#toph x azula
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Tophzula Fanart
(NOT MINE. Credit goes to respective owner!)
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umbrum77 · 1 month
Azula and toph dancing. Toph goes and grabs azulas but.
Azula: what do you think you are doing?!
Toph: grabbing your but duh. It's a nice but.
Azula(blushing): toph people are watching.
Toph: people are looking at your but? How rude. It's mine. Do I have to beat them up?
Azula: why do you have to be like this.
Toph: cus I can hear the smile in your voice princess.
Azula(smiles): you are impossible.
Toph: yeah well you like it when I touch your but and I like to make my wife happy.
Toph: oh that reminds me I wanted to ask you something.
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toph-x-azula · 8 months
Azula and Toph are racing to scale a mountain and the people at the base of it are Not Having Fun.(there are boulders and fireballs raining from the sky)
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krastbannert · 1 year
"I thought we were..." // "Thought we were what?" for Toph/Azula
im fucking coming for you krast
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I know you probably wanted this to be more Toph, but Azula took over. As she likes to do. But you know, writing Tophzula was fun. I've never actually considered it, but I enjoyed it, so who knows? Maybe I'll do it again some day.
Also I have no idea what I'm doing, it's been a while since I wrote ATLA and I don't know left from right anymore. Enjoy.
She’s not sure what makes her ask, basking the afterglow, still tangled in the sheets of Toph’s bed, her callused fingers running through Azula’s hair.
(She’d cut it, recently - had it cut, actually.
Short, much shorter than she was used to, but far better than the haircut she’d given herself during the Comet, years ago.)
(Another way to change herself, separate herself from what she’d been.)
“Sparky,” Toph mumbles back into her shoulder. How Toph managed to be taller than her, be the big spoon, and still put her head between Azula’s shoulder blades was a mystery.
Her heart thuds, the unspoken question hanging in the hair, caught in her throat.
“What…what are we?” Azula finally asks, her voice cracking as she forces the words out. It stings, admitting a weakness, even after all this time, but she needs to ask.
(She can’t take just being a tool. Not again.
Or, at least, if she is, she wants to know this time. Has to know, she can prepare for when the user finally puts her down.)
There’s a long, silent moment before answers.” That’s kind of a weird question. What do you mean?”
Azula sighs, rolls over to face the other girl. She wraps one arm around Toph, tugs her in a little closer, tucking her head beneath the other girl’s chin.
“I…I don’t know. I thought we were…”
“Thought we were what?”
“I…” The question knocks her off balance. As rough around the edges as Toph can be, she knows how to get to Azula immediately. Maybe that’s what made Azula respect her so much, maybe that’s why she thought Toph was so intriguing, maybe that’s why Azula couldn’t take her eyes off of Toph, maybe…maybe…
Maybe that’s why she was starting to like Toph, more and more, and maybe that’s why she was so nervous to ask.
“I thought we were just blowing off steam,” Azula finally murmurs. Her heart pounds in her ears, waiting for Toph to say something, anything, to say she was just there for pleasure, to say…anything but what Azula wants.” I thought we were just friends with benefits.”
Toph’s eyes snap open, and she frowns, as if insulted. Shit, Azula thinks, I should not have said that.
But Toph doesn’t snap. Doesn’t yell. Doesn’t say a word. Instead, she just reaches up, brushes a strand of Azula’s hair behind her ear, and tips their foreheads close. Azula places a palm on Toph’s bare chest, feeling her heartbeat though her skin. Toph’s milky green eyes stare into hers, unseeing, and yet - just like always, Toph sees everything.
She’d always been able to.
(Toph’s heart is fast, thundering - almost nervous.
Just like hers.)
“Azula, why the hell would you think that?” Toph asks. Azula can hear the hurt in her voice, the way it quivers more than it should have; can see the way her eyes flare, the way she sucks her breath in.
Azula bites her lip as she shrugs, but her heart stings a little at the thought she’s hurt her best friend.” I…I just needed to know. To know if we were just…spending time. Or if we were more.” 
“What do you want to be?” Toph whispers after a moment, almost hopeful, scared.
“...I want you to be mine,” Azula murmurs, her lips ghosting over Toph’s.
“Then I’m yours,” Toph says.
And that’s it. It’s that simple. It had never occurred to her that it could be just that - another thing Toph had, apparently, taught her.
Azula presses her lips to Toph’s, and relaxes in her friend’s - girlfriend’s she supposes - arms.
And as she closes her eyes, tucking herself into Toph’s grip, she unclenches.
(She’s not a tool anymore.
And she never would be again.
Not to Toph - that she’s sure of.)
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tophzulapolls · 21 days
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how about some for tophzula
Alright here goes:
Everybody was a little more than shocked at the prospect of Toph and Azula getting together...though in hindsight their similar past experiences with being treated as things rather than as people, and the lack of animosity between the two made it almost inevitable. Sokka said he saw it first before anyone else, but nobody is buying it.
You wouldn't think they were together due to the amount of bending fights and verbal barbs they throw at each other. Of course it's how they show affection since one can take the punishment and deal it out in equal amounts. Plus it gives them material to work with when coming up with insults and nicknames.
Toph became a staunch ally of the Fire Warriors upon hearing of their mission to deal with various rogue Fire Nation remnants that continued to wage the war after hostilities officially ceased. According to her, it was the best way she could beat people up and not get in trouble for it.
The two would often have sessions where they compared each other's childhood with one another. It was cathartic to hear another one go through the same hardships they did. Particularly with their family. It was practically the first step in Azula coming out of her shell and realizing that her father didn't see much value in her outside of being a weapon.
Toph's opinion of Iroh soured considerably after hearing how he regarded Azula. While she did eventually come around to being amicable terms with him, some of his comments stung a bit too close to home.
It's agreed by both that Iroh's dolls were stupid gifts. Toph even admitting she would've buried them if she were in the same situation.
In their later years, Toph became a staunch White Lotus critic along with Azula. While she does respect Aang and the Avatar position, she believes that an organization shouldn't be able to act in his name without his explicit intervention. As far as she's concerned, that makes them no better than the Dai Li.
Azula isn't...heavily fond of Suyin. While she won't reject her like how Ursa did with her in her youth, she's often pretty stern and critical of the younger of the two siblings. It's only gotten worse since the incident in Republic City where, despite being reprimanded much more than in canon, she hasn't entirely forgiven Suyin for scarring Lin. Said it reminded her too much of what Zuko could've been if he pursued his rivalry.
On the other hand, she and Lin get along quite nicely. It even led to rumors that Azula was somehow Lin's actual father. The princess and Toph never denied them cause they thought it was funny. They also wish to mend the bridge between Suyin and Lin...but also understand it might be for the best if Lin kept her distance until both sides were ready.
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julietwiskey1 · 1 year
what about toph x azula?? anon sees potential in that one
I read Toph/Azula fics for about a week. They have an interesting dynamic and share similarities in a few ways. Both were raised to be the rich, spoiled type. Yet neither of them thrived in the environment they were raised in. Their parents pushed them in opposite directions forcefully. Toph to be the perfect docile child and Azula the fearless child soldier.
Toph was babied. Her parents feared that the world would hurt her so they hid her away. She got everything material she could want. But never got acceptance for who she is and wants to be from her parents.
Azula got everything she wanted materially as well. But it was on condition of always being exactly what her father wanted. Never was she hid from the world, instead she got immense pressure to be perfect. To be seen all the time and never show a flaw. Ultimately Azula was a weapon to be wielded. Never having an opportunity to decide what she wanted out of her life.
As a pair the dynamic between how similar the conditions of their upbringing were but with opposite goals of the parents would be the highlight. Fics usually focus on Toph brining out Azula’s rebellious teen phase, teaching Azula to be who she wants to become. And in a manner that isn’t pretty or about being pleasant for others (something that’s refreshing for Azula redemption arcs).
What Azula does for Toph’s character is usually less explored, and for a ship to work both characters need to change each other and something out. Azula is a planner and can find ways to get what she wants from others. Azula could help nurture those skills in Toph. Help her learn to be less impulsive and make the plans necessary to make her goals a reality. Probably with a focus on helping Toph start her metal bending academy (a school needs more than just a good teacher).
While I do see the appeal of Toph/Azula I am not really interested in it romantically. It’s a pairing that I think works better as a friendship. They are a duo that pushes the other to achieve independence and growth beyond what their parents tried to impose on them. But at the end of the day they would rather prank others and laugh then cuddle and such.
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ljf613 · 2 years
Why is tophzula problematic?
Tophzula, huh? Yikes.
First off, we've already established that any ship involving Toph and a non-disabled character is ableist and acephobic. (This is especially true with Azula, who takes away Toph's disability aids by being able to lie to her.)
But also, you really want to go down the Pampered Princess x Rough Criminal route? There are just so many awful stereotypes there, I'm not even going to start.
Ask me why your ship is problematic
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ssunphire · 5 days
Zuko: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Sokka: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Zuko: What the- Yes it was.
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My drawing of Toph and Azula. This is my first time, so please be gentle.
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umbrum77 · 19 days
Prompt: Cuddling each other to sleep
Azula/Toph 🥰
azula sits in her room reading when her door bursts open and toph come into the room and sits on the princess bed, "can i help you?" toph says nothing as she sits. azula frowns. "I take it the meeting with your parents didn't go well" toph balls her fists in the blankets. azula sighs and puts her book down slowly crawling across the bed until she puts her arms around the earth bender. Toph smiles. "what are you doing?" azula blinks confused. "im...what does tylee call it... cuddling. it apparently makes people feel better." toph laughs and leans in to kiss azula. pulling away. "you are terrible at it" azula frowns and crosses her arms while toph stands and goes over to the dresser. "but you are cute. ive felt your face." toph changes into sleeping cloths. "so i guess i could teach you how to cuddle right." azula rolls her eyes. "im honored for the privilege to learn from the great bei fong" toph climbs into bed and pulls azula into her arms. "you should be." azula smiles and snuggles into toph. "if you want we can talk about your parents tomorrow". with a wave of her hand the candles in the room go out.
Toph kisses her head. "i love you too firefly."
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Toph: Twinkletoes may have forgiven you but I—
Azula: Save it. Your husband already gave me the shovel talk.
Toph: MY HUSBAND?!!!
Azula: The boomerang guy?
Sokka: I've finally been upgraded from boomerang boy to guy. *sheds a manly tear*
Azula: Are they not together?
Aang: It's complicated and they're both oblivious.
Azula: No one can be that oblivious.
Aang: ...mhmmm
Aang: *looks into the camera like he's on The Office*
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defnotkanyewest · 3 months
When I’m in a who can pull the most competition and my opponent is from the southern water tribe
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tophzulapolls · 9 days
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xkaidaxxxx · 3 months
Zuko x chubby reader
Mentions: body shaming, foul language, angst,aggression, lying, fluff?!
Simple! :) sorry for errors.
“You look very beautiful y/n.” Katara mentioned "Thanks. I decided it's time for a change." You replied. Katara's complement made you blush. Sokka was surprisingly good at cutting hair. He gave it layers and added braids that held your hair back. “ I agree with Katara” Mai spoke. You instantly felt horrible with the new hairstyle. Mai isn’t the one to express her feelings so that comment made you believe otherwise. Perhaps cutting your hair shouldn't have crossed your mind.
Aang noticed you playing with the charm bracelet you wore. It tells him a lot about how you feel. He noticed you'd touch a certain charm with the emotion you were feeling, such as anger, happiness, sadness, anxiety, etc.“Katara is right y/n. It suits you! Sokka did a great job.” He spoke. He had that nice big smile. “ New hair cut? Looks nice” Zuko said patting your back. You’ve been dating him for 4 months and you’re very thrilled about it. He’s very kind and romantic when alone with you.
The day went on by. Everyone was calm. You can hear the ocean tides and feel the wind blowing. “Tell her. I’m tired of hiding.” Mai said. Zuko rubbed his temples. “It’s not that simple Mai. I can’t dump her out of the blue.” He responded. You heard them. “You don’t even like her. Why did you agree on dating her?” Your tears slipped. You didn’t want to hear his answer. “Because…she’s saved me many times..and I felt bad. It looked like she was going to cry if I said no.That and how many guys do chubby girls date? Almost never. I’m giving her a little hope.” You cried silently. You felt sudden saddens and hate. Running towards the ocean Katara called out to you. “ Y/n we’re making lunch! Wanna come help?” You ignored her walking back and forth. The waves following your movement. You made a fist. Your anger was so out of control you created a storm. “ Hey! Y/n you created a problem here!” Sokka yelled as Aang used his air bending to keep the water from drenching them. “Sorry!” You took a few deep breathes calming away the storm and the crazy waves.
“What’s got you so upset?” Katara asked giving you a tight hug. “ I keep losing my arrows. Haha. I overreacted.” She knew you were lying. She’s your most trusted person. Katara understands your personality, sense of humor, and the way you just are. She whispered. “We can talk about it later.” You smiled and nodded. Lunch was yummy. Everyone’s stomach was content.
Another 3 months went by. All the same apparently Zuko still loves you and wants to spend was much time with you as possible. It was such bullshit. You heard him leave with Mai at midnight. You saw how they treated each other. The little things showed everything.
The ride on the ship was wild. Not because there was a storm or someone was throwing arrows,fire rocks or trying to drown you all. Simply because an argument started.
“ you have no right to be upset. I’ve known him longer. You don’t get it.” Mai said with a straight face. You couldn’t believe what she said. The fire nation is insane however a regular family took you in. You eventually met Zuko. “ Have no right to be upset!? Are you kidding me? Yeah, he was your childhood sweetheart or whatever but who followed behind him when he was exiled !? Me! Which one of us cared to help him emotionally? Me! I’ve given him all my love and support even if it meant I’d be killed on the spot for betraying the fire nation. You did nothing but hide underneath Azula’s shadow and power. Yeah, I have every right to be upset.” You replied tears falling down your cheeks. Everyone was witnessing this mess. You were smarter, stronger, and more reasonable than her. “Zuko out of all the mistakes you’ve made. Cheating on me is the worst one. I know I’m beautiful even if I’m skinny or not. Not many chubby girls get boyfriends you sure were right about that. You should’ve rejected me from the start because I don’t need your pity.” You spoke finally feeling relieved. You said everything you’ve been wanting to say. “You heard us that day? Why didn’t you confront us then?” Zuko asked looking Towards Mai and then at you. “I had hope that along the way you’d realize what you did was wrong and you’d fall in love with me. 3 months later it’s the same. Clearly, I was wrong. I’m done. I’m dumping your ass. I hope you feel guilty for body shaming and lying.” You replied holding onto Katara’s arm. You couldn’t help but do so. She’s your best friend since you’ve met her. “ One day there will be an amazing man who will fall in love with you. He’ll love everything about you.” Katara said. You smiled and hugged her. “ Awe!” Aang and Sokka said in unison.
Pt.2 is posted !!!
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zukkaart · 10 months
Pt. 3 of a:tla characters as posts/tweets
Couples edition!!
(Romantic or platonic whatever makes you happy) (Pt. 1, Pt.2)
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