#today has fucking sucked
bandit-prince · 3 months
*incoherent screaming*
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skylieclearwater · 10 months
My dog’s ear bled again today. Same as last time.
It’s what we initially feared. He has a tumor in his ear canal. It’s pea-sized right now, that we can see. It could be deeper. Due to his age and the meds he is on, surgery is not an option. All we can do now is keep him comfy and happy. 
It could be months, or a few years. We don’t know. But my heart hurts. This dog, my Vinny, has gotten me through so much. He helped me through the loss of my mother and sister. I’m not ready to even think of saying good-bye. I try not to post too much about this, but sometimes it does help to get it in writing and work it out that way.
Anxiety disorder plus ADD/ADHD makes this worse. Cause now there’s that wretched fixation. And it’s VERY hard to break. I apologize in advance to everyone following who may be sensitive to this sort of thing. I have it tagged, kinda? But if any of you know of better tags, PLEASE let me know. I will tag it appropriately. 
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strawberri-syrup · 3 months
someone found and turned in my airpod case which is cool i guess. dont exactly have the energy to be happy about it
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sunchyld · 2 years
The only bad thing about the death of twitter is that it was my premiere place to rant about the current curse of my existence. I liked being able to do it as a thread
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
Ok, I'm burnt out, pretty grumpy, and having a really hard time, so I'll be turning asks off for awhile. Posting will be more sporadic. I know I don't have to announce things like this, I figure I'll let people know so they don't think I'm ignoring them or anything. I'm just having a shit time, y'all.
Take care, everyone.
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fuckfuck fuck i need to make more physical crafts i need to create tangible things that i can hold with my two hands and put it somewhere i can See It and think Wow. I Made That.
#finished my little rudimentary earring holder & one of two arm warmers#MORE!!!! MORE!!!!!! I NEED MORE#maybe... maybe ill go get myself a new little plant and a pot to decorate. a little guy for my windowsill#ohhh i could uh! i could make like a little scrapbook thing and put in there all of my favorite things that ive drawn....#a little egotistical Perhaps but!! on days where i feel like shit and like my art sucks i could flip through that!#and say 'huh. not too bad actually'#plus it just sounds like a fun craft. i could get stickers and stuff. washi tape. glue flat objects on. add teeny doodles#i just. i need to create more i think thats whats wrong with me lately#i feel such Peace and Joy when i make physical things#i wonder if id like book binding...#no no thats for future me who has a job and an Income to get interested in#that would be fun tho! ive always wanted to try it.#and if i do i'd Really want to do that thing where people take a fanfic and make it into a physical book#that would be so fun...#i could have my favorites on a shelf! with permission of course!#absolutely unprompted#yk when i start to feel that Despair i really just gotta think about what physical things i could create#what art things i still have to discover and attempt and enjoy#today has sucked But! i will take the car tomorrow and by fuck i will do Something#a new plant friend. yeah. i need something alive in my room#and this weekend ill go to michaels and get myself washi tape so that i can secure my posters to the walls#bc my poster tack Is Not Working!#i wonder if our printer can work on cardstock... i wonder if its been Set Up yet i havent seen her#maybe ill make some more tiny vases today. i have clay still...#OH OH i could make small amigurumi keychain things...#*spoken with clenched fists and gritted teeth* there is still so much to discover and delight in in this life#the walls in this house are bare and cold but if my stepdad allows I Can Spruce It The Fuck Up#ohhhhh crochet tapestries... i could probably do that too...#i cant wait to pick up crafts get bored two days later and drop em and i say that sincerely!
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francy-sketches · 9 months
The age difference between tommen and myrcella bothers me way more than it should like sometimes it's 2 whole years sometimes they're the exact same age like grrm wanted to make them twins but he forgot. Girl what is the truth
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tautozhone · 29 days
can argue to death with me about how age restrictions on youtube are necessary but i will be DAMNED before i say Hinds Hall deserved to be age restricted. average american child on youtube can listen to H*rbu D*rbu (censoring in hopes to avoid algorithm engagement with the song) which is IOF praising genocidal propaganda, and- big fucking shocker- its not age restricted. i’m 100% sure the only reason Hind’s Hall was restricted was to deliberately suppress and avoid the spread of the song.
#tauto talks#i know damn well that it doesn’t matter that it’s songs in different languages shit in arabic is not free from age restrictions just because#it would not take a kid much leg work for someone to find an english translation if they wanted it#pop culture has an inseparable impact on the public perception of so fucking much and it sucks to say but i bet some people hadn’t had#everything delivered in a way that made them care#macklemore has a weird history of social activism in his music i apologize every day for making fun of him in highschool for thrift shop#like his song kevin does a lot to tackle americas overprescription to addiction to jail or death pipeline#it is sympathetic to the experience of an addict in ways a lot of people generally in society are not#this song did a bit to turn perspective to industries at fault and not the individual suffering#so watching hinds hall be age restricted? feels deliberate. as every move of suppression has felt#feeling particularly full of grief and hate today because i graduate soon#i can only think of every writer like me who did not get to see the stage like i will and it aches#stories the world will never see because it removed the chance#it’s almost like the youth of america are some of the most vibrant and opinionated and energetic parts of the population. youth affords time#change spreading like wildfire cannot be put out as fast as it grows#keep burning#free palestine#palestine#gaza genocide#free gaza#eyes on rafah#eyes on sudan#eyes on congo#eyes on darfur#liberate the world#hoping a swift but painful death to colonization
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babybluebex · 2 years
Tom Grant making you laugh after and awful day at work ❤️
ugh tommy yes my baby i had a shitty day today too so this is therapeutic for me lol
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You sighed as you stepped into the trailer, setting your bag down heavily on the counter. The day had been a lot— not much had happened, but a night of bad sleep and a persistent bad mood had dampened the day and made every inconvenience all the much worse— and you wanted nothing more than to settle yourself in bed and ignore the world for the rest of the night.
Thankfully, though, your boyfriend had other ideas.
"Baby," Tom started when he got home, seeing your foul mood immediately; he was good at that sort of thing, sensing emotions and moods. "What's the pout all about?"
"I'm not pouting," you told him, fiddling with the blanket across your lap as you watched television. You couldn't look at him, knowing that, if you did, you would start to cry from your shitty day, and you clenched your back teeth as Tom leaned down and kissed your head.
"Looks like you're pouting," Tom said softly, his lips against your head. "Move over, let me get here."
You sighed and scooted over to allow Tom to sit right up next to you, and his arms went around you as he kissed your head once more. "What's wrong?" Tom whispered. "You've got a sad face."
"I don't have any face, Tommy," you told him firmly. "This is just my face. I'm just watching telly."
"No, no, you've got a face," Tom said, his eyes sweeping your cozy frame, all bundled in one of his shirts with the blanket over your legs. In an instant, he had scooped you up into his arms and settled you in his lap, and he popped a quick kiss on your cheek. "Tell me what's wrong. Please?"
You looked at Tom to find him looking at you with his dark eyes wide, his eyebrows furrowed, his lip pouted dramatically. His begging face was usually able to get you to confess whatever he wanted you to, and something stirred in your chest at the sight of it today. Your lip wobbled, and Tom started to speak before you whimpered and let your tears fall. "Today just sucked," you gasped as you cried, and Tom frowned as he held you closely. "Can you just hold me?"
"Of course, baby," Tom told you, and his arms tightened around you for a quick squeeze. "What happened?"
"Nothing really," you started. "I just slept like shit and I've felt like shit all day, and-and today was such shit."
"I'm sorry," Tom mumbled. "Do you wanna go to bed early tonight, maybe? Try to get some good sleep?"
"Yeah," you sniffled. "Can you make dinner tonight too? I-I mean, I can do it, but—"
"Of course I can," Tom said. "Are you hungry now? Maybe you're hungry and that's part of the problem?"
"Sure," you sighed, and you went to wipe away your tears, but Tom was quicker than you, smoothing away your tears on your cheeks with his thumbs. "You can start dinner now, if you want. B-But if it's gonna be too much, you just got home—"
"It's not an issue," Tom told you. "I'm hungry too."
When he stood up, he seemed to get an idea in his mind, because he hastily grabbed his phone from his shorts pocket and started to search for something specific on it. After a moment, some tinny music started to play from his phone, and Tom turned to you and started to move his hips and shoulders in time with the music. That goofy smile of his spread across his plush pink lips, and his hips began to gyrate as he pointed at you. "Can I see a smile?" he asked over the music, and you bit your bottom lip as Tom began to mimic the guitar in the song, strumming his hand along his stomach as he scrunched up his nose.
"Tommy—" you started, but he shook his head.
"Nuh-uh, baby," he said. "I'm not gonna stop until you smile. Even a fake one, just a smile, babe. Please?"
As Tom continued to dance around like a goof, you couldn't help but smile at him. Your boyfriend always knew what to do to make you grin, and you giggled as Tom held his hand out to you, inviting you to dance with him. You stood up and threw your arms around his firm middle, and his arms enveloped you as you two slowly swayed to the music. "Thank you," you whispered into his chest, and Tom rubbed his hand along your back as he pressed a hard kiss to your head.
"You're welcome, baby."
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steorransaluki · 2 months
welp. fuck.
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kimtaegis · 7 months
“future’s gonna be okay” are we actually sure about that. are we
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rosyjuly · 2 months
i was about to make a post about how i'm not fit for human society and then i remembered i have forgotten to take my meds two days in a row.
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sagehaubitze · 2 months
Today has been better, I got covered in blood and dirt (gardening), improved my mood and self image. Decided I would commit to the TDOV selfie after forcing myself to pick out things about my body I liked. I like the dark circles under my eyes, I like my scars.
I fought hard to get those scars, I better like them.
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orcelito · 4 months
Opening the local bubble tea store absolutely livid and shaking in rage and upset bc my bitch ass boss is too concerned about us sitting on the job to order the tea bags I requested Two Fucking Weeks Ago (it only takes like 4 or 5 days to ship) and so we're out and I had to hand wash the 1 reusable bag to make black tea and I have to strain the free floating tea leaves from the cold brew and I just KNOWWWW he's going to have something more to bitch about because he always does
Last straw on the camel's back, etc etc, I want to put in my two weeks notice by the end of this week. That's a goal for myself.
#speculation nation#i currently dont have a job lined up but im going to start applying Today#because i cant take this anymore. i cant fucking take this anymore.#i feel like im about to shatter from the strain of hos chokehold#8 years total under his thumb and for What? he doesnt appreciate me. he doesnt value me.#he's an asshole this place sucks and it makes me so sad because i really do care about the people here#but i cant. i cant fucking do it anymore.#im really glad im alone on shift rn bc ha ha ha. ill put up the mask for customers but i am#genuinely shaking rn. im so upset.#this being after he complained Again about people sitting on the job during the meeting last night like#shut UPPPP I DONT CAAAARE#YOU TRY WORKING WITH CHRONIC PAIN AND FATIGUE AND A JOB THAT DOESNT GIVE GENUINE BREAKS#'oh if you need to take a break then do it but just dont sit down on the job“#WHEN DO YOU THINK I COULD TAKE MY BREAK? IM WORKING ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!+#and when im.not working alone im working with trainees so i still cant leave the store unattended#im sick of him.im so sick of him and im THIIIIIIIIIS close to just breaking down here and now#i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i HATE HIM#negative/#sorry for the vent i just feel like.im about to blow up and everyone's busy so ic cant. vent properly#im not even done opening bc im too busy freaking out and pacing and being angry#and hes gonna watch me sitting here thru the cameras and be like Ho Hum Look at you immediately doing what i said not to#like fucking STOP!!!! WATCHING US!!!!!!! YOU FUCKING CREEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#IM SO SICK OF HIM WATCHING US THROUGH THE CAMERAS. HE HAS NO TRUST IN ME DOING MY JOB#0 value for me as a person or employee 0 value for my to this day dedication to this company#i want to send my heel through those front windows. watch them shatter. wreck the whole place#because fuck this place and fuck him#i wontttt bc i dont wanna go to jail lol but the temptation is there. i fucking hate his guts.#im going to put in my 2 weeks by the end of this week. im going to start applying to places Today. just fucking watch me.
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blowflyfag · 2 months
I need to learn how to edit I need to make the Maxxine Dupri Speed Drive edit of my dreams.
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bmpmp3 · 4 months
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man in his mid 20s who says tee hee
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