#totes was one of my favorite songs on the original
nursemomoka · 11 months
Taylor Swift changed part of lyrics in “Better Than Revenge” but didn’t make the last line:
I’ll take her down faster than you can say “sabotage.”
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“I’ll remind you -- I saw you as a friend... But now we’re done! This way, you’re out of my head now! This way, you won’t plague my life! This way, when all is done, You’re out of sight and out of mind! This way, you get what you wanted! This way, you can save your time! This way, you close the door,  And have your damn goodbye!”
~“My Goodbye” from Epic: The Musical
Bill! ❤️ My beloved Cursebreaker boy, how nice it is to be able to draw you again after so long!!  🥰
The song accompanying this art absolutely kickstarted this idea -- The Odyssey by Homer is one of my favorite books of all time Odysseus is totes a Slytherin don’t @ me, so you’d best believe that when I heard there was a musical based on it, I had to give the soundtrack a listen, and my favorite of the entire soundtrack by far is this song, originally sung by the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, and her “protege” and the story’s main character Odysseus. Although yes, Rakepick doesn’t end up being a great mentor for Bill in the game, though, I still think it is important to remember that she WAS a mentor to him, especially since the game’s writers seem to have totally forgotten this as soon as the Bye Bye Bill chapter at the end of year 5 was through. 
Think about this -- Bill, Merula, and MC were Rakepick’s chosen “apprentices.” And regardless of how you see your MC reacting to Rakepick, both Bill and Merula greatly esteemed and looked up to Rakepick as a mentor figure. We do get focus on how much Rakepick’s betrayal hurt Merula and even a bit for MC...but Bill actively chose to pursue Cursebreaking as a career in-game from year 5 on, a year before he met Rakepick. If you choose to have your MC give Bill a gift upon first meeting him, it ends up being a book by Patricia Rakepick about Cursebreaking. Even upon graduation, Bill ends up getting a job at Gringotts, where until the events of the Portrait Vault Rakepick had served as Head Cursebreaker -- you can’t tell me that’s a coincidence, and that Bill pursued employment at Gringotts partly because of Rakepick’s influence and/or Rakepick put in a good word for Bill with her old employers. 
In my personal headcanon, Bill was interested in Cursebreaking even before his OWL years, which ends up being a large reason why he chose to help Carewyn deal with the Cursed Vaults in the first place. And so naturally, upon meeting Rakepick, he knew he could learn a lot from her and was determined to prove himself when she selected him as one of her “apprentices.” Even though Bill could see the flaws in Rakepick a lot better than some of her other students -- namely her arrogance and pride -- he could also see her courage, skill, intelligence, and protective streak, and he took those as proof that she was much more than she appeared from the outside, much like other people he knew like Carewyn and Merula Snyde. And after all, Bill thought, Dumbledore himself trusted Rakepick. That had to count for something.
After Rakepick’s betrayal, though, Bill was thrown into conflict, especially over one particular thing Rakepick had said inside the Vault --
“But with [Jacob] trapped in a portrait inside the Vault, I needed another Legilimens to help me open the door – it’s the only way in, you see.”
“And what did you need us for?”
“Dragon bait. I couldn’t have my key into the Vault on the front lines, after all. I’m afraid all of you ‘curse-breakers’…are merely collateral damage.”
Rakepick had needed Carewyn to open the Vault...but Bill knew Carewyn hadn’t taken to Rakepick the way he had. She’d never fully trusted Rakepick, even after the Head Cursebreaker had protected and helped her multiple times. Bill had ascribed this to Carewyn simply having trouble relying on other people or having the tendency to hold grudges (Merula was a prime example of this, even after how much Bill had seen her improve over the years) -- but ultimately, Carewyn had decided to work with Rakepick even while not fully trusting her, and Bill knew that choice was largely because of him. He knew Carewyn had held back a lot of her more negative feelings toward Rakepick around him for a long time for his sake, and he knew that she probably wouldn’t have gone along with Rakepick as much as she did if not to support him. It was likely she’d also assessed that Rakepick could be useful in helping her reach Jacob, sure, but Bill was still certain that she wouldn’t have interacted with Rakepick as much as she did, even reluctantly, if it weren’t for Bill’s involvement. And, Bill wondered, was that ultimately why Rakepick had even shown him any favoritism or mentorship in the first place...just to make sure that she had that all-important “key” into the Portrait Vault at her disposal? All along, was everything she did for him -- encouraging his dreams and helping him attain that future he so longed for -- all just an underhanded ploy to get at Carewyn? If Bill hadn’t been so determined to see the good in Rakepick that wasn’t there...if he hadn’t looked up to her so much and seen her for what she was from the start...then Carewyn would’ve never accepted Rakepick’s help. He, Carewyn, and the others would’ve gone to the Portrait Vault without her help and freed Jacob on their own, and Rakepick wouldn’t have gotten so close to killing all of them. Maybe Rakepick wouldn’t have been able to get away, and Jacob would be safe at home with his family now, instead of chasing after her. None of what happened in the Portrait Vault would’ve happened, if Bill hadn’t been so -- 
These thoughts haunted Bill for a long time after. They were a black hole that he would desperately try to push away every time they cropped up, knowing that once he got started, he’d spiral down endlessly with no escape. And so he tried to keep himself moving, burying himself in his work, all so he’d be too busy to linger in his own guilt after what had happened and the mistakes he’d made that he was convinced had led to them. Even so, at work, there were definitely times while he was Cursebreaking where he would hear Rakepick in his head, chiding him for his missteps. 
“Watch where you step, Mr. Weasley -- the next trap won’t be quite so easy to dodge.” 
The thought of Rakepick would always flood Bill with pain and resentment. He’d learned so much from her about Defense Against the Dark Arts and about Cursebreaking...and yet now, all of the lessons and advice she’d given him were trimmed with thorns that made him bleed every time he had to use them. Even the position he now held at Gringotts he only had presumably because their ex-Head Cursebreaker thought it would help her keep hold of him, and by extension, his closest friend in the world...both of whom she ultimately saw as things she could use and then discard. Just like Charlie, and Merula, and Ben. 
...Just like Rowan. 
It wouldn’t be until the events in the Sunken Vault that Bill was forced to reexamine all of his feelings about Rakepick...but until then, however much Merula might have hated Rakepick, Bill loathed her just as much, if not more so. It is a true testament to how much Bill loves his family and friends that he so rarely acted on or even expressed it, because he knew that obsessing over or actively taking vengeance on Rakepick would only upset and hurt them. 
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blaaaaask · 3 months
My Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth review:
Spoilers ahead, you've been warned!
So here are pros and cons of what I thought about Rebirth.
Overall I really liked it, can't wait for the next installment. I still have a few items to wrap-up with side quests, but I did beat the game with a large portion of items done in 94 hours.
Character development is on par. Lots of 'getting to know' not only your teammates but characters they introduced from the Remake version as well. This kind of feels like an Easter Egg moment sometimes, and gives the game consistency and charm.
Gameplay during battle is smooth, consistent, and the added synergy attacks are interesting. Playing as a larger group of people with their own assets can be a little overwhelming, but fun to find your favorite playing style. Using different characters feels absolutely necessary for differing battle mechanics, and I think they did a great job in providing the opportunity to keep all characters relevant rather than 'backseating' someone. The side quests and even main storyline ensure this.
Storyline. The intense amount of speculation people have been doing has been a little blown out of proportion and I kind of like that. I mean we weren't wrong about differing timelines, the game does have that, but the way it is incorporated was done beautifully. They followed the original story very well, and moments that were changed only seemed to enhance the clarity that was occurring in those scenarios. Moments that I had thought of prior were now in different tones, giving different meanings. I enjoyed that.
Voice acting. Using new voices can be a bit of a dealbreaker for those of us who enjoyed the original VAs, but I think they did a great job in continuing with VAs that fit the tone of this 'newer' version of the FF7 world. I do still miss some of the originals, but with the storytelling in this format I think it's done very well.
Music. I really don't know what else to say other than the blends and tones and meshing of songs and the moments they're in is just. It's everything. It really makes every. Single. Scene. If you played the demo you know exactly what I mean.
Scenery. Everything is so gorgeous. Ugh. I just want to paint every little scene into a pretty landscape.
The comedic value is gold. Random characters will bring up points from Remake that will make you die of laughter. Side quests can be beyond hilarious (looking at you, Johnnys).
The intense amount of flirting and goofy moments of people hitting on Cloud is beyond amazing and very fitting. The dating scene I ended up with was with Tifa, and it played out beautifully. I am totes excited to try out the others, too.
Too many minigames? It might just be me, but it felt like every mechanic had an unnecessary 'challenge' to it that robbed the enjoyment of the side quests. Each mini game has its own rules, mechanics, and is oftentimes poorly instructed to the point you will be redoing them in multitudes. Precision is key to every single one of them, but getting there seems too difficult at times. It's probably just me lol, but the piano keys with a PS5 controller can be incredibly difficult to get accurate notes. The march portion of the game was increasingly difficult, too, borrowing from the dance mechanics of Remake and yet somehow making it more motion-sickness-y. Granted, it was still funny, but the practice rounds they allow you do not compare to the actual hell hole that is the 3 march portion. It felt like when a teacher tells you '1+1=2' but on the math test they give you 'If Jimmy sells 83 portions of apple purple, who is the sun representing in the third movie of cryptocurrency?' Fort Condor makes a comeback from Yuffie's DLC, which is fun and kind of annoying. I am terrible at timed things so don't mind my venting here. And don't get me started on MOG HOUSE. The weird slide mechanics of trying to 'push' things around in this minigame while trying to avoid haphazard death feels a little too much like reality for me and I cannot deal, yo. The 'Run Wild' or whatever Red XIII game has a similar mechanic, which only makes it frustrating for the harder challenges they throw at you in making goals. Also, every minigame seems to incorporate an insane amount of R2/L2 button mechanics. Being left-handed feels like a bit of a disadvantage in some of these games, and it sometimes feels like the PS5 controller has too much of a 'soft push' on it that doing full trigger clicks is like a whole hand exercise. These games crippled me hahaha. I would love a Story Mode for us cripple-y old fucks that makes it so I don't have to do minigames. To add to that, Queen's Blood ended up being a relief for me after the hell that I faced in all the other minigames, but only later in the game once you get better card decks. However, I am currently stuck on Dale in Nibelheim. Yes. Dale. Don't laugh at me.
Not all characters fit the aesthetic of the original game. I'm mostly thinking of Kyrie and Regina. It's such a dumb nitpick on my part, but I kind of wish they had toned down their looks to match the game a little better that way it isn't such a 'sore thumb' kind of vibe. The moogles are also a bit terrifying to look at. Why did they give them such horrifying teeth?
And speaking of sore thumb, Chadley and MAI. I like the banter but oof what an annoying duo, hahaha. The 'fun' mechanics they're trying to implement with having these two talk to you through the PS5 controller was a bit of a fun and novel concept in the first 2 seconds, but MAI's voice is a bit too grating for me that I had to turn off that feature.
Speaking of voices, Red XIII's splits back and forth at times between his 'pretending to be sophisticated' and 'teen' voice. I prefer his sophisticated voice, and it's a pity they don't have an option to choose what you want to hear. I think I just hate the sound of children's voices, so anything that is too high pitched sounds a bit like nails on a chalkboard for me. I am guessing no one else cares about this, hahaha.
Chocobo mechanics. I like sweeping onto a chocobo smoothly without button pressing, but sometimes Cloud gets off the bird in a direction that accidentally makes it possible to get back on the bird. Also, the open world trekking is only fun in the Grasslands area, after that it is a bit of a nightmare that continuously gets worse the hillier things get. I spend a lot of time staring at the map trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go because you can't actually 'go' wherever. This is a bit unfortunate because it can make simple tasks of 'I need to go here' turn to 'I need to make 70 different turns to get there.' And the traversing for specific regions can also feel like hell, mostly in Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon.
Controller mechanics. Kind of already talked about this, but because the PS5 is supposed to be a 'new, novel console' with things like speakers in the controller, touch sensitivity, motion sensors, etc, they go at it hardcore here. Tilt mechanics, sliding things, and all that garbage is just annoying. I turn it off as soon as I can. It is especially annoying during Cait Sith's time in the Shinra Manor. Boxgate. That is all, lol. If you like silly things like this then more power to you.
I am sure I am forgetting things, but to wrap-up: the storyline is what I'm in it for, and the story was beautiful and therefore I enjoyed it even with my stupid gripes. Please remember this is just my ridiculous opinion. I am merely a purple dinosaur on the internet and should not be held as gospel.
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Summary: You make your weekly trip down the beach to visit the local mermaid you've grown rather close to. Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader Word count: 2.1k Category: Fluff Rating: T Warnings: None
read it on ao3 | series masterlist
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"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite"
- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
You’d been visiting the mermaid that lives at the edge of the sea for several months now.
It was difficult to imagine an early Sunday morning without visiting him being a part of your routine. Getting up at the crack of dawn. Feeling the eerie quiet of the still beaches, hearing the waves crash onto the rocky shore. Sharing an early morning sandwich with the creature of the sea you’d come to call your friend. Peanut butter, of course. You always brought him peanut butter sandwiches—his favorite. You’d originally offered him tuna, but he seemed a bit affronted at that remark.
I can’t eat tuna! I know tuna!
You thought of the shock on his face and the way his caramel eyes went all wide at the offending sandwich and chuckled to yourself. You’d since learned a lot about mermaid culture, narrowly avoiding any more tuna fish sandwich mishaps. You still weren’t an expert, but you finally knew enough to laugh along with his jokes, even those which would’ve made no sense to you only several months previous, which in turn only made him laugh more. All crinkles around the eyes and laughter like the song of the sea…you’d do almost anything to make him smile like that.
Recently, you’d been lending him books. Lots of poetry and Shakespeare and other classics. He couldn’t get enough. At first you were surprised that he could read, but that was another one of your assumptions that had made him widen his expression in shock. Apparently, most sea creatures do their best to learn the languages of the land. He was more surprised that you didn’t know that. You had to remind him again that prior to their encounters, you hadn’t even known mermaids were real. He joked that was just an excuse.
You flattened down your shirt as it threatened to ride up against the salty wind. You trudged through the sand – there really was no graceful way to walk across a beach – as you made your way to the rocks. Each step had your veins thrumming in anticipation. You’d come to greatly enjoy these mornings with Spencer, even if you had to get up at an ungodly hour for them to happen. It was worth it. He was worth it.
You held tight onto your tote bag as you carefully maneuvered up and over the beginnings of jagged obsidian edges. The tops of your feet brushed along the mossy hides of the rocks, welcoming the coolness they brought your soles. A splash sounded from your right. Ignoring the pesky waves and ocean spray, you continued down towards the end of the surface. Spreading out the towel you had tucked under your arm, you sat down cross legged at the edge and began unpacking your bag. One peanut butter sandwich. A weathered copy of Twelfth Night you’ve had since high school. Some cool rocks you found on the beach. When you looked up, there was a pair of mischievous hazel eyes staring back at you.
His hair could be described as shaggy if it were to ever stay dry. Right now, bits of darkened brown hair clung to the man’s cheeks and neck. A mischievous face peered out beneath the dark curls. He leaned his arms against the rock you were sitting on, holding himself above the water and resting his chin on his forearms. His eyes narrowed a bit as if he were studying you, every long line of your body, every crevice, every curve on your face. His lips were perked up into a smile.
“Good morning, Y/N,” the man finally spoke.
“Good morning, Spencer,” you returned with a grin of your own. He smiled even wider at the sound of your voice. You couldn’t tell if his eyes were sparkling from that or just because of the sun beginning to reflect on the water. You hoped it was the former.
Spencer lifted himself up to join you on the rock, revealing iridescent blue scales that began at his navel and spread all the way down to the tip of his tail. Water beaded down the smooth expanse of bare chest. He purposefully and thoughtfully spread out against the sun-drenched rocks rather than your towel. You felt the blush creep up in your cheeks watching the beautiful man sun himself out on the rocks, leaning back on his elbows and looking up at you expectantly. You handed him the sandwich and the expectant look turned into one of glee as he hungrily bit into the meal, chewing in big bites as if he couldn’t get enough.
“Guess peanut butter is a bit of a luxury down there, huh?” You joked with him. He laughed his beautiful sea song laugh.
“You’d be surprised at the things that are considered to be luxury items. I know for a fact that Twinkies are a delicacy,” he countered around mouthfuls of sandwich, a smug grin toying at his lips.
“Oh, really?” You challenged as you let a laugh bubble out of your throat. It never ceased to amaze you how easy conversation was between the two of you. He was quite literally a fish out of water, but he seemed to be doing just fine.
Spencer finished the sandwich as the two of you sat on the rocks in comfortable silence, the cool waves lapping over the tips of your feet (and his tail) and listening to the seagulls begin their morning song. This was the best part of your day, the mornings. Morning was when you got to greet the icy waters before the sun did, your feet kissing the shore and getting mucked up with wet sand. A rotation of different towels you could sit on, a tote bag full on conversation-starters, and the best company you could ask for. Spencer. You’d come to relish your time with him. His eyes were inexplicably warm despite the coolness that came from dwelling in the ocean. They were the same color as your coffee order, you’d absentmindedly noted. And his smile. His smile that made your insides feel funny and your hands go numb. You sighed. You could only hope he enjoyed your company half as much as you enjoyed his. Though with that smile—that laugh—in those moments it was hard to doubt that he could feel anything else.
You let the sound of the tides wash over you a moment, closed your eyes, and inhaled the salty air. When you opened your eyes, you were met with coffee-colored irises and a look you couldn’t quite put into words. He opened his mouth to speak at the same time you started talking.
“I brought you another classic,” you nearly stumbled over the words as you broke the eye contact to grab the book off the towel and hand it to him. “Twelfth Night.” He grabbed it and studied the tattered cover and weathered edges for a moment, eyebrows furrowing.
“This looks owned,” he said. He was right. Most of the time you would buy him his own copy, too attached to let your own go, so his books were brand new and ready to be ruined by the saltwater sea. He inspected the inside cover, noting the handwriting adorning the title page. “Is it yours? I don’t want to ruin your book if—”
“Keep it,” you assured him. “I got that copy years ago. It’s run its course and I’m ready to let it go to someone else now. You can see all the annotations I made when I was in high school, too.” You opened the book and flipped through the yellowed pages, his hands brushing against yours and sending sparks shooting through your palms. You glanced over at him, but he was engrossed in the blue ink covering the margins. A smirk tugged at his lips.
“Viola is gay?” he enquired smugly, drawing attention to a passionately scribbled note in the corner of a dampening page.
“Okay, she is, and we will discuss that once you read it and agree with me.” Spencer barked out a laugh at that.
“Of course, I’d expect nothing less,” he conceded. He continued flipping through the book, droplets of water occasionally cascading down from his hair and onto the pages, smudging the ink. You’d previously asked him how reading underwater worked, and to his credit he did earnestly try to explain the physics behind it, but you just couldn’t keep up. It didn’t really matter, though. You were happy to just listen to him talk on endlessly about things that excited him, and books did that. It made you especially happy that you could share that with him.
You studied his features, watching his lips move as he read over the words you scrawled in the margins. Your words. In that moment, Spencer was gaining insight into your thoughts. He sat back on his elbows before turning to the first page and reading aloud. You scooted closer, instinct, feeling the breeze push through the now-small distance between your legs and his tail, between your back and his shoulder. Close enough to touch, familiar enough to not. Spencer glanced down at you, eyes shining, before he looked back at the dampening pages before him.
“If music be the food of love, play on…”
When you got back to your apartment, Tara was in the kitchen, making a large cup of coffee to try to wake herself up. She eyed you as you walked in.
“So… how’s your fish friend?” She smirked into her mug. You gave her a look. You should’ve known she’d be up by now.
“He’s fine,” you said, short and to the point. While you had relented and told Tara about why you were suddenly a morning person every Sunday (she didn’t believe your initial, feeble lie about a newfound interest in 5am yoga classes), you still kept most of your relationship to yourself. If you could even call it a relationship. That part was still a bit unclear. Besides, Tara was nosy, and this was still so new. You didn’t want anything encroaching on your little bubble.
“Oh, I’m sure he is,” Tara mumbled smugly, hiding her grin in her mug. You turned to glare at her a bit. It’s still too early in the morning for teasing, which you let her know with a graceful middle finger.
“Oof, I’m wounded,” She replied, mimicking a blow to the chest. Her hands came back to cradle the mug. “But seriously, what do you two even talk about?”
“Today, we talked about Shakespeare,” you answered truthfully. Tara blew out a laugh at this.
“Of course. The mermaid is a fan of Shakespeare,” she chuckled, disbelievingly. “You two are the modern-day Romeo and Juliet. Except instead of having rival families that don’t approve, he’s just a literal fish.”
“Okay, first of all, he’s not a fish.”
“He’s not not a fish.”
“And second of all, we’ve been through this. There’s so much more to him than that. He’s kind and…gentle. He knows so much, and he makes me laugh. When we talk about books it’s like that’s the only thing that matters, you know? Everything else just kind of fades away.” Tara smirked at the far-off look in your eyes.
“You’re so gone for him,” she laughed into her coffee.
“It’s okay! You seem happy. I like seeing you like this. When can I meet this mystery merman anyway?” You could tell that the logical part of Tara still wasn’t quite used to indulging in your mermaid stories. She definitely didn’t believe you when you came home months ago talking about a mermaid living in the water. But being the supportive ride or die friend that she was, Tara wasn’t actively opposed to the concept. Once you and Spencer had begun your regular Sunday meetings, she’d become a little more open to it. Though you knew there was still a part of her, the scientist part of her, that wouldn’t truly believe it until she saw him.
“He’s nervous around people…”
“So, I really can’t say. I’d love for you to meet him, but it’s just…”
“Not written in the stars?” Tara lightly jabbed.
“Sure. Not written in the stars,” you conceded. The two of you stood there in contemplative silence for a few moments. Tara downed the last of her drink and turned around to get on with her day. At the last second, she stopped and spun back, realization dancing in her eyes.
“The Shape of Water! That’s a much better comparison. Damn, Tara, you’re really off your game today,” she grumbled the last part to herself as she left the kitchen.
You chuckled to yourself at the ridiculousness of your roommate. And made a mental note to watch The Shape of Water later.
[next chapter]
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aishathevar · 7 months
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 ♥ What is your favorite book from childhood?: "Sarah Dessen was literally everything to me growing up. She's where my romance origin story began and I'd check all her books out from the library until I bought them myself. They weren't the best looking back, but thirteen-year-old me would probably fight me if she heard me say that." ღ Do you own an item that comforts you when you’re sad?: "A handmade knit blanket I got from a friend a few years ago. It is probably the nicest gift I've ever received." ✿ What makes you happy?: "The little things. Sunny mornings I can sit outside to drink my tea, flowers on my nightstand, finding a new song. It's hard for me not to be happy about things." ♛ What are three things you like about yourself?: "Just three? Okay, I suppose I'll narrow it down. My unwavering optimism, my sense of style, and my kindness." ☾ Which season is your favorite?: "Summer. There's nothing better than spending time by the beach, or bonfires spent chatting with friends and roasting s'mores on a warm night." † Do you believe in the supernatural? "Kind of? I mean I would straight up deny it if you asked me it in public, but there are definitely other forces at play." ♪ Name a song that has a deeper meaning to you.: "Muna's song "Kind of Girl". It's a very pretty song but they really called me out with the lyricism. It's like they wrote it specifically for me." Ⓒ What do you think about social media?: "Wouldn't it be wild if I said I hated it? It's a big part of my job, and I think it's useful to grow brands and increase the visibility of small businesses. And from a personal standpoint, I do enjoy it, especially Instagram. I keep in touch with many of my childhood friends through there, but I do spend a little more time than I'd like to admit on it." ꕤ What would be your dream job?: "I don't dream of work...just kidding. Jokes aside, I'd say a travel journalist. Going to explore new places and different perspectives and writing about them sounds almost too good to be true." ☼ Name three things you don’t leave the house without.: "One of my many tote bags, obviously. A pair of headphones, plus a backup pair in case the first one breaks. (I cannot romanticize my walk home without music). And a sweater because I am always cold." ❧ What is your favorite comfort food?: "Grilled cheese. Very basic, but it's also literally fool-proof to make hence why I picked it." ⤷ Are you an active person? / What do you do to stay active?: "Not as much as I'd like. I do like my neighborhood walks, or going on the treadmill at the gym, but I do more to stay active during the summer." ★ Name your three biggest inspirations (people-wise).: "I'd say my parents and my brother." ✘ What is currently your favorite airing show?: "Because I am a reality TV girlie, I'd say Below Deck. There's nothing better than unwinding after a long week with some boat drama and picturesque settings." ✈ If you had to go anywhere right now, where would you go?: "Oh man, this is a tough question. I've seen some amazing places in my life but still didn't get around to seeing everything. Maybe somewhere warm? The Maldives maybe? Or wait no, maybe Hawaii? Okay, I can't decide. Ask me again later and maybe I'll have an answer."
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unfriendlyamazon · 1 year
1, 3, 13, and 21 for the fanfic asks !! 💕
this will be fun because i don't think i posted much this year but i do a lot of writing you don't see
1.favorite fic
reread a bunch of my joukai week from last year and final countdown is something i had in my head for a long, long time originally it was supposed to be the end of a longer form fic that i trashed and i'm very happy i managed to get the momentum i needed for that finale
3.favorite line/scene
this one was way too hard i had to scroll through all the things i've written, wips, and things i've never posted but i forgot my favorite thing in the world is to write pegasus so here's a bit from the secret archives
Duke had met Samantha R. Pegasus only in the safety of the huge estate just outside the city, where it seemed she had a whole wing to herself. Sometimes, at parties, she’d jump around and bark happily at the guests until a butler picked her up and quietly put her in another room. Duke tended to avoid dogs. They weren’t afraid of them, per se, but they weren’t going out of their way to make friends.
“I blocked off the afternoon to finish the coding on the Millennium project,” they said. “The deadline’s coming up–”
Pegasus held up a hand. “Don’t worry your pretty head, dear Duke. Samantha here is a remarkable companion during crunch time. You’ll barely even notice her.”
Duke sucked in a breath. There was never any arguing with Pegasus. Once he told you to do something, that was it.
“I guess,” they said, “if it’s just for the afternoon.”
“Marvelous!” He kissed his dog again and set her on the pillow. He slung a pink tote from around his shoulder and held it out to Duke, who took it reluctantly. “There’s her midday snack in there, along with her spring water–she just won’t drink from the tap–and her harness and leash for when she needs to take her afternoon walk. She usually goes around 3. Just around the block should be fine.”
“Walk?” Duke opened the bag and stared in horror. “But–”
“Her little baggies and booties are in there as well. She’ll be a dream, Duke. You’ll see.”
Their mouth dropped open, but they couldn’t come up with an appropriate protest. Pegasus laid a hand on their shoulder, and they stared up at him.
“She’s more precious to me than anything,” he said. “Except perhaps this company, or my home, or my oodles of money. But still very high on the list. There’s no one else I’d entrust her too.”
Duke swallowed. “Of course, sir.”
“Good.” He flipped his hair back and blew one more kiss to Samantha. “Be good, darling. I’ll be back in no time. Toodles!”
Duke waved a hand at his back and offered a weak, “Toodles.”
13.favorite writing song/album
i don't really have a go to album for writing i tend to make playlists that fit the mood/tone/vibe though i do think this year i relied on the crypt of the necrodancer soundtrack to drown out distractions
21.most memorable comment/review
this one is not actually yugioh related i also have a sims tumblr and mostly for myself i started a series where several premade sims go to magic high school together. i wrote a sort of episode one for it and was surprised by an incredibly sweet comment that highlighted one of my favorite things to write, which is a dynamic. i expected minimal response and to get such an excited comment for something so silly made me really happy.
and all of this has reminded me how ugly my blog is lol so new year new me i suppose. thank you for the ask!!!
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anyways-wonderwall · 5 months
Album of the Week #71
Psy 9th
by Psy
Overall Rating: 6/10
TL;DR: This album is just lacking the magic that his previous hits had, and he’s left hanging on to the magic of his guests. 
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(I have to say though, this is a pretty gnarly album cover, 9/10)
Overall Thoughts
Speaking of old kpop stars, have you ever wondered what happened to Psy? Man comes out with one of the greatest songs of the century, makes kpop a household name, releases a followup that does not do as well, then he isn’t heard from again. That isn’t from a lack of effort, since 2012 he has released three albums, and done songs with will.i.am (?),Snoop Dogg (??), and Ed Sheeran (??!!?) and tons with super big name kpop stars. In this album though he collabed with a member of BTS which means we’re now reminded he exists. 
This album was a clear attempt to come back into the public consciousness and this time it worked. The big song (“That That”) with Suga from BTS shows the fun Psy that we know with great horns and a super infectious melody. The only thing its lacking for me is a super good chorus, this one is just too stagnant and simple, lacking something that would push it into being a song I would actually seek out. 
He spends the rest of the album collabing with different big artists, many of which have recently joined the label he started as a kind of safe haven from the harshness of the big 3. The songs with Crush and Sung Si Kyung are pretty boring examples of what I call “Chinese Supermarket Music,” a crawling ballad that seems to never end and is sung by someone that is giving a little too much. “Sleepless” with Heize left a lot to be desired for me as I absolutely love her as an artist and was annoyed he used her (like almost every other guest artist in this album) as just someone to sing the chorus while he raps the verses. “GANJI” featuring Jessi thankfully breaks this pattern, with a “screw the haters” song that’s kind of funny to imagine Psy singing. Especially when you add the fact that Jessi is the most stereotypically New Yorker you can imagine, with all of her English words in the song toting a New York accent. The song is a little abrasive but if that’s your thing then it’s pretty good. 
My favorite off of the album is “Now” with Hwasa (one of my favorite kpop artists of all time) which I applauded for being so authentically 80s, with period perfect synths and a sense of drama that can only be possible in the early 80s. While it turns out it was TOO authentically 80s, as its a cover of “When the Rain Begins to Fall” by Jermaine Jackson, and the only thing they changed was the language of the lyrics. I mean I’m glad they introduced me to the better original version, but that’s the thing, the original is better! C’mon Psy!
Now there are Psy solo works on this album obviously, but honestly none of them are that good. All of them seem to call back to a 2010s era of pop that we’ve all moved on from, with “Hello Monday” just sounding like a 2015 hit that everyone moved on from a week later, and “Everday” being a song that would be playing over a lasertag game from my 12th birthday. The only song that is memorable is “Celeb” but its too simple and is just lacking the substance to be a single.
Listen, I write this all as a Psy lover. Someone who measures their time as BGS and AGS (Before and After Gangnam Style) and listened to this album the day it dropped. This album is just lacking the magic that his previous hits had, and he’s left hanging on to the magic of his guests. 
Next week's review: ダンサブル (2017) by Rhymeste
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fairydustteeshop · 1 year
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Just started a TikTok page for my designs I create for my Etsy shop. This is one of my favorite designs and I just love the song I chose for the video . The theme song from my favorite show Charmed. I love the original series. Supernatural is another one of my all time fav’s. Never get tired of watching them. 🥰
Bee Happy, Life is a Blessing 🐝
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Kirsten, 29, Chicago
"I was a lot more active in the fan communities when I was younger (right around the time The Black Parade was released was the peak of my involvement in the fandom). I still follow a lot of MCR blogs on tumblr, but I’m not nearly as engaged with other fans online as I used to be."
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 9+ years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 1 Favorite album: The Black Parade Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: I'm still crying right now
Which date of the tour did you attend? 09/16/22, Riot Fest, Chicago
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? I got my ticket in January 2020 as soon I could after the Summoning video. Since it was a festival, it was a lot easier (and cheaper) to get a ticket than other venues that I saw prices for.
Did you attend with anyone else? Yep! I went with my friend Steph, and we actually met online about 17-18 years ago and became friends because of MCR!
What did you wear? A Black Parade tshirt and shorts!
Where were your seats? About 20 yards from the stage, sort of in between Gerard and Ray.
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? Mama was INCREDIBLE! But also I sobbed during The Foundations of Decay. Yknow, emotions.
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? I was hoping for something off of Conventional Weapons, and they played Boy Division!
What was your favorite moment from the show? The first chorus of Foundations. I didn’t realize I was actively crying until that point. I’ve been so close to being able to see MCR live at several points since I started listening to them, but this was the first time in almost 20 years of being a fan that I’ve actually been able to go to one of their shows. It was phenomenal. Also seeing Gerard come out in the trench coat and dress…SO GOOD. A+ outfit choice.
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? Cancer wasn’t originally on the set list for the night, but Gerard came back on stage and sang it!
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? The Boy Zone shirt and a Thank You For The Venom tote bag.
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? Live music has always felt like home to me. When I saw them, it was kind of a double whammy of “oh wow, I’m here, they’re here, this is it,” but also, this was the first concert I’ve been to since 2019. I’ve missed live music terribly the last few years and it felt so good to feel the bass beating inside my chest. It felt like this was exactly where I needed to be in the world.
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? I wish there had been more hydration stations at Riot Fest! There was only one water refill station, and it was on the opposite end of the park from where MCR was onstage.
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? Seeing them live has only made me love them more. Also getting to see Ray smiling on stage in person?! The absolute JOY that man radiates?!?! Perfection. Life changing.
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? Not to sound too much like a hippie, but just forget about everything else happening when you see them and let the music take you over.
Anything we didn't ask that you feel obliged to share or talk about? New album WHEN???
Thanks, Kirsten! Her Tumblr handle is @m0stlyvoidpartiallystars.
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drakesmed3 · 2 years
Loewe Handbags At Neiman Marcus
One of my favorite weekend actions goes to Target and strolling every single aisle in the store. It’s my means of decompressing at the end of an extended week, and I consider it a deal with to enjoy my “me time” in my personal sanctuary. A few weeks ago I was indulging myself and casually strolling the aisles on a Saturday morning once I noticed the most hanging bag. I was taking my time within the shampoo aisle when it occurred, I spotted the prettiest pebbled leather-based tote sitting within the cart next to mine. Large anagram embossed brand patch at entrance. Interior, two slip pockets. 6.7"H x 10.6"W x 4.3"D. Imported. Belted top loops through sides; self-ties at front. Hanging pin tassel at side. 5"H x eight.three"W x three.7"D. Made in Spain. The bag has twin handles, two exterior sid... Complement your on a daily basis apparel with this extremely polished piece from Loewe. Crafted from signature printed PVC the bag features a single deal with and silver-tone hardware. The Puzzle bag is Creative Director Jonathan Anderson’s first piece for Loewe. She couldn’t have been nicer as she informed me it was a Loewe bag that she had purchased from Nordstrom. She didn’t know the precise type of the bag, however a quick search later I learned it was a Flamenco Knot tote. I thanked her once more and excitedly rushed residence to start my research. I relish discovering new brands, and was looking ahead to studying up on Loewe. But Loewe It bags—fixtures on the arms of It women and boys the world over—have had a lot do with LVMH, which acquired Loewe in 1996. By the Nineteen Seventies, Loewe was expanding into perfumes and fashion with the creation of the Loewe logo, first designed by Karl Lagerfeld. Giorgio Armani and Laura Biagiotti subsequently designed Loewe's womenswear collections. I’ve stated I’m taking a break from totes, but the coronary heart wants what it wants. I took a mental snapshot of the bag in my thoughts and moved on to the lotion aisle. Truly a singular piece, the Hammock bag could be worn as a shoulder, crossbody, or tote bag. Featuring a triangular lock embossed with the Loewe emblem, the Barcelona bag is another bag you need to have in your wardrobe. First introduced in 2015, this bag is incessantly discovered within the arms of celebrities and style influencers. You can choose between a thick shoulder strap or a thinner one, making it good for the office or brunch. wikipedia handbags The Loewe Hammock shoulder bag is one other great example of how the brand perfectly blends creative designs with their craft. Its unconventional form is right for the girl who needs to face out from the crowd. Crafted with a knotted leather strap as its closure and a metal pin on the facet, it’s simple to see why well-known trend blogger Aimee Song is loving this piece. Loewe was acquired by the LVMH group in 1996, making it the oldest luxury style house under the multinational conglomerate. Under the artistic path of Jonathan Anderson, Loewe has continued its success, with beautiful collections one after another. One of essentially the most sought after manufacturers and beloved by celebrities all round the world, Loewe is really a model to add to your bag assortment. loewe hammock bag Rolled top handle, 2.three" drop. Detachable shoulder strap, 14" drop. four.1"H x 9.4"W x 1.6"D. Made in Spain. Loewe grained calf leather satchel with signature puzzle-piece stitching. King Alfonso XIII of Spain granted Enrique Loewe y Hinton, a descendant of the unique brand founder, the title of Purveyor to the Royal Court. His spouse, Queen Victoria Eugenie, incessantly visited the store on Príncipe de Madrid avenue. Loewe was founded in 1846 in Madrid by a gaggle of Spanish leather craftsmen, and the model originated in 1876 when Enrique Loewe y Roessberg, a German craftsman, joined the group. The Australian eyewear model is about to launch 12 new sun shades. Introduced by the style house’s global ambassador, HyunA. Loewe Pearl/Silver Textured Leather Top Handle Vintage Barcelona Bag - Made of grained sturdy leather - Gorgeous pearl like silver coating - Iconic design that originated the curr... It’s no look-at-me bag—and that’s exactly by design. Established officially in 1872 by Enrique Loewe Roessberg, a German artisan, Loewe was the official leather-based provider to the Spanish crown. Since then, the Madridian fashion house has expanded into a world luxury brand, currently with British designer Jonathan Anderson at the helm. Loewe briefcase in brown textured leather.
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king44savage · 2 years
Sephora 20% Off Fragrance Sale
Just like women’s garments, we replace plenty of new kinds every season. How can we get a fashion versatile and practical huge bag this year? For instance, this model, with a simple shape and a big capability handbag, with rivet ornament, fashion sense immediately went. And this one is very appropriate for OL, take you as a strong woman within the gas subject. Our Valentino fake purses are classier copies of the original version with the same luxurious really feel, texture and look of pure and rich leather. They fit like a glove in all your outing ventures completely, be it for normal use or for special evenings and, evening outs. I bought the trumpet and I really feel that the capacity is sufficiently big. I like the square replica bag tote , it is higher to put issues, as shown in Figure 4, my commonplace, charging treasure, card replica bag tote , small pockets is also OK, air cushion lipstick, as nicely as digital camera cellphone. I feel that it is appropriate for any occasion and the price could be very excessive. wikipedia handbags In reality, just like the good-looking costume mentioned she loves all black wrinkled skin that section, and her day is “black swan” feeling a black ride! Meet the last, she shock appeared, and Song together for everyone to indicate Spike totally different back, Fan Ye love Valentino, she said she appreciated Rockstud Spike has a gentle side, but also a cool dual character. I at all times really feel that town of his household remains to be so unhealthy that I need to lose it. It was only a hit, and it was taken without hesitation. This bag is super beautiful, but be careful and watch out, because it's not very wearable for lambskin. The hand can cross through and be taken as a purse, so the impact is cool. https://phoenet.tw/valentino-replica.html At the same time, this bag can be equipped with an adjustable length shoulder strap, so it can be shoulder-back. The Replica Valentino Handbags Real Leather Small Square Shoulder Bag seems quite simple, and the male ticket is very refreshing to give me a New Year’s Day present. Of course, the female star of Datian Dynasty doesn't present weak spot. Domineering like Fan Ye, the queen of the products, “Yang Mi”, and the style flower Song Jia have was their true love powder. Speaking of the Rockstud Spike handbag, that is also the new work of inventive director Pierpaolo Piccioli, so as to lead the brand’s new creative course. But, if we were to debate scents and seasons, then my favorite is winter. Alice received rave evaluations for her Rockstuds on the Rep Lovers United discussion board -- xcollection is the name of the Taobao retailer that she sourced her greatest Rockstuds from, but it seems like they don't promote Rockstuds anymore . Fang is pretty much universally adored for her top quality goods. The heel and sole is thicker, and the toebox/vamp doesn’t look as elegant to me. Supposedly made out of “leather”, but wanting on the buyer footage I’d be fairly stunned if they weren’t faux leather-based or PVC. All the Vostok cosmonauts toured extensively, however Tereshkova most of all; she made forty two journeys abroad between 1963 and 1970. On 1 October 1963, Tereshkova arrived in Havana, Cuba, and met Fidel Castro. She toured the nation which at the time was coping with results of Hurricane Flora. If you're a Valentino lover good for you as we are about to match Valentino Rockstud Pumps pretend to the genuine mannequin and teach you some strategies that will assist you to to authenticate your fancy item simply at house. The footwear from Annie look actually good and I don't think the pink trim is a deal breaker by any means. Annie was nice to take care of though, and I was pleasantly surprised by the standard of her shoes. Considering returning my KP ones in favor of getting one other pair from Annie . The leather-based can also be much shinier than the real Valentino. Still, it’s a wonderful shoe and very flattering. Pack powder have been divided into three teams, beneath the management. The alternative of a gaggle of models, after which pick a set of the newest season Replica Valentino Handbags clothing, shoes and luggage, with a representative of Valentino Look. Has all the time been to wear a extensively known flower trainer Song, the scene to the replica bag tote powder to provide a lot of put on advice. Her put on to take the concept, is to search out probably the most suitable for their own. Replica Valentino handbags are all the craze, after individuals see the real deal hanging from superstar arms. Recreated in perfect element, meticulously reproduced, utilizing the finest leather, hardware and materials. Only AAA purses manufacturers “Very Best” replica Valentino purses. They look, feel and smell exactly like Valentino’s authentic designer purses.
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Can I request a prompt of dad!Harry where maybe it’s just him And Sasha and they get mobbed and her slightly hurt but he is furious
word count: 5k+ (how'd i write this in one day)
warnings: language, smut, blood, minor injuries
- If you'd like more from dad!harry verse - check out my masterlist! (pinned post)
*** <- click for visuals throughout the story!
Harry was quite stressed out. He wasn’t sure how his wife did it all the time. She was constantly packing up Sasha and toting her around the globe to meet up with him for concerts and events when he was away.
The little family had been staying in their Los Angeles home for nearly three months now as Harry had been writing for his third solo album. It involved a lot of late nights were Y/N were putting Sasha to bed by herself.
Harry was eternally grateful that she was so patient and understanding when he snuck into bed quarter past three after finding a rift that fit a new song perfectly or when Mitch had an idea that had Harry on Skype for hours with him.
The stress was overwhelming for her though. She was usually good at self-care and taking time for herself but Sasha had been so needy lately and crabby when her father wasn’t at her beck and call.
The toddler was going through a bout where she struggled to sleep through the night and had a tendency to scream bloody murder when she didn’t get her way.
It was nearly three weeks of this and she hadn’t mentioned it too much to Harry because she didn’t want him to be as stressed out as she was.
Tonight, Y/N had rocked, sang, hummed, and read to her daughter to stop the angry tears that were rolling down her cheeks but nothing was working. It was near eleven at night and she had took Sasha out in the car for a long ride where she finally fell asleep.
But as soon as Y/N unlocked the front door, she startled awake even angrier than before, squirming out her mother’s grip and bolting through the house. When she tried to round a corner, she slipped on her bum.
Y/N felt her anxiety level break.
Sasha began screaming once again, “Mummy! No! No!”
When Y/N picked her up after her slight tumble, she was absolutely not hurt but had become even more frustrated. Y/N was starting to feel overwhelmed - which didn’t happen often.
“Baby, what do you want? What can mummy do?” Y/N asks with desperation, searching her baby’s watery green eyes. She looked so much like her dad it was absurd.
“No! Down! Stop!” The two year old orders with a furrowed brow, lips in a tight line with her nose scrunched up in displeasure.
“Sasha, you just hurt yourself. You can’t run in the house, the floor is slippery,” Y/N tells her firmly despite it falling upon deaf ears.
“Bad mummy,” Sasha shrieks, “Daddy! Want Daddy! Now!”
Y/N is embarrassed to admit that she has tears welling up in her eyes. She was trying everything in her power to soothe her baby. It’s midnight at this point and she’d been at it since seven this morning.
Sasha had refused a nap all day - giving Y/N no respite at all. Harry had left at eight in the morning and hadn’t returned yet. Even though Sasha was only two and a half, Y/N felt a pang at the words ‘bad mummy.’
She didn’t feel any other option at this point than to call Harry for help. She wanted to be capable of being at stay home mum but sometimes it was really fucking hard but she felt guilty because she should be able to do this. Harry was out there working hard, providing, constantly.
When he doesn’t answer, the tears freely start streaming down her face in silence. She scrubs at them quickly so that her daughter doesn’t see them but it’s hard to catch them all - sobs threatening to bubble through her lips.
“Daddy’s working, we need to go to sleep,” Y/N replies to her daughter, jaw clenched to hold back the upset she feels. She needs a minute alone but she doubts her toddler will let her.
“Pool?” Sasha piques, “Swim?”
Y/N wants to laugh, it’s so fucking late and Sasha should have been in bed nearly four hours ago. The mother was so beyond her routine at this point, that she actually just gave in to her daughter.
Sasha’s mood turns around when Y/N wrangles them both into their swimsuits ***and trails out of the back patio, switching on all the lights around as well as in the pool. The California air was still extremely warm, enough to cause a sweat. ***
She tugs a little donut raft into the pool with them that Sasha can float around on while Y/N guides it to keep her safe. She was so tired by this point that her bones felt like they weighed a million pounds.
Sasha’s eyes droop until they finally flutter close within minutes of being in the warm water. Her eyelids splotchy pink from all of the fits and tears from the day. And when she is completely asleep, Y/N lets herself cry as she continues to float the baby around the pool to keep her asleep.
She hasn’t been doing it for more than ten minutes when the patio door opens and Harry is stepping into the back with a confused expression that she can’t see because her back is turned to him.
“Love, why are you in the pool? S’late,” Harry asks softly but he doesn’t get an answer, so he’s slipping out of his plain tee and striped pants, dirty vans kicked to the side ***.
Just in his briefs, he quietly enters the pool to not disrupt the ebb and flow of the water. When he makes his way over to her, he slides in front of his wife, alarmed at the exhausted, tearful expression on her face.
“Baby, what’s happened? Talk t’me,” Harry whispers, hands coming to cup his wife’s face in between his large hands. Rings cold against her hot, wet cheeks. He looks to his sleeping daughter, running his eyes over her a few times and decides she seems completely okay.
“M’fine,” Y/N chokes out but the lie causes a fresh wave of tears.
Harry frowns, “Don’t lie to me, pet. Please, don’t shut me out. M’always here for you.”
“I’m a bad mum,” She sobs silently, her eyes closing as she leans into his palms before moving to rest her head heavily on the crook of his tattooed shoulder, his chest damp from the salty tears.
“Wha-What’s brought this on? Y’the best mum in the world, best wife in the world. The best at everythin’, why are you doubtin’ that, my heart?” Harry murmurs, taking over the rocking motions of Sasha’s raft.
“She wouldn’t settle today, Harry. Like at all, refusing to nap, eat any healthy food, or bathe. She screamed at me the whole day no matter what I did and then she told me I was bad and she wanted you.”
“Love, she’s in the midst of her terrible twos. She loves you more than anythin’ on this earth. Y’her mummy and a damn good one at that. Why didn’t y’call me? I’d come home, work is never more important than our family.”
Y/N doesn’t bring up the fact she did try to call, “I need to be able to do this myself, Harry. M’a stay at home mum, taking care of Sash is literally my only job and I can’t even do that.”
Harry’s face hardens but he tries to not take it personally, knowing his wife is just upset with herself, “That’s not fair to me, dove. M’her daddy, she’s half mine too. She’s just as much of my responsibility as yours, no matter what my job is.”
“I don’t want to stress you out more than necessary,” Y/N mutters into his skin.
“Me coming home to my wife in tears and my baby in the pool at midnight is more stressful than you ringin’ me to come home,” Harry tells her, smearing a few kisses to the top of her hair.
“I’m sorry for worrying you. I’m just tired.”
Harry pulls her back so he can look her in the eyes, “Never apologize for somethin’ like that. Go get a bath and let me put the bub to sleep, okay? I love y’mumma.”
Harry calls his mum the next morning while Y/N is out getting a manicure with Glenne. He’d called her favorite salon earlier in the day, coercing them into opening a spot for her with a monetary bribe.
Y/N had hesitated at the door as Sasha threw a fit at her mother leaving the house. She clung onto her calf until Harry had to physically pull her off and hold her tightly in his arms.
Currently, Sasha was playing with a set of dolls on the floor of her bedroom as Harry sat next to her. She’d originally been happy with the presence of her father until he told her he needed to make a phone call.
Harry had to be stern with her when she went to grab at the phone pressed to his ear, gently gripping her wrist and frowning, “We don’t do that, s’not nice.”
Sasha had attempted to grab at it again and managed to tangle Harry’s long locks into his fist, tugging at them. Harry unraveled the small fingers before telling his daughter, “If you do that one more time, y’going on the step for two minutes.”
The threat had her pouting harshly but turning back to her toys to occupy herself, sighing when his mum finally answered the phone, “Hi darling.”
“Hi mum, you alright?” Harry asks, relaxing at the sound of his mother’s melodic voice.
“I’m perfect, you don’t sound okay, dear,” Anne replies with a concerned twinge.
Harry didn’t call much to complain, didn’t like worrying her and most of the time Y/N was able to provide the support he needed or Jeff.
“Y/N’s really overwhelmed,” Harry tells her before choking up a bit, “And I don’t know what to do mum, I feel like m’bein’ a bad husband. Came home to her crying last night and she feels like she’s a bad mum.”
When Sasha hears her father’s voice crack, she looks up at him curiously before recognizing that he’s upset. She crawls into his lap, fitting herself against his chest before playing with a doll there. Comforting him.
Harry wraps his free arm around her, pulling her as close as possible. His precious little baby. A little blessing as sweet as her mother.
“Oh honey, that happens. Mums, good mums especially are so critical when they don’t need to be. Baby’s are overwhelming, plus I know she’s been alone a lot with her. But you’re not a bad husband, dear.”
“It feels like it,” Harry sniffles, burying his face in his daughter’s lavender-scented curls from her bath earlier.
“If you were, you wouldn’t be calling,” Anne chuckles at her son, “Now how can we make this situation better?”
The phone call helped Harry not feel so hopeless in helping his wife. He’d come up with the plan to fly to England with Sasha so that Anne could see her but Y/N could have some alone time for a long weekend.
When Y/N enters the front door after her appointment, she’s met by a very excited little human who rushes to her mother and demands to be picked up. Of course, Y/N obliges, looking a bit more refreshed and awake as she tucks the baby against her hip.
Harry had ordered their favorite salads from a shop in the city and had it ready for her, “Oh, looks delicious. Thank you, H,” She smiles at him, leaning to give his stubbly cheek a kiss.
As they dig in, Y/N feeding bits of chicken and veggies to her daughter as they eat, Harry clears his throat, “I’m taking Sash to Holmes Chapel for the long weekend to see my mum.”
Y/N smiles, “That sounds great!”
Harry gives her a perplexed look, he’d thought she’d put up a fight. She despised being away from Sasha - couldn’t go a day without seeing her daughter.
“Really?” Her husband asks, putting down his fork.
“Mhm, I just have to pack a bag for Sash and I. When are we leaving?” Y/N replies eagerly, ready to go back home and get away from California for a bit.
Harry’s stomach clenches, “Erm, I meant just me and the baba? I thought you could stay here and relax for a weekend. Sleep, hang out, shop.”
Y/N’s face falls and is replaced with a devastated look, “You don’t think I’m being a good mum.”
Harry backpedals, realizing he shouldn’t have approached it in the lax way he did.
“No, no, of course not, baby. I think you’re such a good mum that you need a break. You never get breaks, m’the one who always does. S’not fair to you. I just need you to have some time to take care of yourself,” Harry explains, his heart shattering a bit at the tears brimming again.
“I don’t want a break, don’t leave me here,” Y/N begs, tucking a piece of tomato in her daughter’s expectant mouth before Sasha chews and smiles at her mother.
“Mummy, more please?” Sasha chirps, her mood a little bit brighter than it had been the last few days.
“Thank you for using your manners, here baby,” Her mother responds, popping another into her mouth after she sliced it in half.
“Did you book a commercial flight?” She asks her husband with an angry tone.
“No, private but we have to catch it at LAX,” Harry explains, the private airport they usually fly out of was filled to capacity at the moment.
“Either I’m coming or you’re going alone. You’re not taking Sasha without me,” Y/N replies firmly. She stands up and shuffles Sasha into his lap before leaving the room without another word.
Harry didn’t expect that. He should have thought it through more. If Y/N wanted to come, of course she could, but he’d never meant to offend her or act like he was taking Sasha away from her.
Harry had attempted to reason his way out of going to the studio with Jeff today. However, with the final cuts and adjustments were being made - he was quickly turned down and demanded in the studio.
When he’d trailed into the quiet house that night, relieved to find his baby in her crib instead of the pool, he went to his bedroom where the lights were still on.
The closet doors were open and Y/N was on the ground folding and sorting Sasha’s clothes before placing them in her suitcase. ***
Y/N’s suitcase already laying zipped and ready to go by the entrance of the closet. Her toiletry bag was placed neatly on top of it. Then his heart pings a bit when he sees that she’s already packed up his suitcase as well.
Harry pads over to his wife, plopping down behind her and tugging her back into him - long arms wrapping around her upper chest.
“Missed you, mumma.”
She hums, “I missed you too. Miss you always.”
“Y’the love of my life, y’know that?” Harry asks, kissing the back of her neck.
“I better be or you married the wrong person,” Y/N laughs softly, her tone still off but lighter than before.
“Married the right person, knocked up the right person.”
Y/N barks out a laugh, rolling her eyes, “How romantic.”
“Baby, y’know what I’m getting at. You’re the best mum and wife. I just wanted you to have a few days to yourself. To lower your stress level and let you do some self-care,” Harry murmurs, pushing the baby clothes out of her hands.
“But your mum can watch her for a bit while we’re there, right? I don’t want alone time, I need the exact opposite. I need company,” She tells him, twisting herself until she’s seated in his lap - straddling him.
“Mmm, can definitely have some alone time,” Harry agrees instantly, his mouth finding her throat - beginning to lay a path of wet, hot kisses down the column down to her collarbones.
“H, I have t’pack, we’re leaving tomorrow morning,” Y/N weakly argues but can’t help but bear down against her husband when she feels him harden in his loose pants quickly.
“S’just a quickie? Yeah, pet? Lemme fuck you,” Harry’s hands dragging the shirt she’s wearing up and over her head. Eyes lighting up boyishly when he realizes she didn’t have a bra on.
She can’t argue as he darts down to wrap his lips around her pert bud, sucking between long swipes of his tongue - just how she liked it. “Missed y’body so much,” Harry states against her heated skin.
“Just had me two days ago,” Y/N laughs but it cuts off into a moan when his hand slides into her pajama shorts and finds her clit over her thin underwear.
“Never enough,” Harry replies easily, “Remember the song I wrote f’you?”
Y/N snarkily asks, “Which one? Nearly all your songs are about me.”
And well...Harry can’t even argue how true her statement is. “The one titled ‘Never Enough’, pet? Remember?”
Before she can speak, he lowly croons out the chorus of the song he wrote for One Direction years ago, “Lips so good I forget my name. I swear I would give you everything. It’s never enough, never enough.”
Harry knows his sweet as syrup singing gets her immensely turned on and so he’s not surprised when she whimpers against his lips, “Fuck me, c’mon.”
He’s delighted at his wife’s pleas and quickly moves them, leaning forward with her until she’s on her back on the ground of their walk-in closet. He accidentally kicks over a pile of Sasha’s dresses but neither even notice.
There is no time wasted as Harry removed every single article from Y/N’s body quickly as well as his own. He’s leaning forward to suck a few more kisses to her chest as his fingers slip down to crook right up into her hot center.
“No teasing,” Y/N complains, wrapping hands around his biceps and bringing him on top of her more fully. She’s squeezing around his two fingers with need, it has him groaning when he brings them up and sucks them between his pouty lips.
Then she’s not waiting any longer, reaching down and grabbing a hold of his thick length. Harry lets out rumble from his chest at the contact before she’s guiding him into her without any further ado.
“Baby,” Harry chastises as soon as she starts goading him into thrusts with her feet against him bum, pushing him into her harder than he’d usually start, “Y’squeezin’ me s’tight, you missed me too?”
Y/N nods, whining every time he pushes against her spot and sends a zip of arousal through her body. His trimmed hair around his base brushing against her clit causing delicious friction for her.
“No, y’need to tell me,” Harry huffs, hand gripping her jaw harsher than he would if they were having slow, intimate sex. He knew she loved it by the way her eyes twinkle with stubbornness.
“No,” She replies coyly, heels of her feet pressing hard against him to the point it itches with a slight pain. Harry loved his wife so much it was looney.
“It’s fine, don’t need y’to come for me to get off, dove,” Harry replies simply, speeding up his thrusts with his hand holding her jaw for him to press bruising kisses against. His teeth are coming to pull her bottom lip in between.
Something switches in her demeanor though without warning, her voice softer and pliant, “Tell me you love me.”
It has Harry slowing down his hips until he’s rocking deeper into her, going down on his elbows so their noses are bumping. He releases the grip of her chin and instead moves to her bum to encourage her to meet him halfway.
“I love you, s’much it hurts most days,” Harry replies obediently, knowing what his wife needed at that moment. Reassurance. “Most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on, then you made us a perfect little baby.”
She’s looking up at him with loving, grateful eyes, landing a gentle peck to his upper lip and letting her head fall back onto the floor. This is what she needed right now from her husband and he was so good at providing.
“Breaks my heart when y’don’t think your a good mum or wife. ‘Cause you’re everythin’ I ever wanted. Why’d you think I write every song about you, lovie? S’cause you’re my soulmate.”
“H,” She whimpers, emotion thick in her throat as she meets his eyes, “I love you so much. You’re the best husband and dad ever.”
“Baby,” Harry murmurs into her cheek, picking up speed as she starts to clench around him in a warning of her oncoming orgasm. He slips his hand down to press a few light rubs to her clit before she’s arching her back and moaning with pleasure.
“You look s’good, coming ‘round my cock,” Harry tells her, helping her ride through it before hitching her hips up even further and thrusting harshly until his hips stutter and he’s coming as well.
“Harry,” Y/N sighs, her breathing coming back to normal as she roams a hand down his shoulders and back - scratching lightly.
“Hmm, dove? Y’want my cock again? Need a few,” He replies into her neck, ever the teenage boy.
She giggles, “No, we have to catch a flight at eight in the morning and it’s currently four-thirty.”
Harry grunts before pulling out and sitting up, “Y’better have packed my favorite pajama pants or I’m goin’ to be cross with you.”
Y/N now regrets the second round of fun as soon as their alarm goes off. Her body sore from the position he’d twisted her into against the shower wall after they packed the rest of Sasha necessities.
They were nearly at the airport with Sasha nodding back off in the carseat. She was excited to see her Nana and Aunt Gemma once again.
Their daughter was in the cutest, comfiest jumpsuit with comic hearts all over it *** and adorable little sock sneakers*** that slide right on and off her feet.
Harry had chucked on black sunglasses, a black jumper with green lettering, black joggers, and blue checkered van with white socks. He was attempting to fly under the radar as much as possible because he knew paparazzi just sit outside the entrances to spot celebrities. ***
It was annoying but he could deal with it when he was mobbed at the airport when he was by himself. But when it was with his wife and baby - he couldn’t stomach it. It’s part of the reason they fly private from a private port.
When they pull up to the curb, a staff member is waiting for them and helps Harry as well as the driver put his luggage on a cart to be brought to the awaiting jet.
Y/N unbuckles the baby who is awake now but bleary-eyed as she’s sitting on the curve of her mother’s hip.
And well - that’s when the madness begins. A pap spots them within seconds of exiting the car and is pulling up his camera for the first shots, the other photographers sitting around follow suit.
As soon as one of them screams, “Harry Styles - look this way!” The jam packed area looks towards them, seeming fans of his start murmuring before following behind the paparazzi pulling their phones out.
Y/N is used to the crowds by now - but just like Harry, not with Sasha around. They tried to avoid situations like this as much as possible. The lights and loud noises were scary to the little girl.
“Mummy,” Sasha whines, picking her head up from her mother’s shoulder to stare wide-eyed at the gathering in front of them.
Harry started to feel anxiety because this was becoming a massive crowd - scratch that, it wasn’t a crowd it was a fucking mob of people. They were all too close, blinding the family with their flashes despite security attempting to push them back.
Fans were shoving and thrusting their phones in Harry’s face, shoving random things for him to sign in front of him. Paparazzi were screaming questions and taking thousands of pictures in a minute’s time.
Harry grabs onto Y/N’s hand tightly, their diaper bag on Harry’s shoulder, and begins to attempt to guide them through the swarm. It was like trying to move through cement, the crowd not budging despite security’s screams.
Sasha is full blown crying at this point into her mother’s neck. Y/N’s hand cupping the back of her head to keep her head down and out of the photographs - holding her as tightly as possible.
Y/N can hear Harry began to curse - signaling that he’s becoming stressed out because he would usually never be rude to the public despite their actions. But he couldn’t give a fuck when it came to his family.
“Move out of the way.”
“D’you not see I have a fuckin’ baby?”
“Get those fuckin’ cameras out of their faces.”
“Back the fuck away from my wife and baby.”
Then Y/N is being shoved by a teenage girl who trips when she thrusts her arm towards Harry. She tumbles into Y/N with her full weight and Y/N’s loses her footing, falling forward - letting go of Harry’s hand.
When she falls, she manages to catch herself with the arm that’s not holding her daughter. But she feels pain in her knees and Sasha emits a sharp wail that alerts Y/N her daughter is hurt.
“Sash, fuck,” Y/N gasps, her motherly instincts automatically kicking in and she’s cradling her daughter as tightly to her chest as she can, shielding her from the swarm who had quieted only a bit.
It must take Harry a second to realize that something had happened, he turns around - eyes frantic as he absolutely roars, “Back the fuck up! I’ll fuckin’ break each and everyone of your cameras! Fucking leeches.”
With that, he’s helping to pull you up and grasping at the two, “Are you okay? Wha’s hurt?”
Y/N just shakes her head, having a panic attack as she shuffles the crying baby into his arms. “Please, just...Sasha. I think she hurt her arm when I fell.”
“Daddy, ouch,” Sasha shrieks loudly into his sweatshirt as he hikes her up onto his chest, her little legs wrapped around his midsection.
“Ssh, y’okay,” Harry tries to reassure her, matching his wife’s panic.
The crowd seems to give way now, the parents rushing their daughter into the airport.
Employees guide them to the medical office on-site where it’s now silent and calm but the family feels anything but.
Sasha’s sobs have turned into moans and whimpers at this point - but come back with a vengeance when Harry has to set her on the exam table and wrestle her out of her clothes until she’s just sat in her diaper.
The nurse was so amazing and kind. She checked Sasha thoroughly for any signs of trauma or broken bones but luckily, it was just a nasty scrape on her forearm that was hurting her. It wasn’t anything serious.
The parents had such concern for their daughter that Y/N didn’t even realize she had bled through her white joggers at the knees ***. The nurse frowns, “Honey, you’re still bleeding.”
“I’m fine,” She insisted even though her knees were aching.
“I’d like to examine your legs, dear,” The nurse tells her sternly, signaling that Harry can dress Sasha again.
He’s digging into the diaper bag for a spare out that they were always ready with. She was calming even more when Harry dressed her in a comfy pink set of clothes with little deer on them. ***
“Love, please let her,” Harry asks softly, pulling Sasha back onto his chest. Her thumb tucked into her mouth and her father hands her a plushie that Y/N had shoved in the bag last minute.
Y/N obliges with the pressure, wiggling the loose fabric down her legs until she’s just in her underwear and shirt - sits up on the table with her knees off to the side for her to examine.
Harry grimaces when he sees the multiple cuts and scrapes tainting her skin. A few slow trickles of blood still oozing from the gashes. The skin is already slowly covering purple and blue with bruises.
The nurse cleans her up, Y/N wincing when the alcohol brushes the cuts but Sasha is smiling again like nothing ever happened and cooing at her mum. It makes them both feel a lot better.
When they’re finally on the private jet, up high into the clouds away from the crowds and paparazzi - it feels like relief. ***
They had tucked their daughter onto the couch with her favorite fuzzy blanket and she’s asleep nearly as soon as her head hits the pillow.
They trail back into the other part of the cabin so that they don’t disturb her, cuddling up on the couch together.
“M’so sorry, I’m such a bad fa-”
Y/N cuts him off before he begins, “If I’m not allowed to be a bad mum - you’re not allowed to be a bad father. It wasn’t y’fault that happened - it’s those careless, crazed people who have nothing better to do.”
Y/N was always the voice of reason in Harry’s head when he started to spiral.
Spiral because his fame was so overwhelming and got his family into difficult situations sometimes. She brought him back to reality.
“Hey, we’re both okay. Just a few scrapes. It was just a lesson, Harry. We just need to be safer and plan better, alright?” Y/N assures him softly, kissing under his chin before resting back - ready to sleep.
“Y’the best. Best mum, best wife,” Harry tells her, encompassing her in his loving hold.
let me know your thoughts bub
come talk to me <3
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animecreator3000 · 3 years
About the Boueibu iceberg
@delphoxqueen asked me to explain about my list for the iceberg so here it is. I might update this from time to time with links and stuff if I stumble across the original posts. This is all from what I know so feel free to add new info. Also, spoiler warning for RobiHachi and the Boueibu manga and novels. (This is like a masterpost it’s very long)
1. There’s a theory in tumblr about which decade the series is set in, using data like the friday the 13th calendar in s2 ep11. In HK we got a second number for when the next monthly Pretty Boy Contest was happening and using the one from Love it was theorized that around a decade had passed since then, which ended up being true.
2. The stage play had a few original songs and characters exclusive to it so unless you watched the full performance, you probably weren’t able to witness all of them. One of the characters is called “Robato Deniro”, as romanized in the stage play booklet I own.
3. The nurse and the cafeteria staff from the s1 mobile game appear in the background in around the first half of s2 ep3.
4. S2 had an unfinished manga that was only available online and was never released on physical format; it was centered around the defense club and sometimes the conquest club and Beppu brothers. All that’s left from what I know are the scans linked on magicalgirlsandcerulean’s blog.
5. This isn’t that obscure because it’s talked about in the anime, but I’m mentioning it because I think many people dropped it before the ova, where right at the beginning it is revealed that the alien that resucitated Mr. Tawarayama twice was, as described by Io, a “mulberry-colored naked mole rat-looking thing”, and was nicknamed “Moley-san” by Yumoto. At least in the anime, we had never heard before of who this was and it never appeared on screen nor was mentioned again.
6. In HK ep8, Karurusu promises the knights to grant a wish if they show him how earthlings spend summer. Kyoutarou reveals at the end of the episode that he wished that summer lasted one more day so he could spend it doing nothing, which prompts Ichiro to theorize that it’s the 32nd of august, and the next day is the second 1st of september.
7. The stage play was was held from march 10th to 13rd, of which the latter is Ryuu’s birthday. There’s an additional recording of a small celebration with cake focused on Ryuu and Io.
8. Atsushi mentions his older sister in the flashback at the beginning of s1 ep4, but she never appears or is mentioned again.
9. There’s a few posts on tumblr theorizing about what happened to the Hakone parents since Yumoto only says in s2 ep3 that according to Gora, “they are busy with their hot springs tour”. En mentions that it’s a bit suspicious, but it’s all the information we have from the anime. Posts talk about the parents perhaps passing away from an accident or an illness, thus the reason why Gora was so worried about Yumoto’s cold in s1 ep10, but from another post I think it’s implied in the second novel that they actually left their home when Yumoto was still a toddler.
10. It’s no secret that the surnames of the characters are all real onsens in Japan that even the seiyuus have visited, but apparently the Arima onsen has two different kinds of water, “kinsen (gold hot spring)” and “ginsen (silver hot spring)”, with different properties each, and the Kusatsu onsen water also has certain properties, both that were used to build the characters. Additionally, Ryuu’s favorite food are Sato Nishiki cherries, which are grown in the same prefecture, Yamagata, as his onsen, Zaou.
11. The press club lose relevance after s1, with only Kinosaki and Tazawa reappearing briefly in s2 ep2 to interview the Beppu twins after they arrive at the school. Tazawa doesn’t even have lines. Hireashi is mentioned by Zundar in ep11.
12. What the heck
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13. Exclusively in the manga we see that Arima met Kinshiro and Atsushi when they were little and they were good friends, but when they met again as adults, Kinshiro seemingly didn’t remember Arima. Atsushi, however, stated that Kinshiro’s talent is remembering people’s faces and names, so Arima wonders if he’s just trying to distance himself from him. He also explains to Akoya that he follows Kinshiro and obeys him because as a child, he was fascinated by his radiant smile. This is never talked about in the anime.
14. Like the previous point, the anime never shows Akoya being bullied, at most just a slight dislike of his full name, but the manga shows that he was made fun of for it and how he actually hates his surname, to the point of introducing himself formally to the president and vicepresident of the student council as “Holy Angel Akoya”.
15, 16, 17, 19. Batonama lives were the livestreams done through the franchise by the defense club seiyuus on youtube and niconico. They’re all on youtube, without any kind of translation.
Love-ko is a girl with a shell bikini drawn on a piece of cardboard that was used as a girlfriend in the Batonama Love! lives, acted by the seiyuus themselves.
RobiHachi has one episode full of official Boueibu artwork and a parody of the series too, a Love-ko doll appears, and Wombat appears as well, named “The Don”. It received an english dub, so for a bit, people were excited that Wombat was going to speak in english too. Also, various mechas appear in both Boueibu and RobiHachi.
18. The director of Fairy Ranmaru (Masakazu Hishida if I’m not wrong) revealed in an interview that he was inspired by Boueibu and aimed to make a show like that.
20, 21. The website super-groupies.com has results for defense and conquest club lingerie sets, dc and VEPPer tote bags, the Beppus’ scarf rings, dc bath sets and the pumps magicalgirlsandcerulean mentioned. I’ve found the s1 Loveracelets and Caerula Adamas’ ring on different sites, the True Loveracelets on TheChara’s twitter and the Happybraces (apparently called “Hapibure”) on broccoli.co.jp but I’m not sure where exactly they were all announced and sold, so I’ll just drop that.
22, 33. Boueibu was originally pretty much a copy of Sailor Moon, I think they were all going to be called “Lackluster Moon” and that stuff and be literally Sailor Moon genderbent. They were all different from color palettes to physical features (except Yumoto’s), and Ryuu was a shota, even smaller than Yumoto. Their names were also very reminiscent of the five Sailor Senshis’. Even if they made it more original, the show is still clearly inspired by Sailor Moon (just look at Caerula Adamas lol) and Pretty Cure. It has also referenced, very blatantly, animes like Doraemon, Detective Conan, Aikatsu and even Vocaloid, when Kyoutarou tries to guess what Karurusu is saying with ““Just Google It, Asshole”?” in ep1.
23. Wombat’s real name and the name of his planet sound like gibberish to the earthlings and ends up being named after the Earth animal, but Zundar, Dadacha, Karurusu and Furanui all have original names. And I think Hireashi means “goldfish”?
24. If you google “zundar technology”, it’s actually a company in Shanghai, China. Aren’t Wombat and Zundar always talking about “advanced alien technology”?
25. Zundar and Dadacha are siblings, so are Karurusu and Furanui, and so are their father King Kamopapa and their uncle minister Wao, but neither are the same species and, except the first two, not even the same color. But they are supposedly related because they share birthmarks or something like that...
26. Everyone who’s in this fandom knows about the pixel blur and voice pitch censor from s1, but I’ve added it anyway because it’s so rare for mahou shoujo and shounen animes to explain why the heroes aren’t recognized when transformed.
27. A good while of s2 ep11 is spent discussing Zundar’s ex-wife and his problems to give child support. Naturally, he gets mad at this.
28. “Money doesn’t betray” (s1 ep6) and “The despair hidden behind your smile that comes from not being understood” (s3 ep11) are sentences that came out of nowhere and implied that the people they were said by (Io) or about (Taiju) respectively had some kind of angst going on but were never explained at all. They’re famous for just that.
29. The Beppu twins’ house in Andromeda shown in flashbacks had strange green circles that apparently are from another anime I don’t know but honestly I didn’t get it very well... It was revealed on a tweet from Takamatsu.
30. Alien language mostly appeared in s2 due to the many flashbacks of Aki and Haru in Andromeda, but in Boueibu s1, it appears on the Zundar Needle before it is shot on the human. It appears a lot through RobiHachi as well, due to being a story about travelling through space. There might be an alphabetical chart somewhere, but I can’t assure it exists, I might even have dreamed it.
31. Hikaru Midorikawa as the melon monster, Kousuke Toriumi as the bishounen monster, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka as the kotatsu and panda monsters and Takuya Eguchi as the remote controller monster in s1 and 2, before going on to voice the main cast in HK. Keisuke Koumoto voiced Hatchi Kita in RobiHachi as well as Akihiko in Boueibu, and the characters look similar.
A new addition is that so far Boueibu is the only anime I’ve seen where children weren’t voiced by female seiyuus, but by actual children. Personally, it’s charming and makes it so much more realistic, specifically since no women appear in the franchise at all either (not counting Protag-chan in the game).
32. Speaking of seiyuus, Can I Destroy The Earth? had a dub shown in ep11/12 (?) that made Gora the villain that wanted Earth to stay the same and not progress, against the monsters that supposedly wanted to bring good things to earthlings. Aki and Haru quickly dismissed this dub as fake. (I made a mistake in the title in the previous post btw)
34. As seen in the glossary in the Boueibu Mook (I think, but might not be the mook), Caerula Adamas’ speeches are based on an old japanese detergent commercial that went “Gold, silver, pearl, gift”.
35. In the manga there’s a short parody of the first chapter of Sailor Moon with “Pretty Boy Guardian Gakuran Akoya”. The conquest club manga was released before the anime, so I remember reading somewhere that a fake website appeared for the Gakuran Akoya manga, before turning into the conquest club manga website in the day of its release.
36. Cgi was used a few times in the anime: s2 ep10 for a short sequence of the defense club on a rollercoaster and the carousel monster, ep11 for a cenital shot of the Battle Lovers singing, and HK ep12 for the Honyalaland soldiers and the Wao mecha.
37. The toothbrush incident in s1 ep7. (It’s definitely well-known but it’s so weird lol)
38. “We hope we can see each other again someday!” Something along those lines was the last text to appear in the last episode of HK, implying a s2. We all know how that went.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, May 18 – Thursday, May 19
Buffy: "Now if slaying was a competitive sport, then I'd have a chance. You know we could have figure staking and speed staking.
The Sunnydale Herald is still looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Addicted by badly_knitted (Willow, PG)
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The Break of Dawn by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, T)
Stairway To Demons by AgentPatheticHasBeenRockstar ("Supernatural" crossover, The Gentlemen, T)
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Poem: November 23, 2000 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, worksafe (collection rated R))
The Break of Dawn by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Polaroid by MrsAkers (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Poem: Episode 133 – Showtime – The Slayer Verses by Kim Wade
[Chaptered Fiction]
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After the Deluge, Ch. 28-30 by gillo (Buffy/Spike, R, COMPLETE!)
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Confused Memories by madimpossibledreamer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer/The Case Files of Young Kindaichi, Teen)
After the Deluge, Ch. 28-30 by gillo (Buffy/Spike, R, COMPLETE!)
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parents, Ch. 1-2 by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Original characters, T, COMPLETE!)
To Live In The World - Chapter 43 by IvorySteel92 (Buffy/Faith, M, COMPLETE!)
The Theatre of Monsters - Chapter 1-19 by InMyOwnHeadItGoesLikeThis (Giles/Ethan, T)
New Song, Same Tune - Chapter 1 by calikocat (crossover with Diagnosis Murder, Xander, M)
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Of two minds, Ch. 3 by Reknamarken (Buffy/Spike, R)
Dress My Body All in Flowers White, Ch. 22 by othellia (Buffy/Spike, R)
Seven, Ch. 21 by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What Lies Within, Ch. 6 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
After the Deluge Ch. 8-14 by GillO (Buffy/Spike, R)
Of Monsters and Men, Ch. 5 by feedingthefire (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Worst Sacrifice, Ch. 6 by TwilightChild (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Mortal Allies Series, Episode 5: War and Roses, Ch. 23 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Living is Easy…Being Happy is Hard by Luna (crossover with Mercy Thompson Series, Buffy, FR15)
It’s not an S by Sithicus (crossover with "Superman" and "X-Men", Xander, FR18)
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Last Days 10: Sunnydale, 2002 by Myrabeth (Buffy/Spike, T)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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wont forget it by spikedru (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
"I'm the thing that monsters have nightmares about." by lauraloudraws (Buffy, worksafe)
Gifset: buffy summers + jewelry by buffysource (worksafe)
Vid: I know the end by 1998fairy (AtS)
Buffy by honorarypines (worksafe)
dawn!!! by gh0stlypup (worksafe)
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Complete BtVS cross stitching project by Wankeritis (ensemble, worksafe)
Buffy nesting dolls by waronpunk (Scoobies)
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tote Bags by gayesartt (Spike, Buffy, Willow, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Some kind of kinship between Buffy S6 defenders and Doctor Who Moffat/Capaldi-era enjoyers by herinsectreflection
So, I've read some more Boom Buffy and Angel comic stuff... by oveliagirlhaditright
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Discussion of 3.06 "Band Candy" (cont'd) by TamsinValencia and Antho
Which three episodes would have to be your favorite for BTVS Season 6? by RedFlamer and xxstaindrosesxx
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If Buffy episodes were named like Friends episodes: "Enemies" by multiple people
Angel After the Fall reread continued by Stoney and Priceless
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Did you like any of these scenes in 'Where the Wild Things Are'? by Opening_Knowledge868
Video game(s). by LonelyRing3218
Favorite Season 5 Arc? (AtS) by rednax2009
Best and Worst Visual Effects in Buffy/Angel? by rednax2009
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Episode 77: The I in Team – Myth Taken
Pop Culture Role Call: Air Quotes - Angel S02E12 - Blood Money
Buffy Boys 153 - Ranking the Vampire Slayer [21 - 13]
7.13 The Killer In Me | Buffering the Vampire Slayer
[Recs & In Search Of]
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
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"Loved" by Holly recommended by Priceless
"Angel" literature [books about AtS] recommended by American Aurora and others
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Question: Anyone remember the fan video from about 15 years ago with L'Arena (Ennio Morricone)...? by vc_rugger
Buffy fashion sense (help me find some clothing that would fit the Scooby gang?) by glasgowgirl
[Community Announcements]
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Features - special edition at Elysian Fields
[Fandom Discussions]
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Spike actually delivered on his promise to Ford in S2 E7: Lie To Me. Why? by stalker-among-the-stars and tellhulla
We never really know how Buffy feels about Drusilla, but... by kingbuffy
[BtVS normalizes terrible awful relationships for women] by deerjuices
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kentos-filmcamera · 3 years
10 times, 1 occasion - Inumaki Toge
7. Festivities
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A/N: hi hi! soo a few things: I would like to warn that this chapter shows a more feminine side of the reader so if anyone is uncomfy,, you've been warned. this chapter is just friendship and ships (there's nobara x maki and yuuji x megumi if you squint a bit) and it's 3.0k words (new record!!!!!) so buckle up and enjoy! also, next chapter is my favorite so far so go read it as soon as you're done with this.
Toge persisted you to rest for the past three days, as you were indicated. He sat by your bedside so you wouldn’t go anywhere, always keeping your injured ankle raised and your head comfortable, helping you to change bandages from time to time. Even then, you persisted to go as normal and continue with your duties.
“So hot…” Maki complained from your green couch, her glasses set aside as she covered her eyes from the sun with her forearm.
“I think you should stop hugging Kugisaki, then” Megumi suggested, the redhead laying on top of her, but he just received a death glare.
“Shake” Toge agreed with Maki, laying on top of Panda, who was snoring loudly. You, on the other hand, were on top of Yuuji’s shoulders, working on your damaged air conditioner.
“Gimme the flat screwdriver, ‘Gumi” You extended your hand, the other one holding one of the filters of the AC.
Your air conditioning system broke down once a year, and you knew it was because of the dirty filters. For some reason, everyone decided to hang out in your room, so extra help was usually given out to you. Maki and Nobara cleaned the filters, Panda and Toge first assisted you and then the help shifted to Megumi and Itadori. The last one was more than glad to have a pair of thighs wrapped around his neck, and his smile displayed so as Inumaki and Megumi both stared him down to oblivion. With the screwdriver now in your hand, you pressed each filter well to its original place. You closed the lid and Yuuji plopped you down on your bed, making you laugh.
You reached in to click on the air conditioner, it turned on normally and after a few minutes, it wasn’t leaking water anymore. “It’s fixed” You heard a collective sigh you let out yourself, feeling the cold air fill the room.
Itadori laid down on the floor by your mini-fridge and Megumi sat at the edge of your bed, next to your feet. You were all so overwhelmed by the heat, no one really wanted to speak, just take in the fake rise in temperature to calm down their sweating and corporal heat.
Just as you were falling into pure, calm bliss, you heard bass thumping from down the hall. You opened your eyes and raised your head towards the door, at the same time everyone else did, confused. Queue in Gojo with a boombox from the 90s, playing ‘Congratulations’ by Post Malone. There was now a collective groan in annoyance as he walked in and faced the bunch of sweaty teens.
“Good afternoon my amazing students!” There was another collective groan in response. No one didn’t even bother raising their heads once more to look at him, and Megumi just turned his face away slightly. Everyone was grumpy or simply not in the mood “I am here to give out great news! Everyone who has tried for first-grade sorcerer has been officially promoted! Congratulations!”
Suddenly, the aura of the room shifted. Everyone was upright, in a mix of shock and happiness. Nobara started screaming out in happiness with Maki, while you, Megumi, Gojo, and Itadori started jumping on your bed in a circle, holding hands. Inumaki was hugging Panda.
“Let’s throw a party! A fancy one!” Itadori suggested, and everyone cheered. Gojo seemed very fond of the idea, as he laughed.
“Dress code is suit and tie, I’ll see you all in the common dining room at 8! Now if you excuse me, I have a party to plan!” Gojo jumped out of the bed, picked up his speaker, and sprinted out of the room. You came down from your bed and threw yourself into Toge’s arms, who pulled you closer in by your waist. You laughed and nuzzled into his neck happily; he was smiling proudly.
“Oh my god! We need to go shopping!” Nobara realized, grabbing Maki’s wrist and snatching you away from Inumaki to head out the door.
“Wait, I need my wallet!” You screamed, but Toge ran after you to give you the tote bag you carried for trips outside the school. You blew him a kiss as he waved you goodbye.
“I’m dressed so inappropriately to go out” Maki groaned as Nobara rushed you on.
“Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand so no one flirts with you” Nobara beamed at her and then wink, making Maki fluster. You laughed and elbowed her in the ribs, wiggling your eyebrows.
“I can’t believe I'm going to have to third wheel today!” You laughed, watching as both women turned crimson.
Nobara insisted on shopping in the Harajuku district and looking at her eyes gleaming while passing different stores was like watching a kid in a candy store. Surprisingly, she was the pickiest one out of the three. Maki found her outfit first, a black blazer and pants combo with a black mesh button-up that had Nobara drooling. You found a black silk slip dress that reached down your calf, a slit on one of the legs with a loose neckline that reached down your collarbones. Nobara found a black dress that reached a bit down to her knees, it was strapless with a see-through long sleeve with roses. She laughed at the irony of it, considering the poison she was infected with last week manifested in roses on her skin. After that, you went to grab a bite, the three of you talking about everything, anything and nothing at the same time. You noticed the flirtatious remarks between your companions, happy that both had decided to move their attraction to flirting, rather than just staring at each other all the time. You returned to Jujutsu High around 3 PM, more exhausted than ever, you threw your bag to a corner, kicked off your sneakers, and threw yourself on the bed face down, falling asleep in that same starfish position.
“Aw, she’s asleep” You heard a voice comment. You thought it was only a dream and continued on napping. “Let’s just let her rest”
“Are you crazy? They promised to do our makeup! That’s three people already!” Another hushed voice chimed in.
“Tuna mayo” A third voice hummed. You were already back fast asleep as someone tried to shake you awake gently, only to fail miserably.
Toge sighed and squatted down, his face to level yours. Even with your mouth ajar, your duvet darkening from your saliva, and your slightly loud breathing, he loved how you looked so serene that what he was about to do next he found very cruel.
Delicately, he moved your hair away from your ear, swooping it to the other side of your face. Right there, he was taken away by your sleeping beauty; purples, oranges, and blues chiming into light your face as the sun went down. He sighed, half-smiling “Wake up”
He watched as your eyes popped open and you sat up, rigid. “What day is it?” You wondered, scratching your head and yawning, disoriented after the sudden surge of energy running through your body. Toge sat down by your side and placed his hand on your bare waist. You noticed lately he was even more touchy than usual.
“What day is it?” Nobara mocked you, a vein in her forehead palpitating. “You need to do our makeup! Hurry! You haven’t even showered!” She snatched you away from Toge and pushed you inside your bathroom. You heard a light ‘Tsk!’ outside from Inumaki, who has proven time to time really appreciate you being snatched away from him. “And you! Get out!” Kugisaki ushered him out of the room, slamming the door in his face.
“A little harsh, huh?” Maki said, turning to Nobara, who just rolled her eyes.
“I don’t care” She shrugged before taking out her hair straightener and a heat protector. You chuckled from inside the bathroom before taking your phone out of your pocket and connecting it to the Bluetooth speaker on the wall next to the bathroom mirror. You shuffled the playlist Toge made you a while ago and turned on the faucet.
“I hope you’re not going on a world tour right now! We don’t have time to listen to you all the way to your fiftieth stop in London!” You heard Nobara knock and shout at you from the other side of the door.
You rolled your eyes “Maki, keep your girl in check!” You shouted back before stripping and stepping into the shower. You were in the middle of your third song, washing the suds away from your body and giving your rendition of “Cognac Queen” by Megan Thee Stallion when Nobara opened the door and dragged you out of the shower. It became a struggle, and you were only able to grab the pink fluffy robe that hung on your door.
You fixed Maki’s hair by pulling it half up with a small claw clip, leaving her bangs out. Then you applied the lightest layer of makeup, with the dark eyeliner she requested. Nobara, on the other hand, asked for a full face with a red lip. On the other hand, you went for a light look, with a striking eye and a glossy lip. Then, the three of you rushed to get changed as you realized it was almost ten minutes before 8. As you exited the dorm, you wrapped a white ballerina-style cardigan, taking one last look at yourself at the entrance mirror before Nobara dragged you out of there. The three of you walked to the common room carefully, the door opened slightly.
You heard a couple whistles as you entered the room, you humored the boys, Nobara looked slightly mad while Maki ignored them. You realized that for the occasion Toge wasn’t wearing anything that covered his mouth, and made it evident it was a bit ajar watching you arrive. You said hello to the staff, greeting Nanami happily, who seemed pleased with your recovery and being slightly confused at why Utahime was there. You then headed over to greet your classmates, ending up with Toge.
“You look very handsome” You chuckled, and reached in to fix the strands of hair that fell on his forehead. He was wearing a sage green shirt, black trousers, and thin black suspenders. He shrugged a little and blushed as you touched him, leaning slightly into your touch.
“Shake” He nodded, and held your hand briefly, accepting the compliment. You blushed and looked down before taking your hand away from his face, afraid you were overstepping.
The party was light, everyone chatted and conversed lightly. Itadori seemed very busy on his phone, while Megumi spent all his energy trying to grab his attention. Yuuji called out for you, making you pull away from your conversation with Toge and Panda, who looked dashing in a yellow bow tie. He also called out for Panda. “I need your help,” He said nervously “I saw a speaker with lights in your room, can you go bring it here? Also, please wait at the entrance for someone. Panda, I need you as a distraction”
You excused yourself and left swiftly, fitting your cardigan once more. You walked the way up to your room, taking the squared-shaped, medium-sized speaker with half spheres on top, grabbing the aux cord just in case. Holding the speaker by its handle, you followed the trail to the entrance quietly.
“What is this?” You frowned upon seeing the students of the Kyoto sister school facing you. You raised your brows and Mai and Momo narrowed their eyes back to you, but the rest didn’t. Your eyes fell into the liquor store bags Todo held in his hands, then it all made sense. A smirk crept onto your face as Todo watched your change of expression and laughed. A party with the Kyoto students didn’t seem half as bad, and hey, maybe the stone-cold Soju can solve things out between everyone there.
Soon, you heard a couple of explosions and fireworks and some commotion coming from the common room. “Let’s go” You picked up the skirt of your dress a little to run a little easier, the rest following after you. You noticed everyone outside watching an impromptu firework show as you sneaked in the Kyoto students to the now dark room. Slowly, the rest of the Tokyo students sneaked back to the common room, Itadori locking the door in.
“Okay Panda, that was fun, but can we— huh?!” Gojo realized the locked doors and drawn windows. He tried to force the door open but it was closed shut.
“Oh finally. Can we go to a bar now?” Shoko sighed “Let them be Satoru, they’re in the blink of death every day, let them party”
“Can we all pretend they didn’t do that and we were here all the time chaperoning?” Gojo gave in easily, changing his usual blindfold to black, round sunglasses. Everyone made a noise in agreement and the staff left, feeling the bass pumping under their feet, the surges of different colored lights leaking out of the shut windows.
At first, the party was tense. Everyone was just staring at the other from across the room. You were busy in the background trying to plug in your phone and sync it to the speaker’s Bluetooth. Then, Todo gave a lengthy speech about sorority and brotherhood, and how you should all solve your differences so you could… get drunk and nasty together. In fact, it didn’t take long for the party to lighten up and turn into a club scene. By the third round of shots, mostly everyone was hot and bothered, all the tables moved aside to create a makeshift dance floor. Surprisingly, Panda was an incredible bartender, and he was out to kill; his drinks were packed with alcohol, but fruity and candied flavors hid it all and made it even more addicting. By your third drink, you ripped open the seam of the dress, creating another slit for you to move better.
You, Nobara, and the Zen’in twins were incredible dancers, but you didn’t really expect it from Itadori. He had all the spice down in his hips and the way he could shake his ass like his name was Cardi B. He joined in after his third shot with the song ‘Up’
“Broke boys don’t deserve no pussy!” Todo shouted to the song for the rest to respond.
“I know that’s right!” Everyone answered, except for Toge, before you continued dancing. Now more than ever you felt the euphoria of having money. First-grade sorcerers gave you a considerable amount of money, even if you were just a student.
“Yuuji!” Your mouth dropped to the floor, looking at him, before cheering him on along with the others. By the makeshift bar, a flustered Megumi joined by a sober Inumaki watched him dance, not knowing what he should do in that situation.
Then, as if you were reading his mind, you showed him what he should be doing; standing behind him and grabbing his hips. Soon as Nobara did the same with you, followed by Maki, followed by Mai, followed by Todo, making a train. On the other corner, there was some smoke coming up. You never thought you could have this much fun with people.
Another song started playing “It’s my homegirl, we got the same tattoos!” Itadori pulled you close to him while Todo recorded, and you laughed.
“Don’t accuse me of shit if you ain’t got proof!” You sang along, pointing to the camera, following along.
“What if we got matching tattoos?” Itadori turned to you, and you both frowned to think it hard.
“I think that’s enough” Megumi pulled your drink away from your hand.
“‘Gumi, relax. Go take a shot or a hit from Kamo in the corner, it’s a party! C’mon!” You pulled him to the dance floor, both him and Yuuji as you both threw it back on him to the song. This time, Megumi caught clues from earlier and shyly placed his hands on Itadori’s hips. You stopped and nodded, patting him on the back and walking away, a bit clumsily.
“Do we have any more water left?” You asked Panda, feeling your throat and eyes dry from the intoxicating substances. Panda nodded happily and gave you some water. You had reached your limit and decided it was time to sweat off the drinks and hydrate yourself.
“Oh my bad, that’s vodka,” He said as your mouth went into a thin line as you recognized the strong taste and scent. Inumaki snickered “Here”
“Tell me it’s not vinegar this time” You joked, taking a loud sniff of the liquid, and it was in fact, water. You took a large gulp, as you heard thunder followed by the soft pitter-patter of the rain. “Oh, it’s raining” You turned to Inumaki, who looked stunned at your drunken beauty. Your eyeliner was smudged, and so was your lipstick. There was some hair sticking to the nape of your neck due to the sweat. He could swear he saw some drops running down the small of your back. He gulped and looked away.
“You’ve been here all night, love; c’mon, let’s dance” You set your cup down and took Toge’s hand, pulling him out of his seat. The only reason this party was going along all well was that alcohol made you more straightforward, which made you all sultry towards your evident crush.
You noticed he was paler than usual “What’s wrong? Do I make you nervous?” You whispered in his ear, your hand slowly climbing from his hand all the way up to his neck, where you caressed the area. You never could have known alcohol made you that bold, and such a, well, maneater. At his lack of an answer, you just chuckled and took his hand, guiding him elsewhere.
Everyone at the dance floor greeted him more than enthusiastically, and suddenly, every insecurity Toge was holding deep inside of him throughout the whole party had disappeared. He blinked several times as you smiled at him as radiant as ever. “Let’s dance!” He nodded and smiled back. I love you.
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calpops · 4 years
honeymoon | c.h.
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Your honeymoon with Calum is two weeks of bliss, snow, and going home. 
1k words 
Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included). 
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Calum’s hand takes yours and you feel the coolness of his wedding band, it sends shivers up your spine and contentment through your heart. His grip is loose and he swings your arms back and forth as you walk through the airport with luggage toted behind you. You’re not sure how he had managed to keep your honeymoon destination a secret until landing but he did it and surprise hits you when snow whirls outside the windows. The location and its climate explains the long pants and sweaters he had packed in your suitcase but not the bathing suit, shorts and sun hats. You ask about them but all he does is shrug and smirk and tell you to wait and see. Calum has everything arranged—the ride from the airport to a small cabin situated in the mountains, the cabin warm and spread with your favorite flowers. Your luggage gets abandoned as Calum decides scooping you up and carrying you over the threshold is more important.
He sets you down in the small living area where a fireplace stacked with logs greets you. Though the cabin is warm a chill runs through from the open door and you shiver, but it doesn’t last long as Calum wraps his arms around you, dips down to kiss your cheek and brush hair from your face.
“We’re married,” he says, the two words becoming much like a mantra as disbelief still sits with you both. You sway in his arms and blush as you look up at him.
“Everything is perfect,” you praise, hoping he knows you mean everything from the wedding to the cabin you stand in now. To him. “But we should probably shut the door.”
Calum laughs as a blow of chilly air comes in through the open door. Your luggage still sits on the small front porch. You both go out to bring it in and shut the door so the warmth can stay with you and the cold can stay outside. Large snowflakes fall from the sky and add to the blanket of white claiming the ground. You’ve travelled with Calum before, usually going to warmer places with beaches and sunsets. The contrast is stark and white and the sights of the mountain and snow that dazzles from sunlight are beautiful. You’d go anywhere in the world with Calum. He starts a fire and turns back to look at you as flames flicker to life. He glows golden from the light and you pat the couch cushion beside the one you’ve settled on.
The night previous was long and filled with excited bliss and lovemaking. You’d talked of starting a family, not wanting to wait any longer, and then set out to try and achieve it. You stayed up until the sun claimed the sky and then raced to the airport to make it to snowy hills. Exhaustion hangs thick and weary in the air, content sighs follow as Calum settles next to you and doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his arms.
“You like it?” Calum asks, eyes darting around the charming cabin.
You nod as a realization strikes you. “It’s very private.”
All you could ever want for a honeymoon is time with Calum. Uninterrupted. Just you and him and the warmth of being with each other.
“Good, we have an entire week here,” he says.
“I thought we had two weeks?” You ask, knowing he had said two weeks for the honeymoon.
“One week here,” he responds and noses at your cheek before giving you a kiss. “Next week is another surprise.”
You smile and find yourself spending the week between soft sheets, keeping each other warm, in the hot tub on the back deck, out on the mountain with cold noses that rub together and trying to start a family, all while dreaming of your hopes. Most nights bring candlelight and soft music. After days of roaming the mountain and spending time in the snow you’re both content to head for the bedroom where a king sized mattress bids you well. You pull him into bed, his lips roaming your skin, whispered words of want slipping from his lips, your body reacting to the desires between you both. He mumbles words of praise and compliments that make you shiver. You respond in kind, his name a song on from your lips as you sigh. You know each other and all of the things that drive the other wild. His hands roam and wander and his lips leave marks where you like them best. Highs are reached and come down into soft holds and small kisses peppering each other’s faces. More desires are traded as nights drag along. Talk of a family claims your discussions.
Time slips by in bliss and one week seems too short. Your goodbyes to the mountain are filled with sorrow. You don’t think that anywhere could ever get better but you’re willing to find out so long as it’s with Calum. He makes you close your eyes through the airport, his hand leading you and headphones claiming your ears so announcements won’t spoil the surprise. You’re not sure where you are when you land, nothing about the airport is of note, nothing about the view gives anything away but when Calum tells you there’s another flight in store you have an inkling of where you’re headed, the time and preparation for the sun clueing you in.
Another flight slips past though it’s long, you sleep against Calum and wake to his grin and a summer sky greeting you. He’s brought you home to Australia where summer is warm and those shorts and sun hats in your suitcase will be put to good use. You end up in a hotel near the beach, spend your time under the sun, trading kisses and bliss in the sand, in the hotel bed and shower and seemingly never take your hands off of each other. You both find new habits of twisting your wedding rings, holding each other’s hands and staring at the bands in wonder and awe as you dream about the family you want. It’s a subject that comes up when you go to visit Calum’s parents during a day you’re able to drag yourselves away from the beach and the bed and each other; somewhat, he still holds your hand and kisses your cheeks and keeps you close. They broach the topic and where Calum would have hesitated before, uncertain eyes flickering to you and then away, he answers right away, a sureness capturing his voice.
“We want at least two kids,” he tells his mum one afternoon you’ve taken her to lunch. “Sooner rather than later.”
You watch as his mom lights up and coos about grandbabies. When lunch is over and you find yourselves alone again, laid on the beach with the sun in your eyes and the crash of waves on the shore you turn to Calum.
“I love your family,” you say, starry eyed at the prospect of being parents like his—loving and caring and always there.
“They’re your family too,” Calum says softly and brushes your cheek with his thumb.
You smile and nod, knowing that’s true.
“Maybe we’ll have a start to ours when we get home,” Calum says with longing in his voice and softness in his eyes. “I can’t wait to be a parent with you.”
You can’t either. You’re not sure what will happen when you get home. If his words will come to life or if more time will be needed but you know you’ll be together through it all.
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