#trolls brozone bounty au
heartfall-syndrome · 3 months
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I love all these au's! (plus i'm rewatching mlp and got some ideas)
one smile au by @fraiserabbit
brozone fell au by @mirrow-hamato
brozone bounty au and world tour au by @year2000electronics
brotherhood au by @0ketlyn-s and @tea0w0stache
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lara-prism-light · 4 months
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Yes, I have a Clay bias, why do you ask?🙂
Brotherhood AU boy @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s
Brozone Fell AU by @mirrow-hamato
Brozone Bounty AU by @year2000electronics
Vengeance AU by @heartfall-syndrome
Guys, all your au's are amazing and your Clays are my favorite!!! Keep rocking!!
[By the way, please don't take this too seriously, I love John Dory too, I just think Clay deserves some attention too TwT]
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year2000electronics · 3 months
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oh boy two lovely groups of people, i hope neither of them have access to evil powers :]
wanted to draw my boys from my brozone bounty au with @djmurphy 's hypno pop au because... WELL IT JUST MAKES SENSE DONT YOU THINK?
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riciart · 4 months
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rdostuff · 4 months
First mission together
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Bounty hunter Brozone AU belongs to: @year2000electronics
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night-hunter34 · 4 months
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The show's just starting, where you going? They keep on getting me, gotta admit that the villain aus always get me though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Another au by @year2000electronics Closer look at everyone under here~
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tantei-chan01 · 3 months
Did you know Branch was originally going to be the one Velvet and Veneer had kidnapped? That would be extremely traumatic for him in the mute au since he had just gotten to the point he felt comfortable even singing in front of other people and not running for cover whenever Bridget or Gristle comes by and suddenly MORE giants are kidnapping him and trying to use his talents specifically because he started singing again.
I like to think in that circumstance, Bridget and Gristle would postpone the wedding to support Poppy, but John Dory would somehow still crash some important even they were a part of, that Poppy would still insist on going with John to save Branch and probably be joined by more than a few guests, maybe even Bridget while Gristle stays back (someone has to watch the kingdom and while he may be bros with Branch, he also knows his first Troll friend is justifiably nervous around Bergans and probably gonna have a bad time if he sees him), and the group would not have as many jokes about Brozone still thinking Branch is a baby because A) he isn't there and B) his friends are and while they are all there for teasing their most introverted friend and learning about his past they cannot get over the fact Branch had been left alone for over 20 years with no family and suddenly they discover he had 4 older brothers who all presumably had jeut up and left
I did know about that and agree it would have gone much differently. Mr. Dinkles would have sent some critters to Mount Rageous to delay the performance for as long as possible.
Poppy would enlist the bounty hunters to help them track down the brothers. First, finding John Dory thanks to Delta's help. Him being horrified at the fact of his brother's kidnapping just as he was packing up to go see him and at the fact that he was also traumatized into losing his voice and turning gray and now this will just make it worse. Luckily he has clues that helps the group find the others.
Floyd would be performing in a small town when they find him. He immediately agrees to go with and feels guilty on what he's been informed about.
Bruce immediately jumps to save the baby of the family, which Brandy encourages and beats himself up for not thinking of going back for Branch after he found Vacay Island.
Clay can immediately tell what's going on after a few words and immediately packed a rescue bag, refusing to leave his brotherbehind again. Viva tries to keep them from leaving, but Poppy, who's already stressed with worry, shuts that down and tells her that sometimes you have to do scary things if it means protecting someone.
They make it to Mount Rageous, where the critters successfully delay the performance for another day, they find out where they live and sneak into the bedroom to find Branch. He's already lost a large amount of talent and can barely pull himself up. The brothers immediately hug the prison and express worry.
Crimp walks into the room and tries to tell Velvet and Veneer when the bounty hunters restrain her. They convince her to help them expose the two fakes of their crime. The brothers try harmonizing again, but it fails due to unresolved issues. Then Cooper asks if it really was necessary for them to be perfect?
He explains that it was something Branch always told Poppy and others trolls when they stressed out about it. He always says that perfection doesn't exist and that being yourself is enough. Velvet and Veneer walk in and immediately try to capture the trolls. The bounty hunters and critters distract them long enough for Poppy to start singing.
Everyone starts singing together and manages to break the prison, Branch landing in Floyd's arms, clearly exhausted and in bad shape but alive. Bridget bursts in the room with the authorities, Velvet tries to argue that they have no proof only for Crimp to reveal that she had livestreamed the entire thing. Veneer willingly gives himself up to the police while his sister fights the entire process.
They head back to Pop Village to get Branch checked out. Along the way, the brothers finally have a much needed talk with each other and agree that being separated for so long affected them in many ways and decided to work on their family relationship. With the help of licensed professionals.
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nioumin-draw · 2 months
I discovered some new trolls AU
Who belong to @year2000electronics ....I LOOVE IT !!! SPECIALLY Brozone World Tour AU and Brozone Bounty AU
I couldn't resist...I drew that for BROZONE WT
All the Brozone as Rocks Zombie ( except JD)
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And scene of the first chapter of Brozone bounty AU
When Peppy ( with little Viva ) Banish Brozone for using a forbidden song and JD promise that he will make the Pop village paid
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I hope you'll like it 🥺💕
I just love those AU and I would like draw more about these two and more others trolls AU
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deviousfatestudio · 4 months
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First au of mine is of course bounty hunter au.
basically the only thought process I have is after failing to do family harmony they really just went “fuck it we ball” but ball as in murder.
Family motto: the family that kills together, stays together!
JD is the leader of course but he’s way more laid back about it. Of course he is he can easily vent his frustrations now! He’s very protective of his baby brothers. Also he treats himself to nice things and his brothers love that for him. JD is the one who can hunt anyone down in a forest environment and the best tracker, Branch is second and his little protege.
Bruce and Floyd are the manipulators of the group one with attractiveness and the other with emotions.
Clay is the one who thinks out the traps and all possible ways it could go wrong. He, of course, manages the finances and finds their targets. He’s serious but also best at torture and having fun with it.
Branch is the Jack of all trades. He learned from the best after all! Master trap maker like clay while being a manipulator of both charm and emotions. Of course he’s a top notch tracker like his oldest brother too!
Poppy: I support family rights but also family wrongs
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grim-ghosty · 2 months
Ok so a few questions for your branch bounty hunter au. If branch is a seasoned bh does he use all his rewards for survival or is he saving his money? Does he ever search for his brothers? What would his brothers think how would they react? Would he just kill velvet and veneer if he found out about what they did? Would he ever get his colors back, would it be because of poppy or his brothers or something else? Sorry if this is a lot really like your au concept ❤️👌👍
Thank you for the questions, and it isn’t too much at all. I love it when people ask me about my au!
Branch isn't a seasonal Bounty Hunter. He does it full-time when he needs something. When he is injured or sick, he will take a brake. There are also times he disappears for weeks and comes back like nothing happened.
Yes, he uses the things he gets from Bounty Hunting to survive. The things that he gets are metals like steel, iron, copper, cobalt, etc. He gets foods he can’t get in the wild or is difficult/dangerous to get. He also gets medical supplies or books with information he needs.
My headcanon is that trolls don’t have money. They instead use a favor system and trading. That’s why Bounty Hunting exists, so subgenre trolls and mixed-genre trolls can get stuff from different tribes. I headcanon that subgenre and mixed-genre trolls aren't thought of kindly by other trolls, so having Bounty Hunting as something they can do really helps those communities. (Bruce and Brandy’s restaurant uses money because Vacationers use money)
He doesn’t search for his brothers because he feels like they don’t want him. He thinks it was his fault for them leaving, that he was the problem. He doesn’t want to ruin them again like he ruins everything else.
He does know where some of his brothers are, but that is a spoiler, so that is all you're getting.
When the brothers come together to save Floyd, they don’t know that he used to be a Bounty Hunter. (He retires after the events of world tour) John only heard about Branch being alive because of The Rock Apocalypse. Bruce lives on an island and never leaves, so he doesn’t know. Clay lives in an isolated community. Floyd was doing his solo career and being a vocal coach, and with being busy, he had no time to listen to the news.
There is also the fact that the Bounty Hunters don't really go by their names, they have titles, and the only one that uses their name is Chaz. Branch's title is The Grey Hunter. (he didn't pick it)
Branch doesn’t tell them about his past until months later, after rescuing Floyd, which is also a spoiler.
Branch doesn't like killing people, even if he has done it in the past. He did a couple of assassination bounties, and he didn’t like it, but he couldn’t pass on what they were willing to offer. So, no, he wouldn’t kill Velvet and Veneer.
Yes, he will get his colors back at the end of world tour because of Poppy, but his colors are temperamental and fragile.
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nigtmarerin · 2 months
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Here I go again!!
This time with Brozon Bounty Hunters Floyd by @eugeneplace and my Au Floyd, I have no idea how the bottom part of BBH Floyd looks like so, yeah that happened, sorry.
(Sorry if I misspelled something in the dialogue)
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thatoneuserwho · 3 months
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Been reading this evil BroZone au fic by @year2000electronics ! I really like it and recommend :)
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year2000electronics · 4 months
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cool girl squad karaoke night
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riciart · 18 days
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Branch still finds J.D. and their meeting... It's unpleasant, and when J.D. hits back, he asks a question that Branch definitely didn't expect to hear…
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night-hunter34 · 4 months
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Perfection is obtainable. You just have to take it. Brozone Bounty au from @year2000electronics
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starbrightotaku · 6 months
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BroZone Family Harmony AU
Unlike the main timeline, John and the BroZone brothers have an epiphany about being "perfect" and Family Harmony. They realize they just have to be themselves. To be brothers who love each other. Their concert is a success and they achieve the Family Harmony. Knowing how powerful it is magically they decide to bust it out if the need ever arrives. Going by this AU these are the changes:
* BroZone never breaks up so Branch grows up with his brothers and grandma.
*Because of the Family Harmony the Bergens are run off after taking a group of Trolls which includes Viva. Those Trolls managed to escape with Viva and move to the Golf Course.
*Poppy still has both of her parents but they insist on her learning how to defend herself. This includes learning to harness the Harmony magic inside of herself to fight.
*Branch and Floyd outside of their band stuff are Poppy's bodyguards.
*Spruce finds Cooper's egg and decides to raise him.
* Clay still has his certification for Finance and Tax stuff but John got a Psychology degree. Outside of band stuff Spruce runs a diner that serves alcohol after seven. Cooper helps out on weekends to earn some spending money.
* Riff runs away from Volcano Rock City because of an abusive Uncle and emotionally distant parents. Floyd adopts him and he immediately called him 'dad'. Floyd was bawling for an hour straight.
* Cuddle piles are a frequent thing in the BroZone household.
* The other Tribes save for Techno and the Bounty Hunters begin making plans to "reclaim" their missing Tribe members when Riff's abusive Uncle lies and says the members who ran away were stolen by the Pop Trolls. Darnell confesses to Trollex and Tressillo he doesn't believe Tremor's story.
* Trollex suggests sending the Bounty Hunters to scope out Pop Village under the guise of travelling first.
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