#angst potential???
softfae · 2 years
becky blackwell and her family history
i have this theory abt sxf that keeps bugging me and its that the real head villains are going to turn out to be becky’s family + Damian’s mom specifically. 
now, do i think Donovan isn’t going to be a part of it at all? no, of course not. but i do get the feeling that Melinda is the one actually pulling the strings, with the major help of the Blackwells, possibly Becky’s mother (because of the mother’s club thing that Melinda and Yor are in). Everyone agrees Melinda’s first introduction gave everyone chills and I saw quite a few other people saying that it feels like Melinda is worse than Donovan too. Her cold aura, her lack of emotions towards her son and the way she gave even Yor the creeps? Definitely something there. +we already know that Becky’s family creates MAJOR military weaponry, and it seems like they’re pretty desensitised to how much destruction it causes. Melinda and Donovan could be funding + helping the Blackwells create those weapons, making them even deadlier than before. i mean look at this. 
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Both of becky’s hairclips are literally military weapons of mass destruction - a literal bomb and a fighter jet?? for ur 6 year old??? and then of course there was the pink tank earlier too. It’s as if they are proudly claiming it and showing it off like family heirlooms, or a harrowing reminder that their family has this major power, shown even in their 6 year old daughter’s hair accessories and toys.  So obviously, becky isn’t aware of what this really means in terms of her family’s role in the war, and she’s probably been fed propaganda just like Damian and the other Eden children since her birth. So where am I going with this? A lot of fan theories/fanfics include how Damian is gonna feel finding out about Donovan and his involvement in the war, but what about Becky? Becky being told by Anya one day that her parents are both children of war, and then realising what her family has been doing for decades, presumably? Becky and Damian both finding that their beloved friend Anya was experimented on by rich influential people like their families, and now those same parents are trying to start war again? And what if Loid or Yor end up having to target Becky’s family as well, even killing one of them? I know that’s not the mission right now, as Loid is just working to get closer to Donovan to gain information, but who knows at this point. And then if that happens, imagine Anya reading her parents’ minds to find out that her best friend’s family is causing a war and she has to choose between saving Becky’s family and telling her parents about her telepathy, or just letting her parents save the world from a major military company causing mass destruction?  I don’t know what direction Endo will go in specifically, if there’ll be a reveal like that to the kids, or anything at all in the future, but it would be very interesting to watch and probably way too dark for the tone of the show right now, but things are definitely getting darker, with the cruise ship arc and now the recent chapters. I’m really excited to see how it all unfolds, and if Becky and Damian will both reject their family names and legacies in the name of world peace. 
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yourhighness6 · 2 months
Ugh I will always love the concept of Katara using blood bending to revive Zuko after the last agni kai, mostly because it makes no sense to me that Zuko was able to bounce back so easily after being struck by lightning, but also because the way the show treats bloodbending is just odd to me. It was a defense mechanism created by a traumatized victim of some of the most devastating parts of colonization, and although I understand that Hama was supposed to symbolize the "bad parts" of waterbending and was important for Katara's growth in realizing that the world isn't entirely black and white, its still disappointing to me that the show never explored the gray areas of blood bending, especially since that episode was, as I stated above, about understanding the gray areas of the war. Katara using blood bending to revive Zuko would add so much to the last agni kai in demonstrating that she has truly realized that "good" and "evil" are relative concepts, and Zuko being saved by both a defense mechanism of a survivor of colonialism and a type of bending used to terrorize his people would have even added to his arc, as the narrative required him to save and subsequently be saved by the physical embodiment of everything his family sought to annihilate.
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bet-on-me-13 · 22 days
The Summoner
So! Danny is not the Ghost King.
But he still has a good relationship with a LOT of Powerful and not-so-powerful Ghosts in the Zone. So much so that they have given him their Summoning Circle's with a blanket permission to Summon them any time. Not like they have much else going on...
This all leads to a hilarious situation where Danny can't use his Powers for whatever reason and is forced to Summon his friends for help. In front of a group of Heroes.
He has to explain everything to them, but accidentally convinces them that he has Summoning Magic and the Ghosts are all on his Contract. He also mentions Saving people from Ghosts and the JLA realize that he is a child Hero.
They ask him if he wants to join Young Justice, and Danny hesitantly agrees.
Now Danny is on Young Justice and the entire team thinks that he is a Hero with Ghost Summoning Magic.
And his name isn't Daniel "Commit to the Bit" Fenton for no reason.
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yuyonyu · 8 months
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“What happened to arresting me, detective?!
I thought you were gonna show me the light…!”
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triona-tribblescore · 3 months
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TW// Abuse implication
Thinking about possible Vox and Angel's interactions and how they'd go down. Theres such a unique mix of hatred to each other and common ground with their different experiences with Valentino, has me thinking.
Also just want to clarify I love Vox's character a LOT but ofc obv don't sympathise with him or think he is any way shape or form a decent individual, cant with stupid toxic dumbass x
AND IF YOU SEE ANY MISTAKES OR TYPOS NO YOU DONT- (i was so tired when drawing it forgive me TwT)
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meru90 · 7 months
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it's getting cold >.<
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nouverx · 20 days
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Day 3 and Day 4 of Radiostatic week!
Dancing and Drinking in a bar! Damn they seem to be going along so well, surely everything will turn out fine right?
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lorelxlz · 3 months
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tw // eye pulling and mild body horror
not quite human anymore
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sp0o0kylights · 2 months
I keep seeing gif sets and photos of Steve's injuries from fighting the bats and I keep thinking someone should write a fanfic where he successfully defends everyone in that scene and then just *drops.*
He's done. Taken out. Needs serious medical care and cannot be easily moved. Is trying to keep a straight face but keeps hissing through his teeth, voice breaking, whining and wiggling away when people try to touch him.
Cue Robin and Nancy setting out to figure out how the hell to get out (and get Steve help) while Eddie is left behind.
With Steve.
In the Upside Version of Steve's house.
For a long ass time.
Then Steve starts admitting things to him and Eddie thinks it's a good distraction at first until he slowly realizes that these are Steve's confessions.
His promises to the kids and Robin that he's now passing on to Eddie, because Steve thinks he's going to die.
And that Eddie cannot, will not, let him.
Even if he has to fight Steve himself on the matter.
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cosmosnout · 3 months
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Sabo’s like “I forgor”
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oflights · 5 months
i have been laughing about this to myself all day
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neckromantics · 5 months
It's literally so funny that I wasn't thinking and wrote about giving Astarion silver jewelry. It's something i could see Tav doing. Imagine buying it for him just because you think it's pretty? Coming back to camp all proud about it, and he's cautiously holding it in his palm like, "Love, is this real silver?"
And you're like :D "maybe?" And at first, he thinks it ISNT because he touches all over it, puts it on eventually, and it doesn't do anything to hurt him. The two of you nearly forget about it altogether. But then post-tadpole you chase after him on the docks to find him curled up in the shade, hiding away, with the necklace thrown off to the side and scorch marks on his skin that aren't due to the sun? The way you rip off your matching set like it burns you before sitting down a little ways off to wait with him.
You apologize to him a million times for this later, and he plasters on an all too amused smile. Insists it's fine before making some sort of joke about all the ways you could make it up to him. He truly isn't holding it against you– it simply slipped both of your minds until it was too late. There’s something there behind his eyes, though. Something so crestfallen. Sad. Don't look at me.
You'd be marching your ass to the nearest jeweler to get the stones from the last pair re-set into a new metal that isn't going to eat through his skin this time. You pay the guy triple in your haste to make things even a little bit right with your love. And the look on his face when you present it to him on your knees, full flourish, with apologies falling from your lips like he hadn't already forgiven you? As if he was ever upset with you to begin with? He pulls you into a kiss, nearly lifting you off the floor by the collar of your shirt in his haste to get you to shut up.
Oh, and he loves the new jewelry set just as much. You never make a silly mistake like that again, though, that's for sure.
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soldier-poet-king · 10 months
Larian really pulling a reverse uno by focusing hard on astarion's prettyboy flirt vibe in all the marketing and then making his arc about reclaiming bodily autonomy
I love them for it. It's everything I wanted from astarion. I'm obsessed with him.
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seldompathic · 5 months
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If bro smiles through tears in episode 1 of S3 I'm gonna fold like a lawn chair
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bunni-art · 7 months
*casually death-grips onto the one person who makes her feel safe*
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thegreatcrowdragon · 3 months
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No heterosexual explanation for this
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