#troll netflix
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thelovelygods · 1 year
my man did nothing wrong
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maychild · 1 year
TROLL (2022)
listen--i know, i know, it's netflix (they haven't been slapped with a good series they havent wanted to cancel after only one season) but if i may rec the new-ish movie that just came out?? (lord knows it hasn't been as heavily promoted as something like bullet train)
why i like troll and why i think some of you might too:
father/daughter relationship that made me teary-eyed (will never think of the phrase "the adventures of big and tiny" the same way)
it's norwegian but plenty of english is spoken too (if u like that sort thing)
it's a norwegian monster film tho
as a big fan of pacific rim and the alien franchise, there are definitely vibes of both in here, but it's also its own pretty cool monster film
apparently it's directed by the same guy that did the new tomb raider??? but i never watched tomb raider so that means nothing to me, but it is a fun fact
THE SCENERY IS SOOOOO PRETTY (I mean, of course norway is a pretty country, i say, not having ever set foot in it, but if the movie is anything to go by IT'S SOOO PRETTTY. and the troll wall/peaks is apparently a real thing?? a very beautiful thing. ANYWAY, nature lovers will appreciate the many beautiful shots of the beautiful scenery and mountains and the Troll Wall--which, again, IS REALLLLL AND SOOOO PRETTY)
our main heroine is so pretty and badass but, most importantly, A PALEONTOLOGIST who has to remind all the sexist men in the room to call her Dr. Tidemann, gdi
sure, it starts off a bit slow (and we dont really get a good view of the monster until like a half hour in) but it's worth sticking through
so many geeky jokes
there's a character called captain kris holm who reminds me of stephen amell and in my head he's the norwegian oliver queen
MOST IMPORTANTLY ALL THE GOOD DOGGOS IN THIS MOVIE SURVIVE (tho the same cant be said of the humans in this movie, but, ehhh, we dont care about them)
suuuure, there's some anti-christian propaganda but they deserve it (speaking as a christian, technically, it's okay for me to say that, seeing as christianity as a whole organized religion has done a lot of harm in the world and IN THE MOVIE THEY KILLED OFF ALL THE TROLLS!!! URGHHH HOW DARE U, CHRISTIANS)
the troll just wanted to go home????! but the stupid christians killed off all of his family??? aND IMPRISONED HIM IN SOME FAR AWAY MOUNTAIN like, booooo, christians, BOOOOO
ANYWAYS, was it a perfect movie?? no, and it didnt reinvent the genre of monster films bUT I CRIED FOR THIS TROLL.
I'm sorry for spoiling that relevant plot point, but i have to acknowledge how utterly poignant this movie makes me about this troll
it def. leaves room for a sequel which i hope they make (if only so i can get more of captain kris and nora together. ok, i ship them. even if nora and the egghead are kinda cute too...)
SO ANYWAYS DEF RECOMMEND if only to be on the troll's side 100% and yell at the tv and the stupid human characters
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ionlylikemycat · 1 year
look i’m not saying i wish i was a giant rock troll that hates christian hegemony and eats people who openly practice but i’m also not not saying that
i could eat some christians. as a snack. i like snacks! and rocks! this is the perfect life for me; physically destroying christian hegemony one building at a time, eating christians, and being made of rocks. hashtag best life
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veenderland · 1 year
collecting another overexcited nerd for my mental health
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uh-velkommen · 2 years
I'm watching a new Norwegian movie and I was kinda hoping to catch someone I recognize but Simon's mom was not on my list
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officiallydriedkelp · 7 months
I watched Troll on Netflix, and i really do not know how to feel about it. It was alright, and it gave me emotions but it just flushed all my emotions down the drain and had the troll die in the end anyway. Even though he did nothing wrong! And they kinda still treated it like a win???
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Troll (2022)
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bloodsweatandresin · 1 year
So, just watched the new netflix “Troll” movie with the lady and as someone who loves a good kaiju flick I am feeling let down and need to get some thoughts out. Spoilers, I suppose, so more under the cut.
First off, watching the English dub with subtitles, so if there was more in the original edit I’d love to hear it.  I just feel like this movie had a lot of setup and plot points that just.... never went anywhere. Like, ok. So a good kaiju is here to be a metaphor for something else. See godzilla and the threat of nuclear war. I feel like this movie was primed so hard to be a metaphor for climate change and it just didn’t really lean into it like it should have. Our protag used the term “Hypernature” multiple times early in the movie and then just dropped it. I felt like this was supposed to be an early harbinger of a revelation later on that the Troll was like.... healing nature or accelerating plant growth where it passed. and if they had done that then some other parts of the movie like the lingering shots of a soldier cutting down a tree to clear fire lines in the first major confrontation with the troll or the random lobbyist/business bro looking guy who had alot of pull with the government for no discernible reason would have made more sense. Also they kept bringing up the “Christianization of Norway” like that was going to be a major plot point. And, I fully admit, I’m American, maybe that means alot more to people from that area and there’s subtext that I’m missing. but they had the Troll be able to smell Christian blood *precisely once* and then it never came up again. maybe if they had done more with it, or tied the arrival of Christianity to the area to the slaughter of the rest of the trolls, it could have been a conversation point about how the expansion of Christianity has lead to alot of other slaughters and problems. Also! The slaughter of the trolls!?? like you drop a plot point like “the current royal palace is built on top of the troll kings castle and the Royal family knows about it” and there’s NO FURTHER EXPLANATION. They say “oh yeah the king at the time killed all the rest of the trolls family, but they kept a kid alive to lure the king away to the mountains. WHAT? Who slaughtered the rest of trolls?? How?? like, the modern military is hitting this guy with missiles and he’s barely flinching. you can’t gloss over that sort of detail. Our Protag is obviously conflicted about whats happening and her hand in the death of what she thinks is the last member of species, but she doesn’t really do much overall to try to stop the dang thing from traipsing into a city, and has a hand in killing it in the end and sorta just shrugs it off? Like you think she’d be more broken up about watching the evidence that her father wasn’t crazy just die in front of her, considering his loss the night before.
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vickys · 1 year
troll was THIS CLOSE to being my favourite movie. this close
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jp-hunsecker · 1 year
Troll’s titular creature is of course fictional, but its well-documented Nordic folklore background lends it a solid legitimacy that we won’t find in, say, Godzilla or King Kong
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local-boob · 1 year
"The trolls of modern folk belief were creatures part spirit and part stone. They loved the cold dark and they feared the sun, which would kill them if it shone on their faces. Some trolls were quite small but many were of massive size. They were hairy and lived in mountain caves, eating human flesh and stealing human women and babies. They disliked loud noises, which reminded them of the thunder of Thor, their enemy, and after the coming of Christianity they dreaded the sound of church bells, which would turn a troll into a pile of powerless pebbles. Being animated stones themselves, giant trolls were great builders and constructed churches and castles, frequently demanding human souls in payment but being cheated of their wages by their employers."
In Richard Cavendish’s The Powers of Evil: In Western Religion, Magic and Folk Belief (1975), “The Powers Below,” p. 132.
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ionlylikemycat · 1 year
poor sad troll man!!!
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I swear to god the screenplay of this Troll movie in Netflix has been written by an AI, it's the most terrible thing I have heard in my life
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heavenboy09 · 6 months
1 Year Ago On
December 1st, 2022
Netflix Presents
The 1# Hit Netflix Film Of December 2022 Streamed All Month Long
When an ancient troll is awakened in a Norwegian mountain, a ragtag group of heroes must come together to try and stop it from wreaking deadly havoc...
Netflix Presents
The 1# Hit Netflix Movie Of December 2022
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