#twinings tea
Tbf.. at least they acknowledged their part
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bubbleteaflan · 1 year
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tasseophile · 1 year
Lemon Ginger
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I don't know about you, but I occassionally get really bad menstrual cramps. Cramps so bad I shake and get nauseous. Of course there's teas for the cramps themselves but this time I want to cover what instantly fixed my nausea - Twining's Lemon & Ginger tea.
Have you ever had that feeling (people with uteruses can relate if they get terrible cramps) where your stomach is cramping so bad that it feels like things are about to come out both ends at the same time? Yea, that was me.
Thankfully, I wasn't home alone during these cramps so I asked my dad to make the tea for me as I was in no shape to get up from the toilet and do it myself at the moment. I had taken Tylenol right before this cramp attack, so I knew it was only a matter of time before sweet, sweet relief. In the meantime, I had to ride it out as best I could...
Because this was the most nauseous I had felt during cramps in awhile, the first remedy that came to mind was ginger and I had just seen a brand new box of this tea in the kitchen.
Once my dad brought it to me, I forced a sip down. And another, in between the cramps. It got to a point where I couldn't safely hold the teacup to my mouth with one hand because I was shaking from the pain so badly. So I just held the cup and saucer to my nose with both hands and took big inhales of the smell.
And that was it.
The nausea was gone and the cramps subsided just enough (divine timing, I am not attributing this to the tea) to allow me to quickly travel to my bed from my miserable place on the toilet. The pain was still so bad I wanted to cry. I called my boyfriend and his comforting words and dad jokes took my mind off the pain just long enough to tide me over until the Tylenol finally kicked in (around 40-45 min later on an empty stomach).
If you want my menstrual cramp tea recipe, let me know and I'll do a whole post on that soon.
I highly recommend this tea for nausea (not just menstrual nausea, but I think it'd help morning sickness and vertigo as well - let me know in the comments below!).
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(please note: links are affiliate links and help me continue to create the blog)
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kawaii-foodie · 1 year
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burning-academia-if · 3 months
Hey, this isn’t related to the story but I was curious how you got started with twine? Your story inspired me and I want to learn the program so I can make my own. I wanted to see if you had any advice or reference points. Perfectly fine if not, much love regardless!
I've messed with Twine on and off for a while now, so I'm not sure when I actually got into it? It was probably when I originally got into IFs back in like 2015 lol
I use Twine Sugarcube specifically, and I pretty much just watched/read through these:
Twine or Treat: a youtube playlist where a guy shows you how to make a game. Focuses more on making an exploration/puzzle game in Twine, but still has some useful/relevant info
Introduction to Twine: another video playlist, although again, I really only watched what I needed
The Twine Grimoire: there's 3, with each one going through more complicated concepts each volume, includes Harlowe as well as Sugarcube
Sugarcube (and Harlowe) also have their own documentation, but it's so Long and Daunting that I honestly just ignored it when I first started LOL. It's obviously useful to have and reference, but I always need to watch people doing the thing first. I really struggle with just reading through things personally. I'm comfortable enough with Twine now that it isn't overwhelming though lol
Also I'd argue you really only need to learn how to set variables to get started with IFs. Once you know how passages work and how variables work, you're almost set to make an IF.
I'd also recommend learning the very basics HTML and CSS just in case. There's plenty of Twine templates available for free on itch.io, but if you want to adjust them in any way, it's helpful to know CSS/HTML. Also just have fun and mess around! From visual novels to this IF, my learning process has honestly just been 'fuck around and find out' and it's been useful so far! I also think it helps with the inherent anxiety of trying something new too
But yeah, hopefully some of this is helpful/useful to you!
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itslookingback · 6 months
most british poll ever made.
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bcbdrums · 9 days
Tea Collection
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Because @concon657 wanted to see a picture of my tea collection :)
The majority are from Adagio, but as you can see there's some random store brand things, a nearly-empty Twinings sampler box, and a few specialty things like the Teavana teas and the one I got while in England and those specialty blends up front.
Now... As it happens... This is still not all of the tea.
Not pictured:
Gunpowder (1 lb), a local brand of green tea (1 lb), 365 brand black tea bags (70), 365 brand green tea bags (70), Choice brand English breakfast regular (16 bags) and decaf (16 bags), Yogi brand Pumpkin Spice (it's awful; 16 bags), Prince of Peace brand green tea (20 bags) and oolong (80 bags), Good Earth brand "sweet and spicy" original (18 bags), Teavana Pineapple Kona Pop (13 oz), a local brand of rooibos (3 oz), and a local brand of chai (3 oz).
Also, I didn't include repeats in the photo... So, I have six boxes of the Celestial fruit tea sampler, six boxes of the Sleepytime Extra, two boxes of the Twinings Nightly Calm, and two boxes of the Yogi Elderberry.
I also have a pound of rose petals, a pound of lemon balm, and 3 oz of butterfly pea flowers.
I THINK... That is all the tea. I think.
I would like to add that a large number of the blends in the tea tins (Kim Possible teas, Henry VIII wife teas) were made by @meowmeowcutiepaws and @gothicthundra. And the historic disaster teas were made by...me :)
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night-market-if · 8 months
It's finally tea season ☕️ I can't wait to have my favorites (peppermint tea and ginger tea) What tea flavors do the ROs prefer 🥳
Oh I have been waiting for tea season for so long! I'm on a matcha kick right now.
For the RO's
Hazel: Chamomiles rose tea. She likes teas that are light and aromatic.
Gabriel: Black tea. If he's feeling really decadent, he'll add some honey.
Belladonna: Any blends of tea that include jasmine or hibiscus.
Malcolm: Matcha tea or orange ginger
Milo: Boba
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You drink earl grey! I always pictured you as a twinnings or Yorkshire tea kinda guy. I’m disgusted by the appalling taste in tea (half joking).
Twinings (which is only written with one N by the way) is a tea brand, not a kind of tea. There is earl grey or lady grey tea made by Twinings because that's a brand. They make all kinds of tea, also fruit teas.
Yorkshire tea is a brand of black tea, however it still differs to earl grey because it only contains black tea leaves and no bergamot, which is the distinctive characteristic of earl grey. Due to the bergamot earl grey has a slight citrusy taste, which I prefer. The citrusy, floral and slightly sweet taste perfectly complements the bitterness of the black tea leaves. However I prefer the stronger brands of earl grey with more caffeine. One of my favourites is Hampstead earl grey because it's one of the few brands that actually use real bergamot instead of just artificial flavouring or oil. But Twinings is good as well, my favourite is dark grey tea, it has a more smoky and darker flavour but still the citrusy note of bergamot.
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greaseonmymouth · 5 months
Tea drinkers in the UK:
where do you get your tea that isn’t a supermarket? I’ve been importing my tea because I can’t stand British flavour profiles & black tea but my supplier no longer ships to the UK.
I like:
Roiboos blends with spices and/or fruit
Fruity green/white tea
Current faves include
Roiboos & bilberry
Roiboos & cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger, vanilla
Roiboos & elderberry
Green tea & yuzu & ginger
White tea & blackcurrant
White tea & pear, apple
HELP IM DESPERATE I can only keep drinking twinings green tea & lemon for so long
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thegrandteapot · 2 years
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Tea Vampires
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lamortwrites · 8 days
Idk this is such a niche problem but like. The state of non specialist tea selection is growing worse and worse
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kawaii-foodie · 1 year
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contac · 2 years
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*For bonus points, tell me in the tags what you'd serve a valued guest vs what you'd serve someone you dislike.
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bcbdrums · 26 days
Last night's winner was Bloody Mary
Fruity without being...syrupy. Powerful without being too bold. There's an interesting balance here between the smoothness and a slight tang. The faintest hint of orange, with rose resting on the very top of everything, and a subtle black tea in the middle. The fruitiness that gently dominates seems to be a very subtle cherry. Interesting one!
I have over 100 tea varieties, mostly from Adagio.com. No, this is not an advertisement. I've just gotta do something about all this tea. Links below (if they exist).
Krakatoa Anhui Keemun (no link) Pocketful of Posie (scroll down in the link) Titanic Ross Jasmine Silver Needle
Running out of teas that aren't in a certain category/fandom... So, sorry for the lack of variety that shall be forthcoming. Thanks for helping me get rid of the tea.
Before long we'll bring the...non-Adagio teas to the party.
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