#undertaker x male reader
spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Hiii can you make an Undertaker one? It’s okay if you don’t :D
It's the Undertaker! I had to do something for him! Hope you Enjoy!
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When Ciel arrived at the Undetaker's funeral palor for information regarding to his current case, he wasn't expecting company. Well...live company that is. When he entered the palor he wasn't expecting to see Undertaker interacting with someone that was actually living and breathing.
When the bell rang over the entry door. The conversing duo stopped and looked at the door. Noticing the Young Earl and his faithful butler. "Oh! Sorry. I didn't know you'd be expecting guests". A male with (hair color) hair spoke standing. His eyes were a dark purple. Which immediately Sebastian noticed.
He gave a small smirk. "Hello (Name)." The male now introduced as (Name). Looked confused. Ciel was equally confused on how his butler knew the male and not him. Unless...."He isn't human?" (Name) looked surprised. "How...." (Name) took a good look at the butler and noticed Sebastian's eyes and nodded. "Demons."
Ciel looked between the two extremely confused. "How the bloody hell?" (Name) gave the Young Earl a smile and bowed. "You must be Earl Phantomhive. I've heard so much about you!" Ciel looked at the Undertaker Furious. "Why the bloody hell would you tell other supernatural creatures about me!" The Undertaker laughed loudly. That's when Sebastian cut in. "He didn't Young Master. (Name) is a Fairy. He lives in the forest surrounding the Manor."
Ciel stared at the young male. "A Fairy? Like in the fairy tales?" (Name) gave a small huff. "I hate those fucking stories." The Undertaker laughed harder hanging on the young male. "Interestly Fairys are almost completely different from those children stories. So my little (Name) here is nothing like the stories you were told." The Undertaker hugged the male close to him.
"Your little (Name)?" The sliver haired male nodded excitedly. "After so many centuries he's finally accepted my marriage proposal!" Ciel looked flabbergasted at the "Young" male. "Centuries?! Just how blood old are you?!" (Name) laughed at his reaction. "I'm only 1,900 years old. I'm actually still quiet young." ONLY 1,900!? Sebastian looked surprised."Why you are still quite young then aren't you."
Ciel turned to Sebastian Furious. "You knew about them?!" "Well of course Young Master. How do you think I was able to rebuild the Manor so many times. (Name)'s tribe is quite helpful when it comes to issues like that." Ciel whipped to the other male. "Wait! You were the one to build my Manor?" (Name) nodded with a smile. Undertaker smiled brightly. "My little Fairy is quite the worker isn't he?"
The fairy blushed and pushed the Undertaker off him and brushed the "dirt" from his clothes. "Well since you're here that must mean you need help with a case. I shall see you later Taker." (Name) gave the male a short but passionate kiss. He turned and looked at Sebastian with a raised brow. "My elders are wondering when you'll come again. Apparently you missed the last meeting."
Sebastian gave a small bow smirking as he did. "Yes, unfortunately we were caught up in a case. I shall visit as soon as my master excuses me later." (Name) nodded and gave a deep bow to the Earl. "It was nice to finally meet you Young Master. I'll see you again soon." Then (Name) was surrounded by a pale green light and disappeared. Leaving a small (Flower) in his place.
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blowflyfag · 1 year
Alright gonna be brave here’s my lil undertaker fic I think this will legit be the first one I’ve ever posted soo uhh yeah. I listened to Cemetery Girl by ICP while writing this and Sacrifice by London After Midnight. If you like it please give me suggestions on how to improve and also!!! Maybe request if u want me to write something :3
Cemetery Boy.
90s Undertaker x Male (Wrestler) Reader
The cold stone walls of the funeral parlor felt as if they actively could repeal someone, a sign to not enter without even having any words. Danger, turn back, run. But you weren’t planning on that… no. You were gonna do what no sane man ever dared to. Enter the den of the Undertaker. You’ve seen his matches, the phenomenon that was the deadman. To think of that power on your side? You could be unstoppable.
So you had to brave the trek through the cemetery that seemed to have a perpetual fog and chill in the air. Crows cawing and staring at the graves they rested on as they picked at feathers and cawed. You fiddled with the large key in your hand, shaking for no real reason… the amount of work you had to put in to even get this key was ridiculous… but it’d be worth it in the end. It had to be worth it. The key clicked in the lock and the door seemed to open on its own, slowly, ever so slowly it creaked open. You only cringed at the sound…. If he didn’t know you were in his domain… he surely did now. You took a step in, darkness, the parlor was full of just darkness and perpetual scent of formaldehyde and dust. The only thing that really stood out in the small slimmer of sun from the outside was a vase set upon a table covered in mortuary tools… at least you assumed that’s what they were. But in the vase a bundle of white Lilies. You were shocked by the pristine condition they were in, pushing yourself away from the door to walk towards them before gasping as the door seemed to slam shut. Leaving you in the darkness. You frantically looked around, eyes wide as you tried to adjust to the darkness, you frantically felt around in your jacket pocket, you always kept a box of matches on you in case of emergencies. Shaky hands struggling to strike a flame against the matchbox and once it did you could stare at the white eyes staring back to your own. Ginger hair draped over his face yet the whiteness of his eyes stood out and shook your soul.
A hand reaching out to roughly grab at your neck. You let out a choked gasp as you were hoisted in the air, box of matches falling to the floor as several spilled on the floor. You kicked and grabbed at the hand around your neck, desperate to try and get air into your lungs. His touch, even with the gloves on, was freezing, unnaturally so. As if he had just had his hands in ice.
“Why…. Are you here…?” The gravelly voice spoke. Slow and full of malice..? Was that even the right way to put it? You did kind of just barge into his home.
“J-just wanted to talk man! P-please!” You sputtered out, your face was feeling hotter and hotter as you struggled to pull enough air into your lungs… it seems he contemplated for a moment before dropping you, falling to the floor with a thud as you hacked and desperately tried to pull air into your lungs.
“I don’t care what you have to say… leave.” He spoke coldly as he turned on his foot. You managed to hoist yourself up and huffed. “J-just listen to me man! We could work together! I know you don’t need your help but I do.” You tried to plead. It was embarrassing. “I… I want to be taken more seriously by all of those assholes! They’re all scared of you. If… if you and I were to team up they’d have to take me seriously too!” You begged before watching as the form stopped, your eyes had grown adjusted to the darkness by now. He stood still… the air having a similar sense of stillness.
“What’s in it for me… you have nothing you could offer me…”
“I know that.. so I’ll work for whatever it is you want! Money? I’ll get it for you. Championbelts? I’ll do my fucking best to get them for you. I just-“ you were cut off by him speaking again.
“I have no need…. For your… monetary mortal needs… but. I’ll humor you.”
Your eyes widened. He was going to do it. He was actually going to help you. Your eyes lit up and your smile grew. “Holy shit… you’re serious! You’re going to-“
“Under one condition…”
Your eyes widened. You made a deal with the Deadman. Why did you even think this was a good idea? No no this was an awful idea… but your mouth spoke before your mind. “What is it…”
“Your soul… Will be mine.” He spoke as if it was normal. As if promising your soul to someone was just a normal Tuesday event… you needed this though right..? You needed to be able to stand out. To become something. To prove that… this was what you were supposed to be.
“It’s all yours..” you responded after a moment. Meeting his gaze you gulped and he went closer towards you. His hand reached out to touch your face. He tilted his head to the side, hair covering his face, his touch still just a frigid yet… Now it was comforting in a sense, contrasting to your heated face after the choking. His head jolted up however at a speed with which you hadn’t expected from him, just as quickly as you felt the touch you felt a different kind. A shove to your chest as you were pushed into plushness. Your eyes widened. “Hey what’re you-“ you were cut off as he held a finger towards his mouth. As if to say quiet. As he went to shut the coffin door. Your eyes widened in panic as you tried to peak through a crack… seeing however the reason why you had been hidden. Paul Bearer. You brought your hands to your mouth to cover your breathing… you felt bad for listening over the two, talking about upcoming matches… a casket match against Yokozuna…
“And clean up this mess!” Paul Bearer ended, he must’ve been talking about your spilled matchbox. You watched as he walked off.. Taker staring as he made his way off as well and once he was gone Taker approached the coffin, pulling the door open to look down at you. “You should leave…” he began before walking over towards the matchbox. Picking it up and shoving it to your chest. You quickly scrambled to grab it before nodding.
“Right… right I.. uh.. I’m… Excited to work with you Taker..” you said with a small smile.. oh it was going to be such an interesting change. The newbie with the undertaker? It’d be perfect. It’d be bigger than Shawn Micheals and his Bodyguard. It had to. You followed Taker towards the door, pushing it open slightly to let you out. You took one last look at him with a smile as you gave a little wave. He seemed confused for a moment… raising his own hand and giving a slow wave back… he had a lot of customs to learn.. but that's Alright, you had all the time to teach him. You nodded before turning off and walking into the fog of the cemetery. It wasn’t scary this time though, the fog seemed lighter in a way. Crows simply jumping around and picking through flowers for shiny bits of twine that held them together… this was just The Undertaker's home… and you’d have to get used to it, maybe you already were.
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yan-lorkai · 2 months
Hello , i hope your doing great . Would you please do a scenario for yandere undertaker and yandere sebastian (separately) x fem reader. Reader doesn't want to marry them so she tries to run away away at the wedding day but fails and gets captured ? Thank you ❤
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, fem reader, kidnapping, implied murder, threats.
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Marriage is nothing more than a union between two people before God, so for Sebastian this does not carry the same meaning. For him, marriage only symbolizes what in his conception is already true: that you are his in every way and now the marriage certificate proves it. Even if you oppose to this marriage, Sebastian doesn't care.
Although he would love for you to give your opinion on the decorations or the type of cake you would like have at the wedding, he knows you are still in denial so he plans everything himself. From the hanging chandelier, to the flowers in the bouquet, to the dress you're wearing that he sewed himself, every little detail meticulously planned to be perfect.
He knows that humans like to be surrounded by their parents, relatives and friends on a special day like these, and if you had behaved they would all really be here. But it's better this way, just you, him and the priest who officiated the ceremony. That way he doesn't have to kill your parents and friends in front of you when you shout and scream about everything you've been through with him. Even though part of him wished this had happened, with no one else out there waiting for you, looking for you, praying, you would have only him. Only him.
Maybe he would kill them and return to your side, blood dripping from his hands and face as he kisses and touches you. Maybe he would even tell you what he did and how he did it to observe your reactions. If you like to act like he's the biggest evil in the world, maybe he'll give you a reason to hate and fear him. Maybe, but he won't act on those thoughts if you don't force his hand. The same hand with which he fixes your hair and makes your makeup, circling you to get a view of you from all sides.
"I will wait for you at the altar, my dear," His tone was soft, but there was an implicit promise of death in his eyes, a bloodthirsty glint that you had been able to witness many times before. Just for a second longer Sebastian stands there, looking at you through the mirror and then he smiles and leaves.
Your heart beats quickly inside your chest, it beats like it has never beat before. Your nerves are on edge, but you have to calm down and take a deep breath. You know what Sebastian is, you know how strong he is, but you know that an opportunity like that is unique and you must take advantage of it. You must escape now.
Running away isn't hard, well, actually it is a little, because you're wearing a dress and high heels but you kick them all and hold them hem of your dress up. And you run. You run as you never ran on your life. You know Sebastian is busy with tons of things, plus you are supposed to come a little late, as you are the bride. But you clearly underestimate him.
He may not be with you physically but as a demon he has his ways of knowing where you are and how you are, he can feel your heart beating, he can taste your fear and apprehension. And he loves it, he loves knowing your fear him, to know you are opposed to this marriage, given time he knows you come around.
But for now he enjoys the chase. He excuse himself for a moment to go meet you halfway through your attempting escape. You can hear his beautiful little laugh, can see his shadows but when you look behind your shoulder there's nothing there. He is playing with you, getting you even more frightened before trapping you in his arms so tight not even air can arrive at your lungs. His hand closes on your throat as he look at you, eyes red with animalistic excitement. "Dear me, look what we have here." He muses, watching you breathe hard, beads of sweat running down your forehead.
"Sebastian... What a pleasure to see here." Your reply is sarcastic, weak. But it makes him smile as he caress your face lovingly, as lovingly as a demon can, though you feel dirty at every touch, at every moment you're trapped under his creepy stare.
"You run away like a little lost mouse so I've came to get you back right where you belong. Don't make things harder than necessary, darling." It's his final warning. You know, you can feel in your bones that if you are to try anything again he would retaliate.
He has been doing a great job at keeping his demonic tendencies in check even when you snarled and yelled at him those past few weeks. But there truly nothing you could do? There was nothing you could try? His hand held yours, guiding you, the oppressive silence making you even more uncomfortable.
And when the priest asked "do you accept this man as your lawful and only husband?" All you could do was stare at him, tongue numb, members tired before answering. "I do."
And like a mouse, you were caught in Sebastian's trap. One you could never escape.
Marriage. What a strange concept. Why people get married, that's what Undertaker thought when checking humans' memories. They all got married, they all had children, they all had their ups and downs together, yet they loved each other. Is love really that essential for humans? He didn't know, but he had a lot of questions to ask. And many of them answered themselves when you appeared in his life.
You had recently lost someone and like a wounded bird, you walked into his funeral home. It was like destiny. It was like a lever had been pulled in his brain, like he could finally see colors and feel the warmth of the sun on his skin after so long without those things. He was drawn to you, enchanted by your words. And everything else was history.
Undertaker knew that humans are fragile and fearful, and he tried to woo you the right, human way. Giving you flowers, walking with you, hearing you talk. And everything would have worked out if you hadn't discovered that he wasn't human, that he was a Shinigami and desperately tried to get away from him. He didn't want to kidnap nor threaten you but he grown desperate. He didn't want to lose the feelings you gave him, he didn't want to let you go. So he did what was necessary, he gave you a new home, he gave you books and lines for you to sew and weave if you wanted. He gave you everything you wanted but your freedom.
A marriage was bound to happen because he wanted you to experience this little enjoy. But also because he wanted to tie you to him even more, to make you his wife and be able to truly calls his wife. The ceremony is not as beautiful and organized as Sebastian's, but he supposes is the thought that counts. He buys you a really cute white dress and make-up, and he lets you get ready alone. As the bride and the groom can't see each other till they're both on the altar or something like this, honestly he doesn't understand this saying. Why can't he see you? He wants to see you!
But he controls himself, he has to. He stands on the altar with the priest at his side. He hums and waits impatient. Meanwhile you is running away so hard that everything else turns into a blur, people, voices, sounds, smells, everything is a blur as you run and pray for someone to save you. Anyone. Tears flow from your eyes when in the distance you see his silvery long hair and dangerous green eyes staring at you. You tremble, biting your lip so hard not to scream that you can taste blood on your tongue, you force your legs to work more than they can handle, you're sure later on your feet would be filled with blisters but you don't care about it now.
Though it's not enough. It's not enough and you hated it. You hear him mumbling while he catches up with you, a part of you is surprised he isn't actually going to pull his scythe from wherever he keep it and reap your soul right here and now. The part of you who is still in love with him wavers for a second, you think only for a second if it's worth to try, if you actually can win against him, if can actually escape and your hesitation is all he needs for him to close his arms around your body tightly. He breathes hard, warm air hitting your neck as you feel him still against you, afraid of losing you. Afraid of losing everything.
"Why did you run, sugar? Wasn't I good enough for you? Didn't I treat you right?" He was whispering right at your ear. And that was much more scarier than having him screaming or having him threatening to hit you. "Don't you love me anymore? That can't be, right? You must be a little scared, oh sweetheart I know marriage is a big step but everything's going to be fine. I can take care of everything, leave all the work to me."
As if to made you pity him even more, you could little tears streaming down his face and onto your back, timidly, slowly. A sour taste lingers on your mouth. You can't escape now. You can't escape now that he is so on alert, every little move you make would be under his eyes. You can't escape now but you certainly can play your card right. And the right thing to do now was surrender yourself. Surrender and wait for an opportune moment.
For now you let him fix your dress and hair carefully, and then drag you to that damned altar. It's suffocating, insufferable. And there's nothing you can do about it. He holds your hand as he slips the ring into your finger and look at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
"I do." You say as you stare at him. In the future your attempt would be successful but for now you may entertain him.
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niilue · 2 years
hiii can i please have undertaker w/ and gender neutral reader with prompt 27 and cw mirror sex? you can add more cw’s! thank you!
‧₊˚ ⊹ sub undertaker x gn! dom reader
prompt: "ride me until you can’t take it"
cw; drabble, dom reader, gender neutral, mirror sex, body worship, undertaker rides ur dick/ strap. nipple play, hair pulling, not mention of specific gender. words; 457 1k event
you held undertaker by the waist and watched in the reflection of the mirror as he slowly ride you.
his pale body seemed to glow from the layers of sweat that covered his skin. 
soft high-pitched moans came from his mouth as he rode you with such devotion.
his erect member danced with every leap he took, slapping his own stomach and making noise.
"what a good boy you are, riding me so well," you said, sliding your hands to his chest.
you saw him smile broadly, licking his lips expectantly at what you would do.
"touch them, please-please (name)" he asked looking at his swollen nipples.
you touched his pink nipples massaging all over his little button. watching you in the mirror as you did it was much more erotic.
to see clearly how undertaker shuddered and trembled with your touch. 
adorably he moved his hand down to his member and pumped it while you kept pinching and massaging his nipples.
he was so sensitive in this area that you knew he wouldn't last much longer.
"are you okay, honey?" you asked as you watched him stir on top of you, as if he didn't know what to do with his arousal.
"mhhhm, i’m, very- very well, i’m just- i’m embarrassed."
"don't you like to see yourself in the mirror?" 
he shook his head in denial. "i 've never seen my pleasure face before, so it's... weird."
cute. you kissed his cheek and made them change positions. 
how you turned your back to the mirror while he continued to stare at his reflection in the mirror over you.
"now you'll be even more embarrassed watching only your face of pleasure as you ride me."
you grabbed him by his ass and helped him move better on your cock/strap. kneading and squeezing his meat. 
enjoying watching him moan like a slut with every penetration you gave. watching his bright green eyes dilate with pleasure.
his hair was a mess, sticking to his back from sweat, falling down his forehead and mouth. he didn't even seem to care. all he did was keep on riding you like there was no tomorrow. 
he was holding on tight to your shoulders, taking the momentum to get in so deep. 
you loved this side of him so lost for pleasure, it was what flooded his mind, you knew it.
when you felt his movements begin to become lazy, you pulled on his hair causing him to moan in between moans. "don't stop, ride me until you can't take it."
"y- yeah, hmmph, i’ 'll do it (name)." he moaned biting his lips and nodding frantically as you still held him by his long hair and forced him to keep riding you. 
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thesimpirediaries · 22 days
Head empty, just thinking about a third-year-kiribaku x fem!reader in which Kirishima has deep, strong unrequited feelings for Bakugou, but Bakugou (in his own Bakugou way) ends up falling head over heels for the new transfer student — she’s pretty, she’s smart, she’s sassy, she’s kind, and basically a walking wet dream to the entire male student body — and, completely unaware of Kirishima’s love for him, Bakugou continues to lust and pine over the woman that he feels he has no chance with.
And, poor, nearly heart-broken yet love-struck Kirishima can’t help but feel that it’s his duty as Bakugou’s best friend to become the ultimate wingman — all feelings aside, Kirishima just wants Bakugou to be happy, and if his happiness is dependent upon (y/n) returning his feelings, Kirishima will do everything in his power to ensure it happens.
And so, Kirishima strikes up a friendship with (y/n); he pushes down all the jealousy and resentment he feels towards her and does everything in his power to butter her up, to paint Bakugou out to be the best to her, to try his damndest to get her to look at Bakugou in the way Bakugou looks at her.
Except, it didn’t all go according to plan — because before Kirishima knows it, (y/n) is suddenly very close to him, and she smiles at him as if he’s everything, and when she looks at him, everyone can see the literal hearts in her eyes and, — oh, shit, is she — is she leaning in for a kiss right now?!
And why are her lips so soft? And why is cherry his new favorite fruit flavor when it had always been cranberry and why is his chest suddenly so warm and cramped —
Fuck, this is not going according to plan. At all.
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…thoughts? This idea has been eating at my brain for the past two hours and part of me really wants to write it but it would be a large/long undertaking so would anyone else be interested in reading it? Opinions/thoughts are much appreciated!
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milswrites · 3 months
Hobbies Epilogue.
~ Azriel X Reader
Summary: In an attempt to keep Azriel away from Elain, Rhys sends him on a sabbatical to the Day Court. With a lot more free time on his hands Azriel needs to find something to keep him occupied. Unfortunately he meets Y/N who has the annoying habit of not staying away. Can she teach him that there’s more to life than he thought?
Grumpy!Azriel X Sunshine!Reader
Series masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of sex. Mentions of drinking. Crippling sadness over the fact that this series is over maybe? (Just me? 😭)
Feyre and Y/N were hurriedly running through the streets of Velaris towards the townhouse, Nyx held lovingly in the latter woman’s arms, his little legs too small to be able to keep up with his rushing family.
They were running late, the two having decided to meet for a coffee in the Rainbow before Y/N and Azriel set off on their long travels. A honeymoon of sorts, Azriel’s gift to Y/N for finally accepting the golden bond between them after a year of taking it slowly.
A year of the two taking in turns to visit the other’s court, of spending every minute they weren’t working in the other’s company. Azriel’s shadows were a great help in this, aiding the male in swiftly travelling to her home at the end of each day, ensuring that the pair slept soundly in the comfort of each other’s arms by the time night fell.
A year of Y/N getting to know her mates family. Her family. Who didn’t just see the woman as Azriel’s mate, but as their sister. Her bright aura being the missing piece of their puzzle, her shining presence a sign that their family was now complete.
And what a family it was. Azriel sometimes miserably complained that he swore Y/N only visited him to get to spend her precious time with everyone else.
To paint with Feyre in her studio, using Nyx as their giggling muse as he failed to sit still for them. Wriggling and squirming, as the women attempted to capture his beaming face on the canvas. Wanting to capture every minute of his youth as they could before he grew old.
The drinking with Cassian and Mor and Rita’s, there being many nights where a grumbling Azriel had to hide his smirk as he had to lift a wobbly Y/N into his arms in order to carry her home to sleep away the alcohol in her system.
Amren and Nesta were always up for a reading session with Y/N. The women spending hours of their time perusing through the dusty shelves of all the quaint bookshops in Velaris. Excitedly exchanging reviews whenever the woman from Day returned to the Night Court.
Y/N had even began to help Elain in her garden. Bringing trimmings of the plants that blossomed in Day, hoping that with Elain’s tender nurturing they would bloom just as beautifully in Night. Growing a piece of Y/N’s home in Azriel’s court.
Life had been perfect. A constant upwards spiral of contentment. The shadowsinger doing everything in his power to ensure that Y/N always had a dazzling smile across her face, the male undertaking this task with a grave seriousness as if it were a matter of life and death.
Now the shimmering bond had been tethered permanently between them, life could only keep on getting better and better. And it was going to, starting with this magical trip he was going to take her on across the courts, just as Azriel had promised Y/N before the bond between them had even made its appearance.
At least it would be if Y/N actually got there in time.
“And you’ll make sure to write to us every week right?…And starfall! You have to come back for starfall!” Feyre panted heavily as she spoke to Y/N, the shadow of the townhouse appearing in the distance as they continued to quickly dash towards it, the figures of their impatient mates coming into their view the closer they got to the building.
“Oh of course we wouldn’t miss it Fey! Besides I promised this little man that I’d save him a dance this year” Y/N lovingly pecked Nyx on the cheek as she answered Feyre, the young boy blushing profusely at the action. His little heart belonging entirely to the woman who held him in her arms, Feyre’s child having a youthful crush on the lady. Threatening Azriel that whilst Y/N was his mate, he would be the one to marry her.
“I know” Feyre flashed a gentle smile over to Y/N as they slowed in their approach to the waiting males, “I just know Azriel would keep you wandering around Prythian for an eternity if he could.”
“No, we’d miss our family far too much. We can’t stay away for too long, we wouldn’t want to.”
Y/N plastered one last affectionate kiss onto Nyx’s cheek before passing him over to Feyre, the boy starting to cry as he left her tender embrace.
“Finally” Azriel huffed, walking over to the two women, giving Nyx a gentle squeeze to his cheek when he finally came to stand before you, “I was thinking you’d started to have second thoughts about this.”
“Second thoughts about spending night after night alone with my dashingly handsome mate? I think not” Y/N teased, her eyes moving to rake over her mates form. Azriel was once again wearing one of her own creations, it was all he wore these days when he didn’t have to be in leathers. He said it was because he didn’t like to waste money on clothes, Rhysand said it was because he was whipped.
Feyre rolled her eyes at the scent which had started to radiate from the shadowsinger, his dark eyes locked onto Y/N. “Save it for the trip Az” she chided, tapping him on the chest as she passed by him, moving to stand by Rhys.
Azriel came to stand behind Y/N his arms wrapping protectively around her as he pulled back into his chest, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “Thank the mother you’re here, the sooner we set off the sooner we can get away from Cassian.”
The woman looked over the silvery-eyed male who was hiccuping from the overwhelming force of his emotions, tears rolling down his cheeks at the realisation that his brother was leaving him for a few months.
“Oh come on Az he’s not so bad” Y/N muttered, eyes going wide in shock as the General released a particularly loud sob.
“He spent three hours crying last night at Rita’s over the fact we’re going.”
“See he loves you!”
“I think he was more so crying over the fact you were leaving him” Azriel said this jokingly, but failed to cover the bitter jealous edge to his voice. The frenzy of the bond’s acceptance still not quite fading, even after the two months you had spent feeding his desires.
“You’ll miss him” you smiled softly, warm eyes looking to your family who had gathered to wish you goodbye as you set off on your journey.
“Yeah” Azriel admitted, his own contented amber gaze taking in the same view of yours, “but something tells me we are going to have a lot of fun these next few months. We have to make the most of our time together before you go back to Day.”
Y/N stilled, going slightly stiff in Azriel’s arms as she lifted her head to meet his face, shyly speaking to her mate, “What if I told you that I don’t have to go back?”
“What?” Azriel asked, anticipation building in his chest as he turned Y/N around until her body faced his, needing to properly absorb her expression to see if what she was saying was really true.
“What if I said that Helion offered me a promotion? Emissary to the Night Court. He seemed to think that you guys needed some cheering up, something about you being miserable whenever I wasn’t there.”
Azriel laughed, a deep, earthshaking laugh. Sweeping Y/N into his arms as he spun her around, his enthusiastic movement gathering the attention of his family.
“Then I would tell you,” Azriel started, his forehead pressing lovingly against his mates, “that I’m ready for whatever adventure life will throw our way.”
“You’ll never be bored again” Y/N grinned, eyes bright and lively at the prospect of an eternity with her mate in Night, “not if I have anything to do with it.”
“My love” Azriel breathed deeply as he hovered his soft lips over Y/N’s, “It’s impossible to be bored when I have a mate as captivating as you are.”
There was no doubt in his mind that Azriel would never find himself short of anything to do again. After all Azriel was no longer alone. He had found his mate. His other half. And he would allow himself to spend an eternity trying out new things, as long as he meant he got to do it with her. With the woman who stole his heart.
Notes: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Excuse me while I go cry.
Just want to thank you guys for all the love and support and comments and enthusiasm you’ve shown this series. There’s absolutely no way this would have been done without you guys and you’re all amazing and I appreciate each and every one of you so so much <3
@thelov3lybookworm @minnieoo @going-through-shit @iluvyewman-blog @laughterafter @amysangel @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @justvibbinghere @honeybeeboobaa @willowpains @tele86 @mysticalfuncollectorus @mybestfriendmademe @starryhiraeth @gorlillaglue25 @moonlwghts @darling006 @anuttellaa @serendipityx150 @xxxalicerogersxx @that-one-little-soybean @scatteredstardustt @naturakaashi @nyx-the-alien @lostinpages13 @namelesssav @dreamlandreader @fightmedraco @maxmouse001
450 notes · View notes
blurredcolour · 4 months
II. "Just Had To Trust You."
"Trust" Series Masterlist
John "Bucky" Egan x WAC!Female Reader
The second half of August brings with it the horrors of the Regensburg/Schweinfurt mission, Bucky's absence in Africa, and two smaller missions in France. With this as the backdrop to your blossoming relationship, the pair of you find creative ways to connect with one another.
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Warnings: Language, Alcohol Consumption, Death, Grief, Minor Bucky Injury, Blood, Scars, Minor Reader Injury, Hospital Setting, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [thigh riding, inexperienced reader, allusion to male masturbation] - 18+ ONLY.
Author’s Note: Thank you all so much for the warm reception you gave part one. That combined with my evil brain has given us a full series! Just a reminder that reader has been given a brother for sake of plot. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 6713
The day of August 17th dawned so thick with fog, it was difficult to tell it had even dawned at all. The walk from your quarters to the mess and then onto the control tower was fraught with anxiety – the fear that a vehicle might suddenly appear behind you through the milky atmosphere driving you to constantly glance back over your shoulder. Eventually, you decided to walk just alongside the road through the damp grass, listening to it squeak against the leather of your shoes, the only sound around you once you parted ways with your friends.
Cutting across the field in front of the equipment hangar, you gasped as Bucky stepped out of the mists in front of you like some kind of apparition from a ghost story. You gulped harshly at the way your stomach dropped in response to that mental imagery.
“Morning, doll. Seems like someone left the soup on the stove a little too long.”
You managed a chuckle, taking in his flight suit, his life jacket – or Mae West as the boys called them. He was flying today then. “I’m sure it’ll clear up soon, Major Egan.”
His lips twitched fondly, and he stepped closer to murmur in your ear, the fine hairs of his moustache tickling the delicate skin there. “See you in a few days, doll.”
“Take care, Bucky.” You whispered emphatically in return, and he stepped back to reach into his flight bag, producing the book you had lent him.
“I’ll have that answer for you promptly on my return, Lieutenant.”
You grinned softly. “I expect you will, Major.”
You turned to watch him go as he took long, easy strides to join his crew waiting on the truck to be driven out to their plane, disappearing in a swirl of persistent, pervasive fog. “I’ll see you soon.” You murmured after him.
Seven days.
Seven agonizing days of little news and empty skies passed as you impatiently awaited his return. The decision to send the group destined for Regensburg nearly five hours ahead of those bound for Schweinfurt had been catastrophic. It took almost seventy-two hours for the 12th to reach those who had made it to Telergma, and when numbers and names finally made their way back to Thorpe Abbotts, the cost of it all sunk in like a stone.
Rather than wasting the return trip to East Anglia, it was decided the survivors would undertake a retaliatory strike against some Luftwaffe bases in Bordeaux, one more hurdle to clear before they made it back to safety. It was mid-afternoon on August 24th by the time the droning of plane engines filled the air once again. Taking a steadying breath, you grit your teeth and forced yourself to focus on the keys of your typewriter as the brass all hustled outside to count the number of returnees.
‘Please let Bucky be among them. Please let him be unharmed.’ You had closed your eyes briefly to send up your silent prayer before launching back into your work.
It was nearly an hour later when, report finished, you tucked the neatly typed sheets of paper into their folder to deliver to Colonel Harding and stood only to meet the eyes of one Major John Egan through the window overlooking the Operations Room. He looked weary, sunburnt, with cuts and abrasions adorning his face and neck, unsteady on his feet, but nevertheless flashed you a brilliant, devil-may-care smile.
‘Thank you…thank you for bringing him back to me.’
You exhaled deeply for the first time in over a week, the folder nearly slipping from your fingers, contents nearly scattering across the floor. Mercifully, you managed to avoid that outcome, albeit with a fair bit of fumbling, tucking it securely against your side to prevent further mishaps. The next time you looked to Bucky he was smirking at you, eyes twinkling knowingly, before he gestured with his head toward where the washrooms were. Glancing at your colleagues, heads bent diligently over their work, you looked back to him and raised a finger to beg for one moment.
He nodded in silent understanding, sauntering toward the hallway casually. You took a moment before letting your desk mate know you were delivering a file and then taking a bathroom break. She nodded vaguely as you headed across the room to place the folder in the outbox before making your way to the washrooms. Furrowing your brows in confusion as you found the corridor empty, you barely managed to smother your startled cry as Bucky poked his head out of the janitor’s closet and pulled you into the cramped space with him.
“Bucky!” You hissed as he pressed you back against the door, his lips pressing tightly against yours, silencing any further admonishment you might have been able to summon.
Clinging the to straps of his harness, you rocked up onto the balls of your feet, pressing flush against him, a wordless expression of the gratitude you felt for his safe return. He had barely parted his lips when you mirrored the movement, welcoming his tongue with your own. A soft grunt of pleasure left his nose, his fingers digging into your hips tightly. The telltale tinge of copper seeped into the kiss, making you pull back sharply, groping for the pull string on the lightbulb dangling from the ceiling behind him.
You frowned deeply to see his lower lip was oozing blood. “You should go to the hospital, Bucky, you’re still bleeding…”
“M’fine.” He rumbled tiredly, cupping the back of your head gently as his thumb traced your left eyebrow.
You sighed softly, leaning into his touch as your eyes slid closed.
“My definitive answer is Blood Pressure.” He spoke in a hushed tone and your eyes fluttered open in confusion.
His other hand left your hip to dig into the pocket of his flight jacket, producing the borrowed book, holding it out to you with a satisfied grin.
“You’ve already read the whole thing again?!” You gasped, eyes wide.
“Couldn’t very well keep you waiting now, could I?” He smirked and stole another kiss.
“I’m going back to my desk and you’re going to the hospital, please?” You looked to him pleadingly.
He sighed heavily. “That look is utterly unfair, doll…particularly in my condition.”
Your lips twitched slightly as you fought the urge to smile, doing your utmost to hold the plaintive expression until he huffed and pressed one last, copper-laced, sloppy kiss on your lips.
“Fine.” He conceded and you pressed your lips to his forehead tenderly.
“Thank you, Bucky.”
Slipping from his arms reluctantly, you peered out into the hallway before making a dash into the washroom, cleaning your face of his blood and tidying your hair and uniform before rushing back to your desk, hoping he would hold up his end of the bargain.
Judging from how well he healed over the next few days, you were fairly convinced he had done as you asked. His lips had healed to their normal supple perfection, though it seemed he would be left with a few scars across his nose, cheek, and forehead. Unfortunately, you had not been able to sneak a moment to confirm if he had indeed gone to visit the hospital or not. When your duties did not occupy you, it seemed that his did and vice versa. Passing glances or encounters while surrounded by colleagues seemed to be all the fates afforded you the rest of the week.
The effect it had on your mood was something that did not escape Mary, Vi, and Ruth – for despite your best efforts to conceal your activities, they had been onto you since you had returned from that eventful trip to the pub.
“We’ll just have to make sure you’re simply irresistible at tonight’s dance, then.” Mary grinned darkly upon your return to your shared quarters that Friday, a dangerous gleam in her eye as she closed in on you with Vi at her elbow.
“Oh yes, Mary, a little feminine revenge ought to remind the Major of his priorities.” She drawled, arms suddenly loaded with supplies – from where they had appeared, you were not entirely sure.
You landed heavily on your bottom upon your cot, staring up at them warily as Ruth laughed from her perch across the way.
“Just give in, darling, it’ll be less painful that way.” Came her friendly advice, though her words did not prove at all true.
There was next to no consideration for your comfort while your hair was combed and restyled, hisses of pain escaping your lips as a plethora of pins scraped along your scalp as they were pushed into place to secure the style they were creating.
“Beauty is pain, darling.” Vi pursed her lips in mock sympathy, but you were altogether relieved when they declared their creation stable and moved onto your makeup.
Somehow, despite their dedication to perfecting your look for the evening, and then freshening up a little themselves, the four of you still managed to arrive at the officer’s club before Bucky and many of the men. Securing a martini and your favorite spot along the wall, you forcefully shooed them off to dance with the early arrivals who quickly approached them. You glass was roughly a third empty when Bucky arrived with his best friend Buck and their tight knit group. All eyes turned toward him, as always, that infectious grin and magnetism making him ever popular.
Now that he had arrived, the party would truly begin. Taking a deep sip of your drink, you nearly choked as his eyes met yours and he made a beeline straight for you. Swallowing roughly, your eyes widened as he plucked the glass from your grasp to set it on a nearby table before holding out his hand to you expectantly.
“I’m not very good at this…” You warned him softly, voice a bit thick from your battle to swallow your drink.
“All you gotta do is hold on, doll, I’ll do the rest.” He winked and wrapped his fingers around yours once you finally set your hand in his.
Leading you onto the dancefloor, he pulled you close, one hand at your waist, the other holding yours out to the side. Bucky grinned at you warmly as he began to lead you across the floor confidently, and you clung to his shoulder, feeling the eyes of almost everyone on you. His actions were so public in contrast to the moments you had shared previously. So very declarative. It took a lot of strength not to hide against his shoulder from all the attention the pair of you were receiving. Even your friends were shooting you grins and nods and little victory signals from behind him.
“You got all dolled up tonight, is there a mission I should know about?” He teased gently, immediately pulling you from your thoughts.
“I was ambushed.” You huffed ruefully.
“Ah, so this mission has already been carried out.” Bucky smirked, lips stretching wider as you laughed softly, relaxing somewhat in his arms as he continued to lead you confidently. “You look gorgeous…can’t wait to get that lipstick all over my face again.” He hummed against your ear, and you smacked his shoulder playfully even as your pulse jumped at your throat, feeling his laughter shake through him.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long, Kidd thought it was the perfect moment to launch into an excruciating meeting about…well I wasn’t listening, quite honestly.” He smirked, making you shake your head fondly.
“You ought to listen to the man, he is your Air Exec you know…” You teased gently.
He hummed thoughtfully before shaking his head. “I was too busy thinking about how I’d rather be doing this, right here, right now, with you.”
You met his eyes briefly, startled by the transparency of his statement, before glancing away, teeth buried in your lip in a vain attempt to moderate your rapid heartbeat.
Bucky kept you on the dancefloor for at least five more songs, until your feet started to hurt, your legs getting heavy. “Let’s get you another drink.” He kissed your temple and slid his arm around your waist, leading you to the bar. He ordered a whisky for himself and another martini for you, finding a table in the corner and sitting in the chair right beside you. “For someone who claimed to be not very good at dancing, you held your own, doll.”
You smiled at him shyly. “Just had to trust you.” His resulting grin made you bow your head in response to its brilliance, shivering as his hand squeezed your knee beneath the shelter of the tablecloth.
Taking a steadying sip of your drink, you glanced at him through your lashes, biting your lip at his eyes had never left you, his fingers tightening where they still rested over your skirt. You glanced to the side, suddenly afraid you might forget how to breathe under the intensity of his gaze, sucking in a somewhat ragged breath as you watched another couple canoodling in the opposite corner of the room. There was nothing subtle about the way they were pressed against one another, despite the very public place in which they found themselves, and you averted your gaze yet again to watch the bartender mixing drinks as you sipped yours steadily.
The resulting loosening of your muscles as the alcohol reached your extremities gave you the courage to look in Bucky’s direction once more, taking in his profile as he eyed the dancefloor, toe tapping to the beat. His arm was slung over the back of your chair, an action you had no memory of, and he was slouched low in his seat, legs spread wide. His posture was altogether too inviting, and had you gnawing on your lip once more, yet unable to tear your eyes away despite the alarm bells ringing inside your head.
“See something you like, doll?” Bucky’s voice in your ear made you jump. Made you wonder when he had closed the distance.
You hoped, briefly, that the Luftwaffe might indulge you by dropping a bomb directly on your head right then. No such luck. Bucky’s hand slid higher on your leg to squeeze your thigh, forcing you to raise your gaze to meet his. His normally stormy blue eyes were notably darker, pinning you to the spot as his tongue darted out to wet his slightly parted lips.
“Come on.” He spoke suddenly, sliding to his feet and holding out his hand again.
Following him back to the dancefloor, you gasped audibly as he pulled you improperly close, his hand splaying against your lower back as his cheek pressed against yours. “After this song, meet me at our bench. I’ll be five minutes behind you.” His lips brushed against your skin as he spoke, making your feet clumsy.
Bucky simply pulled you closer in response, bearing more of your weight to keep you dancing smoothly as you somehow managed a nod in agreement, heart hammering in your ears. There was no mission tomorrow, the control tower would be relatively quiet, and therefore so would the bench outback where you had shared your conversation about Runyon’s book. As the band wound down their tune, Bucky shuffled the pair of you to the edge of the floor, kissing your cheek softly.
“Goodnight, doll.”
You exhaled shakily, nodding as you mentally reached down to the bottom of your toes to summon your voice. “Night, Bucky.”
He gave you a crooked smile and one more kiss on the cheek before releasing you gently, watching patiently as you lurched into motion, heading toward the door and out into the relatively cooler night air. Making your way along the road, you swallowed back a curse as your eyes met those of your Captain who was standing watch over the route to the women’s quarters.
“Evening, Ma’am.” You saluted quickly.
“Lieutenant.” Captain Miller nodded crisply watching you continue on before you cut around behind the barracks and circled back toward the control tower to meet Bucky.
Due to the necessitated detour, he was already there, waiting, hands on his hips, shoulders slightly raised with tension. You frowned guiltily and crept up to gently set a hand on his arm, feeling him jump.
“Sorry, I had to appease the dragon-lady, she saw me leave and I–”
He nodded once before kissing you fiercely, making you sigh heavily against his lips. Sliding your arms around his neck, you allowed your fingertips to brush against the curls at the nape of his neck. His chest rumbled happily, his tongue tasting so sharply of whisky as it slid along yours that you wondered if he had taken those five extra minutes to have one more drink before following you.
“Thought you’d changed your mind, doll.” He grinned against your lips before he began to nibble along your jaw, sending ripples of gooseflesh down your neck.
“Uh-uh.” You breathed, gripping the skin of his neck as your knees felt about ready to give out.
“Just hold on tight.” He tilted his head to suck at your earlobe, gripping your hips as he slowly sank down to sit on the bench behind him, pulling you with him.
His hands slid further down your legs, guiding them apart to straddle his thigh, pushing your skirt higher to allow you to settle snuggly against his broad quadricep. Your jaw dropped open as your core pressed tightly against him, a mortifying squeak-like sound escaping your throat.
“Yeah?” He smirked, kissing back towards your lips. “Figured by the way you were staring you might want to give it a whirl.”
If you had been able to speak, his mouth would have swallowed any reply that you could have summoned as it sealed tightly over yours once more. As it was, you brain was filled with static like a wireless that could not quite be tuned to a frequency. Your predicament only worsened as his fingers curled into your hips, ever so slowly rocking them forward against him, making you whimper raggedly. The sensation was only outdone by the feeling of him dragging you backward, the friction causing an unspeakable reaction to roll through your body.
“That feel good, doll?” Bucky rasped against your lips, and you nodded rapidly, mewling as he repeated the motion, though you also began to move of your own volition, chasing the feeling needily. “Sorry, didn’t quite catch that.” He teased and you tugged at the hair peaking out the back of his cap.
“Yes!” You gasped sharply before kissing him hungrily, your leg accidentally brushing against the bulge at the apex of his thighs, shuddering at the groan you earned from him in kind.
Perhaps it made you a wicked woman to take satisfaction in giving him pleasure, but it went to your head faster than any martini you had ever consumed. Digging the toes of your shoes into the grass, you shuffled closer to him so your thigh might brush against his length with each of your self-serving motions.
“Christ, doll.” He growled under his breath.
“Feel…good?” You panted teasingly, biting your lip at his ragged laugh.
“People underestimate you at their own goddamn peril.” He nipped at your chin, breath fanning hotly down your neck as you worked your body against his thigh with increasing need. “Try…this…” He grunted and tilted your pelvis forward.
You slumped forward against his chest, mouth gaping in a silent moan at the intense pleasure radiating from the new point of pressure. Legs nearly giving out from the blinding power of it, you were immensely grateful when Bucky obligingly kept on guiding your hips, continuing to pull the strings of tension tighter and tighter within your body.
“B…Bucky…” You gasped against his neck as your thighs began to tremble, on the precipice of something, wondering if this is what it felt like just before a B17 lifted off the runway.
“Go on, doll, it’s gonna be great.” He rumbled, pace not slackening, though his arms must have surely been aching by that point.
Inhaling sharply, you pressed your face tighter to his neck, desperately trying to smother your cry of pleasure as every string of tension snapped inside you with the force and brilliance of a fireworks display on the fourth of July. Melting against him, you were naught but a shuddering mess, underwear ruined, struggling to satisfy your body’s demand for oxygen as you gasped for breath. Bucky’s grip eased on your hips, his hands shifting to caress your back tenderly as he kissed down your temple to your cheek.
“As promised?” He cooed and you shivered at the feeling of his breath against your skin, every sensation still heightened.
“Better.” You licked your lips and dropped your hands to his chest, slowly pushing yourself up to sit properly, shuddering at the pressure against your still throbbing parts.
“Here, doll.” He carefully lifted you up to swing your legs across his lap carefully. “Take it easy.” He kissed your cheek tenderly, squeezing your side.
You sighed softly, swallowing thickly as you lifted your eyes to his. “People underestimate your sweetness at a great loss to themselves, Bucky.” Cupping his cheek, you guided his mouth to yours to place a gentle, appreciative kiss on his lips.
Feeling the curl of his smile, you could not help but echo the expression, breaking the seal of your mouth against his.
“Our little secret.” He teased, voice still raspy.
Hearing the crunch of footsteps on the gravel path leading up to the control tower, you tensed against him, frowning as you became acutely aware of the persistent problem that remained in his trousers.
“We should go.” He whispered and you nodded quickly.
“Sorry you’re still…” You trailed off, sliding onto oddly unstable legs, grateful for his bracing hands on your hips as he rose to his feet.
“Don’t worry about me, doll, I can take care of myself.” He pressed his lips to your ear after uttering his quiet statement, making you swallow almost painfully as your mouth went dry.
You lost all ability to function for a moment, swept up in the lurid possibilities contained in that simple phrase, before the sound of a door opening cut through the night, and your stupor.
“Night.” You whispered sharply before sprinting off towards the barracks, keeping to the edges of the field and hoping to stay out of sight.
Luck, it seemed, was not on your side, as Captain Miller called your name just a few feet shy of your quarters. You had been so very close. Turning quickly to face her, you scrambled for some excuse as to why you were not on the other side of the door behind you.
“Lieutenant, did you get lost on your way over here?” She arched an eyebrow coldly and you had to remind yourself the mechanics involved in a proper breath.
‘Inhale. Pause. Exhale.’
“No, Ma’am, I just…realized when I got back here that Vi had asked me to be sure she didn’t stay out too late, and that I had left without her.”
Captain Miller’s eyes narrowed skeptically. “And where is your Georgian, troublemaking friend now, hmm?”
The lie had come so naturally, had been so plausible, but now that you were wrapped up in it, it felt like it might just drag you down to the bottom like an anchor.
“I’m here, Captain Miller, Ma’am.” Came a cheery call from further up the path, you friend still cloaked by darkness but by some miracle, arriving just in time to save your hide.
An exhale of annoyance escaped Captain Miller’s nostrils as she whipped back to see Vi, arm linked with Ruth’s, sauntering over to your shared quarters.
“Thank you again, darling, for reminding me to come back on time.” She gave you a tremendous, edging on comical, wink and it was all you could do not to grimace.
You may have been off the hook with Captain Miller, but Vi would surely exact a price for this rescue.
“To bed with you all, then, ladies.” Your Captain grunted and the three of you delivered a set of sharp salutes before ducking into your hut quickly.
“All the gory details, now, darling, or Captain Miller will learn just what you’ve been up to, and I’m certain it’s far from innocent.” Vi grinned wickedly as she dragged you to sit on her cot between herself and Ruth.
You were reticent to share the gory details, wanting to keep the taste of him on your lips, the way it felt to be pressed again him, as just yours. But there was a part of you that revelled in the telling of the simplified, polished version of your encounter on the bench behind the control tower the pair of you called ‘yours.’ And it certainly seemed to satisfy your debt, both Ruth and Vi grinning, crowing in glee by the time you got to Vi’s rescue.
“Our darling dark horse, unexpected champion at taming the rogue Major Egan.”
You scoffed and shook your head shyly. “I doubt that I’ve tamed him, Vi…” You protested but she just smirked with a tilt of her head.
“I’m willing to bet money on that fact, but I suppose time will tell.” She winked dramatically and you just rolled your eyes.
Within four days, Bucky was on his way back to France. The target was an aircraft factory in Rouen near Paris. Of those chosen, you undoubtedly preferred the targets closer to England. The flying time was shorter and thereby so was the period of wondering and waiting. Strategically, you absolutely understood the importance of the targets deep in Germany, but if the Regensburg raid had carried any lessons, it was that those targets were invariably the costliest.
Hoping to catch a glimpse of him before he went up, you retraced your steps, following the same path you had on the morning of the seventeenth, cutting in front of the equipment hangar. The feeling of a leather-clad hand seizing yours and tugging you behind the building had you gasping in surprise before you laid eyes on your target, grinning slightly at your success.
“Morning, doll.” Bucky murmured and kissed you quickly.
You allowed his lips to linger on yours for several seconds before pulling back quickly to glance around, checking if you had been spotted. “Be safe up there, Bucky.” You swallowed and he nodded.
“Think you could wear that lipstick again for me later? It sure looked nice all over my neck.” He smirked broadly as your jaw dropped in response, lifting a hand to smack his shoulder.
“Don’t push your luck.” You chided, wagging a finger playfully, and he laughed brightly in reply, lips meeting your cheek before he strolled over to the waiting crew truck.
You watched him go from your obscured vantage point, waiting until the vehicle had pulled away before you turned to continue on your way to your desk.
You jumped and turned to see the post clerk, Petty, hurrying towards you with a letter in his hand.
“Letter for you, Ma’am.”
“Thank you very much, Sergeant.” You smiled. “Did you manage to get the boys first?” You asked curiously, and he nodded so quickly you were worried his head might fall right off his shoulders.
“Yes Ma’am, got ‘em at breakfast.” His boyish grin of pride was infectious, tugging at the corners of your mouth, briefly easing the tension that seeped into your bones on mission days.
“Well done, Sergeant. Have a good day!” You returned the quick salute he gave you before he hurried on his way, heavy bag hefted over his shoulder.
Glancing over the envelope you swallowed as it appeared to be written in your father’s handwriting rather than your mother’s – unusual. She was often the one to manage the letter writing and mailing process and he would add a paragraph or two depending on what was happening back home that he thought would be of interest to you. Swallowing down your sense of unease, you slid the envelope into your pocket to focus on the mission. The letter had already taken several weeks to reach you, a few more hours would not make any difference.
Shortly after noon, they were already back; Colonel Harding walking past the office muttering about Major Egan’s displeasure in the weather. It seemed only one plane had been able to drop their bombs, and not even on the primary target. Exhaling deeply to hear confirmation of his return, the ever-present feeling of the envelope in your pocket suddenly took on an immense weight. Claiming an upset stomach, which only garnered a knowing grin from your desk mate, you excused yourself to step out back, wandering to the edge of the field to tear into the flap with somewhat savage impatience. Heart in your throat, your shaking fingers pulled the folded paper from within its confines and your eyes began scanning across the page rapidly, your sense of unease cresting like a tidal wave.
I need you to be very brave for me now, dear girl…
Your father’s words blurred in front of your eyes behind a sudden influx of tears. You did not even need to read the rest of the sentence to know. Perhaps you had known all morning – since Petty had set the envelope in your hand. Your brother was gone. Most likely had been for weeks, for all the time it had taken the news to reach you, across one ocean and then another. An agonized sob clawed its way up your throat, and you quickly pressed a hand over your mouth to smother it, taking off running towards your quarters, trying desperately to keep your grief at bay until you could be alone.
Eyes barely open, running across rough ground, it was no surprise when your foot snagged on some unseen obstacle, wrenching your right ankle and sending your sprawling across the grass and partially onto a pathway. Your right knee dashed against something sharp, your hands flying forward to catch your body, the letter you had been clasping fluttering to the ground beside you. The gravel bit angrily against your palms as it chewed its way into your tender flesh, and you could feel the warm trickle of blood soaking into your ruined right stocking. The shock and pain of your collision with the earth overthrew your ability to control your emotions and a strangled sob of anguish, frustration, and loss flew from your lips.
“God…dammit…” You gasped out, suddenly furious with the universe at large.
You had never known a world without your brother. His existence was a constant you had apparently come to rely on, and now that he had been wrenched from this plane, you were not certain what you could believe in at all. Allowing just a few tears to escape began an unstoppable chain reaction, your shoulders shaking as you remained sprawled across the ground, clenching fistfuls of gravel as you gave into your grief. It was utterly self-indulgent. You were not the first woman to have lost a brother to this ugly war, but he was yours and he was gone.
‘Get. Up.’ The lone, rational part of your brain chided. ‘Your father needs you to be brave. You’re making a goddamn scene. Get. Up. You petulant child. What if someone sees you.’
Like some kind of prophecy, you heard the quizzical call of your name. You could only hope the owner of that voice was still far enough away for you to make your escape. Sniffling sharply, almost painfully, to try and stem the flow of tears, you tried desperately to struggle to your feet. Your knee throbbed in protest, your ankle wobbling unsteadily, your palms stung in pain, and all you managed was to roll onto your backside.
A pair of strong, familiar arms slid around your waist, pulling you back into a warm chest, the fleece of his collar brushing against your damp cheeks.
“I’ve got you doll.” Bucky murmured into your hair, and you shuddered, fighting back the urge to simply break down sobbing once more.
Holding out your hands awkwardly in front of you, trying to minimize the transfer of blood onto your respective uniforms, you leaned back into his warmth despite the fact that it was a sunny August day.
“Let’s get you to the doctor.” His voice was tense, wound tight with concern, and absent his usually playfulness as he slowly eased you to your feet.
“I’m fine.” You tried to protest, but an inadvertent whimper escaped your mouth as you tried to bear weight on your right leg.
“The hell you are.” He growled a little, pulling your arm over his shoulders, sliding his own arm around your waist, practically hefting you against his body.
As he turned to begin walking you down the path, you gasped to see your abandoned letter tumbling through the grass on the breeze.
“My letter!”
“I got it.” He grunted and set you down, fetching it quickly and shoving it in his pocket before lifting you up against him once more, helping you towards the hospital.
“I’m sorry…” You whispered, keeping your gaze on the ground as you hobbled along beside him, not wanting to meet the eyes of anyone you may have passed along the way.
“Got nothing to apologize for, doll.” He shook his head, assisting you through the doors and into the building that smelled sharply of disinfectant.
“What about the blood on your clothes?” You protested.
“Probably mine.”
You looked to him quickly, frowning at the mirthless smile he delivered – an empty attempt at his usual humor. You noted he did seem to be in one piece, thankfully.
“What on earth…” Gasped the nurse on duty at the front desk as she hurried forward to slide your other arm over her shoulders, leading the pair of you to a bed in triage where she quickly began to remove your ruined stocking and deal with your still-bleeding knee. “This is probably going to need stitches, Lieutenant.”
You nodded silently, frowning down at her as she began to pluck the debris from your hands.
“What’s happened, Lieutenant?” A new voice joined the conversation, and you looked up to see one of the doctors, denoted by his white coat, had come to stand beside the nurse while Bucky loomed in the background, arms crossed, brow furrowed as he watched on intensely.
“Got some bad news, sir.” You replied, seizing the inside of your cheek between your teeth to deliver a sharp, steadying bite to your flesh as your lower lip wobbled traitorously. “It made me clumsy, and I tripped.”
You watched Bucky’s face somber even further than it already was, his arms unfolding to fall at his sides, though his fists remained clenched. You looked away quickly as you were certain he had been able to do the math. To figure out just what terrible news had driven you to your current state and you could not endure his look of sympathy – not and remain collected.
“We’ll take good care of her, Major.” The doctor said in a kind yet obvious dismissal and there was a moment of silence before you heard Bucky approach the side of your bed, pressing his lips to your temple.
“I’m going to let that terrifying Captain of yours know that you won’t be working the rest of the day.” He spoke softly, for only you to hear, and your head whipped to look at him, startled that he would dare take on Captain Miller.
Your eyes fell on the lingering marks on his cheek and nose from the Regensburg raid, wanting to protest, but on finding you simply did not have the energy to fight him, you conceded with a nod. By the time he returned, no more than thirty minutes later, you were cleaned, stitched, and bandaged with a tensor wrap on your ankle and a set of crutches.
“You need to keep off that ankle as much as possible, Lieutenant.” Doctor McLean, it turned out his name was, instructed.
“Yes, sir.”
“Shouldn’t be a problem, Doc, I’ll make sure she gets where she needs to go.” Bucky chimed in and you looked to him, surprised he had returned so quickly.
“Thank you Major, with that in mind, you are free to go young lady. Keep to the pathways moving forward, please?”
“Yes, sir.” You repeated and used the crutches to rise to your feet, tucking them into your armpits to make slow progress toward the door.
Bucky followed along, patiently, removing any obstacles from your path before gesturing at the waiting jeep out front.
“Your chariot, doll.”
You looked to him skeptically. “I highly doubt this would be considered an appropriate use of army property, Major Egan.”
He shrugged. “No one else was using it, come on.” He guided you around to the passenger’s side, helping you onto the bench seat before taking your crutches to stash in the back. “You really, ok?” He asked quietly as he came to sit in the driver’s seat.
Nodding softly, you squeezed his hand as his fingers laced briefly with yours until he was forced to take it back to drive the vehicle. The trip to your quarters was markedly shorter thanks to the jeep, and you were unspeakably relieved to not have had to face it on crutches alone. Turning to thank Bucky, you blinked as he was already climbing out, bringing your crutches around.
“If you get caught in this area…”
“I’m assisting you to your quarters after an injury.” He insisted stubbornly and held them out to you.
You glanced around slowly before taking them, sliding to your feet carefully before making your way inside, once again grateful for his assistance as you hobbled over to your cot and sat heavily.
“Thank you, Bucky, you’ve been a really big help, but if you’re caught in here someone is going to murder you…”
He came to rest on his knees beside your bed, clearly choosing not to hear, or simply not caring about, your continued warnings. You pressed your lips together tightly, tucking them between your teeth as he produced your father’s letter from his pocket, setting it on the blanket beside you.
“I’m real sorry about your brother, doll.” He said quietly, forehead creased with unmasked sympathy. Your defences promptly crumbled, tears welling in your eyes and promptly spilling down your cheeks. “Hey, hey, shhh.” He shifted to quickly sit beside you, cradling you across his lap, holding you close as you turned your face to sob into his chest, fingers twisting into the fleece lining of his jacket where it hung open.
You lost all track of time in his arms, feeling safe enough to simply let your emotions run their course, have their way with you, in the privacy of your quarters. Thus, it was a surprise when you heard the gently clearing of Mary’s throat, lifting your head quickly to see her holding out one of her immaculate hankies while politely keeping her gaze on the rustic ceiling above.
“I have it on good authority that Captain Miller will be checking in on our darling Lieutenant shortly, so you may want to make yourself scarce, Major.” Her tone was warm and conspiratorial.
“Thank you, Mary.” Bucky spoke for the first time in a while, voice somewhat roughened by disuse. “I’ll see you for your ride to breakfast, doll.”
“Bucky, that’s really not necessary–”
“She usually eats at 0545.” Mary cut you off, clearly allying herself with him and against you. “Now I’ll take it from here.”
You huffed affectionately as he pressed his lips to your forehead. “You rest.”
“You, too.” You insisted stubbornly, feeling somewhat encouraged when he bestowed a smirk on you in response, sliding you from his lap onto the cot carefully and making his way out to remove himself and the jeep before your Captain could find him where he ought not to be.
“What was that you were saying to Vi and Ruth about not having tamed him?” Mary smirked, grabbing the hanky to begin dabbing at your cheeks with motherly roughness.
Read Part Three - "Trust Me, He's In Good Hands."
"Trust" Series Masterlist
Tag list: @gretagerwigsmuse, @precious-little-scoundrel, @rubyfruitjungle, @storysimp
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blues824 · 1 year
I need a Male! Reader x Yandere! Vincent, Claude, Sebastian, Undertaker, Lau, and Madam Red in my life! It’d interesting if M!reader were to be extremely cool-headed and always in a dream-like state but aware of what is happening around them and is incredibly smart. They appear sleepy but really aren’t it’s just their usual face. And they’re soul is one in a million that could keep a demon full for years. So to the characters M!reader appears as otherworldly and they are intrigued…
I love Yandere requests for some reason.
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Vincent Phantomhive
Poor dear was fearful that you would fall asleep at any point, so it is better to have you next to him at all times. But, he wouldn’t be surprised if you were always sleepwalking, because you lived as though you were in a dream. Well, he may as well be your knight in shining armor, as he needed to protect you.
You could see what he was doing. Ever since he first invited you back to the Phantomhive manor, ever since he offered you that cup of tea. You wanted to wake up, you wanted to fight back, but the poison kept you from doing it. And besides, it would be a far call to say that the Vincent Phantomhive was poisoning you. Even though you were angry, you knew you had to be reasonable. This was your fate now.
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Sebastian Michaelis
He had met you when he was going to pick up the young master’s new cane. You were a 19-year-old apprentice, who didn’t seem to have his head back on Earth. The demon breathed in and your soul just smelled so sweet. It was calling to him, to his hunger. Suddenly, Ciel Phantomhive did not have the most craved soul. So, a few days later, he wrote to your master that you were called for by Lord Phantomhive himself, but it was actually him who wanted you there.
As smart as you typically were, you did not see this coming until it was too late. He held you in his arms within the library while the master was busy with his work, and Mey-Rin, Finney, and Bard were all doing their chores. He whispered that you were his and his alone, and you then realized that your mind was steadily growing more and more cloudy. 
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Claude Faustus
He typically wouldn’t care about just any human being unless their soul called out to him. But, when he saw you in the bookstore, your mind somewhere in some distant land rather than the present, he could hear your soul. It smelled sweet, and fulfilling, and he could sense that there were other demons around waiting to collect it.
He invited you to the Trancy Manor, where he locked you in a room that was isolated so that no one would be able to hear you. He made sure that the other servants were aware that he was the only one who would tend to that side of the house, and because of his status within the household, he was never questioned. Now, without him by you during the day, you spent your days trying to escape all the while acting as though your head was up in the clouds when he checked up on you.
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You were one of Ciel’s servants, and you caught his attention with how you seemed to be living within a dream. You were operating on autopilot, but you were doing exceptionally well. It was because of you being a tiny bit of a distraction to the man that he was not paying attention to the plan that Sebastian had laid out. 
The next day, you had found yourself in his opium den. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Ran-Mao had kidnapped you in the night and brought you to where you were now. You were bound in chains, and led up to Lau, where he had you placed upon his lap. You seemed to be a bit too aware, maybe you just needed to go to sleep. It’s unfortunate that you ended up in an opium den of all places.
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You had entered his shop by mistake, and he was surprised because he was not expecting any visitors, dead or alive, that day. It caused you both to laugh, and he had you sit down for a bit of tea before you made your way back. He could sense your soul, and he was aware that he wanted it just for himself. After about the third cup of tea that he prepared for you, you finally sensed that it was a bit suspicious. Of course, you were slowly getting sleepy.
In the morning, you found yourself sleeping in a coffin. You were tied up, but it was open. The Undertaker heard you struggling against the bindings, and he let out a bit of a giggle before peering over the opening of the coffin. You weren’t really listening to what he was saying, but you caught something about your soul, and you being the first to make him laugh genuinely with nothing required in return. 
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Madam Red
You were a servant from the Phantomhive Manor, and when she went to discuss with her nephew about the plans to catch Jack the Ripper, you had caught her attention. She made a comment about how her butler could learn from both you and Sebastian. However, Grelle could see the look of love in her eyes, and she knew her next orders.
The following day, you found yourself locked within a room in Madame Red’s estate. Eventually, the lady had entered the room, specifically the bedroom, where you were staying in. She greeted you with a hello darling before moving on to prepare for the night. You saw the instruments she was using, but you remember hearing her tell Grelle that there was a target that night. You let out a gasp, and you started trying to escape only to be held back by Madam Red herself. She used one of the many syringes full of something with anesthetic properties that put you back to sleep.
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kintaroworldz · 2 months
Cody Rhodes x Husband Male reader
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hey guys I haven’t posted in sometime so I thought why not post a short story before I start the | x feminine Male reader |.
Because of Cody winning at WrestleMania why not make a story about him fucking his Husband hard after the match as a special gift for him?.
so with out further of do enjoy this short story
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Cody was at his limit Jimmy Uso just superkicked him being in this battle Cody knew Roman would need help to try to beat him so Cody came prepared.
Next thing you know Jey Uso music hits and Jey starts running towards the ring while Jimmy was running towards his brother to stop him which leads to Jey and Jimmy brawling. Jey takes Jimmy to the top of the stage and superkicks Jimmy and Spears him off the stage which leads both of them to crash into a table.
Taking the opportunity of the distraction Cody rolls up Roman for the two count. Roman not happy with this goes and try’s to spear Cody but Cody dodges the spear and goes for the triple cross rhodes while getting ready to hit the third cross rhodes Solo Sikoa hits Cody with the Soman Spike.
Then out of nowhere John Cena theme hits and Cena runs into the ring and hits attitude adjustment on Roman and throws Solo out of the ring and Removes the Commentary table cover off and attitude adjustments Solo through the table.
Then just when Cody thought his troubles were done The Rocks theme hits and everyone goes cold and freezes Cena goes back into the ring and faces The Rock. Cena tells The Rock “ You can’t see me “ which leads to The Rock hitting Rock bottom on Cena.
Then The Rock grabs the Belt that he attacked Cody with weeks ago and goes to hit him with it but then the UnderTaker theme hits and the lights go off. The Rock waiting for him to come out turns and faces UnderTaker The Rock goes to hit Taker with the belt but Taker grabs the Rocks throat and ChockSlames Rock.
The Lights go off and turn back on to reveal that everyone is gone only Cody and Roman left Roman gets Tired of the games and gets ready and sets up for the spear. Roman roars while the crowd follows suit Roman then goes to spear Cody but Cody reverses and knees Roman in the face. Cody then possessions Roamn for the cross Rhodes and hits the triple cross Rhodes on Roman and pins him.
“ One… Two…. Three… “ Cody could not believe he had finished his story he did the impossible and dethroned Roman Reigns
Cody sees all his friends come and celebrate with him. Then his husband theme hits Cody sees his husband come out and into the ring.
M/N hugs Cody and kisses him “ you did it babe “ M/N says.
“ finally I did it M/N thanks for believing in me babe “ Cody says back
M/N leans into Cody ear and whispers “ when we get back home you can have me all you want in anyway you want “
Cody smirks and whispers back “ oh really? Well babe be ready to not be able to walk cause I’m going to fuck you so hard I’ll have you moaning my name and I’ll have you’re hole full of my cum “
M/N blushes. Cody and M/N walk backstage Triple H congrats Cody for his win. Cody holds a party for his win.
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It’s been awhile since the party and all that’s being heard in the giant mansion of Cody and M/N Rhodes House is loud moans and grunts.
“ Oh fuc-k-k ye-s-s daddy ~ “ M/N moans
“ you like that huh? My little slut? “ Cody asks M/N
“ Y-Es-s~ daddy ye-s-s~ destroy my hole fill me up with your cum PLEASE~ “ M/N moans
“ yeah you want me to fill you up with my cum? Beg me baby “ Cody says
“ Pleasse~ daddy fill me up “ M/N moans out
“ who’s you’re champion baby? Who is it? “ Cody ask M/N
“ you are you are you are~ “ M/N repeats over and over again while Cody hits his prostate over again
“ daddy I’m gonna cum please let me cum please please please ~ “ M/N moans and begs
“ FUCK~ I’m gonna cum baby you ready? “ Cody groans
“ shit here it comes “ Cody says with his final hard thrust into M/N
Cody holds M/N tight while he fills M/N with his cum. They both lay back down on the bed and stay in the same position.
“ just wait a minute babe I want to stay in you still “ Cody says
“ Alright it’s ok babe “ M/N
Cody and M/N kiss and finally Cody pulls out watching as his cum leaks out of M/N.
“ damn that’s hot babe “ Cody smirks
M/N kisses Cody again and looks at him “ congrats on finishing you’re story and becoming new undisputed champion “ M/N says.
“ Thanks babe and you know if it weren’t for you motivating me to not give up I probably wouldn’t have had that match “ Cody says
“ no problem champ anyways we should probably shower and go to bed? “ M/N says
“ let’s just stay like this naked in the bed cuddled together “ Cody says to M/N
“ and plus who says I’m done yet? “ Cody smirks at M/N.
| OMG GUYS I promise I’ll get the feminine male reader story stared soon I just didn’t want to lead you guys hanging with no post so this little smut story is a little filler till I do the first chapter of the feminine male reader story thanks for you understanding and I’ll see you guys soon bye bye 💕💋 |
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spooky-bunnys · 2 months
Hello could I request sm with (black butler) Sebastian x male reader that acts like morticia adams? I really enjoyed the one you did with bonten (prob misspelled that)
Title: Other Half
Fandom: Black Butler
Pairing: Sebastian x Addams Male Reader
Warnings: death of parents, AGNSTY, talks of death
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(Name) hummed and brushed his long (H/C) hair behind his ear. Fixing his glasses as he cut off another rose bud. Placing the stem in the beaker in front of him. His long (H/C) furred tail swishing behind him slowly.
The Undertaker walked in and smiled at the sight. "Ah~ how's my precious son today?" (Name)'s cat ear twitched and he looked behind him. As the (height) male turned yellow/green eyes meet gray hair. "Oh? Hello Undertaker. I'm just trimming some flowers." (Name) and Undertaker shared a matching grin.
Before either could say anything else the door to the palor opened. Cause (Name) to turn towards the opened door. "Hello Phantomhive." Ciel froze upon seeing the new figure. Sebastian behind his master could only stare.
The Undertaker laughed loudly. Making (Name) laugh as well. But neither guest moved. Both for different reasons. While Ciel was confused on the new person, Sebastian was entranced by the beauty that was doubled over laughing a in his opinion beautiful laugh.
Ciel shifted and glared towards the Undertaker. "Undertaker who is this?!" Ciel demanded pointing at the still laughing male. The Undertaker stood up and pulled (Name) to be in front of the male and his butler. "Who this? This is my adopted son (Name)!" (Name) smiled and bowed down handing Ciel a rose stem.
Ciel just stared with a raised brow. "Sebastian." Sebastian lightly took the stem his hands brushing ever so lightly against (Name)'s. The spark between the two made them jump. (Name)'s ears and tails raised in surprise. Sebastian smiled bowing and held a hand out. "I'm Sebastian. Pleased to meet you (Name)~" (Name) turned to his dad figure and even he looked confused.
Before (Name) could shake his hand, the Undertaker picked his son up and placed him on the other side of the shop. "No way demon! You're kind has caused enough issues with my precious son!" (Name) just smiled and went to the counter and started cutting the roses again.
Ciel watched in confusion. "Will someone explain what is going on?!" The Undertaker stood directly in Sebastian's sight of the other male. Sebastian chuckled. "It seems like my other half is a Reaper and Cat Demon Hybrid. The specific hybrid my kind has been hunting down for almost two centuries."
Ciel stared at the humming male in somewhat awe. "Half reaper and half demon?" The Undertaker tensed. "(Name) was the product of a rare mate pair. Reaper and Demon. When both species found out there was issues. Especially since Reapers and Demon don't get along. They blamed the other species for the birth of him."
Ciel felt something he hadn't felt in what seemed like a life time. "What of his parents?" Sebastian tensed at the question. "Killed. Right in front of him. He was 7 in human years." Pity. Ciel felt pity towards the (H/C) male. "If I hadn't been nearby, he would've been killed as well. I retired when I found him. Knowing raising and protecting him will take everything I have."
Ciel nodded and spared a look at his frozen butler. Who seemed to still be staring at the other male. Ciel sighed and pull Sebastian's tail coat. "Lets go you cat obsessed moron. We have a mission to complete else where."
Sebastian barely budged. Still staring at the male that had finished his "gardening". He turned and flashed Sebastian a smile. When Sebastian saw the cat fangs he knew, he just knew. He'd never be the same.
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jangofettjamz · 7 months
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: Your were nervous about going to the Scream 6 premiere, but it turned out to be a lot of fun... until it wasn't.
Words: 1993
3rd Person POV
The premiere for scream 6 was but a few hours away. Tensions rose as Y/N tried to prepare himself for the event, despite being an actor he has very secluded and did not enjoy the limelight as much as his fellow peers.
He had been trying to muster up the courage to become more socially involved in his work such as: going to interviews, late night shows, going to dinner with directors etc. Unfortunately, It just seemed for too difficult.
However, this time was different. He was going to try this time; to attend a premiere. He knew this would be no easy feat, the camera flashes alone would overstimulate him into madness but he was determined, scared but determined nonetheless.
His girlfriend and co-star, Jenna Ortega has been helping him to confront his fear of social interaction through love and support. She had studied his language and helped him navigate in a world that didn't understand him.
Y/N has also made a life long friend in Mikey Madison, who also happened to be close with Jenna. Though she never was on the set of scream 6 due to her character dying in the previous film, she remained close with the cast and crew and treated him as an equal.
Y/N, although adamant in his choice to attend the premiere, was still absolutely terrified at the thought of hundreds of people in one space wanting him to sign autographs, take photos and pose on the red carpet. It made him feel ill.
Jenna was his shield from everything. She promised to protect him from the cameras, should he not want his photo taken. She promised to protect him from the hyper fans who have little regard for personal space.
"Alright sweetie, I've got all your stuff in my bag: stim toys, plushie and snacks if you need one. If you need a break or want to leave just tell me, your comfort is my number one priority."
One problem; Jenna didn't pack the headphones and Y/N was too stressed to even remember them aswell. The noise would likely send Y/N spiralling.
"Jenna how many people are gonna be there?"
"Atleast a thousand people honey" she says sadly knowing that this was going to be tough for Y/N.
"We don't have to go you know, we can just chill here for the night." She suggests not really thinking of the consequences that could have on her career.
"Wouldn't you get in trouble?" Y/N asks but imm receives an answer.
"I don't care, as long as your comfortable it's worth it" she states making Y/N feels warm inside, like a scarf wrapping him up in the cold winter but on the inside.
"It'll be fine Jen', we're all ready to go now anyway so there's no point in backing out now." He reassures making her form a toothy smile.
"Besides I know how much this movie means to you and I wanna make you happy aswell." She approached him with loving intent.
She placed a hand on his cheek. "Can i kiss you?" She asked, knowing he doesn't like spontaneous kisses without permission. He nods and she kisses him lovingly which he reciprocates, light pink blush painting his cheeks.
Their private car soon arrived and they made their way to premiere. Y/N was on edge, he wasn't as excited so much as he was nervous.
Jenna held his hand rubbing soothing circles with her thumb and he put his head on her shoulder as she held him tight around his waist for the rest of the car journey.
The premiere was more packed than usual, containing around 2230 people; far more than they anticipated. The movie drew more hype than Y/N and Jenna thought possible, some just there to see Jenna.
This troubled Y/N, yes he had prepared to undertake an entire crowd but not to this extent. Jenna could sense his fear as if she was some sort of telepath and held his hand tight.
He started to stim by clicking him fingers and tapping him knees, though seemed futile as the feeling of overstimulation didn't seem to falter.
"Y/N/N, do you need your stim toys?" He nodded violently, starting to sweat as the noises from outside became more irritable.
She grabbed a fidget cube for him to play with for as long as he needed until they had to walk onto the red carpet. He slowly leaned back into her shoulder and she held him tightly again, placing feather light kisses on his scalp.
"Remember, we can always leave if you want." She reminded him wanting to make feel as safe as possible.
"I'm gonna be with you the entire time okay, Mikey's gonna be there too and she'll protect you aswell; we both will I promise." He nodded and took deep breaths while Jenna rubbed soothing circles on his back.
He took one final deep breaths before opening the door of the car and out into wilderness of: fans, paparazzi, reporters and fellow actors. He was gonna hate this.
He instantly grabbed a hold of Jenna's hand and she squeezed tightly letting him know that she's there. Fans wanted to Jenna to sign stuff for them, but she made it a point that she's putting his comfort first, much to their dismay.
"Let's go find the others okay, I heard Jack's here aswell and I know how much you two get along." Jack Quaid visited set often in vancouver when he wasn't Filming for The Boys and the two of them clicked because of their shared nerdiness.
Jenna and Y/N made their way up the red carpet and were called for an interview by Vanity Fair. Y/N considered his options, he could either do this interview with Jenna by his side and be extremely uncomfortable or walk away and still be extremely uncomfortable. The choices were negligible so he figured he'd do the interview.
They walked hand in hand over to the interviewer for Vanity Fair. "Well hello you two, how are feeling about tonight's premiere." She started
Jenna was the first to respond. "I'm so excited, I can't wait for everyone to see this film we worked so hard on it and I think fans are gonna be very satisfied with what we've created." She says smiling.
"Y/N L/N so lovely to see you at the premiere, how was filming with veteran talent like Courtney Cox and Hayden Panettiere?"
He answers "They're very lovely people and easy to work with too. This film project is probably my favourite one I've done thus far." The interviewer asked more questions before promptly ending the interview.
"It was very lovely speaking to you two, congratulations on the movie." Jenna looks at Y/N with a proud look on her face which made Y/N's heart do cartwheels.
She cups his face making eye contact with him. "You did so well Y/N, I'm so proud of you for getting through that interview. You should be proud of yourself too."
Y/N kisses her on the cheek thankful for her words of encouragement, he felt elated on this new found confidence, he wanted to do more and that's exactly what he did.
"Y/N/N!!!" He heard and he saw Mikey and immediately tackled her into a hug. She had become a very good friend to him.
"I'm so glad you came, you having fun?" She asked and he was indeed having a good time.
"Yeah you know what, I think I am having fun." He said with a wide grin.
Everything went great, he did more interviews, conversed with his co-stars and even took a few pictures with fans. He was having a good time... until he wasn't.
The next interview he did was with Fox News and they did not hold back on their questions. He and Jenna both went up to talk with them.
"Hello Miss Ortega and Mr L/N, how's you're evening?" she starts "It's going great, we're having a wonderful night" Y/N answers with tremendous enthusiasm, which will be snuffed out soon.
"Y/N is it true you have spaz attacks when people are screaming on set?" He was confused, Jenna was pissed.
"I'm sorry?" He says politely but still confused. "We heard that you have spaz attacks on set, it would be really unprofessional if you did you know." Now he was annoyed "spaz attacks" who does she think she is?
"I don't have meltdowns on set, or "spaz attacks" as you call them when people scream on set. The screaming is on script so why would I complain? Has anyone ever told you you're extremely unprofessional and terrible at your job?" He says, his voiced laced with venom.
Jenna snickered, she was proud of him for taking a stand for himself, plus she thought is was hot. But that confidence soon faded.
The interviewer says under her breath "Yeah well atleast I'm not a retarded spaz like you" just low enough for the camera's not to pick up but Y/N and Jenna heard it well. Jenna was PISSED.
Suddenly Y/N felt his confidence diminish, the voices around him became louder, the camera flashes became more irritable, creating spots in his vision. He could practically hear all the clicks and cracks coming from each of the cameras as they snap photos.
The colors around him became more and more irritable to look at; too bright so he clamped his eyes shut. The voices and music hammered his ears drums, he held his hands to his ears and started to hyperventilate, thoat closing up in the process. He was having a meltdown.
Jenna saw this and instantly whisked him away from the crowd and into the theatre, they found a quiet corner and begun their techniques. She searched through her bags only to find that his headphones weren't there, he started to panic.
He babbled uncontrollably, he needed his headphones to block the noise. She pulled out her headphones that she carried with her 24/7 and moved his hands and put them over his head; noise cancelling too so that helped.
Once she put her headphones on his head she began to speak. "Honey, can I hold you?" She says, her voice quiet and muffled due to the headphones but he nodded nonetheless.
"We're gonna rock okay?" She says and he nods they begin to sway side to side. His head was in her chest and her head on the top of his, she was his safe space and he was so thankful.
After a few minutes he took the headphones off, but was still feeling non-verbal. Jenna continued her rocking as she began to speak.
"What she said was bullshit, you know that don't you?" He shrugged in response. "Sweetie, you're not a spaz or retarded or whatever horrible words she called you, she's just a bitch and she will be dealt with, believe me."
He nodded against her chest. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, buddy. I hope you didn't regret coming here." He shook his head, he didn't regret it and he had fun.
She pulled something out of her bag. "Here, I've got your ghostface plush. You wanna take him with you while we watch the film?" He nodded and they made their way into the screening.
They sat down and Y/N put his head on her shoulder as she stroked his hair to keep him regulated, keeping a vice grip around his body as they watched their new movie.
In moments like these he felt safest, like no could hurt him as his girlfriend shields him from all the bad things in the world. It felt like home. She felt like home.
Despite everything that just happened, he was very happy.
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triplesilverstar · 3 months
an accidental kiss
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Rating: PG
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Tired Vash, kissing the wrong person
Word count: .2 K roughly
A/N: Vash is tired and wants a kiss, too bad he kisses a certain undertaker instead.
It is kind of funny, watching as the situation unfolds. “Mayfly, I want a kiss.” Vash half asleep walking out of the bathroom while you sit on the couch. 
“Gross,” Wolfwood mutters getting ready to slip in behind the blond to use the facilities. 
“Come get a kiss my Sunshine and we can go back to bed.” Except Vash doesn't head back towards the couch. No, he leans against the dark haired man and plants a kiss on his lips. 
You remain seated watching as Wolfwood screams waking up Roberto and Meryl as he turns and spits making a show of rubbing at his lips in disgust as Vash blinks.
Realizing his mistake and running for his bag to grab to his toothbrush like a panicked madman suddenly wide awake“Why didn't you say anything!” It's too funny not to laugh at both males being grossed out from the case of mistaken identity.  Snorting as Vash squeezes toothpaste into his mouth while glowering down at you. "Love you too Sunshine, but does this mean I need to worry about you wanting to kissing people that aren't me now?" "You're all insufferable." Grumbling from the older reporter.
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camilasstories · 10 months
❝feeling unreciprocated❞ chapter 1 | jungkook x reader
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summary: Sleeping with one guy after feeling rejected wasn't a good idea, but sleeping with another one and another seemed to be even worse plan. Especially with your handsome crush behind the wall, who is as confused as you about your ways of coping with a broken heart.
trailer | next chapter
Your phone was buzzing from all the notifications you got after you had turned on wi-fi in your settings. You ignored them and started to scroll mindlessly through your Instagram to kill the time as you were waiting for popcorn to be ready in the microwave.
The anxiety and nervousness were escalating to the point you were bitting your lower lip which became more red and puffy. Like on every Friday night since you and your roommate made an arrangement that once a week you two would organize a small movie-night that nobody else could take part in it. And you weren't exactly sure what was the reason behind you distressing about such a trivial matter, but you fathomed soon enough, with a minor help of your dear friend, it was because of the second arranger of your undertaking.
You sighed as you rubbed your cheek in defense.
It had been already three months since you two ended up living together and for these three precious months you were truly fucked, frankly speaking, but who wouldn't be in your place? Let’s be honest - everyone would lose their mind over this boy sooner or later. Moreover, it wasn’t just your personal opinion as far as you knew, but you were the only one who had to endure this killing pleasure all by yourself. You should be grateful, you thought to yourself with a pity that you couldn’t use the circumstances to your advantage. You just couldn’t figure out how and you were afraid it would stay that way if you kept behaving like a simple coward. On the other hand, it would be super discomforting if you ended up stop talking to each other because of your sweet, silly crush. So you were trying to shut it down once and forever, but with no effects.
"Is it ready?" you jumped a little hearing a male voice behind your back.
"No, not yet".
"And now?"
"No, Jungkook, it's not ready yet” you shook your head to emphasise that he would have to wait just a little bit longer for a 3-minute meal “Just pick a movie, I’ll bring it to you in a moment”.
“Okay, just don’t eat it all”.
“Mhm” you managed to utter while you lowered down your head to stare into the screen, but you kept observing him from the corner of your eye.
He was wearing a plain white T-shirt and grey pants that hung from his hips giving away its oversized cut. He looked casual, but his tattoos elevated the outfit making it look… hot. Not to forget his messy hair that were a bit too long. You liked it, but you were able to hide it, anyway. You weren’t crazy to such a point you would run after him, right?
“You have some stains on your shirt” you had told him before he entered the living room, but he just shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the sofa that happened to be the most expensive furniture in your flat. You pitched in together at the beginning of your moving in. It was his condition, actually, but then he didn’t know you were a girl. Had he known it, he wouldn't have made you chip in, however it was too late to cancel the order. You didn't mind. At least you two were in a happy possession of a brand new sofa, which you used very often. Not in this way, of course.
You put the popcorn in front of him, which made him turn his gaze from his phone at you.
"You're addicted" you said slightly amused.
"I didn't complain when you were using yours" he scoffed and put it away "But okay, mummy" he made sure he stressed the last word.
You knew he was just being cordial, but you were flushed anyway, because of the mummy part. The teasing was unbearable when was done by him, because well, you used to take everything he said too seriously and keep second-guessing what he actually meant. Soon, you realized it needed to stop as you were going mad because of it and the worst part was you was aware his words didn't indicate anything more serious than just a friendly reminder you were his "bro". And it sucked.
You didn't let yourself to make a comment so you just sat in the sofa making yourself comfortable.
"What are we watching?"
"Something random, we've watched almost everything" he left the pilot on the coffee table and stuck a pillow behind his back to have something to lean on "So how was your week, miss smart brain?"
You didn’t have to think for too long about your reply.
"As always. Lectures, then practice and lectures again and... meetings with Gia. I'm just happy it's Friday again" you sighed and folded your arms thinking about the last five days "And you?"
"The same thing. Almost" he chuckled seeing your discontent, grumpy expression "I didn't sit with books ninety percent of my time" obviously, It was an exaggeration, but it might have been true if you wouldn't have Gia by your side. Your best friend.
"So it wasn't the same. I should have known that" you rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway "So..." you waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't bother too much to shower you with details.
"I was at Vixen's with my friends".
It was predictable his place to go to was another new club. Somehow, it suited him. Such places were perfect for him. He was outgoing, open with conversation with newly met people and he just liked the atmosphere of big crowds and loud music. Nothing you could compare yourself to so it was a nice surprise you two got along. Still, you thought there was an abyss between him and you on so many levels that even his friends looked at you oddly the first time you met them, but you were just his roommate. Not his girlfriend he choose.
"You should go one day" you looked at him surprised taking popcorn into your mouth "With Gia, for example".
"Maybe" you changed the topic looking at TV. It would be nicer to go with him this time "You picked a trashy film".
"Hey, it's random. I told you" he pushed your leg with his feet "Get lost!" you just laughed shortly and lied down on the sofa making him choose the floor this time.
"My turn" he murmured something under his breath, but sat on the floor, eventually.
The fact was, you saw each other only one day during the week, on every Friday, of course. Sometimes maybe in the mornings or in the evenings if your schedules allowed that. You totally understood he had his own friends, plan etc. so you weren't disappointed, because you weren't even certain if he saw you as his friend or only as his roommate. You just expected from him a little, little attention.
"Do you want pillows?" you asked noticing he took his place without anything to cover or make himself comfortable.
"No, I'm good" he didn't even look at you while answering your question and took his phone out from his pocket.
That was the hard part in all of this. He wasn't that invested in your friendship, at least he was giving this type of impression, so you had the right to be doubtful when it came to his feelings. Maybe it stood on the level called "roommates, nothing less, nothing more" with an arrow "you will never get to the next level, we're sorry for the inconvenience" next to it, so you were stuck.
His position enabled you to see everything as well as to smell his scent because his head at the level of your face as he was sitting in front of you. If you wanted to have a picture of what it was like - just imagine a really heavy, manly perfume coming right into your nose. It wasn't getting any easier for you, unfortunately. You were melting.
You tried hard to focus on the movie, but the ring tones were successfully preventing you from doing so.
You didn't want to come as being nosy, but somehow you couldn't help yourself so you raised your head from a comfy pillow, so you could have a full view of his phone's screen. He was checking his instagram account as you did earlier, nevertheless it wasn't what made you disturbed.
The texts were one by one showing on his notification bar with a loud sound, so Jungkook turned the silent mode on his phone. You saw him frowning his eyebrows and playing with his lip ring at the same time, which got you to make an ultimate move. You pulled yourself up a little bit so you could follow his actions, he opened the conversation. You knew it was wrong of you to look at his private texts, but he didn't move or change his place so you took it as an allowance to give it a look. Just one, you promised, but you could tell it may not have been the last.
min_bora: hi jungkook! min_bora: it was great to see you at vixen's typing...
It wasn't confusing at all. It was just a normal text, however still a hard thing to swallow, again. It was from a girl, overall, so it made you reckon if he was really with his friends like he had said? Like Jimin or Taehyung. Or Namjoon. It wasn't your business, but still you weren't exactly the most happy person in the world if he really lied to you.
min_bora: you looked so handsome without your tshirt ;) not my words but harin's haha
You almost groaned seeing the last text. What was that? A pub or a social club with stripping? Or even worse - harem, which was an obvious overstatement. You just hoped it wasn't it and he would deny it. Fun thing, it shouldn't have concerned you but it did. Maybe if it happened to be the truth, you would finally get rid of your stupid feelings. Perhaps, it was the key to let it go...
"Did you just look at my fucking texts?" he smirked leaning his head back so he had the picture of your face upside down.
Jungkook saw your empty expression as you had got lost in your thought few seconds earlier. You opened your lips wanting to say something, but you were too cogitative to reply right away.
"No, of course not" you shook your head lowering your gaze, but it seemed like you had a large writing "a liar" on your forehead.
Of course, he didn't believe you as he felt your gaze on his back when he was about to text back so he took a pillow and threw it at your face, while you blushed immediately all over your cheeks. This thing was something he didn't notice to your liking.
"Instead of making fun of me, you could help your friend" he pretended to whine while looking at the messages.
Friend? So maybe you were already on another level, which made you instantly worried about getting friendzoned, but it felt like it already was the thing in your situation.
You weren’t making fun of Jungkook, it was far from it. Curiosity just won over your honour and your morals.
"Difficult task" you held your chin with your one hand, bitting your lips and reckoning if you should say it "I don't know what to do with a text that says you look handsome without your t-shirt".
"Any advice?" he rolled his eyes watching "min_bora" sending him some silly emojis, which didn't get slipped by you.
"Don't take your t-shirt off next time?"
"Oh, you don't say" he hissed "She spilled her drink on me by accident. I had to change".
"You bring your clothes with you?"
"Yeah, gym clothes" he said brushed his hair back "They were in Namjoon's car, I forgot them two days earlier".
jeon_jk: hi bora jeon_jk: to the next one :)
You weren't expecting this kind of text got typed to this girl, but he was a free man. He could do anything he wanted, not like you had something to say in this matter, but this one coming...
min_bora: i was wondering... min_bora: do you have tattoos only on your arm or maybe somewhere lower... ;)
"Are you kidding me?" you mumbled quietly so he couldn't made out what you had said and you covered your face with your hand completely uncomfortable.
And envious at the same time, knowing you wouldn't get the courage to simply ask him for a coffee, yet these girls had all of it. Even the view.
You thought that maybe he would react in some way. Like getting embarrassed that you saw it or something, but no. He was unfazed, like nothing too extraordinary happened. Maybe he got used to it, to attention and it didn't surprise him. He just sighed and closed the conversation down leaving Bora on a read.
Jungkook leaned even more so his head was laying on the sofa and his long hair were within reach of your hand. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm and steady as if he was ready to take a nap or just thinking heavily.
"Are you okay?" you asked with a tranquil voice not to disturb his peace.
"Yeah" he replied with his eyes closed, but this time the tone he used managed to put you off "Let's just finish this movie".
It was a clear signal something happen or it was just his casual attitude towards random things, like everything was the enemy to him and his job was to brace himself. You never talked about your problems, not even complaining about something more private than your day or how bad the lunch tasted. Everything was kept to yourselves and you didn’t have the nerve to ask him what was the reason behind his changing moods. Maybe he was like that. His nature could be edgy, even by looking at his image anybody could say that. You didn’t dwell on the subject assuming he would prefer it to be talked with his closest friends rather than a roommate.
So you just stuffed your mouth with popcorn contemplating what could be wrong with him until you saw closing credits at the end of the movie.
When it finished, he stood from the floor and helped you with cleaning the mess, but soon he went to his room, got changed. Of course, he didn’t stay that night in a flat which made you sad for a known reason, but who you were to stop him.
Honestly, having this type of a crush was quite a burden if you were the one to speak up. Constantly feeling the strain was exhausting, sometimes you couldn’t sleep and think straight in situations which he was involved in. It wasn’t normal and you wished you could do something with it, because it was getting you nowhere. Maybe if you made the decision but… You didn’t want to ask him out and at the same time you didn’t want to let it go. It was a total rollercoaster of mixed feelings that day by day made you run out of energy.
The rest of the evening was calm as usual and you spent it on your phone waiting for a new story from Jungkook which sometimes he posted on his Instagram, but it didn’t happen. You thought about checking Jimin’s account, but you gave yourself a break.
You took a towel and your pyjamas so you could get a shower and you were on your way to the bathroom when you got a new notification, which you checked right away. In your message box was a text that was totally unexpected.
hyunn_wonn: hi there, love
You looked at it confused bringing your knees close to your chest after you had returned to your bed.
And then not the best idea came to your mind.
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popawritter12 · 1 month
I loved your yandere rain! Would I be able to request a yandere havik with a male reader?
Author's Notes: Let's not say that I do not paid a lot of attention to Havik during my "stay" in MK1, but after digging a little into his lore, I was very attracted to this idea, I hope you like it!
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Yandere! Havik x Male! Reader
Yandere character: Havik From the videogame/anime/manga/movie/serie: Mortal Kombat 1 Case: Kidnapping, chilhood friendship, agression to the reader. Warning: Mention of rape, SA and physical and mental abuse on the reader. Part:1 of 1 Finished:Yes
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Where had he gone?
That question, short and simple, that could be answered in two or even a single paragraph, had run through your mind for so long that it seemed like it already knew where each nerve was, where your darkest sorrows were hidden, or where the heart lay. memory of that man whom you admired so much at the time.
Havik was his name; You still had the memory of when you saw him for the first time, someone quite tall, hair that gave off strands that barely followed an order, a stupid smile on his face - which, it should be noted, his lack of emotions when he walked away from you - and acting nervous when talking to you.
That's how he was, as stupid as a king in love, as kind as a vase when manipulating the stems of a flower, and as sweet in simple acts as company was on a fearful afternoon, or help in moments of crisis. .
It was because of that—or perhaps, because of the change of letters on each card—that, when you saw him again, with that mask covering his jaw, there was only one question running through your head.
Where had he gone? Who was this strange being that had the audacity to invade the body of your loved one? Of all the people in the world, why specifically him? And his face, fearful and even aggressive at the moment your hands appeared between his two cheeks, only showed a feature that you were lucky enough to see at the moment of his departure; the horror.
Whether it be to the unknown, or to how horrific the journey that he was forced to undertake was going to be when he left his hometown, or even to this moment, where the emotions have such an overwhelming size that it is frightening, that it causes such feeling in his heart—which seemed to have turned to stone after so many months away—that softens his soul, but that generates earthquakes in his mind.
He felt rotten, after so much time alone, after so much pain without being shared, and from such burns that it makes one believe that they would never heal, he felt as if throughout the trip, he had suffered a metamorphosis, one such that At this point, it caused everything to go to hell.
He never wanted to allow himself to love, but with you everything was different, with you it always had to be different, perhaps because the gods wanted it that way, or perhaps because fate, always cruel and cold, decided to condemn his soul to this torment. . The torment of seeing you from afar, of knowing that he had become a monster, a strange creature and that he had no place in his town, and, going even further, that he changed both his physical appearance and his soul, as well as his thinking. , like his belief that, even in the darkest moments, there was a way out.
But. that light never seemed to exist, or at least when that witch, so vile and deceitful, ruined all his hopes to nothing, submerged all his innocent thoughts of keeping you safe in an ocean of pain, from which there seemed to be no escape.
So ugly and cruel was the reality that he had to take days to accept that the path was the most difficult, however, that was never mentioned in the letters. The same ones, so sweet and tender they were, that it seemed like he was playing with your mind, that he was tricking your head, that he was writing a fairy tale so that you wouldn't escape from his grasp, much less from the reach of his arms.
However, Havik also learned to be cruel, so cruel that, more than one night, he happily fantasized about destroying those suitors who dared to touch what was his, longing to steal a heart that belonged to him, and seeking to generate in you a feeling of apathy for him.
But, in poetic words he was expert; so many days dedicated just to writing to you, so many spelling mistakes fixed, and so many papers thrown into the trash solely because they did not meet his expectations of expressing his growing and throbbing love in every drop of his blood for you.
Maybe it was his eccentricity to deceive you, or his professionalism when it came to expressing his affection for you in every letter that you fell into the trap of his arms, in the obsessive ties tied to his soul, and in the eccentric loves that decided to torment everyone. and each of your thoughts.
It was exceedingly painful for you to see how different it was when he saw you again; the look in his eyes when he simply saw your figure again in the darkness made you foolishly believe that he was the same as he was when he was gone. However, it was when his arms trapped you in an immovable grip that you noticed something was wrong.
He had that pleasure of wrapping his arms around you, of laying his head against your hair or simply allowing him, so desperate and eager to free people from him, to receive even a token of affection, a small sign that he was doing everything right, a piece of reality, which was that you were with him, that you were there to receive him with a hug, and that, above all, the relationship that for years was seen as tender, continued to lie. same love that they felt for each other, that affection still existed, that energy of showing love, that joy that generates in the heart of the other to be in the presence of the one whom they considered was the destiny of their life.
“They are going to be freed,” he had whispered to you, “finally, the bastards will be gone.” he assures you, as if it were a wish that had finally come true. And as he joyfully intoned and highlighted how far he had come to fulfill his goal of freedom, your happy grimace twisted, protesting and alert to each of his words.
“What bastards?” You asked him “Are you talking about the wizard you had helped or…?”, you tried to continue questioning, but your mind clicked quickly.
You weren't exactly known for being smart, let alone being able to fully understand Havik. Even with all the time of friendship, or all the years of affection and sweet moments that you shared between the two of you, there was something that you always tried to ignore; that black stain which seemed to expand with the passing of the years, that sign of corruption which was only a small sign that maybe, and just maybe, the thoughts that lay on his mind were not as sweet and kind as you. you believed for so many years of stubbornness and lies. And of course, when seeing the reality, it was already too late.
Your screams were heard only by him and by Rain, who was the direct cause of so much blood and corpses scattered across the well-built terrain of your city, your town, your people, your beloved people whose lives had been so important to you how to breathe and release the air from your lungs. Your sobs, useless and exasperating, were the cause of Havik's anger, who seemed not to understand your desperation and anger.
The screams turned to pushing, pulling, and too soon, hitting you to try to subdue you, and it was soon when you ripped the mask from his jaw. His burned face, his angry countenance that could only be noticed by the tilt and expression of his eyebrows and the color that formed around his eyelids, only provoked even more terror in your soul.
This wasn't Havik, you repeated over and over in your mind. This is not my man, you screamed at your heart as he punches you in anger. Each spank against your skin was like a direct stab to your feelings. “I did this for us!” he shouted at you, but you couldn't hear him clearly, your sobs of pain and desperate attempts to try to escape him were as useless as a lamb's attempt to escape from a hunting wolf.
Again and again, the blows and expressions extended to reality by his lips caused your soul to tremble in horror. Something had happened to your much-loved man, whom you called the love of your life, the man who you had so claimed that he was going to be yours for eternity, and that you would belong to him until the end of time.
Of course there was a reality in those words; You were going to belong to this cruel man, even with all the horror, the screams and the storm that hit the city and the corpses that lay beneath the depths of the magic-tinged water, along with the screams of horror of the people who were victims. During the dark night where no one could return to their bed and rest as they deserved, you were going to be an object, a small, manipulable and weak object, whose openings caused by so many blows had to be covered by countless bandages.
But before everything escalated, the tan-skinned man's magic forced him away from you with a crash.
Even with all the damage already caused, and all the deaths that occurred during the few minutes that your “punishment” lasted for the futile attempt to make that man understand the mistake he was making, he had quickly reached the state of repentance.
Even with your attempt to speak, it was difficult for the man whose name you didn't know to try to understand your speech, and only Havik's aggressive and understandable reaction reminded Rain how dangerous it was to try to prevent you from being hurt further. The fight, inevitable even at such a crucial moment in the people's “liberation” from the forcibly established order, spread, but it was obvious that it was already useless to try to reason at such an important moment.
It was the first and last time Havik forgave Rain for anything, and it even took him a few hours to realize how much he had gone too far when it came to hitting your face. But at that point, his mind, having the room of rottenness so normalized, just decided to “let it go.”
It was painful to remember that you were about to faint as buildings fell on your friends, where your family searched for you all over the city even on the brink of collapse and so close to death, and knowing that, even if you had tried, you wouldn't have managed to even move a hair on the man who looked so hurt by the experiences he gained after such a long trip, much less knocking down his companion.
The only memory you had after such savage blows was hearing his voice, that voice that had made you crazy with love for so long, and that now only caused terror in your heart.
Days passed until your eyes opened again, and the bed, the worn walls, the sheet that covered your skin and the bandages so poorly fitted that they seemed to have been hastily made were not part of your room, nor of your house, or anywhere in your house. And the rough footsteps in the distance reminded you of that man, no, that monster who had ruined what meant so much to you.
Disgusting, was what you thought when he treated you with all the kindness he could, and your serious expression demonstrated the obviousness of your anger, and even in your crude attempt to pretend that you were just looking to “get used” to your new life, there was only a look of anger on your face.
No, of course Havik was not easy to fool —or at least that was what you believed during your first days in your new home—, much less when he was able to weaken you and generate a trauma in your mind, one such that it could reduce your mind to nothing if he shown even a little cruelty.
It was horrible knowing that you had been deceived, so many hours, days, months dedicating yourself to knowing if he was alive, if he still loved you, if he still planned to return to your arms and whisper in your ear how much he loved you. All thrown down the drain the moment you realized his horrendous cruelty.
For countless nights you planned the escape of your life, but each attempt was worse than the last, and it was even more difficult when he seemed so calm when you simply didn't say anything or beg to be released. Of course, when something was wrong, he had to force himself on you through fear, and obviously, you were too manipulable for him at that point.
Without daily exercise in those four walls you lost your strength, there was no room for magic, much less a measly attempt to stab him. Everything was so useless at that point that it seemed impossible to escape.
But a ray of light crossed your life when the chains managed to soften his overwhelming grip after resisting your struggles for so long, and by then, you managed to escape during that time. Your feet against the twigs on the ground, and your gaze fixed on various animals that crossed your path as you hurriedly fled from that home of terror, everything was even like a fairy tale for you.
But reality hits much harder than it embraces, and in this case, it hit you with Havik's cruelty when he managed to find you. And of course, at the time of the encounter, his anger was so thunderous that he seemed to be unstoppable at this point. Every second in which you were dragged by his powerful arms along with threatening promises of how cruel he would be from now on was overwhelming.
The cries of pain still terrorize your mind during the first few nights he had the nerve to force himself on you again, but now in the worst way possible. You still tremble as you remember all the nights in which you were barely able to get a little rest; Whether it was because of how cruel he was to your poor, weak body, like the bite marks on your neck and neck, or the pain after the forced acts, or the crying that you were forced to suppress after so much agony, everything was so horrible that to this day is traumatic.
Day in which, even with the hope that those stormy nights were only generated by his temporary anger over your miserable escape, it was only a small beginning of what was to come in the rest of your life, the suffering that was going to twist your life. mind and shatter it only to cause a pleasurable twist in the mind of such a macabre man, and a minimal taste of the pain that awaited you until the end of your days, for the man you once called the love of your life.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Happy 100 @jkloserdazai !
Sebastian from black butler x male reader uwu
Thankfully I know a lot about the Victorian era
Something Sebastian looked forward to was the visit of (name), Ciel's violin teacher.
He never met such a human like him, someone somehow untainted by the harshness of the world.
"Hello Mr.Sebastian, how are you fairing?" (Name) asked kindly as he was led to Ciel's Drawing room where the classes were always held "those kittens were born this morning if you ever wish to visit and see them"
"Perhaps I shall" Sebastian said with a soft smile as he leaned down to the violinist so their faces were almost touching "I will await your letter then Mr. Sebastian " he said gently before allowing Sebastian to inform Ciel of his presence.
"Hello my Lord, are you ready for today's lesson" (name) said with a slight bow to the Earl who nodded and the lesson began.
"You are improving a bit my lord, I have nothing but high hopes you will excel!"
Sebastian escorted (name) to his carriage"I hope to see you soon Mr. Sebastian" (name) said looking into Sebastians deep plum eyes as the demon said nothing but based on the expression (name) knew he would see him soon.
It was a warm summer day when (name) heard a knock on his door, his music shop closed today and he was spending his time with the tiny kittens as their mama and (name)s cat took a rest away from her scrappy little Tykes.
"Mr. Sebastian? What a pleasant surprise!" (Name) said letting the demon in and Sebastian looked at (name) dressed in more casual clothes, not much different from his usual attire but no coat "let me start the kettle! I picked up some treats this morning from the bakery!"
He brought Sebastian to the sitting room where the five little kittens were playing "do you mind terribly watching them while I go make us some tea?"
Taking Sebastian's coat he hung it up before going to make tea and get snacks.
When he returned with the tray he watched Sebastian play with the tiny kittens who were absolutely overjoyed with the new climbing toy they had.
"I have Lady grey tea and this new tea called 'orange peakoe" (name) said softly as the two sat in the floor "do these little ones have names?" Sebastian asked petting the belly of a kitten, the little fur ball purring away happily as his siblings play with some toys (name) made "ah no, though when they're older the undertaker wants to adopt them, he has a bit of a rat problem and these guys would help that enormously"
"I see..."
"How do you take your tea Mr.Sebastian"
"Just Sebastian, I believe we have become more than mere acquaintances at this point" Sebastian said letting the tiny kitten go as the kittens went to go eat "so are you just vistiting for the kittens mr--- Sebastian"
"Well, I actually came to see you"
"Yes you forgot something your last visit"
"And what is that?"
"This" and with that Sebastian pulled him into a kiss and (name) sunk into it before realizing and pulling away "we can't! The scandal!"
"Then I suppose I should sneak into your home in the dead of night and steal away your lips"
"Now, hush"
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luffyvace · 3 months
☆*:.。.MASTERLIST.。.:*☆ part two 😘
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Here’s masterlist part 1: (they both have the same anime’s included)
Masterlist part 1 <3
One piece
Luffy x male! Harpy reader (requested)
The Luffy package! (Includes General & relationship headcanons, as well as Luffy quotes—relationship implied) [A birthday special!!]
If Luffy accidentally makes you cry
Luffy x reader who can rap
Nami x fem reader (with Sanji the wingman) (requested)
Nami x male! Reader with water water fruit (requested)
Usopp x male reader (requested)
Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons pt1 (pt2 is OUT💋)
Dating ~ Sanji Vinsmoke ~ headcanons pt2
Sanji x reader who rejects his princess treatment
Sanji Vinsmoke x male reader
Nami x fem reader (with sanji the wingman) (requested)
Robin x male! Reader with the water water fruit (requested)
Rant about Brook’s time skip powers from fish man island arc (fixed! :3)
Neferatari Vivi:
Vivi x male! Reader with water water fruit (requested)
Vivi x female reader headcanons (for women’s day) (also has Boa Hancock)
Perona x female reader
Boa Hancock:
Boa x male! Reader with water water fruit (requested)
Mihawk’s daughter! Reader x Doting! Wine aunt! boa! (Platonic) (requested)
Boa x female reader headcanons (for women’s day) (also has Neferatari Vivi)
Eustass Kid:
Kid x male reader hcs (requested)
Dracule Mihawk:
Mihawk’s daughter! Reader x Doting! Wine aunt! Boa Hancock! (Platonic) (Requested)
Hunter x Hunter
My hero academia
Demon Slayer
Bungo Stray Dogs
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa:
Akutagawa as your boyfriend headcanons (gn, also these are for his b day)
Saiki K
Saiki K:
Saiki K x gn! Reader relationship hcs
Saiki K x fem! Implied reader who is his favorite (anonymous) author (requested)
Saiki k x m! Reader bf! Texts (requested)
Saiki k x (fem implied) reader who looks cutesy but writes horror books (that has a old man friend who writes innocent stuff) (requested) (help idk how to explain this)
Saiki k x (fem implied) reader who has a chaotic side blog (requested)
Saiki k x reader who’s author friend put the two of you in his book as a background couple (requested)
Saiki x fem reader who’s being stalked by Makoto (Teruhashi’s brother)
Hairo Kineshi:
Boyfriend! Hairo Kineshi x gn! Reader hcs (requested) (fixed! :3)
hairo boyfriend texts (with male reader) (requested)
hairo’s kisses headcanons (requested) (an original series’s of mine :3)
hairo’s love languages and how he shows pda (male reader) (requested)
hairo x male reader who has psychic powers (requested)
hairo x male reader—celebrating your b day’s together!! (Requested)
hairo x insecure/shy male reader hcs (requested) (fixed! :3)
Mikoto Aiura:
Girlfriend Aiura hcs (gn)
Mob Psycho 100
Reigen Arataka:
Sitting on Reigen’s lap hcs
Reigen’s Childhood headcanons (requested)
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive:
Ciel x gn! Reader relationship hcs
How Undertaker courts you
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