#triple threat sonic au
triplethreatsonic · 4 months
Hey so... I've been working on this again
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moofuuu · 9 days
The Triple S
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The Triple Threat~☆
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And some headcanons below about these guys!! And I mean all six of them!!
V So a big post if you press past this point!! V
Here's some headcanons and other info I have for my own characters and designs in general to the triple S!! I am very passionate how I represent these guys, and I would like to note that now, before you guys read any further, I AM MYSELF A TRANS MAN!!! I DON'T SPEAK ON MOST PEOPLES BEHALF, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT SOME THINGS MIGHT BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME OF YOU IDFK
Now without further adoo, let's get on with the headcanons and information about the hedgehog's!!!
Sonic Headcanons
He/Him! Bisexual!
24-25 yr old
People say his boobs are growing, and yes I fully agree with that, and yes I do prefer him as a Trans man... but I love the idea of a strong muscle man with Trans scars is so goddamn UGH ♡♡♡
Sonic is getting built, growing some more muscles, and getting stronger with each series and or game!! It's the reason he's getting so big!!
He's also had both surgeries!
Top and bottom scars and also he's way more like the cocky type if you think Archie comics a bit, but of course he cares for his friends!! A whole lot actually and plays around with them too.
Amy gave him those knee and elbow pads to prevent a whole lot more scraping
even though it doesn't help much It still looks nice and it fits him, and the amount of times he slides against the grass and grounds a lot, of course he's gonna rely more on the knee pads a lot.
He wears hiking boots/shoes because they last way more longer than regular running shoes! It's something he prefers and well, the kicks have a lot more "oomf" to them when he does kick with those boots of his.
It takes a lot to take him down!! He's not your average soft man or gentle guy, he's more of your tough brother and he does get emotional!! But it's not usually the way you'd typically think, for he just gets a bit more colder to the shoulder when it's a serious situation with a more cutting edge.
Sonic's a goofball, just like it shows in the Sonic boom series, he loves just fucking around and doing silly things on the side really.
He's still learning a lot and still has that young college boy mentality to be honest.
Also well versed in close combat because of his best friend and rival Knuckles! He learned some moves from him when they met and all!
He has hyperactive ADHD!!
Sonic is a close combat character!! He prefers to fight his enemies as close as he can as he can hit powerful kicks and can throw powerful punches.
His relationship with Shadow is mostly rivalry, and the two butting heads all the time!!! But never actually hanging out casually as Shadow refuses to hang out with him, and Sonic is fine with that; besides, he gets on his nerves intentionally... Never unintentionally, and the two of them know when to take matters seriously. He also thinks Shadow has a thing for someone, but he ain't no gossip-er... though Rouge brings that out of him, and he hates it.
His relationship with Silver is casual rivalry, but he can't even trash talk with him!!! He takes things to literally and doesn't even understand half the words he's saying!!! It's like he's an old man!! But Silver isn't even the oldest of the three!! In fact, the youngest and yet Sonic can never find himself having fun trash talking to the guy, but he is fun to hug though and a great listener...
Shadow Headcanons!
Any pronouns
• [Usually default to he/him though]
30-50 yrs old
He doesn't really know nor really cares to know. Also, the oldest out of the triple S but not the tallest despite his alien genes.
He's in the middle... though mostly fighting close as he uses guns when necessary. Shadow is a close combat and ranged combat mobian, his muscles mostly in his arms as you need to keep your guns steady and able to handle the recoil in guns in general.
He has a bunch of old accessories! Like old patches from old bands, stickers and magnets but he hides those in small containers because he doesn't want to stick the stickers on anything.
It also usually works in the night!! He can't really work during the day as his black fur sticks out like a sore thumb and he also can't really sleep anyways sometimes.. as his nightmares sometimes gets to him.
If he doesn't have anything to do, he'll be pacing around in his office, wanting something to do, someone to talk to or listen to... but he's not about to go bother someone as his colleagues might be busy. Definitely won't go talk to Sonic as he's annoying.
He wears shades!! Mostly because the sun hurts his alien like eyes sometimes on some days where he pulled all nighters and hasn't seen the light of day.
He definitely has some routine going on as he has too stick to it, he's always so strict on himself because if he isn't, they would only end up thinking to much about their past and they're not about to deal with that.
They look great for their age, it only makes sense though as part of his life was in a tube, grown and raised in space.
After crashing into earth after escaping the A.R.K and leaving Maria behind [against his own will], it traveled the world for a bit, for Maria, for it... for itself as it was curious about the world... but eventually, G.U.N. caught up to him and, with the lack of fighting skills, eventually caught.
His shoes are bulky!!! Being made in the 1950s, there's no way his shoes look that sleek, and I will continue drawing them bulky.. also, I'm keeping the rings to how they originally looked in the SA2. Instead of straight-up rings on the hands... some rims are on the rings as they show that the ring inhibitors can come off.
Shadow is known to keep to himself most of the time and is close to his friend Omega and Rouge
He has autism, PTSD, and a bit of auditory hallucinations..
The hivemind is a part of the reason it's still there, but he destroyed that long ago! Yea, he did, but he's still needs to get used to the sounds in his head about needing to renew his own species.
Relationship with Sonic •
Its relationship with Sonic is... rocky, he gets that he's the hero and everything, supposed to keep the world safe, but he won't leave it alone!!! Of course he's better at everything than him!! Fighting! Guns!! He can do it all! But racing!! Gah!! He won't shut up about it! And how he won't shut up about how much shorter he is... but seriously, it seems like each time they're in the same room, Sonic's goal is to annoy him or get on his nerves... which works each time not going to lie.
Relationship with Silver •
For Silver, his relationship with him and all that, despite being the one to almost kill Sonic when meeting and killing him, he learned a lot, and he's glad to have shown the bad things and bad intentions Mephiles was planning. The fact that he doesn't even try and do anything suspicious either is refreshing... The fact that he holds no judgment to anyone too is something new and refreshing too, meeting Silver was like... for once someone doesn't judge him and just listens... he also lost a best friend, which was Blaze. He gets it.. doesn't he..? Why does he feel this way..?
Silver Headcanons!!!
Pansexual | He/They
20-23 yrs old!
Wears a jacket for warmth, a binder for comfort, and pants for comfort plus warmth as well! He wears these rings to keep his own magic in check, and so it's much easier for him to not always focus on the target he's holding.
From the future, but a devastating one... no matter what he did, no matter what he said!! The future never changed, and it was always some wasteland. He needs to check up on it every once in a while, though, to make sure the future is still the future and that he should figure out how or what to defeat their enemies with!! They don't know specifically or much details but with their small Itty bitty skills of detective work from reading books, they will be able to help at some point... right???
Shortest of the three and lacking muscle, but there's a reason for that!
They are mostly ranged fighter as they rely on their telekinesis a lot and can not fight close for the life of them.. can't even use a gun without being scared of it!!
They are well versed in the books, and had read a lot of things, when they read instructions, they can get it not instantly but with a few trials and errors they can actually perfect the thing they're learning. Cooking? Yes! Baking? Yes! Sewing?? Few pokes by accident but yes!!!
Though his build is small, he's actually pretty brave, as he grew up in an apocalyptic world, learning to scavenge and fast with food and water... learning about plants and all!
He infact... hates the cold but wants to see winter snow... he got way too used to Crisis City and its extreme heats!!! His body is cold like a fridge, but... luckily, he has friends that can keep him warm!
He lost his best friend and sister, Blaze; her sacrifice to sealing away the evil that was in the future and now wears red earrings to represent her. Though... the Blaze he met that's from another realm... reminds him too much of his old sister... though she seems a lot more strict with herself than anything.
Learned most of his knowledge in books!! No matter how bad the writing may have been, he would read it... and tries his best to keep an open mind to a lot of things... Blaze (from his timeline and world) had even helped him read and learn some things from the books.
They're indeed the fluffiest
Has albinism!
Got their powers from when they're young, telekinesis is actually quiet rare!![I rarely see anyone use this and just IMO!!! Concludes to being it a rare super power..]
Telekinesis/Psycokenesis is actually quiet rare, how he got it was through an attack, an attempt was made at his life by flames and Blaze wasn't there to help, but luckily his powers activated in time, blowing away all the flames that threatened him.. though now he's scared still
Has Audhd!!
Introverted as you can't just shove someone into a group of people even though they haven't even been around anyone but ONE person all their life!!
Though he does have lots of interest and loves listening in on everyone's conversation.
He thinks out loud to himself
PTSD as well...
Trust issues after Mephiles.
Relationship with Sonic •
His relationship with Sonic was rocky at first, and he hates how he was so mean to Sonic! Trying to kill him and all for the right reasons!! He swears it was for the right reasons!! He almost did it, and he was so glad Amy was there to stop him... though it was hard to understand at first, but lucky for his open-mindedness, he was able to get over it. Finding out Sonic was actually the good guy and learning that he was actually the one he read in all the books about the legendary blue hero and not the so-called "iblis trigger." To meet your idol and the hero, and he's so calm and nice and oh— never mind he's fighting with his friends again... well, at least he's so forgiving and forgetting... but Silver sure as hell ain't, he hasn't even forgiven himself yet for being so mean to him at first. But he keeps trying to do this trash talk??? Sometimes Silver gets it...
Most times, not getting it one bit. Though his charm and skills are very admirable, and they want to learn it someday.
Relationship with Shadow •
He's the reason he even got out of killing the blue hero in the first place and sure was cold-hearted and rude at first.. even kicked him in the head, but that was well deserved, honestly. But seeing through the lies and actually the original form that Mephiles had taken!! And to learn he was actually manipulating Silver!? Agh! It's hard to read someone, but... Shadow just looks like he needs a friend and someone there to show him it's okay to open up at least a bit! That's what Sonic showed him, and that's what Blaze did too!
Silver can't help but look up to Shadow sometimes though, admiring him and his work and how well organized he is! Better than Silvers chaotic schedule that they try to keep too!! But learning that Shadow had a friend and lost them ... Silver can't help but feel closer to him in some way after learning such detail.
v The Triple Threat v
Scourge Headcanons!!
24-26! He/Him
He's the shortest of the three cause, well, he's a hedgehog! He's insecure bout that, but not as much as you think. He is also a big-time flirt and puts up a big tough guy front. Has commitment issues and also hates really keeping up with any friends, especially after how many times he been fucked over.
But that didn't really seem to stop him getting to more other buddies, Venice and Terios, who's actually not as bad as the rest and actually have been on the same level as him
Terios is intimidating and strong, sure, but he Scourge can never get that guy to get angry at him and it's fair, guy seems like he's been through a lot.
Venice just so happens to come from some future, but he said he was sent back to save the past... but surprisingly, the guy just didn't want to and joined Scourge's ruling.
So his new friends are really okay to say the least, they can care less about others as much as him but no matter what Scourge is still some type of Sonic, so of course he has some respect for his two buddies...
Pathetic really as he can't get over his ex Fiona, and everytime he complains about it Venice is there to slap that outta him, he's not about to go through another pathetic crying session.
Scourge wears all this outrageous stuff because of how he has very much a identity crisis every other week, trying to separate himself and his own looks from Sonic, trying to remove the title of "evil sonic" off of him, gets mad each time he's even referred to the name as he screams out "IT'S SCOURGE!!!" Hating how he's always compared to Sonic as well as he's not at all like him!!
His quills are much shorter but well kept, despite the punkish look to him, he's a lot more cleaner than Sonic himself, as he also likes to plan ahead of time too, but can't really read people well like Sonic though..
Has a dead dad
Ain't as built like Sonic
Just as chaotic, if not worse, and evil at that, who cares about who gets hurt??
Other than his two pals.. don't hurt his two pals.
Venice the mink
21-24 | He/him
Despite the looks of it, he's not at all well put together, screaming and yelling at everyone who gets him pissed off, and even dares to make fun of his interests, very closed off as he's always pushing away everyone from him.
Note; as surprising it is, Scourge and Venice are still buddies, though, as their goals in life are really just the same.
Unlike Silver, he doesn't have that pretty privilege that the white hedgehog has, as he always thinks his scar is awful, tanking his insecurities more and how much he hates his looks.. so to combat this, he built his own body to make up the scar he's so insecure about, wrapping what he could in bandages.
He hates seeing Silver and hates how he acts as he sees too much of his younger self in him. He also hates how open they are.
Very much has inner homophobia of himself and has VERY FRAGILE masculinity
Venice would rather get shot in the head before admitting to himself for liking anyone, as he has his feelings locked away deep inside himself so even the smallest fuzziness he feels he would immediately try and push the person away or just be meaner. Self-destruction if you will.
Despite this Terios and Scourge stick by, it's not like they both heard worse and by this point they're starting to learn that Venice's aggressive behavior is also becoming a bit more like aggressive love..
Says lots of death threats to both Scourge and Terios but he can't actually kill Terios, and Scourge, he's why he's okay with being friends with at least a few people.
He hates the other for teasing him so much but it's not like he makes fun of the hedgehog back..
Keeps Scourge alive because Scourge is his kill, no one else's, despite how gay that might sound they're only just friends with benefits and rarely go at it anyways.
His relationship with Terios, he's also somehow less hostile towards the porcupine, but that's because of the power the guy has, and what he's capable of doing.
Terios the porcupine
40 to 50 yrs old
He/him Unlabled.
He's the tallest of the three and is the strongest, waken up too many times and also been resurrected to many times for his own good.
Doesn't like getting into fights much and rather avoid everyone at all costs, but because of Venice and Scourge freeing the guy from his prison, he's tolerant of those two, and ONLY those two.
Full of anarchy baryl, but is weak to the chaos energy from mobius...
He very much has a dad bod and he also just stays out of trouble for the most part because he rather be left alone in nature where no one's there to bug him and actually hurt him... mostly passive and he's also originally a porcupine that was swept off the streets long ago.
A science expirement gone wrong, and left alive for as long as they can... Lucky them, Terios got out, and the island blew. .. well not lucky for them nevermind.
They all said it was for the greater good.. science...
Terios hates technology... not because of his age and non understanding of it...
It's because of how much it terrifies him and actually what the thing is capable of, he's not about to go back and listen to all the humming and buzzing of machines.
Terios sneezes like a dad would, loud and noisy
He rather avoid everyone and everything, not really liking technology or even the city in general.
Has multiple bullet wound scars, but the fur has overgrown them.. but if you touch the body sure can feel them.
He was originally a normal porcupine actually, from the earth instead of space
Not many things can hurt or kill him like his counterpart... he actually died multiple times before but brought back alive each time.
The Triple Threat has a lot more headcanons, but I realize how big this post is getting lol
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un-pearable · 1 year
could you draw ummm knuckles hat. and one of his besties with a matching hat :) hat buddies
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used this as an excuse to draw art for the triple threat au for the first time in…. years…. anyway heck yeah hat buddies!!!!
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bun-x-arts · 6 months
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(Very, Very Late) Halloween art of Artemis ~
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wingsofthesun · 1 year
My first Sonic fanfic! I just completed it today :D
Summary: Sonic tried not to remember the worst night of his life, when his family was torn apart. Shadow was all but forced to forget the fact that he had a family before the ARK. The past comes to the forefront when they cross paths during Eggman's latest scheme. (Or, the Triple S hedgehogs were born as triplets but were torn apart by time, and history is completely changed as a result.)
Basically, it's an Adventure 2 rewrite where the three of them are related and Sonic and Shadow immediately realize this upon seeing each other in the city at the beginning and everything goes completely sideways from there.
It's the first entry in my Triple Threat series, but this installment is complete at 13 chapters.
Minor Sonamyknux because the idea of Shadow and Tails being baffled as to how the three of them aren't together yet is funny, but it's mainly focused on the familial relationships.
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izzydaninja · 1 month
Master Post ~
Hello! I'm Izzy, or Izzy Julien, depending on what you know me as. Even IzzyDaNinja, at times.
Random facts:
-General age: Not a kid. (But I do have a child-like spirit. X3) -Gender: Female. -Pfp is an anime drawing of me (by me). -I'm a Christain. -I'm an artist in (self) training. -I'm also a writer in (self) training. -I've always had a fascination for animation. -I can only draw/write about what I'm interested in. (Which I call my 'moods'. lol) -Banner may change depending on my 'mood.' -I'm also an ADHD artist and author. (It shows very clearly in my posts. XD [Still trying to work on that.])
~I do not give out personal information for privacy reasons. So, if anyone has questions, that's fine, just nothing too personal. Thank you.~
[Please be respectful in comments, tags, and other. Thank you!]
~No one is allowed to dub, trace, post, or anything regarding my works without permission or given credit. If you wish to use my works, even as a pfp/banner, etc, please contact me. Stealing is not appreciated. Reblogs and inspired works, are fine.~
V - Art/Story links down below - V
[Current Mood: Ninjago] (This is so everyone knows which I'm currently updating)
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Come Home - [Kai and Nya centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Familiar Shadow - [Lloyd and Garmadon centric] One-Shot COMPLETE A Brother I Never Knew - [Zane and Echo Zane centric] Multichapter WIP Seperation (AU) - [All ninja centric] Multichapter WIP 'No Matter What You're Made of' - [Zane and Kai centric] One-Shot COMPLETE The Fall of a Brother - [Zane and Pixal centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Fragmented Family - [All ninja centric] One-Shot(?) ??? The Reason for a Gift - [Cliff Gordon centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Stuck at the Door - [Ninja centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Game Over-Rated - [Zane, Jay, and Cole centric] One-Shot COMPLETE All You Know is Your (Altered) Perception - [Zane centric] Multichapter WIP
Correct Quotes - [Jay drowns]
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Sonic the Hedgehog: [Shows, Games, Comics]
Sonic Games -
(Sonic Frontiers) After Everything... This, This is All I Wanted (AU) - [Sonic and Eggman centric] One-Shot COMPLETE A Crown of Flowers - [Sonic and Cream centric] One-Shot COMPLETE What Your Color Says About You - [Sonic and Amy centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Who We Have - [Sonic and Shadow centric] One-Shot COMPLETE New Horizons - [Sonic and friends centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Sonic Frontiers Rewrite - [Sonic centric] PREVIEW
(The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog) After Party - [Sonic, Shadow, and Amy centric] Multichapter COMPLETE
(Sonic Generations [X Shadow]) One Step Forward, and Falling Back - [Shadow and Maria centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
(Sonic Forces) Times Up - [Sonic centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
Sonic Comics -
(Sonic IDW) Triple Threat - [Sonic, Shadow, and Silver centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
(Sonic Archie) Life of a Royal - [Sonic and Sally centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
Sonic Shows -
(Sonic Boom) Beauty Behind the Mess - [Sonic and Amy centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
(Sonic Prime) The Final Shard (AU) - [Sonic centric] Multichapter [Not Written Yet] A Piece of the Puzzle - [Sonic and Shadow centric] Multichapter WIP Back to How it Never Was - [Sonic and Tails centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Letting the Bottle Blow - [Sonic centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Bloopers- CUT - [Everyone] Multichapter WIP Changes Everything - [Everyone] Multichapter WIP When They Take All You Give... What's Left? - [Sonic and Shadow centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Be There When I (Can't) Ask - [Sonic and Tails centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Coming Home Scathed - [Sonic and friends centric] One-Shot COMPLETE (Inspired by another work/and comment)
Sonic the Hedgehog -
One Day - [Shadow and Maria centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
When Bullets Don't Pass Through Your Shadow - [Shadow centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
This Isn't Goodbye - [Sonic and friends centric] Multichapter(?) ???
(Don't) Let Go - [Shadow centric] Multichapter COMPLETE
Two Tails Just Isn't Enough - [Sonic and Tails centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
Protect Your Heart - [Sonic and Tails centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
After Their Fall - [Shadow and Maria centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
Chaotic Reaction Chaotic Reaction - [Sonic and Shadow centric] Multichapter WIP
Living Apart (series) COMPLETE Living Proof - [Sonic centric] One-Shot COMPLETE Falling Apart - [Amy, Tails, and Knuckles centric] Multichapter COMPLETE
(Sonic Incorrect Quotes/Skits) Only Broken if Caught
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) [2012, 2003, Rise]
Rise TMNT -
Very Punny - [Leo and Donnie centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
The Burden of Knowledge - [Leo and Casey centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
Find the Key. Stop the Kraang. [Leo centric] Multichapter WIP
Just One of Those Days - [Leo and Casey centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
Monster in the Dark - [Leo and Donnie centric] One-Shot COMPLETE
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Ninjago -
Come Home Artwork
Sonic the Hedgehog -
Sonic Prime Comic (AU)
Sonic Prime: Changes Everything (Doodle)
Super Sonic Comic - Practice
Sonic Sketch
One Step Forward, and Falling Back
Living Proof
Dynamic Pose - Redraw
Future Chaos (AU)
Protect Your Heart
Before Bed Doodle(s)
Redraw Contest: First Post Second Post
Chaotic Reaction: Sonic and Baby Shadow - Doodles (1) Sonic and Baby Shadow - Doodles (2) Sonic and Baby Shadow - Part 1 (Doodle)
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog: Captain Sonic Locksmith Shadow Journalist Amy Detective Tails Sheriff Knuckles Business Tycoon Rouge Titan of Industry Blaze Poet Espio ???
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
[That should, hopefully, be everything! Please let me know if I missed anything! I also hope this was helpful! Though, I definitely need to work on my organization better. LOL I also apologize if any links aren't working or heading where they're supposed to. If they aren't, please notify me. Thank you!]
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asksssmappingsau · 1 year
Disclaimer! The characters may not be aligned with your headcanons. This is an AU
Sonic: Just a guy who loves adventure. Totally not a werewolf.
Shadow: The Ultimate Lifeform. Going through annoying alien growth spurt.
Silver: Time Traveler. Overstayed his welcome. there isn't a grey or aqua font :'(
Please please don't be weird.
If you are looking for specific shipping content you will not find it here
Important tags
Running for ages: Sonic
Bloody magazine: Shadow
Hourglass Heart: Silver
Triple the Threat✨: SSS
Hedgecanons: headcanons
Head or tales: writing. aybe be a flashback.
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spiritwarriorssonic · 4 months
Wondering if they're okay...
Who here knows the Triple Threat sonic AU? Yeah, I loved it long ago. I have started following them and discovered the last post was 7 months ago. They had promised a comic in response to an ask at some point, but it never came. I'm not worried about the comic, I'm worried about this person disappearing. Are they okay? Where are they?
It's one of the scariest feelings in the world when someone you admire disappears and you don't know how they're doing or if they're even alive.
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punkinspice · 2 years
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Hey so, uh, shout you to @shannonallaround super fun and cool Sonic AU @triplethreatsonic where Sonic, Silver and Shadow are highschool super heroes and she's super talented and cool and I love it very much.
(I played around with their suit patterns a little bit and I hope it's ok)
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shannonallaround · 5 years
Hey so what would people think if I made a Triple Threat blog for my Sonic AU? I’m probably gonna make one, just curious who might be interested. :) 
(If you wanna know what this AU is here is the link to the original post: https://shannonallaround.tumblr.com/post/169545015672/hey-so-its-time-for-a-sonic-au )
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ask-triple-threat · 5 years
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Scourge:] We seriously doin’ this shtick, Sanc? Sanctum:]  It seems so...
Those eyes can only mean one thing.... Inkcoming Battle??? 👀
[Mod: Also promo time for @viole-n-t-beatz​! Give these squiddos some love!!]
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triplethreatsonic · 1 year
How would the boys react to being stuck in a time loop where they relive the same day over and over?
Oh Shadow would HATE IT he'd be so annoyed. 😂
Silver's response would evolve from stressed to 'i'm so done' to 'i've gotta fix this'
Sonic would be weirded out at first, then would probably respond with a laugh and a comment like "oh Tails is gonna FLIP when he hears about this." Then he'll go get Tails and get his help in getting things back to normal.
Lucky for these hedgehogs, there's no timeline shenanigans going on in this au for them to worry about!
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moofuuu · 30 days
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What if... Cult Of The Lamb au with Scourge and Moebius in general..? (With some exceptions of course)
Terios(mobius version of Shadow) has been the previous cult leader and he's also old...
Now doodles are below too btw
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un-pearable · 2 years
trans sonia hcs are so dear to me but also hilarious bc hell yeah good for you girl but you did pick a name that was One Letter Off from your brother. imagine meeting your long lost family and you accidentally picked the exact same name one of them already head. stunning. sonic and manic also being trans is even funnier we all picked the same shit by pure accident. when we finally met mom how the hell do we address this
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side-of-art · 5 years
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after a long day of training and some emotional openness, these guys decide to unwind with video games and Deep Discussions™
inspired by @shannonallaround‘s triple threat au! ( @triplethreatsonic )
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guynamedultimax · 3 years
What if Kirby had a traditional fighting game?
Listen, I know I should’ve done more “FNF fighting game characters” but i doubt anyone cared for that, and even then I lost a bit of interest, so if you actually cared sorry about that, you can still come up with whatever you want for the characters I didn’t talk about!
That being said, I think all Kirby fans here know Kirby Fighters 2. Personally speaking most of it was just the same as Kirby Fighters Deluxe BUT there were five playable Dream Friends. FIVE. Priority to the Copy Abilities a bit too high, isn’t it HAL? Sometimes it feels a bit barebones if you ask me. So I’m here to discuss what would a non-platform Kirby fighting game be.
It’s the same as any basic fighting game, there isn’t really that much that the Kirby franchise can offer to make the genre a bit more varied, and that’s mostly due to the fact that Kirby makes friends wherever he goes and combat is pretty much straightforward in these platforming games, the crazy stuff comes from learning specific moves with each copy ability/character in the games and that’s also true for this game.
I have quite a few ideas for how this can go:
-It’s a “what if” re-telling of Kirby Star Allies where Hyness’ ritual (somehow) also causes space-time rifts across the entire universe to be generated, pulling in Kirby villains from previous games but also allies, which would ALSO explain Dream Friends in the game’s canon a bit more properly.
-It happens in an AU. Plot would basically be Kirby Battle Royale’s but instead of shooting a loadshit of Kirbies onto Kirby, Dedede would just call upon all of their friends to fight for that cake before things escalate and Dedede loses control of the tournament to greater evils, forcing him to work with Kirby to stop the threat, be it old or new.
-Another AU idea but this time it’s original/based on Milky Way Wishes. Galactic NOVA appears every thousand years above Pop Star’s skies, and everyone tries to fight for the right to get the wish. Villain wouldn’t necessarily be ONLY Marx though, most of the Kirby villains could easily win against him if they get to NOVA and get their wish granted. Which means yes, all plots happen at once and Kirby has to deal with everyone at once.
-The least interesting idea: it’s Kirby Fighters 2′s plot but without tag team duos and with all Kirbies replaced with the roster.
Now we’re about to have some fun.
RETURNING CHARACTERS: The Dream Friends (and Kirby, of course)
-First up, all Dream Friends are coming back. You don’t even need to change their movesets that much, just add/tweak things, but just for funsies (and for a specific reason too) we’ll also give them specific copy abilities or more than one to categorize them.
-Kirby is the specific reason. He has the same moveset as his Smash Bros incarnation, although he incorporates more copy abilities (and also super powerful stuff like the Star Rod that he usually uses in endgame fights) in it now due to being a traditional fighting game. And yes, he still has his inhale. Using it will have the inhale be replaced by another move in-game, the closest one to a “neutral special” in the opponent’s arsenal. His copy ability is therefore, Smash Bros. And since the game has multiple super moves, we can make his gimmicks from the Kumazaki games the super moves: his level 1 would be a random Super Copy Ability from Return to Dreamland (cutscene is random everytime but damage is always the same), his level 2 would be using the Robobot Armor to stomp foes around, ending with a giant ground pound/fist to the ground and his level 3 is Hypernova Kirby due to the inhale being one of his most unique properties.
-Meta Knight and Dedede will also have heavy Smash influences but they’ll also use techniques from most of their boss fights, such as Meta Knight splitting himself in four clones temporarily for an attack or Dedede actually pulling out an axe instead of his hammer for some attacks based on his Triple Deluxe incarnation. Their copy abilities would formally be Sword and Hammer but with heavy Smash Bros inspiration. Meta can also call in for the Meta Knights to help him in one of his unique super moves. They’d all be there except for Sailor Dee and Captain Vul (one’s an alternate costume and the other is never seen outside of dialogue text).
-Bandana Waddle Dee’s moveset incorporates both Spear and Parasol, but due to the Spear being his most used tool he’ll be categorized with that.
-Marx is the first character with Unique as its own copy ability due to his arsenal being entirely based on his boss fight. Inhaling Unique characters doesn’t always allow Kirby to get copy abilities but when it happens he usually has their most basic move replacing the inhale. Gooey is in the same situation, but i have no idea what would Kirby get from him as an ability since he’s technically player 2 in the Dark Matter trilogy’s first 2 games. Rick, Kine and Coo would technically be categorized as Unique only because they have Fire, Water and Wind in their moveset. You could say they’d be stance characters while Marx is a zoner and Gooey a rushdown character.
-Dark Meta Knight is categorized as Mirror, and Adeleine (with Ribbon as an assist of course) is Artist. Daroach would be Animal, which is missing since its debut in Squeak Squad, as far as I can remember, but he naturally still retains his moveset of calling the Squeaks to help him.
-It’s pretty easy to categorize Magolor as ESP, and Taranza as Spider, while I have no idea what would Susie’s ability be even. Spark? She is mostly around in the Robobot Armor to be fair. The Three Mage-Sisters would be treated equally to the Animal Friends
-NAGO, CHUCHU & PITCH: The other set of Animal Friends. I theorize a moveset revolving around the Cleaning ability like in Star Allies would be easy to make, although it can also incorporate moves from other abilities that have been in Dream Land 3.
-CHEF KAWASAKI: I think it’s safe to say this one is pretty easy to do just like the returning Dream Friends. He has a unique moveset in comparison to Chef Kirby that also has him use Kirby’s Final Smash from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
-LOLOLO & LALALA: Aside from pushing boxes and Gordos they can be the Ice Climbers of the game, and most importantly one of their super moves could have them fuse into their original form in the anime to reference that further.
-SHADOW KIRBY: A clone (in terms of moveset) for Kirby that lacks the inhale ability and has more attacks based on his appearances in Amazing Mirror (and also on Kirby’s unique ability to split in four in these games) and the Kirby Fighters spinoffs. Simple as it is.
-THE MIDBOSSES: They all play the same as their fights too, so doing a paragraph for each of them would be a bit redundant. I chose to add minibosses in because most of them are pretty iconic among Kirby enemies and some of them are also technically friends of Kirby’s. I picked Bonkers (whose coconut throwing and some special moves could make him different enough from Dedede if you ask me), Mr. Frosty (also because we don’t have an Ice-based character in the game), Buggzy (which I can see being the ultimate grappler), King Doo (because we don’t actually have a Waddle Doo in the roster and he’s technically not only their king but also the most unique of them) and Grand Wheelie (look, I like Wheel as an ability ok? it’s like playing as Sonic in a Kirby game)
-KNUCKLE JOE: Taking stuff from both his Star Allies moveset and his Assist Trophy from Ultimate PLUS a few references to the anime and you have the ultimate Shoto character in the Kirby franchise. Ryu mains, this is the character for you.
-GIM: Look, my three favorite abilities are Yo-Yo, Wheel and ESP, in no particular order, so I HAD to include him and the Grand Wheelie. Magolor covers for ESP enough. This lil fella looks more unique than most of the generic Kirby enemies and even among the copy ability ones he’s always been a bit of an oddball due to being a robot. The trickshots you can do with this copy ability make Gim perfect to camp, so he’d be a pretty good zoner as well.
-TAC: He’s been a Helper in Super Star where he also has an unique moveset. Expanding on it and on Tac being generally a copy ability thief could mean more copy abilities can be implemented in a moveset, probably even more than what Kirby can do. Also his design just screams potential to me.
WAVE 1: Spinoff Dream Friends
Cuz these guys have been done dirty by Star Allies’ devs. Elline would be the other Artist character in the game and call for Claycia’s assistance in specific attacks. Prince Fluff would play mostly just like Kirby himself did in Kirby’s Epic Yarn and implement specific transformations in some attacks, ending with the tank one from the end of that game. Then we have Gryll. If you know how to make a Tetris/Puyo Puyo based character in a fighting game then good for you, I absolutely don’t know how. What I KNOW however is that she has a float like Peach’s in Smash Bros and I-No’s in Guilty Gear.
WAVE 2: Dream Villains
These guys would all play exactly like their boss fights. Hyness and Sectonia would remain mostly unchanged while Haltmann in terms of moveset is the same as Susie, just without every non-Robobot move that she has.
WAVE 3: Clash of Blades
THAT’S RIGHT, IT’S ALL ANIME SWORDFIGHTERS. They all pull from their boss fights, but Morpho Knight is gonna be a bit more unique compared to Galacta, Dark Meta and Meta Knight, having in the swordfighter equivalent of Akuma’s Raging Demon. Meanwhile, Dark Matter Swordsman and Galacta Knight are completely faithful to the source material, but they’d probably be a bit nerfed due to Galacta’s universe-breaking powers. (you can bet that if we get the remaining legendary heroes who sealed Void Termina in future games they’d be their own separate Wave 5 DLC pack)
WAVE 4: Revival of Old Faces
Nightmare and Drawcia are back and they’re here to stay! Their movesets don’t really need that much changes. Void however is an entirely different beast. He’d be a mix of Kirby, both Zero incarnations and Dark Matter. His design wouldn’t just be giant orb that switches between Kirby and Dark Matter faces, he’d be Kirby-sized and with legs and stubby lil arms like the pink puffball. And you can bet your ass he’d be broken as fuck.
If a character’s appearance changed across the series’ history (like Marx Soul, Girl Blob Gooey, Shoppe Magolor, Mecha Knight, Dark Taranza/Taranza in the Super Kirby Clash games, Masked/Shadow Dedede, Anime!Knuckle Joe, Parallel/Pres. Parallel Susie, EX versions and so on) they’d just be an alternate skin/palette swap for the specific character. Multiple characters of the same species with little changes (like a normal Waddle Dee or Sailor Dee, or literally all Kirby colors including Keeby) are the same. I’m also debating on how Dark Mind would be a skin for Nightmare or if there’d be a skin inspired by him for the Dark Matter Swordsman. Zero and Zero Two would probably be turned into palette swaps/outfits for Void (imagine a white Kirby cosplaying as Zero Two that’d be so cute lol).
Characters who appear in other characters’ attacks. Like the aforementioned Squeaks, Meta Knights and Claycia. Normal Dark Matter would appear in DM Swordsman’s attacks in some capacity outside of the eye laser and the Gordo Throw would return from Dedede’s previous Smash incarnations alongside the Waddle Dee Throw from Brawl. And naturally Magolor can call in the Lor Starcutter for one of his super moves. I am actually considering giving Tac the ability to throw random items/enemies at opponents, with the Bomber being one of these. It’d be a very RNG attack with the Bomber being the best outcome, blowing on the opponent’s face.
All characters in the game can be called on for an Helper attack, that can help you in some form against the opponent by either damaging or tampering with the opponent or by having you get healed or with some buff. Outside from the playable roster enemies that give you copy abilities would also be Helpers, but the specific ones I’m not so sure on.
Characters you can fight in Arcade mode, in Story mode or in a specific Boss mode. There’d also be a Ganon’s Fury (Hyrule Warriors) inspired mode where you’d play as the bosses pitting them against each other. I specifically picked Dyna Blade, Whispy Woods, Landia, Star Dream, Kracko, Great Edge, Pyribbit, Ice Dragon, Fire Lion, Masher, Grand Mam, Metal General, Kibble Blade and Pon & Con.
There’d be quite a lot of stages, but I haven’t thought out specific ones except for Green Greens, Butter Building, a Ripple Star stage, one for Dedede’s castle with stage cameos by Tiff, Tuff and Escargoon from the anime and every final boss’s fighting arena.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is gonna be nothing compared to this one. We’re getting all the important music from all pre-Kumazaki games, all music from Kumazaki games and spinoffs, and online arrangements with focus on orchestral (Desolo Zantas), metal (GaMetal, of course) and EDM (Acid Notation, Qumu and various others), including stuff like Itoki Hana’s vocal arrangements. We’re going all out on this one.
Aaaaand that’s it. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Stay hydrated.
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