#university days
tobiasforms · 7 months
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ponysongbracket · 2 months
Brony Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting
Derpy's Dream (Aviators remix)
University Days
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maximus3point0 · 6 months
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kindasleepycryptid · 4 months
Ive been listening for hours to a prof telling us how to speak like a human being to people
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kiwiplur · 1 year
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Since I never really read any fics as a kid, I started reading along to fanfic readings that were posted to Equestria daily. So far, my favorite's been University Days!!!! I'm a massive sucker for romance in media and this fic was really cute
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harrison-abbott · 1 year
Lil Memoir Piece
I lived in Aberdeen for five years, as a student, where I studied two degrees. The city was (and is) a right ugly, grimy place. But the campus was other-worldly and ethereal, and I spent many nights in the library, for which I’ll be indebted forever.
Anyways – despite the mass drunkenness throughout Aberdeen, and its modest population, there was only one occasion where I encountered a confrontation. As in, violently/aggressively. Growing up in Edinburgh, I was beaten up many times, so I’d gone up to Aberdeen already fearing that kind of thing. But the one moment in Aberdeen was ironic, to say the least …
I was walking home on George Street. And there was a bunch of kids coming the other way in pockets of groups. Like, fifty to a hundred of them: I think there’d been a party in the park or something. Because they were hooting and larking about and had probably been drinking from stolen booze.
So I come across this one group. I had my headphones in. And this single lad pointed at me and shouted something. I didn’t hear what he said because of the music, and I just said, “Okay.” And walked onward.
Ten seconds later I became aware of movement behind me. Turned, and this kid had come and followed me, mouthing away. I took my headphones off. He said, “Mon then!” and made this fisticuff posture in boxer imitation, and advanced on me.
I hadn’t stopped walking so I was still moving. “Mon then,” he said, again, “come on!” It took me about a minute to realise that this kid was actually starting on me, i.e., being serious. And he was exactly that – he was 14 or so, half my size and about a decade younger. I said, “You’re too young mate,” and kept going.
He paused for a bit. Shouting. Then ran after me, and aimed a kick at my legs. I dodged the kick, and his friend (a girl) screamed … and he swivelled around, and fell over.
Then I just went home.  
And that was it. I suppose it wasn’t a violent confrontation, rather than an absurdist cartoon. I mean: I get when kids are that young, when they touch alcohol they totally lose control. At the same time, what was the lad thinking? I really hope he didn’t try that with any other males that night. Because there are many other men who would’ve gleefully taken the advantage to kick his head in.
Aye, so that was my single incident in Aberdeen.
Although there was this other weird thing which happened on George Street, too. Another night. When I was walking home, I was approached by the infamous ‘one-legged prostitute’ who lurked around that earlier. She had a nickname which I can’t remember now. That night, she approached me in the dark, plastered out of her mind. She said,
“Are you looking for any business tonight, honey?”
“No, thank you,” I responded.
“You sure you don’t want any action?”
“I’m good, thanks.”
And left.
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livviehasstories · 2 months
so I have a bad habit of procrasting, most who know me know this. Part of it is laziness and part of it is time blindness.Well, anyways, something hilarious happened one day in college and I was speechless. I was in a nursing microbiology class and each week we had to do a paper on a different virus and hand it in. One of the weeks I was busy with other classes, working, talking to loved ones, I forgot the paper. Until an hour before the lecture. So I sat in the lobby of that building quickly putting together a paper. I figured even if it came out bad, it'd be better than a 0. Well I turned it in, and a week later we got our papers back. Everyone did poorly. EXCEPT ME. I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO PASSED. With a 105 to boot. I told no one else but my roommate who was in my class. She looked at me and she's like "I fucking hate you", ,since she knew I did it on such short notice.
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deep-space-netwerk · 8 months
So Venus is my favorite planet in the solar system - everything about it is just so weird.
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It has this extraordinarily dense atmosphere that by all accounts shouldn't exist - Venus is close enough to the sun (and therefore hot enough) that the atmosphere should have literally evaporated away, just like Mercury's. We think Earth manages to keep its atmosphere by virtue of our magnetic field, but Venus doesn't even have that going for it. While Venus is probably volcanically active, it definitely doesn't have an internal magnetic dynamo, so whatever form of volcanism it has going on is very different from ours. And, it spins backwards! For some reason!!
But, for as many mysteries as Venus has, the United States really hasn't spent much time investigating it. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, sent no less than 16 probes to Venus between 1961 and 1984 as part of the Venera program - most of them looked like this!
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The Soviet Union had a very different approach to space than the United States. NASA missions are typically extremely risk averse, and the spacecraft we launch are generally very expensive one-offs that have only one chance to succeed or fail.
It's lead to some really amazing science, but to put it into perspective, the Mars Opportunity rover only had to survive on Mars for 90 days for the mission to be declared a complete success. That thing lasted 15 years. I love the Opportunity rover as much as any self-respecting NASA engineer, but how much extra time and money did we spend that we didn't technically "need" to for it to last 60x longer than required?
Anyway, all to say, the Soviet Union took a more incremental approach, where failures were far less devastating. The Venera 9 through 14 probes were designed to land on the surface of Venus, and survive long enough to take a picture with two cameras - not an easy task, but a fairly straightforward goal compared to NASA standards. They had…mixed results.
Venera 9 managed to take a picture with one camera, but the other one's lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 10 also managed to take a picture with one camera, but again the other lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 11 took no pictures - neither lens cap deployed this time.
Venera 12 also took no pictures - because again, neither lens cap deployed.
Lotta problems with lens caps.
For Venera 13 and 14, in addition to the cameras they sent a device to sample the Venusian "soil". Upon landing, the arm was supposed to swing down and analyze the surface it touched - it was a simple mechanism that couldn't be re-deployed or adjusted after the first go.
This time, both lens caps FINALLY ejected perfectly, and we were treated to these marvelous, eerie pictures of the Venus landscape:
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However, when the Venera 14 soil sampler arm deployed, instead of sampling the Venus surface, it managed to swing down and land perfectly on….an ejected lens cap.
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Close up of Pluto from the New Horizons space probe.
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Will be adding several more photos to this same post
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bixels · 26 days
Learning that fans hated Applejack and called her "boring" is crazyyy to me because I genuinely, unironically believe AJ's the most complex character in the main six.
Backstory-wise, she was born into a family of famers/blue collar workers who helped found the town she lives in. She grew up a habitual liar until she had the bad habit traumatized outta her. She lost both her parents and was orphaned at a young age, having to step up as her baby sister's mother figure. She's the only person in the main gang who's experienced this level of loss and grief (A Royal Problem reveals that AJ dreams about memories of being held by her parents as a baby). She moved to Manhattan to live with her wealthy family members, only to realize she'll never fit in or be accepted, even amongst her own family. The earlier seasons imply she and her family had money problems too (In The Ticket Master, AJ wants to go to the gala to earn money to buy new farm equipment and afford hip surgery for her grandma).
Personality-wise, she's a total people-pleaser/steamroller (with an occasional savior complex) who places her self worth on her independence and usefulness for other people, causing her to become a complete workaholic. In Applebuck Season, AJ stops taking care of herself because of her obsessive responsibilities for others and becomes completely dysfunctional. In Apple Family Reunion, AJ has a tearful breakdown because in she thinks she dishonored her family and tarnished her reputation as a potential leader –– an expectation and anxiety that's directly tied to her deceased parents, as shown in the episode's ending scene. In The Last Roundup, AJ abandons her family and friends out of shame because believes she failed them by not earning 1st place in a rodeo competition. She completely spirals emotionally when she isn't able to fulfill her duties toward others. Her need to be the best manifests in intense pride and competitiveness when others challenge her. And when her pride's broken, she cowers and physically hides herself.
Moreover, it's strongly implied that AJ has a deep-seated anger. The comics explore her ranting outbursts more. EQG also obviously has AJ yelling at and insulting Rarity in a jealous fit just to hurt her feelings (with a line that I could write a whole dissection on). And I'm certain I read in a post somewhere that in a Gameloft event, AJ's negative traits are listed as anger.
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Subtextually, a lot of these flaws and anxieties can be (retroactively) linked to her parents' death, forcing her to grow up too quickly to become the adult/caregiver of the family (especially after her big brother becomes semiverbal). Notice how throughout the series, she's constantly acting as the "mom friend" of the group (despite everything, she manages to be the most emotionally mature of the bunch). Notice how AJ'll switch to a quieter, calmer tone when her friends are panicking and use soothing prompts and questions to talk them through their emotions/problems; something she'd definitely pick up while raising a child. Same with her stoicism and reluctance at crying or releasing emotions (something Pinkie explicitly points out). She also had a childhood relationship with Rara (which, if you were to give a queer reading, could easy be interpreted as her first 'aha' crush), who eventually left her life. (Interestingly enough, AJ also has an angry outburst with Rara for the same exact reasons as with EQG Rarity; jealous, upset that someone else is using and changing her). It's not hard to imagine an AJ with separation anxiety stemming from her mother and childhood friend/crush leaving. I'm also not above reading into AJ's relationship with her little sister (Y'all ever think about how AB never got to know her parents, even though she shares her father's colors and her mother's curly hair?).
AJ's stubbornness is a symptom of growing up too quickly as well. Who else to play with your baby sister when your brother goes nonverbal (not to discount Big Mac's role in raising AB)? Who else to wake up in the middle of the night to care for your crying baby sister when your grandma needs her rest? When you need to be 100% all the time for your family, you tend to become hard-stuck with a sense of moral superiority. You know what's best because you have to be your best because if you're aren't your best, then everything'll inevitably fall apart and it'll be your fault. And if you don't know what's best –– if you've been wrong the whole time –– that means you haven't been your best, which means you've failed the people who rely on you, which means you can't fulfill your role in the family/society, which makes you worthless . We've seen time and time again how this compulsive need to be right for the sake of others becomes self-destructive (Apple Family Reunion, Sound of Silence, all competitions against RD). We've seen in The Last Roundup how, when no longer at her best, AJ would rather remove herself from her community than confront them because she no longer feels of use to them.
But I guess it is kinda weird that AJ has "masculine" traits and isn't interested in men at all. It's totally justified that an aggressively straight, misogynistic male fandom would characterize her as a "boring background character." /s
At the time of writing this, it's 4:46AM.
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motherhoodtherealdeal · 10 months
Getting ready for university: Helping your child prepare
*This post is a collaboration with BBC TVL, but all thoughts and experiences are my own Blink and you’ll miss it! That’s pretty much how fast childhood goes. One minute you’re cradling a baby in your arms, the next they’re getting ready for university! Heading off to university is one of the most exciting but nerve-wracking things you can do as a young person….I still remember it like it was…
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I just gave a sermon at my church today about asexuality and how to be an ally. Not only did I get a lot of comments about how much people liked it (and how it was easy to understand for so many old folks), but one old lady came up to me afterwards with tears in her eyes and she said, "I'm 77 years old and I finally know what I am. Thank you." And that just made everything I've done worth it.
(also, thank you @onbearfeet for letting me use one of your blog posts. It resonated with a lot of people)
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babydarkstar · 3 months
honestly no wonder harrow forced ianthe to lobotomize her so she could save gideon. listen…LISTEN…if i was a secret-war-crime cult nunlet princess worshipped by my entire planet and the only person that (barely) kept me in check was my childhood nemesis—a butch a year older than me, towering over me in stature and physical prowess, and so hot it made my teeth hurt from how hard my jaw clenched in her presence, who wielded a two-handed seven-foot sword and had irritatingly huge biceps and told very lewd stupid jokes and also learned how to wield an entirely new weapon and be my bodyguard with startling accuracy in three months—only to have us finally learn to trust each other because we got invited to a magic murder mystery and then before the bubble burst i spilled the worst secret about myself that i was born because my parents murdered an entire generation and tried to Kill Her along with them and she just wouldnt die, and i told her this expecting a swift death i believed i deserved, only for her to fucking cradle me in her big butch arms and kiss me on my forehead with her soft butch mouth and just. forgive me for a shameful weight ive carried my entire life and then MAKE AN ACTUAL NECRO/CAV VOW with me despite every evil thing i have done to her……to have her tell me, in the end, bleeding and broken after putting up the most beautiful and glorious fight of her life, that she understands purpose and she understands duty and she knows loyalty more fiercely than ever now, that she knows who she is to me, that there is no her without me….to have her backed into a corner and make the ultimate sacrifice…..for me…..to recite scriptural wedding vows of eternity to me in her last wisps of soul-consciousness…..if i thought there was even a snowflake’s chance in the pyre that i could save her by turning myself into her very own locked tomb, i’d be begging ianthe tridentweirdius to crack my skull open and turn me to mush too, goddamn. i understand you harrowhark girl you don’t have to explain a thing to me. god said you couldn’t undo the lyctor’s bond bc it’d kill you. you told god and his angels that not even a lyctor’s bond could outshine the power of female spite and lesbianism and they didn’t listen. they didn’t believe you. but i heard you loud and clear and i was 17 and hormonal and hopelessly romantic not too long ago unlike those fucking dinosaurs and i’m saying it’s valid it’s what i would have done and really everyone should be thanking you for not being worse and more wretched about it, all things considered
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doesephs · 2 months
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nobody trying to steal your jordan’s neil, your father (the jordan snatcher of baltimore) is DEAD
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kindasleepycryptid · 5 months
Hate the fact that in ALL categories of my doctorate im passing with flying colors (we have graded evals, im pushing 90%+ in everything)
Except one very specific branch of human physiology, and its driving me insane
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dweeeeeb · 11 months
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Detroit Tigers, University Days (2023)
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