#unappreciated character
tomtepixiedust · 2 years
A Czech fairytale, english translation
I’ve been thinking about making another fantasy story and picked up my fairy tale book to find some inspiration. And lo and behold, I did. So much that I decided to find justice for Liliana, the third sister but that’s for another post. Btw, this one is translated from Polish, which was translated from Czech, so in case the Czech original is found, stuff may not add up. Also, this is hot off the press translation, expect some mistakes.
Now, I shall tell you about Janeczek as you might not have heard about him yet. There was once a coal man, poor, as that’s how it usually goes. He did have a seven-year-old son, Janeczek. The coal man had long ago become a widower and he had to take care of his son alone. The boy, however, didn’t like to learn that much , he’d rather look after grazing goats, and he very much liked strolling around the forest. And that would be all. Years passed and Janeczek grew up to be a comely young lad. One day, as usually, he brought the goats to the forest, though never mind where to, so that he didn’t even come back home for dinner. 
And the goats, as goats do, sauntered around and searched for something delicious to nibble at, cause - as you know - these fussy creatures wouldn’t eat just anything random. In the meantime, Janeczek made a little garden out of twigs, planted flowers there, brought water in his cap and lovingly watered the flowers. Then, an idea popped up in his mind, as to search in the forest for the magical flower, which he heard about a little bit. Believe it, that such things do happen! As such, the goats followed the goats, while he wandered deeper into the forest. He looked, and there, some gray birdie flew out of the copse, as if to say something. Flying closer, then again a bit back, as if wanting to lead Janeczek somewhere. How strange! What could the birdie want? Well, well, Janeczek followed him and that’s how he came to a place, which had some kind of opening. Could this be a cave? No idea, as to what it could be! Janeczek looked around, and no way nor path in sight. Not knowing what now, he started to curse: “To hell with this birdie wretched folk! Now, I have absolutely no ide where I am!
In that moment fluttered the birdie, almost directly under his nose, with a twig in its beak. After throwing the twig right before his legs, the birdie then flew into a crack in the rock, where it sat down, and well it sits. All while chirping somewhat quaintly. Our nice Janeczek understood the birdie’s advice, took the twig, hit the rock three times with it, and then the rock immediately cracked open. A moment he looked in stupor at what was going on, but then he plucked up courage and went inside, because boys like him always want to investigate everything. At first he saw nothing due to the sudden darkness, he only felt that he was in an unknown place. A moment later the place lit up and then he found himself surrounded by plentiful of wonderful flowers, such flowers, which in all his life he had never seen before. Amongst these flowers scurried around many little midgets and none of them was bigger than a half-litre jug. Swarming like in an anthill, everyone was busy with some kind of work. Janeczek looked upon this breathlessly, his eyes popping out from his wonder. Way off in the distance there stood a glass castle, so sparkling and shiny, that it hurt his eyes. All this took a long moment, when suddenly a girl appeared in front of him, as if rising from the ground. Her whole head was covered in gold. She asked Janeczek:
“What are you looking for at our place?”
That made him even more surprised and only after a while he answered: 
“Oh, well, looking for luck” Because only such a thought came to his mind.
“In that case, follow me and you will get something. We have something for you”, the girl said. Then, she led him by his hand and as they were walking together, Janeczek asked: “What’s your name?”
“They call me Celinka. I have two other sisters and I am the one who restores health.”
“Could it be that you hath sick ones here?” Janeczek asked in surprise. 
“How could it be! We don’t even know something like that. We only help those, there, above.”
“How is that possible?”
“Don’t mind it! Here, you have a small grain. If you need anything, let it fall to the ground and I shall appear immediately. I advise you strongly, guard it properly!” Having said that, she gave him a grain the size of an almond. 
After a while, walking together like that, they came to the second garden. And here were lots of flowers, but even more beautiful than the ones before. In this garden ruled Celinka’s older sister, whose name was Milenka. She, in turn, could bring back eyesight. She bustled around in her garden, filling up the entire place with her own self: she fluttered on a glass twig and spilled out pearls everywhere. And these shone so much, that they looked like fiery sparks, as if someone had scattered stars. There were so many lying around that one could pick them up in baskets. Janeczek liked these pearls very much. Oh, if only she could give me one as a memento. And so, Milenka threw him one pearl. When he held it in his hand, she spoke:
“Be careful, guard it properly! If you ever need me, drop it to the ground and I shall appear immediately.”
Now, Milenka joined the two and went with them. Shortly after, laughter and singing reached their ears. 
“What is it? I hear singing!” Janeczek spoke up.
“We’re going to our oldest sister. Her name is Liliana and is the lady of the treasures.”
When they reached their destination, he started to look around, curious about the treasures. In the meantime, Lilianka plucked out a whithered rose, gave it to him and said: 
“Take it and put it into your pocket. I give this rose to you as a memento.”
Just as he put the flower into his pocket, something thrummed. At that, the pocket became so heavy that he had to hold it up somehow. 
The girls showed him around here and there but then a great longing for his neck of the woods overcame his mind.  And he longed for nothing more than to be at home again. 
“Surely you don’t like it here,” all three asked at once.
“I wouldn’t say it,” he refuted, “but I would like to be at home now.”
“Well, we’re not going to hold you here any longer. Return! But diligently guard the things we gave you!”
Suddenly darkness filled the surroundings. Janeczek didn’t even know how it came to be and in this moment he found himself at the entrance to the cave in that rock. In the next moment he was outside the cave. The gray birdie, that waited there for him, shot up and flew before him, showing the way back. Janeczek jauntily ran after him and soon was back home. He was sure his father would be overjoyed, when he showed the money. He looked and saw, the door was locked. No coal man in sight. The goats disappeared as well. Maybe the father went to look for the son in the forest?
Janeczek was glad that he was in the ordinary world and at home. The house, however, when he took a closer look, seemed to be very poor and empty. 
What awaits me? he wondered To live in poverty till death? Then, he decided: Oh, why not, let’s go out into the world.
Honestly speaking, can’t blame him for that decision. 
Janeczek tied his money into a knot and so he went. And as befitting a wanderer - with a stick in his hand.
He wandered and wandered, from one city to another he ventured. He stopped by for a bit to listen to various news and rumours. That way he dropped by the capital, where the king resided in. Everything was covered by a black shroud, a mourning atmosphere everywhere, like before a grand funeral. 
He asked a random person passing by, what was going on. To which he was told: “Well, we are in deep mourning. The princess is very sick and there is no doctor who could help her. Poor gal, probably won’t live for long.”
Janeczek, having heard that, thought: Maybe I should go up to the king? Maybe the grain would help? He pondered for a bit, then took courage and went in the direction of the castle stairs. There he introduced himself as a doctor from India. The guards let him through and that’s how he ended up in the castle. He was then led to the king.
“Ah, my dear golden young lad, I myself don’t know anymore what to do. Such people like you came here about fity. I doubt if you could make a difference. But seeing how you came from so far away, try. If you manage to heal her, I won’t be saddened to part with even half of the kingdom.” Janeczek was led to the chamber, where the princess was lying. Oh, you people, what a sad sight it was! It couldn’t be any worse, she looked like suffering incarnate. Janeczek asked everyone to leave the chamber as not to interrupt him. When he was alone with the princess, he dropped the grain onto the ground. The grain barely touched the ground, when the golden girl Celinka appeared, asking quietly; “Why are you summoning me?”
“If you can, heal the princess!” he pleaded.
Celinka came up to the bed, took the princess’ hand, squeezed three times and kissed so lightly as if stroking a flower. Before he knew it, she was long gone. The princess moved and tried to stand up. She felt so light, she tried to leave the bed. Only that she did it in a manner as if she didn’t recognize anything around her, as if she was blind. Janeczek quickly took out the pearl, dropped it to the ground, thump - and immediately Milenka, the second sister, stood before him, asking just as quietly: “Why are you summoning me?”
“The princess is, admittedly, healthy, but due to the sickness she lost her eyesight. Could you help her?” he pleaded.
Milenka went up to the princess, moistened her thumb with her salvia and three times rubbed the temples and eyes of the blind, three times here and then there. Before he knew it, Milenka was long gone and he didn’t make it in time to thank her.
The princess immediately opened her eyes. She looked and saw, before her stood a beautiful youngster, Janeczek. Out of joy the words were stuck in her throat. But what were word needed for! The news of her recovery immediately spread around the castle. Everyone raced back and forth, lots of commotion and joy going on, but the most happy out of all was the king. When he calmed down a bit, he said:
“There is not a thing in this whole world that I would deny you, since what you’ve done is worth more than the whole kingdom”
He took their hands, interwined them and added:
“Dear children, live in good luck till the last of your days.”
And that’s how it ended, as it couldn’t be any better. There was a wedding, so grand that no one has seen so far and wouldn’t see as it lasted a whole month. When it did, however, end, they took back the old coal man and lived happily ever after for very long years. 
The End. 
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factsilike · 20 days
Mdzs Fandom: JC suffered so much, he lost his entire family and sister and even his clan, surely his taking out his anger and resentment at others is totally misunderstood and reasonable, I relate to him so much 🥹
WN (who lost not only his sister and entire family and clan but also his literal life, and was held captive and experimented on for thirteen years as a trophy, watches his relatives die a second time, is treated with prejudice and disdain and fear by most of the cultivation world, yet despite all this still manages to retain a bone-deep kindness and humility, as well as a sense of righteousness as fierce as himself): Am I a joke to you?
This is what I meant when I said characters who are constantly declaring what they went through are put up on a pedestal for their non existent resilience. It's so easy to forget that other characters went through much of the same pain and handled their circumstances better, like WN who went through literal hell himself, because he barely mentions and even downplays his suffering.
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lionmythflower · 3 months
evan rosier headcanons under the cut
Twins w pandora
He has a chinchilla (its name is dusty, barty helped name it)
He's rlly good friends w remus
In a book club w lily, remus,dorcas and regulus
He's Canadian
So he kinda had a very slight American accent
Sleeps and listens to music on long car rides
Knows Canadian French
either gay or bi
has a tattoo of "bcjr" on his neck or shoulder (barty has a matching one of "Rosie")
Would love MARINA and Florence + the Machines
Was probably more of an ABBA fan then a queen fan
lily got him into music like ABBA and Remus got him into music like David Bowie
Would also love Arctic Monkey
Would love makeup
Has those star eyeliner stamps and he absolutely rocks them
Bigender (stole this hc from someone can't remember who at that moment)
probally goes by he/they pronouns
Pandora and Evan steal each other's clothes sm that they don't know who's is who's at this point
So ppl are like " wasn't pandora wearing that the other day?" and evan will be like "idk maybe?" And vise versa
Would love Greek mythology
Has heterochromia and his eyes are blue and green so he's is looking at u like 🔵_🟢 (O_O) (pandora also has eyes like that)
"you have heterophobia in ur eyes" "...you mean heterochromia?" "no" (barty and evan)
i feel like he would be able to play like 3 instruments and would love love love music sm
Has so. Many. Ear. Piercings.
Lace and fishnet gloves
Evan, pandora, Dorcas, regulus, and Barty all wear rings and they all js like share rings
Would love fairy tale retellings
100% read song of Achilles and sobbed
His parents are like really that mean js very strict and they don't really give him enough privacy and it's suffocating
Has sensory overloads sometimes and he will just cling to Barty or Pandora bc they both make him feel safe when it's too much
Also has panic attacks
Says things like "I wanna kms" and ppl think he's joking but he's really not
Baggy clothes
layers his clothes a lot
had like three sweatshirts/sweaters that he LOVES
eating disorder (idk which one but he definitely has one)
Constantly has a headache
Is actually rlly su!sidal but he's only told like 2 ppl (probably Pandora and reg or barty)
Either never gets sick or gets sick every month (depends on the year)
Doesn't like talking abt his problems
Will not ask for help unless he has basically given up
Is rlly smart
He's like everything smart but doesn't really care abt math or science
That one kid who's reading and not paying attention the entire class and then gets an A on every test
He's parents don't really care about grades but he does and he gets really stressed abt grades
Would 100% be that person that you wouldn't think would be a feminist and then someone makes a rude comment abt women and he would go off on them
Very pretty
Always cold. Always
Would have loved all the movies that Millie Bobby Brown is in (Enola Holmes, and Damsel mainly)
Would love ppl doing his nails (even though he's good at doing it himself)
doc martins
Would have converse and would draw on them
Has so many books (both barty and evan rant to each other abt the books they read)
Would have adhd but more of the not able to focus side
He's nail polish is almost always chipped bc they pick at it w/o even realizing he's doing it
would have so many bracelets
Hates silence but hates loud noise even more
Had earbuds in 24/7
"Look at the moon! :0" no matter what phase the moon is in (does the same thing w the sky)
Would get sooo happy when ever he was in a place where u can clearly see the stars at night bc "omg look, you can see the stars! Their so pretty!!!"
They're so energetic but also so laid back
Pretty much all or nothing for everything (emotions, activities, relationship etc.)
Really good at drawing
normally types in all lowercase so he doesn't come off as intimating
Evan and pandora probably made fun of the pure blood stereotypes so much
(I've made by point abt this hc a lot but I'mma say it again) : Evan and regulus arguing over the pronouncing of different French words bc Evan is Canadian French and Regulus is European French lol
He's an introvert you can't tell me otherwise
Was almost put into ravenclaw bc he was arguing w the sorting hat and it was like "ok valid points, ur probably a ravenclaw" and then Evan told the hat to go fuck itself and it put him in Slytherin 💀
Definition of a keyboard smash idk how to explain it
Would have loved Pinterest
wow this is really long. I'mma make one of these for Peter later :)
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lucifers-simp · 7 months
Haven't seen the new DW yet
(enjoying premium 'tism by watching from the first doctor and making notes on the lore)
but while it does seem like the first time they purposefully talked about gender and trans issues in a thought-out way, let's not forget the true trailblazer 🔥🔥🔥
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Strolled in 2005 so the show could run on 2023
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000marie198 · 1 month
Y'know it's really telling that I'm surrounded by Tails Squad when every Tails post I make has reached over a hundred notes in a few hours at max and every Sonic post I make gets shovelled under the scroll with like 15 to 30 notes max
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arkiwii · 6 months
however for their birthday I am on the grind
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i dont have the materials for kafka's s1m3 but i swear im on it
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spinjitsuburst · 9 months
hello friends i just finished watching episode 9 of lego dreamzzz and as a logan enjoyer i have to say
what the actual fuck was that
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airyairyaucontraire · 4 months
re: Bill the malcontent in NASA mission control: nobody's MAKING you work at NASA mission control, Bill. You can always quit your job at NASA mission control, Bill. I'm sure there are at least several people who'd apply to fill that vacancy at NASA mission control, Bill.
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warthogreporter · 6 months
Thinking about my favorite mythological figures, I guess one connecting thread between my top three is self sacrifice.
Tezcatlipoca was sacrificed every year at Toxcatl and used his own foot as bait to lure out a monster to create the world. Odin hung himself from Yggdrasil. Ghatotkacha purposefully made himself a target for the Vasavi Shakti so it wouldn't be used on Arjuna.
This doesn't work as well extended to other mythological figures I like however. Beowulf fits, though there it's not necessarily a good thing since it leaves the people without their king. The dragon doesn't get enough character to fit into things like this.
Aeneas wanted to effectively sacrifice himself and die at Troy, but fate instead demands others be sacrificed for him and his destiny, a role that consumes him. But he would have gladly sacrificed himself for Troy instead of founding Rome.
You could sort of stretch and say that Ivar the Boneless sacrificed his reputation by making peace with King Ella as part of his long con to ultimately get revenge, but it's not a sticking point of the narrative.
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vilnan · 7 months
i love carver hawke so much, i want to carve his initials on my chest
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mariocki · 9 months
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Barbara Murray attempts a needlessly convoluted swindle, as Lady Diane Battersley in The Adventurer: The Not-So-Merry Widow (1.18, ITC, 1973)
#fave spotting#barbara murray#the adventurer#the power game#lady pamela wilder#panels <3#the not so merry widow#1973#itc#classic tv#i am now like 99% certain that babs was bringing her own hats onto the set of every job she took#that or it was in her contract that she must have a fabulous hat for her character (and probably that she got to keep it)#strange to think this was just 4 years after The Power Game ended when it feels like another era entirely#probably that is the itc effect‚ plus the specifically dingy early 70s feel of this itc series in particular#Lady Pam... I mean Diane‚ is supposedly the unappreciated wife of a business tycoon who decides to get her husband's attention via#jealousy: she leaks a fake romance between her and Mr Greatest Everything Ever Gene B to the press. except actually her husband is broke#and so they're going to fake his death‚ frame Gene for his murder‚ collect his substantial life insurance and live heavily#ever after. one pressing question: why? why involve international superstar and businessman Gene? why specifically a murder?#couldn't they have faked a drowning? y'know that might not have needed a body either. or a small plane crash. or anything‚ anything that#doesn't involve framing a super sleuth you don't even know for murder?? bizarre#but then this has been a bizarre series‚ a routinely very stupid one‚ and it's only the occasional appearances of actors#of the quality of a Babs Murray that's got me through it without losing my mind... she's very good of course‚ all sickly sweet insincerity#and quiet scheming. i kind of wish she'd got away with it too
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jeremydaviesarchive · 8 hours
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scenes from The Locusts (1997).
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I loved your ranking of Jane! She gets way too much hat. Tbh I like her way more than Kenny
Thanks anon, glad you enjoyed the post!
But yes, I agree. I think Jane gets too much hate and I believe it comes from a misunderstanding of her character, as well as a lot of bias set in Kenny's favor.
Believe me, I understand a lot of the criticism with her character and I don't fault anyone for disliking her. To each their own, y'know?
I find her compelling and way more likeable than Kenny, and while I stand by the Wellington ending being the best outcome for Clementine and AJ, I loathe that you only get it by going with Kenny. Personally, if forced to throw out the Wellington ending, Jane is Clementine's best option as far as S2's ending goes...
...We don't talk about ANF Jane. ANF is forever on my shitlist for what it did to Jane. You ever want to study a great example of writers fully misunderstanding a character then writing a total character assassination? Then look at Jane in ANF.
But anyway, Jane isn't heartless and she actually listens to Clementine when she chews her out and tries to improve, something Kenny just... doesn't do, no matter how many times he says he will be better. Actions speak louder than words, my guy.
One example I can give comes with Arvo. Jane will threaten him with a gun and suggest they take his stuff, that she doesn't care about his supposed sick sister, all that... no matter the outcome, Jane shows remorse for her actions and questions how she got to the point of threatening a kid like Arvo, someone clearly powerless against her and in a position to be taken advantage of.
Then you have Kenny who treats Arvo as a personal punching bag and never once does he feel remorse. Kenny just treats him as an outlet for his rage, nothing more. Arvo isn't even a person to him. Hell, he cares more about going after Arvo and beating his ass than he does if Clementine falls through the ice while trying to save Luke.
You know who pulls Clementine out of the icy water? Not Kenny. Jane does, and she's the only one in a huge panic about her freezing to death, running around looking for a way to start a fire and what is Kenny doing? Right, beating Arvo again.
That's just one example. Also, to touch on the topic of Sarah, because I know that's a big thing for people who dislike Jane which fair enough, I get that. I don't have time to give a full analysis, but Jane's backstory is a huge part of why she tells Clementine that Sarah's going to bring her down. Sarah isn't in good shape after Carlos is killed, and you can't just pretend that she didn't endanger them when she refused to move. It makes sense why she doesn't, and it's incredibly tragic, but Jane can see as an outside observer with no attachment to Sarah that if they stay here, they're all going to die. So, either Clementine forces her to move, abandons her, or dies with her.
There are plenty of flaws with how Sarah is portrayed and handled in S2, again I don't have the time to give a full analysis, but Jane is gentle no matter what Clementine decides to do, save her or leave her. She doesn't chew Clementine out, she doesn't say, "I told you so." Jane explains her story with her sister, and the Sarah situation clearly triggered that trauma for her.
Again, soooo easy for people who hate Jane to be like "see?? she left her sister to die?? Jane bad, she want Sarah dead too," but that's just purposely ignoring the nuance and grey of the situation so you can think easy. And no, Jane doesn't want Sarah to die, that's just a straight up lie.
When Sarah is trapped, Jane will put aside her beliefs and safety to help Sarah when Clementine asks her to. It's not Jane's fault Sarah died. Maybe if she hadn't been hit with that plank of wood, she could've gotten to her faster. Maybe she would've died because Sarah was such in a state of panic that she would've brought her down, too. Y'know that drowning metaphor-- a drowning person will almost always pull you down, is it worth sinking with them? all that.
I want to make it clear that this isn't Sarah's fault. She's a victim here, both in the situation and in the games writing. Jane knows this, too. She's sincere in her apology to Clementine, and seeing Sarah die is yet another trigger that causes her to leave.
There's so much about Jane's character that I could get into, and I plan on it at some point. Like I said in my tier list, Jane is a great character and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
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ducktracy · 8 months
Dropping by to say that after loving daffy for years but not rlly having the time to delve much into too many old shorts thanks to ur blog im considering writing abt daffy duck for my thesis (im a communication doctorate student) so thanks for sharing your journey with us!
WHAAAAAAAAAT THAT’S SO STINKIN COOL!!!!! AWWWWWWWW what an absolute honor!! thank YOU for leaving such a considerate ask!! it is always my pleasure to spread the gospel of the duck—especially given he’s such a fascinating, varied character that often gets so misconstrued… even by the very hands that made him!
I WISH YOU LOTS OF LUCK, whether you do decide to make that your thesis or just completing your doctorate in general!! that sounds like such a fun thing to major in what da heck.. EITHER WAY! this is incredibly considerate of you to drop by and say such a thing—thank YOU and everyone for giving this journey some legs and a drive to keep going!
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your-pal-nebula · 2 months
I love how I have this moot who makes posts about my WG OCs sometimes like my OCs are a fandom they're in. It's very validating
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kamomie · 9 months
Listen.... I genuinely think Forever is trying to do good, and I think today was a major goof. Not only was it kinda confusing, like, is it just memes? Was the law actually implemented? Why let Roier vote thrice? But it was also hurtful to Bad.
But I also got reminded of one of my former theories that if we assume q!elquackity was the decoy, and the federation actually wanted someone else as president, then it might've been Forever. And again, I genuinely think Forever is trying his best to do good and I don't think he would deliberately work with the federation to hurt his friends and family, but Cellbit also wasn't aware he was working for the federation for weeks, soooo.... It's also clearly something Bad is worried about, but we shall see.
Edit: I realize this is a bit incoherent but it's 5:50am and I need sleep, imagine I explained why these thoughts correlate lmao
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