#tsp angst
beartitled · 9 months
Bear got officed
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I recently discovered @springbon-t-art Missing Co-Workers Event and made a thing
The idea of the event is really awesome and I had fun designing custom stickers for my 🪣bucket🪣
So my favourite ending
It’s zending
You heard me right
I like pain
But like legit, I feel like it’s one of the most devastating moments in the game (not counting the epilogue and the Stanley button)
There is something so deeply saddening about somebody finally finding happiness and seeing it got taken away from them
The idea of the person you care about not only NOT bothering about that thing that makes you happy, but literally doing *you know what*
And the fact that this whole thing is done by your hands
no one forced you to go up the ladder
it’s you
you did that
Brilliant storytelling
My god and if the concept wasn’t enough, the voice acting will guarantee ripping your soul to shreds
Oh and also I adore all the silly ones - Broom closet, Hole ending, 🎶you’re at the bottom of the mind control facility🎶 and so on
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liyuchii · 5 months
Stanley..? Are you there...? Please...make a choice...I need you...
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Sketchy art cause I was doing shitty as hell but I needed content
YouTube link to the speedpaint:
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melancholys-inc · 7 months
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"Come on stanley? Why would you think you'd ever be truly free?"
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mysticaidenanimatez · 5 months
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I found the motivation to make some post-parable angst art yesterday, hoping it would make me feel better.
Nope, it didn't.
Anyway, glowing tears.
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dawnbreaaker · 1 year
Look out! Here comes my first writing piece!
To be completely honest, I'm not sure what to title this. I heard a slightly depressing tiktok audio and this is what came into fruition from it. Enjoy. Oh and also. I know this is tagged angst but it really isn't heart wrenching enough to classify. So uhhhh yeah.
Admittedly, you were getting attached.
Falling for someone who didn’t exist.
A set of pre recorded lines
that made your heart flutter like no other.
In the grand scheme of things,
his existence seemed inconsequential.
But he was special.
Special to you.
His laughter,
sarcastic remarks and smart quips;
Something no one could replace,
you think.
Playing that silly little game that brings you such joy,
his voice appears,
washing away every doubt in your mind.
Even so,
your heart aches.
Such an intricate thing this game was.
You couldn’t deny
He was everything you wanted,
right there.
Yet so far out of reach.
But you’re okay with that.
Stanley in your place,
While you yearn for someone
You can never have.
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quentintin7 · 1 year
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So how about some mild angst?
No context just moments
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They really wanted to hate each other for the longest time. It would've been so much easier...
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i-do-art-here · 1 year
The Receiver Ending Part 2!
Part 1 here (hopefully that works)
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oops not a happy ending-
(kicking myself bc narrator's last line was supposed to be "I'll be here whenever you're ready" but i swapped the line placement and forgot about it T-T)
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plaguescoffin · 1 year
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He’s in his EMO phase, let him be
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aegean-woes · 2 days
Lil preview from the cute, non-traumatizing friendly fic I'm working on right now. Written in normal text for clarity. Fun sidequest: try to figure out what tags are gonna end up in this thing! Hoo boy.
Henry clung to that word, feeling its burn. Stanley’s thoughts, always such a noisy buzz of life, felt no different from sticking his hand into a fire this time. And after everything — well, he thought himself deserving of the right to cry out when pain seized him. But no, never, why would he be allowed even a glint of relief? The Narrator, that filthy fibber, had a secret to protect: for as long as Stanley’s thoughts remained a hostile warzone, he needn’t know it was one that could be heard. 
[Who’s the mute now?]
Stanley’s demands for an answer fell on deaf ears and blind eyes. If he just looked away — if Henry just looked away, perhaps he could escape it. Stanley would surely think he was escaping it. But there remained the matter of a single lie. A purposeless lie —  even now he wasn’t so sure why he had told it in the beginning.
[Giving up?]
“Perhaps, maybe — yes. I… Feel this sense of unease, Stanley. A tightness in my chest that shouldn't be there, that shouldn't… I feel like I'm being watched and crushed and squeezed… Stanley, what does one do about this?”
[Oh, that.] Like predator hunting prey, Stanley regarded his god with a cruel smile disguised as a grotesque sort of sweet-as-honey kindness. Of course the newly-forged body donned by the entity would come with a myriad of new sensations. All too proudly, Stanley presented his humanly help: [You get used to it.]
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sharkgummie · 1 year
You guys get this first because I said so
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I tried some digital painting yet mix it with your current mental state lol
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tsp-storys · 1 year
Stanley looked up and signed, "I have a question"
"Yes, stanley, what is it the question?" The Narrator was used to Stanley's questions being stupid and dumb, so he prepared for stupidity.
"What happens when you reset the game?" Stanley signed.
"Well, Stanley, I press some buttons and put everything right and in its proper place."
"I never remember the resets."
"What do you mean?" questioned the narrator.
"Well, I just feel like I teleport. Is that all that happens?" He signed.
"No, for you, it's like sleeping. It takes a while to fully reset as I need to put everything back into place."
Then stanley looks down at the floor and slowly signs, "What about when I am dead?"
"Well, stanley..." The Narrator swallows. "I treat you like how I would treat asleep you, only when you go back to your office you are alive and well." He said quietly.
"How do you get me to sleep? And how do you treat me?"
The Narrator sighed, "I make you sleepy and then carefully wrap you in a blanket as you drift of. I have a bed in my office that I put you in. You aren't really supposed to be in my office, so I wipe your memory." The Narrator seemed slightly odd today from Stanley's questions.
"Why do you do this?"
"I don't know, I just want you to be comfortable." The Narrator said
Sleeping stanley
"Stanley, I'm going to reset, ok?" The Narrator calmly said.
Slowly invisible hands cover the suddenly very sleepy stanley with a blanket. Stanley falls into a deep coma like sleep.
The Narrator brings Stanley into his office and into a blue and yellow bed. Stanley gets tucked in, and pillows piled around him. The Narrator then gently kisses the sleeping man's forehead.
Dead Stanley
The Narrator rubs his eyes and looks at Stanley's lifeless body on the ground. "Oh, Stanley... I'm going to reset the game now..."
A blanket is made to cover Stanley's cold body as the Narrator carefully carrys Stanley to a bed in his office.
Stanley is carefully laid down as he is tucked in with another blanket. The Narrator kisses Stanley's forehead as sad droplets fall onto the blanket. "Oh Stanley, I'm sorry..."
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nierro-z · 10 months
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I'm feeling evil today 💞🤭
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inhumanbox · 1 year
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I love to draw them almost killing each other🥰💞💞😸
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i-eat-blogs-art · 1 year
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“I love you so.”
“Please let me go..”
I have never drawn angst before so i do hope this is okay enough to pass lol
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urmomsattic · 1 year
TSP fanfic cuz A03 hates me😭😭🙏
I’m not a writer so I apologize
Narrator was heartbroken as he tried to explain why Stanley couldn’t just dance with him, as much as he wanted to but this story was too perfect for it to end. This is the story he wanted, Stanley looked at him a look of betrayal something he’s nvr seen in those sweet puppy dog eyes. “Stanley look, it’s not you, it’s just this story-”
Dazed and confused. A clock with no handles, his computer, black as ink, only seeing a reflection, a broken man. He looked as id he didn’t sleep in days. The office, quiet and undisturbed as if the place had been abandoned. Where was everyone? Possibly overslept or missed a memo? This wasn’t like his coworkers to just… Vanish-
A voice echoed, that all too well known voice, It was defecating, ringing to his ears. As if the voice unlocked a core memory.
“This is a story of a man named Stanley.”
Was this deja vu? Was this a dream? He’d sworn he’d heard this voice, went through these doors, who was this voice telling him what to do? What was his name?
The Narrator remembered everything, every waking moment he spent. his hard work destroyed just because of a measly human emotion. Why was it so important to Stanley to ruin the only “happy” ending, it wasn’t like there was an actual escape for Stanley.
“Nonono” he told himself, that escape shouldn’t have been there in the first place, it was simply a bug he had to fix. After all, he couldn’t blame Stanley. No wonder he was devastated and upset, the one chance the two meet face to face and he couldn’t even hold his hand. It was too risky but never knew it could end as tragic as Romeo and Juliet. Things would be different, he’d make sure of that…There was no Zending, it never existed, there’s no such thing as a ledge, no such thing as an exit. Stanley would be confided in this nightmare of an office building.
The Narrator started off with usual monologue and shenanigans as Stanley did everything opposite what the Narrator asked of him. Couldn’t he just listen for once?! Stanley snickering as the Narrator yelled at him to get back on course. He gave up, convincing Stanley to agree on anything was like training a stubborn dog. He sighed as he reluctantly pulled up two colored doors, both were very vibrant and choices were an illusion after all. Something about those doors clicked in Stanley, those doors somehow were danger, big red flag beaming. Stanley stood there, frozen, as if he was paralyzed, he suddenly couldn’t move as wave a terror and panic arose.
“Stanley Walked through the Red door”
“Oh thank god you are willing to listen to me”
all he felt was sharp and agonizing pain in his throat, it was as if he choking on a Rhodonite. He managed to cough up measly flower petal, it was delicate and soft. It was concerning how he managed to cough up a storm from that.
“I need water.” Stanley thought as he smoothed his neck, it left a burn like his throat had been torched.
“Stanley, are you alright?”
Credit to my good friends Sweaters for their Narrator design <33
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