#twisted wonderland overblots
pinkaditty · 3 months
Thinking Thoughts
okok i can't find the post anymore so im literally going to kms bc it was such a a GOOD IDEA but basically it was this fic idea where Yuu was actually sent by the supervillains, the Seven (+ 1 more, the one Yuu represents) to go and investigate Crowley but the trip there somehow gave them memory loss and now Yuu doesn't remember anything!! and apparently Yuu gets their power from overblot stones so the Seven keep sending overblots to give Yuu the chance to regain their power and memory but unfortunately Grimm keeps eating the stones and pisses them off lol. IT WAS SUCH A GOOD IDEA and then the post ended with: the only question is, who does Yuu represent?
And I was like, oh Chernabog obvi.
like think abt it, that villain is literally THE MOST POWERFUL Disney villain plus nothing can defeat him except church bells and sunlight. since Yuu is a mere vessel, i imagine sunlight and church bells won't have an effect on them, thereby making them literally the most powerful villain vessel out there... they just don't remember shit.
honestly when i first played Twisted Wonderland i was genuinely surprised that Chernabog wasn't one of the big Seven... like he's the most powerful villain ever why not put him in there????
those of u who don't know who Chernabog is... i fear there is no saving u. as for how I know Chernabog exists??? let's just say I read a Disney series as a teenager and some girl was kidnapped by him which led me down a rabbit hole.
oh also boycott Disney, it's fueling the Palestinian genocide. haven't touched Twisted Wonderland in months due to learning that + I uninstalled it anyway lol.
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eynnwwyjth · 11 months
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At first, I thought this was cute, but then I remembered
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Foreshadowing? I think so 😞
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dolliehina · 5 days
If the overblots were the seven deadly sins, who would be which sin?
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This bitch is definitely Wrath, 100%
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meowsgirldrawing · 5 days
Overblots be cool- (Leona+MC(Robin)
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adultish-momma · 2 years
Yuu vs. Overblots
This ended up being so much longer than I thought or intended for it to be, so I stuck it under the read more so you casually scrollers can peacefully go about your business without this absurdly long ramble being in the way.
But man I just need to vent and get some ideas down on metaphorical paper.
So I've been trying to map out and solidify scenes I want to rewrite from cannon and how they would go realistically and how they would affect and shape relationships between my Yuu and the other cast characters.
And my biggest snag so far was trying to figure out how I wanted Yuu to participate in the Overblot showdowns.
I like there to be as much realism as can be applied to a fictional magic-based fantasy world, and realistically Yuu can't really do much during Overblots. Unless they have essentially a professional background in fighting (which my Yuu definitely does not), they really can't even hope to make a dent in the physical aspect of the fight. And they just don't have the emotional background with these villains to try and make a difference by talking them out of it. If the Overblotted student's friends and fellow dorm members can't just talk them out of an Overblot, there's no realistic way Yuu can. They're basically a stranger.
The way Twisted Wonderland portrays Yuu in every battle, but especially in Overblot battles, is that Yuu is standing on the sidelines, essentially coaching the others and shouting words of encouragement, all while desperately trying to survive the chaos surrounding them. And IDK, maybe it's just me, but I feel like such a high stake, high-pressure, personal situation like the Overblot fights, that approach to "participation" would be fully ignored if not (justifiably) dismissed.
So my hiccup comes from the fact that I want Yuu to matter in these fights, I want Yuu's participation to help turn the tides. So how do I do this realistically, when the base characteristic I've been given is that Yuu is essentially removed from the fight? Not even the cut scenes acknowledge Yuu's existence once a fight has begun.
And then I remembered the Mage Stones.
I might be misremembering the lore behind them, but this is essentially a rewrite AU, so the lore I'm going with is this: Mages have essentially a well for a magic core, something that if used too much at once leads to extreme risks to their health and potentially their life. Mage stones act as a pump of sorts to their magic core, providing quick and easy access to a great amount of their magic core, but still in a controlled and measurable way. Mages can access their magic core without a Mage Stone of course, but it's much harder, like using an old-fashioned bucket on a rope method. Using magic without a mage stone is doable, but the effort exerted makes the mage much weaker.
And the first part of every Overblot transformation cut scene we are provided, is watching their Mage Stone fill with ink, and then the boys change form.
So add this all together, and you come to the same conclusion Yuu does. That when the boys Overblot, the quickest and most efficient way to cure them is to break their Mage Stone. The Mage Stone fueling the chandelier broke on impact, and it became useless as a magic conduit. Breaking an Overblot's Mage Stone would force the Overblot into a more vulnerable state, having to exert more effort to cast spells.
That is my solution. That is how my Yuu becomes an integral part of the team trying to defeat each Overblot. Because like I said, everybody, Overblot included, kinda forgets that Yuu is there. This means Yuu is the one with the best shot of sneaking up on the boy-turned-monster and stealing the Mage Stone.
And such a dangerous move has to lead to some very delicious, angst-based ideas, but I think I'll save those for the actual fics. If/and when I get around to writing them. But sorry for the long ramble, I just needed to actually write all this... logic, lore, whatever you wanna call it somewhere down where other people could hold me accountable to my own cannon.
If you made it this far, thanks! I have notes and scenes and dialogues written out for all the Book 1-4 dorm members (plus Malleus because we have actual chapter interactions with him) of at least one cannon scene I wanted to rewrite. I want to get those, and possibly the Pomefiore ones now that Book 5 is fully released, out before I do any Overblot-related things.
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stripedpouch · 4 months
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"I'll never lose as long as I'm with you"
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theantaresheron · 5 months
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If Ruggie can shove twenty people down the stairs on a regular day, can you imagine what he can do if he overblot
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b0njourbeach · 2 months
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ryllen · 7 months
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the 10,000 tuna cans is still a lie, there are probably only 25 or 50, tops ... o(--<
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fizzydrinkuno · 3 months
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nammanarin · 4 months
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Me too Malmal, me too. Bonus: Always bring a multipack https://www.tumblr.com/nammanarin/741352674952429568/peepaw-serving-war-crimes-with-a-side-of-trauma
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the-fridge-orange · 3 months
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amiko14 · 3 months
In the middle of fighting overblot vil:
Y/n: Is it a bad time to mention that I like the smell of Vil’s new cologne
Rook: Your not the only one trickster
Ace,Decuse and Epel: will you two please focus on the fight 
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babylemonart · 1 year
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He doesn’t need the sword at all.
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crystallizsch · 4 months
i really like how canonically yuu is genuinely supportive of grim wanting to be a great mage. if i recall correctly, even character voice lines point this out. and it seems like yuu dotes on grim a lot and defends him too??? yuu even encourages grim's ambitions whenever he declares wanting to be a great mage. and also when he does that boss-henchhuman dynamic. i mean yeah you can interpret it as yuu saying that being condescending and sarcastic as if they're talking to a child saying "when i grow up i want to be famous!" but like. i really think they're genuine when mc loves grim in their own way.
even if grim is usually a menace, he's become like family to yuu.
and i'm pretty sure grim feels the same way.
think about it this way. despite all the mess, all the unpredictability, the danger, and all the drama being in nrc. what's always the constant? yuu goes home at the end of the day to the ramshackle dorm (basically their home at this point considering they slowly but surely fix it up over time) and with who? “the great mage” grim. as the sole outcasts in that academy, they both sleep soundly knowing they will always have each other at the end of the day.
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adultish-momma · 2 years
Regarding your recent post, I did have a similar thought that directly attacking the entity that shows up behind each student might also be a viable strategy. Like, if Yuu could somehow fully shatter the glass bottle that is their head then that might incapacitate the entity and weaken the overblot. The bottle’s already got a huge crack in it so I don’t think it’s that far fetched to think it could be broken
Right? I specifically paid attention to the shattered glass bottle head with the Dwarf Overblot, and I definitely think it's a viable battle strategy, especially for the longer-range magic attacks. And Yuu would encourage people to aim for it like they did in the mines. Because let's be real, even with no practical or scholarly background in battle tactics, most everybody can agree that "aim for the head" is a pretty good bet for doing some damage.
Clearly, the cast characters who Overblot are in this short 'limbo' stage, where they aren't fully Overblotted just yet, hence why we can save them. And since Overblot monsters are what you permanently become once your magic core is used up, I don't think a full Overblot, like the Dwarf, actually has a Mage Stone anymore. So to defeat the Dwarf, if you even can kill a full Overblot, you probably would have to completely shatter the head.
So like:
Full Overblot = Glass head is your only option. Probably treats it as an ink reserve, so it's basically like its own version of a magic core. Spill the ink, weaken the monster.
'Limbo' Stage Overblot = Glass head AND/OR the Mage Stone. If I'm theorizing that Overblot's power comes from their link to a version of a magic reserve, cutting off at least one source should do significant damage. Weakening the connection to both sources is your best bet, but if you have to pick one at this stage, pick the Mage Stone since that's the original source of power.
The Chimera, probably Grim Overblot = TBD. Because I won't know until if/when it pops back up in cannon. From the tutorial, that specific monster is exactly that, a monster. There's no shadowing figure behind it like the 'Limbo' Stage OBs, and there's no inky glass bottle to be found like a Full OB, so at this stage in my Twisted Wonderland knowledge, I'm going to need a bit more stable of a diving block to jump off of before I try and strategize a fight against that.
Thank you very much for the ask, honestly, because that is potentially a huge plot point I was just going to gloss over! Sorry, I went off on another ramble, but now I've got even more fleshed-out lore!
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