#umm maybe I shouldn't be taking this so seriously
xanqa · 7 months
Kevin Day and Neil Josten are Adrien Agreste kinnies, change my mind
let me present my case:
yearns freedom from his father
alternative identities
pretends to be someone else
dead mum
lowkey isolated from the world
oblivious to any romance
always in the spotlight, or used to be in Kevin's case
uhh green eyes?
caged but people dont know it
dead parent
groomed to be good at their profession from a young age
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Wakey Wakey
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT AFAFAF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sat on my bed flicking through my book, the fire burning bright enough to light my room, the house quiet and content my family gone for travelling for at least a few weeks. A storm was overhead battering everything in its wake, the darkness of the storm and of the night coming together to provide a dark void of endless night. 
I perked up a little as I heard a knock. 
For a moment I was frightened as to what could have caused such a sound, but I looked around my room and soon enough jumped! as I saw someone at my balcony door.
But I knew who it was, so I fixed my nightie and rolled my eyes taking a candle over and opening the door the sounds of rain flooding in, as he stood there soaked though. 
"Hello, you fancy a bit of brain surgery?" Jack smirked as he came into my room,
"Is this what you think flirting is?" I sighed, 
He was sheepish for a moment "...yeah," 
"Come on, take your clothes off," I said going to throw another log on the fire,
"Ohh... I didn't think it was gonna work that well?" He smirked eagerly getting his jacket off,
"You're soaked if you don't take them off you'll get sick," I told him, grabbing a towel from my linen cupboard and throwing it at his head,
"Thank you y/n." He sighed, he stripped the rest of his clothes off and wrapped the towel around himself, so I took his clothes and set them on the clothes horse to dry,
"Come sit by the fire," I told him as I set my kettle on its rack letting the fire heat the water, he nodded and came over, sitting on the sofa by the fire wrapped up in the towel, Once the water boiled I poured him some hot tea, and handed it over 
"Ooohh thanks." he smiled sipping to warm his insides, 
"You're welcome," I smiled going and fetching another towel "So? what brings you to my humble abode then Dr Dawkins?" 
"Well, I know your family is gone-" He began but stopped short as I threw my towel over his head using it to dry his still dripping hair "Ohh thank you, But I know they gone so I figured I'd come to keep you company," 
"Thanks very kind of you Jack," I smiled taking the towel off his head and kissing his cheek. 
"Well, I have to be nice to my fiance don't I?" 
"You should be nice yes." I laughed, 
"So... I've been thinking."
"Ohh dear, don't think too much now Jack you'll give yourself a headache."
"Very funny. but seriously, I've been thinking."
"About?" I asked sitting in my chair,
"I should really make the time to come up and see you more often, I feel bad when I don't."
"It's fine Jack I know your busy working."
"I know but, I don't like leaving you all alone so long," he said, 
"That's very sweet," I smiled 
"You'd like to spend time with me?"
"If I didn't want to Jack I'd have left you out in the rain." I chuckled, "Also my family isn't here why didn't you just use the front door?" 
"... Hu, Strangely that thought had not occurred to me." 
"Silly boy,"
"I know," He yawned "Ummm You've made it far too cosy in here. I'm getting sleepy." 
"My apologies for having a cosy bedroom."
"You mind if I stay tonight?" 
"Well..." I began, "You really shouldn't, but you are all warm and dry I send you back out you're just going to get all wet again." I sighed, "Alright,"
"Can I stay... in your bed?" he made eye contact with a sweet smile 
"Alright," I rolled my eyes playfully
"Could maybe..."
"Yes, Jack?"
"....Could we cuddle?" 
"Alright." I rolled my eyes a little but moved over to the sofa and cuddled him laying my head on his shoulder and nuzzling into his neck, he smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around me too,
"Umm... My dearest y/n." He cooed, "How I wish this rain would never end, so I may remain in your arms longer." 
"Well, we shall just have to savour the rain."
"I shall savour every drop" He smiled giving my lips a gentle soft kiss, I smiled and gave him a gentle kiss back before we cuddled up again, 
"You smell nice,"
"Do I?"
"Umm," I nodded,
"I'm pleased I could be pleasant to you dearest." He yawned,
"Come on Dr Dawkins. Bedtime." I told him getting up and offering my hand he happily took it leaving his towel on the clothes horse with his clothes and I took him to my bed, I took my book away and helped him into bed plumping the pillow and tucking him in, he yawned very comfortably 
"Can you sleep with me?"
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I smiled climbing in too and nuzzling up to him so we could cuddle with him holding me close our noses touching, 
"Yes, Jack?"
"Can I fall asleep in your arms tonight?"
"Of course," I smiled wrapping my arms around him too, "Goodnight Jack,"
"Goodnight Y/n." He smiled pressing one final kiss to my lips before with a few happy sighs and shifts we gently drifted away to sleep. 
I woke up listening to the rain still attacking the house, but I knew it was early morning, I softly opened my eyes seeing Jack still deep in his sleep so I pressed a kiss to his forehead and carefully climbed out the bed doing my best not to disturb him, I went across my room making sure to keep the fire burning to keep the room warm, I checked his clothes and they where to dry so I took them and folded them on the table at the end of my bed for him, I did want breakfast but I didn't want to make any till he was up, so I made myself a tea on the fire's flames and paced my balcony windows as I sipped it. 
He grumbled a little so I turned and noticed him half asleep running his hands over the bed and looking for me 
"Good Morning," I cooed 
He sat up not even opening his eyes, yawning for a good few seconds and scratching his messy bedhead "Morning dearest." he Yawned 
"Ohh my, that was a big yawn."
"I'm tired." he pouts 
"Aww well stay a few more minutes in bed if you like?"
"No, I'm up. Just about," he said rubbing his neck "You sleep okay?"
"I always do when you're here."
he blushed a little, "Yeah I always sleep better with you too." 
I smiled setting my tea down and running back to bed jumping on him and pushing him onto my mattress for a cuddle, he laughed at me but wrapped his arms around me anyway "Breakfast?"
"I am hungry,"
"Good, I'll go make breakfast." I smiled patting his chest before I tried to get up but he pulled me back "Whoa... Hello" I laughed at the surprise of being back against his nose 
"Hello," He smiled giving me a sweet kiss "Now you can go."
"Silly boy." I giggled getting up and heading out of my room down to the kitchen, I made some hashbrowns, some eggs, and some toast and got a big jug of orange juice taking it all upstairs. When I returned Jack was exactly where I left him clearly fighting with himself on whether he was going to go back to sleep or wake up,  "Breakfast." I smiled setting it on the table.
"You're an angel." He smiled climbing out of bed and rubbing his eyes as he walked across to the table "Thank you Y/n" he smiled kissing my cheek as he made himself a plate and a large glass of juice, we sat together and ate breakfast or well I nibbled and he consumed it as if he hasn't been fed in a week, 
"Peckish?" I laughed 
"I don't often eat breakfast, don't have time to make it or if I do I get called off for something else. It's nice to sit down and have breakfast, especially with you,"
"That's sweet Jack, well once we're married I'll make sure you get breakfast every day before you leave for work."
"You will?"
"Course got to keep the doctor fed." 
"You're too good to me," he winked sipping his juice,
Once breakfast was done I returned it to the kitchen and when I got back he was yawning 
"Ummm I needed a nap."
"A nap? You just woke up!" I laughed "I think they've got you working too hard if you're like this." I laughed,
"I can't help it, your place is so cosy. Plus the rain makes me sleepy." 
I took his hand and took him back to bed, I gave him an extra couple of pillows and even an extra blanket tucking him in tight and kissing him on the head "There, That nice?"
"That's lovely," He blushed a little making himself cosy "Can I have a cuddle?"
"No, because then I'll fall asleep."
"Please dearest?"
I rolled my eyes a moment but crawled into bed and sat tapping my thigh, he happily moved and laid his head in my lap with a wide smile, I softly began to pet his hair taking my book from the table and reading to him, I know he struggles with his reading so I like to read to him sometimes let him just shut his eyes and listen and I know he likes it too as already he began to drift away, so once I knew he was asleep I kissed his little head and let him rest. 
I went and got dressed into one of my little day dresses that was comfy for a rainy day, I went to my desk and grabbed some paper writing some letters and notes that I needed to get working with.
Eventually, he sat up, "Humm?"
"Ohh Hello again." I laughed, 
"Hello, Dearest."
"Hello, Jack."
"How long was I asleep?"
"Uhhhh?" I pondered taking his watch from the table, "An hour."
"An Hour! Ohh sorry,"
"It's alright Jack you've been busy working I wanted to let you sleep." I smiled as I wrote with my fountain pen, He smiled and moved getting his pants and shirt on coming over as he snapped his suspenders on he came and sat beside me 
"What are you writing?"
"Just letters."
"Alright," he smiled as we sat together for a good while "You're so sweet and beautiful you know that?"
"Aww thank you Jack, you're very sweet and handsome too" 
"Can we have a cuddle?" 
"That would be lovely," I smiled 
we both moved closer and closer until he laid his head in my lap again,
"Cosy Jack?"
"Alright" I laughed getting on with my work petting his hair as I worked humming to myself a little I finished up after a while of writing until I noticed his little wheezes "Jack..."
"Mmm?" He groaned nuzzling closer and almost purring as had fallen asleep,
"Awww such a sleepy boy" I cooed "Wakey Wakey..."
He jumped a little sitting up as he realized he had fallen asleep on my lap,  "Humm? ohh..." He sighed "Sorry."
"You are so sleepy today Jack, Dr sneed been working you too hard?"
"A little," He yawned "It would help if he did some work sometime." 
"aww you poor thing,"
"Didn't help I've been getting up early these last few days," He cooed, "And you're just so very cosy and cuddly it just makes me so happy. I love you so much Y/n."
"Aww, I love you too Jack." I smiled kissing his cheek, 
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course,"
"When we get married... do you want to have children?"
I smiled at his question, "I would, would you?"
"I very much would, How many?"
"Three." I smiled, "Two girls and a boy."
he chuckled, "I think that would be lovely,"
"Anything else? when we get married?" 
"A cute little house... with a garden."
"I'd like that Jack, and maybe a little dog for the children to play with."
"A very cute little dog." He smiled, "So I can wake up every morning give my sweet wife a kiss, pet the dog, go down and eat breakfast looking out to the garden and send the kids to school before I head to work." 
"That sounds like the most beautiful morning,"
"I know it will be" He smiled, 
"Do you think... I could cuddle in your lap some more?"
"No more lap jack you'll go back to sleep."
"Can you sit on my lap then y/n?" he asked, "Does my lap look better?"
I rolled my eyes a little and moved to sit myself on his leg so he could wrap his arms around me and my back against his chest, he chuckled and adjusted me a little so we were both cosy, and after a while he gave my shoulder a kiss 
"I can't wait till you're mine dearest."
"I can't wait either," I smiled, 
He then pressed one kiss to my neck, I blushed a little but didn't move, so he tightened his grip on me a little hugging me a little tighter and kissing my neck again only one little kiss but enough to make me feel so happy inside, He then took my hand in his and whispered in my ear "Can I stay with you today?"
"You're welcome to stay Jack, as long as you like."
he smiled a little and stroked my hair "I like you sat here."
"I get to hold you so close." He smiled bringing his face and lips into my neck he gently blew air across my skin before slowly pressing small kisses to my neck "Your skin is so soft" he whispered and I couldn't control my playful giggles he merely continued his kisses so slowly and calculated waiting patiently between each one, his kisses slowly grew more intense until as he kissed my neck his teeth graced my skin, not enough to bite me but enough to make me feel his teeth, he repeated this just slow soft kisses occasionally tenderizing my skin by gracing his teeth on it "Hmmm... do you like when I'm this close to you?" he whispered slyly 
"I do," I admit, 
He chuckled with a familiar sly grin, he continued his kisses now starting little nibbles on my skin pressing his teeth more meaningfully "Do you like these little nibbles on your soft lovely neck? Hmm?" He whispered 
"I do," I admit,
"Just one bite dearest?" he pleads running his nose across my neck before he continues his kisses and nibbles 
"Little ones," I whispered back,
He smirked and continued his bites gently barely anything between his kisses and nibbles which were getting very intense "You enjoying them? Hmm? Umm so soft... so sweet." He asked nibbling purposely on a more sensitive spot I couldn't answer him, so he kept nibbling and kissing for a while "Can I bite your neck once more dearest?" He whispered, "I just can't stop."
"You can." I gasped as now his bites became more aggressive leaving his teeth marks on my skin for a few seconds each time 
"Do you like my bites Y/n?" He whispered as he licked the spot he bit before kissing it again he would do this over and over up and down my neck like a vampire to my jugular, 
"Very much Jack," I almost moaned feeling him so close to me giving me such attention 
He continued with a prideful smirk, getting harder with his nibbles, kisses and bites. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." he smirked getting even harder "Hmmm..." He groaned leaving a hickey on my neck "How was that Dearest?" he asked licking his hickey 
"Ohh jack-" I gasped feeling him force a hickey into my skin he continued biting and nibbling my neck around my hickey to ensure my attention for it, "Uhhh! Jack!" I moaned twisting my fingers in his hair, which he took as a sign to get even more intense "Uhhhhh!" I moaned grabbing his hand that had been settled on my waist this whole time moving it under my dress to my thigh
"Ohh?" He smirked "That what you want y/n?" he whispered between kisses stroking my thigh higher and higher "Hmm? That what you want dearest?" he licked my hickey as he smirked and I could only nod, he teased me further stroking my hip under my dress "Ummm..." he groans now all but attacking my neck with kisses, bites, nibbles and licks. I could feel he was hard against my leg I tugged on his hair almost pulling his hair to bring him closer and he took the hint intensifying his work on my neck 
"Uhhh jack" I gasped moving his hand to where I so desperately needed him 
"Please jack,"
he smirked and whispered deeply in my ear "Yes dearest." he smirked stroking my mound before rubbing on my throbbing clit 
"Uuhh uhhhh uhhhhhhh" I whined as he continued with my neck at the same time by now my neck looked as if I had been in a fight covered in hickeys and bite marks all down one side of my neck, not caring the marks he made just wanting to make us excited I moaned as he made a hickey on my most sensitive spot while he slipped his fingers inside me still rubbing my clit with his thumb but I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop my moan even if my eyes rolled back a little 
"Ohh..." He growled "Such a cute little thing," he cooed "Do you want me to stop?" he whispered and I shook my head "Alright," he smirked nibbling and kissing as his fingers worked but not fast enough I grabbed his wrist and tried to make his hand move faster but he pulled back "Ohh I see," he whispered nibbling my ear "Y/n..." he groaned kissing down to my collar bone and across my gasping chest giving him more space and more real estate to leave hickeys and bites, I tugged on his hair to pull his lips to mine for an intense make out till he pulled back "Let me see them."
"What?" I blushed but with my quick breaths my chest was rising and falling so fast his eyes lingered there 
"Let me see them," he growled "Let me see them y/n." He whispered in my ear making his fingers move much faster
"Uhhh Jack please!" I gasped I took his hand away and moved it to the ribbon tie of my dress I went to help him but he pushed my hand off
"I want to do it." he smirked, he then picked me up in his arms like a bride and carried me to bed laying me down on my back, he unlaced my dress making sure to be agonizingly slow before he tugged it off me leaving me naked on my bed, he smirked down at me pulling his suspenders down and threw his shirt to the side He gasped a moment before he took my hands resting them on his shoulders and letting me slide them down his chest "Feel how breathless I am for you, feel hour quickly my heart beats for you,"
"And feel how I do for you," I smiled and rested my wrist on his neck,
"Hmmm... you are more perfect than any other woman I have ever met" he gasped, "Are you sure you want me?"
"Yes Jack" I gasped, throwing my head back against the bed,
"That's all I need to hear Y/n,"
 He didn't need another word he pulled my legs up and open before tugging his trousers down, he stroked his hard shaft a couple of times before he held the base and guided himself inside me he groaned as he found his way, he held my hips a little raised as he was stood and I was laid on the bed to ensure the best pleasurable angle as he began his almost violent thrusts but this was normal for Jack, as the moment he's allowed to he will not control himself but I rather liked it, seeing him often so composed and calculated a slave to his hormones and needs, I didn't hold back my screams given often when we did this my family would be in bed or his colleagues on the side of a door but as we were alone I didn't have to hold my screams back, he didn't hold back his grunts and groans either which I found sexier then I like to admit, the bed creaking as he thrusted I knew I was close clawing down his back in desperation for the pleasure that was building and building and building until I hit it screaming and clamping my legs around him my eyes rolling back and my jaw hung open, pleasure rushing though my body jack kept going for a while but he was slower sloppier unable to control himself much longer until he moaned loudly and quickly pulled out sending his seed across my stomach, 
"Sorry y/n-"
"It's okay, we haven't had time alone in a while" I giggled, pulling his head into my chest to catch our breath for a while "Do you think you have the energy for more?" I asked tenderly stroking his shaft and he was still hard,
"More? you sure you want more?"
"More" I pleaded
"hmmm you're pretty cute when you beg,"
"Don't make me beg too much Jack you won't like me when I'm too... desperate," I smirked stroking his chest and his neck till I reached his hair and I tugged on it hard pulling his hair 
He smirked and chuckled at little at me pulling his hair slightly and biting his lip "Maybe I like you when you're desperate dearest." he smirked 
I pulled him down to kiss me pulling our lips into a heavy makeout before I pushed his head down 
"Ohh? All alright." He smirked as he began kissing and licking my clit as mercilessly as he did my neck 
"Uhhhhhh! Uuuuuuhh! Jack!" I squealed 
"ummmm! I love when you're loud for me Y/n" he growled as he began to suck, 
I did my best not to scream at the feeling of such intense pleasure but I pulled his hair so he came back to my face "I need you. Now." I half pleaded and half demanded 
"Really? You need me dearest? hmmm?" He smirked grinding himself against me as he had now gotten hard again, 
"Yes" I nodded grinding back on him "Jack, More, Please."
"Are you sure?"
"More!" I demanded digging my nails into his hips and flipping us over so he laid in the middle of my bed and I crawled over his lap 
"Ohh very demanding dearest." he smirked and I didn't hesitate to move to let him slip back inside me "uHhh fuck-" he gasped leaning on his hands to keep himself up a little, I didn't waste my time starting to ride him bouncing and grinding as fast as I could resting my hands on his stomach, he did his best to keep quiet smirking hard as he watched me ride him his hips working with me so we could move more intensely on one another, the bed springs creaking with each thrust and bounce but I didn't care, his eyes squarely on my breasts as I bounced "UUghhhh! I'm already close y/n!"
"Just a little longer Jack." I pleaded 
He smiled biting my neck a little as he took my hips and moved them even faster than I could on my own and he thrusted so hard up into me I had no choice but to squeal 
"UUghhhhhhh! JACK!" I screamed as I hit my wall of pleasure biting his neck as I did but he quickly threw me off onto the bed leaning his head back as he sent his seed across his stomach 
"Fuck- you were... certainly excited weren't you-" He groans gasping desperately given he just had two rounds without much break collapsing on the bed trying to get his head straight,
"I love you, Jack,"
"I love you too," He smiled 
I got up and fetched us both something to drink given we were both now tried and dehydrated, 
"You really like it when I nibble your neck don't you?"
"I do," I giggled,
"Hmmm maybe I'll start kissing and nibbling you again?"
"Yeah? That sound good dearest?" 
I smirked sitting up on my knees and stroking down his chest giving his shaft a few gentle strokes and rubs, 
"Ummm... yes?"
"Just testing."
"If little Jack has enough energy for me." I cooed feeling him get hard again, 
"Always Y/n." He gasped, 
"Round three?" I asked innocently, 
"Fuck I love when your family isn't here." He smirked pulling me into a kiss I happily kissed back and then pulled back and turned my back to him looking at my pillows, he quickly came close his hands roamed my body squeezing my breasts a little before he pushed me to bend over and quickly pushing himself back inside me as he held my hips, "Uhhhhh Jack!" I smirked moving my hips back and forth to start our thrusts, and he wasted no time getting utterly merciless on me I had to keep my hands on the bed to keep my head from being thrusted into the pillow slightly giggling at the sound of our hips meeting over and over but it was often overshadowed by just how deep he could get like this, and after a while, he began to slow, "Don't slow down." I pleaded
"I'm already two shots down y/n. I'm not exactly got a lot of energy left." 
"Ughhh Jack!" I complained moving my hips myself to keep the speed the same, he moaned loudly and moved his hands from my hips to my breasts twisting my nipples as he mercilessly thrusted with enough to tip me over the edge "UHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yes! yes JACK!" I squealed doing my best to ride it out he tried to slow me but I just kept at the pace until his hips bucked quickly -
"Ughhhhhhh! fuck- " He groans forcing himself out and sending his seed across my back, "Sorry- sorry-" he gasped
"It's alright Jack." I smiled, cuddling up to him a little and giving him kisses "You're tired." 
He gasps fast and hard "You are an evil little thing when your horny y/n."
"I can't help it," I giggled "I love you so much"
"I love you too" He smiled playing with my hair 
"Jack..." I whispered after a while of resting 
He chuckled a little "You evil little thing,"
"More." I cooed stroking his shaft and feeling him get hard again for me "Aww little Jack does have some more energy."
"You know I can't resist you." he smirked leaning on his elbows, "Go on then dearest."
I giggled and jumped on his lap this time with my back to him so he could play and tug on my hair as I bounced myself violently desperate for this burning ache to be cured I glanced over my shoulder at him and saw him gnawing at his lip trying desperately to keep his head straight he pulled my hair hard 
"Slow down dearest. you're gonna make me cum."
"Isn't that what you need?" I smirked jiggling my butt as I bounced 
"You know I do" he growled holding my hips and thrusting hard inside me 
"uhhhhhh Jack!" I squealed bouncing faster and harder he often pulled my hair to make me arch my back as I bounced until I began to rub my clit 
"AH ah ah!" He smirked slapping my hand off "That's my job." he smirked rubbing on my clit mercilessly which was enough to tip me over the edge squealing loudly and squirting down him, he let me ride it out moving hard and fast until he pushed me down onto the bed and sent his seed across the sheets "I love you so much y/n
"I love you too Jack" I smiled giving him a gentle kiss as we both lay sweaty, gasping trying to process ourselves, given the last... god knows how long we had been at this like literal rabbits.
Once I had the strength I climbed out of bed and went looking for where my dress ended up quickly slipping it on and fixing my hair having a drink after all that. when I looked back to the bed Jack was fast asleep so I let him rest for a while getting started on dinner, once it was cooking I went back up and found him still asleep so I giggled climbing onto the bed and onto his lap "Wakey wakey"
"Humm? Ohh sorry y/n I think I uhh I think I died for a minute" 
"Really?" I giggled giving him some water, 
"I did just cum four times... I'm surprised I didn't just pass out" he chuckled 
"That's true." I giggled "So.... dinner's cooking."
"Good, I'm starving after all that" he smiled giving me a kiss 
"So... it's gonna be about an hour?" I cooed stroking his chest 
He gasped a little his eyes widening "I'm gonna love marrying you aren't I?"
"Yes you will" I smirked tugging him into a kiss and dragging him down into bed with me...
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lizzieislife94x · 6 months
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Professor Olsen (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
Lizzie is your professor your the student of legal age ofc let's say y/n is 19 and lizzie is 25
If you want to request something message me and I'll happily do my best for you, feedback is appreciated so I know if you guys like these or not.
Y/ns POV:
"I'm up IM UPPPP!!!" I yell at my roommate as I roll out of bed she can be a fucking pain in the ass would 10 more minutes in bed have been to much to ask "y/n you can't be late you have professor Olsen's test today as do I so get your ass up and ready or I'm leaving without you" I moan and I get ready I really should get my fucking licence because this bitch is annoying me I love her really she's my best friend but when you wake me up rudely it pisses me off, I grab my bag and phone and head to the kitchen to get a bottle of water and turn to my roommate "ta da better seriously take a chill pill we still have 45 minutes we'll be there in plenty of time calm your tits " she rolls her eyes and grabs the car keys "let's go dickhead I'm not getting yelled at because you can't be bothered getting out of bed, maybe you like to be yelled at by pro Olsen because you wanna rail her and think it's sexy I on the other hand do not" I follow her to the car not saying anything this bitch really outing me I can't help but laugh as we sit in the car and I look over at her and she laughs as well.
it takes us roughly 30 mins to get to campus leaving plenty of time toget to class. As I walk in with my friend I take my seat at the front of the class if you knew how hot she was you'd sit here too "morning professor " I say with a huge smile as she turns to face us "morning girls great to see you here on time I hope your prepared for the test later" I let out a nervous chuckle "uh yeah totally professor Olsen" I mean I did study but got distracted by the thought of professor Olsen will I pass I have no idea as the day goes on we're almost at the end of the day and I get up walking over to her desk "done professor " I say handing my test to the goddess infront of me "thank you miss L/N please take a seat and try not to disturb the rest of the class" I nod and head back to my seat and start annoying my friends sending me into a fit of laughter "miss L/N that's detention stay after class one more sound out of you ill make it the full week"
she says in a series tone and I find myself in a flustered state that shouldn't have been as much of a turn on as it was fuck, I gulp and nod looking at her trying to hide my flustered state I slowly sink down on my seat keeping my eyes on my shoes after 40 minutes the bell goes and we all stand to leave as I'm talking to my friends a chill is sent down my spine "miss L/N where are you going take a seat you can see your friends later once your done here" I look at my friends who laugh and tease as I sit back down and the classroom empties slowly "professor Olsen how long do I have to stay" I almost whisper "until I say otherwise young lady now come over here and take a seat you can help me sort these tests into alphabetical order ' I nod and walk over taking a seat beside her and I start to sort the paperwork fuck this is gonna take forever I let out a huff "oh I'm sorry am I inconveniencing you miss l/n" she states with a dominating tone to her voice
"fuck..." I whisper clearly turned on and she raises her eyebrow at me unsure of her next words "miss l/n did that excite you" she asks sliding her pen into her mouth biting gently with a smirk "uhh I umm" she keeps her eyes burned to me "words y/n words use your big girl words" I gulp and play with my fingers "yes ok yes it did professor Olsen" she giggles and bites her lip "well maybe you can get out of detention a little quicker if you help me " I look at her confused as she sits back in her chair and spreads her legs and my eyes instantly snap to her spread legs "professor Olsen don't play don't start something you can't finish " I smirk licking my lips slowly "oh baby I never start something I can't finish now on your knees let's see if that tounge is good for something other than chatting during my test time" I let out a moan and drop to my knees crawling over to her as she pulls her skirt up over her waist as I run my hands up and down her thighs working to her panties I can see the visible wet patch in her panties I slowly run my finger up and down her slit over her panties earning a sexy moan from the older woman above me
"that feels...that feels good y/n" I bite my lip and pull her panties to the side sliding my fingers through her wet folds savouring the feeling of her wet cunt "don't..fucking tease me y/n" she almost yells and I smirk "I'm sorry professor Olsen" I slide my fingers inside her tight cunt and moan at the way she hugs my fingers so well and the moan she let out let's me know she enjoys it tooI start sliding my fingers in and out at a slow place as I latch my lips around her puffy clit swiping my tounge every few seconds just to hear the whimpers leaving her mouth "just like that baby fuck yes don't...stop" she breaths out as I up my pace of my fingers and moan against her clit as she grips my hair tight "shit that's the spot fuck y/n I'm gonna cum" I thrust my fingers faster until her walls squeeze my fingers signalling she's close to cumming I instantly pull my fingers out and slide my tounge in replacing my fingers as she pushes me further into her I feel her release all over my face and lap up every sweet sweet bit of cum she gives I slide my tounge out and look up at the older woman with her head back and thin layer of sweat over her head and face I smirk "was that good enough professor " I giggle slightly as she looks at me smiling "fuck yes I think...I need to...keep you back more often " I get back into my seat and bite my lip "maybe I'll just purposely get detention everyday"I stayed to help her with the tests and after an hour I bid my goodbye to the older woman excited for the following day of school for the first time in a long time maybe school isn't that bad after all.
 AN: just a quick update to keep the book up to date also my anxiety has me awake so feel free to message with requests and ill do them right away feedback Is appreciated and welcome good or bad let me know if you enjoy them word count is 1.3k for this chapter  (who doesn't love a good ol professor Olsen fic)
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Omg I love your writing so much 😭 can I request more mercy x Fem reader (gender neutral if you're not comfortable with it). Maybe smth fluff like reader is so tired from studying or smth 🥺thank youu
Awwww, thanks! Absolutely! Good luck to anyone in school right now! You're doing fantastic!
Rest Matters Too
Pairing: Angela Ziegler x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Unhealthy sleeping habits, feelings of inadequacy
Word Count: 873
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School is hard. Plain and simple. It's a little different for everyone but everyone finds something difficult during their time in school. Your education induced torment just so happens to be studying. Which is fantastic considering you have a big midterm exam coming up.
You had promised yourself that you were going to actually commit to studying this time. Winging it wasn't an option, not this go around. You wanted to- well that doesn't really matter. No. What matters is studying this god forsaken material and here you are distracting yourself. Again.
Alright, alright, alright. Focus.
You can do this. Just focus.
Focus and read.
God, this is impossible!
You rub a hand down your face. Ugh... Might as well check what time it is.
Umm, why can't you read it? The clock shouldn't be blurry. You check the paper in front of you again, finding the text on it also difficult to read.
You groan in frustration, thunking your head against the desk. The test is two days from now, how on Earth were you going to do on the test if you can barely read your notes?
As that train of thought continues to reek havoc in your brain, the door to you and Angela's shared room opens.
You hear her sigh, "I figured this would happen."
"Hi Angel" you say, attempting to fix your position to make it look like you weren't just beating yourself up over your studies.
"Liebling, do you have any idea what time it is?"
"Uhhhh..." You look at the clock again, your tired eyes finally focusing on the numbers displayed on it.
It was nearing one in the morning.
Mercy's voice takes on a pitying quality as she walks over to your desk, making sure to drop her doctor's bag by the door. She takes another chair and sits beside you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, a concerned look on her beautiful face.
"This has to do with your exams doesn't it?"
You sigh, no point in trying to lie, the proof is all right there for her brilliant medical mind to find. You wouldn't be surprised if she was diagnosing your problem right now. She was just so smart. Why did she have to make everything look so easy?
"Darling?" she asks, pulling your attention back to her.
"I just- I really want to do well, you know" you respond. Technically not a lie.
Mercy raises an eye brow and it's enough. You know she knows that you didn't tell her everything. She's going to keep looking at you like that unless you tell her. Okay. Okay, fine.
Tears well in your eye, whether they be from stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, general frustration, you aren't sure, but that doesn't really matter does it?
"I just-" you pause, attempting to keep your voice even but it's hard, "I just wanted you to be proud of me."
Mercy looks at you stunned.
You continue, "You're a medical genius, a miracle worker. You dress up like a literal angel for goodness sake! I just feel- I wanted to prove to you that I-"
Angela shushes you, wiping the tears from your eyes and then takes one of your cheeks in her hand, the other one squeezing one of your hands.
"Darling, I am proud of you all the time."
"You work so hard. You are working to make the world a better place and trying to get your degree at the same time. That is a near Herculean task, darling. I am inspired by you everyday."
You sniff, "You're just saying that to make me feel better."
Mercy smiles at you, wrinkling her nose in that same way that flutters your heart every time she does it. "I'm a doctor, that's my job. But seriously, I mean it. You are amazing, schatz. You don't have anything to prove. Not to me, not to anyone."
She kisses your forehead and says, "You are brilliant, kind and capable of so much good. I love you so much."
She smiles, knowing everything is going to be alright once she sees you smile.
"Now," she says, "We are going to get you some water so you can rehydrate and then, you are going to get some rest. We can worry about you studying in the morning."
"But," you protest, "I really do need to study for this."
"Not at 1am you don't. I will quiz you tomorrow, after you have had a good night's rest."
"Doctor's orders."
You laugh, "Okay."
To her word, Mercy helped you study and stay healthy the next day, making sure you slept properly, ate well and quizzed you periodically throughout the day. You surprised yourself with how much material you remembered! And anything you didn't quite get right, you were close. Mercy quizzed one more time before you both went to sleep, to help you sleep on the information.
The next day, you went in, took the test and came out feeling very confident in yourself. You may not have aced it, but you were pretty confident that you did just fine.
You and Angela enjoyed a nice lunch date out, the doctor once again, incredibly proud of her girlfriend.
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Liebling = Darling
Schatz = Darling
Request Rules/Character Sheet
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alien-bluez · 2 years
ahaha... satbk stands for sonic and the black knight btw it's a wii game and it has a whole grip on my brain so now i'm combining my two fixations bc i can..!
this will be a long post btw, designs n ideas are all mine and just an FYI.. It is heavily inspired by satbk but i will probably develop it as an au outside of the satbk story.. for my own entertainment idk. also idk much about the knights of the round table / king arthur story so don't expect anything related to them besides the names..? idk
anyways let's start!
Lloyd and Harumi (aka Sonic and Merlina)
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Lloyd is a lost prince that gets summoned to this part of the world by Harumi who is a wizard and gets asked to help stop King Arthur (aka Garmadon) from being evil n wrecking shit ig.
Lloyd is chosen to help but he's not a knight! Harumi helps him find an ancient lost sword (aka Excalibur aka Morro in this au. hear me out. i'll explain it in more detail later.) and gets trained to become a knight with his now very annoying talking magic sword haha.
Also spoiler alert ig- Harumi is the real villain all along...! she manipulates lloyd into taking down Garmadon in order to get Excalibur's scabbard (which is in evil king arthur's possession which makes him evil + immortal) and wants to rule Camelot for herself to preserve the dying kingdom and thinks she'll be a better ruler to where Garmadon failed ig. still working out the motivations here.
Morro (aka Caliburn/Excalibur)
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Morro in this au is Lloyd's talking sword. You don't see his ghost form.. at all..? i just mostly wanted to draw him in ghostly prince form lol. Basically he was the crown prince before Lloyd but then died a tragic death and became cursed to haunt a sword..? Yeah sure. So Lloyd picks him up and Morro talks and yeah they're travel buddies now.
Morro basically helps Lloyd become a better knight, but they still bicker and argue like siblings and it is funny.
Okay I'm gonna put a read more here now bc this is gettin long. The rest of the ninjas designs + stories are under the cut!
Knights of the Round Table
Kai (aka Lancelot)
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Kai is Lancelot/Shadow in this au! He's the most loyal to KA / Garmadon in this au which is really funny lmao. As a knight Kai will follow any order given to him, he's one of the strongest knights in the realm and he's quite hotheaded to boot.
He encounters Lloyd first and they fight bc Lloyd is trying to stop Garmadon. Inexperienced as a fighter and a knight he doesn't exactly beat Kai but gets away after a technicality. Umm I like to think they meet a few more times over the course of Lloyd's journey, and maybe there's a part where Kai gets stuck with Lloyd and they have to work together.
Despite having differences of opinion on what it means to be a knight, Kai sort of sees Lloyd as a worthy rival... and lowkey younger brother!
Cole (aka Gawain)
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Cole is the second knight Lloyd encounters and fights on his journey. After having more experience Lloyd does in fact beat him fair and square! But Cole as a knight takes chivalry and honor very seriously. After losing he feels so much shame but Lloyd snaps him out of it because there's more to being a knight than serving a king!
Zane (aka Percival)
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The third knight of the round table that Lloyd encounters and also one of the toughest opponents Lloyd faces. Zane's fighting style is full of poise and grace and even though he doesn't appear to be as heavy hitting or brute forced as Kai or Cole he is most definitely strong! If not stronger for being able to conceal his power!
Lloyd is an experienced knight at this point, when he has Zane on the ropes part of the cliff they stand on falls off, nearly taking Zane with it. But Lloyd swoops in to save him like a true hero. After questioning Lloyd about why he saved him when he shouldn't have, Lloyd says it's because it's what he does! He saves people!
I wanna develop the knights more outside of the satbk encounters, so hehe. Keep ur eyes peeled for that!
Last but not least the other supportive characters in the story!
Jay (aka the Blacksmith)
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yeah it would've been funny to make Kai the blacksmith but i think Jay works better here!
Jay is the town's local inventor / blacksmith and tthe best kind around! Lloyd goes to his shop to sharpen up Morro Sword and probably visits after every fight he has too lol. Jay doesn't mind at all and likes Lloyd's company! Especially because he will get any chance to show off his newest crazy invention for Lloyd!
Nya (aka Nimue Lady of the Lake)
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Nya takes the place of Nimue who gives Lloyd three tests to become a true knight. I had to put her here because of water.. water symbolism n all that.
She's also very chill and hosts tea parties and invites Lloyd to celebrate after becoming a true knight! She's like an older sister to him too!
And.. yeah that's it i guess lol! I don't have more designs yet to show but I do have ideas and other stuff in mind! if u ever wanna ask about it my ask box is open! i wanna develop more of this funny little au haha
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||The cursed king doll||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here with a little funny drabble for fun. After some asks from anons about a little punishment for a certain king. However, this one is for fun so lets get into it.
||Drabble Summary||
Lets say today was Christmas finally where everyone was enjoying the holidays and taking a break. However, what would happen when Sukuna sent a gift to NYC but it went too far? Seems a certain dragon had enough and asked a special someone to aid her in a little help. The result? Read to find out.
~This is half funny/adorable type of drabble
~crying/freaking out is present in drabble
~scared but adorable Sukuna plush is present in this drabble
((Guests in this drabble))
Taz Hellion, Kinie Ger, and Kisho belong to my amazing friend @demon-blood-youths
Sukuna Ryomen, yuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, megumi fushiguro, and gojo satoru come from the anime jujutsu kaisen but their also muses I rp with.
((Grammar mistakes and errors will be seen and noticed in this but it’s written for fun. I hope you understand but with that, please enjoy <3))
Today was a jolly happy Christmas day, seeing the jujutsu high school being on break while they are spreading cheer and holiday goodness. However, for a few, that was different. Right now, Yuji and KIsho was trying to not laugh while heading to class but their was a angry growling in Yuji's bag while he was walking with him.
Megumi was already in class with Nobara, Taz, Miko, and Yuria wondering where the two boys were.
"Are you sure they are not over sleeping again? I mean, they would be here with you right?" Yuria asked and yet Megumi sighed with a shrug of his shoulders.
"They would be yes but they told me to go ahead and they will see us later when class starts." he looks to the girls but sees Taz tilt her head with Kinie on her head too.
"Maybe their just being lazy again and wasting time. I know my king would not like that." she said simply but grins. "Or maybe chasing them for a good hunt will wake them up."
"Kinie.." Taz sighed.
"Umm..w..well, I'm sure they have a reason...it shouldn't be too bad." she mutters with Gojo wondering where the two were indeed.
"Well, I'm sure they will show. Though, we can wait a bit longer before-" as Gojo said this, the door opens showing Kisho and Yuji had finally arrived.
"Oh! You guys made it!" Taz smiled to her big brother and Kisho though they close the door to walk in but they were trying not to laugh while sitting down.
"Uhhhhh, are you both alright?" Nobara asked but Kisho tries to calm down with snorts and giggles slipping out.
"M..Morning Nobara and everyone else Pfffhh.....*snickers* Were good just having a nice Christmas." he said.
"Uh huh...." Megumi said. "And you too Yuji?" he asked seeing him nod.
"Yep..all good. No worries at all!" he said smiling even if he was lowering his head snickering with Kisho still giggling. The girls blinks now confused while Gojo confused too.
"Itadori is something funny?" He asked.
"No???" the two said snickering more while snorting loudly. Yeah, something was seriously up right now. But now that makes sense, others in school were snickering or giggling about something and the teachers didn't know what was going on. It was rather strange indeed.
For a bit, the two just kept snickering and giggling before Nobara sighing. "Alright that's it. What are you two laughing about!? You been giggling non stop for a while so what is it. What is making you two so giggly?!" Nobara asked before Yuji and Kisho just look at one another before breaking out laughing falling on the ground holding their stomachs.
"Uhhhhhh..." Miko and Yuria was confused.
"Big brother?" Taz said confused and Kinie really confused.
"What the hell?! Why are you two laughing!? What is it!!" Kinie said demanding what is going on.
"Seems like it's pretty funny but were missing the joke here." Gojo said with a pout.
"Not funny Gojo sensei. Guys will you say what is going on?! What is so funny!!" megumi said only for Kisho to show a letter Yuji got to have him read it.
"Huh?" Everyone looks to the letter. Here is what the following letter reads:
'Dear King of Curses, Someone told me that you have been naughty and you like curses so much that you became the King of them. Therefore, here is my gift. You are now someone to toy with and play with. Hope you enjoy the week till the New Year or the upcoming spring....who knows.... Merry Christmas Signed By - Krampus
Megumi was silent reading this as the others were wide eyed then looks at him then at the other two laughing their butts off on the floor. "Hold on....Krampus?" he mutters before something caught Miko's ears.
'Yujiyoudamnidiot! getofftheflooryourfuckingcrushingme!!' said a angry toy like voice that sounded familiar.
"Uhhhhh, guys? Did you hear something?" Miko asked as Taz, Yuria, and Nobara blinks.
"Hear something?" Nobara asked but now the girls were hearing the angry yelling but Yuji hear to sit up but still was laughing catching his breath.
"H..Hold on, hold on.." he said snickering to reach into his bag and sets it on the table but their was movement inside the bag! This made Megumi, Nobara, Taz, Yuria, and Miko tense moving away a bit to see this. What was in the bag????
Gojo blinks to look but that's when something crawls out on all fours showing some sort of doll that looked like Sukuna. "Ughhh...damn brat..." he hissed but he looks seeing he was in a room but noticed the others seeing him.
'Oh damn it..'
"........Uhhhh, is that a doll?" Nobara asked.
"...That is a doll...and it sounds familiar.." Megumi said.
"Yeah...very familiar." Yuria said with Miko agreeing.
"True..." Taz mutters and Kinie looking at it.
Seeing this, Sukuna looks at them but grumbles as he tried to look menacing but couldn't. "What? You haven't seen a stupid doll before?" he said that the other blinks to look.
Both Yuji and Kisho bursts into laughing again falling on the ground with Eito squawking around with tears in it's eyes too to fall rolling on his back too.
"Damn it you three, shut up already! It's not funny!!" he said.
"..W..wait, isn't that...." Miko started but Megumi looks to the letter then to the doll that his eyes were in shock.
"You have got to be kidding me........." he said with his eye twitching.
"Uhhh M..Mr. Sukuna? Is that you?" Taz said worried.
"....Sadly yes Pup...it's me. Damn that stupid Krampus. He'll pay for this insult!" he growls but Kinie was more shocked that she looks to her king.
"My king! What the hell happen to you!?" she said.
"..Don't look at me princess! I look ridiculous in this stupid damn stuff toy!" he said that everyone was shocked but he kept hearing the boys still laughing except for Megumi who looks seeing the girls blink to the doll.
"Honestly I...so it was true? Krampus did this to you?" Yuria said but Miko blinks worried.
"What do you think!?" he shouted.
"Now now, don't shout. That's not nice." Gojo said. "Though, you look adorable as a stuffed doll." he said poking his cheek that Sukuna growls.
"But your adorable though!" he said holding him in his hands.
"LET ME GO YOU FOOL!!" he warns but Nobara takes him.
"You know, he looks so cute like this. Really cute." she said smiling while squeezing him gently.
"Will you stop with the squeezing girl! I demand you stop that or else I'll-" But as he said this, they were not prepared for what happened. A cute like squeak came from Sukuna followed by an adorable tone playing a Christmas song. When it finished playing he said, "
"I Luw you <3"
"o.o" Megumi was silent.
"O.o" Nobara was speechless
"........" was the only thing Yuria said.
"........" Miko was silent covering her mouth.
"........" Finally Taz was quiet to blink.
The group was speechless but Nobara blinks but in a moment...
"Awwwwww!!! That was adorable!" Nobara said squeezing him again hearing the cute squeaks.
"Stop that! Stop-"
"I luw you <3"
"Stop squeezing me you damn-"
"I love huggies and cuddles..."
"Damn it you wench stop-"
"Merry Christmas I love you all.."
Nobara had hearts over her head squeezing and hugging the Sukuna Doll with a smile. "So adorable. This is too cute!!" she giggled that even Miko and Yuria was finding it cute. Even Taz too!
Kinie was in shock but she did admit he was adorable.
"Wow, this is new. I guess Krampus is punishing you for being a naughty boy this year Sukuna-"
"FUCK YOU GOJO!!" he shouted still being squeezed. "PRINCESS HELPPPPPPP!!" This snaps Kinie out of it before she quickly moves to snatch the doll away from the girls to hold the doll in her teeth.
"Enough already! I think you made your point!" Kinie said but Gojo blinks seeing Kinie being cute too. "Besides, you guys need to act like adults here!" she said but as she said this, she looks to her king.
"Are you alright my king?"
"Nooooooo..I feel so humiliated being as this stupid stuff toy." he said.
"Don't worry, we'll find a way to turn you back-"
"You can't. Seems from this letter he's stuck in that doll till new years or till spring....." Megumi said but Sukuna growls angry.
"Damn it!" he said. "Ughhhhh...I hate this." he said.
"Don't worry my king. I'll be here to protect you so don't worry." However, as Sukuna was about to speak, Gojo picks Kinie up who blinks but sees him hold her.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Kinie hisses but Gojo was having hearts over his head too while nuzzling her.
"So adorable! You look so cute too Kinie!"
"Uhhh.."Taz was not expecting that while Kinie was struggling.
"Unhand me right now you idiot teacher! I only belong to my King!" she hissed but he still finds it adorable. Before Sukuna could help her, the girls grab him now squeezing and giggling.
"But your soooo cute!" Nobara said hugging and still squeezing him hearing more squeaks.
"Yeah he's seriously cute!" Yuria said poking his cheek and Miko watching.
"Yep, so cute!" Gojo said happy.
"LET ME GO YOU DAMN TEACHER!!" Kinie hisses but bit his hand to jump down but he chases her with a smile.
"Come back! I want more cuddles!"
Megumi and Taz blinks seeing this going on but he sweatdrops to do a face palm. Still hearing Yuji, Eito, and Kisho laughing even worse.
"...Why? Just fucking why?" Megumi said with Taz sweat dropping too.
This was going to be a while.....While for Sukuna, deep down he was furious.
'I'll kill that damn son of a bitch but I'll punish whoever did this to me. Ohhhh I'll make sure they regret doing this to me...but why do I get the feeling I might know who..' he thought but cute squeaks and hissing was heard in the room but again this might take a while.
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reds-ramblings · 2 years
So just to be completely honest, the more I wrote on this, the more I hated this chapter. This wasn't exactly the chapter I wanted to share but I haven't worked out all the details of how I want to proceed with the legal process and which direction I want to take it. I didn't want to put off posting an update any longer so I wrote this one as a filler.
Hope in Tragedy - Part 22
MC's P.O.V.
Everyone gathered around the table as I placed the pizza boxes down everyone except Jared that is. He's still not exactly a fan of Jake so he decided not to join. Jake walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and trails kisses from my shoulder up my neck. I'm not entirely sure that I've fully processed everything that's happened lately. Knowing that the person you grieved for months is not only alive but has been right there in front of you the whole time is hard to comprehend. There are so many different emotions coursing through me relief, anger, and sadness. It hurts to know the people I'm closest to could lie to me about something like this. It helps to know that it really was for the best but I still feel betrayed. Even though the truth is out and my charges have been dropped this whole ordeal is far from over. I'm worried about Jake, I'm worried about my brother. I know I should be happy that Jake is alive but with all the uncertainties I just can't be happy about anything.
"Hey, you two get a room!" Lily teases.
"Umm, this is my house so wouldn't it be you that needs to get a room?" I say sticking my tongue out at her.
"You know," Chase slides his chair over next to Lily and puts his arm around her. "You could come to my over to my place if you'd like I have plenty of rooms there."
"Seriously, Chase?" I scold him.
"Dude, we've talked about this," Jake says.
"Yeah and like I said before if my sister isn't off-limits for you then yours shouldn't be off-limits for me."
"Ok, that's enough. You," I look at Chase "stop flirting with my friends!" I turn to Jake to see him making a face at Chase. "And you, stop picking fights with my brother!"
"Fine, but he started it." He pouts.
We all sit down to eat lunch and I can't help but notice the looks Lily and Chase are giving each other and the death glare Jake is giving both of them. "So what are our plans for the day?" I ask to try to break up the awkward silence.
"I need to go see my lawyer and possibly the DA maybe see what he's offering," Chase says.
"We really need to get you a lawyer," Hannah says to Jake.
"I know a couple of really good lawyers. I can get you their numbers." I say as I reach out and grab Jake's hand lacing my fingers between his. He raises my hand to his lips and gently kisses the back of it. I lean over and put my head on his shoulder. "We're going to get you out of this. I can't lose you again, not after everything that's happened."
"I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen." He reassures me.
"What about Ashley? Since your charges were dropped do you think she'll represent him?" Chase asks.
"It's worth a shot. I can call her and ask if you want me to?" I ask Jake and he nods. I give him a peck on the lips and walk out of the room to call my lawyer.
"Law office of Hines, Chaplain, and Maverick how may I direct your call?" The secretary answers.
"Yes, can I speak to Ashley Hines please?"
"Can I get your name?"
"Just a moment let me make sure she's available." She pauses. "I'll go ahead and transfer you now."
"MC, what have you gotten yourself into now?" She says answering the phone.
"Actually, I was wondering if you would be willing to take Ja— Tristan on as a client?" I hear someone come in behind me and can't help but smile when I feel arms wrapping around me pulling me close.
"I don't see an issue with that. I have an opening this afternoon for a consultation. Does 2 o'clock work for him?"
"That would be great."
I hang up the phone, lean back on Jake, and let out a sigh. "You meet with her at 2 o'clock."
"I apologize for being so clingy. I'm just finding it harder and harder to keep my hands to myself. Especially now that you know the truth. Do I make you uncomfortable?" Jake asks.
I turn so that I am facing him and drape my arms over his shoulders. "Not at all I feel the same way. I'm afraid if I let you out of my sight for too long you'll disappear. You're not allowed to leave me again." I pull him in for a kiss.
"We should kick everyone else out so we can have some alone time." He suggests.
"We could send Lily home with Chase but what would we do with Hannah?" I asked letting out a small laugh.
"Never mind, they're both staying here!"
"Hey, what do you have against my brother?"
"I don't have anything against your brother. I just don't want him dating my sister."
"But you're dating his sister or is that not what we're doing?" I ask amused.
"That's different! I knew you before I knew him."
"It's really not that different. They're both consenting adults so I don't think either of us has a say in what they do."
"I don't want to think about it." He says and starts to turn away.
"Hey," I say causing him to look back at me. "I love you and even though I was too mad to say it before I am so glad you're alive and I am glad you ended up here with me."
"What were those first three words again?" He smirks.
"I love you."
"Hmm I still didn't get that can you say it one more time?"
"Seriously?" I say swatting at his chest.
"I can't help it. I love hearing you say it but I will let you in on a secret." He leans in close to my ear and whispers, "I love you more."
I roll my eyes and push him back into the kitchen. I sit down and grab a piece of pizza and notice everyone staring. "What?" I ask.
"You two really should get a room," Chase says.
"Again this is my house. You're all more than welcome to leave if you want."
"Speaking of it's time for me to meet with my lawyer. I will see you later."
After more pizza and some small talk with Hannah and Lily, I notice it's time for Jake to meet with the lawyer. "Alright, you guys know the drill. Stay, and make your selves at home. You know where all of the guest rooms are." They both nod.
We get to the law office and the secretary greets us she smiles and mentions it will be a few moments. Finally, Mrs. Hines steps out and motions us back to her office. As I'm about to walk in she stops me.
"This is something Mr. Duval and I need to discuss  alone."
I start to protest but Jake does it first. "I would like her to be there with me." He says.
"Very well." She says stepping to the side to let me in. "What I have to say you're probably not going to like and I don't want you talking my client out of what is best for him."
"You can say anything you're going to tell me in front of her. There are no secrets between us anymore." He says giving me a warm smile.
"I need you to give a statement saying everything was Chase's idea and you were just going along with it."
"Absolutely not!" I yell at her.
"MC, I know he's your brother but we both know his lawyer is advising him the same thing. It's the best shot we have. This will get you separate trials and it will give the jury doubts and just might make them rule in our favor."
"I'm not doing it. Even if he wasn't her brother I wouldn't do that. I'm not going to tell lies and purger myself just to get off." He tells her.
"Alright then, let me talk to the DA and see if we can make a deal. Just think about it though." She says before ushering us out.
The drive back to my house was fairly quiet as we both contemplated what she said. Would Chase try to blame everything on Jake just to get out of jail time? I want to say he wouldn't but I'm not entirely sure. As we pull in I can see Chase's car and I know I have to confront him about this. I find him and pull him aside.
"Chase, please tell me you're not going to blame everything on Jake."
"MC, that really is the best option for both of us." He says and I almost lose it.
"How fucking could you?! I swear if you do this I'll never speak to you again."
"Calm down, MC. I'm not going to do it I'm just saying that I can see why they would suggest it."
"You are the two most important people in my life and I don't want to lose either of you," I say trying to hold back tears. Chase pulls me into a tight hug.
"You're not going to lose either of us. Now," he says pulling away. "If you will excuse me I have a date."
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osc-confessions · 2 years
This is gonna be a real hot take but I think gore in the osc is fine as long as there's warnings and it's not just trying to be edgy (i.e Object Terror. In fact now that I think about it, I think the reason why I think the gore in Object Terror is so bad is not because it's just gore, but because it was out of absolutely no where and it took itself too seriously, plus it was unnecessary. And there was really no warning besides a small TV rating in the corner)
But umm, if someone wants to make a more mature object show go ahead, as long as you have warnings (I know warnings don't stop children from not watching something, obviously, but they would at least know what they're getting themselves into) and it's not too explicit. (Also I think maybe something with gore shouldn't be posted on YouTube, maybe something like Instagram or Tumblr, so not as many children are exposed and the owner can block children) But mainly what I'm getting at is that object shows shouldn't have to be only child friendly? I know there's many children in the osc, but if the owner is clearly stating multiple times that their media is not for children, then they're not at fault if children are exposed to it. (Plus, there should be warnings before every post)
Btw I know I didn't mention it, but I think mature themes in general go under this too
So tldr- mature themes in object shows are fine as long as there are clear warnings and doesn't take itself too seriously (cause they're still colorful objects 💀)
Anyways sorry for my dog shit opinion lmao (I was debating going anon, but I have no dignity left to lose)
I watched object terror at a younger age. I mainly remembered the gore and also that it sucked. I definitely think there should have been a warning (the show still sucks anyway but that's irrelevant). I see where you're coming from.
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Umm it's up to you though but i believe you shouldn't... One it will maybe take time to you know update it and incase you forget to update you know, second that will make me anxious laura 😵😵😵 ughhh I'll seriously keep on checking it lol😂
But u know i love it when you surprise us by posting drabbles or chp anytime without informing you know and truly speaking when i get notification that "jungk0oksthigs posted a post......." I can't tell you how i react, i- i literally screech gurllll😩😩😩
this is so sweet! it blows my mind that ppl have notifs on for little old me haha, thank you from the bottom of my heart :) i think i’ll not bother then because i do like surprising you all! and tbf u right i would 100% forgot to actually edit it LMAO
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Jade Harley, Rose Lalonde, Doc Scratch
Act 5, page 3638
GG: rose please say something
GG: you are making me nervous...
TT: I should have gone looking for her.
TT: Why didn't I?
GG: umm
GG: because you were busy trying to make the best of this situation?
TT: John was too. But he went to look for his father.
TT: It would have been normal of me. I can't remember what I was trying to prove anymore.
GG: i dont think you should be so hard on yourself about it
GG: john was being john, and you were being you, which i guess meant taking our problems very seriously and putting all your attention on solving them!
GG: and anyway, you and your mom had a much trickier relationship than john and his dad didnt you?
GG: i mean, not that i am saying that means you were any less attached to her than him...
GG: argh, i dont know if im very good at consoling people. sorry rose i dont want to make you feel worse :(
TT: You're doing fine.
TT: For someone raised by a dog.
TT: Or really,
TT: Anyone.
TT: Thanks.
GG: whew, ok
GG: you know...
GG: now we have all lost guardians
GG: dave lost his, and i lost mine in a weird way... uuum even though that was pretty much definitely my fault :\
GG: and even the trolls all lost their monster guardians
GG: i think that maybe it is an inevitable part of a game that can be cruel sometimes
TT: For some reason, despite all the danger, I never thought she was in any trouble.
TT: I never believed she would actually die.
TT: I grew up with the feeling that something more significant had always been meant for her.
TT: That she was a heroine displaced in some way, resigned to the inglorious duty of raising me, and preparing me in her way.
TT: I didn't actually need the ectobiological verification that she was like a mother and a sister at the same time. I always understood that somehow.
TT: And I felt she had knowledge and ability beyond what she let on. It was always intimidating, but nonetheless a source of respect which was childishly begrudging on my part.
TT: I think she was just waiting for me to catch up with her.
TT: But now I can't.
GG: ......
GG: i am so sad
GG: rose i think you are being stronger about it than i am
TT: Probably because my emotions have now ceded to anger.
TT: This shouldn't have happened.
GG: oh
GG: well
GG: i just hope you arent thinking of doing something rash
TT: I already was.
TT: I was going to go to sleep, fly to a sun bigger than our universe, drop a bomb in it, and kill myself.
GG: yeaaah...
TT: So if my course of action is to change on account of my mood, it can only become less impetuous, don't you think?
GG: errrr, i dont know?
TT: You never liked my plan very much anyway.
GG: wellllll
GG: no!
GG: but i was trusting that you had thought it through and it was our best hope
TT: I'm not sure if I did.
TT: Maybe it was a terrible plan.
TT: I made it without a full understanding of the nature of the Scratch.
GG: hm
GG: then what will you do?
TT: I could stop being so cowardly, for once.
TT: I could short circuit this endlessly expanding game of chess we're playing, just like Jack decided to do.
GG: what does that mean!
TT: Maybe I will go kill Jack myself.
TT: Right now.
GG: oh no no no no no!
GG: rose that is a much much worse plan!!!!!
GG: he would probably kill you!
TT: Probably.
TT: But the Scratch will wipe us out anyway, and reboot the conditions of our session.
TT: I suddenly don't feel much like sneaking through the back door of the Furthest Ring for retribution by distant super nova.
GG: i know what you mean, i was angry at jack and wanted to stop him too, but we have to think of a more sensible way to do it
TT: Whether my existing plan was sensible or not,
TT: I may have been allowing myself to be manipulated by an omniscient being regardless.
GG: what? who?
Hello ladies.
GG: aaaaaaa whaaaaat?????
TT: This is a private conversation.
TT: Private even to those who know it word for word already.
I will be here.
GG: rose who is this!
TT: Ignore him.
GG: i dont even know whats going on anymore
You were discussing Ms. Lalonde's intrepid new variation on suicide.
As one with a passion for the subject, I'm intrigued.
TT: Shh.
TT: Anyway, if it's true the gods have "selected" me for service, maybe the power they've given me will be sufficient.
TT: Maybe they wanted me to kill him all along.
Hee hee.
GG: please dont rose, i know you are angry but you arent thinking straight
TT: But I am.
TT: I'm fully aware I'll probably die and fail. Scratch happens, we start fresh. No recollection, no problem.
GG: nooo :(
Jade, as an ambassador of Skaia, maybe you'd be willing to talk some sense into your friend?
You should understand she's been corrupted by various entities with some rather questionable motives.
GG: rose, maybe white text guy is right?
GG: the dark gods gave you all these powers, and seem to be helping us with dream bubbles and stuff...
GG: but what if they are not actually good?
TT: They are enormous, ugly, and live in darkness.
TT: That doesn't necessarily make them bad.
GG: no...
GG: but i still dont trust them!
If only there were a way to make this determination with certainty.
Through a reliable source within reach, for instance, at this exact moment. Perhaps one that is spherical, and devastatingly handsome.
GG: whats this weirdo talking about!
TT: The cue ball.
GG: oh yeah
GG: i noticed you found it!
GG: i was worried it had been destroyed when my room blew up
GG: is he saying you can use it?
TT: Yes. And he is right.
GG: omg
GG: does it work???
TT: It advised me to talk to you just now.
TT: So I guess so.
GG: then maybe you should try it!
Yes, Rose. Listen to Jade.
She is far less manipulative than I.
TT: What are you suggesting I ask it?
GG: well
GG: since we dont know much about the gods...
GG: why dont you ask it about them?
TT: So, you're saying I should ask it if the gods are evil?
GG: i guess that is a way to put it
Even though at this point neither of you is highlighting my text to read it, this idea gets my vote.
Go ahead.
Ask, Seer.
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I hate my NP.
If I had the spoons, I'd find someone else.
I saw her for the first time since July after she magically couldn't get me in for a month despite me needing my meds changed immediately and then rescheduled me *again*. It turns out the email with the telehealth link isn't automated and she sent it to me not a few days before like she usually does, but TWO MINUTES AFTER THE APPOINTMENT WAS SUPPOSED TO START.
She had a med student shadowing her, too. Good fucking luck to her, I don't know how the fuck she's even practicing at this point. I should've said I didn't want her to sit in, but I've always been a fucking doormat and that's all I ever will be.
She had no real sympathy when I told her about my broken foot. I feel bad because I, an autistic person, of *all* people should understand not adhering to social cues, but Jesus Christ— a little sympathy from anyone in my life would be fucking amazing!!! Like, a little more than "sorry to hear that" from her would've been really nice.
She even forgot it multiple times. She also forgot another thing I've been asking of her for MONTHS that I had to once again remind her about.
"So is there a pharmacy near campus you want me to send your refills to?"
"Umm... like I said earlier, I'm not at school. I'm at home and will be indefinitely. I can't really walk on my own right now, let alone live alone in my dorm. Just send it to my usual one."
Anyway, I'm starting new meds. Again. I'm trying an NSRI for the first time because she thinks the serotonin part of SSRIs is what gives me nausea issues with new pills (I've been going to her for over half a decade. Did it seriously take that long to think "hmm, maybe SSRIs aren't the answer?"?!?!?)
She made a cheeky comment about "Hopefully next time will be our last meeting for a while because these pills will work and I won't need to come back so often :)".
Ma'am. I think about not being alive multiple times a day every goddamn day. We've discussed this thoroughly, in fact.
To reiterate: as an autistic person who misses social cues like it's my job, I shouldn't be the one to pass judgment. But *god fucking dammit*, you're the PROFESSIONAL here!!! Do your fucking job!!!!! Give a single solitary shit about my life and my existence!!!!!!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!
Hell, I could probably do her job better because at least I can fucking mask!
I didn't even bother asking her about a PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder) evaluation.
I'm so fucking tired. My mental health has taken an absolute nosedive since I broke my foot and I'm stuck either in bed or on the couch all day every day, and I didn't think it could even *get* any worse than what it was pre-break.
Not even my own fucking doctor cares enough to give a shit about me. My family doesn't really, either.
I'm so tired. I don't want to keep doing this anymore. Fuck.
How the fuck is she a functioning human being? How can she be considered an employable adult when I'M NOT?!? How the fuck has she kept this job?!?!? Why the fuck do abled (to my knowledge) people get to be so fucking incompetent, but if I managed to secure a job and asked for accommodations, I'M THE ONE OUT OF THE TWO OF US GETTING FIRED????
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missingartist · 2 years
Moon Maiden Part Five
Thank for all the likes! I hope everyone have had chance to watch the latest episode. Oscar Issacs is amazing! 
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You were not a morning person; circumstances made early morning necessary for your job. So when you awoke and found the clock reading 7.16, your first thought was to throw the pillow over your head and go back to sleep. But the searing pain across your side pushed a low hiss out of your teeth.
Scrambling to a sitting position, you peeled up your shirt, revealing a severe bruise and several scratches. 'What the hell?' Running your hand through your hair, you blink several horrific images away from the night before. That creature and that man. What had you drunk? Never in your adult life had you drunk so much that you would dream up Halloween creatures and wake up with weird bruises. Maybe someone drugged her? You never left her to drink unintended; you were properly overtired.
Reaching for your phone, you found what remained gathered onto your makeshift night table. At least you remember to pick it up. God, what the hell? You were never drinking again. Padding your way across your tiny bedroom, you made your way into the living room; for the most part, it seemed unaffected by the late-night escapades. You had even nearly folded her clothes and since you didn't even do that when you were sober was impressive. Searching around for the remnants of last night, you found her wallet and her keys, so at least you didn't have to cancel her card. Just replace your phone. Not great, but it could have been worse. And worse was the word.
Under your coat, you saw that forgotten gold bug, the sides extended and covered in a sticky red mess. Plucking it up, a sudden realisation hit you, it was blood, and it wasn't a little paperweight. It was a weapon; razor-sharp edged looked like wings stuck out from the side, glistening menacingly in the morning sun, which is when you saw the silver gun poking out from beneath the grey robe that the man wore, the man who saved you. The robe is covered in blood from whatever attacked you the night before.
Tilting your head, you could just make out the dull sounds of a conversation. 'We have to do this…..I know……..I have told you all you need to know….. if we don't take her, they will find her and do far worse than anything we could do.' Bile rose in your throat as you shook, dropping the item in your hand.
'You're awake. Morning Moonbeam.'
'I made scrambled eggs; it's the limit of my culinary expertise. Steven is the chef out of us, and unfortunately, he has gone silent. Think he is sulking on us.' The accent sounded American. Maybe, you were pretty sure you were still drunk. That was it.
'You shouldn't touch that, sweetheart. You will hurt yourself.' The man cooed, placing the plate on the side and picking up the bloody object, and with a slight movement, retracted the golden wings that sliced through the air with a sinister hum. 'Eat while it's hot; I'll clean the kitchen.'
'Whose Steve?' Why did you ask that? The less you know, the better
'You met him. The sweaty, nervous guy. Apologies way too much.'
'Th…that was you.' Are you seriously questioning the crazy guy right now? Are you trying to become a statistic?
'Not me. Just the other one. He is Steve, and I'm Marc. Don't worry about him; you'll meet him again soon enough after I have a little discussion with him about not donning his Mr Knight suit when you got to attack. Now eat.'
Oh god, why did you not pay out to have a landline? You had a man, possibly psychotic, standing in her kitchen who seemed to have his superhero costume. At least you hoped it was a superhero costume.
'Umm, thanks, but I better….' What do you say to a possible insane man standing in your flat? 'Can you please leave I…I' Can you please leave? Are you sure you want to live because that is the stupidest thing to say right now?
The man gave a tiny little smile; it wasn't malicious but tense, the sort of smile she imagines she would give someone when you were about to lose patience with them.
Oh, please, god help. No one ever told me how to deal with how to get a man out of your flat after he kills some sort of human dog that is chasing you.
'Eat your breakfast.'
'Please leave. I won't tell anyone or say anything. I have no idea what is happening, but you're scaring me; please take your weird shit and go.'
'I am not going anywhere, moonbeam.'
Now grabbing the gun was not the wisest decision you had ever made. It was the stupidest thing you had done. But fear and the fury of his cocky smile as he looked at you made you.
'You think you can use that big old thing moonbeam? Why don't you put it down before your get hurt?'
HE. DID. NOT. JUST. SAY. THAT. For that alone, you wanted to shoot him.
'Actually, I do.' You gritted out, shuffled your feet back, squared your shoulders, and angled your hip. Well, technically, you knew how told hold a shotgun, and you weren't relatively sure the safety was not on.
'I am impressed. I knew there was a reason you're where my moon maiden, and I know our first meeting could have been a little gentler. But stop being silly. NOW.' He didn't shout, but his tone lost its languid easiness and was replaced with a harsh authorial tone as he took a step forward.
'You take another step forward, and I will shoot.' You snapped, refusing to take a step back. You desperately wanted to. You didn't like how close he was now. Damn your tiny flat.
The next thing happened in a blur. He moved, and you barely squeezed the trigger when a shot ripped through your eardrums. You thought you had shot him for a second, but your brain managed to catch up in the brief moment that you found yourself against a rigid body. Steven or was it Marc, stood staring furiously down at you, a small black hole embedded in the door frame opposite. You expected to hear a loud outcry from the neighbours, but nothing, just more silences; you would have thought a gunshot would cause some commotion but nothing.
'You really shouldn't have done that.' Marc gritted out.
The dark-haired was looming over you, hand tightly gripping your wrist, the gun now lying on the floor.
You didn’t listen. You swung your free hand round as hard as possible to catch him in the mouth, but he was still too fast. He caught the pathetic jab quickly, twisting you violently against him; now, he was close enough to feel his hot breath against your neck. He was far too tall, and his grip had him standing on tiptoe in a painful position.
‘Stop your hurting me.’ You choked out in painfully pants.
A sense of relief filled you as he dropped your arms; painful red and purple bruises were now developing on your wrist and arms. Hissing as you rubbed them, your eyes flickered to him. His eyes flickered and rolled back into his head.
‘What….fuck you Marc …I knew I should never have let you share this body’ He gulped. ‘Did I do that?’ his soft brown eyes lingered on the rapidly growing marks. ‘Shit, I am so sorry. Marc is heavy-handed…If I left him alone, I thought if left him alone, he would leave…’ the man’s eyes locked on the gun at his feet.
‘I am so sorry…. I am so…’ a suppressed sob cut him off as he took a step back and sunk to his floor on his knees, tears welling up in his brown eyes. ‘You should…. should go.’ He swallowed a half sob. ‘I won’t…I won’t stop you. I’ll stop him.’
You felt sorry for him. The man in front of you wasn’t the one who offered you eggs. Yes, he looked the same but entirely different at the same time. This morning, the made in her kitchen seemed carefree and young, while now Steven looked haggard and tormented.
You opened your mouth to say something, but instead, nothing came out, and you watched him shake. Sighing, you edge around him, picking the gun up as you went. You felt sorry for him, but you weren’t stupid. There was an emergency phone in the lobby. All you needed to do was walk out and call the police. Still, you were lingering in the doorway. The man was still on your floor; he was silent now but trembled violently like he was absorbing all his sobs; you didn’t want to, but he needed help; the police was the best place for him. Them
‘You are the best place for them. You are their safety. You will not abandon them.’ The voice spoke out into the room, causing Steven to look up; his face was blotchy, and his red eyes red ringed.
‘He is broken. They are broken. Restore them, maiden.’
You turned away. Shaking your head, whatever weird thing was going on was just the result of a mistake or at the very least some sort of psychosis every way; it had nothing to do with you.
‘It has everything to do with you. Marc, get out here now!’
You wanted to turn and run, but you could not move. You were paralysed to the spot, tears welling up in your eyes as you watched Steve’s eye flickered and rolled till the softness ebbed away, and he was back. These hard eyes were soft as he stood looking at her.
‘It’s okay, moonbeam, shhhhhh’, Marc cooed, brushing a stray tear away with the pad of his thumb. ‘It will be okay; he will be okay.’ The dark eyes soothed, taking your head in his hands. ‘You don’t have to come with me; you are free to do whatever you want, to go wherever you desire but know that I will always be there in the shadows. But I strongly recommend you come  with me now; I can explain things and show you what is happening without anyone getting caught in the crossfire.’
His eye flickered past you, resting for a moment on the items behind you—the pictures of your family. A sudden fear swelled within you; you didn't know if he was threatening you or merely highlighting that they might be a target to whatever or whoever it was doing this to you.
‘Can’t let anything happen to our little Moon Maiden.’ The man punctuated his last words while brushing your lower lip with his thumb.
@naiomiwinchester​ @horny4knives @love-on-the-murder-scene
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ssamie · 3 years
off limits.
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·˚ ༘⌗ someone had caught langa's attention, and reki being the supportive friend that he is, decided to help langa score a date with them, all without knowing they were joe's precious little sibling.
·˚ ༘⌗ hasegawa langa x gn!reader
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: langa's shitty flirting, fluff, im using ASH as ur name in S lol sorry if u hate it, long-ish ig
gen masterlist.       sk8 masterlist.
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"yeah! go ASH!" "damn! they're so cool!"  "ASH! come take a picture with us!"
you simply grinned and waved to the crowd as they repeatedly chanted your name and cheered you on. you had just won a beef against your very own brother kojiro, or better known as JOE, and everyone was going crazy.
"well then, i win so you know what to do, right JOE?" you smirked tauntingly as your brother sighed in exasperation "yeah, yeah" he rolled his eyes "im doing laundry for this month as we previously agreed upon" he said
you snickered and waved him goodbye before rushing off to MIYA. you and him were fairly close friends since you were both candidates for japan's national team and often meet up outside of 'S'
"woah.." langa said with a gasp as his eyes followed your form. reki raised a brow in confusion as he followed langa's line of sight.
"langa? whats wrong?" reki asked. "ASH.." langa responded. his eyes were glimmering with amazement and adoration as a bright and sparkly aura surrounded him.
"oh, them?" reki hummed "they're really cool, huh? their tricks were really amazing" he said
langa simply sent you one last glance before reluctantly averting his attention towards reki. "reki! i think.. i think i like ASH" langa admitted with a blush
"eh?! like, like like them? or-" langa cut him off with a frantic nod, making reki scream out in surprise
"eh?! that's awesome! go talk to them then!" reki exclaimed as he tried to push langa towards your direction. "no! i can't!" langa panicked as he tried to plant himself in his spot
"yeah you can!" reki laughed "just go for it!" langa shook his head in distress and tried to run away, although reki caught him by his collar just in time.
"but i don't know what to say! they might find me weird!" langa exclaimed. reki hummed before nodding in agreement. "yeah, you're right. then you'll never get a chance if that happens"
langa paled as a look of dread and fear had dawned upon his features. reki immediately took notice and frantically patted his back to calm him down. "no, no! it's fine! you just gotta practice what to say first so you don't mess it up when you finally talk to them!" reki said
langa nodded with determination. "you're right, reki" he said. "so you'll help me right?" he sent reki an expectant look, making the latter gulp.
"ofcourse!" reki exclaimed "with my help, you'll score a date with them in no time!"
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"um-hey, uh how's it-"
"no!! wrong wrong wrong!!" reki exclaimed as he shook his head in disappointment "we've gone over this! we've practiced for a week straight!" he sighed out in exasperation
they were currently at a convenience store parking lot, practicing langa's lines and flirting skills for when he finally musters up the courage to approach you.
"just be cool! be natural! you're too stiff" reki said as he lightly punched langa in the chest. "it's too hard" langa sighed dejectedly "i can't do it"
reki frowned and slapped langa's back, making him yelp. "you can do this! miya said they're really nice so you don't have anything to worry about" reki said in reassurance
"yeah, i guess" langa said with a pout "but im just-"
he yelped as he suddenly collided with another person, his foot had been caught up in his board, causing him to slip and for the other to stumble.
"ah, im so sorry!" you said as you frantically grasped his wrist just before he could fall to the ground. thankfully, you were able to balance yourself and catch him in the process.
"wait-" reki's eyes widened "you're.. ASH?!" you then grinned and set him a wave "hey! you're reki right? miya mentioned you a few times now" you said
"but you probably shouldn't address me as that when we're outside. it's against the rules you know?" you mused with a kind smile "just call me y/n"
"i-i uhm.. you-" langa stammered out. "hm?" you hummed in confusion as you turned around to face a red-faced langa, who seems to be in the brink of combustion at the moment. you followed his eyes down to your hand, which was still holding his wrist, and immediately let go. "oh, sorry dude! you're the rookie right?" you cooed out with a grin
"nice to meet you. i've seen you skate before, you're really good" you complimented him with a suave smirk
"..." langa didn't respond and simply looked at you with sparkling eyes and a blank expression, making reki face-palm in the background
"uh, you alright, langa?" you asked with a chuckle "you look real red right now" you grinned and jokingly elbowed him "it's not cause you like me or anything right?" you teased
"NO!" langa exclaimed. both you and reki blinked in shock while langa simply shook his head with a shaky smile "i mean-no i do! but not like that! but i don't don't like you-"
he suddenly cleared his throat upon receiving a silent signal from reki, making you smile in amusement. "so uh- what's an eye candy like you doin in a place like this?" he asked in a 'flirtatious' tone, though it only came out awkwardly and forced due to his aloof and blunt nature.
you chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly "not much. just shopping" you replied as you showed them the grocery bags filled with ingredients for kojiro's restaurant. "why? wanna take me elsewhere?" you teased
you laughed and lightly nudged him with your hip. " 'm just messing with you! you're too serious, loosen up will you?" you chuckled. "r-right!" langa laughed nervously as he silently marveled at you and your angelic laughter. "seriously," you grinned "you don't have to be so nervous. i don't bite you know?"
"well, unless you want me to" you grinned cheekily as a his face exploded into a bright shade of red. "oh.. is that so.." he stammered out
langa had once again fallen into silence as he settled for ogling at your side profile with his eyes sparkling with adoration. reki sweat dropped and nervously chimed in as to not make things awkward.
"so, y/n-san" reki said with a nervous smile "you're a really cool skater! and you also remind me of someone i know" he said
"oh well then you're probably talking about my brother. i heard you often hang with him in and outside of S" you said
"your brother?" reki and langa mumbled out in confusion. you nodded "yeah it's-" you were cut off by the ringing of your phone, making you shoot the two boys an apologetic smile and a wave goodbye.
"sorry guys, i gotta go. but maybe next time we can hang!" you said as you start to skate away. but just before you could get too far, you stop in your tracks and shoot langa a wink.
"catch you later, snow~" you cooed before finally disappearing from their sight, leaving behind a flustered langa and a surprised reki.
langa blinked one last time before dramatically falling down onto the floor like a melted puddle, his face bright red and a hazy smile grazing his lips.
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"geez, you really need to keep your shit together." reki sighed "y/n was clearly flirting with you and you didn't even make a move." he said
langa frowned and nodded, "yeah, i guess i was just nervous. and it's a little awkward too.." he said. reki deadpanned and slapped him by his nape "dumbass! it's only awkward cus you make it like that!" he exclaimed
langa winced and shuffled away from reki "ouch! yeah, yeah, i'll do better next time.." he muttered with a pout.
they stopped as they arrived at kojiro's restaurant, they were there to meet up with the others for a friendly hangout. "hey guys!!" reki greeted them with a grin
"oh, the slime is here." miya said as he continued to play on his phone, not even looking up once. "oi! im no slime!" reki whined as he tackled miya in a hug, much to the latter's annoyance.
"hm? what's wrong, langa?" kaoru asked with a hum as he took notice of langa, who seemed more out of it that usual.
"oh, langa's thinking of ways on how to flirt with this person he likes!" reki exclaimed with a cheeky grin as he teased his friend. "a crush?" kaoru mused
"you're too young for that" joe said with a laugh "but if you need help, then im definitely the right person to go to" he followed up with a smirk
kaoru simply bonked him in the head with his fan and sighed. "you are definitely the worst person to come to." he said
joe gritted his teeth and glared at his pink haired friend, before huffing and facing langa once more. "so, who exactly is this crush of yours?" he cooed
langa blushed and sheepishly turned his head away, "its no one.." he muttered.
"it's ASH." miya chimed in with a smug grin "aka y/n. those two slimes have been asking me about them for the past week. it's honestly sad." he snickered.
kaoru and kojiro's face paled while langa simply turned into a blushing mess.
"wait-" kaoru gulped "y/n.. y/n as in kojiro's-"
"nii-san!" your voice emitted from the kitchen "i finished putting the groceries in the back room" you said
you walked into the room, untying the apron around your waist as you make your way towards your brother.
only then did you notice all their eyes trained on you, especially langa, who looked like his eyes were about to pop off with how much he'd widened them.
"umm.." you mumbled out sheepishly "is everything alright?" you asked
kojiro slowly walked up to langa with a dark look in his eyes, much to langa's horror. "oi, rookie." kojiro called out, his tone laced with malice
langa yelped and immediately shielded himself behind reki "i can explain.." langa muttered with a nervous smile
"explain what?" kojiro scowled. his muscular arms pulled you towards him, much to your confusion, and held you protectively against his chest.
"that you're flirting around with my baby sibling!!?!" kojiro exclaimed
"NO!" langa denied "well uh- kind of.. but i only did it once and-reki! help me!" he gave reki a look of helplessness.
reki gulped as kojiro's glare had averted towards him. "ah, joe! it's just that-langa here thought y/n-san was very alluring, right?" he mused, to which langa nodded along.
"so uh-we asked miya some things about her.. but miya never told us they was your sibling!!" he exclaimed
miya simply gave them a cat-like grin, smiling and giggling to himself as he innocently looks around the place.
"that doesn't excuse your actions, you punks!" kojiro bonked them both in the head
"let me get this straight.. y/n is off limits. got that?" he glared at langa "no flirting, no dating, no boyfriends."
you scowled and wiggled yourself free from his hold. "what the hell are you talking about?" you crossed your arms over your chest as you look at your brother expectantly.
"wha- y/n you're too young!" kojiro shrieked "im not a kid, you know?" you sweat drop
"you're younger than me, which means you're a kid. so no boyfriends." kojiro huffed "kaoru help me out here!!" he said
kaoru simply sipped on his drink and sighed. "i personally don't have any problems if y/n chooses to date." he says in a calm tone
but it soon changed into a look of malice as he looms over langa's shoulder. "but if you hurt them, i will surely be teaching you a lesson." he muttered in a low tone "alright?"
langa yelped and nodded. "right!" he exclaimed
you sighed and bonked both kaoru and kojiro in the head, pushing them away despite their protests, and approached langa.
"don't mind them." you said "they're just overprotective. most of it were empty threats anyways!" you laughed
langa gulped as he looked at the two over your shoulder with dread. "im pretty sure those threats weren't empty..." he muttered
you laughed and took his hand, flipping it over to reveal his wrist. you then took a pen from your pocket and wrote your number down onto his skin.
"i gotta go, but when you have time, give me a call okay?" you cooed with a smirk
langa watched with sparkling eyes as you gave him a flirty wink before taking your board and walking out of the restaurant.
"bye~" you cooed with a wave before skating away
"i- what?! did my baby sibling just give some guy their number?!" kojiro shrieked in horror
"you act like you don't do the same thing in a daily basis" reki sweat dropped
reki then turned to langa, who was still staring at the digits on his wrist with a blushing face. "so, are you gonna call them?" reki mused
"like hell you will!!" kojiro scowled
"i will!" langa exclaimed with a determined look
"oi! didn't you hear me?!" kojiro snarled "don't call them! they're off limits! oi, listen to me!!" he groaned in aggravation
"joe, im gonna ask them to be my s/o!" langa said with a straight face as he stared at joe with a hopeful glint in his eyes
"im doing it anyway!"
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samadiw · 3 years
Knickers - Part 02 - Red Knickers ❤
Hermione stares at the ceiling and smiles.
She feels rather hot and flustered
Being Head Girl meant she had her own room and tonight she was grateful for just that.
Slipping her hand inside the waistband of her night shorts she touches herself to the mental image of a handsome platinum blonde.
Truth be told, the fact that he saw her knickers made her wet, it excited her and she had plans to keep the ball rolling.
Slytherin green, done!
Gryffindor red, coming right up!
She thanked Merlin for shaving her bits and mowing the law so to speak, despite the lack of sexual activity she still kept herself smooth as baby's backside and by the looks of it, it paid off.
Draco played with his wand, orange sparks flew off the end and hit Theo square in the face.
T : "Hey! Watch it."
D : "Sorry, mate."
T : "You've been acting fucking weird all day."
T : "Are you fucking someone new?"
Draco wished he was fucking the witch he couldn't stop thinking about.
God damn those creamy smooth thighs, he would give his inheritance to have them wrapped around his waist.
What he wouldn't give to pound into her like a fucking jack hammer.
T : "Draco?"
T : "Malfoy?"
Would he never be able to finish a bloody daydream? He planned on getting rough with their darling Head Girl.
Something deep within told him that she would love every filthy fucking second of it.
D : "Hmm...will you fuckers stop bugging me."
T : "Calm your tits, mate, you want to play a game of chess?"
D : "Nah, I'm going to sleep."
Sleep didnt come easy, a certain Gryffindor princess kept invading his thoughts.
Hermione felt great, true to her word she fished out the red silk thong she bought last Christmas.
It was an impulsive buy, you know, just in case a gentleman decided to have his wicked way with her.
How bloody ironic, she was wearing it to entice the ultimate Slytherin prat, a gorgeous extremely fuckable prat.
Hermione wondered if he was packing and whether the rumours were true?
Draco shoved Theo jovially and they walk into the Great Hall in high spirits.
Carefully, Draco takes the same seat as the day before and braves a look towards the Gryffindor table.
Fuck, she was staring at him.
A smirk greets him, she was laughing at him or was she waiting for him?
Why else would she plonk herself in the same place where he got ample view of her twat.
Granger stares at him unashamed and bold, fuck, that itself was enough to get him hard.
Hermione cocks her head to the side, bites her lip and subtly points downwards.
Draco raises a brow in question.
D : "What the bloody fuck is she doing?"
T : "You say something, mate?"
D : "Yeah, umm, this toast is fucking fantastic."
T : "Er...yeah sure, toast."
Blaise slides into the seat next to Theo, a sloppy grin adornes his face.
T : "Ah, good morning, Blaise and where pray tell have you been?"
B : "Encouraging unity among the houses."
Draco and Blaise high five.
T : "Who the fuck?"
B : "A gentleman never tells, Nott."
T : "Well, you need a fucking shower, you smell like Goyles armpit."
Ginny engages Hermione in conversation.
Draco coughs loudly and purposely drops his quill.
B : "Let me get that...."
D : "Don't you fucking dare."
B : "Ookaaay....."
Draco bends to retrieve the quill and there it was, Hermione Grangers silk covered cunt.
Has he ever seen anything so glorious? Doubtful.
Salazar, he couldn't afford to get this hard.
Was that a bloody lion on the front?
Fuck, she was hot.
Her skin looked so fucking delectable, when the time came, he was going to devour her whole.
His cock screams bloody murder, definitely need to wank before class.
Draco emerges and Theo and Blaise stare at him oddly
T : "Did you take a bloody nap down there?"
B : "You are behaving rather strangely, even by your standards."
D : "Fuck off."
T : "Come on, let's get to class."
Hermione adjusts her skirt and catches Draco's eyes rove over her hungrily.
She pushes her tits out, winks and makes her way to class.
B : "You coming, Drake?"
D : "Go on gents, need to visit the little boys room, I'll catch up with you."
Draco rounds the corner intent on getting himself off to the image of Granger bouncing on his cock but instead he makes the turn and crashes right into her.
H : "What the fuck, Malfoy?"
What the fuck indeed.
A petrified 1st year takes the opportunity and scurries away like a frightened mouse.
Draco does a quick look around, grabs Hermione's wrist and drags her into an empty classroom.
H : "What are you...."
D : "Ssshhhh...."
He traces her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb and an involuntary moan escapes her ruby red lips.
Kiss her, fool. She's begging for it.
Draco brings his face close to Hermione's and rasps.
D : "I enjoyed the show."
Hermione moves back and eyes the faint outline of his bulge through the bulky robes and grins.
H : "I can tell."
She closer the gap between them and cups his package over the material, her fingers tease his stiffened shaft.
Draco throws his head back and groans.
D : "Fuck..."
In a sugary sweet voice, Hermione muses.
H : "I'm sorry, Malfoy, did I do something wrong?"
Lost to pleasure, Draco struggles to string words together.
D : "N..n..no..."
Malfoy feels larger than average and Hermione feels a sudden wetness between her thighs, it's been awhile since she's had sex.
Hermione starts to stroke him, slowly at first but when her movements turn urgent Draco grabs her wrist and pushes her back.
D : "What the fuck are you playing at, Granger?"
H : "I didn't start this, Malfoy."
D : "Well, I didnt plan on seeing your knickers, maybe you should keep your legs together and not lure unsuspecting wizards into forbidden fantasies."
H : "You can always choose not to look."
D : "Fuck that, I look because it's so damn gorgeous and I wont lie, it's been a rather kinky fantasy of mine."
H : "To see me in my knickers or fuck me?"
Draco swallows hard, who was this woman? Who ever it was, he liked her, clearly Granger was possessed by someone else.
D : "Both, I want to spread you out and...."
Hermione cuts him off.
H : "We have class, Malfoy, we mustn't be tardy."
Her eyes linger on his erection.
H : "I trust you can finish yourself off."
D : "You can finish me off."
H : "I don't think so, I'm not in a mood anymore, besides, I'm late for class."
D : "Don't be a bloody bitch."
H : "Well, you shouldn't have stopped me earlier, I wanted to deep throat and suck you off."
His knees almost give out.
Now she tells him, well done, you fucking idiot.
His cock was ready to take off, he palms it and in full view of her starts to unzip.
Hermione reluctantly turns to leave, it would work well in her favour to keep him at bay.
D : "Same time tomorrow?"
Hermione smiles mischievously.
H : "Definitely, the lucky colour is yellow."
D : "Argh, yellow? You do take this house unity thing seriously.
H : "Have a good wank, Malfoy."
Draco takes his cock out, wraps his long fingers around the impressive girth and starts to work it.
Hermione stares at it and licks her suddenly dry lips, definitely larger than average.
Her reaction to seeing his dick amuses him.
D : "See something you like?"
Hermione yawns pointedly.
H : "Nothing I haven't seen before."
Liar liar pants on fire, like the rest of him, his cock was perfection.
D : "Fuck off, Granger, unless you want to stay and help me."
H : "Maybe some other time, toodles."
D : "Teasing cunt...argh...fuck...yes."
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prismadog · 3 years
Found Family AU: Bee [Emptober 10th]
I am just so behind and this time, I have an excuse - eh, I mean - an explanation! past few days I've been setting up a desktop computer so that I can upgrade from console Minecraft to pc Minecraft! that, and I just never know what to do for these prompts - except the next two! I just gotta write them out!
now, this one. Shrub's back at it with bug-eating...sort of. you'll find out if you read! hope y'all enjoy!
[btw, there's very little editing. what you see is basically what you get and I apologize if it's a bit crappy. I kinda just busted it out in an hour and don't feel like making it any better atm]
"ooh! your home is so pretty!" Shrub exclaims as Katherine leads her into her kingdom.
"aww, thanks!" Katherine replies with a gentle smile. "this little area is the flower village where we make all our dyes! and up this path is the fountain where you can leave a tribute - that is if you want?"
Shrub doesn't even hesitate, "I'd love to! I brought a wonderful gift for your kingdom!"
the fairy gladly leads her new friend to the fountain - its crystalline waters glitter in the midday sun. she then watches as the gnome twitches, an odd look on her face.
she takes a step forward, then to the side, humming.
"is everything okay, Shrub?" she asks.
"umm..." golden eyes look up, concerned, then back to the fountain and in a small voice, she says, "I don't think I can reach the chest. there's so much water."
the fairy blinks slowly, it's barely a block deep? "ah, right, you don't like the water, do you?"
"yeah, gnomes can't swim." Shrub studies the fountain for a moment longer, then turns to the Fairy Queen. "can I give you my tribute instead?" she gets a nod from Katherine and pulls out half stacks of crimson and warped stem, a quarter stack of sprouts, and quarter stacks of twisting and weeping vines - the sprouts and vines are actually a gift from Dad to the Fairy Queen, but they said to keep it a secret. why? she doesn't really know.
"oh! all of this?" Katherine asks, blinking in surprise as she's handed so many things. "that's so generous of you!" the other rulers only left a few items, this is at least four times as much as their tributes.
"is it okay? I remember you mentioning that you don't like going to the Nether."
the Queen nods. "it's really scary there and hard to navigate."
a thoughtful look crosses the gnome's face and her nose twitches. "well, how about from now on, anything you want from there, lemme know and I'll get it for you?"
is she insane? no one willingly goes into the Nether if they can help it - it's dangerous and hot and there's lava everywhere and to be frank, it's dangerous. "are you...sure?"
"yeah? I love it there! it's so much fun!"
yep, she's insane. "well, if you're sure, then I'd be happy to make a deal with you," Katherine smiles. "but we can discuss that later. right now, we need to continue the tour!"
"okay!" the gnome grins and follows her happily from the fountain. "say, Potato Man mentioned that you have bees?"
"Potato Man?"
"oh! I mean..." she hums, thinking, "the um...the guy? that smells like gunpowder - and has a red scarf?"
Shrub nods, "yeah, that guy!" she looks up at the fairy. "he said you have bees. I've never seen bees before."
maybe they don't have bees where she's from? "you didn't have them in the land you came from?" she asks, leading her towards the bee sanctuary.
"nope! only bugs we got are beetles and mites - and they're quite tasty."
curious. wait. what?
"yup! Dad says I shouldn't eat them but they're sooo good!" the gnome grins up at her. "are your bees tasty?"
she blinks once, twice, "I...I don't know. I've never eaten a bee."
"Fwhip said they were tasty. think I can try one?"
she's seriously insane, or just really weird - says the cute flower fairy that collects heads for fun. "I...don't think you should." maybe showing her the bee sanctuary isn't the best -
"ooh! what's that?!" Shrub spots Katherine's Queen Bee statue and darts off at the speed of light.
Katherine follows, hoping her new friend was joking about wanting to...eat a bee. "this is one of my builds. the bees are below," she motions to the honeycomb-shaped pockets in the ground. "the entrance is over here." she moves to the ladder and descends into the sanctuary.
Shrub meets her at the bottom just as some of the bees take notice of the Fairy Queen's presence - they start to crowd their queen, bumbling and buzzing happily.
"hello, friends! I hope you're all doing well," Katherine greets the bees. it looks like there's some offspring in the mix. "this is my new friend, Shrub of the Undergrove, say hello!"
she introduces her new friend with a smile and...
"Shrub," she says in a flat tone.
the gnome looks back, gold eyes wide.
one of the bees calmly sits in the gnome's small hand, taking no notice of the tongue pressed to its fuzzy back.
she...wasn't joking.
"please don't lick the bees."
"sorry," Shrub releases the bee who bumbles off happy as ever to the nearby flowers. "I wasn't going to eat it, promise."
"I should hope not." well, at least she looks apologetic? Katherine hopes anyway.
will the Fairy Queen ever meet anyone who isn't two degrees to the left of weird?
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that-random-one · 3 years
Kaminari Denki x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Denki being Denki
Date Posted: 1/27/21
A/N: This man is such an idiot sometimes and I love him for it. So I gotta write for him and his dumbassery. Hope you like it!!
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You don't know how this happened or how you got caught up in this situation.
Your boyfriend, Kaminari Denki, called you and said he needed help. His voice sounded panicked and scared and because you're a hero in training you were immediately on high alert.
You quickly made your way to Denki's dorm room and checked if the door was unlocked. Thankfully it was, so you quietly slipped through the small crack you made in the door. You scanned the room and no one was there.
"Hello? Is someone there?! I need help!!"
You heard the voice come from the bathroom and it sounded awfully familiar. That's when it clicked. Denki + bathroom... never a good combination and full of stupidity.
You sighed, already done with whatever he called you over for. "Denki? It's me, can I come in?"
"Yes, yes!!! Please come in!!!"
You hesitated. He sounded desperate which made you scared of what mess he made this time.
You slowly opened the door only to see Denki. With his foot in the toilet. Why? How? Do you even want to know?
It must've showed on your face since Denki sheepishly chuckled and started explaining his situation. "Hey babe. Umm.... So you see.... I was hanging out with Bakubro and Kiri and somehow the topic of toilets came up. And I may or may not have mentioned that I wondered if you could fit your foot down the hole in the toilet. Then Bakubro said that I probably couldn't do it and I wanted to prove him wrong so I did it. I told the both of them I was stuck and Bakugou walked out dragging Kiri and said that I need to suffer for my own stupidity. Anyways, you think you could help me out?"
You were in disbelief. You knew your boyfriend had some... interesting ideas and not all of them went out as planned. You never thought that you'd be in this situation though.
"I think Bakugou had the right idea." You sighed out.
"NONONONODON'TLEAVEMYFOOTISALLPRUNYANDGROSSANDIWANNAGETOUTRIGHTNOW!!!!!!" Denki screeched out afraid you would actually leave him to suffer like Bakugou did.
"Relax, Denki. I was only joking, I wasn't actually gonna leave you here like this." You said hoping to calm him down. It obviously worked as you saw his tense shoulders relax.
"Ok, I'm as calm as I can be right now, but it's a bit hard WHEN MY FOOT IS STUCK IN A TOILET!!!"
He gasped, offended, "My toes are not fat!! Take it back right now."
"If your toes weren't fat then why is your foot stuck?"
He stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond.
"Just help me please." He looked at you with those goddamned puppy eyes that he used whenever he wanted something. You'd rather die than tell him you get butterflies whenever he does it though.
"Fine." You walked closer to him, getting a better view at his... situation.
You reached down and grabbed his calf and started pulling.
"You shouldn't have stuck your foot down the toilet then." Denki huffed at your response.
You tugged his calf a few more times with no success in getting his foot out.
"Did you seriously get your foot stuck in a toilet?" You looked at him over your shoulder.
"Um... maybe?"
You sighed and sat down on the floor. Denki looked at you in disbelief and confusion. You huffed out a laugh. "You're insane."
"You love me."
"Not right now I don't. You got your foot stuck in a toilet."
"It wouldn't be stuck if you would just keep trying to get it out." He mumbled.
"It wouldn't be stuck if you didn't stick it in the toilet anyway, dumbass." You deadpanned.
You got up and lifted your arms above your head to stretch. You then turned and started walking out of the bathroom.
"Wait! Where are you going?"
"I'm hungry and I told Bakugou I would help tutor Kiri, Sero, and Mina. You were supposed to be there too but..." You pointed your gaze at his foot that was still in the toilet.
"There's no way you're going to leave me here like this."
You waved at him without turning around. "Goodbye Tweedledum. I'll tell Tweedledee that you said 'hi'."
You got a snack and helped Bakugou tutor Kiri, Sero, and Mina. You grabbed Mina's hand and took her to Denki's room. When you opened the bathroom door Mina immediately started dying of laughter. Denki just perked up and was excited to finally get his foot out of the toilet after having it in there for hours.
"As you see Mina, we have a shits-u-ation. Can you melt the toilet with your quirk? He's been like this for hours."
Mina finally caught enought breath to respond. "Yeah, of course! But first," she pulled out her phone, "I need some blackmail." She smirked wickedly.
After Mina got her pictures blackmail she melted the toilet. After some arguing about melting off Denki's foot in the process, Denki was able to get his foot out.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Denki went on his knees and started bowing to Mina.
"Yes, of course, dear peasent. You can repay me by taking all the blame and telling Aizawa about the toilet." Mina said, not wasting the chance to get out of trouble for breaking school property.
"I brought her to you, dumbass."
"Anything for you my queen. You saved me, unlike someone I know." He pointed his gaze at you, emphasizing the word someone.
Denki ended up getting detention for the broken toilet. He also ignored you for about 2 days before he gave in and needed affection. You'll never let him forget about his dumbassery.
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