#until very recently when i took a good look at my manga
softfae · 2 years
becky blackwell and her family history
i have this theory abt sxf that keeps bugging me and its that the real head villains are going to turn out to be becky’s family + Damian’s mom specifically. 
now, do i think Donovan isn’t going to be a part of it at all? no, of course not. but i do get the feeling that Melinda is the one actually pulling the strings, with the major help of the Blackwells, possibly Becky’s mother (because of the mother’s club thing that Melinda and Yor are in). Everyone agrees Melinda’s first introduction gave everyone chills and I saw quite a few other people saying that it feels like Melinda is worse than Donovan too. Her cold aura, her lack of emotions towards her son and the way she gave even Yor the creeps? Definitely something there. +we already know that Becky’s family creates MAJOR military weaponry, and it seems like they’re pretty desensitised to how much destruction it causes. Melinda and Donovan could be funding + helping the Blackwells create those weapons, making them even deadlier than before. i mean look at this. 
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Both of becky’s hairclips are literally military weapons of mass destruction - a literal bomb and a fighter jet?? for ur 6 year old??? and then of course there was the pink tank earlier too. It’s as if they are proudly claiming it and showing it off like family heirlooms, or a harrowing reminder that their family has this major power, shown even in their 6 year old daughter’s hair accessories and toys.  So obviously, becky isn’t aware of what this really means in terms of her family’s role in the war, and she’s probably been fed propaganda just like Damian and the other Eden children since her birth. So where am I going with this? A lot of fan theories/fanfics include how Damian is gonna feel finding out about Donovan and his involvement in the war, but what about Becky? Becky being told by Anya one day that her parents are both children of war, and then realising what her family has been doing for decades, presumably? Becky and Damian both finding that their beloved friend Anya was experimented on by rich influential people like their families, and now those same parents are trying to start war again? And what if Loid or Yor end up having to target Becky’s family as well, even killing one of them? I know that’s not the mission right now, as Loid is just working to get closer to Donovan to gain information, but who knows at this point. And then if that happens, imagine Anya reading her parents’ minds to find out that her best friend’s family is causing a war and she has to choose between saving Becky’s family and telling her parents about her telepathy, or just letting her parents save the world from a major military company causing mass destruction?  I don’t know what direction Endo will go in specifically, if there’ll be a reveal like that to the kids, or anything at all in the future, but it would be very interesting to watch and probably way too dark for the tone of the show right now, but things are definitely getting darker, with the cruise ship arc and now the recent chapters. I’m really excited to see how it all unfolds, and if Becky and Damian will both reject their family names and legacies in the name of world peace. 
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kisakis-boyfriend · 4 months
for the winter thingy!
can i something with chifuyu? i was thinking after the christmas shebang with taiju and him all bloodied and beaten, mikey called us (m! reader who is baji’s brother) to pick him up. (yk same apartment block and all)
basically we take care of him and baby him a bunch, then the next day he wakes up to nobody in bed…
he walks into the living room, and sees m!reader cheer “merry christmas!” with the entire apartment decorated with a bunch of gifts for him, and they spend the day cuddling and just being cute overall?
(i finished the manga for the first time like a week ago and it’s absolutely killed me please repair my heart)
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Pairings: Chifuyu x reader
Warnings: Male!reader, mentions of blood and violence, patching up Chifuyu, hurt/comfort
Genre/Format: Fluff; Oneshot
Author's Note: This turned out waaayy angstier than I intended in the beginning. I hope the fluffy ending makes up for that. 😅
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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“Don't be too hard on him tonight. It's been kinda rough lately.” Manjiro's words repeated in your head the entire drive to and back from your destination. On the phone you gave a half-hearted, “Yeah I'll try.” and as your mind raced at the same speed of your motorcycle you recalled all of the recent events, deciding that Mikey makes a good point.
First Halloween, now Christmas, how many more holidays will become tainted with the blood from their gang activities? That's something you've never been able to quite understand, even with a brother in said gangs. How many times did he come back home dripping in blood, both his own and someone else's, only to be chewed out by you while you shakily bandage his wounds?
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You pull up to the church Mikey told you about. He's just sitting on the steps, most likely waiting for you after Mikey let him know that he had a ride coming.
At first, the words wouldn't come out. Neither snarky remark nor greeting made its way out of your mouth. You simply looked at him, bloodied and bruised. Just like Baji always was when he came home…
“You come here to stare at me or what?” Chifuyu's voice cut through the cold air, breath visible amongst the falling snow.
A deep sigh escaped before your reply, “Actually I'm your chauffeur. I'm afraid we're all out of limos tonight though, I hope this will suffice?” You joked, glancing down towards your bike. Chifuyu just rolled his eyes playfully at this. “Get on. Before you get frostbite.”
“You don't have to, you know. It's really late and you probably have work tomo-”
“I want to.” You cut him off, stopping what you were doing for a second. “I want to. What kind of shitty friend leaves you alone in that state anyways.” You didn't think he noticed, but you were wrong. He could read you very well sometimes, and he most certainly noticed the strain in your voice as you tried not to cry.
Chifuyu took a seat in the chair you pulled out for him, watching your body rush from his bathroom to his closet while you rounded up the necessary supplies. His first aid kit, some extra washcloths, a bowl of warm water, and a blanket. Placing everything on the dining table while you have him remove his shirt, large, visible bruises already blooming on his chest from whatever blows connected during the fight.
Gently touching the afflicted areas, you asked your friend with each touch, “How badly does this hurt?” Each answer being something along the lines of, “Ouch! A lot!”
“Do you feel like anything is broken?” At this Chifuyu shook his head and mumbled a 'no'. So you continued, soaking a washcloth in the water and wringing it out until it's only damp, dabbing at the biggest cuts on his torso first. Each time the warm fabric made contact with the open wounds, Chifuyu winced. You glanced up at him and whispered “sorry…” while trying to be even more gentle. It was obvious that something was on your mind, judging by the way you weren't practically bullying him for getting hurt so much. A part of him knew why though. He couldn't argue that he was thinking something similar to you tonight.
“Surprised you haven't scolded me for getting hurt.” Chifuyu prompted. Watching you with one eye closed in pain while you wrap some bandages around his chest.
“I'm doing it in my head.” At that, he scoffed. At least you still had some sass in you.
Next, you moved on to cleaning up his face. Chifuyu's cheeks were already a bit swollen from earlier, bloody and bruised just like his torso had been. Before this you carefully wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, telling him that he needed to keep warm after being out in the snow for a while. Once again, Chifuyu noted how gentle you were tonight. Even more so than usual as your hands lingered on his arms for a minute, a bit of your body heat seeping through the fabric while they did.
“Hmph. All this and you still managed to win, huh?” You lightly teased. Chifuyu winced again when you cupped his cheeks.
“Of course we did. Even though we were at a disadvantage from the start.”
While administering your first aid, you prompted your friend to continue, “Oh yeah? How so?”
Chifuyu became more animated while complaining, “Well for starters that dick Hanma beat me up and then tied me up before the real fight even began!” he exclaimed. “Kisaki planned on betraying us all along. Which we probably should have seen coming from a mile away... but Takemitchy thought teaming up with him was our best option, so I agreed to co-operate...”
As he went through the whole story, giving Kisaki, Hanma, and Taiju Shiba increasingly meaner nicknames, Chifuyu gradually blew off the steam left over from the night's conflict. By this point it was well past 2 a.m and you were both exhausted. He offered to let you sleep over and you accepted.
The two of you had spent the night at each other's places many times before, along with Baji and some of their other friends from Toman. So sleeping in the same bed didn't bother either one of you. Especially at such a late hour and after the stressful events of the night. You really just wanted to sleep it off.
Falling asleep came easily, even with Chifuyu's light snoring (which you are totally going to tease him about in the morning). Waking up came easily too. Too easily, in fact... You woke up only 3 hours later unable to fall back asleep. After letting your mind race for a couple minutes, and lots of fidgeting later, you decided to just get up and do something. Literally anything is better than laying in bed all antsy.
Looking around Chifuyu's apartment brought to your attention how unfestive it was. He did at least put the Christmas tree up, but it was barely decorated and the rest of the place looked so... Grinch-like. You recall the festivities that you and your brother got up to in years past, almost always spent with friends after some time with the family. The laughter mixed with 'Christmas dares' that people like Chifuyu, Draken, and you would always end up flustered from.
Since you had some time you figured “What's the harm in livening up the place?” Surely his Christmas decorations weren't buried too deep in the closet?
It's cold. Yeah it is the end of December but, it's like, really cold this morning... Chifuyu thought to himself upon rousing awake. The pain in his limbs and his chest reminded him of last night's happenings. He recalled the fight, the punches he took, celebrating Toman's victory over Black Dragon, and lastly... Chifuyu remembered you. Remembered how distracted you were while taking care of him. Something was off. You never once yelled at him to 'be careful, idiot' or any of the things you usually yelled. Your touch was somehow even more gentle than before too. It was... strange, though not unwelcome.
Chifuyu's hand reached over to shake you awake only to find an empty space. The space where you were last night. Oh.
“Tch. Couldn't wait to ditch me, huh? You're always moving too fast, y/n.” He muttered to himself, running a bandaged hand through his hair before slipping out of bed and trudging to the living room.
His feet carried him across the floor until...
Until a very loud voice jolted him fully awake. Clutching a hand over his chest, Chifuyu shouted in retaliation, “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! What the hell?!?!”
To which you only laughed, “Yes! That's my job and you know it!” Chifuyu couldn't decide whether he was happy that you were back to your usual, sarcastic self or not... Regardless, he did say thanks.
“I made breakfast by the way. I wasn't sure what you'd feel like so I just cooked something simple... and my special french toast.” You added. A statement that caused your friend's eyes to sparkle at the mere mention of. After fixing up a plate for each of you, you sat down by the properly decorated tree. Chatting about how you pulled off decorating his entire living room without waking him up, reminiscing about Christmases past, and your plans for the rest of the day. All before casually sliding a gift box towards him.
“What's this?”
“Open it, silly.”
Carefully removing the blue ribbon and the lid of the box revealed a picture frame with a photo of Chifuyu, Baji, and yourself from a summer trip last year.
“Y/n...” Chifuyu whispered, staring at the photo in his hands. His eyes scanned over it again and again, taking in all of the details fondly.
“I thought it would be nice to have. Knowing my brother I'm sure he wouldn't want us sulking over his death. He'd want us to remember the happy times, and to move forward and make more good memories.” While you already felt the tears coating your own eyes, it was Chifuyu who cried first. Though he swears it's just some dust, definitely not tears!
“Yeah, uh-huh, sure. Whatever, there's more under the tree. I just wanted to give you that one first.”
You watched as your friend laid the picture frame down so that he could tackle-hug you to the ground, hurting both of your ribcages at once. “Oof– Alright, alright! You're welcome! Don't hurt yourself, you're still injured!” you chastised.
And he laughed that precious laugh of his that always brought a smile to your face. “Sorry, Doc. Got a little too excited there! But seriously, thank you, y/n. That was a thoughtful gift.”
“You're welcome. Now c'mon, open the rest!” Chifuyu nodded, smiling as he felt you pull him into your lap while he opened another gift.
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Thank you for the ask, I don't mind a bit! Though I will say that this particular question sent me into a minor existential crisis, because how on earth could I ever pick just 10 things that I love across all media. I don't know if y'all have picked this up about me yet, but I consume vast amounts of media, like...unbelievable amounts of media, it is my great joy in life. I consulted @bengiyo about how to approach this question, and he suggested a frame to help narrow it down: what are my favorites that someone else recommended to me, that I then felt compelled to recommend to others? Hope you don't mind the tweak! As always, keeping this in the realm of Asian media for this blog, here is what I got:
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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When I met @bengiyo and @waitmyturtles I learned very quickly that this was their all-time favorite, and if I didn't like it we were gonna have a problem (jk but not really). I hadn't watched it on my own because until recently (shoutout to our savior Gagaoolala) it was quite inaccessible and I hadn't yet stumbled onto @isaksbestpillow and found her amazing subs. Luckily, I have impeccable taste and WDYEY is in fact a masterpiece, so they watched me watch it, I lost my mind over how unique and brilliant and technically flawless it was, and we are now all bonded for life over our love for this show, which just returned for a second season and will hopefully continue forever. I love it so much I have even started reading the manga, and I am not a manga girlie by nature (I prefer reading prose), so you can be assured I absolutely will not be shutting up about it anytime soon.
Go Ahead
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Credit for this one goes to @ginnymoonbeam for watching it first and then sending up a flare for me as a fellow cdrama enjoyer that this one was worth prioritizing immediately. I love big sprawling family stories that unfold over time, I love digging into intergenerational family trauma, I love good dad characters, I love found family dynamics, and I love a well done romance subplot embedded in a much bigger story, so this show hit so many of my sweet spots. It's #1 on my list of modern cdramas and I would recommend it to anyone.
Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed
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Speaking of cdramas, I must give a shoutout to @dangermousie who wrote this post summarizing their favorite danmei novels, which I found when I went looking for recommendations and was trying to figure out a way into this segment of Asian media. I admit I am a bit bougie about my reading material and modality, so I really can't deal with machine translations or reading on html pages, and thus I still have not read some of these as I am patiently waiting for official English translations to become available (me and 2HA are gonna have a party in 2024 I tell you what). I had already heard of The Untamed, of course, because I am a human person who lurks in online spaces, but reading the novel got me significantly more interested, and I quickly fell down a months long rabbit hole that included consuming the novel, the show, and copious amounts of fanfiction. This story is so complex and layered and full of fun mysteries and meaty moral quandaries and interesting family relationships and has an A+ second chance romance and one of my all time favorite characters to boot; it really took over my brain for a minute. And while it hardly needs me to recommend it given how popular it already is, I'm still gonna do it whenever I get the chance.
Mo Du/Silent Reading
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And while we're on the subject of danmei, let me give a shoutout to my favorite modern danmei novel, which was recommended to me by an IRL friend who is not on tumblr. Mo Du is a sprawling mystery novel that spans five major interconnected cases, and it centers on an exceedingly competent police captain, Luo Wenzhou, and a young business heir/super genius, Fei Du, who start out with an adversarial relationship (but I bet you can guess what happens next!). The crime stories in this are almost shockingly intricate and every detail comes together in the end without a single loose end, which is impressive enough on its own, but somehow the author (Priest, who some of you will know as the writer of Faraway Wanderers aka Word of Honor) manages to also write a perfectly paced, incredibly compelling love story between the two leads that is layered with complex trauma and psychological hot buttons and secrets and lies that unfold organically alongside the mystery. I am in the middle of re-reading it right now and my love for it only grows stronger. The gif above is from a recent attempt to adapt this into a live-action drama that got quickly canceled, but honestly, the less said about that, the better (though Zhang Xin Cheng will absolutely remain the Fei Du of my heart). With China's censorship laws, there will be no faithful live action version of this story, so I highly recommend reading the novel.
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While we're on the subject of novels, I must mention another IRL friend recommendation: Pachinko. This one is a sprawling multi-generational family historical fiction epic that tracks the lives of a Korean family that is forced to migrate to Japan during Japanese occupation in the early 20th Century. Y'all, this book is amazing, and it has now been turned into a television show airing on Hulu that is also quite good (though structured quite differently, but that's another post). I learned a ton of real history in the course of reading this, and I found the journey of Sunja and her family so compelling. The book has a real intersectional lens and digs deep into themes of oppression, racism, class disparity, and sexism, and is rooted in Korean values around filial piety, respect for hard work, religion, moral condemnation, and of course, the importance of food to communicate.
The Great Indian Kitchen
Switching gears, let me give a shoutout to this Indian film that my bestie @neuroticbookworm recently recommended to me and @waitmyturtles. This film is about a modern young woman who enters an arranged marriage with a family of high status (though maybe not of the kind you think) and explores her experience of oppression as a woman in a very patriarchal religious setting. The story is really compelling, I learned about a common experience for women in India, the narrative ended in an unexpected place (in a good way), and I really enjoyed the watch. And this film is on YouTube with good subs which I linked above, so it's quite accessible.
Be Melodramatic
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Let's get back to dramas, shall we? I credit this one to @kdramaxoxo, who recommends Be Melodramatic constantly, and thank goodness because otherwise this under appreciated gem would have never landed on my radar. This is a beautiful story about a group of friends who move in together in the wake of personal tragedy and tracks their progress as they heal and move on from their hardships. The themes of grief and growth and change are quite poignant, the relationships, both platonic and romantic, are all very compelling, and the music is beautiful. If you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for (@nieves-de-sugui this is definitely a good one to add to your list).
Make it Right
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Time for @bengiyo to get another shoutout. This is a Thai bl classic that doesn't get the love it deserves, and he is its number one promoter. I don't know when I would have gotten around to watching this if he hadn't recommended it so highly, and I'm so glad I did. I wrote about this one, why I loved it, and why I think it's under appreciated, and I highly encourage others to give it a try.
Coffee Prince
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We will end on an OG kdrama classic, which I watched early on in my kdrama journey thanks to a recommendation from an IRL friend who said it was the best version of the well worn Asian drama genderbend trope that they had ever seen, and my god were they right. Not only was this my first Gong Yoo drama (a life changing experience in and of itself) but this one really took me by surprise for how sharp and progressive it was about gender fluidity, sexual identity, and the struggle toward self-acceptance way back when it aired in 2007. I recommend this one to everyone, and its a great entry point for people who prefer queer media and have (justified) suspicion of mainstream kdrama's treatment of queer narratives.
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what-the-fic-khr · 4 months
Hiiiii! Recently discovered your page and am currently enjoying scrolling through. Just saw your tea prompts and just wanted to request for Giotto with milk tea and/or pomegranate tea(your choice hehe) anyways, hope you have a nice day!
ahhhh I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog, thank you for checking my stuff out!! I chose to do both prompts but a little different; I had a really clear plan and story so I turned the two answers into a longer, more cohesive story combined instead of two separate scenarios. I hope that’s alright, and that you like it!! my first time doing so but I really wanted to write this out and the two prompts really fit well so,,, (side note, he’s so pretty in the manga…… adore him omg)
character/s: giotto, g, ugestu asari, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: —
warnings: discussions of being chased and beating some dude up (a little bit), very minor injuries
prompt: tea prompts (milk tea, pomegranate tea)
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milk tea; what are their kisses like?
I think his kisses are very gentle. soft. he’s always very soft; he’s never had a reason to be otherwise with his partner. he’s such a gentleman… so romantic. unless, of course…
His Guardians had been split up, and while he worried, he didn’t have to worry too much. They all knew how to fight, how to protect themselves.
You did not, however. You weren’t a fighter. So the fact you were not by his side…
Giotto and G straightened when some bushes to their left rustled, tense as they waited to see who would come out.
“Ahh, Giotto, G…! I finally found someone…!”
…unless, of course, he was really worried about your safety. if he could get you back in his arms, reassured you’re safe… I think that’s one of the very rare times he’d be anything but soft; he’d be firm and insistent, overwhelmed with his relief that you’re okay
“My dear!” Giotto took long strides to reach you and you preened when he took your cheeks into his gloved hands, lifting your face up gently. You let out a short, muffled noise when he kissed you, strong and firm. You made sure to relay your feelings in return, head tilting.
“You’re alright…” He spoke quietly, lips brushing yours as he did. You wrapped your arms up and around his torso, underneath his cloak so you could grip at his vest tightly. “And you’re hurt… I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, resting your chin on his chest gently so you could look up at him. “I’m okay… Just a few scrapes here and there. Ahh, I was being chased and it was scary…!”
You pulled back to show him the palms of your hands and G finally joined after giving you two a moment, eyeing over the scratches on your hands.
“I can’t fight, but… I broke off a branch and just.” You huffed softly and G had to stifle a snort. “Just… beat him over the head until I could run away again.”
Giotto released a soft breath, head tilting. “Good job, my love. You did well on your own, all things considered.” He took your hands gently, turning them over to bring your knuckles to his lips. “Still, I have to apologise for letting you out of my sight… I won’t let it happen again. I’ll be there to protect you next time, I promise.”
“Ehh?” You shuffled on the spot, cheeks warming. “Oh, it’s not your fault at all, Giotto…! I’m okay!”
pomegranate tea; at what point did they know they loved their s/o?
very familial with him. you doing something very close with his Guardians. if his Guardians can truly learn to accept you, become close with you at the same time as he falls for you… he’s sure that’d be the best outcome. his whole relationship he gauges his Guardians reactions, too. so if you can all be just as close, like family, I think he’d happily fall in love with ease after that point
“Primo.” G nodded down at you two once before nodding in the direction you came from. “It’ll be no good letting them run around. I’ll go find the one they ran from. I’ll be right back.”
“Oh, you’re going?” You had reached out to grab one of G’s sleeves, eyes wide. “Ah, I know you can fight… Be careful, okay? I wouldn’t want you to get hurt, especially if I upset him further…”
G hummed lowly, reaching up to pet your hand gently twice before squeezing in reassurance and then returning your hand to Giotto’s. “Appreciated, but I’ll definitely be fine, so there’s no need to worry. One of the others should be back soon - they better be, anyways.”
“Right, of course.”
You watched G wander off before jumping when he stopped short of the bushes to point across the clearing. “Hey! Get over there and help them out; they’re injured!”
“Pardon? Of course!”
You turned quickly to look over your shoulder at Asari, smiling crookedly and holding up your hands along with Giotto’s. “Just a few scrapes, so don’t worry too much.”
“Yes, they made it out on their own.” Giotto sounded a bit proud as he said this, turning you gently to face Asari. “After beating him themselves.”
Asari blinked in surprise at this before smiling, watching you hold up your hands, palms facing him. “Oh my. Did you? Excellent work. I’m glad you’re alright. Let me see them.”
“Yes! I’m not strong by any means, but…! They don’t hurt much, so if you need to we can wait until we return to the estate.”
“That won’t do. We should treat them here while we have the time. Is that okay?”
You could feel Giotto squeeze your shoulders, encouragingly, reassuringly, and you acquiesced.
There was something about watching you get tended to by one of his Guardians; one nagging thought that this may only be the first time… and not the last that this will happen. But a greater thought that you truly were cherished by the Vongola, and for now he chose to focus on that one instead.
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artemiszy · 2 years
Hello! I don’t know if you are okay with writing for this character but can I request Kagaya Ubuyashiki x Wife Reader? Where it describes times she stay by his side and when they set the trap for Muzan, she refused to leave his side. No matter what, she refused to leave his side. Thank you!
TO THE LAST MOMENT | Kagaya Ubuyashiki x Wife!Reader
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Kagaya Ubuyashiki x Wife!Reader
"Kagaya and his wife made a promise, and she was willing to go through with it."
WARNING. manga spoilers, Amane Ubuyashiki not exist here. FEMALE READER
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Being a leader was a difficult mission. Kagaya knew this from his first thought.
And being born into the Ubuyashiki family was an even harder burden to bear. Bearing in mind that you would never make it past the age of thirty while living a mediocre life thanks to a curse, could be difficult to deal with.
It was at the age of four when Kagaya became leader of the demon slayer corps after the death of his father, at that time he was already able to understand that his destiny was already set.
At thirteen he met (Name), a shy girl whose voice was extremely rare to hear. Kagaya found out that she had lost her family to demons when she was seven years old, and has since been cared for by priests.
And despite being a shy and kind girl, deep down (Name) she strongly hated demons.
— "Won't you marry me?" — (Name) approached.
— "Hmm?" — Kagaya turned his face towards her, though confused, he kept his gentle smile.
She looked a little embarrassed and quickly looked down. — "I... I asked why you didn't want to marry me..." — Her voice sounded upset as her fingers fiddled with the hem of her own kimono.
Kagaya realized that this was a misunderstanding and tried to clarify things, not wanting the girl to be sad. — "What? No no…" — he continued. — "I just made it clear that I only wanted you to marry me of your own volition, and not because it was your obligation." — He smiled.
(Name)'s face lifted, still with a slightly uncertain expression, but that was soon softened when she noticed the gentle smile she received from the boy in front of her.
— "So... if I said I wanted to marry you willingly, would you?"
— "It is clear." — He nodded.
— "So…" — She flashed a small, shy smile. — "I would love to marry you."
For a short period of seconds after hearing those words, Kagaya felt a little surprised, bearing in mind that she knew about his family's condition and still wanted to marry him willingly.
It made his chest heat up.
— "So let's get married." — Kagaya felt happy.
Almost six months after they first met was when the marriage ceremony took place, despite the fact that Kagaya was still thirteen years old and (Name) was only a very few months older than him.
During the night after the ceremony they were alone again, with (Name) and Kagaya in the same room with her husband watching the starry sky with the huge full moon high above.
— "What are you doing?" — (Name) murmured carefully as he approached the mat.
Kagaya's face slowly turned around before responding with a peaceful expression and kind smile. — "I'm just looking at beautiful things that I know I'll miss the moment I completely lose my sight."
Now he was looking at her...
(Name) sighed, lowering his head. — "Right... the curse..." — She looked a little depressed, Kagaya realized that, and felt a little hesitant to ask.
— "You… don't really regret it?"
She lifted her face, looking straight into the lavender eyes of the boy in front of her. — "No... I don't regret it."
Kagaya felt relieved, and held her hand in silence, gazing at her face with full awareness that soon she would only see it in his own imagination as his body weakened.
— "I will never regret it, I will stay by your side until the last moment." — She smiled.
It was a pure smile. Then the couple shared a soft kiss.
In recent years (Name) has been surprised by everything that is now happening. A slayer with hanafuda earrings appeared with a sister he swore was a good demon.
A demon that didn't eat humans...? Was that possible?
After the meeting where the boy came face to face with the Hashiras, Kagaya came to the conclusion that the demon girl could live. All putting their faith in those brothers and that could mean a good change for the slayers.
After all, Tanjiro Kamado has already come face to face with the Demon King as well.
(Name) decided to trust her husband's decision, believing that it was the best option to follow.
And he was right, fate seemed to work in the slayer' favor, with a price of course, the loss of many.
Until the final moment had arrived. The upper moons were being defeated and Kagaya knew the Demon King was approaching.
— "What did you say...?" — (Name) looked in disbelief, watching her husband in deplorable condition on the futon.
The curse was eating away at his body more and more.
— "Go away…" — Kagaya coughed. — "Take Hinaki and Nichika with you…" — she coughed again.
(Name) came over and put a cloth over her husband's mouth so he could cough, blood staining the white cloth on the woman's hands, but she didn't care.
— "I... I won't leave you alone here." — She replied firmly.
— "You don't understand..." — With difficulty and with support from (Name), Kagaya sat down on the futon. — "That man will be here soon..."
— "And I know what you plan. I won't leave you here alone."
Kagaya felt surprised and was speechless for a moment. — "...(Name)... please... I don't want you to participate in this..."
— "I'm not going away." — (Name) took her husband's hands. — "I promised you, I'll never leave. I won't leave you here alone."
Until the last moment, after all.
The demon king has arrived.
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tokiro07 · 11 months
In a recent interview, Eiichiro Oda said that he probably won't do any more manga after One Piece (or at least nothing huge) because the world he constructed for One Piece inadvertently allowed him to explore pretty much every type of story he wanted to: Mock Town was a Western, Egghead is both a sci-fi and a murder mystery, Thriller Bark was a horror, etc. He never did it, but Oda probably could have found a way to work in a high school drama or romantic comedy if he'd really wanted to. I would argue that's how the Hungry Days promotion came about, he probably wanted to see it explored at least a little bit but couldn't quite find a good excuse for it
Undead Unluck, as I think at least one of us has mentioned before, is very similar: it can be whatever it wants to be whenever it wants to be. A sci-fi horror against the emotion-eating aliens on the space station, a zombie apocalypse Western against Spoil, a wuxia against Feng, competitive gaming against Spring, sports against Void, and now of course the high school AU centered around Chikara; Undead Unluck can do it all! If we end up going into Lucy's mind and it becomes a swords and sorcery fantasy with Lucy captive in a castle by a dragonified Ruin, would any of you really be surprised? Would any of you even complain? I wouldn't, and in fact I hope it happens now. That'd be such a funny way to get both Ruin and Lucy back into the main story
I don't know if I've ever really talked about it before, but there are certain niches that Jump manga fill. I don't mean in the sense of genre like sports or gag manga, I mean more thematically. When My Hero Academia started, the consensus was that it was the "new Naruto," with its plucky underdog protagonist competing with a cruel and prodigious rival and a society that discredits him for the circumstances of his birth. Black Clover draws inspiration from a ton of big name manga, but Bleach is probably the one that it best resembles in the structure of its world (the Clover Kingdom resembles Soul Society, the Magic Knight squads resemble the Thirteen Court Squads, and the Grimoires are basically simplified Zanpakutou)
Over the years, I've seen many things take major inspiration from Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball, etc., but shockingly, there was a long stretch where I never saw anything try to emulate One Piece, at least not in a way that was particularly obvious. The closest was Toriko, creating wild and imaginative animals, plants, etc. the same way that One Piece creates its islands, but nothing had a cast that felt reminiscent to me
Interestingly, the first one that I noticed that felt like what I was looking for was Dr. Stone, and that only sunk in for me when Senku had his group build a boat and put up a sail with their own unique symbol. I realized in that moment that where Toriko had covered the spirit of adventure that One Piece had, Dr. Stone covered the spirit of friendship and togetherness: every time a dilemma came up, the solution was almost always finding a new ally and awakening their talents, applying them in a way that they'd never thought to before, or reconciling with an old enemy for the sake of progress. "My friends are here to do the things I can't, and I'm here to do what they can't." This is one of the core tenets of One Piece, and while it took me a while to notice, it was equally a part of Dr. Stone's core as well
Undead Unluck does something pretty similar, though not as overtly, since the cast don't really have neat roles like "navigator" or "doctor" or "chef;" instead, everyone has their areas of expertise that can be used in multiple situations, so the individuals best suited for each situation are carefully selected, and if none are available, the hunt begins for someone who is. I think this didn't sink in because it didn't become nearly as prevalent until after the timeloop, but in retrospect, the first half of the story was like the pre-timeskip Straw Hats', unprepared and unable to reach the world's ceiling when finally faced with it, only to come back stronger and wiser in their journey to come back together
Coupled with its ability to be (Chucky voice) genre-fluid, Undead Unluck has unexpectedly become in my opinion a more than worthy successor to One Piece's particular niche in Jump. I've had this thought for a while now, but I think that Undead Unluck might actually be a good glimpse into what One Piece would have been like if Oda had been able to stick to his original five-year plan. It isn't able to take nearly as much time to flesh out its world, but its streamlined approach elegantly allows us to get to know enough about the cast to be invested while still allowing attentive viewers to pick up on fine details. Where One Piece ballooned to be a 30-year venture because Oda kept having more ideas he wanted to share and angles he wanted to analyze, Undead Unluck seems to have a stronger clarity to its vision and commitment to ensuring that vision is realized ASAP without sacrificing any of the essentials. Neither approach is wrong, it's just good to see that there is in fact a world that exists where One Piece would have been able to be just as solidly executed even without entertaining every whim and flight of fancy that its author could dream of
Of course, One Piece is still going, and likely will be when Undead Unluck naturally concludes, so calling UU its successor is definitely a bit of an overstatement, but my main point is that I'm glad that we're starting to see authors who aren't afraid of sharing One Piece's niche, and more importantly are doing it in a way that's fairly subtle, but identifiable. It's an extremely comforting sign for the rapidly approaching post-One Piece world, and I can't wait to see what fills the coming power vacuum
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Magazine Interview Translation - B’s-LOG December 2022 [Actor Interview]
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Fall is the best season for...???
What do you want to do this fall?
*Please read disclaimer on blog
 Fall is the best season for Outing - How Masumi Enjoys Fall
——What is your plan for an outing you wish to experience this fall?
Walking hand in hand along a long road lined with gingko trees, and then enjoying the autumn flavours the other person says they wants to eat. It’s fine if what they want to eat doesn’t have autumn flavours though. With Director by my side, smiling as they tell me its delicious, I’m sure I’ll be smiling too.
——What would you choose if you were to buy a souvenir for yourself on your outing?
I don’t need a souvenir for myself. I’d rather buy the other person what they want. That way, when they see that souvenir at home, they’ll always be reminded of the outing that we took together.
——Would you rather have a picnic to enjoy the fall foliage, or camp to enjoy the starry sky?
I’d like to do both. But I’d rather camp for now. I’ve been to a cottage with a good view of the starry sky during Spring troupe’s training camp in the past.* Director wasn’t there back then. This time, I want to personally show them the beautiful starry sky that I could only show them through the screen.
——What fall scenery did you come across at MANKAI dorm?
Sakuya and Tsuzuru were using a charcoal grill to grill some saury. Lots of guys were lured in by the smell and gathered around before you knew it. There wasn’t enough fish to go around though. In the end, everyone there ended up sharing them… they tasted good.
——What was a particularly memorable outing for you?
It was going to see the real Mother Tree during Spring troupe’s training camp, as I mentioned before. We’ve rarely gone to have a look at things that appear in our plays. I think Citron was saying that… in a way, it felt like we were going on a pilgrimage to a sacred place.
Fall is the best season for Reading - How Muku Enjoys Fall
——What book are you planning to read this fall?
The book I’m dying to read is a work called “Love in Sweet Osmanthus”! The words “sweet osmanthus” evoke the feeling of autumn, so I’ve always had my eye on it… Apparently, according to the synopsis, it’s a bit of a heart-wrenching love story! I’m going to write my impressions on inste after I finish reading it.
——Tell us about one book that changed your life!
That would be “Your Goal Line”! Not only does it have the heart-pounding scenes that you can only find in shoujo manga, but the rivalry between Kisaragi-kun and Kanzaki-kun is also very passionate… It’s a work that keeps you turning the pages with its refreshing story developments that capture youth in track and field!
——What are must-haves for a comfortable reading time?
I often prepare my favourite chocolates before I start my reading time. Kazu-kun has bought tasty chocolates for me before. When the timing is right, Arisu-san has also brewed black tea for me… I have a luxurious reading time, don’t I?
——What activities have the members of the Shoujo Manga Appreciation Club done recently?
In the past, Sakyo-san has made an omurice of a bear and blanket that appeared in the manga “Pot in Love”**. Taking that opportunity, Kazu-kun, Sakyo-san and I have tried cooking more and more dishes that appear in shoujo manga!
——What is a surprising book that a member of MANKAI Company was reading?
There was a time Kyu-chan, who loves baseball, was reading a soccer manga. Azami-kun always goes along with him to baseball games, so it looks like Kyu-chan was learning a little more about soccer which Azami-kun is into. Fufu, Kyu-chan is a great guy.
Fall is the best season for Eating - How Juza Enjoys Fall
——What fall flavours do you hope to taste this year?
An apple pie made by Omi-san… wait, no, I can’t forget about a mont blanc with a huge chestnut on top. And I definitely wanna try pumpkin puddin’ topped with a mountain of whipped cream …Those are all fall flavours, so they work, right?
——Tell us about the time you’ve eaten the most up until now!
I don’t remember when I ate the most… but if it’s recently, then it was at a closing party for one of Yuzo-san’s plays. Maybe it was ‘cause I was eatin’ more than I was drinkin’, but the next thing I knew, all the actors around me were drunk. Even though I finished my appetizer, meal, and dessert, the other guys kept urging me to eat more saying, “you still wanna have more, don’tcha?” I considered myself a big eater, but at that time, I thought my stomach was gonna burst.
——Is there anything you do in order to stay in shape?
Not really. I have rehearsals every day, and Autumn troupe’s practices have a lotta action, so I exercise naturally without even thinkin’ of it. On the other hand, I use too much energy during my shows, so my body weight goes down. I try to eat more and increase my calorie intake.
——Who would you invite if you went out to eat popular sweets in Veludo City?
Kumon and Muku. Muku’s always had a sweet tooth, and even though Kumon’s not a huge fan, he’s happy to eat them most of the time. More importantly, if I’m gonna eat somethin’ tasty, then I want those two to try it too. Come to think of it, Kazunari-san posted some canelés on his inste the other day. There were lotsa different kinds, like chocolate-covered and cream-covered ones. I bet Muku and Kumon would like how inste-blammable they look. I’ll invite them later.
——Tell us about a food story that made you happy recently!
I was cravin’ almond tofu for some reason, so I popped by a store and they had a huge discount. I bought some for the rest of the guys at the theatre and went home. After that, everyone was happy since said they were just thinking they wanted some too. Then for dinner, I was cravin’ croquettes, and miraculously, we had croquettes. Accordin’ to Tsuzuru-san, the guys at the dorm decided on them through a vote. I’m not sure if you’d call that happiness… but at that time… I thought it was a great day.
Fall is the best season for Art - How Homare Enjoys Fall
——What type of art would you like to experience this fall?
That would be kabuki. My interest has grown even more ever since I appeared in “Senribana Monogatari” a while ago. Among our troupe members, Citron-kun and Yuki-kun are known to be fond of Kabuki. I hope to find time this fall to go watch a live kabuki show as well.
——Which piece of art has touched you the most up until this point?
Hm. It is difficult to pinpoint which one has most… however, when it comes to me, Shakespeare cannot be forgotten. The poet Arisugawa Homare may not have existed if I had not encountered his works. That is how much I love and respect Shakespeare.
——What type of “fall” do you hope to spend this year?
A “fall of art” goes without saying, so I suppose a “fall of foliage”? I have gone to a shrine that is famous for its autumn foliage in the past. However, the journey took about two hours by car—one way—so it is not a locale I can simply visit casually. It might be nice to go there to view the autumn leaves for the first time in a while.
——What artworks have you discovered at the MANKAI dorm?
Just the other day, I came across Summer troupe partaking in art shiritori. Of course, Yuki-kun and Kazunari-kun had spectacular drawing skills. But Tenma-kun’s artwork was the most artistic of all. Apparently, he himself drew a “deer”, but everyone around him dubbed it a “monster”.
——Who is the one who makes you think, “I am drawn in by this person’s artistic character”?
This is also a recent incident, but Citron-kun held a dance show at the dorm. I have a bit of interest in dance myself, but I had never witnessed such an artistic and creative dance before. In addition, the man himself plays an important role as an ambassador of art and culture. Now that is truly “art”.
*References the 5th anniversary event story **References Sakyo's N Welcome to Akebono-so! card
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super manga ch.87
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So last time it looked like the good guys had finally defeated Gas.  They didn’t kill him, but everyone seems satisfied that he’s beaten.  Monaito goes to heal Granolah and it turns out he’s gotten much faster about it.  Seems that Goku and Vegeta weren’t the only ones who got stronger in all of this. 
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But it turns out Gas won’t go down that easily.  He recovers from Granolah’s finisher, but he looks like a desiccated corpse now, and he doesn’t even seem to notice.  So the fight continues, and even when Goku does serious damage to his arm, it doesn’t even slow him down.  Vegeta likens it to a curse.  Gas must be the strongest in the universe because of the wish.  No matter how much damage he takes, he can’t weaken, no matter what, until he finally dies. 
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This horrifies Oil and Macki, who were already concerned about the toll this was taking on Gas’ body.  But Elec still doesn’t care.  At last, Gas sees his reflection and finally realizes he’s dying.  Elec tells him to hurry up and finish the good guys off, because any minute now, he will... wait, who’s he?
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It’s Frieza!  And he just got done watching Iron Man movies! 
So yeah, now we finally see what Elec was trying to do here.  When Granolah first came to him asking for Frieza’s location, and he told them how he used the Cerealian Dragon Balls to wish for supreme strength, Elec lured Goku and Vegeta to Cereal to eliminate Granolah.  While the fought, the Heeters found the Cerealian Dragon Balls and wished for Gas to become the strongest in the universe. 
At the time, it just seemed like the Heeters were just looking to bump off Granolah so that they could proceed with their plans to eliminate Frieza on their own terms, but now we see that Elec had contacted Frieza to arrange a meeting on Cereal, so that Gas could assassinate him when he arrived. 
And Elec’s plan could still work.  I mean, Gas hasn’t gotten rid of Goku, Vegeta, or Granolah yet, but he’s still alive, and he can still kill Frieza.  After all, he’s the strongest in the univer--
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Oh my.
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So yeah, Frieza just one-shotted Gas, and that makes things very awkward for Elec, who wasn’t planning past this moment.  Frieza calmly explains that he’s been aware of Elec’s scheming for decades, and he allowed him to play his intel games for the benefit of his own organization.  He also tells Elec that he’s known all along that the weakest of the four Heeters is Elec.  Then he kills Elec, which is kind of a formality at this point.
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So how the hell did Frieza defeat Gas so easily?  The dragon made him the strongest in the universe, right?  Frieza explains that he just recently got out of a Hyperbolic Time Chamber that he found on one of his conquered planets.  While inside of it, he did ten years’ worth of training.  During that time, Frieza became far more powerful, and when Gas’ wish was made, Frieza wasn’t in the universe to be taken into account. 
Okay, one small problem with all of that.  Gas has only been the strongest in the universe for a fairly short time now.  I mean, most of this arc has taken place in a single day on Planet Cereal.  Maybe a few hours at most have passed since Gas got his ultimate strength.  So Frieza must have stepped out of the Time Chamber, then got in his spaceship and hauled ass to planet Cereal in that short span of time. 
I mean, it’s plausible, sure.  Maybe Frieza’s ship is really, really fast, or his Hyperbolic Time Chamber just happens to be on a planet very close to Cereal.  Or maybe he’s got the entrance to the chamber built into his ship.  That’d be pretty cool. Drink some space wine, head down to Deck Seven and step into your own private Hyperbolic Time Chamber for a decade or two.
I’m just wondering if maybe Toriyama and Toyotaro got mixed up somewhere.  It would make a lot more sense if Frieza surpassed Granolah this way, since Granolah made his wish a month or two ago.  But he took out Gas like it was nothing, so the only way that makes sense would be if Frieza was in the Time Chamber on this same day.  Or maybe Elec’s wish was worded differently.  He might have asked the Dragon to make Gas stronger than Granolah, thinking that there was no semantic difference.  Well, it’s not worth quibbling over.
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Anyway, Frieza’s motives should be obvious.  He was outclassed in Resurrection F, and then again in the Tournament of Power, and then again in the Broly movie.  Frieza wanted a way to get back on top, so he used the Time Chamber to close the gap, and he developed a new form: Black Frieza.  It’s... just Golden Frieza but with a charcoal color scheme instead of gold. 
So now we’re back to basics, with Goku and Vegeta fighting Frieza again, only with new ultimate forms.  Well, this could lead to--
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So yeah, Frieza beat Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta, at the same time, with one blow.  He doesn’t even bother to finish them off, which is kind of a nice touch, since he’s already demonstrated that they’re no threat to him.  When they recover, they find Granolah tending to Monaito, who was fatally wounded when Gas came back for that final round.  But then Whis shows up and heals Monaito as a special favor.  He’s come to pick up the boys because Beerus needs technical support for making instant noodles again. 
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And... that’s the end of the arc.  I was kind of surprised, because I was pretty sure Granolah died at the end of this thing, but no, he and Monaito are fine.  The surviving Heeters, Oil and Macki, take jobs on Frieza’s spaceship crew.  Goku has a souvenir from his bio-dad.  Granolah and Monaito plan to use the Dragon Balls one last time to repair the damage to Planet Cereal, and then Monaito intends to deactivate the Dragon Balls for good. 
Curiously, Granolah still has his incredible power and shortened lifespan.  I would have expected that to get reversed somehow.  I mean, Vegeta’s offering him a rematch, which is pretty standard for Dragon Ball, except Granolah only has three years left to live.  I assume Toyotaro plans to use him again in a future story, but with all the timeskips we see in DBS, will Granolah still be alive by then?  Well, that’s Toyo’s problem.  I’m sure he’ll come up with something. 
Of course, the big plot dangler from this chapter is the looming threat of Black Frieza.  Sooner or later, Goku and Vegeta will meet him again, and Frieza won’t be so merciful.  None of this is mentioned in the Super Hero film, but presumably the boys were training specifically to deal with the Black Frieza threat.  That’s probably also why they brought Broly’s group to Beerus’ planet.  In the movie, they said it was so Frieza wouldn’t find them, and that makes more sense if you know about Black Frieza, since Golden Frieza was no match for Broly. 
I’m a pretty hardcore Cell fan, so I hate to give Frieza any credit, but I have to admit that this chapter might be the coolest Frieza stuff I’ve seen in a long time.  For years, I’ve maintained that bringing back Frieza in 2015 wasn’t worth it.  Resurrection F wasn’t that good, and the character hasn’t done anything since that justifies bringing him back.  But now, at least we have the promise of something that will actually live up to the hype.  Golden Frieza was basically on the same level as Super Saiyan Blue, but this new Black Frieza is in a league of his own.  Here, we finally see Frieza returned to his original status, far beyond all the other characters. 
And it seems like Frieza has finally learned from his past mistakes.  He’s not blindly charging in for revenge, or leaving things to his subordinates.  It’s the same character, but he’s changed, and not just in terms of color or power.  This isn’t the same Frieza from 2015 or 1990.  And that’s what matters here, because if you’re going to bring back a classic character, you have to do something new with him.  Like how Goku finally got to remember his parents after all this time.  Whatever happens next, he’ll never be quite the same, but you have to give him moments like that, because if he never grows or changes, then there’s no point in telling new stories about him. 
This was a very good arc.  In a way, the Moro and Granolah sagas compliment each other well, because the Granolah arc demonstrates exactly what was wrong with the Moro arc, and the Moro arc shows what the Granolah arc did right.  It’s hard to imagine these were both written by the same creative team, but there it is.  I’m definitely feeling a lot more optimistic for the future of this comic.  Of course, the next several chapters are an adaptation of the Super Hero movie, which is a bold step backwards, but hopefully after that’s over they’ll let Toyotaro cut loose. 
So that wraps up my coverage of the DBS manga.  But I’ve still got some more material for the liveblog, so stay tuned...
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kaitou-archive · 1 year
Blu-ray Special Interview
A cleaned up machine translation of a late 2018 interview. Please note that due to the nature of machine translation, though the blog runner has attempted to make sure the core message was kept, might not be wholly accurate in all places.
(Near the end of the interview there is a brief, slightly suggestive topic, for those who might like the warning)
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Joker, the main character of the very popular manga/anime "Kaitou Joker," celebrated his birthday on December 11!   To commemorate Joker's birthday, CoroCoro Online invited the director of the anime, Yukiyo Teramoto, the character designer and chief animation director, Miho Shimogasa, and a manga artist, Miki Aihara, who is a big fan of the work, to join us for a special round-table discussion!   The content of the discussion is a must-see for fans of "Kaitou Joker," including secret production stories that will be revealed for the first time, recommended characters, introduction of favorite scenes, and more!
(List of interlocuters)
Yukiyo Teramoto (Director) Major works include "Doraemon the Movie: Nobita and the Steel Troops: The New Age" (director, storyboard).   Miho Shimogasa (Character Designer, Chief Animation Director) Major works include "Demashita! Power Puff Girls Z" and "Battle Spirits: Shonen Toppai Bashin" (Character Design, Chief Animation Director).   Miki Aihara (Manga Artist) Currently serializing "5:00 to 9:00" (dramatized in 2015) in "Cheese!" (Shogakukan); a live-action film of her book "Hot Gimmick" is scheduled for release in 2019. She is a big fan of "Kaitou Joker"!
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--Please begin by introducing yourself.
Director Yukiyo Teramoto (hereafter, Teramoto): My name is Teramoto, and I was the director of the animation "Kaitou Joker". It has already been two years since the broadcast ended. I look forward to working with you today.   Miho Shimogasa (Shimogasa): My name is Miho Shimogasa, and I was the character designer and supervising animator. I have been working on Joker-related projects until recently, so it doesn't seem like much time has passed.   Miki Aihara (Aihara): I am Aihara, a fan of "Kaitou Joker". I am ashamed to say that it was right around this time last year when I saw the work for the first time. I started watching "Countdown Television (Episode 33)" on Kids Station, in which a boy in a wheelchair (Kyotaro Hayami) confronts Joker, and I was shocked to see so many good-looking boys in this anime! I was shocked. From there, I was hooked and watched the entire season on Amazon. The kids in the show are really cool!
Teramoto: Thank you very much. I am glad to hear that.
--I had the impression that the staff of the anime "Kaitou Joker" was assembled with a great deal of love. Could you tell us how the decision to make the anime was made and how the staff came together?
Teramoto: I was invited by the producers and other people I worked with on "Doraemon the Movie" and other projects. To be honest, when I heard about the project, I was nervous about what would happen. But when I saw the characters drawn by Shimogasa-san, I thought, "They look cool, this could work, this animation is going to be great!" I was really impressed. I was won over by her drawings. I am very grateful to have been invited to such a happy place.
--How did you feel when you were first asked to work on it?
Shimogasa: I had never heard of "Kaitou Joker" at the time, so I immediately read the original story. The original work was really interesting, so I thought I could make this with confidence. The original design was unique and very good, so I took advantage of Hideyasu Takahashi's design for the original work and added my own taste for the anime. If you take off the back cover of the comic book cover, you will find a lot of stuff, and it is fun to find important information written on the edge of the comic panels♪
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Teramoto: Animation is not a stop-motion picture, it has to move, so at first the people on the drawing site said there were too many lines, and it looked like a lot of work. However, as we continued, the people on the production side were attracted to the work and the number of fans increased, and they came to us and said, "Please let me draw!" Everyone drew with love.   Aihara: I really feel that when I watched the animation.   Teramoto: For our part, we were really happy to see the scene getting more and more exciting. Incidentally, there is also an animator who took part in Takahashi-san's autograph session because they liked it so much.
--How was Takahashi Sensei involved in the project?
Teramoto: Takahashi-san is a very open-minded person, and he allowed us to work freely. Of course, the original work is very interesting, but we tried to make the most of it by asking him, "Is it OK if we do this a little bit here? He would say, "That's totally OK." As a creator, I really appreciated it, and when we were allowed to do what we wanted to do, the excitement at the site increased. That is why everyone was so enthusiastic about making the show.
--I'm sure that the love put into the work was also felt by him, and that's why he approved of the project.
Teramoto: That's right. I have already put a lot of respect and love into this work!
--What was your impression of the work from the viewpoint of the anime viewer?
Aihara: In addition to the underlying goodness of the characters, I thought the animation had a great tempo and the scenes moved from one to the next in a great way.   Teramoto: Thank you very much.   Aihara: I was amazed that you were able to fit so much fun into 30 minutes.   Teramoto: Actually, there was a scene where we had to cut the ending because we couldn't fit it all in.   Aihara: Yes. If you cut out the end animation sequence, it's going to be a long extra animation of about 90 seconds, so it's hard work. Still, it's amazing that you didn't sacrifice the story, or more that you prioritized the quality of the work. Also, the last episode of season 4 is memorable. The characters and production were really cool, and the content was jam-packed. Teramoto-san was in charge of parts other than directing, right?   Teramoto: Yes, that's right. I was doing the storyboarding and directing, and I was thinking, "Oh, I can't make it in time, but I don't want to lose quality…" and I remember working really hard on the production.
Aihara: It was a very cool episode!
--What do you think is the reason for the large number of female fans?
Teramoto: After reading the original work, I wondered what kind of people were the fans, so I asked around. Then I found out that there were also other female fans, and I thought, "I see!" So I made it so that female fans would like this part of Joker, while at the same time keeping the goodness of the shonen manga in mind, so that everyone would be happy. I think the reason why the female fans liked it so much was because Shimogasa's drawings are so cute
--Shimogasa-san, do you have a favorite character in your mind?
Shimogasa: I love them all! I love them all - !!!! I can't choose one.   Aihara: They're all cool, aren't they?   Shimogasa: What I enjoy drawing are the 'bad' expressions on each character's face. Oh, there was also this idea of Professor Clover having blond hair, which I wanted to draw.   Aihara: By the way, did you create the original anime character, President D (leader of the mysterious organization "Devil Fang"), from the beginning of the design process? I was really surprised to see that Dump, originally fat, appeared incredibly handsome.
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Teramoto: Although I had asked for a handsome design, when I actually received the first rough sketch (of President D) from Shimogasa-san, I thought, "Wow! I didn't expect it to be this beautiful!" I was stunned.   Shimogasa: I drew 4 patterns of President D. I kept the lingering effects of the old dump in his eyes and clothes. One of them was chosen by the staff. Actually, I wanted to include the missing teeth of Dump, but that was too much, so I dropped it. However, I wanted to add the freckles that were on Dump, so I added them to the President D so that they were barely visible in important scenes.   Teramoto: You can see them when he is crying, can't you?   Shimogasa: Yes, when he was crying.   Aihara: Great rare information. I see.   Shimogasa: I also think the best part of Dump was the scene where he cries and says, "You're the only person I had to talk to!" …… I had dared to draw that crying face in President D and hoped the director would realize it, and she did just that.   Teramoto: Perfect.   Aihara: The crying scene was really cute!
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--Do you have a favorite character, Aihara-san?
Aihara: Joker-san, I think. I like Phoenix (a phantom thief who manipulates flames. He is aiming at Hosshi, a mysterious creature, and comes after Joker), but I think Joker is really cool. The opening scene when he comes down from above and flips his cape is really cool. I tend to fast-forward through anime openings when I want to watch it in one sitting, but I couldn't do that with this one.  
Shimogasa: I couldn't either.
Aihara: That's right, the notices change every time, too. (In the opening, the contents of the notice that appeared in the middle of the show changed each time.)   Teramoto: That was fun, even for those who were involved in making it.   Aihara: It was really a very nice production. It included lines related to that particular episode. It was also cool to go to the chorus one more time.   Teramoto: There used to be an anime called "Aoki Ryusei SPT Layzner," and in the middle of the opening episode, there was a digest-like line for each episode. I liked that direction and thought it was interesting. I think "Layzner" was the inspiration for this piece.   Aihara: I didn't expect Layzner. So that's how it was.
-- So, which character is Director Teramoto's favorite?
Teramoto: I like Silver Heart (Joker's mentor. He appeared in the first episode as a commentator). It seemed to be difficult to come up with a story for the commentary section each time, but all the scenario writers enjoyed coming up with ideas, and the scenario meetings were very lively.  
Aihara: I was expecting Silver Heart's commentary, but instead, "What? This time we got Spade!" I was sometimes surprised.  
Teramoto: It was also interesting to have a different person in the room every once in a while.  
Aihara: It was really very detailed.  
Teramoto: Also, although he may not be popular as a character, I loved Mr. Kaneari (a wealthy man who repeatedly challenges Joker).   Aihara: Great! Around Mr. Kaneari, I was surprised that Kaneko, the beautiful secretary, was transformed into a super-tall commando killer (a powerful woman who participated in the "Bride Grand Prix" to determine Mr. Kaneari's wife).   Teramoto: Actually, Commando Satsuko was not in the original work when we started working on the anime. So we gave Kaneari a secretary named Kaneko, who was original to the anime. Then, that strong character (Commando Satsuko) suddenly appeared in the original work, and she married Kaneari. I was so surprised. I wondered what to do with Kaneko's position. So, out of sheer desperation, Commando Satsuko emerged from Kaneko.
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Aihara: No, but it is wonderful.   Teramoto: Rather, Takahashi-sensei is wonderful for allowing that.
--Did Takahashi-sensei give you an immediate OK at that time as well?
Teramoto: He said, "That's interesting."   Aihara: That's amazing, isn't it?   Teramoto: He's too open-minded, isn't he?   Shimogasa: Conversely, there were times when Takahashi-sensei would reimport elements from the anime.   Teramoto: Yes, that's right. Like the design of the Sky Joker (*a large airship and one of Joker's vehicles).
Shimogasa: When I saw his work, I was surprised and said, "Oh my gosh!?"   Aihara: Was the original Sky Joker originally designed differently?   Teramoto: Yes, it was. But Mr. Takahashi liked the anime design very much, and during the serialization, the previous airship was seriously damaged, and the design was changed to the same as the anime one the following month.   Aihara: Sensei's really cool.   Teramoto: I was surprised when I was reading the original work. I was like, "It's the same as the anime!" (laughs).
--Then I would like to ask everyone, are there any times that are particularly memorable?
Teramoto: There are too many.   Aihara: All times were good, weren't they?   Teramoto: Yes, of course. The first episode, which set the initial direction, is of course memorable, though.   Shimogasa: When I saw the first episode I thought "this is good !!!!" I was impressed.   Teramoto: Thank you very much. I'm glad to hear it.   Aihara: In the events of the first anime (in the manga), I thought that Hachi (Joker's assistant) was a bit dry. But in the anime, he is "Joker, you are cool!" I felt the same way as Hachi in the anime. Also, as the story progresses, I like the fact that Hachi's cooking skills make Joker fall in love with him.
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Teramoto: It's cute how Joker gradually becomes unable to be without Hachi. As for the other episodes, "Traveling Jokers (Episode 20)" was really cool.   Aihara: I understand. It is a story about Joker and Shadow (a phantom thief who looks just like Joker) who go back in time to the Edo period. The drawings were on par with those of a film version.   Teramoto: I was on the production side, but I was really impressed.   Shimogasa: I like "Traveling Jokers" too. The boiled flounder looks delicious.....   Teramoto: Also, "Idol Stage" (*Episode 22 "Clash! Idol Stage") was also interesting. Silly stories are fun.   Shimogasa: Then there was the final episode.   Teramoto: It was great to end the episode with everyone happy.   Aihara: It was really wonderful.
--What is the most memorable scene?
Aihara: There are many, but… the scene where Phoenix is captured and dressed in a tight black suit is really cool.   Shimogasa: That scene makes your heart pound, doesn't it?   Aihara: Yes, I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but …… it's very erotic.
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Shimogasa: When I saw the scenario or the storyboard, there was a scene where Phoenix was taking off (his mask and some part of his costume), and I was really happy when it was decided to draw that setting.   Teramoto: No, I really like that scene.   Shimogasa: I really like to apply it based on the basic settings. I can draw new costumes, but I also like to take off or remove something that is already on. I also really like jackets on the shoulders, or in the middle of putting it on, or just the shirt, or with the tie off, etc. I'm always waiting for a chance to draw that (laughs).   Teramoto: Joker as a character is not very revealing, so just taking off a little bit of his clothes is sexy, isn't it?   Aihara: Yes! It makes me a little excited.   Shimogasa: By the way, I also wanted to draw Spade (*Joker's rival) without his coat. …… I never had a chance.
--The voice cast was also outstanding, wasn't it?
Teramoto: I used to think that female voice actors were supposed to voice young boys, but when I heard Ayumu Murase's voice during the audition for the Joker role, I thought, "Oh, that's him!" I felt it was the right person. The staff around me also agreed that Murase would be a good choice, and the decision was made. Incidentally, Hiro Shimono, who plays the role of Spade, was chosen because he and Murase's voices would not be in the same tone when they interacted, and it would be easy to tell that he is Spade just by hearing his voice.   Aihara: Wow, I didn't realize that.   Teramoto: As for other roles… I had a very strong image of Hachi, and when I said, "I'd like to ask Yumiko Kobayashi," it was decided.   Aihara: So she was your choice.   Teramoto: I'm very grateful.   Aihara: It's a perfect fit.   Teramoto: Miyuki Sawashiro, who plays the role of Queen (a female phantom thief who trained as a phantom thief with Joker and his friends and is the granddaughter of Silver Heart), is a very busy person so her schedule did not match at first, but something happened to open up and she joined.  
Shimogasa: That's really great.
Teramoto: Misaki Hisano, who plays the role of Roko-chan (a phantom thief dog who likes Queen), actually came to audition for another character, but when I heard her voice, I thought, "Maybe this is Roko-chan." So I asked her to play the role of Roko with the lines from the original story. Then, the staff around me said, "Oh, that's Roko-chan," and we decided on her for the role.   Aihara: Wow. That's how the role was decided.
--If there were enough episodes to animate, is there a story you would like to work on?
Teramoto: Of course there are. There are still many interesting stories left. If I were given the opportunity, I would like to do it. In the first place, there was talk of a Blu-ray version coming out, but it never came out, so I thought there was no chance at all. I was about to give up on it but then it finally came out, and I'm really happy.   Aihara: And the number of pre-orders will increase the number of benefits!   Teramoto: The cover illustration of the box is also very cool. They put so many characters on the box cover.
--Lastly, please give us a message to your fans on the release of the upcoming Blu-ray and DVD.
Teramoto: It might be a bit of a stretch for me to say this, but I think it's an anime that makes people very happy when they watch it. We also felt happy when we were making it, and it is a work that all the creators worked on with great love. I am sure that the enjoyment will be conveyed to everyone who watches it. It is definitely an enjoyable and fun work, and I would be delighted if you could enjoy it as many times as you like.   Shimogasa: I think it is a very enjoyable work as an animation. Recently, there are many works that are too rigid, or do not allow the characters to be broken down, but I was able to freely draw a wide range of characters for Joker. It is a great feeling for me to be able to do such a work. I hope that the audience will enjoy the movement of the characters and the direction that only anime can provide.   Aihara: Oh, um! Does it end on me? Then, let me make a slightly creepy otaku-like comment ……. The animation is fluid, and as Shimogasa-san said, the characters move a lot, so I want people who have an oblique view of children's animation to watch it and think, "This is how children's animation is supposed to be done." I want people to enjoy the animation because "Kaitou Joker" is so amazing and different. Adults can really get into it and be hooked. That's why I want not only children but also their parents' generation to watch it. I will continue to watch it. I'll watch it a lot!   --Thank you very much!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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Bonus post! Who knows why I'd randomly drop an iconic panel from Yu Yu Hakusho? Excellent 90s shonen if you're unfamiliar. The beloved breakout hit from Yoshihiro Togashi of later Hunter x Hunter fame. Well, Oda plugged it recently as part of a contribution to an exhibit about Togashi’s work. Bare minimum, I love the idea we have the same favorite part of what has a good shot at being my second favorite manga. That said, I can’t help notice where it might have always been an influence on one of my newer favorite parts of my favorite manga.
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If you don’t know or need a refresher, Kurama is one of our main quartet. Amanuma is the kid. He’s dead. A shonen hero straight-up killed a child who was saying-without-saying-it groomed into being a part of the villain’s plan. Big theme of testing the heroes morals. Main man Yusuke had a great fight earlier in the saga playing with how much he struggled to kill a human for the first time. Dr. Kamiya deserved it if anyone did. Amanuma? No...he was a lonely kid duped into a sick game where the heroes had to kill him or be stalled until apocalypse. 
That wasn’t obvious until kind but calculating Kurama took the stage. Before that it was a silly early 90s video game power fight. The mentor Genkai calls it out explicitly as the “cruelest, dirtiest path to victory” but that its the only option. Kurama beats the Game Master by rattling him, breaking his composure. Spelling out the villain’s trap to the child as he does it to us. Ice cold. The face we get as the others check on him after says it all:
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He's angry he had to do it. He doesn’t want to talk about it. Later we’ll use a mind reader to divulge he’s very bothered by it. No one faults him, he stepped up and did it no matter how much it'd weigh on him because he knew he alone could do it without flinching. The anime's dub has such a chilling line letting him give the next episode preview, "Regret is a different beast when you live for centuries." It's stuck with me for so long. Apparently it stuck with Oda too.
Does it mean anything? Who knows? But it was already one of the things I liked about Kiku/Kanjuro. Very reminiscent of a Chapter Black Saga conflict. The first time especially already reminded me of just this moment. The second Kanjuro blurts out where Momo is Kiku slips on the mask and steps up to deal with him quickly. None of them had the heart...she was used to shoving hers aside. 
Then, already talked a lot about the Rurouni Kenshin callbacks but Kenshin & Kurama are cut from the same cloth and the same type of response to previous shonen archetypes. RuroKen starts only a few months before YuYu concludes. Himura Kenshin was likely somewhat inspired by Kurama. Kiku’s obviously such a callback to the former but the floral motif, Ryokugyu's power and how he intersects, or the split "Bakura" personality element all remind me of my actual favorite anime redhead as well. Even see a very “Wano” use of the chapter title for this scene. 136, “A Heroic Decision.” Nice contrast to how...unheroic it feels on an emotional level.
Ultimately I just wanted to geek out about finding out we share a fondness for such an iconic story. But one of those things I was always looking at is how well a field tactician who’s personality alternating between sweet and cutthroat makes for great ethical dilemma stories would round out the Straw Hats. Without really stepping on anyone’s toes. 
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swampstew · 11 months
Thank you @thus-spoke-lo for the tag in this fun self-recommendation game! I always feel a bit awkward posting reminders and announcements when chapters are ready for reading, but I'll take a moment to hype myself and the words of my labor up. Here are my 5 favorite things I've written so far!
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What's the Magic Word? - So I love how One Piece is this giant fantastical world where pirates are a real threat and mermaids, dragons, and magic quite literally exist. I thought it was odd that there wasn't a witch character at all, especially with how well it would fit into the universe, and what type of role/responsibility power like that would look like. Rowena my baby was born. It's everything I've ever learned while practicing the craft, enjoyed seeing in pop culture media, and inspired by cultural lores that I participate in or have great respect for. I wanted to create a character that could believably exist in the One Piece world and then have her do a bunch of fun and cathartic things (that may or may not be a reflection of real life). Falling in love with Eustass Kid was not on my radar (is falling in love ever?) - in fact the first draft of the story didn't have the Kid Pirates at all. Nope, just my witchy girl and the Straw Hats having adventures. Then I got to the Sabaody Archipelago and I saw him. I thought it would be fun to put these characters in a situation where they weren't friends or enemies but rather temporary witness protection body guards with a powerful ass witch as their protectee. Plus the smut. Love the smut and romance always. Its my first writng project I've done since college and I'm so happy to be back in the writing sphere. This book will have a sequel :)
Turn Back Time - This was a random dream that turned into a 20+ multichapter fic and I'm not even mad about it. In this one I took a fun approach to the story by centering it not just on the OCs but the Kid Pirates themselves. My first fic didn't really acknowledge many of them until the editing stage but this fic is entirely about the Kid Pirates and what it's like being in their crew. Especially as the love interests of some of the scariest, beefiest dudes that end up just being touch-starved men who are fully capable of vulnerability and love. It's been fun and I am excited for the upcoming themes and trials they'll go through! There will only be the one book but it will follow the journey of the Kid Pirates up until the very recent events in the manga.
At First Sight - this was a one shot that turned into a mini-series and I surprised myself with how much I packed into it. I didn't want to or expect to make it into a series but after giving it maybe a whole day's worth of thought and effort, I feel like I pulled a pretty good fic out of what was originally a stand-alone porn trope collab story!! This one is also on the Kid Pirates cause they're my comfort characters and again its been a fun way to put a spin on these murderous pirates when they're engaging with someone who's neither foe nor friend. Not a frenemy but a familiar with benefits! I lowkey based Y/N's badassery on Beidou from Genshin Impact.
KillerCook - I saw a hot dude make brownies on Instagram and thought 'what if Killer.' That's it. I wasn't sure how I was going to present it so I settled for creating a social media experience and I'm pretty sure I delivered. I'm a Kid Pirates loyalist, if you want something else you can check my Swampstew Bedtime Stories but my bread and butter are these anarchist psychos. Now comes with accessories such as: baker's hat and apron, and also a set of gold body piercings! The response has been supportive and excitable, and it's inspired me to do another modern social media influencer monetization fic, coming soon 😏 on Friday actually!
Oh Yandere! series - I wanted to give myself an opportunity to play around with some dark content and found myself really enjoying it. Especially in the noncon/dubcon vein. I've been too meek to do anything more than head canons but I have recently been inspired to explore some truly deplorable characters if I pick this series up again. If not, I might do a short series on Yandere Eustass Kid that has some...inspiration from another popular fandom that may or may not piss some people off. ANYWAYS! Live Laugh DarkContent
Tagging for funsies but def no pressure - I just think every author should get a chance to fluff themselves up and talk about their works that make them proud!
@abysscronica @cebwrites @goldenandhappy @zoros-sheath @kenruu @creamsickle-writes
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dear-koi · 4 months
not having tumblr on my phone/ipad (yes even on my ipad from when i used to draw, sue me) is so helpful because i can be productive and not get distracted because it's pretty easy to not open the desktop vers BUT NOT OPENING THE DESKTOP VERS PUTS ME SO BEHIND SO UH
happy lantern rite!! hope you all had the best of fortune when it came to pulling for cloud retainer/xianyun and nahida!! (or ga-ming because honestly same) I ALSO HAVE A REALLY FUNNY STORY ABOUT PULLING THAT I'LL PUT LATER FOR SAKE OF LENGTH
happy valentine's day! it marks the 1 year of my greatest betrayal (my v-day event that just never got done......... i'm sorry guys i'll be much better from now on i promise)
HAPPY T-2 DAYS UNTIL HAIKYUU MOVIE?????? very excited lowkey i've been withholding from the manga that way it'll be fresh and new and exciting and then i can go back and enjoy the manga (i think i heard it's better the other way but i also simply just do not have the time to read any manga rn T-T)
uhhh what else....... oh HAPPY 2024!! lunar new year passed recently! may your year be filled with light and great fortune >:3
okay now really quickly for the story time:
was at my friend's apartment because we were having a studio ghibli marathon night (i could not survive... after move #4 i tapped out i could not do it anymore)
anyways after we were like yeah let's stop watching we went to my other friend's apt to just hang out and then it got like pretty late and they're all like huge dnd fans and so they have dice out and around but i'm jumping ahead, second friend also has playing cards in his apt and he was like doing card tricks (the throwing kind) and then when it hit like late 11pm he was like hm you should go to bed but i was like ehhhh i don't wanna so we put it up to chance, he pulled out quite a bit of cards and fanned them out and was like if it's clubs or spades you have to go home and hearts and diamonds are good and i pulled hearts (wow look at the genshin in me) so yay i didn't have to go home
THEN it hit much later (after much of throwing cards and having fun, also dw no cards or walls were harmed!) he had exactly 3 cards in his hand and i had no idea which, and it was again clubs and spades go home and he looked at it and went like :000000 and i thought it was because i was guaranteed going home and so i was like eh whatever if i have to go home i have to go home, but it turns out it was 1 club, 1 ♤, and 1 heart (i have autocorrect for the spAde, sorry guys) and !!! i pulled the heart AGAIN!! woo luck!! why can't i have this luck when it comes to genshin or hsr (or crk) </3
AND THEN he did it again to like really test my luck
and guess what? hearts again i was on a ROLL
and he was talking about like the probabilities and whatnot and i was like bro you're talking to a genshin player rn
and for simplicity's sake i only "named" 2 friends but we were a group of like 5? so another friend was like you should pull on genshin to really test your luck
my phone was on 10% (also i had to redownload genshin because i took it off my phone for mental wellbeing purposes) and so i was like what if it dies lol
anyways skip forward i pull
but now like any good anime i bring up some backstory (but mine isn't really backstory)
i pulled like the week before because i got peer (bf?) pressured by my bf to pull and like i was at ~45 pity, pulled, got "early" ended up being diluc BUT fortunately that was from the like wish part and not the primos part so i still had 90 wishes worth of primos!! pulled obviously guaranteed xianyun
i didn't pull after that
return to present time
i pull it's literally 0 pity, 1 10 pull, ONE
Y'ALL DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE SCREAM I SCRUMPT IN MY HEAD (it was 1am i couldn't actually scream)
my luck that day was insane
anyways that was the story time i ended up going home after that because i was nearing the point where i would despise myself in the morning (8am class </3)
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cai-yue · 1 year
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Thank you @blackmonitor for the tag! Here we go! I kept thinking about how I should make this list because throughout my life I had too many fictional crushes 🤣 So I decided to make a "retrospective" of those who stayed in my mind for a greater time!
(actually, I decided to go crazy and explain the freaking list 😬 I've been working and studying so hard and I miss so much this type of silly fun thing that I completely overdid it 🤭)
1. Luke Skywalker - little me used to be obsessed with him and he remained unmatched in the Star Wars universe for several years until a certain blue guy took his place! But even now he's still a crush of mine.
2. Sirius Black - Sirius remained unmatched not only in the HP universe but for teenager me he was my absolute favorite. It all began when I developed this weird sympathy at the beginning of the 3rd book and the obsession skyrocketed at the end for obvious reasons.
3. Anakin Skywalker - judge all you want but this is a sad truth in my early teen years. He didn't top his son, obviously, but considering Luke wasn't even born 99% of the prequels... I know some people will find this very problematic, but rest assured I don't like this character the way I liked him 20 years ago but I had to list him here because it's part of my story I and think this whole thing quite hilarious today.
4. Aragorn - Aragorn was my LOTR crush back when I was younger! Even though he is not anymore I still understand all the appeal the younger me saw! Totally worth mentioning
5. Sesshoumaru - It was the beginning of my anime/manga era, which lasted many years, and if I had to pick a few crushes Sesshoumaru HAS to be one of them. I read many fics about him and these fics were the reason I managed to learn English 70% on my own (I know, speaking and writing skills are not the best, but reading and listening which are the ones I use the most are ok). I'm not much into anime/manga anymore but every time I look at him I feel I go back in time!
6. Kira Sakuya (Angel Sanctuary) - Even though I would not read this manga again because this is not the type of material I feel good reading anymore I do used to be obsessed about it and this character (be aware of great spoilers if you google it). I had to mention him because back then I had a great time.
7. Elrond - After I don't know how many times rewatching LOTR something was drastically changed (I got a little bit older I guess) inside of me and now Elrond has my heart (I won't say he is unmatched because Tolkien has simply too many characters in all his creation and well... You know...)
8. Solas - I think we finally have a crush that comes from a fully adult phase of my life! When I played Dragon Age: Inquisition I was away from games for a few years and I took this one out of pure intuition from my brother's selection. My intuition was 100% right and after many stressful years I went back to a world that made me feel at home and because Solas was my crush back then I had to mention him!
9. Thrawn - My most recent obsession hahaha. Not so recent though because it's been (at least) 5 years since he appeared in my life and Luke lost his number 1 title. There are way too many things I can say about my history with this character but thinking back to when I first read the old trilogy I think is interesting to note that I remember not liking him that much at first and not considering him crush material. I've never been so wrong 😅
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scary-senpai · 2 years
So, my friend John—who, despite being my muse & all-around second brain when it comes to writing OPM fic and meta stuff—has been anime only until recently. A few weeks ago, he decided to binge read the whole thing in three days (mostly so he could support me in my hyper-fixation projects).
John started roughly around the time when the “Dr. Saitama” scene was retconned, so he was coming to me with a lot of questions/observations when I was reeling with a lot of Feels. 
We’ve pretty much agreed to disagree on Garou’s character, although of course my opinion is the best one. Because my love language is benign mischief, one of our conversations took the form of Benevolent & Consensual Trolling. He started teasing me, and I couldn’t resist teasing him back, Godfather-style. >:)
At this point, John is up to the martial arts tournament so he still hadn’t reached any new material yet. But here on Team Manga + WC, we’re reeling with emotional whiplash and questioning everything we thought we knew about where the story was going.
Friend: oh my God, Garou is the absolute worst.
Me: We have known each other for many years, but this is the first time you’ve come to me about the manga for counsel or insight. I can’t remember you even mentioning the manga, even though you’ve had my Shonen Jump password for months. But let’s be frank here. You never wanted my opinion. And you feared to be spoiled.
Friend: he’s dumb and his point is dumb.
Me: I understand. You found paradise in the anime, you had a good laugh, you saw some good fight scenes. There were sales and the risk of leukemia was low-to-moderate.
Friend: …I… wait, what? Leukemia? Where did that suddenly come from?
Me: There was no radiation poisoning, and you didn’t need a friend like me. But now you come and you say “Ca-Chan Garou, why are you like this?” But you don’t ask with respect. You don’t offer me friendship. You don’t even think to read my blog posts. You come into my house on the day my blorbo’s character arc is to be retconned and you ask me to explain Garou’s character—without giving away spoilers!
Friend: His actions are erratic and confusing.
Me: That is not confusing, that is character development.
Friend: [[gives side-eye]]
Me: Look, you just have to keep reading the manga, okay? A lot of important stuff happens right after the shack scene, especially in terms of Garou’s character development.
Friend: I dunno... I’ve never read the manga for any of the shows I watch… I just worry it would spoil the anime.
Me: [[turns away in frustration]]
Friend: so… like… is Garou just crazy, or…?
Me: [[cold silence]]
Friend: I’ll take that as a yes, then. He’s just crazy.
Me: John-senpai, what have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you’d simply read the chapters I sent you, you’d be playing OPM-Bingo with us this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself misread a few manga panels, then your headcanons would become my headcanons. And then, we could be wrong together.
Friend: …you’re really gonna go out of your way to make this conversation weird, huh?
Me: I am incapable of making conversation that is un-weird.
Friend: Point.
Me: Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to record a podfic with me. But until that day, consider this a gift because oh my god I have so many feelings about where this story is going and you’re the only one who understands me—
Me: [[proceeds to DM 10+ blog posts about Garou’s character arc whilst carefully cropping out spoilers]]
Again, he’s benevolently trolling me with my consent because I trust him, and, you know, riffing off of each other to write silly things is just how our brains work best. I wouldn’t entertain the same thing from other people. If this were coming from, say, an internet stranger, I probably would have asked a rhetorical question (“Can I lovingly ask why you come to me with this, when I’ve explained multiple times that this is my favorite character?”) and politely ended the conversation from there.
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parcequefandom · 4 months
Recent manga readings
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Last month I got to buy and read three manga I'd been looking forward to for a good while:
-Land by Kazumi Yamashita is the one I'd heard of most "recently", since I learnt about it through the pilot episode of Urasawa's Manben documentary, back in 2015. We saw the mangaka working on content that was in this first volume and I was charmed by her artstyle and what was mentioned of the plot.
Not a fan of the cover illustration for the French version (it's quite bland compared to the original one) but otherwise I loved what I read! It's beautiful, the characters are pretty interesting already and the setting is very mysterious and intriguing. We have twin girls separated at birth, one living at the fantastical border of the known world while the other has been living in a village secluded by heavy traditions and rules that feels quite cultish and that she is trying to understand the reasons behind.
-second half of The Poe Clan: I discovered Moto Hagio around 2012~2013, back when I started getting more involved in looking for works by female mangaka and manga aimed primarly at a female audiences. I was charmed by her short stories I could read and Poe was one of her series that I really wanted to read: the episodic, non-chronological format spanning through decades and centuries with some recurring "immortal"/long-living characters is a very appealing one to me. A few of the chapters could be found on the internet back then, which only made me crave for it even more.
I'd seen rumors for years (I think starting around 2017?) that a French editor had gotten the rights to publish it but it took until 2022 for an announcement to get made and even after that, the first-half got delayed from the release initially planned by around 6 months. But now that the original publication is complete, my wait has come to an end and I've very much enjoyed both volumes! The second one is especially good for the interconnected threads of stories and characters aspect; I wanted to take my time but I read it pretty fast.
I'd love to discover the recent revival stories too, as I'm very curious and interested in how similar/different they might be given all the time that has passed after the last published chapter of the original. But I'm happy enough with what I have for now and ready to wait some time for more!
-And finally, we have Cocoon by Machiko Kyô, published back in 2009 in Japan. I first learnt of it through the mangaka's blog (it's still up after all those years!!), which I was following around that time. I don't remember how exactly but I think I probably found it through blindly clicking rec links on art blogs by various Japanese (fan) artists. I was immediately charmed by her art and little comics, from the poetic and surreal subjects they had to the beautiful colors. So I really wanted to be able to read one of her works at one point.
Cocoon is in black and white, aside from a few pages, so unfortunately, that aspect of her work I especially enjoyed isn't present. The story is inspired by real life stories and centered around a rough and gruesome subject as we follow a group of Japanese schoolgirls working as nurses for hurt soldiers during WWII and death is everywhere. It's pretty brutal; even with an artstyle that would seem on the cuter and not too detailed side, the graphic and psychological violence are very much there. I was left feeling a bit empty after finishing my read and not really knowing to what degree I enjoyed it.
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elwynten · 1 year
New Universes 11
Celebration and Dungeon dive
Later that evening, I walked into the living room. Bell and Hestia were sitting on the couch talking. "Hi guys. Do you have any plans for supper?" I asked them.
Bell and Hestia looked at each other. "We're going out to eat. It's a date." Hestia told me. "Why?"
Bell looked a little shocked at Hestia's pronouncement that they were going out on a date.
"My Team was going to go to The Benevolent Mistress (aka The Mistress of Fertility) to celebrate our first dungeon dive." I told her.
"That sounds like fun. Have a good time." Hestia told me.
"Thank you. I'll see you later. Have fun Bell." I said and turned to leave.
My Team and I left the house and walked to The Benevolent Mistress. As we walked in, one of the waitresses walked up to us. "How many?" She asked.
"Four." I replied.
She led us over to a table. "Seating four." She called to the room in general. "I'm Ryu, do you know what you want to eat?" She asked.
"Hello Ryu. Bell speaks highly of you." I replied.
"Bell? Bell Cranel? You know Mr. Cranel?" Ryu asked.
I Smiled at Ryu. "We," I waved my hand around the table indicating my Team and I. "recently joined the Hestia Familia. So, yes we know Bell."
Ryu nodded her head. "I am glad that Bell has friends, and his Familia is growing." She said, then she took our orders and left to have them filled.
As we waited for our order, I pointed out the different waitresses and told my Team their names. "The Cat person with the black hair is Chloe, the cat person with brown hair is Anya, she's nice but a bit of an airhead. The Elf with dark hair is Ryu, our waitress (In the manga her name is Lyu, and she dyes her hair dark unless she goes into the dungeon then she has blond hair), The one with brown hair is Runoa, that one with the blue gray hair is Syr. And last is the owner, Mia. Some people call her Mamma Mia. Of course, there is the kitchen staff, but I don't know them." By that time our drinks had arrived.
"Thank you." I told Ryu as she put my drink in front of me.
After Ryu walked away. "But don't cause any trouble because most of them are or were fourth level or higher adventurers." I warned my Team.
"Wow! Fourth level. That's really good." Iris said.
"Mia was fifth level before she opened the tavern." I added.
"I would imagine there is very little fighting with so many high level people working here." Kimmy observed.
"If a fight does break out it doesn't last long." I admitted.
I raised my tankard up. "To Team STIG (Starling)." I said. Kimmy, Cindy and Iris raised their tankards and almost in unison said. "To Team STIG."
Ryu walked up with our food as we finished the toast. As she placed the food on the table. "If I may ask, what do you mean by team starling?" Ryu asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "We all attended a school that teaches people to fight monsters. Your first day at the school they put you into teams of four people. They take the initials of each member of your team and put them together to make a team name. So, when we teamed up to go down into the dungeon, we created a Team name. Usually, the Team leader's initial goes first, but it's difficult to come up with a name that start with a T or E and has a K or G in it. So, we just started going through lists of animals and plants and worked with each of our initials until we found a few names and chose from what we could find. We all liked Starling; thus, we are Team STIG." I explained.
"I've never heard of a school that teaches people how to fight monsters." Ryu stated.
"It's in another country." Iris piped in.
"Interesting. I would like to hear more about this school, sometime." Ryu replied. "Well enjoy your food." She said right before she walked away.
I nodded my head in understanding. "When there is more time." I replied as Ryu walked away.
We had a good time eating, drinking and having fun. Since each of us has 'Poison Proof' we can't get drunk no matter how much alcohol we drink.
= = = = = = = = = = =
We had been working our way down in the dungeon. Every time we went into the dungeon, we would hit two floors. One floor for each twenty-four hours we are in the dungeon. Because of that this is our second week going into the dungeon and we are ready to go to floors eight and nine.
Again, Rosni showed up a few minutes early. "Hello Eilwyn, Cindy." She said as she entered the church.
"Morning Rosni. Raring to go I see." I said chuckling.
"I'm more raring to get all that meowney." Rosni said and giggled.
"Ha-ha-ha-ah." I laughed. "That too. I'm hoping that on floors eight and nine we'll get more and bigger magic stones." I told her.
Rosni nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, floor eight will have bigger and stronger monsters and floors ten and eleven will have even stronger monsters. So, you'll get bigger and better magic stones. Magic stones from an orc are usually fifteen hundred valis to two thousand valis each, sometimes a little more." She informed us.
"That sounds good." I said as Kimmy and Iris walked into the sanctuary of the church.
"Sorry we're late." Iris apologized.
"That's ok." I told them then I turned back to Rosni. "You have been working with us for about going on two weeks already. You need to join a Familia so you can increase your status and so you can level up. I know Hestia would love for you to join our Familia or Miach would be another good Familia to join. You won't be able to go much deeper without joining a Familia." I told Rosni.
"Yah, you're right, and I've been thinking about what Familia I should join. The Hestia Familia isn't very big, but the people in her Familia are friendly, nice and honorable. If a bit weird." She said with a grin on her face. "Would I be able to join the Hestia Familia before we leave for the dungeon today?" Rosni said.
I grinned. "I'm sure that would be possible." I told Rosni then I turned to Kimmy. "Would you take Rosni to see Hestia and tell her that Rosni wants to join our Familia." I asked Kimmy. "Since Rosni's joining our Familia, I need to go and get her something." I added and turned to go into another room.
"Come on, Rosni. Follow me." Kimmy told Rosni.
Once out of sight of Rosni I opened a portal to Pern. I closed the portal once I was on Pern. I went to the armory and retrieved a short sword with a bonding Rune, an Extended Range rune and Ice Control rune and it is also a Hestia Sword. I also found a wrist cross bow with dust bolts. The dust being earth, fire, ice, electricity and gravity. And with a Bonding rune and the Doppelganger rune, so when she shoots a bolt, it will be able to create up to thirty copies.
While I was in the Armory, I also found Hestia weapons for each of my Team members. I made sure they were all like their main weapons. They act exactly like Bell's Hestia Knife where the owner gets stronger, the stronger the weapon gets. Although all benefits of the weapons work if they are bonded to their owner as well as if they are being used.
I went back outside and opened a portal to the house in Orario. Once through I closed the portal and waited for Hestia to finish with Rosni.
A few minutes later Rosni walked out to the living room with a big smile on her face. "I'm now a member of the Hestia Familia." She told me.
"Congratulations. I have a few gifts for you." I told Rosni.
"Gifts? You don't need to give me anything." Rosni said.
"I know I don't need to, but I want to. Plus, they will help you in the dungeon. First is a new short sword." I said and handed the sword to Rosni. "Next is a wrist cross bow." Again, I handed it to her. Then I explained the runes on both weapons and about the short sword being a Hestia sword. "And last is a Companion." I finished.
Rosni's eyes lit up. "Y-you mean l-like what your Team has?" She asked surprised.
I nodded my head in agreement. Then a Winged Manticore ran up to Rosni. "Her name's Ushi. And get used to having her in your head all the time." I didn't need to do much explaining since Rosni had seen our Companions so often.
Automation Name: Ushi Mythical (Winged Manticore) (Golden Eagle-Clouded Leopard, scorpion) Intelligent L2 Strength L2 Agility L1 Speed L1 Durability L2 Regeneration L2 Teleportation L1 Sustanence L2 Elemental Blast L1 (Electricity/Lightning) Size L2 Magical L1 (Mending, Dancing Lights, Cleaning) Flight Shapeshift L1 (Winged Manticore, Clouded Leopard, Golden Eagle, Scorpion, Horse (Dutch Heavy Draft), Dog (Bernese Mountain Dog) Venom L1 (Tail, Paralisis)
Rosni looked from Ushi to me then back to Ushi. "I never expected you to give me one of these Companions. I didn't even know you could give them to people." She exclaimed.
"I can give Companions to anyone I want. And I wanted to give one to you. The two of you can talk to each other mind to mind although Ushi can talk out loud if she wants to. Plus, there are several abilities that she has that you get as well. Such as, she is stronger than normal, so you are now stronger. More than three times stranger to be exact. She can fly so you can fly. She can tell you everything you both are able to do now. If you have any questions, you can ask any member of my Team, that includes me." I told Rosni. "She has what is called Normalization, which means anyone that sees her will not think there is anything unusual about her, but it is still a good idea for her to stay in animal form when she is in the city." I added.
"Yah, I can understand that. People might think she's a monster that escaped from the dungeon." Rosni admitted.
"With the Normalization it's not likely anyone would think she's a monster, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. Although here she can be in her winged manticore form." I said
"As a bonus, you can move into the Familia house if you want to. Of course, if you already have a place, you don't have to move in. But it is cheaper if you do." I told Rosni.
"Does it cost anything to live here?" Rosni asked.
I shook my head, no. "Nothing extra. There is the usual ten percent of what you earn that goes to the Familia. We all pay that if we live here or somewhere else. But other than that, there is no extra cost." I informed her.
"I'll think about it. Thank you for everything, especially Ushi. I never imagined I'd have a Companion of my own." Rosni replied.
"You're welcome." I told Rosni, then I looked around at everyone else. "Ok, everyone, let's get going." I told them and motioned for all of them to gather around me. "You know what to do. Everyone put a hand on my shoulder or arm." I instructed them. I then searched the dungeon on the seventh floor where we had been when I ported us out of the dungeon. Finding it clear. "Close your eye." I said. Then I ported us to the dungeon. "Open your eyes." I told them.
On the 8th and 9th floors the rooms are bigger than on the 1st-7th floors. The rooms are closer together as well. The ceiling is now around 11 yards high and there is moss on the walls which are a brown color and there is grass growing on the floor. There is a phosphorescence light that is as strong as sun light, so it is easy to see down here. The monsters are the same the upper floors except the are stronger and they spawn faster.
We arrived at the same place we had been when we left the dungeon the last time. I looked at Rosni. "If you're not confused to much, which way to the eighth floor?" I asked.
"Let me think. We were here two days ago, correct?" Rosni asked.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yes, this is the same spot where we ported out of the dungeon two days ago." I agreed.
"Okay, that means the stairs to the eighth floor are…" Rosni pointed to our left. "That way." She directed us.
"Ok, same formation as last time. Cindy and Kimmy in front, Iris and I are in the back and Rosni in the middle." I gave the marching orders. "Let's go." We all started walking in the direction Rosni had indicated.
I have memorized the maps for the first ten floors, but we had Rosni as our supporter, and she knew the layout of the first ten floors. So, I wasn't going to usurp her role in the group.
"Not that I believe I need to do it, but just in case… don't forget about the lizards. Look up fairly often so they don't drop on us." I reminded everyone.
It only took us twenty minutes to reach the stairs down to the nineth floor. It would have been shorter, but we had to fight some kobolds and goblins on the way.
We paused on the eighth floor at the bottom of the stairs.
"Let's try to get more magic stones than last time." Iris suggested.
We had only been walking three or four minutes when we found a horde of Killer ants.
"Quick kill mode. We don't want any of them calling in more killer ants." I told my Team and Rosni. I was going to have to rethink that. Rosni is part of our team and a member of the adventuring party.
I used my elemental breath and shot titanium spindle darts at the killer ants to my right side.
A couple minutes later all of the killer ants were dead, and Rosni was going around picking up all of the magic stones.
"Killer ants are the worst. If you don't kill them all quickly, they call for back up and you have to fight even more of them." Kimmy said with a shudder.
"At least they aren't minotaur's." Iris said.
"Orcs!" Kimmy called. "And Imps! Why do they like to work together!?" She lamented.
"Cindy and Iris go after the imps. Kimmy and I'll take the orcs. And everyone make sure Rosni isn't attacked." I called out as I summoned my Naginata.
I ran towards an orc to my right. Raising my naginata's blade over my head. I was fifteen feet from the orc when I brought the naginata down. The extended range forming a blade fifteen feet in front of my naginata, slashed through the orc stopping it in its tracks. A moment later it burst into a cloud of smoke and ash. I pivoted to my right and took a quick look back to make sure Rosni was ok.
Rosni had her wrist cross bow held up ready to shoot anything we missed or if any of us got overwhelmed by monsters.
I turned my attention back to the orcs and lunged towards the closed one to me. I thrust my naginata straight at it stabbed and killing it. The orcs were starting to get to close to us, so I created electricity and shot it at the closest orcs to me. The electricity arced from one orc to the next, killing four orcs, one right after the other. There was a lingering smell of ozone from the electrical strikes.
Kimmy, Cindy and Iris had finished off their monsters, so Rosni set about picking up all of the magic stones.
"Dropped Item." Rosni told us. "It's a Goblin Fang. Not bad."
"That's good. It's a bonus." Iris replied.
When all the magic stones and dropped items were picked up, we headed on down the hallway of the nineth floor.
You have to have a lot of strength and stamina just to go from floor to floor. The stairs are long between each floor so going back up is a long climb back up to each floor. So, if you don't have enough strength and stamina, you won't make it back out of the dungeon. Even if you get past the stairs, you're so tired and the monsters get you. That's something no one mentions to new adventurers. They tell you about the monsters and the hazards of the dungeon, but they don't tell you about the long hard climb back up the stairs.
We hadn't walked two hundred feet when we were greeted by a hoard of Needle Rabbits and Imps. I don't know what it is, but it seems that when you find a monster there is usually one or two different kind of monsters close by. You almost never find just one kind of monster all by itself. I don't know if the dungeon spawns two or three different kinds of monsters in the same area or if once spawned the monsters try to find other monsters that are a different kind than themselves.
"Taima! guard Rosni." I tell Taima. This is nothing new. I've had Taima protect Rosni many times before. If there are just a few monsters Rosni usually won't need any extra protection. She will be able to defend herself. But if there are a lot of monsters like this time, I like to make sure Rosni won't get attacked. And seeing so many monsters, I didn't think about Ushi, Rosni's Companion.
Iris and I were in front, so I claimed the monsters on my side. I threw my naginata like a spear. As it left my hand, I used Doppelganger to make thirty more naginatas that flew towards the imps and needle rabbits. I recalled my naginata and repeated my actions only at a slightly different trajectory. My tactic worked. All of my monsters were killed, so I turned to see if anyone might need my help.
I needn't have worried. The girls were finishing up killing their monsters. Kimmy was using her Telekinesis to control her pole Axe, thus attacking the imps and needle rabbits at a distance. It was fascinating watching the pole axe move around hitting and killing the monsters with no one holding the weapon.
As fast as the battle started, it ended just as fast. We all looked around to make sure there were no more monsters.
"All clear." Cindy stated. Which was Rosni's que to start picking up all the magic stones and any drop items.
As Rosni was picking up the magic stones. "We're getting a good haul. We might even double what we got the first time we were in the dungeon after you hired me." Rosni observed.
The rest of our time on floor nine was about the same. Short periods of calm and us walking around with bursts of fighting monsters.
In a way it is like Remnant. On Remnant you usually left the city to find monsters or Grimm. While in Orario you usually go into the dungeon to find monsters. The main difference being the monsters in the dungeon drop magic stones that can be turned in for money, when they are killed. Whereas on Remnant Huntsmen and Huntresses are hired or paid to kill Grimm or hired to protect a town or village from the Grimm.
After we had been in the dungeon for forty-eight hours, I ported everyone to the park around Bable Tower. From there we went to the Guild Hall so we could cash in our magic stones and drop items.
Even on bad we usually walk away with over 50,000 valis each. Although usually we get 100,000 valis plus each, and that includes Rosni's cut since she now gets an equal share and ten percent to the Familia.
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