#vacation mode queue
guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK/Carlos + Touch
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blurscolours · 1 year
The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea | Part Twelve
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Summary: An attack on Arthur’s imprisoned brother Orm leaves him with no choice but to rely upon you, a friend made due to unfortunate circumstances nearly a decade ago, to provide safe haven while he restores peace to Atlantis. Suddenly tasked with sheltering a sullen former king results in a very different summer vacation than you had originally envisioned, but changes both of your lives forever.
Warnings: Violence, Weapons, Mentions of Death, Orm is Frustrating in Public, Arthur is a Puppy, Alfred is Vital, Reader Injury [broken bones, facial wound, blood] - 18+ only.
Word Count: 2651
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The day of your departure arrived – with no word from Arthur. As you and Orm had since discussed, he packed up the things you had purchased for him in a spare duffle bag, and along with your suitcase, cooler, and garbage you loaded the boat and took off together. Orm would return home with you for the time being. Much as you both felt anxious about the lack of contact from Arthur, you were both keenly aware that it would not be safe to take Orm to Amnesty Bay – or anywhere too close to the ocean, until Arthur sent word.
The length of time he had spent with you only indicated the difficulty Arthur must be having with the faction that had disobeyed his wishes and attacked Orm. You loaded the car and hauled the boat up onto the launch ramp for the next family members to use on their arrival. You looked to him as you opened the passenger door.
“Did you ride in any vehicles during your trip up with Arthur?” You asked.
“Briefly. It was not the most comfortable but was bearable.” He replied, sliding in.
You pulled down the seatbelt.
“You probably don’t need this, but I can be fined money if you’re not wearing it.” You showed him where to click it in before closing the door and climbed into the driver’s side. You took it slower than you were certain Arthur had driven, and once you were on the pavement you looked to him.
“I need to go into town to get us some gas, there’s not a lot of chances after we leave the area…”
“I’m prepared for human civilization.” He nodded.
You pulled into town, driving along the lake that most businesses had been built beside. Pulling into the gas station, you filled the car efficiently, watching as vacationers walked past with cones holding a multitude of scoops of ice cream. You smiled softly and looked to him as you climbed back in the car.
“Just one more stop and then we’ll be on our way.” You drove a little further into town, parking across the street from the marina where a small seasonal ice cream stand was doing a brisk business. “Will you come with me?”
He nodded and undid his seatbelt, following you across the street to join the queue. You explained ice cream as he watched happy customers leaving the shop. When it was your turn, you gave him a brief rundown of the flavours and you each placed your orders. You pulled out your phone to pay, sliding the airplane mode off and blinking as your it lit up with an influx of notifications you had missed.
Orm led you to stand by the pickup window as you sorted through them, your eyes landing on a text from yet another new, unknown number. You muttered Arthur’s name bitterly and loaded it quickly.
They’re tracking you…they’re coming.
The entire happy summer scene around you narrowed to the scant words on the screen and you went cold. Your breathing shallowed. Orm was trying to get your attention, but you were overwhelmed with a fear you had never felt before.
The explosion from a plasma ray crashing into a nearby pleasure craft shook you out of your stupor. They were already here. You could feel the heat of the resulting fire even though it was fair distance away. Before you are able to clearly see who or what has come to kill you, Orm has swept you up in his arms, moving you to the other side of the small building, standing in front of you protectively to face the attackers.
The sound of a large aircraft permeated the marina, but you saw nothing to indicate where it was coming from.
You could hear the ominous clatter of armour approaching and peered around him to see at least a dozen armed soldiers in a muted shade of green. They were led by a figure in black with an almost comically large helmet with glowing red eyes.
“Orm Marius, we have come to see justice done!” It was difficult to discern who exactly was speaking at that point, but you were certain this was not going to end well. All was tense, each waiting for the other to make the first move.
There was a sound on the roof behind you and you turned with great trepidation to see figures shadowed by the sun behind you. You tried to shield you eyes to see more clearly until they were leaping from the roof to land in front of you alongside Orm. You immediately identified Arthur by his loosely flowing hair.
You exhaled a breath you had not known you were holding, looking to the six soldiers he brought with him, wearing red armour. Looking back to Arthur, you realized he was holding two…tridents?
“This is yours, little brother” Arthur growled, tossing the gleaming silver metal weapon to Orm who easily caught it, spurring their opponents forwarded into an attack.
The sporadic blasts of plasma rays encourage you to make yourself as small as possible against the wall of the building behind Orm, well aware of your human weaknesses. Arthur, Orm, and his soldiers quickly closed the distance to the opposing group, forcing them into hand-to-hand combat. Their skill with something so ceremonial as a trident left you speechless. You were staring openly at Orm’s strength and agility. There was a fluidity and grace to his ruthless fighting style, a stark and beautiful contrast that also took on a frightening edge as the casualties of his opponents began to pile up on the ground.
A flash of colour in the periphery of your vision pulled your attention away from the conflict in front of you and you tensed to see a soldier clad in green armor creeping up through the trees to your left. If you were to simply scream amidst the din of battle around you, it would only serve to create more confusion. And while your physical strength is nothing in comparison with this solider, he did not yet seem to be aware of your presence. You had the element of surprise, and you were not about to waste it and allow him to hurt either of the men in front of you, or their allies.
Creeping along the foundation of the building, you allowed him to edge closer before he stopped to aim him plasma ray at the group of unaware Atlanteans. Bracing against the wall, you pushed off, crashing into his armor. It felt as though you had slammed into a pile of bricks, save the sharp edges of the spikes on his helmet. You grit your teeth as one such ornamental detail gouged into your cheek.
But it had worked. The weapon fell from his hand, skittering across the ground and catching the attention of Arthur.
“Brokedown Girl!” He yelped, seeing you clinging to the armor of an enemy, before the fighter in black slashed at him with a wickedly sharp blade.
The soldier growled and easily threw you off him, the pavement of the marina parking lot rising quickly to knock the wind of out of as you landed on your side, arm thrown out to protect your head. A blur of motion tracked in front of your vision before you saw the flash of Orm’s trident as it sped towards the soldier who carelessly tossed you aside. You clenched your eyes shut before the crunch of its tines impacting the visor of his helmet reached your ears.
As you tried to get up and out of the field of battle your torso felt unstable and you groaned as your ribs shifted. Orm was at your side quickly pulling you up and you yelped but tried to steel your face, not wanting to worry him.
“I’m ok, I’ll be ok.” You panted once he had you sitting up, though it was painful to breathe too deeply.
His eyes scanned your face and as they landed on your cheek, his expression darkened. He rose with clenched fists, ready to demolish any combatants who remained, but all the soldiers in green were laying on the ground incapacitated while an Asian man you didn’t recognize was hauling the unconscious fighter in black into a motorboat before taking off.
Using a partially destroyed car beside you, you managed to get to your feet, swallowing your cries of agony as your ribs shifted once more. It didn’t hurt so much if you stood very, very still. Orm returned to your side, looking you over with intense concern but once again maintaining that respectful distance in public. He felt a thousand miles away.
Arthur rushed up to your side, wiping at the blood on your cheek with his thumb.
“Shit…I’m so sorry I tried to warn you…”
He looked to Orm has he stepped closer, fists once against clenched at his sides.
“Those were Xebelian soldiers…” He said through grit teeth and Arthur nodded with a deep sigh.
“Rebels who took offence to your failure to kill me…Recruited by Black Manta, but this is the last of them.” He gestured to the bodies, some dead, some living, being collected by the Atlantean soldiers who had arrived with Arthur.
You leaned against the shell of the car with a whimper you were unable to suppress and both brothers looked to you, brows furrowed in concern.
“We need to finalize things back in Atlantis…I don’t want to leave you alone, come with us, my Pops would love to see you…”
You looked between to two of them.
“Oh, there’s a hospital in town I can just…” You protested weakly.
Orm interrupted firmly, “We will escort her to your father’s.” He stated in a tone that brooked no argument and Arthur passed Orm his own golden trident before cradling you in his arms against his chest. You yelped and whimpered with each step, and he replied with muttered apologies, walking faster and faster until he was running up to a hi-tech jet that had landed near your car.
He jogged up the stairs with Orm hot on his heels, setting you in one of the seats and strapping you in. You pressed your head back into the head rest, trying to take slow breaths even though it felt like hot knives piercing your side with each inhale. A disembodied voice with a British accent filled the aircraft as the soldiers loaded into the back with their Xebelian cargo, Orm settling into the seat up front beside Arthur.
“Mr. Curry, I believe the lady passenger has several broken ribs, would you like me to administer pain medication?”
“Probably for the best, Alfred, and we need to get to Amnesty Bay immediately.”
“Right away.”
A tray with a cup of water and two white pills appeared from the side of the plane, moving to hover before you, and you wheezed out a laugh, the entire situation feeling utterly unbelievable. Your hands were unsteady but still functional enough to administer the dose as the stairs retracted into the plane. It hovered a moment before surging through the sky.
You clung to the arm rests with your eyes shut tightly, not even thinking about your vehicle or belongings back in the parking lot, simply trying to not vomit and lose the medication you had just swallowed. Mercifully, the flight was over in less than an hour, the plane landed smoothly, and you opened your eyes to the green expanse of Tom’s backyard with the lighthouse and Atlantic Ocean before you.
You let out a slow sigh and worked the clasps of your seatbelt open with your good hand, looking up as Arthur told Orm to head inside and change into a set of armor he’d also brought for him. Orm glanced back at you once, with what you recognized as concern on his features, and you tried to offer a brave, if shaky, smile. He nodded to his brother before exiting the plane with the Atlantean soldiers, who were managing the rebel soldiers. Arthur knelt in front of you before speaking to the disembodied voice once more.
“Does she need a hospital, Alfred?”
“No, Mr. Curry, I’ve performed a number of scans during the flight. Nothing but time and rest can heal her broken ribs now.”
“Right…you ready Broken Girl?” He grinned, reaching for you and you huffed.
“Arthur, you are the worst.” You hissed, bracing one arm against your ribs before sliding the other around his neck and biting the inside of your cheek in preparation.
The medication helped, somewhat, but it took a tremendous effort not to cry out in discomfort. Arthur carried you up the winding stairs to his old bedroom, walls covered in posters of Harleys and metal bands. He lay you down on the bed carefully before fishing in your pockets for your car keys.
“My Pops will be right in to check on you, ok? I’ll take care of your stuff. Thank you so much for keeping my brother alive.”
You nodded weakly, afraid to open your mouth lest a complaint escape, so you just squeezed his shoulders before settling back into the pillows. The pain medication’s hold over you grew stronger, making your eyelids heavy, and smudging the edges of your vision. You surrendered to it, letting your eyes slide shut as you listened to the sounds of Arthur and Tom and Orm speaking in the kitchen below you. Cupboard doors opened and closed; bottles rattled in the fridge.
They were gathering provisions, preparing to leave. Your eyebrows knit together into a frown, thinking it would have to nice to say goodbye –  a proper goodbye to Orm. Having seen Atlantean battle firsthand, there was a very real possibility that even someone as strong as him might not come back. Tears stung at the corners of your eyelids, made you sniffle pathetically at the thought that you might never see him again and all you got was a parting glance and a one-sided nod in the jet.
The powerful medication made you lose time, and focus. Made you miss the sound of his footsteps on the stairs. The door to the room opened suddenly, making your eyes flash open to the vision of Orm standing there, in suit of black amor. He stepped in quietly, closing the door behind him before covering the distance to the bed in two long strides. He knelt by your side, setting something on the floor before removing his armored gloves and took your hand in his.
“Forgive me…I am truly sorry you are injured. It is all my fault...”
You put your other hand over his mouth and shook your head. “Stop that, I did this…I threw myself at a…. Xebel?” You repeat the word Arthur had used, reassured by Orm’s quick nod before continuing “soldier in armor…and I’d do it again…you’re safe.”
His eyes drifted to the wound on your cheek, and you watched as he pulled a strip of seaweed out of the pack he had set on the ground beside him. He applied a gray jelly to it from an unlabeled metal jar before carefully laying it across the wound. It was slimy and cold, making you wince a little.
“Leave that for two days, it should not scar.” He instructed before assessing your position in the bed.
He frowned a moment before collecting a few pillows from around the room before propping you up more, ensuring you were thoroughly supported before he nodded in satisfaction.
You looked up to him, bleary eyes full of uncertainty “Be careful…” You settled on, wanting to say more but truly not sure.
He leaned down to kiss you firmly, cupping your good cheek tenderly. “I will return…” And then he was gone. They were all gone. Off to Atlantis, leaving the house, leaving you and Tom, in eerie silence.
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Read Part Thirteen
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vampykween · 6 months
got all my stuff packed up :) i am officially on vacation mode hehe! i’ll try to write some stuff to queue up for the new year, but i’m not gonna be as active here for a while since i’m starting my new teaching job! :(
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streetslost · 21 days
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i might be just. silently answering drafts and getting them into the queue for a smidge. hopefully. or i'll be awol which is also possible. i'm on vacation for a week after work friday. no where super special, just going to the fam beach house so will have the lappy and be around in the evenings or if it rains. but trying to survive the last two days and my brain being in brrrr mode.
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
I finished my third re-write of my current novel (… it would go so much faster if I didn’t make twelve false starts every time because I have too many potential ideas, thanks Ne-dom brain), which means I don’t have much to “do” today. It’s the week after my heaviest work week, so I’ll be home. And there are little things to do, but… it’s on days like this when my sp/so 613 really becomes apparent. Down time is boring to me – I need projects, goals, something to work toward; a day after finishing a huge rewrite should be enough to launch back into the final edit, right???
What do normal non-136 people DO on their days off? (I usually clean house, write character profiles, stock up the queue, answer asks, write reviews, clean out my computer, get bored, get annoyed that none of my friends are online to chat, and then get angst-full.) I’ve been binge-watching New Amsterdam on Netflix after work, but if I watched that all day long, I’d feel like I was “wasting time.” I am jittery and impatient for the next step in my process, but also aware of being emotionally and mentally exhausted and needing to rest. Mentally, I know I need to take time away from my manuscript and return to it with fresh eyes, but I find that hard to do.
It reminds me of when I had my wisdom teeth out a couple of years ago, and my face swelled up like a chipmunk and I was in terrible pain, and I was pissed off because I had wanted to paint my bedroom while being on painkillers (because I knew I wouldn’t be able to write/think coherently, I scheduled something else “productive” to do that didn’t require concentration) – so I doped myself up and did it anyway as soon as I could move my head without pain. I just have so much “driven” energy that I don’t make a good “vacation” person. It’s fun for about four hours, and then I kick back into “well, what can I get done???” mode.
There’s something lousy about every tritype, and I’m only now fully realizing how driven mine is, and how it keeps me constantly productive and “on edge.” How hard it makes it for me to just … chill. Or even to put effort into things that don’t seem worthwhile. If it doesn’t work or succeed or generate interest, why do it?
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divinamour · 1 year
Hey! It's me~ ASMR Veronica. Writing you all to let you know that I'll be on a heckin' Vacation for half a month, come this Wednesday. I have currently queued nothing up for a Vacation Queue, dunno if I'm even gonna do one, that seems excessive actually.
I'm just writing to say I probably won't be checking in or responding to stuff. I'll be fully shifted into soup mode! Had to let y'all know though, in case anyone tries to hit me up and gets my Forwarding Message.
Love y'all, if you need me before I go, hit my line! Otherwise, I'll see y'all tomorrow and a BIT of tuesday and after that only in my dreams~
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whiskeysmulti · 8 months
I adore the way you write. Yes, Hayato is my weakness (it's not surprising), but I notice your other muses and none of your work is sloppy. I also think that managing a multimuse account is very difficult, so you have my admiration. I would need a week's vacation to write as many drafts and asks as you have in your inbox. XD
As for Hayato, I would prefer that Haru and Hayato's relationship, as you and Neo write it, be part of the canon. That would be beautiful! (/O3O/)
When I came to the community here on Tumblr, you were one of the first people I wrote with. You are one of those people who created a nice and safe environment for me here. ♥
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Send me a ⭐ if I’m one of your favorite mutuals and explain why- accepting!
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Ah! Thank you so much! I was holding onto this one for a while because I didn't know what to say. I'm blown away at such praise from a wonderful writer themselves! I am so thankful we met and that I made you feel comfortable approaching me. That's something I always try to stress to new followers, don't be afraid to just reach out to me even if it's just to talk. My rules sound scary, but I'm nothing to fear. And yeah the drafts and inbox pile up sometimes because I get busy or just don't have muse and then one day I get a huge burst of it and queue everything, lol. There's no in between, my 2 modes are queue everything, or let it sit another month.
"As for Hayato, I would prefer that Haru and Hayato's relationship, as you and Neo write it, be part of the canon. That would be beautiful! (/O3O/)" This part though, this made my night. To hear someone say they prefer your portrayal over canon is an honor, because this is honestly the first time I picked up Hayato outside of discord and I didn't have a lot of practice and I'm really just winging it with him based on my memory of him in the manga and anime and adding my own little headcanons and tweaks that make sense to me. So thank you so much!
You just made my night!
@queenharumiura we have a fan.
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numinousnic · 1 year
hey folks if it seems like i've suddenly gone radio silent over here PLEASE do not worry about me because
i am in serious crunch mode for my final project for my summer grad school class, because it's due in less than 2 weeks, and
in the interests of getting it Done, i'm semi-vacationing at my parents' house, which is in a very rural area and also on a lake so when not working on grad school shit, i am unplugging as much as possible, plus
i'm also going to a wedding this weekend (HELL YEAH), so
my queue is probably going to run out for the first time in years, because considering Everything, i haven't added to it in quite some time!
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thestitchetywitch · 2 years
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life has been absolutely NUTS for me the past year-ish but i finally seem to be getting back to being able to y'know... be a person. i've been freezing the billing cycle on my patreon and i had my etsy shop in vacation mode for a good while because i just had nothing to give. this past couple weeks i've suddenly started to refill my tumblr queue and its so nice to see y'all still here
thought i'd share this impromptu project i knocked out last weekend. while unpacking my room i decided i needed new shelves so i bought and installed them, framed a spoopy cross stitch that i finished forever ago, and made this empty wall a thing i can enjoy. i didn't realize how much not having control over my space was affecting my mental health, but i've been almost a different person since i did this
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melsie-sims · 2 years
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And finally we have Fabe’s bedroom!
I hope you didn’t mind all of the build content. I needed to fill up my queue for my vacation and it was an easy way to get a few extra posts.
I didn’t show you guys the two other bathrooms because they’re really boring and still incomplete... We’ll see them in-game later on. 
Now back to Live mode before I lose all of my readers to boredom! 
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 4.12 Swipe Left
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executiveibex · 1 year
hey folks i know i've kinda gone radio silent over here but PLEASE do not worry about me because
i am in serious crunch mode for my final project for my summer grad school class, because it's due in less than 2 weeks, and
in the interests of getting it Done, i'm semi-vacationing at my parents' house, which is in a very rural area and also on a lake so when not working on grad school shit, i am unplugging as much as possible, plus
i'm also going to a wedding this weekend (HELL YEAH), so
my already very empty queue is just not getting filled for the foreseeable future 😅
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heartlandians · 2 years
A little headsup: I’m slowly easing into my yearly vacation mode, so I’ve just stuffed the queue with stuff I’ve had in my drafts for ages, so it’s a very mixed bag, but there’s a lot of Amber/Amy related posts. I usually try to post a bit of everyone and everything, but I just have so many Amber/Amy posts I haven’t posted, so they’ve been piling up and now is as good time as any to post them to keep the queue running with something Heartland related for you every day, 5 times per day. 
I will pop in here every now and then! :)
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batfall-moved · 2 years
* happy friday loves 🤍 i have a concert tonight & most likely won’t be around but! i have a queue built up and ill also work on some things today during work 👀 because im in vacation mode. sending love to the dash ✨ happy friday we made it!
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saudivipcars · 3 months
Flowing Transit Solutions: Experiencing Saudi Arabia Like a VIP
In Saudi Arabia's ever-changing transportation landscape, the desire for opulent and dependable travel experiences has spawned creative solutions. One particularly noteworthy example of this kind of business is the internet platforms that provide chauffeur-driven vehicles. With an emphasis on the online taxi service offered at Jeddah Airport, we will dig further into the luxury and convenience provided by Car With Drivers in Saudi Arabia in this extensive investigation.
Saudi Arabia's Transportation Services' Development:
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's transport industry has seen a notable transformation. Modern, technologically advanced alternatives are progressively supplementing and, in some circumstances, replacing traditional ways of transportation. The emergence of online taxi services has significantly transformed the way individuals travel around the nation by providing a smooth and effective substitute for traditional modes of transportation.
High-end Transportation: Vehicles Operated by Chauffeurs:
When looking for a premium and stress-free vacation experience, discriminating Saudi Arabian travellers are increasingly choosing to hire a car with a chauffeur. This individualised service is intended for those who place high importance on comfort, timeliness, and careful attention to detail. Whether you are taking a leisurely city tour, attending a formal business meeting, or an important function, choosing a professional driver ensures a refined and delightful experience.
Online taxi services are convenient.
The transport industry is not an exception to the new era of convenience brought about by the digital age. With its intuitive user interfaces and easy car-with-driver booking, Online Taxi Services in Saudi Arabia have completely changed the taxi business. This removes the need to wait in queue or haggle with conventional taxi drivers by providing a dependable and easily accessible mode of transportation.
Easy Travel from Jeddah International Airport:
The biggest airport in Saudi Arabia, Jeddah International Airport, is most likely where you would arrive if you go there. But getting to Jeddah may be difficult for tourists, particularly if it's your first trip. But don't worry, employing the cab services will make getting about the city easy. For both visitors and residents, these services provide a dependable and hassle-free form of transportation that is conveniently accessible. So take a seat back, relax, and enjoy your trip to Jeddah!
Points to Consider for VIP Car Services:
Premium Fleet: VIP cars in Jeddah take great satisfaction in keeping a fleet of luxurious cars that guarantee guests will travel in the lap of luxury. The selection of cars accommodates a wide variety of tastes, from roomy SUVs to elegant sedans.
Expert Drivers: Well-mannered and polite drivers elevate the experience to a higher level. These experts prioritise the security and happiness of their passengers and are not simply drivers—they are also representatives of high-quality service.
Tailored Itineraries: VIP vehicle services provide unmatched flexibility, whether you're looking for a single journey or a whole travel schedule. Customers may customise their travel schedules to meet their unique requirements, guaranteeing a customised experience.
Time Efficiency: VIP vehicle services are known for their dedication to time efficiency. Because they are familiar with the city's traffic patterns, chauffeurs guarantee on-time arrivals and departures.
Saudi Arabia's Transportation Future:
To sum up, the combination of online taxi platforms and driver-only vehicle services has completely changed the way people travel in Saudi Arabia. The rise of VIP automobile services, particularly at Jeddah Airport, meets the increasing need for dependable, cosy, and customised travel encounters. These services, which add a VIP touch to every trip, are expected to become essential to people's smooth mobility around the Kingdom as technology continues to change the transportation scene.
These transit options are anticipated to develop further as Saudi Arabia establishes itself as a global centre, bringing cutting-edge features and technology to satisfy passengers' ever-increasing demands. For individuals who want to travel about the Kingdom in a harmonic combination of luxury, ease, and efficiency, the future is full of fascinating possibilities.
Source URL: https://saudivipluxurycar.blogspot.com/2024/03/flowing-transit-solutions-experiencing.html
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fizzingwizard · 3 months
Was curious how many of the Sims 4 bugs on this list I've encountered… it's a lot
Part One because I guess this is too many bugs even for tumblr hahaha
Jumpy Animations/Sims teleport - since a long time ago but worse now Routing/Sit down issue on several interactions - love to watch my sims wander around like ants looking for somewhere to sit with a chair right in front of them. especially love when I tell me sim to go play a game at the card table in the same room, and instead they go outside, walk around the entire house, come back in and then sit at the table. guess they just felt like a walk first lol Music from other modes Plays During Live Mode - yup and usually overlapping. fix with restart but it often happens in CAS where you lose all your stuff if you quit… Lag for menu to show up when clicking on objects - especially the fridge/oven!!!! Sims keep moving after paused Sims do DU homework under laptops - not just DU tho I get this for anything that can be done at a table, including eating, and sometimes it's not even a portable laptop but a computer Sim won't accept queued commands/ Sims don't do actions - this was supposedly "console" but as a non-console player I know it happens to the rest of us too. also to most of us Lots with manipulated terrain look realistic/strange in world view - idk if this is a bug, i think probably that's just how it appears. but it is weird Fishing Identification for active Sim with no fishing skill - I think this one has been around since base game. Sims 4 really wants everyone to love fishing. I'll be like. mourning the death of Sim Grandpa. And all of a sudden 6-year-old Sim Grandson will "identify the Perch!" Multiple daily calls for sim to switch careers - CONSTANTLY. EVEN WITH PHONE ON SILENT MODE! Excessive use of Cross Stitch Basket - yep. I get it the worst with cross stitch, but I find it annoying that other hobbies which cost money like knitting and painting are autonomous as well. Either there should be a "practice" object which is the default and is free or this stuff shouldn't be autonomous. Food too tbh… I have tried playing rags to riches before, and one reason I gave up was just this - it was so hard to keep control of finances because sims have no concept of saving pennies lol Railings Clipping Through Walls - hate this so ugly Multi-story columns misaligned Foundation becomes see-through Sim Gets Fear of the Dark After Being Cured - all the fears and wants sucked. they're boring, curing then is boring, they have little impact except just ruining your sims day, and YEAH, they come back after being cured!! best to turn it off just like neighborhood stories Constantly dirty surroundings moodlet from Pressure Cooker and Kettle - I'm not 100% sure I've got this one, I will check the next time I play. However I've had multiple issues with these objects: sims constantly cooking with them when their queue is empty, and constant fires originating with them. Lately my sims was complaining her kitchen was dirty but I could not find anything dirty. She's a Neat sim, but even after having her clean everything, and then going into build mode and moving stuff to look for plates that might have gotten stuck under objects and are hard to see, the room still registered as dirty. I'm thinking it was the pressure cooker or kettle, or maybe even pizza oven which she also has Upgraded beds give two contradictory moodlets - yup spend hours upgrading your bed and the sims like "what a bad sleep!" Sims on home lot don't take care of needs when active sims away - yeah two sims in my house recently almost starved bc of this NPCs take food ordered by active Sim - yup! again ruining my rages to riches haha No evolve option (ready to evolve) - yes and yes I've checked that the plants are in season. Also having major issues with other gardening things especially on community lots Very High Household Bills While On Vacation Campfire causes too many fires - really frustrating for me bc I use the campfire a lot. I absolutely love camping gameplay but between constant fires and thunderstorms where you're 100% guaranteed to get electrocuted (9_9) it really sucks
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