#tsarina elizabeth
the-last-tsar · 9 months
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"Over the centuries, the Empire has grown in size and in the number of conquered peoples. It once possessed an area equivalent to one-sixth of the globe, stretching from the Pacific to the German border, on which the sun never set and which was ruled by an autocrat Tsar who owed satisfaction only to God."
The last tsars - a brief untold history about the Romanovs | Paulo Rezzutti.
(Loose translation)
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thehessiansisters · 2 months
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Full length portrait of Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse and by Rhine, with Princess Alix and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, 1890s.
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perioddramapolls · 2 months
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Period dramas dresses tournament: Grey/Silver dresses Round 3- Group B: The tsarina, Anastasia the musical (pics set) vs Elizabeth of York, The white princess (gifset)
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thelittletsarina · 1 year
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Elizabeth Ritacco
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gabrielferaud · 2 months
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Glaux Verlag Christine Jäger [German publishing house that was based in Jena at the time these were made] Napoleonic Playing Cards
♣️: Marshal Lannes, Empress Josephine, Napoleon
♠️: Prince Louis-Ferdinand of Prussia, Queen Louise, Frederick-William III
♥️: Marshal Kutuzov, Tsarina Elizabeth-Alexeievna, Tsar Alexander I
♦️: Prince Frederick-Louis of Hohenlohe, Princess Louise of Hesse-Darmstadt, Duke Karl August Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
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worldoftheromanovs · 1 month
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Princess Irene of Prussia, Grand Duchess Eleonore of Hesse, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Princess Victoria of Battenberg, and Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna in Wolfsgarten, 1910
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crownsofesha · 8 months
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“Tsarina Sofiya arrived first, desperate to bring an end to the sufferings of her people. She was on edge the whole meeting, but she was able to get what she needed in the end.
Hwanghu Jinjeong came soon after Tsarina Sofiya, swishing into the room and taking up space, her eyes daring you to tell her to become smaller. Her disposition was sweet, but I knew how sharp her teeth were.
Then the first of Empress Odetta’s allies, Queen Mariam, arrived. She seemed to exude kindness, but there's a reason she has been Queen of Casilia for this long. 
Next to arrive was Queen Elizabeth of Amoria, a very joyful person, but her stature still commanded respect. Just the same as the rest of us.
Finally Empress Odetta arrived, her demeanor seemed very serious and no nonsense. Though she seemed a little on edge underneath that brusque attitude.
I was able to secure the marriage I wanted for my dear Giovanna and Miguel, their alliances bringing security to the trade routes through the canal that separates Reka and Catalia.
As I mentioned before, Tsarina Sofiya was able to secure what she needed through the marriages of three of her children to Islavaria, Casilia, and Reka. 
Hwanghu Jinjeong arranged marriages for all four of her children, making her position in Reka politically secure. I don’t want to think about the poor girl who tried to threaten Jinjeong.
While Queen Elizabeth didn’t couldn’t promise any of her children, due to them having all been married, but she did establish three new trade routes for her kingdom. 
Queen Mariam promised her daughter Cadence to Sofiya’s son, Yuri. Their alliance promises to be strong due to the advantageous trade routes.
While Islavaria and Chelyabinsk have been close for years due to their proximity, Empress Odetta still arranged for one of her sons to marry into Chelyabinsk. If as a favor to our dear friend, Sofiya, or her own personal matter, I will never know. 
With the new friendships and alliances formed by this meeting, we were able to establish a large enough alliance that no other countries would dare threaten. Peace, what a thought."
~ An excerpt from Queen Beatriz de Avis y de Miossi’s personal diary.
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loiladadiani · 1 year
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👑The Romanov Dynasty
The Grand Duchy of Moscow under Prince Ivan III was the first unified state on Russian territory. With him began the Rurikid Dynasty (the Rurikid had been around for a long time along hoards of tartars).
The Rurikid ruled from the 1400s until the 1600s. Ivan III can be considered the founder of Russia. While the Rurikid were in power, the Romanovs were boyars (nobles) in their courts. When the Ruriks became extinct, the Romanovs took over. The "Zemsky Sorbor" (a rudimentary parliament) elected Mikhail Feodorovich as the first Romanov Tzar.
The direct male line of the Romanovs ended with Elizabeth of Russia, who was childless. Her nephew Peter III, a member of the House of Holstein-Gottorp (a cadet branch of the German House of Oldenburg that reigned in Denmark), ascended to the throne and adopted his Romanov mother’s house name. Descendants after Elizabeth are sometimes referred to as "Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov."
The above is a gross oversimplification of a very complex course of events.
Highlights about each Romanov Tsar/Tsarina:
👑Mikhail Feodorovich (1613 - 1645): First Romanov Tsar
👑Alexei Mikhailovich (1645 - 1676): Encouraged trade and cooperation with Europe. Father of Peter the Great
👑Feodor III (1676 - 1682): Had very poor health and spent most of his reign in bed
👑Peter I and 👑 Ivan V (1689 - 1785): It was complicated. The two of them were Tsars under the regency of their older sister Sophia.
👑Peter I (1689-1725): Reformed Russia's politics, government, and culture. Made Russia a military power.
👑Catherine I (1725-1727): At the time of Peter the Great's death, the mechanism for succession consisted of the Tsar selecting his successor, but Peter did not elect one before dying. His wife became the Tsarina, but others governed through her.
👑Peter II (1727-1730): Peter's grandson; ascended the throne at 11 and died at 14. The "Privy Council" or "Soviet" ruled through him.
👑Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740): Daughter of Peter's half-brother Ivan. The Privy Council invited her to rule (wanting her to be a puppet), but she disbanded them and ruled herself successfully.
👑Ivan VI (1740-1741): One-year-old son of Ana's niece. She left the throne to him, expecting his mother to govern. Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, deposed him (and his mother.)
👑Elizabeth Petrovna (1741-1761): Last Russian on the Russian throne; her twenty-year reign was successful.
👑Peter III (1761-1762): Grandson of Peter the Great and next in line for the throne after Elizabeth. Ruled for only half a year before being deposed by his wife, Catherine. He was murdered soon after the coup d’etat.
👑Catherine the Great (1762-1796):  Her accomplishment went from the Empire’s territorial expansion to political development to the proliferation of sciences. However, the Empire had an enormous external debt by the end of her reign.
👑Paul I (1796-1801): Paul, the son of Catherine the Great and Peter III, became Emperor at 42 after the death of his mother. He started a lot of major military and political reforms. Paul was murdered in a coup d'etat. Paul decreed house laws for the Romanovs (the Pauline laws) – among the strictest in Europe – which established semi-Salic primogeniture and required Orthodox faith for the monarch and dynasts
👑Alexander I (1801-1825): During his reign, Russia defeated Napoleon's forces (which got as far as Moscow in their attempt to conquer Russia.) There was also great development in culture and arts.
👑Nicholas I (1825-1855): Paul I’s third son, younger brother of Alexander. Started railroad construction in Russia, boosting industrialization. Codified Russian laws and reformed finances.
👑Alexander II (1855-1881): His major reforms included the peasant emancipation of 1861, military reform, and the introduction of new types of self-governing village societies and more. Unfortunately, he fell victim to a terrorist after five attempts.
👑Alexander III (1881-1894): Russia didn’t enter any wars in his time. His domestic policy was conservative. He amended the Pauline laws. The economy flourished. But the revolution was brewing below the surface.
👑Nicholas II (1894-1917): His policies were unsuccessful. Established the first official Duma in 1905, but it was too little too late. With the advent of WWI, the Russian Empire ceased to exist. He abdicated. (gcl)
Panov, A., Delaroche, P., & Abramuchkin, Y. (2021, July 31). The Complete List of Russian Tsars, Emperors, and Presidents. Russia Beyond. Retrieved June 20, 2023, from https://www.rbth.com/history/334065-complete-list-of-russian-tsars-emperors-rulers-presidents
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orthodoxadventure · 7 months
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Borne to God on Angelic Hymns
Photos from the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Martyrdom of St. Elizabeth the Grand Duchess and Those With Her
A host of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Elizabeth the Grand Duchess, the Nun Barbara, and Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov, the Princes Ioann Konstantinovich, Konstantin Konstantinovich, Igor Konstantinovich, and Vladimir Pavlovich Paley, and Grand Duke Sergei's secretary Fyodor Remez martyred with them yesterday at the site of their martyrdom.
The celebration followed the festivities in honor of the 100th anniversary of Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra, and their children and faithful servants the day before in Ekaterinburg. St. Elizabeth the New Martyr was the sister of Tsarina Alexandra.
The service in honor of Sts. Elizabeth, Barbara, and those with them was headed by His Eminence Metropolitan Kirill of Ekaterinburg and Verkhotursky, with the concelebration of twelve other hierarchs and the clergy of the Metropolitanate of Ekaterinburg.
Following the service, the hierarchs, clergy, and faithful processed to the mine where the bodies of the holy martyrs were thrown on the night of July 17-18, 1918. A moleben was celebrated at the mine, followed by the singing of the Cherubic Hymn, which the martyrs sang throughout the course of several days within the mine until they finally departed to the Heavenly Kingdom. As the hymn was being sung, the mine, which has become a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of thousands from throughout the world, was censed. Particles of the relics of St. Elizabeth were brought out of the church for veneration.
Met. Kirill of Ekaterinburg then addressed the congregation with an archpastoral homily:
For us, believers, today is the day of our personal relationship to Elizabeth Feodorovna and to all the martyrs of the Russian Church and Russian land, who … now defend holy Orthodoxy so our people might live not under the seal of the Satanism, but under the blessing of God. And today, when we incline our heads and the knees of our hearts at this mine, we see the meek face of Elizabeth Feodorovna and her loving heart, which forgives all: the killers and their successors, and prays for all—for our people, and for us today, that this cruelty, this antipathy, this lack of understanding of one another has finally gone from our lives, and we have again become one, great, powerful Russian people, the name and banner of which is the banner of Christianity and the name of Christianity, and the protection of which is the saints of God, who stand before the throne of God today for our infirmity, tearfully praying for us, for our lives, bitter and often unjust.
Among other guests, the service was attended by the head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and her son and other members of the Romanov family.
Photos: The Diocese of Ekaterinburg Text: OrthoChristian.com
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My Inspiration.
i hope to share a lot more about this Imperial family considering ive been playing with them for over a year now and ive created a lot of lore, My Royal save is Heavily British and less but still Russian inspired and most of my inspiration comes from shows such as The Crown, Victoria,Bridgerton & so on. i should also mention im British born and raised myself and an avid Sims/British Royals fan so it comes in handy lmao. as you may notice HM Queen Victoria Resembles a lot of none other than Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and any similarity is strictly intentional as Queen Victoria II's Reign is Heavily Inspired by hers.
i have also been inspired by a lot of russian palaces more so the the style and scale but also in terms of rank aswell. Technically Queen Victoria is a Tsarina because in my little world shes an almighty powerful Ruler of most of the world and her family is the most/well respected royal family however i use Queen for aesthetic purposes.
i would also like to take a quick opportunity to thanks some simblr creators for their work time and inspiration such as Batsfromwesteros,normalsiim,theroyalhouseofwindensor,warwickroyals,melonsloth,llazyneiph,the de villiers & so on
'God Save The Queen!'
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the-last-tsar · 10 months
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"There once were four sisters — Victoria, Ella, Irene and Alix — who lived in an obscure grand duchy in south-western Germany, a place of winding cobbled streets and dark forests made legendary in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. In their day, these four princesses of the house of Hesse and by Rhine were considered by many to be "the flowers of Queen Victoria's flock of granddaughters", celebrated for their beauty, intelligence and charm. As they grew up they became the object of intense scrutiny on that most fraught of international stages — the royal marriage market of Europe. Despite their lack of large dowries or vast territories, each sister in turn married well. But it was to the youngest and most beautiful of the four that fate dealt the biggest hand."
The Romanov Sisters | Helen Rappaport
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lenniharrisonsims · 3 months
Four Year Anniversary Portraits
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Oasis Springs
Cordelia Palace
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HM King Ivan De La Cru
Full Name: Ivan Robert De La Cru Title(s): King of Oasis Springs, King General of Oasis Army Nickname(s): N/A Birthday: July 9th Residence(s): Cordelia Palace (Oasis Springs) Previous Names/Titles: Crown Prince Ivan of Oasis Springs Parents: TM King Robert & Queen Lisbeht De La Cru Spouse: HM Queen Anastasia De La Cru Children: Princess Elizabeth Norton, Crown Prince Philippe De La Cru
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HM Queen Anastasia De La Cru
Full Name: Anastasia Tatiana De La Cru Title(s): Queen Consort of Oasis Springs Nickname(s): Ana Birthday: January 13th Residence(s): Cordelia Palace (Oasis Springs) Previous Names/Titles: Princess Anastasia Ivanov, Princess of Simsdom Empire Parents: TIM Tsar Alexei & Tsarina Nadia Ivanov Spouse: HM King Ivan De La Cru Children: Princess Elizabeth Norton, Crown Prince Philippe De La Cru
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HRH Crown Prince Philippe De La Cru
Full Name: Philippe Robert De La Cru Title(s): Crown Prince of Oasis Springs, Corporal in Oasis Army Nickname(s): Phil, Philly Birthday: July 2nd Residence(s): Cordelia Palace (Oasis Springs) Previous Names/Titles: N/A Parents: TM King Ivan & Queen Anastasia De La Cru Spouse: HRH Princess Octavia De La Cru Children: N/A
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HRH Princess Octavia De La Cru
Full Name: Octavia Eider Castellano Title(s): Crown Princess Consort of Oasis Springs Nickname(s): O Birthday: December 29th Residence(s): Cordelia Palace (Oasis Springs) Previous Names/Titles: Lady Octavia Castellano Parents: Marquess Hadrian & Marchioness Livia Castellano Spouse: HRH Crown Prince Philippe De La Cru Children: N/A
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royalpain16 · 2 years
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The Queen Consort wore a very important royal heirloom brooch for the service. This is the Hesse Diamond Jubilee Brooch, a gift presented to Queen Victoria in 1897. The diamond and sapphire jewel was a present from eight of Victoria’s grandchildren and their spouses: Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra of Russia, Grand Duke Ernest Louis and Grand Duchess Victoria Melita of Hesse, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, and Prince and Princess Louis of Battenberg (later Marquess and Marchioness of Milford Haven). All were members of the family of Victoria’s late daughter, Princess Alice. The main diamond portion of the brooch forms a heart shape, and inside the heart is the number 60 (the number of years in a Diamond Jubilee reign) in Cyrillic numerals.
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thelittletsarina · 1 year
Elizabeth Ritacco
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Maybe an unpopular opinion but I wish they would finally stop only making movies and series of the tragic life of Sisi (Empress Elizabeth in Bavaria) and look for other interesting royal German/ Austrian or German speaking ladies/ queens like for example Queen Luise of Prussia (and her sister Charlotte, both being from the house of the dukes of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and having very interesting lifes) or Isabelle/ Elisabeth, called "Isabeau de Bavière" (from the House of Wittelsbach-Ingolstadt), wife of the so called mad French King Charles VI, mother of King Charles VII and Queen Catherine of England (first wife of Henry V of England, then married to Owen Tudor and mother of Henry VI).
Or St. Elizabeth of Thuringia/ Hungary who lived a life for the poor after she lost her husband, Ludwig/ Louis IV, the landgrave of Thuringia, in the 6th crusade (1227) and is among the most renowned Catholic saints.
I would also name Catherine the Great of Russia (Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst) but there is a Russian series about her life and the one with Helen Mirren.
Then the famous St. Hildegard of Bingen, a famous and influential woman of the Middle Ages to this day in so many ways. Yes, there was a German movie about her some years ago but I don't think that it is widely known.
Then "Liselotte von der Pfalz" as Germans do call her, the Madame Palatine, wife of Philippe of Orlèans, brother of King Louis XIV aka the "sun king". She wrote a tremendous amont of letters in her life, leaving behind so much information about the court of the "sun king" that historians can only be thankful to her. Yes, there was the series "Versailles" but that wasn't quite an accurate one.
At least Maria Theresia of Austria, mother of Queen Marie Antoinette and King Joseph II got a series some years ago, cause let us face it, that woman was a great one. As a child it always impressed me wildly how many children she and Luise of Prussia got. It seemed insane to me.
With this I want to say: There is more good stuff about great German/ Austrian/ German speaking ladies out there. Wayyyy more.
And it angers me that it does not get depicted.
Only our tragic or as "weak/ bad" considered ladies do get some recognition like Sisi, Marie Antoinette or Tsarina Alice of Hesse. That is sad.
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I am curious who is your favorite possible or might have been possible get together(Partners) of each of OTMA+A?
Hi!!!!! Do you mean possible spouse? I think that is what you mean so i am going to answer that!
Olga: honestly i kind of would want her to have a dynastic marriage to secure her future but she wanted to stay in Russia and i think that if she left she would be in a whole different world. She would be away from her family and it would probably hurt her mental health. So if there was a non-Russian option i would choose someone in the British royal family (either David Prince of Wales or Prince Albert). For a Russian match i would probably say one of the Konstantinovich boys
Tatiana: i think that Tatiana would make a great queen. After all she was called “the governess” within her family so that says a lot about her leadership skills. A lot of people ship her with Alexander of Yugoslavia and i don’t really know a lot about him so he is not my first choice for a possible spouse but could be an option. Maybe a match with one of King Constantine of Greece’s children would be good and possibly becoming the Queen of Greece? But i also think that the top priority would be marrying Olga off to a powerful Prince or King so whatever choices Olga had and didn't choose i think they would be a choice for Tatiana.
Maria: i do ship Maria with Dickie (Lord Louis Mountbatten). He loved her a lot and if they were married i think that she would learn to love him. But in the Orthodox Church, the law says that you can’t marry first cousins and Maria and Dickie were first cousins. Nicholas took that rule very seriously and i don’t think he would bend the rule even if it was for his daughter. I think since Maria is also the third daughter, Nicholas would allow her to marry someone in the Russian Nobility as opposed to a prince. He has allowed that for Xenia Alexandrovna, Olga Alexandrovna and Irina Alexandrovna. And i also think Carol of Romania is an option. It was rumored that he loved her more than Olga so he could be an option. And Maria was very kind and i think that is she married into a foreign country then she would learn to adapt and learn to love her new country.
Anastasia: this is hard because i don’t think that marrying was ever Anastasia’s priority. I think that she would want to be an actress or a comedian or something that fits her funny personality. So maybe someone that also has a fun personality would be a good match for Anastasia. I am kind of thinking about Carol of Romania because he has something close to that personality and i think that they would learn to get along, but there is a significant age gap and i think that no one really imagined Anastasia to be queen of a country. Maybe Dmitri Pavlovich. He is funny and is not her first cousin! Even though there is an age gap he might be a good match! And like i said for Maria, she might be able to marry someone of lower class because she is the fourth daughter.
Alexei: i think that since alexei was going to be Tsar than he would’ve needed to marry someone that would fit the mold of Tsarina. I think that Olga or Elizabeth of Greece would be a good match because they were childhood friends and Alexei even said to Elizabeth that he loved her. I think that Ileana of Romania is too young and i think Nicholas and Alix would want Alexei to marry and produce children quickly because of his hemophilia. Maybe Vera Konstantinovna would be a good option. She was only 2 years younger than him and is Russian! I think that someone who is around his age would be a good match for him.
Thank you!!!!
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