#tropical aries
ohtheblooming · 2 years
Astro Observations: Aries
Aries Sun
All the ones I know have this one hobby that they're really good at and passionate about... they're always hopping between projects and it's also easy for them to pick up new skills
Aries Rising
Their beauty is really enticing like the energy feels very 'real' -like there is no mask whatsoever... which is very refreshing and more people should be like that. They also have very strong opinions on things and they should find outlets to use that energy!
Aries Moon
They're sporadic. They have this 'can't be tamed' energy like they're never really relaxing and always thinking about the next big thing to do. That makes them really fun to talk to though.
Just a general sort of roast... a lot of tropical Aries placements are actually sidereal Pisces placements and when you really think about that, it makes sense even though I know it's easy to feel pride for being an Aries. Just going from being ruled by Mars to Jupiter or even thinking you're actually a Pisces rather than an Aries can hurt the ego a bit.
But yENNO, I see it! It's in the creativity, the passion as well as the motivation to help their community (Pisces is VERY community-oriented), but also... their inability to know their limits + take breaks... because Jupiter, which rules EXPANSION, just grows and grows and gives and gives until you're like 'OOP I forgot to water myself.' IT CAN WAIT, ARIES, IT CAN.
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spirit-of-phantom · 5 months
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aries mc:
- projects a confident, dynamic, and assertive image to the world.
- thrives in leadership roles and is driven to achieve ambitious goals.
- might be seen as energetic, pioneering, and unafraid to take risks in their career.
taurus mc:
- presents an image of stability, beauty, reliability, and practicality.
- thrives in careers related to finance, aesthetics, or the arts.
- values a steady and secure approach to achieving personal and professional goals.
gemini mc:
- projects an adaptable, communicative, and versatile image.
- excels in roles that involve communication, networking, or information-sharing.
- expresses a quick wit, curiosity, and a diverse range of interests in their public persona.
cancer mc:
- presents a nurturing, empathetic, and protective image.
- thrives in roles that involve caregiving, counseling, or community service.
- values emotional connections and often projects a sense of warmth and compassion.
leo mc:
- radiates confidence, charisma, and a regal presence.
- flourishes in roles that allow for creativity, leadership, and self-expression.
- often seen as theatrical, generous, and unapologetically individualistic.
virgo mc:
- projects an image of precision, attention to detail, and analytical prowess.
- thrives in roles that require problem-solving, organization, and efficiency.
- values competence, reliability, and a meticulous approach to their work.
libra mc:
- presents a harmonious, diplomatic, and aesthetically pleasing image.
- excels in roles involving relationships, art, or social justice.
- often seen as charming, cooperative, and with a keen sense of fairness.
scorpio mc:
- radiates intensity, mystery, and a transformative presence.
- thrives in roles that involve depth, research, or psychology.
- values authenticity, resilience, and often projects a magnetic allure.
sagittarius mc:
- projects an adventurous, optimistic, and expansive image.
- excels in roles that involve travel, education, or philosophy.
- values freedom, intellectual curiosity, and often seen as a bold, honest risk-taker.
capricorn mc:
- presents an image of ambition, authority, and disciplined professionalism.
- thrives in roles that require leadership, strategic planning, or entrepreneurship.
- values structure, achievement, and often projects a mature and responsible demeanor.
aquarius mc:
- radiates uniqueness, innovation, and a progressive presence.
- excels in roles that involve technology, social causes, or group dynamics.
- values individuality, open-mindedness, and often seen as forward-thinking.
pisces mc:
- thrives in roles that involve creativity, healing, or humanitarian efforts.
- projects a compassionate, imaginative, and spiritually aware image.
- values intuition, empathy, and often projects a dreamy and ethereal aura.
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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littlemoonastrology · 6 months
Astro Observation - 1st and 7th House (18+ Content Mentioned Briefly)
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The 1st and 7th House in Astrology I found can give an idea of where you and your long-term partner like to touch each other!
The sign the 1st House is in is like the areas where you enjoy being touched, admired or if you'd like reassurance that the other partner loves you. It can also be the area your partner touches you to reassure you or where you touch your partner when you want reassurance.
The sign the 7th House is in is the areas where your partner may enjoy being touched, admired or if they want reassurance! (or ways you show your partner that you love them!) They may touch you in this area if they want to be reassured/admired.
Typically this may be unconscious too, like you might feel drawn to touch this specific area of them or just be around it vice versa.
This can also be amplified by different Planets too!
(Having a Moon in the 1st House for example can mean that it is also something you find enjoyment in being touched rather than just being reassured. it's something which brings you happiness and a deep sense of comfort (or might set the mood lol to start off with)
Having Pluto or Mars in the 7th House can mean that the touch is exciting for your partner, especially during sex and may touch you there to show that you're "theirs" or some other possessive quality, or maybe that's where they enjoy being touched to prove they're being admired and you want them.)
Me and my Boyfriend for example:
I have my 1st House in Libra - I find a lot of reassurance when I'm by his lower back, I notice I tend to place my hand there! But I also like when he has his hand on my lower back or when our lower backs are touching as that's reassuring for me too! Skin-to-Skin contact is also a MUST!!
My 7th House is in Aries - I like to touch his face, his head, his hair and look at his eyes... I like a lot of eye contact (or I shy away from it)! Not only that, but he also has very attractive eyes too and has a lot of facial hair so I enjoy touching that too. It's my way of trying to reassure him that I love him and find him attractive.
Here's a list of the Body Parts the Zodiac Signs relate to so you can see for yourself! (There's a lot of overlap, a lot of sites say different things but I believe they all fall into something similar. If I'm wrong, please correct me!)
Aries: Head, Face, Eyes, Brain, Teeth, Tongue, Hair, Blood
Taurus: Neck, Throat, Jaw, Vocal Chords, Sinuses, Ears
Gemini: Hands, Arms, Lungs, Shoulders, Bronchial Tubes
Cancer: Breasts, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Chest, Vagina
Leo: Heart, Upper Back, Spine, Hair, Blood Pressure
Virgo: Intestines, Abdomen, Spleen, Pancreas, Eyes,
Libra: Lower Back, Kidneys, Bladder, Butt, Skin, Veins
Scorpio: Genitals, Colon, Rectum, Nose, Pubic Bone, Prostate
Sagittarius: Hips, Thighs, Liver, Vertebrae
Capricorn: Knees, Bones, Teeth, Skin, Ligaments, Tendons
Aquarius: Calves, Veins, Circulatory System, Ankles, Forearms
Pisces: Feet, Toes, Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland
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perpetualcosmos · 2 months
Astrology insights on Health & More! Pt. 2
*Please Note these are all my personal observations and research, not yet from a professional opinion!*
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---> Body part ruled by Taurus is... Neck, shoulders, ears and throat! Now, What it means is that these natives usually have wide, elegant necks, shoulders and even jawlines depending on where they have their Taurus placements. Ex: Personally seen that natives which have Taurus in either 3rd house, in mercury or Venus conjunct mercury in, 2nd house placements, 3rd house placement and basically mercury placements indicating that these natives have a deep voice.
---> Taurus placements (Specially in conjunction, sextile or trine) always carry an energy of elegance. These natives always have a way with their voice, their body and their posture that draws people in. A pull, sensual and hypnotizing.
---> Prone to be interested in Art, Design, Photography, cinematography, music, dancing, etc., in it's most Venusian form, Taurus natives are hard working... when they want to be, otherwise you cannot pull them for anything to do. They have their priorities straight and keep clear of what doesn't suit them. But the tendency to overindulgence in things like food, sex, drugs, money, etc. Is highly prominent.
---> Really, Financial freedom isn't everything, and so isn't pleasure. A thing I have always noticed with Taurus natives is that they might be inclined to aroma and massages, a good way for these natives to decompress is maybe having a self care day with going to the spa, taking care of your hair, going for aromatherapy, going for shopping and indulging in things which make them feel safe.
---> Security & stability is extremely important to Taurus placements/2nd House placements/Taurus degrees holders (2°,14°,26°). But because of their nature, these natives tend to only focus on financial stability, often forgetting emotional investment is just as important. Signs in the body could be stiff shoulders, a blocked throat, always being told they don't "listen", not being able to take a proper break, mood swings, etc. Extremely prominent when these placements in a person's chart are underdeveloped.
---> Taurus placement carry similarities with their sister sign, Scropio, such as:
• Control - a major theme for both signs in opposite sectors, for Taurus natives, it's mostly money and finance. On the other hand, emotional and sensual control is for Scorpio natives.
• Obsession - as mentioned above, in the sectors.
• Pleasure - Both appreciate Pleasure, for Scorpio placements it's intimate, powerful, a connection and always transformative -- it's in the emotional. For Taurus placements, it's imagination, realistic and 3D focused -- it's in the material.
Ex: Adele with a Taurus Sun in 11th house at 15° (cancer degree)! Should I be even shocked that she is a singer, known for her voice and beauty everywhere? Absolutely not lol. Supporting this, is her Mercury in Gemini in the 12th house at 0° (I can't make this up). She is someone who is known for her music all over the world, carrying so much of her emotions and her ability to reach high notes. She definitely has a beautiful neck and shoulders, with her being very expressive about what she wants through art (which in her case, is music!). Another example is of Keira Knightley with a Taurus moon. Definitely something who carries a strong Jaw and bone structure, along with again wide shoulders and great posture. Her energy also draws in people on the stage, you can't help falling in love with how dedicatedly she carries her with her Moon conjunct Mars in Taurus. No wonder she is so dedicated to her Art (here it's acting). A beautiful thing about Taurus moons is when they find something that they are extremely passionate about, no one can stop them from achieving their goals and giving their best. Especially when they love their work, it shows Everywhere.
Other examples are Zendaya, Nick Jonas, Lindsay Lohan, Donald Grover, Channing Tatum, Miley Cyrus, Gigi Hadid, Robert Pattinson and more.
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Source: Pinterest
A/N: Thank you for checking this post out and omg thank you for the likes and follows 🥹🫶
*I am so grateful for all of you, thank you for your support. I wasn't sure if I should do this but because of you... I am here. Thank you. And I just want to say if no one has told you lately... I am proud of you, you are trying so hard, even if it's just you being alive. Thank you, I am grateful you are here to read this.*
With love & grace 🥹✨
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Aries Placements - Have the ability to drive anything into fruition. They can have a goal and see the plan through with an interesting amount of imagination and practicality in place. These aren't the type to sit down and 'wait' for things to come to them, they will simply be stubborn enough to do it themselves. Everything may not have gone as planned on the first go, but with time and stability they will come out greater and gain a sense of self-mastery in their craft.
Venus Placements - People with venusian aspects like sun/moon/rising have a gift that contains a higher amount of charm then most. These individuals can utilize their personalities in a way that will get them favored. Like their gemini friends, they can be a lil tricky to figure out. It is because they are able to use their beauty as a shield (as well as an illusion) to get what they want in life. It is only when they are self aware of this gift, they can use it to get whatever it is they desire.
Neptunian Placements - Neptunians have a gift in being the muse of creation. They are splendid in their craft of creating safe spaces for their imagination to dwell in. Whether its through art, fashion or just simply existing, like their aquarian buddies they have this gift of connecting to the stars way before everyone can catch up. They can come off a bit crazy to others, but in hindsight they are deeply aware of self and have a mass amount of empathy that allows them to read reality the way it is, and share that insight with the rest of the world.
Pluto Placements - Plutonians can undergo a lot of stress when they allow things to fester without bringing attention to the matter. These are the individuals to suffer in silence and by not saying a word they can cut out any forms of emotional support if they are not aware of themselves to escape the astro-cities that can sometimes be the danger of their own mind. (Moon/Pluto Placements - Outlets for your emotional expression is a necessity.) When there is no guidance for your emotions to thrive you will end up rageful and continuing to feel the lesser dense emotions hiding in your body. It will eventually way on you and it'll take a toll on your spirit. The power beneath this placement is to hold on tightly to that powerful entity you know is divine no matter what they tell you.
Plutonian Individuals may find themselves in the arms of people who are testifying their gifts right in front of you. Some wish to belittle and do harm to you because in the mirror they do not see the same light or dark power that you continue to see in yourself. So these people will always try to bite you to get a piece of it themselves, but in the end it never turns out the way they think. It turns sour.
Sun Placements - So I noticed the more sun placements an individual has, the more difficult this energy can be to surrender to. A person with sun/neptune may have a difficulty with expressing their empathic nature because the world isn't connected to their astral body like they are. When they express themselves, its like their connecting to their soul that feels out of the human experience. They have a different connection to the world then most, so they'll be often misunderstood. But in general, sun placements can feel a bit off in society because the world is always saying their cocky or arrogant when really they are free of the world and its restraints. Sun placements (no matter how big or small the aspect) have to deal with a lot of people taking themselves for granted. When they are sent to be a light, others are horrified by their shadows being shined on (sun/pluto). The more placements (especially conjunctions you have) the more you'll be tempted to stop the light since others will attempt to bring you down with them. It's a path that builds for a leader to take ship, not to dim down.
Uranian Placements - Ahead of their time but mostly because the world isn't ready for change. When these individuals get a hand on how society operates, they become powerhouses who are the tyrants ready for newness.These brainiacs are capable of being connected to the cosmos where receiving divine information on how to move and where to go gives them great benefit. They only thing I can say to them is, you have to be mindful of the company you keep. Because not everyone can see the vision. Do not allow any and everybody to take up space for whatever it is you claim as yours. Just because THEY can't see it doesn't mean its not real. Again, the things you see come through in your mind is a gift that the cosmic connections of space gave to you. You know the true concept of time more than anyone else, and with that you are able to gather up the right information, make your abilities/skills stronger than ever and than boom. The big bang. It all works in the end, dont force yourself to know everything. Just focus on the stars.
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moon8th · 26 days
Being around Air Signs/Air Dominants when they’re mad/angry 😭😭😭😭😭😭🫥🫥🫥, the literal air gets DENSE ASF, like the air🌩️🌪️🌬️ feels so heavy omg, and they don’t let up until they fully say their point, right or wrong
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You literally feel like they’re throwing air at you 😭🌪️🤸🏽‍♂️
However when they’re loving 🥰 the air will feel so blissful/comfortable, I love their lil chaotic selves
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serpentpatrol · 5 months
Astro Observation: Leo ♌ Part 1
🔎Discretion: consider zodiac signs, aspects, and placements in a birth chart as a map of the soul, it gives you direction on how to recognize its influence or impact within you, as the saying goes: "the stars impels; they don't compel". These observations also depends on degrees, houses, aspects to planets and mostly the free will of the person. Your birth chart gives you information about the pattern of how your energy plays out in the universe but in the end it's your own free will which is the one that decides on how to manage the energy.
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Webtoon/Manhwa: The Remarried Empress/The Second Marriage
🦁 Leo placements (venus, moon, mars, leo in 5th house, aura in leo, leo rising, etc) have this Emperor/Empress or King/Queen presence in how they carry themselves with dignity or pride and confidence. They exudes regal and rich vibrance which cannot be easily disrespected, they would still stand tall with strong pride like the packs of lion/tigers/jaguars. This reminds me as well of Jason Momoa, he definitely looks like a Lion, King of the Jungle 👇🏻🔥
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🦁 Leos placements are warm-hearted people and they love to generously give extravagance/high quality gifts or host parties to celebrate, nothing is small from what they do towards themselves and to others, it would be grand like a King or Queen celebrate annual imperial events.
🦁 Leos are the fixed fire people, so their spirit are fierce and lively (depends on their moon signs, it could vary) but most of them have strong presence so everywhere they go, people would notice them. They have leadership quality too so they could help others or groups by giving inspirative examples from whatever that they are doing. Since the Sun is their planet ruler, Sun could also symbolized as clear willpower, this could be a good inspiration for others to follow and to pridefully express their own personal identity. From my personally POV, "Being unapologetically myself and I stand proud of it!!!" would be the right motto for these Leos.
🦁 Theme song for Leo placements (Leo Rising, Leo in 10th House, Leo MC, Leo Mars, Leo Venus) that I kept visualizing is "Fresh Out The Oven" from JLO (a Leo Woman). From my perspective, having alll those gold jewelleries she wore from earrings, necklace, bracelets, the outfit and shoes, and the nails art too were very typical Leo fashion style. Two other examples of Leo woman I know who both have Leo Sun and Leo Moon (basically Leo Stellium) are Evis Xheneti (Munky's wife, Munky is the bassist from KoRn music group) and Cinta Laura Kiehl (an Indonesian Actress/Music Artist/Philanthropist).
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🦁 Leo women I noticed have this sharp fingernails 'claws' and they could have strong arms when physically fighting with someone else, even though the hands or fingers may seem soft but they still have that strong tiger like strength.
🦁 Besides the claws, LOOK AT THE JAWLINE, SO PROMINENT, SO SHARP IT COULD SLICE YOU LIKE A SHARP KNIFE LOL 🔥🔪. I notice Leo women have strong or prominent jawline, and if they could or like to dress themselves and do make up, they would look like cover models, literally all Leo women. But Leo men, they would look primal (the vibe mostly) in every occassion (formal or non-formal) like Viking soldiers or Genghis Khan, or even like those men who wore war outfits.
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bewitcherella · 10 months
I love to read and gain as much information as possible about transits that are currently happening! Whenever I find information that I think is incredibly valuable from the books I have read, I want to share them and credit the author who I've gained this knowledge from. With the north and south node having moved into Aries and Libra on July 17th of 2023 I was incredibly excited to see where this would impact my life. As a tropical libra rising the north and south node were transiting my 8th and 2nd house when it was in Taurus. Now that it has transitioned to Aries and Libra it is transiting my 7th and 1st house until they switch to Pisces and Virgo on January 12th 2025. I hope you enjoy this excerpt from the wonderful April Elliot Kent, and if you're interested in a personal reading where we can dive deeper into what this transit means for you personally the links are in my bio! :)
As the North Node transits your first house, the road to happiness lies in putting yourself first. This is easier for some of us than for others. Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you will give nothing to your loved ones. This transit comes around only once every eighteen years, so you needn’t worry that it is going to make you a selfish egomaniac! In fact, as the North Node transits the first house, the South Node, representing what’s easy and comfortable, is in the people-pleasing seventh house. If your instinctual response in every situation is to honor others’ needs, that must be brought into balance by having more respect for your own.
The gift of this transit is a deep and hopefully lasting sense of your importance. The confidence of the second house has nothing to do with being more significant than other people. It’s simply the confidence that comes from knowing you have a place in the world and that you are valuable. While the North Node transits the second house, the South Node is transiting the eighth house, the house of support from others. It’s a common mistake during this transit to imagine that you need others to validate you and that confidence is a gift bestowed on you by others. Real friends will support you by encouraging your self-reliance, not your reliance on them. During this transit, and particularly when eclipses fall in this house, you may confront financial challenges. There is usually a change in direction between relying on others and gaining confidence by proving you can take care of yourself.
Time to bring your focus and skills to bear on a long-contemplated goal. To go after your dreams, you need to fill in some gaps in knowledge, credentials, or skills. This transit will bring eclipses to your third house, and the need to improve your résumé will reach a critical point. Problems may arise with neighbors or siblings, but that will be a blessing meant to move you to a more nourishing location or improve your family relationships. When the transiting North Node is in the third house, the transiting South Node is in the ninth. The safest action is to stick with what you know. But the road to growth is to remain curious about everything the world has to teach you.
This transit evokes the moment near the end of The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy wishes aloud that she could return to Kansas. Glenda the Good Witch points out to Dorothy that she’s had the power to go home all along. This is the transit when you truly realize that whatever fond wish your natal North Node holds for you is well within your grasp, and that, indeed, the power to achieve it has been within “you all along. Sometimes this transit involves literally sitting in your home and working on something that will eventually lead you farther along your evolutionary path. And sometimes you simply need to look within yourself to find the answers you’ve been looking for. The South Node transits the tenth while the North Node is in the fourth, and it’s tempting to use work and status to hide from these tasks. The North Node transiting your fourth house means there will be an eclipse or two in this house, as well. Eclipses in the fourth house can bring changes in residence, often connected to your career, and changes in personnel at home. Most of all, they bring a sudden, surprising awareness of feelings you didn’t even know you had.
Whatever the dream of your natal North Node, the transiting North Node in the fifth house asks you to examine whether you are pursuing that dream with your whole, true heart. Are you going after it in a way that makes you completely happy, regardless of how others react? As the North Node transits the fifth house, the South Node will be in the eleventh house. The urge will be strong to fit in, be part of a group, and blend in rather than standing apart. This is the comfortable path, but not the one that will lead to growth and happiness. This transit will bring an eclipse or two to the fifth house, signaling a moment of truth: Will you give birth to a dream created in your true image or settle for giving the world what it expects from you?
Your greatest spiritual growth during this transit will come from offering support and service to others through your work, sacrifice, and acts of compassion. It’s often a transit that brings a change in the workplace, or perhaps even a new career. You may also find yourself in a position of needing to support a partner or some other important person in your life. This can require great compassion, both for the person you’re supporting and for yourself, should feelings of resentment arise. It can be a very challenging transit, especially during the months when eclipses fall in the sixth house, because it is not particularly fashionable in this day and age to put others’ needs and desires above our own. While the North Node transits the sixth house, the South Node is in the twelfth house. It would be the easiest “thing in the world for you to retreat into self-pity and self-destructive behavior now, or to give in to the feeling of being overwhelmed by your responsibilities. But this is the time to acknowledge things for what they are and to take practical steps to improve them.
Are your relationships fair and equal, or have you been doing more than your share of the heavy lifting? While the North Node transits your seventh house, and particularly when eclipses occur in this house, you’ll increasingly feel that you can’t continue with any relationship that doesn’t honor both individuals equally. Relationships often end during this transit, and ones that don’t will need some fine-tuning to get the scales in balance.” “While the North Node is transiting your seventh house, the South Node will be transiting your first. You may be tempted to play the lone wolf, remaining alone rather than meeting others halfway. But there is another road available, one that leads to life-changing relationships, provided you have a strong enough sense of your own identity that you know how much you can afford to bend for others.
Can you trust the people closest to you? Are they there for you when you need them? Do they show you the respect that you deserve? What about your possessions—do they serve you? Are you spending too much of your energy fixing things that are broken, nursing plants back to health, keeping your ancient jalopy limping along? While the Moon’s North Node transits your eighth house, the path forward in your life depends on ridding yourself of the dead weight. If someone you’ve been calling a friend hasn’t phoned you in ten years, what you have on your hands is less a friendship than a friendly habit. If you’ve been giving your energy and money to a cause that is important to you, but others are not showing the same commitment, you may need to let it go. When the transiting North Node is in the eighth house, the South Node is transiting the second house. The comfortable approach to this transit is to maintain the status quo and hold on to what you’ve got. But if you’re living in a house that is too large, too small, too old, or too packed with junk to move around, you need to get some boxes rent a moving truck, and take a trip to the dump.
As the North Node transits the ninth house, and in particular during the months when eclipses fall in this house, it’s common to experience a crisis of faith. As the North Node transited your tenth house, you had a chance to review your standing in your career and your community, your status and reputation. Based on that review, you now feel the urge to take a leap of faith into something new. You may not feel you’re ready, but the universe sees it differently, insisting that it’s time you made a big change. The South Node is transiting the third house as the North Node is in the ninth. The third house is where we are eternal students, asking questions, collecting endless pieces of data, convinced that if we just have enough facts we’ll know everything. But the North Node’s “ninth house message is, “You’ve been a student long enough. You have all the skills and information that you need. Now, it’s time to throw yourself off a cliff and learn to fly.
The natal position of the Moon’s North Node hints at the sorts of dreams that, if realized, could lead you to great happiness. As the North Node transits the tenth house every eighteen years or so, you don’t necessarily achieve these dreams, but you absolutely find the determination to put a plan into action to help you achieve them down the road. Often this means a change in career or your living situation, which is likely to come about during the months that eclipses fall in your tenth house. As the North Node transits your tenth house, the South Node is simultaneously transiting your fourth house. Since the South Node shows where old patterns and habits need to be released, this is a transit when it’s especially important to become aware of how the past may be holding you back from success, and to be willing to make the changes necessary to change that pattern.
Even if you are a lone wolf by nature, there is some truth to the adage that “it takes a village to raise a child.” Children, or creative projects that are like our children, are found in the fifth house, but the eleventh house is where we all raise the children or collaborate on artistic visions together. During this transit of the North Node, reach out, however tentatively, to groups of people who share your creative passions. As the North Node transits the eleventh house, the South Node, representing the easy path, is in the fifth house of individual self-expression. If you prefer doing things on your own, that’s okay; you don’t have to change who you are, and you don’t have to work with groups “the rest of your life. But explore them as a possibility now, instead of retreating into your solitary, creative cave. This transit will bring an eclipse or two to your eleventh house, and you might find you’ve reached a turning point in the hunt for a group of compatriots you can call your own. Sometimes this means letting go of associations that no longer enrich your life.
Usually the North Node’s transit through the first house puts you in a position of dealing with rapidly changing circumstances. You may have to move or deal with issues in a relationship, and you find yourself feeling constantly under siege. But once the North Node moves into the twelfth house, things generally calm down a bit. This is when many of us collapse for a while, retreating from the demands of the world as much as we can. Don’t resist; this is the right time for you to get some rest and spiritual rejuvenation. While the North Node is transiting the twelfth house, the South Node is in the sixth house of work and daily routines. The temptation will be strong to escape into overwork, exercise, and other behaviors that, while healthy on the surface, can actually be counterproductive. The twelfth house beckons you to spend time with your inner self. Use the sixth house gift for an organization to engineer a daily routine that has plenty of room for downtime.
— Astrological Transits: The Beginner's Guide to Using Planetary Cycles to Plan and Predict Your Day, Week, Year (or Destiny) by April Elliott Kent
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msmysticfail · 21 days
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“Baby, I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals
With Mars in the 8th house, tension is raised to a higher octave. The 8th house person receives the energy of Mars, awakening a tension that cannot be denied. There is no denying of Mars energy, which in one way or another bothers the 8th house (ruled by Pluto), Mars penetrates their psyche, their innermost being. Mars unconsciously touches the depths of the 8th house person, instigates it, Mars is a powerful force entering dangerous territory, it will provoke the 8th house, awakening heavy and uncomfortable feelings in this sector.
We have two cases here: either the two are each other's worst enemies or they are completely obsessed with one another, especially the 8th house person.
Mars is provocative, it's presence attracts the attention of the 8th house, which sees in Mars, initially, someone who causes some insecurity, since it's presence is very strong for the 8th house, which is a quiet house of the water element. Over time, especially after the couple's first kiss, the 8th house will be “activated” permanently, since the 8th house cannot escape the presence of Mars, as it awakens carnal desires in the house person. It's through physical touch between the two that the connection becomes stronger, since Mars is the physical, the body. The desire of the 8th house increases as it touches Mars, which enters deeper and deeper into the psyche of the 8th house person. The Mars person, no matter how strong and determined they may be, cannot resist the 8th house, it's with the 8th house person that the Mars person will experience the most intense peaks of physical pleasure, satisfying all their carnal desires, unconsciously freeing themselves from all the emotional barriers that prevented them from fully surrendering to carnal pleasure.
Things, however, start to get out of hand, especially if the 8th house person has Pluto/8th house contacts in their personal chart. The 8th house wants to dominate the Mars person, reduce some of their “strength”, take away some of their power. Without the Mars person realizing it, the 8th house person will slowly infiltrate their psyche too. Mars becomes addicted to the 8th house, it misses the intensity that  the 8th house person gives to them, what they are capable of awakening in Mars.
Generally, the Mars person “runs" after the 8th house, even when their pride tells them not to, even if they slowly feel that the 8th house person is assuming large proportions in their life, when this happens, the 8th house can feel very pleased, since they love having power over Mars, seeing how they become submissive before them.
Despite the  increasing tension, despite the obsession continuing to grow, and the desire continuing to pulse at full strength, everything is wonderful when Mars and the 8th house meet physically and, possibly, emotionally. This is the wealth of Mars in the 8th house in Synastry, Mars and the 8th house are two magnetic forces, which cannot resist each other, as it's with resistance that conflicts arise. If the relationship is consensual and healthy, then there is no reason to resist: when the two bodies meet, a true treasure is formed. They are physically connected to each other, it is in the exchange of power between the two during sexual connection that unites them so deeply, it's by breaking psychic barriers, penetrating each other deeply, that the two find themselves in their soul. The 8th house, even if they don't admit it, feels the power of Mars, which, in turn, awakens their sexuality in an intense and obsessive way. Mars cannot resist the 8th house person.
The 8th house will probably go crazy about Mars, they will stalk their entire life, they will know every detail, so that they can have even more power over the Mars person. Mars likes the intense nature of the 8th house, it fuels their fire even more, but Mars does not give up their power completely, they probably resist(and even like to resist) the seduction tactics of the 8th house. But in the end the 8th house wins, mainly through the sexual encounter.
There is, however, another problem that can arise: the 8th house can use its sexual power to dominate Mars, using the intimate encounter as a form of manipulation, especially if Mars threatens to leave the relationship, or if the 8th house is jealous. There is a tendency towards possessive physical control, from both parties, but mainly from the 8th house, since it's the house ruled by Pluto and Pluto does not like to share what is his. The 8th house may think that Mars belongs to  them only, especially after the relationship has already been “activated” by physical touch. Mars may run the risk of the 8th house treating them as a possession, as an object that belongs to them, which will certainly irritate Mars, who is already a powerhouse in itself. It's extremely necessary, for their relationship to survive, that the 8th house stops being so possessive and controlling and that Mars talks about everything that bothers them. If the two can work together, this is a relationship that has the potential to be unforgettable and extremely powerful and liberating.
“So what you trying to do to me
It's like we can't stop, we're enemies
But we get along when I'm inside you,
You're like a drug that's killing me
I cut you out entirely
But I get so high when I'm inside you”
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saturnianoracle · 2 months
How to learn real astrology: what it is and is not
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul.
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It is VITAL that if you want to understand astrology properly, you come in with an open mind and forget everything you think you know. Especially, remove yoruself from the belief that astrology is some occultic mystical spiritual practice, and/or that it is solely some psychological tool.
I used to be quite the hater of astrology. None of it 'resonated', and it seemed like wishy washy hippie shit. In lockdown, astrology stuff kept coming onto my feed, and some of it made sense, but most still did not. I then initially wanted to debunk astrology. But when I properly stated looking into it, the deeper I went the more accurate it started to become. Equally, parts still remained highly inaccurate. But this was due to a mismatch of how 'influencers' out there synthesised and understood the traditional foundations of astrology and modern information. Thus, I committed myself to truly understanding astrology, and my life has significantly improved for it and I've only just started.
As an introductory post to what astrology really is, I have formatted it into the following sections: i. the problem with pop culture astrology, ii, the history of astrology, iii. how astrology works, and iv. where meaning in astrology comes from.
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The problem with pop culture astrology
This is the type of astrology we see in newspaper horoscopes, online articles, tiktok viral posts, instagram horoscopes, etc.
This is borne out of the allure astrology holds for desperate individuals seeking an easy and quick answer to their life problems, and using it as a form of confirmation bias for hating their ex (for example). But this misuse of astrology will undoubtedly hit for most people, due to the barnum effect, but is ultimately inaccurate and those who think it true have now misleadingly correlated the pop culture reasons for why X happened to what astrology is.
The new moon in your 7th house is not a sign that your crush will leave his partner for you. Being a gemini sun does not mean you are a two faced, loyal-less individual. Having your sun sign the same as their venus sign does not mean you two are compatible. And so on and so forth.
Here are some key things to understand about astrology:
✎ Stop using co-star, and those websites which give you your astrology information like this:
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-> This does not tell you anything remotely significant aside from standard archetypal and superifical meanings of having a sun in Sagittarius or whatever (which you might not even 'relate' to, because of a multitude of other factors this does not show). Your chart instead, should, at the very least look like this:
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-> Even better, make a chart and add in decans, asteroids, and considers more aspects. Viewing your birth chart like this is essential for gaining a better understanding. Aspects are what brings everything in your chart together to give it more significant and individualised meaning, the houses and the angles are also explicitly identifiable this way. Also, always make sure your chart is in whole sign houses, I will make a post on this later on why, but you will have to go to settings for this as popculture astrology has made placidus the default (as well as other inaccurate takes).
✎ Sun sign is astrology is fake, no matter how much you think it resonates with you it is the wrong footing to base your understanding of astrology off of. Astrology is extremely complex, one thing might resonate for one person and not for another, because of house placements, condition of the planet, aspects to the planet, etc. Consequently, all basic and simplified delineations of a chart are unhelpful and will put you on the wrong footing for future proper readings you might wish to do. This is how astrology can be so inaccurate.
✎ Astrology is not about resonating. Although, this is a part of how we can test astrology, it is linked far too much with resonating with personality. Your birth chart is not a map of who you are specifically, we evolve all the time (as the universe, so the soul), it is a map of your entire life. It is a map of the sky and its energies the minute you were born. Some things you think you do not resonate with is because those energies have not yet played out in your life.
✎ Astrology is not a psychological tool, although it can give us insight into psychology when used and understood properly. Again, it is the blueprint of our life.
✎ Astrology is not spiritual. It is not a belief system, either. Although, one can use astrology to advance their spiritual practices.
✎ Free will exists. I will likely go into this in another post but the energies of our bith chart, solar return chart, profection year, progressed charts, transits etc, are merely indications of how things are likely to unfold. The energies are malleable within their themes' ambit, and it is up to us to decide how we choose to interpret what is/will happen and what to do with that information. A transit might indicate difficulty in a law suit, ok, how can I mitigate that then? What other charts, energies, and transits can I use? If I did not know of this then I would not know how to alter my behaviour to yield a better results, even if it might not mean a completely opposite result.
✎ Your natal chart will not show you everything. There are relocated charts, progressed charts, solar return charts, profection years, etc. All this goes into a holistic assessment. Your natal chart, however, will always remain the anchor of it all.
A brief history
Astrology is not some woo-woo, spiritual, new age, belief system. Astrology's history and use goes back to the Babylonians. It used to be intertwined with astronomy; Galielo and Kepler, for example, were simultaneously astrologers and practised it widely (even as court astrologers). People in positions of power have always consulted astrologers to time events, in the modern era many Royal families, celebrities, and politicans still consult astrologers. Carl Jung, JP Morgan, Nancy Reagan, and Roosevelt are examples of this. Of course, it might be argued that just because famous people have used/use astrology does not give it any more credit to which I say: ok please read my post below pls and ty xo.
Astrology's history has been relatively tumultuous, however. I have condensed this timeline from an article I found below:
- Astrology was a widely accepted practice but, in Europe, after the fall of the Roman empire and much of Europe, it fell into decline along with other disicplines. - The middle ages saw a renaissance of intellectualism with a particular focus on science and thus the astronomy part of it. This was largely due to the Church who viewed astrology as divination and going against free will. - However, in other parts of the world astrology was still a crucial element of daily life, and those in power would use astrologers to time events. - Astrology did re-enter the curriculum, though, in the 14th century, with a focus on being used for medical astrology in part due to the recently available Hippocratic Corpus. These texts were crucial to advancing our understanding of medicine, but Hippocrates emphasised that "a physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician". Astrologer still had a healthy dose of criticism back then, though. - Astrology was a major field of study in universities in Europe, well ingrained in daily life. - It died out in the 17th century, mostly due to the increasing emphasis on science being increasingly and misleadingly viewed as separate from astrology, the church, and astrologers falling into disrepute due to political involvement. - Its resurgence in the 19th century saw an oversimplified, and largely 'spiritualised' version of astrologer. This is because this period also saw an increased interest in the occult and mystic. - Since becoming conflated, astrology has become even further diluted, but this is not to say that every new discovery has been wrong; modern interpretation is crucial to informing the bigger picture of astrology and how we can utilise it. But it is vital to be critical and separate it from pop culture nonsense, aimed at lost and desperate people looking for quick answers and confirmation bias, and have some media literacy.
So, how does astrology work?
: ̗̀➛ Astrology has NOTHING to do with the physical constellations. Astrology is based on the signs on the ecliptic (the path of the sun amongst the constellations, which is the plane of the earth's orbit).
: ̗̀➛ The equator has 15 constellations, and the ecliptic has 13. So why do we have 12 zodiac signs? This is because babylonians divided the ecliptic into 12 equal segments of 30 degrees each thousands of years ago. The ecliptic was divided into SIGNS. 12 constellations were just used to identify where in the sky each sign would be, at the time for ease of astronomical mapping/calculation - it is merely symbolic. This is why Opphiuchus is not the 13th Zodiac SIGN, although it is a constellation (and has always been known).
: ̗̀➛ Another reason why they are not based off the physical constellations is because the actual size of the constellations vary massively in size. Below is a representation of this:
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: ̗̀➛ As you can see, Virgo, for instance is huge, and on a literal view overlaps into the next segment because the constellations do not all equally fit a 30 degree division. Yet, we do not give scorpio like 5 days for its season, because the physical constellation does not dictate anything meaningful.
This gives us the tropical zodiac, which is to do with the earth's seasons:
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: ̗̀➛ The solstices are therefore reference points for Capricorn and Cancer (tropic of capricorn and tropic of cancer), not the constellations themselves. Accordingly, the spring equinox is marked by Aries (with the sun entering the segment of Aries at 0 degrees until 29), and the autumn equinox by Libra.
: ̗̀➛ The precession of the equinoxes, are therefore irrelevant to astrology (and this is why vedic/sidereal is, in my opinion inaccurate). The slow change of the direction of the earth's axial tilt, over around 26000 years, cause a precession of the equinoxes. This means, the segment of the sky that used to be identified by the Aries constellation from the earth's position at the time, is now looking at Pisces. But as we know, astrology has nothing to do with the physical location of the constellations. Vedic astrologers use sidereal positioning, aka taking into account the precession of the equinoxes, yet they still divide the ecliptic in the same way. This causes problems, leading to many branches in vedic because few agree on where aries actually even starts. But, I will write an extension of this segment in a future post on tropical vs vedic/sidereal astrology.
Where does astrological meaning come from?
As explained above, constellations do not give us meaning, the planets in the signs do (of which the signs' names just derive from where the constellations were at the time, i.e. are merely symbolic).
Astrology operates in a heliocentric context, in that its setting is derived from the solstices (as the sun is what gives us life) and the ecliptic etc, but is geocentric in function in that the meaning comes from how the celestial bodies going through the signs affect us on earth; it is all about OUR relation to the planets, not constellations.
Returning to the quote above (as above so below...), what happens up up there reflects its energies down on us below. For thousands of millenia, astrologers have developed an accurate pattern recognition framework which aligns with the maths and astronomy. This was done using the ephemeris, which tracked the trajectory of celestial bodies against the context of worldly (mundane), or natal events. Eventually, this knowledge could be used for predictions, (to understand transits, or for electional and horary astrology), by utilising the knowledge of how the trajectories of the planets and their interactions with eachother in what sign and house affected what.
Why does it affect us? Well, all the things that happen above us radiate energies. But when I talk about energies, I do not mean it in some spiritual sense, it is quite literal. Everything has frequencies. As mentioned above, astrologers, since the Bablyonian times, have studied these patterns and created an objective framework to align with it. Physical energies or not there is direct causation. The moon for instance, affects the tides on the planet because of its gravitational pull. We are 70% water, there is little reason to deny that the moon cannot affect us either (it does). Perhaps you might understand your broken leg as because of being hit by a car. But astrology can assess the chart of the event, and transits to your own chart to provide further explanation of why you got hit by a car in the first place, and why it caused a broken leg etc. Subsequently, the energies of what happens above relate to the themes found in planets, signs, houses, aspects, asteroids etc - but these energies are not set in stone as explained above.
Ultimately, it is disappointingly small-minded to think that there is nothing 'greater' than the physical reality we tether ourselves to. We are in fact part of something bigger; and again I do not mean this in some culty spiritual hippy sense. It is literally a fact, the world and cosmos at large is so vast, mysterious, and beautiful, how could anyone deny the interconnected web we are all collectively a part of. We might never fully understand the mechanisms of the universe, but what we can do is use the information we do have to make use of it and help inform us on how to live better lives. The fact there is something 'greater' inherent in our lives, connecting everything, which is objectively difficult to truly grasp, is not a reason to reject it. A lot of people who are averse to astrology (which used to be me) are those who pride themselves on rationality and objectivity, yet are restricting themselves to a very particular interpretation of what rationality and objectivity means.
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With all this said, I hope it has helped someone understand and appreciate astrology better. There is such a fascinating rich and deep history to it, spanning various cultures and eras, making it difficult to at least not enjoy learning about even if one still chooses to not practise it. I would like to reiterate, however, that to truly embrace astrology and its millenia of knowledge, evidence, and practice behind it, one must divorce its concept from pop culture astrology.
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middlenamesage · 3 months
One thing the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra has been getting me to see is “boundaries” aren’t really about how many people you can shut out, or how quick you can be to shut someone out at the first sign that they could maybe be problematic. I’ve lost out on many opportunities to learn from people and to receive love or support, doing this in my past.
No, healthy boundaries are something you have to be willing to work on within relating. By all means, if someone clearly purposely screws you over, turn your back on them and never look back. But if you’ve been taken advantage of a lot in the past, you might be prone to seeing potential toxicity someone will bring into your world, where it doesn’t actually exist.
I’ve learned that pushing away people before even actually learning what they’re about is not a flex. Also I’m no longer worried about being open to someone who turns out to have tendencies I can’t be around. Because I’m now confident that I can utilize boundaries other than just never letting anyone into my world in the first place. (And I had to be willing to be open to interacting with more people again to even be able to practice this.)
What a lesson truly synthesizing Aries and Libra. My boundaries these days are starting to feel so much more productive for me and I’m grateful. 🙏
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spirit-of-phantom · 5 months
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aries mars:
- quick to anger, often explosive
- assertive and direct in expressing anger
- may cool down quickly but can hold a grudge
- deals with anger through confrontation and physical activity
- the fire inside is dynamic and intense, appearing as a burst of flames
taurus mars:
- slow to anger but intense when provoked
- displays anger through stubbornness and resistance
- may hold onto anger for a long time
- deals with anger by seeking comfort and stability
- the fire inside is steady and enduring, resembling a smoldering ember
gemini mars:
- expresses anger through words and sarcasm
- quick-witted and adaptable in heated situations
- may not hold onto anger for long, easily distracted
- deals with anger through communication and mental stimulation
- the fire inside is lively and changeable, flickering like a vibrant flame
cancer mars:
- sensitive and easily hurt, leading to passive-aggressive behavior
- tends to withdraw when angry, seeking emotional refuge
- may hold onto anger, especially if it’s tied to emotional wounds
- deals with anger by retreating and nurturing themselves
- the fire inside is protective and nurturing, resembling a warm hearth
leo mars:
- dramatic and expressive when angry
- seeks attention and recognition for their emotions
- may forgive but won’t forget easily
- deals with anger through creative outlets and self-expression
- the fire inside is bold and radiant, shining like a theatrical spotlight
virgo mars:
- internalizes anger and may not express it openly
- critical and analytical when upset
- holds onto anger through perfectionism
- deals with anger through problem-solving and self-improvement
- the fire inside is precise and controlled, like a focused laser beam
libra mars:
- dislikes conflict and may avoid direct confrontation
- seeks harmony and balance in handling anger
- may struggle with decisions when angry
- deals with anger through communication and compromise
- the fire inside is harmonious and elegant, resembling a delicate flame
scorpio mars:
- intense and passionate when angry
- can hold onto grudges and seek revenge
- may express anger through power plays
- deals with anger through deep introspection and transformation
sagittarius mars:
- blunt and direct in expressing anger
- values freedom and may react strongly to restrictions
- tends to forgive and move on quickly
- deals with anger through physical activity and exploration
- the fire inside is adventurous and optimistic, burning like a spirited bonfire
capricorn mars:
- controlled and disciplined in expressing anger
- may appear cold and detached when upset
- holds onto anger but keeps it hidden
- deals with anger through careful planning and self-discipline
- the fire inside is determined and enduring, resembling a slow-burning ember
aquarius mars:
- unconventional and detached when angry
- values independence and may rebel against restrictions
- may detach emotionally to cope with anger
- deals with anger through innovative solutions and detachment
- the fire inside is eccentric and futuristic, glowing like a neon light
pisces mars:
- passive-aggressive and elusive when angry
- sensitive and easily overwhelmed by emotions
- may escape into fantasy as a coping mechanism
- deals with anger through artistic expression and escapism
- the fire inside is dreamy and ethereal, shimmering like a gentle candle flame
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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littlemoonastrology · 6 months
Astro Observations: The Moon ☽
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The Moon represents aspects of our cognition and emotion: our memory, comfort zones, reactions, the way we feel fulfilled, where we are satisfied, the way we feel connected to others, nurture ourselves and others, and our intuition.
Not only that, but the Moon can also tell us what aspect of our life we need to nurture, watch over and protect in order to grow and how. When we direct this energy in the right area, it becomes easier to express and allows us to feel more fulfilled in life.
When the Moon is satisfied, it is how you know you are on the right path. Follow your dreams and become the person you want to be - the Moon will guide you... just be careful not to become too emotionally tied to things, overprotective, clingy - sometimes the Moon can also signify what you need to let go of in order to become the best version of you.
What you can also do to learn about this, is see where Cancer is in your chart (or see what sign your 4th House falls in, including the Planets inside of it)!
If you are someone with a Cancer Stellium (like me!); nurturing yourself, self improvement, letting go of things that don't serve you, feeling satisfied and comfortable (whilst still reaching your goals), becoming an individual whilst still feeling comfortable with people may be a priority for you. This may also mean you feel highly tied to your Moon placement, so follow it!
To see a brief explanation of what the Moon means in the Houses, see below!
Moon in 1st : You feel at your best when you are making the right impression to people, nurture your appearance and projects you find make you the happiest. You are highly intuitive, able to scope out people's intentions quickly (but this may also mean you could be the sort of person to wear your emotions on your sleeve) - be careful not to let people take advantage of you and manipulate you. Let go of those that make you feel bad about yourself, try to make you compromise for things you don't enjoy or always put you on the short end of the stick - put YOU first! You'll find then you can express your individuality a lot easier and move towards what you really enjoy.
Moon in 2nd : When you are investing your time and energy into something you care about it feels very satisfying to you. You enjoy making money and spending it on things that make you happy but for the long-term! (Maybe buying things to further a skill, home decoration maybe!). You are not someone who looks much into the short-term aspects of something - you want something stable you can rely on, trust and really enjoy in your life. Make sure to let go of those who try to sabotage the work you have done if you have a fixed vision of something or if you have strong morals. These kinds of people are not those that will stay in your life and will not invest useful energy into you - so don't spend it on them! Once you're doing that, you will be able to invest a lot more into yourself and your projects!
Moon in 3rd : Communication, growing your intelligence and critical thinking skills are very important to you! You may have a lot of interests/hobbies and enjoy researching/understanding those that give you satisfaction. You are a very curious person, always ready to learn more and grow intellectually. Speaking to people, journaling or engaging in learning about your interests may be a way to help you deal with negative emotions. Let go of people/situations that don't serve your interests and curious nature... and ESPECIALLY let go of people that treat your interests with negativity - you need to be able to learn/communicate and feel comfortable doing so! Once this has been done, you will feel a lot more comfortable with yourself, able to express your interests to a wider range of people.
Moon in 4th : Pay attention to how you feel around your family (or people that feel like family to you) as with this placement it may be pretty easy to get taken advantage of. It's very important you feel nurtured emotionally and secure in whatever setting you're in - you need to feel safe in order for you to grow. You're someone deeply compassionate, maybe with an intense nostalgic quality and get attached to things easily (or you went through a phase like that). When you start to feel unsafe, insecure in your surroundings, like you are being neglected this is how you know you are on the wrong path - maybe this even feels comfortable to you when it shouldn't! Your biggest lesson is to learn to let go, move towards what makes you feel safe and secure - like you can really be yourself and grow into who you want to be.
Moon in 5th : You are someone naturally very expressive and passionate, someone who shares their joy with others and makes others feel good about themselves! Your passions and creative expression are very important to you - they are something you love to share with the world and engage your time in! People or situations that limit this expression, make you feel depressed or make you part of a structure which makes you feel unsafe or unsatisfied should be avoided. You are someone who naturally already wants to commit to your passions and share their desires, learn about them and try new things - a routine may make you feel bored or stagnant. Once you've started avoiding those situations, you'll attract more people around you who want to see what you've been creating/performing!
Moon in 6th : You take care of your health and surroundings very well, maybe also have quite a strong work ethic (or you enjoy staying busy). You are someone who feels satisfied when developing your skills or when you feel capable in doing something, whether that be for people or yourself. If you start to feel like you are being taken advantage of, are confused with what someone wants exactly (maybe through manipulation) or when you start to doubt yourself, it can cause some serious sense of insecurity within you. Avoid vague situations and communicate as directly as possible - don't let people take advantage or be emotionally manipulative towards you to gain something. This will allow you to feel more confident in yourself, meaning you are able to set better boundaries so you can continue developing yourself and your skills to provide for those around you! You are capable, be careful not to burn yourself out!
Moon in 7th : You feel the most satisfied when you are around those you love and feel close to. You may have a reputation for being very kind or emotionally involved in your relationships, often giving as much as possible to your partner without much of a second thought - it makes you happy! Sometimes though, the people you meet may be pretty self serving and only really care about themselves and don't pay any attention to your feelings. This can make you feel alone, dissatisfied, neglected and is something you should avoid at all costs. You deserve to be loved and cared for just as much as anyone else - your needs matter too! Once you've started avoiding situations such as this - where you're giving and giving and not receiving (like a one-sided relationship, pay attention to rewards you receive too) and not getting any respect, you'll notice you start to become more assertive in yourself, able to stand up for what you want and deserve!
Moon in 8th : When you trust someone, you trust HARD or you find you can become pretty selfless to people who you are close to. This is someone very loyal, protective and would do anything to make sure their loved ones are okay! Vulnerability isn't easy depending on the sign, but when you become emotionally attached to someone - you get ATTACHED! However, be careful and avoid those who seek to use you for their gain whatever that may be (or they want you to give more than you can give). This can make you feel used, manipulated, unwanted - maybe even scared and you start to develop trust issues. You deserve someone who cares about your emotions and would be as loyal as you are to them, someone who can relate to you, someone you can really trust. Once you start avoiding those who make you feel used, you'll notice your mood drastically shifting and you start to become more open to new experiences, open to trusting.
Moon in 9th : You may be someone who really enjoys travelling, trying new foods, maybe some kind of introspection or academics - anything to quench your curiosity and excitement! You need to be able to explore all the different aspects of life and follow what you know will make you happiest - whether its a moral or an ambition, it gives you a deep sense of purpose most likely which is very satisfying for you. A major stressor may be those who seem not to care about what YOU want to do or are closed-minded to your opinions, let go of them! They don't serve you. You deserve to live the life you want to live without others telling you what to do and how to do it. You'll notice when you start to let these situations go, you become more open and committed goals you actually want to pursue even if it means you won't stick with it forever!
Moon in 10th : Ambitious is the perfect word to describe you! You may be quite career-oriented, or someone that directs their time to their own goals a lot of the time. You enjoy staying productive, working your way up something to be the best you can be and gain a lot of satisfaction from self-improvement possibly. Situations/people which make you feel stagnant, stuck in your comfort zone, like you can't actually progress in life should definitely be avoided. You're allowed to work on your own ambitions, don't let people sabotage them (especially family). You really want to be able to commit and dedicate yourself to something you genuinely want to do - so once you've started avoiding unhealthy situations which make you feel stuck and unworthy, you'll notice you feel a lot more motivated. Maybe your goals will become even clearer to you! Don't lose sight of what's important to you.
Moon in 11th : Your friend groups and ideologies are very very important to you and bring you a lot of happiness. Spending time with people that make you feel good, like you can relate to them and appreciate you for who you are is very satisfying - maybe you are in a few different friend groups and just enjoy meeting new people! However, it may be pretty easy to get caught up in situations or with people that make you feel inferior, excluded - or maybe this is something you are sensitive to. Avoid those who spend too much time talking about themselves - you're just as interesting and important as them! You have valid things to say! Once you stop worrying what those think of you and your opinions out of fear of being excluded or inferior or weird, you'll notice you start to build a friendship group that is just right for you. It will help you grow and feel nurtured, like you can express yourself properly.
Moon in 12th : You feel the most satisfied and nurtured when you are at peace, it's possible you do a lot of inner work or enjoy spending time on your own - sitting with your thoughts and feelings. Maybe you are even quite artistic, anything which allows you to feel more stable and settled, like you can grow in the way you want to. When people want to set very strict schedules on you, force you to a work ethic you don't want to be a part of it can be very stressful for you and is something you should let go of. Your emotional life deserves to be treated with respect - you deserve to feel at peace. Once you start to let go of these situations, you will notice you start to feel less anxious and more authentic to who you are - follow what gives you the deepest sense of peace and satisfaction.
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tinselxoxo26 · 2 years
𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸 𝓸𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝐼𝑉
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕀𝕀𝕀
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[Note: this is for tropical astrology]
❈ Libra moon 🤝 relationship advice consultant, nahh fr they always ended up being a mediator in relationship problems like friendships or love at least once in their life. (I feel like this is a universal experience to all libra moons)
❈ Aries venus have a fear of commitment including friendships, even with an earth sun like a Taurus sun.
❈ Water sign in the 4th house cusp could indicate water themes with your childhood home or childhood in general. For example: you might've took swimming classes in your childhood, lived near a beach/lake/pond/pool, your relatives/siblings/yourself have an incident with things related to water etc.
❈ Mars square IC, I hope y'all are doing okay ❤️ We know that the IC represents childhood & square is not the best aspect to have. When it comes to Mars (aggressive planet) squaring the IC, this could indicate that in your childhood there could be incidents with physical aggressive behaviour with your family like fighting/arguing with your siblings. To the point where you might get scars/bruises from your family members.
❈ Mercury 10H, I'll tell you a little secret, they're everywhere (Snapchat, instagram, tiktok etc.) If you don't see them posting, chances are you're not in their close friend stories on insta. I swear they post everyday with multiple stories throughout the day even during exam seasons 💀. I ain't never seen them not posting. If you see their profile being organised & aesthetic, that's just an illusion hun. They probably have internal chaos on the inside. Their fashion choice *chef's kiss*, model material.
❈ 11H stelliums and their connections with ppl are no joke. They know ppl who are models, doctors, dentists to anyone who's well off. They might have free premium/membership cards or gifts received from those ppl.
❈ Something that I've noticed is that for those sagittarius placements whose grades aren't the best in their early years usually do well than their peers in highschool/University. Sagittarius is involved with higher education so that explains why.
❈ The planets/planet that has the 8H represents what physical problems you have with your body. For example sun 8H: scoliosis, mercury 8H: skin/indigestion problems, venus 8H: kidney problems.
❈ I've read that aquarius/11H placements especially stelliums can attract/attracted to ppl who might be well known in the future. This might be a theory but they might tend to attract 8H/scorpio placements or 2H/taurus placements (maybe even 10H/capricorn placements) cuz those signs deals with money & potential fame.
❈ Leo 4H cusp means that in their childhood they might be spoiled by their parents/caretaker, they might buy "royalty" things like fancy gifts/toys/clothing cuz leo is royalty. Their parents might've took a lot of pictures of them and they might act spoiled too as a child.
❈ Pisces/12H placements please stay away from alcohol, vapes, drugs, cigarettes especially pisces/12H stelliums. This might come naturally to you when you try it and you might get addicted to it.
❈ Cancer placements in personal planets 🤝 angry crier. It's a thing.
❈ Sagittarius placements/Jupiter dom might like the colour green. (idk maybe it's cuz the colour green is associated with luck???)
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Welp, this is going to be my final post to announce that I'm going on a small hiatus cuz I'm currently busy with schoolwork. I will come back eventually so dw. My astro asks are still open, I'll just be answering them after my hiatus is over. Goodbye for now 💓💞✨
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Astrology Observations : Planets & Things 💙
Moon/Pluto individuals need space to heal their dark emotions otherwise they will combust and it will show on their bodies in a not so good way. They can start too look sick because their astral bodies are holding on to dead weight.
Aries Sun should always have something to fulfill them as this gives them purpose and strengthens their passionate energy. These DIY individuals can master anything they put their minds too.
Planets in the 9th house show that you will mostly move out of the state or country . Leaving your hometown will be beneficial for you. Most celebrities with these planets had to leave their hometown to find success (Rihanna for ex.)
Men with Moon/Venus can be mocked for their sensitivity but can also be well liked by women because of it. A ladys man and can be powerfully charming like a Casanova.
Women with mars and pluto dominating their chart are the most hated, but the sign everyone wants to fuck. Men hate that you may be more dominate & powerful than them, and can have twisted fantasies of how they can dominate you. Can possess a lot of weirdos with this placement. People wanting to control them and also underestimate them.
Lilith dominate women can receive a lot of secret admirers, like they'll pretend to hate them in public but we'll be in there dms like..... ;) Can make women turn 'bi' with this placement, curious Georges wanting to try something new because they just have this energy about them. This is especially true if your sun or venus is connected to lilith.
Mercury/Pluto individuals have an incredible mind. There words can make listeners change their perspective on any topic they express to the public. They can get the world talking about what ever it is they put in their art, or want to get off their chest. The intellectual that can get you to think.
Venus/ASC have a dark side that no one ever seems to notice. They can turn it off at any moment and even if they do show their dark side most people dont care or even notice it because their aura hypnotizes them. Radiate a powerful aura that can shield them from other peoples energy especially envious energy. Their beautiful energy is their protection & can be used as a weapon as well.
Neptune/ASC have powers in shapeshifting due to knowing how to connect with the frequencies around them. Its important for them to always cleanse themselves spiritually or they will take in the wrong energies from time to time.
Anyone with Neptune Dominating their chart should learn to use their mind to control their reality. They have gifts where they can quantum jump, script their reality into fruition, control their minds to get the outcome that they want (eliminating certain thought patterns, creating a world in their head and using it as art, law of attraction/universal laws are something they naturally when they start tapping into their inner knowledge etc.).
Virgos need to allow themselves to have a bit of chaos because this gives them a chance to reveal a side of themselves they dont usually see. Always being organized , living in routine, and perfectionism can keep them lost in the sauce if they don't let things crash and burn like it needs too. This helps them create from the ground up so something new can take place, and then they can create a new routine from there. Something that will benefit them much more than living the same way time and time again. Great listeners, and can talk about anything if you give them a chance. If they're comfortable with you, they'll let you into their world of thoughts but let me tell you... Its like one big wild card in there which is why they try to organize, create routines, and make everything perfect in their day to day life because their mind is going bonkers.
Cancer Venus needs lots of attention. Can and will hold on to your secrets for dear life. Can face rejection during childhood which is why their a little nurturing to other people because they know whats its like to be pushed to the side. Motherly energy makes them more likable, they can be great bakers with this placement. Hypnotizing auras. Can get their way when they allow their seductive qualities to show.
Scorpio Venus are powerhouses, simple. Seductive auras that magnetize their desires to them with no issue. They aren't ashamed to express their sexualities, in fact they admire when you worship them and their enchanting physiques. These individuals know how to use their eyes, and can possess you with them. Turning you into their worshippers with just one look. Can make you obsessed with them by just looking at them. They may have desires that could be pretty taboo.
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moon8th · 4 months
12th House and the Impact you have
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Everyones 12th house and the-
planets/asteroids in it
aspects to 12th house planets
the ruler/aspects to ruler
is how you unknowingly+subconsciously influence people and the masses/world,, Ik it’s been said before but that concept is so fascinating to me
Bc it’s not what you’re trying for,, it’s who you really are
No ego. It’s your souls expression
Understanding how you influence others can help you understand yourself, and may aid in some type of self fulfillment, aid in where you should lean in life, get in where you fit in 🫧
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that’s just so beautiful to me
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