awareness of his position and how he comes off.
If the chocolates came from someone in his class or even 1-B with whom he has interacted and observed, the suspicion might not be as great (or it would be infinitely greater. What if they came from Monoma?) and there’d possibly be room for other ways of thinking, but yeah. I think he’d be suspicious and not too keen on reciprocating the obligation created by the chocolates.
….and if he can’t handle making friends or not being, you know, Like That all the time, how is he going to handle a love confession? For one, he’d sniff out if it was fake or shallow in record time and THEN I’m sure you can IMAGINE how poorly he’d take that confirmation even if he internalized it instead of blowing up or whatever.
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rouge-fox-expanded · 2 months
I love Hazbin Hotel, the story, lore and the songs! And like many of us I was drawn to Lucifer like a moth to a flame, which incidentally is what many of us are projecting onto Valentino. Now Hazbin much like Good Omens is taking much of the theology surrounding the old testament to be the point of origin of heaven and hell along with all the old lore from hell. We see this in Helluva Boss a lot with three out of seven of the sins revealed, Beelzebub being the sin of Gluttony, Azmodeus being the sin of Lust and Mammon being the sin of greed with I believe mentions of Satan (wrath), Belphagor (sloth) and Leviathan (Envy) and Lucifer being the apex (Pride).
Now behind every great man there tends to be a great woman, and this seems to be especially true with Lucifer as we have the enigmatic Lilith, the woman that came before Eve. She was made from the same dust as Adam, made to be his equal and yet things didn't go so well, she would leave the garden and be punished (I don't have all the theology but I think she was cursed to give birth to demons or couldn't have children herself) and so eve was made from Adam's rib to be more subservient. Now in terms of Hazbin lore Adam and Lilith were created equal but Adam tried to assert dominance and Lilith wasn't accepting, yeeted out of there and that was the start of her meet cute with Lucifer whom from what we have been told was a bit of a trouble maker, but in the sense of being a creative and imaginative soul who's ideas didn't fit the mould of divinity. This is the first instance of what I love about the show: NUANCE. The angels believe everything is black and white despite the plot and characters proving time and time again that this is not the case, Lucifer from what we have seen of him is blantantly not evil. Lilith on the other hand, well that's where the theories start pouring in.
(warning long theory post)
I will admit I have been using the canon scraps from both the show and the interviews to project an image of Lilith as the Morticia to Lucifer's Gomez and I share Vivzie's head canon that she would be voiced by Lady Gaga. Seeing Lilith and Lucifer as a power couple, disgustingly in love whilst sticking it to heaven and rallying up hell using Charlie's hotel as a form of malicious compliance/lawful defiance would give me so much serotonin. However this is just a theory and imagining based on limited information and holds as much water as the other theories which paint Lilith in a much darker shade. Lilith's screen time in Hazbin hotel is less than two minutes and most of that is flashbacks (one of which is dubious) and she has no spoken lines and no insight into her motives or feelings and given that season 2 is coming at us at 2025 at the earliest the more ravenous of us are already making ideas of what kind of character she is going to be.
Now quite a compelling theory is she could be very similar in attitude and personality to Adam, yes you heard me right. Adam is essentially the poster child for toxic masculinity coated in so much narcissism, the fact that for 90% of the show has him wearing a mask is pretty symbolic of this as it means he never has to worry about anyone seeing him as weak because his mask can literally keep him covered (even if it slips, looking at the court scene in episode six). Now Lilith being similar in personality to Adam would certainly explain why they didn't get along, both thought they were the apex and wanted to be in charge. Whilst Adam is the epitome of toxic masculinity Lilith could very well be the avatar of toxic femininity and yet she is limited by her own humanity and the whims of divinity...until she meets Lucifer, someone whom also has big ideas, a lot of imagination and most crucially doesn't feel like he belongs amongst the other angels. Lilith probably thought God had answered her prayers.
Now I personally don't think Lilith is the defacto villain, that would rather fly in the face of the nuanced take Hazbin shows us. Hell isn't forever and Heaven isn't perfect, it's not black and white and we need to look into the gray but let's assume Lilith and Adam were similar in their extreme personalities, does this mean that Lilith is going to be just as bad as Adam? I would argue not necessarily and the reason for that is consequences. Out of the two, Adam doesn't suffer any consequences until the finale of Hazbin hotel season 1 (or at least none that he seems to be particularly showing asides from some hints at the mention of eve and we haven't even asked about Cain and Abel) but for Lilith...she's been suffering consequences for millennia. Now we go back to the lore of hazbin hotel, according to the info dump Charlie gives us in the beginning Evil is it's own seperate and conscious entity, it's even got a name according to interviews and creator bts talk: Roo. And so heaven keeps evil in it's place by maintaining strict control over creation and life on earth (apparently). In the old stories Adam and Eve get kicked out of Eden because a snake offers Eve an apple telling her that it will grant her knowledge of morality. Incidently in the original bible story the snake is just a snake, no mention of it being lucifer but in the hazbin lore Lilith and Lucifer plan to give the apple to Eve so as to gift humanity free will. NOW, here comes the nuance take: was this the wrong move? Because free will is so intrinsic into human nature that without it are we really human? How could someone be good or bad if they didn't choose those actions and by that logic how could a human be judged through a moral lense if they don't have the capacity to act on morality? Yet by giving Eve the apple and allowing humanity a choice between good and evil, well...this gives evil an opening to root into earth. Black mixes with the white and things become gray, heaven is pissed!
And as a consequence for this reckless act, Lilith and Lucifer are sent to hell, where it's all black. This kills Lucifer's creativity and he becomes depressed, Lilith however makes a comeback and establishes herself as the queen of hell and is able to rally up the demons and because of this amass of a power base, heaven is like 'welp, gotta do something about this' and apparently it was Adam who was like 'how about a cull?'. Adam is rewarded for his aggressive, violent and frankly appalling behavior and yet Lucifer and Lilith face the consequences of their own recklessness. If we are to assume Lilith and Adam started out with equally selfish personalities one got worse from being a winner (as we can see what he's like in season one) whilst we don't know what millennia of being a loser did to Lilith. There is of course one character that's very existence shows the light in Lucifer and potentially Lilith and that is Charlie, because if two fallen souls consigned to the worst place in creation can raise a daughter like Charlie Mornigstar then they can't be all bad right? I mean I would hope that Lilith did indeed love her husband and her daugher, because that's what a lot of those portraits/photos in Lucifer's man cave seem to tell us. Perhaps hell and raising a family taught Lilith some humility and she was able to grow in the way Adam clearly did not, having to face the consequences of a clearly broken system would have certainly shaped her ideas and attitudes but how do we explain her seven year absence? Well that's what Season Two will do (I hope) but as a lot of us aren't prepared to wait until 2025 we've all developed some pretty hot takes based on the limited but compelling information we've been given.
-Lilith has been missing from hell for seven years, the same time Alistor has been missing leading many to believe she is the one that owns his soul (a deal he is desperate to get out of now that he's aware of his own mortality and growing empathy)
-Lilith is in heaven due to a deal with Adam, and now that he's dead (for now) she is expected to go back to hell and bring Lucifer and Charlie into line so as not to threaten the foundations of heaven.
And that's all the canon info we have
That's literally all the solid information we have in regards to Lilith and many have used this to assume she is a shitty mom for just hanging on a beach doing god knows what for seven years whilst Charlie has been trying to carry on her legacy through the hotel and Lucifer's depression reduced him to a forced apathetic shut in.
But of course this is Hazbin and Helluva, and the lore is rich with that sweet grey nuance so calling Lilith a villain seems a little presumptious. I am not saying that is incorrect, but given that the main antagonists of season two are apparently going to be the Vees we can hope that Lilith isn't going to be Adam 2.0 for season two. Now I am going to briefly entertain some other theories before making my pitch for how I see Lilith; in episode 5 we see a flashback of lilith taking Charlie away from Lucifer during the song more than anything, and many eagle eyed viewers pointed out that the silhouette didn't have the same hairline as Lilith in the photos (and later in heaven) which lead them to spectulate Eve might have had a hand to play in this. This is a theory I actually think holds some water primarily because Adam is a fucking idiot, and any deal he would have made with Lilith would have had Sera or one of the other higher seraphim pulling it's strings. Adam isn't a schemer, but the other archangels well they know how powerful Lucifer is so keeping him contained and harmless would certainly be on their agenda and having Eve playing Lilith to keep him and Charlie from building each other up would certainly be a tactial move. And let's face it if they were able to kick him out of heaven and cast him into hell then wrecking his marriage wouldn't be that big of a deal for them. But then where does Lilith fit into this picture? We know that Lucifer negotiated that only the sinners could be killed during the exterminations, now would heaven grant him this simply to keep him placid or would he need to offer something in exchange? Maybe Heaven accepted this deal at first but Lilith continued to resist so they were like 'okay, how about this? You get to come back to heaven and stop all this resist and rebel shit?' and the stick to that carrot was 'it's either this or we go after hellborns too', and not prepared to face those consequences Lilith obeyed
Heaven has already crushed Lucifer's spirit, it took them longer to deal with Lilith but getting her in heaven and away from her family certainly solved the problem of resistance and with the exterminations keeping sinners in check everything became routine...until Charlie was like 'erm, redemption?' well that and the fact one of the overlords accidentally killed an exorcist (something Adam and Lute took personally). Now Lilith being in heaven actually affords her a few advantages that being in hell does not, because if it becomes public knowledge she is there then Heaven is gonna have several huge problems so her silence is not just golden but MANDATORY. If Lucifer knows she is in heaven this could explain how he was able to get Charlie that meeting, that kind of knowledge can certainly open doors and Lilith being close behind enemy lines would be privy to a fair bit of knowledge assuming she had any long term plans or schemes. And any of those schemes would certainly be helped by the current state of events at the end of season 1, Adam is dead (and potentially a sinner man in hell), the exorcisms have been made public to heaven, redemption works as proven by Sir Pentious getting a divine promotion and Lucifer is proactively supporting the Hazbin Hotel. The corrupt system that punished her and her family again and again has just suffered some massive pushback, the divine order is unsteady and there is confusion and more importantly: opportunity. And Lilith isn't like Adam, she's had to deal with consequences since the apple was given to Eve, she has had to grow, adapt and take all the shit that was thrown at her and deal with heaven's shit for a long time. It could certainly have made her a better person, or a worse one but I bet you it has made her pissed. And now Lute is sending her home to clean up the mess they made? That doesn't just sound like a spectacular mistake, but a damn good story.
So like the rest of us, I cannot wait to see Lilith in season 2. Maybe she will be a villain, maybe she won't be but I am betting she is going to be spectacular, I have faith in Vivziepop and I believe in Hazbin Hotel. And if she is voiced by Lady Gaga and does a duet with Jeremy Jordon I am going to sqee so hard the neighbours dogs will think it's an attack.
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cornyonmains · 10 months
The absolute tragedy baked into Boston's character is that I think there's some part of him that likes Nick. That has feelings for him. If the translations are right, some of the word choices Boston uses to describe Nick, like lovely, are these little slivers of honesty between the lies. They're also words he never uses to describe Top. The terms he uses are less personal like 'top tier' or 'the best' or 'the hottest'. They're all descriptions oriented around how Top is seen by others. So much of Boston's attraction to him is steeped in the ego of not being able to take rejection, and not a real interpersonal attraction.
I also think another thing at play here, beyond Boston's jealousy of Top's feelings for Mew, is Mew's value in the friend group and in society. Mew's the top student, the bookworm, the virgin. Boston has probably had jealousy festering for years. Ray's in love with Mew. And while Top was initially enchanted by the idea of Mew's virginity, this grew to Top really liking just being with someone who didn't attach any strings to companionship, who wanted an actual connection, but of course Boston still sees it as Top chasing after Mew's virginity. Prizing the lack of the one quality Boston completely defines his value with.
Boston is going to be at the core of every conflict between the characters. He's going to exploit every weakness.
He planted the fear in Mew that Top was playing him, knowing Mew would test Top's resolve. And Top, whom is looking more and more exhausted every episode, who probably hasn't been sleeping well because he quit partying, quit seeking out companionship to prove himself to Mew did have some right to feel yanked along. Not enough to cheat, but Boston's manipulations probably coincided with Top really going through it with his insomnia, as he had stopped sleeping around.
Meanwhile Ray, who clearly likes Sand the most, whom at this point seems to be holding onto a fading crush, but still gives a fuck about his friend, is being spurred into thinking he needs to protect Mew, which is really going to fuck things up with Sand.
Boston is the fucking tumor in this group. They're all trying to grow up and lead normal lives with stable relationships, and Boston's there pitting himself against everyone.
All the characters are flawed, but none of them act with the same level of malevolence as Boston. That foreshadowing with the song Mew and Top were dancing to, it struck me as a sad song, about someone being perceived as the bad guy, but not necessarily being so. It was tinged with an underlying theme about perceptions. And I think that's important here, because when you look at our two gaypex predators, Top and Boston, they go about things quite differently.
It's clear from dialogue Top is very up front with his one night stands. Honest, always, about his intentions. This certainly seems to be the case with Boston. But Boston is a manipulator, he makes false promises, strings people along, says whatever he needs to to get what he wants.
If Top does end up having to be the bad guy, if someone does end up dying this season, I'd say this episode foreshadowed Top being the one to do it, and that that person is likely going to be Boston. Top's made some bad choices, but he's very much falling victim to obsessive stalking behavior. To being preyed upon by Boston. And I think it speaks to the themes that BL has created that people aren't picking this up, because I think the reason they're not picking this up is because he's "the Top". The more traditionally masculine part of the fucked up binary BL creates. They're not used to perceiving these characters as vulnerable to this kind of behavior, because tropes never allow for that in BL.
Anyways, so ends my rant. The moral of the story is I really, really don't like Boston.
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veliseraptor · 8 months
Headcanons for the Yi City Crew’s preferred weather? 👀 (I am basking in October sunshine and completely incapable of thinking of other things, sorry orz orz)
i am deeply enjoying the present weather myself, after a long and constantly "i'm meeeeelting" summer (which tells you about my preferred weather)
but ooh this is a fun one and actually not one I'd considered too much before you asking me this. let's see here
I feel like A-Qing's preference of weather is deeply inflected by spending a lot of her life very vulnerable to it. so ideally, weather is not too hot, not too cold, mild and dry. the kind of weather one can be comfortably outside in! because odds are she's going to be outside in it a lot. :)
that being said, once she has a roof over her head and moderately more security about not having to be in the weather regardless of what it is, I think she kind of enjoys stormy weather (thunderstorms, heavy rain, etc.) even if sometimes the weather still comes indoors anyway. it can be more of a thrill and less of a threat, and a reminder that she doesn't have to live in it. haha, take that, storm, I'm warm and dry!!!
Xiao Xingchen, meanwhile, is one of those incredibly frustrating people who can find something to love in any weather. for one thing, I imagine his level of cultivation is such that he can manage a wider range of temperatures than ordinary people (I think that's a thing?), but he does genuinely just appreciate a range of weather experiences. I think he has a soft spot for rain in particular, though. he would get soaking wet in a downpour and laugh about it. this drives literally everyone else he socializes with crazy, which Xiao Xingchen just finds funnier. mild autumn days are also good, though! but so are warm spring days. and brisk snowy winter days. and hot lazy summer days. you get the idea.
Song Lan is, I think, an autumn and winter guy, and I don't say that just because of his moniker; it just feels right to me. I don't think he likes to be too hot (even if he can also, like Xiao Xingchen, probably tolerate a wider range than ordinary people), because sweat gross, and it's easier to stay warm in the cold than to cool down in the hot, as far as he's concerned. and it's not that he doesn't like spring, it's just that there's something about the kind of beauty that comes with winter and fall that I think draws Song Lan temperamentally. I think there's a cleanness to winter particularly that appeals to him. but I don't think he likes snow or rain very much. at least not being out in it. he can appreciate (and does, I think) the aftermath of snow, but when it's actually falling then it's just wet and gets down the back of one's robes.
Xue Yang is someone for whom his feelings about weather are wildly dependent on his mood, generally speaking. if he's in a bad mood it doesn't matter what the weather is, it sucks. if he's in a good mood then he's substantially more a fan of a wide range of weather. he has some of the same preoccupations as a-Qing, and I think gets particularly twitchy around cold weather and atmospheric pressure changes because that tends to trigger hand pain. in general, though, I think Xue Yang likes sunshine, and he will take a fair level of heat as long as he can be lazy during them. like a cat, he will seek out sunny spots and fall asleep in them on hot days. and he will prove very difficult to move.
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thorraborinn · 2 years
This might not be your area of expertise but do you know anything about the “land bridge” theory that claims that indigenous people got to the so called Americas by a frozen land bridge between Russia and Alaska? Idk if it’s just me but I’ve always felt that theory was always used as a way to be dismissive towards indigenous peoples.
Yeah, it definitely is not my area of expertise. There's a whole history of the theory being pushed and opponents being belittled that I don't really know. I think most Americans probably still don't know that it's discredited, and probably fewer know what was wrong about it beside being merely incorrect. I don't really want to get into it much because, like I said, the theory has its own history that I don't know well enough to talk about.
I will add a little clarification though, because some people reading this will probably be surprised to learn that the Bering Strait land bridge theory (that all of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas descend from a group who crossed the Bering Strait from northeast Asia some 13,000 years ago) is discredited. Many Indigenous people have always objected to this, for a variety of reasons but including that it conflicts with their oral histories. The academic consensus has finally caught up in recent decades as discoveries have been made of settlements (in areas extremely far from Alaska, no less, as far south as so-called Chile) predating the time when the land bridge would have been passable. The current scientific consensus is that there isn't a single event or explanation, and some of the oral histories that were previously regarded as unsuitable for determining truth have been vindicated. In particular, some nations' histories include an arrival on the continent over the ocean, which western academics used to consider impossible on grounds of Indigenous people not being advanced enough, which is a bunch of racist horseshit. While they now no longer represent the consensus, there are still holdouts still pushing to discredit the evidence of earlier settlement (the "Clovis First" theory). I also want to add that while the scientific consensus has come to overlap with some Indigenous oral histories, vindicating those oral histories in the process, oral history isn't important and valuable because it turns out to be "true" in a way understood by western history; that's still only granting legitimacy on a contingent basis in situations where correspondence to western notions of truth and history just aren't the point.
People who know more, feel free to add. I don't feel qualified to talk about it much more but I do encourage people to look into it themselves.
A little bit of a side-note but heathens following me will be interested to know that the Kinnewick man, about whom Steve McNallen had a very public racist tantrum trying to prove he was an ancestor of white people, is implicated here. The controversy came about because the Kinnewick man's physiology did not conform to what was predicted by the land bridge theory (note: this was three years after Trump's "They don't look like Indians to me" testimony). After violating the wishes of the Kinnewick man's actual descendants and subjecting the remains to intense study and genetic testing it predictably turned out that he was in fact an ancestor of still-living Indigenous people and those archaeologists should have kept their hands off, like they had been told.
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o-uncle-newt · 6 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 24: Xinzhou
To quote Stefon from SNL, this episode has everything! It's actually pretty crazy how much it manages to fit- seamlessly!- into less than half an hour. We have the introduction of such iconic concepts as Fizz Buzz and "here I am don't tread on me," the excellent Film Double Bills game, bacon shirt, baby chicken and baby lamb... I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but honestly the big things is that this all fits around SO many conversations that move the plot forward.
So many of the important things that we need to do before moving on toward the end of the show happen in this episode. We establish that Martin is dating Theresa (even if he won't put a label on it) and is invested enough to potentially want to choose a job in proximity to her. We know that Carolyn hasn't given Herc any kind of real answer and is pretty avoidant of the consequences. We know that Douglas did not know that Carolyn is essentially cutting his job out from under his feet.... and we know that Arthur doesn't know what multiples are. Oh, Arthur, I love you so.
It's interesting, because the arc of Douglas moving from being obnoxious to Martin about his interest in Swiss Airways is not super clearly laid out. What we do perceive is that he isn't necessarily being snarky at first because he genuinely has no confidence in Martin- he's having a knee jerk reaction to the idea of losing this situation. He's basically exactly where he wants to be- and I think to him that's the depressing part, because he has an image of himself as being so much more than he currently is and if he's happy regardless then that can feel like a weakness of its own... it's hard for him to admit he's really happy where he is. I think that what really changes his mind is realizing that Martin genuinely does have bigger dreams, and that those dreams have nothing to do with being a captain. As I've mentioned in one or two of these, Martin's motivating factor for trying to rescue MJN, every other episode when they have to work to save the day, is that nobody else will let him be a captain and being captain is massively important to him. But now, he's prioritizing flying airliners and being near the girl he's dating over that ego thing. He's grown up, and I think seeing that proves to Douglas how selfish his earlier thought is.
And Carolyn... it's so hard to know what Carolyn is thinking exactly. On the one hand, she's pushing Herc away by telling him not to consider her as he takes the Swiss Airways job, and at the same time she's encouraging Martin to leave for his betterment, which will eventually (as far as we now know) lead to the end of MJN Air. Is it some kind of weird self sabotage? Is it her being a more selfless person than one might imagine her being in S1? She's probably the most emotionally bound-up character, and it will of course be fun to see how she navigates the next few episodes...
But also, as already discussed, this episode has so many amazing amazing moments in it and I'm just so in awe of JF for pulling it off so flawlessly- while Limerick is the bomb, I think this one might be even more skillfully pulled off, with a lot more demanded of it. I also have a nice nostalgic memory related to Xinzhou as I made a friend through this episode! A friend and I were out for dinner with a group of people, some of whom we knew and some who we didn't, and someone (for some reason) mentioned baby food- possibly in the context of them liking to eat baby food? I don't recall. Anyway, I made a sotto voce comment to my friend about eating chicken flavored baby food and I suddenly heard a British accent a few seats down- "is that a Cabin Pressure reference?!" Turns out, she was IN THE AUDIENCE for Xinzhou and said it was even better in person, I was very jealous, and while we've drifted apart since then it was very nice to get to know her- and all because of a Cabin Pressure reference.
Next episode is Yverdon... can't believe this is almost over!!
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hyerinrose · 1 year
Hi, I hope you're feeling better and having a good day but I was wondering if Leo knows how to cook? I know he stays home the majority of the time and gardens but does he do housework?
I imagine that the reader's coworker (or friend) gives them a dish that they cooked for some feedback and when Leo sees how much the reader enjoys it and praises them, it makes him so jealous that he studies and experiments in the kitchen to try to prove to the reader that they are a better cook and should only rely on him for delicious meals. He might almost burn down the kitchen at first but he would be so proud when he finally gets it right (they probably just made a decent-looking pancake with premade batter)
I just picture them just staring into readers soul whenever they try his “cooking” (sorry for rambling I just love your blog and Leo)
Helloo sorry this is quite late! Have a good/night day anon :)
To answer your question yes, aside from gardening Leo does the housework to lift some of your burdens. They knows how hard you worked to provide for the two of you and wishes to repay it by helping around the house!
Blurbs under the cut (got carried away lol)
As for cooking Leo was not a good cook at first. However after you've been coming home with an empty food container and a smile on your face as of late, he begun to piece two and two together.
Somebody has been making you food and you were enjoying them, greatly. You were constantly praising their cooking and how excited you were for tomorrow's dishes.
He didn't like it. Not one bit.
Leo's ears flatten on his head as his tail swished side to side, envy brewing in his heart. They can't let this human feed you anymore! You might fall in love with them and leave him :(
That night, Leo binged watch every cooking shows on the TV as they read through the old dusty cooking book they found on your bookshelf.
You were woken up by the clanging of pots and pan in your kitchen. You suspected there was an intruder and was about to take action until a waft of a burning smell reached your nose.
Alarmed by this, you ran into your kitchen to see your neko hybrid hunched over the stove.
"Leo..? What happened here?" You called out to them as you approached them.
Turning their head towards you, you were met by a sight of a teary eyed Leo who seemingly having burnt the breakfast they were cooking.
"Master! I tried to make o-one of your favourite dish but- well.. this happened" He avoided your gaze, ashamed of the disastrous result.
You placed a hand on his shoulder as you gave him a few pat to comfort him. Leo's tense shoulder loosened up as they finally at ease.
"Leo, I appreciate you trying to cook for me but why all of sudden?" Their ears flatten as they mumbled out something quietly. You asked for him to repeat what he'd say and he yelled out in a small voice,
"It's because I don't want you to rely on that human whom is feeding you! I heard that food is the way to a human's heart a-and I don't like that!"
Leo turned around to face you and his blue irises burn with determination. He enveloped you into a hug as he continues talking.
"If you falls for them, you're going to abandon me. You can't! I won't allow you to. You're stuck with me forever- I'll even kill that human if I have t-"
You stopped him from talking any further by cupping his face. Leo's cheek squished together, making them all the much more adorable.
"Oh dear, those food that I've been eating are cooked by my coworker. They were asking for my feedback for the dishes that they're going to cook for their spouse, I'm not going anywhere silly!" You booped his nose as you finished your sentence and walked away with the plate of slightly burnt breakfast.
"Come one let's eat these, they're not that bad for your first attempt, Leo"
From then on, their cooking improved as they would cook a few dishes and give them to your neighbour for a feedback. He only did that because if they were to die from how bad it is, there would be one less of a competition for your heart :)
The end lol
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starplusfourletters · 7 months
(way too many) thoughts on the ahsoka show
It was fine? I was really afraid there would be something I hated. And there was nothing I hated. Sad but true that that’s the bar for new SW material atm.
I really liked ep5; ep5 will probably get a rewatch. I liked the casting. The visuals were pretty cool. Huyang was a treasure.
So we’re really going with “the Force is in everyone so everyone can use the Force if you just try hard enough”? I… kind of hate that. That somehow feels ableist of me to say. But this is a heckin fantasy universe I feel like some people Really Are That Special, y’know?
Exception that proves the rule: A Force-less Sabine is still VERY SPECIAL. In Rebels, she can hold her own in a fight just as much as Kanan or Ezra. She’s extremely competent without the Force. She’s somehow less competent in this show
She really is just the worst here in ways that I do not remember her being in Rebels. I guess arguably Ezra was the one with Terminal Protagonist Syndrome in that show? And she caught it from him before he left?
I feel like what this season WANTED to be about – and honestly it’s the lowest hanging fruit possible for a show titled “Ahsoka” – is the tension between Ahsoka’s past / her relationship with her master and her future / her relationship with her apprentice. But I don’t think they actually hit a balance there, because they just did not make her relationship with her apprentice very compelling. Three reasons for this:
1. My bias. There are very few things that start with “Ahsoka &” that would get my attention more than “Ahsoka & Anakin.” Feel like I’m not alone on that one tho
2. Established canon. It’s already an uphill battle because Ahsoka and Sabine don’t have much of a relationship in Rebels. I’m honestly not sure they ever have a conversation. I remember Sabine being like “wow she’s cool much cooler than my idiot adopted brother”, and maybe that would be a place for a mentor figure relationship to start, if Sabine weren’t already DROWNING in mentor figures. It’s not that they have nothing in common, they are just straight up not a focal point of Rebels S2.
Hey you know who canonically has latent Force abilities? And maybe needs some training? And whom Ahsoka would have a Complicated feeling about without even needing a prior established relationship? Someone with mutually incompatible daddy issues? Someone deep enough in the cultural zeitgeist she literally would need no introduction?
Yes I KNOW it’s never gonna be canon and I should just go back to AO3 but it’s RIGHT THERE HRRRRRGGGGHHHHH
3. But a lot of the issues with Ahsoka & Sabine as a focal point are of the showmakers’ own creation. You’re telling me they have a relationship now? Fine, CONVINCE me of that:
First they shoot themselves in the foot by not giving us any information about how Sabine became Ahsoka’s apprentice originally. Why did Sabine want to become a Jedi when she didn’t want that in Rebels? DID she want to become a Jedi? What did she want to learn from Ahsoka? Why did Ahsoka decide to take an apprentice at that time and not any time before or after? How did she feel about it? And why pick Sabine, who is, and this is true, Not Very Good at the Force? Who approached whom, or did they run into each other accidentally? I suppose answering some of these questions might require answering “where was Ahsoka between 3 BBY and 4 ABY?” and they aren’t ready to do that yet, but guys. GUYS. If you’re trying to tell me how Ahsoka and Sabine fix their relationship, you gotta tell me why I care first.
I know I'm harping but I really cannot emphasize enough that "fuck it I'm gonna go round two on Found Family" is an arc-defining character beat for both Ahsoka AND Sabine and the fact that the audience doesn't get to see it really makes me question whether the powers that be themselves know what it looks like
Then we get vanishingly little information about why they broke up, and all of it is provided by Huyang. And what I’m picking up from what we have is “Sabine got too Revenge Quest-y, and Ahsoka got nervous.” I don’t even know where to begin here – maybe with the fact that if Sabine decided to go on a murder rampage, she wouldn’t need the Force, lol. We know Sabine’s family died, she wanted to go to Mandalore, and Ahsoka didn’t want her to. So… did Sabine go? How did she end up back on Lothal? Who left who? Was Ahsoka worried for Sabine��s safety, or that she was getting too Dark Side-y, or both? What juicy terrible intergenerational-trauma-driven things did they say to each other when they broke up? I want to compare and contrast this with Ahsoka leaving Anakin, but I do not have the information to do so because there are zero details and the info we DO have is from ANOTHER CHARACTER. Again, if this season is about this relationship, TELL ME WHY I CARE.
To me this is the same cardinal sin as Picard S1 – implying that some really interesting stuff happened when the audience wasn’t watching, and that it explains why the characters are behaving the way they are, and then… not disclosing that information. EXCEPT PICARD GAVE US MORE THAN THIS fjdghjfghjkhkd
I was not on Tumblr when I was watching Picard S1. Probably for the best.
But okay, they have a history, the show is gonna be about them, sure let’s move on. AND THEN THEY SPEND LIKE HALF THE EPISODES NOT EVEN IN THE SAME GALAXY. The time they do spend in the same room is 75% generic sniping. As someone who came into this way more invested in the Ahsoka & Anakin relationship, ep5 was very much NOW BACK TO THE GOOD PART
And the couple of beats they do have together have me going HUH? After ep2 I spent most of a day debating myself on whether there’s a missing scene, between Sabine getting stabbed and waking up in the hospital, where we see Ahsoka actually REACT. On one hand, Ahsoka would be upset, maybe we as the audience can fill in the gaps and we don’t need to spend time on it. On the other hand, maybe we do, tho? At the time I was thinking about how we haven’t seen Ahsoka truly emotionally vulnerable since TCW with the exception of “Shroud of Darkness” and maybe “Twilight of the Apprentice.” She has a very normal range of emotions, and she expresses them in very controlled ways, and I just wanna see what she looks like when that breaks down, ya know? What’s weird to me is that in ep4 when Ahsoka thinks Sabine is dead we do get this beat; she gets Real Mad there for a second. So maybe what we’re learning is it was a double beat and they should have cut the stabbing thing entirely I mean come on they had to have known they were gonna catch flack for that. Then again, having that moment shows the audience that Ahsoka does give a shit, more than she wants to admit and more than she typically shows Sabine, which is a fun compare/contrast with Anakin, and it might have given me a better understanding of the relationship if it had come earlier.
The other big beat is Sabine deciding to help the baddies. That is just such a devastatingly terrible decision. So bad, in fact, that I feel like we’re supposed to be drawing parallels to Anakin. Their whole “screw over the galaxy to save one person” thing. Except 1) Sabine is not Anakin and 2) in order for that to be interesting, Ahsoka needs more information than I think she has. She knows Padme died around the same time Anakin totally lost his shit, and that’s about it. Which is actually a fun little thought experiment: what assumptions does Ahsoka make about the causality there? The only people who could have given her more intel are Palpatine, Obi-Wan, and Vader – unlikely. So IF the show is about the lines between Anakin and Ahsoka and Sabine, Sabine’s choice here could be central to that, and crucially to Ahsoka’s understanding of that, except it’s just for the audience I guess?
I do really like that Ahsoka’s extremely chill about what Sabine did, though. Ahsoka “Eh Shit Happens” Tano. Somehow her lesson from all this is “masters support their apprentices literally no matter what. Citation: Mine did.” That’s an unhinged take and I expect nothing less from my blorbo.
I realize that I’m really tearing into this thing pretty much just for not being something it isn’t. Like, it’s not BAD. But maybe its weaknesses stem from not committing to being about any one thing. It’s kind of about intergenerational trauma, it’s kind of a Rebels Part Two, it’s kind of a Filoniverse installment, it’s kind of a worldbuilding exercise. And that’s not necessarily too much material for an 8-hour show. It’s more like the powers that be DECIDED that was too much material.
TLDR, footage of me after pretty much everything star wars that’s come out since the Disney acquisition:
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
AU Bot Plots: Stuff In Space
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This is a story I am actually hoping to expand on in the future (don't ask me when. I don't know).
Zuko: the moody, occasionally brash first-time captain just out of the academy. He's assigned to a third rate star ship with a fourth rate crew.
Aang: a new ensign eager to explore the universe, but with little experience. He's given to daydreaming when he should be working. Usually about the ship's surgeon.
Toph: the ship's engineer. She's blind, but she's scary good at mechanics. She only needs about an hour to learn the inner workings of any given ship she's on. She's kept this one space worthy with a combination of scavanged parts, duct tape and sheer stubbornness. Her talents are honestly wasted on this ship, but she loves a challenge and refuses to leave until the ship is beyond even her skills to repair.
Sokka: ship's navigator, and first mate. He is a strange combination of go-with-the-flow and tightly wound pain in the neck. He doesn't especially like Zuko (he thinks Zuko is a moody, rich pretty boy who's family connections got him a captainship ahead of someone more qualified, the sorry state of the ship aside), but he can put his feelings aside for the good of the mission (some nebulous, Star Trek-y thing I haven't worked out yet). He and Zuko eventually end up becoming friends, but only after some dramatic, death-defying adventure that the two of them only just barely escape with their lives
Suki: Captain of her own ship, sometimes rival of Zuko's crew, and the love of Sokka's life. She's pretty famous in her own right, but she doesn't really care about that. All Suki wants is adventure. If there's a new planet to explore, or a threat to be fought, she is the first to jump in.
Katara: the ship's surgeon and scientific researcher. She originally took the job after Sokka had been critically injured to make sure he recovered but ended up staying on with the permanently. Before Zuko arrived, she had been more or less acting unofficially as captain to the rag-tag crew after the original captain (maybe Hahn?) abandoned them to marry a rich woman whose family owns an asteroid mining company, but now has to step aside for Zuko, whom she also has a stronger (probably more personal) dislike for than her brother. They bump heads, but as Zuko proves himself to be an actually capable leader, she grudgingly starts to respect him, even like him, but only a little. Until she starts to like him a lot…
There's alien shenanigans and some Big Important Mission that the crew pulls together on. They all end up bonded like family, and when Zuko is offered commission on a much fancier starship, he chooses to stay with his crew on the beat up old rust bucket. They go on to have dashing adventures, passionate romances, and deadly encounters and live happily ever after until Toph can't fix the ship anymore
I wrote a potential scene for this story (or probably more likely a sequel?) for a gift exchange. You can check it out here here.
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Okay, my own Tedward Lobo boohoo post incoming, thanks to the deleted scenes. Sorry for retelling the plot ig.
As a rule, the most horrible stuff in a movie happens to comic relief characters (looking at Kevin, the "he can control rats with his mind" guy). And "Renfield" is a horror (!) comedy (!!), which makes things worse.
Teddy's family and, on a larger scale, the city itself is a rather closed system. And in this environment the only way to prove oneself is the kind of violence Teddy can't stomach. The deleted scene with him and Mandy downstairs makes it clear that Mandy is Bellafrancesca's favourite, the one who will probably inherit the empire because she /is/ ready to go far enough (regardless of if she's been conditioned or if she's just that brand of Weird Little Girl TM). Maybe Teddy has been behind the white curtain too and knows he'd rather not step in there again.
And yes, he tries to prove himself in small ways (like terrifying one specific cop), but the existence of Mandy as viable competition explains why he's always that high, why he brags so much, why he desperately wants to be taken seriously by Rebecca: he knows he's lost the family game. He's smart enough to know he's a failed cause, and he tries to drown that out and be more of a clown than he actually is because that feels safe. Because from this underachiever clown position you can still sometimes surprise people with your Lobo ruthlessness and feel, for a moment, that you're enough.
He can be a decent talker, and he probably thinks it's his strong side, because he constantly uses that as self-defense with his mom, Rebecca, and especially with Dracula to buy some time or soften the blow. That's the behaviour of someone who considers himself bad at /doing/ stuff. He really has internalized it.
But then there's Dracula and Renfield's divorce.
Dracula is historically the kind of villain who draws on the subconscious and brings out the worst in people. Cage's Dracula is less of a symbol and has quite a lot of personality, but everyone around still projects their insecurities onto him: Renfield knows he's not a good person and chooses to blame Dracula for all of that, and Teddy ends up as ""susceptible"" to Dracula's powers not because his mind is actually weaker or whatever (god that whole piece of lore was so antisemitic). Teddy simply gives himself up to Dracula because he already thinks he's worthless.  As in, worthless by himself, only good for someone else's business, a husk that doesn't stop being a husk because it was filled. It's a semi-conscious choice, but not a character flaw like Renfield's commitment issues. Teddy is less in it for the powers of a familiar (but sure, let's just call a visibly Jewish guy "greedy") and more for the security of being and /doing/ enough instead of just crashing and burning and bullshitting his way through life.
And again, Dracula is someone to whom you prove yourself with violence, as Renfield has done over the years while bringing him victims. And again, Teddy fails and gets killed in a pretty horrific way, played for coolness like a fighting game fatality hit. He can't be enough for the system he lives in, and he can't escape it even by giving his loyalty to an outsider (which he was genuinely ready to do because his mom's ally is his ally), and this internal conflict kills Teddy even before Bobby does.
But with all that insecurity going on, Teddy is loved, if in a condescending way - and he KNOWS that he's loved. One deleted scene that hurt to see was the moment when Teddy returns to the Lobo mansion and everyone is overjoyed, not just because of the money he throws around but because, well, he's still part of the family, their lovable doofus and the life and soul of their parties. And he strolls upstairs, confident that his mother will welcome him - and hearing the opposite actually comes as a surprise. He is loved, but not /trusted/ in the way Mandy is. He is not respected. Maybe if there was no love, he'd have a chance at leaving, but to those who love him, Teddy is loyal to the death where Renfield is a cheater trying to make his former family into a sob story for Rebecca.
Teddy's tragedy is that he could thrive and just be a fun dude in a different environment but he cannot see himself in any other context. He desperately affirms, again and again, "I'm Teddy fucking Lobo!" - both claiming he's a valid member of the family and announcing himself as a person. Except even in this case he doesn't use his full name, doesn't own its ridiculousness - he lacks the self-confidence for that. Always a Teddy, never a grown-up Tedward. Always a son, never the head of the household. From Bella to Mandy, the Lobo family might well be turning into a matriarchy anyway.
Tragedy is always about a person in the wrong circumstances, and this is highlighted by the yin yang thing: Teddy wants to inspire fear instead of pity, and Renfield wants to inspire pity instead of fear. Teddy wants to pretend he has more agency than he does, and Renfield wants to pretend he had less agency than he did. Teddy could probably enjoy some normal parties with no bloodshed involved, and Renfield could fit right into the Lobo family with his habit of self-righteously terrifying and dismembering those he kills/brings to Dracula (mind you, Dracula himself never mutilates the bodies that much, he usually does the bare minimun to kill a person).
It's all just kinda sad.
tl;dr Teddy makes himself more obnoxious on purpose because he's the loser older brother in a society he doesn't fit into and he knows it and copes through aggressive clowning but cannot get out except in death.
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Round 1: Fight 9
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Kokoro Aichi | Heartful Punch/Undine Wells | Alchemical Water (Sleepless Domain) vs Napat "Pat" Jindapat/Parakul "Pran" Siridechawat (Bad Buddy)
Propaganda under the cut!
Kokoro Aichi | Heartful Punch/Undine Wells | Alchemical Water:
So my Girl Kokoro has a lot of pride, she hates being seen as weak bc of her daddy and mommy issues and because of that hates it when people call her by her real name and tends to prefer to just go by HP in honor of her magical girl title, but within like TWO days of knowing Undine and hearing her call her HP she was just like '...you can call me Kokoro' and then Undine does just that all of HP's friends go absolutely bananas quoting it as 'the forbidden name' and then react even more dramatically when Kokoro just sort of rolls with it. Girl's had it bad since this waterbender pretty girl first tidal waved into her life Meanwhile Undine, whom as a magical girl struggles to kill monsters on her own since her powers are more 'support class' as it is, she's not super strong on her own, kills a HUGE monster in basically one shot when Kokoro is threatened to nearly get swallowed by it, turning her water into essentially a jet cutter. she often has dreams about Kokoro, though only realized she had feelings for her during that noted save, she's ALWAYS worried that just by being around her she's putting a target on her back (bc she's the main character so the bad guys are gunning for her) she seems really chill most of the time bc she's just a really reserved girl but like this girl can and will commit murder to keep her pink gf safe and like- they're canonically super gay end of chapter 15 they kiss for the first time it's great
Napat "Pat" Jindapat/Parakul "Pran" Siridechawat:
Prans been in love with Pat since they were kids, Pat didn't realise that he loved Pran until they met again in Uni and then fights more to keep their relationship because Pran is scared to get sent away again
Childhood enemies to lovers (except Pran was in love with Pat since at least highschool. Probably a lot longer), seperated and then met again at uni. Pat comes to a crashing realisation in like 2 days that he is in LOVE with Pran, confesses to him that same day, and never looks back. Though Pran is hesitant (external pressures keeping them apart like family rivalry, university shenanigans, and already being a secret friendship), Pat pursues him into danger and remains steadfast in his love until Pran is comfortable. He is consistently showing up and proving to Pran that while Pran has been in love for years, Pat's emotions are no less deep, and will always lose to keep Pran happy.
look Pran was out here having his gay angsty awakening as a teenager realizing that he was in love the boy he was supposed to hate because of the rivalry between their family and starts repressing shit meanwhile Pat is living the himbo life and still unaware that his bestie is a lesbian and in love with his sister. it's not until they get to college where Pran is so resigned to his feelings that he doesn't expect anything to happen and then Pat attempts to confess his feelings to his lesbian bestie to which she responds "are you sure about that?" and he suddenly has an epiphany that he's in love with Pran and goes full on "if i don't have this man on me in five minutes i stg"
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dearemma · 11 months
I saw the ask you got about Disco and was wondering if you might want to share more of your thoughts about about Disco!Pike and Disco!Una characterizations? 💕
oh god, these are dangerous waters cause i hold very unpopular opinions on this subject.
in summary, i find the disco!characterizations of both of them highly superior. both (but especially una) are portrayed as incredibly competent, professional officers who can handle everything that comes their way. una is owed various favors, can commandeer experimental flyers without authorization when an admiral is on the ship. she is as good as pike, and better in various aspects.
on the other hand... snw!una... during the first season, my first inkling that i was unhappy was that i would finish every episode and go 'this episode could have existed without una'. she was often sidelined very quickly, and when the characters were having discussions, she never took any initiative or offered her own suggestions.
una was a pilot. and snw introduced erica (whom i love) but that means una no longer has an active role on the bridge. she is kind of just there a lot of the time.
and that includes episodes where she is the focus. i don't feel we know a lot about her personality (and what we do know, like her horrible laugh in the last episode, directly contradict the very serious and professional personality we saw in disco and the cage).
she feels dulled down. instead of a clever woman with a silent sense of humor, who can do anything, she is just... a prop for pike's man pain.
and pike, on the other hand, feels dumbed and less interesting.
my fav episode of disco season 2 is probably new eden. there we see a pike who is very serious on a mission, who deeply respects religion and other cultures, but who also has a sense of humor and beautiful smile (his scene with michael, and with the man on the surface at the end of the episode).
contrast that to his joking behaviour on the comet episode. or how he treated the alien with?? contempt tbh.
i miss their disco versions! i can see the show is going for lighter versions of their characters, so they are more palatable but i feel like that was a mistake. especially with una. una was rejected by audiences in the 60's for being too cold and detached, and instead of proving them wrong in 2023, the show is constantly making her less similar to her original version in the 60s, still following very limited views of how a female character should behave.
i love disco!una, she is one of my fav characters, and i miss her.
that doesn't mean i don't enjoy them on snw, i still find them both delightful
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