#veronica speedwell mystery
Do you know if anyone who has done drawings/renderings of Veronica and Stoker? Fan art? I always like to see how people envision characters but haven’t been able to find much of anything
hey! i apologize fopr the very late reply to this!
the one piece that i've seen is here. i believe deanna raybourn repsoted this on her story a few years ago. it seems like she also posted this for inspo when writing which could be insightful, however what is seen doesn't exactly match my personal hcs of what they look like haha
but there isn't really anything else on insta, pinterest, or even here... i do wish there was more 😭😭
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sandythereadingcafe · 3 months
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THE GRAVE ROBBERY (Veronica Speedwell Mystery 9) by Deanna Raybourn at The Reading Cafe:
'wild adventure, very compelling'
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thereadingcafe · 3 months
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rachaellawrites · 1 year
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December reading vlog is up on YouTube! I had a bit of a book crisis this month, but it all worked out in the end.
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lucy-moderatz · 3 months
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im-a-mess-that-works · 5 months
I can’t decide what book to read next so I’d love some recommendations! Thanks in advance!
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JOMP BPC - August 11th - Traitor
feat. A Treacherous Curse by Deanna Raybourn
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freckles-and-books · 2 years
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Current read
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always-coffee · 3 months
A Grave Robbery
My friend Deanna has a new mystery book out next week, the next in her Veronica Speedwell series! If you haven't read them yet, do. They're excellent--great pacing, excellent human, and perfect tension. And no, I'm not just saying that because she's my friend.
I was a certainly a fan first, quite by chance. I received her first Julia Grey novel as a gift, ended up following her blog, then we emailed for a while, and now she is one of my dearest humans.
And here is a photo of D and me, from back when I had my original hair color, in NYC. (Did I Marilyn that day, twice? Yes.) That was one of my favorite days, ever.
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Mystery Review: A Sinister Revenge
Deanna Raybourn — A Sinister Revenge One of the things I love about the Veronica Speedwell Mysteries is how Raybourn seamlessly weaves natural history into her mysteries! In fact, as in A Sinister Revenge, they become critical to the plot! Imparting just enough info, should you like, you can find out more about whatever she’s spliced into the story.  In A Sinister Revenge, we find ourselves…
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so actually tiberius is one of my favorite characters ngl
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elizabeth--reads · 1 year
Quick Book Review: A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn
A Sinister Revenge by Deanna Raybourn is the eighth book in the Veronica Speedwell series, one of my favorite book series to date. However, I was a little worried going into reading this book because the previous novel (An Impossible Imposter) was my least favorite of them all. For me, what makes these books so enjoyable is the dynamic between Veronica and Stoker, and An Impossible Imposter sets them at odds. I’m very happy to report that even though A Sinister Revenge has less banter than I would like, it does have Veronica and Stoker moving back towards reconciliation. I also thought the mystery was satisfying enough, with some unexpected twists and turns in the story. The brawl inside the life-sized dinosaur model was certainly a highlight.
A Sinister Revenge released March 7, 2023.
Bookshop.org | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository
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thereadingcafe · 1 year
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avoteforme · 3 days
i've started reading that veronica speedwell series- up to book 5 now. i actually am liking it quite a bit for veronica herself who reminds me of baby phryne and the novels' plots. the love interest/romance in the novel does not click with me- dude reminds of a dark-haired tr*vis k*lce if anything but slightly more articulate, he's described as looking like a pirate which is not my type and the slow burn is really exasperating and not in the good way. if anything i like stoker's older viscount brother, tiberius, who is both a bit skanky but also a lil infatuated with veronica's free spirit and i'm pretty sure that he has chestnut curls like a certain book version aussie di.
but the adventures in most of the novels in this series have a decidedly mfmm-esque bent to them without being too much of a facsimile but i have an idea that the author has definitely watched miss fisher's murder mysteries- the circus episode, the sexually liberated 'tude of veronica, stoker having an ex-wife, curiosity club = adventuress' club, veronica's royal background, the episode with the v*brator but since the novel is set in the 1880s they go with the d*ldo, the egyptian princess mystery which is reminiscent of the cleopatra masquerade, there's even a police inspector character who is like a tres pathetic love interest lmbo
anyways i started reading the series bc of a mfmm gifset that made a Very Good Point about the imbalance in the jack/phryne relationship- shall reblog that anon
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lynnwriting · 9 months
WOMS: A Sinister Revenge
This week for "What's on My Shelf," it's a Veronica Speedwell mystery, A Sinister Revenge, by Deanna Raybourn! Click below to read why I enjoyed this latest adventure of our beloved, plucky heroine! #amreading #bookreview #murdermysteryseries
This week for “What’s on My Shelf,” it’s a Veronica Speedwell mystery, A Sinister Revenge, by Deanna Raybourn! I’ve shared before with how much I enjoy the plucky heroine of this series, but more especially, how these books helped me fall in love with mystery again. This book is no exception; rather a continuation of why I think these are some of the best historical murder mysteries out there in…
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songedunenuitdete · 2 years
Une périlleuse affaire de Deanna Raybourn
☀️AVIS LECTURE☀️J'ai lu Une périlleuse affaire 🦋de @deannaraybourn / @EdHauteville - @BragelonneFR 🐢Ce 2e tome était à la hauteur du premier et me confirme que c’est une série à suivre que je suis ravie de voir trôner dans ma bibliothèque ! Un régal❤️
  Mon avis : Vous aimez les romans historiques ? Les romans de cosy mystéry ? Le tout saupoudré d’un très, mais très (oui j’insiste) léger zest de romance ? Alors, qu’attendez-vous ? Les Enquêtes de Veronica Speedwell sont faites pour vous ! En tout cas, moi, je me suis régalée avec cette lecture ! Dans cette nouvelle aventure pleine de saveur, Veronica nous entraine avec son acolyte, le…
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