#tyrion x dany
selkiewife · 5 months
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Tyrion and Daenerys ☾ Tyrion's Seasons of Love
Dany introduces Tyrion to Viserion. He unchains and bonds with the dragon that was named for her brother. Bound together through dragonriding, Tyrion and Dany find love as well as family in each other.
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tyrionsource · 5 months
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Thank you so much for Tyrion’s Seasons of Love, Part 3: Winter! 
There is a masterlist of all the fanworks created for the event under the cut. Late submissions will be added to the list as they are posted and information about the last part of our celebration (Spring!) will be announced very soon. Thank you again to everyone who participated or supported!
Daenerys/Tyrion Jane Eyre AU by @blogforasoiafevents
By the fireplace by actuallysango (Tyrion/Daenerys. You will have to be signed in to view)
with moonglow in his hair and a laugh upon his lips (Tyrion/Theon) by @selkiewife  
Winter Dragon Dreams of Spring by @selkiewife
Three Hearts by @selkiewife
storm and war and childhood’s end (Tyrion/Yara) by @ironbornsource
Tyrion/Sansa Aging Together by @tyrionsource
Tyrion/Daenerys “Madly” by @selkiewife
Tyrion/Tysha “Annabel Lee” by @selkiewife 
Dany Introduces Tyrion to Viserion by @selkiewife
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the-key-five · 2 years
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Nurse was paying out some silver to a pit man on a lost wager when he spied Penny leading Crunch. The confusion in his eyes was gone in half a heartbeat, but not before Tyrion grasped what it meant. Nurse did not expect us back. He had looked around at other faces. None of them expected us back. We were meant to die out there. The final piece fell into place when he overheard an animal trainer complaining loudly to the pitmaster. "The lions are hungry. Two days since they ate. I was told not to feed them, and I haven't. The queen should pay for meat."
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game of thrones did dany/tyrion so dirty like their relationship had so much potential
Clarke and Dinklage had far better chemistry with each other than with any of their other onscreen romantic partners (possibly excepting Dinklage and Sibel Kekilli, but once again the show ruined that by framing Shae as the villain -- and yes, it was always an unhealthy power balance).
I'm just a sucker for their kind of dynamic. Dany, forced by circumstances into a serious and single-minded path, surprised and intrigued by Tyrion's eccentricities and ability to find dark humor in every situation. Tyrion, browbeaten into a deeply cynical worldview, astonished to meet someone who genuinely cares and is changing the world for the better. Gimme it, you stupid show!
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attonitos-gloria · 2 years
ALSO HI IM BACK so ok so. I read some of your posts and I’ve been thinking about it, and it really does bother me how easily casual ableism finds its way into any discussion of Tyrion as a character with the wider fandom. Especially because it’s disguised as “he’s such a terrible person” meanwhile a lot of these same people will love Jaime, a character who did just as many (if not more) horrible things, but who is easier to forgive and to love because he’s physically beautiful, and described as beautiful over and over again in the text. Jaime is pretty, and dumb (not really but he’s portrayed that way many times) and not very ambitious - all things that make it easier for people to like him, and want him redeemed. Also, because Brienne (who is almost overwhelmingly pure and good) decides he’s worth saving and genuinely likes him, it’s easier for readers to care about him. Their desire to see good things happen to pretty people is affirmed by Brienne being in love with him. (None of this to say people shouldn’t like Jaime - I like Jaime!!! A lot! I just don’t pretend his looks make him worth more than any other character.)
Meanwhile Tyrion is described as ugly, misshapen, deformed, stunted, frightening - by almost every character he ever interacts with, over and over and over again. His eyes are clever and sneaky, mismatched and filled with frightening ambition. He is feared and hated by so many people, and when he isn’t feared or hated he is disdained, rejected, reviled or dismissed. All of that is influencing people when they read the books, because most of them have little to no experience with critical analysis of physically disabled characters, and because if I’m being honest a lot of people just don’t read things critically in the first place.
Idek where I was going with this lol I’m just sort of rambling at this point, but anyways all this to say that Tyrion is no better or worse than a lot of the other asoiaf characters. Labelling him as evil in part bc of him being described as demonic, ugly, or misshapen isnt interesting or cute, it’s simply ableist. Any reading of his character that doesn’t include an understanding / analysis of him as a disabled man is an incorrect and incomplete reading of his character. Ableists stfu challenge
oh your ramblings are always welcome here! to be honest, now that you mentioned, i'm thinking about this thing, like - brienne is like a window into jaime. (i love jaime too, so i get what you're saying). through her eyes we see him in a different light; we genuinely like him and root for him. (a very hard thing to do before brienne, honestly, or before jaime becomes a POV character. jaime as POV character is simply one of the best things of the series, i think, but even in his own POV he is not very likable. he is interesting! those are different things.)
we don't have a similar character yet, a sort of reader-insert, to make us sympathetic about tyrion, at least not a POV character. maybe because i am biased (i have already decided to devote my life to love this character) i think there's A LOT OF EVIDENCE that we, as readers, are supposed to have empathy for tyrion right there in the text. but in the world of the characters, i think george made this really interesting thing of... i don't know, almost spreading the sympathy people have for tyrion? it comes in small, homeopathic doses. it's thin. and the only person who truly loves tyrion in that world is jaime, but jaime is partially responsible for tyrion's greatest pain and trauma, like, ever. (sometimes i want to scream when i think about this, lol) and then tyrion finds out about this and he literally becomes the actual worst. this is how important jaime is to him.
anyway, what i'm trying to say is: i think when tyrion and dany meet in the books, this might change. i think dany will be, for tyrion, and in many things, what brienne is to jaime - not a romantic interest necessarily, but a POV character that sees him in a different light. (or maybe she won't! maybe they'll destroy each other. but i have so much hope for them lol like you don't have any idea.)
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No one:
Absolutely no one:
Me: Can we just talk about how the show purposely put Sansa as Jon's right hand in this shot? Sansa who was regent while Jon was away & prepared Winterfell/The North for the battle about to happen? Sansa who ends up becoming Queen of the North and "speaking" for the North? That this is the very first closeup we get of Jon? That they purposely don't include Arya or Bran in this shot? CAN WE????
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While they had Dany on the next side of the table? And THIS is the first closeup shot of Dany shown as Sam says "being forgotten"? And they kept Jon in the shot (though not in focus)? Jon who is not only a rival to her claim (that she doesn't know about yet) but also has been ignoring her? (and of course she doesn't want to be forgotten herself nor her legacy)
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And that they literally had the setup of Sansa being in the same place as Jorah for Jon?
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His most trusted just like Jorah is for Dany? And then this shot at the end which shows a very notable space in between Jon/Sansa and Arya/Bran?
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Most likely to leave space for Bran to be seen but they could have told Issac to move a little more to the left but they chose not to? And notice how the fire/flames are to Jon and Sansa's backs? While Arya and Bran have lit candles in the background? But there is one lit candle in between Jon and Sansa, showing that while darkness surrounds them (and not just literally), there is still hope between them. Not just because of the battle with the NK but also due to Dany's presence and the strain due to Jon bending the knee. That they are one, working towards the same goal, like one pack = Stark. They did this all on purpose!!!
Same as this shot right here:
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(notice there is purposely three candles there; despite Viserion's death, three dragons -> Targaryen; Dany still hopes to reconcile with Jon though she has no idea why he's avoiding her & she still has hope for them together & Jon still cares about her)
So can we talk about that? CAN WE??????????
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albinokittens300 · 2 months
Just had the idea of an AU where Sansa goes to Dragonstone somehow, instead of Jon and reunites earlier with Tyrion. In particular the scene when Jon would write to her telling her Arya and Bran have come home.
Just, him being so thrilled for her. And also, kinda sad knowing it might not be easy to convince Dany to allow Sansa to go home to reunite with them. But you just KNOW he would want to try and help her. Who knows....perhapes Sansa gets to see his loyalty tested with Dany just the tiniest bit.
Just any AU that they either get more time or a different situation when they reunite has so much potential. But this one in particular I want to write.
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maiamars · 2 years
tyrion with daenerys when it was just jorah & daario : oh dear, oh dear. gorgeous.
tyrion with daenerys after jon : hey, dragon head, are you even listening to me ?
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saessenach · 1 year
Ramin Djawadi always composes as if his rent is due tomorrow but I do solemnly think he popped TF off with The Prince That Was Promised and I cannot be blamed for blasting it if when we get Jon & Dany's Valyrian wedding in the Winterfell godswood no grrm i do not take criticism
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selkiewife · 4 months
Tyrion x Dany x Jon ❅ Tyrion's Seasons of Love
Three Hearts
It had been years since Tyrion dreamt of dragons. Jon Snow was the first to remind him. Out in the moonglow, on the way to the wall, they’d talked of dragonfire while Daenerys Stormborn was a world away, dreaming her own dragon dreams. Now the three dreamed the same dream. On dragonback they soared through cold and freezing war to protect and defend. “Aegon with teats and her husbands,” or “The Three Heads of the Dragon,” were the wondrous names they called them. But what Tyrion thought most wondrous were the three hearts who found a home in each other.
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
man I love getting random game of thrones hyperfixations out of nowhere and by that i mean it's absolute hell, do you understand the yearning of 1) having gotten into it way too late, 2) watching it intentionally crash and burn itself in real time and disappear from the cultural zeitgeist before I even had the chance to really engage???!?! yeah let me just binge rewatch this gorgeous, bloated gem of television knowing exactly how this shit's gonna end, lemme just make my balls THAT much BLUER, lemme just fall in love with my faves all over again so I can watch them turn into hollow husks of what they once were, LET'S DO THAT I SAID
I guess with these new spinoffs coming out (I'm probably going to watch House of the Dragon bc Daenerys is my wife and the Jon Snow one that might? exist? might be interesting if we also get to pick up with the others in Westeros, here's how Sansa/Tyrion and Brienne/Tormund can still win yall) there's possibility the brand might be able to redeem itself and gain a second wind, I'm hoping to the point that people can look back and appreciate those earlier seasons for what they were and could have been
But look I'm just saying, we could have had a spin-off featuring Arya and the Hound traveling to some places on the map we haven't visited yet, like into Asshai and Yi Ti. Who didn't love that original team-up? It could still happen! We don't KNOW that Sandor died when he jumped off the Keep into the fire lol, and him coming back from having finally 'killed' his brother and able to finally move on from that plot point, just a bit more scarred now, is about as plausible as anything else that happens so WHY THE FUCK NOT? dooo it!! (what if they ran into Drogon again at some point??? what if drogon just decided to chill with them and provide narrative excuse for them to zip around the map a bit faster??? oh my god???)
this post doesn't have a conclusion, i'm just compromised and hate myself for still loving this fucking thing lmao
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the-key-five · 2 years
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––And you're a corpse, Father, so I'll caper as I please. (Tyrion IV ADWD)  ––He was a fool about that, and so much else, Dany thought. (Dany I ASOS)
Tyrion & Dany in their childhood dream of being whimsical until their enjoyment is put to an end by their abusers, who tell them that their happiness is a taint upon their house’s reputation, emphasizing the “superiority” of their house’s emblem; much later, reflecting upon this memory, both of them are able to scoff at their abusers’ overreaction. 
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i feel daenerys’s backstory in a modern!asoiaf x bcs crossover would be similar to her backstory in asoiaf, orphaned, grew up poor with viserys as an abusive dadbrother, maybe was in foster care before viserys was old enough to become legal guardian. maybe the targaryen’s were an american crime family and who got involved with the salamancas, but things went bad and and viserys and baby dany were the only survivors.
That makes a lot of sense! Viserys tries to revive the family business, and Dany can only sit by as the passive crime family princess. However, she watches and observes, silently learning who's who in ABQ, and sees how horribly people --immigrants in particular -- are fucked over by the cartel and DEA alike.
Viserys being Viserys, he eventually whiffs it all, although able to stash away a good deal of money before Lalo or Gus kill him. Dany is able to escape with enough loot to help fund Kim's pro bono practice.
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attonitos-gloria · 1 year
Do you believe in the "tyrion is a secret targaryen" theory?
OH. good question, the short answer is "no," but when have i ever given the short answer to things in this blog?
i don't; i think he's a lannister, to the bone. and i used to hate this theory for this.
what changed my mind was watching house of the dragon, actually; i saw a post making a parallel between rhaenyra and daemon/jon and dany (with show scenes, obviously). this post stuck with me, because while i can see the parallels between rhaenyra and dany, the ones between jon and daemon... like, what is there to compare between these two men, beyond the fact they have targaryen blood and a (in the books, only speculated for the future) incestuous relationship with the rightful queen of the seven kingdoms? personality wise, i don't see many similarities between jon and daemon.
but there's another man who is set to be by dany's side in the second dance of the dragons, to be with her in dragonstone, to fight for the iron throne by her side; a ruthless, violent man, who, in the books, is probably going to urge her to war instead of holding her back (like in the show); a morally gray man with his own agenda, whose true reasons are dubious but who'll root for her nonetheless; a man who'll, most likely, love her, because they are the same; they are narratively the two sides of the same coin, twin flames and all. a man who is george's favorite! just like daemon is george's favorite targaryen of all time!
it's not jon. it's tyrion the best narrative parallel to daemon. this is obvious to me, though i'm very biased because i think these books are all about tyrion, sorry.
SO, i was thinking about that, and thinking about how nice it would be if he were, in the end, a targaryen after all, and wondering why i hated this theory so much. i think i didn't like it because he is such a LANNISTER, you know. like his identity is so tied to this very fundamental basic fact that i didn't know what it would make of him, if he turned out to be (another) lost targaryen (though if you think about george's obsession with house targaryen, it would be like him to make these books about three lost targaryens in the world?)
but that's the point; beyond inheritance and land rights, one of the core messages of ASOIAF is that blood lies. you can't blame genes for everything; you inherit bad habits from the people you grow up with, or good habits from the people you grow up with. this is why jon struggles with ned's legacy, not rhaegar's - it does not matter for jon's inner battle with himself if he's rhaegar's son or not. because it's impossible to read jon's chapters and not realize he is ned stark's son, through and through. you can't genetically inherit a character!!! this is not even a biologically reasonable stance! believe me, i'm a doctor with "bad genes" in my family, and the targaryen problem is not genes or blood related, it is that they’ve built up an intrinsically dysfunctional narrative to justify their own dynasty and their right to rule that destroy and sacrifice their own kin and the rest of the realms with them. (see: the dance of the dragons) incest is not causing targaryen exceptionalism; incest is the natural corollary of it. (this should be obvious; apparently it isn’t, for the discourse i’ve seen around.)
this is why tyrion is a lannister, even if he's not biologically tywin's son; this is why his struggle is with tywin's legacy, not aerys' or whoever; this is why he is tywin 'writ small' even if he turns out to have not a single drop of tywin in his veins. because that's completely beside the point for the person he became. tywin created him. tyrion is tywin's doing to the smallest detail, through trauma, through pain, through hate. tywin birthed him in a way aerys didn't; damn, tywin birthed him in a way even joanna didn't. tyrion is his son. just like jon is ned's son.
when i realized that, i just grew fond of this theory a little more. i don't hold on to it very strongly, but if he is, i think it will be really interesting. i don't think he needs to have targaryen blood to ride a dragon, which i'm sure it's happening, but if he has, i'll just bask in the rhaenyra/daemon x dany/tyrion parallels and in the tywin x ned/tyrion x jon parallels. just all my favorites things.
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jonsnow-creative · 2 years
Relationships: Tyrion Lannister/Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Rating: Mature
“I’ve been thinking,” Jon says, after a long silence.
“Don’t,” Tyrion says. “I dread what comes out of your mouth when you think too much.”
Jon ignores him.
“At the Wall,” he murmurs, as if the room needed more quiet. “If the worst happens—”
“Here we go,” Tyrion sighs.
“If it comes to that, if you have to choose,” Jon continues. “Save her and let me die.”
“Shut your mouth, Jon,” Tyrion mutters. The outline of his face is like mountains hiding the horizon; he closes his mismatched eyes, pinches what’s left of his nose. “No one is going to die.”
[In an inn halfway to the Wall, Dany, Tyrion and Jon discuss the end of the world and other things.]
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sherwoodknights · 2 years
Besties please if you're making anti posts about a character then go for it, you do you but for the love of God please tag it accordingly
I don't follow character tags so I can see how much people hate them for whatever reasons and I don't care how "superior" your other faves are I just wanna seen content about some characters without having complaints about stans or antis launched in my face at every turn
I can filter anti tags perfectly well, but that doesn't help when people just drop hate in a character tag
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